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Copyright 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, California 94303-4900 U.S.A..,,. Sun Sun. Sun,. Berkeley BSD. UNIX, X/Open Company, Ltd.. Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, SunOS, Sun Enterprise, Sun Enterprise Network Array, Sun Quad FastEthernet, SunSwift, SunVideo, Sun Workshop, Solaris, Solaris JumpStart,, AnswerBook2, Java, JumpStart, OpenBoot, ONC, OpenWindows, PGX32, Power Management, Solstice, Solstice Enterprise Agents, ToolTalk, Ultra, Ultra Enterprise, Voyager, WebNFS XIL Sun Microsystems, Inc.,. SPARC SPARC International, Inc.. SPARC Sun Microsystems, Inc..Adobe, PostScript, Display PostScript Adobe Systems, Incorporated. Kodak Color Management System KCMS Eastman Kodak Company. Netscape Netscape Communications Corporation. OPEN LOOK Sun TM Sun Microsystems, Inc.. Sun Xerox. Sun Xerox Xerox Graphical User Interface, OPEN LOOK Sun, Sun. :, FAR 52.227 14(g)(2)(6/87) FAR 52.227 19(6/87) DFAR 252.227 7015(b)(6/95) DFAR 227.7202 3(a).,,,.,. Copyright 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, Californie 94303-4900 Etats-Unis. Tous droits réservés. Ce produit ou document est protégé par un copyright et distribué avec des licences qui en restreignent l utilisation, la copie, la distribution, et la décompilation. Aucune partie de ce produit ou document ne peut être reproduite sous aucune forme, par quelque moyen que ce soit, sans l autorisation préalable et écrite de Sun et de ses bailleurs de licence, s il y en a. Le logiciel détenu par des tiers, et qui comprend la technologie relative aux polices de caractères, est protégé par un copyright et licencié par des fournisseurs de Sun. Des parties de ce produit pourront être dérivées du système Berkeley BSD licenciés par l Université de Californie. UNIX est une marque déposée aux Etats-Unis et dans d autres pays et licenciée exclusivement par X/Open Company, Ltd. Sun, Sun Microsystems, le logo Sun, SunOS, Sun Enterprise, Sun Enterprise Network Array, Sun Quad FastEthernet, SunSwift, SunVideo, Sun Workshop, Solaris, Solaris JumpStart,, AnswerBook2, Java, JumpStart, OpenBoot, ONC, OpenWindows, PGX32, Power Management, Solstice, Solstice Enterprise Agents, ToolTalk, Ultra, Ultra Enterprise, Voyager, WebNFS, et XIL sont des marques de fabrique ou des marques déposées, ou marques de service, de Sun Microsystems, Inc. aux Etats-Unis et dans d autres pays. Toutes les marques SPARC sont utilisées sous licence et sont des marques de fabrique ou des marques déposées de SPARC International, Inc. aux Etats-Unis et dans d autres pays. Les produits portant les marques SPARC sont basés sur une architecture développée par Sun Microsystems, Inc. Adobe, PostScript, et Display PostScript sont des marques de fabrique d Adobe Systems, Incorporated, laquelle pourrait é tre déposée dans certaines juridictions. Kodak Color Management System et KCMS sont des marques de Eastman Kodak Company aux Etats-Unis et dans d autres pays. Netscape est une marque de Netscape Communications Corporation aux Etats-Unis et dans d autres pays. L interface d utilisation graphique OPEN LOOK et Sun TM a été développée par Sun Microsystems, Inc. pour ses utilisateurs et licenciés. Sun reconnaît les efforts de pionniers de Xerox pour la recherche et le développement du concept des interfaces d utilisation visuelle ou graphique pour l industrie de l informatique. Sun détient une licence non exclusive de Xerox sur l interface d utilisation graphique Xerox, cette licence couvrant également les licenciés de Sun qui mettent en place l interface d utilisation graphique OPEN LOOK et qui en outre se conforment aux licences écrites de Sun. CETTE PUBLICATION EST FOURNIE EN L ETAT ET AUCUNE GARANTIE, EXPRESSE OU IMPLICITE, N EST ACCORDEE, Y COMPRIS DES GARANTIES CONCERNANT LA VALEUR MARCHANDE, L APTITUDE DE LA PUBLICATION A REPONDRE A UNE UTILISATION PARTICULIERE, OU LE FAIT QU ELLE NE SOIT PAS CONTREFAISANTE DE PRODUIT DE TIERS. CE DENI DE GARANTIE NE S APPLIQUERAIT PAS, DANS LA MESURE OU IL SERAIT TENU JURIDIQUEMENT NUL ET NON AVENU.

7 1. 11 11 14 Solaris Web Start 14 15 19 2. Solaris Web Start 35 Solaris Web Start 35 36 36 Solaris Web Start Solaris 37 37 Solaris 52 Solaris Web Start 67 3. 69 Solaris 69 Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program 70 3

Solaris fdisk 70 Solaris fdisk 79 4. 91 91 91 93 93 94 96 98 109 Solaris 123 136 5., Solaris 8 139 Solaris Web Start 140 Solaris Web Start 140, 143 143 143 146 147 147 148 Admintool, 149 Admintool 149 Admintool 154 pkgadd pkgrm, 157 pkgadd 157 4 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

pkgrm 158 6. 161 161 161 163 Solaris 166 Solaris 167 167 168 A. Solaris 8 1/2 Intel CD 171 B. Solaris 8 2/2 Intel CD 191 C. Solaris 8 Intel CD 199 233 5

6 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

Solaris 8 (Intel ) Solaris TM Web Start IA Solaris CD-ROM. : IA Pentium, Pentium Pro, Pentium II, Pentium II Xeon, Celeron, Pentium III Pentium III Xeon, AMD Cyrix Intel 32. Solaris Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program, Solaris JumpStart TM Solaris JumpStart Solaris,,. Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide. Sun Microsystems Java TM Solaris Web Start Solaris.. 7

1. 2 Solaris Web Start Solaris. 3 Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program Solaris fdisk. 4 Solaris,.. 5 Solaris. 6. A Solaris 8 1/2 Intel CD. B Solaris 8 2/2 Intel CD. C Solaris 8 Intel CD. P 1 Solaris 8. 8 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

P 1 Solaris 8 (Intel ) Solaris 8 (Intel ) Solaris 8,,.. Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide Solaris, Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program, Solaris JumpStart Solaris JumpStart Solaris,,,. Sun Sun Microsystems, Inc.. Sun Documentation Center. Sun Documentation Center http:// Sun SM 9

P 2 AaBbCc123 AaBbCc123 AaBbCc123 AaBbCc123,..,.login. ls a. machine_name%. machine_name% su Password: rm. 6... C, Bourne Korn. P 3 Shell C C machine_name% machine_name# Bourne Korn $ Bourne Korn # 10 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

1 Solaris 8 Intel. : Solaris... CHS( // ),. LBA JumpStart Solaris...,. 11

DHCP(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) fdisk IPv6 LBA miniroot TCP/IP DHCP IP. DHCP IP. IA(Intel ). Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program IA Solaris 8 fdisk. IA. fdisk. Solaris IA fdisk swap.. Solaris.. IPv4( 4) ( 6) (IP). IPv6 IPv4 IPv6. IPv6. IPv6 Overview of IPv6 in System Administration Guide, Volume 3. Solaris Web Start Solaris,. CHS. Solaris (/). miniroot Solaris. miniroot. 12 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program Solaris Web Start swap.. 512. Solaris fdisk ( : fdisk swap root )fdisk. Solaris 8 (GUI) (CUI),. CD-ROM Solaris Java. Solaris Web Start. JumpStart Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program. (swap ) Solaris... 512MB. : Solaris ( ).. 13

