국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구 - 공공분야번역을중심으로 - 2007. 12 책임연구원 : 박경희 ( 한국문학번역원 ) 공동연구원 : 정호정 ( 한국외국어대학교 ) 염행일 ( 경희대학교 ) 신지선 ( 이화여자대학교통역번역대학원 )
목차 논문개요 ⅶ Ⅰ. 서론 1 1. 연구목적 3 2. 연구대상및방법 4 Ⅱ. 국내번역환경조사 7 1. 번역분야 9 1.1. 출판번역 9 1.2. 전문번역 14 1.3. 영상미디어번역 18 2. 번역인력 19 2.1. 번역시장현황 19 2.2. 번역요율 22 2.3. 교육기관현황 28 3. 번역결과물수준관리 32 3.1. 평가및감수 32 3.2. 우수한번역확보를저해하는구조적문제 36 4. 번역제반인프라 38 4.1. 각종사전현황 38 Ⅲ. 번역사업시행공공기관현황 47 1. 개요 49 2. 한국학분야 50 -ⅰ-
2.1. 한국학술진흥재단 50 2.2. 한국학중앙연구원 55 2.3. 한국국제교류재단 60 2.4. 국립국어원 65 3. 기초예술분야 67 3.1. 영화진흥위원회 67 3.2. 유네스코한국위원회 71 3.3. 서울산업통상진흥원서울애니메이션센터 74 3.4. 한국문학번역원 74 4. 문화관광분야 78 4.1. 한국관광공사 78 Ⅳ. 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석 81 1. 번역평가의기준 83 2. 자료분석의대상 89 3. 자료분석 90 3.1. 문법차원 91 3.2. 어휘차원 102 3.3. 사실관계차원 108 3.4. 논리적구성차원 112 3.5. 정보성의등가차원 118 3.6. 번역텍스트의목적차원 126 4. 분석결과에대한논의 132 4.1 문제제기 132 4.2 현행로마자표기현황및원칙적문제점 134 -ⅱ-
Ⅴ. 번역수준평가의문제와설문조사결과 137 1. 공공기관번역실태조사의목적과방법 139 2. 설문조사결과분석 140 2.1. 번역수급현황 140 2.2. 번역결과물의수준과평가 감수 143 2.3. 번역을위한관련자료제공 150 2.4. 개선사항제안 155 Ⅵ. 결론및제안 159 1. 번역정책의목표와방향 161 2. 번역정책의대상 162 2.1. 상업적번역수요가없는콘텐츠의번역 162 2.2. 효율적인번역환경구축작업 162 참고문헌 173 Abstract 175 부록 177 -ⅲ-
표목차 < 표 2-1> 번역도서비중추이 9 < 표 2-2> 외국의번역출판비중 10 < 표 2-3> 주요수입국비중 11 < 표 2-4> 2006년출판분야별번역출판 ( 저작권수입 ) 현황 11 < 표 2-5> 번역도서의분야별발행종수 11 < 표 2-6> 국내외소설의매출비율 12 < 표 2-7> 한국소설과일본소설의판매점유율 12 < 표 2-8> 도서저작권수출추이 ( 저작권에이전시경유 ) 13 < 표 2-9> 주요공공기관번역예산규모 15 < 표 2-10> 문화관광부부서별번역집행예산규모 15 < 표 2-11> 문화재청부서별번역집행예산규모 16 < 표 2-12> 한국관광공사번역집행예산규모 16 < 표 2-13> 번역대상물의텍스트특성상구성 17 < 표 2-14> 언어학자, 번역사및통역사현황 (1990년) 19 < 표 2-15> 규모별사업체수및종사자수 (2004년) 20 < 표 2-16> 조직형태별사업체수및종사자수 21 < 표 2-17> 시도별사업체수및종사자수 (2005년) 21 < 표 2-18> 영어 한국어번역에대한번역요율 (200자원고지기준 ) 23 < 표 2-19> 출발어에따른번역요율 (200자원고지기준 ) 23 < 표 2-20> 대학원별, 언어별전문번역사번역요율비교 24 < 표 2-21> 언어조합별일반번역업체번역요율분포 25 < 표 2-22> 3개통역번역대학원연간번역수주액 26 < 표 2-23> 전문기관번역요율분포 27 < 표 2-24> 국내대학원과정통번역교육기관 ( 가나다순, 2007년 8월기준 ) 28 < 표 2-25> 각대학원번역교육과정개요 29 < 표 2-26> 각학부번역교육과정개요 30 -ⅳ-
< 표 2-27> 평가범주별목적및내용 32 < 표 2-28> 문화 예술 인문학관련전문사전 ( 언어명기를하지않은경우 ) 39 < 표 2-29> 문화 예술 인문학관련전문사전 ( 언어명기를한경우 ) 41 < 표 2-30> 경영 / 경제 공학 자연과학관련전문사전 ( 언어명기를하지않은경우 ) 41 < 표 2-31> 경영 / 경제 공학 자연과학관련전문사전 ( 언어명기를한경우 ) 43 < 표 2-32> 외래어표기용례집 45 < 표 2-33> 한국학용례사전및기본용어집 46 < 표 2-34> 공공기관온라인제공자료 46 < 표 3-1> 한국학술진흥재단명저번역지원사업출간도서목록 50 < 표 3-2> 한국학술진흥재단인문사회분야기초연구과제지원사업 54 < 표 3-3> 한국학중앙연구원외국어도서출간목록 55 < 표 3-4> 한국학중앙연구원 2007년한국학기획사업개요 58 < 표 3-5> 한국학중앙연구원번역지원사업지원금지급방법 59 < 표 3-6> 한국학중앙연구원번역지원사업번역결과물에대한권리 59 < 표 3-7> 한국국제교류재단번역관련사업 60 < 표 3-8> 한국국제교류재단주요발간목록 61 < 표 3-9> 한국국제교류재단출판보조비지원한국학도서출간목록 62 < 표 3-10> 국립국어원외래어표기법규정 65 < 표 3-11> 영화진흥위원회영문출간물현황 (1999~2007) 69 < 표 3-12> 유네스코한국위원회한국관련출간목록 72 < 표 3-13> 공공지원한국문학번역출판현황 75 < 표 3-14> 한국문학번역원총지원건수 (27개언어권 783건 ) 75 < 표 3-15> 대산문화재단해외번역지원내역 (1993~2007) 76 < 표 3-16> 한국문학번역원및대산문화재단번역지원금내역 (2001~2007년) 77 < 표 3-17> 한국관광공사주요출간물 79 -ⅴ-
< 표 4-1> 번역평가기준표 86 < 표 5-1> 번역업무담당주체 140 < 표 5-2> 번역업무전담인력의전공 141 < 표 5-3> 지속적인번역인력풀의존재 142 < 표 5-4> 기관내의번역수요가충족되는지여부 143 < 표 5-5> 외부에의한번역결과물수준에대한만족도 144 < 표 5-6> 외부에의뢰한번역결과물에만족하지못한이유 144 < 표 5-7> 외부번역에불만이있어문제제기를한경험 145 < 표 5-8> 외부번역에불만이있어문제제기한경험 146 < 표 5-9> 번역결과물의번역수준에대한평가여부 146 < 표 5-10> 번역수준에대한평가가이루어지지않는이유 147 < 표 5-11> 번역수준에대해외부로부터지적이나평가를들은경험 148 < 표 5-12> 번역결과물을감수하는주체 149 < 표 5-13> 용어집이나참고자료의구비여부 150 < 표 5-14> 용어집이나참고자료가구비되어있지않은이유 151 < 표 5-15> 번역유의사항의사전공지여부 152 < 표 5-16> 번역유의사항의사전공지내용 153 < 표 5-17> 번역사의번역관련추가정보의요청여부 154 < 표 5-18> 번역사가요청하는추가관련정보의내용 154 < 표 5-19> 각기관의번역실태를고려할때개선이시급한상황 155 < 표 5-20> 외주번역의문제해결을위한방안 156 < 표 5-21> 번역정책과관련하여개선이시급한사항 156 < 표 5-22> 공공기관번역전담기관에기대하는역할 157 < 표 5-23> 공공기관번역관련문제점해결을위해정부에갖는기대 158 -ⅵ-
논문개요 본연구는보다효과적이고거시적인번역시스템구축이절실한우리번역의현시점에서향후종합적이고효과적인번역정책수립이가능하도록정책방향을제시하는데목적을두고있다. 구체적으로는국내번역환경및번역활동의전체지형도및문제점을파악하여보다미래지향적이고실효성있는국가번역전담기구의역할과위상을정립하고자하였다. 제1장서론에서는본연구의목적과필요성에대해논하고연구의대상과방법을설명하였다. 제2 장에서는번역현황의지평을총체적으로개괄하기위하여번역을크게출판번역, 영상 미디어번역, 전문번역분야로분류하고, 번역인력구성, 분야별번역시장규모, 번역평가제도, 번역관련제반인프라현황등을중점적으로조사하였다. 제3장에서는전자메일과전화접촉, 현장방문을통해문화관광, 기초예술, 한국학분야의대표적공공기관들이추진중인사업내용과지원현황, 향후계획등을파악하여소개하였다. 제4장에서는문화관광번역, 기초예술분야번역, 한국학관련번역등 3개분야의번역결과물을실증적체계적으로분석함으로써실제번역수준의수준을진단하고문제점을파악하고자하였다. 각영역을대표하는 25개기관의번역결과물을수집하여조사에활용하였는데, 해당기관에서기출간한출판물은물론, 해당기관웹페이지에게시되어있는웹문서를 DB화하여분석대상으로삼았다. 제5장에서는문화관광번역관련 17개기관 (19개부서 ), 기초예술분야번역관련 12개기관, 한국학분야번역관련 7개기관의총 36개기관 38개부서를대상으로설문조사를실시하고그결과를분석하였다. 설문지는 번역수급현황, 번역감수및평가시스템, 번역시참고자료준비및제공현황, 개선사항제안 의네부분으로크게나누어구성하였다. 설문조사의목적은국내공공기관에서이루어지는공공영역번역의현황을파악함으로써바람직한번역이원활하게이루어질수있는기본적인프라와시스템을구축하기위한발판을마련하는것으로, 특히제한된예산을효율적으로집행하면서번역과관련된공공영역전반의효율성을제고할수있는체제를제도화하기위한정책제안을현장의목소리를반영하여도출하고자하였다. -ⅶ-
제6장결론에서는공공기관번역업무담당자와의면접조사결과, 설문지에나타난문제점과제언, 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석결과등을모두수렴하여체계적이고종합적이며효과적인정책방향을균형감있게제시하고자하였다. 사회전반적으로번역의중요성과역할에대한기대가점차커지고있는시점에서국가의바람직한번역시스템을구축하기위해필요한현황파악및문제점진단을목적으로하는본연구를통해우리사회의번역에대한총체적인이해를돕고향후적극적이고효과적인정책대안마련에기여할수있기를기대한다. -ⅷ-
Ⅰ. 서론
1. 연구목적 우리문화와세계화 담론의요체는우리민족이비약적인경제발전을이룩했을뿐만아니라정신적으로도우수성과독창성을자랑하는문화를발전시켜왔음을알려우리문화의위상을바르게정립하는것이다. 이런맥락에서그동안화제로떠올랐던것이우리작가의 노벨문학상수상 을가능케할우수한번역전통의부재였으며, 최근에는우리대중문화의국제경쟁력을상징하는 한류 를전세계적으로확산시키고지속시킬수있는방안마련이시급한과제로대두되었다. 고유함과독창성을지닌우리문화의깊이와매력을전세계에알림으로써우리문화에대한이해와관심을확산시키는것이한국문화세계화의출발점이될수있다. 국제어 (lingua franca) 인영어를비롯한다양한언어로우리사회와문화에대한다양하고체계적인정보를제공함으로써국제사회에서의우리문화에대한접근을용이하게하는노력은우리문화에대한세계적관심의저변을확대하고심화시키는데매우긴요하며, 번역은이런면에서매우중요한도구이자수단임은두말할나위가없다. 그래서이같은시대적중요성에도불구하고우리사회에서번역이제기능을충분히수행하지못하고있다는지적이꾸준히제기되어왔다. 이렇게볼때우리사회의번역전통의현주소를파악하여문제점을제기하고해결책을모색하려는노력을더이상미루어둘수는없을것이다. 여기서주목해야할점은번역이시장원리에의해서만수행되게하는것으로는한국문화세계화를위한번역인프라구축이불가능하다는사실이다. 민간분야에서자연발생적으로발생하는번역수요를바탕으로이루어지는번역물만으로는우리문화를세계무대에서체계적이고효과적으로알리기위한임계질량에도달할수없기때문이다. 이런점에서공공기관이번역의필요성에대한인식과종합적인비전을바탕으로체계적이고효과적인번역인프라구축에앞장서야하며, 민간에의해충족될수없는번역수요를충족시키는역할을적극적으로수행하여야한다. 본연구는이러한필요성에대한인식과현실진단을바탕으로하고있다. 현중앙정부는 작은정부 를지향하면서직접개입이불가피한경우를제외한모든업무를민간에서처리하도록한다는방침을견지하고있기때문에국가차원의일관되고체계적이며종합적인번역정책이부재한실정이다. 그러므로우리사회에서번역의현주소를총체적으로파악하여, 보다효과적이고거시적인번역시스템 Ⅰ. 서론 3
구축이절실한현시점에서향후종합적이고효과적인번역정책수립이가능하도록정책방향을제시하는것이본연구의목적이다. 구체적으로는국내번역환경및번역활동의전체지형도및문제점을파악하여한국문학번역원의중장기적사업방향과정체성재정립의근거로삼는한편, 보다미래지향적이고실효성있는국가번역전담기구로서의한국문학번역원의역할과위상을정립하고자한다. 2. 연구대상및방법 본연구의대상은크게국내번역환경조사, 공공기관예산및민간지원에의해이루어지는번역분야현황파악, 공공기관번역업무처리현황면접조사및설문조사, 공공분야번역의수준분석및평가, 체계적이고종합적인번역정책수립을위한제언등다섯분야를포괄한다. 본연구보고서역시이러한활동별결과를분야별로정리하는형식을따르고있다. 우선 국내번역환경조사 를위해서는번역현황의지평을총체적으로개괄하기위하여번역을크게출판번역, 영상미디어번역, 전문번역분야로분류하고, 번역인력구성, 분야별번역시장규모, 번역평가제도, 번역관련제반인프라현황등을중점적으로조사하였다. 이를위해먼저관련기관을대상으로방문면접조사를실시하여구체적인현황을파악한후본연구를위해별도로기획된설문조사연구의기초가된설문지구성의근거로삼았다. 번역사업시행기관현황 파악을위해서는번역이수요와공급의원리라는시장원칙에따라이루어지는일반번역이외에한국문학의해외출판을위한번역, 한국문화관련기초예술분야번역, 한국학번역등을촉진하기위해현재정부예산이나민간의지원을받아시행되고있는번역분야의현황을조사하였는데, 해당기관별로전자메일과전화접촉, 현장방문을통해추진중인사업과지원현황, 향후계획등을직접파악하였다. 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석 에서는문화관광번역, 기초예술분야번역, 한국학관련번역등 3개분야의번역결과물을실증적체계적으로분석함으로써실제번역수준의수준을진단하고문제점을파악하고자한다. 각영역을대표하는 25개기관의번역결과물을수집하여조사에활용하였는데, 해당기관에서출간한출판물은물론, 해당기관웹페이지에게시되어있는웹문서를 DB 4 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
화하여분석대상으로삼았다. 이과정에서문법차원, 어휘차원, 사실관계차원, 논리적구성차원, 정보성의등가차원, 번역텍스트의목적차원의 6개대범주별로세부평가항목을두고평가하였다. 공공기관번역업무처리현황면접조사및설문조사 를위해서는문화관광번역관련 17개기관 (19개부서 ), 기초예술분야번역관련 12개기관, 한국학분야번역관련 7개기관의총 36개기관 38개부서를대상으로설문조사를실시하였는데, 실제설문지작성에선행하여 3개번역분야를대표하는기관을각 5곳씩, 총 15개기관을방문하여번역업무담당자와면접조사를실시하였다. 설문지는 번역수급현황, 번역감수및평가시스템, 번역시참고자료준비및제공현황, 개선사항제안 의네부분으로크게나누어구성하였다. 설문조사의목적은국내공공기관에서이루어지는공공영역번역의현황을파악함으로써바람직한번역이원활하게이루어질수있는기본적인프라와시스템을구축하기위한발판을마련하는것으로, 특히제한된예산을효율적으로집행하면서번역과관련된공공영역전반의효율성을제고할수있는체제를제도화하기위한정책제안을현장의목소리를반영하여도출하고자하였다. 마지막으로 체계적이고종합적인번역정책수립을위한제언 을위해서는공공기관번역업무담당자와의면접조사결과, 설문지에나타난문제점과제언, 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석결과등을모두수렴하여체계적이고종합적이며효과적인정책방향을균형감있게제시하고자하였다. 사회전반적으로번역의중요성과역할에대한기대가점차커지고있는시점에서, 국가의바람직한번역시스템을구축하기위해필요한현황파악및문제점진단을목적으로하는본연구를통해우리사회의번역에대한총체적인이해를돕고향후적극적이고효과적인정책대안마련에기여할수있기를기대한다. Ⅰ. 서론 5
Ⅱ. 국내번역환경조사
1. 번역분야 1.1. 출판번역 (1) 국내번역출판시장규모 출판연감에따르면 2006년동안도서발행은 45,521종으로, 총 1억 1,314만권으로, 초판평균으로는 2,485권 ( 평균면수 263면 ) 이인쇄되었고권당가격은 11,545 원으로나타나고있다. 1) 도서한종당평균 2쇄를가정했을때 2006년국내출판시장규모는 2조 6,124억원으로추정된다. 한국은세계최고의출판저작권수입국가로서, 국내번역서비중은발행종수를기준으로볼때 2006 년현재 23% 를차지하고있다. 1996년 15% 에서 2000년에들어서면서줄곧 20% 를상회하고있으며, 2003년에는 29% 로 7년사이에무려 2 배가까이급증하였다. 2) 그러므로 2000 년이후신간도서 4~5 권가운데 1권은번역서에해당한다고볼때국내번역서시장의규모는대략 5,000 억원정도로추산해볼수있다. < 표 2-1> 번역도서비중추이 ( 단위 : 종 ) 연도 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 총발행종수 32,256 33,610 36,960 35,044 34,961 34,279 36,186 35,371 35,394 43,598 45,521 번역서 4,834 6,129 6,633 6,860 8,839 9,680 10,444 10,294 10,088 8,938 10,482 구성비 (%) 15.0 18.2 17.9 19.6 25.3 28.2 28.9 29.1 28.5 20.5 23.0 출처 : 대한출판문화협회 ( 납본대행도서기준, 이하같음 ) 1) 2007 한국출판연감, 목록편, 대한출판문화협회, 111쪽. 2) 최근번역출판비중이감소한것은일본만화가대폭줄어든데기인하는것으로, 만화를제외할경우번역도서의점유율은약 25% 로큰변화가없다. 그러나국내만화의감소로일본만화의비중은오히려증가하고있다. 한편 2004년에는번역도서의비중이체코와함께세계 1위를차지했다는외신보도가소개되기도하였다 ( 뉴욕타임스, 2007.4.15 자보도 ). Ⅱ. 국내번역환경조사 9
(2) 특징 위에서살펴보았듯이가장먼저지적할점은번역도서의비중이외국과비교해서지나치게높다는것이다. 번역출판에있어서가장적극적인프랑스와비교해도높은수치는우리지식문화의높은해외의존도를반영하고있다고하겠다. < 표 2-2> 외국의번역출판비중 국가명 번역출판물의비중 ( 발행종수기준 ) 기준년도 영국 3.3% 1990 년 프랑스 17.6% 1991 년 독일 12% 2003 년 중국 10% 2002 년 러시아 10% 2003 년 일본 3) 8% 2004 년 두번째는수입대상국및장르가편중되어있다는점이다. 아래 < 표 2-3> 에서도알수있듯이일본과미국을합할경우약69% 를육박하고있어서지나친편중현상이나타나고있다. 국내에서의일본도서비중이높은것은 1990 년중반부터만화와실용서중심의번역출판이국내에서급상승한결과로서일본의지배력은단행본시장에서 20% 정도 (2000년부터종수기준 5천종안팎 ) 를유지하고있으며, 최근에는일본문학이강세를띄고있다. 미국의경우는만화를제외한다른모든분야에서우위를유지하고있는데, 특히총류, 종교, 사회과학, 순수과학, 기술과학분야에서번역서의절반을차지하여영국을합하면영미권의비중은더욱높다고하겠다. 아동도서의경우는미국, 영국, 독일이 3대번역서원산국을형성하고있다. 번역서전체대비로볼때는만화, 아동, 문학도서수입이전체의 60% 이상을차지하고있었고, 각장르별번역도서비중에서는철학, 만화, 아동에서비교적높은비율을점하고있었다 ( 아래표참조 ). 이는우리의문화적편식이다소심각하다는것을단적으로보여주는예라고하겠다. 3) 일본의경우전체 78,833 종가운데 6,619 종이번역서에해당하는데, 아동서 (21%), 철학 (18%), 문학 (15%), 나머지분야는 5% 수준을유지하고있다. 10 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
< 표 2-3> 주요수입국비중 4) 국가일본미국영국프랑스독일중국이탈리아러시아 비중 (%) 42.2 26.6 8.5 6.5 6.2 2.6 2.2 1 < 표 2-4> 2006 년출판분야별번역출판 ( 저작권수입 ) 현황 분야총류철학종교사회과학총발행종수 순수과학 기술과학 예술어학문학역사학습참고 ( 단위 : 종, %) 아동만화계 254 826 1749 6488 694 4493 1731 2277 9667 1326 1830 6700 7486 45,521 번역종수 32 334 459 1257 195 352 303 109 2057 327 36 2290 2731 10,482 번역서비중 (%) 12.6 40.4 26.2 19.3 28.1 7.8 17.5 4.8 21.3 24.7 2.0 34.2 36.5 23.0 일본도서 8 40 17 303 24 157 43 32 581 48 1 402 2668 4,324 미국도서 13 109 297 643 102 139 109 38 525 94 32 575 19 2,695 < 표 2-5> 번역도서의분야별발행종수 구분 번역종수 ( 종 ) 점유율 (%) [ 번역서전체대비 ] 분야 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 총류 13 3 14 89 33 32 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.9 0.4 0.3 철학 180 169 215 250 301 334 1.9 1.6 2.1 2.5 3.4 3.2 종교 399 321 382 403 319 459 4.1 3.1 3.7 4.0 3.6 4.4 사회과학 728 772 849 1,002 883 1,257 7.5 7.4 8.2 9.9 9.9 12.0 순수과학 143 182 204 148 153 195 1.5 1.7 2.0 1.5 1.7 1.9 기술과학 411 456 487 329 289 352 4.2 4.4 4.7 3.2 3.2 3.4 예술 260 236 264 262 196 303 2.7 2.3 2.6 2.6 2.2 2.9 어학 163 174 189 148 103 109 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.5 1.2 1.0 문학 1,387 1,682 1,749 1,823 1,833 2,057 14.3 16.1 17.0 18.1 20.5 19.6 역사 132 201 225 272 244 327 1.4 1.9 2.2 2.7 2.7 3.1 학습참고 27 42 68 9 17 36 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.1 0.2 0.3 아동 1,570 2,443 2,048 2,245 1,923 2,290 16.2 23.4 19.9 22.2 21.5 21.8 만화 4,267 3,763 3,600 3,108 2,644 2,731 44.1 36.0 35.0 30.8 29.6 26.1 계 9,680 10,444 10,294 10,088 8,938 10,482 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 4) 미 일이외에 100 종이상번역출판된국가의발행종수및주요분야를살펴보면, 영국 879( 아동 383, 문학 256), 프랑스 663( 아동 308, 문학 172), 독일 626( 아동 196, 문학 158), 중국 349( 문학 119, 사회과학 78), 체코 132( 아동 83, 문학 24), 이탈리아 125( 아동 43, 문학 35) 순으로나타났다. Ⅱ. 국내번역환경조사 11
최근추세에서한가지지적할점은외국소설의현저한증가이다. 번역소설의영향력은판매량에서도알수있는데, 소설에서외국소설의매출이약 70% 의판매점유율을차지할만큼급성장하고있기때문이다. 구체적으로는외국소설이 2000 년대초 57% 수준에서최근 69% 로 12% 이상증가하고있는상황인반면, 한국소설은국내소설시장의 30% 에턱걸이하는극심한침체양상을나타내고있어서외국소설의국내영향력이점점증대되고있다고볼수있다. 일본소설의국내점유율이눈에띄게증가하고있는점도특기할만하다. < 표 2-6> 국내외소설의매출비율 ( 단위 : %) 판매량비중매출액비중연도국내소설외국소설한국소설외국소설 2002 44.5 55.5 42.7 57.3 2003 38.2 61.8 37.8 62.2 2004 32.3 67.7 33.6 66.4 2005 31.7 68.3 32.7 67.3 2006 32.2 67.8 32.8 67.2 2007(4 월말 ) 30.6 69.4 31.1 68.9 출처 : 교보문고 ( 온 오프라인전체매출자료를바탕으로재구성 ) < 표 2-7> 한국소설과일본소설의판매점유율 ( 단위 : 종 ) 연도 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 한국소설 51 41 40 24 25 23 일본소설 12 13 15 23 23 31 출처 : 교보문고 ( 연간소설분야베스트셀러 100위권이내의종수에서추출 ) 세번째는국내도서의해외저작권수출은국내수입에비해상대적으로저조하다는것이다. 1996년한국은베른협약가입으로저작물계약등에있어서번역시장의체제에본격적으로편입되었다고볼수있는데, 국내출판사가운데국외에서 12 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
번역출판의실적을보유한출판사는 59% 정도로약절반에가까운출판사가국내도서를수출한경험이전무함을알수있다. 한국출판연구소가최근국내의주요저작권에이전시를대상으로조사한바에따르면, 지난 2000 년부터 2006 년까지해외로수출된국내도서는총 1,605종 2,992 권으로추계되었다. 조사대상업체이외의에이전시와출판사, 저자에의한직접수출등을감안하면, 지난 7년동안대략 2,000 종 4,000 권정도의저작권수출이이뤄진것으로추산된다. 연도별추이를보면 2002년전후로시작된한류열풍을배경으로저작권수출이점차증가하고있음을알수있다. < 표 2-8> 도서저작권수출추이 ( 저작권에이전시경유 ) 5) 연도 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 00-06 년누계 종수 ( 권수 ) 3 15 186 258 (506) 337 (659) 378 (788) 428 (835) 1,605 (2,992) 출처 : 한국출판연구소 그러나한류의기류를따라인접국인중국, 대만, 일본등동남아로저작권수출권역이확대되고있지만, 서양으로의수출은거의미미한수준에머물러있다는문제점이제기될수있다. 2004년부터 2006년까지수출된한국도서저작권의수입국비중을살펴보면, 중국 (32%), 대만 (27%), 태국 (16%), 일본 (16%) 등아시아권이전체의 94.5% 인데비해, 미국과유럽이각각 2.6%, 기타 0.3% 정도로미약하기때문이다. 수출되는장르에있어서는아동, 학습, 만화등주로아동대상출판물이저작권전체의 42% 이며, 유명인의에세이와한류관련원작소설이높은비중을차지하고있다. 국가별선호도에있어서는일본은한류관련서, 순수문학, 영어학습, 논픽션도서, 중국은인터넷소설과학습만화도서, 대만은아동과영어학습도서, 동남아 5) 조사내용 : 2004~2006 년까지의국내도서저작권의국가별 분야별수출종수및정책제언 조사기간 : 2007.6.21~28. 응답업체 : 도서저작권전문주요에이전시 8 개사 ; 신원에이전시, 에릭양에이전시, 임프리마코리아, KCC, 북코스모스, 베스툰코리아, 엔터스코리아, 캐럿코리아 2000~2003 년통계는한국출판연구소편, < 한국출판의수출활성화방안연구 > ( 문화관광부, 2004.12), 129 쪽에서인용함. Ⅱ. 국내번역환경조사 13
지역은인터넷소설과만화, 미주지역은만화위주의도서가중심을이루고있었다. 그나마다행인것은한류붐이수그러들면서드라마와영화의원작소설등한류관련서및아동서중심이던수출분야가근년들어비소설, 실용 ( 건강 취미 ), 경제경영, 학습, 과학, 인문분야에이르기까지저변이확장되는경향을보이고있다는점이다. 1.2. 전문번역 (1) 전문번역의정의와규모 번역은일반적으로텍스트및최종독자의특성에따라 문학번역 / 출판번역 과 전문번역 으로대별되기도하는데, 전문번역은흔히 산업번역 이라는용어로더널리알려져있는번역분야로, 영어 technical translation 의대응어에해당한다. 이향은 텍스트의정보전달기능이표현의형태에우선하는 [ 전문적, 기술적, 학문적성격을가진 ] 텍스트를전문적텍스트 6) 로정의하고, 이러한텍스트를대상으로이루어지는번역을 전문번역 이라규정하였다. 전문번역은우선문학번역에비해비교적제한된독자를대상으로이루어진다는점에서구분된다. 구체적으로는민간분야에서개인의비자발급을위한제반증명서번역부터서신, 계약서번역, 기업의제품안내서, 웹페이지관리를위한번역에이르기까지다양하고, 공공차원에서는국제조약문서및정관번역, FTA 협상과정에서의통신문및조약문번역등을포괄하고있다. 상기한것처럼다양하고광범위한분야에걸쳐이루어지고있는것이전문번역이지만우리나라의현재전문번역규모가어느정도인지를명시해주는구체적인통계자료조차없는현실이다. 우회적접근법인번역수요자중심의접근법을통해대표적공공기관의연간번역집행예산을조사한결과, 정부예산으로집행되는공공번역의규모가정부내에서조차통계치로확보되어있지않았다. 비교적공공번역의수요가많은것으로알려져있는대표적인기관인문화관광부, 문화재청, 서울특별시, 한국관광공사등에서지급한연간번역비를통해전문번역의규모를파악하고자해당기관에자료를요청하여분석한결과, 그규모가예상한것보다 6) Durieux (1988), Fondement didactique de la traduction technique, Paris: Didier-Erudition. ( 이향 박시현옮김, 전문번역어떻게가르칠것인가?, 고려대학교출판사, 2003 년 ) 14 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
크지않으며, 특히해당부처각각의연간예산에비해매우낮은비중을차지하고있었다. 7) 일선에서는전문번역규모를대략연간 1조원정도로추정하고있다. 8) < 표 2-9> 주요공공기관번역예산규모 기관명 2006 년번역관련집행예산규모 [B] 2006 년부처예산규모 [A] 비율 (A/B), % 문화관광부 4,470,000 45,079,000,000 원 문화재청 72,213,000 17,569,000,000 원 한국관광공사 233,884,000 397,444,000,000 원 < 표 2-10> 문화관광부부서별번역집행예산규모 ( 단위 : 천원 ) 부서명 연도별집행예산규모 2004 2005 2006 문화정책국 660-70 문화사업국 - - - 미디어국 - - - 관광국 - - 500 체육국 500 2,000 300 관광레저도시추진기획단 - 5,096 - 아시아문화중심도시추진단 11,243 10,720 3,600 소계 12,403 17,816 4,470 총계 34,689 7) 재정경제부, 보건복지부, 금융감독원등대부분의정부부처에서는상근통역번역사를전문계약직으로고용하여부서업무의일부로통상적으로이루어지는서신팩스보고서및회의자료작성등을전담하게하고있다. 이들의인건비는본연구에사용된통계에반영되지않았음을밝혀둔다. 8) 한기호, 문제의본질은번역가다 -번역출판의제도적측면-", 기획회의 149, 60쪽. Ⅱ. 국내번역환경조사 15
< 표 2-11> 문화재청부서별번역집행예산규모 ( 단위 : 천원 ) 연도별집행예산규모 부서명 2004 2005 2006 본청 36,308 18,986 11,824 국립문화재연구소 50,618 49,085 56,855 국립경주문화재연구소 - 120 - 국립부여문화재연구소 - - - 국립창원문화재연구소 - - - 국립고궁박물관 - - 3,003 국립해양유물전시관 1,285 1,420 220 현충사관리소 - - 317 세종대왕유적관리소 328 - - 경복궁관리소 - 2,500 - 소계 88,539 72,111 72,219 총계 232,869 < 표 2-12> 한국관광공사번역집행예산규모 ( 단위 : 천원 ) 연도 집행예산규모 비고 2004 92,826 2005 123,385 개인 50명, 번역 12회 2006 233,884 개인 73명, 감수 4명, 번역 6회 2007 1,848 개인 2명, 감수 1명 총계 451,943 (2) 번역대상물및번역언어 전문번역의대상이되는번역업무에대한민간부분의통계는존재하지않는다. 다만정부기관및준정부기관에서정부예산으로집행되는공공분야번역에대한부분적조사결과가 2000 년도에발행된한국외국어대학교두뇌한국21 통역번역특화사업단의보고서에실려있다. 최근현황을파악하기위해본연구를위한자체설문조사를실시하면서한국외대의 2000년연구결과와비교하였다. 16 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
가. 번역대상물 2000 년정부부처, 지방자치단체, 각부처산하연구소및공사등국내공공기관 223 곳을대상으로실시한설문조사결과에따르면번역대상물의텍스트특성상의구성은다음과같다. 먼저가장전형적번역결과물로는홍보텍스트 30.2%, 정기보고서 22.9%, 학술자료 13%, 관련분야참고자료 14.9%, 법률문서 9.2%, 언론관계문서 5.3%, 해외교류용서신및연설문 4.6% 로나타났다. 두번째로전형적인번역물에는관련분야참고자료 30.9%, 홍보텍스트 19.5%, 언론관계문서 13.1%, 학술자료 10.5%, 법률문서 9.3%, 해외교류용서신및연설문 6.5%, 문학예술 0.8% 의순이었다. 한편본연구를위해실시한설문조사결과에서나타난번역대상물의구성은다음과같다 < 표 2-13> 번역대상물의텍스트특성상구성 범주 비율 기관자체의소개및활동에대한홍보텍스트 32.73% 기타 18.18% 음악, 미술, 무용, 기타공연등기초예술관련텍스트 16.36% 관광, 여행자료등문화텍스트 12.73% 국어 ( 한글포함 ) 및한국학관련자료 12.73% 영화, 다큐멘터리, 애니메이션등영상물자막또는음성텍스트 7.27% 계 100.00% 양자지문의성격이상이하여일대일항목비교는불가능하지만두설문조사결과에서공통적으로나타나는점은전체번역대상물가운데홍보성문서의비중이여전히높은것으로나타나고있다는것이다. 바꾸어말하면각정부기관에서추진하는번역사업가운데자신들의기관의정체성이나역할을정립하고널리알리기위한문건의번역에가장큰비중을두고있음을알수있다. 이것이번역에갖는함의는단순히번역대상문건에담겨있는정보성이나정보의도의언어적치환뿐만아니라번역텍스트역시 홍보 의기능을수행할수있는방식으로번역이이루어져야한다는것을의미한다. 나. 번역언어 한국외국어대학교두뇌한국21 통역번역특화사업단의보고서의내용에따르면, 조사대상기관들의교류국가는 33개국인데비해, 영어라는단일언어로이루어지는 Ⅱ. 국내번역환경조사 17
번역의비중이 90% 를차지하는것으로나타났다. 2000년설문조사결과는한국어 외국어의경우 1순위로는영어 89.3%, 2순위 1위일어 69.1%, 3순위 1위는중국어가 61.3% 로나타났으며, 외국어 한국어의경우는 1순위영어 79.8%, 2순위 1위일어 63.1%, 3순위 1위중국어 41.7% 로조사되어사실상한국어 외국어, 외국어 한국어번역에서모두영어, 일어, 중국어순으로번역되고있음을알수있다. 본연구를위해실시된설문조사결과에서는약간달라진결과를확인할수있었는데, 외국어 한국어의비중이 28.5% 인반면한국어 외국어의번역비중은 71.5% 를차지하여한국어 외국어번역비중이압도적으로높게나타났다. 또한한국어 외국어번역에서는 1순위영어 92.0%, 2순위 1위일어 56.0%, 3순위 1위중국어 56.5% 로나타나 2000 년에비해번역이이루어지는외국어가운데영어의비중이상대적으로높아진반면, 일본어와중국어의비중은그만큼낮아지는추세임을알수있다. 1.3. 영상미디어번역 영상미디어번역은 5천억원정도로추정되나 9), 역시구체적인통계가나와있지않은실정이다. 영상미디어번역시장은한국영상번역가협회가 영상번역능력인증시험제도 를운영하고있고, 문화방송, 한국방송공사, 서울방송등지상파방송국에서방송아카데미를운영하면서그프로그램의일환으로영상번역교육을실시하고있는것에서볼수있듯이실제로번역이활발하게이루어지고있는분야이다. 그러나대부분의번역이자체내에서이루어지기때문에그규모가확인되기어려운실정이다. 민간부분에서영상미디어번역시장현황파악이어려운반면, 정부차원에서이분야의활성화를위한새로운움직임이일고있는것은주목할만하다. 우선영화진흥위원회에서는 2002년부터해외진흥사업의일환으로 자막번역및프린트제작지원사업 을시행해오고있다. 2007년상반기까지한국영화 ( 장 단편 ) 중해외진출가능성이있는장편 88편, 단편 99편의자막번역및프린트제작비를지원한바있다. 그외서울산업통상진흥원 (SBA) 서울애니메이션센터에서는우리애니메이션작품의해외수출을장려하기위하여연 10개업체에 30종을대상으로작품당 1,000,000원 ~6,500,000원범위내에서연간총 39,000,000원을지원한바있다. 아직지원출발단계에서전체지원금액규모가크지는않으나, 이런제도적노력을계기로이분야번역시장이더욱활기를띌것으로기대를모으고있다. 9) 한기호, 60 쪽. 18 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
2. 번역인력 2.1. 번역시장현황 : 번역인력구성, 위상, 처우등에대한실태 실제번역서비스를제공하는번역공급인력에대한통계는극히제한적으로존재하고, 자료의신빙성도매우낮은편이다. 우선번역서비스를제공하는인력을지칭하는명칭이확립되어있지않은상태에서 번역자, 번역사, 번역가 가혼용되고있는데다 10), 아래 < 표 2-14> 에서알수있듯이국내통계의최종책임부서인통계청에서조차전혀다른직종인 언어학자 를 번역사, 통역사 와동일한범주로묶어통계처리를하고있는현실이다. < 표 2-14> 언어학자, 번역사및통역사현황 (1990년) 지역 계 남 여 지역 계 남 여 서울 3,323 1,378 1,945 경기도 834 410 424 부산 330 164 166 강원 11 11 0 대구 70 20 50 충북 0 0 0 인천 247 155 92 충남 21 10 11 광주 51 40 11 전북 20 10 10 대전 40 20 20 전남 21 21 0 경북 2 0 2 경남 52 31 21 제주 45 12 33 직할시계 738 399 339 도계 1,006 505 501 총계 5,067 2,282 2,785 출전 : 통계청국가통계포털 ( 이하같음 ) 10) 정호정은업무규정 (job description) 상의고유업무로서가아니라부수적인업무로서, 혹은외국어학습과같은목적으로전문적이고직업적인자격이아닌사람이번역을하는경우에는해당텍스트의 번역자 로, 전문적훈련과정을거쳐고유업무로직업적으로번역하는경우를 번역사 로, 직업적훈련여부에관계없이번역에매우능하여결과적으로사회적합의에의해일정수준이상의번역능력을가진것으로인정받는경우를 번역가 로세분하는방안을제안하고있다. ( 정호정, 동일한언어로말하기 : 번역학연구를위한용어통일의시급성, 국제회의통역과번역, 제 9 권 1 호 (2007). 192 쪽 ) Ⅱ. 국내번역환경조사 19
그나마이런범주상의혼란이개선된것으로보이는보다최근의통계역시문제점을노출하고있다. 우선아래 < 표 2-15> 에서보면 고용형태 면에서 무급가족, 무급, 임시및일용 의범주도모두번역사의범주에포함되어있다. 이말은 mom-and-pop shop 같은소규모영세번역업체의피고용인은업체운영자의가족들, 심지어 임시직 내지 일용직 으로서전문번역사로서의위상과자격을갖추지못한사람들까지도번역서비스업의종사자로분류되어통계에반영되어있다. 즉번역사에대한적절하고합당한자격규정없이번역업체로신고한사업체와그종사자는모두이분야의인력으로취급되고있음을알수있다. < 표 2-15> 규모별사업체수및종사자수 (2004 년 ) 종사자성별종사자규모종사상지위대표자성별 총사업체수 318 총종사자수 1,286 남자 종사자수 595 여자 종사자수 691 1-4명 사업체수 255 종사자수 453 5-9명 사업체수 42 종사자수 259 10-19명 사업체수 11 종사자수 144 20-49명 사업체수 8 종사자수 275 50-99명 사업체수 1 종사자수 50 100-299명 사업체수 1 종사자수 105 300명이상 없음 자영업주 종사자수 260 무급가족 종사자수 8 상용 종사자수 680 임시및일일 종사자수 130 무급 종사자수 208 남 사업체수 213 여 사업체수 105 20 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
< 표 2-16> 조직형태별사업체수및종사자수 형태 2004 년 2005 년 개인사업체회사법인회사이외법인비법인단체계 사업체수 257 249 종사자수 765 694 사업체수 48 51 종사자수 461 337 사업체수 11 11 종사자수 55 62 사업체수 2 2 종사자수 5 15 사업체수 318 313 종사자수 1,286 1,108 < 표 2-17> 시도별사업체수및종사자수 (2005년) 시도 사업체수 종사자수 시도 사업체수 종사자수 서울특별시 239 870 경기도 18 54 부산광역시 22 33 강원도 2 4 대구광역시 6 11 충청북도 2 5 인천광역시 6 89 충청남도 2 5 광주광역시 3 4 전라북도 4 7 대전광역시 2 2 전라남도 - - 울산광역시 1 4 경상북도 2 4 경상남도 4 16 제주도 - - 계 313 1,108 두번째로는통역번역인력을전문적으로양성하는전문대학원이외에학부에서통역번역과직간접적으로관련을갖고교육하는프로그램이급증하고있는추세에반하여, 2005년이 2004년에비해통역번역서비스종사자의수가오히려감소하는것으로나타나고있어경험적으로통계의신뢰성을의심케하고있다. 이렇게통역번역서비스종사자에대한적절하고합당한범주정의를바탕으로 Ⅱ. 국내번역환경조사 21
정확하게집계되는통계가필요하다. 이런불충분하고신뢰하기어려운통계는 해당외국어를읽을수있는능력과사전만있으면모두번역할수있다 는인식을반영하는것으로, 본보고서에서논의될번역수준평가와관련하여중요한시사점을갖게한다. 앞으로는번역사에대한보다엄격하고체계적인정의가필요하고, 이를바탕으로한신뢰할수있는통계의필요성이제기되는대목이다. 2.2. 번역요율 현재전문번역시장에서적용되고있는번역요율은한마디로천차만별이다. 이는전문번역사로서번역을수행하는사람들뿐만아니라다른고유업무의일부분으로포함되어번역을하는사람, 심지어앞의 < 표 2-15> 에서볼수있는것처럼가족이무급종사자로되어있는영세번역업체의종사자까지번역사의훈련과자격요건이다양하고, 이에따라다양한번역요율을적용하고있는현실을나타내는것이라하겠다. 번역요율은번역대상분야에따라일반적으로크게달라진다. 번역대상분야를문학출판번역, 전문번역, 영상미디어번역으로구분하면각분야별로적용되고있는요율은대략다음과같다. (1) 출판번역 가. 번역료지급방식대부분의출판사에서출판번역을위해이루어지는번역은외국어에서한국어로의언어조합이거의대부분이라할수있다. 이때번역료를지급하는방식은일시불지급혹은매절방식과인세방식의둘로크게나뉜다. 매절방식은다시 번역후일시불지급 이 48.4%, 시기별분할지급 이 23.1%, 번역전일시불지급 이 15% 로나타났다. 하지만번역원고가출판된이후책의판매고에따라일정금액을인세로지불하는 인세방식 은 4.4% 에불과하여번역출판의경우인세보다는일시불형태지불이일반적인양상임을알수있다 11). 출판계에따르면예전에는인세방식이약간늘어나는추세였으나, 최근에는 A급번역사들을중심으로다시일시급지급으로환원되는경향이나타나고있다. 11) 백원근, 번역출판의현황, 기획회의 149 호 (2005), 26 쪽. 22 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
나. 번역요율외국어로부터한국어로의번역의경우번역요율은번역사의등급, 출판사규모, 출발어 (source language, SL) 등에따라차등적용된다. 출발어가영어텍스트의경우에는 200자원고지를기준으로 2,000~3,000원의번역료를지급하는경우가가장많다. 12) < 표 2-18> 영어 한국어번역에대한번역요율 (200 자원고지기준 ) 요율 3,000-4,000 원 2,000-3,000 원 2,000 원이하기타 비중 12.5% 37.6% 21.6% 28.3% 출판사규모면에서는상위출판사일수록 200자원고지한장당출발어가영어일때 3,500~4,000원수준의원고료를지불하는비중이상대적으로더높으며, 출발어에따라적용되는번역요율도다음과같이달라진다. 13) < 표 2-19> 출발어에따른번역요율 (200 자원고지기준 ) 언어영어불 독어일어중국어 요율 3,500-4,000 원 3,500-4,000 원 2,500-3,500 원 2,000-4,000 원 (2) 전문번역요율 전문번역의경우번역이이루어지는언어조합방향을출발어 (source language, SL) 와도착어 (target language, TL) 를사용하는대신, A언어 (L A), B언어 (L B) 및 C언어 (L C ) 라는용어를사용하여나타낸다. 이때 L A 는번역사의모국어로서우리나라상황에서는대부분한국어를가리킨다. L B 는번역사가모국어수준에버금가는구사력을가진제1외국어를가리키는반면, L C 는번역사의모국어도아니면서, L B 에비해구사력이떨어지는제2외국어를가리킨다. 14) L AL B 의번역은번역사의 12) 백원근, 26쪽 13) 한기호, 60쪽. 14) 이구분법은국제회의통역사협회 (AIIC) 의규정을준용한것이다. Ⅱ. 국내번역환경조사 23
모국어로부터제1외국어로의번역을, L B L A 의번역은번역사의제1외국어로부터모국어로의번역을가리킨다. 전문번역요율은크게대학원수준에서의전문적번역훈련을받은전문번역사들의요율과이들자격요건과관계없이이루어지는기타번역사들의요율두가지수준에서요율범위가형성되어있다고생각할수있다. 가. 전문번역사들의요율 < 표 2-20> 대학원별, 언어별전문번역사번역요율비교 학교명그룹 L A L B L B L A 비고 한국외국어대학교통번역원 영, 일, 중 (1 그룹 ) 불, 독, 서 (2 그룹 ) 원문 1 자 ( 공백포함 ) 최저 60 원, 원고지환산 12,000~ 원문 1 자 ( 공백포함 ) 최저 66 원 영어 1 단어최저 80 원일어 1 자최저 30 원중어 1 자최저 40 원 불어 1 단어최저 80 원독, 서 1 단어최저 100 원 1 그룹보다 10% 가중치 러시아, 아랍 (3 그룹 ) 원문 1 자 ( 공백포함 ) 최저 72 원 1 단어최저 100 원 1 그룹보다 20% 가중치 이화여자대학교통역번역연구소 영, 불 원문 1 자당최저 80 원 원문 1 자당최저 120 원 감수 : 번역료의 20% 추가 / 타기관수행번역결과물일경우영, 불 : 단어당최저 60 원 ~, 중, 일 : 자당최저 20 원 ~ 중 원문 1 자당최저 60 원 원문 1 자당최저 40 원 일 원문 1 자당최저 80 원 원문 1 자당최저 40 원 서울외국어대학원대학교통역번역센터 영, 일, 중, 불, 독, 서, 포, 아랍, 마인어 러시아어 40,000 ~ 60,000 ( 감수료포함 ) 50,000 ~ 60,000 ( 감수료포함 ) 20,000 ~ 30,000 25,000 ~ 30,000 결과물 25 행 1 매 (12 폰트 ) 기준 24 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
< 표 2-21> 언어조합별일반번역업체번역요율분포 15) ( 단위 : 천원 ) 나. 일반번역업체단가분포 언어조합 영 한 한 영 일 한 한 일 중 한 한 중 가격분포 9~18 14~35 8~18 13~28 7~18 12~50 밀집가격대 12~15 18~20 12~14 18~20 15 20 언어조합 불, 독 한 한 불, 독 러, 서 한 한 러, 서 기타 한 한 기타 가격분포 18~35 25~ 52 20~40 35~60 25~70 35~120 밀집가격대 25 35 30 40~45 40~50 60~70 기타제시기준 A4 용지, 12 포인트, 25 라인, 상하좌우여백 3cm ( 가장일반적 ) 한글 200~220 단어, 영어 220~300 단어, 일중 600~800 자원어민감수 30~50% 추가기술, 전문번역 120~150%, 의학 130~160%, 문학, 예술 200% 번역사의전문적훈련여부및자격요건이외에, 번역요율의편차에영향을주는또다른요인은감수료의포함여부라할수있다. 동일한전문번역기관의경우에도한국외국어대학교통번역원의경우도착어원어민의언어감수 (linguistic proofreading & editing) 를전제로최종도착어텍스트가완성되는것을전제하는데비해, 이화여자대학교통번역연구소의경우에는감수를원하는경우에한하여별도비용을추가하도록하고있다. 일반번역업체의경우에는도착어원어민에의한감수료를 30~50% 까지추가로요구한다. 이는시장에서가격경쟁력으로승부하기위해번역료는상대적으로낮은수준에서책정하는대신감수료의비중을높여전체적인수입을높이려는상술때문인경우가많다. 이경우문제가되는것은한국어가모국어, 즉 L A 번역사가대부분인우리번역상황에서도착어 L B 의구사력은상대적으로떨어진다는점이다. 때문에도착어원어민의감수가필수적임에도이를번역서비스에반드시포함시키지않아결과적으로번역결과물의수준을저해하는결과를낳게된다. 이부분은뒤의제4장및제5장에서상술하게될것이다. 두번째로주목할것은전문번역시장규모에대한정확한통계는없지만해당업계에서약 1조원에달하는것으로추정하고있는데비해, 전문번역사들로이루어지는공신력있는전문번역기관이담당하는번역업무의비중이극히미미하다는 15) 20 여개번역업체의웹페이지를조사하여정리한결과임. Ⅱ. 국내번역환경조사 25
것이다. 우리사회에서전문번역교육을담당하고있는대학원수준의교육기관가운데학교부설기관을통해번역서비스를직접제공하고있는곳가운데수주규모가가장큰것으로알려진곳은한국외국어대학교통번역원, 이화여자대학교통역번역연구소, 서울외국어대학교대학원통역번역센터의세곳이다. 이세기관의비공식적인연간번역수주규모는 50억원미만으로, 전체추정시장의 1% 에도미치지못한다. 물론대학원이상의전문번역교육을받은전문번역사들이이세기관을통해서만번역서비스를제공하는것이아니라다른민간에이전시등을통해서도중복적으로활동하는것이사실이다. 또이들전문교육기관에서전문번역교육을받고활동하는번역사들만이질적으로우수한번역결과물을생산할수있는것도아니고, 또이들기관을통해공급되는번역결과물의수준이모두우수하다고단언할수있는것도아니다. 그러나우리나라에서대표적인전문번역교육기관이직접제공하는번역서비스가전체번역시장에서단지 1% 미만을담당한다는것은바람직한현상이라고보기는어렵다. < 표 2-22> 3 개통역번역대학원연간번역수주액 연도 2005 2006 세기관연간번역수주액 16) 3,900,000,000 4,340,000,000 이것은일반민간번역에이전시를통해이루어지는번역료와연관시켜서도생각해볼수있는문제이다. 이들기관을통해이루어지는번역이그수준면에서질적경쟁력을갖는다면자본주의사회에서굳이전문교육기관부설번역서비스에서요구하는번역료보다훨씬저렴한번역료를요구할리만무하기때문이다. 결국품질경쟁력보다는가격경쟁력으로승부하는경우가다반사라는것이다. 전체적인번역결과물수준저하가갖는함의는제4장에서보다심도있게논의될것이다. 16) 통역을제외한순수번역수주액만을대상으로함. 세기관가운데한곳에서는비공식적자료공개도거절하였기때문에다른두기관중수주규모가높은쪽의수주액을각각준용하였음. 26 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
(3) 영상미디어번역요율 영상미디어번역요율은다른분야번역요율에비해편차가훨씬더심해서, 최고열배정도의차이가나타나기도한다. 현재한국외국어대학교통번역원이나이화여대통역번역연구소등의전문기관에서고시하고있는번역요율분포는다음과같다. < 표 2-23> 전문기관번역요율분포 언어방향 L B L A L A L B 번역요율분포 30,000~200,000 120,000~500,000 평균요율 150,000 200,000 비고 ( 기타기준 ) - 대본유무에따라 50% 추가 - 자막, 더빙구분에따라 50% 추가 - 한 외의경우 2 배 - 기준 /10 분 그런데실제로해당분야에서활동하는번역사들에게적용되는요율은이와는상당한차이를보여서, 공중파방송을위한프로그램더빙 17) 의경우에는 10분기준으로 18만원 ~20 만원대에서번역요율이적용된다. 케이블방송국이나영상미디어번역서비스아웃소싱을전문으로하는업체들의경우에는이보다더욱심각하여, 자막번역을기준으로 10분당 5~6 만원수준에서지급하며, 심한경우초보번역사들을대상으로 90분전후의프로그램을일괄적으로 25~30 만원의번역료로지급하는경우도적지않다. 영화를위한영상번역의경우에는배급사들이자체적으로번역사풀을운영하면서번역업무를맡기는데, 번역사의명성과경력, 영화의흥행예상및수준에따라 A급은영화편당 (90~100분기준 ) 250만원, B급은 150만원, C급은 100만원수준에서번역료를지급하는것이보통이다. 17) 영상미디어번역은크게문자로제공하는자막번역 (subtitiling), 성우의목소리로제공하는더빙 (dubbing), 원문텍스트발화자의음성이작게들리는위에번역텍스트를성우의목소리로덧입히는보이스 - 오버 (voice-over) 의세가지형태로이루어진다. 더빙이나보이스 - 오버의경우원문텍스트발화자의입모양과성우의입모양을가능한한맞추는추가노력이필요하므로, 번역요율이더높아진다.( 정호정, 제대로된통역 번역의이해, 한국문화사, 2007 년 ) Ⅱ. 국내번역환경조사 27
2.3. 교육기관현황 (1) 정규교육기관 가. 기관수우리나라에서의전문적통역번역교육은 1979년한국외국어대학교내에통역대학원설립이그효시이다. 이후 1990년대이후 걸프전 과 세계화 가전세계적영향력을발휘하면서통역번역에대한우리사회의관심이높아지기시작하였고, 이에따라다양한수준에서의통역번역교육에대한사회의관심역시증대되었다. 1997 년이화여자대학교통역번역대학원설립과 2002년서울외국어대학원대학교의설립을포함하여 2007 년 8월현재 12개의통역번역관련대학원이운영되고있다. < 표 2-24> 국내대학원과정통번역교육기관 ( 가나다순, 2007년 8월기준 ) 교육기관 번역과정 순차통역 동시통역 고려대인문정보대학원 계명대국제학대학원 동국대국제정보대학원 부산외대통역번역대학원 서울외국어대학원대학교 선문대통역번역대학원 성균관대 TESOL 번역대학원 X X 이화여대통역번역대학원 제주대통역대학원 중앙대학교국제대학원 한국외대통역번역대학원 한동대통역번역대학원 한동안통역번역교육을담당해왔던베네스다통역대학원이 2004 년 6월폐교하였으나, 2005 년중앙대학교국제대학원에서통역번역과정을마련하여그수는다 28 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
시 12개가되었다. 또한지적되어야할것은고려대와계명대, 동국대, 중앙대는독립적인통역번역대학원을운영하는것이아니라타분야전문대학원내에통역번역과정을포함시켜놓았다는것이다. 그리고성균관대 TESOL 번역대학원을제외하면나머지모든대학원에서는번역과통역교육을동시에실시하고있음을알수있다. 본연구의취지에따라각대학원에서제공하고있는번역관련교육과정을정리하면다음과같다. < 표 2-25> 각대학원번역교육과정개요 교육기관개설연도교육과정명칭개설언어 고려대인문정보대학원 1997 년 영어번역통역학과중국어번역학과 영, 중 계명대국제학대학원 1999 년 영어통번역학과일본어통번역학과중국어통번역학과 영, 일, 중 동국대국제정보대학원 2002 년영어통 번역전공과정영 부산외대통역번역대학원 2003 년한영과, 한중과, 한일과영, 일, 중 서울외대통번역대학원 2003 년 한영통역번역학과한중통역번역학과한일통역번역학과 영, 일, 중 선문대통역번역대학원 2001 년 한영과, 한중과, 한러과, 한일과, 한서과 영, 중, 러, 일, 서 성균관대 TESOL 번역대학원 2000 년번역학과영 이화여대통역번역대학원 1997 년한영과, 한불과, 한중과, 한일과영, 불, 중, 일 제주대통역대학원 2000 년한영과, 한독과, 한중과, 한일과영, 독, 중, 일 중앙대국제대학원 2005 년 Advanced Interpretation & Translation 영, 중, 러 한국외대통역번역대학원 1979 년 한영과, 한불과, 한독과, 한노과, 한서과, 한중과, 한일과, 한아과 영, 불, 독, 러, 서, 중, 일, 아랍 한동대통역번역대학원 2001 년한영통역번역학과영 한편학부수준에서의통역번역관련교육프로그램은다음과같다. Ⅱ. 국내번역환경조사 29
< 표 2-26> 각학부번역교육과정개요 교육기관개설연도교육과정명칭개설언어 건양대학교 N/A 18) 어번역실습, 일본시사번역, 일본현대소설번역, 관광통역일본어, 뉴스통역일본어, 일한전문번역실습과목 ), 중국 EFL 영어과 ( 영어통번역과목 ), 일본언어문화학과 ( 일본 언어문화학과 ( 통역실무, 번역실무과목 ) 영, 일, 중 경희대학교 1999 영어학부통번역학전공영 계명대학교 N/A 미국학과 ( 번역의이론과실제, 통역의이론과실제과목 ), 일본학과 ( 일본어통역연습, 한일번역입문과목 ), 중국학과 ( 중국어통번역연습과목 ), 영어영문학과 ( 번역의이론과실제과목 ), 독일어문학과 ( 독일어번역연습 (1), (2) 과목 ), 중국어문학과 ( 중국어번역연습, 중국어통역연습과목 ), 일본어문학과 ( 일본어번역연습과목 ), 러시아어문학과 ( 러시아어번역연습과목 ) 영, 중, 독, 일, 러 금강대학교 2002 대구외국어대학교 2002 통상 / 행정학부통상통역학전공 ( 번역연습, 순차통역, 수행통역, 번역세미나, 미디어번역, 문장구역, 노트테이킹, 전문번역, 동시통역, 국제회의연습, 소설번역등 ) 영어통번역전공, 일본어통번역전공, 중국어통번역전공 ( 통번역입문, 통역, 내용기록, 일반번역, 순차통역등 ) 영, 일, 중 영, 일, 중 동국대학교 2002 영어통번역전공 ( 통역, 번역, 시사등 ) 영어 동덕여자대학교 N/A 영어과 ( 통번역의이해와연습 ), 일본어과 ( 일한번역의이론과실제 ), 프랑스어과 ( 불한번역연습 ), 독일어과 ( 독일어번역연습 ), 중국어과 ( 통번역연습 ) 영, 일, 불, 독, 중 동양대학교 N/A 관광영어과 ( 관광중국어회화, 관광가이드영어등 ) 영, 중 부산외국어대학교 N/A 영어학부영어커뮤니케이션통번역전공트랙 ( 영어번역과표현, 영어통역연습등 ) 영 선문대학교 N/A 영어학부 ( 통번역입문, 순차통역, 영한번역등 ) 영 한국외국어대학교 2000 영어대학영어통번역학과 ( 영한 / 한영번역, 순차통역, 문장구역, 미디어번역, 노트테이킹등 ) 그외다수의학과에서통번역관련수업제공 영어등 한동대학교 N/A 국제어문학부영어전공 ( 영한통역입문, 영한번역입문, 미디어번역, 문학과번역, 영한순차통역, 국제회의실습, 영한동시통역등 ) 영 한양대학교 N/A 영어영문학과 ( 영한번역연습 ), 독어독문학과 ( 번역의테크닉 ) 영, 독 한중대학교 ( 구동해대학교 ) N/A 한중통번역학과 ( 중국어통역등 ) 중 홍익대학교 N/A 영어영문학과 ( 통번역입문, 통번역연습, 고급통번역 ), 독어독문학과 ( 번역의이론과실제, 번역독문학 ), 불어불문학과 ( 번역불문학 ) 영, 독, 불 18) 표에포함된학교중대부분은통번역관련학과를별도로개설하기보다는기존학과에서관련수업을제공하는형태로통번역프로그램을운영하고있다. 따라서프로그램최초개설연도가아닌수업개설년도에대한자료는확보가어려웠다. 30 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
주목할것은우리나라에서의통역번역대학원이나학부에서의통역번역학과의설립역사가길지않다는점이다. 2000 년이후, 특히 2002 년한일월드컵을전후한 2000 년부터 2003년사이에설립된경우가많다는것은특기할만하다. 나. 교과과정대학원에서의교육목표가직업인으로서의전문번역사양성인반면, 학부에서의교육목표는보다복잡하다. 기본적으로는직업인으로서의전문번역사를지망하는학생들에게자신의소양과소질을판단하여향후진로로추구할수있는발판을마련해주는동시에, 그렇지않은학생들에게는한국어와외국어의양대언어를매개로이루어지는이문화간커뮤니케이션 (inter-cultural communication) 에대해폭넓고도체계적인이해를제공하고, 이를다양한수준에서수행할수있는능력을배양하는것이목적이다. 따라서대학원교과과정의경우통역번역이론, 도착어를모국어로사용하는문화권, 통역번역실습훈련수업이주를이루는한편, 통역번역대상언어의구사력제고를위한수업은상대적으로비중이낮다. 반면학부수준에서의교과과정은통역번역대상언어, 특히모국어가아닌외국어의구사력제고를위한수업의중요성이상대적으로커진다. 다. 평가및문제제기대부분의통역번역교육기관의교과과정의공통된첫번째특징은통역과번역을병행교육하고있다는점으로, 예외적으로성균관대와이화여대가번역교육프로그램을독립적으로운영하고있다. 더나아가교과구성상번역보다통역에더큰비중이주어져있는학교들도적지않다. 학교별교과과정은피교육자들의성향과희망, 담당교수진의배경과구성, 피교육자인학생들이졸업후실제활동하게될통역번역시장의동향과규모등다양한요인의영향을받기마련이다. 그러나통역이번역보다어려운일이고통역사가번역사보다더우수한능력을가졌다는사회적통념의존재를부인하기어렵고, 이것이통역번역교육교과과정에서직간접적인영향을주고있음을인정하지않을수없다. 실제로학생들이졸업후실제전문번역사로활동하기위해서는필요한다양한번역능력을규정하고이를배양하는데실질적인도움을줄수있는교과과정의보완필요성이시급하다. 예를들어경제, 경영, 국제관계, 법지식등다양한주제분야에대한배경지식을배양할수있는콘텐츠수업의세분화및강화, 분야별 Ⅱ. 국내번역환경조사 31
전문용어와병렬텍스트찾기를위한자료조사방법론등의도입, 컴퓨터를활용한번역 (CAT), 데스크탑출판을위한편집교육제공등도이런취지에서검토할수있는대안이될것이다. 3. 번역결과물수준관리 3.1. 평가및감수 번역결과물의수준을체계적이고일관되게분석하고평가하는풍토가정착되어야만사회전반에걸쳐우수한번역이살아남을수있다. 우수한번역결과물을장려하기위해서는경쟁체제와공정하고엄격한평가가필수적이다. 여기서말하는광의의번역결과물에대한평가는크게감수와비평과협의의평가를포함하는것으로서, 평가는다시절대적평가와상대적평가로구분될수있다. 각각의평가범주별목적과내용은다음과같다. < 표 2-27> 평가범주별목적및내용 평가 감수절대적평가상대적평가비평 Revision Assessment Evaluation Critic Proofreading Editing 문장표면에서나타나는단순하고이분법적인오류, 예를들어철자오류나구두점오류, 문법의성수일치위반등명백한오류의수정을목적으로함문장표면에서나타나는단순하고이분법적인오류의수정이외에, 도착텍스트의가독성, 표현의관용성을높일수있도록수정하여도착텍스트의전반적인완성도제고를목적으로함 번역결과물의분석을통해해당번역결과물이번역목적에따라적절한번역과정및중개기재를사용하여도착텍스트로서재생산되었는지를판단번역결과물이수치화계량화될수있는기준에따라도착텍스트로기능할수있는것으로번역독자들에게수용 (acceptance) 될수있는지를상대적으로판단도착텍스트의구성및완성도, 번역과정에서적용된번역기재의적절성등번역의전체적인장단점을판단 32 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
이상의분류법을기준으로할때, 실제번역결과물을평가하여수용가능한것으로판단하고사용하든지, 아니면수용불가능한것으로판단하여수정또는재번역을의뢰하는방법, 혹은내부감수자나외부전문감수인력의도움을받아수정하여사용하는방법이번역결과물수준관리와가능하여바람직한접근법이라하겠다. 그러나지금까지는우리사회에서번역결과물수준에대한평가가제대로이루어지지않았는데, 그이유는다음과같다. (1) 번역결과물수준평가를위한객관적기준에대한합의부족 번역결과물의객관적평가풍토의부재는번역평가작업이쉽지않기때문이다. 평가시어떤기준을적용하느냐는물론, 누가어떤목적으로평가하느냐에따라평가결과는큰차이를보이게된다. 예를들어언어순수주의자는번역투의사용에좀더비판적일것이지만언어현실주의자는그사회에서이미수용되고통용되는번역투정도는받아들여야한다고판단할것이다. 또출판번역을위한출판사편집자는도착어완성도나가독성을더중시하는반면, 고전적인문학작품번역의경우문학가는원문에의충실성을더높게요구할것이다. 번역투의문장에익숙해져이에대한용인도가높아져있고번역텍스트만을읽게되는번역독자의판단기준은원문텍스트와번역텍스트를비교하면서원문텍스트의특정한의도나효과가번역텍스트에서도구현되고있는지를보고자하는전문번역사비평가의그것과는다를것이자명하다. 이처럼번역결과물의수준평가를위해원문텍스트에의충실성, 혹은도착어문화권의사회문화언어적관습에부합되는텍스트로서의기능성가운데어떤것을가늠자로선택하는가에따라평가결과는달라질수밖에없다. 뿐만아니라원문텍스트의이해력, 도착어로재구성 재표현하는능력, 언어적및텍스트로서의완성도등등을평가기준으로수용하더라도이를계량화한객관적기준을마련하기어렵다. 번역평가기준에대한합의도출의어려움은우리사회에서번역을텍스트전체 (text profile) 로놓고전체적종합적으로평가하는번역비평이활발하게이루어지지못하는결과를가져왔다. 대신텍스트내적구성요소 (text-internal elements) 에대한지엽적이고단편적인지적이번역평가와비평을대신해왔는데, 인명이나지명같은고유명사의음가표기, 텍스트내에서다루어지고있는역사적사실과같은정보처리의정확성, 문법적오류나번역투지적같은것이그대표적인예일것이다. 이제는우리사회가엄격하고체계적인번역수준평가기준에대한논의를활성화하고, 이를통해질적으로우수한번역을적극적으로요구하는풍토를자리잡 Ⅱ. 국내번역환경조사 33
아나가야할것이다. 이것이단시일내에이루어질것으로기대하기는어렵기때문에그과정에서할수있는제한된범위내에서라도번역결과물에대한엄격한평가와그결과를근거로한사용을확산시켜야할것이다. (2) 질적으로만족스럽지못한번역물에대한소극적문제제기 번역평가기준에대한사회적합의부족이외에도질적으로떨어지는번역에대한소극적인문제제기풍토도우수한번역을확보하는데걸림돌로작용한다. 예를들어전문번역의경우구체적으로문제를제기하고, 전면적인수정이나재번역을의뢰하거나, 번역텍스트자체의수용을거부하는일은심각한오류나문제가있을때뿐으로, 어느정도의오류나미완성은용인되어오고있다. 이런번역사용자의관용적태도는번역사들로하여금우수한번역을해내려고자하는유인이되지못한다. 본연구를위해실시된설문조사결과, 실제로외주번역으로납본된번역결과물에대한만족도는낮은편이다. 외부번역사나번역회사에발주한번역결과물에대하여절반가량 (52.78%) 의응답자가 보통 이라고밝혔고 만족한다 가 25%, 매우만족한다 가 2.8%, 불만스럽다 가 19.5% 였다. 따라서전체가운데만족하는비율이 30% 에못미치고있었다. 외주에의해공급된번역결과물수준에불만스럽다고응답한경우를대상으로불만족이유를물었을때외국어답게번역되지않은점 (23.6%), 번역문이원문의목적 ( 홍보, 안내, 정보전달등 ) 에부합하지않은점 (22.1%), 번역된용어나표현이부적절한점 (28.9%) 을꼽았다. 그가운데에서도가장불만스러운첫번째원인은원문의목적에부합하지않게번역된점 (30.4%) 이었다. 기관외부에의해번역물에대한문제제기를받는일이비일비재할정도로많아외주번역결과물의수준은떨어진다. 번역결과물에관해번역담당자이외의사람으로부터번역수준에대한지적을받은경험이있는지를조사해본결과, 조사대상의 68.4% 가있다고응답하였고, 31.6% 는없다고밝혀, 조사대상기관의약 70% 가번역수준에대해외부의지적을받은적이있는것으로나타났다. 이는실제사용되고있는번역의수준이그만큼열악하다는반증이기도하다. 외주에의해공급된번역결과물이만족스럽지않은경우, 조사대상기관의 59.5% 는문제를제기하였고, 이가운데 50% 가조금이라도불만이있으면문제제기를한다고밝혔다. 40.9% 는아주심한경우에, 9.1% 는다른사람의구체적인지적이있는경우에만문제를제기한다고응답하였다. 조금이라도불만이있으면문제 34 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
를제기하는경우가응답자의절반에불과한것으로보아공공기관에서번역의질과완성도를높이기위하여적극적으로개입하는경우가많지않음을알수있다. 또한나머지절반가량은불만의정도가아주심한경우나다른사람의구체적인지적이있는경우에만번역결과물에문제를제기한다고밝혔다. 책임소재를피하기위한이같은수동적대응을고려할때, 공공기관에서번역업무담당자가번역의중요성을인식하여번역결과물의수준을높이기위하여보다적극적인노력을기울일것이요구된다. (3) 번역결과물수준평가및감수제도의미정착 위에서추측할수있는것은번역결과물에대한수준평가가사실상제대로이루어지지않는다는것이다. 실제설문에서각기관에서번역이이루어진결과물에대해번역수준을평가하는작업이이루어지는지를조사해본결과, 평가를하는기관이 56.8%, 평가를하지않는기관이 43.2% 로집계되었다. 평가를하지않는경우가거의절반에해당한다는이조사결과는주목할필요가있다. 번역결과물에대한적절한평가가이루어지지않는다는것은번역이제대로이루어졌는지에대한사후검증작업이부재함을의미하고, 이는번역결과물에문제가있었다고하더라도인식하지못하고아무런조치를취하지않은채결과물을사용함을뜻한다. 번역결과물에대한평가가이루어지지않을경우, 수준이낮은번역결과물을만들어낸번역사나번역회사에또다른번역을의뢰하게될것이고질낮은번역결과물의양산이라는악순환이계속될것이다. 번역결과물에대한평가가이루어지지않는이유에대해서는, 응답자의절대다수인 76.5% 가기관내에평가를담당할전문가가전무하다고밝혔고, 전문가는있지만번역결과물의양이많아다평가하기어렵다는응답이 11.8%, 감수는번역을맡은외부업체가할일이라고생각한다는응답이 11.8% 였다. 기관내에번역수준을평가할전문가의부재가가장중요한이유임을알수있다. 전문가의부재와전문가가있다해도번역결과물의양이많아다평가하기어렵다는응답에서공공기관의번역을전문적으로감수하고수준을평가해주는공공시스템의필요성을제안할수있다. 마지막으로번역수준의평가는번역을맡은외부업체가알아서할일이라고생각하여평가과정을생략하는기관이 11.8% 라는결과에서, 비록일부기관이기는하지만수준높은번역결과물을만들어내려는적극적인노력이부족함을알수있다. 일차적으로번역결과물의수준에대한평가도제대로이루어지지못하는실정에 Ⅱ. 국내번역환경조사 35
서감수가적극적으로제대로이루어질것으로기대하기는어려울것이다. 설문에서 별도감수를하지않는다 라고응답한경우는전체의 7.7% 에불과한것으로나타났지만, 이것이감수가제대로이루어지고있음을의미한다고받아들이기는어려울것이다. 실제로각기관에서번역결과물을감수하는사람이누구인가를묻는설문에외국인에게감수를의뢰하는경우가 34.6%, 외국어를전공한직원이감수하는경우가 19.2%, 기타가 17.3%, 번역결과물의주제지식과배경지식이풍부한직원이감수하는경우가 15.4% 로나타났다. 제대로된번역은도착어언어구사력뿐만아니라텍스트에다루어지고있는내용에대한배경지식과전문주제지식을모두필요로한다. 특히설문조사대상번역결과물의특성상외국인들에게생소한한국적인용어, 개념, 표현등이많이등장하여그러한요소를정확히이해하지못하고외국어로옮겼을경우명백한오역이나부적절한번역이되고, 이것은다시의도하는커뮤니케이션효과를충족시키지못하게하기쉽다. 번역사가제대로번역을하기위해서는원문텍스트주제에관한폭넓은배경지식과깊이있는주제지식을갖추고있어야한다. 또한도착어인외국어의표현력등도일정수준이상이어야한다. 그럼에도단순히외국인또는주제지식이풍부한직원에의한감수만으로대신하면두가지측면을모두다루지못하기때문에의도하는감수효과를기대하기는어렵다. 3.2. 우수한번역확보를저해하는구조적문제 (1) 번역업무전담인력확보및전문성강화 질적으로우수한번역결과물을담보할수있으려면번역수요가발생할때이를통합하여관리하고신뢰할수있는내부인력이나외부번역사에게번역을의뢰하고제공된번역결과물의수준을객관적으로평가하여감수를의뢰하거나아니면번역사에게재번역내지수정을요구하는것이반드시필요하다. 그러기위해서는번역과번역업무처리절차를잘아는전담인력의존재가필수적이고, 내부적으로번역수요를충족시킬수있는번역인력이존재하거나신뢰할수있고검증된번역인력풀을운영할수있어야한다. 그러나우리현실에서는이것이불가능하다. 각기관에서번역관련업무를담당하는직원의전공은외국어전공자가 32.4% 로가장많았고, 외국유학경력자가 30.9%, 비외국어전공자가 16.2%, 통번역전 36 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
공자가 8.8% 로나타났다. 외국어전공자나외국유학경력자, 통번역전공자가 70% 정도를차지하여대부분의기관에서번역에관한이해도가높은직원이번역업무를담당하고있는것처럼볼수도있을것이다. 그러나번역이양대언어구사력만으로이루어지는것이아니므로번역과번역과정자체에대해전문적이지는않더라도어느정도의기본적인이해를갖고있는사람이업무를추진할때보다효과적이고효율적일수있음은당연하다. 또한발생한번역수요에대해적당한번역사들을확보하고, 외주번역시적용할업무절차나규정등을파악하고숙지하고있는것도번역업무전담인력에게중요한요건이라하겠다. 현실적으로는번역전담직원들이이런요건을충족시키기때문에관련업무를수행하기보다는순환보직원칙에의해돌아가며일을담당하는데다, 전임자의업무추진내역이나처리규정및절차, 번역결과물목록및파일등등이체계적으로정리되거나 DB화되어후임자에게인수인계되는경우는거의없다는것이본연구과정에서이루어진심층면접과정에서드러났다. 번역전반이나번역과관련한일처리과정에대한적절한훈련과경험이부족한인력에의한업무추진은우수한번역을확보하기위해바람직하다고말하기어려울것이다. 이런맥락에서각기관및부서별번역담당인력의적절한선발이나배치를통해전문성을강화하는것이매우긴요해진다. 앞서설문에서비외국어전공자가번역을담당하거나, 기관내에번역관련업무를담당하는직원이없어외부업체에일임한다고대답한기관도약 30% 에달해기관내에번역을전담하거나관리할수있는전문인력부족의심각성을알수있다. 실제로각기관별로번역수요가존재함에도불구하고번역이이루어지지않는이유를묻는설문에 21.2% 가번역사업을추진할담당자나담당부서가없음을꼽았다는것은이런맥락에서시사하는바가매우크다하겠다. (2) 안정적인전문번역인력풀확보및운영필요 각기관에서번역이필요한경우고정적으로거래하는외부번역사나번역회사가있는지를조사해본결과, 있는경우가 36.8%, 없는경우가 63.2% 였다. 즉대다수의기관이번역수요가발생할때마다새로운번역사나번역회사에의뢰함을시사한다. 각기관에서번역을필요로하는대부분의자료는이전에유사한자료를번역한경험이있는번역사가번역을할때질적으로완성도가높을것이다. 무엇보다도해당기관에대한배경지식, 번역해야할주제에대한이해도, 필요한 Ⅱ. 국내번역환경조사 37
정보의수집, 용어사용의일관성측면에서해당기관의번역을처음해보는번역사보다는나을것이자명하다. 그런데설문조사결과와같이대부분의기관에서고정적으로의뢰하는번역사가없다는사실은, 이전에번역의질을보장해줄수있는번역사나번역회사와거래하지못해서매번새로운번역사로대체함을의미한다. 문화사업, 기초예술및한국학연구를통해한국의세계화를추진하는공공기관에서안정적으로번역을의뢰할수있는번역사를확보하고있지못하다는현실은시사하는바가크다. (3) 공공기관의번역예산확충시급 현재기관내에번역이필요한자료가많은데번역이이루어지지않고있다면그이유가무엇인가를묻는질문에서 33.3% 가예산부족을꼽았고, 24.3% 가번역할적임자의부재를, 21.2% 가번역사업을추진할담당자나담당부서가없다고응답하였다. 전체번역수요의 51.6% 를외주에의해충족시키고있는현실에서필요한번역을제때에공급하기위해필요한예산을확보할수있도록하는노력이시급하다. 4. 번역제반인프라 4.1. 각종사전현황 효과적이고질적으로수준높은번역을하기위해번역사에게요구되는 4대요건은양대대상언어의구사력이외에양대문화차이를인식하고중개하는방법을포함한통역번역방법론에대한지식, 그리고번역대상텍스트에서다루고있는주제와관련한폭넓은배경지식과깊이있는주제지식이다. 주제지식은해당주제분야에대한이해와전문용어에대한지식으로이루어진다. 바꾸어말하면번역대상텍스트의전문성이높아질수록전문용어사전이나관련기관의내부용어집등이제공되어야제대로정확한전문용어를구사하는수준높은번역이가능하다. 이를위해서는우선다양한주제분야별로전문용어집이나이중언어로된전문용어사전이필요하다. 그러나아직까지는이런자원들이턱없이부족함을본연구를통해확인할수있었다. 38 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
(1) 언어및전문용어사전 기존에출판되어있는사전들은기본적으로언어사전에불과한경우가많아, 번역사들의업무수행에필요한이중언어전문사전등을찾아보기어려웠다. 다음은현재시중에출간된사전들을범주별로정리한표이다. 19) < 표 2-28> 문화 예술 인문학관련전문사전 ( 언어명기를하지않은경우 ) 분류 사전명 저자명 / 편자명 출판사명 연도 세계문화사전 강준만 인물과사상사 2005 한국언어문화사전 Suh Cheong soo 편 한글문화세계화운동본부 2003 영미문화사전 정연재편저 영어포럼 2004 프랑스문화사전 한국불어교육연구회저 어문학사 1999 문화 (9) 세계영화문화사전박성학편저집문당 2001 한국복식문화사전김영숙편저미술문화 1998 세계복식사문화사전 ( 세계복식문화사도감 ) 세계복식사편찬위원회편한국사전연구사 1997 한국문화재용어사전 김광언지음 한림출판사 2004 한국학사전 黃忠基編著 국학자료원 2002 클래식음악용어사전 편집부외 삼호뮤직 2001 음악용어사전 사전편찬위원회외 일신서적출판사 1999 Dictionary of music 서울대학교서양음악연구소편 음악세계 2002 파퓰러음악용어사전삼호뮤직 [ 편 ] 삼호뮤직 2002 음악 (9) 한국창작음악사전 윤중강 ; 이주연 ; 박은혜 [ 공 ] 엮음 민속원 2005 대중음악사전 로이셔커지음 ; 이정엽 ; 장호연 [ 공 ] 옮김 한나래 1999 파퓰러음악사전김기호편저아름출판사 1995 國樂大事典張師勛著세광음악출판사 1995 ( 음악용어사전 )12 音 - 音樂言語李如辰저음연 1995 19) 표를정리하면서같은사전의이전판본, 1990 년대이전에출간되어효용성이떨어진다고보이는사전, 아동등교육용사전은제외하였다. 영어사전이가장활발하게출판되고있는현실을감안하여기타외국어사전은포함시키지않았다. Ⅱ. 국내번역환경조사 39
美術事典 1( 用語篇 ) 한국사전연구사편한국사전연구사 1998 미술 (5) 옥스퍼드미술사전 해럴드오즈본편 ; 한국미술연구소옮김 시공사 2002 현대미술사전안연희엮음미진사 1999 현대미술사전 제라르듀로조이편저 ; [ 아르떼편집부편역 ] 아르떼 1994 사진용어사전유경선외미진사 1995 문학용어사전신희천 ; 조성준 [ 공 ] 편저청어 2001 문학용어사전 M.H. Abrams 지음 ; 최상규옮김 예림기획 1997 문학 (6) 한국근대문학풍속사전 : 1905-1919 이경훈태학사 2006 한국현대문학대사전권영민편서울대학교출판부 2004 문학사전문무학편저이상사 1999 北韓文學事典李明宰編국학자료원 1995 IVP 성경신학사전 데스몬드알렉산더 ; 브라이언로즈너 [ 공 ] 편집 ; 권영경...[ 등 ] 옮김 한국기독학생회출판부 2004 종교 (4) CLP 성경사전 CLP 성경사전편찬위원회지음 기독교문사 1997 성서문화사전 다니엘푸이유...[ 등 ] 지음 ; 김애련옮김 솔출판사 2001 한국종교문화사전한국종교사회연구소편저집문당 1991 알면신나는시사기술용어산업은행 2006 플러스시사용어사전배재균지음아테나 2002 시사 (5) 현대시사용어사전 (2007 전면개정판 ) 동아일보사출판팀지음동아일보사 2007 2006현대시사용어사전 편집부지음 동아일보사 2005 시사IT용어따라잡기 김학진지음 아이뉴스24 2005 미디어 뉴미디어백과사전 스티브존스지음, 이재현옮김 커뮤니케이션북스 2005 교육 알기쉬운특수교육용어 찰스미지외 ; 신현기옮김 도서출판특수교육 2006 심리 (2) 정신분석용어사전 미국정신분석학회지음, 이재훈옮김 한국심리치료연구소 2002 상담심리용어사전김상인엮음생명의샘가 2000 40 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
< 표 2-29> 문화 예술 인문학관련전문사전 ( 언어명기를한경우 ) 분류사전명저자명 / 편자명출판사연도 음악 (2) ( 신개념의 ) 음악영어사전김용건저들꽃누리 2006 5 개언어음악용어사전 * Roberto Braccini 저 ; 이철용등번역 편저 예당출판사 2003 종교신학영어사전安相任編大韓基督敎書會 1992 예술인테리어용어사전동방디자인교재개발원동방디자인 2006 시사 (2) 뉴파워시사, 경제영어사전盧德煥編著법영사 2000 시사영어사전타임연구편집부엮음시대연구사 1998 < 표 2-30> 경영 / 경제 공학 자연과학관련전문사전 ( 언어명기를하지않은경우 ) 분류사전명저자명 / 편자명출판사연도 경영 / 경제 (7) 2007 경제신어사전편집부지음매일경제신문사 2006 2007 신경제용어사전이청무지음더난출판 2006 현대경제학사전박은태지음경연사 2001 경제용어사전유동기외크로바출판사 1999 e 경제용어사전편집부외신원문화사 2003 무역용어사전전창원지음무역연구원 2000 무역실무용어사전 ( 개정증보판 ) 김한수지음국제금융연구원 1999 금융 / 회계회계용어사전고성삼외법문출판사 2003 부동산 (2) 컴퓨터 / 전자전기 (11) 부동산용어사전 Jack P. Friedman 지음, 강원철옮김 부동산일일사 2006 부동산금융용어사전유선종지음부연사 2006 컴퓨터네트워크정보통신용어강봉균지음상학당 2006 컴퓨터인터넷 IT 용어대사전 전산용어사전편찬위원회지음 일진사 2005 인터넷통신어휘사전권오경지음동인 ( 이성모 ) 2002 인터넷컴퓨터용어대사전임용택지음신아출판사 2000 Internet & Network 백과사전 정보통신용어사전 ( 제 5 판전면개정 )( 컴퓨터 인터넷 ) 히로시에사끼지음, 율마기획옮김 한국정보통신기술협회지음 영진.COM 2001 두산동아 2005 컴퓨터통신언어사전조오현지음역락 2002 Ⅱ. 국내번역환경조사 41
IT 용어대사전 편집부지음, 신하용옮김 성안당 2002 멀티미디어용어사전 ( 최신판 )(2 1 세기최신용어수록 ) 김소윤지음크라운출판사 2001 E+ 전자용어사전 월간전자기술지음 성안당 2007 전기용어사전 김동희지음 일진사 2005 기계 (2) 건축 (4) 화학 / 물리 (2) 의학 (2) 생물 (2) 기타과학 (3) 기계용어사전 ( 도해 ) 기계용어편찬회지음 일진사 2006 기계용어사전 ( 첨단 ) 첨단편집부지음 성안당 2006 AR+ 건축용어사전 현대건축용어편찬위지음 성안당 2007 최신건축용어종합대사전김도환지음대건사 2004 목재용어사전 토목용어사전 화학용어사전 이화학사전 [ 제 5 판 ] 정희석지음 토목관련용어편찬위원회지음 화학용어사전편찬회지음 장창삼랑지음, 대광서림편집부옮김 서울대학교출판부 2005 성안당 2005 일진사 2006 대광서림 2001 의학용어사전지제근외아카데미아 2006 해부학용어그림사전 아카데미생명과학사전 Heinz Feneis 지음, 정인혁옮김 생명과학사전편찬위원회외 아카데미아 2005 아카데미서적 2003 미생물학사전이갑상지음효일 2001 금속백과사전 목원정이지음, 대광서림편집부옮김 대광서림 2001 현대과학기술약어사전김상진지음연학사 2000 최신항공용어사전 ( 개정증보판 ) 이강희지음비행연구원 1998 42 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
< 표 2-31> 경영 / 경제 공학 자연과학관련전문사전 ( 언어명기를한경우 ) 분류사전명편집자출판사출판년도 경영 / 경제 (2) 금융 / 회계 (7) 영한경영회계용어사전노덕환지음법영사 2001 러. 영. 한경제용어사전 * 김정일외문예림 2006 금융용어사전 ( 한영 영한 ) 윤정문지음더난출판 2005 영어증권금융용어사전이동욱외신원문화사 2000 영한 한영회계용어사전김길조외법영사 2000 ( 한영 영한 ) 금융용어사전윤정문엮음더난출판사 2001 회계학영한 한영용어사전김경수편저광교 TNS 2003 경영, 회계영한사전曺廷煥著경북대학교출판부 1992 비즈니스영한사전小林薰편汎文社 1991 부동산부동산영한사전경응수지음부연사 2005 군사 (3) 생활 / 법률 (6) 컴퓨터 / 전자전기 수학 (2) 의학 (5) 군사영어사전林永昌編文武社 1993 실용군사영어사전 : 국방 외교 안보분야용어총망라 김정필편저민중서림 2006 최신군사용어한영사전金舜鉉編著연경문화사 2005 법률영한사전이상도지음청림출판 2002 법률영어사전이태희, 임홍근법문사 2007 지식재산법률영어정연용지음대광서림 2000 법률영한사전 長谷川俊明지음, 고창록옮김 광장서적출판부 1997 특허법률용어영한사전안대진편저한국특허정보원 2006 지식재산권영한사전특허청 [ 편 ] 특허청 2005 전산통계영한사전최태순편저교우사 1996 수학용어숙어영한 한영사전金容雲編祐成 1998 (New) 수학영한사전朴在均編著교우사 2005 영한한영의학사전 ( 제 3 판 ) 이우주지음아카데미서적 2006 영한 한영의학용어집편집부지음대한의사협회 2001 영한 한영의학사전편집부지음 KMS( 고문사 ) 2001 한의학한 영사전사전편찬위원회편저지문당 2004 (Mosby 영영한 ) 치의학사전 Thomas J. Zwemer 지음 ; 신금백...[ 등 ] 옮김 군자출판사 2004 Ⅱ. 국내번역환경조사 43
위의표들에서알수있듯이출판되어있는사전들은언어권명기가없는한국어사전이대부분으로용어등의설명에서필요할경우외국어표기가덧붙여질가능성이있겠으나전문번역사전이라고보기에는어려운일반사전이상당수를차지하고있었다. 편의상문화 예술 인문학관련분야와경영 / 경제 공학 자연과학관련으로나누어살펴본결과, 언어권이명기된사전의경우후자가전자보다월등하게많은수를차지하고있는데, 이는그동안전문번역사전출판이후자의영역에치중했음을반영하는것이며이와는대조적으로문화 예술 인문학관련분야는이러한전문영어사전편찬의노력들이전무했음을의미한다. 진정한문화교류의활성화를위해서는광의의의미에서의인문학분야의이중언어이상으로집필된전문사전발간을장려하는노력이시급하다하겠다. 두번째로지적할것은기출판되어있는사전의질도문제라는것이다. 이재호는 영한사전비판 에서국내대표적인영한사전 7종을대상으로순우리말의누락, 실제로쓰는번역어의누락, 장황한설명, 한자단어의한자누락에서오는의미의모호함, 부적절한번역어의우선순위, 표제어로서의중요한단어누락, 내용오류및오자, 어원수록사전의필요성, 일본식번역어, 필요없는말, 인명, 지명표기방법의혼란, 새로운국제음성기호도입의필요성으로나누어영한사전에나타난오류와불충분한요소들을지적한바있다. 20) 그에따르면 FTA( 자유무역협정 ) 나 libero( 배구의수비전문선수 ) 등과같이중요한단어나최근들어언론에서자주사용되는어휘들이표제어에서빠져있는경우도많다. 뿐만아니라우리말홀대현상도두드러져서뜻풀이에한자말이아닌순수한우리말설명이빠진경우가많다는것이다. 이런현상은일본판 ( 版 ) 영어사전을베끼거나앞서발간된사전을적당히참고한경우가대부분이기때문에나타나고있다. 제대로된영한사전을갖는것은우리말을지키는지름길이기도하지만, 제대로된번역을양산하기위한기본적인인프라에해당한다는점에서도적극적인개선이반드시이루어져야할과제이기도하다. 영국의옥스퍼드영어사전은 1858년입안후 70년이란긴세월에걸려표제어 414,825개, 인용문 1,827,306개, 인용저자약 5,000명, 총페이지 16,353 쪽의 세계최고의사전 으로제작되었다. 우리도이에필적하는시간과노력을들여제대로된사전을갖춤으로써번역을위한기초인프라를구축하여야할것이다. 20) 이재호, 영한사전비판, 궁리, 2005 년. 44 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
(2) 번역학관련사전및번역용어 / 용례집 우리사회에서번역을생업으로하는사람들중에는번역에대한전문적소양교육을받지않은사람들이대부분으로추정된다. 이들과전문번역훈련을받고있는사람들을위해서공히제대로된번역학사전이필요하다는것은재차강조할필요가없을것이다. 특히다양한번역상황과번역목적을규정하고번역시고려해야할다양한변수들, 번역과관련하여번역발주자가제공하는유의사항으로서의번역브리프 (Translation Brief) 등을소개하는한편, 번역의문제유형별로번역사가사용할수있는다양한번역중개기재를집대성해놓은번역학사전은우수한번역을담보하기위한필수불가결한전제라고해도과언이아닐것이다. 그러나아직까지번역학사전하나출판되어있지못할만큼우리의번역인프라는열악하다하겠다. 그나마번역과관련하여나와있는것으로는로마자표기원칙및용례집의형태로한국어의외래어표기원칙만제시되어있을뿐이다. 한국사회와문화현상, 한국의사상과철학을기술하기위해사용되고있는굳어진전문용어들을어떻게번역할것인지에대한해답을줄수있는용어집이나용어사전은찾아보기힘든실정이다. < 표 2-32> 외래어표기용례집 종류언어권간행물명편집자간행기관간행년도 용례집 - 외래어표기용례집 ( 일반용어 ) 국립국어원 2002 용례집 - 외래어표기용례집 ( 지명 ) 국립국어원 2002 용례집 - 외래어표기용례집 ( 인명 ) 국립국어원 2002 용례집 - 기본외래어용례집국립국어원 1995 자료집 - 국어의로마자표기자료집국립국어원 1996 용례사전 - 국어의로마자표기법 (2000. 7. 7. 고시 ) 에따른로마자표기용례사전 국립국어원 2000 고시동남아어동남아시아 3 개언어외래어표기법고시국립국어원 2004 용례집 포어, 네어, 노어 포르투갈어 네덜란드어 러시아어외래어표기용례집 국립국어원 2005 용례집동구어외래어표기용례집 ( 동구권지명 / 인명 ) 김세중국립국어원 1993 용례집북구어외래어표기용례집 ( 북구권지명 / 인명 ) 김세중국립국어원 1995 Ⅱ. 국내번역환경조사 45
< 표 2-33> 한국학용례사전및기본용어집 종류 언어권 간행물명 편집자 간행기관 간행년도 용례사전 영어 한국학영문용어, 용례사전 한국학중앙연구원 2005 용어집 영어 한국학기본용어집 송기중 국제교류재단 1993 < 표 2-34> 공공기관온라인제공자료 종류 언어권 간행물명 편집자 간행기관 비고 용례사전 영어 한국학영문용어, 용례사전검색 한국학중앙연구원 2005 용어사전 문화재청용어사전 문화재청 용어집 개발원조용어집검색 한국국제협력단 용어사전 예술용어검색 예술의전당 용어사전 용어사전 대전시향토자료관 한국학영문용례사전같은것이있으나실제수록되어있는표제어의수도매우제한적이고, 또한동일한표제어에대해서도충분하고적절하며경제적인용어정의가이루어져있지않다. 서로다른사전마다동일한표제어에대해서도정의나기술방식의일관성이지켜지지않고있는것도문제점으로지적되고있다. 무엇보다도보다폭넓고다양한주제분야별로전문용어들을수록한이중언어이상전문용어사전을출판하여한국의철학사상문화를기술하는용어들의통일성을담보할수있어야한다. 46 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
Ⅲ. 번역사업시행공공기관현황
1. 개요 공공기관에서번역은일반적으로업무의일부분으로진행되지만 사업 명목으로추진되는곳은많지않다. 본연구에서는공공기관의성격을문화관광, 기초예술, 한국학분야로분류하였는데, 이에근거하여살펴보면한국학술재단, 한국학중앙연구원, 한국국제교류재단등의한국학관련기관들이구체적인번역관련사업을비교적많이추진하고있는것으로나타났다. 한국학술진흥재단이우리고전및서양고전번역사업을주로하는한국어로의번역이중심을이루고있다면한국학홍보에역점을두고있는한국국제교류재단은외국어로의번역에역점을두고있다고하겠다. 또한한국학중앙연구원은최근들어점차외국어로의번역으로방향을전환하여사업을추진하고있는중이다. 기초예술분야에서는영화진흥위원회가자막프린트지원사업등을통해가장활발하게번역사업을진행하고있었고, 유네스코한국위원회, 서울산업통상진흥원서울애니메이션센터등이출판및영상번역을추진하고있다. 그외에도국립국악원, 국립중앙극장등이공연및홍보와관련해서외국어번역의필요성을절감하고이에대한사업확장을계획중에있다. 문화관광분야는지자체및각종박물관을포함시켰는데번역이가장폭넓게이루어지고는있으나 사업 의성격이가장미약한부분이라고말할수있다. 한국관광공사와서울시를비롯한지방자치단체에서는외국어관광가이드와관광지도가외국어번역물의가장기본적인형태로나타나고있었다. 한국관광공사의 < 외국어관광안내표기기준 >, 서울시의 < 영문표기키워드검색 >, 문화재청의 < 문화재명로마자표기 > 등에서번역인프라구축을위한용어용례를제공하고있었다. 특히서울시는 < 영문표기키워드검색 > 을행정구역, 교통관리지명, 교육언론종교기관명, 공공기관, 문화, 체육, 관광숙박, 쇼핑시설, 자연지명, 의료복지시설명, 기업체, 단체, 개인상호등으로분류하여다방면의표기규칙을웹상에서제공하고있다. 그외국립중앙박물관을비롯한각종박물관들에서이루어지는업무이외의외국어번역은주로출판과관련되어있기때문에박물관도록및전시관련브로슈어등에서부분적인번역으로이루어지고있다. 번역은일차적으로는출판과직결되기때문에본장에서는이세분야의주요공공기관들을번역출판 ( 영상포함 ) 및번역인프라사업을중심으로살펴보고자한다. Ⅲ. 번역사업시행공공기관현황 49
2. 한국학분야 2.1. 한국학술진흥재단 한국학술진흥재단 ( 이하 학진 ) 의번역지원사업은크게 학술기반구축명저번역지원사업 과 인문사회분야기초연구과제지원사업 가운데 토대연구 에서이루어지는역주사업으로나누어볼수있다. 학진의사업은한글로의번역사업이주축이되고있으므로 L A L B 번역이대상은아니지만상호보완적인번역의속성을감안할때공공기관을통한이러한 L B L A 번역의연구성과가축적된다면 L A L B 번역의기초인프라가구축될수있을것이라고본다. 구체적인사업내용을살펴보면다음과같다. (1) 학술기반구축명저번역지원사업 본사업은학진의주력번역사업으로서, 동서양의명저를체계적으로번역보급하여번역문화의새로운지평을제시하고인문학부흥의전기를마련하며, 나아가자연스러운우리말번역뿐아니라상세한역주를통한학술번역의전범을수립하려는데그사업목적이있다. 명저번역지원사업은한국고전저술제외한 300종지정도서를대상으로하는데, 예산규모는 2002년부터 2004년까지연 15억, 2005년에는 17억, 2006년과 2007년은연 19억규모로매년증가하고있으며, 지원건수역시 2002년 42건, 2003년 52건, 2004년 52건, 2005년 60건으로증가추세에있다. 지원금액은작품의시대및난이도등을고려하여 200자원고지 1매당 7,000원 ~ 12,000 원의번역료를산정하며지원기간은 1~2년이다. 2007년상반기까지번역지원후출간된도서는다음과같다. < 표 3-1> 한국학술진흥재단명저번역지원사업출간도서목록 국문도서명 원문도서명 출간연도 출판사 1 신기관 Novum Organum 2001 한길사 2 전습록 傳習錄 2001 청계 3 실증주의서설 Discours sur l ensemble du positivisme 2001 한길사 50 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
4 이옥전집李鈺全集 2001 소명 5 창랑시화滄浪詩話 2001 소명 6 1789 년의대공포 La Grande Peur de 1789 2002 까치 7 우리는어디로가는가?: 정보화사회와인간의조건 Wohin fuhrt der Weg? Uberleben in der Informationsgesellschaft 2002 한길사 8 집사부족지집사부족지 2002 사계절 9 벨린스키비평선뿌쉬낀, 레르몬또프, 고골에관한논문들 2003 한길사 10 서운관지書雲觀志 2003 소명 11 현대예술의혁명 Die Revolution der modernen Kunst 2004 한길사 12 생물학의철학 Philosophy of Biology 2004 철학과현실사 13 상군서商君書 2005 소명 14 고려묘지명집성高麗墓誌銘集成 2001 15 아나바시스 Xenophon, Anabasis 2001 한림대출판부 단국대출판부 16 관용론 Traite sur la Tolerance 2001 한길사 17 절옥귀감折獄龜鑑 2001 소명 18 데카르트적성찰 VI. Cartesianische Meditation(Teil 1).--Die Idee einer transzendentalen Methodenlehre 2002 한길사 19 염철론鹽鐵論 2002 소명 20 정당사회학 21 언어의기원에관하여 Zur Soziologie des Parteiwesens in der modernen Demokratie Abhandlung uber den Ursprung der Sprache 2002 한길사 2003 한길사 22 로마사논고 The Discourses 2003 한길사 23 대동운부군옥大東韻府群玉 2003 소명 24 신국론 De Cititate Dei 2004 분도출판사 25 윤리학서설 Prolegomena to Ethics 2004 한길사 26 양자역학과경험 Quantum Mechanics and Experience 2004 한길사 27 구조물의소성해석법 The Plastic Methods of Structural Analysis 2004 한길사 28 낭만파 Die Romantische Schule 2004 한길사 Ⅲ. 번역사업시행공공기관현황 51
29 마하트마간디의도덕. 정치론 The Moral and Political Writings of Mahatma Gandhi 2004 소명 30 동사東史 2004 소명 31 국조역상고國朝曆象考 2004 소명 32 통계학의역사 : 1900 년이전까지의불확실성의측정 The History of Statistics: The Measurement of Uncertainty before 1900 2005 한길사 33 주자언론동이고朱子言論同異攷 2002 소명 34 잠서잠서 2003 소명 35 영웅숭배론 On Heroes, Hero-worship, and the Heroic in History 2003 한길사 36 부휴자담론浮休子談論 2004 소명 37 스페인의이상 IDEARIUM ESPANOL 2004 한길사 38 근대정치사상의기초 39 자연법에대한학적취급방식들 The Foundation of Modern Political Thought Vol.1 : The Renaissance Ueber die wissenschaftlichen Behandlungsarten des Naturrechts 2004 한길사 2004 한길사 40 대한계년사大韓季年史 2004 소명 41 이아爾雅 2004 소명 42 중국우주론의성장과쇠퇴 The Development and Decline of Chinese 2004 소명 43 키루스의교육 Cyropaedia 2005 한길사 44 레싱전설. 구원 Die Lessing-Legende, Eine Rettung 2005 한길사 45 전등신화. 전등여화. 멱등인화剪燈二種 ( 剪燈新話 剪燈餘話 ) 2005 소명 46 마서즈비니야드섬사람들은수화로말한다 47 고대중국철학사 48 헤시오도스 : 신통기, 일과날, 헤라클레스의방패, 여인들의목록 Everyone Here Spoke Sign Language: Hereditary Deafness on Martha s Vineyard Geschichte der alten chinesischen Philosophie Hesiodos:Theogonia,Erga kai hemerai, Aspis Herakleous,Gynaikon katalogos 2003 한길사 2004 소명 2004 한길사 49 나띠야샤스뜨라 Natya Shastra 2004 소명 50 이장의二障義 2004 소명 51 원중랑집袁中郞集 2004 소명 52 슌쇼쿠우메고요미春色梅兒譽美 2005 소명 53 볼프람폰에셴바하의 << 파르치팔 >> Der Parzival des Wolfram von Eschenbach 2005 한길사 52 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
54 부조리극 Das Theater des Absurden 2005 한길사 55 56 57 의식의기원 : 양원적정신이깨질때 미국과캐나다의의학교육 : 플렉스너보고서 백호통의 ( 백호관에서열린문헌의포괄적논의 ) The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind Medical Education in the United States and Canada : The Flexner Report 2005 한길사 2005 한길사 白虎通義 2005 소명 58 로마의축제일 Fasti 2005 한길사 59 중국시율학漢語詩律學 2005 소명 60 노자도덕경 - 하상공장구老子道德經河上公章句 2005 소명 61 천가지가르침 Upade Sa Sahasri 2006 소명 62 인간의유래 1, 2 63 러시아경제사 The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКАЯ ИСТОРИЯ РОССИИ 2006 한길사 2006 한길사 64 말의미학 2006 길 65 팡타그뤼엘 3 서, 4 서 Gargantua et Pantagruel 2006 한길사 66 로마혁명사 1,2 The Roman Revolution 2006 한길사 67 교양과무질서 Culture and Anarchy 2006 한길사 68 고사변자서古史辨自序 2006 소명 69 일본명치대정시대의생활문화사 明治大正史 : 世相篇 2006 소명 70 달랑베르의꿈 Le Reve de d Alembert 2006 한길사 71 혜강집嵇康集 2006 소명 72 프롤레타리아독재 Die Diktatur des Proletariats(Ed) 2006 한길사 73 옥대신영玉臺新詠 2006 소명 74 섹슈얼리티의진화 The Evolution of Human Sexuality 2007 한길사 75 러시아신분사 Istoriia Soslovii v Rossii 2007 한길사 76 기본권이론 Theorie der Grundrechte 2007 한길사 출처 : 한국학술진흥재단제공 Ⅲ. 번역사업시행공공기관현황 53
(2) 인문사회분야기초연구과제지원사업 사업명이말해주듯이인문사회분야의기초가되는연구를지원하여창조적인지식생산기반을구축하고학술과대학사회의연구경쟁력을강화하는데목적을두고있다. 최근예산액은 2006년 1,169과제, 579억원, 2007년 930과제, 556억원정도로비슷한수준을유지하면서최대 3년이내의지원으로이루어지고있다. 인문사회분야기초연구과제지원사업을정리하면다음과같다. < 표 3-2> 한국학술진흥재단인문사회분야기초연구과제지원사업 유형내용비고 창의주제연구 신청자자유주제설정. 단, 학제적연구신청시우대 공동연구 토대연구 고문서및고서수집정리국학고전등번역 주해 * 동서양고전주해 해설 * 학술전문 인명사전편찬 * 사회기초자료조사및통계당대사자료수집정리 역사 민속지리지, 도편찬 역사 문화지 기타토대연구 해외지역연구 해외지역의정치, 경제, 사회, 문화연구 단독연구 단독 / 공동연구 일반연구과제 정액연구과제 우수논문사후지원우수연구결과물 사전편찬지원 * 교육인적자원부정책지원과제 ( 학술전편람, 일반사전편찬, 교재개문용어정비및표준화, 漢韓大辭典, 발, 번역, 전람회, 연주회등한국동식물도감 ) 및계속과제을위한과제는제외 이가운데주로각종기초자료수집, 정리및후속연구자료활용의연구기반을마련하기위한 토대연구 에해당하는사업이번역과관련되어있다. 토대연구분야는연간과제당최대 10억원이내의지원을통해이루어지고있는데즉 국학고전번역주해, 동서양고전주해해설 이여기에해당한다. 그외에도 학술전문 54 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
인명사전편찬 과 사전편찬지원 이직간접적으로번역과연관있는사업이라고할수있다. 2.2. 한국학중앙연구원 한국학중앙연구원은 1978 년한국정신문화연구원에서 2005년한국학중앙연구원 ( 이하 연구원 ) 으로개칭한이래한국학진흥사업을담당하고있는기관으로서, 초기에는교육과연구사업중심으로시행되어오다가점차로교류와정보화방향으로영역을확대하고있다. 현재연구원의주요역점사업은크게기초학문육성사업, 한국바로알리기사업, 국학진흥연구사업, 한국학전자도서관컨텐츠구축사업, 한국향토문화전자대전편찬사업으로이루어져있는데, 그중 한국바로알리기사업 의 한국이해자료개발 을위한출판사업이가장일차적으로번역사업과연관을맺고있다. 연구원의주요출간목록과번역인프라구축및현재추진사업을살펴보면다음과같다. (1) 외국어도서주요출간목록 아래 < 표 3-3> 을통해볼때연구원의출간도서에는처음부터외국어도서로기획출간된것으로보이는목록들이상당수포함되어있는것으로보여, 엄격한의미에서번역출판사업을시행하였다고단정하기는어렵다. 간혹지원사업명목으로외국에서출간되는경우가있을뿐대부분의도서가국내출간임을알수있어서국내보급이주요목적이었음을보여준다. 외국어도서주요출간목록은아래와같다. < 표 3-3> 한국학중앙연구원외국어도서출간목록 도서명 Interdisciplinary research in social sciences / Hung, Sae-Gu Reader in Korean religion / Kim, Chong-suh Selected bibliography of Korean studies Confucian philosophy in Korea / Choung, Haechang (The) miracles and crises of Asian economies 출판연도 1981년 1993년 1995년 1996년 1999년 Ⅲ. 번역사업시행공공기관현황 55
New History of Korea Early Korea (2004-2005): 일본의교육기본법개악을둘러싼활동소개자료집 Cultural Landscapes of Korea New History of Korea KOREA TODAY Explorer Korea Ⅰ, Ⅱ Facts and Fallacies about Korea Pioneers of Korean studies / Kim, Keong il 외국인을위한한국사 ( 영어 중어 스페인어 ) ( 화보집 ) 세계문화유산을통한한국의역사탐험 ( 영어 중어 스페인어 ) 민족주의와역사교과서 (2004 아시아 유럽세미나발표논문집 ) ( 영어 한국어 ) ( 번역서 ) 동아시아역사교과서는어떻게쓰여져있는가 ( 한국어 ) 대련외대한국학연구소의 고급대학한국어 (2004 단체지원결과물 ) 인도네시아가자마다대학한국학센터의 한국사교재 한국음악통사 1,2 ( 영어 ) 한국문학통사 1,2( 영어 ) 역주삼국사기 ( 영어 ) 조선불교유신론외한용운저작선 ( 영어 ) Korea today / Sohn Yong Taek, Jimoondang Cultural landscapes of Korea / Sohn Yong Taek, Jimoondang Nationalism and history textbook in Asia and Europe : diverse view on conflicts surrounding history Korea through the Ages. Vol. 1, Ancient. Vol. 2, Modern 2003 년 2004 년 2005 년 Exploring Korean history through world heritage 세계문화유산을통한한국의역사탐험 ( 러시아어, 아랍어 ) 한국관련오류내용시정해설집 ( 가칭 ) Exploring Korean history through world heritage / Elizabeth : Hollym 2006 년 출처 : 한국학중앙연구원웹페이지검색 56 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
(2) 한국학영문용어 용례사전 웹페이지에서제공되는 한국학영문용어 용례사전 은 2005년부터추진되어현재 14,000 여개의용례를수록하고있다. 크게국가 / 시대, 정권 / 정치형태, 제도 / 정책 / 사회현상, 관서 / 관직 / 기관, 신분 / 당파 / 단체, 사건, 문헌, 유물 / 유적, 종교 / 사상 / 학문, 민속, 문화 / 예술, 산업, 기술, 지리등 14개로분류한후관련용어들의영문표기등을제공하고있다. 제공되는정보를채만식의 < 레디메이드인생 > 을예로들어살펴보면다음과같다. 레디메이드인생 ( 레디메이드人生 ), Redi meideu insaeng 한글한자문화관광부지정표기 M/R 표기시대 레디메이드인생레디메이드人生 Redi meideu insaeng Redi meidŭ 일제 영문의미 1 : Ready Made Life 용례 1 : Chae Man-sik s Redi meideu insaeng (Ready Made Life) are among the representative works of this period. 출전 : 한국학중앙연구원, 영문한국백과 -소설 사전은한표제어에한글, 한자, 문화관광부식음역, 맥퀸-라이샤워식음역, 의미역, 문장용례, 출전형식등으로이루어지며가능한한용례가쓰인문장및출전을함께제시함으로써원전참고가용이하도록하였다. 영어로번역되는다양한사례를제시하고나아가이러한용어사전을구축하였다는점에서그의미가매우크다고하겠다. 그러나자동으로변환할수있는인명, 지명등의고유명사는제외한다든가, 기관명등의고유명사는해당기관이쓰는명칭을쓰도록하여명확한표준화를제시하지못하였다는점에서는그후속작업이필요하리라고생각된다. 즉이러한용어용례사전을통해자료수집및현황을파악하고바람직한표준화방안을제시하는방향으로발전시켜야할것이다. (3) 한국학기획연구사업 연구원은 2007년부터총45억규모의 한국학기획연구 사업을확정하고폭넓게사업을추진하고있는데대체적인개요는아래 < 표 3-4> 와같다. Ⅲ. 번역사업시행공공기관현황 57
< 표 3-4> 한국학중앙연구원 2007 년한국학기획연구사업개요 세부사업명사업과제사업내용 총사업기간 07 년도지원계획 한국고전라이브러리 100 선영문번역 * 한국학고전 100 권영문번역사업을통해한국고전세계화를꾀함 20 년간 5 억원 신한류프로젝트 왕실문화총서 모던코리아 왕실문화와삶, 왕실문화와책이라는세부과제로문화사 생활사 과학사 예술사등의학제적연구 현대한국에대한주된관심인경제성장및민주화와사회변동을주제로 현대한국학영문총서 발간 10 년간 5 억원 10 년간 5 억원 아시아와한류 한류붐 을뒷받침하기위해영어및아시아어한국학교재를개발하고, 한류학전문서와한국학이슈탐색네트워킹을통한신한류한국학구축 10 년간 7 억원 한국학연구기초토대강화 역주조선왕조실록 한국민족문화대백과사전 개정증보 역사기초자료번역 조선왕조실록의가독성제고를위한재번역 역주사업, 역사콘텐츠화를위한소스북출간등을통해서조선시대문화사 과학사 예술사등의융합적연구기반구축 한국학 50 개분야전문에디터시스템을도입하여기왕의 한국민족문화대백과사전 을개정증보 우리역사의기초자료인중요원전을 번역 정역함으로써 역사이론의 정확 성제고 20 년간 6 억원 10 년간 6 억원 10 년간 8 억원 한국학기초사전편찬 한국학연구를위한필수적이고기초적인공구서인한국학기초사전편찬을위한연구사업 10 년간 3 억원 이가운데 한국고전라이브러리 100선영문번역 사업은한국의대표적고전을엄선하여영문번역함으로써한국고전의세계화를꾀하기위한것이다. 즉해외한국학교육자료로활용될수있는자료를생산함으로써한국인의문화와정신세계를이해할수있는통로를구축하기위해마련되었다. 예산규모는연구개발및번역출판을포함한연구단을대상으로매년 5억원씩최대 10년동안지원될예정이다. 58 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
(4) 번역지원사업 연구원은 해외한국학지원실 의별도사업으로서올해부터 번역지원사업 을출범시켜한국학저서및한국학자료집을대상으로미번역된저술의영어출간을지원하기시작하였다. 신청자격은해당분야전문가라고인정할수있는연구업적, 학술활동, 번역경력등을갖춘자와원어민학자가공동지원하도록하고, 번역대상물의원저자및원본의저작권자가있을경우번역팀에포함할것을권장사항으로제시하고있다. 그외의단서조항을살펴보면아래표와같다. < 표 3-5> 한국학중앙연구원번역지원사업지원금지급방법 심사단계 우수 (100~86) 보통 (85~70) 수정 (69~60) 미흡 (59~) 중간물심사 총액의40% 총액의30% 계약파기 계약파기 결과물심사 잔액 + 총액의 10% 잔액 잔액-총액의30% 계약파기 < 표 3-6> 한국학중앙연구원번역지원사업번역결과물에대한권리 원저자저작권 번역자저작권 기타 원저자에게저작물사용허락은번역자가득하는것을원칙으로하나본원에서도서를지정한경우는본원이저작물사용허락을득하는것으로함. 번역결과물출판시원저자성명표기함. 모든권리는본원에귀속됨. 번역결과물출판시번역자의성명을표기함. 번역지원비는번역에들어가는모든비용을계산하여지급하므로, 사진, 악보등다른저작물이번역물에포함될경우번역자가번역비내에서이를해결하는것을원칙으로함. 번역지원금은 200자원고지한글자당 30원으로, 200자원고지 6,000원에해당하는데책한권을대략 2,000 매로가정했을때총지원금은 1,200 만원에불과하다. 그럼에도불구하고중간결과물, 최종결과물의번역평가에따라번역비를차등적용할뿐아니라사진등을포함한모든저작권의해결을요구하고, 저자및번역자에게제공되어야할저작권까지연구원에귀속시키는등의단서조항이지나치게많은점이문제점으로지적될수있다. 다소비현실적인지원사업이실효를거두려면시행착오와수정이불가피할것으로보인다. Ⅲ. 번역사업시행공공기관현황 59
2.3. 한국국제교류재단 한국국제교류재단 ( 이하 교류재단 ) 은 1991년에설립되어다양한국제교류업무를수행하고있는데번역과관련된업무로는출판영상단행본발간사업을들수있다. 출판영상사업안에서출판보조비지원, 한국관련개설서출판지원, 영상물제작및지원사업이직간접적으로번역출판과결부되어있는데이를정리하면다음과같다. < 표 3-7> 한국국제교류재단번역관련사업 사업명출판보조비지원한국관련개설서출판지원영상물제작및지원 자격 지원대상 / 분야 지원금 해외대학출판부, 해외학술출판사 참고자료로활용가능한수준의한국관련인문 사회과학, 문화예술분야의외국어출판물 최대 US$10,000/ 출판이완료된후에지급 국내학술기관및단체, 국내출판사 ( 해외유수대학출판사제휴포함 ) 한국의역사, 사회, 문화소개하는일반인대상의인문학교양서, 외국어로신규집필또는기출판된영문도서의타언어번역출판 건당 2,000~3,000 만원 ( 연간 3 건정도 / 집필원고료, 번역료, 인쇄경비등, 출판에소요되는전체경비중일부분할지급 ) 방송채널사용사업자, 국내외유수영상물제작소, 영상예술센터, 독립제작사 한국사회, 문화, 역사등주제의해외일반인대상의한국문화영상물, 다큐멘터리, 다큐드라마 HD 칼라 60 분이내, 영어및제 2 외국어 총제작비의 80% 범위내최대 1 억원지원, 3 회분할지급 ( 기획료, 연출료, 촬영비, 기자재사용료, 후반작업, 외국어제작비등의순수제작비 ) 기간 1 년이내 2 년이내 제외대상 정기간행물, 50% 이상기출판된논문집, 홍보안내책자류 출판사가확정되지않은상태에서요청된번역비 문학작품의번역출판 전문학술서적, 대학교재용서적, 문학번역서등 한국어교재용영상물, 종교적 정치적목적영상물 사무실임대료 / 운영비, 시나리오판권, 개발비, 프린트제작비, 홍보 / 마케팅경비등 위의표에서알수있듯이교류재단은출판및제작에대한구체적인계획이있는사업을원칙적으로지원하기때문에번역에직접적으로개입하지않으면서번역을전체경비에포함시켜지원을시행하고있다. 또한문학및어학교재의출판을제외함으로써다른유관기관과의중복지원을미연에방지하고자하는의도를 60 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
가지고있음을볼수있다. 교류재단의주요발간목록과출판보조비지원목록은다음과같다. < 표 3-8> 한국국제교류재단주요발간목록 도서명장르비고 The Architecture of Korea s Private Academies Modern &Contemporary Art in Korea Dictionary of Korean Art &Archaeology Korean Food Guide in English On the Road: In Search of Korea s Cultural Roots Recent Research Topics on Korea Korean Series Korean Series (4 volumes) The Korean Relics Abroad Series (8 volumes, Korean-Chinese-English) Selected Bibliography of Korean Studies A Collection of Theses on Korean Studies Korean Art Tradition 예술 예술 예술 문화 문화 한국학 문화 문화 한국학 한국학 한국학 Basic Glossary of Korean Studies 한국학한국학기본용어집 Koreana( 영, 불, 독, 서, 중, 일, 아랍, 러 ) Korea Focus( 영 ) 예술 문화예술전문종합계간지 시사계간지, 웹진제공 정기간행물 정기간행물 Ⅲ. 번역사업시행공공기관현황 61
< 표 3-9> 한국국제교류재단출판보조비지원한국학도서출간목록 서명저 / 역자출판사연도언어 Koreanische Reimwoterbucher des 18. Jahrhunderts Rainer Dormels 독일 LIT Verlag 1999 영어 한국, 한국인, 한국문화 임성숙편 캐나다몬트리올대출판부 2000 프랑스어 韓國語語言學槪論 ( 한국어어언학개론 ) 王俊, 郭秋雲 대만 / 水牛出版社 2000 중국어 KOREA: Kolme Ovea Tiikerin Valtakuntaan Sourcebook of Korean Civilization (Italian Vol. 1) Sourcebook of Korean Civilization (Italian Vol. 2) Ilmari Vesternen et.al. Peter H. Lee, ed. /Pietro Ferrari, Patrizia Brighi, trans. Peter H. Lee, ed. /Pietro Ferrari, Patrizia Brighi, trans. 핀란드 Univ.Press Finland 미국 O barra O Edizioni 미국 O barra O Edizioni 2000 영어 2000 이탈리아어 2000 이탈리아어 金石文に見る百濟武寧王の世界 SOH, Jin Chul 일본 Sairyusha 2001 영어 韓國硏究導論 ( 한국연구도론 ) Contemporary Korean Art KOREAN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN AUSTRALIA:Issues and Prospects Kultur des Koreanischen Schamanismus Perspectives on Korean Dance PETER VAY: Korea of Bygone Days War and Democracy: A Comparative Study of the Korean War and the Peloponnesian War 부처의땅 - 경주남산 陳寧寧 / 劉德海 Jae-Ryung Roe Kwon, O.Yul / Oh,Inshik CHUN, Shin-yong(Ed.) Judy Van Zile Agnes Birtalen ed. David R. McCann / Barry S. Strauss ed. 윤경렬저 / 조혜영역 중국中國文化大學出版局오스트레일리아 Craftsman House, Australian null Griffith University 독일 IUDICIUM Verlag Gmbh 미국 Wesleyan Univ. Press 미국 Terebess Publication 2001 영어 2001 영어 2001 영어 2001 독일어 2001 영어 2001 영어 미국 M. E. Sharpe 2001 영어 프랑스 Cercle D Art 2002 프랑스어 조선어학원론차광일중국북경민족출판사 2002 한국어 Approaching Korea s Culture (Vietnamese) Sourcebook of Korean Civilization (Italian Vol. 3) The Rise of the Korean Economy (Vietnamese) 대학생인생설정 (Chinese) Dang Van Lung Ferrari, Pietro Brighi, Patrizia trans. Pham Quy Long ed. 홍연숙편저 베트남 Culture and Information Publishing House, Vietnam 이탈리아 O Barra O Edizioni Srl. 베트남 Center for Korean Studies Press, Hanoi 중국연변대학교출판부 2002 베트남어 2002 이탈리아어 2002 베트남어 2003 중국어 62 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
불상 한국인쇄술의역사 : 기원에서 1910 년까지 * 韓國都市發展政策 한국문학사 (A History of Korean Literature) 한국역사강의 (Russian) 한국의여성문화 : 15 세기 -20 세기 (Creative Women of Korean) 韓國現代經濟 ( 한국현대경제 ) 한민족의금언 * Crecimiento Economico en Corea del Sur: 1961-2000 (Spanish) Earthenware and Celadon Hamel s World: A Dutch-Korean Encounter in The Seventeenth Century Park, Y. S & Whitfield, Roderick 박병선 김종범 Peter H. Lee, ed. S. O. Kourbanov 김영기편 장보인, 김승남, 장혜지공저 임수 Historical Dictionary of North Korea 김일평 Irish Influences on Korean Theatre During The 1920s and 1930s Narratives of National Building in Korea: A Genealogy of Patriotism Searching For Korean Culture (Vietnamese) Francisco Garcia-Blanch Park, Y. S & Whitfield, Roderick Viebeke Roeper & Boudewijn Walraven, ed. 대한민국 Laurence King Publishing 프랑스 Maisonneuve et Larose 중국중국상해재경대학출판사미국 Cambridge University Press 러시아 St. Petersburg University Press 미국 M. E. Sharpe 중국길림대학출판사 ( 중국 ) 러시아 St. Petersburg University Press 스페인 Editorial Sintesis, Madrid 대한민국 Laurence King Publishing 네덜란드 Sun Publishers 미국 Scarecrow Press 2003 영어 2003 프랑스어 2003 중국어 2003 영어 2003 러시아어 2003 영어 2003 중국어 2003 러시아어 2003 스페인어 2003 영어 2003 영어 2003 영어 장원재영국콜린스미스 2003 영어 Sheila Miyoshi Jager 미국 M.E. Sharpe 2003 영어 황귀연, Trinh Cam Lan 베트남하노이국립대출판부 2003 베트남어 朝鮮語文論集 宣德五 중국開明出版社 2004 중국어 韓國古代寓言史 陳滿廳, 권석환 중국岳麓書社 2004 중국어 한국문화와한국인 국제한국학회 ; 채운정 ( 역 ) 독일 Ardey-Verlag 2004 독일어 Auf den Spuren der Ostbarbaren (German)/Tracing the Eastern Barbarians/ 고대동양인들의자취를찾아서 Barbara Seyock 독일 LIT Verlag 2004 독일어 Czech-Korean Dictionary 박미영 체크 Palacky University Publishing House 2004 한국어 History of Traditional Korean Literature (Russian) Adelaida Trotsevich 러시아상트페테르부르크대 2004 러시아어 Ⅲ. 번역사업시행공공기관현황 63
조선문학사 ( 상 ) 李家源 / 沈定昌, 李俊竹역중국홍콩사회과학출판사 2005 중국어 출사한국 ( 出使韓國 ) 延靜중국산동대출판사 2005 중국어 현대한국어동사의미결합관계연구필옥덕중국민족출판사 2005 중국어 夾注名賢十抄詩 Landlords, Peasants & Intellectuals In Modern Korea 査屛球 (Zha Pingqiu) Pang Kie-Chung, Michael D. Shin Russian-Korean Korean-Russian Dictionary of Economic Terminology 이일진편 South Korea s Take-off and the United States, 1945-1965 童向榮 (Dong Xiangrong) 중국상해고적출판사미국 East Asia Program, Cornell University 러시아모스크바대한국학출판부 중국사회과학문헌출판사 2005 중국어 2005 영어 2005 러시아어 2005 중국어 Studies in Korean Morpho-Syntax 연재훈편영국 Saffron Books 2005 영어 Sü Thomas Kern 독일 Campus Verlag 2005 독일어 Two Dreams In One Bed 박현옥영국듀크대출판사 2005 영어 1882 년조미조약의성립과청국 (1882 Korean American Treaty and Ching China) 정서분류상, 하 ( 程書分類上, 下 ) 朝鮮王朝史下 송병기 / 양수지역 서대원편 Song Mu Lee/Trans. Yong Gon Kim 대만 / 낙학서국 ( 樂學書局 ) 중국상해사서출판사일본 Nippon Hyoron Sha 한중번역교정장민, 박광해, 김선희편중국북경대학출판사 한중번역의실용적기교 심의림 중국사회과학문헌출판사 Between Ally and Partner 정재호 미국 Columbia University Press International Journal of Korean Studies Fall/Winter 2005 Korean History (Part I & II)- 한국사 ( 상, 하 ) 길영환편 Korean Language and Communications for Arab Learners 2 공일주 Pungmul: South Korean Drumming and Dance Stories inside Stories The Rise of Korean Economy zuhause Erzä 미국 International Council on Korean Studies 2006 중국어 2006 중국어 2006 일본어 2006 중국어 2006 중국어 2006 영어 2006 영어 에르덴치멕편몽골 Admon 2006 몽골어 Nathan Hesselink Margaret Walker Dilling 송병락 /Abdallah Shehata Khattab 역 Heike Berner, Sun-ju Choi 편 요르단요르단대학교 미국시카고대출판부 미국 University of California, Berkeley 2006 이집트카이로대학교 2006 아랍어 2006 영어 영어 2006 아랍어 독일 Assoziation A 2006 독일어 64 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
2.4. 국립국어원 국립국어원 ( 이하 국어원 ) 은어문정책연구와표준화정비보급을목적으로한기관의성격상번역관련사업역시여기에중점을두고있는데주로 외래어표기법규정 과 국어의로마자표기법규정 사업으로집약될수있다. 외래어표기법규정 이외국어의한국어표기를위한규정인반면, 국어의로마자표기법규정 사업은한국어의외국어표기를위한규정이라고볼수있는데, 먼저국어원웹페이지에서제공되는외래어표기법구성은다음과같다. < 표 3-10> 국립국어원외래어표기법규정 제 1 장표기의원칙제 1 항외래어는국어의현용 24 자모만으로적는다. 제 2 항외래어의 1 음운은원칙적으로 1 기호로적는다. 제 3 항받침에는 ㄱ, ㄴ, ㄹ, ㅁ, ㅂ, ㅅ, ㅇ 만을쓴다. 제 4 항파열음표기에는된소리를쓰지않는것을원칙으로한다. 제 5 항이미굳어진외래어는관용을존중하되, 그범위와용례는따로정한다. 제 2 장표기일람표 - [ 표 1] 국제음성기호와한글대조표 - [ 표 2] 에스파냐어자모와한글대조표 - [ 표 3] 이탈리아어자모와한글대조표 - [ 표 4] 일본어의가나와한글대조표 - [ 표 5] 중국어의주음부호 ( 注音符號 ) 와한글대조표 - [ 표 6] 폴란드어자모와한글대조표 - [ 표 7] 체코어자모와한글대조표 - [ 표 8] 세르보크로아트어자모와한글대조표 - [ 표 9] 루마니아어자모와한글대조표 - [ 표 10] 헝가리어자모와한글대조표 - [ 표 11] 스웨덴어자모와한글대조표 - [ 표 12] 노르웨이어자모와한글대조표 - [ 표 13] 덴마크어자모와한글대조표 - [ 표 14] 말레이인도네시아어자모와한글대조표 - [ 표 15] 타이어자모와한글대조표 - [ 표 16] 베트남어자모와한글대조표 - [ 표 17] 포르투갈어자모와한글대조표 - [ 표 18] 네덜란드어자모와한글대조표 - [ 표 19] 러시아어자모와한글대조표 Ⅲ. 번역사업시행공공기관현황 65
제 3 장표기세척 제 4 장인명, 지명표기의원칙 외래어표기용례의표기원칙 - 제 1 절영어의표기 - 제 2 절독일어의표기 - 제 3 절프랑스어의표기 - 제 4 절에스파냐어의표기 - 제 5 절이탈리아어의표기 - 제 6 절일본어의표기 - 제 7 절중국어의표기 - 제 8 절폴란드어의표기 - 제 9 절체코어의표기 - 제 10 절세르보크로아트어의표기 - 제 11 절루마니아어의표기 - 제 12 절헝가리어의표기 - 제 13 절스웨덴어의표기 - 제 14 절노르웨이어의표기 - 제 15 절덴마크어의표기 - 제 16 절말레이인도네시아어의표기 - 제 17 절타이어의표기 - 제 18 절베트남어의표기 - 제 19 절포르투갈어의표기 - 제 20 절네덜란드어의표기 - 제 21 절러시아어의표기 - 제 1 절표기원칙 - 제 2 절동양의인명, 지명표기 - 제 3 절바다, 섬, 강, 산등의표기세칙 - 1~5 장 - 6 장표기의원칙 - 7 장기타언어표기의일반원칙 - 8 장라틴어의표기원칙 - 9 장그리스어의표기원칙 - 10 장러시아어의표기원칙 로마자표기법규정은종래의맥퀸-라이샤워식표기법과차별화된표기법을제정홍보하고자공포된것으로서국내에는어느정도보급되어성과를거두고있으나외국에서는국내와비교해서아직은큰호응을얻지못하고있다. 서울시의 < 영문표기사전 > 이나, 한국관광공사의 < 외국어관광안내표기용례집 > 등도국어원의로마자표기법을근거로하여응용하고있는것이라고할수있는데, 향후이들간의실제적용사례를구체적으로분석하여추가적인규정을제시할필요가있다. 또한우리문화의세계화라는측면에서는외래어표기법과로마자표기법의상호보 66 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
완적인성격을염두에두고이들의유기적인보완과연구가필요하리라고본다. 국어원의출판분야는그동안국어의보급이주된목적이기때문에번역출판에는소홀한면이있었다고하겠다. 최근에는 < 훈민정음 > 의 5개국어번역사업과웹상에서다국어로지원하는 한국어사전 을계획중에있으며, 번역원과도업무협약을통해번역출판사업의공조체제를다지고있다. 3. 기초예술분야 3.1. 영화진흥위원회 영화진흥위원회는 1973년영화진흥공사에서출발하여 1999년영화진흥위원회 ( 이하 영진위 ) 로새롭게출범한기구이다. 현재영진위의관련사업은크게 자막번역프린트제작지원사업 과 출판지원사업, 한국영화 DB구축 으로나누어볼수있다. (1) 자막번역프린트제작지원사업 2000년시작된자막번역프린트제작지원사업은한국영화의외국어자막프린트를제작지원함으로써한국영화의해외진출을활성화하여국제경쟁력을제고함과동시에디지털로제작되는다양한단편독립영화의해외진출을촉진시키기위한목적으로시행되고있다. 사업은크게 필름영화자막번역및프린트제작지원 과 디지털영화자막번역및자막비지원 으로구분되는데필름영화장편의경우는영문자막프린트 2벌제작비를지원하고단편은 1편제작비를지원한다. 디지털영화의경우는자막번역비및디지털자막비를지원하는데, 장편의경우최대 350만원, 단편은 80만원을지원하고있다. 본사업으로 2002 년부터현재까지모두장편 88편, 단편 99편이제작지원되었다. 공모지원의경우는연 2회로나누어실시되고있으며우수국제영화제출품작품의경우는수시지원이가능하다. 즉국제영화제참가지원대상등급 A 급, B급영화제경쟁부문중비영어자막 ( 불어, 이태리어, 독일어, 스페인어 ) 출품작인장편영화와, 국제영화제참가지원대상등급 A급영화제공식부문출품작품, Ⅲ. 번역사업시행공공기관현황 67
끌레르몽페랑, 오버하우젠, 템페레영화제경쟁부문진출작품, 기타위원회가지원필요성을인정하는영화제에출품하는단편영화에대해수시지원을실시한다. 본사업은한국영화의해외진출이주요목표이기때문에신청일시기준으로 1년이내의제작물에대한지원이중심을이루며이전영화는기획사업의필요에따라간혹시행하고있다. 2004년까지사업은프랑스의유명번역회사와계약하여일괄적으로번역의뢰하였으나 ( 주로영어와불어로의번역 ), 2005년부터는국내에자급능력이형성되었다고판단하여지원자에게번역결과물을제출받는형식으로변경되어유지되고있다. 2007년 6월부터는번역원과영진위가업무협약을맺고부분적으로 한국우수장 단편영화의영상자막번역지원사업 을함께시행하고있다. 부분적이긴하지만작품의선정은영진위에서, 번역은번역원에서맡아진행함으로써 win-win 전략의모범적인사례가될수있으리라기대된다. (2) 출판지원사업 한국영화관련서적의해외출판을통해한국영화에대한연구성과를해외에알리고, 한국영화위상제고에기여하고자출판지원사업을시행하고있다. 지원규모는연 2건, 지원금은각 900만원을선후불분할지급하는형식으로이루어지고있어서지원규모에서모두아직은미약한수준에서이루어지고있다고평가할수있다. 그대상은한국영화관련서적을외국에서영문또는기타언어로출판하려는연구인력및출판사로하여출판물의학술적, 실용적가치 (30점 ), 저 ( 역 ) 자의능력 (20점), 출판기획의타당성 (20점 ), 주제의독창성및기여도 (20점), 출판물의해외보급가능성 ( 국적, 언어에따른활용가능성포함 ;20점) 을심사하고있다. 국내서적의해외번역을원칙적으로는배제시키고외국실정에맞는맞춤형도서의출간을권장하려는의도라고보여그취지가참신하다고하겠다. (3) 영문출간물현황 그동안영진위에서제작된영문출판물은다음과같다. 68 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
< 표 3-11> 영화진흥위원회영문출간물현황 (1999~2007) 1) 연도종류홍보물명성격발행부수판형 1999 Korean Cinema 1999 1,500 2000 Korean Cinema 2000 1,500 2001 Korean Cinema 2001 1,500 2002 Korean Cinema 2002 한해동안제작된장단 1,500 단행본 2003 Korean Cinema 2003 편한국영화총괄수록 3,000 2004 Korean Cinema 2004 2,500 2005 Korean Cinema 2005 2,500 2006 Korean CInema 2006 2,500 2005 Korean Film Directors : Park Chan-wook 1,200 2005 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 2000 단행본 Korean Film Directors : Bong Joon-ho Korean Film Directors : Ryoo Seung-wan Korean Film Directors : KIM Ki-young Korean Film Directors : IM Kwon-taek Korean FIlm Directors : LEE Chang-dong Korean Film Directors : 홍상수, 김동원, 박찬욱, 장선우, 유현목, 임상수, 이명세, 임순례등 9 종추가진행중 Korean Film Guide 2000 2001 Korean Film Guide 2001 2002 Korean Film Guide 2002 단행본 2003 Korean Film Guide 2003 2004 Korean Film Guide 2004 2004 Korean Film Guide 2004 : 2nd Edition 한국영화감독브랜드가치제고감독책자시리즈 : 한감독의작품세계심층소개 칸영화제한국영화작품소개가이드칸영화제한국영화작품소개가이드칸영화제한국영화작품소개가이드칸영화제한국영화작품소개가이드칸영화제한국영화작품소개가이드 부산영화제한국영화작품소개가이드 1,200 1,200 판매 판매 판매 500 500 500 500 500 500 국판 A4 변형판 신국판 국판 1) 엄격한의미에서는 <Korean Cinema> 와 <Korean Film Guide> 역시정기간행물에속하고 <Korean Film Directors> 시리즈가단행본이라고할수있다. Ⅲ. 번역사업시행공공기관현황 69
2005 Korean Film Guide 2005 2007 Korean Film Guide 2007 2005 단행본 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 계간지 Korean Film Industry Guide 2005 Korean Film Observatory No. 1, 2, 3 Korean Film Observatory No. 4, 5, 6 Korean Film Observatory No. 7, 8, 9, 10 Korean Film Observatory No. 11, 13, 14 Korean Film Observatory No. 15, 16, 17 Korean Film Observatory No. 18, 19, 20 칸영화제한국영화작품소개가이드 칸영화제한국영화작품소개가이드 1,000 1,500 한국영화산업통계연감 1,000 한국영화산업의이슈분석 현안과 각 1,200 각 1,200 각 1,200 각 1,200 각 1,200 각 1,500 Korean Film Observatory No. 2007 각 2,000 21, 22 2006 단행본 KOFIC Info 2006~2007 위원회사업현황소개 500 2006 단행본 2002 2003 2004 2005 영상 DVD Korean Film Database Book from 2000~2006 Varied Colors of Korean Cinema (DVD set) 2002 Varied Colors of Korean Cinema (DVD set) 2003 Varied Colors of Korean Cinema (DVD set) 2004 Varied Colors of Korean Cinema (DVD set) 2005 외국어표기표준화홍보책자 1000 1,000 세트 1,200 세트 1,200 세트 1,200 세트 A4 변형판 국판 출처 : 영화진흥위원회제공 간행물은단행본, 정기간행물, 영상DVD 로나누어지는데 <KOREAN CINEMA> 시리즈는연간지로서 1년간제작된모든영화영상물 ( 다큐포함 ) 에대한 2쪽분량의개요와감독소개로이루어진다. 영화사에서홍보용으로제작되어있는영문원고를그대로받아쓰는경우와한글원고를받아번역하는경우가각각절반씩을차지하고있다. 계간지 <Korean Film Observatory> 는영화관련한글기사를저자의동의를얻어번역출간하는형식으로 20쪽정도에서 2005년부터 70쪽으로분량 70 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
을증가하여출간하고있으며, <Korean FIlm Directors> 시리즈는가장최근에시작한사업으로서한국영화의위상이높아짐에따라한국대표감독 1인을소개하는단행본형식으로이루어져있는데한국의대표감독 15인의도서가출간되었거나진행중에있다. 그밖에 <Korean Film Database Book from 2000~2006( 외국어표기표준화를위한한국영화 / 감독 / 배우 DB)> 은 2000년이후부터 2006년까지약600편의한국영화의제작년도, 국 영문제목, 국 영 한문감독명, 국 영 한문주연배우 2인명, 국 영문제작사명, 국 영문세일즈사명을제시하여영화관련번역작업의기초자료로활용될수있는자료이다. 영진위는이를다시영문웹페이지 Korean Film DB에 Film DB, People DB, Film Company DB로구현하여이용자들에게도편리하게기본정보를제공하고있다. 인명의경우한자명을제시하였다는점과영문명의경우 "PARK Chan-wook" 과같이표기방식을통일시킴으로써번역을위한기초작업을어느정도정비했다고볼수있다. 다른공공기관이추진하는표준화제시안과다르게제시하고있는부분은국가적차원에서의보완이필요하리라본다. 3.2. 유네스코한국위원회 유네스코한국위원회 ( 이하 유네스코 ) 는 1954년창립된이래출판사업에주력하여온결과문학을포함한문화예술도서를다수출간하였다. 특히문학도서는 유네스코대표문학선집 의한국시리즈로편입되어 12종이출간된바있었다. 그러나최근 10년동안에는한국문학의번역도서가출간되지않았고, 유네스코도서의영한번역역시 4~5 년간소개되지않아서초창기에비해출판사업이미진한경향이있다고볼수있다. 2000년이후의외국어로의번역은유네스코발행영문학술지인 <Korea Journal> 뿐이고그외에는세계유네스코도서의한국어번역출간이간혹이루어지고있는상황이다. 유네스코는향후문학보다는유네스코교육문화도서의영한번역을중심으로사업을다시전개할계획에있다. 1960 년부터 1997년까지출간된한국관련도서의주요목록은다음과같다. Ⅲ. 번역사업시행공공기관현황 71
문학 LAND OF EXILE: CONTEMPORARY KOREAN FICTION Bruce Fulton New York, M.E. Shape, Inc 1993 문학 MIDANG: THE EARLY LYLICS OF SO CHONG-JU 1941-1960 Brother Anthony of Taize London, Forest Books, 1993 한국학 문학 SOURCEBOOK OF KOREAN CIVILIZATION VOL. 1: FROM EARLY TIMES TO THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY BACK TO HEAVEN: SELECTED POEMS OF CH ON SANG PYONG Peter H. Lee Brother Anthony of Taize 문학 LAND Agnita Tennant 문학 문학 THE STAR AND OTHER KOREAN SHORT STORIES THE RAINY SPELL AND OTHER KOREAN STORIES Agnita Tennant Suh Ji-moon Paris: New York: UNESCO, Columbia University Press Paris, Ithaca, UNESCO, Cornell University London, Kegan Paul International London, Paris, Kegan Paul International, UNESCO New York, Paris, M.E.Sharpe Inc, UNESCO 1993 1995 1996 1996 1997 문학 THE DECENDANTS OF CAIN Suh Ji-moon and Julie Pickering Paris: UNESCO 1997 한국학 SOURCEBOOK OF KOREAN CIVILIZATION VOL. 2: FROM THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY TO THE MODERN PERIOD Lee, Peter; Baker, Donald; Choe, Yong-ho; Kang, Hugh H.W.; Kim, Han-kyo Paris: New York UNESCO Columbia University Press 1997 간행물 Korean Journal( 영문계간학술지 ) 간행물 UNESCO & KOREA ( 웹진 : 소식지, 정간 ) 2000-2005 간행물 REVUE DE COREE ( 프랑스어계간지, 정간 ) 1969-1997 간행물 DIALOG ( 웹진 : 영문소식지, 정간 ) 1998-2003 Ⅲ. 번역사업시행공공기관현황 73
3.3. 서울산업통상진흥원서울애니메이션센터 서울애니메이션센터는서울산업통상진흥원 (SBA) 산하기구로서 2006 년 해외프로모션용자료번역지원사업 을시행한바있다. 그목적은해외프로모션용자료를번역지원함으로써, 민간차원의해외시장진출, 판로개척, 합작프로젝트추진등해외시장진출활성화및자생력확보에있었다. 대상은한국만화홍보 수출 합작프로젝트계획이있는서울소재만화관련업체 ( 출판사, 기획에이전시, 협회등 ) 로서프로모션대상작품및작가정보를 2개언어까지신청이가능하도록하였다. 지원금은규모에따라 100만원에서 650만원까지차등적으로지급되는데번역결과물과번역비입금내역서를제출한후에후지불되는방식을취하였다. 작년사업시행결과모두 4개프로젝트의브로슈어, 샘플북번역제작이이루어졌는데, 올해에는해외와직접적인접촉을통해다양한활로열기위한본래의목적을달성하기에는시기상조라는판단하에본사업을지속적으로시행하지않았다. 일반적으로국내애니메이션업체는제작에집중하고에이전시가제작이후의해외소개에적극적으로개입하여수출이이루어지기때문에제작사의참여가저조한것도사업중단의한원인이되었다. 3.4. 한국문학번역원 한국문학번역원 ( 이하 번역원 ) 은전신인한국문학번역금고가설립된 1996년이래번역출판지원사업을시행하고있다. 현재번역원의사업은크게 한국문학번역지원, 문화예술도서및자료번역지원, 한국관련서양고서국역지원 으로나눌수있다. 번역원설립이래중심이되어왔던한국문학번역지원사업은이전의번역출판사업시행기관인문화부와한국문화예술진흥원의사업을모두이관받아시행해오고있으며, 현재까지모두 27개언어권총 783 종의문학작품이출판되었거나진행중에있다. 현재까지공공지원을통해이루어진문학번역출판현황은다음과같다. 74 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
< 표 3-13> 공공지원한국문학번역출판현황 기관번역지원출판완료진행중 문화부 60 60 0 한국문학번역금고 67 52 15 한국문화예술진흥원 282 233 38 2001년 68 49 18 2002년 39 28 12 2003년 46 24 21 한국문학번역원 2004년 45 16 30 2005년 55 14 41 2006년 55 3 52 2007년 32 2 31 번역출판지원합계 749 491 258 출판지원만한건 45 42 3 총계 783 523 260 < 표 3-14> 한국문학번역원총지원건수 (27 개언어권 783 건 ) 언어권 문학도서진행중 문학도서출판완료합계언어권문학도서진행중 문학도서출판완료 네덜란드어 2 3 5 영어 80 154 234 독어 32 82 114 우크라이나어 0 1 1 러시아어 13 13 26 이태리어 3 15 18 루마니아어 3 4 7 인도네시아어 1 1 2 리투아니아어 0 1 1 일본어 11 6 17 말레이어 0 2 2 중국어 30 27 57 몽골어 0 5 5 체코어 2 10 12 베트남어 4 6 10 터키어 3 4 7 불가리아어 1 3 4 포르투갈어 2 4 6 불어 33 109 142 폴란드어 2 7 9 세르비아어 1 5 6 헝가리어 2 1 3 스웨덴어 10 9 19 히브리어 1 0 1 스페인어 23 43 66 힌디어 0 3 3 아랍어 0 5 5 총계 260 523 783 합계 Ⅲ. 번역사업시행공공기관현황 75
이외문학번역출판에서언급해야할기관으로는대산문화재단 ( 이하 대산 ) 이있다. 대산은공공기관은아니지만민간재단으로서 번역출판지원 / 출판지원 사업과 해외한국문학연구지원 사업을통해 1993년부터현재에이르기까지모두총 18개의언어로 223개작품을번역출판하였다. 번역출판지원 / 출판지원 사업은대산문학상수상작을대상으로영어, 불어, 독어, 스페인어의 4개언어의번역출판을지원하고있고, 해외한국문학연구지원 사업은한국문학연구과영어, 불어, 독어, 스페인어이외언어권의문학작품및관련도서번역출판을지원하고있는데, 주요언어권현황은다음과같다. 2) < 표 3-15> 대산문화재단해외번역지원내역 (1993~2007) 3) 언어 영어 불어 독어 스페인어 출판여부 진행중 출판완료 진행중 출판완료 진행중 출판완료 진행중 출판완료 1993 2 2-2 - - - - 1994 2 1-2 - 2 - - 1995-2 - 4-3 - 2 1996 1 2-3 - 3-2 1997 2 1 1 2-4 - 1 1998 1 1 1 2-3 1 1 1999 2-3 - - 4 2 1 2000 3 2-4 1 2 1-2001 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2002 1 2 3-2 1 1 2 2003-3 - 3-3 1 2 2004 1 2 1 1 1 5-1 2005 5-4 - 2-1 - 2006 4-3 - 4-1 - 2007 4-3 - 3-2 - 소계 30 19 21 25 15 31 12 13 총계 49 46 46 25 2) 대산은영 불 독 서이외의언어권경우는별도사업예산을책정하여지원하고있어서이표에는포함되지않았음. 3) 해외연구지원과한국문학번역지원자료를합산한결과로서해외연구지원자료에서는번역 / 출판관련수치만사용함. 해외연구지원의경우 2005년까지의자료를활용했고한국문학번역지원은 2007년까지의자료임. 76 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
민간부문에서의우리문학의해외출판수요는앞서국내저작권수출현황 (< 표 2-8> 참조 ) 에서알수있는것처럼, 일본시장만이제한적인관심을갖고있다. 그러나이경우도시장자체가크지않은데다, 번역이반드시국내에서이루어진다고전제할수없으므로, 이것을국내번역시장의규모에삽입하기는아직이르다할수있다. 외국어로의한국문학번역출판사업은번역수요자체가큰시장을형성하는것이아니라우리문학을해외에소개한다는목적에따라번역이이루어지는특별한시장이다. 아래 < 표 3-16> 에서도알수있듯이지원예산규모등이큰규모는아니지만번역원이나대산과같은공공기관이나민간재단을통해의도적으로지원을활성화할필요가있다고하겠다. < 표 3-16> 한국문학번역원및대산문화재단번역지원금내역 (2001~2007 년 ) 4) ( 단위 : 만원 ) 연도 한국문학번역원 대산문화재단 지원금규모지원건수총지원액지원금규모지원건수총지원액 합계 2001 1,500 15 22,500 1,500 13 19,500 42,000 2002 1,500 34 51,000 1,500 12 18,000 69,000 2003 1,500 34 51,000 1,500 12 18,000 69,000 2004 1,500 47 70,500 1,500 12 18,000 88,500 2005 1,500 72 108,000 1,500 12 18,000 126,000 2006 1,600 62 99,200 1,500 12 18,000 117,200 2007 1,600 16 25,600 1,500 12 18,000 43,600 총계 280 427,800 85 127,500 555,300 번역원은이외에도문화예술도서에대한번역출판지원사업을확장하여이에대한지원도점차늘려가고있다. 작년부터국립극장, 서울예술단, 영상자료원, 국립국어원, 국립국악원, 영화진흥위원회, 예술경영지원센터 5) 등여러공공기관과업무 4) 2001년이전 (1978~2000 년 ) 자료의경우한국문학번역원의전신인한국문학번역금고가제공한지원액뿐아니라해당기관이창설되기이전에제공된지원액도포함되므로정확한비교를위하여 2001년자료부터통계에포함. 5) 예술경영지원센터는 2006년서울아트마켓사무국과한국문화관광정책연구원산하의전문예술법인 단체평가센터를통합해만든재단법인이다. 주요업무로는예술기관단체들의경영활성화지원시스템구축과국제교류, 인력양성, 정보지원, 컨설팅분야의다양한매개지원사업등을추진하고있다. Ⅲ. 번역사업시행공공기관현황 77
협약을체결하고번역관련의여러제반업무를협력하고있다. 국립국악원은 해외국악자료보급사업 을진행하고있는데이에필요한영문이론교재및소개책자, 한국전통공연예술의해외소개와교류를위해필요한자료 ( 대본, 공연자막, 해설자료, 전문서등 ) 의번역및출판에서번역원이협력지원하고있으며, 국립극장은번역원과국립극장에서제작하는창작공연작품및발간자료의번역지원을협약하였으며, 예술경영지원센터는기구가설립된지얼마되지않았으나이미번역원과협약을맺고주력사업인서울아트마켓의쇼케이스자막번역지원, PAMS Choice 선정작의해외공연자막번역등을지원하였다. 영상자료원과는해외상영용영화프린트자막번역사업, 한국고전영화컬렉션 DVD 자막번역사업, 한국영화관련도서번역사업에대한업무협약을맺었으며, 서울예술단과는공연자막번역지원등을지원하고있다. 4. 문화관광분야 4.1. 한국관광공사 한국관광공사 ( 이하 관광공사 ) 는기관의성격상수많은번역물들을 e-book 형식으로출간하고있으며번역이담당부서에서상당부분개별적으로진행되는부분이많기때문에사업명목으로번역을추진하고있다고보기는어렵다. 이는대부분의지자체및공공기관의공통된현상이라고보이며, 이부분은설문조사를통해간접적으로언급하기로하겠다. 관광공사의주요출간물은다음과같다. 78 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
< 표 3-17> 한국관광공사주요출간물 서명 Korea, Beyond Health Care and Medical Tourism Korea Travel Guide /2004,2005,2006,2007 Korea Seoul Tourist map/ 2006 Illustrated booklet /[2006] Korea/[2005] Korea, Where Old Meets New /[2004] Korea, Where Old Meets New/[2003] Dynamic Korea Best of Hallyu /2005,2006 Korean Cultural Insights/2006 Korean Food/2006 Festivals in Korea /2004,2005 Winter in Korea /2002,2003,2004,2006 Korea Travel Planner s Guide /2004,2005,2006,2007 Korea Travel News/2003-전월,2004-전월,2005-1월 BASIC CULINARY ARTS, 1999 KOREA MEETING PLANNER S GUIDE/ 2000, 2004 비고 출처 : 한국관광공사웹페이지자료 위의표에서알수있듯이관광공사의주요출간물은전국적인성격의관광가이드, 전국관광지도및주제별집중소개브로슈어가주요출간물이며, 지역별관광자료는지자체를통해이루어지고있었다. 관광공사에서언급해야할부분은 외국어관광안내표기표준화지원 사업이다. 즉올바른외국어관광안내표기정착과보급을위해전국지자체및기관을대상으로외국어관광안내표기에대한무료감수를시행하고있다. 감수대상은전국관광지외국어관광안내표지판, 외국인출입이빈번한공공시설의각종외국어안내문, 표지판 ( 공항, 해항, 철도역, 지하철, 버스터미널, 고속도로휴게소등 ) 으로영어, 일어, 중국어에대한감수를제공한다. 관광안내표기의기본적인표준화를관리하는차원에서이러한감수사업은매우중요하다고보이는데한가지아쉬운점은감수를요청하는신청기관에대해선택적으로대응하는피동적인사업이어서체계적이고전반적인관리를통한사업이아니라는것이다. 향후어느정도의강제성을띄고관리함으로써감수사업을정착시킬필요가있다고보인다. 현재관광공사에서는보완적인차원에서 < 외국어관광안내표기용례집 > 을국립국어원의로마자표기법에근거하여제작보급하여그용례들을참조하도록하고있다. Ⅲ. 번역사업시행공공기관현황 79
Ⅳ. 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석
1. 번역평가의기준 공공기관의번역실태를파악하기위한한방안으로각기관에서영어로번역하여출판하였거나현재웹페이지에등재되어있는최근자료를수집하여번역의수준과완성도를평가해보았다. 번역의다양한측면을연구하는번역학분야에서번역평가는오랫동안평가방법의객관성과적절성을두고논란의대상이되어왔다. 이는번역평가가평가주체와평가관점, 평가대상에따라주관적이되기쉬운특성을내재적으로가지고있음을보여준다. 번역평가와관련하여김정우는평가의결과가신빙성이있는자료로활용되려면무엇보다평가의기준이합리적으로설계되어야한다고밝히며평가기준의중요성을강조하였고 1), 이상원은비평가독자들의지적사항을토대로한국출판번역독자들이가지고있는번역평가규범을연구하였다 2). 손지봉은평가기준을원론적인평가기준과실제적인평가기준으로구분하고각평가기준의중요도를언급하였다. 3) 본연구를위하여마련한평가기준이공공기관의번역결과물을평가하기위한객관적이고, 합리적이며적절한지표가되지못한다면연구결과자체의신빙성이낮아져서여기에서도출한결론또한무의미해질수있다. 따라서평가대상, 평가주체, 평가목적, 평가시기, 평가장소에관계없이적절하다고간주되는평가기준을확립하는것이무엇보다도중요하다. 이러한시각에서평가기준을확정하기전에번역평가와관련하여유의하여야할사항을심층적으로조사연구해보았다. 우선 Mcalester 는번역오류를평가할때오류의종류와정도를체계적으로규정하는작업이선행되어야함을강조하였고 4), Reiss 는텍스트종류에따라기대하는적절한번역의정의가달라지므로다른평가기준을적용할필요가있다고주장하였다 5). Reiss 는텍스트의종류를크게내용중심텍스트, 형식중심텍스트, 독자반응중심텍스트로구분하고각텍스트의특성에따라번역전략및평가방법이달라져야한다고강조한다. 뉴스기사, 교과 1) 번역평가의실제, 번역학연구제5권 1호, 2004. 2) 한국출판번역독자들의번역평가규범연구, 한국학술정보, 2006. 3) 문학번역평가기준에관하여, 국제회의통역번역제8권 1호, 2006. 4) The evaluation of Translation into a Foreign Language, Developing Translation Competence, John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2000. 5) Translation Criticism-The Potentials & Limitations, St. Jerome Publishing, 2000. Ⅳ. 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석 83
서, 보고서, 기술문서등이포함되는내용중심의텍스트인경우에는번역결과물에원문의사실과정보가충분히전달되었는지의여부가주요평가기준이된다. 반면저자가본인의감정과느낌을표현하는데사용한표현방식이무엇보다중요한형식중심의텍스트는미학적측면에서, 번역문의독자가원문저자가표현한느낌을알아낼수있도록번역되었는지를따져보는것이우선고려사항이다. 이러한형식중심의텍스트에는소설, 수필, 시등의문학작품이포함된다. 마지막으로독자반응중심텍스트에서는번역문을읽은독자도원문을읽은독자처럼텍스트를읽고서동일한반응을보이는가가중요한평가기준이다. 예를들어이러한텍스트에해당하는광고문이나안내문, 홍보문, 지시문등을번역한경우, 번역문을읽은독자가광고한내용에강렬한흥미를느낀다거나, 지시하거나안내한내용을완전히이해하여그대로행하여원하는목적을달성한다면번역문이제기능을발휘했다고평가할수있다. 언어의기능적인측면에초점을맞추어텍스트의종류를구분하여평가방식을달리해야한다는위와같은주장은본연구의분석대상에도적용이불가피하다. 그이유는텍스트의일차적인목적이정보의충실한전달인지, 효과적인커뮤니케이션인지, 문장의미적양식인지, 독자의즉각적인반응인지를분석하여이러한목적이번역문에서달성되었는지를따져보는것이중요하기때문이다. 본연구에서분석대상이된텍스트의종류를살펴보면문화관광안내물, 한국학관련학문적정보물, 기관홍보물, 영화 애니메이션등의영상물등으로다양했다. 그런데텍스트의종류를확실히구분하여특정종류에해당하는평가기준을획일적으로적용하기에는무리가있었다. 그이유는하나의텍스트라하더라도부분에따라서로다른종류의텍스트특성을보이는경우가다반사이기때문이다. 따라서평가자는각텍스트의종류별특성과텍스트특성에따른적절한번역방식을염두에두고분석대상텍스트를평가해야할것이다. 이처럼번역결과물평가의선행작업으로텍스트종류의구분을완결하고다음으로실질적인평가기준을확정하는단계로넘어갔다. 본연구의평가기준을마련하기위하여우선국내외의유수한번역학학자들이번역평가기준으로제안한사항들을고찰해보았다. Brunee 은번역텍스트평가항목을크게논리 (logic), 목적 (purpose), 맥락 (context), 언어규범 (language norm) 으로분류하였다. 6) 첫째, 논리에서는표층결 6) Towards a Terminology for Translation Quality Assessment, Evaluation and Translation, St. Jerome Publishing, 2000. 84 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
속구조 (cohesion) 과심층결속구조 (coherence) 를통해텍스트의형태와내용의일관성있는전개양상을부각하였고, 둘째, 목적에서는원문저자의텍스트집필의도와번역문을읽을독자에게저자가기대하는효과가살아있는지를평가기준으로삼았다. 셋째, 맥락은번역문을읽을독자의배경지식, 시공간적상황, 사회문화적환경, 커뮤니케이션맥락을고려하여번역문을평가하자는것이다. 넷째, 언어규범에서는문법, 어휘, 표기측면에서의오류를평가의잣대로강조하였다. 한편 Adab은평가기준을언어사용의정확성 (language accuracy), 메시지전달의정확성 (accuracy of the message), 번역문독자의배경지식 (assumed knowledge and needs of target reader), 텍스트구성차원의적절성 (any intertextual references), 수용성및가독성 (acceptability/readability) 의다섯영역으로구분하였다. 7) 언어사용정확성의세부기준으로언어사용역 (register) 과문체 (style) 를지적한점과번역문독자의배경지식과관련하여내용의추가나생략의필요성을강조한점이주목할만하다. 또한각언어마다텍스트구성방식에독특한특성이있는점을감안하여원문의텍스트구성방식을그대로따르는것이반드시적절한번역방식은아니라는점을환기시키고있다. 이상원은평가규범을출발어텍스트 (source text) 와의관련성규범, 도착텍스트 (target text) 의효율성규범, 배경지식규범, 윤리규범, 정책규범으로분류하고출발어텍스트와의관련성규범에는텍스트이해, 문장이해, 단어및표현이해, 첨삭, 형태유지, 숫자표기, 언어유희측면에서평가의중요성을강조했다. 다음으로도착텍스트와의효율성규범의하위분류기준으로는텍스트구성, 문장구성, 단어및표현구성, 오탈자, 외국어고유명사발음표기, 대우법, 역주, 띄어쓰기, 새로운한국어인명 지명창조를포함하였다. 배경지식규범에는전문용어, 신화내용, 시대배경, 대중문화 스포츠, 종교, 제도와관습, 제3의외국어지식, 저자및도서관련지식, 지리, 고전문학지식, 자연과학지식, 예술분야의지식정도를평가기준으로삼았고, 윤리규범에는번역사윤리, 편집인 출판사윤리, 기타관련인윤리를묻고있다. 마지막정책규범에는번역사선정, 원본도서선정, 분책출판, 중역의여부를평가규범으로제시하였다. 또한김정우는번역평가를두가지측면으로나누어서출발어 (source language) 의독해측면과도착어 (target language) 의표현측면에서평가가이루어져야한다고제안했다. 7) Evaluating Translation Competence, Developing Translation Competence, John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2000. Ⅳ. 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석 85
이상과같이번역평가에관한다양한연구결과를토대로하고본연구의분석대상이된자료의특성을분석하여본연구팀이최종적으로확정한번역평가기준은다음과같다. < 표 4-1> 번역평가기준표 문법차원 어휘차원 사실관계차원 논리적구성차원 정보성의등가차원 번역텍스트의목적차원 대범주 오류유형번호 세부범주 A-1 철자오류 A-2 구두점오류 A-3 띄어쓰기오류 표층오류 A-4 일련번호사용오류 A-5 제목 / 소제목표기오류 A-6 로마자표기오류 ( 국립국어원로마자표기원칙적용 ) 통사오류 Tense, agreement, plural/singular, etc. 정확한용어사용 B-1 Appropriateness/hierarchy Subject area terms 용어사용의일관성 B-2 Consistency 적절한관용표현 Idiomaticity 오역 C-1 Misrepresentation 이유없는생략 C-2 Unmotivated omission 내용전개의일관성 D-1 Coherence (sentence connectives) 문법적결속구조 D-2 Cohesion 명확한메시지전달 D-3 Clarity 부연 / 보충설명 E-1 불필요하거나부적절한부연 / 보충설명제공 E-2 Additional knowledge for inter-cultural communication Effectiveness/ economy/ consistency 불충분한번역 E-3 Under-translation 과도한직역 E-4 Literal translation 번역텍스트독자에게출발어문화에대한긍정적관심유발 F-1 적절한어역 (register) F-2 스타일 /TL의글쓰기규범위반 F-3 번역텍스트 reader appeal (operative text) 86 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
각각의평가항목이실제번역결과물의수준평가에서어떻게활용되는지알아보기위해서간단히설명을해보자. 첫번째, 문법차원의표층오류는텍스트의표층구조 (surface structure) 차원에서외면적으로드러난오류이다. 세부범주를보면확인할수있듯이도착텍스트 ( 번역텍스트 ) 에서철자를틀리게표기하였다거나, 맞춤표, 쉼표, 느낌표, 따옴표등구두점을잘못사용했다거나띄어쓰기를제대로하지않은경우가여기에해당한다. 특히출발어인한국어와도착어인영어사이에구두점을활용하는방식에차이가있어서각각의특성과사용법에익숙하지않거나주의를기울이지않는번역사가번역을했을경우에오류가많이발견될것으로예상된다. 표층오류의또다른예로는일련번호사용오류와제목 소제목표기오류, 로마자표기오류등이있다. 일련번호사용오류와제목 소제목표기오류는무수한항목이열거된텍스트에서번역사의번역과정이나이후의편집과정에서부주의한처리에의해주로발생하는데최종번역결과물에이러한차원의오류를고찰하기위해서포함하였다. 표층오류중에서가장빈번하고심각한오류가예상되는분야는로마자표기오류로서한글의로마자표기양식은수시로변하거나기관마다선호하는기준양식이달라서대부분표기법에차이를보이는실정이다. 이번자료분석의기준으로국립국어원에서제시한 < 로마자표기법 > 을적용하여살펴보았다. 문법차원에서또다른오류범주로구분한것이통사오류로서, 여기에는동사의시제사용, 주어 동사일치나시제일치, 단수 복수사용등한국어와영어의기본적인문법체계가다름으로인해서발생할수있는오류를대상으로하였다. 문법차원의오류다음으로분류한오류의두번째대범주는어휘차원의오류로, 세부범주로는정확한용어사용, 용어사용의일관성, 적절한관용표현의사용으로구성되어있다. 우선원문에등장한용어를어휘차원에서정확한도착어로옮겼는지를살피고, 용어를사용함에있어서독자가혼란스럽지않도록일관성있게사용하였는지를분석하였다. 분석대상텍스트가한국의고유한문화, 전통, 예술, 학문등을소개하는경우가많아서영어권독자들에게는익숙하지않은내용인경우가많을것으로예상할수있다. 그런데사용된용어가정확하지않거나서로다른용어를사용하여같은사항을지칭한다면독자들의도착텍스트이해도는낮아지기마련일것이다. 어휘차원에서또다른중요한항목은관용표현의사용과관련된오류이다. 언어마다번역할때가장문제가되는분야중의하나가관용어사용이다. 원문의관 Ⅳ. 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석 87
용적인표현을번역문에서살리기가쉽지않은이유는관용표현에담겨있는함축적의미와형식상의특성을번역문독자에게전달하기어렵기때문이다. 내용에치중하면형식이소실되고, 형식을강조하면내용에차이가생기는관용어의표현을얼마나적절하게번역했는지를고찰하면번역문의수준과완성도를평가하는데크게도움이될것이다. 세번째분석대범주는사실관계차원의오류로서, 오역과이유없는생략을지적할수있다. 명백한사실을제공함으로써정보를제공하는텍스트의경우, 사실관계가번역에서달라지거나반드시밝혀야할정보가생략되는경우가있다. 번역과정에서부주의해서이거나혹은번역하기어려운부분을의도적으로생략해서이러한결과가빚어질수있다. 이상으로살펴본오류가단어, 표현, 문장구조등의미시적차원 (micro-level) 에서발견되는오류라고한다면다음으로소개되는오류는거시적차원 (macrolevel) 의오류로서, 텍스트종류, 담화양식, 커뮤니케이션목적등과관련하여발생하는오류유형을말한다. 우선논리적구성차원의오류에는내용전개의일관성, 문법적결속구조, 명확한메시지전달이포함된다. 원문의내용이결속성을가지고전개되는내적논리가번역문에서도살아있는지를살피고이러한논리를살리기위하여사용된출발어의문법장치가도착어의특성에맞게사용되었는지를분석하는것이다. 그결과메시지가명확히전달되었는지여부를평가할것이다. 다음으로는정보성의등가차원의오류로서원문독자와번역문독자간에배경지식및주제지식이상이한차이를고려하여필요한경우부연 보충설명이이루어졌는지분석하고반대의경우불필요하거나부적절한설명을제공했는지살피는것이다. 원문에충실하다는개념을원문에표면적으로드러나있는요소만을그대로번역하는것이라고생각하고번역을할경우, 독자에게는불충실한번역결과물을초래할수있다. 그결과불충분한번역이되거나과도한직역이될수있다. 텍스트를번역할때언어의차이뿐아니라상이한사회문화를고려하여부연설명이필요한경우를흔히발견할수있다. 한국을소개하고한국에대한이해를높이기위한텍스트에서이러한번역방법이사용되었는지를분석해보고자한다. 마지막으로번역문의목적차원에서의오류를고찰할필요가있다. 본연구의분석대상이된텍스트처럼외국의독자들에게한국을소개하는자료를번역하는경우, 이텍스트가번역되어어떠한기능을할것인지에대한충분한이해가없다면번역의목적을살리기어려울것이다. 한국문화에대한이해를높이고긍정적 88 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
인반응을이끌어내는것이원문의목적인데번역문을읽으면부적절한번역으로독자들사이에부정적인인식만높아진다고한다면심각한문제가아닐수없다. 따라서번역문이원문의의도를충실히반영하고목적을충분히달성할수있는지를평가하기위하여대상독자층을고려한적절한언어와문체가사용되었는지를기준으로삼았다. 2. 자료분석의대상 자료수집및분석대상공공기관은문화관광 ( 국가홍보물 ) 번역관련 12개기관, 기초예술관련번역 8개기관, 한국학관련번역 5개기관으로최근출판된번역결과물및웹페이지상의번역자료를수집하였다. 문화관광 ( 국가홍보물 ) 번역관련기관 a. 문화관광부 b. 한국관광공사 c. 서울특별시 d. 부산직할시 e. 제주도 f. 청와대 g. 문화재청 h. 국립중앙박물관 i. 국립민속박물관 j. 국립고궁박물관 k. 한국문화콘텐츠진흥원 l. 국립중앙박물관 기초예술번역관련기관 a. 국립국악원 b. 예술의전당 c. 국립극장 Ⅳ. 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석 89
d. 영화진흥위원회 e. 대한민국예술원 f. 국립현대미술관 g. 한국문화예술교육진흥원 h. 한국문학번역원 i. 예술의전당 j. 서울예술단 k. 국립오페라단 l. 국립중앙극장 한국학번역관련기관 a. 규장각한국학연구원 b. 한국학중앙연구원 c. 유네스코한국위원회교류재단 d. 국가지식포탈 e. 민족문화추진회 3. 자료분석 본장에서는공공기관에서수집된번역결과물자료가운데 한국어 영어 로의언어조합방향으로이루어진번역물을대상으로분석하고그분석결과를위의 < 표 4-1> 에제시된평가항목별로정리하였다. 참고로하나의예문에서나타나는오류가단일평가항목에해당되는것이아니라두가지이상의평가항목에해당되는경우도종종발견된다는점을밝혀둔다. 예를들어 <Hi! Seoul Festival 2007> 팜플렛에나오는 How about to taste the wonderful start of the ultimate festival of Seoul, Hi Seoul Festival 2007, in advance. 의경우에는제안문의끝에의문부호대신마침표가사용되었기때문에 구두점오류 에해당한다. 그러나동시에 how about 다음에는관용적으로명사가사용되거나동사일경우에는명사상당어구인동명사형태로사용되어야함에도불구하고이규칙이위배되었으므로 통사적오류 에도해당한다. 이경우에는 90 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
부록에두가지항목의사례로모두제시될것이지만, 본문에서는대표적인평가항목의사례로만소개할것이다. 3.1. 문법차원 (Grammer) (1) 철자오류 문장에서단어의철자를올바르게처리하는일은의미전달에있어서매우중요한일이라고할수있다. 철자오류의사례는다음과같다. 예문 (1) At the same tome, new mothers and women without milk pray to the Water Granny by a fountain and, for the first plowing of a field in the year the ox is faced east. ( 제주도 > culture > folklore) 예문 (2) The chuk is a wooden box painted blue and shaped like a morlar. It was introduced from; China during rule of King Yejong of Goryeo and manly used in at music at confucian shrines. ( 국립국악원 > About Gugak> Korean Musical Instruments> Percussion Instruments) 예문 (1) 에서 tome 은 서적 이라는의미로문맥에적합하지않으므로 time 으로수정이필요하다. 또한예문 (2) 에서 manly 는 남자다운 이라는의미로문장의전후관계에의미전달의역할을할수없으므로 mainly 로대체해야한다. 예문 (3) Brown seaweed, rice and a bowl of water are offered to the gods in prayer for fortune and longerity of mother and child. Immediately after childbirth, a table of offerings to the three gods is set up the head of the mother s room and her first meal of cooked rice with brown seaweed soup is prepared with the same rice and brown seaweed which had been offered to the gods. Ⅳ. 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석 91
( 민속박물관 > 한국인의일생 > 출생 ) 예문 (4) A striking feature of Korean nation founding mythloogy is that they combine the elements of heaven-sent founder theory and oviparous theory. The very existence of the two different elements in Korean nation fouding mytologies underlines the fact that Korean culture had been developed on the basis of northern culture to which southern culture was accepted. ( 민속박물관 > 삼국및가야의건국신화 ) 예문 (3) 에서표시된 longerity 는문장의내용상 모자의행운과장수를빌면서 의의미라고보아야함으로 장수 의의미를가진어휘 longevity 로수정해야하며, 또한예문 (4) 에서표시된바와같이 fouding mytologies 는 건국신화 를언급하고있으므로 founding mythologies 로수정해야한다. 예문 (5) Map of Ancient Koguryo Kingdom in Korean Peninsular ( 문화재청 > World Koguryo Tomb Murals) 예문 (6) I was deliberately not made up, I simple wished to play the role of Shin-ae as a typical woman, in a simple way. (Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Cannes Edition 2007) 예문 (5) 에서본문의내용은 한반도의고구려지도 의의미로, 이경우 한반도 에대한영어표기는형용사형인 Peninsular 가아닌명사형이위치해야함으로 Peninsula 로수정해야한다. 한편예문 (6) 에서문법적으로문장의주어인 I 와동사인 wished 사이에올수있는품사는 부사 혹은그상당어구이므로형용사형인 simple 이아닌부사형 simply 가나와야한다. 92 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
(2) 구두점오류 구두점이란문장사이에표시하여논리적관계를명시하거나문장의정확한의미를전달하기위하여표기법의보조수단으로쓰이는부호로써마침표, 쉼표, 따옴표, 묶음표, 아포스트로피등이있다. 이와관련된오류의구체적인사례는다음과같다. 예문 (7) Koreas pottery culture was developed to such an extent that Korea is called the country of ceramic ware or the country of jars and pots. ( 문화관광부 > Images of Korea 11> Kimchi) 예문 (8) Geungnakjeon Hall, was built in the 12th year of The Great King Sejong s reign (1430). ( 문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 13호 ) 예문 (7) 에서문장의주어는 pottery culture 이므로 Koreas 는주어를수식할수있는문장의요소가위치해야한다. 그러므로 Korean 과같은형용사기능을할수있는유사한문법적구성요소로서아포스트로피를포함한 Korea s 로대체되어야한다. 또한예문 (8) 에서는문장의주어가 Geungnakjeon Hall 이며수식어구가수반되지않고바로술어인 was built 가제시되었으므로쉼표는불필요한문장의요소이다. 예문 (9) Opening Ceremony You are invited to the opening ceremony of the Hi Seoul Festival 2007. Part 1 will present a Lighted Boat Parade where the lights from the 63 Building will colorfully embroider the Hangang and Part 2 will provide an exciting concert stage of the popular singers for 90 minutes. As the concert end, the enormous fireworks will splendidly decorate the night sky of Seoul to announce of starting the festival. How about to taste the wonderful start of the ultimate festival of Seoul, Hi Seoul Festival 2007, in advance. ( 서울시 > Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Detailed Description of Programs for each District) Ⅳ. 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석 93
예문 (10) The House Living Together whose motto is The Homeless Production Community Creating Hope", had members who occupied and empty house located in Jeongreung, Seoul. ( 영화진흥위원회 > Korean Cinema 2006) 예문 (9) 의 How about ~ 구문은일반적으로명사혹은동명사를수반하며그의미가 ~ 은어떻습니까 혹은 ~ 에대해서어떻게생각하십니까 이므로의문부호? 가나와야한다. 예문 (10) 의경우는관계대명사소유격 whose 가이끄는종속절앞뒤에쉼표가하나씩있거나아예삭제해야한다. 예문 (11) With the establishment of the Republic of Korea in 1948, President Lee Seung-man called the building Gyeongmudae(,) which was the name of one of the few old buildings there. He used it as his office and residence. President Yun Bo-seon changed the name to Cheong Wa Dae" after he was inaugurated in 1960. ( 청와대 > History&Tour> History of CWD) 예문 (12) The first, piece performed in a slow tempo, is followed by the second piece performed in a fast tempo. ( 국립국악원 > About Gugak> Traditional Music and Dance> Instrumental music) 예문 (11) 의경우 Gyeongmudae(,) 가동사 call 의목적보어로괄호는불필요하므로삭제해야하며, 예문 (12) 에서 The first, piece performed in a slow tempo, 의두개의쉼표는원문이상대적으로단문의형태를이루고있으므로삽입구처럼구두점이불필요하다. (3) 띄어쓰기오류 띄어쓰기란글을쓸때내용의이해를용이하게하고의미의전달을정확하게하기위해서의미단위를벌려서쓰는것을말한다. 다음에서띄어쓰기의오류사례를관찰해본다. 94 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
예문 (13) JegichagiJanuary 1st on the lunar calendar, or Seollal as it is called in Korean, is one of the most popular and widely celebrated holidays in Korea. ( 서울시 > Living Traditions) 예문 (14) TourNot only is Seoul an incredibly large city overflowing with culture, it s also overflowing with various markets and shops providing goods for just about everyone. ( 서울시 > Day Tour Suggestions> Two-day Shopping) 예문 (13) 에서 Jegichagi 와이어지는 January 에서시작되는본문간의관계가비정상적이다. 그러므로의미전달을보다분명하고확실하게하기위해서는본문을다음줄로이동시켜야한다. 마찬가지로예문 (14) 에서도 Tour 와 Not onl y 에서시작되는본문간의의미관계를명확하게하기위해서는 Not only 부분을다음줄로이동해야적절한스페이스조정이이루어지게된다. 예문 (15) The Bohyeop Darani Sutra published by Chongjisa Temple in the 10th year of the reign of King Mokjong(1009 A.D.) and the Tripitaka Korean printed twice attest to the development of the woodblock printing of the Goryeo Kingdom. ( 국립민속박물관 > 고려의인쇄청자문화 > 한국의고인쇄 ) 예문 (16) SETEC is a one-stop exhibition complex with 11,000m2 of overall floor space seated on a site of almost 31,000m2. High speed telecommunication links allow virtual exhibitions on the internet, andheavy and extensive displays can be set up all year round regardless of weather conditions. ( 한국관광공사 > TRAVEL PLANNER S GUIDE> SETEC) 예문 (15) 에서는 King Mokjong 과 (1009 A.D.) 을독립된어휘로간주해야함으로그 space 가있어야하며예문 (16) 에는접속사 and 와이어지는형용사 heavy 사이에 space 를두어앞뒤로한칸씩띄어쓰기를해야한다. Ⅳ. 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석 95
예문 (17) It is an international motor show which presents a variety of high-level events such as cart races, a car audio contest, a cargiveaway lottery, auto-related seminars, and the College Student Self-made Motor Race. ( 부산시 > Festivity tour (12)> Busan International Motor Show) 예문 (18) In Korea s Samguksagi (History of thethree Kingdoms) it is written that King Sinmun (A.D.683) gave presents, including soy sauce, soybean paste and salted and fermented fish to his bride s parents, so the use of fermented foods then is also proven. ( 문화관광부 > Images of Korea 11> Kimchi) 예문 (17) 에서 cargiveaway lottery 는 자동차경품복권 의의미로각각독립된어휘로간주되어야한다. 그러므로 car giveaway lottery 로수정되어야하며, 예문 (18) 의 History of thethree Kingdoms 에서 the 와 Three 는각각다른단어이므로띄어쓰기를해야한다. (4) 일련번호사용오류 이와관련한오류사례는발견되지않았다. (5) 제목 / 소제목표기오류 영어텍스트제목의대문자사용과관련해서는대개두가지규범이존재한다. 첫째는모든어휘의첫글자를대문자로표기하는것이고, 둘째는명사, 대명사, 형용사와같은내용어의첫글자는대문자를사용하되전치사, 접속사와같은기능어는소문자를사용하는것이다. 어느쪽의규범을선택하든동일한문서안에서통일성과일관성을갖고규범을준수하면되는것이나, 이에위배되는사례들도상당수발견되었는데, 정리하면다음과같다. 96 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
