Types of Brain Injury The bones of the skull are hard to protect the brain. When your head is hit or moved with force, the brain is injured when it moves at a different speed than the skull. The brain or a part of the brain can be bruised, stretched or torn to cause bleeding. A person may have one or several types of brain injury. Recovering from a brain injury can take a long time. Read on to learn about the different types of brain injury. Nerve Damage When the brain slides back and forth inside the skull, the brain s nerves are stretched or torn. Your doctor may describe the injury as mild, moderate or severe. Signs of nerve damage include loss of consciousness called a coma, abnormal movement of the arms and legs, high blood pressure and fever. Lack of Oxygen Lack of oxygen to all or part of the brain is called anoxia. Any injury to the blood flow of the brain that decreases oxygen can cause brain damage. This includes heart attack, stroke, drowning or injuries with blood loss. There may be problems such as loss of memory, changes in behavior, problems with speech or seizures. With severe anoxia, a longterm coma or brain death may occur. 1
뇌손상의유형 두개골은뇌를보호하기위하여딱딱합니다. 머리를부딪쳤거나심하게흔들리고뇌가두개골과다른속도를움직일때뇌가손상됩니다. 뇌에타박상이생기거나, 뇌신경이늘어나거나또는파손되어출혈이생깁니다. 한사람이한종류이상의뇌손상을입을수있습니다. 뇌손상회복은시간이오래걸립니다. 각기다른유형의뇌손상유형은다음과같습니다. 신경손상 뇌가두개골안에서앞뒤로심하게흔들리면뇌신경들이늘어나거나파손됩니다. 의사는검사후그손상정도를경증, 중등증, 중증으로분류할것입니다. 신경손상의증상으로는소위코마라고부르는의식불명, 팔다리의비정상적인동작, 그리고높은혈압과체열이있습니다. 산소부족 뇌전체나일부에산소부족을무산소증이라고부릅니다. 뇌의혈액흐름에장애가와서산소가부족해지면뇌손상이옵니다. 결과적으로심장발작, 뇌졸중, 익사또는혈액부족으로인한손상등이생깁니다. 기억상실, 행동변화, 언어장애, 발작등이나타날수도있습니다. 무산소증이심해지면장기간코마에빠지거나뇌사상태로이어질수있습니다. Types of Brain Injury. Korean. 1
Bruising Bruising or contusion can occur when the head is hit and the brain moves back and forth inside the skull. Bleeding inside the brain or skull fractures may also occur. Bruising can cause brain swelling, coma, seizures, brain damage or higher pressure inside the skull. Force of Hit Bruising A hematoma is a pool or lump of blood. There are 3 types of hematomas based on where the blood pools. Epidural hematoma the outer layer of the brain between the brain and skull. Subdural hematoma the middle layer of the brain. Intracerebral hematoma the inside part of the brain. Subdural Epidural s can cause brain swelling, high pressure inside the skull or coma. Surgery may be done to remove the hematoma. This depends on where the hematoma is and whether it is getting larger or causing problems. may not cause any lasting effects, but other brain injuries may occur with the hematoma. Intracerebral 2
타박상 머리를부딪치거나뇌가두개골안에서심하게앞뒤로움직이면타박상이생깁니다. 뇌안에출혈이나두개골절이생길수도있습니다. 타박상은뇌가붓거나, 코마, 발작, 뇌손상또는두개골안에뇌압상승을유발합니다. 충격 타박상 혈종 혈종이란피가고여있는상태를말합니다. 피가어디에고여있는가에따라 3 가지유형의혈종이있습니다. 경막외혈종 - 뇌와두개골사이뇌의바깥층. 경막하혈종 - 뇌의중간층. 뇌내혈종 - 뇌안에부분. 경막하혈종 혈종은뇌를붓게만들고, 두개골안에뇌압을높이거나코마를유발합니다. 혈종제거수술을받을수있습니다. 수술은혈종이어디서발생했고, 어디서혈종이커지고있는지또는어디서문제가생기고있는지에따라다릅니다. 혈종의효과는오래가지는않지만혈종으로인하여다른뇌손상이생길수있습니다. 경막외혈종 뇌내혈종 Types of Brain Injury. Korean. 2
Cerebral Hemorrhage Cerebral hemorrhage is bleeding in the brain. Bleeding can occur in 3 areas of the brain: Over the outer surface of the brain called subarachnoid hemorrhage. Into the spaces of the brain or ventricles called intraventricular hemorrhage. Into the brain tissue called intracerebral hemorrhage. Your Care Intracerebral Hemorrhage Skull Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Treatment for a brain injury may include surgery and medicines. Rehab or therapy may be needed over time to help manage problems. Recovery will depend on how severe the brain injury was. Intraventricular Hemorrhage Talk to your doctor or nurse if you have any questions or concerns. 2005 1/2011 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from www.healthinfotranslations.org for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. 3
뇌출혈 뇌출혈이란뇌안에출혈을말합니다. 출혈은뇌의세부분에서발생할수있습니다 : 뇌의바깥쪽표면에생기는출혈, 즉지주막하출혈. 뇌안에빈공간으로또는뇌실안으로출혈, 즉뇌실내출혈. 뇌조직안으로출혈, 즉뇌내출혈. 뇌내출혈 두개골 지주막하출혈 뇌실내출혈 관리방법 뇌손상치료방법으로수술과약물치료가있습니다. 장기간의재활이나요법이필요할수도있습니다. 회복기간은뇌손상의정도에따라서많이달라질수있습니다. 질문이나문제가있으면의사나간호사와상담하십시오. 2005 1/2011 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from www.healthinfotranslations.org for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. Types of Brain Injury. Korean. 3