Solaris Solaris. Solaris Solaris.. : Solaris Web Start Solaris Solaris Web Start Solaris 7 Solaris Solaris 8 10 MB IA ). Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program. Using the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program in Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide.. Solaris Web Start Solaris Web Start. 4 CD-ROM,, 4 CD-ROM,. Solaris Web Start tip(1).. 14 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

1 1 : 1 2 : Please select how to specify your default time zone. Specify Time Zone by: 1. Geographic region 2. Offset from GMT 3. Time zone file Please enter the number corresponding to how you would like to specify the time zone [1]: Solaris Web Start. : CD Solaris 8. Solaris 8. 15

1.. Solaris CD-ROM (16 ) 2 CD-ROM Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide. 2. Solaris? 4, 4. 4 (16 ) 3. 3.. Solaris 8 (Intel ). 4., Solaris. : Solaris,. (Solaris ) crater uname -n IP ypmatch system_name hosts nismatch system_name hosts.org_dir more /etc/netmasks 16 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

(Solaris ) (DNS, NIS, or NIS+) passwd: files nis group: files nis hosts: xfn nis [NOTFOUND=return] files networks: nis [NOTFOUND=return] files protocols: nis [NOTFOUND=return] files rpc: nis [NOTFOUND=return] files ethers: nis [NOTFOUND=return] files netmasks: nis [NOTFOUND=return] files bootparams: nis [NOTFOUND=return] files publickey: nis [NOTFOUND=return] files cat /etc/nsswitch.conf netgroup: nis automount: files nis aliases: files nis services: files nis sendmailvars: files domainname thor75 ypwhich IP ypmatch nameserver_name hosts nismatch nameserver_name hosts.org_dir 5.. 4 Solaris OEM 2.4GB 2.3GB 1.9GB 1.6GB 17

:. 320MB. Solaris Web Start 512MB. 4. 4. 4,. 6. Solaris. CD. 4 Solaris 8 Intel,. 4 Solaris 8 Intel,. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 7. CD. 4 Solaris 8 Intel Solaris 8 Intel 4 Solaris 8 1/2 Intel Solaris 8 2/2 Intel 18 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

4 Solaris 8 Intel ( CD ) : 1997 IA BIOS El Torito CD-ROM. 1. tip(1) Solaris? 4. 4 80 24. : tip stty(1). 2. CD? 4 BIOS. 4 Solaris 8 Device Configuration Assistant Intel Platform Edition CD. : Solaris Driver Connection Solaris 8 Device Configuration Assistant. 3. Solaris 8 Intel Solaris 8 Intel CD CD-ROM. 19

CD-ROM - 1. CD-ROM.. CD-ROM - 1.. T H IS S ID E F A C E S F O R W A R D 2. Solaris 8 Intel Solaris 8 Intel CD( ). 3. CD-ROM. 2. Solaris 8 Intel Solaris 8 Intel CD( ). T I 3. CD-ROM. 4.... 4 Solaris 8 Device Configuration Assistant Intel Platform Edition. Solaris Boot Sector Version 1 20 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

.. Solaris for x86 - Generic DCB Version 1.234 loading /solaris/boot.bin. SunOS Secondary Boot version 3.00 Solaris Intel Platform Edition Booting System Running Configuration Assistant... 4 Solaris 8 Intel Solaris 8 Intel CD SunOS - Intel Platform Edition Primary Boot Subsystem, vsn 2.0.. SunOS Secondary Boot version 3.00 Solaris Intel Platform Edition Booting System Running Configuration Assistant... 5. Solaris Device Configuration Assistant F2_Continue. Bus Enumeration. Determining bus types and gathering hardware configuration data...... 21

6. F2_Continue. Loading. Boot Solaris. 7. Boot Solaris CD F2_Continue. 4 Solaris 8 Intel CD Solaris Web Start Solaris fdisk Running Driver. <<< Current Boot Parameters >>> Boot path: /pci@0,0/pci-ide@7,1/ide@1/sd@0,0:a Boot args:kernel/unix <<< Starting Installation >>> SunOS Release 5.8 Version Generic 32-bit Copyright 1983-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Configuring /dev and /devices Using RPC Bootparams for network configuration information. Solaris Web Start 3.0 installer English has been selected as the language in which to perform the install. Starting the Web Start 3.0 Solaris installer Solaris installer is searching the system s hard disks for a location to place the Solaris installer software. No suitable Solaris fdisk partition was found. Solaris Installer needs to create a Solaris fdisk partition on your root disk, c0d0, that is at least 395 MB. WARNING:All information on the disk will be lost. May the Solaris Installer create a Solaris fdisk [y,n,?] 4, Solaris 8 Intel CD Solaris Web Start fdisk, Running Driver. <<< Current Boot Parameters >>> Boot path: /pci@0,0/pci-ide@7,1/ide@1/sd@0,0:a Boot args:kernel/unix <<< Starting Installation >>> 22 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

() SunOS Release 5.8 Version Generic 32-bit Copyright 1983-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Configuring /dev and /devices Using RPC Bootparams for network configuration information. Solaris Web Start 3.0 installer English has been selected as the language in which to perform the install. Starting the Web Start 3.0 Solaris installer Solaris installer is searching the system s hard disks for a location to place the Solaris installer software. The default root disk is /dev/dsk/c0d0. The Solaris installer needs to format /dev/dsk/c0d0 to install Solaris. WARNING:ALL INFORMATION ON THE DISK WILL BE ERASED! Do you want to format /dev/dsk/c0d0?[y,n,?,q] 4 Solaris 8 Intel CD. <<< Current Boot Parameters >>> Boot path: /pci@0,0/pci-ide@7,1/ide@1/sd@0,0:a Boot args:kernel/unix <<< Starting Installation >>> SunOS Release 5.8 Version Generic 32-bit Copyright 1983-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Configuring /dev and /devices Using RPC Bootparams for network configuration information. Solaris Web Start 3.0 installer The Solaris Installer can be run in English, or any of the following languages: 1) English 6) Japanese 2) German 7) Korean 3) Spanish 8) Swedish 4) French 9) Simplified_Chinese 5) Italian 10) Traditional_Chinese () 23

() Select the language you want to use to run the installer: 8. CD? 4 Solaris 8 Intel CD. 4 Solaris 8 Intel CD,. Solaris Web Start Solaris fdisk. language_you_selected has been selected as the language in which to perform the install. Starting the Web Start 3.0 Solaris installer Solaris installer is searching the system s hard disks for a location to place the Solaris installer software. No suitable Solaris fdisk partition was found. Solaris Installer needs to create a Solaris fdisk partition on your root disk, c0d0, that is at least 395 MB. WARNING:All information on the disk will be lost. May the Solaris Installer create a Solaris fdisk [y,n,?] Solaris Web Start Solaris fdisk,. language_you_selected has been selected as the language in which to perform the install. Starting the Web Start 3.0 Solaris installer Solaris installer is searching the system s hard disks for a location to place the Solaris installer software. The default root disk is /dev/dsk/c0d0. () 24 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

() The Solaris installer needs to format /dev/dsk/c0d0 to install Solaris. WARNING:ALL INFORMATION ON THE DISK WILL BE ERASED! Do you want to format /dev/dsk/c0d0?[y,n,?,q] 9. Solaris Web Start Solaris fdisk? 4 (29 ) 21. 4 y Enter.. Total disk size is 972 cylinders Cylinder size is 4032 (512 byte) blocks Cylinders Partition Status Type Start End Length % ========= ====== ============ ===== === ====== === 1 DOS12 0 7 8 1 SELECT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. Create a partition 2. Specify the active partition 3. Delete a partition 4. Exit (update disk configuration and exit) 5. Cancel (exit without updating disk configuration) Enter Selection: 10. 1 Enter.. 25