예문 (19) Nation founding Mythologies of the Three kingdoms and Gaya ( 국립민속박물관 > 삼국시대의생활과문화 > 삼국및가야의건국신화 ) 예문 (20) Introducing and developing of the modern art(1910-1941)/abstract Art (1960-70) ( 국립현대미술관 > Paintings) 예문 (19) 에서 founding, kingdoms 는각각명사로내용어에해당하므로 Founding, Kingdoms 로수정할필요가있으며, 예문 (20) 의경우는 developing, modern, art 등이각각전치사 of 의목적어및피수식어이므로대문자를사용하여 Introducing and Developing of the Modern Art (1910-1941)/Abstract Art 로표기해야한다. 예문 (21) Warriors with hachets ( 문화재청 > World Koguryo Tomb Murals) 예문 (22) The Hands of all of the Citizens will complete the Festival! ( 서울시 > Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Detailed Description of Programs for each District) 예문 (21) 에서 Warriors with hachets 는제목표기오류이다. 일반적으로제목에서는내용어인어휘의첫문자를대문자로표기하므로 Warriors with Hachets 로수정해야한다. 또한예문 (22) 의경우는모든단어의첫문자를다대문자로쓰든지내용어의첫문자만을대문자화하는것이원칙인데, 번역텍스트가어느경우에도해당되지않아서 The Hands of all of the Citizens will Complete the Festival! 로수정이필요하다. 예문 (23) 27th Annual Meeting of the International Association For Impact Assessment ( 한국관광공사 > TRAVEL PLANNER S GUIDE> Timetable) Ⅳ. 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석 97
예문 (24) A warm home, life s nest Residences ( 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery) 예문 (23) 은문법적오류중제목표기의오류로대문자표기의일관성위해서영문제목에서전치사는소문자로표기해야한다. 그러므로 27th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Impact Assessment 로수정해야하며, 예문 (24) 의경우대문자화의일관성이결여되어있다. 그러므로 A Warm Home, Life s Nest Residences 로수정하면맞다. (6) 로마자표기오류 로마자표기 (Romanization) 란로마자를사용하여문자를표기및철자 ( 綴字 ) 하는방법으로, 국어의경우그특성상많은표기체계가무질서하게쓰여왔다. 람스테트방식, 조선어학회안, 예일방식 (Yale System) 등을거쳐맥퀸-라이샤워방식 (McCune-Reischauer System) 을사용해오다가최근에는표음주의 ( 表音主義 ) 를택한국립국어원 < 로마자표기법 > 으로바뀌었다. 그러나로마자표기원칙이지나치게자주바뀌고, 이에따라도로표지판, 안내간판, 지명표기등의경우도매번새롭게이루어져야하므로, 개정된것과그렇지않은채로남아있는것들간에표기양식의통일성이없어지는문제가발생한다. 뿐만아니라동일한로마자표기원칙을적용한것들에서도로마자표기방식에여전히오류가많이발생하고있는현실이다. 현재의로마자표기원칙에위배되는사례들을정리하면다음과같다. 예문 (25) Around the hotel, there are lots of sea food restaurants and Cheju local food restaurants, so you can enjoy the taste of Cheju. ( 제주도 > tour > accommodation) 예문 (26) Gamasote Nulunggi ( 제주도 > tour > food) 98 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
국립국어원의로마자표기법에따라예문 (25) 및 (26) 에서 Cheju 는 Jeju 로 Nulunggi 는 Nulungji 로각각표기해야한다. 예문 (27) World Koguryo Tomb Murals ( 문화재청 > World Koguryo Tomb Murals) 예문 (28) Gyeonu and Jingnyeo ( 문화재청 > World Koguryo Tomb Murals) 예문 (27) 은로마자표기오류로써 Koguryo ( 고구려 ) 의경우현재실시되고있는국립국어원로마자표기법을적용하면한글자음중 ㄱ 은단어가운데의위치에상관없이 g 로통일하고있다. 그러므로고구려의로마자표기는 Goguryeo 가맞다. 예문 (28) 의경우도국립국어원로마자표기법제4항 1의규정에따르면이름에서일어나는음운변화는표기에반영하지않는다고규정하고있다. 그러므로직녀는 Jiknyeo 라고표기해야한다. 예문 (29) Geunjeongjeon Hall, the largest and most impressive building, Gyotaejeon Hall (queen consort s residence), Hyang-wonjeong (octagonal pavilion), and Gyeonghoeru, an imposing two-story pavilion ( 한국관광공사 > TRAVEL PLANNER S GUIDE> Gyeongbokgung Palace) 예문 (30) <Hwang Jin Yi>, <Shim-chung> ( 영화진흥위원회 > Korean Cinema 2006) 예문 (29) 의로마자표기는국립국어원로마자표기법제 3장제6항의규정에따라문화재명은붙임표 (-) 없이붙여써야하므로 Hyangwonjeong (octagonal pavilion) 으로표기해야한다. 예문 (30) 의경우는로마자표기에일관성이없다. < 황진이 > 에서음절을하이픈으로연결하지않고각각독립해서표기하고각음절첫글자를대문자로표기했으므로 < 심청 > 에대해서도그렇게해야한다. 더군다나 Ⅳ. 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석 99
< 심청 > 에서 심 은성이기때문에 청 이하이픈으로붙을수없으므로 Shim Chung 으로표기해야한다. 로마자표기와관련한번역상의문제는비단로마자표기의부정확성하나만으로국한되지않는다. 로마자표기는우리사회와문화를대외적으로널리알리는데필수적인문제이므로본장말미 " 분석결과에대한논의 " 부분에서상세히다루기로하겠다. (7) 통사적오류 통사적오류란단어, 구 ( 句 ), 절 ( 節 ) 등과같은문법적구성요소가문장내의구조적, 의미적기능이적합하지않거나굳어져있는문법규칙에위배되는경우를말한다. 통사적오류에해당하는사례들은의외로무수히발견되고있는데, 대표적인것을정리하면다음과같다. 예문 (31) The five colors of the costumes worn by the dancers each symbolizes five directions: blue-east, white-west, red-south, black-north, and yellow-center. The dancers perform energetic movements which seem to expel. ( 국립국악원 > About Gugak> Traditional Music and Dance> Dance Music) 예문 (32) Korea s kimchi, with its soaking of vegetables in brine and with all the spices and the salted and fermented fish plus the red chili pepper, has become an unique fermented food without equal in the world. ( 문화관광부 > Images of Korea 11> Kimchi) 예문 (31) 의문장주어는 colors 로 3인칭단수가아닌명사의복수형이므로동사의형태는 symbolizes 가아닌 symbolize 가되어야한다. 예문 (32) 에서는부정관사 an 이 a 로수정되어야한다. 모음앞에서는부정관사 an 을사용해야하지만, 이경우 unique 의 u 는철자상으로는모음으로보이지만발음은 [ju:ni:k] 이므로모음앞에붙는부정관사 an 을사용할수없다. 100 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
예문 (33) In the North tomb, more ornaments including a silver belt ornament with an inscription of Buindae(the meaning of Madame s belt) were found than in the South tomb. ( 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery) 예문 (34) Girls favorite games and plays include jackstones, rubber string jumping, see-sowing by jumping up and down and swinging. Some of thses require dexterous hands and other need rhythmic body movement. ( 국립민속박물관 > 한국인의일생 > 출생 ) 예문 (33) 은문법적오류로 Buindae(the meaning of Madame s belt) 에서 부인대 자체가 Madame s belt 이지 Madame s belt 의의미 가아니므로 Buindae(Madame s belt) 로수정해야한다. 예문 (34) 의경우또한문법적오류로 some 과 others 는양자를비교혹은대조하는구문이므로 and 가아니라 while others 로바꾸어야한다. 예문 (35) The painting of the tomb include various themes, such as royal palaces, hunting scenes, processions, as well as clouds, flame patterns, lotusflowers, sun, moon, and constellations. ( 문화재청 > World Koguryo Tomb Murals) 예문 (36) Opening Ceremony You are invited to the opening ceremony of the Hi Seoul Festival 2007. Part 1 will present a Lighted Boat Parade where the lights from the 63 Building will colorfully embroider the Hangang and Part 2 will provide an exciting concert stage of the popular singers for 90 minutes. As the concert end, the enormous fireworks will splendidly decorate the night sky of Seoul to announce of starting the festival. How about to taste the wonderful start of the ultimate festival of Seoul, Hi Seoul Festival 2007, in advance. ( 서울시 > Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Detailed Description of Programs for each District) Ⅳ. 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석 101
예문 (35) 는기본적인문법적오류로 sun, moon 등과같은유일한명사앞에는정관사인 the 가필요하므로, the sun, the moon 으로고쳐야한다. 예문 (36) 의경우에동사 announce 는일반적으로타동사로사용되어전치사를목적어의일부로취하지않고명사혹은대명사를목적어로취하므로전치사 of 를삭제하고 to announce starting the festival 로해야맞는표현이된다. 3.2. 어휘차원 (Lexis) (1) 정확한용어사용 번역텍스트번역의과정에서정확한용어의사용은번역텍스트독자들의출발어문화에대한이해와공감을그만큼신속하게한다. 그러므로특정한상황과사물을보다정확하고효과적으로기술하기위해서는정확한관련용어를사용하여번역작업을수행해야한다. 부정확한용어사용으로어색한텍스트가도출된사례를다음예문에서살펴본다. 예문 (37) Welcome to visit our original moving rib restaurant. To contribute to developing eatery culture, we opened the first chain, Pochon Moving Rib and ready to serve you. We promise to serve you if you visit us. Thank you. ( 제주도 > tour >shopping) 예문 (38) The Korean government designated Jongmyo jeryeak as Treasure No.1, and UNESCO allocated the work as a World Cultural Treasure. ( 국립국악원 > About Gugak> Korean Musical Instruments> Percussion Instruments) 예문 (37) 에서이동갈비는갈비자체가움직이는이동성을갖는 (moving) 다는뜻이아니라갈비산지지명이경기도포천군이동면이라는뜻이므로도착텍스트에사용된 moving rib 는정확한용어가아니다. 예문 (38) 에서 무형문화재 에대한영어의등가표현은일반적으로 Intangible Cultural Property 로사용하며 102 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
Treasure 는 남대문 이국보1호라고할때 National Treasure No.1 이라고하는것처럼 보물 을번역할때주로사용한다. 예문 (39) Furthermore, the government only subsidized government policy movies such as the Saemaul movement and anti-communist films which all the production companies tried to benefit from. ( 영화진흥위원회 > CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek) 예문 (40) Gije is an anniversary commemoration of a death performed at midnight on the eve of the anniversary of the death of an ancestor. (An Illustrated Guide to Korean Culture> 한국인의일생과세시풍속 > 제사 ) 예문 (39) 은정확한용어사용과관련된오류로, 정부의정책홍보영화 에대한영어의대응어는 government policy movies 보다는 government propaganda movies 라고표현하는것이보다정확할것이다. 또한예문 (40) 의경우에는 anniversary 와 commemoration 은양자택일할단어이지병기할수있는단어가아니다. 구태여병기하려면 anniversary commemorating the death of one s ancestors 정도로해야맞다. 예문 (41) A wide spread of event locations as like the colorful events of Hi Seoul Festival 2007. You don t know what to ride on and where to go? The public transportation will bring you to the event location fast and safely where you want to go. If you don t like to get stress from the blocking road and narrow parking lot, leave your car at home~ ( 서울시 > Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Traffic Information) 예문 (42) Other major chains in Korea are FamilyMart (a Japanese chain with over 2,700 shops around the country), LG25, MiniStop, Buy the Way and OK Mart. ( 서울시 > Travel Tips> Convenience Stores and Supermarkets) Ⅳ. 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석 103
예문 (41) 에서 교통통제구역 은영어에서 traffic restrictions 이며 blocking road 는어떤상황이길을막는다는뜻이지이자체로교통통제구역의의미와는구별해서사용해야한다. 이경우에도 blocked road 로해야맞다. 예문 (42) 에서 LG25 는이미고유명사자체가 GS25 로바뀌었으므로이를반영하여야한다. (2) 용어사용의일관성 번역을할때하나의사물이나상태를각각다른어휘를사용하여글의스타일을제고시킬수도있겠지만, 경우에따라서는독자에게상이한사물이나상태를기술 ( 記述 ) 하는것으로오해되어의사소통의효율성을저해할수도있다. 따라서동일한어휘를습관적으로반복하는것을기피하는영어글쓰기의규범에따르면서도용어사용의일관성을유지하는능력이효과적인번역을위해필요하다. 다음예문들은용어사용의일관성을위배한대표적인경우들이다. 예문 (43) If you are interested in something different, you can come, play laid-back cowboy and enjoy riding dwarf horses on the foot of Mount Halla, surrounded by the nature. ( 제주도 > tour > leisure sports) 예문 (44) Location Opening date: 1996. 1.31 Opening Date: August 25 1988 ( 제주도 > culture > arts) 예문 (43) 에서 조랑말 을 small horse 혹은 pony 등으로수차례이미표현하였는데다시 dwarf horse 를사용함으로써각기다른마종을지칭하는것인지혼돈을가져온다. 용어의일관성이없다고할수있다. 예문 (44) 에서는 년월일 을표현하는데있어서전자는번역하지않고후자만번역하여일관성을상실하였다. 예문 (45) COEX 435,000 square meters KINTEX 53,541m2 SETEC 31,000m2 104 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
EXCO 3,872 square meters BEXCO 26,400 square meters ( 한국관광공사 > TRAVEL PLANNER S GUIDE> Conventions, Exhibitions and Expos) 예문 (46) The existing folk customs result from those historical conditions; popular beliefs including poje, male centered Confucian village rites, and women-centered danggut by Shamans (originally the rites were performed equally by men and women). ( 제주도 > culture> folklore) 예문 (45) 는용어사용의일관성에관련된오류로서, 무게, 부피, 면적등을나타내는도량형단위사용규범을위반하였다. 즉 평방미터 라는원문텍스트표현을 m2 와 square meter 라는기호와철자를혼용하고있다. 예문 (46) 에서는남성중심 (men-centered) 및여성중심 (women-centered) 이라는어휘의대응어로서반의어관계에있는 women vs. men 을쓰지않고굳이 male 을대응어로선택하였으며, women-centered 의경우는 - ( 하이픈 ) 이있는데 male centered 의경우는하이픈을사용하지않아서용어사용의일관성이유지되지않았다. women-centered 는합성어로서 명사 + 명사 가합성된경우는 goldfish 처럼하이픈을사용하지않지만 명사 + 형용사 혹은 명사 + 과거분사 의합성어는일반적으로 consumer-centered ( 소비자위주의 ) 에서처럼하이픈과함께사용하는것이일반적이다. 예문 (47) Made in Hamgyeong-do province, the hometown of King Taejo, it consists of three parts: first, the register of twenty private slaves given to Yi Seong-gye( 李成桂, later King Taejo) by the king of the Goryeo Dynasty, December 17, 1390. ( 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Fine Arts GalleryⅠ) 예문 (48) Earthenware were vessels for cooking and storage purposes which were first used in the Neolithic Age when the inhabitants began to lead a settled-down life. The earthenware of this period were mostly reddish brown because they had been Ⅳ. 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석 105
shaped with clay and baked outdoors at a low temperature. To decorate, designs were appliqued or geometric designs were incised on earthen-ware. ( 국립민속박물관 > 선사시대생활 > 선사시대의생활상 ) 예문 (47) 은해당문단의이전및이후에도인명에대한한자표시가없었다. 더욱이한자를병기한다고해서한자를읽을수있을것으로는전제하기어려운영어권독자들에게한국문화에대한이해를제고할수있다고생각하기어렵다. 또한예문 (48) 의경우는, 토기 ( 土器 ) 의대응어로 earthenware 와 earthenware 를일관성없이혼용하여번역텍스트독자를혼란스럽게하는오류를범하고있다. (3) 적절한관용표현사용 영어로의번역에서적절한관용표현의사용이란두가지의미를갖는다. 첫째는한자의고사성어처럼특정하게굳어진의미구사용을들수있다. 예를들어사망을가리키는말로단순히 He died 라는표현대신 He passed away 나 He kicked the bucket 과같이다양한표현을통해 사망 이라는사건이나화자의태도를효과적으로전달할수있다. 둘째는영어의연어규칙이나공기제약에의해함께쓰일수있는어휘들을구분하여사용한다는것이다. 수식어- 피수식어의호응, 특정부사어사용에따른문장구조상의특성, 수식을받는피수식어의특성 성질때문에함께사용할수없는어휘관계등을모두고려하여번역하는것은도착텍스트의가독성을높이는것은물론이고, 번역텍스트독자들에게완성도높은텍스트를읽는다는느낌을갖게하여번역을통한커뮤니케이션의효과를높이는데매우중요한역할을하게된다. 반대로관용적이지못한표현으로일관된도착텍스트를접하는번역텍스트독자들은번역텍스트에서전달하고자하는정보를제대로이해하지못하는것은물론, 번역텍스트에서다루고있는정보또는대상물을무시할수도있다. 이러한적절한관용표현사용규칙을위배한경우들을정리하면다음과같다. 예문 (49) A monk advised the king to offer a Buddhist mass by constructing a tower on a Samcheopchilbong (a three folded mountain surrounded by other six smaller mountains) where the Big Dipper reached its energy. ( 제주도 > tour > touring around) 106 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
예문 (50) Instead of simply watching the action, get the feel of fishing and even make your own raw fish. ( 제주도 > tour > touring around) 예문 (49) 에서 불공을드리다 의영어등가표현은 offer a Buddhist prayer/ service 정도의표현이가능하다. mass 라는어휘의의미는보통 Roman Catholic church ceremony 로사용되며 불공 을번역할때는사용하지않는다. 예문 (50) 의경우는 make your own raw fish 를사용하여 회를뜨다 의의미를전달하려고한것같으나문자그대로그뜻을유추해내기어렵다. 차라리 try and prepare your own slices of raw fish 등과같은대안이바람직하다. 예문 (51) Realizing that he has no background and money to fight back, he plans to sta b ( 영화진흥위원회 > Korean Cinema 2006) 예문 (52) It was heard for the first time when Korean players participated in the Berlin Olympics under the flag of Japan. (An Illustrated Guide to Korean Culture> 한국의상징과특산물 > 애국가 ) 예문 (51) 은문맥상의의미로보아 연줄 을암시하고있다. 이러한 연줄 의영어등가표현은 background 가아닌 connections 가합당할것이다. 원문은 배경 을직역했을수도있다. 그러나여기서사용된 background 는 싸움꾼으로서의과거 로해석되기쉽다. 연줄 을뜻하는영어표현에는 pull, friends in high places 등이있다. 예문 (52) 의경우일반적인운동선수를총칭하는용어는 athlete 이다. 예를들어 올림픽선수 라고할때는 Olympic athletes 라고표현하는반면 player 의경우는보통어느특정한경기에서의선수를지칭한다. 즉 그녀는훌륭한테니스선수이다 는 She s an excellent tennis player 가된다. 이경우 She s an excellent tennis athlete 라고하면어색하게들린다. Ⅳ. 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석 107
예문 (53) Understanding the origin and development of ancient farming will be an opportunity to learn in detail about how our ancestors lived and strived in order to live life better. ( 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Asian Arts Gallery) 예문 (54) The U.S. intervened twice in modern Korean history during a five-year period and this intervention showed that the fate of Korean history depended on American decisions. ( 영화진흥위원회 > CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek) 예문 (53) 의 더잘살다 라는의미의보다자연스러운표현은 live life better 보다는 live a better life, live better, live one s life better 등이가능하다. 여기에서동사 live 가명사인 life 와병기될경우는동족목적어로서 die the death, live a happy life 에서와같이정관사나부정관사를수반하여야한다. 예문 (54) 의경우, the fate of Korean history 를직역하면 한국역사의운명 정도로번역될수있다. 애매모호한이말이한국어로는통용될수있을지모르나, 영어에서는의미가와닿지않는이상한연어이다. 그러므로등가표현에서는과감히 the fate of Korea 또는 the future of Korean history 등으로쓸수있을것이다. 3.3. 사실관계차원 (Factual Information) (1) 오역 원문을잘못번역한경우를오역이라고할수있다. 오역은독자에게왜곡된정보를전달하여경우에따라서는심각한결과를초래할수도있다. 다음예문에서오역의사례를살펴본다. 예문 (55) The hotel has been earning its reputation as an international resort-business hotel with 313 high-class guest rooms, banquet rooms which are large enough to accomodate 1,000 people, a Korean-Japanese restaurant and other facilities. ( 제주도 > tour > accommodation) 108 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
예문 (56) Children of 3-7 days and upward wear it. ( 제주도 > culture > folklore) 예문 (55) 는한식, 양식식당이아닌한식당과양식당이지만영어로는한식과양식을제공하는한식당으로오역이된사례이다. 이경우 a Korean-Japanese restaurant 대신 Korean and Japanese restaurants 라고표현할수있다. 예문 (56) 의경우는 3~7 세어린이 를 Children of 3-7 days 라고번역하기보다는 Children of 3-7 years of age 라고번역해야한다. 예문 (57) Fare System The fare for city buses is 800 won. Subways Fares are 800 won for the first 12 km and 100 won for each additional 6 km when traveling within Seoul. ( 한국관광공사 > TRAVEL PLANNER S GUIDE> Intra-city Transportation) 예문 (58) Lamentably, the original iron cylinder was so destroyed during the Korean War (1950) that we had to copy one to display a whole set of rain gauges. ( 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 > 8. 측우대 ) 예문 (57) 은사실관계에관련된오류이다. 즉 2007 년 4월 1일부터서울시내버스및지하철요금이 900원으로인상되었다. 본책자가 2007 년 4월이전에작성된후발간되었다하더라도교통요금은관광객들에게중요한정보인만큼빠른업데이트가필요하다. 예문 (58) 의경우진품측우기가한국전쟁중에심하게파손되어이를다시복원하여전시중이라는의미가전달되어야하는데, 마치전시품을만들기위해복원한것처럼오해의여지가있도록번역되어있다. 예문 (59) It is a way to share good fortune, as food once offered in the ritual is believed to have been supremely favored by the spirit of the ancestors. (An Illustrated Guide to Korean Culture> 한국인의일생과세시풍속 > 제사 ) Ⅳ. 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석 109
예문 (60) Since this piece currently is the best preserved among the surviving shells, it is approved as a Cultural Property of State-Defensive Scientific Technology that could be well compared with the records and a valuable material for firearm studies and history of ammunitions. ( 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 > 측우대 ) 예문 (59) 의경우원문에서는 조상신이내린복된음식이라고믿어복을나누는행위 라고하였는데, 번역문에서는 supremely favored by the spirit of the ancestors 라고하여 조상신이아주선호하는 의의미로사실관계가변질되었다. 원문에근접한번역은 prepared by the spirit of the ancestors 이다. 예문 (60) 에서원문의 문화재로지정되다 의의미에대한번역텍스트는 승인받다 의의미를가진 approved as 보다는 designated as 로표현해야합당하다. (2) 이유없는생략 공공기관의인터넷사이트번역자료에서원문 ( 한국어 ) 의일부가번역문 ( 영어 ) 에서축소되거나누락되어중요한정보가충분히전달되지않은사례가있다. 다음예문은그사례의일부분이다. 예문 (61) Extant Goguryeo artifacts, sites and, moreover, mural paintings in about 84 confirmed Goguryeo tombs help us in studying the Goguryeo culture. ( 국립민속박물관 > 삼국시대의생활과문화 > 고구려의생활풍토 ) 예문 (62) 봉선홍경사지 ( 奉先弘慶寺址 ) 가있었던곳은인가 ( 人家 ) 도드물었으며잡초가우거져가끔도적이출몰하여행인이곤란을당하였다고한다. 이에고려 ( 高麗 ) 현종 ( 顯宗 ) 은 중간생략.. 비를세운연대는비문끝에성상어유지십팔재대평기역지제육년하사월일근기 ( 聖上御유之十八載大平紀曆之第六年夏四月日謹記 ) 라고적혀있는것으로알수있는데, 절을세운지 5년뒤의일이다. 비신 ( 碑身 ) 을받는귀부 ( 龜跌 ) 의어룡 ( 魚龍 ) 이머리를오른쪽으로돌리고있는점이특이하다. ( 한국관광공사 > 여행정보사이트 > 봉선홍경사사적 ) 110 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
예문 (61), (62) 의원문에도한국문화및한국역사를소개하는중요한정보가포함되어있지만번역에서는이런내용이모두생략되어있다. 공공기관의웹사이트에올라있는번역문이이러한가치있는정보를제대로전달하지못하고있음을보여주는사례인데, 이렇게한국문화사적에대한체계적인정보를누락시키게되면외국인독자가한국문화에대한충분한관심을갖게하는효과를기대하기어려울것이다. 예문 (63) Hanok varied according to the economic condition of the owner. (An Illustrated Guide to Korean Culture> 한국의주생활 > 한옥 ) 예문 (64) Domestic postal rates are 270 won for a letter of up to 25 grams, 1,500 won for a registered letter up to 25 grams, and 2,200 won for a package of up to 2 kilograms. A postcard costs 160 won. ( 한국관광공사 > TRAVEL PLANNER S GUIDE> Mail) 예문 (63) 의경우는원문의생략에관련된오류의사례로서, 지금까지설명한한옥은상류층의집이고경제력에따라집의구조가더축소되기도한다는점과서민들은경제력이약하여충분한공간을갖기어려웠다는점을번역하지않고생략하였다. 예문 (64) 에서는우편비용을설명하는앞문장과곧장이어지는문장이라하더라도, 엽서를사용하는경우의우편비용이아닌엽서자체의가격이 160 원이라는말로해석될수있다. 따라서명확한의미전달을위해서는번역에서 우편비용 이란표현을생략하지않고살려주거나다른문장으로표현해야한다. 예문 (65) The composition in a strict symmetry and shapes of natural objects invariably appear regular in extant screens or panels of the Sun, the Moon and Five Peaks and their images in documentary paintings. ( 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 > 측우대 ) 예문 (66) Because Korea has mountains, plains, rivers and seas, produces a great diversity Ⅳ. 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석 111
of foods. ( 국립민속박물관 > 식생활 > ) 예문 (65) 에서원문의내용은 일월오봉도와다른유물에서동일하게찾아볼수있다 라고되어있는데 다른유물 부분은번역문에서이유없이생략되어있다. 예문 (66) 의경우, 원문에서한국은 작은영토임에도불구하고산, 바다, 평야, 강등으로인해다양한식품이산출되었다 라고되어있으나번역텍스트에서는이를적절하게잘살리지못한사례이다. 이에대한대안으로 In spite of its small territory, Korea has been producing a great diversity of foods due to its mountains, plains, rivers, and seas. 로번역텍스트를수정해야한다. 3.4. 논리적구성차원 (Logic) (1) 내용전개의일관성 텍스트의내용전달은일관성있게논리적인전달이이루어져야한다. 그렇지않을경우독자는텍스트의의미를쉽게파악하기가불가능할것이다. 다음예문에서내용전개가불분명한사례를살펴본다. 예문 (67) We would like to invite you to our tourist ranch, designated as a new attraction by the Namjeju-gun office, Seokwang Horseback Riding Field. President Kim Gyeong-tae. ( 제주도 > tour > leisure sports) 예문 (68) Since the bus signs are written only in Korean han-geul, however, finding the right bus can be confusing to the first-time visitor. (Hi! Seoul> Seoul Help Center> Living in Seoul) 예문 (67) 은남제주군이목장을새로운관광지로지정했다는내용인데콤마 (,) 후승마장명칭으로문장이끝나고경영자이름이나오는것은메시지전달방식이논리적이지도않고문법에도어긋난다. 예문 (68) 의경우는사용된접속사 since 와 112 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
however 의사용으로내용전개의일관성에위배되었다. 다시말해서접속사 since 가이끄는종속절을 원인 으로가정한다면 finding 이하의주절은 결과 에해당하는종속절 + 주절의인과관계이므로접속사 however 는삭제되어야마땅하다. 예문 (69) A daughter-in-law or a wife buys beef bones and boils them all day long when an elder person in a family seems to be fatigued or ill. These days it is usually served to patients undergoing an operation. (An Illustrated Guide to Korean Culture> 한국의음식 > 곰국 ) 예문 (70) The fact that a man receives an identify tag, means that he is now registered in the census registration and the muster roll, so he now becomes to have duties of military and compulsory services. So the common people did not want to carry their identify tags in order to evade those duties. To prevent this, the government enacted laws and regulations against identify tag forgery. ( 국립중앙박물관 > Education> Children s museum> Exhibition) 예문 (69) 의경우는논리적일관성이훼손된사례로서전치문장과후치문장간에적절한접속관계가필요하다. 예를들어, In the past ~. But today ~ 라고하거나두번째문장앞에 However, ~ 라고하는것이적합할것이다. 예문 (70) 원문에서는평민들이명패를가지고다니지않는것이문제인데번역텍스트에서 To prevent this 라고명세화하여논리가어색해진사례이다. 결과적으로명패휴대와관련된대책이명패위조를막는것으로해석되어오역되었다. 예문 (71) A site for offering prayer and food in a ritual of jesa was excavated and investigated for the first time in Korea by the Jeonju Natioal Museum. The artifcats brought out by the excavation in Gyeokpo-ri, Jungmak-dong, Buan Count, Jeollabuk-do Province included earthenware, ceramics, bronze bells, hose head, replicas of armor, bronze and iron objects and earthen and stone jesa implements, strongly suggesting that the site had been jesa-related. ( 국립민속박물관 > 삼국시대의생활과문화 > 삼국시대의복식 ) Ⅳ. 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석 113
예문 (72) Relatively, men seem to have lots of things to do, whereas women have so many restrictions. ( 영화진흥위원회 > Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Cannes Edition 2007) 예문 (71) 의경우, 현재까지행정구역단위인 리, 동, 구, 도 등은로마자표기를하여 ri, dong, ku, do 등으로표현했지만여기서부안군은 Buan Count 로표기하였다. 그러므로일관성을유지하기위해 Buan-kun 이적절하나, 굳이영어를쓴다면철자오류가수정된 Count 가아니라 County 로해야한다. 예문 (72) 는이창동감독의말을정확히번역한것일수도있지만 여성에게는제약이많다 와대비되는내용의의미라면 men seem to have lots of opportunities 라고해야한다. (2) 문법적결속구조 문법적결속구조는문장내의다양한요소, 즉단어, 구, 절등이문법적으로결속되어의미전달이원활하게이루어지는구조적관계를지칭한다. 다음의예문 (69), (70) 은결속구조상의하자로인한텍스트로서의기능이상실된사례이다. 예문 (73) Jeju s official name. the logo is designed to harmonize with the word mark. The major color is, but the logo can be in 4 primary colors in case of applications. ( 제주도 > about jeju > introduction & symbols) 예문 (74) An invaluable resource for Buddhist studies throughout the world, the canon served as the standard for the newly-revised edition of Japan s canon and was also reintroduced into China. ( 문화관광부 > World 13> The Tripitaka Korean Woodblocks) 예문 (73) 에서 Jeju s official name. the logo is 에서두개의명사, 즉 name 과 the logo 와의문법적관계의설명이불가능하며, The major color is, but the logo can be 에서등위접속사 but 를중심으로한전후절의요소간 114 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
의결속구조도비문법적이다. 예문 (74) 의경우는문두에위치한 An invaluable resource, 와그다음에위치한 the canon 간의문법적관계도설명이불가능하다. 이경우 As an invaluable 로수정한다면구조적결속관계가성립될수있다. 예문 (75) Parts of the palace destroyed during the 1592 invasion of Korea by Japan, but it was rebuilt into a massive structure including hundreds of buildings. Except for 10 buildings, it was completely destroyed again by the Japanese in 1911. ( 서울시 > City Walking Tour> Gyeongbokgung Palace Hyojadong Course) 예문 (76) Around the beach are there quality restaurants, eateries, bungalow-shaped bars, and raw fish centers. The northeastern tip of the beach is popular with anglers, with fresh water and rocks mingled. ( 부산시 > Busan city tour (10)> SONGJEONG) 예문 (75) 에서첫번째문장구조는등위접속사 but 를중심으로전후두개의절이연결되는문장형태이다. 여기에서첫번째절의주어는 Parts 이며 of the palace 는전치사구로서주어인 Parts 를수식하고있다. 두번째절은대명사인 it 로시작되는데이것이무엇을지칭하는지불분명하다. 영문법에서대명사는보통전술된문장내의주어나목적어를나타낸다. 이경우 palace 는전치사의목적어역할을하고있으므로 it 라고할경우번역텍스트독자에게혼란을가져올수있으므로 the palace 라고수정해야한다. 예문 (76) 의경우는문장에서유도부사 there 와관련된문제이다. 영문법에서 Is there 혹은 Are there 로문장이시작되면의문문이된다. 그러나여기에서 Around the beach 라는전치사구가문두에위치함으로문장이도치되었음을알수있다. 이경우유도부사 there 는생략되어야마땅하다. 예문 (77) This vigorous music, which renders an energetic sound, employs winds such as the taepyeongso (conical oboe), nabal (clarion), and nagak (conch horn) and sonorous percussion such as the jabara (cymbals), jing (gong), yonggo (dragon drum). Ⅳ. 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석 115
( 국립국악원 > About Gugak> Traditional Music and Dance> Instrumental music) 예문 (78) The commoners coming-of-age ceremony was less complicated: a the farmers cooperative group, or ture, would ask the boy to lift a designated rock to demonstrate that they were strong enough to be a members of the work. ( 국립민속박물관 > Coming of Age and Wedding) 예문 (77) 은 등과같은 을나타내는 such as 구문은보통명사가나열된다. 이때맨마지막에나열되는명사혹은대명사앞에등위접속사 and 가반드시선행되어야한다. 원문텍스트에서 and 를사용하여 such as the jabara (cymbals), jing (gong), and yonggo (dragon drum) 로수정해야한다. 예문 (78) 의경우는원문의텍스트에표시된대명사 they 의지시어가무엇인지불분명하다. they 는복수명사를지칭해야하므로문맥으로판단해보건대, the boy 가가장합당한지시어이므로, 대명사는 they 가아닌 he 로수정해야한다. (3) 명확한메시지전달 번역텍스트의질을평가하는최상의기준은명확한메시지전달능력이다. 텍스트의내용이애매하거나의미전달이불가능하면텍스트로써의기능이상실되었다고할수있다. 예문 (27), (28) 은메시지내용이애매하거나부연및보충설명이필요한경우이다. 예문 (79) So it goes without saying that it would be impossible to see all of Seoul in a single day. But occasionally schedules only permit visitors to stay in Seoul for a few days. ( 서울시 > Day Tour Suggestions> One-day Traditional) 예문 (80) Admission: 15,500 adults, 10,000 children This Aquarium, located inside the COEX Shopping Mall is divided into four themes: an Ocean Theme Park with 40,000 marine wildlife of 650 species, the Water Journey, where visitors experience diverse marine life, following the water from a high mountain to the 116 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
deep sea, the Undersea Tunnel, a tunnel which passes through 2,000 tons of seawater, and an automatic walkway that takes you through sharks and other precious marine life. ( 서울시 > Travel Guide> Attractions> Parks) 예문 (79) 는 서울구경을하루에다할수는없다, 그러나가끔방문자가일정상서울에며칠체류할수있다 라고말하고있어서두문장이전달하려고하는내용을독자가명확하게이해할수없다. 두번째예문 (80) 은수족관의입장료가성인 15,500 원, 어린이 10,000 원으로내국인의경우는그의미를추론할수있으나외국인 ( 번역텍스트독자 ) 의경우는화폐단위가명시되지않아정확한액수를산정할수없게되어당황할수도있을것이다. 이경우환율변동을고려하여입장료를 dollar 액수로제시하기어렵다면 15,500 won for adults, 10,000 won for children 으로원화라도명확한화폐단위를표시하면대안이될수있을것이다. 예문 (81) It expresses geological characteristic and windy, shadowy climate as bending curve and wall respectively. In addition, it delivers locality of Jeju by giving shape to thatched roof of Jeju and making exterior features granite and songi brick. ( 제주도 > culture > arts) 예문 (82) Furthermore, Koreans believed that foods offered to the spirits should be shared. (An Illustrated Guide to Korean Culture> 한국의음식 > 비빔밥 ) 예문 (81) 에서 windy, shadowy climate 와전치사구인 as bending curve and wall respectively 의의미연결이불분명하며, making exterior features granite and songi brick 와선행되는 giving shape 의평행구조내부의명확한의미전달이실패한사례이다. 예문 (82) 에서원문텍스트는 또한한국인들은신과사람이같은음식을함께나누어야한다고생각했기때문에 라고명시되어있으나번역문은누구와나눈것인지불명확하다. 그러므로 the offered foods should be shared together between the God and the man 으로수정이필요하다. Ⅳ. 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석 117
예문 (83) Earning a living as a driver for rental cars, Ki-su lives in a basement studio. When he feels trapped, he maintains hope by playing the drums. ( 영화진흥위원회 > 우리에게내일은없다 ) 예문 (84) The competence stage of Korean artists took place of the blank of the former stage, as. Especially, it s not too much to say that was absolute. ( 국립현대미술관 > Paintings) 예문 (83) 의경우, 시간접속사 when 이이끄는종속절과주절과의의미연결이자연스럽지않은반면, 양보의접속사인 though 로대체할경우 비록갇혀살고있다고느끼지만드럼을치면서희망을갖는다 의메시지전달이명확해진다. 예문 (84) 는문장전체를구성하고있는동사, 전치사구및접속사 as 가이끄는종속절등의문장요소사이에의미의전달이되고있지않아서문장의재구성이불가피한사례이다. 3.5. 정보성의등가차원 (Informational Equivalence) (1) 부연 보충설명 한언어에서다른언어로메시지를전달하는번역과정에서는언어적차이와함께문화적차이도고려해야한다. 그러므로번역텍스트독자의이해를향상시키기위하여부가적인정보라고할수있는부연및보충설명이필요한경우가있다. 그렇지않으면독자는언어적, 문화적인이질성때문에텍스트를충분히이해하지못하게된다. 다음예문에서부연 보충설명이결여된사례를제시한다. 예문 (85) Therefore, it is also known as Mount Yeongju since common people wouldnt dare to come here. ( 제주도 > tour > leisure sports) 예문 (86) 118 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
The inscription contains the achievements of Nanghyehwasang s in detail. It was composed by Choi Chiwon, and written by his cousin Choi Ingon. It includes the content that Nanghyehwasang s family had belonged to Jingol, but in his father s generation went down to the sixth-du class. So the inscription is very valuable in the study of golpum system (a class system) in Silla Era. ( 문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 8호 ) 예문 (85) 는사람들이오려하지않는것과 영주 와어떤관계가있는지에대한부연설명이부족하여독자가텍스트의내용을충분히이해하기가불가능할것으로사료된다. 예문 (86) 의경우는텍스트에 진골, 육두급, 골품 등신라시대의다양한계급제도를말하면서보충설명이없으므로독자가이해하는데다소어려움이있을것으로예상된다. 예문 (87) As late as the end of the Joseon period, Dano was observed as one of the four most important festivals, the other three being lunar New Years Day, Hansik Day, and the Chuseok Moon festival. ( 국립민속박물관 > Dano Festival) 예문 (88) On this map the national territory is divided into 22 sections running approximately 120 ri from north to south, with each section designed to form a single volume when folded. ( 국립중앙박물관 > Education> Children s museum> Exhibition) 예문 (87) 은구정, 추석, 단오, 한식등조선시대의명절을소개하는것이므로정보의등가성을고려하여부연 보충설명을제공하는것이바람직하다. 이밖에예문 (88) 의경우, 120 ri 에서독자들의이해를용이하게할수있도록 1 리가몇마일 (mile) 에해당하는지단위환산등의부가적인정보제공이필요하다. 예문 (89) This one in the picture which was first placed in the front yard of Imunwon of Changdeokgung in 1782(6th year of the reign of Jeongjo and subsequently moved to the front of the entrance stairs of Gyeongseong Museum in Ⅳ. 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석 119
Changgyeongwon in 1920. ( 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 > 앙부일구 ) 예문 (90) The Transportation Card covers the subway and all kinds of buses in Seoul (see Transportation Card inset). ( 한국관광공사 > TRAVEL PLANNER S GUIDE> Intra-city Transportation) 예문 (89) 에서는독자를위하여 창덕궁이문원 및 창경원 등장소고유명사들에대한부연 보충설명이필요하다. 예문 (90) 의경우, 부연설명제공이결핍된사례로서관련책자의해당페이지는국내의전반적인교통정보를다루고있음에도불구하고버스와지하철의환승에관한정보는전혀언급되어있지않다. 환승제도 가내국인과외국인모두에게적용되는매우유용한서비스라는점을감안할때이를관련책자의해당페이지에서다루는것이타당할것이다. (2) 불필요하거나부적절한부연 보충 번역과정에서적절한부연 보충설명은독자에게효율적으로메시지를전달할수가있다. 그러나불필요하거나부적절한부연 보충설명은오히려독자의특정문화에대한흥미나관심을잃게할수도있다. 다음텍스트에서부적절한부연 보충설명의사례를살펴본다. 예문 (91) Station names, ticket counters, and transfer signs are all clearly marked in English as well as in Korean han-geul. (Int Congress on Nursing Informatics website> general information> tourism) 예문 (92) The first Korean alphabet was developed at the beginning of the Joseon Dynasty and proclaimed by King Sejong in 1443 in a document called Hunminjeongeum ( 訓民正音 ), literally meaning "Correct Sounds for People s Instruction." (An Illustrated Guide to Korean Culture> 한국인의멋 > 한글 ) 예문 (91) 은 English 와 Korean 으로만일관되게표기하여도정보전달이충 120 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
분하나동격을나타내는쉼표를사용하지도않고 Korean 과 han-geul 을병용하여오히려번역텍스트독자의혼란을가중시키는부적절한부연설명제공의사례이다. 예문 (92) 의경우는훈민정음에한문표기를첨가하는것은번역텍스트독자의입장에서는이해도불가능하고또한불필요한정보로서의미가없다고판단된다. 예문 (93) The jeogori opened in front and tied gracefully with a goreum, a butterfly-like ribbon attached to the jeogori. (An Illustrated Guide to Korean Culture> 한국의복식 > 한복 예문 (94) Their bodies are decorated with magnificent patterns created by the contrast of white silver filled into the engraved patterns and dark iron surface. ( 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 > 앙부일구 ) 예문 (93) 의경우 저고리의고름 을 저고리에부착된나비모양의리본 (a butterfly-like ribbon attached to the jeogori) 이라고표현하여부연설명이부적절한사례이다. 예문 (94) 는원문에는없는 은으로입사한부분과바탕의검은색대비로인해아름답다 는불필요하고부적절한정보를추가하였다. 예문 (95) Charye is the ancestral rites performed on Lunar New Year s Day and the Harvest Moon Festival Day falling on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month. (An Illustrated Guide to Korean Culture> 한국인의일생과세시풍속 > 제사 ) 예문 (96) Start your tour by heading up Namsan Mountain to visit N Seoul Tower that overlooks most of Seoul much like a sentry. Recently and remodeled and revitalized to fulfill a role as a cultural center piece within the heart of the city, N Seoul Tower provides you with the best way to see all of Seoul at once short of flying. The tower, which is accessible for a small fee, contains two restaurants, a caféand observatories that stay open until 11:30 p.m. Because the tower rotates Ⅳ. 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석 121
one can take in the panoramic beauty of Seoul s skyline while standing still. Make your way back to the subway and make your way to Samseong Station on line number 2. ( 서울시 > Day Tour Suggestions> Three-day Modern Seoul Tour) 예문 (95) 는원문텍스트에나타나있지않은불필요하며부적절한부연 보충설명이다. 예문 (96) 의경우는남산타워에서서울시가지가보인다는부연설명을너무반복해서나열하여부적절한사례이다. (3) 불충분한번역 번역의과정에서과도한부연 보충설명의경우도독자에게부정적인영향을줄수있겠지만불충분한번역도또한번역텍스트독자에게효율적으로메시지를전달할수없다. 독자로하여금특정문화에대한흥미나관심을유발할수있는방법은무엇보다도양질의번역일것이다. 다음텍스트에서불충분한번역의사례를살펴본다. 예문 (97) The oral history has it that relatives of a man named Kim Seong oh asked the head of the village to allow Kim Seong oh to come and do farming in Marado in 1882. Kim Seong oh lost all of his money to gambling and couldn t make a living. ( 제주도 > samda > tourist attraction) 예문 (98) OPEN 12:00~14:00 1부 17:30~19:00 / 2부 19:20~CLOSE 20:50 ( 서울시 > Travel Guide> Dining> Korean cuisine) 예문 (97) 의경우한국어원문에서는도박으로재산을탕진했기때문에친척들이마라도개경을건의했지만번역문에는이러한인과관계가나타나있지않아번역이불충분하다. 예문 (98) 에서는 1부, 2부에대한적절한번역이이루어지지않았다. 그에대한대응어로서 Part I 및 Part II 가있다. 122 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
예문 (99) Many houses of this type had no walls between the rooms and the kitchen for better heating efficiency. (An Illustrated Guide to Korean Culture> 한국의주생활 > 한옥 ) 예문 (100) This pottery was excavated from the site of Amsa-dong houses in Seoul. ( 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Archaeological Gallery) 예문 (99) 의경우, 원문에서는 난방이더욱잘되어추운겨울을나기에좋기때문 이라고하였으나번역문에서는 better heating efficiency 라고하여 추운겨울을나기에좋기때문 부분을누락시킴으로써등가에미치지못한불충분한번역에해당한다. 예문 (100) 에서는암사동이고유명사인데, 지명인지를모르는번역텍스트독자에게는가옥의형태이거나종류인것으로오해될수있다. 예문 (101) A world famous fishing ground was discovered in the East Sea where warm and cold currents mingle while. The southern coast is famous for dried laver and shellfish. On the west coast is suited to produce sun-dried salt. ( 국립민속박물관 > 식생활 ) 예문 (102) The theme of the painting is also interpreted as a visualization of a poem Tian Bao( 天保 ), from Book of Odes, a Chinese Confucian classic. ( 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 > 앙부일구 ) 예문 (101) 의경우는원문텍스트에 서해는간석지가발달되어있어염전적지다 이므로부적절하고불충분한번역문에해당한다. 적합한대안은 The West Sea is well suited to establish salt fields due to its wide stretch of tidal flats. 이다. 예문 (102) 에서시 ( 詩 ) 의한자원어표기는독자에게아무런정보도주지못한다. 원문에서한자원어를표기한것은그뜻을전달하기위함이므로원문의기능을번역에서담아내지못한경우이다. Ⅳ. 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석 123
(4) 과도한직역 과도한직역이란외국어로된말이나글을단어하나하나의의미에충실하게번역함으로써번역텍스트독자가자연스럽게자신의언어및문화적인배경에입각한텍스트이해가어려운상황을의미한다. 과도한직역의사례로서다음예문을살펴본다. 예문 (103) Apart from this, Mount Sanbang has many legends related to its outstanding scenery. Some of them include the legend of Sanbangdeok, the goddess of Mountain Sanbang, the legend of the dragon head that the Chin first emperor cut the dragon tale shape, the legend of the Gwangjeongdang python, and the legend of Geumjangji. ( 제주도 > tour > leisure sports) 예문 (104) Since he left the writing Celebration Tower on Destroying Baekje on the stone pagoda, the pagoda was humiliated by being falsely called for some time as "Pyeongjetap" meaning celebrating tower on destroying Baekje. ( 문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 9호 ) 예문 (103) 의본문에서진시황이용모양꼬리를잘라버렸다는용머리전설에서 the legend of the dragon head that the Chin first emperor cut the dragon tale shape 라고한번역은과도한직역으로독자에게진시황이한국의왕이었다고착각하게할수도있다. 예문 (104) 의경우는 monument 대신에백제를평정한기념탑이라는의미의 Celebration Tower 나 Celebrating Tower 를, 목적보어에전치사가수반할수없는동사 call 을 called as 로표현함으로써과도한직역의인상이느껴진다. 예문 (105) A natural beauty, with aggressiveness and an adventurous mind, restless passions and even intellect. Since her start as the sister next door, she has maintained her position as the best actress for last 10 years, though taking the above appearances as her motive power. 124 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
( 영화진흥위원회 > Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Cannes Edition 2007) 예문 (106) The first Korean alphabet was developed at the beginning of the Joseon Dynasty and proclaimed by King Sejongin 1443 in a document called Hunminjeongeum ( 訓民正音 ), literally meaning Correct Sounds for People s Instruction. (An Illustrated Guide to Korean Culture> 한국인의멋 > 한글 ) 예문 (105) 의경우, 원문에서 the sister next door 는 옆집언니 정도의의미를직역한것으로보이나, 실제로는아무여자나친하다고 sister 라고부를수있는것은아니다. 영어의 sister 가지시하는대상은대부분친자매, 친누이다. Sister 가같은한집에살지않고옆집에사는것은특수한경우일것이다. 원문이 옆집여동생 이라면 the little girl next door 라고하면될것이다. 예문 (106) 에서원문은훈민정음을 백성을가르치는바른소리 라고하였는데, 이처럼한문을한글로직역하는것이의미가있다고하더라도이를영어로직역하는것은의미가없다. 예문 (107) Areas with Traffic Restriction For the streamlined operation of the festival, there wll be some restrictions on the traffic by day, time span and area. In order to enjoy the plentiful events more, be sure to check up the areas with traffic restriction to be enforcing during the festival period. ( 서울시 > Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Traffic Information) 예문 (108) Forest Playground An experiencing field for playing with natural sculptures that cheers up to run barefoot, tumble, and feel the nature as is through the senses. ( 서울시 > Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Traffic Information) 예문 (107) 은 행사기간동안시행되는교통통제 를과도하게직역해서어색한문장이되었다. 시행되는 에해당되는 to be enforcing 을삭제하고보다자연스러운표현으로 check in advance for traffic restrictions 라고번역하여간단하고명확하게의미를전달할수있다. 예문 (108) 에서 체험장 에대한대응어를 experiencing field 라고과도하게직역한것은부적절한번역으로간주된다. Ⅳ. 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석 125
3.6. 번역텍스트의목적차원 (Target Text Purpose) (1) 번역텍스트독자에게출발어문화에대한긍정적관심유발 번역텍스트독자의출발어문화에대한긍정적관심을유발시키기위해서는번역텍스트가독자의언어및문화적특성에적합한논리적전개와자연스러운표현으로이루어져야한다. 다음사례에서목표어수준을제고시키기위해개선이요구되는텍스트를소개한다. 예문 (109) You will have a perfect opportunity to enjoy fishing at sea. Also, the opportunity to enjoy raw fish aboard or at port. ( 제주도 > tour > leisure sports) 예문 (110) It is, as the nearest park from the downtown, a good park to soothe down people s mental and physical exhaustion in their city lives as the restful sea like mother s breast is welcoming them whenever they may visit there. ( 제주도 ) 예문 (109) 의경우는번역텍스트독자에게회는생소할수있기때문에 enjoy raw fish 보다는 taste 와같이회를먹어볼수있다고설명하면독자가출발어문화에대한긍정적관심을갖게될수있다. 예문 (110) 의경우에서 like mother s breast 는비유가적절치않아의도했던텍스트의뉘앙스를살리지못할가능성이있다. 예문 (111) Areas with Traffic Restriction No prior checkup will bring you headache in your mind and troubles on your foot! ( 서울시 > Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Traffic Information) 예문 (112) Lost & Found 126 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
In the event of misplaced of lost property, contact the Lost and Found Center. ( 한국관광공사 > TRAVEL PLANNER S GUIDE> Lost & Found) 예문 (111) 은번역텍스트의목적에위배되는사례로서, No prior checkup will bring you headache in your mind, 즉 사전조사를하지않으면골치아플것 이라는부정적인의미를함축하고있다. 차라리 철저한사전조사로축제를더알차고재미있게보내세요 라는취지의텍스트가더욱긍정적이며번역텍스트독자들로하여금번역텍스트를더적극적으로읽도록장려할수있을것이다. 예문 (112) 에서는분실물센터의위치, 연락처와같은필요한정보가전혀제공되지않은채 소지품분실시에는분실물센터에연락 이라는당연한사실만을열거하여, 효과적인텍스트의기능을다하지못함으로써번역텍스트독자에게전혀매력이없는텍스트이다. 예문 (113) To keep their bodies healthy, they thoroughly boil a young chicken or dog and draw nutrition from the soup. (An Illustrated Guide to Korean Culture> 한국의음식 > 국 ) 예문 (114) Although its design was inspired by Yuan sundial Yangyi, the Angbu-ilgu is considered a unique design by the Joseon scientists. ( 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 > 측우대 ) 예문 (113) 에서 몸을건강하게유지하기위해서개나어린닭을푹고아맛과영양분이국물에충분히우러나게만든다 에해당하는 they thoroughly boil a young chicken or dog and draw nutrition from the soup. 라는표현은번역텍스트독자의관심을유발하기에는미흡하다. 이에대한적절한대안으로 To regain health and energy, dogs and young chickens are simmered for hours on low heat to bring out full flavor and nutrition in the broth. 로수정하면보다구체적이고자연스러운번역텍스트가될수있다. 예문 (114) 에서는원문에없는삽입으로양부일구의독특함이크게약화되었다. 원문에서는중국에도없는매우독특한발명품임이강조되었는데, 영문텍스트는조선과학자들의평가에만국한되어역사적발명품으로서의양부일구의흥미정도를격하시켰다. Ⅳ. 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석 127
(2) 적절한어역 번역과정에서사용되는어휘나표현을적합하게선택함으로써메시지를가장효율적이고원만하게전달할수있을것이다. 그렇지않을경우텍스트에대한일반적인규범을위반함으로써번역텍스트독자의부정적인반응이야기될수있다. 다음사례에서부적절한어역을살펴본다. 예문 (115) It was used probably for calling rain ceremony, communication and burial container. ( 국립중앙박물관 > collection>100highlights Archaeological Gallery) 예문 (116) Telephone cards come in 2,000 won, 5,000 won, and 10,000 won denominations and can be purchased at business establishments near the phone booths as well as banks. (www.geocities.com> korea_generalinfo.html) 예문 (115) 에서는본텍스트가공식문서인점을감안하여부사 probably 보다는 It can be assumed that 혹은 The assumption is that 정도의표현이보다적절한어역일것으로사료된다. 예문 (116) 에서 business establishments 는 업소 같은뉘앙스를줌으로 shops 나 stores 로대체하는것이보다적합한어역일것이다. 예문 (117) By admitting her commonness from the time of her debut, she chose a wise strategy. ( 영화진흥위원회 > Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Cannes Edition 2007) 예문 (118) Duty is imposed on goods purchased outside Korea that a traveler brings into Korea (This does not include personal items, see note below.), minus the following duty-free allowance: ( 한국관광공사 > TRAVEL PLANNER S GUIDE> Customs) 128 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
예문 (117) 에서는사람의 평범함 을 commonness 라고표현하였으나 common 을사람에대해쓸때는 흔해빠진 과같은부정적뉘앙스가따른다. 그러므로보다적절하고자연스러운대안으로 ordinariness 를사용할수있다. 예문 (118) 의경우는 을제외하고 의의미로구어체적인 minus 를 after deducting 으로대체하는것이적절한어역이된다. 예문 (119) The young prisoner was able to enjoy eternally embracing his beloved. ( 영화진흥위원회 > Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Cannes Edition 2007) 예문 (120) The high elevation of the region also keeps the environment free from many pollutants that are found at lower elevations. Let s find out more about the charming nature of Pyeongchang, where nature s untouched beauty can still be found. ( 한국관광공사 > TRAVEL PLANNER S GUIDE> Tours that Harmonize Mind and Body with Nature) 예문 (119) 는원문 젊은죄수는연인을포옹하였다 의어두운설정에비해 enjoy 라는표현은어감이어울리지않게밝다. 이에대한적절한어역의대안으로 The young prisoner was able to hold his beloved in an eternal embrace 라고하면보다원만한어역이될것이다. 예문 (120) 의경우는문단전체의흐름을고려하지않고갑자기등장한 Let s find out 라는표현은어색하고구어적이다. (3) 스타일 /TL 의글쓰기규범위반 도착어로의글쓰기규범및스타일을적절하게준수하는것은번역텍스트메시지가독자 (target text reader) 에게소개하려고하는문화에대한긍정적인반응을이끌어낼수있을것이다. 다음의사례에서일반적인규범을벗어난텍스트의사례를제시한다. 예문 (121) Dongjaseok (child stone) is a name just drawn from the idea that Dolhareubang Ⅳ. 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석 129
is similar to a child stone statue in front of a tomb in appearance, according to the information from Kim Jaesun, Yongdam-dong, Jeju-si. Mangjusok (a pair of stone posts in front of a tomb) is a name drawn from a pair of stone posts in front of a tomb, according to several scholars of Chinese classics from Jeju-si. ( 제주도 > culture > folklore) 예문 (122) The field of such experience, the Jeongeui Horse-back Riding Field invites you. ( 제주도 > tour> leisure sports) 예문 (121) 에서는동자석 (child stone) 은뜻풀이를하고망주석 (a pair of stone posts in front of a tomb) 은괄호안에설명을요약하여뒤에나오는부연설명과중복될뿐아니라평행구조가이루어지지않고있다. 예문 (122) 의경우는 field of such experience 와 the Jeongeui Horse-back Riding Field 와의통사적인상관관계가부재하여기본적인글쓰기규범을위반한텍스트의사례이다. 예문 (123) Pumsae A systematic frame work of techniques, which enables the individual to practice attack and defense techniques as if he/she was faced with opponents. Gyeokpa Techniques used at examinations or demonstrations where the practitioner, one who has mastered the basic techniques and movements, uses great strength to break hard items such wooden boards, tiles and bricks. Gyeorugi This refers to both the process of mastering the techniques needed for attack and defense in one-on-one combat, as well as the process of assessing the mastery of such techniques acquired through pumsae practice. ( 한국관광공사 > TRAVEL PLANNER S GUIDE> Taekwondo; Three Basic Components of Taekondo) 예문 (124) Much information of residential culture has become available through evidences found by archaeological excavation. Of these, visible evidences such as burnt down foundations of homes, remains of villages, and defensive positions such as 130 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
wooden barricades, are gradually increasing in number. Comparisons with modern homes are made and taught using sufficient understandings of the home, the society and environment surrounding children such as families and villages. ( 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Archaeological Gallery) 예문 (123) 은문장스타일상의오류의사례로서, 태권도기술을소개하는데있어서 품새 와 격파 의설명은모두명사구로이루어졌으나 겨루기 의설명만완전한문장으로되어있어서내용상의평행구조를위반한사례이다. 예문 (124) 는논리적텍스트구성의오류로, 번역텍스트에 visible evidence 에관련된설명이제시된후 invisible evidence 에대한기술이나올것이라는기대를갖게하는스타일의문단이나실제이에대한설명은제시되지않았다. 예문 (125) Being a paternal society, the duty of utmost importance for a Korean wife was to give to a son. In the Joseon period(1392-1911)they regared the birth of a son as a fulfillment of an obligation of a denscendant to the ancestors. ( 국립민속박물관 > 한국인의일생 > 출생 ) 예문 (126) [1] Period Five days every January [2] Period For two days around January 15 of the lunar calendar [3] Period For 4 days every May ( 한국관광공사 > TRAVEL PLANNER S GUIDE> Festivals) 예문 (125) 는문법적으로분석하면분사구문에해당하는문장으로서주절의주어와분사구문의주어가동일한경우에만주어생략이가능하나이문장에서주어인 the duty 는 a paternal society 가될수없으므로독립된주어를제시하여, Korea being a paternal society 라고해야합당한번역이성립된다. 예문 (126) 은목표어스타일및글쓰기규범의오류로서, 번역텍스트에서기간표기의무원칙성및영문의철자법위반 ( 영문에서는일반적으로 1 부터 9 까지는숫자를쓰지않고철자를직접표기함 ) 이발견되었다. 이경우 For 4 days every May 를 For four days every May 로수정해야한다. Ⅳ. 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석 131
4. 분석결과에대한논의 4.1 문제제기 수집된번역결과물의수준을미시적및거시적차원에서분석평가한결과, 조사대상기관의모든자료에서동일한유형의오류가광범위하게발견되었다. (1) 번역텍스트의형식적측면에서는로마자표기, 구두점사용, 띄어쓰기규칙준수, 철자법등과같이글쓰기의가장단순한규칙마저위배되는사례들이무수히발견되었는데, 이는번역사의자질및성실성과직접적으로관련된문제로볼수있을것이다. 물론띄어쓰기나구두점오류등의경우는번역사의자질과관계없이편집감수과정에서부적절하게처리된결과발생한경우도상당수있을것으로보인다. 특히웹사이트문서의경우는게재된문서의완성도를확인하고정기적으로점검하려는전문가의노력이부재한결과라고생각되는것도많이있었다. (2) 통사적측면에서는문장내에서의동사의시제일치, 주어와동사의성 수일치, 어순, 수식 피수식관계등과같은기본적인문법오류가예상했던것보다빈도수나정도면에서훨씬심각한수준이었다. 여기에는다양한원인이있을수있겠으나, 무엇보다도번역사의도착어구사력부족, 번역텍스트의성격및기능 목적에대한이해부족과같은번역사의전문성부족을지적할수있겠다. (3) 원문텍스트의정보가동일하게번역텍스트에전달되는정보성의등가를담보하는것은번역사의기본의무라할수있다. 그럼에도정보성의등가요건을위배되는사례들이빈발하고있다. 우선원문텍스트의의미를잘못해석하여번역하거나혹은잘못전달하여텍스트의의미를와전시키거나왜곡하는경우들이자주발견되고있다. 또한일부기관의웹사이트문서는원문텍스트의내용중일부분만번역되거나상당부분이생략된경우가빈번히발견되었다. 이것은도착텍스트독자에게불필요하거나이해하기어려운정보이기때문에의도적으로번역또는편집과정에서생략했을수도있으나, 대개는번역과정상대응어나등가표현을찾기어렵고해당정보를충실하게전달하기가어려운경우에 132 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
나타났다. 이렇게볼때번역과정상의의도적인생략이관행적으로많이나타나고있다는의구심을갖게한다. (4) 번역이문화적배경이다른구성원들간의의사소통을돕는행위, 곧이문화커뮤니케이션행위임에도불구하고, 어휘차원의처리미숙이나번역사의도착어구사능력불충분으로인해의도하는효과가나타나지않는경우도많이발견되었다. 특히번역텍스트에서관용적표현의적절성, 전문용어의처리미숙으로인한정확성및통일성이결여되어독자의이해에혼란을끼칠수있는사례가많았으며, 적절한관용적표현을사용하지못함으로써독자들의번역텍스트수용가능성을낮추고다루어지고있는정보에대한관심을저해할수있는수준의번역도상당수확인되었다. 특히원텍스트에서사용되고있는속담이나관용표현과같이문화특수적인텍스트성분을적절히옮기는데실패한경우가자주발견되어, 이문화간커뮤니케이션중개자 라는번역사의역할을의심케하는경우도있었다. (5) 위에서도지적한바와같이번역은이문화간커뮤니케이션행위이며, 이는원문텍스트를읽을독자와도착텍스트를읽을독자가텍스트를읽는데동원할수있는배경지식및주제지식, 상식, 문화지식의정도에차이가있음을전제한다. 번역텍스트독자는원텍스트독자와는다른세상에대한지식과세계관을갖고텍스트를접하기때문에원텍스트독자가원텍스트를보고당연하게추론해낼수있는정보가번역텍스트독자에게는생소하고의미가닿지않는어휘의단순한나열에불과한것으로느껴질수있다. 원텍스트독자와번역텍스트독자가갖고있는배경지식의간극을중개할수있도록번역텍스트독자를배려하는 친절한번역 을통해번역텍스트의독자에대한이해용이성을제고하는접근이무엇보다요구되는것이다. 예를들어한국어로쓰여진원문텍스트에서 문무대왕수중수릉 과같은부분은한국어가모국어이고한국사를기본적으로이해하는원텍스트독자에게는그의미와지리적위치를부연설명없이도이해가가능하다. 반면한국과한국사에친숙하지못한영어권의번역텍스트독자로서는 문무대왕 이삼국시대를통일한왕의이름으로, 왕명에 대 자가사용되는경우는위대한업적을세운왕을가리키는것이며, 바다가운데 매장하는것이당시풍습이었는지특별한선택이었는지를이해하지못한다. 바꾸어말하면이같은원텍스트독자와번역텍스트독자가갖고있는지식의간극때문에번역과정에는번역텍스트독자의지식수준을배려하여적절한부연설명혹은추 Ⅳ. 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석 133
가정보를제공하거나, 반대로불필요한정보를생략하는작업이필요해진다. 그러나실제분석대상번역결과물의경우에는이런부연설명이나추가정보제공이제대로이루어지지않아번역텍스트독자에게의도한의미가제대로전달되지않는경우들이비일비재하였다. (6) 번역사의불충분한도착어구사력때문에번역텍스트가의도한텍스트로서의기능을제대로수행하지못하는커뮤니케이션실패를가져온경우도많다는점을문제점으로지적할수있을것이다. 분석대상으로삼은번역결과물의상당부분은우리문화와문화유산을알리고우리의기초예술분야와한국학연구를소개하는내용이다. 그런데이런텍스트번역의경우텍스트에서다루어지고있는주제나대상에대한관심을갖고매력있게느끼도록하는기능역시매우중요한기능이라하겠다. 이를위해서는번역텍스트가대상독자들에게완성도높은텍스트로받아들여질수있어야함은두말할필요가없을것이다. 그러나실제로분석을통해확인된것은한사상 ( 事象 ) 을기술하는연속된문장들이논리적연관성을갖지도않은단순한단문의나열에불과하기도하고, 텍스트로서의효과를높이기위한구성이나구조같은것을찾기어려운경우도많이있었다. 가독성을높이기위한적절한문두접두사의추가또는생략이나함축적표현사용은거의기대하기어려운실정이었다. (7) 같은맥락에서또다른문제가되는것은적절한관용적표현을구사하지못하는경우가발견될뿐아니라, 의도한의미를전달하기위한표현력이부족하여과도한직역에의존하는사례들이많이발견되었다는점이다. 이경우도착어를모국어로구사하는독자들에게의미전달이불가능함은물론이고, 완성도높은텍스트로서받아들여지기힘든수준의언어사용으로점철되어있을경우한국문화에대한긍정적반응을유발하지못할것임은너무나자명하다. 4.2 현행로마자표기현황및원칙적문제점 로마자표기와관련하여현재기준이되고있는국립국어원의 < 로마자표기원칙 > 은크게두가지면에서문제점을안고있다. 우선원칙만정해져있을뿐실제로는그실행주체인문화관광부산하문화재청, 한국관광공사, 서울특별시등의 134 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
지방자치단체별로각기다르게적용하고있음이확인되어일관성의부족을문제로꼽을수있다. 예문 (127) Lake Park - Tongildongsan ( 도로표지판 ) 예문 (128) Haengnangchae- Sarangchae- Anchae- Shrine ( 문화재청 > 중요민속자료 0023-100/200/300/400) 예문 (129) P.M. Hwang Hi Remains ( 도로표지판 > 황희정승유적지 ) 우선예문 (127) 에서는동일한지명에대한도로표지판의표기가전자는이미존재하는영어단어로번역하는방식이고, 후자는로마자표기원칙에따라단순한음가제공방식으로이루어져일관성이없음을알수있다. 예문 (128) 에서도동일한정부기관에서동일한성격의문화관련자료를소개하면서 행랑채, 사랑채, 안채 와같은주거구조들은로마자로표기하는한편, 굳이 사당 만은 shrine 이라는영어단어를사용하여번역해놓아일관성이결여되었다. 예문 (129) 의 황희정승유적지 의경우에도 유적지 나 정승 같은용어들은영어단어들로번역하되 황희 라는고유명사만을로마자로표기하고있어동일한도로표지판내에서도일관성이결여되어있음을보여준다. 뿐만아니라 정승 이라는이전시대관직명을오늘날보편적으로사용되고있는관직명인 수상 (Prime Minister) 을뜻하는정체불명의약어로표기함으로써, 한국역사에대한배경지식이없는외국관광객에게마치현대를사는인물로오해를불러일으킬여지가있다. 그러나현행로마자표기방식의보다큰문제는번역텍스트에대한독자의접근가능성내지이해를원천적으로불가능하게만든다는점이다. 예를들어보물 05690500호인 일일부독서구중생형극 ( 日日不讀書口中生荊棘 ) 이라는글은안중근의사의유작임을한국인이라면어느정도알수있다. 물론한자성어들에익숙하지못한어린이들이나학생들에게는우리말이모국어라하더라도이해가능성이매우떨어질수있다. 이런문화유산의명칭을현행로마자표기방식대로 Irilbudokseogujungsaenghyeonggeuk 로음절분절표시조차없이표기하여놓고있다. 이경우한국어가모국어가아닌외국인관광객이나독자들로서는의미는고사하고어디를분절단위로하여읽어야할지발음의문제에일차적으로직면하게된다. 발음조차하지못하는문화유산을이해하고기억하고감상한다는것은처음부터기대하기어려운일일수밖에없다. 이런면에서현행로마자표기원칙을준수하더라도곧이어그것의사전적어휘적의미라도같이제공하는것이반드 Ⅳ. 공공분야번역결과물수준평가를위한자료분석 135
시필요하다는것이외국인학자와관광객들의주문이다. 번역시반드시고려하여야할것이번역텍스트자체가우선적으로독자에게접근이용이하고이해할수있는방식으로정보를적절한수준에서 친절하게 제공해야한다는것임을기억할때, 현행의로마자표기방식을번역에고집하는것은근본적인문제점이될수있을것이다. 136 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
Ⅴ. 번역수준평가의문제와설문조사결과
앞장에서보고한번역물수준분석결과는공공분야번역의문제점을극명하게드러내준다. 본연구에서는이런문제점의원인을근본적으로진단하고이에대한개선방향을모색할목적으로자체설문조사를실시하여그결과를분석하였다. 설문조사진행과정및결과는다음과같다. 1. 공공기관번역실태조사의목적과방법 본연구를위해실시된설문조사의목적은공공기관에서이루어지고있는번역현황을개괄적으로파악하는한편, 질적으로우수한번역을가로막는구조적인문제점등을파악하여향후공공기관의번역사업추진방향을제시하는한편, 종합적이고체계적인번역정책수립을위한제언을모색하고자하는것이다. 설문조사를실행한과정은우선설문내용을확정하기전에문제점을정확히진단하고바람직한번역정책의방향을설정하는데직접적으로도움이될수있는구체적인결론을도출하기위하여분야별로대표적인 5개기관을방문하여번역업무담당자와심층면접조사를시행하였다. 이를통해설문지를구성하고확정한다음에는번역사업을수행하는공공기관중기관의성격에따라문화관광번역을담당하고있는기관중 17개기관 (19개부서 ), 기초예술번역기관 12개기관, 한국학관련번역기관 7개기관을설문조사대상으로선정하고, 각기관별로번역업무담당자를대상으로설문을실시하였다. 같은기관이라하더라도기관내의번역이서로다른부서에서개별적으로진행될때설문조사는각각시행하였다. 문화관광사업및국가홍보를담당하고있는문화번역기관이수적으로월등히많고, 한국학관련번역기관은최근들어활발한움직임을보이고있으나번역을시행하는기관의수가상대적으로적어서조사대상기관수가분야별로상이하게되었다. 설문은번역수급현황, 번역감수및평가시스템, 번역참고자료준비현황, 개선사항제안의네부분으로크게나누어구성하였다. 또한해당기관에서번역이이루어진문서의종류와내용을구체적으로파악하기위하여별지를첨부하였다. Ⅴ. 번역수준평가의문제와설문조사결과 139
2. 설문조사결과분석 주요설문내용별로산출된결과를요약하면다음과같다. 2.1. 번역수급현황 각기관에서실질적으로번역업무를담당하는주체가누구인지담당자를묻는질문에서는번역회사가 27.8%, 해당부서직원이 26.8%, 기타외부용역이 23.8%, 번역전담직원이 21.7% 를차지하였다. 기타외부용역은해당부서의담당자가개인적으로친분이있거나다른사람에게서소개를받은번역사에게번역을의뢰하는경우가대부분이어서결국공공기관의번역을수행하는주체는내부인력과외주로크게나눌수있다. 내부인력에의한자체번역수요충족의경우는번역수요가발생한해당부서인력이나번역전담인력이번역을수행하는경우로, 전체응답자의 48.5% 가이에해당한다. 나머지절반정도는여러가지이유로자체적해결대신번역회사나외부번역사에게외주하는경우였다. < 표 5-1> 번역업무담당주체 기타외부외무용역 23.8 번역회사 27.8 번역전담직원 21.7 해당부서직원 26.8 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 비율 (%) 이번설문조사대상기관들은주로한국의관광, 문화, 예술, 학문등한국고유의정보를소개하거나홍보하는기관들이었다. 이들기관에서번역을의뢰하는텍스트는외국인독자에게생소한문화특수적인용어나개념이많이포함되어있었 140 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
다. 응답자들은대부분외주에의해번역수요를충족시킬경우해당분야전문지식이떨어지는외부번역사가번역을담당해개념전달및용어사용의정확성이떨어진다는반응을보였다. 반면번역수요가발생하는기관에서내부인력에의해번역이이루어지는경우에는이런문제점은해결되나도착어구사력수준의저하로번역텍스트완성도가낮아지기쉬울것이라는예측이가능해진다. 기관내에서자체적으로번역이이루어지는경우에는언어적인측면에서의완성도가떨어지는문제가지적되고있다. 이와관련하여번역업무전담인력의학문적훈련내용을보면, 특정외국어전공자가 32.4% 로가장많았고, 외국어전공경력은없으나외국유학경력을가진자가 30.9%, 비외국어전공자가 16.2% 이며, 통역번역전공자는 8.8% 로나타났다. 외국어전공자나외국유학경력자를합치면약 63.3% 가언어에대한이해와구사력이상대적으로높을것이라는기대때문에통역번역을전공하거나통역번역관련훈련을받지않은상태에서번역업무를담당하고있는셈이다. 그러나비외국어전공자가번역을담당하거나, 기관내에번역관련업무를담당하는직원이없어외부업체에일임한다고대답한기관도약 30% 에달해기관내에번역을전담하거나관리할수있는전문인력이부족한실정임을알수있다. < 표 5-2> 번역업무전담인력의전공 기타 11.8% 외국어전공자, 32.4% 외국유학경력자, 30.9% 비외국어전공자 16.2% 통번역전공자, 8.8% Ⅴ. 번역수준평가의문제와설문조사결과 141
< 표 5-3> 지속적인번역인력풀의존재 63.2 36.8 있다없다 각기관에서번역이필요한경우고정적으로거래하는외부번역사나번역회사가있는지를조사해본결과, 있는경우가 36.8%, 없는경우가 63.2% 였다. 이는번역수요가발생하는기관의약 ⅔가번역수요가발생할때마다새로운번역사나번역회사에의뢰함을시사한다. 각기관에서번역을필요로하는대부분의자료는이전에유사한자료를번역한경험이있는번역사가번역을할때질적으로완성도가높을것이다. 무엇보다도해당기관에대한배경지식, 번역해야할주제에대한이해도, 필요한정보의수집, 용어사용의일관성측면에서이전의누적된번역경험은질적으로보다우수한번역결과물을생산할가능성을훨씬높게해준다. 그럼에도불구하고한국을알리고한국문화의세계화를추진하는공공기관에서안정적으로번역을의뢰할수있는번역인력풀을확보하고있지못하다는현실은번역결과물수준과관련하여시사하는바가크다. 실제로이런문제점은기관별로번역수요가실제로필요한만큼충족되고있는지에대한설문에서바로문제로나타나고있다. 142 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
< 표 5-4> 기관내의번역수요가충족되는지여부 기타 21.2 번역담당자및부서없음 21.2 예산부족으로번역의뢰불가 33.3 비율 (%) 적임자가없음 24.2 0 10 20 30 40 설문에서현재기관내에번역이필요한자료가많음에도불구하고번역이이루어지지않고있다면그이유가무엇인가를묻는질문에서 33.3% 가예산부족을꼽았고, 24.3% 가번역할적임자의부재를, 21.2% 가번역사업을추진할담당자나담당부서가없다고응답하였다. 그런데기타로분류된 21.2% 의구체적인응답내용을보면부서내에배정된번역사인력이부족함을지적한경우가많아서, 이렇게볼때사실상대부분의기관에서번역을제대로해낼수있는인력이없거나외주를통해번역수요를충족시킬재원부족으로필요한번역수요를충족시키지못함을알수있다. 2.2. 번역결과물의수준과평가 감수 조사대상공공기관에서외부의번역사나번역회사에번역을의뢰했을때결과물에대한만족도를조사해본결과, 절반가량인 52.78% 의응답자가 보통 이라고밝혔고 만족한다 가 25%, 매우만족한다 가 2.8%, 불만스럽다 가 19.5% 였다. 바꾸어말하면전체응답자가운데번역결과물수준에만족하는비율은 30% 에채못미침을알수있다. Ⅴ. 번역수준평가의문제와설문조사결과 143
< 표 5-5> 외부에의한번역결과물수준에대한만족도 60 52.8 50 40 30 20 25 19.4 비율 (%) 10 0 2.8 매우만족 만족 보통 불만 매우불 만 0 위의설문에서번역결과물에불만스럽다고응답한경우를대상으로불만의이유를중요한순서대로세가지를선택하도록했을때, 응답자들이가장많이지적한첫번째원인은번역텍스트가홍보, 안내, 정보전달등과같은원문의목적에부합하지않게번역된점 (30.4%) 이었고, 외국어답게번역되지않은점 (26.1%), 번역된용어나표현이부적절한점 (21.4%), 원문의누락변경, 표기일관성, 기타가그뒤를이었다. < 표 5-6> 외부에의뢰한번역결과물에만족하지못한이유 기타 4.4 오자가많음 0 용어표기에일관성이없음 4.4 용어나표현의부적절함 21.4 비율 (%) 원문의내용이누락및변경됨 13 원문의목적과부합되지않음 30.4 외국어답게번역되지않음 26.1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 특히번역텍스트가원문텍스트의목적에부합하지않거나번역된용어및표현이부적절하다는지적은번역사가번역을의뢰한기관의특성과텍스트의성격및용도를제대로파악하지못하고번역했음을보여준다. 144 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
관련용어나표현이부적절하게번역되었다는지적을보면이번연구의조사대상인문화관광, 기초예술, 한국학관련용어를번역시일관되게사용될수있도록데이터베이스화할필요가있음을시사한다. 또한외국어답지않은번역때문에만족스럽지않다는지적에서외국어에능숙하지않은많은번역사들이공공기관의번역을담당하고있음을알수있다. 기본적인문법및어휘차원의오류를지적한데서두가지사실을추론할수있다. 첫째, 중요한공공기관의번역이번역품질을보장할수없는번역사에의해이루어지는경우가많다는사실과, 둘째, 번역작업을마친후에적절한방식으로감수가이루어졌다면발생하지않았을오류가그대로남아있다는것은감수과정이생략되었음을보여준다. 다음으로사업목적에대한이해부족과원문내용에대한전문지식부족으로원문과달라진문체와의미의번역결과물이발생하는사태는공공기관의번역이나감수를전문적으로담당하는번역사나번역기관이있다면쉽게해결할수있는문제이다. 매번새로운번역사를고용하여번역을의뢰하면원문의목적과내용에대한심층적인이해를기대하기어렵고그결과번역결과물의완성도도낮아질수밖에없다. 마지막으로용어표기의일관성및통일성결여는번역자료의수집및정리작업이시행되지않은데서그원인을찾을수있다. 용어표기를통일하고일관되게사용하기위해서는관련용어및표현목록을데이터베이스화하여모든기관이공유할수있는시스템구축이필수적일것이다. < 표 5-7> 외부번역에불만이있어문제제기를한경험 비율 (%) 40.5 59.5 있다없다 Ⅴ. 번역수준평가의문제와설문조사결과 145
번역이만족스럽지않은경우, 조사대상기관의 59.5% 가문제제기를한경험이있다고응답하였고, 이가운데 50% 가조금이라도불만이있으면제기한다고밝혔다. 40.9% 는아주심한경우에, 9.1% 는다른사람의구체적인지적이있는경우에만문제를제기한다고응답하였다. 조금이라도불만이있으면문제를제기하는경우가응답자의절반에불과한것으로보아공공기관에서번역의질과완성도를높이기위하여적극적으로개입하는경우가생각보다많지않음을알수있다. 또한나머지절반가량은불만의정도가아주심한경우나다른사람의구체적인지적이있는경우에만번역결과물에문제를제기한다고밝혔다. 따라서공공기관에서번역업무담당자가번역의중요성을인식하여번역결과물의수준을높이기위하여보다적극적인노력을기울일것이요구된다. < 표 5-8> 외부번역에불만이있어문제제기한경험 구체적인지적이있으면제기 9.1 비율 (%) 한번도제기한적이없다 0 아주심한경우에제기 40.9 조금이라도불만이있으면제기 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 < 표 5-9> 번역결과물의번역수준에대한평가여부 43.2 56.8 예아니오 146 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
위설문들에서번역을외부에의해수행하게하고제공된번역결과물수준에불만을경험한기관들이많으나실제로불만을제기하는기관이생각보다많지않은것으로나타났다. 실제로외주에의한번역서비스를사용해본기관들에서번역결과물수준을평가하는작업이이루어지는지를조사해본결과, 평가를하는기관이 56.8%, 평가를하지않는기관이 43.2% 로집계되었다. 평가를하지않는경우가거의절반에해당한다는이조사결과는주목할필요가있다. 번역결과물에대한적절한평가가이루어지지않는다는것은번역이제대로이루어졌는지에대한사후검증작업이부재함을의미하고, 이는번역결과물에문제가있었다고하더라도인식하지못하고아무런조치를취하지않은채결과물을사용함을뜻한다. 번역결과물에대한평가가이루어지지않을경우, 수준이낮은번역결과물을만들어낸번역사나번역회사에또다른번역을의뢰하게될것이고수준낮은번역결과물의양산이라는악순환이계속될것이다. 기관내에서번역수준에대한평가가이루어지지않는다고응답한 43.2% 의기관을대상으로평가가불가능한이유를조사해보았다. 응답자의절대다수인 76.5% 가기관내에평가를담당할전문가가전무하다고밝혔고, 전문가는있지만번역결과물의양이많아다평가하기어렵다는응답이 11.8%, 감수는번역을맡은외부업체가할일이라고생각한다는응답이 11.8% 였다. < 표 5-10> 번역수준에대한평가가이루어지지않는이유 0 기타외부업체가할일이라고생각함 11.8 비율 (%) 번역물이많아다평가하기어려움 11.8 담당할전문가가없음 76.5 0 20 40 60 80 기관내에번역수준을평가할전문가의부재가가장주요한이유로나타났지만, 전문가가있다해도번역결과물의양이많아다평가하기어렵다는응답에서공공기관의번역을전문적으로감수하고수준을평가해주는공공시스템의필요 Ⅴ. 번역수준평가의문제와설문조사결과 147
성을제안할수있다. 이부분은결론부분에서다시한번다루어질것이다. 마지막으로번역수준의평가는번역을맡은외부업체가알아서할일이라고생각하여평가과정을생략하는기관이 11.8% 라는결과는놀라운일이다. 비록일부기관이기는하지만수준높은번역결과물을만들어내려는적극적인노력이부족함을알수있다. < 표 5-11> 번역수준에대해외부로부터지적이나평가를들은경험 80 70 68.4 60 비율 (%) 50 40 30 31.6 20 10 0 있다 없다 위설문과관련하여주목할만한설문이 " 번역결과물에관해번역담당자이외의사람으로부터번역수준에대한지적을받은경험이있는지 " 에대한것이다. 이설문에조사대상자의 68.4% 가있다고응답하였고, 31.6% 는없다고밝혔다. 조사대상기관의거의 70% 가번역수준에대해지적을받은적이있다는사실은외부에서번역의수준을지적할정도로, 기대에미치지못한번역결과물이많은것으로해석이가능하다. 지적을한주체는외국어전공학자, 분야별전문가, 재외공관직원, 관람객, 서비스이용자, 독자, 사업담당직원등으로나타났다. 외주번역서비스를사용하는공공기관의절반가량에서번역결과물의수준을평가하지않는다면, 실제로감수를하는기관은그만큼기대하기어려울것이다. 이와관련하여실제로번역결과물을감수할경우그주체를묻는설문을실시하였다. 외국인에게감수를의뢰하는경우가 34.6%, 외국어를전공한직원이감수하는경우가 19.2%, 기타가 17.3%, 번역결과물의주제지식과배경지식이풍부한직원이 148 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
감수하는경우가 15.4%, 별도로감수하지않는경우가 7.7%, 외부감수기관에의뢰하는경우가 5.8% 로나타났다. 기타라고응답한경우에는외국학위교수나외국어전공교수등이포함되어있었고, 번역업체에외국인감수를함께의뢰한다는응답도있었다. 번역결과물의주제지식및배경지식이풍부한직원이감수를하는경우가 15.4% 에이른다는조사결과는번역결과물의수준과완성도가단순히능숙한언어구사력이상의문제임을시사한다. 번역결과물의특성상외국인들에게생소한한국적인용어, 개념, 표현등이많이등장하여그러한요소를정확히이해하지못하고외국어로옮겼을경우명백한오역이나부적절한번역이되기쉽다. 번역사가제대로번역을하기위해서는원문의종류에상관없이원문주제에관한배경지식을갖추고있어야한다. 그런데공공기관의번역을담당하는번역사에게는이러한역량과자질이더욱필수적임을알수있다. 그러나번역이단순히내용의정확성이나언어구사수준만으로가능한것이아니라이두가지측면을모두충족시켜야한다할때, 번역텍스트의언어적측면과내용적정확성을모두고려하는제대로된감수를시행한다고응답한기관이없다는것은우리사회에서제대로된번역결과물을얻기위한노력이거의부재해왔음을보여주는결과라하겠다. < 표 5-12> 번역결과물을감수하는주체 기타 외부감수기관에의뢰 5.8 17.3 외국인에게의뢰 관련지식이풍부한직원 15.4 34.6 비율 (%) 외국어전공직원 없다 7.7 19.2 0 10 20 30 40 Ⅴ. 번역수준평가의문제와설문조사결과 149
2.3. 번역을위한관련자료제공 번역완성도가높고도착어를모국어로사용하는사회에서의도된기능을제대로수행할수있다고받아들여질수있는번역텍스트를생산하기위해서는해당원문텍스트에주제나문서특성목적면에서비견될수있는유사텍스트 (comparable texts) 나더나아가병렬텍스트 (parallel text) 를활용하는것이필수적이다. 또정확하고적절한전문용어를선별적으로사용할수있기위해전문용어집이나이중언어사전같은것의도움이반드시필요하다. 기관의특성에따라전문용어나표현등을수집하여정리해놓은목록이나사전이있으면이후의번역에효용이클것이며번역의정확성에직접적으로영향을미칠것이다. 그래서조사대상기관에이러한자료가구비되어있는지를조사해본결과, 준비된기관이 45.9%, 준비안된기관이 48.7%, 준비중인기관이 5.4% 로나타났다. < 표 5-13> 용어집이나참고자료의구비여부 50 40 45.9 48.7 비율 (%) 30 20 10 0 있다 없다 5.4 준비중이다 비율 (%) 번역사에게제공할용어집이나참고자료가없으면여러원문에등장하는같은전문용어나표현이매번조금씩다르게번역될가능성이높아진다. 번역사가기관특성에대한이해와원문의목적등을정확히파악하지못하고번역을할경우, 부적절한용어로번역될수있고고유명사표기가상이할수있으며용어사용의통일성이결여되기쉽다. 이러한현상은곧번역결과물의수준저하로이어진다. 150 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
따라서조사대상기관에용어집이나참고자료가준비되어있지않다는사실은자료의데이터베이스화가시급함을시사해준다. 관련용어집이나참고자료가기관내에존재하지않는이유를묻는항목에응답자의 68.8% 에이르는대다수기관이필요성은느끼나담당인력이나재원부족을지적하였다. 즉 70% 에달하는공공기관에서용어집이나참고자료가필요함에도불구하고그러한작업을해낼인력이부족하거나재정적인여건으로인하여미루고있는실정이었다. < 표 5-14> 용어집이나참고자료가구비되어있지않은이유 비율 (%) 기타 0 68.8 필요성은있지만인력및재원부족 번역사가준비할사항 12.5 참고자료의필요성을못느낌 18.8 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 번역이이루어졌던이전의번역결과물을토대로, 수정이필요한사항은수정을가하여향후번역에필요한용어들을데이터베이스화하는작업은반드시시행되어야할숙원사업이다. 시간적, 재정적부담이큰광범위한사업이라서시행하기가용이하지않을것이다. 그러나데이터베이스를구축하여공공기관들간에데이터베이스를공유하면서지속적으로업데이트를하면시간적경제성과번역의수준측면에서크나큰효과를거둘것으로기대된다. 여기에서또한가지주목해야하는조사결과는용어집이나참고자료를번역사가알아서준비해야할사항이라고답한응답자가 12.5% 라는사실이다. 이번설문대상공공기관에서번역을의뢰하는원문의내용을살펴보면한국의전통, 문화, 예술, 학문등전분야에걸쳐전문용어와고유명사가대거등장한다. 번역사가가지고있는주제지식과원문에대한배경지식은각기관의담당자들과비교한다면상대적으로아주미흡하다고볼수있다. 그런데번역을의뢰한기관도, 번역을담당하는번역사도최종목적은우수한번역결과물을만들어내는것으로귀결된다. Ⅴ. 번역수준평가의문제와설문조사결과 151
그렇다면기관에서번역을담당하는담당자는번역의수준과완성도를높이기위하여번역사에게제공할수있는모든도움을주어야하는데, 일단번역을의뢰한이상모든임무는번역사의소관으로간주한다면번역상의크고작은문제가대두할것은자명한일이다. 번역사에게번역대상텍스트와관련한용어집이나관련참고자료를제공하는것이텍스트내적요소의처리에관련이있는것이라면, 번역의목적과번역시유의사항을사전에번역사에게공지하는일은텍스트외적요소의처리와관련이있다. 번역사가원문의목적과번역텍스트의기능, 대상독자층에관한정보등을미리파악하면번역과정에서결정을내릴때그러한정보를지침으로삼을수있다. 누가어떠한목적으로이글을읽을것이며원문의저자가어떠한의도로이글을집필했는지를파악하고번역을하는것과, 전혀그런사전정보가없는상태에서번역을하는것은그결과물을두고비교해보았을때차이가발생할수밖에없다. 따라서번역을의뢰하는기관에서도움이될정보를많이제공하면내용의오역방지와질적향상이라는결과로이어질것이다. 80% 의응답자가번역유의사항을번역사에게미리알려준다고답한반면, 20% 는알려주지않는다고답하였다. < 표 5-15> 번역유의사항의사전공지여부 비율 (%) 20 그렇다그렇지않다 80 152 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
< 표 5-16> 번역유의사항의사전공지내용 기타??????????? 기타 2.4 전문용어목록 번역사의의역허용정도 9.6 18.1 원문에대한배경이나주제정보 원문의저자 3.6 21.7 비율 (%) 번역본을읽을독자층에관한정보 번역본의목적및기능 18.1 26.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 다음으로미리유의할사항을알려주는경우에구체적으로어떠한사항을번역사에게공지하는지를묻는설문에는번역텍스트의목적및기능 (26.5%), 원문에대한배경이나주제정보 (21.7%), 번역텍스트를읽을독자층에관한정보와전문용어목록 ( 각 18.1%), 번역사의의역허용정도 (9.6%) 순이었고기타에는영상번역의경우자막수제한등의기술적인문제와로마자표기법준수요건등이포함되어있었다. 이번설문조사대상기관의성격은문화관광, 기초예술, 한국학등으로원문에한국의고유한문화및예술소개, 관광사업홍보, 학문적접근등의뚜렷한목적이있다. 그래서번역사에게원문의목적및기능을미리공지한것으로여겨진다. 또한한국과관련된전문적인내용이많이있어서번역사의이해를돕기위하여배경지식과주제정보를공지했음을알수있다. 이처럼사전에목적과기능을분명히밝혀주면, 예를들어홍보문이설명문처럼, 안내문이논문처럼번역되는결과를피할수있을것이다. 질적으로우수한번역결과물을담보하기위해번역발주자인공공기관에서번역유의사항등을사전에번역사에게알려주는것이선결되어야하지만, 반대로번역사도번역과정에서번역과관련된추가정보를필요할때요청하는것도필요하다. 실제로번역사가번역과정에서번역관련추가정보를요청하는지에대한설문에서응답자의절반인 50% 가가끔요청한다고하였고 13.9% 가자주요청한다, 8.3% 가항상요청하였는데한번도요청한적이없다는응답도 25% 나차지하였다. Ⅴ. 번역수준평가의문제와설문조사결과 153
자주요청상요청8.3 13.9 적없음요청한< 표 5-17> 번역사의번역관련추가정보의요청 50 40 30 20 10 0 여부항50 가끔요청25 비율 (%) 물론번역을의뢰하는기관에서사전에필요한정보를충분히제공할수도있고, 번역을맡은원문에전문적인내용이포함되어있지않아서정보요청의필요성을느끼지못했을수도있다. 그러나응답자의 1 / 4, 즉공공기관의번역을맡은번역사의 1 / 4 이단한차례도번역에도움이될어떠한정보도요청하지않았다는사실은번역사가번역의완성도를높이기위해서적극적인노력을기울이지않은것으로풀이된다. < 표 5-18> 번역사가요청하는추가관련정보의내용 기타 0.0% 32.5% 전문용어목록 번역사의의역허용정도 12.5% 원문에대한배경이나주제정보 25.0% 원문의저자 10.0% 비율 (%) 번역본을읽을독자층에관한정보 10.0% 번역본의목적및기능 10.0% 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 154 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
다음으로정보를요청하는경우, 어떠한정보를필요로하는지에관한조사결과, 전문용어목록이 32.5% 였고, 원문에대한배경이나주제정보 (25%), 번역사의의역허용정도 (12.5%), 번역텍스트의목적및기능, 번역텍스트독자층에관한정보, 원문의저자가각각 10% 를차지했다. 번역사들이번역을하면서가장많이요청하는정보가전문용어목록이라는결과를보더라도공공기관의번역을위해서는전문용어번역의통합적데이터베이스마련이시급함을알수있다. 2.4. 개선사항제안 < 표 5-19> 각기관의번역실태를고려할때개선이시급한상황 비율 (%) 기타 7.9% 공유할수있는통합시스템구축 21.1% 믿을만한번역업체및번역사가없음 36.8% 번역전담직원채용이필요함 13.2% 중요성인식부족 21.1% 필요성인식부족 0.0% 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 설문의마지막부분에서각기관의번역환경을고려하여개선이시급한상황이무엇인지를조사해보았다. 각기관에서번역관련업무를담당하고있는사람들이공공기관의번역실태와관련하여가장시급한문제로지적한세가지사항은안정적으로번역을맡길번역업체나번역사의부재 (36.8%), 번역정보를공유할수있는통합시스템및데이터베이스구축 (21.1%), 기관내에번역의중요성에대한인식부족 (21.1%) 이었다. 그리고부서내에번역이나감수를전담할직원채용필요성 (13.2%) 등의응답이있었다. 각기관의실무자들은기관내에번역의필요성은날로증가하는데번역의질을보장해줄수있는번역업체나번역사를확보하지못하는것을가장심각한당면문제로꼽고있음을알수있다. 이와더불어오역을막고용어의통일성을유지하며시간적, 경제적으로번역업무에효율성을높여줄통합적번역시스템및데이터베이스구축의필요성을지적하고있다. Ⅴ. 번역수준평가의문제와설문조사결과 155
< 표 5-20> 외주번역의문제해결을위한방안 번역물의데이터베이스화 10.6 비율 (%) 전담기관이필요 34 전문감수자를고용 19.2 전문번역사를고용 8.5 번역업체에의뢰 27.7 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 이처럼외부번역사나번역회사에공공기관의번역을의뢰했을때번역의수준과완성도에서문제가많은것으로드러났는데각기관의번역관련담당자들이생각하는대안은무엇일까? 조사결과, 34.1% 의응답자가공공기관의문서를전문적으로번역하거나감수해주는전담기관의필요성을강조하였고, 27.7% 가번역료가높더라도신뢰할만한번역업체에의뢰한다고응답하였다. 19.2% 는기관내에전문감수자를고용할것을, 10.6% 는번역결과물의체계적평가시스템을구축하여번역결과물을데이터베이스화할것을제시했다. 각기관의번역관련담당자들이생각하기에번역의문제점을줄이기위해가장적절하다고생각되는방안은공공기관문서의번역과감수를전담하는전문적인기관을설립하는것임을알수있다. 또한번역결과물의체계적평가시스템을구축하고데이터베이스화가절실하다고응답한경우도주목할필요가있을것이다. < 표 5-21> 번역정책과관련하여개선이시급한사항 기타해외출판의전문지식부족 1.6% 13.7% 비율 (%) 외국어도서의배포, 유통이원활하지않음 14.7% 예산부족 25.5% 전문지식을가진전문인력이전담 28.1% 실무자의의견반영되지않음 6.2% 번역정책에일관성없음 10.1% 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 156 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
이번에는번역정책측면에서개선이시급한사항이무엇인지를조사해보았다. 응답자의 28.1% 가전문지식을지닌전문인력이번역관련업무를전담해야한다고하였고 25.5% 가번역수요에비해배정된예산이너무부족함을지적했다. 외국어로번역된도서의배포및유통이원활히이루어지지않음이 14.7%, 해외출판에대한전문지식부족이 13.7%, 번역정책에일관성이없음이 10.1% 를차지하였다. 이는기관내에번역관련업무를전담할전문인력과함께예산증액의필요성을시사하고있다. 또한한국어자료를외국어로번역하고나서제대로배포하거나유통하지못해서애써만들어낸번역결과물이사장되는문제도심각함을알수있다. 해외출판에대한전문지식부족역시번역사후의관리에문제가있음을보여주므로번역자체뿐아니라번역결과물의사후관리까지책임지고전문적으로담당할기관이설립되면많은문제가해결될것이라는추론이가능해진다. < 표 5-22> 공공기관번역전담기관에기대하는역할 요청할때마다전문번역사를파견해줌 번역물에대한평가와방향을제시해줌 13.2 비율 (%) 21.1 외부업체가한번역의감수를맡아줌 26.3 일부번역을맡아줌 18.4 모든번역을맡아줌 21.1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 공공기관에번역서비스를제공하는전담기관이설립된다면그기관에어떠한기능과역할을기대하는지조사해본결과, 외부업체가한번역의감수담당이 26.3%, 기관내의모든번역담당이 21.1%, 번역결과물에대한평가및방향제시도 21.1% 였다. 그리고기관내의일부번역을담당해준다가 18.4%, 요청하면전문번역사를파견해준다가 13.2% 였다. 각항목별로크게차이가나지는않지만감수역할을가장많이기대함을알수있고, 모든번역을맡아서수행해주거나번역결과물평가를담당해주기를바라는응답도고른분포를보이고있다. 응답내용을종합해보면공공기관의번역서 Ⅴ. 번역수준평가의문제와설문조사결과 157
비스를제공하는기관이설립된다면기관의필요에따라번역, 감수, 평가를담당해야할것으로예상된다. < 표 5-23> 공공기관번역관련문제점해결을위해정부에갖는기대 기타번역담당자재교육프로그램마련번역에필요한표기기준안배포번역전담기관마련의뢰할수있는전문번역기관마련번역사양성및공급 3.1% 5.9% 비율 (%) 23.1% 16.9% 19.1% 31.9% 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 공공기관의번역사업에정부의적극적인지원이필요하다고생각한다면구체적으로어떤지원을기대하는지조사해본결과, 가장많은대답은공공기관의번역을의뢰할수있는전문적인번역기관의마련 (31.9%) 이었다. 다음으로공공기관번역에필요한용어집및표기기준안을마련하여배포 (23.1%), 공공기관의번역을잘할수있는번역사양성및공급 (19.1%), 공공기관의전문적인감수를담당할기관마련 (16.9%) 이있었고소수의의견으로공공기관의번역담당자를대상으로재교육시키는번역교육프로그램마련 (5.9%) 도있었다. 이상의결과를보면번역관련업무를실질적으로수행하는많은담당자들은번역을안심하고의뢰할수있는전문적인번역기관을요구하고있음을알수있다. 또한전문적인감수를담당할기관을요구하는응답도많았다. 이는각기관에서, 번역이필요한자료의특성을살려제대로번역하거나감수해줄기관을절실히필요로함을보여준다. 두번째로응답자의수가많았던용어집및표기기준안마련도수차례에걸쳐지적되는사항이므로번역정책을수립함에있어반드시심각하게고려해야할것이다. 158 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
Ⅵ. 결론및제안
1. 번역정책의목표와방향 한국가의번역정책이라는것이존재한다면그목표는사회내적으로는정보의대중화와민주화가, 사회외적으로는세계와의균형잡힌소통과교류가되어야할것이다. 대중의전반적인교육수준이높지않던시대의번역은부와교육기회를독점한일부특권층들이정보에대한접근면에서상대적으로제한을받던대중을위해행하던일종의노블리스오블리제 (noblisse oblige) 의행위였다. 오늘날사회전반적으로문맹률이현저히낮아지고외국어를구사할수있는인구는비교도안될만큼늘어났음에도불구하고, 번역은여전히정보의대중화와민주화를위해필요한수단으로남아있다. 정보화지식화로하루가다르게전세계적으로다양한언어로쏟아져나오는정보를언어의제약을느끼지않고빠른속도로소화해낼수있는사람과그렇지못한사람은결과적으로많은차이를경험하게된다. 때문에사회구성원모두가국제어인영어를비롯하여다양한언어로제공되는정보에모국어로접근할수있도록해주는번역정책은정보의대중화와민주화에필수불가결하다하겠다. 사회외적으로볼때, 우리나라와우리문화를세계무대에서적극적으로알림으로써세계와의균형잡힌의사소통과교류를촉진하는것또한번역정책의목표가되어야한다. 지금까지우리는이른바 선진사회, 선진문명 으로여겨져온국가들의문학, 역사, 철학, 종교, 대중문화등을일방적으로수입하여이를사회발전의출발점으로삼아왔다. 반면우리것을알리고나누어줄수있는기회나노력은상대적으로저조했다. 이제우리자신의고유성과독창성을갖고오늘날까지발전시켜온문화전통과유산을세계에소개하고나누어주고교류함으로써일방향이아닌쌍방향의사소통의균형을잡아가는단계로전환할시기에이르렀다. 이런맥락에서해외의정보와문화를모국어로소화해내는 국어로의번역 (inbound translation) 과아울러, 우리것 에대한세계인의접근이가능하고용이하도록국제어인영어를비롯한다양한언어로옮겨내는 외국어로의번역 (outbound translation) 을모두정책적으로적극추진해야할것이다. Ⅵ. 결론및제안 161
2. 번역정책의대상 국가의번역정책이구체적으로지향하여야할바는두가지로대별된다. 첫째는수요와공급, 경쟁이라는시장원리에의해충족될수없는콘텐츠번역에대한개입이고, 둘째는민간부문과공공분야에서이루어지는번역이우수한질적수준을담보할수있도록번역인프라를비롯하여효율적인번역환경을구축하는것이다. 2.1. 상업적번역수요가없는콘텐츠의번역 정부는우선시장원리에의해번역수요가창출되고공급이이루어지지않는분야, 상업번역에서소외되는분야나언어권번역에대한지원에보다더적극적으로나서야할것이다. 보고서앞장에서언급한것처럼, 국내저작권수출통계를보면우리문학작품에대한저작권수입에관심을갖는국가는일본이유일하고, 그비중도아직까지는그다지큰편이못된다. 이런상황에서우리문학작품을번역하여세계시장에소개하는일이상업적동기에의해이루어지기를기다린다는것은세계문화의당당한일원으로서우리문화, 특히문학의기여를포기하겠다는것이나다름없다. 상황은문학뿐만아니라국악, 한국화, 영화등다른예술분야에서도마찬가지이다. 지금도정부가한국문학번역원, 영화진흥위원회등과같은정부출연기관을통해상업적수요가없는번역을장려하고는있으나지원규모나범위가여전히제한적이어서당장에큰실효를기대하기는어려운형편이다. 2.2. 효율적인번역환경구축작업 질적으로우수한번역을담보할수있도록우수한번역사들이번역하기좋은번역환경을구축하는일에는세부적으로다양한사업이포함될것이다. (1) 공공기관의번역업무처리창구일원화 가장시급한문제가공공번역이이루어지고있는정부기관들의창구일원화노 162 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
력이다. 이것은각기관마다기관내부적인번역업무처리창구를일원화하는것, 그리고정부기관들의번역업무처리를모두총괄하는정부기관전체의일원화라는두가지를모두포괄한다. 본연구를위한방문심층면접에서동일한정부기관내에서도번역수급처리를총괄하는창구가일원화되어있지않고해당부서별로번역수요가발생할때마다필요에따라자체적인번역인력풀을사용하여번역을의뢰함을확인할수있었다. 예를들어한국관광공사의경우인쇄물과소책자를담당하는부서, 홈페이지를담당하는부서, 로마자표기담당부서가별도로존재했다. 문화재청의경우에는다양한층위의문화유산가운데세계문화유산만을우선적인고유업무로처리하고있고, 목조건축물, 석조건축물, 무형문화재등문화유적형태에따라번역업무가철저한분업에의해이루어지고있었다. 따라서부서별로중복번역이이루어지는등예산을효율적으로집행하지못하는경우가많았고, 용어및표현의통일이나일관된사용을기대하기어려웠다. 정부전체적으로번역을총괄할수있는수급체계가없고번역수급을전담하는일원화된창구가없어서발생하는문제는비효율이다. 이것은노력과예산의비효율이라는두가지면에서살펴볼수있다. 우선각기관의번역업무담당자들은대부분의부처에서국제교류나홍보분야에서충원되는데, 번역에대한이해나소양이부족하여전문성을바탕으로번역관련업무가이루어지지않는경우가많았다. 기본적으로순환보직원칙에의해차출되기때문에주어진임기기간만채우고다른부서로이동하는경우가대부분이고, 근무기간동안적극적으로업무처리절차나번역자료 DB를구축하여인수인계를기대하기어려운실정이었다. 따라서담당자가바뀔때마다번역이나번역수급처리과정에대한이해나전문지식없이업무를처리하게되기때문에효율적인처리를기대하기어렵다. 대부분의기관들이공통적으로겪는또다른어려움은적절한번역인력을적시에확보하는일이다. 본연구를위한설문조사결과대부분의기관들이번역수요가새로이창출될때마다특정한번역사나번역회사와고정적으로일하는대신새로운번역사를찾는경향이확인되었는데, 놀랍게도그원인은이전의번역결과물이만족스럽지않아서번역사나번역회사를바꾸고싶어하기때문이었다. 그만큼번역결과물수준면에서믿고발주할번역인력풀이적다는뜻이지만, 바꾸어말하면번역업무를처리해야하는담당직원들마다번역인력확보를위해불필요한수고를해야한다는말이된다. Ⅵ. 결론및제안 163
번역수급업무를위한표준화된절차가준비되어있지않고안정적으로번역을의뢰할수있는번역인력풀도확보되어있지않으며번역상의문제를해결하고문의할창구가없는상황에서번역수급업무담당자가바뀔때마다불필요한시행착오와예산낭비가뒤따른다는것은두말할필요가없을것이다. 이런비효율을방지하기위해서는범정부적인차원에서관련번역의수급을담당할창구를일원화하고, 우수한번역결과물이안정적으로공급될수있도록보장해주는제도적장치가필요하다. 구체적으로는공공기관의번역을총괄할기구의지정및책임운영, 표준화된번역수급처리규정또는절차마련, 공공기관번역을위한기준및스타일북제공, 자격요건을구비한검증된번역사인력풀의관리및운영, 번역결과물의감수및수준평가, 마지막으로해당부서에번역결과물전달까지를총괄할수있는원스톱서비스를제공할수있어야한다. (2) 번역예산증액및번역외주방식의개선 현재정부기관들이번역을외주하는방식은 최저가일괄입찰방식 이다. 즉브로슈어, 팜플렛, 책자등을외국어로제작하는경우, 인쇄출판을전문으로하는기획사나에이전시에번역, 레이아웃, 인쇄까지를묶어패키지로발주하고, 이때전체패키지를최저가로응찰하는기획사나에이전시에발주하는방식을취하고있는것이다. 그러나이경우최저가로응찰하다보니자연히번역사에게지급하여야할번역료를낮추게되고우수한번역사를쓰거나감수서비스를포함하여제공하는대신상대적으로번역료를낮게받는초보번역사나심지어자격미달의번역사를쓰기도하고, 전문감수를생략한채결과물이나오게되어번역의질이자연히저하되는폐단이있다. 따라서번역까지를패키지로일괄발주하는방식을지양하고, 우수한번역을보장할수있는일정한자격요건을가진번역사개인이나업체에번역업무만을별도로발주하는제도도생각해볼수있을것이다. 현행처럼기획사를통해번역업무까지포괄하는일괄발주제도를유지할경우에는기획사별번역결과물의평가결과를추적관리하고이를근거로응찰자격을제한한다든지최저번역수준관리를위한제도적장치를마련해야한다. 물론이때의전과정에적용되는기준을미리고시하고, 전과정의투명성을보장해야하는것은두말할나위없다. 이와관련하여부처별번역예산의증액필요성도검토하여야할것이다. 본연구를위한설문조사결과, 대부분의기관에서현재번역이필요한자료가산적해 164 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
있는데도불구하고번역이이루어지지않고있다고응답하였다. 그이유로번역할적임자를찾지못한것도꼽았지만, 번역을위해책정되어있는예산의부재및부족도큰요인으로지적하였다. 본연구앞에서이미언급한것처럼문화관광부, 문화재청, 한국관광공사, 서울시청과같이우리문화유산홍보와문화행사개최와관련하여번역수요가많은기관들에서조차번역과관련하여책정되었거나집행된예산이해당기관전체예산의 1% 에불과하다는것은시사하는바가크다. (3) 번역결과물품질관리시스템 가. 번역결과물평가및번역모니터링제도화본연구를위한설문조사결과에서보듯이공공기관의총번역수요의절반이상이외부번역사나번역회사에의해이루지고있었다. 이처럼외주번역에대한의존성이높은현실에서는번역결과물의수준을객관적으로평가하여사용이나보완여부를결정하는과정이제도화되어야만오역을걸러내고수준높은번역을확보할수있다. 그런데설문조사대상기관의거의절반에해당하는 43% 에서번역수준에대한적절한평가가이루어지지않는실정이었다. 그이유로 76.5% 가기관내에평가를담당할전문가가없음을지적하였다. 전문가는있지만번역결과물이많아모두평가하기어렵다는의견도 11.8% 로, 기관내에평가인력이전무하거나있다해도절대적으로부족한실정임을알수있다. 그결과 70% 에이르는공공기관에서번역담당자이외의사람으로부터번역수준에대한지적을들은경험이있다고밝혔다. 우수한번역결과물만을사용할수있도록번역의질과완성도를보장할수있는가장손쉽고효과적인방법은일정규모이상의전문번역사를확보하고상주인력으로활용하는것이다. 중국의경우외교부산하의외문국에 100 명가까운외국전문가를포함하여 3,000명내외의인력을상근시켜공공기관과관련하여수요가제기되는모든번역을내부적으로소화해내는한편수준관리도겸하고있다. 현실적으로우리나라에서이와같은방법이불가능하다면번역결과물에대한철저하고적절한평가를시행해야할것이다. 다양한통로와창구를통해이루어지는번역결과물을전문적으로평가하기위해서는이를위한시스템을구축하고전담기구를상설화하는것이필요할것이다. 앞서제기한정부차원의번역수급을총괄할창구의주요기능가운데하나가바로이평가가되어야할것이다. Ⅵ. 결론및제안 165
공공기관에번역서비스를제공하는전담기관이설립될경우, 그기관에기대하는역할을조사해보았더니외부업체가한번역의감수라고대답한것에서도전문적인감수를담당할시스템구축이절실함을알수있었다. 적절한감수및평가가이루어지기위해서는우선번역학과한국학, 우리문화의다양한분야의전문가들을활용하여적절하고현실적인평가모델을개발하고, 수용가능한번역결과물의기준과수용가능성이문제시된번역결과물의처리규정및절차등도마련해야할것이다. 나. 전문감수제도입감수는번역사가번역결과물을납본하기이전에번역텍스트최종완성단계에서번역과정의일부로시행하는사전감수와납본이이루어진후번역발주자가시행하는사후감수로나뉜다. 번역결과물수준에대한평가가번역텍스트의수용여부, 대대적혹은부분적인수정 보완지시, 혹은번역텍스트의전면적인수용거부등을결정하는것이라면, 사후감수는감수를시행하는측에서수정, 보완, 퇴고과정을통해해당번역텍스트를수용할것을전제로이루어지는행위이다. 이렇게볼때평가보다도중요도가더클수도있음에도불구하고사후감수가제대로활용되지못하고있는실정이다. 이는번역의완성도를높이기위하여전문적인감수과정이필수적임을기관내에서이해하지못한결과로번역에대한올바른인식의결여를반영한다. 번역사가감수자와함께작업하여도번역과정에포함되는감수는대체로도착어가모국어가아닌번역사가모국어이외의언어로번역하는데따르는문제를보완하기위하여문법적, 언어적교정을하는과정에불과하다. 또한감수자가번역사와한조가되어번역작업을진행하는경우, 번역결과물을객관적으로평가할수있는거리를충분히두지못하는경우도다반사이다. 따라서번역결과물을회수한이후제3자가반드시번역문의내용과언어적완성도를꼼꼼히따져보고수정보완하는사후감수과정을거쳐야만우수한번역결과물을확보할수있다. 현재처럼번역수급관련업무조차기관자체적으로처리할인력과전문성이결여되어있는상태에서공공기관에서자체적으로적절한감수및평가를시행할것으로기대하기는어렵다. 이런경우대안으로생각할수있는것이전문기관의감수서비스이다. 이때의감수는도착어원어민에의한언어적감수만으로는불충분하다. 왜냐하면이미번역단계에서생략, 추가되거나불충분하게번역된부분들은 166 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
감수단계에서확인하고수정하기가어려운데다, 해당도착어의원어민감수자는번역텍스트의언어적인측면만을보는경우가대부분이기때문이다. 따라서원문텍스트와번역텍스트를비교하면서적절한번역이이루어졌는지를판단할수있는전문번역사와해당도착어원어민이함께감수팀을운영하는등, 적절한번역감수제도와감수자풀을운영하는것이반드시필요하다. (4) 번역인력육성및검증시스템 질적으로우수한번역결과물을얻기위해서는질적으로우수한번역을수행할능력과경험을가진우수한번역사의존재가필수적이다. 외국어사전만가지면누구나번역을할수있다 는생각이만연해있는우리의번역풍토를감안할때, 번역사의자질을검증하고옥석을구분하여장기적으로는우수한번역사가살아남을수있도록제도화할필요가있을것이다. 이와관련하여세가지를생각할수있다. 첫째로현재활동중인전체번역사가운데전문번역훈련을받고석사이상의학위를가졌거나그에준하는자격요건을갖춘번역사를제외한모든사람을대상으로전문적인재교육및재보수프로그램을실시하는것이다. 이를통해번역의기본적인이해를재정립하도록하는한편, 다양한번역상황과목적에부합되도록다양한번역중재기재를사용하는훈련을제공해줌으로써전체적인번역사의수준향상을꾀할수있을것이다. 또이러한재교육및재보수프로그램의성공적참여내지이수여부를추적하여향후공공기관에서발주하는번역에참여할수있는자격요건으로활용할수도있을것이다. 이러한재교육및재보수프로그램은매우시급한데, 본연구의번역인력편에서도언급된것처럼전문번역대학원이상에서직접제공하는번역서비스의비중이전체전문번역시장의약 1% 에불과한것으로추정된다는것은바꾸어말하자면그나머지번역은전문적인훈련을받지않은번역사들에의해수행되고있다는말이되기때문이다. 또한본연구를위한번역결과물수준분석결과에서도기대한것보다훨씬많은번역오류가문법오류, 어휘선택오류, 외국어답지않은언어구사등에서발견되고있다. 즉기본적으로번역사의선결요건인언어구사력자체가문제가될수있는번역사들이실제로전문번역사로활동하고있으며, 이들에의해공공번역이이루어지고있다는것이다. 이런문제점을해결하기위해단기적으로는앞서말한재교육및재보수프로그 Ⅵ. 결론및제안 167
램을실시하고, 장기적으로는번역사인증제도를도입하여번역사의자질과업무가능영역을검증해주는것이필요할것이다. 번역사인증제의필요성과구체적인실행방안은이미한국문학번역원의 2005 년도 < 번역사인증제와번역교육프로그램연구 > 및 2006 년도 < 번역사인증제기본모형개발연구 > 에서상세히다룬바있으므로본연구에서는생략한다. (5) 번역관련인프라구축사업 가. 전문용어및고유어번역을위한 DB 구축및용어표준화외부에번역을의뢰하는경우, 번역결과물에만족하지못하는이유로많은기관에서부정확한용어및부적절한표현, 용어표기의일관성결여를지적하였다. 전문용어, 고유명사등각기관의번역에서계속사용되는자료들을집대성하여데이터베이스로준비해두면불필요한중복번역을막을수있고번역시간이단축되며용어차원에서정확하고통일된번역결과물을만들어내는데기여할수있다. 제한된정부예산의효율적인집행을위해서위와같은데이터베이스를구축하여전담웹사이트를운영하면국립국어원, 서울시, 한국관광공사등과같이서비스운영주체에따라달라지는로마자표기방식도쉽게통일할수있을것이다. 설문조사결과, 번역을의뢰했을때번역사나번역회사에서번역과관련하여가장많이요청하는정보중의하나가바로전문용어목록이었다. 데이터베이스가구축되어있고누구나자유롭게활용가능하다면간단히해결될문제이다. 따라서현재문화재청, 서울시등정부기관들이각자제한적으로보유하고있는번역관련용어집을토대로공공기관의전분야에서수집하여통일된하나의데이터베이스를만드는작업이필요하다. 이같은용어관련데이터베이스가구축되면전문용어나문화특수적인고유어의번역시사용될용어의표준화를통해일관성과통일성을이룰수있게된다. 나. 사전및용어집제작지원우리사회에서번역을생업으로하는사람들중에는번역에대한전문적소양교육을받지않은사람들이대부분으로추정된다. 이들을위해서나전문번역훈련을받고있는사람들을위해서나공히제대로된번역학사전이필요하다는것은재차강조할필요가없을것이다. 특히다양한번역상황과번역목적을규정하고번역 168 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
시고려해야할다양한변수들, 번역과관련하여번역발주자가제공하는유의사항으로서의번역브리프 (Translation Brief) 등을소개하는한편, 번역의문제유형별로번역사가사용할수있는다양한번역중개기재를집대성해놓은번역학사전은우수한번역을담보하기위한필수불가결한전제라고해도과언이아닐것이다. 또한다양한전문주제분야별로이중언어이상으로기술된전문용어사전은번역텍스트에적절한전문용어사용을손쉽게만들어주어커뮤니케이션의효율을제고하고텍스트의완성도를높여줄수있다. 아직까지번역학사전하나출판되어있지않은것이우리현실임을인정하고, 번역학사전및다양한이중언어전문용어사전, 사례별용어집같은것의제작및출판을돕는다양한지원책을통해우수한번역이가능해지는번역인프라구축을선도해야할것이다. (6) 범정부차원의국책번역전담기구의필요성 가. 범정부차원의효과적인예산집행본연구를위한설문조사결과, 공공기관의경우번역수급업무담당자가없거나있어도과도한업무량과전문성부족으로효과적인업무처리를기대하기힘든실정이었다. 자연히외주번역에대한의존도가매우높게되는데, 이경우에도외주번역결과납본된번역결과물의수준이천차만별이고불만족스러운경우도자주발생함으로써전반적인번역수준관리에구조적인문제가있음이확인되었다. 또정부전체로보았을때는부처별로번역수급과관련한정보또는번역결과물의공유가이루어지지않아중복번역등으로정부예산의효율적집행을기대하기어려운실정이다. 반면꼭필요한분야의번역이이루어지지않는경우도많았다. 한국에관한일반적소개의경우에는국정홍보처, 청와대, 문화관광부, 서울시등에서별도로번역이이루어졌고, 세계문화유산에대해서는국정홍보처와문화재청이, 전국관광지와명소에대해서는각지방관광지와한국관광공사가중복번역을하고있었다. 반면정작국악, 사물놀이, 판소리등우리고유의공연문화등외국에소개할필요가있는일부문화특수적텍스트는아예번역에착수조차못하고있는경우도있었다. 이같은현실에서현장의번역수급업무담당자들에게외주번역의문제를줄이기위한방안을물었더니, 많은응답자들이공공기관의문서를전문적으로번역하 Ⅵ. 결론및제안 169
거나감수해주는국책전담기구가필요하다고밝혔다. 공공기관에번역서비스를제공하는전담기구가설립될경우어떤역할을기대하는지에대한설문에는각기관내의번역발주와평가, 감수를전문적으로담당해줄것을희망하였다. 나. 기존번역자료의목록화및데이터베이스화어떤형태로든정부기관들의번역수급을관장하는국책기구가만들어지게되면현실적으로가장시급한과제가기존에이루어진번역자료들의목록화작업과데이터베이스를구축하는작업이될것이다. 정부부처별로산재해있는이전의번역결과물들을하나의데이터베이스로구축하여신규번역수요가발생할때중복번역여부를확인한다음신규번역을의뢰하도록하는한편, 새로운번역수요에대해서는기존에번역되어있는병렬텍스트혹은유사텍스트를제공하여여러가지긍정적인효과를기대할수있다. 다. 체계적이고전향적인번역공급정책으로의전환이런데이터베이스를구축하게될경우예산절감및번역수준향상기대효과이외에도번역정책의전향적변화를장점으로꼽을수있다. 즉이제까지는번역수요가발생할때마다수동적으로사후대처하는방식으로번역을발주하고처리하였지만, 앞으로는기번역이이루어진자료의목록과데이터베이스를활용하여장기적으로번역수요를예측하고, 이를바탕으로체계적으로번역공급정책을펼수있을것이다. 특히해외교과서파동이날때마다문제가되는것은우리역사와전통에관한정보를해당국가의언어나최소한영어등의국제공용어로미리미리제공해주지못한데기인한다고귀결되는것을상기한다면, 우리의역사와문화를정확하게알리기위해필요한정보들을적절한형태로작성또는번역하여공급하는전향적인번역정책으로전환할필요가있다. 라. 번역수급업무표준처리절차개발번역전반을관장하는기구는정부의다양한기관에서발생하는번역수요를충족시키기위한업무처리표준규정및절차를개발하는일을해야한다. 이를통해다양한번역업무가일관성과통일성체계를갖추고진행이되어업무효율을제고할수있다. 170 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
마. 전문분야번역인력풀의효율적관리우수한번역수준을얻기위해서는자격을갖춘유능한번역인력풀확보및운영이필수적이다. 특히번역결과물의수준을믿고번역을의뢰할수있는검증된번역인력을확보하여번역수요가발생할때마다적절히활용할수있는관리능력은매우중요하다. 국책기구가발족된다면, 지금까지부처별로나뉘어활용되고있는전문번역인력을통합하여운영할뿐만아니라, 앞에서지적한재교육및재보수프로그램을통해실력있고믿을수있는번역사들을신규로확대하여전체적인인력풀을확대운영할수있을것이다. 이때전문인력풀관리는두층위로나누어질필요가있다. 일반적으로다양한주제를폭넓게다룰수있는일반분야전문번역사 (generalist trasnslators) 와특정전문분야에대한깊이있는이해와소양을갖춘주제분야전문번역사 (specialist translators) 로나누어관리함으로써, 주제분야와난이도별로적합한번역사풀을활용하는한편, 주제분야전문번역사에게는해당주제분야에대한일을지속적으로할수있는기회를제공하는효과를거둘수도있을것이다. 전문적인번역인력이같은기관의번역을지속적으로담당하면내용전달, 어휘사용, 표기관행등의다양한측면에서번역의정확성, 통일성, 일관성유지가가능한장점이생기게된다. 따라서이를통해국악, 영화, 판소리, 혹은한국고전사상및철학등의특수분야에대해일반적인번역능력에다가깊이있는주제지식과전문용어지식까지갖고임할수있도록훈련하는결과가되어해당분야에서더욱더우수한번역결과물을얻을수도있게된다. 바. 번역에관한원- 스톱서비스제공번역전반을관장하는국책기구가발족한다면정부차원에서번역관련업무처리를전담하고책임지는기관의부재로인하여발생하는간단하고다양한문제들에대한솔루션을한자리에서제공할수도있을것이다. 우선번역수요가발생할경우이를접수하여적절한번역사에게번역을의뢰한후납본이이루어진번역에대해번역수준을평가하고, 필요한경우수정이나재번역지시를내리거나아니면외부전문감수를통해사용이가능한형태로원래번역수요가있었던기관에최종납본이이루어지도록함으로써해당기관에서번역과관련한업무를처리할필요를없애줄수있다. 또한가장간단한문제이지만끊임없이문제가되는로마자표기에관한문제나질문, 확인요청등을전담하여처리해줄수있을것이다. Ⅵ. 결론및제안 171
이밖에도전문용어및고유어번역을위한표준화된용어를개발하고제공함으로써우리문화와역사를기술하는용어들이일관성을갖고사용되게할수있다. 이를통해대외적인커뮤니케이션효과를제고할수도있을것이다. 이상의업무를효율적으로처리하는한편, 일반대중이나관련정부기관의접근을돕기위해포탈사이트를운영하는것도좋은방법이될것이다. 번역의원-스톱서비스창구역할을할국책기관에서는또한서적이나소책자등의해외출판자문및창구역할까지도수행할수있어야한다. 번역정책과관련하여개선이시급한사항으로많은기관에서해외출판에대한전문지식부족과외국어로번역된도서의배포및유통문제가꾸준히지적되어왔다. 한국학중앙연구원이나국립국어원등기관이아무리좋은기획을통해우리문화를세계화하는데기여할도서를출판하고자하여도보급체계와네트워크를구축하고있는해외현지출판사를통하지않고서는국내에서사장되고마는실정이다. 따라서기획과원고집필은전문기관에서담당하고최종원고가완성된이후에는번역에서부터해외출판및판매에이르기까지전체과정에대한전문적인서비스와조언을제공할수있는일원화된창구가필요할것이다. 172 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
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Abstract The purpose of this study is to present policy directions designed to establish a comprehensive and effective translation policy for the future, when construction of a more effective and macroscopic translation system will be urgently required. More specifically, by grasping the whole picture of the environment of translation and its activities in Korea and the problems involved, this study is aimed at formulating the role and position of a more future-oriented and effective national agency for translation. Chapter I introduces the purpose and need for this study as well as the subjects and method used for this study. In Chapter II, the areas of translation are largely classified into publication translation, script-media translation, and professtional translation with the aim of taking a general view of the current status of translation. The study is focused on the composition of a pool of translators, the scale of the translation market by area, the system of translation evaluation, and the status of translation infrastructure. Chapter III presents details of the projects promoted by typical public organizations related to culture and tourism, basic arts, and Korean studies, on the basis of the information collected through e-mail, phone contacts, and visits to organizations, and the current status of external support, and future plans. Chapter IV presents a positive and systematic analysis of translations carried out in relation to areas including culture and tourism, basic arts, and Korean studies. It measures the levels of translation and problems involved. Translations, both published and posted on the web sites, collected from 25 organizations representing each of the three areas were used as a database for analysis. Chapter V reports and discusses an analysis of the results of a survey, which was conducted at 38 departments in a total of 36 organizations. It included 17 organizations (19 departments) handling translation for culture and tourism, 12 175
departments dealing in translation for basic arts, and 7 organizations working in translation for Korean studies. The survey was largely divided into four areas: the status of demand and supply for translation, the system of proofreading and evaluation for translation, and the status of preparation and provision of references for translation, and suggestions for improvement. The survey was aimed at laying the groundwork for understanding the current status of translation carried out in the public sector and constructing a basic infrastructure and system in order to get quality translations done smoothly. In particular, the survey was designed to reflect the voices of the on-the-job professionals to encourage policy proposals for the purpose of executing the limited budget efficiently while institutionalizing a system to enhance the efficiency of the public sector as a whole in connection with translation. Chapter VI provides a summary of results, suggestions for future research, especially with the specific goal of presenting a systematic, comprehensive, and effective policy direction in a balanced manner. At the present time, expectations are mounting with respect to the importance and role of translation across the society. It is expected that this study, designed to examine the present status, problems in translation, and solutions required to construct a desirable national translation system, will contribute to helping to understand at the pan-national level what translation is all about, and securing an active and effective policy alternative in the near future. 176 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
부 록 1. 번역현황조사설문지 2. 공공기관번역오류예문 ( 출판물 ) 3. 공공기관번역오류예문 ( 웹페이지자료 ) 4. 국어의로마자표기법 5. 외국어관광안내표기기준 / 관광용어영문표기기준 6. 문화재명로마자표기 ( 영문번역기준 )
부록 1 번역현황조사설문지 설문지작성일자 : 기관 : 부서 : 이름 : 직위 : 성별 : 연령 : 연락처 : 이메일 : 근무년수 : 현직위에서의근무년수 : 현직위이전의번역관련업무처리경험 : 유 ( ) 무 ( ) 유 라고답변한경우구체적으로 : 안녕하십니까? 한국문학번역원은한국의문학과문화를해외에전파하여한국문화의세계화에기여하고자하는문화관광부산하기관입니다. 본원은올해연간연구과제로서국내공공기관의번역현황을조사하고있습니다. 본조사는거시적차원에서공공번역사업의방향을모색하려는연구의일환입니다. 바쁘시더라도자세히답해주시면연구에큰도움이될것입니다. 제공해주신정보는연구목적으로만사용될것이며, 기타목적으로유출하거나사용하지않을것임을알려드립니다. 바쁘신중에도설문에응해주셔서감사합니다. Ⅰ. 번역수급현황 1. 귀기관의번역업무는누구에의해이루어지고있습니까? ( 순위를매겨주십시오.) 1 해당부서직원 ( ) 2 번역전담직원 ( ) 3 번역회사 ( ) 4 기타외부용역 ( ) 179
2. 귀기관에서번역관련업무를담당하고있는직원은? ( 복수표시가능 ) 1외국어전공자 ( ) 2통번역전공자 ( ) 3비외국어전공자 ( ) 4외국유학경력자 ( ) 5모르겠음 ( ) 3. 한국어에서외국어로의번역을외부에의뢰할때주로어떤기관이나개인에게의뢰하십니까? 1 민간번역회사 2 전문번역사 3 통역번역대학원센터 4 번역물의주제를전공한교수 5 외국어전공교수 6 기타 ( ) 4. 귀하의기관과고정적으로거래하는외부번역사나번역회사가있습니까? 1 있다 ( ) 2 없다 ( ) 5. 번역이이루어지는외국어는무엇입니까? ( 순위를매겨주십시오.) 1 영어 ( ) 2 일어 ( ) 3 중국어 ( ) 4 스페인어 ( ) 5 불어 ( ) 6 독어 ( ) 7 러시아어 ( ) 8 기타 ( ) 6. 한국어 외국어, 외국어 한국어의번역물비중은? 1 한국어 외국어 ( %) 2외국어 한국어 ( %) 7. 귀기관에서번역을필요로하는문서의내용은무엇입니까? 1 관광, 여행자료등문화텍스트 2 음악, 미술, 무용, 기타공연등기초예술관련텍스트 3 국어 ( 한글포함 ) 및한국학관련자료 4 영화, 다큐멘터리, 애니메이션등영상물자막또는음성텍스트 5 기관자체의소개및활동에관한홍보텍스트 6 기타 ( ) 180 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
8. 위의목록이외에외국어로번역이필요한자료가있다면어떤종류와내용인지적어주십시오. 9. 귀기관에서이루어지는번역가운데내부적으로처리되는번역과외부발주를통해처리되는번역의비중은어느정도입니까? 내부처리 외부발주 출판물번역 웹페이지번역 한국어외국어 ( 외국어 : 어 ) 외국어한국어 ( 외국어 : 어 ) 한국어외국어 ( 외국어 : 어 ) 외국어한국어 ( 외국어 : 어 ) 전체의 % 전체의 % 전체의 % 전체의 % 전체의 % 전체의 % 전체의 % 전체의 % 10. 귀기관에서작년한해동안이루어진번역의규모는어느정도입니까? 한국어외국어 ( 외국어 : 어 ) 외국어한국어 ( 외국어 : 어 ) 건수분량 (A4 기준 ) 11. 귀기관에서책정하고있는외국어번역요율이있으면적어주십시오. 한국어 ( ( ) 어한국어 ) 어 A4 기준 (11 폰트, 25 행 ) 단어수기준두기준모두병행기타 A4 기준 (11 폰트, 25 행 ) 단어수기준두기준모두병행기타 ( ) 원 ( ) 원 ( ) 원 ( ) 원 ( ) 원 ( ) 원 부록 181
12. 외부에번역을의뢰했을경우, 번역료에대해서어떻게생각하십니까? 1 적당하다 2 과다하다 3 저렴하다 4 질적으로우수한번역을위해서는번역료는문제가되지않는다. 13. 현재번역이필요한자료가많은데번역이이루어지지않고있다면그이유는무엇입니까? 1 번역할적임자가없다 2 예산이부족하여번역을의뢰할수가없다 3 번역사업을추진하는담당자나담당부서가없다 4 기타 ( ) Ⅱ. 번역감수및평가 14. 귀기관에서는번역물을누가감수합니까? 1 별도로감수하지않는다 2 외국어를전공한직원이감수한다 3 번역물의주제지식과배경지식이풍부한직원이감수한다 4 외국인에게감수를의뢰한다 5 외부감수기관에의뢰한다 ( 구체적으로에게의뢰 ) 6 기타 ( ) 15. 외부번역사나번역회사가한번역물에대해서만족하십니까? 1 매우만족한다 (17번으로가시오 ) 2 만족한다 (17번으로가시오 ) 3 보통이다 4 불만스럽다 5 매우불만스럽다 182 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
16. 번역물에만족하지않다고답하셨다면그이유는무엇입니까? ( 중요한순서대로세가지만고르시오 )( ) ( ) ( ) 1 외국어답게번역되지않았다 2 원문의목적 ( 홍보, 안내, 정보전달등 ) 에부합하지않다 3 원문의내용이누락되거나변경되었다 4 용어나표현이부적절하다 5 용어표기에일관성이없다 6 오자가많다 7 기타 ( ) 17. 외부에번역을의뢰했을때불만이나문제제기를한적이있습니까? 1 있다 2 없다 (21 번으로가시오 ) 18. 외부번역에문제제기를하는경우나빈도는어떻게됩니까? 1 조금이라도불만이있으면제기한다 2 아주심한경우에제기한다 3 한번도제기한적이없다 4 다른사람의구체적인지적이있으면제기한다. 19. 문제제기를한이유는무엇이었는지모두적어주십시오 (1) (2) (3) (4) 20. 일단문제제기가이루어진다음의후속처리는어떻게이루어집니까? 1 같은번역사가추가번역료지급없이재번역을한다 ( 일부 / 전체 ) 2 이전번역사에게번역료를지급하고다른번역사에게다시번역료를지급하여재번역을의뢰한다 ( 일부 / 전체 ) 3 이전번역사에게는번역료를지급하지않고다른번역사에게번역료를지급하여재번역을의뢰한다. 부록 183
4 클레임이받아들여지지않아그냥넘어간다 5 기타 ( ) 21. 귀기관에서는번역결과물의번역수준에대한적절한평가가이루어지고있습니까? 1 예 (23번으로가시오 ) 2 아니오 22. 번역수준에대한평가가이루어지지않는이유는무엇입니까? 1 기관내에평가를담당할전문가가없다 2 전문가는있지만번역물이많아다평가하기어렵다 3 번역을맡은외부업체가할일이라고생각한다 4 번역수준에대한기대치가높지않다 5 기타 23. 번역담당자이외의사람으로부터번역수준에대한지적이나평가를들은적이있습니까? 1 있다 2 없다 (26 번으로가시오 ) 24. 번역담당자이외의사람으로부터번역수준에대한지적이나평가를받은적이있다면그대상은누구입니까? 25. 위에서번역수준에대한지적이나평가를받은이후에처리는어떻게이루어집니까? 1 지적된부분을즉시수정한다 2 지적을수합하였다가출판물을새로발행하거나웹페이지를보완할때일괄반영한다 3 무시한다 4 기타 184 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
26. 외주번역의문제를줄이기위해서는다음중어느방안이적절하다고생각하십니까? 1 번역료가높더라도신뢰할만한번역업체에의뢰한다 2 기관내에전문번역사를고용한다 3 기관내에전문감수자를고용한다 4 공공기관의문서를전문적으로번역하거나감수해주는전담기관이필요하다 5 번역물의체계적평가시스템을구축하여번역물을 DB화한다. 27. 공공기관에번역서비스를제공하는전담기관이설립된다면그기관에서어떤역할을담당해주기를기대하십니까? 1 귀기관내의모든번역을맡아준다 2 귀기관내의일부번역을맡아준다 ( 번역 ) 3 외부업체가한번역의감수를맡아준다 4 번역물에대한평가와방향을제시해준다 5 귀기관이요청할때마다전문번역사를파견해준다 Ⅲ. 번역참고자료제공 28. 귀기관에서는유사한문서의번역이직접혹은외부에의뢰할때참고할수있는용어사전이나목록, 참고자료가준비되어있습니까? 1 있다 2 없다 (30 번으로가시오 ) 3 준비중이다. 29. 있다 ' 나 ' 준비중 ' 이라고대답하셨다면구체적으로어떤자료가있거나준비중인지적어주십시오 1 번역용어모음집 2 특정용어표기기준안 3 번역스타일북 4 번역콘텐츠 DB자료 5 기타 ( ) 부록 185
30. ' 없다 ' 라고대답하셨다면그이유는무엇입니까? 1 문서의특성상용어집이나참고자료의필요성을못느낀다 2 번역사가알아서준비해야할사항이라고생각한다 3 필요성은느끼는데담당인력이나재원이부족하다 4 기타 ( ) 31. 번역을의뢰할때번역시유의할사항을미리알려줍니까? 1 그렇다 2 그렇지않다 (33번으로가시오 ) 32. 구체적으로어떠한사항을알려줍니까? ( 모두고르시오 ) 1 번역본의목적및기능 2 번역본을읽을독자층에관한정보 3 원문의저자 4 원문에대한배경이나주제정보 5 번역사의의역허용정도 6 전문용어목록 7 기타 ( ) 33. 번역을의뢰했을때번역사나번역회사에서번역과관련하여추가정보를요청합니까? 1 항상요청한다 2 자주요청한다 3 가끔요청한다 4 한번도요청한적이없다 (35번으로가시오 ) 34. 추가정보제공을요청받은적이있다면요청사항은구체적으로무엇이었습니까? 1 번역본의목적및기능 2 번역본을읽을독자층에관한정보 3 원문의저자 4 원문에대한배경이나주제정보 5 번역사의의역허용정도 6 전문용어목록 7 기타 ( ) 186 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
Ⅳ. 개선사항제안 35. 귀기관의번역실태를고려해볼때개선이시급한사항은무엇입니까? ( 중요한순서대로세가지만고르시오 ) ( ) - ( ) - ( ) 1 기관내에번역의필요성에대한인식이부족하다 2 기관내에번역의중요성에대한인식이부족하다 3 부서내에번역이나감수를전담할직원채용이필요하다 4 안정적으로번역을맡길번역업체나번역사가없다 5 번역정보를공유할수있는통합시스템및데이터베이스구축이필요하다 6 기타 ( ) 36. 번역정책과관련하여개선이시급한시항은무엇입니까? ( 중요한순서대로세가지만고르시오 )( ) - ( ) - ( ) 1 번역정책에일관성이없다 2 번역정책결정에실무자의의견이반영되지않는다 3 전문지식을지닌전문인력이전담해야한다 4 번역수요에비해배정되는예산이너무부족하다 5 외국어로번역된도서의배포, 유통이원활히이루어지지않는다 6 해외출판에대한전문지식이부족하다 7 기타 ( ) 37. 공공기관의번역사업에정부의적극적인지원이필요하다고생각하신다면구체적으로어떤지원을생각하십니까? ( 중요한순서대로세가지만고르시오 )( ) - ( ) - ( ) 1 공공기관의번역을잘할수있는번역사양성및공급 2 공공기관의번역을의뢰할수있는전문적인번역기관마련 3 공공기관번역의전문적인감수를담당할기관마련 4 공공기관의번역에필요한용어집및표기기준안을마련하여배포 5 공공기관의번역담당자를대상으로재교육시키는번역교육프로그램마련 6 기타 ( ) 부록 187
< 별첨 1 > 귀기관에서현재까지번역이이루어진문서의종류와내용을목록으로작성하여주십시오 번역물형식 ( 예 : 도서, 웹자료, 브로셔, 정기간행물등 ) 번역물내용 ( 예 : 기관홍보, 공문서, 관광등 ) 188 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
부록 2 공공기관번역오류예문 ( 출판물 ) 오류유형 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 출전해당예문평가 CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅳ. Traffic Information History must dendure the events modern Korea is inevitable creating in reality. We must understand this rhetorical cycle. Let's Emjoy the Nerver-Ending Performances during the Festival! Areas with Traffic Restriction May Areas with Restriction on Traffic The complex melody and gentle sound generated by vibrating thick bamboo tubes are gems of Daeguem jeongak. inevitably 스펠링오류 : never-ending 스펠링오류 : Many 스펠링오류 : Daegeum 을 Daeguem 으로잘못표기했다. A-1 Korean Cinema 2006 However, even through they made ample use of guns 철자오류 : though 가맞다. A-1 Korean Cinema 2006 Kairat, a lonely teacher of mathematic, accidentally meets his old friend 명사 ' 수학 ' 은 mathematics 라고쓴다. A-1 Korean Film "I was deliberately not made up, I simple wished to play the role of Shin-ae Observatory. No.22 simply as a typical woman, in a simple way. Cannes Edition 2007 A-1 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Since her start as the sister next door, she has maintained her position as the best actress for last 10 years, though taking the above appearances as her 철자오류 : through 가맞다. Cannes Edition 2007 motive power. A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals Gochujang ("red pepper paste") is made from dried peppers, salt, water, fermented soybeans and sweet rice power. Makgeoll ( 막걸리 ) Go to Boseong Tea Fields on the following day, which is about an hour away. Map of Ancient Koguryo Kingdom in Korean Peninsular Besides the tomb is Neungsa, a temple that overlooks the royal tomb. TRAVEL Hanjin Travel Service PLANNER'S GUIDE> 1st Day: Arrival in Soeul Temple Tours TRAVEL War Memorial of Korea PLANNER'S GUIDE> War Memorial of Korea Constructed on the former site of the Korean Army Headquarters, the memorial offers visitors and educational experience about The many wars in which Korea has been involved. TRAVEL Exhibitions PLANNER'S GUIDE> Over five hundred 3X3 meter booths can be set up within the hall, which does CECO not have pillars and is of standard international size. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District However, we must not stop here because IM is a cineaste whose biggest fear is to stop at a place. In 1981, CHUN Do-hwan's military government lifted censorship restrictions as a "carrot" or incentive policy. The milestone was Mandara, after which, he kept a proximal distance from the world and created his own world. There can be two reasons for it; one is not being able to pass the system, and the other is not being able to survive in the market. 스펠링오류 : powder 를써야할곳에 power 를썼다. 스펠링오류 : Makgeolli 에서 i 가빠짐 스펠링오류 : s를빼고 Field 라고써야한다. 다음문장에서는 Boseong Tea Field 로용어가통일된것으로보아 Fields 는스펠링오류이다. 스펠링오류 : Peninsular 은형용사이다. Peninsula로고쳐야한다. 그리고 peninsula 앞에는전치사 on이더자주쓰인다. 스펠링오류 : 물리적으로옆에있다는의미의 beside 를써야할자리에 ' 게다가 ' 라는의미의 besides 를써서전혀뜻이통하지않는문장을만들었다. 문법적오류중스펠링오류 : 'Seoul' 의잘못된표기 문법오류중스펠링오류 : 문장이완결되지않았으므로 'The' 를소문자로표기해야함 문법적오류중스펠링오류 : 올바른곱셈부호 ' ' 대신알파벳 'X의대문자로표기하였음 쉼표누락 : we must not stop here, because 쉼표가있어야그다음에나오는이유가 ' 여기서멈춰서는안되는이유 ' 임이명확해진다. or 로시작하는절이앞절을부연설명하는기능을하려면쉼표가선행해야한다. after which 다음에쉼표가없어야한다. 구두점오류 : it 이후에나오는문장이앞문장을부연설명하므로콜론 (:) 을써야한다. Opening Ceremony You are invited to the opening ceremony of the 'Hi Seoul Festival 2007'. Part 1 will present a Lighted Boat Parade where the lights from the 63 Building will colorfully embroider the Hangang and Part 2 will 구두점오류 : How about ~ 이의문문이므로? 가나와야 provide an exciting concert stage of the popular singers for 90 minutes. As the 함 concert end, the enormous fireworks will splendidly decorate the night sky of Seoul to announce of starting the festival. How about to taste the wonderful start of the ultimate festival of Seoul, 'Hi Seoul Festival 2007,' in advance. 부록 189
