1) nurse 가손가락을옆으로옮기며따라가는지확인한다. 2) nurse 가 cornea 를자극해눈감는지확인한다. 3) snellen chart 로확인한다 번뇌신경 assess 하는문제고르는단답형 92. CN 5 검사방법 1) let the pt. say ah

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7 월 18 일통합최신기출강의 Review questions for neurological system 44. MRI 문제멀티. 1) Contra medi 어쩌고를사용한다?? 2) open MRI는폐쇄공포증환자를위한것 3) Radiation을최소화로한다. 4) 검사후금속물품을 48시간동안몸에서제거한다. 44. MRI nicotine patch 빼겠어요 12. MRI (multi) 1) open MRI는환자가 claustrophobia 있음을알수있다. 2) expose from radiation is minimum 3) a contrast medium may use during scan 4) client should do motionless during scan 5) need to check allergy 81. MRI 시우선사정해야하는것? 1) 금속체크 2) 폐쇄공포사정 3) 똑바로누워있을수있는지 71. PET scan 이해잘한것? 1) change position 요구받을것이다 2) caffeine 24 시간전부터끊겠다 35. cranial nerve 검사시올바른것? SATA 1) 양발을어깨너비만큼벌리고서게한다 2) 대상자로부터 50cm 떨어져선다 3) fine needle로환자를찌를것이다 4) brush로환자를 touch 할것이다 5) 6) 23. Cranial nerve 2 번사정하는방법맞는것은?( 단답 ) 1

1) nurse 가손가락을옆으로옮기며따라가는지확인한다. 2) nurse 가 cornea 를자극해눈감는지확인한다. 3) snellen chart 로확인한다. 3. 3 번뇌신경 assess 하는문제고르는단답형 92. CN 5 검사방법 1) let the pt. say ah 2) check for gag reflex 3) let pt look downward and upward 4) ask pt to clench his teeth 2. cranial nerve VI 사정하는방법? 1) 2) 3) 간호사의손가락을따라눈을움직이게한다. 4) shoulder & neck 을 ~~ 97. The nurse moves a finger in a horizontal and vertical motion in front of the client's face while directing the client to follow the finger with the eyes. Which cranial nerves? 1) II 2) III 3) IV 4) V 5) VI 98. testing the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII). 1) "Close your eyes and identify this smell." 2) "Follow my finger with your eyes without moving your head." 3) "Look straight ahead and let me know when you can see my finger." 4) "Raise your eyebrows. smile. and frown." 11. CN 7번사정방법 1) 눈꺼풀위를손가락으로살짝누른후눈을떠보라고한다. 2) 아 ~ 해보라고한다. 3) close eyelids against resistance 4) 눈을감고면봉으로얼굴을 touch한다. 13. 뇌신경 7 번사정방법 1) 저항에대해 tongue 움직이기 2) 눈감고안면 touch 부위아는지사정 2

3) eye brow 올리기, 눈꽉감기 4) 저작기능 93. cranial nerve IX? 1) A tongue blade is used to touch the client's pharynx; gag reflex is absent 2) Only one side of the mouth moves when the client is asked to smile and frown 3) The absence of light touch and pain sensation on the left side of the clients face 4) When the client shrugs against resistance, the left shoulder is weaker than the right 2. hoarseness, dysphagia 나타난다면어떤뇌신경을 assess 하는가? 1) 뇌신경 10 번 31. cranial nerve 사정법으로맞는것은? 1) 2번뇌신경 2) 5번뇌신경 3) 11번뇌신경 어깨를눌러서사정 4) 12번뇌신경 41. tongue movement 관여하는 cranial nerve? cn12 11.gcs scale multi 1) eye movement 2) motor response 3) verbal respose 4) cranial nerve 5)? 92. Which client should the nurse see first? 1) Client who has a migraine is reporting 10/10 pain and nausea 2) Client who is postictal after a seizure is drowsy and confused 3) Client with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is experiencing dysarthria 4) Client with a Glasgow Coma Scale score of 9 is no longer responding when called 23. head injury 환자 pupillary assessment. 자세히나옴 1) 방을어둡게하고눈에강한빛을쏘인다 2) direct beam ~ 반대쪽눈이안쪽으로 1. pupil 검사하려고한다. 옳은것은? 3