Select the partition type to create: 1=SOLARIS 2=UNIX 3=PCIXOS 4=Other 5=DOS12 6=DOS16 7=DOSEXT 8=DOSBIG A=x86 Boot B=Diagnostic 0=Exit? 11. A Enter.. Specify the percentage of disk to use for this partition (or type "c" to specify the size in cylinders). 12. Enter.. Should this become the active partition?if yes, it will be activated each time the computer is reset or turned on. Please type "y" or "n". 13. y Enter.. Partition 2 is now the active partition. SELECT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. Create a partition 2. Specify the active partition 3. Delete a partition 4. Exit (update disk configuration and exit) 5. Cancel (exit without updating disk configuration) 14. 1 Enter.. 26 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

Select the partition type to create: 1=SOLARIS 2=UNIX 3=PCIXOS 4=Other 5=DOS12 6=DOS16 7=DOSEXT 8=DOSBIG A=x86 Boot B=Diagnostic 0=Exit? 15. 1 Enter.. Specify the percentage of disk to use for this partition (or type "c" to specify the size in cylinders). 16. Enter.. Should this become the active partition?if yes, it will be activated each time the computer is reset or turned on. Please type "y" or "n". 17. n Enter. IA Solaris.. Total disk size is 972 cylinders Cylinder size is 4032 (512 byte) blocks Cylinders Partition Status Type Start End Length % ========= ====== ============ ===== === ====== === 1 DOS12 0 7 8 1 2 Active x86 Boot 8 16 9 1 3 Solaris 17 969 953 98 SELECT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. Create a partition 2. Specify the active partition () 27

() 3. Delete a partition 4. Exit (update disk configuration and exit) 5. Cancel (exit without updating disk configuration) Enter Selection: 18. 4 Enter.. No suitable Solaris fdisk partition was found. Solaris Installer needs to create a Solaris fdisk partition on your root disk, c0d0, that is at least 395 MB. WARNING: All information on the disk will be lost. May the Solaris Installer create a Solaris fdisk [y,n,?] 19. n Enter.. Please choose another installation option, see the Solaris Install Documentation for more details. To restart the installation, run /sbin/cd0_install. 20. /sbin/cd0_install Enter.. 28 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

The default root disk is /dev/dsk/c0d0. The Solaris installer needs to format /dev/dsk/c0d0 to install Solaris. WARNING: ALL INFORMATION ON THE DISK WILL BE ERASED! Do you want to format /dev/dsk/c0d0? [y,n,?,q] 21. y Enter.. NOTE: The swap size cannot be changed during filesystem layout. Enter a swap partition size between 384MB and 1865MB, default = 512MB [?] 22. Enter Enter.. The Installer prefers that the swap slice is at the beginning of the disk. This will allow the most flexible filesystem partitioning later in the installation. Can the swap slice start at the beginning of the disk [y,n,?,q] 23. ( )? 4 y Enter (30 ) 25. 4 n Enter.. 29

WARNING: Placing the swap slice at a cylinder location other than cylinder 3 requires expert knowledge about disk layout. This choice may affect 99 disk layout choices later in the installation. Enter a starting cylinder between 3 and 590, default = 3 [?] 24. Enter (3) Enter.. You have selected the following to be used by the Solaris installer: Disk Slice : /dev/dsk/c0d0 Size : 512 MB Start Cyl. : 3 WARNING: ALL INFORMATION ON THE DISK WILL BE ERASED! Is this OK [y,n,?,q] 25. y Enter.. The Solaris installer will use disk slice, /dev/dsk/c0d0s1. After files are copied, the system will automatically reboot, and installation will continue. Please Wait... Copying mini-root to local disk...done. Copying platform specific files...done. Preparing to reboot and continue installation. Need to reboot to continue the installation Please remove the boot media (floppy or cdrom) and press Enter Note: If the boot media is cdrom, you must wait for the system to reset in order to eject. 30 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

26. (19 ) 2 Solaris 8 Device Configuration Assistant Intel Platform Edition? 4 Enter. 4 Enter.. Syncing file systems...49 done rebooting.... 27. CD-ROM Solaris 8 Intel Solaris 8 Intel CD.. SunOS - Intel Platform Edition Primary Boot Subsystem, vsn 2.0 Current Disk Partition Information Part# Status Type Start Length ================================================ 1 DOS12 63 32193 2 Active X86 BOOT 32256 36288 3 SOLARIS 68544 3842496 4 <unused> Please select the partition you wish to boot:. SunOS Secondary Boot version 3.00 Solaris Intel Platform Edition Booting System Running Configuration Assistant... Autobooting from bootpath /pci@0,0/pci-ide@7,1/ata@1/cmdk@0,0:b If the system hardware has changed, or to boot from a different 31

() device, interrupt the autoboot process by pressing ESC. Initializing system Please wait... <<< Current Boot Parameters >>> Boot path: /pci@0,0/pci-ide@7,1/ata@1/cmdk@0,0:b Boot args: Type b [file-name] [boot-flags] <ENTER> to boot with options or i <ENTER> to enter boot interpreter or <ENTER> to boot with defaults <<< timeout in 5 seconds >>> Select (b)oot or (i)nterpreter: SunOS Release 5.8 Version Generic 32-bit Copyright 1983-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Configuring /dev and /devices Using RPC Bootparams for network configuration information. Solaris Installation Program. 28. F2_Continue. kdmconfig - Introduction. 29. F2_Continue. kdmconfig - View and Edit Window System Configuration. 30. kdmconfig - View and Edit Window System Configuration. 31. No changes needed - Test/Save and Exit F2_Continue. kdmconfig Window System Configuration Test. 32. F2_Continue. 33.. 34.? 32 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

4 ( ). kdmconfig kdmconfig Window System Configuration Test (32 ) 30 (32 ) 34. 4.. 35. 2. 33

34 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

2 Solaris Web Start Solaris Web Start Solaris. : Solaris 5. Solaris Web Start 2 1 Solaris Web Start. 2 1 Solaris Web Start Solaris Web Start Solaris : swap. 35

2 1 Solaris Web Start Solaris Web Start ( ) /opt Solaris Solaris Solaris,.,, /etc/ vfstab. Managing File Systems (Overview) in System Administration Guide, Volume 1 format(1m). Solaris Web Start,,. Solaris Web Start,.,. Solaris ( (/), /usr /swap)., Solaris Web Start. 4 4 4,,,,, 36 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

: swap. 4 :.. Solaris Web Start Solaris : Solaris Web Start Solaris, CD-ROM,,,., Solaris Web Start Solaris, CD-ROM,,. 1. 1? 4 1. 4. 2. >. Solaris Web Start.. Solaris Web Start 37

3.? 4 >.. 4 >. DHCP. 38 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

4. (38 ) 3? 4 (40 ) 7. 4. 5. DHCP? 4 > (40 ) 7. 4 >. IPv6. Solaris Web Start 39

6. IPv6? 4 > (44 ) 11. 4 > (44 ) 11. 7. >. (38 ) 3 IP. 40 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

(38 ) 3. 8. ( )? 4 (47 ) 15. 4 DHCP (DHCP )? Solaris Web Start 41

4 (44 ) 11. 4 IP IP >.. 9. ( ) >. IPv6. 42 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

10. IPv6? 4 >. 4 >.. Solaris Web Start 43

11.. >. NIS+, NIS DNS.,. 44 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

12.? 4 (47 ) 15. 4 >. NIS+ NIS. DNS DNS. 13. NIS+/NIS DNS? 4 NIS+ NIS >. Solaris Web Start 45

4. 4. 4 DNS DNS IP >. DNS. 14. NIS+/NIS DNS? 4 NIS+ NIS IP >. 46 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