A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅳ. Traffic Information " Arisu" Festival Do you have kept the story on dabbling in the Hangang as only recollections of old times? How about to enjoy the dabbling in the Hangang with your family that does not allow even accessing? 'Arisu Festival' 구두점오류 : would 로시작하는의문문이므로? 로끝나 is a tourism festival with a theme of river where you can experience all of 야함 challeges and dreams personally. Would you provide yor parent an opportunity to recall deal memories and your children with the chance to experience the natural playground. Citizen's Installation Art Exhibition Citizen's Installation Art Exhibition events, centering on the Ttukseom and Jamsil Districts, will form a truly 구두점오류 : would 로시작하는의문문이므로? 로끝나 magnificent spectacle with a number of vanes, flags and poles elected by your 야함 own hands. Would you put your desire on the pole of prayer to link the sky and earth, a vane containing desire and a flag of hope. Children's Day Ceremony Would you feel vitality and youth of Seoul, coming together with your children, the hero of the future generation, and 통사오류 : would 로시작하는의문문이니? 가들어가야 all family members. The Children's Day Ceremony will be held at Taepyeong 함 Hall in City Hall. A wide spread of event locations as like the colorful events of 'Hi Seoul Festival 2007.' You don't know what to ride on and where to go? The public 구두점오류 : 영어글에서는문장의마침표를 ~ 로끝낼 transportation will bring you to the event location fast and safely where you 수없음. 공식홍보용책자에는너무 casual 한표현임 want to go. If you don't like to get stress from the blocking road and narrow parking lot, leave your car at home~ The currently inherited gagok consists of 41 songs(male 26, female 15) including Ujo and Gyemyeongjo. The currently inherited gagok consists of 41 songs(male 26, female 15) including Ujo and Gyemyeongjo. Geomungo sanjo is magnificent solo-performed music that boasts a masculine moderate beauty. This is solo instrumental music played on a daegeum (a large cross flute), usually divided into 4~6 movements. The content and formation of instruments are similar to Guryehangje julpungnyu. This is traditional folk art, well preserved in the form of nongak (peasants' music). It successfully displys artistic and historical features in its performances. 표층오류 : 외국어음가를빌려그대로표기할때는이탤릭체를쓴다표층오류 : 외국어음가를빌려그대로표기할때는이탤릭체를쓴다 표층오류 : 외국어음가를빌려그대로표기할때는이탤릭체를쓴다 표층오류 : 외국어음가를빌려그대로표기할때는이탤릭체를쓴다 표층오류 : 외국어음가를빌려그대로표기할때는이탤릭체를쓴다 표층오류 : 외국어음가를빌려그대로표기할때는이탤릭체를쓴다 Pyeongtak nongak (No. 11 -Na) It started from a simple tradition of dure 표층오류 : 외국어음가를빌려그대로표기할때는이탤 nongak, but evolved into a formal performance by adopting the professional 릭체를쓴다 dramatic skill of eminent artists. It is composed of instruments such as farming tools, gong, janggu, sogo (tabor), beopgo, etc. Gongs and drums are not frequently used, and it is unique to find the performance of hwadong, the instrument that originated in Gyeongnam Province. It usually uses do deuri (6 slow beats) or sematch (3 slow beats). The lifestyle and sentiments of the people of Seodo are well-expressed in its melodies. Soft and curved lines were emphasized. rather than strong and straight lines, since natural beauty was regarded as the essential character. A female geommu(sword dance) inherited from the region of Jinju. Mask drama, often called talchum, was developed in the period of the Three Kingdoms and through the period of Goryeo and Joseon Dynasties. Drama is divided into two parts: gamu, with song; and drama, with speech. The total performance consists of five main madang dramas. Masks are worn on feet in this drama, and it appears to be derived from the puppet dramas by Namsadang performers of Anseong. Also known as 'homissitgi (washing off hoes)', this game is commonly found in the farmlands. However, archery, Korean wrestling, and Taekkyeon have been impressively transmitted from generation to generation up to the present. (1) Ceramic Crafts// Sagijang, onggijang, and jewajang are designated as. The figure and style of soban differed according to location. Najeonjang (No. 10) Najeon is a traditional handicraft technique to ornament the product's surface by putting small slices of shells in various forms or attaching thinly cut silsangsa. 표층오류 : 외국어음가를빌려그대로표기할때는이탤릭체를쓴다 표층오류 : 외국어음가를빌려그대로표기할때는이탤릭체를쓴다 표층오류 : 외국어음가를빌려그대로표기할때는이탤릭체를쓴다 구두점오류 : 명사를꾸미는형용사로, 즉, 제한적용법이아닌서술적용법으로쓰였으므로하이픈을넣을이유가없음 구두점오류 : emphasized 와 rather 사이에마침표가있으면안된다. 표층오류 : 외국어음가를빌려그대로표기할때는이탤릭체를쓴다 표층오류 : 외국어음가를빌려그대로표기할때는이탤릭체를쓴다 표층오류 : 외국어음가를빌려그대로표기할때는이탤릭체를쓴다표층오류 : 외국어음가를빌려그대로표기할때는이탤릭체를쓴다 표층오류 : 외국어음가를빌려그대로표기할때는이탤릭체를쓴다 표층오류 : 외국어음가를빌려그대로표기할때는이탤릭체를쓴다 표층오류 : 외국어음가를빌려그대로표기할때는이탤릭체를쓴다 표층오류 : 외국어음가를빌려그대로표기할때는이탤릭체를쓴다 표층오류 : 외국어음가를빌려그대로표기할때는이탤릭체를쓴다 표층오류 : 외국어음가를빌려그대로표기할때는이탤릭체를쓴다 190 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
A-2 Yangtae is the section of gat (traditional Korean hat for males) that blocks the sun. 표층오류 : 외국어음가를빌려그대로표기할때는이탤릭체를쓴다 They always bear grudges against each other with their private weak parts, however 는문장중간에서 but 과같은의미로쓸수없 A-2 Korean Cinema 2006 and they quarrel everyday, however they are great friends who care for each 다. Everyday 에서마침표를찍고문장을새로시작해야 other. 한다. A-2 SHIN Hyun-joon, his friend, recommended a documentary on EOM Gi-bongs Korean Cinema 2006 소유격부호누락됨. life. 혜영의과거가두남자의충돌과정에서밝혀진다는것이 Her pure love will draw these deadly men into a spectacular showdown in the 원문의내용이라면쉼표가 showdown 직후에붙어야한 A-2 Korean Cinema 2006 process, revealing Hye-young's hidden past. 다. 그렇지않으면 the process 가지시하는과정이어떤 과정인지불분명해진다. A-2 The mother of the twins tries hard to save them, both but manages only to Korean Cinema 2006 구두점오류 : 쉼표가 both 다음에와야한다. save So-yeon A-2 CHOI is murdered mysteriously as he was heading home from a friends Korean Cinema 2006 gathering. 소유격부호누락됨. A-2 Korean Cinema 2006 One day, she discovers a young boy Gyung-min, is a musical genius. 구두점오류 : Gyung-min 의앞뒤에쉼표가하나씩있어야한다. A-2 Sang-ho and his friends Jae-gu and Chang-bae create a boys soccer club called Korean Cinema 2006 소유격부호누락됨. "Tigers". President ROH Moo-hyun breached his election pledge to maintain the Screen A-2 Quota and reduced it from 146 to 73 days. Because Korean government and Because 로시작하는절이하나의독립된문장을이룰수 Korean Cinema 2006 capitals, and the trans-national capital and US government share the benefits 는없다. of it. A-2 The House Living Together whose motto is "The Homeless' Production Korean Cinema 2006 Community Creating Hope", had members who occupied and empty house located in Jeongreung, Seoul. 해당절앞뒤에쉼표가하나씩있거나아예없어야한다. A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS The national flag of Korea is called the Taegeukgi or "Yin-Yang Flag." 표층오류 : 외국어음가를빌려그대로표기할때는이탤릭체를쓴다 The main characters are the yangban (a nobleman), gaksi (a young maid), 표층오류 : 이탤릭체로쓸필요가없는부분이다. 앞에 two jangjamaris (the ocean and earth deities), two sittakttagis (the deities 나온양반, 각시에대한설명과의통일성을위해서라도 that drive away evil spirits), and a 10-member band. 기울여쓰지말아야한다. Today's biggest festivals of the lunar calendar include Lunar New Year's Day 표층오류 : 외국어음가를빌려그대로표기할때는이탤 (Seollal), the First Full Moon Day (Jeongwol Daeboreum), the Spring Festival 릭체를쓴다 (Dano), and the Harvest Festival (Chuseok). The annual Day Festival in Gangneung features diverse traditional events 표층오류 : 외국어음가를빌려그대로표기할때는이탤 including a ritual service dedicated to the tutelary mountain deity and the 릭체를쓴다 Gwanno Gamyeongeuk, the masked-dance dram of civil officials and servants. Silla's Cheomseongdae Astronimical Observatory, Seokguram Buddhist Grotto, bronze temple bells, and other exquisitely crafted metalwork were milestones in advanced science. 표층오류 : 외국어음가를빌려그대로표기할때는이탤릭체를쓴다. Korean Film the collective agreement plan, which contains Holidays and Payment of Observatory. No.22 구두점오류 : 영문에서는가운데점대신 / 를사용한다. Overtime ( 가운데점 ) Holiday Work Allowances. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film The distributor of <My Son>, Cinema Service also cut the production costs of Observatory. No.22 Cinemar Service 앞뒤에쉼표가있어야한다. <Modern Boy> and <Shin-gi-jeon> using similar method to <My Son>. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film <Hwang Jin Yi> has, therefore, been an enormously popular leading character Observatory. No.22 잘못첨가된소유격부호. in a number of novels and drama series'. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film After closing down his bar business and getting dumped by his lover, Observatory. No.22 Young-su, (HWANG Jung-min), is diagnosed with a liver disease. Cannes Edition 2007 ' 영수 ' 가 his lover 와동급이되지않으려면 ' 영수 ' 뒤에쉼표가없어야한다. A-2 Korean Film Taking a storyline from one of the Grimm brothers' children's stories, <Hansel 여기서의 < 헨젤과그레텔 > 은그림형제의원작이아닌신 Observatory. No.22 and Gretel>, is a strange horror film about 작영화제목이다. 따라서제목뒤에쉼표는없어야한다. Cannes Edition 2007 A-2 Korean Film But, I thought that such a typical city must have a reason for us to live for Observatory. No.22 but 다음에불필요한쉼표 buried somewhere. Cannes Edition 2007 A-2 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 When you made <Peppermint Candy>, you described your actors as "my first love, wife and other self." But, you barely say nice things to them in fact but 다음에불필요한쉼표 Cannes Edition 2007 (laugh). A-2 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 But, when the woman decorates the meeting room for each season, and presents Jin with a psychological expansion of time, his room becomes his only but 다음에불필요한쉼표 Cannes Edition 2007 resting place. A-2 Korean Film We she completed her debut film <The Contact> (1997) there was a report 구두점오류 : 다음문장이인용문임을표시하려면콜론 Observatory. No.22 with the following sentence. After rising to success as a main character (:) 을써주어야한다. Cannes Edition 2007 A-2 Korean Film After rising to success as a main character in the TV drama 'A Place in the Observatory. No.22 따옴표누락 Sun, her steep ascent continues with <The Contact>. Cannes Edition 2007 부록 191
A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 Korean Film Maybe somebody will ask why it is so important for an actress to make films Observatory. No.22 without wearing makeup. But, when an actress determines to do this, another Cannes Edition 2007 story of reality will be possible within the film. Korean Film Her desire for work is so great that her wish for the new year was the Observatory. No.22 following; "I wish to find good work rather than a good man." Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film But, I don't believe that excellent actors like CHOI Min-sik and SONG Observatory. No.22 Kang-ho were born to be so. Cannes Edition 2007 but 다음에불필요한쉼표 구두점오류 : 세미콜론 (;) 이아니라콜론 (:) 으로처리해야한다. but 다음에불필요한쉼표 Korean Film Recently, before the settlement of Korea-US FTA talks that forced the cutting Observatory. No.22 of the Korean screen quota in half, she even said the following. "Shouldn't we 구두점오류 : 콜론 (:) 을써야한다. Cannes Edition 2007 be more THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals The jars contain a breath of life, and its energy force called chi excretes toxins and impurities that are harmful to the human body. Using natural food coloring, mujigae-tteok ("rainbow colored rice cake" ) is mixed with seven, beautiful rainbow colors and placed in a steamer. Soju goes well with almost everythihg, but they taste well with raw fish, barbecued meats and, spicy food. Great-tasting food requires the following high quality ingredients, and spices and seasonings. 표층오류 : 외국어음가를빌려그대로표기할때는이탤릭체를쓴다 구두점사용오류 : seven 과 beautiful 사이에 comma 가올이유가없다. Colors 를수식하는단어가지나치게많지도않고수식어들이길어서호흡을끊어줄필요가있는것도아니다. 구두점오류 : 세가지이상을나열할때마지막대상앞에 and 를쓴다. and 만써도되고 and 앞에 comma 를쓰기도하지만 and 다음에 comma 를쓰는경우는없다. 사소한실수로 readaiblity 를떨어뜨린예이다. 구두점오류 : 대시가아닌콜론을써야할자리. 중심문장이있고이에대한부연을같은문장내에연결할때쓰는게콜론이다. Ingredients to bring back home: Traditional Korean ingredients and spices for 표층오류 : 외국어음가를빌려그대로표기할때는이탤 cooking Korean dishes include: gochujang ("red pepper paste"), gochugaru 릭체를쓴다. 고추장, 고추가루, 된장은이탤릭체로썼는 ("red pepper powder"), doenjang ("soybean paste"), sesame oil, insam, gingko 데인삼에서는실수로빠뜨린듯하다. nuts, dates and rice wine. To its left side is an inscription of "cheonmajisang," which is translated as 'an image of the heavenly horse' According to the inscription, the upper one represents "Gilli" and the lower one represents "Bugwi", each symbolizing luck and wealth. 구두점오류 : 문장이마침표없이끝났다. 표층오류 : 외국어음가를빌려그대로표기할때는이탤릭체를쓴다. TRAVEL Card-and-coin phones, can be used with pre-paid IC cards or Korean-issued 문법적오류중구두점오류 : 주어와동사사이에는쉼표 PLANNER'S GUIDE> bank credit cards as well as coins. 를사용하지않음 Telephone TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> Changdeokgung Palace has served as the seat of power for many Joseon 문법오류중구두점오류 : 쉼표의위치가 'and' 앞에와 Changdeokgung Dynasty kings and, it is the best preserved among the dynasty's five palaces. 야함 Palace Hotel TRAVEL Hotels in Korea are classified by an official rating system according to size, 문법오류중구두점오류 : 쉼표가부적절히사용되었으 PLANNER'S GUIDE> service quality and conveniences, into five group: super deluxe (SDL), deluxe 므로생략해야함 Accommodation (DLX), first class, second class and third class. TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> Telephone Calls TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> Business Hours If you are in the different area or city, first dial the area code and then the telephone number you want to call: for example if you would like to call someone in Daegu (telephone number 123-4567), dial 053-123-4567. Most private businesses open at anywhere from 08:30 to 10:00 and close in the evening. And banks are open from 09:30 to 16:30 on weekdays, and are closed on Saturday and Sunday. 문법적오류중구두점사용의오류 : 콜론대신마침표를사용해문장을마친후, 'For example, if you ' 처럼새로운문장을시작하는것이적합함 문법적오류중구두점오류 : 완전한문장이아닌절을연결하는접속사 'and' 앞에는쉼표를사용하지않으며원칙적으로 'and' 로문장을시작하지않음 Suganggung Palace was firsts built by the fourth ruler of the Joseon Dynasty, TRAVEL King Sejong (r.1418-1450), for his retiring father, King Taejong, and was PLANNER'S GUIDE> 문법적오류중구두점오류 : 기간을나타낼때에는하이 often used as residential quarters for queens and concubines. During the reign Changgyeonggung 픈대신대시를사용해야함 of King Seongjong (r.1469-1494), the palace was renovated and renamed Palace Changgyeonggung Palace. TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> Among the countries in Asia, Korea is the second most popular place for Conventions, conventions, followed by Singapore and Japan. Exhibitions and Expos 문법오류중구두점오류 : 쉼표가부적절히사용되었으므로생략해야함 Conventions TRAVEL All convention halls are equipped with high-tech facilities for international 문법적오류중구두점오류 : 'including' 앞의불필요한 PLANNER'S GUIDE> conferences, including eight-language simultaneous interpretation and video 쉼표의사용 BEXCO conference systems. TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> It opened on September 6, 2005, and was named after Kim Dae-Jung, the 문법적오류중구두점오류 : 완전한문장이아닌절을연 Kimdaejung former president of Korea and a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. 결하는접속사 'and' 앞에는쉼표를사용하지않음 Convention Center 192 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 TRAVEL Independence Movement Day PLANNER'S GUIDE> 문법적오류중구두점오류 : 종속접속사 'while' 앞의 This day commemorates the Declaration of Independence that was proclaimed National Holidays 잘못된쉼표의사용 on March 1, 1919, while the nation was under Japanese colonization. (2007) TRAVEL Buddha's Birthday 문법적오류중구두점오류 : 길이가긴두문장을대등접 PLANNER'S GUIDE> Elaborate and solemn rituals are held at Buddhist temples across the country 속사로연결할때에는접속사앞에쉼표를찍어 National Holidays and lanterns are displayed in the streets and at temple courtyards. readibility를높임 (2007) SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Why Seoul? SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Culture & Entertainment World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals Optimal conditions for convention with the state-of-the-art facilities, five-star hotels, and tourist attractions - COEX, world's 10th largest convention center with state-of-the-art facilities - 53 international conference facilities including hotels. - 17,343 superior & deluxe hotel rooms, 7,841 first & second-class rooms, and 2,121 hotel-serviced residence units. - Various home-stay programs (B&B, Temple Stay, etc.). - Convenient business services for the Internet use and language support - Comfortable communication availability through the majority of hotel - employees with foreign language skills. 문법오류중구두점오류 : 소제목아래의나열은완전한문장으로끝나지않았으므로마침표를찍어서는안됨 ( 해당문단뿐만아니라글전체의무분별한구두점의사용이 TT 의질과신뢰도를떨어트림 ) Jogyesa Temple There are three kinds of Temple Life programs: Basic program, which takes 문법적오류중구두점오류 : 콜론으로이어진긴나열의 2 hours (30 minutes of Jogyesa Temple tour, 40 minutes of tea ceremony and 구분을또다시콜론으로처리 ( 세미콜론으로수정해야 40 minutes of Seon or meditation): Practicing program, which takes 1 hours 함 ) for Barugongyang, or Four-bowl meals: Participation program, which takes 1 hours for scripture printing and lotus lantern making. For the stable and systematic activity of, Korea's Intangible 띄어쓰기오류 : 영문텍스트에서는단어와괄호사이를 system maintains a consistent inheritance procedure from 한칸띄운다. skill holder-apprentice-graduate-scholarship student(general student). The currently inherited gagok consists of 41 songs(male 26, female 15) including Ujo and Gyemyeongjo. It is played with a gayageum(a 12-string zither) to the beat of a janggu (Korean double-headed drum). A female geommu(sword dance) inherited from the region of Jinju. Their head dresses and costumes are very decorative and elegant. 띄어쓰기오류 : 영문텍스트에서는단어와괄호사이를한칸띄운다. 띄어쓰기오류 : 영문텍스트에서는단어와괄호사이를한칸띄운다. 띄어쓰기오류 : 영문텍스트에서는단어와괄호사이를한칸띄운다. 띄어쓰기오류 : headdresses 로붙여써야함 SEOUL VISITOR'S Know-how & expertise gained though a number of international conventions 문법적오류중띄어쓰기오류 GUIDE> Why Seoul? - Acquiredmany convention facilities meeting international standards SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Dining & Cafe SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Why Seoul? SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Cultural Experiences; Bongeunsa Temple Life Seokparang As one of seoultangible Cultural Properties, it provides you the quintessence 문법적오류중띄어쓰기오류 of traditional food while you enjoy Korean traditional music. Dynamic City of Joy and Diversity - Colorful city for shopping - seven duty free shops, Insa-dong,Dongdaemun Market, Namdaemun Market, Itaewon, Myeong-dong,Cheongdam-dong, 문법적오류중띄어쓰기오류 Yongsan Electronics Market, Gyeongdong Market, Dongdaemun Folk Market, Noryangjin Fisheries Market, Yangjae Floral Market Venerable Yeonhui, the National Master Sunim of Unified Silla dynasty, founded the Bongeunsa Temple in the 10th year of King Wonseng's reign(794). Located at the slope of 'Sudo' mountain in Samseong-dong, South of Seoul, Bongeunsa is one of Korea's most traditional Buddhist temples built 문법적오류중띄어쓰기오류 : 영어에서괄호와앞 ( 또는 the name of Gyeonseongsa. 뒤 ) 단어사이는반드시한칸띄움 Currently, Daeungjeon, Seonbuldang, Yeongsanjeon, Jijangjeon, Bukgeukbojeon, Panjeon, Yeonggak(Chungyeongak), Unhadang, Seonwon, Simgeomdang, Bubwangnu, Boudang, and Jinyeomun are located inside the Bongeunsa Temple compound. SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Seoul Convention & Visitors Bureau SEOUL VISITOR'S Deluxe GUIDE> Hotel Index Ramada(New Seoul) Attraction activities in oversea locations 문법적오류중띄어쓰기오류 문법적오류중띄어쓰기오류 : 영어에서괄호와앞 ( 또는뒤 ) 단어사이는반드시한칸띄움 SEOUL VISITOR'S Here, visitors are presented with the theme called'a journey of water' which 문법적오류중띄어쓰기오류 GUIDE> Hotel Index guides them along the flow of water. SEOUL VISITOR'S In addition, its folk museum provides visitors the chance to experience the 문법적오류중띄어쓰기오류 GUIDE> Lotte World Korea's 5000year history and traditional cultures. TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> Namdaemun(Sungnyemun) Gate Namdaemun Gate 문법오류중띄어쓰기오류 : 괄호와앞단어사이는한칸을띄움 부록 193
A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-5 A-5 A-5 A-5 A-5 A-5 A-5 A-5 A-5 A-5 A-5 TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> Taekwondo; Three Basic Components of Taekondo Pumsae A systematic frame work of techniques, which enables the individual to practice attack and defense techniques as if he/she was faced with opponents. 문법적오류중띄어쓰기오류 : 소제목에이어지는문단 Gyeokpa 의띄어쓰기가일관되지못함 Techniques used at examinations or demonstrations where the practitioner, one who has mastered the basic techniques and movements, uses great strength to break hard items such wooden boards, tiles and bricks. SETEC is a one-stop exhibition complex with 11,000m2 of overall floor space TRAVEL seated on a site of almost 31,000 m2. High speed telecommunication links allow PLANNER'S GUIDE> 문법적오류중띄어쓰기오류 virtual exhibitions on the internet, and heavy and extensive displays can be SETEC set up all year round regardless of weather conditions. TRAVEL * Tourists must present their passport, voucher, and credit card used to PLANNER'S GUIDE> purchase 문법적오류중띄어쓰기오류 Ticket Prices your voucher in order to exchange it for a KR Pass. You may purchase KR Pass Voucher at overseas travel agents, ticket offices TRAVEL or online(www.korail.go.kr, credit card purchase only), then exchange the 문법적오류중띄어쓰기오류 : 영어에서괄호와앞 ( 또는 PLANNER'S GUIDE> voucher at a designated exchange office for a KR PASS, and travel all over 뒤 ) 단어사이는반드시한칸띄움 KR PASS Korea on any railroad lines for a set period of time without any restrictions on frequency or distance (excludes designated subways and train tours). World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Walking Tour Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅳ. Traffic Information World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Why Seoul? he was born in Sindo(presently Bakcheon, Unjeon area) Walking Tour 01. Deoksugung & Jeong-dong Route 02. Gyeongbokgung & Insa-dong Route 03. Jongmyo & Changgyeonggung Route The Hands of all of the Citizens will complete the Festival! A rise to the Top of Seoul A representative complex cultural space of Seoul with various cultural presentations. Procession scene Warriors with hachets Transportation from Incheon International Airport to COEX Bus>> Limousine Bus>> City Bus>> Taxis>> Rapidly Growing Business Hub of Asia Highlighting Seoul's image as a human-oriented city Dynamic City of Joy and Diversity Infrastructure to maximize the worldwide PR exposure SEOUL VISITOR'S Why Seoul? GUIDE> Why Seoul? Here're good reasons SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Gangnam SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> A true convention city Seoul Gangnam Where Business and Trends begin A true convention city Seoul Recreational Opportunities : A Shopping Paradise, Cuisines to suit all taste, and vibrant nightlife SEOUL VISITOR'S Traditional food court GUIDE> Jeojagori LotteWorld Traditional food court 띄어쓰기오류 : 영문텍스트에서는단어와괄호사이를한칸띄운다. 일련번호사용오류 : 제목다음에곧장이어지는소제목이므로 '01' 이아닌 '1' 의일련번호로수정하여야함 ( 소제목 '1' 다음에이어지는소제목을 '01' 로시작하는것이적합함 ) 소제목표기의오류 : 모든단어의첫문자를다대문자로쓰던지 content word 의첫문자만을대문자화하는것이원칙인데, TT 는어느경우에도해당되지않음 소제목표기의오류 : 모든단어의첫문자를다대문자로쓰던지 content word 의첫문자만을대문자화하는것이원칙인데, TT 는어느경우에도해당되지않음 제목표기오류 : 단어마다첫글자를대문자로표기해야한다. Procession Scene 제목표기오류 : Warriors with Hachets 로표기해야 문법적오류중소제목표기의오류 : 제목표기의무원칙성 ('taxis' 만복수형으로표기 ) 문법적오류중소제목표기의오류 : 제목표기의무원칙성 (TT 스타일의일관성위배 ) 문법적오류중제목표기의오류 : 영문제목은관사와전치사를제외한각단어의첫글자를대문자로표기문법적오류중제목표기의오류 : 영문제목은관사와전치사를제외한각단어의첫글자를대문자로표기 문법적오류중제목 / 소제목표기의오류 : 영문제목은관사와전치사를제외한각단어의첫글자를대문자로표기 ( 콜론다음에나열된명사의첫글자를무분별하게대문자로표기한것도모두소문자로수정해야함 ) 문법적오류중제목표기의오류 : 영문제목은관사와전치사를제외한각단어의첫글자를대문자로표기. 띄어쓰기오류에도해당 ('Lotte World' 로수정 ) TRAVEL 문법적오류중제목표기의오류 : 영문제목에서전치사 PLANNER'S GUIDE> 27th Annual Meeting of the International Association For Impact Assessment 는소문자로표기해야함 ( 뒤의 "{for" 를소문자로했기 Timetable 때문에대문자표기의일관성위해서 ) TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> Quarantine Plant Quarantine Any fresh fruit (mangoes, oranges, papaya, etc.), seeds, orchids, nursery stock, cut flowers, etc., that is hand-carried by passengers may contain insects harmful to crops in Korea. To prevent the introduction of pests, the National Plant Quarantine Service conducts quarantine inspections at all ports of entry. For pleasant travel, please refer to the following information: Declaration at Importing Points Passengers who carry plants or plant products such as fruit, vegetables, seeds or nursery stock should describe them on the Customs Declaration Form and declare these items immediately to the National Plant Quarantine Service upon arrival at any airport or seaport. 문법적오류중제목 / 소제목표기의오류 : 앞문단의마지막문장이콜론으로끝났으므로이어지는내용은완전한새문단으로시작될수없음 ( 제목과소제목을동일한스타일로표기할경우둘의구분이모호해질수있음 ) 194 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
A-6 A-6 A-6 A-6 A-6 A-6 A-6 A-6 A-6 A-6 A-6 A-6 A-6 A-6 TRAVEL Chamseon: Zen meditation PLANNER'S GUIDE> Seon or Zen means quiet thinking, meditation, or insight. Temple Stay 문법적오류중로마자표기오류 : 외래어인 'Seon' 은이탤릭체로표기해야함 TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> The Entertainment Hall of Fame gives visitors the chance to get up close and 문법적오류중로마자표기오류 : 외래어인 'hallyu' 는 B156 The personal with today's hottest hallyu stars through their video clips and music. 이탤릭체로표기해야함 Entertainment Hall of Fame CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. at a coffee shop named "Nan-da-rang" in Namsan. Geomungo is a traditional Korean harp with six strings, also called 'hyeongeum'. Gongs and drums are not frequently used, and it is unique to find the performance of hwadong, the instrument that originated in Gyeongnam Province. A fast and delightful music with colorful folklore, inherited from Jindo of Jeollanam-do. There are numerous kinds (12) and diverse characteristics of the folk songs that represent Gyeonggi Province. It usually uses do deuri (6 slow beats) or sematch (3 slow beats). A mask drama inherited from Seoul and Gyeonggi Province. A folk mask drama inherited from Gasa of Gyeongnam Province. Ganggang sulrae (No. 8) 로마자표기오류 : 붙여써도발음은똑같으므로띄어쓸이유가없다. 로마자표기오류 : 발음을 ' 현금 ', ' 형음 ' 중무엇으로해야하는지명확히하기위해 hyeon 뒤에하이픈을넣는게좋다. 국립국어원로마자표기법 [ 제3장표기상의유의점 ] 제2항에따르면발음상혼동의우려가있을때에는음절사이에붙임표 (-) 를쓸수있다. 로마자표기오류 : 국립국어원표기법에따라 Gyeongsangnam-do 라고표기해야한다. 경상남도를경남으로줄여서쓰면한국을잘모르는 target readership 이경남이경상남도가아닌다른곳으로착각할수있다. 일관성있게 full name 을써야한다. 로마자표기오류 : 국립국어원표기법에따라 Jin-do 로표기해야한다. 로마자표기오류 : 국립국어원표기법에따라 Gyeonggi-do 라고써야한다. 로마자표기오류 : 국립국어원표기법에따르면세마치는 semachi 이다. 로마자표기오류 : 국립국어원표기법에따르면 Gyeonggi-do 라고써야한다. 로마자표기오류 : 국립국어원표기법에따르면 Gyeongsangnam-do 라고써야한다. 로마자표기오류 : sulrae 를 sullae로고쳐야함 ( 국립국어원국어의로마자표기법제2항 [ 붙임2] ' ㄹ ' 은모음앞에서는 'r' 로, 자음앞이나어말에서는 ' ㅣ ' 로적는다. 단, ' ㄹㄹ ' 은 'll' 로적는다.) Gyeonggido dodanggut (No. 98) // Music and dance are clearly 로마자표기오류 : 예술장르이름에포함된게아니라행 distinguished, and it is the only exorcism performed by the last hereditary 정구역상의경기도를의미하므로국립국어원로마자표 shaman family of Gyeonggido. 기법에따라 Gyeonggi-do 라고써야한다. Jeju chilmeoridanggut (No. 71)// This rite refelects the regional tradition 로마자표기오류 : 국립국어원로마자표기법에따라 of Jejudo(island), including the distinctive figure of woman divers and folk Jeju-do 로표기하고제주도와괄호사이는띄운다. life. Jindo ssitgimgut (No. 72)// A rite inherited from the region of Jindo preserving the originality of Korean shamanism. 로마자표기오류 : Jin-do A-6 Korean Cinema 2006 <Hwang Jin Yi>, <Shim-chung> 로마자표기에일관성이없다. < 황진이 > 에서음절을하이픈연결업이각각독립해서표기하고각음절첫글자를대문자로표기했으면 < 심청 > 에대해서도그렇게해야한다. 더군다나 < 심청 > 에서 ' 심 ' 은성이기때문에 ' 청 ' 이하이픈으로붙을수없다. A-6 Korean Cinema 2006 HWANG Byeong-gug 로마자표기상의오류 : ' ㄱ ' 이어말에올때는 'k' 로표기해야한다. A-6 Hanna is a lip sync vocalist for Ami.she has been a bright and lighthearted Korean Cinema 2006 등장인물명의로마자표기가일관되지못하다. girl until Amy humiliates her in front of Sang-jun A-6 Korean Cinema 2006 Yi Wal Yi Ship Goo Il 로마자표기오류 : Wol 이맞다. A-6 Korean Cinema 2006 Ssarang-hanikka Gwen-chana 로마자표기오류 : ssarang= 싸랑? A-6 Korean Cinema 2006 Ne Beon Chae Cheung 로마자표기오류 : ' 네번째층 ' 에서 ' 번째 ' 는붙여쓰므로로마자표기상으로도붙여써야하며, ' ㅉ ' 은 jj로표기하는것이옳다. A-6 Korean Cinema 2006 Ma-ji-mak Bab-sang 로마자표기오류 : Majimak Bapsang 이라고표기해야. A-6 Korean Cinema 2006 Yeuil Up-nun Gut-deul 로마자표기오류 : Ye-eui Umneun Geotdeul 이라고표기해야. A-6 A-6 A-6 KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD The tradition of Korean music is maintained today by samullori percussion 로마자표기오류 : 사물놀이 [ 사물노리 ]-> 국립국어원로 quartets and by such institutions as the National Traditional Music Orchestra 마자표기법에따라소리나는대로표기. samulnori and the National Center for Korean Traditional Performing Arts. 로마자표기오류 : 국립국어원로마자표기법 [ 제2장표 A painting by Kim Jeong-hi (pen name Wandang), a noble scholar-artist of 기일람 ] 제1항 2. 이중모음에따르면의는 ui이다. hi를 the late Joseon Dynasty, that was completed in 1844 while living in exile on hui 로수정해야한다. 제5항에따르면제주도는 Jeju-do Jejudo Island. 로표기한다. Ingeolmi ( 인절미 ) 로마자표기오류 : 국립국어원로마자표기법제 2 항 2. 에따르면ㅈ은 j 로표기해야함 부록 195
A-6 A-6 A-6 A-6 A-6 A-6 A-6 A-6 A-6 A-6 A-6 A-6 World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE>Culture & Entertainment; Jogyesa Temple SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Dining & Cafe SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Insa-dong SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Cultural Experiences; Bongeunsa Temple Life SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Cultural Experiences SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Gomehome World Koguryo Tomb Murals Gyeonu and Jingnyeo Deokhwa-ri, Daedong-gun, South Pyeongan Province 로마자표기오류 : Koguryo 는중국, 북한, 유네스코등에서사용하고있는표기법. 국립국어원로마자표기법을적용하면 Goguryeo 가맞다. 청와대와국정홍보처에서는후자를사용하고있다. 로마자표기오류 : 국립국어원로마자표기법제4항 1. 에따르면이름에서일어나는음운변화는표기에반영하지않는다. 직녀는 'Jiknyeo' 라고표기해야한다. 로마자표기오류 : 국립국어원로마자표기법에따라 Pyeongannam-do (Province) 라고표기해야한다. There are three kinds of Temple Life programs: Basic program, which takes 2 hours (30 minutes of Jogyesa Temple tour, 40 minutes of tea ceremony and 문법적오류중로마자표기오류 : 외래어인 ' 선 ' 과 ' 바루 40 minutes of Seon or meditation): Practicing program, which takes 1 hours 공양 ' 은이탤릭체로표기해야함. 통사오류에도해당 ('1 for Barugongyang, or Four-bowl meals: Participation program, which takes 1 hours' 를 'one hour' 로수정해야함 ) hours for scripture printing and lotus lantern making. Yongsusan Some recommended dishes are Nine-treasure Dish Gujeolpan, Gaeseong buckwheat dumplings and Tteokguk (rice cake soup). 문법적오류중로마자표기오류 : 구절판의영어대응어와 'Tteokguk' 모두소문자와이탤릭체로표기하고 TT 의일관성을위해 'gujeolpan (nine-treasure dish)' 로표기 Seoul Cultural Artifacts Display and Sale Center Over on hundred pieces are on display including Najeon (mother-of-pearl) 문법적오류중로마자표기오류 : 외래어인 ' 나전 ', ' 단 craft, Dancheong (multi-color painting on pillars and rafters), pottery, and 청 ' 은이탤릭체로또한첫글자를소문자로표기해야함 kites. Bongeunsa Temple Life Venerable Yeonhui, the National Master Sunim of Unified Silla dynasty, founded the Bongeunsa Temple in the 10th year of King Wonseng's 문법적오류중로마자표기오류 : 영어대응어와음가가 reign(794). Located at the slope of 'Sudo' mountain in Samseong-dong, South 혼용되어어색한 'the National Master Sunim' 를영어대 of Seoul, Bongeunsa is one of Korea's most traditional Buddhist temples built 응어로만이루어진 'the National Master Monk' 로통일 the name of Gyeonseongsa. 하고국립국어원로마자표기법에따라원성대왕의로마 Currently, Daeungjeon, Seonbuldang, Yeongsanjeon, Jijangjeon, 자를 'King Wonseong' 으로, 수도산을 'Mt. Sudosan' 으 Bukgeukbojeon, Panjeon, Yeonggak(Chungyeongak), Unhadang, Seonwon, 로, 법왕루를 'Bubwangru' 로수정해야함 Simgeomdang, Bubwangnu, Boudang, and Jinyeomun are located inside the Bongeunsa Temple compound. SamcheongGak Traditional Courses 문법적오류중로마자표기오류 : 국립국어원로마자표 In SamcheongGak, you will learn Korea's traditional culture in the beautiful 기법에따른 ' 삼청각 ' 의올바른표기는 'Samcheonggak' traditional house. The one-day courses teach tea etiquette, lady's industrial 이며판소리는이탤릭체로또한첫글자를소문자로표기 arts, Korean traditional music and Pansori (a genre of Korean traditional 해야함 music). It is reservation-only courses. 'Guseonwangdogo', one of the most popular dishes, is a soup made of 문법적오류중로마자표기오류 : 외래어인 ' 구선왕도고 steamed & dried powder of 9 white herbs and rice. Its taste is similar to that ', ' 인삼 ' 및 ' 신선로 ' 는이탤릭체로표기해야함. 또한, of porridge and is very appealing to both eastern and western people. In 문미에나온 'Sinseollo' 는첫글자를소문자로표기. addition, it is famous for plum Kimchi, grilled insam, and Sinseollo. TRAVEL Geunjeongjeon Hall, the largest and most impressive building, Gyotaejeon PLANNER'S GUIDE> 로마자표기의오류 : 국립국어원로마자표기법제 3장 Hall (queen consort's residence), Hyang-wonjeong (octagonal pavilion), and Gyeongbokgung 제6항에따라문화재명은붙임표 (-) 없이붙여써야함 Gyeonghoeru, an imposing two-story pavilion Palace TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> However, learning the scientific Korean alphabet, han-geul, can be a joy. Learning Korea 문법적오류중로마자표기오류 : 국립국어원로마자표기법에따른 ' 한글 ' 의올바른표기는 'hangeul' 이며외래어이므로이탤릭체로표기해야함 TRAVEL Chuseok Holiday PLANNER'S GUIDE> 문법적오류중로마자표기오류 : 'chuseok' 은외래어이 Chuseok is the Korean Thanksgiving Day and the most important traditional National Holidays 므로이탤릭체로표기해야함 holiday of the year. (2007) TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> But the clowns' skits satiring corrupt officials and the tragic death of the 문법오류 : 주어와동사의단 복수일치오류 p. 20, The King and king's mother brings bloodshed to the royal place. The Clown The legend tells the story of a beautiful woman who, while fleeing from bandits, throws herself into the sea to keep her chastity. In the freezing TRAVEL winter after her grieving husband buries her, a red camellia blooms in the 문법오류 : 과거및현재시제의일관성없는혼용 ( 현재 PLANNER'S GUIDE> exact spot where she was buried. This camellia came to represent the courage 보다앞선시제는현재완료로통일해야함 ) Odongdo Island Tour she had in keeping her chastity, and the flowers can now be found throughout the island. TRAVEL The show has became a huge hit at home and abroad, especially in PLANNER'S GUIDE> Chinese-speaking countries, by integrating and entertaining aspects of Daejanggeum Oriental medicine and royal cuisine. 문법오류 : 'and' 를생략하여 'entertaining aspects' 를 'integrating' 의목적어로취하는것이자연스러움 TRAVEL They attend festivals and special events together with a tourist or provide free PLANNER'S GUIDE> 문법오류 : 다수의관광객을의미함으로 'tourists' 로대 tour guide service, assist with communication in various ways, or participate Goodwill Guide 체해야함 in cultural exchange. services TRAVEL When you make a direct international call overseas from Korea, first dial the PLANNER'S GUIDE> international access code 001, 002 or 008, then country code, area code and 문법오류 : 같은의미의단어를중복사용 Telephone Calls the recipient's number. 196 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> COEX COES is the nucleus of the World Trade Center Seoul (WTCS), consisting of the 55-floor Trade Tower, the Korea City Air Terminal, ASEM Tower, two first-class hotels, a residence hotel for intermediate- or long-term suite lease, a department store, and plus the COEX Mall. 문법오류 : 병기불가능한단어병용 ('and plus the COEX Mall' 의 'plus' 생략 ) TRAVEL 문법오류 : 소유격대명사 'its' 의잘못된표기및부적절 Since it's grand opening on April 19, 2001, EXCO Daegu has been posed to PLANNER'S GUIDE> 한관용표현의사용 ('posed to become' 이더자연스러 be one of the most important exhibition and convention center in Korea. EXCO Daegu 움 ) TRAVEL Other Facilities PLANNER'S GUIDE> Halla Hall (accommodating 1,100 guests), Samda Hall (500 guests), various 문법오류 : 단 복수의표시가되어있지않음 ICC Jeju types of meeting rooms, VIP room, restaurant, coffee shop and cafeteria TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE>City Buses To stop the bus at your destination, push in advance one of the stop button located along the bus interior. Plant Quarantine TRAVEL Any fresh fruit (mangoes, oranges, papaya, etc.), seeds, orchids, nursery PLANNER'S GUIDE> stock, cut flowers, etc., that is hand-carried by passengers may contain Quarantine insects harmful to crops in Korea. KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. It accompanies peculiar mask parade, now represents significant local culture that includes superb artistic dance movement. Buddhism first arrived in the Goryeo Kingdom in the 2nd year of King Sosurim (372) by Soondo, a monk from the early Chin Dynasty. History of modern Korea consists of many fetters, in which different generations live with very different experiences; The first is biographical explanation. the assassination of the dictator on October 26 1979 (due to power struggle within the government); During that period, Korean movies have been constantly changing. The government controlled films through double-censorship of evaluating the script first then checking the completed version again. On the other hand, government promoted TV entertainment at home, causing film viewers to abandon the cinema. 문법오류 : 'one of the stop buttons' 가되어야함 문법오류 : 수의일치 ('is' 를 'are' 로대체 ) 문법오류 : represents 의주어는 parade 인데이렇게 comma 로연결하는것은문법에맞지않다. It accompanies peculiar mask parade, which now represents significant local culture that includes superb artistic dance movement. 문법오류 : 수동태가아니므로 'by 주체 ' 가나올수없다. 과거의세대들에관해이야기하고있으므로과거형으로처리해야. 부정관사누락 : a biographical explanation. 관사누락 : due to a power struggle within 시제오류 : 이미끝난과거의한시기에일어난일이므로상태의지속을나타내는 have been 을써서는안된다. 대안 : during that period, Korean movies underwent constant changes first, and then checking 정관사누락 : the government 내용상 it 가지시하는것은 policy movies 일텐데단복수 Without reluctance, he made government policy movies and freed himself from 불일치로인해 market's collapse 를지시하는모양새가 the market's collapse, while finding his own artistic world in it. 되어버렸다. The General's Son became No.1 box-office hit and Sopyonje set a new record for most viewers in the history of Korean films. English became the most important subject in schools and studying in the U.S. guaranteed a successful life in the society. 정관사누락 : the No.1 box-office hit 불필요한정관사 : in society South Korean viewers didn't like Italian neo-realism films because the ruined neo-realism 의형용사형은 neo-realist 일것이다. cities in those movies could be seen anywhere just outside the theaters. South Korean viewers didn't like Italian neo-realism films because the ruined just outside 면 anywhere 가아니다. 영화관바깥어디에 cities in those movies could be seen anywhere just outside the theaters. 서나 = anywhere outside theaters We must also not forget that the Korean War is not completely over. Neither must we forget / We must also remember During this process, Hollywood movies weren't just the means of 헐리우드영화가문화탐구의대상이될수는있어도문 entertainment for Koreans but the government intended them to be a cultural 화탐구그자체일수는없다. study. Therefore, not only the general population but also filmmakers in South Korea 'also + 부정문 ' 의형태를피하려면 couldn't watch 를 couldn't watch the world's modern pictures since Roberto Rossellini's Journey were unable to watch 로바꿔주면된다. to Italy in 1955. South Korean cinematheque began in the 1990s by showing illegal videos. 90년대의사건을소개한다음그보다더과거의사건을 There were strict restrictions on traveling abroad which were removed after 언급하면서시제를똑같이단순과거로처리한탓에해외 1981. 여행규제가 90년대에도존속한듯한인상을준다. Not only due to the differences of time, but when these two genres are watched at once, they seem to have been made by two different directors. The father's brothers become competitors while mother's brothers help the son, despite of dangers to follow. Not only due to ~ 가나오면그뒤에는 but also due to ~ 가나와야한다. 정관사누락 : the mother's brothers the place 가 web 을뜻한다면 decide 라는동사는부적절 Stuck in the suffocating web where it is almost impossible to be freed from 하다. 거미줄이 ' 결정 ' 될수는없기때문이다. 대안 : because the place was decided for them since birth, women must obey men. because they were condemned by birth to live in it Their utmost virtue is voluntarity sacrificing themselves to restore their son, hence be remembered as a good mother. hence to be remembered 부록 197
CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅳ. Traffic Information Hi Seoul Festival 2007>Ⅰ. Enjoying Major Programs The characters were victims of Confucianism but, paradoxically, they repeat the process of returning with an intention to restore the original value and 단복수불일치 to reassert his authority. There is a saying in Korean proverbs that "a fist is faster than the law." 관계대명사가인용기능을하려면 say 또는그비슷한의미의동사와결합되어야한다. There is a saying that goes: Opening Ceremony You are invited to the opening ceremony of the 'Hi Seoul Festival 2007'. Part 1 will present a Lighted Boat Parade where the lights from the 63 Building will colorfully embroider the Hangang and Part 2 will 통사오류 : how about ~ing about 이전치사이므로뒤에 provide an exciting concert stage of the popular singers for 90 minutes. As the 동사가따를때는동명사형태로쓰는것이바람직 concert end, the enormous fireworks will splendidly decorate the night sky of Seoul to announce of starting the festival. How about to taste the wonderful start of the ultimate festival of Seoul, 'Hi Seoul Festival 2007,' in advance. Lighted Boat Parade A diverse range of boats from several countries such as Chinese sailing boat, Titanic, ancient north European boat and Swiss boat, 통사오류 : 배이름앞에관사가모두빠짐 22m(L) 10m (W) 12m(H), will rasie up the atmostphere of the festival. King Jeongjo's Royal Procession Picture of the King Jeongjo's Royal Procession contained appearance of parade of the King Jeongjo to visit royal tomb of his father on Hwaseung (Currently Suwon), Prince Jangheon (Prince 통사오류 : in은전치사이므로뒤에목적어가필요한데 Sado), for 8 days with 1,779 persons and 779 heads of horses in elaborate and elaborate 은형용사여서문법적으로틀린문장 detail, commemorating the 61st birthday anniversary of his mother, Hegyeonggung Hong in 1795, are representing the excellence of our cultures as well as magnificence. King Jeongjo's Royal Procession Picture of the King Jeongjo's Royal Procession contained appearance of parade of the King Jeongjo to visit royal tomb of his father on Hwaseung (Currently Suwon), Prince Jangheon (Prince 통사오류 : 문장의주어는 Picture 하나뿐인데동사는 Sado), for 8 days with 1,779 persons and 779 heads of horses in elaborate and contained 와 are 두개가나와서문법적으로틀린문장 detail, commemorating the 61st birthday anniversary of his mother, Hegyeonggung Hong in 1795, are representing the excellence of our cultures as well as magnificence. Folk Games of Eight Provinces It is an event prepared and participated in by not only the city and 'Gun' of each Province, the Association of Traditional 통사오류 : 참여자들이직접느끼는것이므로능동형이 Games Preservation, but also the Association of Seoul Hometown Friends 알맞음 jointly. Please be tasted on your hometown at the agricultural products market. Citizen's Hangang Walkathon Beginning in the Jamwon District, and passing through the Banpo District, experience Walking on the Hangang in Ichon District to finally arrive at Nodeulseom. 통사오류 : 문법적으로어긋난문장. Beginning 으로시작했으니암묵적으로주어는이행사인데갑자기 ' 경험해보세요 ' 라는명령문이나와서어색 Seoul World DJ Festival Seoul Wolrd DJ Festival was born with the upgraded version from the explosive passion and exciting. That is the Nanji 통사오류 : from 다음에목적어 ( 여기서는명사형 ) 이와 District where anybody can shout loudly, sing a song, play music and dance 야하는데형용사 exciting 이나와서문법에어긋남 without trying to read someone's mind! On this widely open place, the world first DJ-inspired Culture Olympic, Seoul World DJ Festival will be held. The 1st World High Wire Championships inseoul From ancient times, rope walking has never been omitted from our traditional festivals and events. 통사오류 : 스포츠종목중하나로 as a sport 임 It will be reproduced as a sports through Hi Seoul Festival 2007. The 1st World High Wire Championships inseoul You can enjoy not only 통사오류 : 줄타기고수중진짜명사는 master 이므로복 Citizen's Single Rope Walking Contest but also a dizzy performance of single 수형을만들시 ropewalk masters라고하면됨 rope walking spread by 10 world famous ropewalkers masters before your eyes. Seoul History Parade The final decoration of the festival, the 'Seoul History Parade,' will be a large-scale parade, spread out from Jongmyo to Seoul Plaza, a length of roughly 2.5km. This year, the festival will illustrate the diverse 통사오류 : ~ 길이에는 at the length of ~ 임 history of Seoul at one glance. You can see an magnificent scene of enormous parade to incorporate a history parade, a series of biographies for significant historical figures, residents' parades, a brass band, and a concert parade. Seoul Friendship Fair 2007 You can enjoy the folk performances, scenery 통사오류 : 참여하는대사관이둘이상인관계로복수형 and customs performed by the invited embassy and legation staff, and 이나와야함 foreigners residing in Seoul and unusual tastes of foods from each country. Forest Playground' An experiencing field for playing with natural sculptures 통사오류 : sculptures 가복수이므로 that 절안의 cheers that cheers up to run barefoot, tumble, and feel the nature as is through the 도복수형으로나와야함 senses. Walking on the Hangang 통사오류 : ~ 를따라서는 along. 따라서 walking along the Hangang 가맞는표현 198 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
Hi Seoul Festival 2007>Ⅱ. Enjoying Various Kinds of Programs Hi Seoul Festival 2007>Ⅱ. Enjoying Various Kinds of Programs Hi Seoul Festival 2007>Ⅱ. Enjoying Various Kinds of Programs To enjoy the programs with a shout of joy or a easy handclap! Customized programs for residents and national/foreign tourists by transportations. Enjoying Essence Weekend Course via Seoul City Tour Bus An easy-to-enjoy course for newcomers to Seoul Our Korean cultural heritage are even more dear to us because they have survived various unfortunate chapters of our long history. Our ongoing efforts to understand, explore, and nurture this cultural heritage deepen our love of our country and of our fellow countrymen. All of us must contribute to preserving, developing, and transmitting the our glorious national culture. The authorized individual (holders) or organization with skill or ability is encouraged and supported to succeed in maintaining and preserving the traditional culture. 통사오류 : easy 가모음으로시작하므로부정관사 an 이와야함 통사오류 : by transportation 이올바른표현 통사오류 : Essence 가 Course 를꾸미므로형용사형태인 essential 로나와야함 문법오류 : dear 의비교급은 dearer 문법오류 : ' 나라와겨레에대한사랑 ' 을영문으로번역하면전치사 for 를써야함. 문법오류 : 소유격앞에정관사가올수없음 문법오류 : individual 은단수로쓰였으나그를부연설명하는괄호안단어는복수로쓰임 문법오류 : enjoy 하는주체가명시되지않았다면 Additionally, various cultural tour souvenirs have been developed and conventional performances are held with local folk festivals and are used as cultural tour resources, maximizing the opportunity for enjoying local cultural assets. opportunity to enjoy local cultural assets 로수정해야영어어법에맞고, 주체가명시되었다면 for somebody to enjoy local cultural assets 로고쳐야한다. 주체가없는경우에 opportunity+for+~ing 로쓰는경우는흔하지않다. For the stable and systematic activity of, Korea's Intangible 문법오류 : 문맥상 ' 에서 까지 ' 라는내용이필요하므 system maintains a consistent inheritance procedure from 로 from 다음에 to가나와야하는데 from 에서끝남. to를 skill holder-apprentice-graduate-scholarship student(general student). 쓰지않을거라면처음부터다른전치사를써야함. The main responsibility of holder is to spread traditional culture and inherit their property to the next generation. 문법오류 : 가산명사이므로관사를붙이거나복수형으로써야한다. Once certain individuals or organizations are acknowledged as holders, they 문법오류 : 가산명사이므로관사를붙이거나복수형으 select student with the will and the ability to inherit their skill and property. 로써야한다. When the selected students complete the course of three years and reach up to the definited ability, they are recognized as graduate. Among these graduate, the most excellent will be selected as 'apprentices' by recommendation of holders and the evaluations of cultural experts. Over the last forty years, present holders have changed from first generation to second or third generation. A dance performed to pray for a country's peace. A dance performed to pray for a country's peace. Its movements are delicate and elegant. It was inherited by various regions for a long time, and developed unique regional characteristics. In typical form of drama, dance is the main performance, with musical accompaniment. Unlike other talchums, severe vulgar expressions are condoned and contempt for aristocrats, rather than priests, is especially emphasized. Pallbearers comfort the person who is mourning for the deceased a night before the coffin is to be carried out. Folk game enjoyed by our ancestors have more than just a literal meaning of 'not working but having fun'. This folk game is especially meaningful because all villages participate. 문법오류 : 가산명사이므로관사를붙이거나복수형으로써야한다. these 다음에는 graduates 로쓴다. 문법오류 : 서수앞에정관사가필요하다. 문법오류 : 여기서는 country 가우리나라임이명확하므로부정관사보다는정관사가어울린다. 문법오류 : perform 을수동태로써야한다. 문법오류 : 여기에서는전승의주체보다지역을말하고있으므로전치사 by 보다 in 이더어울린다. It was inherited in a wide range of regions for a long time with the development of unique regional characteristics. 문법오류 : 관사 a 추가 문법오류 : Unlike other talchums 라는표현을써서다른것과비교를했으면 ' 이탈춤에서 ' 라는것을명시해줘야하는데그게생략됐다. 문법오류 : 때를나타내는부사절에서는단순현재시제를써서미래를나타낸다. Pallbearers comfort the person who is mourning for the deceased a night before the coffin is carried out. 문법오류 : 가산명사이므로정관사 a 를붙이거나복수로써야한다. 민속놀이에는여러종류가있으므로내용상복수로써야한다. 올림픽을 Olympic Games 라고쓰는것과같은맥락이다. 문법오류 : participate in it Jongmyojerye (No. 56) Jonmyojerye, which expresses the spirit of 500 years of the Joseon Dynasty, in solemn ritual ceremony, represents the figure of 문법오류 : ' 상징 ' 이라는의미가두번들어갔다. national rite performed by ancestors. Seoul saenamgut (No. 104) A traditional exorcism rite performed exclusively for the noble class and aristocrats in the Seoul region. Seohaean baeyeonsingut and daedonggut (No. 82-Na)// It reflects the characteristics of fishing cultures. 문법오류 : the noble class 와 aristocrats 중복 문법오류 : s 생략 Sagijang (No. 105) Artisan who created porcelain in Joseon Dynasty period. 문법오류 : 과거형으로써서더이상존재할수없는직업인것으로보인다. 현재형으로써야한다. 부록 199
Sagijang (No. 105) Artisan who created porcelain in Joseon Dynasty period. 문법오류 : 가산명사 Sagijang (No. 105) // Korean culture of china and porcelain was developed as artisan filled sentiment of commoners and fragrance of elegant scholars into 문법오류 : 가산명사 the works. (1) Ceramic Crafts// As man's ingenuity increased, not only was the way of kneading clay improved, but kilns also began to be built that could withstand 문법오류 : was 는필요없다. the heat needed for firing. Baekdong yeonjukjang (No. 65) An artisan carved decorations on yeonjuk, a tobacco pipe tip, and pot, which contain tobacco leaves. Duseokjang (No. 64) Artisans manufacture metal ornaments, such as hinges that are attached to wooden furniture to strengthen coherent parts, and locks or loops for opening and locking doors. By purpose of performance, guts include: After shaping by these methods, products are ultimately finished with the addition of varnishing with lacquer. Jeontongjang (No. 93) Artisans manufacture barrels for arrows. Yundojang (No. 110) Artisans manufacture compasses used in finding one's bearings, geomancy, or astronomy. Najeonjang (No. 10) Najeon is a traditional handicraft technique to ornament the product's surface by putting small slices of shells in various forms or attaching thinly cut silsangsa. Gungsijang (No. 47) Artisans make bows and arrows. Gungjang makes bows and sijang makes arrows. Badijang (No. 88) Artisans manufacture badi, a weaving tool necessary to weave traditional textiles such as cotton, hemp, ramie, and silk. Akgijang (No. 42) Artisans manufacture traditional instruments. The technique includes making string instruments and putting drum skin on a drum. Jikjo is frequently used, which means to weave textiles by drawing out threads from ramie plant, cotton plant, hemp grass or cocoon. Nubi is a sewing skill to put cottonwool or fur in-between the right and left side of a texture to strengthen and keep clothing warm. future romantic comedy films will more likely depend on an original and Korean Cinema 2006 eccentric situation and powerful dialogue Korean Cinema 2006 Her unrequited love gets any return? Korean Cinema 2006 At the long last, when the father passes away, the girl kneels down and 문법오류 : 과거형동사가올자리가아니다. 문법오류 : 관계대명사누락. 제목다음에정의하는문장이므로 ' 하는사람 ' 이라는의미를번역하려면 Artisans who manufacture metal ornaments, such as hinges that are attached to wooden furniture to strengthen coherent parts, and locks or loops for opening and locking doors. 라고써야함. 여기서관계대명사는주격이므로생략할수없음. 문법오류 : 외국어음가그대로표기한단어에는 s를붙일수없다. 다른단어인것으로오해할수있다. 문법오류 : 주절의주어 products 가 shape 를하는게아니라 shape 되는것이므로수동태로써야한다. After being shaped by these methods, products are ultimately finished with the addition of varnishing with lacquer. 문법오류 : 관계대명사누락. 제목다음에정의하는문장이므로 ' 하는사람 ' 이라는의미를번역하려면 Artisans who manufacture barrels for arrows. 문법오류 : 관계대명사누락. 제목다음에정의하는문장이므로 ' 하는사람 ' 이라는의미를번역하려면 Artisans 뒤에관계대명사가있어야한다. 문법오류 : 단어의미중복. 우리말로는 ' 수공예기술 ' 이가능하지만영어의 craft 에는 'technique' 이라는의미가이미포함돼있다. technique 을생략하는게좋다. 문법오류 : 관계대명사누락. 제목다음에정의하는문장이므로 ' 하는사람 ' 이라는의미를번역하려면 Artisans 뒤에관계대명사가있어야한다. 문법오류 : 관계대명사누락. 제목다음에정의하는문장이므로 ' 하는사람 ' 이라는의미를번역하려면 Artisans 뒤에관계대명사가있어야한다. 문법오류 : 관계대명사누락. 제목다음에정의하는문장이므로 ' 하는사람 ' 이라는의미를번역하려면 Artisans 뒤에관계대명사가있어야한다. 문법오류 : which 로시작되는삽입절이적절한위치에들어가야 readability 와 intelligibility 가높아진다. Jikjo, which means to weave textiles, is frequently used by 문법오류 : in-between 은이런경우에쓰이는단어가아니다. 여기서는 between 이적당하다. 미래의모든로맨틱코미디물이 ' 하나의 ' 기발하고괴짜스러운설정에의존하지는않을것이다. Situation 을일반화하려면복수형으로만들어주어야한다. 비문 : 의문문이평서문과같은구조로제시되었다. 대안 : Will her unrequited love get any returns? 부적절한위치에삽입된정관사 : 정확한관용표현은 At long last 다. 고유명사앞에는부정관사가붙지않는다. ' 여러명의트 And the head of villagers volunteers to be a Gi-bong's trainer thinking that Korean Cinema 2006 레이너가운데한명 ' 을지칭하고자했다면 one of if Gi-bong wins, the village restore its pride. Gi-bong's trainers 라고하면된다. And the head of villagers volunteers to be a Gi-bong's trainer thinking that 가정법오류 : if 절다음에오는주절에는조동사 will 이 Korean Cinema 2006 if Gi-bong wins, the village restore its pride. 들어가야한다. 어머니 ' 와 ' 어머니의과거 ' 가모두부분적으로드러났다 On the other hand, feeling suspicious of her mother and her past, which are Korean Cinema 2006 는의미로해석된다. 그러나어머니가 ' 드러날 ' 수는없 partially unveiled, 다. Be 동사의단수 is 로바꿔야한다. Korean Cinema 2006 Su-hee is polar opposite from Sang-ho. polar 앞에부정관사 a 를넣어주거나 Su-hee is Sang-ho's polar opposite 라고해야한다. Korean Cinema 2006 In the course of living her life, she meets three men, each who betray her. 대명사 each 를주어로하는동사는단수형이어야한다. Korean Cinema 2006 Chan-yi steals it from an old couple's kennel as a gift his sister's birthday. gift 와 his 사이에 to 가빠졌다. He worked as an assistant director for Television Drama <Eok Se Ba Ram> and 파란색으로표시한부분에서 the, of, the 가순서대로누 Korean Cinema 2006 as an American producer <Her than the Flower> He directed and wrote short 락되었다. movie <Flying Cocaine> which showed in Chicago Cable TV,... Korean Cinema 2006 Sang-eun, a beautiful 20-year-old girl, but is mentally challenged. but 이전의절이동사가없는비문으로제시되었다. Sang-eun is a beautiful 20-year-old girl, but is mentally challenged. 200 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
비교급 least 가수식하는명사절앞에는관사가붙어야 However, least expected hardship come up and Sang-eun has to face the world 하며, hardship 이단수이므로동사는 comes up 이되어 Korean Cinema 2006 all by herself. 야한다. 영어답게표현하려면 a totally unanticipated calamity strikes 라고하면되겠다. 허감독개인이영화제를 ' 초청 ' 했을리는없고, 그가영 During his studies, director HUH In-moo invited various film festivals through Korean Cinema 2006 화제에초청받았을것이다. Director HUH In-moo was his short films such as invited to varioius films festivals 라고해야맞다. Korean Cinema 2006 Hot for Teacher 제목을잘못옮긴사례 : ' 누가그녀와잤을까?' 라는원제를 ' 선생치고는너무섹시해 ' 정도의의미로옮긴듯하다. 그렇다면부정관사를첨가해 Hot for a Teacher 라고해야한다. But alas, due to a lack of information about the school's notorious thug Korean Cinema 2006 Jae-koo, Goong-dahl mistakes Jae-koo as his prey. A 를 B 로착각하다 ' 의올바른영어표현은 'mistake A for B' 이다. Because Korean government and capitals, and the trans-national capital and Korean government 및 US government 앞에정관사붙여 Korean Cinema 2006 US government share the benefits of it. 야. Because Korean government and capitals, and the trans-national capital and Korean Cinema 2006 추상적 ' 자본 ' 은복수형으로쓰지않는다. US government share the benefits of it. The House Living Together whose motto is "The Homeless' Production Korean Cinema 2006 Community Creating Hope", had members who occupied and empty house located in Jeongreung, Seoul. an empty house KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS During their 5,000-year history, the Koreans have created an outstanding culture, and their uniqueness resonates throughout the world. Traditional Korean houses can be classified by their roofing material: thatch, tile, wood or stone. 문법오류 : uniqueness 는 Koreans 가아니라 culture 에관한것이므로 their 가아닌 its 를써야한다. 문법오류 : by 뒤에 the kinds of 를넣어야메시지가명확해진다. King Yuri, the 2nd king of Goguryeo, moved the capital to Gungnaeseong Fortress, and during the reign of King Gwanggaeto, its 19th king, Goguryeo 문법오류 : 과거어느시점에일어났던일이므로 become become the most powerful state in Northeast Asia, its territory encompassing 을과거형 became 으로수정해야한다. its territory the central and northern part of the Korean Peninsula and the northeast encompassing 앞에는전치사 with가있어야한다. region of China. During the reign of King Sosurim, Chomunsa Temple had already been built, and during the reign of King Gwanggaeto, nine Buddhist temples were constructed in Pyeongyang. Numerous tumuli are found throughout the Pyeongyang area, most of them stone-chambers topped by soil mounds. It is placed at the western side of the orchestra, is painted white, and symbolizes the west. On the Korean Peninsula lies a paradise for wild animals, one where human access is forbidden. Known as Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), it belongs neither to South or North Korea. 문법오류 : 앞에서 during 이나왔으므로주절에서는과거형동사를써야한다. 문법오류 : 비문이다. 맞게고치면 Numerous tumuli are found throughout the Pyeongyang area, most of which are stone-chambers topped by soil mounds. 문법오류 : 같은주어에걸리는다른동사들을 comma 로연결하지는않는다. 이처럼등위접속사가많이쓰일경우에는관계대명사를사용하면자연스럽다. The white-colored instrument, which symbolizes the west, is placed at the western side of the orchestra. 문법오류 : 관계부사앞에는 one 이필요없다. 이미선행사 a paradise 가있다. 문법오류 : neither A nor B A painting by Kim Jeong-hi (pen name Wandang), a noble scholar-artist of the late Joseon Dynasty, that was completed in 1844 while living in exile on 문법오류 : 주어는이미나와있다. that 이없어야한다. Jejudo Island. The oldest extant book printed in movable metal type is the New Code of Eitquette written by Yi Gyu-bo between 1234 and 1241, after the Goryeo 문법오류 : in을 with 로바꾼다. court moved to Ganghwa. For example, in Sejong's time, translation began of the Chinese "four books 문법오류 : translation of the Chinese "four books and and five classic," a project which was completed in the second half of the 16th five classic" began century in the reign of King Seonjo. The Korean film industry has severely criticized the Korean government for Korean Film giving up the future reservation principle, which it has adhered to after giving Observatory. No.22 불필요한정관사 out the half of 146 screen quota days as '4 prior conditions to settle' for the Cannes Edition 2007 FTA with the U.S. last year. Korean Film and if it did so while aware of U.S. intentions, then it deceived the Korean 비문 : while being aware 또는 while it was aware 라고 Observatory. No.22 people. 해야맞다. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film The Korean Film Workers' Union, which allowed absentee voting, also reaped Observatory. No.22 단복수오류 : approval 은복수형으로쓰지않는다. overwhelming approvals after the overall votes. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film As for the minimum-wage plan, the wage is divided up to the 4 levels in Observatory. No.22 accordance with the grade authorization base of experience. Cannes Edition 2007 정관사는그뒤에오는정보가문맥상또는텍스트외적으로독자들에게익숙한정보임을암시한다. 과연영화산업근로자들의임금체계가일반인들에게익숙한정보인가? 부록 201
Korean Film The distributor of <My Son>, Cinema Service also cut the production costs of Observatory. No.22 using a similar method <Modern Boy> and <Shin-gi-jeon> using similar method to <My Son>. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Although 108 Korean films opened in the theaters last year 불필요한정관사 Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film 특정시기이후의상태를나타낼때 be 동사의시제는 has Since the passing of the first half of 2007, it is natural to increasingly Observatory. No.22 been 으로해주는것이좋다 ( 지금만 ' 자연스러운 ' 것이 question what Korean films are to be released in the second half of the year. Cannes Edition 2007 아니라그때이후로 ' 줄곧 ' 자연스러웠으므로 ). Korean Film Observatory. No.22 <Hwang Jin Yi> is a real person who lived in the 16th century Cannes Edition 2007 16 세기에살았던인물이지금도살아있을수는없으므로 was a real person 이라고해야한다. Korean Film On top of its two leading actors, the film is drawing a lot of attention because director 가호칭이아니라면앞서설명한허진호감독을 Observatory. No.22 of the so-called 'transformation' of director, HUR Jin-ho. 지칭하는명사이므로앞에 the 가붙어야한다. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film At the nursing home, Young-su meets and falls in love with Eun-hee, (LIM despite 다음에는명사절이나와야한다. 대안 : Even Observatory. No.22 Soo-jung), a courageous woman who helps others, despite also suffering from though she is also suffering Cannes Edition 2007 a serious lung disease. Korean Film LIM Soon-rye will depict the self-conquesting process of a team of tired losers Observatory. No.22 self-conquering. Conquest 는활용할수없는명사다. in this film, too. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film However, LEE said the film would have far lighter politics than his other Observatory. No.22 work. Cannes Edition 2007 < 밀양 > 의정치색이얕은것은이창동감독의특정작품에비교해서가아니라나머지작품들에비교해서다. 즉여기서 work 는복수형이되어야한다. Korean Film But, I thought that such a typical city must have a reason for us to live for Observatory. No.22 같은용도의 for 중복사용. buried somewhere. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 The audiences of a play do not stop thinking. ' 하나의 ' 연극을관람하는 audience 는단수다. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 This never happens in a film theater. The audiences just feel the film. ' 하나의 ' 영화관에있는 audience 는단수다. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film I believe who the characters are and how they look determines the Observatory. No.22 characteristics, format and attitude of the film. Cannes Edition 2007 주어절이둘이므로복수형으로활용해야. Korean Film There is a pervading attitude that attempts to overcome all elements of Observatory. No.22 human descriptions in his films. Cannes Edition 2007 elements of A 에서 A는단수여야한다. Korean Film Understanding this film within Buddhist traditions, or from any religious Observatory. No.22 point of view, might create a misunderstanding. Cannes Edition 2007 단복수사용오류 : misunderstanding( 오해 ) 이하나뿐이어야할까? Korean Film Therefore, methods of coexistence might be tragic and cruel. Even in that can 지시대상이불분명한대명사. 만약 methods of Observatory. No.22 there be a gesture of vain hope. coexistence 를지시한다면대명사도복수형이어야한다. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film Among them, the Troica of Korean Actresses was KO So-young, SHIM Eun-ha, Observatory. No.22 were and JEON Do-yeon. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 After rising to success as a main character in the TV drama 'A Place in the 시제오류 : < 접속 > 은지난세기영화이므로동사를과거 Sun, her steep ascent continues with <The Contact>. That ascending current 형으로처리해야한다. 특히뒷문장의현재형시제와구 Cannes Edition 2007 continues even today. 분하기위해서라도. Korean Film Her characteristic of being quite common and keeping the innocence of Observatory. No.22 one-sided love drew the interest of audiences and make the drama quite Cannes Edition 2007 popular. 과거시제로써주어야. Korean Film But, if she was just an actress who portrayed women in daily life, consistently Observatory. No.22 common, innocent, pure, and bright, then maybe we would already be tired 진실일수없는것을가정할때는 were 를쓴다. Cannes Edition 2007 of her by now. Korean Film I don't think it is right to say, "Why there is no such an animal?" in a Observatory. No.22 situation where there is no prey. Therefore, I think that movies focusing on Why isn't there such an animal? Cannes Edition 2007 female characters should be well-made. Korean Film A natural beauty, with aggressiveness and an adventurous mind, restless Observatory. No.22 passions and even intellect. Cannes Edition 2007 문맥상전도연의열정은 ' 영화 ' 하나에한정되므로 passion 을복수로처리할이유가없다. Korean Film Since her start as the sister next door, she has maintained her position as Observatory. No.22 the best actress for last 10 years, though taking the above appearances as her 정관사누락 : for the last 10 years Cannes Edition 2007 motive power. THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD Traditional food products, such as soybean paste, red pepper paste and 문법오류 : 과거로거슬러올라가는것이므로전치사는 kimchi, have a deep history, which can be traced from thousands of years ago. from 이아닌 back to가되어야한다. The ceramic jars allow air and moisture to slowly seep through its walls, which enhances the flavor of the food that is contained within. 문법오류 : its walls 에서 its 는 the ceramic jars 의소유격이므로 their 로바꾸어야한다. 202 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD Bossam kimchi ("wrapped kimchi") includes pear, mussels, chestnuts, and dates to kimchi seasonings. 문법오류 : 전치사가잘못사용됐다. in 을쓰거나문장형태를바꾸어야한다. The seasonings of Bossam kimchi ("wrapped kimchi") includes pear, mussels, chestnuts, and dates. The components in peppers, which gives them their spicy taste, helps to 문법오류 : components의동사가 gives, helps 로쓰였다. relieve pain and breaks down fat, making red, hot pepper an ideal dietary give, help 로바꾸어야한다. food. 문법오류 : 동사 aids 의주어는 which 이고 which 의선행 Soybean is also high in enzymes, which aids in preventing cancer and Vitamin 사는 soybean 이아닌 enzymes이다. 복수이므로 3인칭단 E, which lowers cholesterol level. 수동사를쓸수없다. During the fermentation process, amino acids and lactic acids are released, which creates soy sauce. There are over 50 types of rice cakes displayed, and well as some new 'fusion' styles. If you wish to make a friends in Korea, offer a drink you can be sure that your gestrue will be returned. Soju goes well with almost everythihg, but they taste well with raw fish, barbecued meats and, spicy food. One of the most popular Korean dishes, this dish was served during auspicious national events. 문법오류 : creates 의주어는 which 이고 which 의선행사는 amino acids and lactic acids 이다. 주어가 3 인칭단수일때붙이는 s 를쓰면안된다. 문법오류 : as well as 가들어가야할자리임. 현재상태로는뜻을파악하기어려움. 문법오류 : 단수를나타내는정관사 a 와복수형을만드는 s 가함께쓰였다. 문법오류 : 단수인 Soju 를 they 로받음 문법오류 : 영어처럼느껴지지않는다. One of the most popular Korean dishes 와 this dish 는동격이다. 자연스러운영어가되게하려면 this dish 를먼저쓴다음에설명하는방식으로동격인 one of the most popular Korean dishes 를뒤에써야한다. 아니면 one of the most popular Korean dishes 앞에전치사 as 를써야한다. //This dish, one of the most popular Korean dishes, was served during auspicious national events./ As one of the most popular Korean dishes, this was served during auspicious national events. This is one of many Korean dish, which is pleasing to the eyes and mouth. 문법오류 : one of 다음에는항상복수다. dishes. Gyeonggi-do Province has surrounded Seoul, capital of South Korea, for over 500 years. Gyeonggi-do Province has surrounded Seoul, capital of South Korea, for over 500 years. 문법오류 : capital 앞에 the 가필요하다. 문법오류 : 경기도가서울을둘러싸고있는것은지리적으로그러한 ' 상태 ' 라는것이다. 현재완료시제를써야할문장이아니다. 여기서는현재시제가어울린다. 문법오류 : a가나왔으므로 presentation is 다음이명사가 Presentation is a very important in this region, and the table settings are very 되어야하는데형용사로끝났다. 부정관사를제거해야한 elegant. 다. The dishes at Gangwon-do Province typically do not include many seasonings. 문법오류 : 전치사 of 가적당하다. The meals in Chungcheong-do are simple, compared to other provinces. 문법오류 : 충청도 ' 음식 ' 과다른 ' 지방 ' 을비교할수는없다. 충청도 ' 음식 ' 과다른지방의 ' 음식 ' 을비교한다는의미가되게하려면 compared to that of other provinces 가돼야한다. Residents Chungcheong-do are known for their generosity. 문법오류 : residents 다음에 of 가있어야한다. It is prepared by adding live oysters while the rice is boiling, and then mixing 문법오류 : mixing 다음에목적어가필요하다. mixing in some soy sauce. them (rice+live oysters). Gyeongsand-do are situated between the southern and eastern seas and is divided into Gyeongsangnam-do and Gyeongsangbuk-do. 문법오류 : 경상도가복수가되게하려면 Gyeongsang-do Provinces 라고써야한다. The agriculture-based Jeollabuk-do Provinces (North Jeolla-do Provinces) and Jeollanam-do Provinces (South Jeolla-do Provinces) are well known for their 문법오류 : Jeollanam-do 와 Jeollabuk-do 는단수이다. highly developed food culture in Korea. Dishes at Jeolla-do consist of variety of seasonings, such as garlic, red pepper paste and sugar. 문법오류 : 전치사 at 은 of 로바꾸어야한다. Yeonggwanggulbi Jeongsik is a full course meal, which consists of a dried, 문법오류 : 내용은특정임금이아니라역대임금들이가 yellow fish. This meal was typically served to the monarchs during the Joseon 장좋아하는음식이굴비였다는것이다. 정관사를없애고 Dynasty. Gulbi, a sun-dried yellow corvina fish, was traditionally the king's king 은복수로써야한다. favorite. No other fish can compare to okdom in terms of taste. 문법오류 : fish 가주체적으로비교하는게아니라비교되는것이므로수동태로써야한다. 부록 203
THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Culture & Entertainment SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Shopping SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Walking Tour Grains or beans are ground into powders, which facilitates digestion. Grains or beans are ground into powders, which facilitates digestion. Diets based primarily on meat increase fat storage in the body, which could leads to rapid aging of the skin. Recently, cheonggukjang has been made to powders and capsules for people wishing to reap the health been but do not enjoy its taste and smell. A favorite fish in Korea, godeungeo jorim ("mackerel cooked with soy sauce") is charbroiled plain and then served with soy sauce. Leeks are vegetables that warm the body, purify the blood and prevent signs of aging. Jeollanam-do Province is an ideal place to travel during autumn, where the nature's beauty and culture are intertwined. You can see these magnificent cultural properties the temple's museum. Temple food not only nourishes the body, but also for the soul. The recent well-being trend in Korea has stirred interest in people who are hesitant to consume foods which contains meat and artificial flavoring. 문법오류 : powders 라는복수형명사를선택해놓고뒤에동사는단수형으로썼다. 문법오류 : 여기서 powder 는 ' 분말제품 ' 이아니라 ' 분말 ' 이므로불가산명사, powder 로쓴다. 문법오류 : 조동사뒤에는동사원형 문법오류 : 필요없는 been 이갑자기등장했다. 문법오류 : fish 와고등어조림을동격으로썼다. ' 고등어조림 ' 이아닌 ' 고등어 ' 가 fish 이다. 문법오류 : leeks 는 leek 의복수형일뿐, 여러채소들 (vegetables) 은아니다. 문법오류 : comma 이하는왜 ' 가을 ' 인지를설명하는내용이므로장소관계부사인 where 이아닌 when 이필요하다. 문법오류 : the temple's museum 앞에장소를나타내는전치사가필요하다. 문법오류 : 동사 nourishes 가 not only but also 구문의내용을포괄하므로 not only 앞에동사가와야한다. Temple food nourishes not only the body, but also the soul. 그리고 for 은필요없으므로생략한다. 문법오류 :' interest in people' 이라고하면 ' 사람들에대한관심 ' 이된다. 여기서는 ' 사람들의관심 ' 이되어야한다. 따라서 stirred the interest of people who 가되어야한다. Templestay //There are 44 temples nationwide that operates these programs, 문법오류 : operates의주어는 that 이고 that 의선행사는 and reservations can be made online through Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism 44 temples 이므로복수형으로써야한다. websited at http://www.templestaykorea.net. On one of the flags held up by a horsemen is written, And a little more than ten tombs are situated in its vicinity. 문법오류 : 부정관사 + 복수형명사 문법오류 : and 는등위접속사로, 문장중간에서만쓸수있다. 문장과문장간의접속사로는쓸수없다. The painting of the tomb include various themes, such as royal palaces, hunting scenes, processions, as well as clouds, flame patterns, lotusflowers, 문법오류 : sun 과 moon 앞에는정관사 the가필요하다. sun, moon, and constellations. Drawing the painting on the north wall of the main chamber a antechamber 문법오류 : Drawing 다음에 of 누락 문법오류 : 모음앞이므로부정관사 an There are not as many guards compared to the procession scene of Anak Tomb 문법오류 : not as 원급 +as 가와야하는데 compared to No. 3. 로연결됐다. 비문이다. Thus we can assume that the name of the kingdom indicate a big town or large fortress. The ceiling, in octagonal tiers, has a depiction of the heavenly world with the sun, the moon, stars, milky way, clouds, and lotus flowers. On its ceiling are painted with lotus flowers surrounded by the sun, the moon, and honeysuckles. 문법오류 : the name 이주어이므로 indicates 가되어야한다. 문법오류 : milky way 앞에는항상정관사가붙는다. 문법오류 : On its ceiling are the painting of lotus flowers surrounded by / Its ceiling is painted with lotus flowers surrounded by the sun, the moon, and honeysuckles. Seoul Museum of Art The six main exhibit halls such as main exhibit halls, a sculpture exhibit hall 문법오류 : 동사없이명사만길게나열된완전하지못한 and a special exhibit hall displaying collections of Korea's modern art 문장 including oriental paintings, sculptures, pictures, prints and calligraphy. Namdaemun Market 문법오류 : 어울리지않는동사 ('is located at' 으로수정 ) The market begins at Hoehyeon Station on the Subway Line 4. 04. Bukchon & Unhyeongung Route In Bukchon, around 860 Korean traditional houses with beautiful tiled roofs 문법오류 : 'are' 생략 ( 어색한수동태의문장 ) are line up the old alleyways. 204 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Insa-dong It builds a reputation as the place where foreigners visit first in Korea. It becomes more popular after the Queen Elizabeth II visited in 1999. 문법오류 : 동사시제의오류 ('has built' 와 'has become' 으로모두수정 ) SEOUL VISITOR'S If you stroll along Cheonggyecheon Stream connecting north Seoul, you'll find 문법오류 : 문맥상 'connecting north of Seoul' 또는 GUIDE> Seoul Forest yourself at Seoul Forest at the end of the unique walking course. 'northern parts of Seoul' 이되어야함 SEOUL VISITOR'S After reconstructing plaza and bridge in front of the Seoul City Hall, The place 문법오류 : 'the place' 로수정 GUIDE> Seoul Plaza opened in 2004 with a name of Seoul Plaza. SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE>Cultural Experiences SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE>Cultural Experiences SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Cultural Experiences SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Culture & Entertainment SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Culture & Entertainment SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Dining & Café SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Dining & Café SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Shopping SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Hangang River SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Seoul Convention & Visitors Bureau SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Seoul Arts Center Bongeunsa Temple Life Bongeunsa is widely recognized for it's various propagation efforts and social 문법오류 : 'its' 로수정 services. SamcheongGak Traditional Courses The one-day courses teach tea etiquette, lady's industrial arts, Korean 문법오류 : 수의일치 ('they are' 로수정 ) traditional music and Pansori (a genre of Korean traditional music). It is reservation-only courses. Taekwondo Experience Center It runs a variety of several Taekwondo program for foreigners and Koreans to let them experience Korean culture and sentiment at the same time. 문법오류 : 'several' 의피수식어는복수여야함 ('programs' 로수정 ). 또한불필요한 'let them' 역시생략하는것이적합함 Yongsan Family Park There is a pathway, jogging course, small pond, nature experiencing learning 문법오류 : 수의일치 ('there are' 로수정 ) center as well as many facilities. War Memorial of Korea 문법오류 : 한문장에동사가두개임 ('artifacts' 와 The War Memorial of Korea located in Samgakji, Yongsan-gu is where there 'range' 를선행사 'which' 로연결해야함 ) are war artifacts ranges from the ancient to modern days. La Cigale Monmartre You can indulge French cuisine from Paris and southern France here. Thai Orchid The cooks as well as the waiters and the interior decoration are all from Thailand so you submerged into thinking that your are in Thailand. 문법오류 : 불필요한어휘의반복 문법오류 : 잘못된시제의사용 ( 현재시제 'submerge' 로수정해야함 ) Itaewon street The Itaewon Global Festival is held each autumn in this fusion culture region 문법오류 : 불필요한어휘의반복 and each year, the <Hi Seoul Grand Sale> is held each year for one month by the Korea Tourism Organization. 4. Ttukseom District This area was famous as a place to enjoy water sports even before the Hangang Park was created. Public Relations Facilitate Seoul PR Brochures publishing Support making of videos and photographs of Seoul Homepage link and Support E-mail solicitation The SAC places itself as the mecca of Korea's cultures and arts by providing the qualified cultural arts programs. SEOUL VISITOR'S Jeojagori LotteWorld GUIDE> B445 Jeojagori Lotte World, located in the third floor of Lotte World Seoul, is Traditional food court re-created the farmer's market of Joseon dynasty. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District In those days of interviewing IM, I watched his movies again. I paid very close attention to his worlds. 문법오류 : 'was' 를현재완료시제로수정하여야함 ( 과거에만인기가높았다는뜻인가?) 문법오류 : 'of' 를생략하고 'Support' 를소문자로표기해야함 문법오류 : 앞서언급되지않은일반적인프로그램을의미함으로 'the' 를생략해야함 문법오류 : 동사시제의오류 ('has re-created' 로수정 ) 와관사오류 (' 조선왕조 ' 앞에는정관사 'the' 가와야하며본문의 'farmer' 는일반적인농민을뜻하는 'the' 를생략해야함 ) 영어에는 ' 작품세계 ' 라는표현이없다. Worlds 라고하면 <War of the Worlds> 가연상된다. 맥락에따라 thematic preferrence, style 등으로옮기면무난할듯. Form and content are not separated into two different segments for him but segment 가아니라 ' 범주 '(category) 가이맥락에서는더 are an unbalanced combination of understated forms and overstated content. 적합하다. Furthermore, the government only subsidized government policy movies such government propaganda movies : policy movies 라는용 as the Saemaul movement and anti-communist films which all the production 어는없다. companies tried to benefit from. Without reluctance, he made government policy movies and freed himself from government propaganda movies : policy movies 라는용 the market's collapse, while finding his own artistic world in it. 어는없다. The government kept people alert about the war through anti-communist ideology. 이경우에는 propaganda 가맞다. On the other hand, he achieved significant success in historical dramas based on the Joseon period, action movies with sluggards as main characters, and 이때의 ' 스케일 ' 은 budget 을의미한다. war movies about the Korean War. (However, due to its large scale, government subsidies were needed to make a war movie in Korea... Therefore not many of them were produced and most of the ones produced were somewhat like national policy movies. government propaganda movies : policy movies 라는용어는없다. You can see not only the Rendezvous of Korean Traditional Music with the World No.1 Korean B-Boy and a various kind of performaces to be expressed in sound, light and image, but also a wonderful stage of Musical Gala Show 어휘차원의오류 : collect 때문에유명 20개곡을선곡하 to collect 20 hightlights of top musical at one place. In addition, if you watch 기위해서뮤지컬갈라쇼가열리는것같이번역되었음 the Daejong Film Awards -Candidate Films Screening, you can enjoy more diverse arts and cultures. 부록 205
B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Daejong Film Awards - Candidate Films Screening An opportunity to 어휘차원의오류 : 미리본다는 in advance 나 before previous meet the candidate films to the Daejong Film Award that has been their official release 정도가더바람직 reborn as a film festival made and enjoyed by the citizen. Walking on the Hangang 'Walking on the Hangang' is a residents experiencing program to allow participants to walk barefoot on a bridge, submerged at a 30 cm depth 어휘차원의오류 : program 이 allow 한다는것은어색. 차라리 program where ~ 로가는것이더자연스러운표현 Children's Traditional Playground It is a playground for children to perform 어휘차원의오류 : 어린이들이놀이를즐기고노래를부 a interesting play, traditional Korean music and dance. 르는것이므로 perform 은어색. " Arisu" Festival Do you have kept the story on dabbling in the Hangang as only recollections of old times? How about to enjoy the dabbling in the Hangang with your family that does not allow even accessing? 'Arisu Festival' 어휘차원의오류 : challenges 는역경이나어려움을가 is a tourism festival with a theme of river where you can experience all of 리키는말인데한강물놀이에서 challenge 를느낀다는것 challeges and dreams personally. Would you provide yor parent an opportunity 은조금어색. 그리고꿈을 experience한다는것도어색 to recall deal memories and your children with the chance to experience the natural playground. Seoul Food Fair It is a complex cultual event to harmonize foods and 어휘차원의오류 : complex 는 ' 복잡한 ' 또는 ' 난해한 ' 의 cultures that provides an opportunity to enhance 'Tastes of Korea' to 'Tastes 뜻을가진단어로잘못된용어선택 of the World.' Citizen's Installation Art Exhibition Citizen's Installation Art Exhibition events, centering on the Ttukseom and Jamsil Districts, will form a truly 어휘차원의오류 : desire 보다는 wish 를쓰는것이더바 magnificent spectacle with a number of vanes, flags and poles elected by your 람직 own hands. Would you put your desire on the pole of prayer to link the sky and earth, a vane containing desire and a flag of hope. Citizen's Installation Art Exhibition Citizen's Installation Art Exhibition events, centering on the Ttukseom and Jamsil Districts, will form a truly 어휘차원의오류 : elect 는선출하다라는뜻이므로 ' 깃발 magnificent spectacle with a number of vanes, flags and poles elected by your 과바람개비를선출하다??' 어색함 own hands. Would you put your desire on the pole of prayer to link the sky and earth, a vane containing desire and a flag of hope. Riding in Hot-Air Balloons The hot air ballon airships, unusual, even for downtown Seoul, will provide contact points for the citizens for the entire period of the festival. Would you fall into an ecstasy right now? 어휘차원의오류 : ' 기구가흔한것이아닌데특히서울시내엔더그렇다 ' 라면 even 보다는 especially 가더어울림 A Walk on the Pontoon Bridge 'A Walk on the Pontoon Bridge' is an event 어휘차원의오류 : as 와 like 는양자택일할단어이지병 to cross a series of boats floating, linked together with panels, on the water 기할수있는단어가아님 as like a bridge. The 1st World High Wire Championships inseoul You can enjoy not only 어휘차원의오류 : A dizzy performance of the 10 Citizen's Single Rope Walking Contest but also a dizzy performance of single world-renownded ropewalk masters in the world 로가 rope walking spread by 10 world famous ropewalkers masters before your eyes. 면더깔끔 Hangang Photo Exhibition About 50 photographs concerning Hangang are displayed. Time Travel: Back to Bukchon Village of the Joseon Dynasty Personal Experience on the Life of our Ancestors, Experiencing Industrial House at Bukchon Village 어휘선택의오류 : 한강사진은 photographs of Hangang 어휘차원의오류 : 가내수공업은 cottage industry 임 Scenes from the Royal Palace The 'Scene from the Royal Palace to be spread around ancient places in Seoul will be embellished with the 어휘차원의오류 : embellish는직접장식을더해꾸민다 reenactments of the traditional ceremonies and major historic events in 는의미이므로잘못된어휘선택임 Korean history as omnibus drama, in order to friendly approach to residents and foreign tourists visiting the palaces. A Day in the Royal Palace Morning Visit of Courtesy, Tea Ceremony, Royal Meal, Royal Physician's Examination of Pulse and others of Royal Court 어휘차원의오류 : ' 맥검사 ' pulse check 가더올바른표현임 206 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅳ. Traffic Information Royal Banquet Festival Experiencing Royal Foods, Women Dance in Joseon Dynasty, Royal Banquet, Exihibition of Dress & its Ornaments and Commodities related to Adult Ceremony 어휘차원의오류 : commodities 는원자재같은상품을가리킬때더자주사용되므로여기서는적절치못한용어선택 어휘차원의오류 : ST에서는체험문화시장을가리키는데 Seoul Arts Market It provides an experiencing cultural market place to 이를그대로번역하면어색하므로 is a market for exhibit and sell the eco-friendly arts prepared by participation of the citizens. cultural goods where ~ 로설명하는것이더자연스러움 Joseon Dynasty 's Royal Guard of Honor It is a military rite event of examination for the central corps reponsible for defense of the capotal city in Joseon Dynasty, reproduced by the soldiers from the corps in chargeof 어휘차원의오류 : rite 와 event 는병기할수있는단어가 protecting Seoul today. This rite consists of about 160 perosns including 아님 ensign corps, morale soldiers, brass band, infantry corps, mounted party, royal horse, royal family and government official and will provide self-praise on the national traditions. Joseon Dynasty 's Royal Guard of Honor It is a military rite event of examination for the central corps reponsible for defense of the capotal city in Joseon Dynasty, reproduced by the soldiers from the corps in chargeof protecting Seoul today. This rite consists of about 160 perosns including 어휘차원의오류 : morale soldiers 라는단어가없음 ensign corps, morale soldiers, brass band, infantry corps, mounted party, royal horse, royal family and government official and will provide self-praise on the national traditions. Seoul Plaza Programs The open space for residents in Seoul, Seoul Plaza will be prepared with a diverse range of programs to allow residents and tourists to communicateand experience together. Would you enjoy full the spring on 어휘차원의오류 : fully enjoy 가맞는표현 the open space, Seoul Plaza, not only to freely wiew and please the performances but also to participate into the experiencing programs personally. Seoul Plaza Programs The open space for residents in Seoul, Seoul Plaza will be prepared with a diverse rangeof programs to allow residents and tourists to communicateand experience together. Would you enjoy full the spring on 어휘차원의오류 : Please 는 ~ 를기쁘게하다는뜻으로 the open space, Seoul Plaza, not only to freely wiew and please the 공연을기쁘게한다는것은어색 performances but also to participate into the experiencing programs personally. Seoul Friendship Fair 2007 You can enjoy the folk performances, scenery 어휘차원의오류 : perform 은행사나공연을한다는의미 and customs performed by the invited embassy and legation staff, and 이며관습 (customs) 를 perform 한다는것이어색 foreigners residing in Seoul and unusual tastes of foods from each country. Hi Seoul Music & Dance Contest It is a contest to allow the citizens to participate and exhibit exquisites and talents. 3rd Seoul Magic Festival You are invited to the world of fantasy performed by the world top class magicians. YOU-Topia YOU-Topia is a representative citizens' subscription program and an event to be composed of full participation and peformance of the residents without any restriction on pattern and genre. 어휘차원의실수 : exquisite 는형용사로 exhibit 의명사로올수없음 어휘차원의오류 : 마술사는 illusionist 어휘차원의오류 : subscription 은회원제라는의미를갖고있는데여기서는부적절한어휘선택 Hi Seoul Student Performances It is a performance to allow popular bands 어휘차원의오류 : performance circles 이어떤의미인지 from about 10 universities in Seoul, performance circles and residents together 전혀이해되지않음 with the theme of 'Youth.' Hi Seoul Student Performances It is a performance to allow popular bands from about 10 universities in Seoul, performance corcles and residents together with the theme of 'Youth.' 어휘차원의오류 : ~ 를주제로는 under the theme of ~ A wide spread of event locations as like the colorful events of 'Hi Seoul Festival 2007.' You don't know what to ride on and where to go? The public transportation will bring you to the event location fast and safely where you 어휘차원의오류 : bring 이아닌 take 가올바른표현 want to go. If you don't like to get stress from the blocking road and narrow parking lot, leave your car at home~ 부록 207
B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅳ. Traffic Information Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅳ. Traffic Information Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅳ. Traffic Information Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅳ. Traffic Information Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅳ. Traffic Information Hi Seoul Festival 2007>Ⅱ. Enjoying Various Kinds of Programs Hi Seoul Festival 2007>Ⅱ. Enjoying Various Kinds of Programs A wide spread of event locations as like the colorful events of 'Hi Seoul Festival 2007.' You don't know what to ride on and where to go? The public 어휘차원의오류 : 교통통제구역은 traffic restrictions 이 transportation will bring you to the event location fast and safely where you 며 blocking road 는어떤상황이길을막는다는뜻이지이 want to go. If you don't like to get stress from the blocking road and narrow 자체로교통통제구역의의미는아님 parking lot, leave your car at home~ A wide spread of event locations as like the colorful events of 'Hi Seoul Festival 2007.' You don't know what to ride on and where to go? The public 어휘차원의오류 : 주차장이좁다는것이아니라차량이 transportation will bring you to the event location fast and safely where you 많아만차여서주차하기힘들다는의미이므로 a packed want to go. If you don't like to get stress from the blocking road and narrow parking lot 으로가는것이 ST본래의미에더가까움 parking lot, leave your car at home~ Areas with Traffic Restriction For the streamlined operation of the festival, 어휘차원의오류 : streamlined 는불필요한절차들을생 there wll be some restrictions on the traffic by day, time span and area. In 략하거나줄여나가합리화시킨다는의미임. 여기서는원 order to enjoy the plentiful events more, be sure to check up the areas with 활한행사진행을의미하는것같으므로 smooth traffic restriction to be enforcing during the festival period. operation정도가더알맞을듯 A rise to the Top of Seoul A representative complex cultural space of Seoul with various cultural presentations. A rise to the Top of Seoul HANCOOK An exuberant banqueting house serving thoughtful traditional tastes. By Category (Obesrvatory, Experience) Customized programs for residents and national/foreign tourists by transportations. Intangible' in this case means artistic activity or technique that is formless. Intangible' in this case means artistic activity or technique that is formless. They are designated as cultural heritage when actualized by the people or the organizations that have artistic or technical ability. Simultaneously, such people are authorized as holders. Intangible selected as national assets are designated by the nation, and local cultural assets are designated by states or cities. When the authorized holders cannot normally initiate the skills due to old age or disease, they are acknowledged as honorary holders. As explained above, Korea's inheritance system of intangible Cultural Heritage has been providing and supporting a stable atmosphere for the inheritance of precious skills and properties. Such structure is not only found in music but is also commonly found in the sectors of Korean arts such as dance, drama, storytelling, etc. Melody and lyrics are performed in a pastoral and naïway, conveying the atmosphere of their homeland. Korean people used to put more priority on integrity than strength, and such concepts have been revealed in dance as well. Korean people used to put more priority on integrity than strength, and such concepts have been revealed in dance as well. It is based on the tale of Cheoyong, who defeated evil spirits by dancing along to the song she composed in the period of the United Silla. Seungmu (No. 27) This is one of the most representative folk dances, and is danced in clerical garb. 어휘차원의오류 : complex 는 ' 복잡한 ' 또는 ' 난해한 ' 의뜻을가진단어로잘못된용어선택. 차라리 cultural complex 로가는것이더바람직 어휘차원의오류 : thoughtful 은 ' ( 심성이 ) 사려깊은 ' 이라는뜻을가지고있음. 음식맛이 thoughtful 하다는것은어색 어휘차원의오류 : observatory 는 ' 전망대 ' 를가리킴. 따라서그냥보는행사를가리킬때사용될수없음 어휘차원의오류 : customized 는어떤상품이나서비를판매하는입장에서사용하는 ' 맞춤식 ' 이라는표현. 정확한용어사용 : 무형문화재는물리적인형태가없다는의미로 formless 를썼으나영어에서 formless 는뜻이다름. lacking a clear shape or structure 이라는뜻이어서무형문화재에대한부정적인인상을심어줄수있음. 정확한용어사용 : 우리말의 ' 동시에 ' 를직역. 우리말에서는 ' 그리고 ' 정도의의미이나영어의 simultaneously 는 ' 시간적으로동시에일어나는 ' 이라는의미이므로다른뜻이됨. 정확한용어사용 : 우리나라에는 state 에해당하는행정구역이업음 정확한용어사용 : ' 정상적으로 할수없다 ' 는의미를 'not normally' 로표현하면 negative connotation 이있다. 개선한버전 -> When the authorized holders can no longer initiate the skills as they did due to old age 정확한용어사용 : 앞뒤내용으로추측해볼때, 이자리에는 atmosphere 라는단어가올수없다. Korea's inheritance system of Intangible 가 provide 하고 support 하는것은 atmosphere 가될수없다. ' 기반 ' 이나 ' 토대 ' 를의미하는영문단어가와야한다. 원문에서 ' 분위기 ' 나 ' 여건 ' 이라는단어가있었다고하더라도영문에서의등가는 'atmosphere' 가아니다. 정확한용어사용 : sector 는 art 의하위어로부적절하다.-> in other genres of Korean arts 어휘선택오류 : 원문의단어와대응되는영어단어를찾아서쓴것이나 naï 는부정적인의미를담고있어결국원문과등가를이루지못했다. 정확한용어사용 : and 앞의내용을표현하는명사로 concepts 는적절하지않다. 정확한용어사용 : such concepts 가 'Korean people used to put more priority on integrity than strength' 를받아야뜻이통하지만, concept 는 'Korean people used to put more priority on integrity than strength' 를받을수없는단어이다. 정확한용어사용 : the United Silla 로번역하면 ' 신라합중국 ' 이라는뜻이되므로 the Unified Silla 로고쳐야한다. 어휘선택오류 : dance( 명사 ) 가 danced( 동사 ) 된다고표현할수없다. 영어에서는반복을싫어한다. performed 로바꿀수있다. Folk game are generally divided into three big categories: Folk game that commoners share for amusement and enjoyment after finishing hard labor to wish for great harvest, Folk game for celebrating important holidays such as 어휘선택의오류 : 같은뜻인데중복해사용할필요없다. New Year's Day and the Dano festival, and lastly, Folk game in which teams match up against each other. 208 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 The cooperative minds and lifestyles of farmers are portrayed in playing a tug of war. 정확한용어사용 : 협동정신 cooperative spirit Since Confucianism and Buddhism were accepted on the basis of the civil unconsciousness of shamanism, religion and shamanism existed together 정확한용어사용 : 앞문장의내용을받는명사로 historically. Such religious phenomena contributed to the development of the phenomena가부적절. Korean culture of religion, in national and civil rites and sacrifices. (2) Metal Crafts// The metal processing technique is divided into three sectors: The figure and style of soban differed according to location. B-1 Korean Cinema 2006 With its compounded, mixed, and multi-layered tendencies 정확한용어사용 (hierarchy): sector 는 technique 의하위어가될수없다. sector 는주로넓은범위 (eg. the service sector) 를가리키는말이다. 정확한용어사용 : location은지역 / 지방이라는의미를표현하지못한다. location 은입지 / 장소라는뜻이다. ' 복합적 ' 이라는뜻의형용사 'compound' 의어미에 'ed' 를붙이면 ' 복합된 ' 이되며, 서로 ' 복합 ' 되는대상이둘이상문장에명시되어야한다. 또한동사의과거형으로쓰이는 'compounded' 는 ' 문제를더욱악화시키다 ' 라는뉘앙스를강하게풍긴다. 역사물 ' 의대응어로서 faction 은사용빈도가극히낮다 and the high demand for faction in the book market and TV drama market ( 오히려 ' 분파 ' 라는뜻으로훨씬널리통용된다 ). B-1 Korean Cinema 2006 becomes evident Historical fiction 이라고하면 ' 사실적 ' 이라는의미는다소희석되나이해하기는편하다. B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS Folk dances can be divided into religious dances led by monks and secular dances performed by the people. Building materials are wood, clay, tile, brick, stone and thatch. Their usage varies depending on the location city, fishing or farming village, or mountainous region. 정확한용어사용 : monks 와 the people 이병렬관계이다. 둘사이에는교집합이없어야한다. 그점을명확히하려면 the people 대신 ordinary people 을쓰면된다. 정확한용어사용 : location 은지역 / 지방이라는의미를표현하지못한다. location 은입지 / 장소라는뜻이다. Korean Film ' 블록버스터시대물 ' 을이렇게표현하면영어에없는신 <Hwang Jin Yi> is a period blockbuster depicting the life of a gisaeng, (Korean Observatory. No.22 조어가된다. A blockbuster of a historical drama 라고 geisha), during the Joseon Dynasty period. Cannes Edition 2007 해도될듯. THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD These ingredients are mixed thoroughly and then fermented, which enhances 어휘선택의오류 : typically 를써서는안될자리에써서 the spicy flavor of this sauce. People typically eat rice mixed with this spicy 마치사람들이밥을먹을때대부분의경우고추장에비 paste and sesame oil. 벼서먹는것처럼보인다. These meals include steamed meat, fish with pan-fried mushrooms, and pumpkins that all come together to compliment the drinks. Koreans are very generous when it comes to drinking. Friendship is maintained over a bottle or two. 어휘선택의오류 : complement( 보완하다, 보충하다 ) 를써야하는데 compliment( 칭찬하다 ) 를사용해이상한뜻이됐다. 정확한용어사용 : 사람이 generous 하다는것은 ' 아낌없이준다, 관대하다, 이타적이다 ' 는뜻이다. 여기에는 generous 가어울리지않는다. The meal that was prepared for the King was called sura, and the table 어휘선택오류 : surasang과 dish 를동격으로놓았다. 수 setting was called surasang. Rare ingredients were brought from all over the 라상은 meal 이지 dish 가아니다. dish 는식사가아니라 country to the royal kitchen and were prepared carefully by the court chefs. 접시에담긴요리 ' 하나 ' 이기때문이다. Surasang is the most elegant and tasty dish among various cuisines in Korea. 정확한용어사용 : typically 때문에 ' 이음식 ( 비빔밥 ) 은주로한국항공사에서기내식형태로제공되고비행기가아닌다른장소에서는찾아보기힘든음식 ' 이라는뜻이 This is a globally popular dish and typically served on major Korean airlines. 돼버렸다. often 정도의부사가적당하다. This is a globally popular dish which is often served on major Korean airlines. Samgyeopsal, or "thick slices of bacon," is a favorite meal for many Koreans. 어휘선택의오류 : bacon 은대개훈제방식으로조리된상태를말한다. -> slices of pork belly meat Samgyeopsal, or "thick slices of bacon," is a favorite meal for many Koreans. 어휘선택의오류 : 삼겹살은 meal 이아닌 dish 이다. Rapidly Growing Business Hub of Asia SEOUL VISITOR'S - Founder of Seoul International Finance Center (SIFC), Digital Media Center GUIDE> Why Seoul? (DMC) in Sangam-dong, and International Business Center (IBC) 정확한용어사용의오류 : 'city( 서울 )' 가 'founder' 가될수있는가? 정확한용어사용의오류 : 'employees' 라면소속역시명 Optimal conditions for convention with the state-of-the-art facilities, five-star SEOUL VISITOR'S 시되어야함. ' 인력 ' 의의미를지닌다른어휘로대체하는 hotels, and tourist attractions GUIDE> Why Seoul? 것이적합함 ( 예 : a talented pool of workers with foreign - employees with foreign language skills. language fluency) At Lotte World Adventure, people can enjoy the latest equipment, fantastic SEOUL VISITOR'S 정확한용어사용의오류 : ' 최신장비를즐기다 ' 라는말 parades, various multi-media systems, laser beam shows, performances, and GUIDE> Lotte World 로오역되므로문맥상적합한 'the latest rides' 로수정 various international foods throughout the year. TRAVEL Conference and convention facilities enable everything from small and stately 정확한용어사용의오류 : 'stately' 를 'state' 으로바꿔야 PLANNER'S GUIDE> summit conferences to mega-conventions and assemblies. 함 Conventions TRAVEL Visitors who wish to hire a chauffeur-driven car should be prepared to pay the 정확한용어사용의오류 : "shouold be prepared to pay" PLANNER'S GUIDE> driver's meals and hotel expenses as well as daily wages from 140,000 won 는불필요하게늘어진비경제적표현으로당연히 "should Car Rentals to 440,000 won for 10 hours, which includes the car rental. pay" 여야한다. 부록 209
