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3. binary 형태로읽고쓰기 C의함수를이용 # 메모리의내용을파일을쓰는함수 size_t fwrite(const void* ptr, size_t size, size_t count, FILE* stream ); ptr : Pointer to the array of elements to be written size : Size in bytes of each element to be written count : Number of elements, each one with a size of size bytes stream : Pointer to a FILE object that specifies an output stream example #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> using namespace std; int main() { FILE* pfile; int buffer[5] = {1,2,3,4,5; pfile = fopen("myfile.bin","wb"); if ( pfile == NULL ) { // 파일을열지못했으면오류출력 cerr<<"file error"<<endl; return 1; fwrite(buffer,sizeof(int),5,pfile); // buffer가가리키는주소부터 fclose(pfile); // sizeof(int)*5 byte를 return 0; // pfile에씀

# 파일의내용을메모리에읽어들이는함수 size_t fread (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t count, FILE* stream ); ptr : Pointer to a block of memory with a minimum size of (size*count) bytes size : Size in bytes of each element to be read count : Number of elements, each one with a size of size bytes stream : Pointer to a FILE object that specifies an input stream example #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> using namespace std; int main() { FILE* pfile; int buffer[5]; pfile = fopen("myfile.bin","rb"); if ( pfile == NULL ) { cerr<<"file error"<<endl; return 1; fread(buffer, sizeof(int), 5, pfile);// buffer가가리키는주소로부터 fclose(pfile); // sizeof(int)*5 byte 읽음 for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) cout<<"buffer["<<i<<"]="<<buffer[i]<<endl; return 0;

# 파일에서원하는위치로포인터를움직이는함수 int fseek ( FILE * stream, long int offset, int origin ); stream : Pointer to a FILE object that identifies the stream offset : Number of bytes to offset from origin origin : Position from where offset is added. It is specified by one of the following constants defined in <cstdio> SEEK_SET - Beginning of file SEEK_CUR - Current position of the file pointer SEEK_END - End of file example #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> using namespace std; int main () { FILE* pfile; int buf; pfile = fopen("myfile.bin","rb"); if ( pfile == NULL ) { cerr<<"file error"<<endl; return 1; fseek(pfile,-sizeof(int),seek_end); // 파일의끝에서 sizeof(int) 이동 fread(&buf,sizeof(int),1,pfile); // 현재위치에서 sizeof(int) byte cout<<"buf : "<<buf<<endl; // 를 buf에카피 ( 읽음 ) fseek(pfile,2*sizeof(int),seek_set); // 파일의시작부분에서 2*sizeof(int) fread(&buf,sizeof(int),1,pfile); //byte 이동해서 sizeof(int) byte cout<<"buf : "<<buf<<endl; // 읽어서출력 return 0;

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