4 DNS DNS >.. 15. >., GMT. 16.. Solaris Web Start 47

>. ( ) ( )>. /usr/share/lib/zoneinfo >.. 48 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

17. >.. Solaris Web Start 49

18. >.. 19.? 4 >. 4 >.. 50 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

20.? 4 <. 4. : Please wait while the system is configured with your settings.... Solaris Web Start Solaris. Solaris Web Start 51

:... : (/var/sadm/ webstart/kiosk ) Solaris.. 4 Netscape TM Communicator 4.7. 4 Netscape /var/sadm/webstart/kiosk/index.html. 4 CDE Point In Window To Make Active Raise Window When Made Active. Solaris 1. Solaris >. CD. 52 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

2. CD Solaris 8 1/2 Intel CD. 3. CD. CD.. Solaris Web Start 53

4.? 4 > (62 ) 20. 4 >. : CD, Solaris.. 54 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

5. >.. Solaris Web Start 55

6. Solaris >. : (, en_us).. 7. Solaris 8 >. :.. 56 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

8. (Solaris Web Start )? 4 > (59 ) 13. 4 CD, >. 4 CD Solaris 8 1/2 Intel CD CD. 4. Solaris Web Start Kiosk (/webstart/kiosk/download). Solaris Web Start. 4. Solaris Web Start 57

9.? 4 CD Solaris 8 1/2 Intel CD, CD CD. CD. Solaris Web Start CD. Solaris Web Start CD. 4. 4 >.. Solaris Web Start. Solaris Web Start. 10. >. :.. 11. (Solaris Web Start )? 4 CD, > (58 ) 9. 58 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

4 >. CD CD Solaris 8 1/2 Intel CD CD. 12. CD? 4. 4 CD Solaris 8 1/2 Intel CD. CD. Solaris. 13. Solaris >.. Solaris Web Start 59

14. >., ( ). 60 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

15.? 4 > (62 ) 20. 4 /.. :. 16.? 4 Cyl.. 4 ( ). Solaris Web Start 61

: MB. 17.. :... 18... 19. >.. 20... 62 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

Solaris.. Solaris 8 A, B C. : CD-ROM. Solaris 8 1/2 Intel CD CD. Solaris Web Start 63

21.? 4 (65 ) 24. 4.. 22... 23. >. 4 CD-ROM CD CD. 4. 64 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

4. 24.? 4 (66 ) 27. 4 CD? 4 CD CD >. CD. Solaris Web Start 65

4 >.. 25.? 4 CD CD CD. CD,. CD CD-ROM CD. 4 >... 26. (64 ) 23. 27.... 28.. Solaris (CDE OpenWindows TM ). 66 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

29. Solaris., Solaris. 30. Solaris 8 Netscape Communicator OpenWindows? 4. 4.cshrc path Netscape Communicator., Netscape Communicator path /opt/nscpcom. : OpenWindows Netscape Communicator NSCPcom. Solaris Web Start CD-ROM CD Solaris Web Start Solaris. Solaris. Solaris Solaris.. Solaris Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide. Solaris Web Start 67

68 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

3 Intel 32 (IA) Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Windows NT, OS/2 UNIX... Solaris Solaris fidsk. : Solaris Web Start Solaris Solaris Web Start Solaris 7 Solaris Solaris 8 (10 MB IA ). Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program. Using the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program in Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide. Solaris Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program Solaris fdisk. 69

Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program ( Device Configuration Assistant). 4 CD-ROM,, 4 CD-ROM,. Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program tip(1).. Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program. Solaris fdisk 1. Solaris. 2. Solaris? 4. 4. 3. Linux? 4. 4 Solaris fdisk Linux swap (0x83).. 4 ( ). 4 Linux swap. 4 Linux Solaris Linux. 70 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

: Solaris Linux Linux Linux swap (Solaris fdisk ) swap. 4. tip(1) Solaris? 4. 4 80 24. : tip stty(1). 5. CD-ROM Solaris 8? 4 (71 ) 8. 4. 6. CD? 4 BIOS. 4 Solaris 8 Device Configuration Assistant Intel Platform Edition. : Solaris Driver Connection Solaris 8 Device Configuration Assistant. : 1997 IA BIOS El Torito CD-ROM. 7. Solaris 8 1/2 Intel CD CD-ROM. 8.... 4 Solaris 8 Device Configuration Assistant Intel Platform Edition. Solaris Boot Sector Version 1 71

.,. Solaris for x86 - Generic DCB Version 1.234 loading /solaris/boot.bin. SunOS Secondary Boot version 3.00 Solaris Intel Platform Edition Booting System Running Configuration Assistant... 4 Solaris 8 1/2 Intel Solaris 8 2/2 Intel CD SunOS - Intel Platform Edition Primary Boot Subsystem, vsn 2.0.. SunOS Secondary Boot version 3.00 Solaris Intel Platform Edition Booting System Running Configuration Assistant... 9. Solaris Device Configuration Assistant F2_Continue. Bus Enumenration. Determining bus types and gathering hardware configuration data... 72 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

.. Identified Devices. 10. F2_Continue. Loading. Boot Solaris. 11. Boot Solaris CD F2_Continue. Running Driver. <<< Current Boot Parameters >>> Boot path:/pci@0,0/pci-ide@7, 1/ide@1/sd@0,0:a Boot args:kernel/unix Select the type of installation you want to perform: 1 Solaris Interactive 2 Custom JumpStart Enter the number of your choice followed by the <ENTER> key. If you enter anything else, or if you wait for 30 seconds, an interactive installation will be started. Select type of installation: 12. 1 Enter 30.. <<< starting interactive installation >>> Booting kernel/unix... SunOS Release 5.8 Version Generic 32-bit Copyright 1983-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Configuring /dev and /devices Using RPC Bootparams for network configuration information. Stand by.... 13.,.. 14.. 73

, Solaris Installation Program. 15. F2_Continue. kdmconfig. 16. F2_Continue. kdmconfig - View and Edit Window System Configuration. 17. kdmconfig - View and Edit Window System Configuration. 18. No changes needed - Test/Save and Exit F2_Continue. kdmconfig Window System Configuration Test. 19. F2_Continue. kdmconfig Window System Configuration Test. 20.. 21.? 4 ( ). kdmconfig kdmconfig Window System Configuration Test (74 ) 17 (74 ) 21. 4. OpenWindows. Solaris Install Console. The system is coming up.please wait.,. 22.. Configure Security Policy. 23.? 4. Configure Kerberos Security. 4. 74 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

. 24. Configure Kerberos Security? 4. 4 Configure Kerberos Security.. 25.. 4 Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program Solaris. 4 Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program. 26. Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program? 4 (79 ) 1. 4. 27.? 4 (75 ) 30. 4. DHCP. 28. DHCP? 4 (75 ) 30. 4. IPv6. 29. IPv6? 4 (76 ) 33. 4 (76 ) 33. 30.. 75

4 ((75 ) 27 ) IP. 4. 31.? 4 (77 ) 40. 4 DHCP ((75 ) 28 DHCP )? 4 (76 ) 33. 4 IP IP. IPv6. 32. IPv6? 4. 4.. 33.? 4 (75 ) 27. 4.. 34.. 4 NIS, NIS+ DNS. 4,. 35. (76 ) 34? 4 (77 ) 40. 4,. 4 NIS+ NIS. 4 DNS DNS. 36. NIS+/NIS DNS? 76 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

4 NIS+ NIS. 4. 4. 4 DNS DNS IP. DNS. 37. NIS+/NIS DNS? 4 NIS+ NIS? 4 (77 ) 40. 4 IP.. 4 DNS DNS (77 ) 40. 38.? 4.. 4 (77 ) 40. 39... 40.? 4? 4 (75 ) 27. 4 (76 ) 34. 4.. 41.., GMT. 42.. 77