B-1 B-1 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> KR PASS You may purchase KR Pass Voucher at overseas travel agents, ticket offices or online(www.korail.go.kr, credit card purchase only), then exchange the voucher at a designated exchange office for a KR PASS, and travel all over Korea on any railroad lines for a set period of time without any restrictions on frequency or distance (excludes designated subways and train tours). TRAVEL The Saemaeulho is marginally quicker than the Mugunghwaho and offers PLANNER'S GUIDE> spacious seating at a premium price; coaches on all trains, however, are clean B462Saemaeulho & and have comfortable seats, with both first and second class seats providing Mugunghwaho plenty of foot room. KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> Conventions, Exhibitions and Expos TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE>Customs Traditional Folk game are especially meaningful because they were meant for all local inhabitants, to be the main subjects who produce fun and enjoyment together. Gangneung danoje (No. 13) // Various folk games and cultural events are performed centering Tano sacrifice and Gwanno mask drama, UNESCO selected it as the "Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity" in 2005. 정확한용어사용의오류 : 'travel agent' 는사람을의미하므로 'travel agency' 로수정 ('office' 와 'agent' 는다른범주에속함 ) 정확한용어사용의오류 : 기차내좌석 (seats) 을 'coach' 로잘못표기하였음 용어사용의일관성 : 다른부분에서는계속 'folk game' 으로쓰고있다. 여기서는문장첫단어가아닌데도 Folk 라고표기해 consistency 가위반됐다. 용어사용의일관성 : danoje 와 Tano sacrifice, 두가지표기방식을사용해 consistency 잃음. Three years later, at the king's command, the alphabet was promulgated by the Jiphyeonjeon or Hall of Worthies in a 33-page book in Chinese and 용어사용의일관성 : 앞에서처럼집현전을이탤릭체로 Hunminjeongeum Haeryebon or The Explanatory Edition of the Proper Sounds 써야한다. 외국어음가를그대로표기할때는 italicize해 to Instruct the People.//The second part, written by Jeong In-ji and seven 야한다. scholars of Jiphyeonjeon, consists of six chapers: Hangari, or "smaller jars" are used to preserve kimchi, which are made in 용어사용의일관성오류 : hangari, hang-ari 두가지로다 accordance with the four seasons. The condiments used to make kimchi, such 르게표기 as salt and powedered red pepper, are also stored in hang-ari. Ingeolmi ( 인절미 ) // Injeolmi is covered with a fine, sweet-tasting yellow soybean powder. Insamju is made with insam ("premium Korean gingseng"). The transparent bottles of insamju with the gingseng root inside are popular souvenirs for foreign visitors of Korea. Insamju ( 인삼주 )// insam ("premium Korean gingseng") & Insam Tea ( 인삼차 ) // insam ("Korean gingseng") Japchae ("potato noodles stir-fried with vegetables") is made during a celebration in Korea. Vegetables, beef and mushrooms are mixed with cellophane noodles. 목차의 Ⅰ. Representative Tomb Murals// 본문의 Ⅰ. Representative Mural Tombs// 매페이지좌측상단 Ⅰ. Representative Mural Paintings 용어사용의일관성 : Ingeolmi 와 Injeolmi 두가지방식으로표기 용어사용의일관성 : 첫번째문장에서는원칙에맞게이탤릭체를사용했으나두번째문장에서는쓰지않음. 용어사용의일관성 : 인삼주에관한설명에서는 insam 을 premium Korean gingseng 으로, 삼계탕에관한설명에서는 Korean gingseng 으로풀이했다. 불필요한혼동을피하기위해통일할필요가있다. 용어사용의일관성 : potato noodles 와 cellophane noodles 는같은대상, 즉, 잡채에들어가는당면을지칭하는것이다. 물론영문텍스트에서는반복을피하기위해같은대상을다양한방식으로지칭하는경우가많다. 그러나여기서는 link 가없기때문에잡채에대해잘모르는독자가 potato noodles 와 cellophane noodles 가다른대상인것으로오해할수있다. 그리고꼭다르게표현해야할만큼당면이여러번나온것도아니다. 용어사용의일관성 : 같은제목이 3 가지버전으로나와있어독자에게혼란을준다. Guknaeseong(Jiban)//There are about 13,000 ancient tombs of Koguryo in the areas of Jian, China and Pyeongyang and Anak, North Korea. Among those, 용어사용의일관성 : 통일이필요하다. 독자가이셋을다 the number of mural tombs is reportedly 20 in Jian, China and 80 in North 른지역으로이해할가능성이있다. Korea.//China's Ji'an Area 용어사용의일관성 : 목차에서는제목이 2. Dongmyeong Tomb Dongmyeongwang Tomb 이었는데본문에서는 Donmyeong Tomb 으로바뀌었다. [TT1] Bus>> Information about limousines and deluxe buses is available at the Transportation Information Counter next to exits 2, 4, 9, and 13 on the first floor of the passenger terminal (arrivals floor). [TT2] Taxis>> 용어사용의일관성오류 : 'arrivals floor' 와 'Arrivals The taxi stand is located next to the tourist terminal between platforms 16 Floor' 두가지로다르게표기 ( 일관성위배 ) to 21 on the Arrivals Floor (1st floor) in the parking area and since there is no extra charge for different regions, there are no surcharges for going outside of the city or province. COEX KINTEX SETEC EXCO BEXCO 435,000 square meters 53,541m2 31,000m2 3,872 square meters 26,400 square meters [TT1] US$400 worth of goods may be brought into Korea duty-free. [TT2] A visitor's personal goods which were taken out of Korea may be brought in duty free. 용어사용의일관성오류 : 기호와철자의혼용 ( 일관성위배 ) 용어사용의일관성오류 : 'duty-free' 와 'duty free' 두가지로다르게표기 ( 일관성위배 ) TRAVEL 적절한관용표현의사용오류 : 어색한영어표현인 Card-and-coin phones, can be used with pre-paid IC cards or Korean-issued PLANNER'S GUIDE> 'Korean-issued' 를 'locally-issued' 로대체하는것이적합 bank credit cards as well as coins. Telephone 함 210 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> Temple Tour TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE>Visit Gyeongsangbuk-do Korea Each temple offers its own unique program, including: a temple pilgrimage to visit the traditional cultural heritage of Korea such as architectural structures, sculptures, arts and crafts, and paintings; Zen meditation and martial arts for maintaining the health of the body and the mind; a walk around the temple woods to commune with nature; making tea and lotus lanterns; and experiencing takbon (rubbed copy of petroglyphs or pictographs of tombstones or stone monuments). Finally, become more accustomed with the province by way of hands-on events. 적절한관용표현의사용오류 : 사전은 ' 탁본 ' 을 ' 새겨진글씨나무늬를종이에그대로떠내는행위또는그렇게떠낸종이 ', 두가지의뜻으로정의하나, 본문에서는탁본을후자의뜻으로만정의하였으므로 ' 탁본을체험하다 ' 를영어로직역한것은어색함 (experiencing takbon-making' 처럼 ' 탁본만들기를체험하다 ' 의의미를더해주는것이자연스러움 ) 적절한관용표현사용의오류 : 어색한영어 'way' 를 'by participating in' 과같은동사로대체해의미를명확히하는것이바람직함 TRAVEL Namdaemun(Sungnyemun) Gate 적절한관용표현의사용오류 : 문맥상불필요한 PLANNER'S GUIDE> Built in the late 14th century, Namdaemun Gate was the main entrance to 'enclosure' 를생략 Namdaemun Gate the capital enclosure of the Joseon Dynasty. TRAVEL The architecture and garden landscaping are well tuned to the surrounding 적절한관용표현의사용오류 : 문맥상불필요한 PLANNER'S GUIDE> scenery. 'landscaping' 을생략 B640 ICC Jeju CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. History of modern Korea consists of many fetters, in which different generations live with very different experiences; Japanese colonialization, confusion after the liberation, the Korean War, Just looking at the result, he is nearly the most miraculous survivor but when the personal story of his survival comes to light, the miracle is a record of the tears of a tragic history. After all, I think Korean cinema is the director, IM Kwon-taek. The father's brothers become competitors while mother's brothers help the son, despite of dangers to follow. Falling off the web (which is formed with of plots, betrayals, and punishments) means death. However, we must not stop here because IM is a cineaste whose biggest fear is to stop at a place. But the teacher scolds him fiercely saying, "You fool, there is no completion when painting." Discussing IM Kwon-taek means talking about Korean movies as well as the way Koreans lived during the 20th century. However, it comes with a history of bloody tears. I am not saying this as a figure of speech, but as the only expression that can best describe the history of IM's time. However, I believe that there is the essence of IM in those impurities. The stories of his movies, at a certain point, is the world that can only be explained in the content of Korean history. Another way to explain IM is that his name is a common denominator in Korean movies, while being different from all others due to three reasons. The first is biographical explanation. Another way to explain IM is that his name is a common denominator in Korean movies, while being different from all others due to three reasons. The first is biographical explanation. 문장뒷부분에열거된식민통치, 해방직후의혼란, 전쟁등이 fetters 에해당할터인데, 영어관습상 ' 혼란 ' 과 ' 전쟁 ' 같은것을 fetters 로표현하는것은어색하다. Stages 가좋을듯. ' 비극적역사에관한눈물의기록 ' 이라는매우한국적인표현이영문에서도똑같은형식으로표현될것이라생각했다면크나큰오산. ' 임권택이곧한국영화 ' 라는식으로인물을개념과동치시키는은유법은영어권독자에게익숙치않다. 따라서 IM Kwon-taek is the embodyment of ~ 와같은완충적표현이필요하다. 관용어휘의부정확한사용 : in spite of the dangers 라거나 despite the dangers 라고써야한다. 관용어휘의부정확한사용 : formed with 또는 formed of. 더좋은대안은 which is weaved with place 가물리적인장소를의미하는것처럼느껴져자칫임권택이고속도로에서휴게소에들르는것조차두려워한다는인상을줄수있다. 대안 : to remain stagnant there is no such thing as completion in painting 이런경우동사의현재진행형보다 to + 동사원형을사용하는것이일반적이다. To discuss IM is to discuss Korean movies as well as 피눈물의역사 ' 라는한국적인표현을영어에서도똑같은형식으로표현하지는않는다. the period IM lived through 라고하면더자연스럽다. I believe that IM's essence lies in those impurities. in the context of ' 임권택의이름이한국영화의공약수 ( 원문은공통분모?)' 라는것은임권택을묘사하는 ' 방법 ' 이아니라그자체로그에대한하나의 ' 묘사 ' 이다. 한편 ' 묘사 ' 는 explaination 이아니라 description 이다. 예문을액면그대로해석할경우여기서 others 가지시하는대상은다른 denominators 일수밖에없는데, 하나의공약수가다른공약수들과다른것은논리적으로당연한일이다. Another way to explain IM is that his name is a common denominator in Korean movies, while being different from all others due to three reasons. The reason 과 explanation 이직접호응할수는없다. first is biographical explanation. Then liberation came "all of a sudden", leaving confrontations between the right- and left-wing. ' 갈등을남겨두고떠났다 ', 혹은 ' 갈등을떠났다 ' 로해석되는데, 어느쪽도말이안된다. 대안 : leading to / giving way to establish 의수동태가 ' 이데올로기 ' 를수식할수는있으 The South Korean government established anti-communist ideology and began 되 establish 가능동태로사용되고 ' 이데올로기 ' 가목적 to hunt out leftists. 어가되는경우는드물다. After much hardship, he landed in movie production. Living in South Korea after the Korean War can't be explained in any way without North Korea. landed a job in movie production. living 을 explain 할수있는가? 부록 211
CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Furthermore, the government only subsidized government policy movies such as the Saemaul movement and anti-communist films which all the production 새마을운동이영화인가? companies tried to benefit from. In 1981, CHUN Do-hwan's military government lifted censorship restrictions as a "carrot" or incentive policy. Although Korea is passing through modernization, Confucianism still lies beneath the ethical values. and all others (people in the industry and the public as well) paid respects for his work and his position. The General's Son became No.1 box-office hit and Sopyonje set a new record for most viewers in the history of Korean films. The third reason IM is a common denominator in Korean movies while being different from all the others can be explained in hindsight. Even the directors from the 1970s aren't in the industry anymore. 동어반복 : censorship 이이미 restriction 을내포하고있다. 유교자체가도덕적가치체계이기때문에이문장은혼란스럽다. ' 도덕적가치 ' 밑에또다른도덕적가치가깔려있는양상이기때문이다. 대안 : Confucianism still underlies its values pay respect 할때는인격적대상이있어야한다. All others paid him respect for his work and for his status. 신기록을세우면세우는것이지, ' 대부분의사람들에게 ' 신기록을세우지는않는다. ' 최다관객수 ' 를기록했다는뜻이라면 set a new record in the number of tickets sold 라고하면된다. 예문을액면그대로해석할경우여기서 others 가지시하는대상은다른 denominators 일수밖에없는데, 하나의공약수가다른공약수들과다른것은논리적으로당연한일이다. are no longer in the industry Based on the conditions of the past 40 years of Korean movies, though IM holds the place of a common denominator, he is situated at a spot where no he occupies the position as the sole remaining survivor one from his generation has survived in this industry and must produce films of his generation in this industry. that are different from anyone else's. The U.S. intervened twice in modern Korean history during a five-year period and this intervention showed that the fate of Korean history depended on American decisions. Movies were the only method for the Korean public to learn about the U.S. Until 1979, slogans such as 'Let's not forget the Korean War, Let's destroy the communists' were hung in all school classrooms. During this process, Hollywood movies weren't just the means of entertainment for Koreans but the government intended them to be a cultural study. Names of Hollywood movies and stars became basic knowledge for social discussions and their theme songs were repeatedly played on radios along with pop songs. IM had no way of acquiring the trend of world cinema of the time and the South Korean movie industry wasn't very keen to find out about it. All of the South Korean movie directors considered Hollywood movies as their ideal models. 동어반복 : the fate of Korea 또는 Korean history 라고하면된다. 영화를 ' 보는 ' 것이 ' 방법 ' 일수는있어도영화자체가 ' 방법 ' 일수는없다. Method 이기보다는 means 일것이다. 한국어텍스트에서는 ' 이과정에서 ~' 를남발해도괜찮지만영어의경우 process 로해석될수있는대상이앞문장에제시되어야그다음문장을 In this process ~ 로시작할수있다. 예문에서 process 가지시할수있는유일한 ' 과정 ' 은반공구호가적힌현수막따위를벽에 ' 거는 ' 과정이다. ' 기본상식 ' 에대응하는영어표현은 common knowledge 다. 예문의경우 household names 라고해도된다. ' 경향 ' 을 ' 접하는 ' 것은 acquire 하는것이아니라 get acquainted with / gain knowledge of 하는것이다. 그냥 ideals 라고해도된다. On the other hand, he achieved significant success in historical dramas based on the Joseon period, action movies with sluggards as main characters, and set in the Joseon period war movies about the Korean War. Not only due to the differences of time, but when these two genres are watched at once, they seem to have been made by two different directors. He unfolded the stories in traditional houses of the Joseon era, in gardens, or in a house with 99 rooms. 두장르의영화를 ' 동시에 ' 볼수는없고 ' 연속적으로 ' consecutively / back-to-back 볼수는있을것이다. unfold 는 ' 스토리가전개되다 ' 라고할때쓰는동사이지, 스토리를 ' 말한다 ' 고할때쓰는동사가아니다. Stuck in the suffocating web where it is almost impossible to be freed from from which escape is virtually impossible 이라고하면 because the place was decided for them since birth, women must obey men. 더간결하고문법적으로도무리가없다. At the same time in the '60s, the media made a fuss about imported fads, causing people to think that something "Korean" or "Korean tradition" were leading people to think 가더자연스럽다. considered out-of-date and boorish. At the same time in the '60s, the media made a fuss about imported fads, 구체적인 ' 어떤한국적인것 ' 을가리키는듯한인상을준 causing people to think that something "Korean" or "Korean tradition" were 다. 그러나원래의의미는 ' 한국적인것은무엇이든 ' considered out-of-date and boorish. anything "Korean" 일것이다. There is a saying in Korean proverbs that "a fist is faster than the law." A more deeply rooted and ironical history is behind the saying. There is a saying in Korean 또는 There is a Korean proverb 중에서양자택일. deeply rooted in history 라는표현은있어도 deeply rooted history 라는표현은없다. Lighted Boat Parade A diverse range of boats from several countries such 어휘차원의오류 : raise up 과 atmosphere 는전혀잘어 as Chinese sailing boat, Titanic, ancient north European boat and Swiss boat, 울리지않는표현 22m(L) 10m (W) 12m(H), will rasie up the atmostphere of the festival. Nonverbal Performance - Rendezvous of Light, Sound, and Image Splendid Performance to Harmonize Laser Beam, Sticking Sound and Images 어휘차원의오류 : sticking 은끈적끈적거리다는뜻으로 sound 와는전혀어울리지않는단어 212 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District SINSFO that has tried academic approach by linking the festival and Hangang 어휘차원의오류 : ~ 라는주제로는 'under the theme of will hold a forum with theme of 'Future and Festival of the Creative City by ~' inviting delegations from about 20 countries. Opening Ceremony You are invited to the opening ceremony of the 'Hi Seoul Festival 2007'. Part 1 will present a Lighted Boat Parade where the lights from the 63 Building will colorfully embroider the Hangang and Part 2 will 정확한어휘사용의오류 : 그냥 light 보다는레이저불빛 provide an exciting concert stage of the popular singers for 90 minutes. As the 이므로 laser light show 로가는것이더정확한명칭임 concert end, the enormous fireworks will splendidly decorate the night sky of Seoul to announce of starting the festival. How about to taste the wonderful start of the ultimate festival of Seoul, 'Hi Seoul Festival 2007,' in advance. Opening Ceremony You are invited to the opening ceremony of the 'Hi Seoul Festival 2007'. Part 1 will present a Lighted Boat Parade where the lights from the 63 Building will colorfully embroider the Hangang and Part 2 will provide an exciting concert stage of the popular singers for 90 minutes. As the 어휘차원의오류 : announce뒤에 of가올필요가없음 concert end, the enormous fireworks will splendidly decorate the night sky of Seoul to announce of starting the festival. How about to taste the wonderful start of the ultimate festival of Seoul, 'Hi Seoul Festival 2007,' in advance. Children's Essay Contest It is a place for 1,200 students of elementary schools to show their talent to write. Children's Essay Contest It is a place for 1,200 students of elementary schools to show their talent to write. 관용표현사용의오류 : 초등학생은 elementary school students 로가는것이바람직. 부적절한 of 의사용은정확한의미전달에방해 관용표현사용의오류 : 글솜씨는 writing skills 로가면됨 Seoul World DJ Festival Would it be a good time to be with a number of people, including families, groups and associations, as well as foreign 어휘차원의오류 : ' 인터넷접수만가능 ' 이라면 internet tourists? It will be made available for use through an Internet reservation reservation only 로가면됨 service. Time Travel: Back to Bukchon Village of the Joseon Dynasty 'Time Travel: Back to Bukchon Village of the Joseon Dynasty' provides a program for the citizen to experience a life in Joseon Dynasty, prepared on a village 어휘차원의오류 : ' 시간여행 ' 이라는프로그램이 provide within the playground of Jaeding Elementary School. There is also a 'Walking a program은어색한표현. 차라리 offers an opportunity Course.' to allow visitors the opportunity to experience the histories to ~ 로가는것이더알맞은표현 permeated around the Bukchon Village. Would you personally feel the tiled roofs faching each other, between the old stone walls, and along the curved side streets of Bukchon Village containing the 600 years of history of Seoul? Time Travel: Back to Bukchon Village of the Joseon Dynasty 'Time Travel: Back to Bukchon Village of the Joseon Dynasty' provides a program for the citizen to experience a life in Joseon Dynasty, prepared on a village 어휘차원의오류 : 프로그램이 allow visitors 는어색한 within the playground of Jaeding Elementary School. There is also a 'Walking 표현. 차라리 a 'Walking Course' where ~ 로설명하는 Course' to allow visitors the opportunity to experience the histories permeated 것이더자연스러움 around the Bukchon Village. Would you personally feel the tiled roofs faching each other, between the old stone walls, and along the curved side streets of Bukchon Village containing the 600 years of history of Seoul? Coronation Ceremony of King Sejong Coronation Ceremony of King Sejong according to thorough Investigation 어휘차원의오류 : investigation 은잘못된일에대한 ' 수사 ' 의개념이더강하므로여기서말하는고증에는어울리지않음 Seoul Arts Market It provides an experiencing cultural market place to 어휘차원의오류 : 시민들이직접만들었다는의미이므로 exhibit and sell the eco-friendly arts prepared by participation of the citizens. made by the citizens 만으로도충분 Hi Seoul Music & Dance Contest It is a contest to allow the citizens to participate and exhibit exquisites and talents. Walking along the Castle Walls 'Walking Along the Castle Walls' is an historical experience invovling walking along the old castle walls of Seoul remained with tiny traces and getting in touch with history. 어휘차원의오류 : 행사가시민들이 ~ 할수있도록 allow 하는것이어색함. 차라리 It will provide citiezens an opportunity to~ 로가는것이더바람직함 어휘차원의오류 : get in touch with 는 '~ 과연락하고지내다 ' 라는뜻인데역사와 get in touch with 하다는어색 부록 213
Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007>Ⅰ. Enjoying Major Programs Hi Seoul Festival 2007>Ⅱ. Enjoying Various Kinds of Programs Hi Seoul Festival 2007>Ⅱ. Enjoying Various Kinds of Programs Musical " Run, Run, Hany!" It is high dignity of family musical on the original Korean character, "Run, Run, Hany!" 어휘차원의오류 : ' 존엄성이높은가족뮤지컬 ' 어색한단어조합 Hi Seoul Student Performances It is a performance to allow popular bands 어휘차원의오류 : 행사가시민들이 ~ 할수있도록 from about 10 universities in Seoul, performance circles and residents together allow하는것이어색함. 차라리 It will provide citiezens with the theme of 'Youth.' an opportunity to~ 로가는것이더바람직함 N Seoul Tower Family Concert Under the sky over Namsan with full of vivid 어휘차원의오류 : the concert 가 play 한다는것은너무 spring movement, the concert will play familiar classical, pop and jazz music 나어색한표현 for family and sweetheart audiences. Best of Best 10 'Hi Seoul Festival 2007' programs To directly feel the dynamic and colorful events with your body Splendid Eve on Yeouido District will sound a Fanfare of the Festival It is used as a tour resource by the local community, Geomungo sanjo is magnificent solo-performed music that boasts a masculine moderate beauty. This also has been one of the important factors that developed Korean culture and arts. Joyful and fun atmosphere is highly motivated. An eminent female game inherited from the south sea regions of Jeollanam-do. Gangneung danoje (No. 13) // Various folk games and cultural events are performed centering Tano sacrifice and Gwanno mask drama, UNESCO selected it as the "Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity" in 2005. Seoul saenamgut (No. 104)// It includes court elements such as splendid ornaments, elegant dance gestures, and delicate ritual instruments. However, archery, Korean wrestling, and Taekkyeon have been impressively transmitted from generation to generation up to the present. Artisans used bamboo to manufacture Korean male traditional hats and soldered the surface of bamboo to decorate or create bows and arrows. 관용표현사용의오류 : 가장뛰어난프로그램 10 개를소개하는것이므로 The 10 best programs 로가는것이더정한표현 어휘차원의오류 : 행사를몸소체험해보라는의미이므로 experience events 정도면충분 어휘차원의오류 : ' 아름다운밤이 ~ 하게들린다 ' 의구조로전혀영어스럽지않은어색한문장 적절하지않은관용표현 : ' 관광명소 ' 에해당하는영문표현은 a tourist attraction 이다 적절한관용표현사용필요 : 하이라이트된두부분은영어처럼느껴지지않는다. 영어라는옷을입은우리말같다. solo-performed music 은그냥 solo music 이라고하면충분하다. 그편이더자연스럽다. 적절한관용표현사용 : factors 가직접 develop 한다고는잘쓰지않는다. This also has been one of the important factors that contributed to the development of Korean culture and arts. 적절한관용표현사용 : atmosphere 은 motivate한다고말하지않는다. -> promote 적절한관용표현 : ' 남해안지역 ' 은대개 south coast regions 으로쓴다. 적절한관용표현의사용 : Tano sacrifice 와 Gwanno mask drama 가중심이된다는내용인데영어에서는이런방식으로표현하지않는다. Various folk games and cultural events are held, with the main events of Tano sacrifice and Gwanno mask drama. 적절한관용표현의사용 : ' 춤동작 ' 을더자연스럽게표현하려면 dance gestures 를 dance movements 로고쳐써야한다. 적절한관용표현 : 부사와동사가어울리지않음 적절한관용표현사용 : traditional hats for men 이라고하면자연스럽다. ( 어떤감정에 ) 호소하다 ' 라는뜻의표현으로는 'relate While neither of these films were connected to the strong national sentiment to', 'appeal to', 'tap into' 등이더일반적이다. 문장뒷부 Korean Cinema 2006 identified with our divided country 분은 ' 분단과동일시되는강렬한민족감정 ' 이라는다소어리둥절한의미로해석된다. One day, she happens to meet Jong-Bom and deludes herself to think him as Korean Cinema 2006 부정확한관용적표현 :think of him 이다. a beast under the vicious spell. Korean Cinema 2006 Although the sources are various, the motive for using them is singular... 형용사 various 가수식하는명사 + be 동사뒤에등장할때는보통 varied 라고쓴다. Singular 라는사용빈도가낮은형용사보다는 the same 이라고하면알아듣기편하다. While some production companies try to make the most profit with the least 비교급 most 는명사의수식어로는잘쓰지않는다. Korean Cinema 2006 investment... Maximize profit while minimizing investment 가낫다. ' 역사물의전성기를재현할것 ' 이라는의미인듯하나, it is quite plausible to predict that Chungmuro will recount the heyday of Korean Cinema 2006 recount 는 ' 다시실현하다 ' 라는뜻이아니라 ' 이야기를 historical movies in the late 50s 통해재현하다 ' 라는뜻이다. Due to incremental public demand for literature that is based on historical increamental 다음에는 increase 또는 decrease 가나올 Korean Cinema 2006 themes 것으로기대되나결국나오지않는다. there has been much concern voiced over the start of the newly reduced 어떤새로운제도의발효나개시를뜻하는단어로는 Korean Cinema 2006 Screen Quota of 73 days. introduction 이더자주쓰인다. 214 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
Korean Cinema 2006 KOFIC presents a policy vision for the bright future of Korean films. 밝은미래를위한정책비전 ' 을직역한듯하다. 이경우 ' 밝은미래 ' 는결정된것이아니라정책비전이추구하는바일것이다. 그러나 the bright future 라고하면밝은미래가이미결정된듯한느낌을준다. A bright future 라고해도어색하기는마찬가지다. 문제의근원은영어텍스트에서정책등에 ' 밝은미래를위한 ' 과같은수식어를붙이는경우가좀처럼없다는데에있다. 같은의미의등가표현으로는 policy vision for the advancement of... 정도의표현이더일반적이다. ' 구현 ' 을직역한것같으나영어에서 implement 할수있 and implements a network of KOFIC foreign correspondents to keep track Korean Cinema 2006 는네트워크는전산망밖에없다. 영어에서인적네트워 of 크는 ' 구현 ' 하는것이아니라 ' 구축 ' build 하는것이다. Since its establishment, KAFA has grown influentially while producing the infuentially 라는부사는영어에없다. grown in Korean Cinema 2006 core talent that has led the Korean film renaissance that has culminated in influence 가어법에맞다. the past decade or so. talent 는추상적인 ' 재능 ' 을뜻할수도있지만이경우는 ' 인재 ' 를지칭한다. 인재가단수형으로표기되어있으므 Since its establishment, KAFA has grown influentially while producing the 로표면상으로는 KAFA 가양성한인재가단한명뿐이 Korean Cinema 2006 core talent that has led the Korean film renaissance that has culminated in 라는의미로해석된다. 그러나복수형으로표기하더라도 the past decade or so. 영어쓰기의관습상부자연스럽다. The core talent pool 이라든가 the core pool of talent 라고써줌이좋다. Korean Cinema 2006 Her unrequited love gets any return? ' 짝사랑 ' 을한영사전만찾아보고어설프게직역한듯하다. 영어권에서는 ' 누군가를짝사랑하다 ' 라고말할때 have a crush on someone 이라고한다. Korean Cinema 2006 Her unrequited love gets any return? get returns on ~ 이라고하면대개 '( 금전적 ) 투자에대한회수 ' 를의미하므로감정에대한보상을이렇게표현할수는없다. 누군가에대한감정을상대방도나에대해갖고있을때이를영어동사 reciprocate 로표현할수있다. Korean Cinema 2006 Se-jin, who lives in the opposite side apartment, is the only witness 영어로는보통 across the hallway 라고한다. 서로의약점을물고늘어진다는뜻인것같다. 우선, ' 약 점 ' 을영어로 weak parts 라고표현하면 ' 약한부품 ' 이라 They always bear grudges against each other with their private weak parts, 는의미가된다. Weak spots 가차라리더적절하며, Korean Cinema 2006 and they quarrel everyday, however they are great friends who care for each weakness 가가장일반적이다. 그리고 ' 서로의약점을물 other. 고늘어지다 ' 를표현할때는 pick on each other's weaknesses 라고쓴다. They discover that the present case is somehow related to the mysterious Korean Cinema 2006 death of a girl ten years previously. previously 는부사이므로그것이수식하는동사없이문장안에서홀로설수없다. 굳이 ago 라는간단한단어를제쳐두고 previously 를사용하고자한다면 the mysterious death of a girl that occurred ten years previously 라는식으로동사를첨가해주어야한다. 공기제약 : 일반적으로 nightmare 와함께가는동사는 At this point, So-young becomes plagued with nightmares in which the girl Korean Cinema 2006 plague 가아니라 haunt 다. So-young gets haunted by appears. nightmares Korean Cinema 2006 Byung-tae faces hard days enduring the bullies at school. 힘든나날을보내다 ' 를영어로이렇게표현하지는않는다. Difficult times, tough life 등의다른표현들이있다. And the head of villagers volunteers to be a Gi-bong's trainer thinking that Korean Cinema 2006 이장은 village head 라고표현하면된다. if Gi-bong wins, the village restore its pride. In the face of all difficulties and defying a doctor's warning, Gi-bong is Korean Cinema 2006 running toward the finish line. 보통 against all odds 라고표현한다. Korean Cinema 2006 They drive to a riverside and he attempts to become intimate. 성적인의미에서 intimate 해지려할때는 get intimate 라고한다. amount 를요구한다고하면보통돈의액수가관련된다. 그러나문제의인물이돈을요구했다는내용이명시되지 In a peaceful barbershop, a timid barber confronts a stranger who has started 도않고, 돈이아니라면양으로측정할수있는다른요구 Korean Cinema 2006 to send blackmail notes. Whenever the stranger comes to the barbershop, the 대상이있을터임에도그대상이제시되지않은채 amount he demands becomes greater and greater. amount 가등장하는것은다소뜬금없다. 단지요구사항 이점점더무리해지는것이라면 his demands get more and more outrageous 라고해도된다. The stranded, frightened party soon has an opportunity to discover the Korean Cinema 2006 forest's startling secrets opportunity 는긍정적인어감이있는데그들이발견할비밀은아무래도불길한비밀일듯하다. Opportunity 라는단어를쓰더라도 have 보다는 meet 동사가뭔가새로운것에맞닥뜨리는느낌을살리기에는더적합할것같다. Thirty-year-old In-ho was already a married man when he enlisted in the Korean Cinema 2006 ' 몇년전에 ' 는 X years ago 라고쓴다. army two years previous. 원문은 ' 빽 ' 일것같다 ( 혹은 ' 배경 ' 을직역했을수도있 Realizing that he has no background and money to fight back, he plans to sta 다 ). 그러나여기서사용된 background 는 ' 싸움꾼으로서 Korean Cinema 2006 b 의과거 ' 로해석되기쉽다. ' 빽 ' 을뜻하는영어표현에는 strings, friends in high places 등이있다. Korean Cinema 2006 Su-hee is a tough but pretty problem student. 보통 troublemaker 라고한다. 부록 215
' 커리어를구축하다 ' 는보통 make a career 라고한다 Having forged a film career out of dealing with subjects related to money, the (forge 는 'ID를조작하다 ' forge an ID 와같은부정적인 Korean Cinema 2006 Kim brothers illustrate here a never-ending vicious circle of capital formation, 의미로많이쓰인다 ). ' 악순환 ' 을뜻하는관용표현은 placed in a mystery setting. vicious cycle 이다. Korean Cinema 2006 these ghosts gather in the house to unfold their sad stories. unfold 는 ' 스토리가전개되다 ' 라고할때쓰는동사이지, 스토리를 ' 말한다 ' 고할때쓰는동사가아니다. Korean Cinema 2006 In the course of living her life, she meets three men, each who betray her. 여기서 living 은불필요한단어다. Korean Cinema 2006 these kids try their best to carry on life. carry on with life 가더자연스러운표현이다. He directed and wrote short movie <Flying Cocaine> which showed in Chicago Korean Cinema 2006 aired on Chicago Cable TV 가맞는표현이다. Cable TV, this film is about the story of the man who sticks to the search and at the about a man who~ 혹은 the story of a man who ~ 라고 Korean Cinema 2006 same time it shows the course and the magnificent view of the highland. 하면충분하다. 운명적사랑이야기 ' 를표현하고자했지만 ' 결정론적사 랑이야기 ' 가되고말았다. ' 사랑이야기 ' 에대한수식어 Korean Cinema 2006 and a fatalistic love story develops. 로서의 ' 운명적 ' 과정확히대응하는영어표현이없는만큼, 임팩트가비슷한다른형용사로대체하는것이좋겠다. A woman in her 30s, whose dream is to be a fashion Korean Cinema 2006 A woman in her 30s with dreams of being a fashion designer meets an artist. designer her downstairs neighbor, HAN Chang-soo, says that he cannot tolerate the Korean Cinema 2006 lead quite lives 가더자연스럽다. noise above him, even though the two women live tranquilly. The escapees tunnel through the encircling police net and successfully avoid Korean Cinema 2006 evade the authorities 라는표현을많이쓴다. the police. Korean Cinema 2006 Ice Bar 아이스바 ' 를액면그대로옮기면 ' 얼음막대기 ' 라는뜻이된다. 정확한영어대응표현은 popsicle 이다. So when he hears that the father he had only dreamed of is alive and living his life's mission/ the goal of his life 가더자연스러운 Korean Cinema 2006 in Seoul, he makes it his life goal to get to city and find him. 표현이다. <If You Were Me 3> is the third omnibus project describing the theme, human on the theme of human rights 라고하면더간결하고자 Korean Cinema 2006 rights. 연스럽다. a tragic reality 가더자연스럽다. Tragic nature of But Se-jin is also having a tumultous time coping with the tragic nature of Korean Cinema 2006 reality 라고하면 ' 현실의비극적본질 ' 에대한문학적평 reality. 론같은느낌을준다. 아무리외제차인들 ' 이국적 ' 이라고까지표현할수있을 Distracted from this unpleasant surprise, she bumps into an exotic foreign Korean Cinema 2006 까? ' 이국적 ' 이라는표현은보통산업문명바깥에위치 car. A very handsome young man steps out of the car angrily. 한낯선대상에한정해서사용하는수식어가아닌가? Korean Cinema 2006 His artistic talent had peaked the interest of the French critics. aroused the interest Korean Cinema 2006 And being the nephew of a Coco was enough to make him a spy. 빨갱이 ' 에가장가까운영어대응어는 Commie 다. KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS However, Goguryeo exhausted its resources after 70 years of war against the 적절한관용표현 : 당나라는대개 Tang China로, 신라는 Sui Dynasty of China by the 7th century and collapsed under the onslaught nation 을붙이지않고그냥 Silla로표기한다. of the allied forces of the Tang and Silla nations in 668 AD. Whereas Western music, based on the heartbeat, can be as lively, energetic and dynamic as the pounding of the heart, Korean court music, founded on 적절한관용표현의사용 : music 은 found 하는게아니다. the rhythm of breathing, takes on the attributes of a long breath: tranquil, stable and contemplative. The tone of Korean music is generally soft and solemn, especially in court 적절한관용표현의사용 : 영어에서쓰지않는표현이다. music. Because of this soft tone, even when a note or measure clashes with The secret behind the soft tone is that most another, it does not come off as unpleasant.the tones result from the fact that instruments are made of non-metallic materials. most instruments are made of non-metallic materials. Korean Film The film industry thinks that the results of this negotiation will cause a Observatory. No.22 tremendous aftermath in the future. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film "The results of FTA negotiations make us doubt the real intention of the Observatory. No.22 government, which Cannes Edition 2007 aftermath 를목적어로사용하는경우는거의없으며대개 in the aftermath of ~ 와같이부사절에서사용된다. The film industry thinks that the agreement will have tremendous consequences 라고쓰면훨씬간결하다. 영어식표현은 ' 의심케한다 ' 가아니라 ' 의혹을제기한다 ' 이다. Raises doubts about the real intention 이라고써야한다. Korean Film 공기제약 : 동사 reap 은보통 what you sow / benefit / The Korean Film Workers' Union, which allowed absentee voting, also reaped Observatory. No.22 profit 등의매우한정된목적어와함께간다. Approval overwhelming approvals after the overall votes. Cannes Edition 2007 은거기에포함되지않는다. Korean Film We hope that the reasonable frame of distribution structure won't be broken agreement 는 maintain 하는것이아니라 Observatory. No.22 by firmly maintaining this agreement. uphold/observe/comply with 하는것이다. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film 산업의근간이흔들리고있다 ' 를직역한듯한데생소한 This is because we were not conscious of the fact that the industrial Observatory. No.22 영어표현이다. Industrial foundation 이라고하면 ' 산업 foundation is shaking, and we have been making films on an illegal structure. Cannes Edition 2007 재단 ' 으로해석될여지가크다. Korean Film This means that actors, actresses and major staffs also take the burden of risk Observatory. No.22 보통 share the risk with ~ 이라고한다. with producers and investment companies. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film increasingly question 이라고하면의미상 ' 점점더궁금 Since the passing of the first half of 2007, it is natural to increasingly Observatory. No.22 해하다 ' 보다 ' 점점더회의를품다 ' 에더가까워진다. question what Korean films are to be released in the second half of the year. Cannes Edition 2007 Inquire 라는동사를씀이더자연스러울듯. 216 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
Korean Film and they are expected to reveal a relatively high level of completeness, Observatory. No.22 because they were produced after the great production rush of 2006. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Having presented his superior visual senses with his previous titles, Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Having presented his superior visual senses with his previous titles, Cannes Edition 2007 ' 완성도 ' 를이렇게표현하면의미가달라져 ' 영화제작이진척된정도 ' 를뜻하게된다. 맥락에따라 high-quality, well-crafted, well-written, well-directed 등의표현을사용하면의미가전달될것이다. ' 드러내다 ', ' 과시하다 ' 등에대응하는영어표현은 display, showcase, prove 등이다. ' 영상감각 ' 을이렇게옮기면의학적인의미의 ' 시각 ' 이되어버린다. Korean Film Her name is Mi-mi, (LEE Yeon-hee), his first love who broke up with him prior 다음에는 to + 특정사건이나와야한다. Ago 라는 Observatory. No.22 eleven years prior. 간단하고좋은표현을한사코마다하는이유를모르겠다. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 LEE is expected to unfold a mysterious story that Cannes Edition 2007 unfold 는 ' 스토리가전개되다 ' 라고할때쓰는동사이지, 스토리를 ' 말한다 ' 고할때쓰는동사가아니다. Korean Film Observatory. No.22 <Happiness> deals with changes of love just as in <One Fine Spring Day>, 영어에서는 change of heart 라는표현이일반적이다. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film The film is expected to deal with the world of 'jeong', (which may be Observatory. No.22 translated into old love and affection). Cannes Edition 2007 ' 오랜사랑 ' 의번역으로는부자연스럽다. 대안 : emotional attachment of a long-standing relationship. Korean Film unfold 는 ' 스토리가전개되다 ' 라고할때쓰는동사이지, KIM Dai-seung says that he will unfold the story in a traditional way, without Observatory. No.22 스토리를 ' 말한다 ' 고할때쓰는동사가아니다. 대안 : indulging in anything petty. Cannes Edition 2007 he will tell his story Korean Film 독립영화중에서발견된보물 ' 비슷한느낌을재현하려 Having directed <A Shark> (2005), the biggest recent discovery in the Korean Observatory. No.22 한듯한데, 유적도아닌최근에만들어진창작물을 independent film industry, KIM depicts Cannes Edition 2007 discovery 라고부르는것은영어관습상어색하다. Korean Film through the friendship between a North Korean defector and a foreign Observatory. No.22 hard-labor worker. Cannes Edition 2007 hard labor 는강제수용소에서나시키는것이다. Manual laboror 가맞다. Korean Film he resigned as Minister of Culture and Tourism. Resign It has been nearly three years since he resigned his position as the Minister Observatory. No.22 이라는한단어에 position 을버린다는의미도포함되어 of Culture and Tourism. Cannes Edition 2007 있다. 영어에서는 hasty conclusion 이나 misunderstandings 라 Korean Film 는말은써도 hasty misunderstandings 라는표현은잘 the film deals with material that is so sensitive that any leaked information Observatory. No.22 쓰지않는다. 오해나상처가생기는것을 rise 라고표현 may give rise to hasty misunderstandings and scars. Cannes Edition 2007 하는것도부적절해보인다. May cause misunderstanding and scars 라고쓰는것이낫다. Korean Film <Green Fish>, <Peppermint Candy> and <Oasis> pointed at lives that had been 성장의기치하에 ' 를직역한듯. 그러나 flag 보다는 Observatory. No.22 or forgotten under the flag of growth, development and equality, asking the banner 가이경우에는더적합하다. Cannes Edition 2007 audience Korean Film evidence 는어떤명제의진위를증명또는반증하는구 I guess that <Secret Sunshine> will ask the audience if they can manage to Observatory. No.22 실을한다. Hope 는진위를판가름할수있는대상이아 keep living, despite the evidence that coldly denies all of their hopes. Cannes Edition 2007 니다. Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Shin-ae loses her child in Miryang, and falls deeply into her religion. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Cannes Edition 2007 The initiative during the running time is greater for the female character, but the film has a balance between Shin-ae and Jong-chan internally. Korean Film Observatory. No.22 So, the place makes you ask yourself, "Why am I living?" Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 In the film, Jong-chan says, "It's the same (here) as other places." Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 When was <Secret Sunshine> started? Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Cannes Edition 2007 In <Green Fish>, Makdong dies, and in <Peppermint Candy>, the audience witnesses the sad ending of Young-ho and Sun-im first, and then discovers their love in the past. 신애의종교가무엇인지독자가이미알고있지않는이상 her 를빼고그냥 religion 이라고함이낫다. 그것이기독교든불교든상관없이, 어떤비극을당한사람이 ' 종교 ' 에빠진다는내용흐름은논리적으로전혀무리가없다. 어색한문장구조 : initiative 는보통 ' 주어 + have + 목적어 ' 의문장구조에서목적어로사용되거나 the initiative is held by ~ 와같은문장구조에위치한다. The female character has greater initiative 라고하면된다. 이질문에대한가장자연스러운대답은 'because you breathe oxygen' 일것이다. 실존적의미의 ' 왜사느냐 ' 는질문을영어로옮기면 why go on living? 또는 what do I live for? 가된다. 전자의뉘앙스가더절망적이다. elsewhere start 동사가수동태로사용되는경우는드물다. 특히예문에서는능동태로쓰는것이훨씬자연스럽다. ' 사람의 ending' 이라는표현은다소생소하다. 영화초반에영호와순임이죽기때문에 ending 이라는표현이완전히불가능하지는않지만, 이표현이번역자의의식적인선택이었는지는의문이다. Korean Film Observatory. No.22 In <Green Fish>, Makdong dies, and in <Peppermint Candy>, the audience 이성간의감정을나타내는말로써영어의 love 는한국어 witnesses the sad ending of Young-ho and Sun-im first, and then discovers 의 ' 사랑 ' 보다사용범위가선별적이다. 예문과같은경우 Cannes Edition 2007 their love in the past. past relationship 이라고해도되겠다. 부록 217
Korean Film Your films have another thing in common, which is an interest in unlucky Observatory. No.22 less fortunate 라는관용표현이더널리쓰인다. persons. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film In the last scene of <Crocodile>, the main character, Yong-pae, put handcuffs Observatory. No.22 팔이아니라손목에수갑을채웠다. on his arm and the arm of Hyun-jung, a woman lying dead in the water. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 It took a long time for KIM Ki-duk to gain honor as an artist in Korea. Cannes Edition 2007 recognition. 문맥상 ' 명예를얻다 ' 보다는 ' 인정받다 ' 가더어울린다. Korean Film Because of that, KIM Ki-duk was unable to avoid criticisms that he was a was inevitably accused of being 이라고하면훨씬간결 Observatory. No.22 self-mutilator himself, and a tortured soul 하다. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 People felt quite well at ease with attacking the creator of these films. comfortable 이라고하면덜복잡하다. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 However, KIM Ki-duk did not yield to these traps of interpretation. 함정 (trap) 에양보 (yield) 한다는것이가능한가? Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film For example, <Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring> is his signature film Observatory. No.22 trade mark film 이더이해하기쉬울듯. in terms of presenting his view of time. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film The reason why KIM Ki-duk searched for the truth when he did was not ' 시간을뛰어넘는것 ' 을직역한듯. 그러나여기서 ' 뛰어 Observatory. No.22 because of the religious dimensions of faith, but as a way of introducing the 넘는 ' 것은 ' 더잘하다 ' 라는뜻이아니라 ' 초월 ' 한다는뜻 Cannes Edition 2007 matter of surpassing time to achieve something impossible. 이다. Transcending time 이라해야맞다. Korean Film Observatory. No.22 <3-Iron> assumes the top spot in terms of this approach. Cannes Edition 2007 <3-Iron> is the best example of this approach 라고하면더간결하다. Korean Film The husband's singing along can be thought of two ways. One is in terms of Observatory. No.22 can be thought of in two ways. reconciliation Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film Here, KIM Ki-duk brings together two characters to intermediate the Observatory. No.22 relationship between Jin and the woman. Cannes Edition 2007 ' 중개하다 ' 또는 ' 매개하다 ' 라는뜻으로훨씬많이쓰는동사는 mediate 다. Korean Film 대개는 relationship 이주어로, develop 이자동사로등 The security manager took the role of developing the relationship between Jin Observatory. No.22 장하는데예문에서는각각목적어와타동사로등장해어 and the woman. Cannes Edition 2007 색하다. Korean Film 남아있는감정등에대해서는 residual 이라는형용사를 There may have been remaining feelings of sadness, but that was the best Observatory. No.22 종종쓴다. There may have been residual feelings of ending they could have chosen. Cannes Edition 2007 sadness Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Cannes Edition 2007 These actresses attracted melodrama audiences with their respective features of being sexy and lively (KO So-young), innocent and intelligent (SHIM Eun-ha), and intimate like the familiar friend next door (JEON Do-yeon). 사람의 features 는얼굴모양, 이목구비등을뜻한다. Intimate 를 familiar 와같은의미로사용한듯한데, intimate 가의미하는 ' 친숙함 ' 은개인적인관계에서비롯하는 ' 친숙함 ' 이다. Korean Film But, now, ten years later, the only actress who maintains the same distinction Observatory. No.22 여기서의 ' 유지 ' 는 ' 보유 '(retain) 를뜻한다. and is still acting is JEON Do-yeon. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film In it, she played a common woman developing a life with a man she met Observatory. No.22 through Internet chatting. Cannes Edition 2007 life 를 develop 한다고말하지는않는다. Develop a relationship 이라는표현은있다. 배우는 ' 배역 ' 에캐스팅되지, ' 환경 ' 에캐스팅되지않는 Korean Film JEON Do-yeon has never been cast in a rich or aristocratic environment, or 다. ' 범접할수없는기운 ' 에서범접할수없는대상은기 Observatory. No.22 given an unreachable Aura or dramatic settings in her films. 운을내뿜는 ' 사람 ' 인데, unreachable aura 라고하면 ' 기 Cannes Edition 2007 운 ' 자체가범접할수없는것이되어버린다. Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Her natural face makes people always feel pleasant. pleasant 는보통명사를수식한다. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film In <Happy End> (1999), a film with a complicated story of lust, adultery, 거절하지않았다 ' 는부작위에대해 boldly 라는능동적느 Observatory. No.22 hatred, and revenge, she boldly did not refuse to be naked or appear in sex 낌의부사는어울리지않는다. Cannes Edition 2007 scenes. Korean Film Maybe somebody will ask why it is so important for an actress to make films Observatory. No.22 without wearing makeup. But, when an actress determines to do this, another Cannes Edition 2007 story of reality will be possible within the film. Korean Film Maybe somebody will ask why it is so important for an actress to make films Observatory. No.22 without wearing makeup. But, when an actress determines to do this, another Cannes Edition 2007 story of reality will be possible within the film. Korean Film Whenever she is interviewed, JEON Do-yeon often mentions about the Observatory. No.22 situation of 'the decreasing roles for actresses.' Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 "People say that there is a famine of actresses. Cannes Edition 2007 People might ask why 가더간결하고자연스럽다. 배우가영화를 ' 만든다 ' 고하지는않는다. 영화를 make 하는것은감독이나제작자이고, 배우가하는일은 appear/act/star in films 다. the situation of 는불필요한사족이다. 여배우들이실제로 ' 굶주리 ' 고있다는뜻이아니라여배우들이모자라다는뜻이라면 shortage 라고하는것이낫다. 218 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 Korean Film I don't think it is right to say, "Why there is no such an animal?" in a 특정한상황이아니라전반적인여건을말하는것이므로 Observatory. No.22 situation where there is no prey. Therefore, I think that movies focusing on environment 가더적절하다. 게다가 animal 비유를썼 Cannes Edition 2007 female characters should be well-made. 으므로 environment 가더자연스럽게와닿는다. Korean Film But, JEON Do-yeon expresses her refusal of people's praise by saying, Observatory. No.22 "Please, don't say that you think I am concerned about the future of Korean declined such praises 라고하면간결하고자연스럽다. Cannes Edition 2007 actresses. I don't like such a burden because A natural beauty, with aggressiveness and an adventurous mind, restless Korean Film passions and even intellect. Since her start as the sister next door, she has 첫문장에제시된미모, 적극성, 열정등은겉으로드러나 Observatory. No.22 maintained her position as the best actress for last 10 years, though taking 는 appearance 라기보다는성질 trait 에더가깝다. Cannes Edition 2007 the above appearances as her motive power. THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Culture & Entertainment SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE>Gangnam SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Dining & Café SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> B667Dining & Café CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District It is served chilled with Asian pears, which are cut into flowered shapes and pine nuts floating on top of the tea. 관용표현 : ' 꽃모양으로 ' 를표현할때 'in flowered shapes' 라고는잘쓰지않는다. 'in flower shapes' 라고쓰는경우가대부분이다. Yeonggwanggulbi Jeongsik is a full course meal, which consists of a dried, 적절한관용표현 : favorite이라는것은취향의문제이다. yellow fish. This meal was typically served to the monarchs during the Joseon traditionally와 favorite 은어울리지않는다. Gulbi, a Dynasty. Gulbi, a sun-dried yellow corvina fish, was traditionally the king's sun-dried yellow corvina, was one of the favorite foods favorite. of kings. meat storeroom 적절한관용표현사용 : 고깃간을직역함 => 사용빈도가높은용어는 meat storage IT Tour in Korea 적절한관용표현의사용오류 : 어색한영어표현 (' 미래 ' Ubiquitous Dream Hall 를강조한 'futuristic rooms' 과같은표현이더자연스러 In these real life format rooms, visitors are able to experience various high 움 ) technologies. 적절한관용표현사용의오류 : 'enjoy the fast-moving pace' 가어색하게느껴짐. 전후문맥을고려할때 You will surely enjoy the fast-moving pace of Seoul in the Gangnam district. '(cultural) dynamics of Seoul' 이라고의역하는것이자연스럽다고판단됨 La Tavola Koreans and doubly foreigners patronize this restaurant. Le Saint Ex This Frenchman-run restaurant is similar to a bistro in Paris. 적절한관용표현사용의오류 : 문맥의뜻과어긋나는 'doubly( 두곱으로 ;2 중으로 ) 를아예생략하는것이바람직함 적절한관용표현의사용오류 : 어색한영어표현 ('French-run restaurant' 으로수정해야함 ) Although Korea is passing through modernization, Confucianism still lies beneath the ethical values. On this religious basis, IM became the "elder" in 유교를종교로볼수있는가? the Korean movie industry " Arisu" Festival Do you have kept the story on dabbling in the Hangang as only recollections of old times? How about to enjoy the dabbling in the Hangang with your family that does not allow even accessing? 'Arisu Festival' 오역 : 'Would you~?' 는 '~ 하겠습니까?' 로의향을묻는 is a tourism festival with a theme of river where you can experience all of 의문문. 여기서는 ~ 하는게어떻냐는권유식문장이와 challeges and dreams personally. Would you provide yor parent an opportunity 야함 to recall deal memories and your children with the chance to experience the natural playground. Citizen's Installation Art Exhibition Citizen's Installation Art Exhibition events, centering on the Ttukseom and Jamsil Districts, will form a truly magnificent spectacle with a number of vanes, flags and poles elected by your own hands. Would you put your desire on the pole of prayer to link the sky and earth, a vane containing desire and a flag of hope. 오역 : 'Would you~?' 는 '~ 하겠습니까?' 로의향을묻는의문문. 여기서는 ~ 하는게어떻냐는권유식문장이와야함 Seoul World DJ Festival Seoul Wolrd DJ Festival was born with the upgraded version from the explosive passion and exciting. That is the Nanji 오역 : DJ 들이구상해낸문화행사가아니므로 District where anybody can shout loudly, sing a song, play music and dance DJ-inspired 는오역 without trying to read someone's mind! On this widely open place, the world first DJ-inspired Culture Olympic, Seoul World DJ Festival will be held. Seoul Plaza Programs The open space for residents in Seoul, Seoul Plaza will be prepared with a diverse range of programs to allow residents and tourists to communicateand experience together. Would you enjoy full the spring on 오역 : 이행사에참여할것을권유하는글에서그냥의향 the open space, Seoul Plaza, not only to freely wiew and please the 을묻는 Would you~ 가어색함 performances but also to participate into the experiencing programs personally. Children's Day Ceremony Would you feel vitality and youth of Seoul, coming together with your children, the hero of the future generation, and 오역 : 이행사에참여할것을권유하는글에서그냥의향 all family members. The Children's Day Ceremony will be held at Taepyeong 을묻는 Would you~ 가어색함 Hall in City Hall. Musical " Run, Run, Hany!" It is high dignity of family musical on the original Korean character, "Run, Run, Hany!" 사실관계의오류 : 한국원작주인공과 " 달려라하니 " 가동치관계로높임 부록 219
C-1 C-1 C-1 Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Yesterday and Today of Namsan It is an event to support the alienated 오역 : 고아들을 alienated chilren 이라고했는데 children and to allow the citizens to illustrate yesterday and today of Namsan alienated 는 ~ 에대한환상이깨지거나정신착란현상을 by their own hands. 겪는사람들을가리킬때사용되는단어 It is based on the tale of Cheoyong, who defeated evil spirits by dancing along to the song she composed in the period of the United Silla. Daemokjang (No. 74) An artisan was made responsible for the whole procedure of architecture in design, construction, and supervision. C-1 Korean Cinema 2006 I'm a Cyborg, but that's OK C-1 Korean Cinema 2006 The creditors continue to pressure Su-yeon and to take all his profits. 오역 : 처용은남성이다. 오역 : ' 설계, 공사, 감독에관련된건축 ' 이라고번역됐다. 설계, 공사, 감독이건축에포함되는개념이다. the whole procedure of architecture: design, construction and supervision. ' 싸이보그지만괜찮 ' 다는것은남자주인공의관점에서괜찮다는의미가아닐까? 극중의영군은자신이싸이보그지만 ' 괜찮은 ' 정도가아니라싸이보그로서의정체성에열렬한애착을갖고있는듯하다. 수연이자영업자가아닌이상그의소득을 ' 수익 ' 으로옮기는것은잘못이다. ' 군부대 ' 를옮긴것같은데, 이경우 ' 부대 ' 는 ' 기지 ' 가아 They are reunited when they are assigned to the same army base for their C-1 Korean Cinema 2006 니라소대또는중대와같은 unit 을뜻한다. 같은기지에 military duty. 배속된다고서로재회하게될가능성은낮다. ' 절망적 ' 은 desperate 가아니다. Desperate 는 ' 절박한 ' C-1 Korean Cinema 2006 And the case becomes even more desperate when Soo-yeon herself disappears. 이다. ' 절망적 ' 은 hopeless 다. C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Cannes Edition 2007 THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals The Korean film industry has severely criticized the Korean government for giving up the future reservation principle, which it has adhered to after giving out the half of 146 screen quota days as '4 prior conditions to settle' for the FTA with the U.S. last year. The ingredients consist of soybeans, salt and water, which are combined with natural elements, such as sun and wind. Korean sauces, which include soy sauce, soybean paste and red pepper paste, are enjoyed with fresh spices and condiments. The only seasoning typically used for this mineral-rich broth is salt. However, some people choose red pepper powder. Yeonggwanggulbi Jeongsik is a full course meal, which consists of a dried, yellow fish. East side corridor of the main chamber Black warrior, an imaginary animal that combined tortoise and snake, is the guardian deity of the north. 스크린쿼터일수절반으로축소 ' 는 '4 대선결조건 ' 가운데하나였지전체가아니었다. As part of the '4 preconditions' for negotiating an FTA 라고하는것이옳다. 사실관계차원 : 실제로 ' 태양 ' 을된장의 ingredient 로쓸수는없다. ' 태양광 ' 이나 ' 태양에너지 ' 라는점을명시해야오해의소지가없다. sun 대신에 'sun light' 또는 'solar energy' 를쓴다. 오역 : 뜻이제대로전달되지않았다. TT 의의미는사람들이간장, 된장, 고추장등을먹을때 fresh spices and condiments 를곁들여먹는다는것이다. 오역이다. Fresh spices and condiments 는 Korean sauces 를만드는데필요한재료이다. 사실관계차원 : ' 설렁탕에소금만넣는게일반적이지만취향에따라고추가루를첨가하는사람도있다.' 는뜻이되어야한다. 그런데설렁탕에대해잘모르는외국인이 이번역문을읽으면일부사람들이 ' 소금대신 ' 고추가루를선택하는것으로이해할것이다. ' 소금외에고추가루도 ' 넣는사람들이있다는뜻을명확히해야한다.-> However, some people add red pepper paste to the broth. 사실관계오류 : 영광굴비정식은 full course meal 인데 a dried, yellow fish 로구성된다고하면앞뒤가맞지않는다. A dried yellow fish 가메인요리가된다고표현해야오해의소지가없다. 오역 : ' 전실동쪽회랑동벽 ' 을오역. main chamber 가아니라 antechamber 이다. 오역 : an imaginary animal 이주체가되어 tortoise 와 snake 를 combine 한다는의미가된다. Optimal conditions for convention with the state-of-the-art facilities, five-star SEOUL VISITOR'S 사실관계의오류 : ' 호텔 ' 이 ' 국제회의시설 ' 의범주에 hotels, and tourist attractions GUIDE> Why Seoul? 포함되는것으로설명되었음 - 53 international conference facilities including hotels. SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Why Seoul? Optimal conditions for convention with the state-of-the-art facilities, five-star hotels, and tourist attractions - Various home-stay programs (B&B, Temple Stay, etc.). 사실관계의오류 : 'home-stay programs' 의범주안에 'B&B, Temple Stay' 가들어갈수없음 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 Optimal conditions for convention with the state-of-the-art facilities, five-star SEOUL VISITOR'S hotels, and tourist attractions 사실관계의오류 : 주객이전도된구조 GUIDE> Why Seoul? - Convenient business services for the Internet use and language support SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Insa-dong SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Hangang River SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Gaon Ceremonial Changing of the Guard 사실관계의오류 : 조선시대에도성및궁궐문을지키던 During the Joseon Dynasty, a group of military officers called 'Sumun' were 관원은 ' 수문 ' 이아니라 ' 수문장 ' 임 ('sumunjang' 으로수 dedicated to sealing, opening, guarding, and patrolling the palace gates. 정 ) 2. Yeoui District 사실관계의오류 : ' 여의천 ' 을 ' 여의강 ' 으로잘못표기 Yeouido is home to the National Assemble Hall, KLI 63 Building, broadcasting ('the Yeouicheon Stream' 으로수정 ) stations such as KBS It boasts the best ingredients collection from around the nation, including deep traditional taste of bean-paste, and seasoned cooking staffs. 사실관계의오류 : ' 양념된직원 ' 이식당의자랑거리인가? 220 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-2 C-2 C-2 D-1 D-1 D-1 SEOUL VISITOR'S Rapidly Growing Business Hub of Asia GUIDE> Why Seoul? - World's best city of the information industries SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE>Why Seoul? SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Insa-dong SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Culture & Entertainment Know-how & expertise gained though a number of international conventions : Seoul's participation is ranked 2nd in Asia and 9th in the world. 이유없는생략의오류 : TT 독자로하여금한국및서울에대한긍정적관심과인식을높이기위한관광안내서에서굳이 'IT (Information Technology' 에서 'information' 과 'technology' 를분리하여 'technology' 를생략할이유가있는가? 이유없는생략의오류 : 본문에는 'know-how' 와 'expertise' 가국제회의에참여함으로써얻어진것이라설명되어있으나문맥상 ' 참여 ' 가아닌 ' 개최 ' 가적절함. 'gained by organizing numerous international conventions' 와 'the number of conventions hosted by the city' 처럼 ' 개최 ' 를생략하지않고명시해주어야적절함 Rice Cake Museum 이유없는생략의오류 : 개장시간을의미하므로 The hours are from 10:00 to 17:00 Mondays through Saturdays and 12:00 'opening hours' 라고명시해야함 noon to 17:00 on Sundays and public holidays. I'Park Mall 이유없는생략의오류 : 닌텐도를공짜로체험할수있다 In particular in the digital park, there is an experience hall for various digital 는논리가어색하므로 'products' 와같은구체적인단어 products so you can experience Nintendo for free. 를삽입하여독자의혼란을막는것이바람직함 Jeojagori LotteWorld SEOUL VISITOR'S 3,300 square meter -extended Korea's largest traditional food court GUIDE> Jeojagori Lotte World, located in the third floor of Lotte World Seoul, is Traditional food court re-created the farmer's market of Joseon dynasty. 이유없는생략의오류 : 문장이완전하게번역되지않았음 ( 본문이완성된 TT 가아닌마치번역초고같은인상을줌. 해당 TT 의번역자의자질이의심됨 ) TRAVEL To Yeosu locals, Mt. Yeongchwisan has always been considered a sacred 사실관계의오류 : 조선시대의관료는 'government PLANNER'S GUIDE> mountain, and it is here that government officials performed rites to call for officials' 가아닌 'dynasty officials' 라고표기하는것이 Azalea Festival rains or make wishes during the Joseon Dynasty. 적합함 TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> Intra-city Transportation Fare System The fare for city buses is 800 won. Subways Fares are 800 won for the first 12 km and 100 won for each additional 6 km when traveling within Seoul. 사실관계의오류 : 2007 년 4 월 1 일부터서울시내버스및지하철요금이 900 원으로인상되었음. 본책자가 2007 년 4 월이전에작성된후에발간되었다하더라도교통요금은관광객들에게중요한정보인만큼빠른업데이트가필요함. 지하철단독통행요금산정거리는기본거리 12km 에서 10km 로, 추가거리 6km 에서 5km 로변경되었음 * T-Money Card TRAVEL The card, which is rechargeable, can be purchased for 11,500 won at any of 사실관계의오류 : 편의점 'LG25' 의상호는 2005년 PLANNER'S GUIDE> the LG25 convenience stores in Seoul or at subway ticket counters. 'GS25' 바뀌었음 ( 본책자는 2007년판임 ) Transportation Card TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE>Express Busses Three express bus terminals serve Seoul: the Seoul Express Bus Terminal, 사실관계의오류 : 지하철 3호선고속터미널의영문은 Dong Seoul Bus Terminal and Sangbong Bus Terminal. Seoul Express Bus 'Seoul' 이생략된 'Express Bus Terminal' 로표기되어있 Terminal is the main bus depot for trips between Seoul and other major cities, 음 on Seoul Subway Line 3 at the station of the same name. TRAVEL This has brought about significant improvements to the lives of Koreans by PLANNER'S GUIDE> 사실관계의오류 : 과장된번역 ( 서울- 부산간에만해당 ) enabling them to reach any point in the country within three hours. KTX TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> Gyeongsangbuk-do Province is the birthplace of the Buddhist culture of the 사실관계의오류 : 1,000년간지속된나라는신라가아 Visit thousand years of Silla, the mysterious Gaya culture. 닌통일신라이므로 'Unified Silla' 라고해야함 Gyeongsangbuk-do Korea TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> Mail TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> Korea, Korean, and Korean Culture Domestic postal rates are 270 won for a letter of up to 25 grams, 1,500 won for a registered letter up to 25 grams, and 2,200 won for a package of up to 2 kilograms. A postcard costs 160 won. Through their long history Koreans have created an outstanding culture, and their unique cultural heritage can be found throughout the peninsula. Koreans value learning and have won a high reputation for diligence and dedication. It was perhaps due to these trials that they were able to foster a vibrant culture thoroughly adapted to their natural surrounding. TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> Among the countries in Asia, Korea is the second most popular place for B709 Conventions, conventions, followed by Singapore and Japan. Exhibitions and Expos CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. IM will never complete his movie. This book will also be a temporary writing piece in this world, while it waits for IM's next movie. Although history sheds tears IM's movies are about people, and the history which can only be seen through their tears. Form and content are not separated into two different segments for him but are an unbalanced combination of understated forms and overstated content. 이유없는생략의오류 : 우편비용을설명하는앞문장과곧장이어지는문장이라하더라도, ( 엽서의우편비용이아닌 ) 엽서자체의가격이 160 원이라는말로해석될수있으므로 ' 우편비용 ' 을생략해서는아니됨 이유없는생략의오류 : 마지막문장과앞의두문장이논리적으로전혀연결되지않음 ('these trials' 가무엇을의미하는지알수없으며유독마지막문장만이과거시제로쓰여진것으로보아문단전체의흐름을이어주는추가적인정보가생략되었을것으로짐작됨 ) 사실관계의오류 : 순위면에서한국이싱가포르와일본다음이라면 'the second' 가아닌 'the third' 가되야함 앞문장이 never 가들어가는부정문으로처리되었으면뒷문장도 Neither is this book 과같은부정형으로처리하는것이일관성있다. 그것이여의치않다면 In the same manner 와같은표현을뒷문장앞에삽입해논리적연결을명확히해주는것이좋다. 눈물을흘리는주체가각각달라혼란스럽다. 앞부분에서형식과내용이별개가아니라고해놓고뒤에서는다시형식과내용의 ' 결합 ' 이라고표현했다. 형식과개념의 ' 결합 ' 은여전히둘의개념적독자성을전제한다. 따라서앞부분의내용과모순된다. 부록 221
D-1 D-1 D-1 CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. Without exception, everyone who was born after the Korean War had been easily attracted by modernization and became interested in the problems of post-modernism. However, IM knows that it is due to discords between Korea and modernization. "The movie I watched most keenly during my assistant-director days was a Western movie directed by George Stevens, Shane I watched it frame by frame because I was so curious about how it was edited. I never watched a movie twice except for Federico Fellini's La strada. So, if anyone asks wich film affected me the most, I answer La Strada." Since clothing has always been a fundamental necessity in human life, fiber craft took a major role in the making of clothes, historically. it 이지시하는대상이불분명하다. ' 전후세대가포스트모더니즘의문제에관심을갖게된것 ' 을지시한다면왜그것이한국과근대화의불협화음에기인하는지논리적으로설명이안된다. < 셰인 > 을그토록열심히봤다고말해놓고서자신이두번이상본영화는다른영화라고말하면앞뒤가맞지않는다. 내용전개의일관성 : ' 의류는인간생활의가장근본적인요소였으므로, 섬유공예는역사적으로의류제작에중요한역할을했다.' 는전혀논리적이지않은번역문이다. 옷은섬유로만든다. 그러므로섬유공예가의류제작에중요한역할을하는것은당연하다. 의류가인간생활의가장근본적인요소였던것과관계없이그러하다. 어느저자와독자의고도로예술적인특징 ' 이라는표현 The highly artistic characteristics of an author and a reader, historical drama, D-1 Korean Cinema 2006 자체도어색하거니와등장인물의특성이 ' 사극 ', ' 로맨 and romance all mesh together in this on film. 스 ' 처럼장르를지칭하는용어와동렬에놓일수있을까? 정보배열이어색하다. Panic-striken 바로다음에보상얘기가나오면인과관계가혼란스러워진다. The The atmosphere of the village has been panic-striken since the government D-1 Korean Cinema 2006 atmosphere of the village has been panic-striken since began to compensate people to move out of the area. the government began moving people out of the area in return for compensation 이라고하는것이낫다. D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Cannes Edition 2007 The important thing in <Lovers> is the space that allows the audience to feel the weight of time along with the characters. Therefore, the production team has spent a great deal of effort concentrating on location hunting. The Gwangju Uprising was the merciless massacre of Gwanju pro-democracy advocates by the forces of the military authorities that carried out a coup d'etat in 1980. space 가 ' 공간적배경 ' 을의미한다는점이분명히드러나지않아 ' 로케이션헌팅 ' 과논리적으로쉽게연결되지않는다. Space 를 scenery in the background 같은더구체적인표현으로바꾸는것이낫겠다. ' 항쟁 ' 이곧 ' 무자비한학살 ' 은아니다. 둘은서로긴밀히연결된대립물이다. Korean Film <Green Fish>, <Peppermint Candy> and <Oasis> pointed at lives that had been 평등의기치하에소외된사람들의삶 ' 이란형용모순이 Observatory. No.22 or forgotten under the flag of growth, development and equality, asking the 다. 소외는보통불평등과연계되는 idea 이다. Cannes Edition 2007 audience 문장구조상 during the running time 과 internally 가서 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Cannes Edition 2007 The initiative during the running time is greater for the female character, but the film has a balance between Shin-ae and Jong-chan internally. The initiative during the running time is greater for the female character, but the film has a balance between Shin-ae and Jong-chan internally. However, we have to follow one side in the external structure of the film, because the theme of <Secret Sunshine> is that things that seem unimportant are actually important. 로대립관계여야함에도논리적으로그렇지못하다. 신애와종찬사이의내적균형은상영시간중에도성립하기때문이다. Internally 의대립표현은 on the surface 가되어야한다. 하찮아보이는것이사실은중요하다는주제와, 영화의표면구조상한쪽인물을따라가야한다는것이논리적으로어떻게연결되는가? ( 이창동감독본인의말을정확히번역한것일수도있지 Korean Film Relatively, men seem to have lots of things to do, whereas women have so 만 ) 여자들도할일이많기는마찬가지다. ' 여성에게는 Observatory. No.22 many restrictions. 제약이많다 ' 와대비되는내용이라면 men seem to have Cannes Edition 2007 lots of opportunities 라고해야한다. Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Cannes Edition 2007 When you made <Peppermint Candy>, you described your actors as "my first love, wife and other self." But, you barely say nice things to them in fact (laugh). Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Instead, he changed topics of conversations by himself, ever so slowly. Cannes Edition 2007 이창동감독이배우들을 "my first love, wife and other self" 라고표현한것자체가 ' 사실 ' 이므로 ' 사실은 ' 배우들에게좋은말을하지않는다는뒷문장은논리적으로앞문장과모순된다. ' 평소에 ' 좋은말을하지않는다는뜻이라면 personally 나 most of the time 이라고하면된다. 문장에서이미화제를바꾸는주체가 he 로제시되어있기때문에 by himself 를덧붙이는것은혼란만초래할뿐내용에보탬이되지않는다. 인간보다호흡이라는개념을표현한영화 ' 가 < 숨 > 외에는 Korean Film 없으므로 < 숨 > 이그러한영화의 ' 한예 ' 일수는없다. 문 <Breath> is a good example as a film that expresses the concept of breathing Observatory. No.22 맥상 < 숨 > 은 ' 개념을표현한김기덕영화 ' 의예일것이다. rather than a man. Cannes Edition 2007 따라서예문은 <Breath> is a good example, as it is a film that expresses the concept of 로처리해야한다. Korean Film Because there is no final scene, we cannot say that <Breath> is not a Observatory. No.22 reconciliation, but I also never mention that it is a reconciliation. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film Her husband took the role of joining in, even after realizing she was visiting Observatory. No.22 Jin. Why did these things happen? One more character was required - hence, 맥락과동떨어진문장 Cannes Edition 2007 the young prisoner who was in love with Jin. Korean Film Observatory. No.22 <Breath> is a film that makes all these four characters feel equal. Cannes Edition 2007 영화자체가 ' 화해 ' 일수는없고아마도영화의 ' 엔딩 ' 이 ' 화해 ' 를의미하는지여부가문제인것이아닐까. 이네명의인물 ' 이등장하는영화가 < 숨 > 외에도여러개있는것처럼해석된다. Korean Film crude and lacking in precision 의상태에서중간단계를 At the time of <Crocodile> this was rather crude and lacking in precision. It Observatory. No.22 거치지않고 even more abundant 로넘어가는것은비약 is even more abundant now. Cannes Edition 2007 이다. 222 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-2 D-2 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Cannes Edition 2007 On other occasions, she has played a common instructor at a private institute who doesn't even have a boyfriend who can cover her with an umbrella when it is raining (<I wish I had a wife> (2000)>, or a daughter who has hatred and love for her routine life with her tough mother (<My Mother, the Mermaid> (2004)). 남자친구가없는것이 doesn't even have 라고표현할정도로비정상적이고부끄러운일은아니지않은가? 동일한대상에대하여 hatred and love 라는이율배반적감정들이아무런보충설명없이함께나열돼있어당혹스럽다. Who has both hatred and love 라던가, has ambiguous feelings 라고해주면좋을듯. Korean Film I don't think it is right to say, "Why there is no such an animal?" in a 여성이주인공으로등장하는영화 ' 가앞문장의 prey 에해당한다는논리적연결이매끄럽게표현되지못했다. 앞 Observatory. No.22 situation where there is no prey. Therefore, I think that movies focusing on 문장에서 ' 먹이감이없다는것 ' 이문제로제시됐으면그 Cannes Edition 2007 female characters should be well-made. 에대한논리적결론은먹이감을 ' 늘려야 ' 한다는것이지, 반드시 ' 잘만들어야 ' 한다는것은아니다. Korean Film But, JEON Do-yeon expresses her refusal of people's praise by saying, Observatory. No.22 "Please, don't say that you think I am concerned about the future of Korean 이것이과연 praise 인가? Cannes Edition 2007 actresses. I don't like such a burden because THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Culture & Entertainment SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Dining & Café TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE>Visit Gyeongsangbuk-do Korea TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> The Grading, Dobok and Tti TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> Broadcasting It is sometimes called ssaldok, meaning, "rice jar," since rice is the main food in Korea. 논리적구성차원 : ' 한국에서쌀이주식이기때문에그것이때때로쌀독으로불린다.' 는문장. 한국에서쌀이주식인것과그것이때때로쌀독으로불리는것은인과관계가아님. 내용전개논리 : 'Artificial seasonings can be addictive.' HEALTH Great-tasting food requires the following high quality ingredients, 이라는문장은 artificial seasonings 의속성을객관적으로 and spices and seasonings. Nowadays, we are accustomed to fast food and 표현한문장이다. 이문장은 artificial seasonings 의객관 depend heavily on artificial flavors and seasonings. Consequently, artificial 적인속성이아니라, 앞문장의결과로초래될수있는현 seasonings can be addictive. Therefore, we must learn to appreciate nature's 상을기술한내용이와야한다. Consequently, we may finest ingredients for a healthy lifestyle. be addicted to the artificial seasonings. 내용전개 : 첫문장에서지역마다조리방식이다르다고말했다. 다음문장에그중한가지방법을소개하는게 Methods of eating samgyeopsal vary by regions and restaurants. Samgyeopsal 자연스러운연결이다. 그런데그중한가지라는언급없 is marinated in wine overnight, which makes the meat soft and odorless. 이 ' 고기냄새를없애고연하게만들기위해와인에하룻밤재워둔다.' 고만말해모든삼겹살요리가그과정을거치는것처럼표현됐다. I'Park Mall 내용전개의일관성오류 : 다양한제품이전시되어있어 In particular in the digital park, there is an experience hall for various digital 닌텐도를공짜로체험할수있다는비논리적인전개 products so you can experience Nintendo for free. Pulhyanggi This restaurant is full of jars, flowers and even a shelter on stilts which can only be seen in a house in the countryside. Gyeongsangbuk-do Province is the birthplace of the Buddhist culture of the thousand years of Silla, the mysterious Gaya culture. [TT1] The Grading Taekondo practitioners are graded according to the level of mastery. There are two categories of grading: pum for those aged fifteen or younger; dan for those sixteen and older. [TT2] Dobok (uniform) The taekwondo dobok is made up of pants, a jacket and belt. There are different uniforms for grade-holders and pum/dan-holders. The channel provides foreigners with useful information about Korea in areas such as politics, culture, economy, and the community, providing good insight about Korea. 내용전개의일관성오류 : 레스토랑에 'shelter' 가가득하다는뜻인가? 'shelter on stilts' 가무엇을의미하는지파악하기가어려움 내용전개의일관성오류 : 신라의불교와가야문화사이접속사 (and) 가없어내용전개가매끄럽지못함 내용전개의일관성오류 : TT1 에서는태권도의급이 ' 품 ' 과 ' 단 ' 두가지로나뉜다고 ( 급 = 품 or 단 ) 설명했음에도불구하고 TT2 에서는범주를또다시 'grade-holders' 와 'pum/dan-holders' 로나누어마치품과단이급의분류에포함되는것이아닌별개의범주로표기 ( 급 품or 단 ) 된듯한인상을줌 ( 품과단의범주안에각기다른 'grade ( 급 )' 이있다는부연설명필요 ) 내용전개의일관성오류 : 주절의동사및부사구가같은내용의동사구로반복되어문장의자연스러운흐름을방해함 ('good insight' 을 'useful information' 과병렬처리하는것이적합함 ) TRAVEL 내용전개의일관성오류 : 사용된접속사 'since' 와 Since the bus signs are written only in Korean han-geul, however, finding the PLANNER'S GUIDE> 'however' 결속구조가어색함 ( 두접속사를하나의접속 right bus can be confusing to the first-time visitor. City Buses 사, 'although' 로대체할수있음 ) Deluxe Express Buses TRAVEL Although fares are somewhat higher than regular buses, these buses have PLANNER'S GUIDE> gained great popularity for their spacious eating with foot rests and other Express Busses facilities such as mobile public telephones and films shown by VCR. TRAVEL Korean PLANNER'S GUIDE> his ticket enables the holder to travel around Korea and Japan by train, Sea Routes transferring via the ferry crossing between Busan and Shimonoseki. 내용전개의일관성오류 : 'film' 은 'facilities' 의범주에속하지않으므로 'foot rests' 와연결하는것이자연스러움 내용전개의일관성오류 : 'travel' 과 'transfer' 동사가각각일관되지않은 to 부정사와동명사형태로쓰여져내용의흐름을방해 ('transferring' 을 'and transfer' 로대체하여스타일의일관성을유지하는것이적합함 ) TRAVEL The park today has lovely trails and scenery for a nice walk. The grounds also 문법적결속구조의오류 : 공원의 'grounds' 라면 'its PLANNER'S GUIDE> preserves the remains of the Baekje Kingdom's Mongchontoseong (Mongchon grounds' 라고구체적으로명시하여문장간의흐름을원 Olympic Park Earthen Fortress). 할하게하는것이적합함 TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> Visit Gyeongsangbuk-do Korea There are five different ways visitors can get to know more about the province. First, get to learn more about their unique lifestyle by taking part in fun-filled festivals. 문법적결속구조의오류 : 누구의 ' 고유한생활방식 ' 을말하는가?( 방문객 or 지역주민?) 부록 223
D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 Kimdaejung Convention Center is the sole exhibition and convention center in TRAVEL Korea's southwestern region of Jeollanam-do Province. It opened on 문법적결속구조의오류 : 'Kimdaejung Convention PLANNER'S GUIDE> September 6, 2005, and was named after Kim Dae-Jung, the former president Center' 와 'Kindaejung' 가동격으로쓰였으나, 인명과의 Kimdaejung of Korea and a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. Kimdaejung offers over 10,800m2혼돈을야기하므로 'the center' 로대체하는것이적합함 Convention Center of exhibition space, which is equipped with modern amenities to ensure the success of all its events. TRAVEL Deluxe taxi stands are located at hotels, bus and subway stations, bus PLANNER'S GUIDE> 문법적결속구조의오류 : 주어와동사가일치되지않음 terminals and on major city streets, and may be hailed wherever seen. Deluxe Taxis TRAVEL Guidelines for Currency Regulation PLANNER'S GUIDE> Passengers entering Korea who are carrying foreign or Korean currency B757Customs valuing over US$10,000 must declare it to customs official. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. I hadn't realized at first but at some point, it struck me that understanding IM's works means not just comprehending his movies, but the historical 시제에일관성이없다. backgound of Korean cinema; which leads me further to understand my father and my grandfather. Intellectuals in their arguments, movie critiques, new generation directors and producers focused on IM and were interested in his movies. Just as it may sound, the U.S. became an object of envy for Koreans. 문법적결속구조의오류 : 관계대명사와실제선행사가떨어져있어의미가불분명해지며이유없이반복적으로쓰인동명사가문장의결속구조를약화시킴 ==> 'Passengers carrying over USD$10,000 in Korean or foreign currency Korea must declare to customs upon entering." 신세대감독과제작자 ' 들이 ' 지식인들 ' 과동급의주어로나열되어야하나, 지식인들의 ' 논쟁 ' 및 ' 영화비평 ' 과더불어부사절로포섭되었다. 그탓에예문은 ' 지식인들은자기들사이의신세대감독, 영화제작자, 논쟁, 그리고영화비평에서임권택에주목했고그의영화에관심을보였다 ' 라는이상한문장으로해석된다. sound 뒤에아무런형용사가나오지않아이상하다. 미국이한국인들에게부러움의대상이되었다는사실이어떻게들린다는것일까하는궁금증을자아낸다. These are not adventures or someone's life story, or a modification of the 임권택의관심이어머니의운명에있고, ' 그다음으로 ' 아 myth of Oedipus because IM's interest was not in the son but his mother, 들을위해자신을희생하는또다른여성의운명에있다 then to the fate of another woman who sacrifices herself for the son. 는뜻이라면 and then in 이라고해야한다. Unlike other folklore, Jeollanam-do has a simple and soft style, perhaps due to the characteristic of Jindo, where the soil is very fertile. (4) Folk Game // Folk game enjoyed by our ancestors have more than just a literal meaning of 'not working but having fun'. 문법적결속구조오류 : unlike 을이용해두대상을비교하고있는데 folklore 와 Jeollanam-do 는병렬관계성립되지않는다. 문법적으로올바른문장으로고치면, Unlike other regions, Jeollanam-do has a simple and soft style, perhaps due to the characteristic of Jin-do with fertile soil. 또는, Jeollanam-do has a simple and soft style which is different from other folklore perhaps due to the characteristic of Jin-do with fertile soil. 가될수있다. 문법적결속구조 : 민속놀이의 ' 놀이 ' 를음가그대로표시해준다음에 'a literal meaning of not working but having fun' 이나와야하는데, Folk Game 만나와있어서무슨말인지이해할수가없다. Giljisi juldarigi (No. 75) One of agricultural rituals performed to prevent 문법적결속구조 : juldarigi 가 a tug of war임을알리는 disaster and pray for a fruitful year. The cooperative minds and lifestyles of 연결고리가없다. farmers are portrayed in playing a tug of war. Since Confucianism and Buddhism were accepted on the basis of the civil unconsciousness of shamanism, religion and shamanism existed together historically. Somokjang (No. 55) Artisans manufacture wooden furniture and products that can be used practically in daily life. Akgijang (No. 42) Artisans manufacture traditional instruments. The technique includes making string instruments and putting drum skin on a drum. In modern days, mechanical skill has developed significantly, and the traditional handicraft or manufacturing textiles is gradually vanishing. 문법적결속구조 : religion 이관사없이쓰이면앞에나온 Confucianism 과 Buddhism 을지칭하고있다는게명확하지않다. the religions 로바꿔주면 cohesion 이생긴다. 문법적결속구조 : furniture and products 는병렬관계이므로둘사이에교집합이있으면안되는데사실 furniture 가 products 에포함된다. other 를첨가해 'furniture and other products' 라고번역하면이문제를해결할수있다. 문법적결속구조 : 앞문장이 ' 하는사람 ' 이라는정의로끝났는데, 두번째문장에서갑자기 the technique 이나왔다. 정관사가있으므로앞에언급된기술이있다는얘긴데, 앞에는기술이아니라사람이나왔으므로 cohesion 을위해서 'their technique' 으로바꿔야한다. 문법적결속구조 : manufacturing textiles 는이문장구조에서 the traditional handcraft 와병렬관계이며 mechanical skill 의 counterpart 이다. 그런데실제로는 the traditional handicraft 의하위범주에들어간다. or 대신에 such as 나 including 으로연결하는게좋다. 백윤식이라는이름 ' 이 ' 배우가될 ' 수는없다. 마찬가지로 ' 중년의고수가미래의고수를가르치는것 ' 이하나의장 Beyond becoming an actor, the name BAEK Yoon-sik has now itself come to 르를 ' 의미할 ' 수도없다. 가능한대안 : The name BAEK D-2 Korean Cinema 2006 represent a genre, meaning "a middle-aged master teaches a master of the Yoon-sik represents more than just an actor: it has future". come to represent a whole new genre with the characteristic storyline of "a middle-aged master teaching a young, future master". 224 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
더많은감독들이더다양한영화를제작할수있는환경을조성하겠다는비전인듯하다. 하지만그의미가잘전달되지않는다. ' 누구로하여금 ~ 하게하다 ' 는의미의 have someone ~ ( 동사 ) 구조를활용한듯하지만여기서는 have 동사가영화감독을 ' 확보 ' 하겠다는의미로풀이 KOFIC is working to promote digital cinema in Korea with the vision of having 되기쉽고, 뒤에등장하는 be 동사도원형이아니라현재 D-2 Korean Cinema 2006 more filmmakers being able to make a greater diversity of films 진행형으로처리해문법에맞지않는다. 또한문맥상으로 be 보다 become 이더적합하다. 그러나설사 become able to 로쓴다해도영어다운문장이되지는않는다. 영어에서는이러한메시지를전달할때동사 enable 을더일반적으로사용한다. with the vision of enabling more filmmakers to produce a wider variety of films... from that moment 뒤에오는절에서는어떤지속적인행동이취해지거나무엇인가가시작될것으로기대되지만 D-2 Korean Cinema 2006 From that moment, an eccentric family is born. 가족이 ' 탄생 ' 한것은일회성사건이다. Is born 을 begins 로바꾸던지 from that moment 를 at that moment 로바꿔야한다. D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Cannes Edition 2007 On the foundation of Buddhist philosophy, King Jinheung established the Youth Elite Corps in Hwarang. He also repaired the old pagoda of Haeinsa Temple and enshrined in the temple the woodblocks of Buddhist sutras and the Tripitaka Koreana with his prayers for the nation's prosperity and the well-being of the people. One distinguishing point of the dodanggut is that compared to the male-oriented Confucian-style rite of dong-je, it gives a prominent role to sorceresses. 문법적결속구조 : the Youth Elite Corps 가곧 Hwarang 이다. Hwarang 이 the Youth Elite Group의상위개념인것처럼번역했다. in을 or로바꾸면해결된다. 문법적결속구조 : the woodblocks of Buddhist sutras 가 곧 Tripitaka Koreana인데서로다른두가지인것처럼번역했다. 문법적결속구조 : compared to 가있으므로 it gives 다음에비교급이와야메시지가명확한문장이된다. it gives a prominent role to sorceresses 를그냥둔다면 compared to 를 unlike 로바꿔야한다.-> 와는달리 한다. Jongmyo Shrine is made up of Jeongjeon (the main hall), Yeongnyeongjeon (the Hall of Eternal Peace), and auxiliary facilities.//each procedure is 문법적결속구조 : 이탤릭체표기에일관성이없다. 정전 accompanied by ritual music, Botaepyeong and Jeongdaeeop. The orchestral 과영녕전은이탤릭체로표기하지않았지만음악관련용 ensemble is composed of Chinese-influenced native string, percussion and 어는모두이탤릭체로표기했다. 음가와뜻표시에서도 wind instruments including bell chimes (pyeonjong), stone chimes 일관성이없다. 정전과영녕전에서는음가를먼저표기한 (pyeongyeong), the cylindrical Chinese oboe (dangpiri), the bowed zither 다음괄호안에서뜻을풀이했지만악기이름의경우에는 (ajaeng), and the transverse flute (daegeum), which still capture the 영문으로의미를쓰고음가를괄호에덧붙였다. authentic sound of the old court music that has been played since the early Joseon period. Korean films have failed consecutively at the box office, stemming from the growing disappointment with their standards - including those that were not produced - in terms of their poor production standards and low quality in an overheated industry. stemming from ~ 앞에는명사절이와야한다. 따라서앞부분을 The consecutive failures of Korean films at the box office stems from ~ 과같이명사절로처리해야한다. Korean Film On top of its two leading actors, the film is drawing a lot of attention because 영화가두사람의배우뿐만아니라관심도끌고있다 ' 는 Observatory. No.22 of the so-called 'transformation' of director, HUR Jin-ho. 뜻으로해석될수있다. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film There are fantasy spaces in his films. Usually, those spaces are somewhere Observatory. No.22 동사시제에일관성이없다. isolated and closed off. They were speaking for the main characters. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Cannes Edition 2007 The reason why KIM Ki-duk searched for the truth when he did was not because of the religious dimensions of faith, but as a way of introducing the matter of surpassing time to achieve something impossible. Korean Film Because there is no final scene, we cannot say that <Breath> is not a Observatory. No.22 reconciliation, but I also never mention that it is a reconciliation. Cannes Edition 2007 The reason why 와 as a way 는호응하지않는다. 앞에서 the reason why was not because 가나왔으면 but because 가뒤따라야한다. 앞에서 cannot 이들어간부정문이나왔으므로 neither do I mention 이라고써야한다. Korean Film 평서문에서 there 와 can 이도치되어 can there be 를 Therefore, methods of coexistence might be tragic and cruel. Even in that can Observatory. No.22 이룰수있는것은 Only if/ only then 으로문장이시작되 there be a gesture of vain hope. Cannes Edition 2007 는경우에한해서다. Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Cannes Edition 2007 The main characters in KIM Ki-duk's films cannot claim the rights of possession over others, and the boundaries of oneself and others collapse. By that, they coexist. boundary 는그정의상둘이상의대상을구분시켜주는경계이고따라서대상들 ' 사이에 ' 가로놓이게된다. 예문에서와같이구분의대상이둘이상명시되어있다면 boundaries between A and B 의형식으로쓰는것이맞다. Korean Film She is in agony after her loss of her husband, and then again after losing her Observatory. No.22 소유격 her 가중복사용되었다. The loss of her husband son who was her only hope. Cannes Edition 2007 시제불일치. 논리적으로 another story of reality 가가 Korean Film But, when an actress determines to do this, another story of reality will be 능해지는것은배우가결심하는그순간부터이므로뒷부 Observatory. No.22 possible within the film. 분은 becomes possible 이라고현재형으로처리해야한 Cannes Edition 2007 다. Korean Film Observatory. No.22 "I feel depressed if I don't work and I don't love. Cannes Edition 2007 별개의문장을이루는데에필요한주어까지갖춤으로인해앞부분과내용상무관하게 '... 그리고나는사랑하지않는다 ' 로해석될여지가커졌다. 부록 225