1) bilateral miosis 는 opioid 사용시관찰된다. 2) unilateral 은... 61.cerebellar 테스트방법? 1) 눈감고서있어본다 2) 손을꽉잡도록명령해본다. 3) 어깨를움직여보게한다. 16. cerebellum test 1) 2) 3) 나머지세개는완벽히다른검사 4) heel to shin test 12. 30세남자운동장에서축구하다가갑자기 mental drowsy 해지면서 fever 40.2도 (F) 체크되어 ER visit. 가장먼저할일은? 1) Dantrium 2) 처방대로 antipyretic medi. 준다 3) Tepid water 욕조에담근다. 15. A man came to ER by Heat stroke What is correct statement for heat stroke?( multiple) 1) Administer antipyretic meds 2) This is a disorder of sweat gland. 3) The goal for heat stroke is initially patient shivers. 4) Immurse the patient cool water or ice bath 71. (1 번문제 ) decerebrate posture 의그림이나오고그답을고르는문제.. 1. ICP 상승 sign severity 높은순서대로드래그 1) Decerebrate 2) Decorticate 3) Bilateral pupil dilation 4) Restleness 19. Which of the vital signs should the nurse know that indicates IICP? 1) Decrease BT, Increase BP, Increase PR 2) Decrease BT, Decrease BP, Decrease PR 3) Increase BT, Increase BP, Decrease PR 4) Increase BT, Decrease BP, Increase PR 4

27. Cushing triad (multi) 1) Bradycardia 2) Bradypnea 3) Tachycardia 4) Hypertension 5) Hyperthermia 6) hyponatremia 91. A client is admitted to the hospital for severe headaches. The client suddenly vomits. Which action? 1) Document the amount of emesis 2) Lower the head of the bed 3) Notify the health care provider (HCP) 4) Offer anti-nausea medication 8. ICP상승염려되는질환멀티 1) 뇌수종 2) hypophysectomy 3) 헌팅턴 4) 뇌막염 15. IICP, first action 1) v/s확인 2) semi-fowler's position 3) pupil 확인 4) O2공급 11. Cerebral Aneurysm rupture로 Ventilator 중인환자간호중이다. ICP를낮추기위해간호사가알아야할것은? 1) R. acidosis 2) R. alkalosis 3) M. acidosis 4) M. alkalosis 24. IICP 환자 care 하는것으로틀린것은? (multi) 1) HOB 30 도. 2) constipation 있을시 enema 시행. 3) suction 30 초동안시행. 4) trendelenburg position 26. mannitol multi 5

1) crystal 있으므로 warm 해서사용한다. 2) filter 사용한다. 3) infusion pump 사용한다. 25. After use of a hyper-osmotic diuretic, how can a therapeutic effect be determined? 1) HR: 48->68 2) RR: 24->26 3) USG: 1.022->1.024 4) PP: 20->60 92. The client has increased intracranial pressure and mannitol is administered. complication? 1) Auscultate breath sounds to assess for crackles 2) Monitor for >50 ml/hr urine output 3) Monitor Glasgow Coma Scale increasing from 8/15 to 9/15 4) Press over the tibia to assess for pitting edema 8. Head injury (multi) 1) slurred speech 2) blurred vision 3) systoric BP 130-> 80 33. closed head injury 환자중가장먼저봐줘야하는경우는? 1) pain scale 0-10점척도에서 5점인환자 2) GCS 13 10으로바뀐환자 3) BP110/80 108/78로떨어진환자 93. ER nurse is triaging clients should be given priority for definitive treatment? 1) History of Bell's palsy with unilateral facial droop and drooling 2) History of multiple sclerosis and reporting recent blurred vision 3) Reports unilateral facial pain when consuming hot foods 4) Temple region hit by ball, loss of consciousness, but Glasgow Coma Scale score is now 14 40. closed head injury 환자, pupil 이 8cm dilation 되어있다. 이유는무엇인가? 1) sympathetic nerve 자극 2) ocular nerve compression 3) cerebral cortex가변화가와서 43. Basilar Skull Fx 환자 yellow drainage, fever, headache 있다. 다음중무엇을 assess 해야하나? 1) passive flexion of head & neck cause flexion of thigh & leg 6