GMT,. ( ) ( ). /usr/share/zoneinfo.. 43... 44.? 4 (77 ) 41. 4. Solaris Solaris. 78 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

Solaris Solaris. Solaris fdisk 1. Solaris. 4 Solaris. 4. 79

2.? 4. 4. 3... 80 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

4.. 5.? 4. 4. 6.. 4 IA x86boot?. 81

: Solaris Web Start Solaris Solaris Web Start Solaris 7 Solaris Solaris 8 (10 MB IA ). Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program. Using the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program in Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide. 4. 82 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

7.? 4. 4.. 8. >. fdisk. 9. fdisk. fdisk. 83

10. Solaris.. Changes to this partition will destroy existing data on the partition 11.. fdisk. 12.. 4 Preserve Data?. 4?. 84 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

13. Preserve Data?? 4. 4? 4. 4. 14. Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program? 4.. 85

4.. 15.? 4. 4.. 16.? 86 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

4. 4.. 17.? 4. 4.. 87

18.. Solaris, BIOS CD-ROM. 88 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

19... 20.. Solaris 8 1/2 Intel Solaris 8 2/2 Intel CD, Solaris Device Configuration Assistant. 89

21. (71 ) 6 Device Configuration Assistant? 4. 4. 22. Solaris 8 1/2 Intel Solaris 8 2/2 Intel CD CD-ROM. 23.. Installing Solaris Software Progress. Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program Solaris. 24., Solaris. 90 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

4 Solaris Intel. : Solaris Web Start Solaris 8 (Intel ) Solaris 8. Solaris Solaris Solaris. 4 Solaris. Solaris. 4 Solaris. Solaris,. 4? Solaris Web Start Solaris Solaris Web Start Solaris 7 Solaris Solaris 8 (10 MB IA ). 91

Solaris 8 Solaris 8 Update Solaris 8 Maintenance Update. Solaris Solaris 8 Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program. Using the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program in Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide. Solaris,. $ uname -a 4? 10 MB IA. Solaris Web Start IA. Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program IA.. swap /etc/vfstab.. Solaris 8 Intel Solaris 8 Intel CD 4 1. 4 1 64MB 128MB 256MB Solaris 8 Intel CD Solaris 8 Intel CD 256MB 256MB 256MB 404MB 340MB 308MB 4?.. 4 Solaris Web Start? 6. 4? 92 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

Solaris Web Start. Solaris Web Start. Solaris Web Start,. 4?.,,.,. 4 Solaris Web Start? 4 :/a/var/sadm/system/data/upgrade_cleanup 4 :/var/sadm/system/data/upgrade_cleanup 4? 4 :/a/var/sadm/system/logs/upgrade_log 4 :/var/sadm/system/logs/upgrade_log 1.. 4 Solaris 8 (Intel ). 4 Solaris 8 (Intel ). 4. 4. http:// 4 4 2... 93

4 2 Prestoserve init 0. Prestoserve. 2. Solaris. CD. 4 Solaris 8 Intel,. 4 Solaris 8 Intel,. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3. CD. 4 Solaris 8 Intel Solaris 8 Intel 4 Solaris 8 1/2 Intel Solaris 8 2/2 Intel 4 Solaris 8 Intel ( CD ) : Solaris.,. 94 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

Solaris Web Start,.. System Administration Guide, Volume 1. 1.. 2.. # init 0 3.. ok boot -s 4.? :.,. 4. 4 m fsck. # fsck -m /dev/rdsk/device-name 5.? 4. 4. a../rhosts. host root b. /.rhosts /etc/inet/hosts NIS NIS+. 6.. 95

/dev/rmt/0. 7.. 8. 4 3 ufsdump. 4 3 ufsdump9ucf /dev/rmt files_to_backup ufsdump0ucf remote_host:/ files_to_backup 9.. 10.,,,. 11. Ctrl-D. 3. 12.. # ufsrestore -t 1.. CD-ROM CD-ROM Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide 96 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

2. Solaris. (Solaris ) crater uname -n IP ypmatch system_name hosts nismatch system_name hosts.org_dir more /etc/netmasks (DNS, NIS, or NIS+) passwd: group: files nis files nis cat /etc/nsswitch.conf hosts: xfn nis [NOTFOUND=return] files networks: nis [NOTFOUND=return] files protocols: nis [NOTFOUND=return] files rpc: nis [NOTFOUND=return] files ethers: nis [NOTFOUND=return] files netmasks: nis [NOTFOUND=return] files bootparams: nis [NOTFOUND=return] files publickey: nis [NOTFOUND=return] files netgroup: nis automount: files nis aliases: files nis services: files nis sendmailvars: files domainname thor75 ypwhich IP ypmatch nameserver_name hosts nismatch nameserver_name hosts.org_dir 97

1. tip(1) Solaris? 4. 4 80 24. : tip stty(1). 2. CD? 4 BIOS. 4 Solaris 8 Device Configuration Assistant Intel Platform Edition. : Solaris Driver Connection Solaris 8 Device Configuration Assistant. 3. Solaris 8 Intel Solaris 8 Intel CD CD-ROM. 98 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

CD-ROM - 1. CD-ROM.. CD-ROM - 1.. T HIS S ID E F A C E S F O RWA R D 2. Solaris 8 Intel Solaris 8 Intel CD( ). 3. CD-ROM. 2. Solaris 8 Intel Solaris 8 Intel CD( ). T I 3. CD-ROM. 4.... 4 Solaris 8 Device Configuration Assistant Intel Platform Edition. Solaris Boot Sector Version 1 99

.. Solaris for x86 - Generic DCB Version 1.234 loading /solaris/boot.bin. SunOS Secondary Boot version 3.00 Solaris Intel Platform Edition Booting System Running Configuration Assistant... 4 Solaris 8 Intel Solaris 8 Intel CD SunOS - Intel Platform Edition Primary Boot Subsystem, vsn 2.0.. SunOS Secondary Boot version 3.00 Solaris Intel Platform Edition Booting System Running Configuration Assistant... 5. Solaris Device Configuration Assistant F2_Continue. Bus Enumenration. Determining bus types and gathering hardware configuration data..... Identified Devices. 100 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

6. F2_Continue. Loading. Boot Solaris. 7. Boot Solaris CD F2_Continue. 4 Solaris 8 Intel CD Running Driver. <<< Current Boot Parameters >>> Boot path: /pci@0,0/pci-ide@7,1/ide@1/sd@0,0:a Boot args: kernel/unix <<< Starting Installation >>> SunOS Release 5.8 Version Generic 32-bit Copyright 1983-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Configuring /dev and /devices Using RPC Bootparams for network configuration information. Solaris Web Start 3.0 installer English has been selected as the language in which to perform the install. Starting the Web Start 3.0 Solaris installer Solaris installer is searching the system s hard disks for a location to place the Solaris installer software. Your system appears to be upgradeable. Do you want to do a Initial Install or Upgrade? 1) Initial Install 2) Upgrade Please Enter 1 or 2 > 4 Solaris 8 Intel CD. <<< Current Boot Parameters >>> Boot path: /pci@0,0/pci-ide@7,1/ide@1/sd@0,0:a Boot args: kernel/unix <<< Starting Installation >>> SunOS Release 5.8 Version Generic 32-bit Copyright 1983-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Configuring /dev and /devices Using RPC Bootparams for network configuration information. () 101