D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-3 D-3 D-3 THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Gangnam SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Hangang River SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> LG Art Center 문법적결속구조 : 번역문의내용은 ' 한국인들은전통적으로맛있는음식을만들기위한필수요소인양념과소스에따라음식의맛과질이결정된다고믿었다. 그러므 Koreans traditionally believe that the taste and quality of food depends on its 로한국가정에서는된장, 간장, 고추장, 김치가가장중 spices and sauces, the essential ingredients to making a delicious meal. 요하고건강에좋은음식에속한다.' 라는것이다. 두문장 Therefore, soybean paste, soy sauce, red pepper paste and kimchi are some 이 therefore 로연결되었으므로앞문장이뒷문장의근거 of the healthiest and the most important staple in a Korean household. 가돼야한다. 그런데 TT 독자들이언뜻봐서는논리구조를쉽게파악할수없다. Soybean sauce, soy sauce, red pepper paste and kimchi 가 spices and sauces 에속한다는것을언급해야한다. The quisines mainly consist of fresh seafood. Andong-si City, which was once visited by the United Kingdom's Queen Elizabeth, is the birthplace of the Joseon Dynasty's aristocratic culture. The aristocratic food culture still remains today. Agu is an ugly fish with a mouth half of its body size. When combined with bean sprouts and parsley, it becomes a delicacy called agujjim ("steamed anglerfish"). 결속구조 : the Joseon Dynasty's aristocratic culture 은 the aristocratic food culture 의상위개념이지같은대상이아니다. 마지막문장에서처음등장한 the aristocratic food culture 이마치앞에서등장한바있는것처럼 still remain 하고있다고쓰고있다. The Joseon Dynasty's aristocratic culture 과 the aristocratic food culture 간의연결이필요하다. 문법적결속구조 : 아구를지칭하는영어단어 anglerfish 가있으므로 Agu 는 anglerfish, agujjim 은 steamed anglerfish 임을명확히하면 intelligibility 가높아진다. 아구의대응어가있으므로이를먼저언급해주는게좋다. Agu, anglerfish in English, is an ugly fish with a mouth half of its body size. 문법적결속구조미흡 : 체중감량 ( 어려운것 )-> 건강한라이프스타일 ( 육류중심에서채소중심으로 )-> 한국음식 Everyone wishes to stay in shape. Unfortunately, obesity is a serious, ( 포화지방산적다 )// intelligibility의문제가있는텍스 worldwide problem in today's society, as people consume more meat than 트이다. 먼저건강한라이프스타일과체중감량이관계가 vegetables. However, losing weight is quite difficult for many people. Healthy 있음을밝히고육류중심에서채소중심의식단으로바꾸 lifestyle requires change in diet, from meat-based to vegetable-based. Most 어야함을지적해야한다. 그다음에한국음식이포화지 Korean dishes are low in saturated fat. 방산이적어건강한라이프스타일과체중감량에도움이된다는점을밝혀야한다. 문법적결속구조 : 첫문장에서 This stew-type dish ( 청국장 ) 이 "soybean paste" 와유사하다고밝혔다. 이는청 Cheonggukjang ( 청국장 ) This stew-type dish is similar to doenjang 국장찌개가아닌찌개재료로서의청국장덩어리를설명 ("soybean paste"). Cheonggukjang ("thick soybean paste soup") helps prevent 한것이다. 그런데다음문장에서는청국장이 "thick cancer and is suitable for dieters. soybean paste soup" 이라고말했다. 청국장 " 찌개 " 를설명한것이다. 독자의혼란 (Cheonggukjang 이 paste 인지 soup 인지헷갈림 ) 을초래할수있는부분이다. He is depicted in a majestic yet relaxed posture and wears a Cheongna (blue 문법적결속구조 : cheongna 는음가를먼저쓴다음괄호 silk) crown and brown outer robe. In the center above the curtain appears a 안에뜻을첨가했고, boryunmun 은뜻을쓴다음괄호안 wheel-shaped roundel (boryunmun) surrounded by flames. 에음가를덧붙여일관성이없다. To its left side is an inscription of "cheonmajisang," which is translated as 'an image of the heavenly horse'//according to the inscription, the upper one 문법적결속구조 : cheonmajisang은소문자로, Gilli 와 represents "Gilli" and the lower one represents "Bugwi", each symbolizing luck Bugwi 는첫글자를대문자로표기해일관성이없다. and wealth. 문법적결속구조의오류 : 'in addition' 으로이어진문장 Teheran-ro Street is the center of the Korea's high-tech companies which 들의주어가동일할것으로기대되어짐. 문장구조를수 spearhead the Korean IT industry. In addition, there are many cafes, clubs, 정하거나새로운주어 'Gangnam Station' 을문두로옮겨 and fast food restaurants around Gangnam Station. 혼란을막는것이바람직함 People arrive here to get pleasure from inline skating, cycling, jogging and 문법적결속구조의오류 : 공원을가득메우는것이 many other activities that often filled the 12 riverside parks scattered along 'people' 인가? 'activities' 인가? the river. It provides all genres of performance arts including music, dances, plays, and musical performances under the best condition. TRAVEL Aside from the 100,000 university students attending nearby Yonsei PLANNER'S GUIDE> University, Ewha Womans University and Sogang University, the Sinchon Sinchon area receives over 150,000 people daily just passing through. 문법적결속구조의오류 : 'performance arts' 와 'music, dances, plays, and musical performances' 사이동치관계가성립하는가?('under the best condition' 이라는어색한표현은내용의자연스러운흐름을방해할뿐이므로생략하는것이적절 ) 명확한메시지전달의오류 : 'people daily just passing through' 를 (150,000 명의사람들이단지신촌을지나치기만한다는뜻으로해석될수도있으므로 ) 'daily passers-by' 처럼간결하고의미전달이명확한표현으로대체 명확한메시지전달의오류 : 전시회장내부를세구획으 Exhibition Hall TRAVEL 로구분할수있다는뜻인지, ' 세구획으로구분되어있다 With 2,600 square meters of total floor space taking up the first and second PLANNER'S GUIDE> ( 추측 )' 는 ST를오역한것인지메시지전달이명확하지 underground floors adjacent to the sunken garden, the exhibition hall is B855ICC Jeju 않음 (ST가전자의뜻으로쓰여졌다하더라도정보성제 divisible into three. 고를위해간략한보충설명이필요함 ) 명확한메시지전달필요 : ' 아침상에는 fried or greasy food, meat, and spicy dishes 를잘올리지않는다.' 는뜻 THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD 으로번역해야한다. 그런데이번역문을보는독자는 ' 아 Fried or greasy food, meat, and spicy dishes are usually avoided at breakfast. 침에 fried or greasy food, meat, and spicy dishes 가있으면사람들이잘안먹고 fried or greasy food, meat, and spicy dishes 가아닌것만편식한다.' 는내용이라고생각할수있다. 226 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Just then, I became aware that I was watching the life of the time which my father couldn't dare talk to me about. Although history sheds tears IM's movies are about people, and the history which can only be seen through their tears. Therefore, we must not only question the tears but the process that caused the tears. And through those tears, we must be able to see the original state of the distorted figure. ' 그시간의일생 ' 으로해석된다. ' 당시의생활상 ' 이원래의뜻이라면 the lives of people under a period my fathe r 라고해야. 눈물을흘리게만든과정에의문을던져야한다 ' 는결론과앞문장과의논리적인과관계가불분명하다. Original state of the distorted figure 가무엇을의미하는지모호하다. The most ineffective way to discuss IM is to choose a period among his movies, the gap 이지시하는원래의대상이앞부분에서충분히 ignore what had happened before, and talk about his works from that period 명확하게제시되지않았다. on, in which case the gap isn't the only problem. However, if we ignore the past and restore IM to forms, we are inevitably confronted with the problems of ignoring the impurities which are variations in story, attitudes of heroes, scenery, The stories of his movies, at a certain point, is the world that can only be explained in the content of Korean history. The impurity is the tears in IM's movie but who is shedding the tears? History must dendure the events modern Korea is inevitable creating in reality. We must understand this rhetorical cycle. The government controlled films through double-censorship of evaluating the script first then checking the completed version again. KANG Soo-yeon was the recipient but in Korea, the merits went to the director, IM. (This was KANG's first movie as an adult character who had been a child actress until then.) One of the most tragic facts of the Korean movie industry at present is that since IM's debut in 1962, quality films were not produced for 20 years. There can be two reasons for it; one is not being able to pass the system, and the other is not being able to survive in the market. Without exception, everyone who was born after the Korean War had been easily attracted by modernization and became interested in the problems of post-modernism. However, IM knows that it is due to discords between Korea and modernization. In his historical films, IM took more interest in the sacrifices of the female characters even when dealing with males, while focusing on restoring the aurhority of a family rather than a trace of a hero. His stories were told in a closed world with just rumors, whispers and eye-contacts, rather than outdoors. The world in these films is so tightly structured that no one can escape them. In the world of only words, the grandfather of a son is the center of a large family and other kinships are entwined like a complicated spider web. In the world of only words, the grandfather of a son is the center of a large family and other kinships are entwined like a complicated spider web. More precisely, the main character of IM's historical dramas actually is a Confucian "without a choice." 임감독을형식으로 restore 한다 ' 는말의의미가불분명하다. ' 환원한다 '(reduce) 는뜻이었을까? Impurities 의지시대상도불분명하다. 이야기가곧 ' 세계 ' 일수있는가? 의도적으로메시지를해독불가능하게만들어불교의선문답같은신비감을자아내려한것인지, 아니면단순히번역이서투른것인지알길이없다. double-censorship of evaluating 까지만읽으면 ' 평가에대한이중검열 ' 이라고해석될수있다. 대안 : through a system of double-censorship in which the script is evaluated first, 아역배우였던강수연이처음으로성인배역을맡은영화였다 ' 는것이맞는내용이나영화속등장인물이아역배우에서성인이되는설정인것처럼해석된다. the inability of quality films to pass the censor, or their inability to survive in the market 이라고하면더간결하고명료하다. 무엇에끌렸는지명시해주어야한다. Attracted to ~ by modernization. 여성등장인물들이남성인물들을다룬다는것인지, 임권택이남성인물들을다룬다는것인지불분명하다. Trace of a hero 를 restore 한다는말도의미가불분명하다. 소문과속삭임과눈마주침만으로이야기를전개했다는것인지, 그것들이 ' 폐쇄적인세계 ' 의구성요소라는것인지의미가헷갈린다. 우리가살고있는이세계를뜻하는것인지, 영화속에구축된세계을뜻하는것인지혼란스럽다. 영화속의세계라면복수형으로처리해야한다. 영화마다고유한세계가있을것이므로. 말로만이루어진세계 ' 를뜻하는것같지만 ' 유일무이한단어들의세계 ' 로해석될수도있다. 간단히 the grandfather 라고해도될것을굳이이렇게복잡하게표현해야할까? 사극이여러개인데주인공은하나밖에없는가? 그런뜻이아니라면 ' 임권택사극의주된성격 ' 으로해석될수도있다. The characters were victims of Confucianism but, paradoxically, they repeat the process of returning with an intention to restore the original value and the original value 가의미하는바는? to reassert his authority. Lighted Boat Parade A diverse range of boats from several countries such 명확한메시지전달실패 : countries such as~ 에는국가 as Chinese sailing boat, Titanic, ancient north European boat and Swiss boat, 명이나와야하지만배들이나열되에메시지전달이정확 22m(L) 10m (W) 12m(H), will rasie up the atmostphere of the festival. 히되지않음 You can see not only the Rendezvous of Korean Traditional Music with the World No.1 Korean B-Boy and a various kind of performaces to be expressed in sound, light and image, but also a wonderful stage of Musical Gala Show 명확한메시지전달실패 : not only~but also 구문이너 to collect 20 hightlights of top musical at one place. In addition, if you watch 무길게나와서글의따라가기힘듬 the Daejong Film Awards -Candidate Films Screening, you can enjoy more diverse arts and cultures. King Jeongjo's Royal Procession Picture of the King Jeongjo's Royal Procession contained appearance of parade of the King Jeongjo to visit royal 구두점오류 : Prince Jangheon 이 coma 사이에나와서함 tomb of his father on Hwaseung (Currently Suwon), Prince Jangheon (Prince 께갔다는건지아니면정조와 Prince Jangheon 가같이 Sado), for 8 days with 1,779 persons and 779 heads of horses in elaborate and 묻혀있는왕릉이란뜻인지명확하게메시지전달하지못 detail, commemorating the 61st birthday anniversary of his mother, 함 Hegyeonggung Hong in 1795, are representing the excellence of our cultures as well as magnificence. 부록 227
D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅳ. Traffic Information Hi Seoul Festival 2007>Ⅰ. Enjoying Major Programs Walking on the Hangang 'Walking on the Hangang' is a residents experiencing program to allow participants to walk barefoot on a bridge, submerged at a 30 츠 depth Folk Games of Eight Provinces It is an event prepared and participated in by not only the city and 'Gun' of each Province, the Association of Traditional Games Preservation, but also the Association of Seoul Hometown Friends jointly. Please be tasted on your hometown at the agricultural products market. 명확한메시지전달실패 : 시민체험프로그램이면 an experience program for Seoul citizens 가더올바른표현임 명확한메시지전달실패 : 이행사를공동주최하는단체들을 this event is cohosted by ~ 로전부함께나열하는것이더간결함 Children's Traditional Playground It is a playground for children to perform 명확한메시지전달실패 : it is a playground where ~ a interesting play, traditional Korean music and dance. 로가는것이더자연스러움 Seoul World DJ Festival Would it be a good time to be with a number of people, including families, groups and associations, as well as foreign 명확한메시지전달실패 : groups 과 associations 가어 tourists? It will be made available for use through an Internet reservation 떤의미의모임인지전혀설명없이나와어색 service. Time Travel: Back to Bukchon Village of the Joseon Dynasty 'Time Travel: Back to Bukchon Village of the Joseon Dynasty' provides a program for the citizen to experience a life in Joseon Dynasty, prepared on a village 명확한메시지전달실패 : to experience a life in Joseon within the playground of Jaeding Elementary School. There is also a 'Walking Dynasty at a village set up at the Jaedong Elementary Course.' to allow visitors the opportunity to experience the histories School playground. 로가는것이더이해하기쉬움. 잘못 permeated around the Bukchon Village. Would you personally feel the tiled 된전치사와부사가메시지전달에걸림돌이됨 roofs faching each other, between the old stone walls, and along the curved side streets of Bukchon Village containing the 600 years of history of Seoul? Seoul History Parade The final decoration of the festival, the 'Seoul History Parade,' will be a large-scale parade, spread out from Jongmyo to Seoul Plaza, 명확한메시지전달실패 : 퍼레이드에여러작은퍼레이 a length of roughly 2.5km. This year, the festival will illustrate the diverse 드가포함되므로 an enormous parade that incorporates history of Seoul at one glance. You can see an magnificent scene of enormous ~ 로이어가는것이더명쾌한설명 parade to incorporate a history parade, a series of biographies for significant historical figures, residents' parades, a brass band, and a concert parade. Forest Playground' An experiencing field for playing with natural sculptures 명확한메시지전달실패 : 문법적실수들로인해전혀이 that cheers up to run barefoot, tumble, and feel the nature as is through the 해할수없는문장. senses. 명확한메시지전달실패 : 지나친 of의남용은명쾌한메 Whole Event Schedules of Hi Seoul Festival 2007 시지전달에걸림돌. Hi Seoul Festival 2007 Event Schedules 로가는것이더한눈에잘들어옴 Additionally, various cultural tour souvenirs have been developed and conventional performances are held with local folk festivals and are used as cultural tour resources, maximizing the opportunity for enjoying local cultural assets. Over the last forty years, present holders have changed from first generation to second or third generation. Gayageum sanjo and byeongchang (No. 23) It is played with a gayageum(a 12-string zither) to the beat of a janggu (Korean double-headed drum). Gayageum byeongchang is to sing a short poem or aria from Pansori. Mask drama, often called talchum, was developed in the period of the Three Kingdoms and through the period of Goryeo and Joseon Dynasties. This folk game is especially meaningful because all villages participate. The sentiment of Korean people with forms of beauty and roughness is conveyed through these works. In modern days, mechanical skill has developed significantly, and the traditional handicraft or manufacturing textiles is gradually vanishing. Although these characteristics might appear to be used only in the most D-3 Korean Cinema 2006 successful films, the trend towards compounded plots has become more prevalent 명확한메시지전달 : conventional performances are held with local folk festivals 는우리말을직역한것으로보임. 뜻이통하지않음. Conventional performances are held along with local folk festivals 또는 conventional performances are held as well as local fok festivals 또는 conventional performances are held in local folk festivals 로수정해야이해할수있는문장이됨. 명확한메시지전달필요 : ' 세월이흘러 1 세대에서 2 세다, 3 세대로보유자가바뀌었다.' 는뜻인데이의미가명확하게번역되지않았다. 명확하지않은메시지 : 두번째문장의주어가 Gayageum byeongchang 인것으로보아 It이 Gayageum sanjo를받은것으로추측할수있다. 그러나처음읽었을때 It이둘중무엇인지, 둘다를가리키는것인지생각하게돼 readabilitiy 를떨어뜨린다. Gayageum sanjo 로쓰는게좋다. 명확한메시지전달 : in 과 through 라는두가지전치사가나오는데동사는 develop 하나여서의미가명확하지않다. Mask drama, often called talchum, was first developed in the period of the Three Kingdoms and evolved through the Goryeo and Joseon Dynasties. 명확하지않은메시지 : folk game 에모든마을사람들 (all villagers) 이아닌모든마을 (all villages) 가참여한다고번역함. 사실과다름. 전국의모든마을인지전세계모든마을인지알수없음. villages 를 villagers 로고쳐야함. 명확한메시지전달필요 : 한국인이읽어도뜻이전달되지않는다. 명확한메시지전달 : and 를 while 로바꾸면대조효과를강화해의미가명확해진다. 이러한특성 ' 들이히트작에만의도적으로적용됐다는인상을줄수있고, 따라서이러한특성을적용하는작품은무조건히트한다는의미로해석될여지가있다. 'might appear to be used' 보다는 'may be observable' 이낫다. 228 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
the outstanding characteristics of this year's action films was the emergence 부동산개발을둘러싼스토리가액션영화의새로운소재 D-3 Korean Cinema 2006 of conessions for a (re)development zone, the demolition of a (re)development 로떠올랐다는내용인듯한데, 그러한스토리가영화의 ' area and conflicts over real estate. 소재 ' 임이명시되지않아혼란스럽다. Many films are drawing special attention because of their dealings with a D-3 Korean Cinema 2006 relative who's who in modern Korean history and the Kwangju Uprising. 한국근현대사에서 ' 비교적잘알려진사람들 ' 을다루었다는말인듯하나 who's who 라는관용구를맥락에맞지않게사용하고그마저도 a relative 뒤에붙인결과 a relative who's 까지는 '~ 한어느친척 ' 으로해석될여지가농후해져버렸다. D-3 영향력의증대와인재양성이마치서로관련이없는듯 Since its establishment, KAFA has grown influentially while producing the 단순병렬해놓았는데, 아마도인재를양성함으로써영 Korean Cinema 2006 core talent that has led the Korean film renaissance that has culminated in 향력이확대된것이인과관계상맞을것이다. While 대신 the past decade or so. by 를써야한다. SHIN Hyun-joon, his friend, recommended a documentary on EOM Gi-bongs 다규멘터리를 ' 권유했다 ' 고만하면제작을권유한것인 D-3 Korean Cinema 2006 life. 지, 시청을권유한것인지불분명하다. D-3 In a peaceful barbershop, a timid barber confronts a stranger who has started Korean Cinema 2006 누구에게협박편지를보냈는지불분명하다. to send blackmail notes. ' 첫상을탔다 ' 는뜻이면 He won his first prize 로, '1위 D-3 Korean Cinema 2006 He won the first prize in the Korean Film Council Script Contest in 1997 를수상했다 ' 는뜻이면 He came in first place 로처리해 야한다. D-3 Korean Cinema 2006 Her life is made all the more difficult by notoriously troublesome family. 누구의가족인지불분명하다. 그녀의가족이라면소유격조사 her 를앞에붙여주어야한다. One day, there occurs a strange case of torso murder which becomes the D-3 Korean Cinema 2006 biggest issue of their day ' 몸통살인 '? 무슨말인지모르겠다. ' 토막살인 ' 이라면 a murder in which the victim was cut to pieces 라고풀어써야한다. He might even make his dream come true by taking drama classes and by creative process 와 we 가지시하는대상이명확하지않 playing in a company whose creative process we follow day by day, in order 다. Creative process 가극단의창작과정을뜻하는것이 D-3 Korean Cinema 2006 to be at the core of an uncertain profession and to get a good idea of what 라면 we 는극작가들이될수있고, 전자가극단의일상 an actor's life is and how an actor is in life. 을뜻한다면 we 는이영화의제작진이될것이다. 동사어미에 ing 를붙여명사형을만든경우, 명사형이주어 + be 동사다음에오는경우동사의명사형이아닌현재진행형으로해석될위험이상존한다 ( 해당예문의경 The only solution to the crisis seems to be finding the hidden Great Seal of D-3 Korean Cinema 2006 우 ' 유일한해결책이옥쇄를찾고있다 ' 는식으로 ). the the Emperor Gojong. only solution ~ seems to lie in finding ~ 또는 the only solution ~ seems to be to find ~ 라고쓰면더자연스러울것이다. and at the same time it shows, in the course, the magnificent view 라고쓰려고한듯한데, in과쉼표두 this film is about the story of the man who sticks to the search and at the D-3 Korean Cinema 2006 개가누락되고끝에엉뚱한 and 가붙었다. 원래의도한 same time it shows the course and the magnificent view of the highland. 대로쓰더라도 at the same time 과 in the course 는중복되는내용이므로하나는빼는것이좋다. a true story 는 ' 실화 ' 다. 영화는 ' 실화 ' 에기초할수는있 D-3 Korean Cinema 2006 A true story based on events that occurred in 1988. 으나 ' 실화 ' 그자체일수는없다. 그래서실화에기초한영화는보통 based on a true story 라고한다. As 'Holiday' by the Bee Gees - Kang-hyok's final wish - swells in the D-3 Korean Cinema 2006 background, Kang-hyok and his gang make their ultimate decision Distracted from this unpleasant surprise, she bumps into an exotic foreign D-3 Korean Cinema 2006 car. A very handsome young man steps out of the car angrily. And the collection of benefits' final element is the Korea-US Free Trade D-3 Korean Cinema 2006 Agreement. D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS 엄밀히말하면지강혁의마지막소원은 < 홀리데이 > 음악을 ' 틀어 ' 달라는것이었다. 단지 < 홀리데이 > 가마지막소원이었다고만하면의미가불분명해진다. distracted from this unpleasant surprise 라고하면불쾌한사건이아닌다른곳으로관심이잠시돌려지는것을뜻한다. 불쾌한사건때문에심경이흐려진상태를표현하려면 distracted by this unpleasant surprise 라고해야한다. 말하고자하는바가불분명하다. 명확한메시지전달 : 무슨뜻인지파악이안됨. ' 주요작 The main crop has been rice, which requires a level field for flooding but on 물은평지에서재배해야하는쌀이었으나경사가완만한 gently sloped land, and at the foot of mountains, dry fields have also been 땅과산자락에는건조한밭도만들어졌다.' 두가지내용 created. 을유기성없이한문장에넣어연결한것같다. The tone of Korean music is generally soft and solemn, especially in court music. Korean Film In this respect, even if the film industry is faced with a crisis, the screen Observatory. No.22 quota cannot exceed 73 days. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Cannes Edition 2007 명확한메시지전달 : 자연스럽지못한문장구성때문에메시지가모호하다. The tone of Korean music, especially that of Korean court music, is generally soft and solemn. be 동사 + 타동사수동태 + with + 목적어 ' 문형은정적인느낌의상태를나타낸다. 예문에서 ' 영화산업이위기에처하는것 ' 은앞으로일어날수있는사건이므로동적인느낌을살리는것이요구된다. Even if the film industry faces a crisis 라고하는것이좋다. 의미가불분명하다. 스크린쿼터축소직전에 ' 어느날 the government, which had said while asking us if it would be possible to '(one day) 스크린쿼터를축소할수있겠느냐고물어봤다 reduce the screen quota one day, until right before the reduction of the screen quota. 는것인지, 스크린쿼터축소직전까지 ' 하루만 '(one day) 축소할수있겠느냐고물어봤다는것인지모르겠다. 부록 229
D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 Korean Film As for the minimum-wage plan, the wage is divided up to the 4 levels in Observatory. No.22 accordance with the grade authorization base of experience. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Wages are principles on a weekly basis. Cannes Edition 2007 의미가불분명하다. Experience 라는단어로부터유추하건대 ' 경력 ' 을기준으로등급이나뉘는듯하다. 그렇다면 four different pay grades based on the level of experience 라고하면훨씬간단하다. ' 임금 ' 과 ' 원칙 ' 이동급일수는없다. ' 주급을원칙으로한다 ' 는뜻이라면 wages, in principle, are to be payed on a weekly basis 라고해야옳다. 문장전체의의미가불분명하다. 이협약 ' 덕분에 ' 합리적 Korean Film We hope that the reasonable frame of distribution structure won't be broken 인분배구조를실현할수있을것이라는의미일수도있 Observatory. No.22 by firmly maintaining this agreement. 지만, 이협약에도 ' 불구하고 ' 기존의합리적인분배구조 Cannes Edition 2007 가위협받지않기를바란다는의미로해석될수도있다. 불법건축물위에서영화를만들어왔다 ' 는말이사실이 Korean Film This is because we were not conscious of the fact that the industrial 라면큰일날일이다. 화자가의도한지시대상은촬영스 Observatory. No.22 foundation is shaking, and we have been making films on an illegal structure. 탭의근로조건이법으로규율되지않는 ' 법외적 ' 환경인 Cannes Edition 2007 듯한데, 그경우 extra-legal basis 라고하는것이맞다. Korean films have failed consecutively at the box office, stemming from the Korean Film growing disappointment with their standards - including those that were not those 가 standards 를지시하는것같은데, ' 생산되지않 Observatory. No.22 produced - in terms of their poor production standards and low quality in an 은기준 ' 이란말은없다. Cannes Edition 2007 overheated industry. Korean Film and the fact that it stars the hugely popular SONG Hye-kyo, who has been quiet 를 quite 로잘못쓴것인지, 아니면송혜교가상당 Observatory. No.22 quite for some time. 히오랫동안 hugely popular 했다는것인지잘모르겠다. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film The film is expected to be about a woman who lived a fiercely independent limitation 은타자가부과한제약이라기보다는본인에게 Observatory. No.22 life despite her innumerous external limitations. 고유한제약 ( 가령신체적장애같은 ) 이라는느낌이든다. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Cannes Edition 2007 The important thing in <Lovers> is the space that allows the audience to feel the weight of time along with the characters. Therefore, the production team has spent a great deal of effort concentrating on lacation hunting. The initiative during the running time is greater for the female character, but the film has a balance between Shin-ae and Jong-chan internally. However, we have to follow one side in the external structure of the film, because the theme of <Secret Sunshine> is that things that seem unimportant are actually important. 등장인물들의무게와더불어시간의무게를느낄수있다는말인지, 등장인문들이시간의무게를느끼는것처럼관객들도시간의무게를느낄수있다는말인지불분명하다. ' 한쪽 ' 이등장인물가운데한쪽을뜻한다는것이분명하지않아혼란스럽다. One character 라고했으면좋았을듯. Korean Film But, I thought that such a typical city must have a reason for us to live for buried somewhere 가 have 또는 reason 직후에나왔으면 Observatory. No.22 buried somewhere. 전체적인내용을이해하기훨씬편했을것이다. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 They conceive the play, while watching what is in front of their eyes. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Cannes Edition 2007 They conceive the play, while watching what is in front of their eyes. This never happens in a film theater. The audiences just feel the film. The idea of self-driven conception is unfamiliar and strange to them. 연극을보고있노라면눈앞에서펼쳐지는장면이수시로바뀐다. 그런데눈앞에있는대상을 be 동사로처리하면대상이정적이라는느낌이든다. What is happening before their eyes 라고하면더자연스럽다. 이표현이 ' 관객스스로영화를개념화하는것 ' 을의미한다는것을이해하기까지상당한시간이걸린다. The idea that the audience can conceive the film themselves 와같은식으로풀어설명해줌이좋다. <Secret Sunshine>'s SONG Kang-ho is different from SONG Kang-ho of <The Korean Film Show Must Go On> or <The Host>, and JEON Do-youn on the set of <Secret herself 가전도연을지칭하는지신애를지칭하는지불분 Observatory. No.22 Sunshine> makes Shin-ae more than half of herself, and displays an attitude 명하다. Cannes Edition 2007 like Shin-ae. Korean Film There is a pervading attitude that attempts to overcome all elements of Observatory. No.22 ' 태도 ' 가무엇인가를 ' 시도 ' 한다는것이말이되는가? human descriptions in his films. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film There is a pervading attitude that attempts to overcome all elements of Observatory. No.22 human descriptions in his films. Cannes Edition 2007 전체적인문장내용이혼란스럽다. ' 인간의언어로설명하기어렵다 ' 는핵심내용만충분히강조하면한결이해하기쉬울듯. 대안 : pervading his films is an ineffable element that defies all human efforts of discription. Korean Film Then non-linear time elements are added into these concentrations of space, 의미불분명 : artistic speculation 에서 speculation 이 ' Observatory. No.22 and this takes the role of expanding his artistic speculation in his films. 투기 ' 일리는없다. ' 추측 ' 이라해도이상하다. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film Understanding this film within Buddhist traditions, or from any religious Observatory. No.22 point of view, might create a misunderstanding. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film The reason why KIM Ki-duk searched for the truth when he did was not Observatory. No.22 because of the religious dimensions of faith, but as a way of introducing the 불필요한성분 Cannes Edition 2007 matter of surpassing time to achieve something impossible. 불교적관점에서 ' 의정확한영어표현은 from a Buddhist perspective 다. Korean Film The reason why KIM Ki-duk searched for the truth when he did was not 의미불분명 : ' 믿음의종교적차원 ' 이라는것이도대체 Observatory. No.22 because of the religious dimensions of faith, but as a way of introducing the 무엇을뜻하는가? 그것이진리탐구에동기를부여할수 Cannes Edition 2007 matter of surpassing time to achieve something impossible. 있는가? Korean Film What will be the reconciliation when all kinds of explosives approach us Observatory. No.22 bearing tremendous force? Cannes Edition 2007 문법적으로전혀문제가없고표층의미도이해되지만맥락이나논리가전혀이해안되는문장. Explosives 가암시하는대상이특히불분명하다. 230 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 <Breath> is a film that makes all these four characters feel equal. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film Observatory. No.22 This is real world reconciliation. Cannes Edition 2007 극중인물들이서로동등하게느낀다는말인지, 관객이보기에그들이동등해보인다는말인지헷갈린다. This is reconciliation in the real world / This is how reconciliation happens in the real world 여기서 choice 가뜻하는바는네명의등장인물을공평하 Korean Film 게대하겠다는김기덕의 ' 결정 ' 자체가아니라, 그결정을 We might interpret the ending as the choice of KIM Ki-duk to treat all four Observatory. No.22 실행하기위한 ' 수단 ' 으로서김기덕이선택한엔딩이다. characters equally. Cannes Edition 2007 즉 KIM Ki-duk's way of treating all four characters equally 인것이다. that 이지시하는명사절이없어서의미가모호해진다. Korean Film The main characters in KIM Ki-duk's films cannot claim the rights of 경계가허물어지는것이공존을가능케한다는뜻이라면 Observatory. No.22 possession over others, and the boundaries of oneself and others collapse. By and that is how coexistence becomes possible 이라든가 Cannes Edition 2007 that, they coexist. Thus/therefore they can coexist 라고쓰면된다. Korean Film Her performances in were always greater than expected, and this sense of 이번에도기대를뛰어넘을것이라는기대감을말하는가, Observatory. No.22 expectation extends to her latest film <Secret Sunshine> 아니면예전과같은기대를말하는가? Cannes Edition 2007 평범함을시인하는것과는별도의 ' 현명한전략 ' 이뒤에 Korean Film By admitting her commonness from the time of her debut, she chose a wise 소개될것같은느낌이든다. 평범함을시인한것자체가 Observatory. No.22 strategy. 현명한전략이었음을분명히하려면 admitting was a Cannes Edition 2007 wise strategy 와같은문장구조를쓸수있었을것이다. Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Her natural face makes people always feel pleasant. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film Whenever she is interviewed, JEON Do-yeon often mentions about the Observatory. No.22 situation of 'the decreasing roles for actresses.' Cannes Edition 2007 always 가여기들어가면그녀의얼굴을한번본사람은영원히기분좋다는뜻이된다. 배역의수가줄어든다는것인지, 배역의중요도가낮아진다는것인지의미가불분명하다. Korean Film How long should we be content with making the same kinds of movies within ' 안전한시스템 ' 자체에대한화자의견해가부정적인지 Observatory. No.22 a safe system? 중립적인지혼란스럽다. Cannes Edition 2007 THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Gangnam SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Culture & Entertainment SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Shopping This is one of many Korean dish, which is pleasing to the eyes and mouth. Gujeolpan is a wooden dish, which is divided into nine spaces. Gyeonggi-do Province has surrounded Seoul, capital of South Korea, for over 500 years. Great-tasting food requires the following high quality ingredients, and spices and seasonings. The officials are on horseback in the front part The Gangnam district, a new center of Seoul, is the place where trends are being fostered in several areas including business, fashion, shopping, and entertainment. War Memorial of Korea There are also miniatures and video material related to war. You can see weapons, equipment and military uniforms and it is a good location for family outings since the Yongsan Family Park is within its vicinity. 명확한메시지전달필요 : dish 라는단어가두번나왔는데각각다른뜻으로쓰였다 ( 앞에서는 ' 음식 ', 뒤에서는 ' 그릇 '). 번역문에서는두가지의미를구분해주는장치가없다. 한국문화에익숙하지않은독자들은앞문장의 dish 도뒷문장에서처럼 ' 그릇 ' 인것으로오해할수있다. 두 dish 가다른의미임을명시해야한다. 뒷문장에서 dish 대신 plate 나 vessel 을쓰는것도방법. 명확한메시지전달 : 문장구조상의문제로메시지가모호해졌다. 한국의수도인서울을경기도가 500 년이상둘러싸고있었다는내용처럼보이기도한다. Gyeonggi-do Province is surrounding Seoul, which has been the capital of South Korea for over 500 years. 명확한메시지전달 : spices 와 seasoning 가 high quality 의수식을받아야하는데 comma 위치가잘못돼의도한대로메시지를전달하지못했다. High quality 인것은 ingredients 뿐인것같다. 일반적으로셋이상이나열될때는계속 comma 로연결하고마지막 object 앞에서 and 를쓴다. 여기서는 convention 과달리셋중첫번째와두번째사이에 comma 와 and 를함께써서의도적으로 spices 와 seasonings 가 high quality 의수식을받지않게한것처럼보인다. 명확한메시지전달 : The officials on horseback are in the front part 로고쳐야자연스럽다. 명확한메시지전달의오류 : 'areas' 가 ' 분야 ' 가아닌 ' 장소 ' 의느낌으로전달될오해의소지가있으므로 'several areas including ' 을생략하는것이자연스러움 ( 예 : where trends in business, fashion, shopping, and entertainment begin) 명확한메시지전달의오류 : 갑자기등장한 'equipment' 의뜻이명확하지않음 ('military equipment and uniforms' 로수정하는것이자연스러움 ) 명확한메시지전달의오류 : 무분별한명사들의나열되 Itaewon street 어메시지가정확하게전달되지않음. 'the most popular Itaewon with 2.4 million yearly visitors and 7,000 daily visitors is the place tourist destination' 과같이간결한표현으로대체하는 for most foreign tourists visit during their stay in Seoul. 것이적합함. 제목표기의오류에도해당 ('street' 의첫글자는대문자로표기하여함 ) 부록 231
D-3 D-3 D-3 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Shopping SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Hangang River SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Gaon 명확한메시지전달의오류 : 'the Department Store of Yongsan Electronics Market Electronic Goods' 이 'Yongsan Electronics Market' 의또 There are all kinds of electronic products for sale here, including computers, 다른고유명사가아니라면, 다른이름으로불리기도한다 peripheral equipment, digital cameras and cell phones so it is called the 는의미로 'it is also called 'the department store of Department Store of Electronic Goods. electronic goods' 처럼표현하는것이적합함명확한메시지전달의오류 : 선유도공원이 'the water 1. Seonyudo Park purifying facility buildings and also a 'water' park' 모 The Seonyudo Park located in the center of the Yanghwa Bridge is the first 두를개조해서만들었다는뜻인지 'the first nature-recycled ecological park which was made from the water purifying nature-recycled ecological park' 이자 'water park' 이기 facility buildings and also a 'water' park. 도하다는것인지의미가불분명함 Gaon is famous for providing the best ingredients only while using recipes which maintain the original taste of such ingredients. 명확한메시지전달의오류 : 문장전체가어색하며내용의흐름이자연스럽지못함. 손님들에게완성된음식이아닌최상의 ' 재료 ' 만을공급하는뜻으로오역될수있으므로전체문장구조를바꾸어명확한메시지를전달하는것이바람직함 TRAVEL 부연설명제공여부의오류 : 조선왕조시대의궁의전체 PLANNER'S GUIDE> Changdeokgung Palace has served as the seat of power for many Joseon 수가 5개인지, 현존하는궁이 5개인지보충설명을제공 Changdeokgung Dynasty kings and, it is the best preserved among the dynasty's five palaces. 함으로써독자의혼란방지및정보성제고의효과를기 Palace 대할수있음 부연설명제공여부의오류 : 본문에서는 ' 게임방 ( 또는 TRAVEL PC방 )' 을그대로직역하였으나해당용어들이익숙하지 PLANNER'S GUIDE> In Korea, you can access the internet at PC rooms (internet caféame room) 않은문화의 TT 독자들에게는혼란을줄수있음 ('game Internet Cafes, PC Game Rooms easily. room' 은 'amusement( 英 )/penny( 美 ) arcade' 의의미와혼동될수있으므로 'computer game rooms' 라고 explicit 하게표현하는것이바람직함 ) TRAVEL The advantage of filming here is that the whole palace can be filmed in one PLANNER'S GUIDE> shot, making it a preferred film location for historical dramas such as Jewel Suwon Hwaseong in the Palace. 부연설명제공여부의오류 : 앞문단에서설명된 ' 대장금 ' 과 'Jewel in the Palace' 가같은드라마임을나타내는보충정보를제공하는것이적합함 The collection of Korean homes in this village are not recreations: the TRAVEL structures that have been relocated include original buildings of wealthy PLANNER'S GUIDE> 부연설명제공여부의오류 : ' 박영효 ' 와 ' 김천영 ' 이누구 residents of Seoul, the personal residence of Queen Senjeonghyo of the Joseon Namsangol Hanok 인지 TT 독자들이알수있는가? Dynasty, the mansion of Park Yeong-hyo, and the residence of Kim Village Chun-yeong. 부연설명제공여부의오류 : 본책자의해당페이지는국 TRAVEL 내의전반적인교통정보를다루고있음에도불구하고버 PLANNER'S GUIDE> The Transportation Card covers the subway and all kinds of buses in Seoul 스와지하철의환승에관한정보는전혀언급되어있지 Intra-city Transportation (see Transportation Card inset). 않음. ' 환승제도 ' 가내국인과외국인모두에게적용되는매우유용한서비스라는점을감안할때이를본책자에의해당페이지에서다루는것이타당함 TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> Saemaeulho & Mugunghwaho CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. The Saemaeulho is marginally quicker than the Mugunghwaho and offers spacious seating at a premium price; coaches on all trains, however, are clean and have comfortable seats, with both first and second class seats providing plenty of foot room. He was placed under the implicative system and ran away from home in his teens. The currently inherited gagok consists of 41 songs(male 26, female 15) including Ujo and Gyemyeongjo. 부연설명제공여부의오류 : 'the Saemaeulho' 와 'the Mugunghwaho' 가기차인지모르는 TT 독자들을위해 'the Mugunghwaho train' 이라는추가정보를표기하는것이바람직함 ( 새마을호에대한설명만있는본문에무궁화호에대한설명도추가해야함 ) ' 연좌제 ' 를의미하는듯하나, 한국역사에대한이해가부족한독자가알아듣기에는설명이부족하다. 부연 / 보충설명필요 : 한국문화에익숙하지않은 target readership 이 Ujo 와 Gyeomyeongjo 가무엇인지알수있을리없다. 간략한부연설명이라도덧붙여야한다. Pyeongtak nongak (No. 11 -Na) It started from a simple tradition of dure 부연 / 보충설명제공 : 설명이없으면전체의미파악이 nongak, but evolved into a formal performance by adopting the professional 불가능하므로반드시추가정보가필요하다. 두레, 농악 dramatic skill of eminent artists. 모두외국인들에게는생소한개념이다. 부연 / 보충설명필요 : seonsori의 seon 이 ' 서다 ' 와관련 Its other name, seonsori, comes from the idea that all singers sing as they are 있음을 target readership 이이해할수없으므로부연설 standing. 명이필요하다. A folklore and vulgar song, sung in the region of Seodo. Seungmu (No. 27) This is one of the most representative folk dances, and is danced in clerical garb. A mask drama inherited in Hahoe Village. 부연 / 보충설명필요 : 서도가경기도, 강원도등과같은행정구역이아니라평안도, 황해도를포함하는관서지방의별칭임을알리는추가정보가없어오해소지있음 (Seo-do 라는행정구역이라고생각할수있음 ) 부연 / 보충설명필요 : target readership 의입장을고려해 Korea 를명시할필요가있다. Korea 가없어서전세계적으로대표적인민속춤인것처럼보일수있다. This is one of the most representative folk dances of Korea. 부연 / 보충설명제공 : 경상북도에있다는것정도는추가설명을해줘야다른지역과균형이이루어진다. 그리고하회마을은문화적으로중요한의미를가지므로이에대한부연설명이필요하다. Under the direction of a captain riding on the head of an ox, the game is won 부연 / 보충설명필요 : 배경지식이없는외국독자들은살 when the opponent's ox head falls to the ground. 아있는황소를떠올리게된다. 부연설명이필요하다. 그림설명 //Seohaean baeyeonsingut and daedonggut (Yonggungtagi) 부연 / 보충설명제공여부 : 용궁타기가무엇인지전혀알수없음. 부연설명필요. 232 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-2 E-2 E-2 E-2 E-2 E-2 KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Culture & Entertainment SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Shopping SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Walking Tour SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Culture & Entertainment Danogut (a shamanistic ritual) is held on three occasions (the 5th and 15th day of the 4th month, and on the 3rd to the 7th day of the 5th month) at 부연 / 보충설명미흡 : danogut 을 a shamanistic ritual이 the Namdaecheon Exorcism Site to honor the mountain deities that control 라고설명했다. a shamanistic ritual은 gut이다. the harvest and protect the people. Each procedure is accompanied by ritual music, Botaepyeong and Jeongdaeeop. Yeonggwanggulbi Jeongsik is a full course meal, which consists of a dried, yellow fish. Yeonggwanggulbi Jeongsik is a full course meal, which consists of a dried, yellow fish. This meal was typically served to the monarchs during the Joseon Dynasty. Gulbi, a sun-dried yellow corvina fish, was traditionally the king's favorite. 부연 / 보충설명필요 : 한국인이봐도알기어려운용어이다. 설명이반드시필요하다. 부연 / 보충설명제공필요 : 원문에서첫문장에나와있지않다고하더라도번역에서는 target readership 을배려하는게중요하므로굴비가어떤생선인지처음에밝혀야한다. 정확히대응되는어휘가없으면상위어 (corvina) 라도표기해야한다. a dried, yellow fish 는너무막연하다. 뒷문장에 corvina 가나와있기는하지만읽는거기까지읽기전에는과연굴비가무엇인지궁금해하고있어야한다. 첫문장에서밝히는게바람직하다. 부연 / 보충설명부족 : 굴비가 sun-dried yellow corvina 라 는것과정식이 full course meal 이라는것은나와있는데, 굴비앞에 Yeonggwang 이왜붙어있는지는설명하지않았다. Intelligibility를저해하는요소이다. 부연설명제공여부의오류 : TT 의정보성제고를고려할 Jogyesa Temple 때해당정보로부터기대할수있는효과가크지않으며 Jogyesa is the head temple of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism under the 오히려 TT 독자의혼란만가중시키므로아예생략하는 direct supervision of the executive director of administration. 것이바람직함 부연설명제공여부의오류 : 'building' 대신 'Migliore, Dongdaemun Market Doosan Tower, and Cheongdaemun' 를구체적으로설명 It is also a very convenient place to shop as many modern buildings such as 할수있는 'shopping center' 와같은하위어로대체하는 Migliore, Doosan Tower, and Cheongdaemun are constellated around. 것이바람직함부연설명제공여부의오류 : 조선이무엇인지잘모르는 03. Jongmyo & Changgyeonggung Route TT 독자를위해 'the Joseon Dynasty' 라고구체적으로 Jongmyo is a royal shrine preserving the ancestral tablets of the kings and 명시해야함. 정보성제고차원에서유네스코세계문화 queens of Joseon. It was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage. 유산의등재연도정도의설명을보충하는것이바람직함 I'Park Mall There is E-Mart, the biggest discount store in Korea, Digital Park specializing in electronics, Codisen for newlyweds, CGV movie theater, the Restaurant Park, Event Park for performances and the first E-Sports stadium in the world as well as a wedding hall. 부연설명제공여부의오류 : 'Codisen' 이신혼부부들을위한어떤장소 ( 쇼핑센터?) 인지알수없으므로정보성제고를위해부연설명을제공하는것이바람직함 부적절한부연설명제공의오류 : 'English' 와 'Korean' 으로만일관되게표기하여도정보전달이충분하나동격 TRAVEL Station names, ticket counters, and transfer signs are all clearly marked in 을나타내는쉼표의쓰임없이 'Korean' 과 'han-geul' 이 PLANNER'S GUIDE> English as well as in Korean han-geul. 함께쓰여오히려독자의혼란을가중시킴 ( 국립국어원 B895 Subways 로마자표기법에따른 ' 한글 ' 의올바른표기는 'hangeul' 이며외래어이므로이탤릭체로표기해야함 ) CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. But the teacher scolds him fiercely saying, "You fool, there is no completion when painting." 동어반복 : fiercely say 는 scold 와같은뜻이다. 동어반복 : terrible reality 이면당연히 major social One of the terrible realities and a major social problem in South Korea today problem 이기도하다. 또한한국임산부들입장에서미국 is that pregnant women travel to the U.S. to give birth in the foreign country so that their children can obtain U.S. citizenship. We must also not forget that the Korean War is not completely over. It was temporarily stopped and people had to live their daily lives under the situation. It is composed of instruments such as farming tools, gong, janggu, sogo (tabor), beopgo, etc. Sajikdaeje (No. 111) Sajik symbolizes the sovereignty of the nation and national rites were offered to the god of land and grain. When the nationwas newly established, it was proper to give sacrifice to ancestors first, praying for abundance for people to live in peace. <Like a Virgin> portrays the challenge faced by a boy who belongs to a E-2 Korean Cinema 2006 'Ssireum (Korean traditional sports)' club E-2 E-2 KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS The national flag of Korea is called the Taegeukgi or "Yin-Yang Flag." 은당연히 foreign country 이므로굳이 foreign country 라는부연설명이필요하지않다. 불필요한사족 : 정전협정체결이전이나이후나 ' 사람들이살아가야했다 ' 는것은변함없었을진대굳이이정보를덧붙이는이유는? 정보성의등가면에서의일관성오류 : gong, janggu, sogo, beopgo, 모두 target readership 에는생소한물건들임에도 sogo 의뜻만첨가해균형이깨졌다. 불충분한부연 / 보충설명 : target readership 이 daeje 의뜻을알리가없음에도 Sajik 의뜻만을풀이해균형이맞지않는다. ' 한국의전통적스포츠 ' 라고대충얼버무렸는데, 극중에서씨름이라는소재가주인공의캐릭터설정에중요한역할을할수있기때문에적어도 Korean traditional wrestling 이라는정도의설명은해줄필요가있다. 정보성의등가면에서의일관성오류 : 앞에서무궁화는 the mugunghwa 로표기했다. 태극기의경우도같은형식 ( 이탤릭체 ) 을취해야한다. By viewing the celadon of Goryeo and the buncheong porcelain and baekja 정보성의등가면에서일관성오류 : 분청은넘어가고백 (white) porcelain of Joseon, visitors can see how Korean ceramics evolved over 자만뜻풀이해일관성이없다. time. 부록 233
E-2 E-2 E-2 E-2 E-2 E-2 E-2 E-2 E-2 E-2 E-2 E-2 E-3 KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals World s of Korea//JONGMYO SHRINE/CHANGDEOKGUNG PALACE/BULGUKSA TEMPLE AND 정보성의등가면에서의일관성오류 : P. 56에서는고유 SEOKGURAM GROTTO/TRIPITAKA KOREANA/HWASEONG 명사에포함된뜻을뒤에영어로중복표기해어떤종류 FORTRESS/GYEONGJU HISTORIC AREA/DOLMEN SITES//P. 57 Korean 의문화재인지밝혔으나 P. 57 에서는고유명사까지만표 Heritages in UNESCO's Memory of the 기해일관성을잃었다. World//HUNMINJEONGEUM/JOSEONWANGJOSILLOK/JIKJISIMCHEYOJE OL/SEUNGJEONGWON ILGI Tongbaechu-kimchi/Nabak-kimchi/baek kimchi/ Oisobagi/Dongchimi/Chonggak kimchi/ Bossam kimchi/kkakdugi 정보성의등가면에서의일관성오류 : 통배추김치, 나박김치에서만하이픈을사용했다. Gyeonggi-do Province/ Gangwon-do Province/ Chungcheong-do, 정보성의등가면에서의일관성오류 : 경기도에는 Chungcheongnam-do Province, Chungcheongbuk-do Province / Gyengsang-do, Province 를붙였는데경상도에는없다. 일관성있는원칙 Gyeongsangnam-do, Gyeongsangbuk-do/ Jeollabuk-do Provinces, 이필요하다. Jeollanam-do Provinces/ Jeju-do Island The quisines mainly consist of fresh seafood. Andong-si City, which was once visited by the United Kingdom's Queen Elizabeth, is the birthplace of the Joseon Dynasty's aristocratic culture. // Dongnae Pajeon is a flat, fried pancake, which originated from Busan City. 정보성의등가면에서의일관성오류 : 안동시는 Andong-si City 로, 부산시는 Busan City 로표기했다. 표기방식을통일할필요가있다. 정보성의등가면에서의일관성오류 : 제목번역에일관된원칙이없다. 여러형태의무덤이있는데이름이 ' 고분 ', ' 릉 ' 으로끝나는무덤은 ' 고분 ' 의음가를사용하지않 1. Anak Tomb No. 3 2. Donmyeongwang Tomb 3. Anak Tomb No.1 4. 고모두 Tomb 으로번역했다. 반면 ' 대묘 ', ' 총 ' 으로끝나 Deokheungri Tomb 5. Yaksuri Tomb 6. Yonggang Daemyo 7. Ssangyeongchong 는무덤은음가를그대로쓰고영문으로무덤임은표시하지않아무엇인지알수없도록했다. 일관된원칙이필요하다. He is wearing a Baekna (white silk) crown with a black inner headdress and holds a zhuwei fan in his right hand. Above the well two Chinese characters of "jeong"(well) and "aging" are written in red. SEOUL VISITOR'S Rapidly Growing Business Hub of Asia GUIDE> Why Seoul? - Serves as the heart of 'BESETO Line' in finance, IT, and etc. SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Insa-dong 정보성의등가면에서일관성오류 : Baekna 와 zhuwei 모두음가를영문으로표기한것인데옮기는과정에서일관된원칙이없다. Baekna 는대문자로시작했으나 zhuwei 는소문자만사용했고, 둘중 zhuwei 만 italicize 했다. Baekna 옆에는괄호를사용해뜻을첨가했으나 zhuwei 는뭔지알수없게돼있다. 정보성의등가면에서의일관성오류 : jeong 은음가를쓰고괄호안에뜻을병기했으나 aging 은음가없이뜻만번역했다. 일관된원칙이없다. 부연설명제공여부의오류 : 'BESETO Line' 의정의나설명이없어 TT 독자의혼란을불러일으킬수있음 불필요한부연설명제공오류 : 한선대원군과노안당과 Unhyeongung Palace 노락당등 TT 독자에게는생소한정보에대해충분한설 This palace was once the private estate of Heungseon Daewongun during the 명이이루어지지않을경우, 이는 TT의목적 (TT 독자에 late Joseon Dynasty. Today the Noandang, Norakdang, Irodang and Sujiksa 게 SL 문화에대한긍정적관심유발 ) 에부합하지않는 buildings and a few others remain standing. 것이므로해당정보를생략하는것이적절함 SEOUL VISITOR'S Seoul Plaza, which is reminiscent of full moon, is covered with smooth GUIDE> Seoul Plaza bluegrass. The same kind was planted in Seoul World Cup Stadium. SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> 'Cheonggyecheon Stream' Cheonggyecheon Stream SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> B909Cultural Experiences; Bongeunsa Temple Life Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District 불필요한부연설명제공오류 : 'bluegrass' 가월드컵경기장에도깔려있다는것이문맥상꼭필요한정보인가? 부적절한부연설명제공의오류 : 우리말의외래어표기에익숙지않은 TT 독자들을배려해음절별로다른색상으로표기 (' 청 / 계 / 천 ') 하였으나오히려그표기가잘못되어독자에게그릇된정보를제공할뿐임 Located at the slope of 'Sudo' mountain in Samseong-dong, South of Seoul, 부적절한부연설명제공의오류 : 'built the name of Bongeunsa is one of Korea's most traditional Buddhist temples built the name Gyeonseongsa' 는문장의논리전개에전혀도움이되지 of Gyeonseongsa. 않는어색한보충설명이므로아예생략하는것이적합 Currently, Daeungjeon, Seonbuldang, Yeongsanjeon, Jijangjeon, 함. 또한지장전과판전과같이부연설명이되어있지않 Bukgeukbojeon, Panjeon, Yeonggak(Chungyeongak), Unhadang, Seonwon, 아 TT 독자에게전혀어필되지않는정보를나열한것은 Simgeomdang, Bubwangnu, Boudang, and Jinyeomun are located inside the 글의경제성 (economy) 를해칠뿐임 Bongeunsa Temple compound. Folk Games of Eight Provinces It is an event prepared and participated in by not only the city and 'Gun' of each Province, the Association of Traditional 불충분한번역 : 군을 'Gun' 이라고표현했는데사실 TT Games Preservation, but also the Association of Seoul Hometown Friends 독자에겐아무런부차적인설명없이군이라고만표현하 jointly. Please be tasted on your hometown at the agricultural products 면 ' 군 ' 이어떤의미인지전혀알길이없음 market. ' 해결사 ' 를 business of solving problems 라고옮긴것같다. 한국어의 ' 해결사 ' 는그의미가명확하지만영문의 business of solving problems 는온갖종류의기술업종을망라하는표현일수있다. E-3 Korean Cinema 2006 Soo is in the business of solving problems. When I was little, I was the curly-haired star in the "Anti-Communist E-3 Korean Cinema 2006 Eloquence Competition". The House Living Together whose motto is "The Homeless' Production E-3 Korean Cinema 2006 Community Creating Hope", had members who occupied and empty house located in Jeongreung, Seoul. 80년대의한국에서 ' 곱슬머리 ' 가지니는상징성이영문에서는드러나지않는다. 직역으로인해어색해진이름및슬로건 : ' 함께사는집 ' 에서주어는 ' 집 ' 이아니라집에사는누군가이다. 반면 house living together 에서주어는 house 가되어버린다. House of Living Together 라고하면문법적오류는제거되지만여전히한국어의 ' 함께사는집 ' 에서느껴지는공동체적분위기는살지않는다. 한편 Prduction Community 라는표현은매우생소하다. 234 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
E-3 E-3 E-3 E-3 E-3 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 Korean Film Although done with a different method, <Nogunri> by MK Pictures, which Observatory. No.22 dealt with Nogunri incident, is a similar case. Cannes Edition 2007 인명살상이관계된사건을단순히 incident 라고하면사안의심각성이은폐되고사건에대한관심을유발하지못한다. 이름까지소개한여주인공을 ' 물속에죽어있는어느여 Korean Film In the last scene of <Crocodile>, the main character, Yong-pae, put handcuffs 자 ' 로묘사하는것은독자로하여금한순간 ' 왜주인공이 Observatory. No.22 on his arm and the arm of Hyun-jung, a woman lying dead in the water. 낯선여자와같이죽으려고하지?' 하는의문을품게할 Cannes Edition 2007 수있다. SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Culture & Entertainment SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Dining & Café 부연설명제공여부의오류 : 원래규정은그렇지만가끔 Taxis>> 예외도있다는것을관광객에게반드시부연설명해주어 The taxi stand is located next to the tourist terminal between platforms 16 야함. 장거리운행시 ( 예 : 늦은밤택시승객이많은서 to 21 on the Arrivals Floor (1st floor) in the parking area and since there is 울시내에서경기도로넘어갈경우 ) 택시기사의임기응 no extra charge for different regions, there are no surcharges for going outside 변으로정해진가격에서합의가이루어져야승차할수있 of the city or province. 는경우도있음 불충분한번역의오류 : 삼청각이무엇인지전혀설명이 Sejong Center for the Performing Arts 되어있지않아 TT 독자의혼란을야기함. 로마자표기오 Additionally it is equipped with convention centers, conference halls, fountain 류에도해당 ( 국립국어원로마자표기법에따라 plaza, SamcheongGak, and many spacious lounges. 'Samcheonggak' 으로수정해야함 ) Moghul This is a Pakistan restaurant located in a building that was previously a home. It is decorated by a large garden and exotic pictures, music and fragrances here. 불충분한번역의오류 : 갑자기등장한 'a home' 이매우어색함 ('a private home' 처럼 'home' 의일반적인의미를구체화시켜주는단어를함께쓰는것이의미전달에도움이됨 ) 과도한직역의오류 : 100V 제품을콘센트에연결하기전 TRAVEL 먼저양해만구하면사용해도괜찮다는전혀다른의미로 In Korea, outlets for 220 volts 60 cycle are dominant but 110 volts are PLANNER'S GUIDE> 해석됨 ('Always check the power supply before using sometimes available. Be careful, and ask before plugging in a 100V appliance. Electricity your equipment.' 처럼중립적으로표현하는것이적합함 ) 과도한직역의오류 : ' 절로이동 ' 한다는내용이어색하게 TRAVEL Korea Business Travel 직역되었음 ( 같은표안의다른예들과마찬가지로명사 PLANNER'S GUIDE> 1st Day: Transfer to the Temple with a Guide, Check in the Temple Facility 구, 'Arrival and Check-in at the Temple' 로처리하는것 Temple Tours (accommodations) 이자연스러움 ) TRAVEL Visitors who set foot in Seoul for the first time are surprised by the thriving PLANNER'S GUIDE> 과도한직역의오류 : 영어같지않은어색한직역 metropolis that swirls all around. Seoul Traveling in Korea is enjoyable all the year round. Some traditional national 과도한직역의오류 : 문맥상서술어가주어의보어가될 TRAVEL holidays, however, are usually a cue for Koreans to visit their hometowns and 수없음에도불구하고무리하게직역된문장임 ('are PLANNER'S GUIDE> families, and during these times up to a quarter of the population may be on often a reminder of the endless lines of cars and people' Travel Seasons the move. 처럼의역하는것이자연스러움 TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> Local people are quick to help a tourist. Intercity Buses 과도한직역의오류 : 어색한직역표현임 ('are often willing to' 처럼의역하는것이적합함 ) TRAVEL Most tours tend to be arranged according to estimates of travelers' preferences 과도한직역의오류 : 어색한직역표현을아예생략하는 PLANNER'S GUIDE> and prevailing conditions on a case-by-case basis. 것이나음 B997Tour Programs CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District The Korean Film Directors series is one of Korean Film Council's projects to furnish an international audience with insight and analysis into the works of Korea's most representative film directors. I was able to perceive the scenes, shots, stories, and the main characters which I couldn't understand before by recollecting the logics of his words while watching his movies again. These aren't even the representative directors! 영어의 representative 는 ' 한국을대표하는 ' 의 ' 대표하는 ' 에대응하는표현이아니다. 대안 : Korea's most emblematic film directors / flim directors who best represent Korean cinema 생소한표현. ' 그가한말의논리 ' 를직역한듯한데, 여기서 ' 논리 ' 란삼단논법등의논증구조 (logic) 를말하는것이아니라말하고자하는 ' 요지 '(gist/idea) 를뜻하는듯하다. representative director 는대표이사를뜻한다. 영어의 representative 는 ' 한국을대표하는 ' 의 ' 대표하는 ' 과같은의미로쓰지아니다. Opening Ceremony You are invited to the opening ceremony of the 'Hi Seoul Festival 2007'. Part 1 will present a Lighted Boat Parade where the lights from the 63 Building will colorfully embroider the Hangang and Part 2 will 과도한직역 : ' 아름다운불빛이한강을수놓는다 ' 라는 provide an exciting concert stage of the popular singers for 90 minutes. As the 표현에서 embroider를썼는데, 이단어를정말직물을짤 concert end, the enormous fireworks will splendidly decorate the night sky of 때쓰는표현이므로어색함. Seoul to announce of starting the festival. How about to taste the wonderful start of the ultimate festival of Seoul, 'Hi Seoul Festival 2007,' in advance. Fly Your Wishes the wishes of te residents of Seoul will be floating in the sky over the Yeouido District. 과도한직역 : 소원이 floating 한다는것은어색한표현임 You can see not only the Rendezvous of Korean Traditional Music with the World No.1 Korean B-Boy and a various kind of performaces to be expressed in sound, light and image, but also a wonderful stage of Musical Gala Show 과도한직역 : 출품작영화를보면더다양한예술과문화 to collect 20 hightlights of top musical at one place. In addition, if you watch 을즐길수있다는논리관계가어색함 the Daejong Film Awards -Candidate Films Screening, you can enjoy more diverse arts and cultures. 부록 235
E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅳ. Traffic Information Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅳ. Traffic Information Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅳ. Traffic Information Hi Seoul Festival 2007>Ⅰ. Enjoying Major Programs Hi Seoul Festival 2007>Ⅰ. Enjoying Major Programs Hi Seoul Festival 2007>Ⅱ. Enjoying Various Kinds of Programs SINSFO that has tried academic approach by linking the festival and Hangang 과도한직역 : ~ 를초대함으로써포럼을개회한다가아 will hold a forum with theme of 'Future and Festival of the Creative City by 니라 ~ 가참석한가운데이므로 with delegations from inviting delegations from about 20 countries. 이더올바른표현 King Jeongjo's Royal Procession Picture of the King Jeongjo's Royal Procession contained appearance of parade of the King Jeongjo to visit royal tomb of his father on Hwaseung (Currently Suwon), Prince Jangheon (Prince 과도한직역 : ' 그림이 ~ 한모습을담고있다 ' 를그대로 Sado), for 8 days with 1,779 persons and 779 heads of horses in elaborate and 담아어색함. 오히려 Picture shows ~ 로가는것이더 detail, commemorating the 61st birthday anniversary of his mother, 자연스러움 Hegyeonggung Hong in 1795, are representing the excellence of our cultures as well as magnificence. Seoul Food Fair It is a complex cultual event to harmonize foods and 과도한직역 : 너무과도한직역으로 to promote Korean cultures that provides an opportunity to enhance 'Tastes of Korea' to 'Tastes food to the world 으로설명하는것이더바람직 of the World.' Citizen's Installation Art Exhibition Citizen's Installation Art Exhibition events, centering on the Ttukseom and Jamsil Districts, will form a truly magnificent spectacle with a number of vanes, flags and poles elected by your own hands. Would you put your desire on the pole of prayer to link the sky and earth, a vane containing desire and a flag of hope. Seoul World DJ Festival Seoul Wolrd DJ Festival was born with the upgraded version from the explosive passion and exciting. That is the Nanji District where anybody can shout loudly, sing a song, play music and dance without trying to read someone's mind! On this widely open place, the world first DJ-inspired Culture Olympic, Seoul World DJ Festival will be held. Scenes from the Royal Palace The 'Scene from the Royal Palace to be spread aroudn ancient places in Seoul will be embellished with the reenactments of the traditional ceremonies and major historic events in Korean history as omnibus drama, in order to friendly approach to residents and foreign tourists visiting the palaces. 과도한직역 : ' 장관을이루다 ' 를그대로직역해서어색함. Will be a spectacle 이나 will present a spectacle 이더자연스러움 과도한직역 : ' 남의눈치볼것없이 ' 를영어단어로그대로대응번역했는데, read one's mind 는 ~ 의마음을읽다라는뜻이므로잘못된번역 과도한직역 : ' 이행사가관람객들에게친숙하게다가가기위해서 ' 를영어단어로그대로대응했는데, 이보다는 present ~in an audience friendly way 로가는것이더자연스러움 Korea Wave Fashion Show You are invited to the Korean Wave Fashion 과도한직역 : announce는 ~ 를직접공식발표하는것이 Show to announce the position of the fashion industries in Seoul extensively 므로여기문맥에서는어색 and to leap up the fashion, culture and tourism industires to the world class. 16th Seoul International Wheelchair Marathon It will be an event with about 5,000 participants and a drama spread out along 42,195km long to 과도한직역 : 깊은감정을보낸다는것이어색 provide hope to the disabled friends and deep emotion to the normal persons. Walking along the Castle Walls 'Walking Along the Castle Walls' is an historical experience invovling walking along the old castle walls of Seoul remained with tiny traces and getting in touch with history. 과도한직역 : time-worn old castle 이라고하는것이더간단하고명확한표현 The Sound of Traditional Korean Music It provides an exciting playground 과도한직역 : 좋은점을 nice points로번역 to present nice points of the traditional Korean Music. Areas with Traffic Restriction For the streamlined operation of the festival, 과도한직역 : 행사기간동안시행되는교통제한을과도 there wll be some restrictions on the traffic by day, time span and area. In 하게직역해서어색한문장이되었음. Check in advance order to enjoy the plentiful events more, be sure to check up the areas with for traffic restrictions 로가는것이더간단하고명확함 traffic restriction to be enforcing during the festival period. Sweetree Italian Restaurant Providing a honey-like resting space with 과도한직역 : ' 꿀같은휴식 ' 은한국적인표현으로 TT독 casual Italian dishes and fresh salads, 'Sweetly' is the restaurant favored by 자에게는너무나어색한표현 everyone. Forest Playground An experiencing field for playing with natural sculptures that cheers up to run barefoot, tumble, and feel the nature as is through the 과도한직역 : ' 체험장 ' 이 experiencing field 인데어색함 senses. Daejong Film Awards - Candidate Films Screening Ⅰ. Enjoying Major Programs To enjoy the various kinds of programs by theme, category and course 과도한직역 : 영화상영은 film screening 으로가도무방 과도한직역 : 본프로그램을소개하는파트이므로그냥 Major Programs 만으로도충분 과도한직역 : 주제, 카테고리, 노선별프로그램을소개하는것이므로 Programs by theme, category and course 로가는것이더정확한메시지전달 236 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 Hi Seoul Festival 2007>Ⅱ. Enjoying Various Kinds of Programs Hi Seoul Festival 2007>Ⅱ. Enjoying Various Kinds of Programs Hi Seoul Festival 2007>Ⅱ. Enjoying Various Kinds of Programs Hi Seoul Festival 2007>Ⅱ. Enjoying Various Kinds of Programs Two types of pleasures, to see with your eyes or to feel with your body, are vivid! To enjoy the programs with a shout of joy or a easy handclap! Enjoy more festivals via subways without any traffic jams. Detailed Description of Programs for each District 과도한직역 : ' 눈으로보고직접체험하는 ' 을영어단어로그대로대응시켜, 영어스럽지않은어색한영어가됨 과도한직역 : 전혀영어스럽지않은표현. 특히 easy handclap 은전혀어울리지않는영어조합 과도한직역 : 지하철을통해서행사를즐기다는의미있지만영어에서는 enjoy 를지하철을통해서한다는의미로변해서지하철행사를즐기라는의미로왜곡됨 과도한직역 : 자세한설명이면 More Information on ~ 으로가는것이더바람직함 All of us must work together to protect our historic relics and their 과도한직역 : ' 한번훼손된문화유산 ' 을같은순서로직 surroundings from being damaged or destroyed, since once damaged cultural 역. 영어처럼느껴지지않는표현. heritage can never get back their original condition. Instrumental music inherited from Gurye, the region of Jeollanam-do. Instrumental music inherited from Iri, the region of Jeollabuk-do. The complex melody and gentle sound generated by vibrating thick bamboo tubes are gems of Daeguem jeongak. Korean dance formed on the background of traditional rituals and folkways. The dance, performed during rituals, played a significant role in the mutual harmonization between tribes in order to preserve regional stability. Korean people used to put more priority on integrity than strength, and such concepts have been revealed in dance as well. In dance performance, the mind's spirit was emphasized more than apparent technique. Folk game enjoyed by our ancestors have more than just a literal meaning of 'not working but having fun'. Gwangju Chilseok Gossaum nori (No. 33) A male group game performed before or after New Year's Day, usually in the regions of Jeollanam-do. Also known as 'homissitgi (washing off hoes)', this game is commonly found in the farmlands. When advanced religions such as Buddhism and Confucianism were introduced, shamanism was harmonized with those two major religions and maintained its pulse in a complex form. 과도한직역 :' 지역 ' 이라는말을그대로옮길필요는없다. from Gurye, Jeollanam-do 라고만쓰면된다. 과도한직역 :' 지역 ' 이라는말을그대로옮길필요는없다. from Iri, Jeollabuk-do 라고만쓰면된다. 과도한직역 : 이역시영어로쓰여진표현이나우리말에더가깝다. TL 에서는쓰지않는표현이다. 과도한직역 : Korean dance has its foundation on traditional rituals and folkways. 과도한직역 : harmonization 에 mutual 의의미포함. 과도한직역 : 의미파악이어렵다. 과도한직역 : mindset 으로고치면더자연스럽다 과도한직역 : 원문에서는 ' 우리 ' 가가능하지만번역문에서는 target readership 이한국인이아니므로 'our' 이라고직역하는것은부적절. ' 우리조상들 ' 을 Korean ancesors 로바꿔야한다. 과도한직역 : 전치사없이 male group game 이라고썼다. 과도한직역 : ' 찾아볼수있다 ' 를직역한것으로추정. found 보다는 seen 이자연스럽다. 과도한직역 : ' 맥을이어오고있다 ' 를직역한것으로추정. 비유직인표현을직역하면같은문화와언어를공유하고있지않은 target readership 이의미를이해할수없다. 과도한직역 : 원문에서는 ' 우리 ' 가가능하지만번역문에 The fundamental ritual conduct of shamanism was exorcism, but our ancestors 서는 target readership 이한국인이아니므로 'our' 이라고 turned such a serious religious rite into a joyful, harmonious, and entertaining ceremony. Since Confucianism and Buddhism were accepted on the basis of the civil unconsciousness of shamanism, religion and shamanism existed together historically. Yeongsanjae (No. 50) // To praise the good deeds of Buddha and give sacrifice to souls, dances are performed on diverse instruments. 직역하는것은부적절하다. ' 우리조상들 ' 을 Korean ancesors 로바꿔야한다. 과도한직역 : Since Confucianism and Buddhism were accepted on the basis of shamanism, of which people were unconscious, religion and shamanism have existed together historically. 과도한직역 : 악기위에올라가서춤을추는것같다. Yangju sonorigut (No. 70) // The performance begins with the dialogue of the shaman and groom, tune and remarks, the dance of the groom, and finally 과도한직역 : 살아있는황소가아님을표시해야함 ends with the movement of an ox. Yangju sonorigut (No. 70) // Commoners' refining of long lyrics makes it very literarily valuable. When metal cultures of bronze and iron arrived, they started to produce accessories and weapons as well as practical tools. 과도한직역 : 원문어순에집착해어색한영어문장이됐다. 과도한직역 : accessories 와 weapons 는 practical 하지않다는의미가된다. 우리말에서는액세서리와무기가 ' 실용적 ' 이지않다고말할수도있지만, 'practical' 하지않은것은아니다. 독자가혼란에빠질수있으므로이를방지하기위해 practical tools 앞에 other 를넣을수있다. 과도한직역 : the Joseon Dynasty 나 Joseon period 로써 Sagijang (No. 105) Artisan who created porcelain in Joseon Dynasty period. 야한다. Sagijang (No. 105) // Korean culture of china and porcelain was developed 과도한직역 : 독자가읽었을때마치 scholars가향기나 as artisan filled sentiment of commoners and fragrance of elegant scholars into 는식물처럼느껴진다. the works. Jewajang (No. 91) // These tiles served the ornamental function of incresing 과도한직역 : building's exterior로고친다. a building's scenic beauty. 부록 237
E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 (2) Metal Crafts// Metal-craft is a technique to create and ornament utensils by the methods of casting or forging with various metals. By purpose of performance, guts include: Wood crafts were founded in Korea's natural environment and reserved an important part of traditional culture even to the present day. The traditional woodcraft method is a very important technique in manufacturing furniture or instruments. The figure and style of soban differed according to location. Daemokjang (No. 74) An artisan was made responsible for the whole procedure of architecture in design, construction, and supervision. 2006 was the year that two films, <King and The Clown> and <The Host>, E-4 Korean Cinema 2006 generated hurricane winds that propelled them to the top. 과도한직역 : 개선한버전 -> Metal-craft is a technique to create and ornament utensils by casting and forging various metals. 과도한직역 : the kinds of gut include the following, according to their purposes: 과도한직역 : 뜻을알수없다. 개선한버전 -> Wood crafts, based on Korea's environmental conditions, have reserved an important part of traditional culture until today. 과도한직역 : be 동사이하의 technique 과동격이될수있는것은 woodcraft method가아니라 woodcraft 이다. The traditional woodcraft is a very important technique in manufacturing furniture or instruments. 과도한직역 : 영어처럼느껴지지않는문장. 과거의사건을얘기하는게아니고객관적인사실, 현재에도유효한사실을말하는것이므로동사시제는현재형이좋다. 보다자연스럽게바꾸면 Different regions have different figures and styles of soban. 과도한직역 : 영어처럼느껴지지않는다. 개선한버전-> An artisan responsible for 2006 년은 ~ 한한해였다 ' 를직역한듯한데, 'year' 앞의정관사는 2006 년이이를테면소련이붕괴한 1991 년처럼뭔가세계사적보편성을갖는사건이일어난해인듯한인상을주며, 그뒤에등장하는 'that' 은그다음에 'year' 를주어로하는동사가나올것을암시한다. 대안 : '2006 was a year that saw two films, A and B, generate hurricane winds ' 순수한사랑 ' 을직역한듯하다. 그러나두남자를서로죽이게만드는 ' 순수한사랑 ' 에서 ' 순수함 ' 이란 ' 순진함 ' 을 Her pure love will draw these deadly men into a spectacular showdown in the E-4 Korean Cinema 2006 의미할것이다. 그러나 ' 순수한 ' 의영어대응어인 'pure' process, revealing Hye-young's hidden past. 에는 ' 잡다한요소가제거된 ' 이라는뜻은있어도 ' 순진함 ' 은없다. Thus the destined match between the grandsons of the two apprentices of the 운명적대결 ' 을직역한듯. 영어에서는대개 ' 피할수없 E-4 Korean Cinema 2006 royal chef has begun 는대결 ' 이라고표현한다. Inevitable match Min-young hardens herself mentally after the move into the new house, E-4 Korean Cinema 2006 largely because of her daughter's unprecedented odd behavior E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Cannes Edition 2007 The reason for this stately tempo is related to the Korean people's concept of the imortance of the breath. 이상한행동 ' 에 ' 전에없는 ' 이라는의미도암시되어있으므로굳이 unprecedented 를덧붙일필요가없다. 덧붙이는것이오히려영어관습에어긋나어색하다. 과도한직역 : 의도한뜻이전달되지않는다. 자연스럽지못한영어문장이다. The stately tempo reflects that Koreans value leeway. In the first article, he emphasized faith in Buddhism and the erection of temples, while in the second he urged his successors not to construct temples 과도한직역 : indiscriminately가오면자연스럽다. thoughtlessly in locatins other than those that had been deemed appropriate by the state priest Doseon. 국가지원대책 ' 을어순그대로직역한듯하다. 그러나 complement 가동사인탓에명사절이되어야할부분이 As can be seen in "The National Complement Countermeasures in the Cultural Sector", 비문이되고만다. 또한 countermeasures 라하면그것이 counter 하고자하는대상이어딘가에언급될것으로기대됨에도끝내언급이없다. 문맥상으로는한미 FTA 로인한영화산업위축효과가그대상이겠지만, 따옴표안에인용된정부정책명칭에서별도로그대상을명시하지않은채 countermeasure 를홀로쓰는것은잘못이다. 분배구조의합리적인틀 ' 을직역한듯한데, 영문에서는 Korean Film We hope that the reasonable frame of distribution structure won't be broken 그냥 reasonable distribution structure 라고해도된다. Observatory. No.22 by firmly maintaining this agreement. Frame 과 structure 가함께등장하면오히려혼란스럽 Cannes Edition 2007 다. Korean Film With the belief of an impending crisis in the industry theory due to a Observatory. No.22 continuously worsening profit rate, Cannes Edition 2007 위기임박론 ' 을어설프게옮긴듯. 영어의 theory 는한국어의 ' 론 ' 보다활용범위가좁다 - 즉, 아무런주장에나 theory 를붙이지는않는다. 예문의경우는 Believing that the industry is heading towards a crisis 라고하면더간결하고자연스럽다. Korean Film 이성간의감정을나타내는말로써영어의 love 는한국어 In <Oasis>, there was a dispute over whose point of view the audience should Observatory. No.22 의 ' 사랑 ' 보다사용범위가선별적이다. 예문과같은경우 take to look at Gong-ju and Jong-du's love. Cannes Edition 2007 통상 relationship 이라고한다. Korean Film Observatory. No.22 That ascending current continues even today. ascent 라고하면더간결하고자연스럽다. Cannes Edition 2007 Korean Film Her characteristic of being quite common and keeping the innocence of Observatory. No.22 one-sided love drew the interest of audiences and make the drama quite Cannes Edition 2007 popular. 평범하고짝사랑의순수함을간직한 ' 의번역문인듯하다. 영어권문화에서는짝사랑과순수함을연관지어생각하지않기때문에이표현을액면그대로옮기면혼란을초래할수있다. 사람의 ' 평범함 ' 을 common 이라는형용사로표현하지도않는다. 238 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 Korean Film a daughter who has hatred and love for her routine life with her tough mother 억척스러운 ' 을 ' 거친 ' 으로옮기면어머니의성격에문제 Observatory. No.22 (<My Mother, the Mermaid> (2004)). 가있는것처럼느껴진다. Cannes Edition 2007 아무여자나친하다고 sister 라부를수있는것이아니 A natural beauty, with aggressiveness and an adventurous mind, restless Korean Film 다. 영어의 sister 가지시하는대상은대부분의경우친 passions and even intellect. Since her start as the sister next door, she has Observatory. No.22 자매, 친누이다. Sister 가같은집에안살고옆집에사는 maintained her position as the best actress for last 10 years, though taking Cannes Edition 2007 것은특수한경우일것이다. 원문이 ' 옆집여동생 ' 이라면 the above appearances as her motive power. the little girl next door 라고하면된다. THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals Carried over for thousands of years, spices and seasonings in Korea are 과도한직역 : 과도하게직역하여마치한국에서는수천 pickled and preserved in onggi ("brown ceramic jars"), which are placed on 년전에만들어진 spices 와 seasoning 이지금사용되는것 stands. 처럼보임. The jars contain a breath of life, and its energy force called chi excretes toxins and impurities that are harmful to the human body. The jars are lined up in two or three rows, depending on their size. The larger jars are normally placed behind the smaller ones for convenience. Korean food is never the same without red, hot peppers. Nowadays, you can see rice cakes ordinarily. Koreans are very generous when it comes to drinking. Friendship is maintained over a bottle or two. 과도한직역 : 비유적으로표현된우리말을직역하여 TT 를읽는독자가이해할수없게됐다. 과도한직역 : 뒷문장을보고뜻을생각해보면 ' 옹기는 2 열또는 3 열로배열하는데각각의옹기는크기에따라위치가결정된다. 사용상의편의를위해대개큰옹기는작은옹기들의뒷줄에배치된다.' 는내용이다. 그런데번역문의첫문장에서는단순히 depending on their size 라고만표현해 ' 크기에따라위치가결정된다 ' 는의미가전달되지못했다. 번역문만보면마치 ' 전체적으로큰옹기가많으면공간이부족하니까 3 열로배치하고작은옹기가많으면 2 열로배치한다.' 는의미인것같다. 말이되게하려면, 'The jars, which are positioned according to their size, are lined up in two or three rows. The larger jars are normally placed behind the smaller ones for convenience.' 라고번역해야한다. 과도한직역 : 원문의내용을추정할수는있으나영문을봐서는뜻이통하지않음. 과도한직역 : 뜻이잘전달되지않는다. ' 요즘에는떡을 ( 꼭명절이아니더라도 ) 평소에흔히볼수있다.' 는내용이되도록번역해야한다. 과도하게직역하여의미가명확하지않다. 과도한직역 : 한두병술을함께마시며우정을지켜나간다는것인데영어로직역해뜻이전달되지않는다. 술을함께마신다는것인지선물로건네준다는것인지도알수없다. 과도한직역 : 영어처럼느껴지지않는다. ' 배를타고있 The name, pyeonsu, is derived from the dumplings floating in the bowl, which 는사람 ' 이라는의미도전달되지않는다. people on the reminded people of boats floating on water. boat 정도면무난하게뜻을전달할수있다. These delicacies contain local ingredients and the culture of the villages they are originally from. Seolleongtang ("ox-bone soup") was traditionally prepared for rites held by the Joseon Dynasty kings in hopes of abundant harvest season. 과도한직역 : 맛있는음식에서그지역의풍미를느낄수있다는내용인데영어로직역하여뜻을잘전달하지못했다. 과도한직역 : 우리말에서는 ' 조선시대왕 ' 이라고쓰는게자연스럽지만영어에서는이렇게명사가나열될경우 of 를사용하고어순을바꾼다. 'the kings of the Joseon Dynasty' 라고해야자연스럽다. 과도한직역 : ' 해안지역에서는다양한음식을먹는다.' There are many dishes near the sea, which include seafood as the main 는것을직역해 'There are many dishes near the sea.' 라 ingredients; while corn, potatoes, buckwheat, herbs and other grains are the 고번역했다. 바닷가모래사장에많은요리가차려져있 chosen ingredients in the inland area. 는그림이그려진다. Unfortunately, obesity is a serious, worldwide problem in today's society, as people consume more meat than vegetables. 과도한직역 : ' 오늘날의사회 ' 를직역했다. Society 는사족이다. Unfortunately, obesity is a serious, worldwide problem today. 라고해도충분하다. 과도한직역 : 두번째문장의내용은 ' 그중벽화가그려 There are about 13,000 ancient tombs of Koguryo in the areas of Jian, China 져있는고분은집안시일대에 23기, 북한에 65기정도가 and Pyeongyang and Anak, North Korea. Among those, the number of mural 된다.' 인데과도하게직역하여뜻전달이명확하지않다. tombs is reportedly 20 in Jian, China and 80 in North Korea. Among those, 23 in Jian and 65 in North Korea have murals in them. 라고고쳐쓰면의미가명확하다. They serve as an important example of figure paintings of the early phase of Koguryo murals. This scene generally follows the rule of early figure paintings that represent the important figures larger than his attendants. It is noteworthy to find human figures above the black warrior, the mythical animal of the north formed by a tortoise and a snake. 과도한직역 : ' 고구려초기벽화 ' 를직역. 뜻이통하지않는다. 과도한직역 : ' 고대회화 ' 의등가표현이되지못할뿐더러무슨뜻인지알수도없다. 과도한직역 : 거북이와뱀이직접나서서현무를만들었다고이해할수도있다. the black warrior, the mythical animal of the north, which is a combined form of tortoise and snake. 부록 239
E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 SEOUL VISITOR'S Optimal conditions for convention with the state-of-the-art facilities, five-star hotels, and tourist attractions 과도한직역의오류 : ' 호텔 ( 급 ) 서비스 ' 를제공한다는뜻 GUIDE> Why Seoul? - 17,343 superior & deluxe hotel rooms, 7,841 first & second-class rooms, and 이므로 'highly-service' 로의역하는것이적절함 2,121 hotel-serviced residence units. SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Walking Tour SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Insa-dong SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Cheonggyecheon Stream SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Cultural Experiences SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> B1020Culture & Entertainment Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District 02. Gyeongbokgung & Insa-dong Route 과도한직역의오류 : 어색한직역 ('feel the presence of a Once you step into Geunjeongjeon, the main hall of the palace, you will have king' 정도로의역하는것이자연스러움 ) the impression of a king. 과도한직역의오류 : ST에충실한번역일지모르나 TT 독자의어필을고려할때에는 'Display and Sale' 을생략 Seoul Cultural Artifacts Display and Sale Center 하는것이오히려자연스러움 ( 독자역시이러한 venue 에서는작품이전시 (display) 되고다양한물건이판매 (sale) 된다는것을알고있음 ) Live Performances and Other Events The Cheonggyecheon area is quickly blossoming into a street performance Mecca, much like the subways of London or Paris. SamcheongGak Traditional Courses The one-day courses teach tea etiquette, lady's industrial arts, Korean traditional music and Pansori (a genre of Korean traditional music). It is reservation-only courses. 과도한직역의오류 : 'Mecca' 가정확히무엇을의미하는가?('a mecca of street performance' 로 'mecca' 의위치를변경하는것이적합함 ) 과도한직역의오류 : TT 독자들을전혀배려하지않고 (TL 의문화, 배경지식등 ) 직역된표현임 ('handicrafts' 정도로번역하는것이바람직함 ) Yongsan Family Park 과도한직역의오류 : 우리말의 ' 자연체험학습센터 ' 를 TL There is a pathway, jogging course, small pond, nature experiencing learning 글쓰기규범에대한고려가전혀없이직역된표현 center as well as many facilities. Opening Ceremony You are invited to the opening ceremony of the 'Hi Seoul Festival 2007'. Part 1 will present a Lighted Boat Parade where the lights from the 63 Building will colorfully embroider the Hangang and Part 2 will TT목적위배 : TT 가문법적으로너무실수가많고완성 provide an exciting concert stage of the popular singers for 90 minutes. As the 도가떨어져서 TT독자들에게행사에대한긍정적인관심 concert end, the enormous fireworks will splendidly decorate the night sky of 을끌기는역부족 Seoul to announce of starting the festival. How about to taste the wonderful start of the ultimate festival of Seoul, 'Hi Seoul Festival 2007,' in advance. You can see not only the Rendezvous of Korean Traditional Music with the World No.1 Korean B-Boy and a various kind of performaces to be expressed in sound, light and image, but also a wonderful stage of Musical Gala Show TT 목적위배 : 문장이너무길고의미전달이명확히이 to collect 20 hightlights of top musical at one place. In addition, if you watch 뤄지지못해 TT독자들의관심을끌기에는역부족 the Daejong Film Awards -Candidate Films Screening, you can enjoy more diverse arts and cultures. SINSFO that has tried academic approach by linking the festival and Hangang TT목적위배 : TT 가문법적으로너무실수가많고완성 will hold a forum with theme of 'Future and Festival of the Creative City by 도가떨어져서 TT독자들에게행사에대한긍정적인관심 inviting delegations from about 20 countries. 을끌기는역부족 King Jeongjo's Royal Procession Picture of the King Jeongjo's Royal Procession contained appearance of parade of the King Jeongjo to visit royal tomb of his father on Hwaseung (Currently Suwon), Prince Jangheon (Prince TT목적위배 : TT 가문법적으로너무실수가많고완성 Sado), for 8 days with 1,779 persons and 779 heads of horses in elaborate and 도가떨어져서 TT독자들에게행사에대한긍정적인관심 detail, commemorating the 61st birthday anniversary of his mother, 이나인식을높이기는역부족 Hegyeonggung Hong in 1795, are representing the excellence of our cultures as well as magnificence. Folk Games of Eight Provinces It is an event prepared and participated in by not only the city and 'Gun' of each Province, the Association of Traditional TT 목적위배 : 문장의메시지전달이명쾌하지않고문 Games Preservation, but also the Association of Seoul Hometown Friends 법적인실수까지이어져 TT독자들의긍정적인관심을유 jointly. Please be tasted on your hometown at the agricultural products 발하기엔부족 market. " Arisu" Festival Do you have kept the story on dabbling in the Hangang as only recollections of old times? How about to enjoy the dabbling in the Hangang with your family that does not allow even accessing? 'Arisu Festival' TT목적위배 : 문법실수와명확한메시지전달실패로 is a tourism festival with a theme of river where you can experience all of 문법적으로나의미상으로어색한글임. TT 독자들의긍정 challeges and dreams personally. Would you provide yor parent an opportunity 적인관심을끌기엔부족 to recall deal memories and your children with the chance to experience the natural playground. Scenes from the Royal Palace The 'Scene from the Royal Palace to be spread aroudn ancient places in Seoul will be embellished with the reenactments of the traditional ceremonies and major historic events in Korean history as omnibus drama, in order to friendly approach to residents and foreign tourists visiting the palaces. TT 목적위배 : 이글은 TT 독자로하여금문화행사에대한긍정적인관심을유도한것인데부적절한단어선택과명확하지않은메시지전달로 TT 목적을위배 Seoul Arts Market It provides an experiencing cultural market place to exhibit and sell the eco-friendly arts prepared by participation of the citizens. TT 목적위배 : 짧은한문장이지만문법실수와어색한표현으로 TT 독자들의관심을끌기엔역부족 240 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅲ. Detailed Description of Programs for each District Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅳ. Traffic Information Hi Seoul Festival 2007> Ⅳ. Traffic Information Joseon Dynasty 's Royal Guard of Honor It is a military rite event of examination for the central corps reponsible for defense of the capotal city in TT 목적위배 : 간단한수일치가어긋나있고, 영어스럽지 Joseon Dynasty, reproduced by the soldiers from the corps in chargeof 않는표현과명확환메시지전달실패로글자체에대한 protecting Seoul today. This rite consists of about 160 perosns including 흥미가사라질수있음. TT 의목적이 TT독자의긍정적 ensign corps, morale soldiers, brass band, infantry corps, mounted party, 관심과흥미를유발시키는것이므로목적위배 royal horse, royal family and government official and will provide self-praise on the national traditions. Seoul Friendship Fair 2007 You can enjoy the folk performances, scenery and customs performed by the invited embassy and legation staff, and foreigners residing in Seoul and unusual tastes of foods from each country. Children's Day Ceremony Would you feel vitality and youth of Seoul, coming together with your children, the hero of the future generation, and all family members. The Children's Day Ceremony will be held at Taepyeong Hall in City Hall. Walking along the Castle Walls 'Walking Along the Castle Walls' is an historical experience invovling walking along the old castle walls of Seoul ramined with tiny traces and getting in touch with history. Musical " Run, Run, Hany!" It is high dignity of family musical on the original Korean character, "Run, Run, Hany!" TT 목적위배 : 잘못된어휘선택과문법실수로글의완성도가낮음. 이번행사에대한긍정적인관심유발에는실패하였으므로 TT 목적위배 TT 목적위배 : 문법실수와명확한메시지전달실패로문법적으로나의미상으로어색한글임. TT 독자들의긍정적인관심을끌기엔부족 TT 목적위배 : 문법실수와명확한메시지전달실패로문법적으로나의미상으로어색한글임. TT 독자들의긍정적인관심을끌기엔부족 TT 목적위배 : 문법적실수와어색한표현으로 TT 독자의긍정적인관심을유발시키기엔역부족 TT목적위배 : 문법실수와명확한메시지전달실패로 The Sound of Traditional Korean Music It provides an exciting playground 문법적으로나의미상으로어색한글임. TT 독자들의긍정 to present mice points of the traditional Korean Music. 적인관심을끌기엔부족 N Seoul Tower Family Concert Under the sky over Namsan with full of vivid TT 목적위반 : 문법적실수와어색한표현으로 TT독자 spring movement, the concert will play familiar classical, pop and jazz music 의긍정적인관심을유발시키기엔역부족 for family and sweetheart audiences. A wide spread of event locations as like the colorful events of 'Hi Seoul Festival 2007.' You don't know what to ride on and where to go? The public TT 목적위반 : 문법적실수와어색한표현으로 TT독자 transportation will bring you to the event location fast and safely where you 의긍정적인관심을유발시키기엔역부족 want to go. If you don't like to get stress from the blocking road and narrow parking lot, leave your car at home~ Areas with Traffic Restriction No prior checkup will bring you headache in your mind and troubles on your foot! TT 목적위배 : 사전조사를하지않으면골치아플것이라는글이부정적임. 차라리 ' 철저한사전조사로축제를더알차고재밌게보내세요 ' 라는글이더긍정적이며 TT 독자들이 TT 를더적극적으로읽도록장려할수있응ㅁ TT 목적위배 : 분실물센터의위치와연락처와같은필요 TRAVEL 한정보가전혀제공되지않은채 ' 소지품분실시에는분 Lost & Found PLANNER'S GUIDE> 실물센터에연락 ' 이라는당연한사실만을열거하였음 In the event of misplaced of lost property, contact the Lost and Found Center. Lost & Found (operative text 의기능을다하지못함으로써 TT 독자에게전혀어필되지않는 TT임 ) TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> B1040 Saemaeulho & Mugunghwaho The Saemaeulho is marginally quicker than the Mugunghwaho and offers spacious seating at a premium price; coaches on all trains, however, are clean and have comfortable seats, with both first and second class seats providing plenty of foot room. A dance performed to pray for a country's peace. Its movements are delicate and elegant. It is a battle game of males, displaying the unique warlike spirit of Andong region. With a synthetic combination of folk song and amusement, it boasts a high level of artistic culture. P. 38 상단그림 Yugijang P. 38 좌측하단그림 Baekdong yeonjukjang TT 목적위배 : TT 독자로하여금한국에대한긍정적관심과인식을높이기위한관광안내책자임에도불구하고무분별한구두점과접속사의사용및논리에맞지않는문장의구성과내용등으로인해 TT 전체에대한독자의신뢰성을떨어뜨림 (TT 목적위배 ) operative text: TT 독자에게 SL 문화에대한긍정적관심을유발할필요가있다 : 병합할수있는문장인데나눠써서유치한느낌을주고있다. SL 문화에대한긍정적관심유발효과가감소됐다. A dance is performed to pray for the country's peace with delicate and elegant movements. operative text: TT 독자에게안동에대한부정적인인식을심어줄수있다. 원문의의도와다르다. operative text: it boasts a high level of artistic culture 이라고말했지만과도한직역과모호한메시지때문에 high level of artistic culture 을 boast 할수없는결과가초래됐다. operative translation: 유기장은사람인데사진은유기 ( 놋그릇 ). TT 독자가 SL문화에대해큰오해를하게됨 operative translation: 연죽장은기술또는장인이름인데그림은연죽. 부록 241
F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 P. 39 우측상단그림 Jogakjang P. 39 우측하단그림 Jangdojang operative translation: 조각장은조각하는장인을뜻하는데그림은사람이아님 operative translation: 그림은장도장 ( 사람 ) 이아닌장도임 P. 40 그림셋모두위와같은문제 operative translation: 잘못된정보제공 P. 41 좌측하단그림외에모두위와같은문제 operative translation: 잘못된정보제공 P. 42 소목장그림외에모두위와같은문제 operative translation: 잘못된정보제공 P. 43 그림모두위와같은문제 operative translation: 잘못된정보제공 P. 44, 45, 46, 47 그림모두위와같은문제 operative translation: 잘못된정보제공 F-1 Korean Cinema 2006 From that moment, an eccentric family is born. his rock band is forced to play Enka (country music) in clubs instead of F-1 Korean Cinema 2006 Rock'n Roll. F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 대안가족을 ' 괴상하다 ' 고만표현하면한국문화가소수자들에게적대적이라는인상 ( 비록현실이그렇더라도 ) 을줄수있다. 뽕짝을외국인들 ( 일본문화에더친숙한 ) 이금방이해할수있도록번역하려면 Enka 로가는것이맞다. 반면한국문화를더깊이소개하는것이목적이라면좀길어지더라도 Ppongjjak 이라고표기하고괄호안에부연설명을해주면된다. 그러나예문에서는후자의방식의단점 ( 길이 ) 은취하면서장점 ( 한국문화에대한이해제고기능 ) 은포기하고있다. Country music 이뽕짝에대한정확한설명인것도아니다. 단순한 courtesan 이아니라문학적소양과각종기예를겸비한기능인이었다는점에서기생과게이샤는분명공 Korean Film <Hwang Jin Yi> is a period blockbuster depicting the life of a gisaeng, (Korean 통점이있다. 그러나게이샤와구분되는기생만의특징이 Observatory. No.22 geisha), during the Joseon Dynasty period. 엄연히있음에도기생을단지게이샤의아류인것처럼소 Cannes Edition 2007 개하는것이과연우리문화에대한관심을불러일으키기에적합한방법일까? Korean Film A natural beauty, with aggressiveness and an adventurous mind, restless Observatory. No.22 passions and even intellect. Cannes Edition 2007 SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Why Seoul? SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Cultural Experiences SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Itaewon & Yongsan SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Culture & Entertainment Optimal conditions for convention with the state-of-the-art facilities, five-star hotels, and tourist attractions - COEX, world's 10th largest convention center with state-of-the-art facilities - 53 international conference facilities including hotels. - 17,343 superior & deluxe hotel rooms, 7,841 first & second-class rooms, and 2,121 hotel-serviced residence units. - Various home-stay programs (B&B, Temple Stay, etc.). - Convenient business services for the Internet use and language support - Comfortable communication availability through the majority of hotel - employees with foreign language skills. 미인은지성을겸비하기어렵다 ' 거나 ' 배우에게지성까지기대하는것은무리 ' 라는전제가깔려있는듯하다. TT 목적위배 : TT 독자로하여금한국및서울에대한긍정적관심과인식을높이기위한관광안내책자임에도불구하고빈번한문법오류및이유없는오역과스타일위배등은 TT 전체에대한독자의신뢰성을떨어뜨림 ( 해당문단뿐만이아닌텍스트전체에서발견되는오류 ). TT 전체가기본적인글쓰기규범에익숙하지않은번역자가쓴듯한인상을줌. 성의없이번역된 TT 는정부기관의관광홍보에대한성의를의심케하고한국을찾는관광객들에게실망만안겨줄것임 Bongeunsa Temple Life Venerable Yeonhui, the National Master Sunim of Unified Silla dynasty, founded the Bongeunsa Temple in the 10th year of King Wonseng's reign(794). Located at the slope of 'Sudo' mountain in Samseong-dong, South of Seoul, Bongeunsa is one of Korea's most traditional Buddhist temples built TT 목적위배 : 빈번한문법오류및이유없는오역과스 the name of Gyeonseongsa. 타일의위배등은 TT 전체에대한독자의신뢰성을떨어 Currently, Daeungjeon, Seonbuldang, Yeongsanjeon, Jijangjeon, 뜨릴뿐임 Bukgeukbojeon, Panjeon, Yeonggak(Chungyeongak), Unhadang, Seonwon, Simgeomdang, Bubwangnu, Boudang, and Jinyeomun are located inside the Bongeunsa Temple compound. Bongeunsa is widely recognized for it's various propagation efforts and social services. It represents Korea's past 1,200 years of history and tradition. The World in Seoul Itaewon called 'The world in Seoul', 'Street of foreigners' is where foreigners can easily enjoy shopping. There are many fashion shops selling clothes, shoes and bags, many restaurants where you can sample food around the world as well as venues to enjoy the night life. Around 2,000 shop keepers greet customers in English and other languages. TT 목적위배 : 한국및서울에대한긍정적관심과인식제고라는 TT의목적을달성하기에는문장전체의어역 (register) 이낮은느낌이드므로좀더문장을다듬어줄필요가있음 ( 예 : Itaewon, often referred to as 'the world in Seoul' or 'Street of foreigners' is a popular shopping destination for foreigners.) National Museum of Korea There is the permanent exhibition hall displaying archeological, historical, TT 목적위배 : 어색한번역과스타일의위배등은 TT 전 donated artifacts related to Asia and an exhibition hall with changing exhibits 체에대한독자의신뢰성을떨어뜨림 ( 해당문단뿐만이 and a children's museum specially designed for children where children can 아닌텍스트전체에서발견되는오류 ) enjoy exhibitions through experiences and participating learning can be enjoyed. 242 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
F-1 F-1 F-1 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Dining & Café SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Shopping [TT1] Moghul This is a Pakistan restaurant located in a building that was previously a home. It is decorated by a large garden and exotic pictures, music and fragrances here. It is similar to Indian food and most dishes include mutton. TT 목적위배 : 'Moghul' 과 Taj Mahal' 의설명이동일함 [TT2] Taj Mahal (TT 독자에게부정적인효과만을주는성의없는번역 ) This is a Pakistan restaurant located in a building that was previously a home. It is decorated by a large garden and exotic pictures, music and fragrances here. It is similar to Indian food and most dishes include mutton. Yongsan Electronics Market Since world-famous brands such as Samsung, LG, Sony, Phillips are sold here, TT 목적위배 : 사소한문법오류, 이유없는오역, 비논리 the best part about coming here is that you can peruse to the extend as what 적인문장구조등은 TT 전체에대한독자의신뢰성을떨 you want for price comparison and products variety before making a 어뜨릴뿐임 procurement There are 5 restaurants - Seokchon mainly serving Bibimbap and Korean SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> B1054 Traditional food court Jeojagori LotteWorld CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. traditional dishes, Jumak where you can taste Dongdongju(thick rice beer) and Pajeon(green onion pancake), Songpa which is famous for Bulgogi and Galbi, Mongchon setting out the best boribap(barley rice), cheuotang(loach soup) and Jeonwondabang(coffee shop) serving Sujeonggwa(cinnamon punch with dried persimmon) and Sikhye(rice punch). TT 목적위배 : 기본적인문법조차지켜지지않은문단전체가 TT 독자에게전혀 'appeal' 하지않음. 먼저, 로마자표기법이전혀지켜지지않았으며 ( 외래어는이탤릭체로표기하며문두에나온경우를제외하고는모두소문자로표기해야함 ), 띄어쓰기가잘못되었으며 ( 괄호와단어사이는반드시한칸띄어야함 ), 영어문장내에서는 '1' 부터 '9' 까지숫자를쓰지않고철자를직접표기하나숫자 '5' 가쓰였음 I was able to perceive the scenes, shots, stories, and the main characters which I couldn't understand before by recollecting the logics of his words while 단축형은문어체에서는사용하지않는다. watching his movies again. Just then, I became aware that I was watching the life of the time which my father couldn't dare talk to me about. Four dancing girls are positioned to four directions (north, south, east, and west) with a drum set at the center. Korean Film Observatory. No.22 The young prisoner was able to enjoy eternally embracing his beloved. Cannes Edition 2007 단축형은문어체에서는사용하지않는다. 적절한어역 : women 대신 girls 를써서가벼운느낌을줬다. 설정의어두움에비춰 enjoy 는어감이어울리지않게밝다. The young prisoner was able to hold his beloved in an eternal embrace 라고하면조금나을듯. Korean Film 사람의 ' 평범함 ' 을 commonness 라고표현하지는않는다. By admitting her commonness from the time of her debut, she chose a wise Observatory. No.22 Common 을사람에대해쓸때는 ' 흔해빠진 ' 과같은부정 strategy. Cannes Edition 2007 적뉘앙스가따른다. 대안 : ordinariness THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Culture & Entertainment The significance of Korean sauces and condiments In the past, foreign residents in Korea had referred to Insa-dong as 'Mary's Alley'. 적절한어역 : sauces 와 condimenets 가중요한것은사실이나 significant 하다고하면너무무거운느낌이든다. importance 로고치면더자연스럽다. 적절한어역 : 여기서는 called Insa-dong as 'Mary's Alley' 라고쓰는게적절하다. War Memorial of Korea 적절한어역의오류 : 문단전체와는어울리지않는 It's open from 9:30 to 18:00. It's closed on Mondays and the admission is colloquial 한축약형 3,000 won for adults. TRAVEL Telephone cards come in 2,000 won, 5,000 won, and 10,000 won PLANNER'S GUIDE> denominations and can be purchased at business establishments near the Telephone phone booths as well as banks. TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> Customs Duty is imposed on goods purchased outside Korea that a traveler brings into Korea (This does not include personal items, see note below.), minus the following duty-free allowance: 적절한어역의오류 : 문맥상어울리지않는 'business establishments' 를 'shops' 나 'stores' 로대체하는것이적합 적절한어역의오류 : colloquial 한 'minus' 를 'after deducting' 으로대체하는것이적합함 TRAVEL The high elevation of the region also keeps the environment free from many PLANNER'S GUIDE> pollutants that are found at lower elevations. Let's find out more about the 적절한어역의오류 : 문단전체의흐름을고려하지않고 Tours that charming nature of Pyeongchang, where nature's untouched beauty can still 갑자기등장한 'Lets' find out' 이어색하고 colloquial 함 Harmonize Mind and be found. Body with Nature TRAVEL [TT1] Fees 100,000 won per month (Monday PLANNER'S GUIDE> TT2] Fees $500 per week, $900 for two weeks, $1,200 for three weeks Taekwondo Center [TT3] Fees 80,000 390,000 per person TRAVEL [TT1] Period Five days every January PLANNER'S GUIDE> [TT2] Period For two days around January 15 of the lunar calendar Festivals [TT3] Period For 4 days every May TRAVEL 14:00 Uniform distribution and room assignment PLANNER'S GUIDE> 19:30 Tea ceremony & conversation with Buddhist monks and nuns A Day at a Temple 04:00 Seon meditation (sitting & walking meditation) & rest TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> Temple Tour Each temple offers its own unique program, including: a temple pilgrimage to visit the traditional cultural heritage of Korea such as architectural structures, sculptures, arts and crafts, and paintings; Zen meditation and martial arts for maintaining the health of the body and the mind; a walk around the temple woods to commune with nature; making tea and lotus lanterns; and experiencing takbon (rubbed copy of petroglyphs or pictographs of tombstones or stone monuments). TL 의스타일및글쓰기규범오류 : 기호 '$', ' ' 와철자 'won' 의통일되지않은표기 ( 일관성위배 ) TL 의스타일및글쓰기규범오류 : 기간표기의무원칙성및영문의철자법위반 ( 영문에서는 '1' 부터 '9' 까지숫자를쓰지않고철자를직접표기 ) TL 스타일및글쓰기규범오류 : 기호 '&' 와 'and' 를혼용 ( 일관성위배 ) TL 의글쓰기규범오류 : 문법에어긋나는나열 ('including' 과콜론두가지를모두쓸수없으며 'including' 앞의쉼표도생략해야함 ) 과일관되지않은병렬 부록 243