94. Which client assessment finding is most important for the nurse to consider before inserting a nasogastric tube? 1) An ecchymotic area on the forehead 2) Frontal headache rated as 10 on a 1-10 scale 3) Nasal drainage on gauze has a red spot surrounded by serous fluid 4) Small amount of bright red blood oozing from cheek laceration 44. basilar skull Fx시 concern해야할증상? 1) clear discharge via nose 2) 귀뒤에 ecchymosis 3) constriction pupil by light 2. Epidural hematoma 맞는것?( 멀티 ) 1) temporary loss of conscisouness 증상이뚜렷하다. 2) 치료방법이대게수술인데수술하면경과가좋다. 3) 기억상실이있었다는사실을치료후기억한다 4) slowly하게진행한다. 35. subdural hematoma로입원한환자의사정시, 환자가 drowsy 하며 pain에반응하고자꾸귀챦은듯, 자려고하며이해할수없는말을한다. 우선시행해야할것은? 1) 머리를 neutral position을취한다. 2) seizure precaution을세운다. 3) 화장실에가려고할때부축하여간다. 4) babinski reflex 확인한다 44. SDH로 head injury 입은환자 position? 1) prone position 2) high fowler's position 3) flat position 4) semi-fowler's position 45.CSF leakage 되었을때? 1) gauze 대고 swab culture 나간다. 2) gauze 대고관찰한다 41. closed-head injury 입은환자. MRI이찍어보니 normal 하다. head up 30도유지하고있는데코로 crusty 한 drainage 나온다. 어떻게할래? 1) n/s 닦아낸다 2) sterile gauze로 loose하게 packing 7

3) flat 자세로유지 4) neutral po 로유지한다. 5) semi fowler s po 24. temporal op 후 request? 1) suction via nasal. 2) restrict fluid 2000/day 3) 기억안남. 4) 환자가가능하다면다음날아침부터 ambulation가능. 55. craniotomy 후중재가적절한것은? 1) oro~ suction 32. brain tumor로 supratentorial op 했다. Care incorrect 1) O₂supply 2) supine position한다 3) & 4) IICP 예방간호였음 5. supratentorial craniotomy op 후틀린것? 1) elevate head of bed 45도 2) head & neck neutral position 3) 1시간마다 coughing & deep breathing 교육한다. 3. craniotomy op후 IICP 예방하려면? 단답. 1) head elevation 30도 2) suction 자주 3) 답아님 4) flat position 6. Infratentorial surgery pt 간호? 1) Flat position 2) coughing and deep breathing 12. C6 injury pt, RN이 encourage 할것 1) independent self-catheterization 2) transfer bed to commode 3) ambulation with short leg brace 4) feeding without device. 8

22. SCI 맞는것? 1) C3 혼자 ambulation 2) C7 self feeding 23. spinal cord injury pt realistic goal? 1) C7 - independently wear clothing 2) C6 - self feeding without device 3) C5 - independently wheelchair 4) C4 turn side q 2 hours 33. SCI 환자들에대한 conference 중이다. 각환자들의손상부위에따른 realistic goal에대해맞는것을골라라. 1) C3 Bed 위에서혼자스스로turn 할수있다. 2) C6 - Device없이식사할수있다. 3) T2 Assistance 사용해서 ambulation 할수있다. 4) T5 Independently 옷을갈아입을수있다. 41. L4 spine injury pt의설명으로맞는것은? 1) electric wheel chair를사용할수있다 2) dorsiflexion 유지해주는보조기없이걸을수있다 3) short leg 보조기로걸을수있다 9