() Solaris Web Start 3.0 installer The Solaris Installer can be run in English, or any of the following languages: 1) English 6) Japanese 2) German 7) Korean 3) Spanish 8) Swedish 4) French 9) Simplified_Chinese 5) Italian 10) Traditional_Chinese Select the language you want to use to run the installer: 8. CD? 4 Solaris 8 Intel CD. 4 Solaris 8 Intel CD,. ( ).. Web Start 3.0 Solaris Solaris Solaris..? 1) 2) 1 2. > 9. 2 Enter. Solaris Web Start.. 102 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

Solaris Solaris. c0d0s1 ( ). :. Solaris? [y,n,?,q] 10.? 4 y (106 ) 18. 4 n Enter. Solaris Web Start 4 1 /etc/vfstab.. 1) c0d0s1 2) " " Solaris Solaris.. > 11.? 4 1 (106 ) 18. 4 2 Enter. Solaris Web Start... The following slices were found to meet the criteria in the Solaris Install Guide. WARNING: If one of the listed slices is chosen to be used by the Solaris Installer all information on the slice will be erased 1) c0d0s7 last mounted on /export/home 2) None 103

() "None" will skip these disk slices and present you with a listing of all disks on the system Please make a selection from the choices above > 12.,? :.. 4 (106 ) 18. 4 2 Enter.. /dev/dsk/c0d0. Solaris Solaris /dev/dsk/c0d0. :! /dev/dsk/c0d0( )? [y,n,?,q] 13. y Enter.. :. 478MB 2028MB ( 512MB). 104 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

14. Enter Enter....? [y,n,?,q] 15. ( )? 4 y (106 ) 18. 4 n Enter.. : 0.. 0( ) 2034. 0 [?] 16. Enter (0) Enter.. Solaris : : /dev/dsk/c0d0 : 512 MB : 3 :!? [y,n,?,q] 17. y. 105

18. Enter.. Solaris /dev/dsk/c0d0s1( )............. ( cdrom) Enter. : cdrom. 19. (98 ) 2 Solaris 8 Device Configuration Assistant Intel Platform Edition? 4 Enter. 4 Enter.. Syncing file systems...49 done rebooting.... 20. Solaris 8 Intel Solaris 8 Intel CD CD-ROM.. 106 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

SunOS - Intel Platform Edition Primary Boot Subsystem, vsn 2.0 Current Disk Partition Information Part# Status Type Start Length ================================================ 1 DOS12 63 32193 2 Active X86 BOOT 32256 36288 3 SOLARIS 68544 3842496 4 <unused> Please select the partition you wish to boot:. SunOS Secondary Boot version 3.00 Solaris Intel Platform Edition Booting System Running Configuration Assistant... Autobooting from bootpath /pci@0,0/pci-ide@7,1/ata@1/cmdk@0,0:b If the system hardware has changed, or to boot from a different device, interrupt the autoboot process by pressing ESC. Initializing system Please wait... <<< Current Boot Parameters >>> Boot path: /pci@0,0/pci-ide@7,1/ata@1/cmdk@0,0:b Boot args: Type b [file-name] [boot-flags] <ENTER> to boot with options or i <ENTER> to enter boot interpreter or <ENTER> to boot with defaults <<< timeout in 5 seconds >>> Select (b)oot or (i)nterpreter: SunOS Release 5.8 Version Generic 32-bit Copyright 1983-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Configuring /dev and /devices Using RPC Bootparams for network configuration information. 107

Solaris Installation Program. 21. F2_Continue. kdmconfig -. 22. F2_Continue. kdmconfig - View and Edit Window System Configuration. 23. kdmconfig - View and Edit Window System Configuration. 24. No changes needed - Test/Save and Exit F2_Continue. kdmconfig Window System Configuration Test. 25. F2_Continue. 26.. 27.? 4 ( ). kdmconfig kdmconfig Window System Configuration Test (108 ) 23 (108 ) 27. 4.. 108 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

1. >. Solaris Web Start.. 109

2.? 4 >.. 4 >. DHCP. 3. (110 ) 2? 4 (111 ) 6. 110 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

4. 4. DHCP? 4 > (111 ) 6. 4 >. IPv6. 5. IPv6? 4 > (115 ) 10. 4 > (115 ) 10. 6. >. (110 ) 2 IP. 111

(110 ) 2. 7. ( )? 4 (118 ) 14. 4 DHCP (DHCP )? 112 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

4 (115 ) 10. 4 IP IP >.. 8. ( ) >. IPv6. 113

9. IPv6? 4 >. 4 >.. 114 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

10.. >. NIS+, NIS DNS.,. 115

11.? 4 (118 ) 14. 4 >. NIS+ NIS. DNS DNS. 12. NIS+/NIS DNS? 4 NIS+ NIS >. 116 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

4. 4. 4 DNS DNS IP >. DNS. 13. NIS+/NIS DNS? 4 NIS+ NIS IP >. 117

4 DNS DNS >.. 14. >., GMT. 15.. 118 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

>. ( ) ( )>. /usr/share/lib/zoneinfo >.. 119

16. >.. 120 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

17. >.. 18.? 4 >. 4 >.. 121

19.? 4 <. 4. : Please wait while the system is configured with your settings.... Solaris Web Start Solaris. 122 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

:.. Solaris 1. Solaris >. Solaris 8 Intel Solaris 8 Intel CD CD. 123

2. CD Solaris 8 CD. 3. CD. CD.. 124 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

4.? 4 >. 4 >.. 125

, Solaris., Solaris. 5. Solaris? 4 (127 ) 7. 4 Solaris. 126 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

4 Solaris >.. 6. (, ) >.. : Solaris Web Start Solaris. Solaris Web Start.. 7.? 4 > (132 ) 16. 4 >.. 127

8. >.. 128 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

9. Solaris >. : (, en_us).. 10. Solaris 8 >. :.. 129

11. (Solaris Web Start )? 4 > (132 ) 16. 4 CD, >. 4 CD Solaris 8 1/2 Intel CD CD. 4. Solaris Web Start Kiosk (/webstart/kiosk/download). Solaris Web Start. 4. 130 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

12.? 4 CD Solaris 8 1/2 Intel CD, CD CD. CD. Solaris Web Start CD. Solaris Web Start CD. 4. 4 >.. Solaris Web Start. Solaris Web Start. 13. >. :.. 14. (Solaris Web Start )? 4 CD, > (131 ) 12. 131

4 >. CD CD Solaris 8 1/2 Intel CD CD. 15. CD? 4. 4 CD Solaris 8 1/2 Intel CD. CD... 16... Solaris.. Solaris 8 A, B C. : CD-ROM. Solaris 8 1/2 Intel CD CD. 132 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

17.? 4 (134 ) 20. 4.. 18... 19. >. CD-ROM CD CD. 133

.. 20.? 4 (135 ) 23. 134 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

4 CD,? 4 CD CD >. CD. 4 >.. 21.? 4 CD CD CD. CD,.CD CD-ROM CD. 4 >... 22. (133 ) 19. 23.... 135

24.. Solaris (CDE OpenWindows). 25. Solaris., Solaris. 26. Solaris 8 Netscape Communicator OpenWindows? 4. 4.cshrc path Netscape Communicator., Netscape Communicator path /opt/nscpcom. : OpenWindows Netscape Communicator NSCPcom. :. 4 :/a/var/sadm/system/logs/upgrade_log 4 :/var/sadm/system/logs/upgrade_log. Solaris Web Start Solaris.. 1. Solaris Web Start. /a/var/sadm/system/data/upgrade_cleanup : upgrade_cleanup.. 136 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

2.. 3.. # reboot 137

138 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

5, Solaris 8 Solaris 8 Solaris.. Solaris Web Start ( : Solaris 8 CD Solaris 8 Software Companion CD, Solaris 8 Intel CD Solaris 8 SPARC/Intel CD),. Solaris Admintool Solaris Web Start 3.0 Solaris ( : pkgadd), ( : Solaris 8 CD, Solaris 8 Software Companion, Solaris 8 Intel Solaris 8 SPARC/Intel CD) : Admintool (Admintool ). Admintool. pkgadd(1m) pkgrm(1m) 139