F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE>KTO TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> Temple Stay Program Each year the Korea Tourism Organization issues more than ten separate 스타일상의오류 : 문두에 'the Korea Tourism publications in English, Japanese, Chinese, French, German, Spanish, Thai, Organization (KTO)' 처럼기관명과축약형을병기한후 and Russian distributed throughout 23 KTO overseas offices. 축약형을사용하는것이바람직함 Early-morning Ceremony A Buddhist ritual of making a bow to Buddha with respect. Chamseon: Zen meditation Seon or Zen means quiet thinking, meditation, or insight. Dado: Tea Ceremony Brewing and drinking tea is also a respected Buddhist practice. Barugongyang: Buddhist Monastic Meal Barugongyang is a method of eating that has been passed down since the time of Buddha. Early-morning Ceremony TRAVEL Chamseon: Zen meditation PLANNER'S GUIDE> Dado: Tea Ceremony Temple Stay Program Barugongyang: Buddhist Monastic Meal 스타일상의오류 : 'Chamseon', 'Dado' 와 'Barugongyang' 에이어지는문단의시작은모두완전한문장으로이루어졌으나유독, 'Early-morning Ceremony' 의설명만명사구로시작함 ( 일관성위배 ) 로마자표기와관련된스타일오류 : 다른것은음가와영어대응어를병기하였으나유독 Early-morning Cermony' 만음가대신영어대응어 ( 새벽예불일것으로추정 ) 를단독으로사용. 로마자표기의무원칙성과함께스타일상의오류 TRAVEL Join the trip to experience taekwondo! There are a variety of programs PLANNER'S GUIDE> available including: short introductory programs (an hour-and-a half/3 TL의글쓰기규범오류 : 문법에어긋나는나열 Experience Taekwondo Culture hours), one-day programs to actually engage in the sport (4 hours/6 hours) ('including' 과콜론두가지를모두쓸수없음 ) and 3-day tourist packages. TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE>Taekwondo; Three Basic Components of Taekondo Pumsae A systematic frame work of techniques, which enables the individual to practice attack and defense techniques as if he/she was faced with opponents. Gyeokpa Techniques used at examinations or demonstrations where the practitioner, one who has mastered the basic techniques and movements, uses great strength to break hard items such wooden boards, tiles and bricks. Gyeorugi This refers to both the process of mastering the techniques needed for attack and defense in one-on-one combat, as well as the process of assessing the mastery of such techniques acquired through pumsae practice. 스타일상의오류 : ' 품새 ' 와 ' 격파 ' 의설명은모두명사구로이루어졌으나 ' 겨루기 ' 의설명만완전한문장으로되어있음 ( 일관성위배 ) Pyeongchang is continually working toward its goal of developing an area where everyone can experience the unlimited potential of Asia's winter sports TRAVEL culture at the same time as fulfilling the International Olympic Committee's TL의글쓰기규범위반오류 : 영어에서는문단과문단사 PLANNER'S GUIDE> dream of establishing global peace and harmony. 이를띄어쓰기나들여쓰기중하나를사용하여구분함 Pyeongchang Pyeongchang, with its abundant snowfall and breathtaking mountains, serves as the home for winter sports in Korea. TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> Rental fee is 3,000 won a day and the fee for a call is 100 won per ten Mobile Phone Rental seconds. Services Telephone TRAVEL card phones can be used only with regular telephone cards (MS card). PLANNER'S GUIDE> Telephone cards come in 2,000 won, 5,000 won, and 10,000 won Telephone denominations and can be purchased at business establishments near the phone booths as well as banks. 스타일상의오류 : 'rental fee' 와 'calling fee' 로스타일을통일하는것이바람직함 ( 일관성위배 ) 스타일상의오류 : 문장을시작하는단어는항상대문자로표기 TRAVEL The tragedy evolves around four main characters: Jang-saeng, a free-spirited TL의글쓰기규범오류 : 반복되는고유명사와명사구의 PLANNER'S GUIDE> clown, Gong-gil, a delicately effeminate male clown, King Yeonsan, a tyrant 나열을쉼표대신세미콜론또는괄호로처리해 The King and The with painful memories of his mother, and his jealous concubine Noksu. readibility를높이는것이적합함 Clown TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> ICC Jeju [TT1] Ieodo Plaza This is in a sunken garden, yet facing a spectacular vies of the sea, designed for refined exhibitions, alfresco banquets and other events. [TT2] Other Facilities Halla Hall (accommodating 1,100 guests), Samda Hall (500 guests), various types of meeting rooms, VIP room, restaurant, coffee shop and cafeteria 스타일상의오류 : TT1 을비롯한모든문단은소제목과완전한문장으로이루어져있으므로, 비록 ST 가단어의연속적인나열일지라도 TT2 에서는완전한문장으로스타일을통일시켜주는것이바람직함 (TT 스타일의일관성위배 ) TRAVEL Conventions TL의글쓰기규범오류 : 한문장안에여러개의접속사 PLANNER'S GUIDE> The convention hall has a total floor space of 1,518 m2, can accommodate 1,200 가쓰여 readability 가떨어지므로두개의문장으로나 Kimdaejung people, and can be divided into 3 sections. 누거나문장구조를바꾸는것이바람직함 Convention Center TRAVEL Types of Buses PLANNER'S GUIDE> All city buses are classified as one of four colors: Blue, Green, Red, and Seoul City Bus Yellow. System TRAVEL Transportaion Card PLANNER'S GUIDE> Transportation Cards are available for both buses and subways. Transportation Card TL 의글쓰기규범오류 : 콜론다음에위치한명사들의부적절한대문자표기 TL 의글쓰기규범오류 : 'Transportation Card' 는보통명사이므로 'Cards' 를 'cards' 로표기해야함 >>> Summer Vacation: The last week of July through the third week of August TRAVEL >>> Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving Day): The 15th day of the eighth lunar TL의글쓰기규범오류 : 콜론다음에위치한명사구의부 PLANNER'S GUIDE> month 적절한대문자표기 Travel Seasons >>> The New Year holiday season: The end of the year through January 2nd and adjacent weekends. 244 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 TRAVEL TL의글쓰기규범오류 : 접속사없이한문장안에여러 Lunar New Year's Day PLANNER'S GUIDE> 개의문장들이연결되어있어 readability 가떨어지므로 Many families perform ceremonies to honor their ancestors, traditional foods National Holidays 두개이상의문장으로구분하여문장구조를수정하는 are eaten and folk games are played. (2007) 것이바람직함 TRAVEL PLANNER'S GUIDE> B1107 KR PASS CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. CHUNG Sung-il. IM Kwon-taek. You may purchase KR Pass Voucher at overseas travel agents, ticket offices or online(www.korail.go.kr, credit card purchase only), then exchange the voucher at a designated exchange office for a KR PASS, and travel all over Korea on any railroad lines for a set period of time without any restrictions on frequency or distance (excludes designated subways and train tours). I am not saying this as a figure of speech, but as the only expression that can best describe the history of IM's time. Living in South Korea after the Korean War can't be explained in any way without North Korea. On the other hand, government promoted TV entertainment at home, causing film viewers to abandon the cinema. TL 의글쓰기규범오류 : 한문장안에너무많은정보가담겨있어 readability 가떨어지므로두개이상의문장으로구분하여문장구조를수정하는것이바람직함 only 와 best 중하나는없어도된다. 단축형은문어체에서는사용하지않는다. 앞에서계속 film viewers 라고했으니 moviegoers 등다른표현을써주어도좋다. 또한 causing 보다는 leading 이더자연스럽다. Without reluctance, he made government policy movies and freed himself from 일반명사에소유격부호를쓰는것은글쓰기규범에어 the market's collapse, while finding his own artistic world in it. 긋난다. Collapse of the market. Even the directors from the 1970s aren't in the industry anymore. 단축형은문어체에서는사용하지않는다. During this process, Hollywood movies weren't just the means of entertainment for Koreans but the government intended them to be a cultural 단축형은문어체에서는사용하지않는다. study. IM didn't deal with a biography of a heroic general nor a war spectacle as most Korean historical dramas do. 단축형은문어체에서는사용하지않는다. At the same time in the '60s, the media made a fuss about imported fads, 낡은것으로여겨진다고생각하게하다 ' 와 ' 낡은것으로 causing people to think that something "Korean" or "Korean tradition" were 여기게하다 ' 사이에는중요한의미차이가없다. 그렇다 considered out-of-date and boorish. 면더짧고간결한표현을선택하는편이낫다. Korean people enjoyed singing and dancing by nature, and developed their own music using a unique method. Gasa is traditional Korean vocal music and it presents songs with long stories. This also has been one of the important factors that developed Korean culture and arts. Since Confucianism and Buddhism were accepted on the basis of the civil unconsciousness of shamanism, religion and shamanism existed together historically. Sajikdaeje (No. 111) Sajik symbolizes the sovereignty of the nation and national rites were offered to the god of land and grain. Gangneung danoje (No. 13) // Various folk games and cultural events are performed centering Tano sacrifice and Gwanno mask drama, UNESCO selected it as the "Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity" in 2005. Donghaean byeosingut (No. 82-Ga)// Festive, recreational and artistic functions are displayed, as well as the religious function. Onggijang (No. 96)// Onggijang created pottery with a dark brown glaze to store food and for fermentation. 스타일위반 : 원문에서등위접속사로연결된복문이있었다고하더라도영문에서는가능한경우등위접속사 and 로연결하는것보다는관계대명사로연결하는게더자연스럽다. Koreans who enjoyed singing and dancing by nature developed their own music by a unique method. 스타일위반 : 원문에서등위접속사로연결된복문이있었다고하더라도영문에서는가능한경우등위접속사 and 로연결하는것보다는관계대명사로연결하는게더자연스럽다. Gasa is traditional Korean vocal music which presents songs with long stories. TL의글쓰기규범위반 : 최상급이없으므로굳이 one of 를쓸필요가없다. This also has been an important factor that~ 으로쓰거나최상급을쓸경우는 one of the most important factors that 이라고쓸수있다. TL 글쓰기규범위반 : TL에서는같은단어를한문장에두번씩반복하는경우가잘없다. Shamanism 을의미하는다른표현을써주면보다자연스러운영어문장이될수있다. Since Confucianism and Buddhism were accepted on the basis of shamanisma, of which people were unconscious, the religions and the animistic belief existed together historically. TL 글쓰기규범 : Sajik symbolizes the sovereignty of the nation 에서문장을끝냈어야했다. Sajik symbolizes the sovereignty of the nation 와 national rites were offered to the god of land and grain 를 and 를사용해한문장으로연결할이유가전혀없다. 원문이그렇다고할지라도영문텍스트에서는관련없는두아이디어를한문장에담지않도록해야한다. TL 글쓰기규범위반 : 원문이그렇다고할지라도영문텍스트에서는관련없는두아이디어를한문장에담지않도록해야한다. UNESCO 앞에, 를사용해문장을연결한것도어색하다. TL 의글쓰기규범위반 : 영문텍스트에서는반복을피해야한다. 마지막 function 을 one 으로바꾸어야한다. TL 의글쓰기규범위반 : 병렬관계인두대상의형태가달라영문글쓰기규칙을위반했다. TL 글쓰기규범위반 : not only A but also B 구문이므로 (1) Ceramic Crafts// As man's ingenuity increased, not only was the way of A와 B가균형을이루는게좋다. 개선한버전은다음과 kneading clay improved, but kilns also began to be built that could withstand 같다. As men's ingenuity increased, not only the way the heat needed for firing. This heat ranged from 1,100 to 1,200 degrees centigrade. of kneading clay improved, but kilns withstanding high temperatures ranging from 1,100 to 1,200 degrees centigrade began to be built. 부록 245
In the face of all difficulties and defying a doctor's warning, Gi-bong is F-3 Korean Cinema 2006 running toward the finish line. F-3 Korean Cinema 2006 OH graduated from Columbia College Chicago Film/Video. 영화의시놉시스에서등장인물의배경을설명하는경우외에스토리의전개를서술할때는현재진행형을사용하지않는다. 출신학과를표기할때는 Department of ~ 라고쓴다. 또는 he graduated ~ majoring in ~ 이라고쓴다. 영어글쓰기의관습상앞에서영화내용을실컷설명해놓고 this is the story of a man who ~ 로시작하는문장이나오면그문장은앞서기술한주인공의행동을단순 this film is about the story of the man who sticks to the search and at the F-3 Korean Cinema 2006 요약하는것을목적으로하지않는다. 대개는 ~ who same time it shows the course and the magnificent view of the highland. defies all odds to realize his dream 같은강렬한의미부여형서술이뒤따른다. 그런점에서 who sticks to the search 는지나치게밋밋하고중립적이다. F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS KOREAN CULTURAL INSIGHTS A number of relics from the Goguryeo period were also found in the Hangang River basin and other parts of the southern Korean Peninsula in about 50 sites. That voice is always a distinctive Korean voice, a voice that arises from the character of the Korean people, related to Korea's climate and natural environment and also to religion and ideology. 스타일위반 : 영어처럼느껴지지않는다. TL 에서는이렇게쓰지않는다. 간결하게고치면 A number of relics from the Goguryeo period were also found in the Hangang River basin and 50 other sites in the southern Korean Peninsula. TL 의글쓰기규범위반 : 같은단어를한문장에서세번이나반복하는일은없다. The distinctive Korean voice reflecting the people's character is related to Korea's climate, natural environment, religion and ideology. Korean Film When the woman kisses and tries to kill him by stopping his breath, he was 동사시제에일관성이없다. 일반적으로영화내용을소 Observatory. No.22 not ready to accept it and averted her move. Eventually, Jin was killed by 개하는글에서는현장감을살리기위해현재형을쓴다. Cannes Edition 2007 a young prisoner who loved him. Korean Film Her husband took the role of joining in, even after realizing she was visiting 과거형서술은영화내용을기술하는텍스트의관습에어 Observatory. No.22 Jin. Why did these things happen? One more character was required - hence, 긋난다. Cannes Edition 2007 the young prisoner who was in love with Jin. Korean Film Observatory. No.22 Cannes Edition 2007 In it, she played a common woman developing a life with a man she met through Internet chatting. In her subsequent film, <A Promise> (1998), she played a common doctor who lives a dull daily life, and, in <The Harmonium in My Memory> (1999), she played a simple village girl who falls in love with a teacher from Seoul. On other occasions, she has played a common instructor at a private institute who... Korean Film Her desire for work is so great that her wish for the new year was the Observatory. No.22 following; "I wish to find good work rather than a good man." Cannes Edition 2007 THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF KOREAN FOOD World Cultural Heritage Koguryo Tomb Murals SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Why Seoul? common 이라는형용사의적절성여부는둘째치더라도동일한형용사를이처럼반복적으로사용하는것은영어쓰기의스타일에부합하지않는다. Everyday, ordinary, regular 등의다른표현들을적절히혼용하면좋을것이다. 인용한구절이워낙짧으므로거창하게 ' 다음과같다 :' 고까지써줄필요가없다. TL 글쓰기규범 : Perhaps this is one reason why 에서 Additionally, many Korean dishes, such as kimchi, also have particular health one reason이직역투처럼느껴진다. ' 한가지이유 ' 라는 benefits, such as preventing cancer. Perhaps this is one reason why people 뜻으로번역하려면 TL 규범에맞게 one of many reasons from all over the world come to Korea savor Korean cuisine. 로고치고, ' 바로 하는이유 ' 라는의미를표현하려면 'the reason' 으로바꾼다. 스타일위반 : TL, 즉영어에서는중복을피해야한다. Choosing Korean food is a healthy choice a step towards a healthy lifestyle. Choosing 을생략하면된다. Korean food is a healthy choice a step toward a healthy lifestyle. A favorite fish in Korea, godeungeo jorim ("mackerel cooked with soy sauce") is charbroiled plain and then served with soy sauce. The temple has produced many prominent monks and houses the greatest number of cultural properties among all temples in Korea. 스타일위반 : 뜻이안통하는것은아니지만영어처럼느껴지지가않는다. One of Koreans' favorite fish 로번역해야한다. 스타일오류 : 서로다른시제를취하는동사는등위접속사로연결하는것보다관계사로연결하는게자연스럽고 readability 도높일수있다. //The temple, which has produced many prominent monks, houses the greatest number of cultural properties among all temples in Korea./ The temple with the greatest number of cultural properties in Korea, has produced many prominent monks. When Koguryo ruled East Asia /two thousand years ago, great tombs and 스타일 /TL의글쓰기규범위반 : 이예문은책에서직접 /murals of magnificent scale were created. /Such works of art depicted the 확인할필요가있다. 원문의시를산문으로번역했는데 lifestyles /and philosophy of the modern Koreans' ancestors/ in the Koguryo 시처럼보이도록하기위해자주줄을바꾼것같다. 그런 period. /These works are now designated as /World / sites 데엉뚱한곳에서줄을바꾸어가독성이떨어진다. and are treasures that each /and every one of us should preserve. [TT1] Rapidly Growing Business Hub of Asia - Serves as the heart of 'BESETO Line' in finance, IT, and etc. - Founder of Seoul International Finance Center (SIFC), Digital Media Center (DMC) in Sangam-dong, and International Business Center (IBC) - World's best city of the information industries [TT2] Know-how & expertise gained though a number of international conventions : Seoul's participation is ranked 2nd in Asia and 9th in the world. - Acquiredmany convention facilities meeting international standards - Fully equipped with management know-how and various service programs - A large pool of convention experts with well-rounded experience and foreign language fluency 스타일상의오류 : TT1 과 TT2 을비롯해전반적으로문장구조가일관되지못하고무분별하게여러스타일 ( 동사, 형용사구, 명사구의혼용 ) 로쓰여졌음 (TT 스타일의일관성위배 ) 246 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Why Seoul? SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Why Seoul? SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE>Itaewon & Yongsan SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Seoul Convention & Visitors Bureau SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Seoul Convention & Visitors Bureau SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE> Gomehome SEOUL VISITOR'S GUIDE [TT1] Highlighting Seoul's image as a human-oriented city - City of culture where diverse traditional heritage & modern life coexist in harmony. TL 스타일및글쓰기규범오류 : 기호 '&' 와 'and' 를무 [TT2] Know-how & expertise gained though a number of international 분별하게혼용 ( 일관성위배 ) conventions - Fully equipped with management know-how and various service programs Dynamic City of Joy and Diversity - Colorful city for shopping - seven duty free shops, Insa-dong,Dongdaemun Market, Namdaemun Market, Itaewon, Myeong-dong,Cheongdam-dong, Yongsan Electronics Market, Gyeongdong Market, Dongdaemun Folk Market, Noryangjin Fisheries Market, Yangjae Floral Market TL 의스타일및글쓰기규범오류 : 각기다른용례에같은부호 (-) 를사용해어색한느낌이듬. 소제목의나열을하이픈이아닌 ' 등의다른기호를사용하는것이적합함 The World in Seoul There are many fashion shops selling clothes, shoes and bags, many 스타일상의오류 : 동명사, 절, to 부정사의혼용 ( 일관성 restaurants where you can sample food around the world as well as venues 위배 ) to enjoy the night life. Around 2,000 shop keepers greet customers in English and other languages. THE SEOUL CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU TL의글쓰기규범오류 : 제목과문단의시작이잘못되었 is a specialized organization that represents the City of Seoul as a home for 음 international conferences. [TT1] Site Inspection [TT2] Participant Promotion [TT3] Hosting Support nd language support services cards & cards TL 의글쓰기규범오류 : 무분별한기호 (&) 와철자 (and) 의혼용 'Guseonwangdogo', one of the most popular dishes, is a soup made of TL의글쓰기규범오류 : 영어문장내에서는 '1' 부터 '9' steamed & dried powder of 9 white herbs and rice. Its taste is similar to that 까지숫자를쓰지않고철자를직접표기하며무분별하 of porridge and is very appealing to both eastern and western people. In 게기호 (&) 와철자 (and) 를혼용하지않음 addition, it is famous for plum Kimchi, grilled insam, and Sinseollo. Taxis>> The taxi stand is located next to the tourist terminal between platforms 16 TL의글쓰기규범오류 : 한문장안에너무많은정보가 to 21 on the Arrivals Floor (1st floor) in the parking area and since there is 담겨있어 readability가떨어지므로두개이상의문장으 no extra charge for different regions, there are no surcharges for going outside 로구분하여문장구조를수정하는것이바람직함 of the city or province. 부록 247
부록 3 공공기관번역오류예문 ( 웹페이지자료 ) 오류유형 A-1 제주특별자치도 A-1 제주특별자치도 >culture > folklore A-1 제주특별자치도 >culture > folklore A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 출전해당예문평가 제주특별자치도 >culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 culture > arts 제주특별자치도 culture > arts 제주특별자치도 culture > arts 제주특별자치도 samda > tourist attraction Ma is a Jeju word meaning "mold" or "rainy season" and Mabullim means to end the rainy season (though the efforts of the Shaman). The upper dress in called muljeoksam, the pants mulsojungi and the head piece mulsguon. On the way to the field, he saw what he though were several hawks flying over his field. Every village has at least one shrine managed by women as well as an alter for po-je which is controlled by men. Admission fee: Free of char 스페링오류 (though- ->through) in - -> is 으로수정 ( 철자오류 ) though- -> thought 으로수정 ( 철자오류 ) alter- ->altar 으로수정 ( 철자오류 ) 철자오류 (char- ->charge) The woods planted in the Park are providing a green environment to the citizen through the four seasons as the major trees strong against seawater 철자오류 (plated- ->planted, see- ->sea) such as Pittosporum tobira, Agave, Fiwa, Yeddo-Hawthorn were plated with due to the specific character adjacent to the see. Yongdam reports Park The way of people live in Marado is different from (that of) mainland. If wind dies down, the island becomes quite and the people become lively. 철자오류 (report- ->resort) Quite- ->Quiet 으로수정 ( 철자오류 ) 제주특별자치도 OCEAN FIOOA HOTEL Flora 를잘못표기 ( 철자오류 ) tour > accommodation 제주특별자치도 Quite and comfortable Indoor! Make yourself at home? Newly renovated Quite- ->Quiet 으로수정 ( 철자오류 ) tour > accommodation 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports Because Eoseungsaeng Deer Garden lies within the field, you can see about 200 dears while riding horses. dears- ->deer 으로수정 ( 철자오류 ) 제주특별자치도 It was designated and has been protected as a Local Munument number 1. 철자오류 (Munument- ->Monument) tour > touring around Byeolbangjin wall was constructed by minister Jang Lim with a girth of 2390 제주특별자치도 feet(cheok), a height of 7 feet (cheok) to defend the island from the attacks 철자오류 (th- ->the) tour > touring around of Japanese foe in th 5th year of king Jungjong of Joseon dynasty. Gang Sa Gong planted three pine trees and five hackberry trees in the frond 제주특별자치도 yard of Daeseongjeon but all of which destroyed due to lack of care and 철자오류 (frond- ->front) tour > touring around natural disaster. 제주특별자치도 During Joseon dynasty, a teach had taught about 30 students with the 철자오류 (teach- ->teacher) tour > touring around support of the government. 제주특별자치도 However, regretably, due to natural evaporation, the amount of water has 철자오류 (regretably- ->regrettably) tour > touring around recently decreased. 제주특별자치도 It will givfe you the impression that the old woman forehead, sorrowful eyes 철자오류 (givfe- ->give) tour > touring around and nose can be faintly seen on the left side of the rock. 제주특별자치도 > At the same tome, new mothers tome- ->time 을수정 ( 철자오류 ) culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore Shamans (simbang) place a long pole in their houses and perform a tree-day, large-scale Kut. The outdoor toilet, alkd tongshi, was installed in the ujat and located far from the kitchen. tree-day- ->three-day 으로수정 ( 철자오류 ) calkd- ->called 으로수정 ( 철자오류 ) The are three type of bonpuri; general, shrine (tang) and ancestral. The are - ->There are 으로수정 ( 철자오류 ) Lather, she gave birth to five large eggs Lather- ->Later 으로수정 ( 철자오류 ) he rite tablet reads T'ojijisinsinwi (Tablet of the Spirit of the Soil) he- -> the 으로수정 ( 철자오류 ) It is reasonable that thele precious cultural properties should be preserved at the original places where they were first erected. But it must always be borne in mine that stone totem poles as well as wooden totem poles are dispersed here and there. Coupled with the breath-taking scenery and romantic dreams, Seogwipo KAL 제주특별자치도 Hotel boasts it 9-story building which includes the sea-side rooms with >tourism>accomodatio beautiful ocean view, mountain-side rooms with spectacular mountain view, n traditional on-dol rooms as well as suites for business travelers. 철자오류 (thele-->their) 철자오류 (mine- ->mind) it- ->its 으로수정 ( 철자오류 ) 248 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >1. 일월오봉도국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >1. 일월오봉도 The silver-inlaid iron clubs are cpnsidered highly valuable for their delicate manufacturing technique and distinctive form. 철자오류 in the 9th year of King Tajong s reign, a Hwacha, the Fire Wagon which could fire tens of iron-fletched arrows from copper barrels in a carriage, was 철자오류 invented. The eo is a wooden percussion instrument shaped like a tiger. It was 국립국악원 > About introduced form China during thd rule of King Yejong of Goryeo; today it is Gugak> Korean used in the ritual music performed at Confucian shrines to signal the end of introduced form China- -> introduced from China 으로 Musical Instruments> a concert. It is placed on the west side of any musical ensemble. There are 수정 ( 철자오류 ) Percussion 27 "teenth" on the back, which are scraped with a bamboo rod once the head Instruments of the tiger is struck with a hammer three times to signal the end of a piece The chuk is a wooden box painted blue and shaped likea morlar. It was 국립국악원 > About introduced from; China during rule of King Yejong of Goryeo and manly used Gugak> Korean in at music at confucian shrines. There is a hole on the top of the rectangular Musical Instruments> shaped likea morlar- ->shaped like a molar ( 철자오류 ) body, and a wooden hammer is used to strike down upon the hole to produce Percussion a resounding thump. The chuk signats the beginning of a performance, and Instruments it is placed on the east side of any musical ensemble 국립국악원 > About A large, flat lapped bronze gong, the jing was wiaely used by the general Gugak> Korean public and the milray. It is called daegeum when used for jongya music and the jing was wiaely used- ->the jing was widely used으 Musical Instruments> jing when used for pungmul nori. It is held in one hand and struck with a 로수정 ( 철자오류 ) Percussion mallet. Instruments 국립국악원 > About Gugak> Korean Musical Instruments> The bells are identical in size and shape, but very in thickness. very in thickness- ->vary in thickness ( 철자오류 ) Percussion Instruments 국립국악원 > About It is one of three transverse flutes, the large daegeum, the medium-sized Gugak> Korean junggeum, and the small sogeum. daegeum has one blowing hole, six finger Musical Instruments> daegeum- ->Daegeum ( 문두의대문자사용 ) holes, and an extra hole covered with a thin membrane. It produces a Percussion distinctive buzzing sound that is both refined and benign. Instruments 국립국악원 > About Gugak> Korean Gwanak yeongsanhoesang Gwanak yeongsanhoesang is a derivation of the Musical Instruments> Buddhist vocal music called Yeongsanhoesang, which describes Buddha Percussion preaching a sermon to his followers. Instruments 국립국악원 > About Gugak> Korean Musical Instruments> Percussion Instruments 국립국악원 > About Gugak>Traditional Music and Dance>Instrumental music 국립국악원 > About Gugak>Traditional Music and Dance>Instrumental music The Korean government designated Jongmyo jeryeak as Treasure No.1, and UNESCO allocated the work as a World Cultural Treasure. yeongsanhoesang - -> Yeongsanhoesang 으로수정 ( 대문자필요 ) 철자오류 :Jongmyo jeryeak- ->Jongmyo Jeryeak 으로수정 Yeomillak King Sejong of the Jeoson period is said to have created Yeomillak, meaning "to enjoy with the populace." Although presently it is an performed it is an performed by - - >it is performed by ( 철자오 by an orchestral ensemble, it was originally a comprehensive art form 류 ) combining music, song, and dance. This piece derives from gagok, a classical vocal genre appreciated by the dugeo. Meaning- ->dugeo, meaning 으로수정 ( 철자오 scholars of the Joseon period. It is a wind ensemble version of the gagok piece 류 ) Gyemyeonjo dugeo. Meaning "the warm atmosphere in the middle of spring," The chuk is a wooden box painted blue and shaped likea morlar. It was 국립국악원 >About introduced from; China during rule of King Yejong of Goryeo and manly used Gugak>Korean in at music at confucian shrines. There is a hole on the top of the rectangular Musical body, and a wooden hammer is used to strike down upon the hole to produce Instruments>Percussi a resounding thump. The chuk signats the beginning of a performance, and on Instruments it is placed on the east side of any musical ensemble 국립국악원 >About Gugak>Korean Musical Instruments>Percussi on Instruments 국립국악원 >About Gugak>Korean Musical Instruments>String Instruments 국립국악원 >About Gugak>Traditional Music and Dance>Dance Music The instrument was introduced to Korea during the rule of King Yejong(r.1105-1122) of Goryeo. It is used in court music. The bells are arranged in two rows, eight bells in each. They produce sounds when struck with a mallet made of animal horn. The thicker the bell, the highter the sound. manly - ->mainly 으로수정 ( 철자오류 ) the highter the sound- -> the higher the sound.( 철자오류 ) The instrument is plucked with a short bamboo rod, which is held in the right Joseon Dynasty Particularly revered the geomungo.- -> hand, and produces majestic deep sounds. The literati of the Joseon Dynasty Joseon Dynasty particularly revered the geomungo. 으로 Particularly revered the geomungo. 수정 ( 소문자사용 ) Although the performance history of the dance is unknown, it os known that it was offered with the Hangmu (Crance Dance) and the Cheoyongmu (Dance it os known- ->it is known 으로수정 ( 철자오류 ) of Cheoyong) at court banquest. 부록 249
A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 국립국악원 >About Gugak>Traditional Music and Dance>Dance Music 국립민속박물관 > 1. 한국고대의소리 국립민속박물관 > 1. 한국인의일생 >A. 출생 Although the performance history of the dance is unknown, it os known that at court banquest- ->at court banquets 으로수정 ( 철자 it was offered with the Hangmu (Crance Dance) and the Cheoyongmu (Dance 오류 ) of Cheoyong) at court banquest. From pre-historic time in Korea, bells of all kids including Buddhist temple bells and other sound-producing objects have always served as ritual ware and magical implements to invite good luck, 철자오류 : all kids 가아니라 all kinds Brown seaweed, rice and a bowl of water are offered to the gods in prayer for fortune and longerity of mother and child. Immediately after childbirth, a table of offerings to the three gods is set up the head of the mother's room 철자오류 : longerity가아니라 longevity and her first meal of cooked rice with brown seaweed soup is prepared with the same rice and brown seaweed which had been offered to the gods. 국립민속박물관 > 4. 삼국시대의생활과 A striking feature of Korean nation founding mythloogy is that they combine 철자오류 : mythoogy(x) mythology(0) 문화 >A. 삼국및가야 the elements of heaven-sent founder theory and oviparous theory. 의건국신화 A striking feature of Korean nation founding mythloogy is that they combine 국립민속박물관 > the elements of heaven-sent founder theory and oviparous theory. 4. 삼국시대의생활과 The very existence of the two different elements in Korean nation fouding 철자오류 : founding 과 mythologies 가되어야함. 문화 >A. 삼국및가야 mytologies underlines the fact that Korean culture had been developed on 의건국신화 the basis of northern culture to which southern culture was accepted. 국립민속박물관 > Queen s Costumes: She ware skirt, jacket and a long coat. The coat had 6. 삼국시대의생활과 long and wide sleeves and colorfully decorated purple strips 문화 >B. 삼국시대의 along its neckband, bottom and sleeve ends. 복식 국립중앙박물관 This helmet that had been produced in order to thank God and to pray for >collection>100highlig victory at Ancient Greek Olympia games, was excavated by German hts Donation Gallery Archaeological excavation team in 1875. 국립중앙박물관 In order to observe the life of people in he past, it has been devided into four >collection>100highlig 철자오류 different categories;homes, Farming, Music and War. hts Donation Gallery 문화관광부 >Korea>Sports 철자오류 : ware 가아니라 wore 고유명사 capitalization 오류 Two major facilities are the Seoul Sports Complex and the Olympic Park, both 대문자표기 river- ->River 로수정 located in southeastern Seoul, just south of the Han-gang river. 문화관광부 > Images Regardless of when red pepper was added to kimchi, it was an epochal event 대문자표기 korean-->korean of Korea 11> Kimchi in korean culinary history. 문화관광부 > Images of Korea 11> Kimchi> In volume 7 of Sambongjip it is written that there existed a Yeomulgo which In volume 7 --> In Volume 7으로수정 ( 대문자표기 ) The History of was for processed vegetables. Kimchi 문화관광부 > Recent Korean Sports>Handball 문화관광부 > Traditional sports>other sports 문화관광부 > Traditional sports>other sports Following that victory, the Korean women's team took the silver medal at the 1996 Atlanta Olympic games. 대문자표기 games--> Games 로 On days when ssireum matches were held, gambling games such as yut (a four-stick game like parcheesi) and various card games, which were ordinarily 대문자표기 parcheesi-->parcheesi prohibited, were allowed. instinctive reflexes can be traced back to ceremonial games that were performed during religious events in the era of the ancient tribal states. 수정 대문자표기 instinctive-->instinctive 문화관광부 > World Since the Three Kingdoms period construction techniques accounted for 13> 철자오류 : The builders of Changdeokgung- ->the terrain features. The builders of Changdeokgung, fully employing the ancient Changdeokgung builders of Changdeokgung으로수정 techniques, created a structure which is uniquely Korean in terms of design. Palace 문화관광부 >Folk Through the basin flow the Han-gang river 대문자표기 river-->river Beliefs 문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 Name eoulsungnyemun(south gate of Seoul) 1호문화재청 > General Name Seongjusananghyehwasangbaegwolbogwangtapbi(Stele accompanying Search> Search> 국보 pagoda of buddhist Priest Nanghyehwasang of Seongjusa Temple) 8호 문화재청 > General Name eongjusananghyehwasangbaegwolbogwangtapbi(stele accompanying Search> Search> 국보 pagoda of buddhist Priest Nanghyehwasang of Seongjusa Temple) 8호제주특별자치도 culture > arts Representative: kwon young-yee (kyy142@hanmail.net) 대문자표기 ( 철자오류 ) (South gate of Seoul) - ->(South Gate of Seoul) 으로수정 ( 철자오류 ) buddhist Priest- ->Buddhist Priest 으로수정 ( 철자오류 ) buddhist Priest- ->Buddhist Priest 으로수정 ( 철자오류 ) 제주특별자치도 uper Luxury Hotel uper Luxury- ->Super Luxury 으로수정 ( 철자오류 ) tour > accommodation 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports We invite you to the best attraction, Chowon Horse-back Riding Field, located near Jungmun Tourist Complex. Horse-back Riding Field- ->Horseback Riding Field 으로수정 ( 승마장의경우하이픈은불필요 ) 250 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-1 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore We invite you to the best attraction, Chowon Horse-back Riding Field, located near Jungmun Tourist Complex. near Jungmun Tourist Complex.- -> near the Jungmun Tourist Complex. 으로수정 ( 통사오류 : 여기서 complex 의경우정관사 the 가필요함 ) This includes Gajuk-durumagi (a topcoat made of fur), Gajuk-balle, Gajuk-gamte (fur hat) and Gajuk-boseon (fur socks). Among these items, Gajuk-durumagi- ->gajuk-durumagi 으로수정 ( 스페링의 Gajuk-durumagi is a typical herdsmen's dress. ajukdurumagi is tied with 일관성유지필요 ) leather straps or buttons made of knots. And 24 Dolhareubangs, 4 each at the east gate, the west gate and the south gate in Daejeong County and Jeongui County, so it can be assumed, that The 철자오류 : The- ->the 으로수정 ( 대문자표기오류 ) total number is 48, but one Dolhareubang is believed to be lost. 한국관광공사 >Tip planner > about korea 3. climate Current Korea weather conditions > Climate 한국관광공사 >Tip The chart below represents the 24 Hangeul letters and their omanized planner > about korea equivalents. > Language 한국관광공사 >Tip planner > about korea 2. national symbols > National symbols 한국관광공사 >Tip planner > about korea NATIONAL FLOWER > National symbols Te mountain range that stretches the length of the east coast falls steeply into 한국관광공사 >Tip the East Sea, while along the southern and western coasts, the mountains planner > about korea >Location Busan > Festivity tour (12)>Busan International Motor Show 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >1. 일월오봉도국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >1. 일월오봉도국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >1. 일월오봉도국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >1. 일월오봉도국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >1. 일월오봉도 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >1. 일월오봉도 국립민속박물관 > 1. 한국인의일생 > B. 출생 국립민속박물관 > 4. 삼국시대의생활과문화 > B. 삼국시대의복식 국립민속박물관 > 4. 삼국시대의생활과문화 > B. 삼국시대의복식 descend gradually to the coastal plains that produce the bulk of Korea s agricultural crops, especially rice. Current Korea weather conditions- -> Korea's Current Weather Conditions 으로수정 ( 철자오류 ) their omanized - -> their Romanized 으로수정 ( 철자오류 ) 2. national symbols- -> 2. National Symbols 으로수정 ( 철자오류 ) NATIONAL FLOWER- ->National Flower 으로수정 ( 철자오류 ) Te mountain range- ->The mountain range 으로수정 ( 철자오류 ) It is an international motor show which presents a variety of high-level events such as cart races, a car audio contest, a cargiveaway lottery, auto-related cart races- -> car races 로수정 ( 철자오류 ) seminars, and the College Student Self-made Motor Race. We would like to invite you to our tourist ranch, designated as a new attraction by the Namjeju-gun office, Seokwang Horseback Riding Field. President Kim Gyeong-tae one can interpret the painting of the Sun, the Moon and Five Peaks with the similar meaning and symbolism: a wish for eternity of the kingship.. President Kim Gyeong-tae - -> President Kim Gyeong-tae. 으로수정 ( 구둣점오류 ) 구두점오류 In order to make it easier to read, decorative and aesthetically valuable, letters and lines were inlayed with bright silver against the dark plane of the 구두점오류 sundial s bronze-molded body,. the Fire Wagon which could fire tens of iron-fletched arrows from copper barrels in a carriage, was invented. The "wooden-plugged barrel" structure was later invented as a result of numerous research and experiments held during the King Sejong's reign,. Also, another rain gauge, following the existing style, was made to be stalled in Changdeokgung, Kyeongheegung, 8 provinces, Gaeseong office and Hanseong (Seoul) in the 46th year of the reign of Yeongjo. 구두점오류 구두점오류 철자. Install This one in the picture which was first placed in the front yard of Imunwon of Changdeokgung in 1782(6th year of the reign of Jeongjo and subsequently 철자, 괄호 ) 빠짐 moved to the front of the entrance stairs of Gyeongseong Museum in Changgyeongwon in 1920. Being a paternal society, the duty of utmost importance for a Korean wife was to give to a son. In the Joseon period(1392-1910)they regared the birth of a ( ) 앞뒤에한칸씩띄어쓰기해야함. son as a fulfillment of an obligation of a denscendant to the ancestors. King s costumes: The historical records that say that Baekje kings wore purple long coat with wide sleeves, blue silk trousers and white leather belt 두문장사이에맞침표를찍지않았음. show that Baekje kings' costumes were similar to the costumes of Goguryeo Goguryeo kings. They wore~ kings They wore gilt bronze crown or black silk cap and gilt brozne ornamental shoes or leather shoes. The historical records that say that Baekje kings wore purple long coat with wide sleeves, blue silk trousers and white leather belt show that Baekje kings' costumes were similar to the costumes of Goguryeo kings They wore gilt bronze crown or black silk cap and gilt brozne ornamental shoes or leather shoes. 구두점오류 : full stop 을찍지않았음. 국립민속박물관 > 4. Munyeong(462~523 A.D.), the 25th king of Baekje and his queen were laid 삼국시대의생활과문구두점 : the 25th king of Baekje는삽입어이므로뒤에 to rest in the king's tomb in Geumseong-dong, Gongju, Chungcheongnam-do 화 > comma(,) 를넣어주어야함. Province. D. 무녕왕릉 부록 251
A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 국립민속박물관 > 6. 발해의역사와문화 국립민속박물관 > 6. 식생활 > A. 식생활 국립민속박물관 > Coming of Age and Wedding This exhibit displayed for the first time in Korea gives us an opportunity to arouse our interest in the history of Balhae, which is considered as a part 구두점오류 : comma 가삽입되어야함. of Korean history and will be a stepping stone to restore the history of Balhae and to correct it properly in Korean history. Ways to remove the bitter taste and toxicity from tree barks and plants were 구두점사용 : were developed 와 so that 사이에 comma 를 developed, so that those suffering from hunger might eat them with safety. 써줄필요가없음. The commoners' coming-of-age ceremony was less complicated:a the farmers' 구두점오류 : 콜론뒤에한칸띄어쓰기 cooperative group, or ture, would ask the boy to lift a designated rock to 해야함. demonstrate that they were strong enough to be a members of the work fore. 국립중앙박물 The reason that a handaxe is a symbolic artifact from which human evolution 관 can be traced, is that it was produced by a human being who began to stand 구두점오류. 콤마삭제해야함 >collection>100highlig up and think. hts Donation Gallery 국립중앙박물관 The fact that this type of armors were found in other regional areas, means >collection>100highlig 구두점오류 that it was quite popular during Three Kingdoms period. hts Donation Gallery Made in Hamgyeong-do province, the hometown of King Taejo, it consists of three parts: first, the register of twenty private slaves given to Yi Seong-gye 국립중앙박물관 ( 李成桂, later King Taejo) by the king of the Goryeo Dynasty, December 17, >collection>100highlig 콜론사용오류 1390. The second consists of details and a guide to the register. The third part hts Donation Gallery is the register of thirty houses located in Gaeseong, but their relationship with Yi Seong-gye could not be traced. 국립중앙박물관 The prints of Chojo Tripitaka that have been handed down until now, are >collection>100highlig 구두점오류 approximately 2,600 books, most of which are in Japan. hts Donation Gallery 국립중앙박물관 At the agriculture area, you can see a model of the remains of Sacheon >collection>100highlig 구두점오류 Igeum-dong which was an agricultural village in the Bronze Age,. hts Donation Gallery 문화관광부 Hallyeosudo Waterway, and the Jirisan and Gayasan mountains are >Korea>Tourism>Expl 구둣점오류 : Waterway 이후컴마생략 outstanding natural resources in this region. oring Korea 문화관광부 > Images However, most Korean children by the time they reach school age, have of Korea 11> Hangeul mastered Hangeul. 구둣점오류 : Korean children, by the time 으로수정 ( 컴마삽입 ) 문화관광부 > Images It is considered natural to honor the elderly, whether it be ones own parents one's own parents 으로수정 ( 구둣점오류 ) of Korea 11> Kimchi or the neighbors. 문화관광부 > Images Koreas pottery culture was developed to such an extent that Korea is called Korea's 로수정 ( 구둣점오류 ) of Korea 11> Kimchi the country of ceramic ware or the country of jars and pots. 문화관광부 > Images of Korea 11> Kimchi Koreas basic fermented foods such as kimchi, bean paste, soy sauce, red pepper paste, pickled sea foods, table vinegar, and rice wine were stored and Korea's 로수정 ( 구둣점오류 ) matured in either big glazed pottery called dok or in small pottery called danji. The origins of the same tongbaechu kimchi (whole cabbage kimchi) can be 문화관광부 > Images found in Siuijeonseo : written around A.D. 1800), and the origins of jang of Korea 11> Kimchi kimchi (kimchi soaked in paste) in Dongguksesigi : written in A.D 1849). 문화관광부 > Images of Korea 11> Ornamental Patterns>Jasu 문화관광부 > Images of Korea 11> Painting/Calligraphy > Folk Painting 문화관광부 > Images of Korea 11> Painting/Calligraphy > Joseon Period Painting 구둣점오류 : Siuijeonseo : 및 Dongguksesigi : written in A.D 1849) 에서 colon 과괄호는불필요 Artisans who were mobilized to produce textiles, and related items such as hyungbae, were among the most skilled people in the nation; they were placed 구둣점오류 : Artisans, 으로수정 ( 컴마삽입 ) in the central and regional governmental offices and devoted themselves to this field. These thrilling depictions of large groups of hunters dressed in the attire of Manchurian nomads, are generally used to decorate military housing and installations. Yi Am, on the other hand, created animal paintings full of dogs and cats, that had a lyrical, innocent quality. 구둣점오류 : nomads 이후컴마불필요 구둣점오류 : dogs and cats 이후컴마불필요 문화관광부 > Images A Buddhist scripture printed from woodblocks dating to the Silla period, was of Korea 11> Printing 구둣점오류 : period 다음컴마불필요 retrieved from Bulguksa Temple in Gyeongju. Heritage 문화관광부 > Images The resulting masterpieces Tripitaka Koreana, have been preserved to this masterpieces Triptaka Koreana 이후컴마불필요 ( 구둣 of Korea 11> Printing day at Haeinsa Temple in Hapcheon-gun, Gyeongsang-nam-do province and 점오류 ) Heritage are the world's oldest remaining woodblocks for the Tripitaka. 문화관광부 > Images of Korea 11> Sculpture The geometric quality of the Northern Wei art which accompanied the introduction of Buddhism, produced a straightforward style. It is not easy to 구둣점오류 : introduction of Buddhism이후컴마불필요 define the style of Goguryeo Buddhas from the few extant diminutive gilt-bronze or clay figurines. 문화관광부 > World 13> Changdeokgung, one of the five palaces of the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910), 구둣점오류 : constructed in 1405 as an auxiliary Changdeokgung Palace was constructed in 1405, as an auxiliary palace. palace.( 컴마불필요 ) 252 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 문화관광부 > World Since the Three Kingdoms period construction techniques accounted for 13> 구둣점오류 : Since..had accounted for terrain terrain features. The builders of Changdeokgung, fully employing the ancient Changdeokgung features, 으로수정 techniques, created a structure which is uniquely Korean in terms of design. Palace 문화관광부 > World 13> meaning "a place where many people gather", and sori for "song". "song".-->"song." 으로수정 ( 구둣점오류 ) Pansori 문화관광부 >Folk Beliefs 문화관광부 >Korea>Arts>Dance> Modern History of Korean Dance 문화관광부 >Recent Korean Sports>Baseball 문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 10 호 Not only illness, but also misfortune, and calamities of various kinds, were attributed to evil spirits. 구둣점오류 : Not only illness but also misfortune and calamities of various kinds were attributed to evil spirits. ( 컴마불필요 ) Further stimulating the development of local ballet, was the introduction of European modern ballet during the 1988 Seoul Olympics, through local ballet 다음컴마불필요 ( 구둣점오류 ) performances by the Lyon Opera Ballet, the Koeln Ballet, and the Stuttgart Ballet. The Korean University Baseball Federation (KUBF) which separated from the 구둣점오류 : Federation, which 로수정 ( 삽입절을컴 Korea Baseball Association (KBA) in 1997, has been doing its best to develop 마로분리 ) college baseball in Korea. Name ilsangsabaekjangamsamcheungseoktap(three storied stone pagoda in front of Baekjangam Hermitage of Silsangsa Temple) 구둣점오류 : Three storied stone pagoda- ->Three --storied stone pagoda 로수정 ( 하이픈누락 ) 문화재청 > General Geungnakjeon Hall, was built in the 12th year of The Great King Sejong's Geungnakjeon Hall, was built - -> Geungnakjeon Hall Search> Search> 국보 reign (1430). was built 으로수정 ( 구둣점오류 ) 13호 서울특별시청 > Day Tour Suggestions> One-day Traditional 서울특별시청 > Travel Guide> Attractions> Parks A-2 제주특별자치도 A-2 제주특별자치도 A-2 제주특별자치도 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 제주특별자치도 >culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 >culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 >culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 culture > arts For visitors with only one day to spend in Seoul it s difficult to suggest where to go, but the area in Seoul with the most to see would have to be the downtown area. Specifically in downtown some must see locations for any short-term visitors would be Gyeongbokgung Palace, Insadong, Cheonggyecheon and Deoksugung Palace. must see 가형용사적으로사용되므로 must-see 로수정 Admission: 15,500 adults, 10,000 children This Aquarium, located inside the COEX Shopping Mall is divided into four themes: an Ocean Theme Park with 40,000 marine wildlife of 650 species, the Water Journey, where visitors experience diverse marine life, following the water from a high mountain to 구둣점오류 (comma 누락 ):...Shopping Mall, 으로수정 the deep sea, the Undersea Tunnel, a tunnel which passes through 2,000 tons of seawater, and an automatic walkway that takes you through sharks and other precious marine life. Where were these 47 Dolhareubangs originally They used to be placed in front 구두점오류 : 물음표생략 of the castle gates of Jejumok, Daejeonghyeon and Jeonguihyeon. What do ''Museongmok'' and ''Useongmok'' mean It is too early to conclude their meanings although a few scholars explain what they mean in several 구두점오류 : 물음표생략 ways. Is that all Is there any chance that more Dolhareubangs have existed If so, where did the rest of them disappear to When the administrative districts of 구두점오류 : 물음표생략 Jeju Special Self-Governing Province were divided into three areas One winter day when the cold wind blew, the daughter of the Hyons was on her back She - ->on her back. She 으로수정 ( 구두 carrying a large water jar on her back She discovered a deer coming down 점오류 ) from the hill and caught it in a flash, unhampered even by the jar of water. Why do they carve Dolhareubangs and place them everywhere Do they just plunge into the superstition in the wake of awareness of Dolhareubangs'' function as a guardian god which protects the safety and well-being subconsciously Is that the result of being assimilated into the exotic moods of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province Are they fascinated by Dolhareubangs 구두점오류 : 의문부호 '?' 가생략됨. which have glaring eyes, stubby noses and slightly unbalanced shoulders Do they highly evaluate the image of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province coming from Dolhareubangs Jang Gongik and Song Jeongwon have lived unique lives as sculptors of Dolhareubangs through life and received an honorable title, the master craftsman. On top of that, how nice would it be if the fortification was put back its the original state In addition, Dolhareubang is not an intangible cultural asset 구두점오류 : 의문부호 '?' 가생략됨. that we cannot see but a tangible folk material which can be seen and touched. Various events such as national sports meet every year Halla culture festival, 구두점오류 : 컴마 ',' 생략 Tangerine festival are to be held frequently. 제주특별자치도 Property :225 beautifully appointed guest rooms and suites at a 9-floor tour > accommodation building with the car parking capacity of 200 spaces 제주특별자치도 tour > food 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports Thank you for visiting the homepage of Namwon Sea Village Raw Fish Restaurant Namwon Sea Village Raw Fish Restaurant run by Namwon-ri On the height above sea level of about 150m, there is a sea cave, Sanbang Cave, that is approximately 10m in length and 5m in width and height. TT 에서는단어와 ':' 사이에는띄어쓰기를하지않고 ':' 뒤에띄어쓰기를한다. ( 구둣점오류 ) Thank you for visiting the homepage of Namwon Sea Village Raw Fish Restaurant! 으로수정 ( 구둣점오류 ) that is - -> that is, 으로수정 ( 구두점오류 ) Although Biyang Peak is the common name, the local people call it "Ammae". "Ammae".- ->"Ammae." 으로수정 ( 구둣점오류 ) 부록 253
A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports This beach can accommodate up to 50,000 vacationers a day. The water is usually calm so family vacationers love to visit here. Hamdeok Beach is equipped with modern change rooms and shower rooms, parking lots that can accommodate up to 300 cars, camp sites and lodging houses. Therefore, it is also known as Mount Yeongju since common people wouldnt dare to come here. 제주특별자치도구두점 The nation biggest lavenda garden of its kind. tour > touring around 제주특별자치도 It recreates Jeju unique folk culture into a modern form on stage. tour > touring around The water is usually calm so family vacationers love to visit here.- ->The water is usually calm, so family vacationers love to visit here. 으로수정 ( 구둣점오류 ) wouldnt- ->wouldn't 으로수정 ( 구둣점오류 ) 오류 : the nation biggest- -> the nation's biggest 으로수정 구두점오류 : Jeju- ->Jeju's으로수정 제주특별자치도 Mount Hallas autumnal tints and snow-covered scenes have been selected as 구두점오류 :Mount Halla- ->Mount Halla's 으로수정 tour > touring around the best of the best. 제주특별자치도 There are 4 inhabited islands including Sang(Upper), Ha (lower), Chuja 구두점오류 : 이경우마치 5개의유인도로이해됨 tour > touring around Island, Chupo Island and Hoenggan Island, as well as 38 uninhabited ones. 제주특별자치도 Korea first wind energy plant is providing clean energy and serving as a 구두점오류 : Korea- ->Korea's 으로수정 tour > touring around learning place for students. 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 >about jeju > introduction & symbols 청와대 >History&Tour >History of CWD What is the reason for this Who carved these figures, with what intention and when What is the important function of Dolhareubangs in the same village Are there any relations to the function of Jangseung guardian totem poles found on the mainland of Korea What is its historic origin What kind of relation do 구두점오류 : 의문부호 '?' 가생략됨. Dolhareubangs have with stone monuments at home and abroad Although 5 in Jejumok and 7 in Jeonguihyeon have supporting stone below Dolhareubangs, Dolhareubangs in Daejeonghyeon do not. However, are life-sized fake Dolhareubangs still good to be sold today Is it the 구두점오류 : 의문부호 '?' 가생략됨. best way that small-sized Dolhareubangs are sold as souvenirs And 24 Dolhareubangs, 4 each at the east gate, the west gate and the south gate in Daejeong County and Jeongui County, so it can be assumed, that The 구두점오류 : 의문부호 '?' 가생략됨. total number is 48, but one Dolhareubang is believed to be lost. What other names were used except the three mentioned above A few names in the following explanation can be found from the careful research, which has 구두점오류 : 의문부호 '?' 및마침표 '.' 가생략됨 been conducted Dolyeonggam is a name which is identified in Daejeong County and similar to Dolhareubang. Why was Dolhareubang erected in front of the gates of the castles in the three countries The main part of what the villagers thought as of 1968 as a 구두점오류 : 의문부호생략 standard will be explained in the followings. The island is 73km wide and 41km long with a total area of 1,848 Jeju the largest island in South Korea, came into existence 700 to 1,200 thousand 통사오류 : 1,848 Jeju - -> 1,848. Jeju, 으로수정 ( 구두 years ago when lava spewed from a sub-sea volcano and surfaced above the 점오류 ) waters. With the establishment of the Republic of Korea in 1948, President Lee Seung-man called the building "Gyeongmudae(,) which was the name of one "Gyeongmudae(,) - -> "Gyeongmudae 으로수정 ( 구두점 of the few old buildings there. He used it as his office and residence. President 오류 ) Yun Bo-seon changed the name to "Cheong Wa Dae" after he was inaugurated in 1960. 한국관광공사 >Tip planner > about korea Gojoseon (2333-108 B.C) > History 한국관광공사 >Tip planner > about korea > History An ancient state of the Korean peninsula, Goguryeo occupied the largest territory among the Three Kingdoms. Founded in 37 BC, Goguryeo prospered on a vast area encompassing the northern part of the Korean peninsula and south-central Manchuria. The kingdom expanded its territory in fierce battles against Chinese kingdoms, but fell to an alliance of Silla and Tang forces in 668 AD. 한국관광공사 >Tip Balhae(698-926) oguryeo General, Dae Joyeong founded Balhae along with planner > about korea his army of displaced peoples. > History Gojoseon (2333-108 B.C) - -> Gojoseon (2333-108 B.C.) 으로수정 ( 구둣점오류 ) peninsula, Goguryeo - -> peninsula, Goguryeo, 으로수정 ( 구둣점오류 ) Goguryeo General, Dae Joyeong- ->Goguryeo General Dae Joyeong 으로수정 ( 구둣점오류 ) The chuk is a wooden box painted blue and shaped likea morlar. It was 국립국악원 >About introduced from; China during rule of King Yejong of Goryeo and manly used Gugak>Korean in at music at confucian shrines. There is a hole on the top of the rectangular Musical from; China- ->from China 로수정 ( 구둣점오류 ) body, and a wooden hammer is used to strike down upon the hole to produce Instruments>Percussi a resounding thump. The chuk signats the beginning of a performance, and on Instruments it is placed on the east side of any musical ensemble 국립국악원 >About Gugak>Korean Musical Instruments>Wind Instruments 국립국악원 >About Gugak>Korean Musical Instruments>Wind Instruments Another oboe-like instrument, the taepyeongso was introduced from China during the Goryeo period and is used widely in daechwita (military Another oboe-like instrument, the taepyeongso was processional music), pungmul nori(farmers music), Buddhist music, royal introduced- ->Another oboe-like instrument, the ancestral rite music, and sinawi, the instrumental accompaniment to shaman taepyeongso, was introduced 으로수정 ( 구둣점오류 ) dances. Another oboe-like instrument, the taepyeongso was introduced from China during the Goryeo period and is used widely in daechwita (military farmers music- ->farmers' music 으로수정 ( 구둣점오 processional music), pungmul nori(farmers music), Buddhist music, royal 류 ) ancestral rite music, and sinawi, the instrumental accompaniment to shaman dances. 254 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
A-2 A-2 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 국립국악원 >About Gugak>Traditional Music and Dance>Instrumental music 국립국악원 >About Gugak>Traditional Music and Dance>Instrumental music The first, piece performed in a slow tempo, is followed by the second piece performed in a fast tempo The first, piece performed in a slow tempo, is followed by the second piece performed in a fast tempo The chuk is a wooden box painted blue and shaped likea morlar. It was 국립국악원 > About introduced from; China during rule of King Yejong of Goryeo and manly used Gugak> Korean in at music at confucian shrines. There is a hole on the top of the rectangular Musical Instruments> body, and a wooden hammer is used to strike down upon the hole to produce Percussion a resounding thump. The chuk signats the beginning of a performance, and Instruments it is placed on the east side of any musical ensemble The first, piece performed in a slow tempo-->the first piece performed in a slow tempo 로수정 ( 구둣점오류 ) is followed by the second piece performed in a fast tempo- ->is followed by the second piece performed in a fast tempo. 로수정 ( 구둣점오류 ) likea morlar- ->like a morlar ( 띄어쓰기오류 ) 국립국악원 > About Gugak> Korean This hoursglass drum is used in practically every form of Korean music. It is in the ancient murals ofgoguryeo- -> in the ancient Musical Instruments> portrayed in the ancient murals ofgoguryeo and also in the Buddhist temple murals of Goguryeo 으로수정 ( 띄어쓰기오류 ) Percussion bells of Silla. Instruments 국립국악원 > About The two differ insize and shape and are used for different musical pieces. The Gugak> Korean The two differ insize and - -> The two differ in size and gayageum has 12 silk strings supported by 12 movable bridges. The strings Musical Instruments> 으로수정 ( 띄어쓰기오류 ) are plucked with the fingers to produce a clear and delicate tune. String Instruments 국립국악원 > About The six-stringed zither is said to have been created by Prime Minister Wang Gugak> Korean San-ak of the Goguryeo Kingdom; its prototype is found in the ancient murals ancient murals of Goguryeo.It has- ->ancient murals of Musical Instruments> of Goguryeo.It has six twisted silk strings, which are stretched over 16 fixed Goguryeo. It has 으로수정 ( 띄어쓰기오류 ) String Instruments frets. Another oboe-like instrument, the taepyeongso was introduced from China 국립국악원 > About during the Goryeo period and is used widely in daechwita (military Gugak> Korean pungmul nori(farmers music), - ->pungmul nori processional music), pungmul nori(farmers music), Buddhist music, royal Musical Instruments> (farmers music), 으로수정 ( 띄어쓰기오류 ) ancestral rite music, and sinawi, the instrumental accompaniment to shaman Wind Instruments dances. 국립국악원 > About Gugak> New-Compowed 17hyeoneulwihan danmori (Danmori for the Seventeen-Stringed Gayageum) music> Neotraditional Korean Music 국립국악원 > About Gugak> Traditional Music and Dance> Instrumental music 국립국악원 > About Gugak> Traditional Music and Dance> Instrumental music sonorousdaechwita was used for military exercises or the king`s procession during the Joseon period. 17hyeoneulwihan danmori danmori-->17 hyeoneulwihan danmori 으로수정 ( 띄어쓰기오류 ) sonorousdaechwita - -> sonorous Daechwita 으로수정 ( 띄어쓰기오류 ) Yeomyangchun is either performed as a solo or a duet. The former is performed either by the daegeum (large transverse bamboo flute) or piri (dulcimer)and danso- ->. (dulcimer) and danso. 으로수 (double reed bamboo flute), and the latter by the saenghwang (mouth organ) 정 ( 띄어쓰기오류 ) and danso (end-blown notched flute) or the yanggeum (dulcimer)and danso. This two-stringed fiddle, believed to have been introduced from China during 국립국악원 >About the Goryeo period, was once played throughout Asia. The haegeum has no Gugak> Korean knee,with a bow- -> knee, with a bow 으로수정 ( 띄어 finger board and is played vertically on the left knee,with a bow scraped Musical Instruments> 쓰기오류 ) against two silk strings. It produces a nasal tone and piercing sounds and String Instruments hence is also called kkangkkangi A-3 국립민속박물관 > 1. They wrapped the umbilical cord with straw or paper and placed it 한국인의일생 > A. 출 under the portable table with offerings to the Samsin(gods of birth) 생 who care for the baby and its mother. ( ) 앞뒤로한칸띄어주어야함. A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 국립민속박물관 > 6. 발해의역사와문화 The three dimentional video(6 minute long) is being played to help understand the history of Balhae with ease. 띄어쓰기오류 The Bohyeop Darani Sutra published by Chongjisa Temple in the 10th year 국립민속박물관 > 9. of the reign of King Mokjong(1009 A.D.) and the Tripitaka Korean 고려의인쇄청자문화 > (1009 A.D.) 앞뒤로한칸씩띄어쓰기해야함. printed twice attest to the development of the woodblock printing E. 한국의고인쇄 of the Goryeo Kingdom. This includes susam nabakji, with ginseng, which is a local specialty of 문화관광부 > Images Gaeseong, misam kimchi, and ssam (wrapped)kimchi, Other kimchis are (wrapped)kimchi. Other - ->(wrapped) kimchi. Other of Korea 11> Kimchi hobak yeolmu kimchi, bineul kimchi, Yongin oiji, sunmu kimchi, chae kimchi, 으로수정 ( 띄어쓰기오류 ) sseumbagwi kimchi, pheasant kimchi, dongchimi, and baek kimchi. 문화관광부 > Images of Korea 11> Kimchi In Korea's Samguksagi (History of thethree Kingdoms) it is written that King Sinmun (A.D. 683) gave presents, including soy sauce, soybean paste and History of the Three Kingdoms 으로수정 ( 띄어쓰기오 salted and fermented fish to his bride's parents, so the use of fermented foods 류 ) then is also proven. In Imwonsimnyukjia wide variety of kimchi was introduced, and one 문화관광부 > Images interesting point was that the use of red chili peppers was recommended in Imwonsimnyukji a사이 ( 띄어쓰기오류 ) of Korea 11> Kimchi kimchi. 부록 255
A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 In EumsikdimibangChinese pepper is recorded to have been used in garlic 문화관광부 > Images kimchi, and it is also recorded that pheasant had been used with cucumber Eumsikdimibang Chinese 사이에띄어쓰기 2번오류 of Korea 11> Kimchi in saengchae kimchi.. 문화관광부 > Images of Korea 11> In addition to performing dancheong work, however, the temple artisans also Ornamental engaged in production of other works, including Buddhist painting and work, however, 로수정 ( 띄어쓰기오류 ) Patterns>Representat sculpture. ive Korean Patterns 문화관광부 > Images of Korea 11> Painting/Calligraphy 2.Buddhist paintings 2. Buddhist ( 띄어쓰기오류 ) > Folk Painting 문화관광부 > World 13> Line dances aim at delineating the harmony of the negative and positive civil dance(munmu)- ->civil dance (Munmu) 으로수정 Jongmyo Jerye and cosmic forces of yin and yang while they shifts between civil dance(munmu) ( 띄어쓰기오류 ) Jongmyo Jeryeak 문화관광부 > World 13> Risk of disappearance : Pansori disappearance : - ->disappearance: 으로수정 ( 띄어쓰기오류 ) 문화관광부 > World 13> Action plan : plan : -->plan: 으로수정 ( 띄어쓰기오류 ) Pansori 문화관광부 >Traditional sports> Ssireum 문화관광부 >Traditional sports> Taekwondo A record in Goryeosa (History of Goryeo ) states that in the mid-fourteenth century King Chunghye ordered soldiers to compete in ssireum and observed (History of Goryeo) 으로수정 ( 띄어쓰기오류 ) the match during a banquet. With the foundation of the Korea Taekwondo Association in September of 1961, taekwondo officially became a sport. sport. 으로수정 ( 띄어쓰기오류 ) 문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 Baekjang am is some distance away from the temple to the north. Baekjang am- ->Baekjangam 으로수정 ( 띄어쓰기오류 ) 10호 It is very sorry that the crashed part is cemented, but it is the oldest and 문화재청 > General largest among the remaining stone pagoda.it is a very valuable cultural pagoda.it is a - ->pagoda. It is a 으로수정 ( 띄어쓰기 Search> Search> 국보 treasure as it faithfully shows the transferring process from wooden to stone 오류 ) 11호 pagoda. 문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 Name eoulsungnyemun(south gate of Seoul) 1호 문화재청 > General Name Wongaksajisipcheungseoktap(Ten storied stone pagoda of Wongaksa Search> Search> 국보 Temple site) 2호 문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 3 호 Originally it was located at Bibong Peak on Mt.Bukhansan, but later moved to Gyeongbokgung Palace for its preservation, and now it is preserved at an exhibition hall in the National Central Museum. 문화재청 > General Name ukhansansillajinheungwangsunsubi(monument commemorating the Search> Search> 국보 border inspection Mt.Bukhansan by King Jinheung) 3호문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 Name odalsajibudo(stupa in Godalsa Temple site) 4호 서울특별시청 > Day Tour Suggestions> Two-day Shopping 서울특별시청 > City Bus Tour> What is the Seoul City Bus Tour? 서울특별시청 > Living Traditions A-3 제주특별자치도 A-3 A-3 A-3 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports Seoulsungnyemun(South - -> Seoulsungnyemun (South 으로수정 ( 띄어쓰기오류 ) Wongaksajisipcheungseoktap(Ten - -> Wongaksajisipcheungseoktap (Ten 으로수정 ( 띄어쓰기오류 ) on Mt.Bukhansan - ->on Mt. Bukhansan 으로수정 ( 띄어쓰기오류 ) Bukhansansillajinheungwangsunsubi(Monument- -> Bukhansansillajinheungwangsunsubi (Monument.. 으로수정 ( 띄어쓰기오류 ) Godalsajibudo(Stupa- -> Godalsajibudo (Stupa 으로수정 ( 띄어쓰기오류 ) TourNot only is Seoul an incredibly large city overflowing with culture, it s also overflowing with various markets and shops providing goods for just about Tour 다음줄에 Not only- -으로수정 ( 띄어쓰기오류 ) everyone. Well, the Seoul City Bus Tour might just be your thing.a tour bus? your thing. A tour bus? 으로수정 ( 띄어쓰기오류 ) JegichagiJanuary 1st on the lunar calendar, or Seollal as it is called in Jegichagi 다음줄에 January 로수정 ( 띄어쓰기오류 ) Korean, is one of the most popular and widely celebrated holidays in Korea. Its populationis 763 (as of 1993) and its highest point is 20.5 m.since 1824, people have inhabited the island. The 43 kmlong Road 5.16 crossing the eastern waist of the mountain from Jeju City to Seogwipo City is considered to be one of the excellent tourist roads in Korea. 띄어쓰기오류 : population is 및 20.5 m. Since - - 으로수정 The 43 kmlong Road 5.16 - ->The 43 km long Road 5.16 으로수정 ( 띄어쓰기오류 ) This thick forest is preserved for the welfare of the public by providing a place 제주특별자치도 for relaxation and recreation.enjoy a stroll in the woods that will re-energize 띄어쓰기오류 : recreation. Enjoy 으로수정 tour > touring around your mind and body. The Center stages many small and large local and nationalperformances, 제주특별자치도띄어쓰기오류 :national performances 및 students. including those of famous artists as well as amateurs and students.films are tour > touring around Films 으로수정 presented to the public free at the small theater. 256 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
A-3 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-5 A-5 제주특별자치도 wind> Jeju, island of wind 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore Busan > Festivity tour (12)> Busan International Motor Show Before rain band reaches Jeju, Jeju is under the influence of winter monsoon. rain band- -> rainband 으로수정 ( 띄어쓰기오류 ) The reason the clothes are made of hemp cloth is that the starchy and coarse fiber stimulates and strengthens the skin of children to prevent dermatitis or 띄어쓰기오류 : Children's Clothing 으로수정 similar problemsldren's Clothing This province has long been famous for its "many-women, few-men" 띄어쓰기오류 : is clearly 으로수정 demography and sclearly shown It is an international motor show which presents a variety of high-level events a cargiveaway lottery- ->a car giveaway lottery 으로수 such as cart races, a car audio contest, a cargiveaway lottery, auto-related 정 ( 띄어쓰기오류 ) seminars, and the College Student Self-made Motor Race. 국립민속박물관 > 4. 삼국시대의생활과문화 > 1. Nation founding Mythologies of the Three kingdoms and Gaya A. 삼국및가야의건국신화 제목 / 소제목의표기오류 : 제목에서기능어 D-32 외의단어는대문자로처리했으나여기에서는그러한규범을따르지않음. 국립민속박물관 > 6. 삼국시대의생활과문화 > E. 삼국시대의복식 5. Baekje jesa Site in Jukmak-dong Buan jesa 에도 Jeas로 captialization해줘야함. A-5 A-5 A-6 A-6 A-6 A-6 A-6 A-6 A-6 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery 국립현대미술관 > 1. Paintings A warm home, life's nest - Residences Introducing and developing of the modern art(1910-1941)/ Abstract Art(1960-70) capitalization 일관성부족. 이하소제목은첫글자모두대문자. 제목 / 소제목표기오류 lchul (Sunrise) 국립국악원 >About This is a geomungo solo Gugak>New-Compow piece composed by Jeong Dae-seok in 1977. It comprises three sections: ed lchul - -> Ilchul 으로수정 ( 로마자표기법오류 ) "Darkness," "Dawn," and "The Rising Sun." Through the thick timbre of the music>neotraditional geomungo, lchul expresses the pleasure of watching the wonderful and Korean Music mysterious sunrise. 국립민속박물관 > 10. 조선의과학과한글 > B. 조선의과학기술 This is a replica of a water clock preserved in Deoksu Palace in Seoul. Its first 로마자표기법오류 : Jagyeongnu라고해야 example in Korea called the Jagyeokru was created by Jang Yeongsil and 옳다. some others in 1434 under King Sejong's regin. 국립민속박물관 > 6. 삼국시대의생활과문 5. Baekje jesa Site in Jukmak-dong Buan 로마자표기법오류 : Jungmak-dong이맞음화 > E. 삼국시대의복식 국립민속박물관 > 9. 고려의인쇄청자문화 > B205E. 한국의고인쇄 The Bohyeop Darani Sutra published by Chongjisa Temple in the 10th year of the reign of King Mokjong(1007 A.D.) and the Tripitaka Korean printed twice attest to the development of the woodblock printing of the Goryeo Kingdom. 제주특별자치도 Cheju Oriental Hotel tour > accommodation 로마자표기오류 : Bohyeobin Darani Sutra 가올바른로마자표기법 제주의로마자표기법은 Jeju이어야함 Around the hotel, there are lots of sea food restaurants and Cheju local food 제주특별자치도로마법표기오류 : 제주시의로마자표기법은 Jeju-si 로 restaurants, so you can enjoy the taste of Cheju. The hotel is in downtown tour > accommodation 해야함 Cheju shi, 제주특별자치도 Gamasote Nulunggi 로마자표기오류 : Nulungji 로표기해야함 tour > food 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >1. 일월오봉도국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >1. 일월오봉도국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >1. 일월오봉도 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >1. 일월오봉도 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >1. 일월오봉도국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >1. 일월오봉도 The main hall of every palace, such as Geunjeong Hall of Gyeongbok Palace or Injeong Hall of Changdeok Palace, a screen of the Sun, the Moon and Five At the main 이되어야함. Peaks is installed as a necessary backdrop of the throne. With the 1579 invention of a Seungja-Chongtong (Victory Gun Barrel), the 문법오류. 1579개의 inventions 이아니라 1579년 wooden-plugged barrels were replaced by barrels with earth-plug compressors. Several articles on the firearm types appear in number of early Joseon records 문법오류. in the number 로바꾸어야함 As a portable, convenient and effective fire-gun operable by both the infantry and cavalry and, the small gun barrel, is a reference item in the history of Fragmented sentence. as~, the small gun barrel 이맞 Korean firearm techniques among the products of Joseon's consistent firearm 음. development. Between this circle and the big one with 12 directions, there are the other two circles which each represent the equator and the ecliptic. The report of Scientific of Korea, The Korean history of science society,1984 문법오류. Represents 로바꾸어야함 전치사부적절. Of 대신에 on 을사용해야함 부록 257
The chuk is a wooden box painted blue and shaped likea morlar. It was 국립국악원 >About introduced from; China during rule of King Yejong of Goryeo and manly used Gugak>Korean in at music at confucian shrines. There is a hole on the top of the rectangular Musical body, and a wooden hammer is used to strike down upon the hole to produce Instruments>Percussi a resounding thump. The chuk signats the beginning of a performance, and on Instruments it is placed on the east side of any musical ensemble 국립국악원 >About Gugak>New-Compow ed music>neotraditional Korean Dance 국립국악원 >About Gugak>Traditional Music and Dance>Dance Music 국립국악원 >About Gugak>Traditional Music and Dance>Dance Music 국립국악원 >About Gugak>Traditional Music and Dance>Dance Music 국립국악원 >About Gugak>Traditional Music and Dance>Dance Music 국립국악원 >About Gugak>Traditional Music and Dance>Dance Music 국립국악원 >About Gugak>Traditional Music and Dance>Instrumental music 국립국악원 >About Gugak>Traditional Music and Dance>Instrumental music 국립국악원 >About Gugak>Traditional Music and Dance>Instrumental music 국립국악원 >About Gugak>Traditional Music and Dance>Instrumental music 국립국악원 >About Gugak>Traditional Music and Dance>Instrumental music 국립국악원 >About Gugak>Traditional Music and Dance>Vocal Music 통사오류 : used in at music - ->used in music 으로수정 ( 전치사사용상의오류 ) The dance later evolved to a group dance and become more splendid. The striking aspects of Buchaechum are the dancers` brilliant costumes, their fans 통사오류 ( 시제의일치 ): and become more splendid - decorated with feathers, and the bright accompaniment music. With the fans, ->and became more splendid (tense agreement) the dancers create a large fluttering flower or a wavy pattern. Bongsan Mask Dance satirizes and mocks reality and provokes laughter through characters such as a corrupt Buddhist priest, collapsed aristocrat, his servant, and a shaman. The five colors of the costumes worn by the dancers each symbolizes five directions: blue-east, white-west, red-south, black-north, and yellow-center. The dancers perform energetic movements which seem to expel misfortune. 통사오류 : collapsed aristocrat- - > a collapsed aristocrat 로수정 ( 부정관사균등사용필요 ) 통사오류 : The five colors of symbolizes- ->The five colors of.symbolize 으로수정 ( 수의일치 ) The dancers appreciates the red peonies in a large vase, placed in the center 통사오류 : The dancers appreciates the red- ->The of the stage, by moving around the vase, and then each dancer picks a peony dancers appreciate the red 으로수정 ( 수의일치 ) from the vase and dances. Gangryeong Mask Dance was performed annually on May 5th by the lunar calendar at Gangryeong region of Hwanghae Province. Gangryeong Mask Dance was performed annually on May 5th by the lunar calendar at Gangryeong region of Hwanghae Province. 통사오류 : Gangryeong Mask Dance was performed - -> The Gangryeong Mask Dance was performed ( 정관사 the 의사용필요 ) 통사오류 : at Gangryeong region of Hwanghae Province- ->at the Gangryeong region of Hwanghae Province 으로수정 (region 앞에는정관사 the 의사용필요 ) This vigorous music, which renders an energetic sound, employs winds such as the taepyeongso (conical oboe), nabal (clarion), and nagak (conch horn) 통사오류 :sonorous percussion - -> sonorous percussions and sonorous percussion such as the jabara (cymbals), jing (gong), yonggo 로수정 (such as- -구문에는복수형필요 ) (dragon drum). Wind instrument such as the piri (bamboo oboe) and daegeum (large transverse bamboo flute) play a major role. Daepungnyu begins in a slow tempo but gradually accelerates. At first, the music was created for court banquets during the reign of King Sejong, but it began to be used in the ritual of Jongmyo since 1463. Nagyangchun, with Boheoja, was adopted from Chinese Song Dynasty during the Goryeo period. Pyeongjohoesang is used for accompanying court dance as well. Unlike gagok, sijo is a relatively informal music that can be performed only with the janggu (hourglass-shaped drum) or hitting one's lap and without using any melodic instruments. 통사오류 : instrument- ->instruments 로수정 ( 복수형필요 ) 통사오류 : since 1463- ->in 1463 으로수정 ( 전치사의용법으로 since 는보통완료형을취함 ) 통사오류 : Chinese Song Dynasty- - > the Chinese Song Dynasty ( 정관사 the 사용의필요 ) 통사오류 : court dance- ->court dances 로수정 ( 복수형사용의필요 ) 통사오류 : or hitting one's lapor - -> or by hitting one's lap 으로수정 ( 전치사 by 의사용필요 ) 국립민속박물관 > 1. 농경 > E. 한국의농기 Homi is a uniquely Korean hand-held weeder. 문법오류 : uniquely 가아니라 unique로써야함. 구 국립민속박물관 > 1. 한국고대의소리 There are natural sound artificial sound and there are a number of ancient Korean artifacts to produce sound. 국립민속박물관 > 1. Girls' favorite games and plays include jackstones, rubber string jumping, 한국인의일생 > A. 출 see-sowing by jumping up and down and swinging. Some of thses require 생 dexterous hands and other need rhythmic body movement. 국립민속박물관 > 1. Earthware inkstone excavated from both Baekje and Silla sites prove 한국인의일생 > A. 출 that stationery items had already been in use as early as 생 the Three Kingdoms period (1st century B.C.-7th century). 문법오류 : 명사와명사를연결하는 and 가빠져있다. 문법적오류 : other 가아니라 while others 로고치는것이바람직함 시제오류 : prove 대신 proved 가맞음 258 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
국립민속박물관 > 1. Rites regarding the disposal of the unbilical cord was a wish for a prosperous 단순문법오류 : 주어와동사가일치하지않음. 사실을한국인의일생 > A. 출 future for the newborn baby. Exhibited here are scenes of some of the rites 진술하는것이므로현재형으로써야할것같음. 생 related to childbirth and its implements. 국립민속박물관 > 2. 수렵과어로 > 수렵 국립민속박물관 > 2. 수렵과어로 > 수렵 It explains that hunting has been doing for a long time in this country where the most of territory are mountainous. Spears and arrows has been continuously developed from the period of Three States through the Joseon Dynasty. 국립민속박물관 > 3. In the Paleolithic Age, they used spears and axes alone to hunt. 선사시대생활 > A. 선 By the middle of the Neolithic Age, they had invented the bow 사시대의생활상 and arrow to enable them to hunt fowl as well. has been doing이아니라 has been done이나 has been around 가적절. The most of territory are 에서 most of its territory is가적절함. 수일치와시제오류 : has been continuously developed 대신에 were continuously developed가맞음. 문법오류 : 과거완료를써줄이유가없다. Had invented 대신단순시제invented 로처리했어야옳다. 국립민속박물관 > 3. In the next Bronze Age, while most earthenware were plain, there were also 문법오류 : also 와 too를한꺼번에사용했음. D-211둘중선사시대생활 > A. 선 glossy red or black earthenware, too. 하나를써야옳다. 사시대의생활상 국립민속박물관 > 4. 삼국시대의생활과문화 > B. 삼국시대의복식 King s costumes: The historical records that say that Baekje kings wore purple long coat with wide sleeves, blue silk trousers and white leather belt show that Baekje kings' costumes were similar to the costumes of Goguryeo kings They wore gilt bronze crown or black silk cap and gilt brozne ornamental shoes or leather shoes. 통사오류 : purple long coat, white leather belt, gilt bronze crown or black silk cap 앞에관사 a 를써야함. The costumes 대신에 those 를써야함 국립민속박물관 > 4. Gyeongju, the capital of silla and Unified Silla for almost a thousand year, 삼국시대의생활과문 Silla는고유명사이므로대문자로처리해야함. is surrounded by mountains and rivers which flow in the south, north and 화 > A thousand year 는 a thousand years가옳다. west. H. 신라왕경복원구두점사용오류 : full stop 과 comma 를동시에사용. 국립민속박물관 > 4. No fewer than 2,906 objects including gold ornaments for crowns, bronze 시제오류 : 1971년은원문에명시되어있지않으나 1971 삼국시대의생활과문 mirrors with designs, copper bowls., wooden pillows, irons and hornblend 년으로밝히면서시제는 have been excavated 로사용해화 > D. 무녕왕릉 tomb guardian animals have been excavated from the intact tomb in 1971. 서오류. Were excavated 가적절함 국립민속박물관 > 4. basic traditional costume of Korea consists of a jacket and trouser for men, 관사사용오류 : The basic traditional costume 이라고해의생활 > A. 한국의복 and a jacket and skirt for women, while both men and women wear overcoats 야옳음. 식 and headgear. 국립민속박물관 > 6. 발해의역사와문화 The three dimentional video(6 minute long) is being played to help understand the history of Balhae with ease. 단순한문법오류 : 6 minites A site for offering prayer and food in a ritual of jesa was excavated and 국립민속박물관 > 6. investigated for the first time in Korea by the Jeonju Natioal Museum. The 삼국시대의생활과문 artifcats brought out by the excavation in Gyeokpo-ri, Jungmak-dong, Buan 시제오류 : 과거완료로표시할필요가없다. D185그러화 > Count, Jeollabuk-do Province included earthenware, ceramics, bronze bells, 므로 the excavated site is related to "Jesa" rituals. E. 삼국시대의복식 hose head, replicas of armor, bronze and iron objects and earthen and stone jesa implements, strongly suggesting that the site had been jesa-related. 국립민속박물관 > 6. 식생활 > A. 식생활국립민속박물관 > 6. 식생활 > A. 식생활국립민속박물관 > 6. 식생활 > A. 식생활 Because Korea has mountains, plains, rivers and seas, produces a great diversity of foods. A world famous fishing ground was discovered in the East Sea where warm and cold currents mingle while. In general, food of the northern regions are less spicy and large in shape, while food of the southern regions tend to be spicy and savory. 국립민속박물관 > 8. 조선의과학기술과한 King Sejong, who wished to provide the Korean people with means of 글 > written expressions, as some of the neighboring peoples did. A. 한글창제 국립민속박물관 > 8. 조선의과학기술과한글 > B. 조선시대의과학기술 국립민속박물관 > B397Coming of Age and Wedding 문화관광부 >Korea>Tourism>Expl oring Korea Not only it was the time when the Korean alphabets had been invented, it was also a brillant time for the over all development in astronomy, calendical science, meterology, medicine and pharmacopeia, Exhibited here is a girl's hair after a kyerye rite and the dress and coronet worn by women for the ceremony. Shrine, the royal ancestral shrine of the Joseon Dynasty, along with Changdeokgung's adjacent Huwon (the Rear Garden) are noted for their beautifully landscaped gardens and classical structures. 문화관광부 Hallyeosudo Waterway, and the Jirisan and Gayasan mountains are >Korea>Tourism>Expl outstanding natural resources in this region. oring Korea 문화관광부 > Images of Korea 11> Crafts> Metalwork The colorful, precious metal articles discovered in ancient tombs indicates that Korean metal craft had already attained a high level of development by sometime around the 4th or 5th century. 비문 : 주어가없어짐 while 의쓰임이불필요, tense 역시사실을말하는것이므로 present tense 가더적절함. 수의불일치 : are 대신 is, tend to 대신 tends to 문법오류 : did 가아니라 had 가되어야함. had been invented 가아니라 were invented 로 but also 혹은 but(also) 구문으로써야옳음. 단순한문법적오류 : is 가아니라 are 가맞음. 통사오류 : Shrine- ->Shrines 로수정 ( 수의일치 ) 통사오류 : The Hallyeosudo Waterway 로수정 ( 정관사용법 ) 통사오류 : tombs indicates- -> tombs indicate 으로수정 ( 주어는복수 ) 문화관광부 > Images The traces of finger prints within the cup made during its spinning resembles of Korea 11> Crafts> 통사오류 : spinning resemble 로수정 ( 주술관계일치 ) the winding joint of bamboo trees. Pottery 문화관광부 > Images Kimchi, an fermented food unique to Korea, originated from the natural 통사오류 :a fermented로수정 ( 자음앞에부정관사용법 ) of Korea 11> Kimchi environment and the traditional food making skills of Korea. 부록 259
Korea's kimchi, with its soaking of vegetables in brine and with all the spices 문화관광부 > Images and the salted and fermented fish plus the red chili pepper, has become an 통사오류 : a unique로수정 ( 자음앞부정관사용법 ) of Korea 11> Kimchi unique fermented food without equal in the world. 문화관광부 > Images of Korea 11> Kimchi The kimchi flavors are not too pungent nor refreshing. 문화관광부 > Images of Korea 11> Kimchi This gives a peculiar taste to the kimchi as well as a lightness. 통사오류 : neither too pungent 가보다일반적임 (neither- - nor 구조 ) 통사오류 : as lightness 로수정 ( 불가산명사의관사오류 ) 문화관광부 > Images Store the contents in a jar, put a weight on it, and allow to ferment for 2 to 통사오류 : allow to ferment- ->allow them to ferment 으 of Korea 11> Kimchi 3 months. 로수정문화관광부 > Images To make it, add salt 20 percent the weight of the shrimps, put the contents 통사오류 : to ferment 를 them to ferment 으로수정 of Korea 11> Kimchi into a jar and allow to ferment at 15 to 20 degrees for 2 to 3 months. 문화관광부 > Images It is considered natural to honor the elderly, whether it be ones own parents 통사오류 : ones own- -> one's own 으로수정 of Korea 11> Kimchi or the neighbors. 문화관광부 > Images 1. Add the ponytail radishes and mix well. Put the mixture in a proper of Korea 11> Kimchi> container and allow to ferment at 20 C for 20 hours. Recipes 통사오류 : allow to ferment - ->allow it to ferment 으로수정 문화관광부 > Images 1. Put the mixture in a proper container and allow to ferment at 20 C for 40 통사오류 : allow to ferment- ->allow it to ferment 으로 of Korea 11> Kimchi> hours. 수정 Recipes 문화관광부 > Images In a jar place green onions layer by layer, sprinkle with roasted sesame, pour of Korea 11> Kimchi> 통사오류 ( 나열 )- -> 마지막동사를 - -, and pour 으로수정 in the remaining seasoning. Recipes 문화관광부 > Images of Korea 11> Kimchi> 1. Salt the cabbage slightly, wash well and drain. 통사오류 ( 타동사의목적어 ): drain- -> drain it 으로수정 Recipes 문화관광부 > Images Korea's kimchi, with its soaking of vegetables in brine and with all the spices of Korea 11> Kimchi> 통사오류 : a unique (unique 는자음으로시작하는단어 and the salted and fermented fish plus the red chili pepper, has become an The History of 로간주함 ) unique fermented food without equal in the world. Kimchi 문화관광부 > Images of Korea 11> Literature> Modern Literature 문화관광부 > Images of Korea 11> Literature> Modern Literature 문화관광부 > Images of Korea 11> Ornamental Patterns> Jangsingu 문화관광부 > Images of Korea 11> Ornamental Patterns>Jangsingu 문화관광부 > Images of Korea 11> Ornamental Patterns>Jasu Since then, the types of works selected for translation have become increasingly diverse, and the quality of the translations themselves have improved steadily. 통사오류 : themselves has 로수정 ( 주어 quality 가단수 ) Furthermore, as the translations principally are being published by overseas 통사오류 : have became- ->have become 으로수정 ( 완료 publishers, the translations have became available to a wider reading public. 형은과거분사형사용 ) In addition to this practical purposes, it also served as an ornamental piece. 통사오류 : these practical purposes 로수정 ( 수의일치 ) Tight restraints on the use of gold and silver brought about a deterioration 통사오류 : brought about deterioration으로수정 in the artistic value of the ornaments produced during this period and in the (non-count noun 의경우관사생략 ) quality of craftsmanship in general. As a type of a publicly-used embroidery, hyungbae jasu is a good reference for understanding the development of embroider during this period. 통사오류 :A type of publicly-used embroiderly 으로수정 (non-count noun) 문화관광부 > World previously known script and scientific because it is based on a knowledge of 통사오류 ( 불가산명사 ): a knowledge --> the knowledge 13> phonology and phonetics. 로수정 ( 관사사용 ) Hunmin jeongeum 문화관광부 > World previously known script and scientific because it is based on a knowledge of 13> 통사오류 : science 다음명사형누락 phonology and phonetics. Hunmin jeongeum 문화관광부 >Korea>Arts>Dance> Historical Reality in Dance 문화관광부 >Korea>Arts>Dance> Historical Reality in Dance 문화관광부 >Korea>Arts>Dance> Historical Reality in Dance 문화관광부 >Korea>Arts>Dance> Historical Reality in Dance Again, the pains from the tragedy of the city was expressed through a mother of the city were 로수정 ( 통사오류 ) who seemingly lost her son in the bloodshed. While electronic music plays, an eerie voice accompanied by clapping sounds are heard from the balcony seats. The lead female dancer Jo Seong-ju along with Park Ho-bin both wear white hospital gowns with long sleeves. This 70-minute work explores the complexity of a contemporary women's emotions when faced with having to choose whether or not to have an abortion. sounds is heard 로수정 ( 통사오류 ) both wear- ->wears 로수정 (number agreement 의오류 ) 통사오류 : a complexity of contemporary 로수정 (women 이복수이므로 a 는불필요 ) 260 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
문화관광부 >Korea>Arts>Dance> Modern History of Korean Dance 문화관광부 >Korea>Arts>Dance> Notable Dance Performances by theme 문화관광부 >Korea>Arts>Dance> Open Age Open Dance 문화관광부 >Korea>Arts>Dance> Open Age Open Dance Hong's dance and the post-modern dance trend that began at around the time of her performances, as well as the introduction of post-modern aesthetics, 통사오류 : that began around the time 로수정 ( 전치사 drove Korean choreographers of modern dance to further pursue experimental at 불필요 ) performances at small theaters. Images of reeds on a hillside adds to her sorrow which turns to anger as dancers produce an urgent and intense atmosphere with impromptu and expressionist movements. A Korean flute player along with a pansori singer, Park Yun-cho, stand at the upper left of the stage. A Korean flute player along with a pansori singer, Park Yun-cho, stand at the upper left of the stage. 문화관광부 Later, a court musician, Kim Jang-ha, created a dance to accompany the >Korea>Arts>Dance>T song. raditional Dance 문화관광부 >Recent Korean Sports>Mountaineeri ng 문화관광부 >Recent Korean Sports>Mountaineeri ng 문화관광부 >Recent Korean Sports>Skating 문화관광부 >Traditional sports>other sports Korean mountaineers also have began to expand their interests into such fields as wall climbing and alpine style climbing. Nowadays, competition climbing is a popular sports among young mountaineers. These impressive showings amply demonstrates how fast Koreans' skating skills have developed. Gossaum is a cooperative sport between villages and it possess the same principles as the tug of war game. 문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 Three-story pagoda body is put on a low pedestal. 10호 문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 10 호 The roof stone is also far away from the style of those times in that it is a single roof stone without making multi-story. Another characteristic is that there are carvings on the whole of the pagoda. The carvings are very various from the pedestal to the body to the roof. Images of reeds on hillside add 로수정 ( 통사오류 ) 통사오류 ( 단수주어 ): stand- ->stands 로수정 통사오류 : pansori singer Park, Yun-cho로수정다음에는무관사 ) (title 통사오류 ( 동격처리 ): a court musician,kim Jang-ha,- -> court musician Kim Jang-ha 로수정 통사오류 : have began- ->have begun 으로수정 ( 완료형태 ) 통사오류 : sports- ->sport 으로수정 ( 수의일치 ) 통사오류 : amply demonstrate 으로수정 ( 수의일치 ) 통사오류 : possess- ->possesses 으로수정 (3 인칭단수현재 ) Three-story pagoda body- -> a three-story pagoda body 으로수정. ( 통사오류 : 부정관사 'a' 누락 ) multi-story- -> multiple stories 으로수정함 ( 통사오류 : multi- 는연결형으로써문장에서보통형용사적기능을함으로명사로써의목적어가되지못한다.) 문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 The pagoda is square and multi-story 통사오류 : 마침표 (period) 가누락 ( 구둣점 ) 11호 문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 11 호 문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 14 호 It is very sorry that the crashed part is cemented, but it is the oldest and largest among the remaining stone pagoda.it is a very valuable cultural treasure as it faithfully shows the transferring process from wooden to stone pagoda. Eunhaesa Temple is said to be built in the first year of King Heondeok's reign (809) of the Silla Dynasty (57B.C.-A.D.935), which was called Haeansa Temple at first. largest among the remaining stone pagoda- ->largest among the remaining stone pagodas 으로수정 ( 통사오류 : 복수형사용필요 ) is said to be built- -> is said to have been built 으로수정 ( 통사오류 : 과거의사실은완료부정사형이필요 ) and 526 stone arhans, Buddha's disciples,- -> 526 문화재청 > General Yeongsanjeon Hall was built in 1375, the first year of the reign of King U of stone arhans, and Buddha's disciples 으로수정 ( 통사오 Search> Search> 국보 Goryeo. A statue of Buddha and 526 stone arhans, Buddha's disciples, are 류 : 나열의경우맨나중에오는단어앞에접속사 and 가 14호 enshrined in the building. 위치함 ) 문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 14 호 문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 15 호 Furthermore, it regards as an important cultural assets since it represents the early stage of the bracket-on-column style. Bongjeongsa Temple, which is located on the foot of Mt. Cheondeungsan, was built by a National Preceptor, Euisangdaesa in the second year of King Sinmun (682) of Silla. 문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 Classification National Treasures 1 1호 as an important cultural assets as - -> as an important cultural asset 으로수정 ( 통사오류 : 단수를의미하는부정관사 'an' 이선행되었으므로 asset가적합형태임 ) a National Preceptor, Euisangdaesa- -> National Preceptor Euisangdaesa 으로수정 ( 통사오류 : 이름앞에직함이위치하면무관사이며컴마도쓰지않음 ) Classification National Treasures 1 - -> Classification: National Treasure No. 1 으로수정 ( 통사오류 ) 문화재청 > General This building is one of the worthy wooden architecture with accurate year of is one of the worthy wooden architecture - -> is one Search> Search> 국보 its construction. of the worthy wooden architectures 로수정 ( 통사오류 ) 1호 문화재청 > General with accurate year of its construction- ->with the This building is one of the worthy wooden architecture with accurate year of Search> Search> 국보 accurate year of its construction 으로수정 ( 통사오류 : its construction. 1호관사누락 ) 부록 261