: System Administration Guide, Volume 1. Solaris Web Start Solaris Web Start Solaris. Solaris Web Start :. CD System Administration Guide, Volume 1. 1.. 2., CD-ROM CD. CD CD. : Solaris 8 Intel CD, Solaris Web Start. 3.. 5 1 Solaris Web Start Installer Solaris Web Start Installer Solaris 8 CD. 140 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

5 1 CD Solaris 8 2/2 Intel,, OEM : Solaris 8 2/2 Intel CD Solaris Web Start Solaris 8. Solaris 8. CD ( ) :sol_8_ia_2 Solaris 8 2/2 Intel CD ( ) Solaris_8/EA :sol_8_ia_2/solaris_8/ea Solaris 8 2/2 Intel Solaris 8 2/2 Intel pkgadd(1m),, OEM Solaris 8 Solaris 8 CD ( ) Solaris_8/Product :sol_8_ia_2/solaris_8/ Product CD ( ) Solaris_8/Tools :sol_8_ia_2/solaris_8/ Tools : install_source., Solaris 8 141

5 1 CD Solaris 8 Intel : CD CD-ROM Solaris Web Start.,,,,,, : Solaris 8 CD,. CD ( ) :sol_8_lang_ia Solaris 8 SPARC/Intel Solaris AnswerBook2 Server, Solaris 8 Collections, CD ( ) :sol_8_doc 4.. Solaris Web Start. 5.. 6.. Solaris Web Start. 7. CD? 4. 4 CD (CDE), OpenWindows? 4 CDE CD. 4 OpenWindows CD. 142 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

CD., Solaris. Solaris Solaris Web Start 3.0 Solaris ( : pkgadd). Solaris. 4. 4. 4. 4. 5 1 Solaris. 4, 4 4, Solaris 8 143

5 1 Solaris... Software Installed in Solaris Registry, Solaris 8 5 2 Solaris.,,,. Solaris. Solaris pkgadd. 144 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

5 2 Solaris. Solaris Web Start,,... pkgrm. Installed from ( 5 3 ). pkgadd., Solaris 8 145

5 3 Solaris 1.? 4. 4. 2. Solaris. /usr/bin/prodreg : /usr/bin/. Solaris. 3.. 4.? 4. 4 Solaris Registry.. 146 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

1.? 4. 4. 2. Solaris. /usr/bin/prodreg : /usr/bin/. Solaris. 3.. 4. Solaris Registry. pkgrm Installed from. 1. Solaris 8? 4. 4. 2.. 3., CD-ROM CD. CD CD. 4. Solaris. /usr/bin/prodreg : /usr/bin/. Solaris., Solaris 8 147

5.. 6. Solaris.. /cdrom. :. 7.. : Solaris Web Start Installer installer. 8... 9.. 1.? 4. 4. 2. Solaris. /usr/bin/prodreg : /usr/bin/. Solaris. 3.. 4. Solaris Registry. 5.. 148 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

6. Solaris software_product_name.. Admintool, Admintool. Admintool : UNIX ( 14), Admintool. 1.. # su 2. CD-ROM CD. CD. 3. CD. 4. Admintool. # admintool &., Solaris 8 149

5... 6.. 150 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

7.? 4. 4 CD (149 ) 3 CD.. 8.., Solaris 8 151

9... 152 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

. Installation of <name_of_software> was successful. press <Return> to continue 10. Enter.. 11.., Solaris 8 153

Admintool : UNIX ( 14), Admintool. 1.. # su 2. Admintool. # admintool &. 3... 154 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

4.. 5... 6..., Solaris 8 155

. 7. y, n q... Removal of <name_of_software> was successful. press <Return> to continue 8. Enter.. 9.. 156 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

pkgadd pkgrm, pkgadd 1.. # su 2. CD-ROM CD. CD. 3. CD. 4.. # /usr/sbin/pkgadd -d device_name pkgid. device_name pkgid CD. : SUNWaudio. 5. pkgchk(1m). # /usr/sbin/pkgchk -v pkgid pkgchk. pkgchk. : CD pkgadd, Solaris 8 1/2 Intel CD SUNWaudio., Solaris 8 157

: Solaris 8 Solaris_2.8 SunOS_5.8.. # /usr/sbin/pkgadd -d /cdrom/sol_8_ia/solaris_8/product SUNWaudio... Installation of <SUNWaudio> was successful. # pkgchk -v SUNWaudio /usr /usr/bin /usr/bin/audioconvert /usr/bin/audioplay /usr/bin/audiorecord # pkgrm 1.. # su 2.. # /usr/sbin/pkgrm pkgid pkgid. : SUNWaudio. 3. y, n, q. 4. pkgchk(1m). # /usr/sbin/pkgchk -v pkgid pkgchk. 158 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

: pkgrm SUNWaudio. # /usr/sbin/pkgrm SUNWaudio The following package is currently installed: SUNWaudio Audio applications i386) 3.6.20,REV=1.2000.11.7 Do you want to remove this package? y... Removal of <SUNWaudio> was successful. # pkgchk -v SUNWaudio WARNING: no pathnames were associated with <SUNWaudio> #, Solaris 8 159

160 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

6 Solaris. Solaris Web Start.. le0:no carrier - transceiver cable problems... The file just loaded does not appear to be executable 161

..,. Solaris 8 Intel Solaris 8 Intel CD, Solaris 8 Intel Solaris 8 Intel CD. Can t boot from file/device CD-ROM Solaris 8 Intel Solaris 8 Intel CD.. 4 CD-ROM 4 Solaris 8 Intel Solaris 8 Intel CD CD-ROM Not a UFS filesystem Solaris ( JumpStart ). Solaris 8 Device Configuration Assistant. Solaris 8 Device Configuration Assistant Intel Platform Edition Solaris 8 1/2 Intel CD ( A: ) CD-ROM. 162 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

PC,. PC. DOS PC. 1. Solaris 8 Device Configuration Assistant. 2. Solaris Device Configuration Assistant F2_Continue. Bus Enumenration.. Identified Devices. 3. F4_Device Tasks. Device Tasks. 4. View/Edit Devices F2_Continue. View/Edit Devices. 5. F3_Add Device. Add ISA Device. 6. ISA F2_Continue. Select Resource Types. 7. F2_Continue.. 8. ( : CA800 CFFFF) F2_Continue. Select Resource Types. 9. F4_Add. View/Edit Devices. 10. F2_Continue. Device Tasks. 11. F2_Continue.. 12. F2_Continue. Device Tasks. 13. F3_Back. Identified Devices. 14. F3_Back. Solaris Device Configuration Assistant. 15. F2_Continue. 163

BIOS IDE Solaris Device Configuration Assistant. 4.Solaris 8 (Intel ). 4.. 4... 4 ( ). 4 CD-ROM CD-ROM.. 4. IDE.. 4 BIOS (, ). BIOS. 4 CD-ROM BIOS CD-ROM. 4 MS-DOS BIOS. IDE CD-ROM MS-DOS CD-ROM MS-DOS. IDE CD-ROM Solaris Device Configuration Assistant. 4 IDE BIOS Solaris Device Configuration Assistant. 4 IDE. 164 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