문화재청 > General Wongaksa Temple used to be at the site where Tapgol Park is now. And the in Goryeo Era- ->in the Goryeo Era 으로수정 ( 통사오 Search> Search> 국보 name of the temple was changed into Heungbok Temple in Goryeo Era. 류 : 정관사 the 누락 ) 2호 Wongaksa was founded in the 11th year (1465) of King Sejo in Joseon Era. 문화재청 > General Wongaksa Temple used to be at the site where Tapgol Park is now. And the of King Sejo in Joseon Era- -> of King Sejo in the Search> Search> 국보 name of the temple was changed into Heungbok Temple in Goryeo Era. Joseon Era + in Goryeo Era- ->in the Goryeo Era 으로 2호 Wongaksa was founded in the 11th year (1465) of King Sejo in Joseon Era. 수정 ( 통사오류 : 정관사 the 누락 ) 문화재청 > General such as dragons, lions, lotus flowers and etc.- ->such as Every side of each story has various gorgeous carvings such as dragons, lions, Search> Search> 국보 dragons, lions, lotus, and flowers 으로수정 ( 통사오류 : lotus flowers and etc. 2호 such as 구문과 etc. 는동시에사용할수없음 ) 문화재청 > General It is known one of the finest masterpieces thanks to its unique shape and Search> Search> 국보 gorgeous expression 2호 known one of the finest masterpieces- -> known as one of the finest masterpieces 으로수정 ( 통사오류 : 전치사 as 누락 ) And all the gorgeous carvings on every corner are very wonderfully 문화재청 > General looks like a Chinese letter, A ( 亞 ).- -> looks like the harmonious with the gray-white marble. The pedestal supporting the pagoda Search> Search> 국보 Chinese letter A ( 亞 ). 으로수정 ( 동격을나타내는명사 is three-story, and its shape seen from the top looks like a Chinese letter, A 2호에는정관사 the를사용함 ) ( 亞 ). 문화재청 > General Name PropertiesBukhansansillajinheungwangsunsubi(Monument Search> Search> 국보 commemorating the border inspection Mt.Bukhansan by King Jinheung) 3호문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 Therefore, the monument is very important relic in studying the history. 3호문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 And carvings at middle stone particularly attract attention. 4호문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 the rest space is filled with cloud design. 4호문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 The first and third stones have gracious design of lotus flowers. 4호문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 Quantity 1 Item 5호 inspection Mt.Bukhansan-- ->inspection of Mt.Bukhansan 으로수정 ( 통사오류 : 전치사 of 의누락 ) is very important relic- ->is a very important relic 으로수정 ( 통사오류 : 부정관사 'a' 의누락 ) at middle stone - ->on the middle stone 으로수정 ( 통사오류 : 전치사사용의오류 ) the rest space is filled with cloud design- ->the rest of the space is filled with cloud designs 로수정 ( 통사오류 : 전치사및관사의사용오류 ) have gracious design of lotus flowers- -> have gracious designs of lotus flowers 으로수정 ( 통사오류 : 관사사용 ) Quantity 1 Item - -> Quantity 1 으로수정 ( 통사오류 : 품목에따라용어가가변적이므로숫자가적합함 ) 문화재청 > General It is the oldest among the relics with carved lion figures and has very unique has very unique shape- -> has a very unique shape 으 Search> Search> 국보 shape. 로수정 ( 통사오류 : 부정관사누락 ) 5호 문화재청 > General Compared with stone lanterns of Silla Era for which octagonal pillars were Silla Era- ->the Silla Era 으로수정 ( 통사오류 : 정관사 Search> Search> 국보 usually used, the stone lantern has two lions as pillars, which must have been the 누락 ) 5호 an epoch-making trial at those times. 문화재청 > General 통사오류 : are usually put on a single supporting It means that they are far from the typical stone pagoda style of Silla Era in Search> Search> 국보 stone.- -> were usually put on a single supporting stone which head decorations are usually put on a single supporting stone. 6호으로수정 ( 시제의일치 ) 문화재청 > General We presume that the pagoda must have been built in late 8th century, in late 8th century,- ->in the late 8th century, 으로수 Search> Search> 국보 considering the techniques used at each part such as the arrangement of 정 ( 통사오류 : 정관사 the의누락 ) 6호 pillars at the pedestals and the composition of body stones and roof stones. 문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 6 호 So, the pagoda seems to have been enshrined for the second time in Goryeo Era after it had been built. the pedestals they discovered sarira and relics. In particular, at the sixth body stone, a mirror was also found, which turned out to belong to Goryeo Era. So, the pagoda seems to have been enshrined for the second time in Goryeo Era after it had been built. the pedestals they discovered sarira and relics.- -> From the pedestals they discovered sarira and relics. 으로수정 ( 통사오류 : 전치사누락 ) 문화재청 > General Gal (a small monument with rounded top) is smaller than general stone instead of being put a roof stone on- -> instead of a Search> Search> 국보 monuments, and its head is usually made rounded instead of being put a roof roof stone put on it으로수정 ( 통사오류 : 수동태용법 ) 7호 stone on. Gwibu originally means a turtle base of a stone monument, but it was replace 문화재청 > General by dragonhead according to the change of style in this monument. And the but it was replace by - ->but it was replaced by 으로 Search> Search> 국보 fin-shaped wings carved on the head give vitality to the monument. On the 수정 ( 통사오류 : 수동태는 be + p.p. 형태임 ) 7호 monument body, there is the inscription of "Bongseon Honggyeongsa Galbi" horizontally that shows the reason to have built the monument. 문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 It is evaluated one of the most beautiful work remaining now. 7호 one of the most beautiful work- ->one of the most beautiful works 로수정 ( 통사오류 : 복수형필요 ) 문화재청 > General Bongseon Honggyeongsa Temple where the galbi was built was constructed in in Goryeo Era- ->in the Goryeo Era 으로수정 ( 통사오 Search> Search> 국보 the 12th year (1021) of King Hyeonjong in Goryeo Era. 류 : 정관사 'the' 누락 ) 7호문화재청 > General Nanghyehwasang is a descendant in the 8th generation of King Muyeol, and at his 13 years old- ->at the age of 13 으로수정 ( 통사 Search> Search> 국보 was born in the 2nd year (801) of King Aejang and entered the monkhood at 오류 : 전치사 at 와 old 는 match 가되지않음 ) 8호 his 13 years old. 문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 it is guessed that the monument might be set up at the same time. 8호 might be set up- ->might have been set up 으로수정 ( 통사오류 : 과거시제로추론이되므로완료형이적합함 ) 262 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
문화재청 > General Since he left the writing "Celebration Tower on Destroying Baekje" on the called for some time as "Pyeongjetap" - -> called for Search> Search> 국보 stone pagoda, the pagoda was humiliated by being falsely called for some time some time "Pyeongjetap" 으로수정 ( 통사오류 : 동사 call 9호 as "Pyeongjetap" meaning celebrating tower on destroying Baekje. 은 as를수반하지않음 ) 문화재청 > General The pagoda is highly valued as a very precious material, also in that it is one from Baekje Era- ->.from the Baekje Era으로수정함. Search> Search> 국보 of the two remaining stone pagodas from Baekje Era. ( 통사오류 : 정관사오류 ) 9호 서울특별시청 > DMZ & beyond Seoul> Busan 서울특별시청 > Planning Visit> Tourist Information> Sampling Seoul tour Buses run from most major cities to Busan on a daily basis. Both standard trains and KTX service is available from Seoul to Busan daily. 통사오류 : train 과 service 가주어이므로복수형인 are 으로수정 If the ginkgo trees aren`t enough, on the right side of the street are the 통사오류 : the Seoul Selection Book Shop 으로수정해야 Kumho Museum, the French Cultural Center, a couple of other galleries and 함 ( 정관사누락 ) shops, and, of course, Seoul Selection Book Shop. The Cheonggyecheon acts as a gathering place for business people and 서울특별시청 > students, who are looking to for a change of pace from everyday city life in 통사오류 : 'to' 는불필요한전치사 Self-exploration Tour a refreshing and vibrant new environment. 서울특별시청 > Travel There are two kinds of mobile phone in Korea: PCS and cellular phones. Tips> Communication Subscription fees and charges vary according to the telephone companies. 통사오류 : phone--> phones 으로수정 ( 복수형 ) & post 서울특별시청 > Travel Mobile phone rental service at Incheon Int`l Airport : 82-32-743-4011 Tips> Communication Location : Between 6 and 7 gate & post 통사오류 : (Between Gate 6 and Gate 7 로표현해야맞음 ) 제주특별자치도 and it passes by Eoseungsang Reservoir that is a source water for Jeju islanders and 99 Passes where, a legend says, neither a king nor a tiger are neither A nor B의경우 B에동사를맞춤. born because it is one short to 100 passes. It also passes closely by Youngsil Giam (Youngsil Grotesque Rocks). 제주특별자치도 Manjangul is recognized not only for its length, scale and prominence but also not only for. but also for its academic value 가맞음 its academic value. (p.489) 제주특별자치도 Official who appear in Such legends as "The Legend of 500 Shrines and 500 Buddhist Temples" and "The Legend of Magistrate Gigeon" are officials who, 통사오류 : Official- ->Officials/Such- ->such while governing the island, strove for the welfare of the people and the extermination of superstitions 제주특별자치도 Therefore, it is easy to the get wrong idea about their original locations. 통사오류 ( 어순 ): the get wrong- ->get the wrong 으로수정 제주특별자치도 It is said that a thousand year ago, there were 99 small mountains on the 통사오류 ( 복수 ): a thousand years ago으로수정 main island of Jeju. 제주특별자치도 >culture > folklore to apply a boiled herb named Ikmocho to a women just delivered of a child women- ->woman 으로수정 ( 수의일치위반 ) 제주특별자치도 >culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 >culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 >culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 >culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 culture > arts 제주특별자치도 culture > arts 제주특별자치도 culture > arts 제주특별자치도 culture > arts 제주특별자치도 culture > arts 제주특별자치도 culture > arts 제주특별자치도 culture > arts 제주특별자치도 culture > arts The powerful and dynamic tunes and words are reflect their attitudes toward are reflect- -> reflect 으로수정 ( 능동태임 ) living. "The Legend of 99 Valleys" and "The Legend of Old Woman Seolmundae tell that because this land lacks just one more valley, there is neither tiger, lion tiger, lion nor great person - -> a tiger, a lion nor a nor great person, and because a giant could not make one more outfit of great person 으로수정 ( 통사오류 : 부정관사사용필요 ) clothing, this island is not connected to the mainland by a long bridge. Why It is because an important clue in understanding the origin of 통사오류 (because 삭제 ) Dolhareubang was in the name of ''Beoksumeori itself On top of that, how nice would it be if the fortification was put back its the original state In addition, Dolhareubang is not an intangible cultural asset 통사오류 :put back- -> put back to 으로수정 that we cannot see but a tangible folk material which can be seen and touched. It is consisted of Folklore exhibition room, Special exhibition room, Natural 통사오류 ( 능동태로 )- - is consisted of- -> consists of history exhibition room and Audio visual room. Resources: 27,000 items including Archaeological tradition, Animals, Mineral, Plant, Marine plant. This museum is developing itself into an educational center which enables user to feel and learn the traditional culture of Jeju. 통사오류 ( 복수 :parallelism): Minerals, Plants, Marine Plants 등 통사오류 ( 복수 )--user- ->users 으로수정 Attraction near the museum: Jeju Museum of Folklore and Natural History, 통사오류 ( 복수 ): Attraction- ->Attractions 으로수정 Jeju Tradition Museum, Jeju Education Museum, Jeju University Museum Based on experiences of hostess, Kim Man-deok(1739~1812) became a rich 통사오류 ( 관사 : running :an inn 으로수정 ) business woman by running inn. On November 2001 World Tae kwon Do Championship and Jeju Tangerine Festival and Jeju Beauty Pageant were held. In December the 1st National 통사오류 ( 전치사 ) In November 2001, On December the Judo Championship for Tamna banner, Korea Open International Judo 1st 으로수정 ( 월 : 전치사 'in' 일 : 전치사 'on' 을사용 ) Championship were held. On October 2001 the National Sports Center was established aimed at providing leisure place of citizens and expanding living sports services. Sarabong Park as a peak located at geonip-dong from the eastside of the Jeju-si with a scale of 1,062.600 m2 are boasting of the excellent view of waves surging on the bottom of trimmed-like cliff. 1 통사오류 ( 전치사 ) In October 2001/( 관사 ) leisure place- ->a leisure place 통사오류 : are- ->is 부록 263
제주특별자치도 culture > arts 제주특별자치도 culture > arts 제주특별자치도 culture > arts 제주특별자치도 culture > arts 제주특별자치도 culture > arts 제주특별자치도 stone> stone as part of lives in Jeju At the peak the peaceful views of port and city in Jeju can be seen at a glance and as its vicinity is composed of both mountain and park it is spotlighted by 통사오류 ( 복수 ): mountains and parks 으로수정 many Jeju citizens. Owing to the dense woods of pine tree, nettle tree, pine nut tree and camphor tree the relax space in the city helps people enjoying emotional lives. 통사오류 (relax- ->relaxing space, enjoying- ->enjoy 으로수정 ) A flame holder is around there and tree-planting space in memory for Olympic 통사오류 (in memory of the Olympics)/(the 50th is furnished and the 95 Jeju time-capsule is buried with 1,250 pieces of anniversary of 으로수정 ) possessions in celebration for the 50 anniversaries of independence in 1995. A flame holder is around there and tree-planting space in memory for Olympic 통사오류 : 50 anniversary of - -> 50th anniversary of 으 is furnished and the 95 Jeju time-capsule is buried with 1,250 pieces of 로수정 possessions in celebration for the 50 anniversaries of independence in 1995. As this place secures 897 seats of large theater, 200 seats of small playhouse which features various indoor traditional activities and 157 pyeong of 통사오류 : all over the year- ->all throughout the year exhibition room, various performances and events are displayed all over the 으로수정. year. The village rites in Jeju is characterized by the co-existence of the male-led Confucian rites of the 'poje' and the female-led shamanistic rites of the 'danghut'. 'Poje' is also called maeulje or dongnetje (village rite), geritje (street rite) and chiseongje or jeongseongje (worship rite). 제주특별자치도 The seniority system can be found here because the ceremony for higher stone> stone as part ranking ancestors are held in the altar inside of the stacked wall and the of lives in Jeju ceremony for spirits of a lower rank is usually held outside of the fence. 복수이므로 is- ->are 으로수정 통사오류 ( 주어 the ceremony 가단수이므로동사는 are 가아닌 is 가되어야함.) 제주특별자치도 A village rite altar (pojedan) is also regarded as a sacred place like a dang 통사오류 ( 주어 the rites 가복수이므로동사는 are 가되 stone> stone as part or shrine where spirits are enshrined and shamanistic rites (gut) is held. 어야함.) of lives in Jeju 제주특별자치도 stone> beauty of Jeju stone If the simple beauty of the Jeongeui-hyeon and Daejeong-hyeon dolhareubangs are promoted along with the one in Jeju-mok, they will definitely contribute 통사오류 ( 동사가 are- ->is 으로수정 ) to the enhancement of the colorful culture of Jeju and attract the interest of tourists. 제주특별자치도 The hotel is in downtown Cheju shi, so you can go wherever you want as as quick as- ->as quickly as 으로수정 ( 통사오류 : 부사 tour > accommodation quick as you want. 형을사용해야함 ) 제주특별자치도 tour > accommodation Other facilities include four function room that can accommodate from family gatherings to large size business meetings, Korean, Japanese and Western cuisine restaurants and buffet restaurant where you can enjoy beautiful view of Pacific Ocean, fitness center, tennis courts, jogging track, making Seogwipo KAL Hotel an unparalleled resort hotel in the Jeju Island. four function room- ->four function rooms 으로수정 ( 통사오류 : 보통명사의복수형취함 ) Our hotel is located at the center of side road, near Jeju City Hall, tax office, 제주특별자치도통사오류 : 열거마지막엔, and court of justice 으로해야 Jeju Culture Center for student, Small and medium companies center, court tour > accommodation 함 of justice 제주특별자치도 tour > accommodation Entering into the porch, you will feel comfortable just like being at home by watching large living room, clean bathroom, bedroom 통사오류 : 명사의열거마지막엔, and bedroom 으로해야함 I am a Skin Scuba instructor(padi. Ins. #.462955), Jejulian to the backbone 제주특별자치도통사오류 : 명사의열거마지막엔, and banana boat으로 and ready to offer you the opportunity to experience the marine activities tour > accommodation 해야함 including Scuba diving, boat fishing, jet skiing, banana boat 제주특별자치도 tour > food 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports Thank you for visiting the homepage of Namwon Sea Village Raw Fish Restaurant Namwon Sea Village Raw Fish Restaurant run by Namwon-ri Though known as an luxurious sport, it is different in Jeongeui Horse-back Riding Field. In the area at a height of 150-300m on the southern cliff of the lava dome, there are many talus of various sizes and shapes. The southern part of the round crater is forested while the bottom and northern part is covered in grassland. There is no water in it. ( 통사오류 : is run 이정확한표현임 ) an luxurious sport- ->a luxurious sport 으로수정 ( 통사오류 : 자음앞에서는부정관사 'a' 를사용함 ) talus- -> taluses 으로수정 ( 통사오류 : 복수형사용필요 ) bottom and northern part is- -> bottom and northern parts are 으로수정 ( 통사오류 : 동사및명사의복수형필요 ) On its top is a crater Baeknok Lake. - ->On its top is 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports On its top is a crater Baeknok Lake. the crater Baeknok Lake. 으로수정 ( 통사오류 : 명사가동격으로사용될경우는정관사 the 가사용됨 ) 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports Apart from this, Mount Sanbang has many legends related to its outstanding scenery. Some of them include the legend of Sanbangdeok, the goddess of Mountain Sanbang, the legend of the dragon head that the Chin first emperor cut the dragon tale shape, the legend of the Gwangjeongdang python, and the legend of Geumjangji. Inside the northern small crater (Small Ammae), in the area about 100 m2, there is a stand of Biyang trees. 통사오류 : the goddess of Mountain Sanbang,- ->the goddess of Mount Sanbang, 으로수정 ( 통사오류 : 산이름앞에서는 Mount 혹은 Mt. 가일반적인표현임 ) in the area about 100 m2 - ->in an area of about 100 m2으로수정 ( 통사오류 : area 와 100 m2사이에전치사 'of' 누락 ) Although Biyang Peak is the common name- -> 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports Although Biyang Peak is the common name, the local people call it "Ammae". Although Biyang Peak is a common name 으로수정 ( 통사오류 : 이문장에서는부정관사 'a' 가적합함 ) 제주특별자치도 Prams and wheel chairs are are available. tour > touring around 통사오류 : 동사의중복사용 As Korea first miniature theme park, it exhibits an extensive collection of 제주특별자치도소유격사용 (Korea's으로수정 )/( 복수 :architectures 으로 world-famous architecture and cultural properties reduced to 1/20 1/25th in tour > touring around 수정 ) scale. 264 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
제주특별자치도 The therapy consists four parts: Aqua Tonic, Aero-Sol, Hey Bath and Stone 통사오류 (consists of) : 동사 'consist' 자동사로써전치 tour > touring around Dome. 사 'of' 를수반함. 제주특별자치도 There still remains thirteen monuments at Hwabuk port that have been called 통사오류 : monuments 가주어임- -remains- ->remain 으 tour > touring around Hwabuk Memorial Street (Biseokgeori). 로수정 제주특별자치도 It has a collection of 18 kinds 37 books, mostly Confucian scriptures, tour > touring around including and other rare classics. 통사오류 : including 다음에명사가생략됨. 제주특별자치도 Mount Songak is a low hill with the height of above sea level of 104m. tour > touring around 통사오류 ( 어순 :of 104m above sea level 으로수정 ) 제주특별자치도 In the area at a height of 150-300m on the southern cliff of the lava dome, 통사오류 (talus 의복수는 taluses) tour > touring around there are many talus of various sizes and shapes. 제주특별자치도 On the height above sea level of about 150m, there is a sea cave, Sanbang 통사오류 ( 어순및전치사 : At the height of about 150 tour > touring around Cave, that is approximately 10m in length and 5m in width and height. m above sea level) Of note is a the sedimentary layer which covers the trachyte of Mountain 제주특별자치도 Sanbang and the tuff rock layer of Dragon head Beach, a specific geological 통사오류 ( 관사중복 ) tour > touring around feature on the lower part of Mount Sanbang. 제주특별자치도 When the lake is filled with water due to torrential rain during the monsoon 불필요한반복 tour > touring around season, two thirds of the crater lake is filled with water. 제주특별자치도 Holding an annual temperature of 15 C, it is a most mysterious lava tube and 통사오류 : a most - -> the most 으로수정 tour > touring around limestone cave. Hyeopjae Cave is one of three most mysterious caves in the world, comparable 제주특별자치도 to the stone salt caves in Peru and the underwater limestone caves in 통사오류 : one of the three 으로수정 tour > touring around Yugoslavia. 제주특별자치도 That why Oedolgae is also called the "General Rock". tour > touring around 통사오류 : That why- ->That is why 으로수정 제주특별자치도 The sight of this sunset both inspires and refreshes. 통사오류 ( 두개다타동사로써목적어가생략됨 ) tour > touring around Therefore, what scientists came up with is small scale energy sources in each 제주특별자치도 region including solar, biomass (trees, charcoal, animal droppings, 통사오류 (is- ->are 으로수정 ) tour > touring around agricultural waste), wind, wave, fuel cell, geothermal, hydrogen,and tidal power. 제주특별자치도 Among two peaks in north and south surrounding the crater, the south peak 통사오류 : 양자사이는 among 보다 Between 을사용함. tour > touring around is summit at the height of 763.4m above sea level. 제주특별자치도 Listening the grievances from the villagers, the enraged officer led a dozens 통사오류 : a dozens of soldiers - > dozens of soldiers 으로 tour > touring around of soldiers to the cave. 수정 제주특별자치도 tour >shopping 제주특별자치도 tour >shopping 제주특별자치도 tour >shopping 제주특별자치도 tour >shopping 제주특별자치도 tour >shopping 제주특별자치도 wind> Jeju, island of wind 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore When finishing to eat the sliced meat, put some Jeju produced buckwheat chopped noodles in the mixed soup. However, as products has become diversified and individualized, and as a lavish diet has been increasingly popular, Hallabong has been distributed widely. finishing eating 으로수정 ( 통사오류 : 동사 'finish' 는동명사를목적어로취함. products have 혹은 a prodcut has 로수정 ( 통사오류 : 복수형취함 ) Jeju Samda Water is pass through the water examination standards of the is pass- ->passed으로수정 ( 통사오류 ) USA FDA and the Japanese Welfare Ministry. The salted clams can be eaten right of the jar to enjoy its unique and smooth right out of the jar 으로수정 ( 통사오류 ) flavor. 통사오류 : causes for pollution and changes of In the processing process, in order to secure and maintain a clean ecosystem in surrounding area of a sluice gateenvironment and stability of its quality, causes for pollution and changes of ->causes for pollution and changes of the ecosystem in ecosystem in surrounding area of a sluice gate through which water is taken the surrounding area of a sluice gate 으로수정 ( 정관사 are carefully and thoroughly checked on a regular basis. the 의누락 ) The annual average temperatures, according to the recent record, is 16.2oC for Seogwipo and 15.5oC for Jeju-si and high mountain areas. The former is not an object of veneration while them and covered with something watertight. This was valuable job for Jeju women in the areas of Jocheon, Jeju-si and Aewol for many years. 통사오류 ( 동사가 is- ->are 로수정 ) veneration while them and covered- ->veneration while they were covered 으로수정 ( 통사오류 ) 관사부재 ( 부정관사 'a' 사용필요 ) There is a lot of mysteries about Dolhareubang besides the names. 1 통사오류 ( 'is' 대신 'are' 가필요함 ) It is our duty to discover where they originally belonged the to inform the next 문법오류 (the 삭제 ) generation soth inside and outside of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province On top of that, how nice would it be if the fortification was put back its the original state In addition, Dolhareubang is not an intangible cultural asset 통사오류 (put back - -> put back to 으로수정 ) that we cannot see but a tangible folk material which can be seen and touched. A totem pole is not only made out of wood but can also is sculptured with 통사오류 (can also is- ->can also be 으로수정 ) stone. The first part is that of a guardian, the second as a location marker and the 통사오류 (religion- 명사- ->religious- 형용사형으로수정 ) third as a religions incantation. It was widely believed that to be effective, women should eat roosters and men a hen. women should eat roosters and men a hen.- ->women should eat roosters and men hens. ( 통사오류 : roosters and hens 해야 parallel 이유지됨 ) 부록 265
제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 >about jeju > introduction & symbols 한국관광공사 >Tip planner > about korea > History 한국관광공사 >Tip planner > about korea > History 한국관광공사 >Tip planner > about korea > History 한국관광공사 >Tip planner > about korea > National symbols 한국관광공사 >Tip planner > about korea >Location Busan > Busan city tour (10) >GEUMJEONG Busan > Busan city tour (10) >GEUMJEONG Busan > Festivity tour (12) After performing ancestor memorial rites in their houses, the people spend a leisure day of visiting and gaming spend a leisure day- ->spend a leisurely day 으로수정 ( 통사오류 : leisure 의형용사형을사용해야함 ) Thirds, some people witnessed moving Dolhareubangs from the castle gates to 통사오류 : Thirds- -> Third 로수정 ( 몇번째의의미로는 Samseong-san or Gwandeokjeong Pavillion. 's' 를붙이지않음. The temperature for the hottest summer months averages no more than 34. 7 and no less than -1.5 or winter. Jikjisimgyeong, Buddhist scripture printed with the world's first movable metal type developed in Korea during Goryeo Dynasty, is at least 78 years older than the first Gutenberg Bible. The Japanese annexation of Korea concluded in 1910, and Korean people had to suffer under the Japanese colonial rule until the surrender of Japan in 1945, which ended World War II. The Japanese annexation of Korea concluded in 1910, and Korean people had to suffer under the Japanese colonial rule until the surrender of Japan in 1945, which ended World War II. Korean flag is called "Taegeukgi" in Korean. Its design symbolizes the principles of the yin and yang in Oriental philosophy. The circle in the center of Korean flag is divided into two equal parts. Because of its unique geographical location, this makes Korea very viable piece of land and an international hub of Asia. or winter- -> in winter 으로수정 ( 통사오류 : 전치사사용필요 ) 통사오류 : during Goryeo Dynasty- -> during the Goryeo Dynasty 으로수정 ( 정관사 the 사용누락오류 ) concluded in 1910,- -> was concluded in 1910, 으로수정 ( 실행되다는보통수동태의형태로사용함 : 통사오류 ) 통사오류 : and Korean people- ->and the Korean people 으로수정 ( 정관사 the 의용법 ) 통사오류 : Korean flag is called- -> The Korean flag is called 으로수정 ( 정관사 the 용법오류 ) 통사오류 : makes Korea very viable piece of land- ->makes Korea a very viable piece of land 으로수정 ( 부정관사 a 사용의오류 ) The temple has lots of cultural properties and treasures including: Beomeosa Iljumun, a gate in front of temple with columns in row (City Tangible Cultural Heritage No. 2), Dangganjiju, the supports of the flagpole of the temple (City Tangible No.15), the Stone Lantern (City Tangible Cultural 통사오류 : in front of temple- ->in front of the temple 으 Heritage No.16), the Three-story Pagoda (Treasure No. 250), the historic 로수정 ( 정관사 the의누락 ) record Samgukyusa, or The Heritages of the Three Kingdoms (Treasure No. 419-3), the main hall Daeungjeon (Treasure No. 434); and 11 hermitages in the mountain. The temple has lots of cultural properties and treasures including: Beomeosa Iljumun, a gate in front of temple with columns in row (City Tangible Cultural Heritage No. 2), Dangganjiju, the supports of the flagpole of the temple (City Tangible No.15), the Stone Lantern (City Tangible Cultural 통사오류 : with columns in row- ->with columns in a Heritage No.16), the Three-story Pagoda (Treasure No. 250), the historic row 로수정 ( 부정관사 a의누락오류 ) record Samgukyusa, or The Heritages of the Three Kingdoms (Treasure No. 419-3), the main hall Daeungjeon (Treasure No. 434); and 11 hermitages in the mountain. Festival of Joseon Tongsinsa (envoys)'s Festival of Joseon Tongsinsa (envoys)'s Korea-Japanese Cultural Korea-Japanese Cultural ( 문법적오류 : Exchanges( 교류 ) 와같은단어의누락 ) 국립민속박물관 > 8. 고려의인쇄청자문화 > by the first half of the Goryeo Period or the 11th century, they had succeeded 시제오류 : 명확한시기가주어졌으므로 C. 세계도자문화에서 in creating celadon with characteristics different from the Chinese celadon. had succeeded를쓸필요가없음. 본한국청자 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery These characteristics exhibit unique Korean Bronze period culture quite different from China. A man digging up the land and a man holding up a hoe are depicted on the right of the front. At its left, there is a person putting things into a jar. On 복수임. the opposite side, there is a tree on whose two branches two birds are sitting. This object represents the real farming life of Bronze Age in detail. It can contain liquor or liquid and since its body is empty. The tomb of King Muryeong is the only tombs of kings of Three Kingdoms period whose owner can be identified. 문법오류. China's and 불필요 문법오류 Also it exhibits the real Baekje art which is different from Goguryeo or Silla. Goguryeo's or Silla's In the North tomb, more ornaments including a silver belt ornament with an inscription of 'Buindae(the meaning of Madame's belt)' were found than in 문법오류, meaning the South tomb. 266 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery 서울특별시청 > Planning Visit> Tourist Information 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >1. 일월오봉도국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >1. 일월오봉도국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >1. 일월오봉도국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >1. 일월오봉도 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >1. 일월오봉도 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >1. 일월오봉도국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >1. 일월오봉도국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >1. 일월오봉도국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >4. 비격진천뢰국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >5. 소총통국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >5. 소총통 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >5. 소총통 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >5. 소총통국립국악원 >About Gugak>Traditional Music and Dance>Dance Music 국립국악원 >About Gugak>Traditional Music and Dance>Instrumental music In this Sutra, the scene that after Seonjaedongja listened to several Buddhist sermons, he found out Samantabhadra, is depicted. A table is for arranging books in each story or for displaying a small thing that can be enjoyed, such as a celadon. In the center of the cover there is a hole that allows incense go out. fragmented sentence 문법오류. The table 문법오류. Goes This duck-shaped vessels that seems to have been found in Silla area, has the empty body and holes for pouring liquor or water on the upper side of the body 문법오류. and at the tail. Thematic space where the meanings of relics and the modern lifestyle is connected in order to teach children that the environment is their home. Location: 2nd Floor of Seoul City Hall, which can be reached via City Hall Station, Subway Line 1 and 2 문법오류. is are From the painting s function as an indication of king s presence either in flesh or image, one can find out that the image of the Sun, the Moon and Five 단어선택부적절. Peaks was indeed a symbol of the king. 통사오류 : 복수형으로수정 Line--> Lines This poem features natural objects symbolizing eternity such as mountains, 왕의덕은 virtue 나 good deeds 임 the sun, the moon and pine trees to bless the king and praise his morality. Extant pieces and records tell the paintings of such theme Iron clubs are weapons used to hammer down the opponent. 유물을적절하게표현하지못함 적을지칭하기에 opponent 부적절 Since this piece currently is the best preserved among the surviving shells, it is approved as a Cultural Property of State-Defensive Scientific Technology 국방은 Defense 임. that could be well compared with the records and a valuable material for firearm studies and history of ammunitions. The "wooden-plugged barrel" structure was later invented as a result of numerous research and experiments held during the King Sejong's reign,. collocation 어색. Research 와 experiment 에모두해당되는 done 이적절 A So-Chongtong, Treasure No. 856 and a collection of the National Palace Museum of Korea, is a bronze cast barrel with the total length of 75.5 cm, 소총통은 firearm 이지 barrel 이아님. Barrel 은총신. 50.5 cm chase length, 1.6 cm caliber and 9.6 cm length for the handle cap. Four legs supporting the bowl were each designed after a serpent Even though the firearm modification had become inactive during the turn of the dynasties, the development was re-activated in King Taejong s reign. So-chongtong is a portable firearm developed in mid-joseon period and a remarkable artifact indicating a point in the evolution and development of Joseon firearms. The forms of Seungja-Chongtong continuously advanced to Cha-Seungja-Congtong (Next Victory Gun Barrel) and Byeol-Seungja-Chongtong (Special Victory Gun Barrel). Financial administration says, each supervisor of provinces has reported the precipitation up to the existing related law, but as it has been told that measuring the amount of rain is too hard to fathom due to different soil moisture limiting the water to be socked. The report of the scientific heritage, The magazine of The Korea History of Science Society, 6th edition. 1984 Cheoyongmu is based on the legend of Cheoyong, the son of the Dragon King of the East Sea, created during the United Silla Kingdom (AD 7-10). The Korean government designated Jongmyo jeryeak as Treasure No.1, and UNESCO allocated the work as a World Cultural Treasure. 용의일종인훼룡을 negatative connotation 이있는 serpent 로번역. 의미달라짐 개발에부적절한단어 불필요한단어삽입 어색한단어. Design 등이나음. collocation 오류. 비의양을 fathom 할수는있으나 measuing the amount of rain 을 fathomgkf 수는없음. 단어선택부적절. 학회지는 jornal 어휘오류 : United- -> Unified 로수정 ( 통일은보통 unite 보다는 unify 를사용함 ) 어휘오류 : Treasure No.1- -> Property No.1 로수정 ( 문화재는 Cultural Property 로표현함 ) 부록 267
B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 국립민속박물관 > 3. 선사시대생활 > A. 선사시대의생활상 To decorate, designs were appliqued or geometric designs were incised on earthen-ware. In the next Bronze Age, while most earthenware were plain, there were also glossy red or black earthenware, too. 어휘차원의오류 : 정확한용어사용 (applique 는디자인의방법이나종류인데번역문에서는 ' 디자인 ' 을 applique 로잘못사용했으며, 원문에서는토기의무늬를 ' 덧무늬나기하학무늬 ' 로병렬묘사한내용이 D-273 번역문에서는다르게전달됨.) King s costumes: The historical records that say that Baekje kings wore purple 국립민속박물관 > 4. long coat with wide sleeves, blue silk trousers and white leather belt 삼국시대의생활과문용어사용 : cap 보다는 crown 이나 diadem을 show that Baekje kings' costumes were similar to the costumes of Goguryeo 화 > 쓰는것이더적절함. kings They wore gilt bronze crown or black silk cap and gilt brozne ornamental B. 삼국시대의복식 shoes or leather shoes. 국립민속박물관 > 4. The basic pattern of the traditional Korean dress developed under the 의생활 > A. 한국의복 influence of the northern has changed little to the present day. 식 국립민속박물관 > 6. 식생활 > A. 식생활 국립민속박물관 > B497Coming of Age and Wedding 부정확한용어사용 : 상하분할형의기본양식에는변화가없었다는원문의내용을살리못함. The wide territory of Goguryeo(1st century B.C. - 7th century), which included 연어상의오류 :the wild territory 보다는 the plains of northeast China, enabled the Korean kingdom to raise stock and the vast territory가더적절함 hunt animals as well as develop as a major agricultural producer. Exhibited here is a girl's hair after a kyerye rite and the dress and coronet worn by women for the ceremony. 계례후의소녀의머리스타일을전시하는것이므로 hair 가아니라 hairdo 가적절한용어임 /gyergy ( 로마표기법오류 ) B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery It also suggests the level of painting at that time. Above them, a man, a snake, and a frog are attached consecutively. Level of painting 은상급, 중급, 초급처럼회화의수준. 여기서는 refinedness 나 sophisticated 처럼훌륭한수준임을나타내는표현필요 시간적순차임. 단어선택부적절 The exact date of printing was not known. However since the pagoda was erected in 751 and other reliquary showed the characteristics and style of Silla period 보다는 that time이맞음. period, it can be presumed that the print was produced around that same period. The sentence is then followed by the judgment to appoint the Directorate of Meritorious Subjects and a list of the names and posts of the other meritorious 단어선택오류 subjects. The fact that a man receives an identify tag, means that he is now registered public 이적절. Duty 에 compulsory 의의미는내표되어 in the census registration and the muster roll, so he now becomes to have 있음 duties of military and compulsory services. This stele is erected to the illustrious memory of Nangongdaesa (832-916) who was a national teacher of Unified Silla. The mountain peaks and hills arranged at one corner of the painting, the ample use of short lines and dots, and the presence of twin pines show the 단어부적절. Are elements loved by An Gyeon, one of Joseon's greatest painters. Even though it is comparatively a bit high among other traditional wooden furniture, its openness on all sides fits well into low and small Korean traditional houses. Since it was excavated in Uiryeong, Gyeongsangnam-do, it became a concrete source that proved that the excavation site and the production site could be evidence, proof different. A number of examples in celadon or bronze originating from the Goryeo period have survived to the present day. The early design was only simple plant, but influenced by Chinese celadon, it took more various subjects, such as veins, lotus, animals, nature, imaginary 연어어색 animals and so on. This jar is decorated with Korean traditional design that shows distinguished talents and skills of painters of Joseon government office of Fine Arts. National 은존경받는큰스승이라는의미에부적절. Most esteemed, respected 등이적절 tall 부적절한단어선택. Pieces, artifacts, works 가적절 디자인으로장식할수없음. 268 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery Both simple design with lots of blank and strong lines drawn without hesitation boast about the prime stage of craftsmanship. Only torso of a sculpture is left. In a round face, arched eyebrows, slender eyes like apricot stones and the ridge of the nose that starts from right eyebrows are delicately described. These vessels are not for everyday life usage but for ritual meaning of leading the dead from earth to heaven. Comparisons with modern homes are made and taught using sufficient understandings of the home, the society and environment surrounding children such as families and villages. Agriculture became the cornerstone in making the difference of the have's and have-not's severe, as well as greater social conflicts. Agriculture became the cornerstone in making the difference of the have's and have-not's severe, as well as greater social conflicts. 여백의미를나타내기엔뉘앙스가부족. space 가나을듯 부적절한단어선택. 토르소는얼굴을포하지않음. 부적절한단어. signifying 등이적절 단어선택부적절. Sufficient to what?. Deep 이나 full 등이적절 부적절한단어선택. collocation 어색. You can also learn about how people farmed 2,000 years ago through paintings on bronze ware, mimic how farming was done, experience various farming 단어선택부적절. tools, and experience many others as well. This exhibit will help teach children about the wisdom behind solving crises through war. They will learn that war, although brutal and the cause of much 전쟁과지혜는어울리지않는개념. human misery, actually played a vital role in bringing about social change. Noble women began to wear full-length skirt-trousers and wide-sleeved, 문화관광부 > Images hip-length jackets belted at the waist, and noblemen, roomy trousers bound 어휘오류 : Noble women--> Noblewomen 으로수정 of Korea 11> Hanbok in at the ankles and a narrower, tunic-style jacket cuffed at the wrist and belted at the waist. 문화재청 > General It's one of the representatives in beautiful stone pagodas late in the United 어휘오류 : United- -> Unified 으로수정 (' 통일 ' 이라는 Search> Search> 국보 Silla Dynasty. 단어는보통 'unifiy' 가일반적인대응어임. 10호 문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 11 호 There stands a corner pillar that is swollen at the middle and narrow at the upper and down part at each side of the first stone support, and there are Pyeongbang (horizontally laid wood on an architrave) and architrave on the pillar like a wooden structure. 문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 Address 29, Namdaemunno-4(sa)ga Jung-gu Seoul 1호 문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 3 호 The monument was discovered and decoded in the 16th year of King Sunjo in Joseon Era (1816) by Chusa Kim Jeonghui who is one of the historical master calligraphers in Korea. The historic facts carved on the monument are among the most known and precious inscriptions on stone monuments. The shape of the monument is rectangular. The monument was built on a two-story pedestal sitting on a natural rock. Some of its upper part has gone, and its remaining body is 154 cm high and 69 cm wide. It has twelve lines, and every line has 32 letters in Haeseoche (the square style of Chinese handwriting). 어휘오류 : at the upper and down part- ->at the upper and lower part 으로수정 (upper and lower 가일반적인대칭어로사용됨 ) 어휘오류 : Address- -> Location 으로수정 ( 소재지에대한영어의대응어는 location 이일반적표현임 ) 어휘오류 : Some of its upper part has gone- ->Some of its upper part is missing or lost 으로수정하여없어진상황을표현할수있음. Godalsa Temple was founded in the 23rd year (764) of King Gyeongdeok in 문화재청 > General United Silla Dynasty, and remained as a grand temple thanks to the 어휘오류 : in United Silla Dynasty,- ->in the Unified Search> Search> 국보 protection of kings since King Gwangjong. But it is not clear when the temple Silla Dynasty, 으로수정 ( 통일은보통 unified 를사용함 ) 4호 was shut down. 문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 7 호 서울특별시청 > City Walking Tour> Cheonggyecheon 어휘오류 : Address - -> location 으로수정 ( ' 소재지 ' 의 Address 320, Daehong-ri, Seonghwan-eup Cheonan-si Chungcheongnam-do 영어대응어는 'location' 이더적합함 ) Cheonggyecheon is a beautiful escape in the heart of the city and is surrounded by various cultural sites and shops on either side. 서울특별시청 > 어휘오류 Hangang River Ferry Cruise Self-exploration Tour 서울특별시청 > Travel Guide> Activities> Food & Drink Gimchi-jjigae is a stew made by boiling gimchi, water, vegetables, soy bean paste and meat., usually tuna fish or pork. 어휘오류 : 청계천의아름다움을표현하는용어로는부적절함 : <The Han River Ferry Cruise> 가일반적인표현 어휘오류 : 나중에 tuna fish or pork 라고제시되므로, fish (or meat) 로수정 부록 269
B-1 서울특별시청 > Travel Tips> Convenience Stores and Supermarkets B-1 제주특별자치도 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-1 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 제주특별자치도 >culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 >culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 >culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 culture > arts 제주특별자치도 culture > arts 제주특별자치도 culture > arts 제주특별자치도 tour > festival 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports Other major chains in Korea are FamilyMart (a Japanese chain with over 2,700 shops around the country), LG25, MiniStop, Buy the Way and OK Mart. 어휘오류 : LG25- -> GS25 으로수정 245,550m2 at 1do2-dong and 2do2-dong in Jeju-si, created in the central of Jeju-si and as the access to the park from every cities at Jeju is convenient 어휘오류 : centeral- ->center 으로수정 due to well-arranged city plan in the vicinity of the park many citizens are using the park Mulsojungi was under apparel but was transformed into women divers' work clothes. under-apparel. Under 가있어서의상아래에있는느낌으로해석됨 Yeonggam-noli is a shaman's kut and a typical drama-style ceremony in 어휘오류 : have intercourse - ->hold communion 으로수 which the spirits and humans have intercourse and communicate with each 정 ( 성적의미유발 ) other. Primarily, it was not called Dolhareubang. Registered Number: Jeju Commemoration Monument No 25 어휘오류 : prmarily- ->previously 으로수정 어휘오류 : Registered- ->Registration 으로수정 The main facilities are as follows. On the 1st floor in underground there are squash room, pocket ball room, indoor golf practice room, song room, music 어휘오류 : pocket ball room- -> pool room 으로수정 practice room, performance rehearsal hall, techno hall. On Dec. 26. 1990, It was decided to create a park on 4,270m2 for the 1st Tapdong Park and 어휘오류 : create- ->build으로수정 on 10,200m2 for the 2nd Tapdong Park. 어휘오류 : 10K and 5K races - ->10Km and 5Km races Full and half marathons, 10K and 5K races 으로수정 Recently, a structure supporting an unmanned bushfire watch camera has been installed on the top of the oreum. This beach can accommodate up to 50,000 vacationers a day. The water is usually calm so family vacationers love to visit here. Hamdeok Beach is equipped with modern change rooms and shower rooms, parking lots that can accommodate up to 300 cars, camp sites and lodging houses. watch camera- -> surveillance camera 으로수정 ( 어휘오류 ) 어휘오류 : Hamdeok Beach is equipped with modern change rooms - ->Hamdeok Beach is equipped with modern changing rooms 으로수정 ( 탈의실은보통 changing room 을사용함 ) 제주특별자치도 Featuring the largest-scale facilities in Jeju, you can fully enjoy the sea and 어휘오류 :tourism- ->tour 으로수정 tour > touring around underwater tourism along the Seogwipo coast at a reasonable price. 제주특별자치도 tour >shopping 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore 한국관광공사 >Tip Welcome to visit our original moving rib restaurant. To contribute to 이동갈비는움직이는이동이아닌갈비가유명한지역이 developing eatery culture, we opened the first chain, Pochon Moving Rib and 이동면으로 moving rib 는정확한용어가아님 ready to serve you. We promise to serve you if you visit us. Thank you. Even the word, Dolhareubang, is interpreted as a guardian god in Mongol 어휘오류 : Mongol- ->Mongolian 으로수정 because of its popularity. Hence, Silla joined forces with the people of Goguryeo and Baekje to drive out Tang forces, and founded the first unified state in the history of Korea in the planner > about korea > History territory south of the Daedonggang River and Wonsanman. 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >2. 2. Silver-Inaid Iron Clubs 은입사귀면문철퇴국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >6. Constellation Map (National Treasure No.228) 천상열차분야지도각석-국보 228호국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >7. 7. Sundials (Treasure No.841) 간평일구 혼개일구 보물 841호 국립민속박물관 > 2. Mask 국립민속박물관 > 3. 선사시대생활 > A. 선사시대의생활상 국립민속박물관 > 4. 수렵과어로 > 수렵 This mask dance-drama is traditional in Goseong-gun county, Gyeongsangnam-do Province, and is one of the Ogwangdae Mask dance-dramas played in the region west of the Nakdonggang River. "Gwangdae"is a kind of acrobat. 4) Masks of Mask Dance-Drama of Gimhae This mask dance-drama is traditional in Gimhae-gun County, Gyeongsangnam-do Province, and is one of the Ogwangdae mask dance-drams west of the Nakdonggang River. Earthenware were vessels for cooking and storage purposes which were first used in the Neolithic Age when the inhabitants began to lead a settled-down life. The earthenware of this period were mostly reddish brown because they had been shaped with clay and baked outdoors at a low temperature. To decorate, designs were appliqued or geometric designs were incised on earthen-ware. Spears and arrows has been continuously developed from the period of Three States through the Joseon Dynasty. 어휘오류 : the Daedonggang River and Wonsanman.- -> the Daedonggang River and Wonsan Bay. 으로수정 ( 용어사용의오류 ) 다른소제목은원어를소리나는대로표기. 제목의번역방법이불일치 다른소제목과달리원음표기않함. 일관성부족 다른소제목은원어를소리나는대로표기. 제목의번역방법이불일치 용어표기의일관성결여 : Goseong-gun county 와 Gimhae-gun County 중후자의표기법을번역문전반에걸쳐사용하고있으므로일관되게 D449 표기해줄필요가있음. 용어사용의일관성위배 : earthenware 와 earthen-ware 로혼용해서사용함 용어사용의일관성위배 : 삼국시대는 the Three Kingdoms 로표현해왔으므로 Three States 는 Three Kingdoms 로하는것이적절함. 270 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
B-2 국립민속박물관 > 4. The basic pattern of the traditional Korean dress developed under the 의생활 > A. 한국의복 influence of the northern has changed little to the present day. 식 고유명사는대문자로처리하는일관성에위배 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 B-2 국립중앙박물관 Made in Hamgyeong-do province, the hometown of King Taejo, it consists of >collection>100highlig three parts: first, the register of twenty private slaves given to Yi Seong-gye 일관성부족. 이전, 이후인명에대한한자표시없었음. hts Fine Arts Gallery ( 李成桂, later King Taejo) by the king of the Goryeo Dynasty, December 17, Ⅰ 1390. 국립중앙박물관 In the residential area, a model and animation of the Songgukni house 일관성없는용어사용. 이전까지고대주거지에대한기 >collection>100highlig foundation, a video of the development process of homes, excavated remains 술을하다가갑자기 residential area 라고하면고대의주 hts Fine Arts Gallery of a home of the Three Kingdoms Period, structure of 'ondol' at Heeamni 거지를떠올리게됨. 여기서는전시공간이므로 gallary 나 Ⅰ remains, tiled roofs and many more different items are on display. room등이함께쓰여야혼동을막을수있음. 제주특별자치도 >culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 >culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 culture > arts 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports The existing folk customs result from those historical conditions; popular beliefs including poje, male centered Confucian village rites, and women-centered danggut by Shamans (originally the rites were performed equally by men and women). Thus calling Dolhareubang ''Beoksumeori'' is a valuable clue which points to the possibility that Dolhareubang has the same origin as the Boksu totem pole. Location Opening date: 1996. 1.31(358) Opening Date: August 25 1988 용어일관성 : male centered, women-centered 등으로혼용함 용어일관성 :Beoksu 와 Boksu 등으로혼용함 용어일관성 : 년월일표기에숫자와단어를혼용함 CHO WON RIDING TRACK It s where you can take a rest looking down the green grassland and the blue 용어일관성 : 초원승마장을제목에는 Riding Track 으로, sea. We invite you to the best attraction, Chowon Horse-back Riding Field, 내용에는 Horseback Riding Field 로번역했음. located near Jungmun Tourist Complex. If you are interested in something different, you can come, play laid-back 용어일관성 : 조랑말을 dwarf horse, small horse, pony cowboy and enjoy riding dwarf horses on the foot of Mount Halla, surrounded 등으로표현하여용어의일관성이없음 by the nature. GU EOM FISHING Welcome to Gooum Fishing. Experience the sea fishing that cannot pass out of your mind in fantastic 용어일관성 : 구엄낚시를 Gu Eom 과 Gooum 으로일관 island, Jeju. We, Gooum Fishing promise you to make reminder you will never 성없게표기 forget. Love-jeju passenger ship(5-ton) will usher you safely to the point. (maximum speed is 24 note, average speed is 20 note) For an unforgettable experience, you can enjoy the 8 scenic wonders of Cow 제주특별자치도용어일관성 : ' 우도 ' 에대한표현으로 Cow Island 와 Island and the magnificent sunset view of the marine park by boarding a tour > touring around Udo 등을혼용함 luxurious ocean vessel. 제주특별자치도 *Admission fee for marine park: Adult: 1,500 won; Child (primary school tour > touring around student and above) 1,000 won 용어일관성 : 앞서번역에서는 elementary school 로표기하였었음. 제주특별자치도 Baekrokdam 용어일관성 : Baeknokdam 과 Baekrokdam 을혼용함. tour > touring around 제주특별자치도 Kimnyeong Snake Cave. The Gimmyeongsa cave is a 700 meter-long, tour > touring around S-shaped lava tube. It is also called snake cave for its internal shape. 용어일관성 (snake vs sa): Kimnyeong Snake Cave 와 Gimmyeongsa cave 를혼용함 제주특별자치도 Female divers also worked in Tsushima, Tokyo, and Koji in Japan, Xingdao, 용어일관성 : 해녀를 Women divers 로표기하다가갑자 woman > Jeju woman and Dalian in China, and Vladivostok in Russia. 기 Female 로바뀜 divers 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 >about jeju > introduction & symbols 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >7. 간평일구 혼개일구 보물 841 호 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >7. 간평일구 혼개일구 보물 841 호 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >7. 간평일구 혼개일구 보물 841 호 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >8. 측우대 Nodongyo is classified into nodongyo, jebunyo, eoeopyo, gwanmangyo, 용어일관성 : nodongyo, Nongeopyo 등으로혼용함 beolchaeyo and jabyeokyo. - "Nongeopyo (Farming Songs)" In former days, the pottery made on the island was, for the most part, simple earthenware for everyday use and classified into the following: daesiru (large earth ware), jungsiru (middle-size earth ware), sosiru (small earth ware); 용어일관성 : earthenware, earth ware 등으로혼용함 keundok (large pot), jungdok (middle-size pot), jageundok (small pot), and danji (small jar). The fantastically shaped rocks decorating the seashores, the hundreds of Oreums(secondary volcanos) and the rarest species of flora around the Baekrok-dam lake are all treasures waiting to be discovered by visitors. The lower half of the head is encircled with petals and the patterns on the handles are densely decorated with patterns resembling square-holed coins and petals. So-chongtong is a portable firearm developed in mid-joseon period and a remarkable artifact indicating a point in the evolution and development of Joseon firearms. The one named Ganpyeongilgu is same as Ganpyeongui theoretically dependent on the book Kanpyeong Uiseol by Sabathino de Ursis, a missionary. "Financial administration says, each supervisor of provinces has reported the precipitation up to the existing related law, 용어일관성 : 오름을 (vacanic site; volcanic) secondary volcanos 라고하였음 idiomacity 오류. Pattern 이 pattern 으로장식될수없음. 불필요하게 artifact 라는명사로다시받아주어어색함. 단어선택부적절. According to 부적절구문. according to 부록 271
Being a paternal society, the duty of utmost importance for a Korean wife was 국립민속박물관 > 1. to give to a son. In the Joseon period(1392-1910)they regared the birth of a 숙어를부정확하게사용 : Give birth to a son 이라고해야한국인의일생 > A. 출 son 맞음. 생 as a fulfillment of an obligation of a denscendant to the ancestors. 국립민속박물관 > 1. 한국인의일생 > A. 출 4) Straw Rope Announcing Birth a Child 생 birth a child 는어색한표현같음 : Straw ropes to announce the arrival of a newborn baby 가더영어스러움 국립민속박물관 > 1..A jegi is a paper tasseled Korean coin with an opening in the center and boys tossing a jegi with a foot 보다는 kicking 과한국인의일생 > A. 출 play jegi by keeping tossing jegi with a foot. foot이어울림. 생국립민속박물관 > 4. Skirts became wider and longer with its edge touching the floor to produce the 연어상의오류 : 한복과의생활 > A. 한국의복 dramatic silhouette typical of their costume today. dramatic silhouette 가어울리지않음. 식 국립민속박물관 > 7. 식생활 > A. 식생활 The fermentation is a phenomenon to go through the metabolism by contacting the enzyme of microbe and organic matters. Food such as kimchi, 영어처럼느껴지지않는표현 : metabolism 을 go through wine, soybean sauce, soybean paste, vinegar, yogurt and cheeze is made 한다는것이어색함. by going through the peculiar fermentation. 국립민속박물관 > 8. In China, they made primitive celadon as early as the Southern and 고려의인쇄청자문화 > Northen Dynasties Period on the basis of the technical tradition of 어색한표현 : through a high temperature C. 세계도자문화에서 the production of the grey-glazed earthenware through a high temperature, 보다는 at a high temparture 가더적절함. 본한국청자 which had been continously developed since the Shang Period. 국립민속박물관 > 8. 조선의과학과한글 > B. 조선의과학기술 The development of science and technology in the Joseon Kingdom 1392-1910) 적절한관용표현 : high periods 대신 can be described with two high periods of the early 15th century peak periods가더적절 and the 19th century. 국립민속박물관 > 8. 조선의과학기술과한 The Creation of Hangeul, alphabetical Korean phonetic scripts was motivated 영어처럼느껴지지않는영어 : deep national 글 > A. 한글창제 by deep national consciousness of King Sejong consciousness에서 deep 보다는 strong 이더적절함. 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Asian Arts Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Asian Arts Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Asian Arts Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Asian Arts Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Asian Arts Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Asian Arts Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Asian Arts Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Asian Arts Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Asian Arts Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Asian Arts Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Asian Arts Gallery The brightly colored Imari ware, which was produced in Arita, Saga prefecture 어색한표현. One of the most frequently exported ware and traded via the Imari port, represents Edo period Japanese export ware. from Endo ~ 가더자연스러움 Understanding the origin and development of ancient farming will be an opportunity to learn in detail about how our ancestors lived and strived in 관용구. live better life. order to live life better. In the strictest meaning of war, wars in our country began during the Bronze Age when there were border conflicts with neighbors and struggles with ranks 관용구오류. struggles with struggles for and positions. Pottery with applique decoration is decorated with various additional patterns 앞선등장한 decoration 대신 designed 등이나음 by adding a clay band to its surface or pressing its surface with fingers. In 1816 the stele scholar Kim Jeong-hui identified the period of the monument. Paintings of the Joseon Envoys to Ming by Sea 어색함. 어색함. Period 가아니라 when the monument was erected 정도 This painting is about the scene of Ambassador Yi Deok-hyeong along with other Joseon envoys visiting the Ming court in 1624 to request confirmation depits, describe 등이적절 of the newly crowned King Injo. At the end of the painting, Yi Deok-hyeong wrote his guidance advice to future envoys, recommending that they make the journey by ship as much as 관용구오류. at the bottom possible. At the end of the painting, Yi Deok-hyeong wrote his guidance advice to future envoys, recommending that they make the journey by ship as much as 어색한표현 possible. A copied Sutra is a scripture copied by handwriting from a Buddhist scripture. 어색. In the first paragraph of a copied Sutra, there is usually Byeonsangdo, a painting that depicts important stories among the whole contents of the scripture. 관용구. from the scrupture 272 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Asian Arts Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Asian Arts Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Asian Arts Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Donation Gallery 국립현대미술관 > B5381. Paintings 제주특별자치도 culture > arts 제주특별자치도 culture > arts While it is not quite certain that when Kim started to draw this type of paintings, it is presumed to be in his late thirties. And also it is a masterpiece of beauty of Buncheong ware. Totally controlled description and composition of blank and design transcend craftsmanship toward a fine art. During the excavation of the tomb of King Muryeong, many artifacts including gold diadem ornaments, gold shoes, and a bracelet with inscription, were found and 17 items from them were appointed as national treasures. KANG CHANG-WON(1906-1977) has created utensils among which this work is his typical couple of two vases. 문장구조어색. It is 이하를 certain 이후로놓는것이더자연스러움 어색한표현 어색한표현 어휘의호응이깨짐 : appoint 는사람에게주로쓰는단어 his typical couple vases 가더자연스러움. There are total 4,934 items of relics displayed. 관용표현 : 총계는 'a total of' 라고표현한다. A flame holder is around there and tree-planting space in memory for Olympic 관용표현 : in memory for the Olympics- -> in memory of is furnished and the 95 Jeju time-capsule is buried with 1,250 pieces of the Olympics 으로수정 possessions in celebration for the 50 anniversaries of independence in 1995. 제주특별자치도 SALABONG PARK 용어일관성 : Sarabong 과SALABONG 을혼용함. tour > touring around A monk advised the king to offer a Buddhist mass by constructing a tower on 제주특별자치도관용표현 : offer a Buddhist mass 를 offer a Buddhist a Samcheopchilbong (a three folded mountain surrounded by other six smaller tour > touring around prayer/service 으로수정 ( 불공을드리다 ) mountains) where the Big Dipper reached its energy. 제주특별자치도 Instead of simply watching the action, get the feel of fishing and even make 관용표현 : 여기서는 ' 회를뜨다 ' 를설명하려고한것같 tour > touring around your own raw fish. 음. 하지만번역한것으로그뜻을유추해내기힘듦제주특별자치도 Villagers prepared offerings and annually sacrificed a girl between the ages of 관용표현 : between the ages of 15 to 16- -> between 15 tour > touring around 15 to 16 to avoid tragedy. and 16 으로수정제주특별자치도 Listening the grievances from the villagers, the enraged officer led a dozens 관용표현 : Listening- -> Hearing 으로수정 tour > touring around of soldiers to the cave. 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >8. 측우대 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >8. 측우대 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >8. 측우대국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >8. 측우대국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >8. 측우대 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >8. 측우대 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >8. 측우대국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >8. 측우대 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >8. 측우대 국립민속박물관 > 1. 한국고대의소리 For instance, the sun and the moon each represent the king and the queen, 오역. 영국한생명력, 왕실의권위와존엄세가지를상징 whereas the five peaks symbolize eternal vitality of the royal authority and 하는것임. dignity. Since this piece currently is the best preserved among the surviving shells, it is approved as a Cultural Property of State-Defensive Scientific Technology 승인이아니라지정임.designated that could be well compared with the records and a valuable material for firearm studies and history of ammunitions. Although its design was inspired by Yuan sundial Yangyi, the Angbu-ilgu is considered a unique design by the Joseon scientists. 의미왜곡. 디자인이아니라아이디어를얻은것임 The map was inscribed in the 4th year of the reign of King Taejo (1395) not 오역. 단순히기록하기위함이아니라왕권을상징하기 to record the constellation but to prove the power of the first King, Taejo, of 위함. Not, but 을잘못사용해의미가어그러짐 the Joseon Dynasty. Inside of the circle called Sam Jung O ne measuring 76cm in diameter, the stars that you can observe with the naked eye are engraved. 오역. 원문은우리나라에서관찰할수있는별임. 남반구독자라면다른별자리가됨. 따라서 Korea 나 we 가적절 In districts away from Seoul (Hanyang) the officials in charge of each district 원문은자기나와기임. 비를재는측우기를흙으로만든 will make the gauge just like the original one of Seoul but with earth and soil 다고표현해서비가측우기에흡수되지않을까의아하게 instead of iron and should report to the supervisor what they measure when 만듬. its raining." When Jeongjo made it, the best reference was the one of Sejong's reign (1441). 오역. 정조가만든것이아님. 만듬을명함 Lamentably, the original iron cylinder was so destroyed during the Korean 잘못된정보. 현존하는것은원래의측우기가아니라복 War (1950) that we had to copy one to display a whole set of rain gauges. 원한것임. 전시하기위해복원한것은아님 Besides, Gwansanggam rain gauge stand, Daegu Seonwhadang stand still prove their value as material to study the history of science of Korea. From pre-historic time in Korea, bells of all kids including Buddhist temple bells and other sound-producing objects have always served as ritual ware and magical implements to invite good luck, 오역. 금영측우기외에남아있는측우기들을열거하는문장인데영문은다른측우기들의사료적가치만을얘기하고있음. ~and ~ stands also remain, providing valuable resources for ~ 등이적절사실관계차원의오역 : 원문에는 " 벽사진경을위한주술적의기 " 로라고되어있다. 벽사진경은한자어이므로적절하게풀어서설명해줘야한다. 원래의미가귀신을쫓고좋은일만있게한다는뜻이므로 "to invite good luck" 보다는 "to scare away evil spritis while inviting good luck" 가바람직하다. 부록 273
C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 국립민속박물관 > 3. Around 10th century B.C., the Tungusic tribe moved into 오역 : 원문에는 ' 퉁구스계에속하는새로운종족 ' 이라고선사시대생활 > B. 청 the Korean Peninsula from the northeast region of China(Manchuria) and 되어있으므로 'a new tribe beloning to the Tungus' 하는동기시대의생활문화 Mongolia. 것이바람직. 국립민속박물관 > 3. 선사시대생활 > B. 청 Dolmens and stone sites were made. 동기시대의생활문화 국립민속박물관 > 4. 삼국시대의생활과문화 > A. 삼국및가야의건국신화 국립민속박물관 > 4. 의생활 > A. 한국의복식 국립민속박물관 > 6. 발해의역사와문화 국립민속박물관 > 6. 식생활 > A. 식생활 국립민속박물관 > 6. 식생활 > A. 식생활 국립민속박물관 > 6. 식생활 > A. 식생활 국립민속박물관 > 7. 고려의인쇄청자문화 > 한국청자의조형적특징 국립민속박물관 > 9. 조선의과학과한글 > B. 조선의과학기술 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Asian Arts Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Asian Arts Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Asian Arts Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Asian Arts Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Asian Arts Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Asian Arts Gallery A striking feature of Korean nation founding mythloogy is that they combine the elements of heaven-sent founder theory and oviparous theory. The very existence of the two different elements in Korean nation fouding mytologies underlines the fact that Korean culture had been developed on the basis of northern culture to which southern culture was accepted. Wall paintings in Goguryeo tombs show that in the Three Kingdoms period (1st century B.C - 7th century) men and women both wore long jackets reaching below the waist as well as a belt and trousers. Women wore skirts with folds over the trousers. The, exhibit Forgotten Kingdom, Balhae was established in the first exhibition hall of the National Folk Museum, which illustrates the history of the Korean people, on January 2, 2001. 오역 : 원문에는돌널무덤 ( 석관묘 ) 라고되어있으므로 stone coffin 혹은 stone lined tomb 로하는것이바람직 오역 : 원문에는 ' 한국문화의기원이북방문화를바탕으로남방문화를포용하면서형성되었음을보여주는좋은예이다.' 이므로 the Korean culture was formed on the basis of the northern culture by embracing the southern culture 로하는것이더적합 내용등가성위반 : 여자는바지위에주름잡은치마를입었다. 그러나 skirts with folds 는 ' 단을접은치마 ' 라는느낌이든다. 따라서 pleated (ruffle) skirts 라고해야옳다. ( 확인해주세요 ) 내용상의오류 : 원문에는제 2 전시관으로되어있음. 오역 : 식생활이인류의문화형성에영향을미치는기본바탕이되는요소로작용한다는원문의내용 The dietary life of a people is closely related with their culture. When their 을살리지못함. The dietary life has served as a basic food supply depended on agriculture, the people developed land-based farming instrument to affect the formation of the human culture. In general, food of the northern regions are less spicy and large in shape, while food of the southern regions tend to be spicy and savory. 오역 : 맛이짜고감칠맛이강하다로되어있으므로 spicy 보다는 salty 가더적절함 The fermentation is a phenomenon to go through the metabolism by 오역 : 원문에는 ' 미생물의효소가유기물과접촉하여대 contacting the enzyme of microbe and organic matters. Food such as kimchi, 사작용을일으키는현상이발효 ' 라고되어있으나번역문 wine, soybean sauce, soybean paste, vinegar, yogurt and cheeze is made 의내용은이와다름. by going through the peculiar fermentation. Widely used in daily life, Korean celadon wares acquired greater Koreanness in their form, glaze and decoration. There were celadon food vessels, stationery objects, ritualware and architectural materials, such as tiles. This is a replica of a water clock preserved in Deoksu Palace in Seoul. Its first example in Korea called the Jagyeokru was created by Jang Yeongsil and some others in 1434 under King Sejong's regin. The main characteristic of this dagger is that its blade bends in the shape of 'S' and its blade and its grip were made separately and then combined. 내용상의오류 : ' 공예전반에서청자가차지하는비중은높다.' 이나형태나광택, 및장식면에서보다한국적이다로옮김. 자격루가장영실에의해최초로발명되었다는사실을전달하는데실패. And 대신 with 를사용하는것이더명확함. 칼날이 S 자모양인것이지 S 자모양으로구부러지는것은아님 This armor was excavated from No. 32 tomb in Goryeong, Gyeongsangbuk-do. 잘못된정보. 32 번째무덤같음 From the tombs of Silla period, the internationally unprecedented number of gold earrings was excavated. These earrings were found in Couple's tombs in Bomun-dong, Gyeongju. They 신라시대귀걸이가모두보문동릉에서발견된것으로보 are the most elaborate and magnificent earrings among Silla earrings in that 임. 대명사를부정확하게사용해오역. they display elegant taste of Silla and the prime craftsmanship of metal arts of Silla. This roof tile was excavated from Anapji, an artificial pond that was built in 674 and attached to the east palace where a Silla crown prince stayed. Han Ho, Poem by Du Fu And it was usually placed below a door opened toward the backyard or to the side wall. 국립중앙박물관 > Comparisons with modern homes are made and taught using sufficient Education> Children s understandings of the home, the society and environment surrounding museum> Exhibition children such as families and villages. 발굴해서동궁에붙였다는것같음. 한호가두부의시를쓴서필에대한기술인데제목은두부가쓴시한호처럼보임 문아래가아니라창아래 의미정확하게전달안됨. 현대주거공간과의비교를가르치는것이아님. 국립중앙박물관 > In order to observe the life of people in he past, it has been devided into four 선조의삶을살펴보기위해네가지그룹으로나눈것은 Education> Children s different categories;homes, Farming, Music and War. 아님. 목적관계가아님. museum> Exhibition 제주특별자치도 This is a long, narrow entrance way to the dwelling. 오역 : 마당을 entrance 로표현하여오역이됨. >culture > folklore 274 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-1 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 C-2 제주특별자치도 culture > arts The tree, called Distylium racemosum grows naturally under 700m of Mt. Halla and creates unique space that the weak parts disappeared, remaining 오역 : 한글원문과내용이상이함. stem part. 제주특별자치도 Construction period: 2001.10~2001.10 culture > arts The hotel has been earning its reputation as an international resort-business 제주특별자치도 hotel with 313 high-class guest rooms, banquet rooms which are large enough tour > accommodation to accomodate 1,000 people, a Korean-Japanese restaurant and other facilities. 제주특별자치도 tour > food Based on the experiences of working for hotel chef for the past 10 years, we will provide great taste of real abalone soup. 오역 : 잘못된표현 오역 : 한식, 양식식당이아닌한식당과양식당이지만영어로는한식과양식을제공하는한식당으로오역 오역 : 분사구문의주어가 we 가되야하는데모두호텔의요리사가아닌호텔출신의주방장이있다는사실을잘못표현함. Therefore, the Jeju officials and other high local officials used to establish 제주특별자치도 stone monuments to commemorate their achievements when they left or came 오역 : 한글원문과의미상의미묘한차이가존재함 tour > touring around to Jeju island. Mount Halla is the mountain of one of the three gods and is a notable 제주특별자치도 mountain. It stands at the center of Jeju Island, spreading east and west. The 오역 : 'The east face is steep' 은 ' 남쪽경사가급격하다 ' tour > touring around east face is steep, the north side is gentle, and the east and west form a flat, 에대한오역임. wide highland. 제주특별자치도 Right next to the falls is Yeomiji Botanical Gardens and many other tourist 오역 : 뒷부분은원문의의미와상이함 tour > touring around attractions. 제주특별자치도 Along the Sewha Coastal Road is an observatory that can be seen in 오역 : 한국어원문과의미가상이함. tour > touring around Jongdal-ri. 제주특별자치도 > Children of 3-7 days and upward wear it. 오역 : 사실관계오류 culture > folklore 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >8. 측우대국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >8. 측우대국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >8. 측우대 국립민속박물관 > 4. 삼국시대의생활과문화 > A. 삼국및가야의건국신화 The composition in a strict symmetry and shapes of natural objects invariably 일월오봉도와다른유물에서동일하게찾아볼수있다인 appear regular in extant screens or panels of the Sun, the Moon and Five 데다른유물부분은이유없이생략. Peaks and their images in documentary paintings. The theme of the painting is also interpreted as a visualization of a poem Tian Bao( 天保 ), from Book of Odes, a Chinese Confucian classic. 책의이름은원어를표기하지않고시의이름만원어표기. 일관성부족 It is hard to read the statement engraved on each side. 마모되어읽을수없음이빠짐. A striking feature of Korean nation founding mythloogy is that they combine the elements of heaven-sent founder theory and oviparous theory. The very existence of the two different elements in Korean nation fouding mytologies underlines the fact that Korean culture had been developed on the basis of northern culture to which southern culture was accepted. 이유없는생략 : 원문에천손하강형이북방문화계에서유래하고난생형이남방문화계에서유래되었다고나와있으나영문에서는이를표시하지않았음. 이유없는생략 : 동북아일대에서문화적발전을선도했던국립민속박물관 > 4. 고구려문화를연구하는데도움을주는것이므로이를명삼국시대의생활과문 Extant Goguryeo artifacts, sites and, moreover, mural paintings in about 84 시해야적절한번역. 화 > C. 고구려의생활 confirmed Goguryeo tombs help us in studying the Goguryeo culture. ~which took the lead in cultural development in and 풍토 around the Northeast Asian region. C-2 C-2 C-2 국립민속박물관 > 4. 의생활 > A. 한국의복식 국립민속박물관 > 6. 식생활 > A. 식생활 국립민속박물관 > 6. 식생활 > 식생활 C-2 문화관광부 C-2 D-1 D-1 In the next Joseon period a number of hair ornaments were developed including hairpins with fluttering ornaments, cross bar hairpins, ornamental hairpins flower crowns, decorated headpieces and ribbon and pendant ornaments, hair dividers, pendant ornaments and ornamental ponches. Because Korea has mountains, plains, rivers and seas, produces a great diversity of foods. When the cabbages are soaked with the thick brine, the taste of Kimchi will be lost. Therefore, care must be taken to use an appropriate amount of salt in softening the vegetables. # 문화마당 > 한국의문화상징 > images of Korea > 12 가지 ( 석굴암, 불고기, 김치...) 문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 Designated Date 1962.12.20 1호 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >8. 측우대 국립민속박물관 > 4. 삼국시대의생활과문화 > A. 삼국및가야의건국신화 Because of this, the elements consisting the Sun, the Moon and Five Peaks are widely interpreted to have its unique symbolic meanings. A striking feature of Korean nation founding mythloogy is that they combine the elements of heaven-sent founder theory and oviparous theory. The very existence of the two different elements in Korean nation fouding mytologies underlines the fact that Korean culture had been developed on the basis of northern culture to which southern culture was accepted. 이유없는생략 : 머리장식과노리개등은비교적다양한형태로사용되었다는내용이나노리개에대한내용이빠져있음. 이유없는생략 : 작은영토임에도불구하고산, 바다, 평야, 강등으로인해다양한식품이산출되었다고했으나 TT 에서는이를잘살리지못함. In spite of its small territory, Korea has been producing a great diversity of foods due to its mountains, plains, rivers, and seas. 이유없는생략 : ' 너무진한소금물로오랫동안절이면이물질들이빠져나와구수한맛이없어진다.' 한원문의내용을그대로살리지않음. 이유없이생략 : #Quick link >image of Korea > 10 개항목 ( 석굴암, 불고기,,,,) 이유없이생략 : Designated Date 1962.12.20- -> Dec. 20, 1962 으로수정 ( 년월일의경우도번역이필요함 ) 선행문과원인결과관계가아님. heaven-sent founder theory and oviparous theory. 와 The very existence of the two different elements in Korean nation founding mytologies 사이에 therefore 등과같은인과관계를나타내는연결사를집어넣는것이글의흐름상적절함. 부록 275
D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 국립민속박물관 > 4. 삼국시대의생활과문화 > B. 삼국시대의복식 국립민속박물관 > 4. Social System 국립민속박물관 > 6. 삼국시대의생활과문화 > E. 삼국시대의복식 국립민속박물관 > 6. 식생활 > A. 식생활 국립민속박물관 > 7. 고려의인쇄청자문화 > B. 한국청자의조형적특징 국립민속박물관 > Coming of Age and Wedding The historical records that say that Baekje kings wore purple long coat with wide sleeves, blue silk trousers and white leather belt show that Baekje kings' costumes were similar to the costumes of Goguryeo kings They wore gilt bronze crown or black silk cap and gilt brozne ornamental shoes or leather shoes. As early as the Unified Silla period, Korea was developed in the medical sciences and even published a listing a prescription called Silla-Beopsabang. More Korean medical books were published in the Joseon period. Veterinary medicine, post-mortem examinations and treatments of certain diseases were also developed in the period. A site for offering prayer and food in a ritual of jesa was excavated and investigated for the first time in Korea by the Jeonju Natioal Museum. The artifcats brought out by the excavation in Gyeokpo-ri, Jungmak-dong, Buan Count, Jeollabuk-do Province included earthenware, ceramics, bronze bells, hose head, replicas of armor, bronze and iron objects and earthen and stone jesa implements, strongly suggesting that the site had been jesa-related. 사고의흐름을제대로반영하지못하고있음. 어떤어떤복식을착용했던것으로봤을때, 고구려왕의복식과흡사했음을알수있다. 라는내용이므로 There is a historical D580record that ~. Accordingly, the record suggests that ~. 논리적구성차원에서 what's more, veterinary medicine, post-mortem examinations and treatment of certain diseases~ 로하면더자연스러울것임 지금까지동, 도등은우리 dong, do 등으로표현했지만여기서부안군은 Buan Count 로표현했다. 그러므로일관적인표현을위해 Buan-dong 이적절하며철자오류도지적할수있다. Count 가아니라 county 임. The fermentation is a phenomenon to go through the metabolism by ~ a phenomenon in which metabolization activity takes contacting the enzyme of microbe and organic matters. Food such as kimchi, place by the enzyme of a microorganism ' 처럼관계사 wine, soybean sauce, soybean paste, vinegar, yogurt and cheeze is made 로연결해야적절함. by going through the peculiar fermentation. Widely used in daily life, Korean celadon wares acquired greater Koreanness in their form, glaze and decoration. There were celadon food vessels, stationery objects, ritualware and architectural materials, such as tiles. Bobusang peddlers were itinerant merchants in the Joseon period who carried their ware on their back, bobusang peddlers organized themselves into a guild to protect their interests in the 17th century. The national organization almost was disbanded in the Japanese colonial period(1910-1945). 내용전개의일관성에문제 : 청자를일상생활에서널리사용했으며그예로 celadon food vessels 등이있다고연결해야함. For example 이나 for instance 와같은단어를삽입하면문장의연결고리가될수있음. 논리적구성차원에서 However, the guild of bobusang peddlers were disbanded~( 접속어를삽입해주는것이문맥의흐름상적절함.) Comb-pattern pottery began to appear in the Korean Peninsular around B.C. 국립중앙박물관 5,000. >Education>Children It first appeared in the middle and western areas and then spread across the 선행문과원인결과관계가아님. s museum>exhibition peninsular. So, Korean Neolithic culture is often called as 'Culture of earthenware with the teeth of a comb design.' 국립중앙박물관 This tile has landscape design. At the front, a brook is running and at the 첫문장과마지막문장의정보가동일. 신, 구정보배열규 >Education>Children back, mountains of three peaks are standing. This scene reminds the viewer 범어긋남 s museum>exhibition of a landscape. In 1450 (the 32nd year of the reign of the King Sejong), the Ming Dynasty China sent envoys to announce the accession to the throne of Emperor Jingdi. The Chinese envoy Ni Qian exchanged poems with scholars of the Joseon Dynasty. Jeong In-ji was among them. The exhibited collection contains 35 국립중앙박물관 poems and can be rolled up for safekeeping. 시를교환한학자들과시첩에대한내용이일관성없이나 >Education>Children Along with Jeong In-ji, Seong Sam-mun and Shin Suk-ju exchanged poems 열되어있음. s museum>exhibition with the Chinese diplomat. On the front page of the book, the Chinese minister Wang Shuan wrote in seal style an article titled a Collection of Poems by the Ming Envoys and the Joseon Academicians. 국립중앙박물관 >Education>Children s museum>exhibition The fact that a man receives an identify tag, means that he is now registered in the census registration and the muster roll, so he now becomes to have duties of military and compulsory services. So the common people did not want to carry their identify tags in order to evade those duties. To prevent this, the government enacted laws and regulations against identify tag forgery. 원문과달리 this라고명세화하여논리가어색해짐. 명패를가지고다니지않는것이문제인데이에대한대책이위조를막는것으로읽힘 국립중앙박물관 Even though the border between the part where white earth is applied and >Education>Children the part where white earth is not applied is very irregular, it highlights lively 원문의 '~ 이나 ' 를역접어로번역해논리어색 s museum>exhibition and natural characteristics of Buncheong ware. 국립중앙박물관 During Three Kingdoms period, potteries modeled from a human being, >Education>Children animal, and objects were popular. Especially animal-shaped potteries from s museum>exhibition Silla tombs mainly have shapes of a duck or a horse. 왜 Especially 인지알수없음. Both celadon roof tile Sumaksae with peony carved in relief and celadon roof 국립중앙박물관 tile Ammaksae are quite lighter than other previous celadons. It can be 응집성부족. Historical record 가어떤 record를증명해 >Education>Children imagined how beautiful the celadon tiled roof were. The some historical 주는지? s museum>exhibition records about celadon roof tiles and pieces of a celadon roof tile that were found around the Goryeo palace site support such records. 국립중앙박물관 Some curled hairs are attached with rye in the creek-shaped opening on top >Education>Children of the head. There were 1,100 pieces of curled hairs. Finally, the s museum>exhibition topknot-shaped hair was laid on the head. 응집성부족. 세문장간논리흐름, 연결성모두부족 276 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-1 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 Agriculture became the cornerstone in making the difference of the have's and 국립중앙박물관 have-not's severe, as well as greater social conflicts. In addition, farming not 논리모순. 앞문장은농업의부정적역할에대한것. 뒷문 >Education>Children only provided food, but also permeated into all parts of life including religion 장은농업의긍정적역할. 순접의 In addition 은부적절 s museum>exhibition and art, becoming (and became) the root in cultural development. 국립중앙박물관 >Education>Children s museum>exhibition 국립현대미술관 > Paintings 제주특별자치도 >culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >8. 측우대 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >8. 측우대 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >8. 측우대 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >8. 측우대 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >8. 측우대 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >8. 측우대 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >8. 측우대 Korean music, a mixture of dancing and singing accompanied by musical instruments, although having its own uniquely Korean origins, would later absorb influences from other parts of the world. Learning about ancient Korean music by using the musical instruments of that time can also help us understand more about the lifestyles and values of our Korean ancestors. 논리연결어색. 한국음악이다른나라의영향을받은것과직접옛날악기를체험해봄으로서과거생할양식과가치를배울수있다는것사이에아무런관련이없음. 그런데두번째문장에 also 를삽입함으로써마치첫번째문장과두번째문장이악기체험을통해배울수있는것들에대한설명으로보임 Disregarding the short period of Korean art circles, many artists tried to Disregarding the short period of Korean art circle 대신 develop the modern aspect of painting in their own work. Korean Modern Art 에 Despite 로연결하는것이더적절할것으로보임. was developed by its oil paintings during the Korean war. Dolhareubangs made by Jang Gongik were presented to the leaders of the world who visited Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, including former 내용전개의일관성 : 세계지도자들에게 ' 돌하루방 ' 선물 Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev, Life-sized fake Dolhareubangs are placed 을했다는이야기를하고갑자기 ' 돌하루방 ' 이여기저기 here and there. As Jeju Special Self-Governing Province is famous as a tourist 에산재해있다는이야기를하며내용전개의일관성을저 resort across the world, many small-sized Dolhareubangs are made and 해함. presented to the world as tourist souvenirs. It is called Bagumji Oreum since the shape is reminiscent of a big bat with its wings unfurled... 내용전개의일관성 : Bagumji 와 big bat 에대한부연설 This mountain consists of three peaks. The middle peak is a head of a bat 명이한참후에나옴. 내용전개의일관성부족 and the left and right peaks are wings of a bat. In the Ainu language, bat is Bagumi. Bagumi was Tungus in the past and it still remains as Ainu. We would like to invite you to our tourist ranch, designated as a new attraction by the Namjeju-gun office, Seokwang Horseback Riding Field. President Kim Gyeong-tae 내용전개의일관성 : 본문내용과관련없는 President Kim Gyeong-tae 가갑자기나옴. The main hall of every palace, such as Geunjeong Hall of Gyeongbok Palace 일월오봉도에대한첫기술부분이므로 Ilwol-Obong-Do, or Injeong Hall of Changdeok Palace, a screen of the Sun, the Moon and Five a screen ~ 이되어야함 Peaks is installed as a necessary backdrop of the throne. Moreover, the screens even seem to be installed in portrait shrines according to the production records of royal portraits. From the painting s function as 이전까지 screen이라고지칭하다감자기 painting 으로바 an indication of king s presence either in flesh or image, one can find out that 꿔혼동초래 the image of the Sun, the Moon and Five Peaks was indeed a symbol of the king. 1. Ilwol-Obong-Do The main hall of every palace, such as Geunjeong Hall of Gyeongbok Palace or Injeong Hall of Changdeok Palace, a screen of the Sun, the Moon and Five Peaks is installed as a necessary backdrop of the throne. Thus in every documentary painting of the court events, whether they were held indoor or outdoor, the seat of the king is marked with the screen of the 결속성부족. 일월오봉도라는제목하에설명하는병풍이 Sun, the Moon and the Five Peaks. Moreover, the screens even seem to be 일월오봉도임을한번도명시하지않음 installed in portrait shrines according to the production records of royal portraits. From the painting s function as an indication of king s presence either in flesh or image, one can find out that the image of the Sun, the Moon and Five Peaks was indeed a symbol of the king. The painting generally comprises five peaks, the sun and the moon above 일월오봉도은 screen이라고정의했는데갑자기 painting them, a pair of waterfalls streaming into the water currents and two pairs of 으로받아혼동 pine trees. This 19th Century pair of silver-inlaid iron clubs, a collection of National Palace Museum of Korea, is presumed to be used for ceremonies rather than 처음등장하는데 this 는부적절함 actual combats. Even though the firearm modification had become inactive during the turn of the dynasties, the development was re-activated in King Taejong s reign. 동일사물을부적절하게지칭함. 결속성떨어짐 The flat stone has two figures of sundials drawn. Ganpyeongilgu shows the celestial sphere holding the Arctic as a center whereas Hongaeilgu does the same with the Antarctic, with each representing the meridian and the latitude. The one named Ganpyeongilgu is same as Ganpyeongui theoretically 대명사가명확하게사용되지않아결속성부족 dependent on the book Kanpyeong Uiseol by Sabathino de Ursis, a missionary. The shape is similar to when you move the lines in the cauldron of hemispheric sundial to a flat form. 국립국악원 >About Gugak>Korean A small, lipped flat bronze gong chiefly used in farmer`s music and dance, this 결속구조 : A small. 과 this instrument 간의문법적관 Musical instrument is called 계상의오류 Instruments>Percussi on Instruments 국립국악원 >About A shallow double-headed barrel drum with a wooden body, buk vary depending Gugak>Korean on their use. The buk used for pungmul nori is called pungmul buk, the one 결속구조 : As a shallow, the buk varies in name. Musical used in pansori performances is called sori-buk, and the buk used in 으로수정 ( 두명사간의문법적기능문제 ) Instruments>Percussi daechwita is called yong-go. on Instruments 부록 277
D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 국립국악원 >About Gugak>Traditional Music and Dance>Dance Music 국립국악원 >About Gugak>Traditional Music and Dance>Instrumental music The dancers wear a jacket of which the color represents a certain direction: black-north, red-south, blue-east, and white-west. This vigorous music, which renders an energetic sound, employs winds such as the taepyeongso (conical oboe), nabal (clarion), and nagak (conch horn) and sonorous percussion such as the jabara (cymbals), jing (gong), yonggo (dragon drum). 결속구조 : a jacket of which the color- ->a jacket whose color 으로수정 ( 관계대명사소유격사용상의오류 ) 결속구조 : such as the jabara (cymbals), jing (gong), yonggo (dragon drum)- -> such as the jabara (cymbals), jing (gong), and yonggo (dragon drum). 로수정 ( 나열에는접속사 and 필요 ) 국립민속박물관 > 1. 문법적결속구조오류 : they 로받을복수보통명사가앞 Children plays and playing methods reflect gender of the player. They learn 한국인의일생 > A. 출에문장에존재하지않음. how to live together with fellow children and characteristics of their gender. 생그러므로 childern 으로주어를시작하는것이바람직함. 국립민속박물관 > 1. They wrapped the umbilical cord with straw or paper and placed it 한국인의일생 > A. 출 under the portable table with offerings to the Samsin(gods of birth) 생 who care for the baby and its mother. 문법적결속구조오류 : 갑작스럽게대명사 they 가나와서글의흐름을저해함. 따라서물주구문을취해수동태로표현하는것이더자연스러움. 국립민속박물관 > 1. Familes which gave greater importance on the umbilical cord placed it in a families 철자오류 /families who or that 으로표현해야한국인의일생 > A. 출 suspicious direction on an auspicious day according to the book of changes. 옳음. 생 Umbilical cords were usually disposed of within three days after childbirth. 국립민속박물관 > 1. Samsin are the three gods who"give"a child to parents and protect the 문법적결속성 : the new born baby and its mother 에서한국인의일생 > A. 출 newborn baby and its mother. Brown seaweed, rice and a bowl of water are baby를 its로받는것은어색함. 생 offered to the gods in prayer for fortune and longerity of mother and child. 국립민속박물관 > 1. Rites regarding the disposal of the unbilical cord was a wish for a prosperous 한국인의일생 > A. 출 future for the newborn baby. Exhibited here are scenes of some of the rites 지시어사용의오류 : rites와 their implements 생 related to childbirth and its implements. 국립민속박물관 > 3. In the Paleolithic Age, they obtained food by hunting and gathering and, 선사시대생활 > A. 선 in the Neolithic Age, they added crude farming and fishing to hunting 사시대의생활상 and gathering. 국립민속박물관 > 6. 식생활 > A. 식생활 국립민속박물관 > 6. 식생활 > A. 식생활 First of all, a brine is prepared with 10% of salt. They soak the cabbages sections in the brine until softened. It takes 10 hours to salt cabbages. 문법적결속구조의오류 : 지시대명사 "they" 의쓰임이적절하지못하다. 문법적결속구조 : they 라는지시사가갑작스럽게등장해서문장의결속력을떨어뜨림. The main ingredients are cabbages, radishes, pony-tail radishes, cucumbers, leeks and sesame leaves. Besides that, there are Indian mustard leaves, red 문법적결속구조의오류 : that 이지시하는것들이복수 peppers, leeks and green onions, which are being used as both seasoning 임. and main ingredients. D-2 국립민속박물관 > 6. Dano Festival As late as the end of the Joseon period, Dano was observed as one of the other three being lunar New Years Day, 은 the four most important festivals, the other three being lunar New Years Day, among which include lunar New Years Day, Hansik Hansik Day, and the Chuseok Moon festival. Day, Chuseok Moon festival 로표현하면좋을듯... D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 국립민속박물관 > 8. In China, they made primitive celadon as early as the Southern and Northen 고려의인쇄청자문화 > Dynasties Period on the basis of the technical tradition of the production of 명확한메시지전달 : 갑작스럽게 they 로문장을시작함. C. 세계도자문화에서 the grey-glazed earthenware through a high temperature, which had been Primiative celadon 을주어로하는것이더적절함. 본한국청자 continously developed since the Shang Period. 국립민속박물관 > Coming of Age and Wedding 국립민속박물관 > Coming of Age and Wedding 국립민속박물관 > Coming of Age and Wedding 국립중앙박물관 Education>Children s museum>exhibition 국립중앙박물관 Education>Children s museum>exhibition 국립중앙박물관 Education>Children s museum>exhibition 국립중앙박물관 Education>Children s museum>exhibition The commoners' coming-of-age ceremony was less complicated:a the farmers' 문법적결속구조 : 앞서언급한 the boy 를받아야함으로 cooperative group, or ture, would ask the boy to lift a designated rock to they 가아니라 he 로써야맞다. demonstrate that they were strong enough to be a members of the work fore. Gyerye was the coming-of-age ceremony for girls held prior to her wedding, in which they did their hair up in a chignon by inserting hairpins. In these days, men's traditional trousers are composed of "Marupok", "Kunsapok", "Jakunsapok", and "Hurimalki". It is so loose that it is very comfortable to sit on the floor. A man digging up the land and a man holding up a hoe are depicted on the right of the front. At its left, there is a person putting things into a jar. 문법적결속구조 : 앞서언급한 girls 를받아야함으로 their wedding 이맞음. traditional trousers 를받아야하므로 it 이아닌 they 가맞음. These trousers(they) are very loose, so it is very comfortable for the wearer to sit on the floor. 결속성부족. 선행대상없이대명사사용 A man digging up the land and a man holding up a hoe are depicted on the right of the front. At its left, there is a person putting things into a jar. On object 자체가당시그림수준을보여주는것은아님. the opposite side, there is a tree on whose two branches two birds are sitting. Their sophistication등명세화필요 This object represents the real farming life of Bronze Age in detail. It also suggests the level of painting at that time. PrasammarthaSutra The original title of Wongakgyeong(The Perfect Enlightenment Sutra) means 'the prime scripture among all the Buddha sutras as it explains the big, upright and enormous enlightenment'. Four-shelved Stand Hall Wooden and Lacquer Arts in Fine Arts Gallery I Joseon, 19th century 38.7 38.7cm H 149.5cm 'Sabang Table' is a piece of furniture that is opened up on all sides and composed of columns and bottom boards. 제목은 Prasammartha Sutra 인데지문에서는단한번도 Prasammartha Sutra 를언급하지않고다른표현들로만지칭을해독자가한번생각해야지시체를파악할수있음. 제목인 four-shelved stand 를본문에서는한번도언급하지않고 table 로만칭해서혼란스러움. Stand 와 table 을같은것이라고추론이쉽지않기때문. 278 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 국립중앙박물관 Education>Children s museum>exhibition 국립중앙박물관 Education>Children s museum>exhibition 국립현대미술관 > 1. Paintings Most of the traditional Buddhist statues are made from terra cotta, or they are carved from wood or stone. They developed a traditional molding 결속성부족. 선행사없는대명사사용 technique, which was performed by lacquering after applying hemp cloth on statues made of carved wood or stone. Here, children can listen to music and explore the musical instruments of the past to help them appreciate the rich history of Korean music and its scientific 불필요한대명사사용으로결속성부족. superiority. As a result, realism reappeared into the way of design the sculpture. It soon became the turning point in the fine arts. They were showing their agony which was based on existentialism and attempting the social participating artistic movement, so called "Civil Art" by fulfilling the needs of democratization. 문법적결속구조 : 논리적구성차원의오류로서 they 가누구를지칭하는지문맥에서파악하기가어렵다. 문화관광부 One of the most pleasant ways to see Korea, routes are available between 결속구조 : One of.available 까지의문법적인기능 >Korea>Tourism>How Busan and Jeju-do Island, Mokpo and Hongdo Island and Pohang and 의문제 to Travel Ulleungdo Island. 문화관광부 > World 13> The Tripitaka Korean Woodblocks 문화관광부 > Images of Korea 11> Architecture 문법결속 : An invaluable resource for Buddhist studies An invaluable resource for Buddhist studies throughout the world, the canon throughout the world, the canon served as the --> As served as the standard for the newly-revised edition of Japan's canon and was also reintroduced into China. Korean art has seldom displayed the grandeur and aloofness of the Chinese nor the decorative sophistication of the Japanese. an invaluable resource for Buddhist studies throughout the world, the canon served as the- - - 로수정 결속구조 : neither--nor 구조로수정필요. 문화관광부 > Images When experiencing a headache or feeling heavy in the chest, one popular 결속구조 : experiencing 의의미상의주어가부재 of Korea 11> Kimchi remedy is to get ice-cold dongchimi from a jar and drink it. 문화관광부 > Images The inner whiter part has little or no Vitamin A, so too many of the outer 결속구조 : so not too many of the outer leaves should be of Korea 11> Kimchi leaves should not be removed. removed 로수정 문화관광부 > Images Ancestors of today's oisobagi (stuffed cucumber kimchi), sokbakji (radish and of Korea 11> Kimchi> cabbage in mixed form), dongchimi (juicy radish kimchi) also made their first 결속구조 : and dongchimi 로수정 The History of appearance. Kimchi 문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 11 호 It is very sorry that the crashed part is cemented, but it is the oldest and largest among the remaining stone pagoda.it is a very valuable cultural treasure as it faithfully shows the transferring process from wooden to stone pagoda. 결속구조 : It is very sorry that the. 의구조는매우직역의인상이짙음. " 유감스럽다 " 의의미는차라리 It is regrettable that the. 으로표현하는것이보통임.( 일반적으로 sorry 는무생물주어를취하지않음 ) 문화재청 > General 결속구조 : Furthermore, it regards as an- -> Furthermore, it regards as an important cultural assets since it represents the Search> Search> 국보 Furthermore, it is regarded as an 으로수정 (' 로간 early stage of the bracket-on-column style. 14호주되다 ' 의영어의대응어는 'be regarded as..' 형태임 ) 문화재청 > General The base structure is made of granite blocks pierced by a single arch for gateway. The wooden superstructure is a two-storied pavilion, five 결속구조 : The wooden superstructure is a two-storied pavilion, five compartments- ->The wooden Search> Search> 국보 compartments on the front and two compartments at the sides, with a hipped superstructure is a two-storied pavilion and has five 1호 roof. It originally had a hip-and-gable roof shaped like the Chinese character compartments 으로수정 (structure is five of 八 but it was reworked into a hipped roof. compartments라고할수없음 ) 문화재청 > General that the expression- ->when the expression 으로수정 In other words, this pagoda shows the trend of the end of the United Silla Search> Search> 국보 ( 문법결속구조오류 : Silla Era 가시대를나타냄으로관계 Era that the expression of detailed parts became weakened. 6호부사 when 이적합함 ) 문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 8 호 The date of building the monument is not recorded, but since it has the record that the tower for his sarira was built in the 4th year (890) of Queen Jinseong, that is, two years after Nanghyehwasang had passed into Nirvana, it is guessed that the monument might be set up at the same time. 결속구조 : it is guessed that the monument might be set up at the same time.- -> it is guessed that the monument might have been set up at the same time. 으로수정 ( 과거를나타내는구조는 might have + pp 형태임 ) 문화재청 > General Though the pagoda faithfully follows the formation of wooden buildings, but 결속구조 : 본문에서접속사 though, but, 또 rather 등이 Search> Search> 국보 it is not just an imitation, rather it is a refined and creative work. 제시되고주절이없으므로문법적결속구조가비문임. 9호 서울특별시청 > Day Tour Suggestions> Two-day Shopping 서울특별시청 > Day Tour Suggestions> Three-day Modern Seoul Tour If you only have interest in shopping and one day, forego the other tour and focus on this one. 결속구조 : and--> in 으로수정 While it would be impossible to classify Seoul into three simple categories for touring, if there are tours provided that focus on traditional culture and shopping it seems like there should also be a tour that focuses on modern Seoul. Seoul, which has stood as the center of economic and political activity in Korea for hundreds of years was nearly completely destroyed during the 결속구조 : 문장성립이되지않으며 This tour 와 the Korean War. What Seoul has become is a testament to the will and Hanggang Tour간의관계가논리적이지않음. determination of the Korean people. What better way to understand Seoul than to view it in all of its modern glory. This tour will take you to N Seoul Tower, where one can look down over almost the entire city, COEX Multiplex Mall and the Hanggang River Ferry Tour. 부록 279
D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 서울특별시청 > Day Tour Suggestions> Three-day Modern Seoul Tour 서울특별시청 > City Walking Tour> Cheonggyecheon 서울특별시청 > City Walking Tour> Gyeongbokgung Palace Hyojadong Course 서울특별시청 > City Walking Tour> Gyeongbokgung Palace Hyojadong Course 서울특별시청 > Planning Visit> Tourist Information> Sampling Seoul tour 서울특별시청 > Planning Visit> Tourist Information> Sampling Seoul tour 서울특별시청 > Travel Guide> Activities> Food & Drink 서울특별시청 > Travel Guide> Dining> Korean cuisine D-2 제주특별자치도 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 D-2 제주특별자치도 >culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 >culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 culture > arts Start your tour by heading up Namsan Mountain to visit N Seoul Tower that overlooks most of Seoul much like a sentry. Recently and remodeled and revitalized to fulfill a role as a cultural center piece within the heart of the 결속구조 : 접속사 and 를두번사용함으로써문장이비 city, N Seoul Tower provides you with the best way to see all of Seoul at once 문이되었음. ( 처음 'and' 를삭제하면의미가전달됨.) short of flying. The tower, which is accessible for a small fee, contains two restaurants, a café s skyline while standing still. Make your way back to the subway and make your way to Samseong Station on line number 2. The Cheonggyecheon, or Cheonggye Stream as it is sometimes called, is a 결속구조 : 'located' 의반복사용으로의미전달이분명치 natural stream located in the heart located in the heart of downtown Seoul. 않음. Parts of the palace destroyed during the 1592 invasion of Korea by Japan, but it was rebuilt into a massive structure including hundreds of buildings. 결속구조 : 수동태가적합한문장임. destroyed--> were Except for 10 buildings, it was completely destroyed again by the Japanese destroyed 로수정 in 1911. Parts of the palace destroyed during the 1592 invasion of Korea by Japan, but it was rebuilt into a massive structure including hundreds of buildings. 결속구조 : 문두에 buildings 라는명사와의관계가애매하 Except for 10 buildings, it was completely destroyed again by the Japanese 므로 it-->the palace 로수정 in 1911. Of Korea`s four seasons, the autumn is by far the most spectacular. It as if the entire country becomes a riot of color, from the high, cloudless deep-blue skies to the mountains sides blazing in red and yellow. 결속구조 : It 다음에 be 동사 is 가누락되어비문임. Mountains- -> mountain 으로수정필요. Of Korea`s four seasons, the autumn is by far the most spectacular. It as if 결속구조 : 복합명사는마지막명사만복수형. the entire country becomes a riot of color, from the high, cloudless deep-blue mountains-- ->mountain으로수정 skies to the mountains sides blazing in red and yellow. Also in this area is the Ginseng Distribution Center which is on the second floor of the Namdaemun Movie Theater in Namdaemun Market. Food is cooked based on the names, recipes and ingredients of dishes in Joseon Wangjo Sillok (Annals of the Joseon Dynasty) so that you can experience the true Korean taste as well as its history and tradition. 결속구조 : 불필요한 be 동사의반복을막기위해 <The GDC is also located on the second floor of the Namdaemun Movie theater in Namdaemun Market> 로수정 결속구조 : 본문에서 its 가무엇을지칭 (reference) 하는지알수없음. Korea's history--- 로수정 Is that all Is there any chance that more Dolhareubangs have existed If so, 문법적결속구조 : When 이하의절만으로는문장성립이 where did the rest of them disappear to When the administrative districts of 불가능. Jeju Special Self-Governing Province were divided into three areas Secondly, are the places where Dolhareubangs in Daejeong County or Jeongui County are located today at the three castle gates - the east gate, the west 문법적결속구조 : 문장의재구성이필요함. gate, and the south gate. However, where were the precise original locations Dolhareubangs of Jejumok, Daejeonghyeon and Jeonguihyeon are divided into three types in terms of their 결속구조 : 의미전달을위해문장재구성필요. figures. Jeju Art Gallery is located at 300-78 samdo 1-dong and a small exhibition hall 결속구조 : 특히 and a small부분은재구성이필요함. with 297.5m2 in size. Tourists can reach the hotel within 5 minutes in distance from Jeju Airport 제주특별자치도 that traffic condition is quite convenient and our employees are offering the 결속구조 : 'that traffic condition is quite convenient' 라 tour > accommodation best service, quick customer management, Internet based reservation system 는종속절의문장내역할이모호함 in order to satisfy the needs of customers. 제주특별자치도 The New Crown Hotel is located the Jeju airport, well-known tourist 결속구조 : 본문구조를재구성해야함 tour > accommodation attractions, and the coast... 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports You may feel awkward to hear yourself breathing hard, riding a horse. But you put spurs to the horse. You feel speeding up and thrilled also, which is 결속구조 : 본문은문법적결속구조가불분명하여내용전 when the horse and the man become one. You then can experience being 달이명확하지않음. Jeongeui Horse-back Riding Field g a part of nature. Local residents call it Mount Gogeun, Mount Hogeun, or Mount Gogong, possibly resulting from Chinese characters. Some people who believe that the 결속구조 : "call it Mount Hogeun." 이라는문장과이전의 village was called Hogeun-ri since the Tiger Island is viewed cleary from here 문장과의문법적인결속이불가능함. call it Mount Hogeun. 결속구조 : height of above sea level of 104m.- -> height 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports Mount Songak is a low hill with the height of above sea level of 104m. of 104m above sea level. 으로수정 (' 해발 ' 에대한번역은보통높이의단위뒤에위치함 ) 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 >about jeju > introduction & symbols Among two peaks in north and south surrounding the crater, the south peak is summit at the height of 763.4m above sea level. The primary pattern of Jeju housing is found is found in maksari, setkan-jip (three-room house), utse-alnetkan-jip (three-room main building and four-room outbuilding). Jeju s official name. the logo is designed to harmonize with the word mark. The major color is, but the logo can be in 4 primary colors in case of applications. 결속구조 : south peak 가 north peak 보다높다는표현으로의문장의구조가비정상임. 결속구조 : is found is found ( 중복표현하여구조가비정상적임 ) 결속구조 : 문장구조가비문법적이어서의미전달이되지않음. 280 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
D-2 D-2 D-2 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 한국관광공사 >Tip planner > about korea > History Busan > Busan city tour (10) >GWANGALLI Busan > Busan city tour (10) >SONGJEONG 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >3. 앙부일구국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >3. 앙부일구 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >3. 앙부일구 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >3. 앙부일구국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >8. 측우대 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >8. 측우대 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >8. 측우대 An ancient state of the Korean peninsula, Goguryeo occupied the largest territory among the Three Kingdoms. Founded in 37 BC, Goguryeo prospered on a vast area encompassing the northern part of the Korean peninsula and south-central Manchuria. The kingdom expanded its territory in fierce battles against Chinese kingdoms, but fell to an alliance of Silla and Tang forces in 668 AD. One of Busan's representative beaches along with Haeundae Beach, Gwangalli Beach is a resort in the city-center, where numerous young people flock together to enjoy various festivals open all year round. An ancient state of the Korean peninsula, Goguryeo occupied - -> Goguryeo, an ancient. 으로수정 ( 문법적결속구조오류 ) 결속구조 : One of Busan's representative beaches along with Haeundae Beach, Gwangalli Beach - - > Gwangalli Beach, one of.., 으로수정. Around the beach are there quality restaurants, eateries, bungalow-shaped 결속구조 : Around the beach are there quality bars, and raw fish centers. The northeastern tip of the beach is popular with restaurants, ( 여기서 there 는불필요함 ) anglers, with fresh water and rocks mingled. Both of the sundials were produced with the identical style and technique with hemispheric planes with graceful four-leg supports. Particularly during the King Sejong s reign, the hours lines on the sundials were marked with twelve animal figures from Chinese horoscope in convenience of illiterate civilians. As a portable, convenient and effective fire-gun operable by both the infantry and cavalry and, the small gun barrel, is a reference item in the history of 이해할수없는구문 Korean firearm techniques among the products of Joseon's consistent firearm development. 동일접속사의반복으로문장이어색하고정확한뜻을파악하기어려움 논리명확성부족. 글을읽지못하는백성도시간을구분할수있도록글씨대신십이간지를사용한것이므로 marked with ~, not characters, 등설명이필요함 This sundial is identical with Hongaetongwonui, an astronomical instrument, 명확하지않은문장. developed based on whose theory is from Hongaetongheondoseol by I Jijo. Hongaetongheondoseol 이적절. Because of this, the elements consisting the Sun, the Moon and Five Peaks are widely interpreted to have its unique symbolic meanings. 불필요한단어인 elements 를삽입해뜻의명확성이떨어짐 The mortars were further developed even since so that the model types 종류의증가가사이즈나사거리가증가하는것을의미하 significantly increased in four different sizes and their ranges to 350~500 지않음. 명확하지않은표현. So that they came into 4 paces, as a record mentions in the Mortar Section of Hangul Translation of different sizes and their ranges were expanded to Firearm Manual by Lee Seo(1580~1637). from~ 등주어를달리하는것이바람직 Since this piece currently is the best preserved among the surviving shells, 문헌비교에적합한국방과학기술문화재로평가되는것과 it is approved as a Cultural Property of State-Defensive Scientific Technology 화포및탄환에대한관련사료로중요하다는것은별개 that could be well compared with the records and a valuable material for 의정보임. 영문은국방과학기술문화재로서문헌비교및 firearm studies and history of ammunitions. 사료로서의중요성이있다는것으로읽힘 Brown seaweed, rice and a bowl of water are offered to the gods in prayer 국립민속박물관 > 1. for fortune and longerity of mother and child. Immediately after childbirth, 한국인의일생 > A. 출 a table of offerings to the three gods is set up the head of the mother's room 명확한메시지전달에실패 / 시제불일치생 and her first meal of cooked rice with brown seaweed soup is prepared with the same rice and brown seaweed which had been offered to the gods. 국립민속박물관 > 4. 삼국시대의생활과문 Geumseong, the early royal palace of silla, was built in Gyreongju in 37 BC. 화 > In 101 AD the half moon-shaped Wolseong was built as the new Royal palace. H. 신라왕경복원 국립민속박물관 > 4. Social System 국립중앙박물관 > Education> Children s museum> Exhibition 명확한메시지전달에실패 : 원문에는 " 신라의시조인박혁거세는경주에 ~" 라고명시되어있음. 그러므로주어는 Hyeokgeose, founder of Silla, built Geumseong in Gyeongju in 37 BC and, five years later in 32 BC, he created a royal palace in it. In 101 AD, he moved the royal palace to the half-shaped Wolseong. 으로하는것이바람직하다. As early as the Unified Silla period, Korea was developed in the medical sciences and even published a listing a prescription called Silla-Beopsabang. More Korean medical books were published in the Joseon period. Veterinary 명확한메시지전달에실패 / 비문 medicine, post-mortem examinations and treatments of certain diseases were also developed in the period. Comb-pattern pottery began to appear in the Korean Peninsular around B.C. 5,000. It first appeared in the middle and western areas and then spread across the peninsular.so, Korean Neolithic culture is often called as 'Culture of earthenware with the teeth of a comb design.' 앞부분의 comb-patterned pottery 와뒤의 earthenware with the teeth of a comb design 의관계가명확하지않은상태에서 so 라는접속사를사용하면서명확한메시지가전달되지않음 This painting was produced by Oba Snekichi and Ota Hukujo of Tokyo Fine 국립중앙박물관 > Arts University in 1912. They copied the most important mural of the tomb Intact 나 original 등훼손이전 mural 의모습을담고있다 Education> Children s that had ever been excavated or studied. Since their copy of the mural had 는고리가있으면좀더명확한의미전달이될듯. museum> Exhibition been done before the mural got damaged, it is an important and reliable source for the study and restoration of the mural. 국립중앙박물관 > This house seems an Arcadia. Since this tile shows well the unique perspective Education> Children s abrupt 한문장구성으로명확성부족. of Baekje period. museum> Exhibition 국립중앙박물관 > The tomb of King Muryeong is the only tombs of kings of Three Kingdoms Education> Children s period whose owner can be identified. museum> Exhibition 조동사오류로논리가틀림. 문두에무덤의주인을밝혀놓고찾을수있다고함. After the Chinese diplomatic trip with Ni Qian, envoys of the Ming Dynasty 국립중앙박물관 > and the minister of the Joseon Dynasty began to exchange poems. It reveals 글의논리가명확하지않음. 교류가있었다는사실이교 Education> Children s the cultural exchange between the scholars of Joseon and the Ming Dynasty 류를 reveal 하지는않음. museum> Exhibition China. 부록 281
D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 국립중앙박물관 > Education> Children s This seated Amitā museum> Exhibition 국립중앙박물관 > Education> Children s Roof tiles produced in Unified Silla became much simpler. museum> Exhibition 입상에대한 facutal 묘사후갑자기 seated staute 가더 realistic 하다고하며기술이발전한것이라설명. 논리를이해하기어려움. 이해어려움. 무엇보다단순해진다는것인지. In Unified Silla, roof tiles became 이적절 국립중앙박물관 > Both celadon roof tile Sumaksae with peony carved in relief and celadon roof 논리흐름어색. 가볍다는것을기반으로더아름답다는 Education> Children s tile Ammaksae are quite lighter than other previous celadons. It can be 것을유추할수없음 museum> Exhibition imagined how beautiful the celadon tiled roof were. 국립중앙박물관 > The increase in productivity can be explained through the earthen rocks and Education> Children s 논리이해하기힘듬. tools because farming developed for agricultural practices. museum> Exhibition In the strictest meaning of war, wars in our country began during the Bronze 국립중앙박물관 > Age when there were border conflicts with neighbors and struggles with ranks Education> Children s and positions. This is backed by the appearance of defensive colonies, and the museum> Exhibition erection of farming settlement societies also chipped in for this. 국립현대미술관 > 1. Paintings 국립현대미술관 > 1. Paintings 국립현대미술관 > 1. Paintings 논리어색. 뒷문장이예또는증거이려면앞문장이 began 처럼단정적인 statement 가아니라추정의 statement 여야함. The competence stage of Korean artists took place of the blank of the former 명확한 message 전달에문제가있음.( 비문 ) stage, as. Especially, it's not too much to say that was absolute. In the 1930's and 1940's, the possibility of abstract painting had already been studied by pioneer artists like Kim Hwan-kee and You Young-guk. In 1934, 명확한 message 전달에문제가있음. they organized and in 1948, led the Avangard-Academy movement. Some of the sculptures of that time were looking for new way of expression. As a result, realism reappeared into the way of design the sculpture. It soon 명확한메시지전달이불가능함. became the turning point in the fine arts. 문화관광부 > Images To make it, wash fresh anchovies and add salt weighing 15 to 20% of the 메시지전달 : Store them in a jar seal the jar. 로 of Korea 11> Kimchi> anchovies. Store in a jar. After putting in the anchovies, put a thick layer of 수정 ( 명확하지않은문장구조 ) Recipes salt on and seal. With Sacheonwangsang stone lantern (treasure number 115) in the same 문화재청 > General temple, it is said to be the representative stone lantern of the Silla 메시지전달 : 본문을보면동일한문장이반복됨으로써 Search> Search> 국보 Era.nwangsang stone lantern (treasure number 115) in the same temple, it 명확한메시지전달이미진함 5호 is said to be the representative stone lantern of the Silla Era. 문화재청 > General and the upper one only one- ->and the upper one made The lower pedestal is made of several pieces of stone, and the upper one only Search> Search> 국보 of only one piece 으로수정 ( 명확한의미전달을위한결 one. 6호속구조수정 ) 서울특별시청 > Day Tour Suggestions> Culture TourSeoul is an incredibly large city overflowing with culture. 메시지전달 : 단순히 Seoul 로표기해야함 One-day Traditional 서울특별시청 > Day Tour Suggestions> One-day Traditional So it goes without saying that it would be impossible to see all of Seoul in 메시지전달 : 말하고자하는바가뭔지명확한메시지전 a single day. But occasionally schedules only permit visitors to stay in Seoul 달의부족 for a few days. 서울특별시청 > DMZ & beyond Seoul> Icheon (pottery village) The water temperature varies from about 28 to 31 degrees Celsius. 메시지전달 : TT 독자를위하여화씨로도표현을해야함 서울특별시청 > DMZ This volcanic island is dominated by Hallasan Mountain, which stands 1,950 메시지전달 : 높이의다른단위, 즉피트도표시될필요가 & beyond Seoul> Jeju meters high and is Korea s highest mountain and was formed approximately 있음. Island 2 million years ago. 서울특별시청 > City Bus Tour> What is the Seoul City Bus Tour? 서울특별시청 > City Walking Tour> Bukchon 서울특별시청 > Performing art 서울특별시청 > Travel Guide> Attractions> Parks 서울특별시청 > Travel Guide> Attractions> Parks 서울특별시청 > Travel Guide> Dining> Korean cuisine 영화진흥위원회 > 우리에게내일은없다 In Seoul? Well, other major tourist cities around the world, including New York, Sydney, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Paris and London have their tour buses, so why not Seoul, a scenic city with an ancient history and rich culture that draws some 6 million tourists a year? Bukchon, a special area in Seoul where traditional Korean homes called hanok are gathered together. 메시지전달 : < 위의표현을그대로사용한다면서울버스투어는세계유명도시의관광계획을모방한것밖에되지않음. 세계의유명도시에는버스투어가있으므로서울에도버스투어가있다라는설명이필요함 > 메시지전달 : 명확한의미전달을위해 hanok-->'hanok' 으로수정 Modern DanceModern dance has a long and storied history in Korea. 메시지전달 : < Modern Dance 를반복해서나열 > 11,500 won for adults, 9,500 won for children 메시지전달 : 명확한메시지전달이부족함. <The entrance fee for adults and children is 11,500won and 9,500won, respectively> 로수정 Admission: 15,500 adults, 10,000 children This Aquarium, located inside the COEX Shopping Mall is divided into four themes: an Ocean Theme Park with 40,000 marine wildlife of 650 species, the Water Journey, where visitors 메시지전달 : 명확한화폐단위명기필요. 15,500<won experience diverse marine life, following the water from a high mountain to for> adults, 10,000<won for> children 으로수정 the deep sea, the Undersea Tunnel, a tunnel which passes through 2,000 tons of seawater, and an automatic walkway that takes you through sharks and other precious marine life. Food is cooked based on the names, recipes and ingredients of dishes in Joseon Wangjo Sillok (Annals of the Joseon Dynasty) so that you can experience the true Korean taste as well as its history and tradition. Earning a living as a driver for rental cars, Ki-su lives in a basement studio. When he feels trapped, he maintains hope by playing the drums. 메시지전달 : 조선왕조실록이단순히전통요리책으로잘못해석될우려의여지있음. 명확한메시지전달이불가능함. When 대신 Although 를넣으면의미가통함. 282 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 D-3 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 영화진흥위원회 > 날아라허동구 제주특별자치도 >culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 culture > arts 제주특별자치도 culture > arts 제주특별자치도 culture > arts Dong-ku and Jin-gyu face all these obstacles to succeed in what may be a small dream for many - graduating from elementary school. 명확한메시지전달이어려움. Although Dong-ku and Jin-gyu face all these obstacles all their ways, they finally succeed in what ~ The reason why a Mr. Ko, famous as a geomancer, received official rank to manage classical books was that his departed father's tomb was constructed 메시지전달 : 문장의연관성을찾기힘듦. on an excellent site. Jeju National Museum is designed to make the concept of museum entertaining park strengthening entertaining features relating Sarabong Park 메시지전달 : 명확한의미전달실패 (ing형어휘만반복 ) as well as exhibitive function. It expresses geological characteristic and windy, shadowy climate as bending curve and wall respectively. In addition, it delivers locality of Jeju by giving 메시지전달 : 명확한의미전달이되지않음. shape to thatched roof of Jeju and making exterior features granite and songi brick. It as a historical education center and park to the next generations will be the site for culture and tourist that history is breathing lively if government 메시지전달 : 명확한의미전달실패 offices such as Yeonheuigak, Honghwagak, etc may be renovated based on the work and research for excavations through several times. 제주특별자치도 Thank you very much. Located in the New Jeju Hotel, it is convenient to go 메시지전달 : 본문은 New Jeju Hotel 의위치인지다른업 tour > accommodation sightseeing, shopping. 소가이호텔내부에위치하는것인지명확하지않음. 제주특별자치도 Poet Lee Saeng-jin s poem I miss Seongsan-po" There is love in Seogsan-po. 메시지전달 : 본문내용으로는명확한메시지전달이되 tour > accommodation There is love in Seogsan-po. 지않음. 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports Have a nice picture of riding a horse with beautiful scenery of Jeju in the background and keep it for your unforgettable memory. 메시지전달 : 말을타고있는누구의사진인지에관한메시지전달이명확하지못함 Clay : Like hunting Flying bir d at American trap style. Rifle : Feel the severity of RIFLE, RIFLE s running fire even woman can enjoy 메시지전달 : 명확한메시지전달이되지않는문장임 easily. Kart : Speed at 180 kilometers per hour. Explain unnecessary thrill. Behind the oreum, Mount Small Bari and Ancheoni Oreum are close by. There is a forest of Pinus thunbergii and scrub. 제주특별자치도 However, regretably, due to natural evaporation, the amount of water has tour > touring around recently decreased. 제주특별자치도 tour > touring around Apart from this, Mount Sanbang has many legends related to its outstanding scenery. Some of them include the legend of Sanbangdeok, the goddess of Mountain Sanbang, the legend of the dragon head that the Chin first emperor cut the dragon tale shape, the legend of the Gwangjeongdang python, and the legend of Geumjangji. 제주특별자치도 woman > Jeju woman <The State of People Engaged in Diving Fisheries> divers 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >3. 앙부일구국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >3. 앙부일구 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >3. 앙부일구 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >3. 앙부일구 The lower half of the head is encircled with petals and the patterns on the handles are densely decorated with patterns resembling square-holed coins and petals. 메시지전달 :' 오름뒤쪽에는 가가까이있다 ' 보다는 'Behind the oreum are Mount Small Bari and Ancheoni Oreum.' 이보다자연스러운표현방법임. 메시지전달 : 마치일회성으로이번만백록담안의물이증발됬다는식으로들림 메시지전달 : 본문내용만으로는명확하게의미가전달되지않음. 메시지전달 : 제목상으로는해녀의상황이아닌 Diving Fisheries 에종사하는사람의상황임 한국의동전, 지폐역사를모르는독자는네모난구멍이있는동전이옛날돈의모양임을알수없음. 옛날돈이라는설명이함께들어가야함 The Article of Seungja-Chongtong in Yi Seo's(1580~1637) Hangul Translation 문화적요소에대해설명부족. 한글에대한설명필요 of Firearm Manual records, It is hard to read the statement engraved on each side. But we could find a whole statement from Hankyeongjiryak, saying 읽을수없다는문장뒤에전문을읽을수있다는정보를준다면한경지략이무엇인지유추할수없는외국독자에게출저인한경지략이책이라는것정도의부가정보는제공해야함 This one in the picture which was first placed in the front yard of Imunwon of Changdeokgung in 1782(6th year of the reign of Jeongjo and subsequently 장소고유명사들이무엇인지부가설명필요. 동일텍스 moved to the front of the entrance stairs of Gyeongseong Museum in 트의다른부분에서는창덕궁뒤에 Palace 를붙임 Changgyeongwon in 1920. 국립민속박물관 > 1. Familes which gave greater importance on the umbilical cord placed it in a the Book of Changes 는대문자로처리하고한국인의일생 > A. 출 suspicious direction on an auspicious day according to the book of changes. or Juyeok으로음역을단다음이에대한생 Umbilical cords were usually disposed of within three days after childbirth. 추가정보를전달해야함. 국립민속박물관 > 4. 삼국시대의생활과문화 > B. 삼국시대의복식 국립민속박물관 > 6. 발해의역사와문화 국립민속박물관 > 7. Dano Festival King s costumes: The historical records that say that Baekje kings wore purple long coat with wide sleeves, blue silk trousers and white leather belt show that Baekje kings' costumes were similar to the costumes of Goguryeo kings They wore gilt bronze crown or black silk cap and gilt brozne ornamental shoes or leather shoes. The figure painting on the walls of the tomb of princess Jeonghyo was restored after Mr. Song Gi-ho's, a professor of dept. of Korean History, Seoul National University, accurate historical study. 정보성의등가 : black silk cap 으로단순화하는것보다는 'oragwan' 음역을달아주고 or black silk cap 이라고쓰는것이외국인들에게우리문화를알리는데도움을줄수있음. 정보성의등가차원의오류 : 정효공주에대한추가적인정보를제공하는것이바람직함. As late as the end of the Joseon period, Dano was observed as one of 정보등가성의문제 : 한국의축제일에대해알리는것이 the four most important festivals, the other three being lunar New Years Day, 므로추가설명을제공하는것이바람직함. Hansik Day, and the Chuseok Moon festival. 부록 283
E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 부연설명을주는것이바람직함. 독창적인한글을좀더국립민속박물관 > 8. 알리기위해 24자로이루어진 Korean alphabet 이라는표조선의과학기술과한 The Creation of Hangeul, alphabetical Korean phonetic scripts was motivated 현을넣어주는것이바람직함. Korean phonetic writing 글 > by deep national consciousness of King Sejong, system of 24 letters 를삽입으로처리하고뒤에 comma A. 한글창제를넣는것이바람직함. 국립중앙박물관 >collection>100highlig hts Fine Arts GallerII This Buddha statue is the oldest among ones that have the year of production inscribed. It is one of thousand Buddhist statues distributed by Dongsa in Pyeongyang in 539 in Goguryeo period. Since it was excavated in Uiryeong, Gyeongsangnam-do, it became a concrete source that proved that the excavation site and the production site could be different. 지명에대한부연설명이없는상황에서위령에서발굴되었기때문에발굴지와만들어진곳이다른증거라는논리가이해하기어려움. 국립중앙박물관 Its meaning cannot be deciphered, but can be presumed that this bottle was >collection>100highlig 한글에대한부연설명필요. 문화적요소전이불충분 produced after the invention of Hangeul. hts Fine Arts GallerII 국립중앙박물관 In Gaya, armor has not only practical function but also symbolic meaning of >Education>Children 지명설명필요 power. s museum>exhibition 국립중앙박물관 On this map the national territory is divided into 22 sections running >Education>Children approximately 120 ri from north to south, with each section designed to form 단위에대한환산등부가설명필요 s museum>exhibition a single volume when folded. In this Sutra, the scene that after Seonjaedongja listened to several Buddhist 국립중앙박물관 sermons, he found out Samantabhadra, is depicted. In the center of the scene, >Education>Children 인물에대한부연설명필요 Samantabhadra is described to preach sermon and in the lower part of the s museum>exhibition scene, Seonjaedongja is depicted. 국립중앙박물관 >Education>Children It was used in both Sarangbang and Anbang. s museum>exhibition 부연설명필요. 문맥상사랑방과안방이무엇인지짐작할수있는단서가전혀없음. 국립중앙박물관앞부분에 story 가있다는얘기가전혀없음. Table 에는 A table is for arranging books in each story or for displaying a small thing >Education>Children 일반적으로 story 가없는데이에대한부연설명이없어 that can be enjoyed, such as a celadon. s museum>exhibition 이해하기어려움. 문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 8 호 서울특별시청 > Day Tour Suggestions> One-day Traditional 서울특별시청 > DMZ & beyond Seoul> Gyeongju The inscription contains the achievements of Nanghyehwasang's in detail. It was composed by Choi Chiwon, and written by his cousin Choi Ingon. It includes the content that Nanghyehwasang's family had belonged to Jingol, but in his father's generation went down to the sixth-du class. So the inscription is very valuable in the study of golpum system (a class system) in Silla Era. After finishing at Gyeongbokgung palace, take a short walk over to Insadong. 부연 / 보충설명 : 본문에 ' 진골 ' ' 육두급 ' ' 골품 ' 등신라시대의다양한계급제도를말하면서보충설명이없으므로외국인의이해하는데는다소어려움이예상됨. 부연 / 보충설명 : < 인사동으로가는방향및안내내용부족 > Among the sites commonly visited by tourists in Gyeongju are Bulguksa temple and Seokguram Grotto, tucked up in the mountains just outside of Gyeongju. Aside from these two sites and a few located on the East Sea, one of the most appealing features of Gyeongju tourism is that many of the sites are located within convenient walking distance of downtown. Cheomseongdae, 부연 / 보충설명 : Bulguksa temple and Seokguram Grotto an observatory used for viewing the heavens, Anapji, the site of a former 등제시된명소에대한부연설명부족 palace and garden, Gyerim forest, the rumored birth place of the Gim family, the Royal Tomb Complex, a park overflowing with the tombs of kings long dead and the Gyeongju National Museum are within walking distance of the bus terminal downtown. 서울특별시청 > DMZ Because of its isolation, Jeju Island has developed its own distinct culture and 부연 / 보충설명 : 돌하루방 (Dolharubang) 에대한보충 & beyond Seoul> Jeju traditions; including the commonly found stone grandfather 설명필요 Island 서울특별시청 > City Walking Tour> Cheonggyecheon 서울특별시청 > City Walking Tour> Cheonggyecheon 서울특별시청 > Planning Visit> Tourist Information> Sampling Seoul tour Walking Course First Walking Course (2.7km) It was covered with cement in 1958 by Syngman Rhee and later a highway was built above it. 부연 / 보충설명 : TT 독자를위하여다른단위 ( 예 : 마일 ) 의표현도명시되어야함 부연 / 보충설명 : 이승만전대통령 (President) 이라는직위에대한설명부족. Another must-see during the summer months is the recreation of the crowning 부연 / 보충설명 : 조선왕조라는부연설명필요 ceremony of King Sejong at the Gyeongbokgung, which takes place in May. E-1 제주특별자치도 Stadium size: 50*34*12 부연 / 보충설명 : 단위에대한보충설명부재 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 제주특별자치도 >culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 >culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 >culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 >culture > folklore During the first 10 days of the new year, each family performs an ancestral 부연 / 보충설명 : 존재하지않는어휘사용. 뒤에포제 sacrifice on a rigiween New Year's Day and the 15th day of January, each (poje) 에대한짧은의미설명이있어야할듯 village performs a Danggut and poje. On this day, the shimbang removed stored paraphernalia from the shrine to 부연 / 보충설명 : 심방의뜻이설명안돼있음 dry them in the sun and observe the rite Mabullim-je, The yangtae is made of bunjuk which was brought in from Hadong and Jinju 부연 / 보충설명 : 'bunjuk' 'teonge' 'pitdaekul' 등각단어 in Kyeongsangnam-do. eonge and a daekal or knife is used to make the thin 에대한부연설명부재 strips of bamboo which are trimmed with a pitdaekul. Bap 부연 / 보충설명 : ' 밥 ' 에대한의미설명부재 284 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-1 E-2 제주특별자치도 culture > arts 제주특별자치도 culture > arts 제주특별자치도 culture > arts As this place secures 897 seats of large theater, 200 seats of small playhouse which features various indoor traditional activities and 157 pyeong of 부연 / 보충설명 : 평에대한부연설명부재 exhibition room, various performances and events are displayed all over the year. As this place secures 897 seats of large theater, 200 seats of small playhouse which features various indoor traditional activities and 157 pyeong of 부연 / 보충설명 : 1평에대한부연설명부재. exhibition room, various performances and events are displayed all over the year. Additionally due to a museum for history of nature and a Jeju folklore tour town, etc tourists, locals and foreigners are crowed in this Sinsan Park. 부연 / 보충설명 : 보충설명부재 ( 붐비는정확한이유에대한표현이빈약함 ) 제주특별자치도 Rapado Recreational Pension is composed of guest rooms(10 pyong, 15 pyong), 부연 / 보충설명 : 평에대한보충설명부족 tour > accommodation experience farm of about 200 pyong, barbeque place and fowls farm. 제주특별자치도 tour > food 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports 제주특별자치도 tour >shopping 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore 한국관광공사 >Tip planner > about korea > National symbols 서울특별시청 > Planning Visit> Tourist Information 서울특별시청 > Planning Visit> Tourist Information> Sampling Seoul tour 서울특별시청 > Travel Guide> Dining> Western style food 서울특별시청 > Travel Guide> lodging> Apartment hotels 서울특별시청 > Travel Guide> lodging> Third-class 서울특별시청 > Travel Tips> Business Hours/Public Holidays 서울특별시청 > Travel Tips> Communication & post 서울특별시청 > Travel Tips> Customs and Quarantine 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >3. 앙부일구 As it is situated at Jeju City, various Jeju local raw fish including cutlass raw fish, mackerel raw fish taste good. It is called Bagumji Oreum since the shape is reminiscent of a big bat with its wings unfurled. 부연 / 보충설명 : 제주시에있기때문에회가맛이좋다는것은 TT 독자에게는이해가안될것이다. 부연 / 보충설명 : big bat 와 bagumji 의관계설명불충분 This mountain consists of three peaks. The middle peak is a head of a bat 부연 / 보충설명 : 산이박쥐모양에서유래한명칭의유래 and the left and right peaks are wings of a bat. In the Ainu language, bat 에대한설명이명쾌하지않음. is Bagumi. Bagumi was Tungus in the past and it still remains as Ainu. Some say that since there is no mountain near here it was called Mount Gogeun. Mount Halla is the mountain of one of the three gods and is a notable mountain. Therefore, it is also known as Mount Yeongju since common people wouldnt dare to come here. 부연 / 보충설명 : 주위의산이없는것이어떻게고근산이라불리는것과관련이있는지의설명부재 부연 / 보충설명 : three gods 의설명부재 부연 / 보충설명 : 사람들이오려하지않는것과 ' 영주 ' 와어떤관계가있는지에대한부연설명부족 It is called Bu Ak since the shape of the crater looks like a large kettle lid 부연 / 보충설명 : Bu Ak 과 Hyeolmang 에대한부연설명 turned upside down. Moreover, it is also called Hyeolmang Peak since it is a 부족 peak looking down over the crater. The shape of its fruit is similar to the Goongcheonchosaeng of its mother seed, but the size is larger. As this spirit has yeonhwa in one hand and sinhwa in the other hand, he can fly a very long distance in a flash. Records show that a Western-style military band was formed during the time of the Dae-han Empire (1897-1910) and that the "Dae-han Empire Aegukga" was composed in 1902 and played at important national functions. Location: 2nd Floor of Seoul City Hall, which can be reached via City Hall Station, Subway Line 1 and 2 부연 / 보충설명 :Goongcheonchosaeng 이어떻게생겼는지알수없음 부연 / 보충설명 : 'yeonhwa' 와 'sinhwa' 에대한부연설명부재 부연 / 보충설명 : "Dae-han Empire Aegukga" - -> "Dae-han Empire Aegukga (National Anthem)" 으로수정 ( 부연설명부족 ) 부연 / 보충설명 : 시청역은한국인들도가끔길을잃을정도로복잡하므로더부연된설명이있어야하며, 하물며시청역몇번출구로나와야있다라는정보정도는반드시필요하다고생각됨. This ceremony recreates the moment when Korea s greatest king assumed power, and is a rare chance for visitors to experience some of Korea s lost royal 부연 / 보충설명 : Chosun Dynesty에대한보충설명필요. traditions. La Volpaia Pizza - (18,000 won) Cream Sauce Spaghetti - (17,000 won) Calzone Pizza - (17,000 won) Manzo Steak - (28,000 won) Italian Steak - (22,000 won) House Wine (1 Glass) - (5,000 won) 부연 / 보충설명 : 외국인들이이해할수있는가격단위가없음. Sky Park Human Touch Ville provides large scale studios exclusively for foreigners, and are available for rent or lease for either long or short-term stays in southern Seoul. Located in Yeoksam-dong, and Cheongdam-dong, this 부연 / 보충설명 : 평수의단위에대한부연설명의부족 apartment hotel has a total of 160 hotel-style apartments (22pyeong : 64 rooms / 16pyeong : 96 rooms) which are classified into Imperial, Royal, Deluxe and regular Suite. Tiffany Tourist Hotel provides convenient and cordial service offering 52 rooms in total. There are 34 Double Bed Rooms, 9 Twin Bedrooms, and 9 Ondol 부연 / 보충설명 : 온돌방에대한부연설명부족 (Korean Traditional) rooms. Most Korean holidays (usually marked in red on the calendar) are determined 부연 / 보충설명 : 추석, 설날등한국명절에대한부연설명 by the solar calendar, although a couple---the major Chuseok and Seollal 의부족 holidays in particular---are determined by Korea s traditional lunar calendar. Coin phones take 10 won, 50 won, and 100 won coins. Card phones, meanwhile, come in 2,000 won, 3,000 won, 5,000 won, and 10,000 won units. They can be purchased at banks, telephone offices, post offices and most convenience stores. Card phones can be used to make domestic and international phone calls. Gifts up to a value of 300,000 won Their bodies are decorated with magnificent patterns created by the contrast of white silver filled into the engraved patterns and dark iron surface. 부연 / 보충설명 : 한국의화폐단위만적어놓으면정확한사용방법을외국인이전혀알수없다. 기본통화료에대한부연설명부족 부연 / 보충설명 : TT 독자들이이해할수있는정확한단위에대한부연설명의부족 ( 예 : 약 $300) 원문에는없는은으로입사한부분과바탕의검은색대비로인해아름답다는정보추가 부록 285
E-2 E-2 E-2 E-2 E-2 E-2 E-2 E-2 E-2 E-2 E-2 E-2 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >3. 앙부일구 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Archaeological Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Archaeological Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Archaeological Gallery 서울특별시청 > Day Tour Suggestions> Three-day Modern Seoul Tour 서울특별시청 > Planning Visit> Tourist Information> Sampling Seoul tour 제주특별자치도 >culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 culture > arts 제주특별자치도 samda > tourist attraction 제주특별자치도 stone> birth of Jeju stone Heaven protects and establishes thee, With the greatest securtiy ; Makes thee entirely virtuous, That thou mayest enjoy every happiness ; Grants thee much increase, So that thou hast all in abundance. Heaven protects and establishes thee, It grants thee all excellence, So that thine every matter is right, And thou receivest every heavenly favour. It sends down to thee long-during happiness, Which the days are not sufficient to enjoy. Heaven protects and establishes thee, So that in every thing thou dost prosper, Like the high hills, and the mountain masses, Like the topmost ridges, and the greatest bulks ; That, as the stream ever coming on, Such is thine increase. With happy auspices and purifications, thou bringest the offerings, And dost filially present them ; In spring, summer, autumn, and winter, To the dukes and former kings, Who says, ' We give to thee, Myriad of years of duration unlimited. ' The spirits come, And confer on thee many blessings. The people are simple and This handaxe was excavated from the prehistoric site of Jeonkok-ri, Yeoncheon, in Gyeonggi-do. The work shows that this relatively small scale meeting was held for a celebration involving drinking, as suggested by the wine pots. Even though it is comparatively a bit high among other traditional wooden furniture, its openness on all sides fits well into low and small Korean traditional houses. 원문은유물과연관있는부분만발췌하여그의미를강조하기위함인데시전문을실음으로서강조의효과가사라짐 town, city, province 등지명에대한설명필요. 문화적요소에대한전이. Wine 을 pot 에담는것은이상함. 사방이열린다는것과낮고좁은가옥구조의연관성이분명하지않음 Start your tour by heading up Namsan Mountain to visit N Seoul Tower that overlooks most of Seoul much like a sentry. Recently and remodeled and revitalized to fulfill a role as a cultural center piece within the heart of the city, N Seoul Tower provides you with the best way to see all of Seoul at once 불필요한부연설명 : 남산타워에서서울시가지가보인 short of flying. The tower, which is accessible for a small fee, contains two 다는부연설명을너무반복해서나열함. restaurants, a caféne can take in the panoramic beauty of Seoul s skyline while standing still. Make your way back to the subway and make your way to Samseong Station on line number 2. This ceremony recreates the moment when Korea s greatest king assumed power, and is a rare chance for visitors to experience some of Korea s lost royal traditions. 부적절한부연 / 보충설명 : 여기서 'lost' 가위치함으로써의미가왜곡될수있음. To promote unique traditional culture of Jeju and play a pivotal role in night tour, Jeju Tour Tradition Hall was established on 18,527 m2 of land in Mt. Shin with the investment of 9.77 billion won and would promote the excellence 불필요한부연설명 : 불필요한내용이중복됨. of Jeju traditional culture as a mecca of performance arts connected with famous tour attractions and the museum of natural history. The growing of the setting sun far from the sea at the sundown was the two excellent sceneries of Yeongju 10 excellent sceneries in the ancient times so 불필요한부연설명 : 불필요한내용이반복됨. called Sabongnakjo, The next year, Jeju moksa (government official) Shim Hyeon taek announced 불필요한부연설명 : 관리가 open을허가한것이 allowed that Marado would be open for development and farming would be allowed in 인데같은내용반복, 'would be allowd in Marado' 를삭 Marado. 제하거나다른식으로표현하는것이옳을듯. Jeju Island, a volcanic island, was formed from the volcanic activities 불필요한부연설명 : 'a volcanic island' 는다음에다시 occurring from the Pliocene Epoch (at the end of the 3rd Cenozoic era) to the 나오기때문에부적절한보충설명임. Pleistocene Epoch (the 4th Cenozoic era). 제주특별자치도 When the lake is filled with water due to torrential rain during the monsoon 불필요한부연설명 : 불필요한내용이반복됨. tour > touring around season, two thirds of the crater lake is filled with water. There is a tradition in Jeju that people eat chicken and put their boys under 제주특별자치도 falling water on the Buddhist All Souls Day (the 15th day of the 7th lunar 불필요한부연설명 : 원문에나오지않는내용임. tour > touring around month). 286 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
E-2 E-2 E-2 E-2 E-21 E-3 E-3 E-3 E-3 E-3 E-3 E-3 E-3 E-3 E-3 E-3 E-3 E-3 E-3 제주특별자치도 wind > wind for pleasure 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore 제주특별자치도 > culture > folklore 국립민속박물관 > 1. 농경 > E. 한국의농기구 국립민속박물관 > 1. 한국인의일생 > 출생 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >3. 앙부일구국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >3. 앙부일구 국립민속박물관 > 1. 한국고대의소리 Wind surfing was jointly invented in 1967 by Hoyle Schweitzer and ex-navigator James Drake of California. The basic concept was wave- riding 불필요한부연설명 : TT 독자에게제주도홈페이지에서 and fixing yacht sail to surfing board. Today, it is widely popular in areas TT문화를배울필요는없을듯 such as Europe, Australia, Africa, the Middle East and Central Europe. What is the original name of Dolhareubang I confirmed this when I released Stone Statues and Stone Tools of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province (published under the Cultural Property Preservation Bureau) in 1968, Bucksoomori Woosungmok or Woosungmok While they sleep the father with tears in his eyes, slashed downward at the wing of the smaller son with tears in his eyes. Homi is a uniquely Korean hand-held weeder. There are homi for dry field farming, which are smaller and lighter than those used in the rice paddies, which are longer, much heavier, and have a larger blade. Textbooks of Seodang included One Thousand Chinese Characters, The Four Books and The Three Classics and other Chines texts which young students read and reread to learn by heart. The theme of the painting is also interpreted as a visualization of a poem Tian Bao( 天保 ), from Book of Odes, a Chinese Confucian classic. The Antarctic is centered in the round map. Other than that, the blue milky way and 290 kinds of constellations comprising 1467 stars are shown. There are natural sound artificial sound and there are a number of ancient Korean artifacts to produce sound. 국립민속박물관 > 5. The Korean village was formed by taking advantage of its terrains and 주생활 > A. 한국의마 other natural surroundings and was self-sufficient to a great degree. 을 국립민속박물관 > 6. 발해의역사와문화 국립민속박물관 > 6. 식생활 > A. 식생활 국립민속박물관 > 6. 식생활 > A. 식생활 국립민속박물관 > 9. 고려의인쇄청자문화 > 한국의고인쇄 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Archaeological Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Archaeological Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Archaeological Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Archaeological Gallery 서울특별시청 > DMZ & beyond Seoul> Busan 서울특별시청 > City Walking Tour> Gyeongbokgung Palace Hyojadong Course 부적절한보충설명 : 부연설명을함으로써오히려의미가불분명한경우임. 불필요한부연설명 : 불필요한내용이중복됨. 경제성의문제 : 비교의대상이뚜렷하므로 which are longer, much heavier 부분은쓰지않아도될것같음. 추가정보가필요함. 시의한자원어표기는독자에게아무런정보도주지못함. 원문에서한자원어를표기한것은그뜻을전달하기위함이므로원문의기능을번역에서담아내지못한것임. 원문은 A, B, and C 처럼그림속요소들을동등하게기술하나, 영문은 Antarctic 이중요하고그외에있는것들이라는느낌을줌 불충분한번역 : 원문에는 " 소리에는자연의소리와인위적인소리로나눌수있는데, 우리의고대유물들은인위적인소리를낼수 D594 있는유물들이대부분이다." 살리는데불충분. 불충분한번역 : 자연적인입지조건에의해형성되었으며, 자급자족적이며동질성을바탕으로한사회의기본단위임을표현해야함. This exhibit displayed for the first time in Korea gives us an opportunity to 불충분한번역 : 본전시회의의의와목적에 arouse our interest in the history of Balhae, which is considered as a part 대해충분히전달하지못함.( 원문의내용을많이누락시 of Korean history and will be a stepping stone to restore the history of 킴 ) Balhae and to correct it properly in Korean history. 불충분한번역 : " 서해는간석지가발달되어있어염전에 A world famous fishing ground was discovered in the East Sea where warm 적지다 " 이므로불충분한번역에해당. The West Sea is and cold currents mingle while. The southern coast is famous for dried laver well suited to establish salt fields due to its wide and shellfish. On the west coast is suited to produce sun-dried salt. stretch of tidal flats. Picked fish is also an important ingredient to stimulate its flavors and to provide protein. It is widely used according to regions. The Bohyeop Darani Sutra published by Chongjisa Temple in the 10th year of the reign of King Mokjong(1008 A.D.) and the Tripitaka Korean printed twice attest to the development of the woodblock printing of the Goryeo Kingdom. This pottery was excavated from the site of Amsa-dong houses in Seoul. In this work of calligraphy, Kim Jeong-hui expressed his admiration for Muksogeosa(Hermit of silence and laughter), one of his several courtesy names. Since it was usually earthenware for everyday life, there was not many of Buncheong ware or white porcelain. Residential culture was one of the main foundations that helped sustain the life of people in the past. Getting There: This journey begins at Gyeongbokgung (Gyeongbokgung Palace), which was first constructed in 1394. (Tel. 02-732-1932 Website -http://www.gyeongbok.ocp.go.kr Closed on Tuesdays) 불충분한번역 : ' 젓갈은채소위주의김치에쓰이는동물성부재료로지역별맛을결정하는중요한요소중하나이다.' 로되어있으나이를제대로전달하지못함. 불충분한번역 : 원문의내용을충실하게전달하지못하고있음. 암사동이지명인지모르는독자에게는집의형태이거나종류인것으로읽힘 자신의이름에대한 admiration 을표현한것으로읽힘. Muksogeosa, which is also one of ~ 이나 which happens to be 정도의의미임. 분청이나백자가당시 pottery 라는점은전체맥락에나와있지만 earthenware 와달리귀중한것이라는설명이없어논리를이해하기어려움 과거에만주거문화가중요한것이아니라현재에도중요. 원문은일반적으로삶에주거가중요하다는내용. 불충분한번역 : 'Transportaion to Busan' 으로수정 불충분한번역 : 뒤에도계속 this journey begins 로사용되는데반복적인표현보다적절한다른표현사용의부족. this journey begins 의의미가관광의시작을의미하는지아니면역사유래를말하는것인지무엇을정확히뜻하는지알수없음 부록 287
E-3 E-3 E-3 E-3 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 F-1 F-1 F-1 서울특별시청 > Performing art 서울특별시청 > Travel Guide> Dining> Korean cuisine 제주특별자치도 samda > tourist attraction 제주특별자치도 samda > tourist attraction 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Archaeological Gallery 국립현대미술관 > 1. Paintings 문화재청 > General Search> Search> 국보 9 호 영화진흥위원회 > B820 못말리는결혼 제주특별자치도 culture > arts SamulloriSamullori or Traditional Korean Percussion OPEN 12:00~14:001 부 17:30~19:00 / 2 부 19:20~CLOSE 20:50 불충분한번역 : a Performance of Traditional Korean Percussion Instruments 로수정 불충분한번역 : <1 부 2 부에대한적절한번역내용이없음 > The oral history has it that relatives of a man named Kim Seong oh asked 불충분한번역 : 원문상으로는도박으로재산을탕진했기 the head of the village to allow Kim Seong oh to come and do farming in 때문에친척들이마라도의개경을건의했지만번역상으 Marado in 1882. Kim Seong oh lost all of his money to gambling and couldn't 로는이러한인과관계가나타나있지않음. make a living. As island of wind, Jeju has witnessed many people lost in the sea, struck by storm. Some lost lives in the sea. But others managed to reach land. Those 불충분한번역 : 바람이많았기때문에표류자가많았다. who headed from Jeju to mainland were stranded on Ryukuguk and China 그표류자중일부는제주도까지떠밀려왔다는내용을 while foreigners were washed ashore in Jeju and eventually introducing 틀리게번역 Korean culture to the outside world. 'Sabang Table' is a piece of furniture that is opened up on all sides and composed of columns and bottom boards. The abstract sculpture had been spread fast and its tendency became one of the main streams in the Korean sculpture by the middle of the 1960's. Since he left the writing "Celebration Tower on Destroying Baekje" on the stone pagoda, the pagoda was humiliated by being falsely called for some time as "Pyeongjetap" meaning celebrating tower on destroying Baekje. Eun-ho, a daughter of Ji-man the Feung Shui expert who lives up to tradition inheritance, and Ki-baek, the only son of Mal-nyon who is both a tycoon in Kangnam-gu and a leader in luxury, rode a paraglider and had an minor accident. The festival held in one summer night at the beach concert hall is very cool like a natural sing performed by the sea. table 이모든방향으로열린다는것은이해하기어려움. 명칭은탁자이지만영어독자들이생각하는 table 모양이아님. 한국어 1:1 대응임 지나친직역. 과도한직역 : 본문에서백제를평정한기념탑이라는의미를 monument 대신에 "Celebration Tower, Celebrating Tower, 또는 called as.." 등의표현은 literal translation ( 직역 ) 의인상이강함. 강남큰손럭셔리의대표주자 ' 를그대로직역한느낌이든다. 과도한직역느낌. 그리고 sing 이아니라 song 으로수정. 제주특별자치도 Blue Bay recreation pension is located at 100 meters from seashore, so you 과도한직역 : 펜션에대한홍보로써문장을직역한느낌임. tour > accommodation can wake up looking at the sea. 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >3. 앙부일구 In early spring, even though spring has come to the coastal areas, snow still remains here. Apart from this, Mount Sanbang has many legends related to its outstanding scenery. Some of them include the legend of Sanbangdeok, the goddess of Mountain Sanbang, the legend of the dragon head that the Chin first emperor cut the dragon tale shape, the legend of the Gwangjeongdang python, and the legend of Geumjangji. Although its design was inspired by Yuan sundial Yangyi, the Angbu-ilgu is considered a unique design by the Joseon scientists. 과도한직역 : ' 해안에는봄이왔다 ' 는표현보다는 ' 해안이따뜻해지는초봄에도 ' 라는식의표현이나다른자연스러운표현으로바꿔야의미가명료할것임. 과도한직역 : 본문에서진시황이용모양꼬리를잘라버렸다는용머리전설을 'the legend of the dragon head that the Chin first emperor cut the dragon tale shape' 라는번역은과도한직역으로독자가진시황이한국의왕이였다고착각할수도있음 원문에없는삽입으로양부일구의독특함이크게약화됨. 원문은중국에도없는매우독특한발명품임을강조하는데영문은당시조선과학자들의평가로국한해역사적발명품으로서양부일구의매력도를손상함. 국립민속박물관 > 9. Necessity to spread Buddhist sutras following the introduction of Buddhism TT의 text purpose 를추구하지못함. 한국의고려의인쇄청자문화 > in the Three Kingdoms Period greatly contrbuted to the development of 고인쇄발달에대해소개하는글이므로주어는 the E. 한국의고인쇄 printing. development of Korea's printing 이적절함. 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Archaeological Gallery Gold Book for the Investiture of the Prince Imperial Hall King and His Reign in Historical Gallery Empire of Korea, 1897 고유명사가아닌 golden book에대한기술이거의없어이 23.3 10.0cm 책이어떤종류의, 무엇에대한책인지 identity를짐작하 Joseon produced 'golden books' for the emperor, empress, and the crown 기힘듬. Golden book에대한흥미가유발되지않음. prince after it became the Empire of the Great Han in the late 19th century. This golden book was made in 1897 when Emperor Gojong named one of his sons as the Crown Prince Imperial. F-1 F-1 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Archaeological Gallery 국립현대미술관 > B8381. Paintings F-1 제주특별자치도 F-1 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports This statue has remarkable similarities with the wooden pensive bodhisattva at the Koryuji temple that is believed to have been founded by a Silla monk in Kyoto, Japan. In that sense, this statue can be presumed to have been 마치신라시대스타일은 elegence, refinedness가없다는 created in Silla. However, since it has a well-balanced shape and exhibits 것처럼보임. elegant and refined craftsmanship, it is also considered as one from Baekje period. The dominating trend in the 1970's was abstract art. With the young TT의목적차원 : 추상화를앞으로빼는것이 text generation of artists as the central figure, there was the reflection of abstract purpose 에더부합함. Abstract art art. prevailed during the 1970s. It is, as the nearest park from the downtown, a good park to soothe down TT독자관심유발 : TT 의입장에서는재미있는설명이나 people's mental and physical exhaustion in their city lives as the restful sea 이해하기힘들수도있음. like mother's breast is welcoming them whenever they may visit there You will have a perfect opportunity to enjoy fishing at sea. Also, the opportunity to enjoy raw fish aboard or at port. TT 독자관심유발 : TT 독자에게회는생소하기때문에 enjoy raw fish 보다는 taste 와같이회를먹어볼수있다고설명할필요가있음. 288 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
F-2 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 국립중앙박물관 >collection>100highlig It was used probably for 'calling rain' ceremony, communication and burial official document인데 probably 보다는 It can be hts Archaeological Gallery container. assumed 정도가나을듯 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >3. 앙부일구국립민속박물관 > 1. 한국고대의소리 According to Yangchonjip Cheonmundosi by Gwon-guen(1352-1409) who was a renowned scholar in the early Joseon, There are natural sound artificial sound and there are a number of ancient Korean artifacts to produce sound. 영어에서는문헌표시때 "" 나이탤릭등을사용. 스타일 : there are 를반복해서사용하는것은바람직하지않음. 제기에대한설명이불분명함. 외국인이읽는것임을가국립민속박물관 > 1. 한 A jegi is a paper tasseled Korean coin with an opening in the center and boys 만해서 jegi 라는놀이를간단하게설명할필요가있음. 국인의일생 > A. 출생 play jegi by keeping tossing jegi with a foot. Jegi is a kind of a shuttlecock game played with the feet. Being a paternal society, the duty of utmost importance for a Korean wife was 국립민속박물관 > 1. 한주어가서로다르므로, Korea being a paternal society, to give to a son. In the Joseon period(1392-1911)they regared the birth of a 국인의일생 > B. 출생라고해야옳다. son as a fulfillment of an obligation of a denscendant to the ancestors. 국립민속박물관 > 3. It appears that they had depended on fishing to a great extent to secure foodstuff in the Neolithic Age, as evidenced by the shell mound in 스타일 : 문단나누기의일관성이위배되는문장. 일반적 선사시대생활 > A. 선 Dongsam-dong, Busan, from which both fish bones and shells were excavated. 으로문장을바꿀때한줄띄기를하고있으나여기서는 사시대의생활상 Acorns were excavated in quantities from Neolithic sites, proving that acrons 줄을띄지않았다. had also been a major foodstuff in the Neolithic Age. 국립민속박물관 > 4. and 만으로도원문의내용을충분히전달할수있으므로삼국시대의생활과문 Extant Goguryeo artifacts, sites and, moreover, mural paintings in about 85 불필요한삽입화 > C. 고구려의생활 confirmed Goguryeo tombs help us in studying the Goguryeo culture. help us in studying 보다는 help us have a better 풍토 understanding of/ have a glimpse of 국립민속박물관 > 4. 스타일 : a striking feature of Korean 삼국시대의생활과문 A striking feature of Korean nation founding mythloogy is that they combine founding mythloogy is보다는 one of the most 화 > the elements of heaven-sent founder theory and oviparous theory. striking features in Korea's founding A. 삼국및가야의건 mythologies 가더적합. 국신화 The basic pattern of the traditional Korean dress developed under the although Korea's basic traditional costume, 국립민속박물관 > 4. 의생활 > A. 한국의복식 influence of the northern has changed little to the present day. Wall paintings in Goguryeo tombs show that in the Three Kingdoms period (1st century B.C - 7th century) men and women both wore long jackets reaching below the waist as well as a belt and trousers. Women wore skirts with folds over the trousers. 국립민속박물관 > 5. Queen s Costumes: She ware skirt, jacket and a long coat. 삼국시대의생활과문 The coat had long and wide sleeves and colorfully decorated purple strips 화 > along its neckband, bottom and sleeve ends. B. 삼국시대의복식 국립민속박물관 > 5. The Korean village was formed by taking advantage of its terrains and 주생활 > A. 한국의마 other natural surroundings and was self-sufficient to a great degree. 을 국립민속박물관 > 6. 발해의역사와문화 국립민속박물관 > 6. 발해의역사와문화 국립민속박물관 > 6. 발해의역사와문화 국립민속박물관 > 6. 식생활 > A. 식생활 국립민속박물관 > 6. 식생활 > A. 식생활 국립민속박물관 > 8. 고려의인쇄청자문화 > C. 세계도자문화에서본한국청자 The, exhibit Forgotten Kingdom, Balhae was established in the first exhibition hall of the National Folk Museum, which illustrates the history of the Korean people, on January 2, 2001. The figure painting on the walls of the tomb of princess Jeonghyo was restored after Mr. Song Gi-ho's, a professor of dept. of Korean History, Seoul National University, accurate historical study. This exhibit displayed for the first time in Korea gives us an opportunity to arouse our interest in the history of Balhae, A world famous fishing ground was discovered in the East Sea where warm and cold currents mingle while. During such emergency situations as war, famine and natural calamity, such farm produce as bean, sesame and taro, or such plant roots and tree barks as acorn, pine tree leaves, inner bark of pine tree, arrowroot, elm tree bark, inner bark of elm tree and goosefoot, or medicinal herbs, such as hoxthorn and Asparagus cochincinensis, were eaten. by the first half of the Goryeo Period or the 11th century, they had succeeded in creating celadon with characteristics different from the Chinese celadon. Korean celadon from the next 12th centruy has been evaluated to have glaze and plastic beauty surpassing the Chinese counterpart. which was influenced by the Northern, underwent particial changes, the basic pattern of two-piece clothing, a upper and lower piece, had few changes. 로써야원문의내용을그대로전달할수있다. 처음부터 she 로하는것보다는 Queens of Silla wore~ 이더적절함. 규범 : 정관사 the를사용해서마치고유명사처럼표현한것은적절하지못함. Korean villages were formed 가적절함. 스타일의문제 : 원문대로주어를 ' 국립민속박물관은 ~' 으로가져가는것이더적절하다고봄. The National Folk Museum dedicated to illustrate the history of the Korean people has been exibiting "Forgotten Kingdom, Balhae" since January 2, 2001. after a thorough historical investigation of Mr. Song Gi-ho, professor of the Department of Korean History, Seoul National University. 가더적절하다. 스타일의문제 : this exhibit displayed for the first time in Korea 대신에 this exhibit, the first of its kinds in Korea, 가더자연스럽다. 스타일 : The East Sea where warm and cold currents mingle is one of the richest fishing grounds in the world. 로하는것이더적절함. 스타일 : 주어가너무길다. Early Korean people 처럼사람을주어로빼는것이적절하다. 또한 such as 의형식이계속반복되고있으므로이것도피하는것이바람직하다. 스타일의문제 : they succeeded in creating celadon different from that of the Chinese. Korean celadon which was produced in the 12th century has been considered better than that of the Chinese in terms of its glaze and plastic beauty. 로작성할것을제안. 부록 289
F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 국립민속박물관 > 8. 조선의과학과한글 > B. 조선의과학기술 The development of science and technology in the Joseon Kingdom 1392-1910) can be described with two high periods of the early 15th century and the 18th century. 국립민속박물관 > 8. 조선의과학기술과한 We witness a golden period of scientific and technolgical achievements 글 > B. 조선시대의과 during the King Sejong's reign from 1418 to 1450. 학기술 국립민속박물관 > Coming of Age and Wedding 국립민속박물관 > 1. 한국고대의소리 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Archaeological Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Archaeological Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 100highlights Archaeological Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 101highlights Archaeological Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 102highlights Archaeological Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 103highlights Archaeological Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 104highlights Archaeological Gallery Bobusang peddlers were itinerant merchants in the Joseon period who carried their ware on their back, bobusang peddlers organized themselves into a guild to protect their interests in the 17th century. One representative cultural characteristic associated with Korean sound-producing artifacts is that the sound of Korean bell was taken to symbolized hope and holiness. This tile was excavated from the monastic site of Buyeo. On the tiles that were found in this site, there are eight different designs carved, including landscape, lotus and cloud. 스타일의문제 : There are two peak periods of sicentific and technological developments in the Joseon Kingdom (1392-1910): the early 15th century and the 18th century. 로할것을제안 We witness 로시작하는것보다는 "A golden period of scientific and technological achievements was found during~" 이더적절함. 스타일의문제 : bobusang peddlers 를없애고앞의문장과 and 로연결해야한다. 스타일 : one representive cultural characteristic 보다는 one of the most representive 이더적절할것으로보임. "was taken to" 이하는 "was taken as a symbol of hope and holiness" 가더적합하다고판단됨. 불필요한구문반복하지않고 On them, They 등대명사를사용하는것이일반적임. These Ornaments were excavated from the tomb of King Muryeong in Geumseong-dong, Gongju, Chungcheongnam-do. The tomb of King Muryeong is the only tombs of kings of Three Kingdoms period whose owner can be identified. During the excavation of the tomb of King Muryeong, many artifacts including 각문장간일관된시점이나흐름없이기술되어영어글 gold diadem ornaments, gold shoes, and a bracelet with inscription, were 쓰기스타일을따르지않음 found and 17 items from them were appointed as national treasures. Also it exhibits the real Baekje art which is different from Goguryeo or Silla. This pair of gold diadem ornaments was found around where a queen's head had been placed. In the North tomb, more ornaments including a silver belt ornament with an 되도록이면동일한단어사용하지않음. Accessary 나 inscription of 'Buindae(the meaning of Madame's belt)' were found than in embelishment 등으로대체 the South tomb. This roof tile with beast design has a symbolic meaning of leading a peaceful life without any disease and any evil spirit. Big eyes full of fire, a strong turned-up nose, and sharp dogteeth, and a horn of the forehead are scary enough to dispel an evil spirit. This type of a roof tile is called as 'a roof tile with goblin design' or 'a roof tile with dragon design.' It was usually installed at the end of the ridge of 글쓰기규범불충실. 대명사등을이용해동어반복피해 the roof. 야함. This roof tile was excavated from Anapji, an artificial pond that was built in 674 and attached to the east palace where a Silla crown prince stayed. In this pond, some ten thousand artifacts were found including bowls and everyday life tools and many roof tiles. These roof tiles were for protecting the palace where a crown prince stayed from evil spirits. Since this stele was created by assembling characters from calligraphic works of Kim Saeng who was one of four Korean noted calligraphers, it is very significant. 글쓰기규범상문두를이렇게길게하지않음. Well known for its magnificent shape and design, it is a good example of the 16th century white porcelains in underglaze iron-brown. On the body, bamboo and plum are described very realistically. Bamboo is depicted in a technique that maximizes the effect of light and shade. By depicting slender and straight bamboo leaves and canes, the artist wanted to express integrity and spirit of 특별한이유나전환없이사물중심기술에서사람중심 bamboo. 으로급격한변화. By describing plum trees whose stump rises up in a circular way and whose small branches rises up straight, the artist created poetic and noble mood. Since its design is done with a refined and elegant technique, it must have been done by a court painter. Also in this jar, the technique of the Four Gracious Plants in the 16th century is witnessed. Much information of residential culture has become available through evidences found by archaeological excavation. Of these, visible evidences such as burnt down foundations of homes, remains of villages, and defensive positions such as wooden barricades, are gradually increasing in number. Comparisons with modern homes are made and taught using sufficient understandings of the home, the society and environment surrounding children such as families and villages. 논리구성오류. visible evidence 에대한설명후 invisivble evidence 에대한기술이나올것이라는기대를갖게하는스타일의문단이나실제이에대한설명은없음. 290 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 105highlights Archaeological Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 106highlights Archaeological Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 107highlights Archaeological Gallery 국립중앙박물관 > collection> 108highlights Archaeological Gallery 국립고궁박물관 > 자료실 > 궁중유물탐구 >3. 앙부일구 F-3 제주특별자치도 >culture > folklore F-3 제주특별자치도 tour > leisure sports The increase in productivity can be explained through the earthen rocks and tools because farming developed for agricultural practices. Settling down for farming and the resulting implementation of earthen and rock tools, which were developed for agricultural practices, can explain the increase in productivity. 첫문장의문두와뒷문장의문미가 increase in productivity, explained 라는동일한표현과구조로되어있어두문장간에신정보의추가가없는정보이부족한구성으로보임. 영어의글쓰기는신, 구정보성에따른구성을하는것이일반적. You can also learn about how people farmed 2,000 years ago through paintings 글쓰기규범위배. 한문장내같은동사를연속하여사용 on bronze ware, mimic how farming was done, experience various farming 하지않음. tools, and experience many others as well. In this exbihit, you will meet some ancient warriors, you will have the opportunity to try out their armor and weapons, and you will also lean about 글스기규범위반. 한문장에서동일한주어와조동사생 weapon manufacturing techniques and daily lives of those who guarded the 략 castle walls. Through the ancient artifacts of war, we can learn about the causes of conflicts and efforts for peace in human life, as well as understand that it was a struggle out of necessity for social restructuring. By exposing you to the 갑자기 you라는대명사를사용해시점이바뀜. absurdity of war, you will be able to achieve wisdom of our modern-day history. The rediscovery of the beauty of Korea 2 Scientific Culture, Kim Indeok, Seo Seongho, Oh Sanghak, Oh Yeongseon. Sol Publishing company. 2004. 영문참고자료글쓰기규범오류. Dongjaseok (child stone) is a name just drawn from the idea that Dolhareubang is similar to a child stone statue in front of a tomb in TL글쓰기규범 : parallelism 실패 ( 동자석은뜻풀이, 망 appearance, according to the information from Kim Jaesun, Yongdam-dong, 주석은설명요약을괄호안에제시하여뒤에나오는부연 Jeju-si. Mangjusok (a pair of stone posts in front of a tomb) is a name drawn 설명과중복됨. from a pair of stone posts in front of a tomb, according to several scholars of Chinese classics from Jeju-si. The field of such experience, the Jeongeui Horse-back Riding Field invites you. TL 글쓰기규범 : 글쓰기규범을위반한문장임 F-3 제주특별자치도 Try and become a one unit with a horse. TL글쓰기규범 : 글쓰기규범을위반한문장임 tour > leisure sports F-3 제주특별자치도 It is visited not only by students and experts for observation and research but TL글쓰기규범 : parallelism 실패. but also by tourists 으 tour > touring around also tourists as part of theme tour. 로수정 F-3 제주특별자치도 In 1408, the 8th year of King Taejong, it was constructed with the tablet of TL글쓰기규범 : parallelism 실패 (educating and Hyeon Yoo for the purpose of educating and enlighten local people inside the tour > touring around enlightening 으로수정 ) wall of Daejeong-hyeon. 부록 291
부록 4 국어의로마자표기법 제1항국어의로마자표기는국어의표준발음법에따라적는것을원칙으로한다. 제2항로마자이외의부호는되도록사용하지않는다. [ 제 2 장표기일람 ] 제 1 항모음은다음각호와같이적는다. 1. 단모음 ㅏ ㅓ ㅗ ㅜ ㅡ ㅣ ㅐ ㅔ ㅚ a eo o u eu i ae e oe 2. 이중모음 ㅑ ㅕ ㅛ ㅠ ㅒ ㅖ ㅘ ㅙ ㅝ ㅞ ㅢ ya yeo yo yu yae ye wa wae wo we ui [ 붙임 1] ㅢ 는 ㅣ 로소리나더라도 ui 로적는다. ( 보기 ) 광희문 Gwanghuimun [ 붙임 2] 장모음의표기는따로하지않는다. 292 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
제 2 항자음은다음각호와같이적는다. 1. 파열음 ㄱ ㄲ ㅋ ㄷ ㄸ ㅌ ㅂ ㅃ ㅍ g, k kk k d, t tt t b, p pp p 2. 파찰음 ㅈ ㅉ ㅊ j jj ch 3. 마찰음 ㅅ ㅆ ㅎ s ss h 4. 비음 ㄴ ㅁ ㅇ n m ng 5. 유음 ㄹ r, l [ 붙임 1] ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ 은모음앞에서는 g, d, b 로, 자음앞이나어말에서는 k, t, p 로적는다.( 안의발음에따라표기함.) 구미 Gumi 영동 Yeongdong 백암 Baegam 옥천 Okcheon 합덕 Hapdeok 호법 Hobeop 월곶 월곧 Wolgot 벚꽃 벋꼳 beotkkot 한밭 한받 Hanbat 부록 293
[ 붙임 2] ㄹ 은모음앞에서는 r 로, 자음앞이나어말에서는 l 로적는다. 단, ㄹㄹ 은 ll ' 로적는다. 구리 Guri 설악 Seorak 칠곡 Chilgok 임실 Imsil 울릉 Ulleung 대관령 대괄령 Daegwallyeong [ 제 3 장표기상의유의점 ] 제1항음운변화가일어날때에는변화의결과에따라다음각호와같이적는다. 1. 자음사이에서동화작용이일어나는경우 백마 뱅마 Baengma 신문로 신문노 Sinmunno 종로 종노 Jongno 왕십리 왕심니 Wangsimni 별내 별래 Byeollae 신라 실라 Silla 2. ' ㄴ, ㄹ ' 이덧나는경우 학여울 항녀울 Hangnyeoul 알약 알략 allyak 3. 구개음화가되는경우 해돋이 해도지 haedoji 같이 가치 gachi 맞히다 마치다 machida 4. ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ, ㅈ 이 ㅎ 과합하여거센소리로소리나는경우 좋고 조코 joko 놓다 노타 nota 잡혀 자펴 japyeo 낳지 나치 nachi 다만, 체언에서 ' ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ ' 뒤에 ' ㅎ ' 이따를때에는 ' ㅎ ' 을밝혀적는다. 묵호 (Mukho) 집현전 (Jiphyeonjeon) 294 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
[ 붙임 ] 된소리되기는표기에반영하지않는다압구정 Apgujeong 낙동강 Nakdonggang 죽변 Jukbyeon 낙성대 Nakseongdae 합정 Hapjeong 팔당 Paldang 샛별 saetbyeol 울산 Ulsan 제 2 항발음상혼동의우려가있을때에는음절사이에붙임표 (-) 를쓸수있다. 중앙 Jung-ang 반구대 Ban-gudae 세운 Se-un 해운대 Hae-undae 제 3 항고유명사는첫글자를대문자로적는다. 부산 Busan 세종 Sejong 제 4 항 인명은성과이름의순서로띄어쓴다. 이름은붙여쓰는것을원칙으로하되음절사이에붙임표 (-) 를쓰는것을허용한다. ( ( ) 안의표기를허용함.) 민용하송나리 Min Yongha (Min Yong-ha) Song Nari (Song Na-ri) 1. 이름에서일어나는음운변화는표기에반영하지않는다. 한복남 Han Boknam (Han Bok-nam) 홍빛나 Hong Bitna (Hong Bit-na) 2. 성의표기는따로정한다. 제 5 항 도, 시, 군, 구, 읍, 면, 리, 동 의행정구역단위와 가 는각각 do, si, gun, gu, eup, myeon, ri, dong, ga 로적고, 그앞에는붙임표 (-) 를넣는다. 붙임표 (-) 앞뒤에서일어나는음운변화는표기에반영하지않는다. 부록 295
충청북도 Chungcheongbuk-do 제주도 Jeju-do 의정부시 Uijeongbu-si 양주군 Yangju-gun 도봉구 Dobong-gu 신창읍 Sinchang-eup 삼죽면 Samjuk-myeon 인왕리 Inwang-ri 당산동 Dangsan-dong 봉천 1 동 Bongcheon 1(il)-dong 종로 2 가 Jongno 2(i)-ga 퇴계로 3 가 Toegyero 3(sam)-ga [ 붙임 ] ' 시, 군, 읍 ' 의행정구역단위는생략할수있다. 청주시 Cheongju 함평군 Hampyeong 순창읍 Sunchang 제6항자연지물명, 문화재명, 인공축조물명은붙임표 (-) 없이붙여쓴다. 남산 Namsan 속리산 Songnisan 금강 Geumgang 독도 Dokdo 경복궁 Gyeongbokgung 무량수전 Muryangsujeon 연화교 Yeonhwagyo 극락전 Geungnakjeon 안압지 Anapji 남한산성 Namhansanseong 화랑대 Hwarangdae 불국사 Bulguksa 현충사 Hyeonchungsa 독립문 Dongnimmun 오죽헌 Ojukheon 촉석루 Chokseongnu 종묘 Jongmyo 다보탑 Dabotap 제 7 항인명, 회사명, 단체명등은그동안써온표기를쓸수있다. 제 8 항 학술연구논문등특수분야에서한글복원을전제로표기할경우에는한글표기를대상으로적는다. 이때글자대응은제2장을따르되 ' ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ, ㄹ ' 은 'g, d, b, l' 로만적는다. 음가없는 ' ㅇ ' 은붙임표 (-) 로표기하되어두에서는생략하는것을원칙으로한다. 기타분절의필요가있을때에도붙임표 (-) 를쓴다. 집 jib 짚 jip 밖 bakk 값 gabs 붓꽃 buskkoch 먹는 meogneun 독립 doglib 문리 munli 물엿 mul-yeos 굳이 gud-i 좋다 johda 가곡 gagog 조랑말 jolangmal 없었습니다 eobs-eoss-seubnida 296 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
[ 부칙 ] 1 ( 시행일 ) 이규정은고시한날부터시행한다. 2 ( 표지판등에대한경과조치 ) 이표기법시행당시종전의표기법에의하여설치된표지판 ( 도로, 광고물, 문화재등의안내판 ) 은 2005. 12. 31. 까지이표기법을따라야한다. 3 ( 출판물등에대한경과조치 ) 이표기법시행당시종전의표기법에의하여발간된교과서등출판물은 2002. 2. 28. 까지이표기법을따라야한다. ( 문화관광부고시제2000-8호 (2000년 7월 7일 )) 부록 297
부록 5 외국어관광안내표기기준관광용어영문표기기준 가. 설명어를붙이는기준 (1) 국어의로마자표기법 에서는한글표기에서붙여쓰는용어를하나의고유명사로보아전체를로마자표기한다. 따라서용어전체를로마자표기한후외국인의이해를돕기위해이에대한영어설명어를붙여준다. 예 ) 불국사 Bulguksa Temple 경복궁 Gyeongbokgung Palace 춘천호 Chuncheonho Lake (2) 로마자표기법에서설명하는것처럼한글표기에서띄어쓰는표제어는고유명사부분만로마자표기하고보통명사부분에대해외국인의이해를도울수있는적절한영어설명어를붙여준다. 그리고한글의띄어쓰기와붙여쓰기가모두가능한표제어는띄어쓰는표제어와같은방식으로표기한다. 예 ) 용두산공원 Yongdusan Park 별천계곡 Byeolcheon Valley 나. 설명어를붙이는형식 (1) 고유명사의첫글자는대문자로표기하고, 붙여준설명어는괄호없이첫글자를대문자로표기한다. 예 ) 경복궁 Gyeongbokgung Palace Gyeongbok-gung Palace 로표기하자는의견에대해 Palace 라는의미가있음을표시해주기위해 gung 앞에붙임표 (-) 를써주자는의견도일부있었으나, 로마자표기법에서이미문화재명, 자연지물명, 인공축조물명은붙임표없이표기하는것으로정해져있으므로붙임표없이표기하기로한다. (2) 설명어를괄호없이표기하는근거 ( 가 ) 영어표기할때제목이나, 표지판등에쓰이는용어는괄호표기를하지않는다. ( 이는감수를담당한공사원어민감수위원들의일치된의 298 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
견이며, 하나의통일안을정립하기위한정보수집의일환으로 2003년 11월 16일부터 11월 30일까지공사외국어홈페이지에서실시한설문조사결과에따른것임 ) ( 나 ) 안내표지판의경우시각적으로복잡하지않게표현하는것이중요하기때문에괄호를사용하는횟수가많아질경우시각적으로복잡하여진다. ( 다 ) 일본의일본어명칭영어표기에서도이러한방식을따르고있다. 예 ) 阿蘇山 Mt. Aso-san 雷門 Kaminari-mon Gate 隅田川 Sumida-gawa River 浅草寺 Senso-ji Temple ( 라 ) 뉴질랜드에서자연지명표기도이러한방식을따르고있다. 예 ) Rotorua Lake : 마오리족의언어에서나온강이름인 Rotorua 에서 Roto 는 lake 를의미한다. 그러나이러한사실을알지못하는외국인들을위해 Rotorua Lake 라고표기한다. ( 마 ) 각종영어단어의경우에도괄호를쓰지않고겹쳐쓰는예가많다. 예 ) HIV Virus : V 는 Virus 의약자이나이를잘모르는사람들을위해다시한번반복적으로괄호없이 Virus 를붙여준다. 다. 설명어결정하는기준 실질적인사용용도 를기준으로설명어를붙인다. 아래의예와같이아미산은 ( 山 ) 이라는한자표기로끝났으나실질적으로는정원을말하므로설명용어 Garden 을붙여준다. 예 ) 북한산 ( 山 ) : Bukhansan Mountain 아미산 ( 山 ) : Amisan Garden 만춘전萬春殿 : Manchunjeon Hall 자경전慈慶殿 : Jagyeongjeon Chamber 라. 기타 (1) 의미가충분히전달될수있는영어표기가여러개일경우되도록짧은표기법을사용하였다. 부록 299
예 ) 걸매생태공원 Geolmae Ecological Park Geolmae Eco-Park 최영장군묘 Tomb of General Choe Yeong Tomb of Gen. Choe Yeong 공룡발자국화석지 Fossilized Dinosaur Footprints Site Dinosaur Footprints (2) 로마자표기법에발음상혼동의우려가있을때에는음절사이에붙임표 (-) 를쓸수있도록규정되어있지만, 일률적으로음절경계에붙임표를넣지않았다. 실제적용시에는필요한경우, 붙임표를쓸수있다. 예 ) 해운대 Haeundae Hae-undae 한강 Hangang Han-gang 한탄강 Hantangang Hantan-gang 처용암 Cheoyongam Cheoyong-am (3) 인명, 회사명, 단체명등은그동안써온표기를쓸수있다는규정에따라새로운로마자표기법을사용하지않았으나, 지역이름을딴경우에는지역이름을새표기법에따라표기하였다. 예 ) 이병철 Lee Byung-chull 이중섭 Lee Joong Seop 명동성당 Myeongdong Cathedral 용평리조트 Yongpyeong Resort (4) 명동 ( 성당 ), 정동 ( 극장 ) 등은고유명사화된표현으로보고붙임표 (-) 를넣지않았고, 이외표기는행정구역명으로붙임표 (-) 를넣었다. 예 ) 명동성당 Myeongdong Cathedral 정동극장 Jeongdong Theater 목동로데오거리 Mok-dong Rodeo Street 문정동로데오거리 Munjeong-dong Rodeo Street (5) 김치, 태권도 는국제적으로이미 kimchi, taekwondo 로사용되고있기때문에새표기법을따르지않았다. 300 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
부록 6 문화재명로마자표기 ( 영문번역기준 ) 2001 년 11 월 1 일작성 1. 로마자표기는문화관광부고시제 2000-8 호의국어의로마자표기법을따른다. 2. 단어별로띄어씀을원칙으로한다. 띄어쓰기는국립국어연구원편표준국어대사전을기준으로삼는다. 3. 문화재명의영문명칭은로마자표기나영문번역표기중에서어느하나로표기함을원칙으로한다. 4. 고유명사 ( 인명, 지명등 ) 는로마자로표기한다. 이에는책이름, 건물이름, 그림이름, 불교용어들을포함한다. 예 ) 동국정운, 숭례문, 매화도, 보살 4-1. 이전지명이나옛지명이사용된경우에는현행지명으로바꾸지않는다. 또한현행행정구역단위가아닌경우에는붙임표 (-) 를넣지않음을원칙으로한다. 예 ) ( 울릉 ) 나리동 : Naridong 5. 일반명사는번역하는것을원칙으로한다. (1) 의미변별이필요한것청동, 석조, 목조, 금동, 금제사자, 모란등 (2) 다른곳에도있는것삼층석탑, 입상, 좌상, 동종, 부도등 6. 번역을했을때와번역하지않았을때의미차이가있거나인지도에현저한차이가있을경우에는번역하지않는다. 부록 301
예 ) 청자, 백자, 청화백자, 분청사기, 탈춤, 석빙고 7. 고유명사의한부분으로일반명사가들어있을경우형태소분석을하지않고고유명사로취급한다. 예 ) 나옹화상어록 ( 책이름 ), 현묘탑, 실상탑 8. 외래어인경우에는원어를살려적는다. 예 ) 사리 sarira 9. 자연지물명, 문화재명, 인공축조물명은붙임표 (-) 없이붙여쓴다. ( 로마자표기법제3장제 6항참조 ) 9-1. 성 ( 城 ), 산성 ( 山城 ) 이름은전체를로마자표기로한다. 10. 불경은예외적으로로마자표기와영어번역을같이사용한다. 문화재의전체명칭을로마자로표기하고 ( ) 안에해당불경의영어이름을병기한다. 영어번역은불경의종류, 즉화엄경, 반야경, 금강경등을대상으로하며, 불경앞뒤에붙는초조본, 초판본등은번역하지않는다. 10-1. 위에해당하는내용은첨부한 불경대조표 와같다. 11. 문화재명과로마자 // 영어번역의대응은다음과같다. ( 공 ) 단 : satin ( 마애 ) 상 ( 像 ) : image ( 탑 ) 재 : fragments **( 택 ) 재실 / 재각 / 재사 : ** shrine ****** 묘역일원 : Whole area of ******'s tomb *** 목판 : wood printing blocks of *** *** 출토 : from *** ** 계표석 : Landmark ** 고 ( 古 )/ 구 ( 舊 ) 읍성 : Old **eupseong ** 고가 ( 古家 ) : 's old house ** 굴 ( 窟 ) : **gul ** 돈대 : 로마자, 띄어쓰기 302 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
** 동 ***(** 洞 ***) : 이때의동 ( 洞 ) 이행정구역이아니라동네 / 마을의의미라면모두로마자로표기 ** 동 ** 가 /** 가옥 : 's house **-dong <- ** 동자리에벼슬이나직업등이오면이들을표기에반영하지않는다. 단. 호는제외 ** 류 : School of ** ( 유파개념 ) ** 문집 : a collection of **'s works <- 문집 이책명속에확실히들어있으면전체를로마자하지만 문집 이 ** 의여러작품들을모아놓은의미라면앞의예처럼해석한다. ** 바위 : 로마자 ** 사당 : ** shrine ** 사적기 ( 事蹟記 ) : Record for ** ** 사적비 ( 史蹟碑 ) : Monument inscribed with history of ** 사적비 ( 事蹟碑 ) : Monument of ** 사지 : **sa site ** 서원 : ** seowon ** 성당 : Catholic church ** 순절비 : Monument of **'s dying for loyalty ** 승전비 : Monument of **'s victory ** 실기 : records about <- 실기 가책이름이면그대로로마자하지만, 사후나후대에 ** 의작품이나행적등의기록을모은것이라면앞의예처럼해석한다. ** 완문 : document ** 읍성 : **eupseong ** 자생지 : Natural habitat of ** ** 장 ( 匠 ): **jang ** 정악 : **jeongak ** 정원 : ** garden ** 층석탑 : ** storied stone pagoda ** 향교대성전 : Daeseongseon of ** hyanggyo 12지상 ( 십이지 ) : the 12 oriental zodiac animals 1질 : 1 complete set 3.1운동 : 3.1(Samil) Independence Movement A필B 도 : B도 by A 부록 303
가곡 : gagok 가사 : gasa 가전 : kept in the family of 각궁 : gakgung 각배 : cup in the shape of horn 갈색 : brown 감실 : tabernacle 강당 : Lecture hall 객사 : guesthouse 거문고산조 : Geomungo sanjo 겹 : lined 경복궁근정전 : Gheongbokgung Geunjeongjeon <- 서울숭례문과같다계단 ( 戒壇 ) : ordination altar 고분 : tumulus/tomb 고분군 : tumulis/tombs 고분군-백제고분군 : tumuli of Baekje Period 고지 ( 庫址 ) : warehouse site 공부 : ax 공사관 : legation 공신교서 : Royal document of meritorious subject <- 다른내용은번역하지않고 for' 를한뒤받은사람의이름을적는다. 공신록 : Royal certificate of meritorious subject <- 다른내용은번역하지않고 for' 를한뒤받은사람의이름을적는다. 과대및요대 : Girdle and pendants 관덮개 : Coffin cover 관사 ( 官舍 ) : gwansa 관상감 : Gwansanggam 관세음보살 : gwanseeumbosal 관음보살 : gwaneumbosal 관천대 : Gwancheondae 광배 : nimbus 교구 : buckle 304 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
교지 : royal edict 교첩 : appointment 구석기 : paleolith 국화 : chrysanthemum 군락 : stock of/community of 군청색 : ultramarine color 굴참나무 : Asian cork-oak tree 권 14 : volume 14 권 14,15 : volumes 14, 15 권상하 : first and last volumes 권속불일괄 : attachment buddha bundle 귀 ( 鬼 ) : demon 귀면청동로 : Bronze brazier with demon mask decoration 귀문전 : Tile with demon design 귀부및이수 : Turtle shaped pedestal and dragon shaped capstone 귀형 ( 龜形 ) : in the shape of a tortoise 금관 : geumgwan 금관조복 : Geumgwan jobok 금동 : Gilt-bronze 금제 : gold 금제경식 : Gold necklace 금제여래좌상 : Seated gold yeorae statue 금제천 : Pair of gold bracelets( 팔찌 ) 급제 : passing state service examination 문과 : civil 무과 : military 기린 : kylin 기타유물 : Other relics 남사당놀이 : 로마자 <- 놀이, 유희, 굿따위는로마자로한다. 앞에지명이여럿나올경우이들위치는영어구문구조를따른다. 남색 : deep blue 납석 : amalmatolite 납의 : quilted 내외호 : inner and outer jar 부록 305
내친고 / 단속바지 : 로마자너와집 / 통방아 / 굴피집 / 투막집 : neowajib/tongbanga/gulpijip/tumakjip 녹 ( 綠 ) : Green 농악 : farmers' music 농요 : farmers' song 누비 : quilted 느티나무 : Seven zelkova trees 다뉴세문경 : Bronze mirror with fine linear design and a pair of knobs 다래나무 : Bower actintdia 단령포 : dallyeongpo 당간지주 : flagpole supports 당산 : dangsan 당초문 : arabesque design 대사, 선사, 화상, 국사, 대선사, 법사 : 로마자로하면서앞의법호와띄어쓰기를한다. 그러나책이름이나그림이름등에쓰인경우에는띄어쓰기를하지않는다. 표준국어대사전의띄어쓰기참조대세지보살 : Daesejibosal 대접 : bowl 대좌 : pedestal 대취타 : daechwita 도요지 : Pottery kiln site 도호부, 유수부, 좌수영, 우수영 : 로마자 <- 고려, 조선때의옛행정 ( 군사 ) 지명은로마자로동관 : east building 동궁비 : crown princess 동다회대 / 감투 : 로마자동모 / 동파두 : 로마자동채 : in underglaze copper 두침 / 족좌 : 로마자로 ( 갈대 ) : reed 마애 ( 磨崖 ) : carved on rock surface 매 ( 梅 ) : plum 306 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
매향 : commemorating the burial of incense 모란 : peony 모전 : imitation brick 목관 : Wooden coffin 몽촌토성 : Mongchon toseong 묘역 : tomb area 묘지 ( 墓誌 ) : Epitaph 문 ( 무늬 ) : design 문루 ( 門樓 ) : Gate pavilion 문배주 ( 술이름 ) : 로마자미륵보살 : mireukbosal 미륵보살반가상 : mireukbosal statue sitting with his legs half-crossed 민요 : folk songs 바지 : trouser 박지 : sgraffito 반 ( 盤 ) : basin 반가상 / 반가사유상 : statue sitting with his legs half-crossed 반야바라말다심경약소 : Banyabaramildasimgyeongnyakso 방형 ( 方形 ) 무덤 : Square based ** 방형대좌 : on square pedestal 백송 : Lacebark pine 백자 : Baekja 백자대호 : Larg baekja jar 백자호 : Baekja jar 백자철화포도문호 : Baekja jar with grape design in underglaze iron 백자청화 = 청화백자베 ( 삼베 ) : Hemp 벼루 / 연 ( 硯 ) : inkstone 벽화 : mural 변소 ( 화장실 )/ 측간 : Lavatory/Restroom 병영성 ( 兵營城 ) : fortress b arracks 부록 307
병풍 ( 병 ) : folding screen 보 ( 보자기 ) : cloth for wrapping 보문 ( 寶紋 ) : with jewel design 보살 : bosal 복사문 : design of a silk wrapping cloth 복장유물 : accompanying relics 봉산탈춤 : Bongsan talchum 봉수대 : smoke-signal station 봉황 : Chinese phoenix 부 ( 附 ): and 비변사등록부의정부등록-> Bibyeonsadeungnok and Uijeongbudeungnok 부도내유믈 : Relics from stupa 부조묘 : bujomyo 분재기 : document transferring properties 분첩 : puff 분청사기 : Buncheongsagi 불화 : Buddhist painting 비 ( 碑 ) : monument/stele 비각 : monument pavilion 비로자나불 : birojanabul 비석거리 : Stele street 뽕나무 : Mulberry trees 사고 ( 史庫 ) : Archive 사당 : Shrine 삭구 : rasp 산뢰 : pot 산성 : mountain fortress wall 산성 : **sanseong <- 로마자. ** 산 에있는성의구조라면로마자이지만, 만약어디어디에있는산성이라는의미라면해석을해야한다. 산성지 : mountain fortress wall site 산수 : landscape 산수화조문 : with landscape and flower and bird designs 308 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
삼강문 : Memorial gate 삼존불 : samjonbul 삼회장저고리 : 로마자상 ( 像 ) : statue 상 ( 裳 )/ 치마 : skirt 상감 : inlaid 상여 : bier 상중하 : first, second and last volumes 생가 ( 生家 ) : Birthplace 서간문 : letters 서관 : west building 서당 : 로마자서도소리 : Seodosori 서울문묘 : Seoul Munmyo 서울화계사 : Seoul Hwagyesa 서울화계사동종 : Bronze bell of Hwagyesa in Seoul <- 위의것과구분잘할것서해안 : the western coast 석 ( 조 ) : stone 석각 : carved stone 석불 ( 石佛 ) : Stone buddha 석불상 : stone buddha statue 석빙고 : 로마자석실 ( 石室 ) : Grotto 석조 : stone tub 선사 ( 禪師 ) : Zen priest <- 단독으로쓰였을때만이렇게하고, ** 선사 일경우에는번역하지않고, 로마자로바꾼다. 선사유적지 : Prehistoric remains 선사주거지 : prehistoric settlement site 선소리산타령 : Sensori santaryeong 성 ( 城 ) : fortress <- 성 자체를번역할때만세거지 : residence area of 부록 309
세문경 : mirror with fine linear design 소색 : White 소자본 : in small charcaters 소조 ( 塑造 ) : Terra-cotta 수문 : sluice 술, 장도, 장검, 호패, 방상씨탈 : 로마자승 ( 繩 ): rope 승무 : seungmu 시나위 : 로마자시루 : steamer 신도비 : Tomb monument of 신도비부묘소 / 묘및신도비 : tomb and monument of 신사 ( 神祠 ) : shrine 신학교 : theological school 십장생 : en symbols of longevity 아미타불 : amitabul 아청색 / 북청색 : dark blue 아태조, 강씨부인, 호구아씨, 용왕대신, 산신님, 창부씨, 신장님, 무학대사, 곽곽선생, 단군, 산불제석, 나옹님, 칠성님, 군웅대신, 금성신, 민중전, 최영장군, 명도 : 로마자악수, 명목, 습리, 널이불, 흑삼, 청천익, 동달이, 쾌자, 단령 : 로마자암각화 : Petroglyphs 압형 : in the shape of a duck 약사여래 : yaksayeorae 양념국자 : ladel 얼레빗 : coarse comb 여래 : yeorae 여래좌상 : Seated yeorae statue 연 ( 연꽃 ) : lotus 연가7 년명 : with inscription of Yeonga 7(chil)nyeon 연산군묘 : Royal tomb of King Yeonsangun 연자방아 / 연자매 : Millstone worked by a horse 310 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
연적 : yeonjeok 영당 / 영우 / 사당 / 재사 / 재실 : shrine 영정 / 진영 : Portrait 옥류 ( 玉類 ) : jades 옥색 : Jade green color 옷 : 오늘날에쓰이는것은번역. 아닌것은로마자로완문 : wanmun 왕지 : royal edict/royal letters 왜성 ( 矮星 ) : 로마자, 띄어쓰기 <- 일본사람들이쌓아서붙여진이름인데, 로마자로표기한다. 행정구역 ( 리, 동 ) 의작은단위라면 왜성 of *** 라고하지만, 아니면전체를로마자로표기한다. 요 : bedclothes 요지 : kiln site 용범 : Yongbeom 운 ( 구름 ) : cloud 원앙 : mandarin duck 유 ( 버드나무 ) : willow 유개 : lid 유록색 : Light green color 유리배 : glass 유묵 ( 遺墨 ) : calligraphy 유물 : relic(s) 유서 : last testament of *** 유적 : remains 은행나무 : Gingko/Ginkgo tree 음각 : incised 의 ( 자 ) 상 ( 倚 ( 子 ) 像 ) : statue seated on stool 이불 : overquilt 익재영정 : Portrait of Ikjae 인 ( 印 ) : seal 인형 ( 人形 ) : in the shape of a human figure 일원 : whole area of 부록 311
입상 : Standing statue 입석 / 선돌 : menhir 자라줌치, 제비부리당지 ( 댕기 ), 매개당지, 떠구지당지 : 로마자자색 : purple 자청색 : purplish blue color 장군 ( 그릇의하나 ) : janggun 장승 : jangseung 저 ( 모시 ) : ramie 저고리 : jeogori 저울 : balance 적상 : jeoksang 적석총 : stone-pile tomb 전 ( 傳 ) : believed to be 전 ( 塼 ) : Tile 전적 ( 典籍 ): old books 전적지 : Battleground 전탑 : brick pagoda 절목 : list 정려각 / 정각 / 여표비각 : Monument pavilion 정려비 : Monument 조복 : jobok 조선왕조궁중음식 : Royal culinary art of Joseon Dynasty 족보 : Genealogical table 종묘제례악 : Jonmyo jeryeak 종택 ( 宗宅 )/ 종가 ( 宗家 ) : head residence 주본 ( 晋本 ): jubon 주성 ( 鑄成 ) : made by 주자 : wine pot 주초 : plinth 주칠 ( 朱漆 ) : red lacquered 죽 ( 대나무 ) : bamboo 중앙도서관 : central library 312 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
지석 / 묘지석 : stone epitaph 지석묘 ( 군 )/ 고인돌 : dolmen(s) 직령포 : jingnyeongpo 진본 ( 周本 ): jinbon 진사 : in underglaze iron/in undergalaze copper/in inlaid copper 참빗 : Fine-tooth comb 창의 : changui 책판 / 판 / 판본 : Wood blocks of 처용무 : Cheoyongmu ** 척화비 : ** anti-compromise stele 천마도장니 : Saddle flap with Cheonmado 천연보호구역 : Nature reserve 천홍 ( 淺紅 ) : Light red 철 ( 조 ): iron 철사-이조백자철사포도문호 : Baekja jar with grape design in underglaze iron in Joseon 철조 : iron 철채백화 : coated with iron 철화 / 철사 : in underglaze iron 철확 : Iron cauldron 청동 : Bronze 청동검 : Bronze sword 청량산괘불탱 : 로마자, 띄어쓰기, 어순주의청록색 : bluish green color 청석탑 : Slate stone pagoda 청자 : Cheongja 청자매병 : Cheongja maebyeong 청자병 : Cheongja bottle( 또는 pot) 청자수병 : Cheongja pitcher 청자수적 : Cheongja sujeok 청자완 : Cheongja bowl 청자정병 : Cheongja jeongbyeong 부록 313
청자항 : Cheongja jar 청화백자 : Cheonghwabaekja 초가 : Thatched house 초조본 ( 初雕本 ): chojobon 총통-대완구 : Large cannon 총통-세총통 : Narrow rifle barrel 총통-소총통 : Small rifle barrel 총통-지자총통 : Jija rifle barrel 총통-차승자총통 : Chaseungja rifle barrel 총통-황자총통 : Hwangja rifle barrel 총통 : cannon barrel/rifle barrel 출토복식 : Antique garments 춤 : dance 충신 : faithful retainer 측우대 : pedestal for rain gauge 태실 : Placenta chamber 태지석 : inscription stone 태항 ( 胎缸 )/ 태호 ( 胎壺 ): placenta jar 태환이식 : Two earrings with large balls 토기 : earthenware 토성 : ** toseong 토성 : Earthen wall 통문 : Circular letter 통약조약 : Treaty of commerce between 투각 / 투조 : openwork 판소리심청가 : Pansori Simcheongga 팔각정 : Palgakjeong 패도, 대례모 : Paedo, Daeryemo 패옥, 서대, 홀, 전복, 구군복, 소례복, 제복, 배자, 대례복, 상, 후수 : 로마자패총 : shell mound 편병 / 자라병 : pyeonbyoeng 편호 ( 扁壺 ) : jar 314 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
포도 : grape 포함 : inclusion 폭포 : waterfall 표주박 : Small gourd vessel 표형 ( 瓢形 ) : in the shape of a gourd 풍기대 : wind streamer 학 ( 새이름 ) : crane 합 / 반합 : bowl/medicin case 항라 : silk 해수욕장 : beach 해시계 : sundial 행궁 : temporary palace 향교 : hyanggyo 향나무 : Chinese juniper tree 향로 / 향완 : incense burner 향청 / 동헌 / 내아 : 로마자혜산유숙 : 호-이름순서대로로마자로. 호적단자 / 호구단자 / 호적 : family register 호적대장 : Census register 혼천시계 : Honcheonsigye 화각 ( 華角 ) : decorated with oxhor 화분 : flowerpot 화청자 : Cheongja in underglaze iron 황 ( 黃 ) : yellow 황쏘가리 : Golden mandarin fish 황후 : queen 회중시계 : Pocket watch 효자 ( 녀 ) : dutiful son(daughter) 효행 : filial conduct 휴대용앙부일구 : Ptable Angbuilgu 흉배 : hyungbae 부록 315
불경대조표 : 로마자 ( 번역 ) 원칙 : 한글명칭을로마자로표기하고괄호안에불경의번역어를적는다. 예 ) 금강경, 묘법연화경, 화엄경, 능엄경등 묘법연화경 (= 법화경 ) : Myobeomnyeonhwagyeong (Saddharma-pundarika sutra) 화엄경 (= 대방광불화엄경 ) : Hwaeomgyeong(Avatamsaka sutra) 능엄경 (= 대불정여래밀인수증요의제보살만행수능엄경 = 대불정수능엄경 ) : Neungeomgyeong(Suramagma sutra) 아비달마식신족론 : abidalmasiksinjongnon (Abidharma sutra) 아비담비파사론 : abidambipasaron (Abidambipasa sutra) 현양성교론 ( 현양론, 광포중의론 ) : hyeonyangseonggyoron (Commentary on Yogacaryabhumi sutra 유가사지론 : yugasajiron (Yogacaryabhumi sutra) 대반야바라밀다경 (= 대반야경 = 반야경 = 반야심경 ) : daebanyabaramildagyeong (Mahaprajnaparamita sutra) 금강반야바라밀경 (= 금강경 ) : Geumgangbanyabaramilgyeong (Maha-prajna-paramita sutra) or (Vajra-prajina-paramita sutra) 능엄경 : neungeomgyeong (Suramagma sutra) 보살선계경 : bosalseongyegyeong (Bodhisattva sutra) 대방광원각수다라요의경 (= 대방광원각경 = 원각경 = 요의경 ) : Daebanggwangwongaksudarayouigyeong (Dharani sutra) 범망경 (= 범망경노사나불설보살심지계품 = 범망보살계경 ) : Beommanggyeong 불설대보부모은중경 (= 부모은중경 = 은중경 ) : Bulseoldaebobumoeunjunggyeong (Sakyamuni's teaching on parental love) 지장보살본원경 (= 지장경 ) : Jijangbosalbonwongyeong (Ksitigarbha purva-pranidhana sutra) 아미타경 : Amitagyeng (Amitabha sutra) 대방광원각략소주경 : Daebanggwangwongangnyaksojugyeong (Commentary on Daebanggwangwongakgyeong) 보우경 : Bougyeong 천수경 : Cheonsugyeong 316 국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구
****** 소 ( 疏 ) : (Commentary on ******** 약사유리광여래본원공덕경 (= 약사경 ) : Yaksayurigwangnyeoraebonwongongdeokgyeong (Bhaisajyaguru sutra) 반야바라밀다심경약소 : Banyabaramildasimgyeongnyakso (Commentary on prajinaparamita sutra) 주의 ) 위에각로마자표기는괄호안의 = 표시항목에사용되는것이아니다. (= ) 의항목이한글명칭에사용되었다면그항목을로마자로표기해야한다. 부록 317
국가번역시스템구축을위한기초연구 - 공공분야번역을중심으로 - 2007년 12월 20일인쇄 2007년 12월 20일발행발행인 : 윤지관발행처 : 한국문학번역원출판등록 2007. 10. 30. 제16-4314호서울특별시강남구삼성동 108-5 한국문학번역원빌딩 5층대표전화 : 02-6919-7700 팩스 : 02-3448-4247 E-mail : info@klti.or.kr Homepage : www.klti.or.kr c 한국문학번역원, 2007. Printed in Seoul, Korea 인쇄 : 도서출판한학문화전화 : (02) 313-7593( 代 ) ISBN : 978-89-960351-1-4 93700 비매품
부록 319