. Solaris 8 (Intel ). 165

Solaris IDE Solaris. IDE Solaris. IDE 1. Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program. (CUI) (GUI). 2. Solaris.. 3.. 4. GUI.CUI. 5. format format. 6. IDE. : IDE. IDE cxdy. cx dy. 7. format> fdisk. fdisk Solaris. (Solaris fdisk.) 8. format> analyze. 9. analyze> config.. setup. 10. analyze> read, write compare. format. 11. analyze> quit. 12.? format> repair.. 13. format quit. 14. GUI suninstall CUI. WARNING: CHANGE DEFAULT BOOT DEVICE 166 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

BIOS Solaris 8 Device Configuration Assistant Intel Platform Edition. Solaris Solaris 8 Device Configuration Assistant Intel Platform Edition BIOS.. Solaris Solaris. No upgradeable disks /etc/vfstab swap. /etc/vfstab. 4 swap 4 swap 4 swap 167

Solaris Web Start IA. Solaris Web Start. Please choose another installation option, see the Solaris install Documentation for more details. # Solaris Web Start. : Solaris Web Start Solaris Solaris Web Start Solaris 7 Solaris Solaris 8 (10 MB IA ). Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program. Using the Solaris 8 Interactive Installation Program in Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide. BIOS. 1. 10MB Solaris fdisk IA. : LBA ( ) 1024. LBA CHS ( //,, ). # prtconf -pv grep lba lba-access-ok LBA.lba-access-ok LBA. 2. BIOS. 3. Solaris Solaris ( 256MB 512MB Solaris 8 Intel 320MB ) swap. 4. Solaris... Upgrading to Other Solaris Versions in Solstice DiskSuite 4.2.1 Reference Guide. 168 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

Solaris. 1:/var/sadm. 1 :/var/sadm (/) /var. 2: /var/sadm/softinfo/inst_release. 2 : INST_RELEASE. OS=Solaris VERSION=2.x REV=0 x Solaris.. 1. Solaris 8 Intel Solaris 8 Intel CD. 2.. Solaris Web Start.. /etc/vfstab (/).,. /etc/vfstab. /etc/vfstab. : ( : /usr). 169

.. 1:,.,. 1 :.. : / var/mail /var/news. 2:.. 2 :. Solaris. 170 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

A Solaris 8 1/2 Intel CD Solaris 8 1/2 Intel CD. A 1 Solaris 8 1/2 Intel CD AMImega MEGA SCSI CPQcnft Compaq NetFlex NIC CPQncr Compaq SCSI HBA CPQsmii Compaq SMART-2/E MADGFmt MYLXflp Madge NIC Buslogic FlashPoint Ultra PCI SCSI NCRos86r NCR, OS (root) NSCPcom NSCPcpcom Netscape Communicator 4.7 Netscape Communicator 4.7 171

A 1 Solaris 8 1/2 Intel CD NSCPhpcom Netscape Communicator 4.7 NSCPjacom Netscape Communicator 4.7 () NSCPkpcom Netscape Communicator 4.7 SUNW1251f (1251) SUNW5dt CDE SUNW5leu 5. SUNW5ttf SUNW5xmft 5 / X SUNW5xplt 5 X SUNWadmap SUNWadmc SUNWadmfw SUNWadmj Java SUNWadmr root SUNWadp Adaptec 29xx/39/xx/78xx SCSI HBA SUNWale SUNWaled,,, SUNWami AMI(Authentication Management Infrastructure) - 172 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

A 1 Solaris 8 1/2 Intel CD SUNWamir AMI(Authentication Management Infrastructure) - SUNWarrf X11 ( ) SUNWatfsr AutoFS SUNWatfsu AutoFS (automountd) SUNWauadt CDE SUNWauaos OS SUNWauaow OW SUNWaudd SunOS SUNWaudio SUNWcadp Adaptec AHA-29xx/39xx, AIC-78xx Ultra 2 SCSI HBA SUNWcamdt CDE SUNWcamos OS SUNWcamow OW SUNWcar.i SUNWcdt CDE (EUC) SUNWceudt CDE SUNWceuos OS SUNWceuow OW SUNWciu8 UTF-8 (EUC) iconv Solaris 8 1/2 Intel CD 173

A 1 Solaris 8 1/2 Intel CD SUNWcleu SUNWcor (EUC). (EUC) PSMI MP SUNWcpmp Compaq PSMI MP SUNWcqhpc COMPAQ Hot Plug PCI SUNWcsd Solaris /dev /devices SUNWcsl SUNWcsr SUNWcsu SUNWctlu CTL SUNWctpls SUNWcttf (EUC) SUNWcudt CDE (UTF-8) SUNWcufnt (UTF-8) X SUNWculeu SUNWcuplt (UTF-8). (UTF-8) (UTF-8) X SUNWcxmft (EUC) X SUNWcxplt (EUC) X SUNWdeis 174 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

A 1 Solaris 8 1/2 Intel CD SUNWdespl - SUNWdoc SUNWdtbas, (nroff/troff) CDE SUNWdtcor Solaris Desktop /usr/dt SUNWdtct UTF-8 SUNWdtdmn (CDE) SUNWdtdst CDE SUNWdtdte Solaris SUNWdtezt,,,, SUNWdthe CDE SUNWdthev CDE SUNWdthez Desktop Power Pack SUNWdticn SUNWdtim (CDE) Solaris CDE Image Viewer SUNWdtjxt Java SUNWdtlog SUNWdtnsc CDE Netscape Componentization SUNWdtrme (CDE) Solaris 8 1/2 Intel CD 175

A 1 Solaris 8 1/2 Intel CD SUNWdtscm CDE Dtpower SUNWdtwm CDE SUNWeeudt CDE SUNWeeuos OS SUNWeeuow OW SUNWesis SUNWesspl - SUNWesu SUNWeudba awk, bc, cal, compress, diff, dos2unix, last, rup, sort, spell, sum, uniq uuencode UNIX CDE Base /UTF-8 L10N SUNWeudbd CDE Dtbuilder /UTF-8 L10N SUNWeudda CDE /UTF-8 L10N SUNWeudhr CDE /UTF-8 L10N SUNWeudhs CDE /UTF-8 L10N SUNWeudis CDE /UTF-8 L10N SUNWeudiv /UTF-8 L10N SUNWeudlg CDE /UTF-8 L10N SUNWeudmg /UTF-8 L10N SUNWeuezt Desktop Power Pack Applications /UTF-8 L10N 176 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3

A 1 Solaris 8 1/2 Intel CD SUNWeugrf sun_eu_greek X11 SUNWeuluf /UTF-8 L10N SUNWeuodf /UTF-8 OPEN LOOK SUNWeusru Solaris /UTF-8 L10N SUNWeuxwe /UTF-8 X SUNWfdl Adobe Solaris SUNWfns Federated Naming Service(XFN) - SUNWfris SUNWfrspl - SUNWftpr SUNWftpu SUNWgdt CDE (GBK) SUNWgleu SUNWgss (GBK). (GBK), 2 - user SUNWgssc, 2 - config SUNWgssdh NIS+ Diffie-Hellman GSS-API SUNWgssk, 2- SUNWgttf (GBK) Solaris 8 1/2 Intel CD 177

A 1 Solaris 8 1/2 Intel CD SUNWgxfnt (GBK) X SUNWgxplt (GBK) X SUNWhdt CDE SUNWhiu8 UTF-8 iconv SUNWhler SUNWhleu.. SUNWhttf SUNWhudt CDE (UTF-8) SUNWhufnt (UTF-8) X SUNWhuleu SUNWhuplt (UTF-8). UTF-8 UTF-8 X SUNWhxfnt X SUNWhxplt X SUNWi13cs X11 ISO-8859-13 SUNWi13rf ISO-8859-13 ( ) X11 SUNWi15cs X11 ISO-8859-15 SUNWi15rf ISO-8859-15 ( ) X11 SUNWi1cs X11 ISO-8859-1 178 Solaris 8 (Intel ) 2000 3