Vaginal Infection - Korean

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Vaginal Infection A vaginal infection, also called vaginitis, is the irritation of the vagina that causes changes in vaginal discharge, itching, odor and other signs. Most women have some vaginal discharge. This discharge keeps the vagina clean and moist. Normal discharge has a mild odor and should be clear, white or yellow. It may leave a yellowish color on your underpants when it dries. You may have a few days of heavy, clear, slippery discharge about halfway between your monthly periods. This occurs when an ovary releases an egg. Signs You may have one or more of these signs with a vaginal infection: Change in the amount, color or odor of vaginal discharge Itching or burning around the vagina Burning when urinating An urge to urinate more often Sores or warts near the vaginal opening Painful sexual intercourse Chills or fever Stomach or abdominal pain or cramping Call your doctor if you have any signs of infection. Your doctor will do an exam to find out the type of infection you have. Types of Vaginal Infection Yeast Infection Yeast infections are caused by fungus. Vaginal discharge is thick, white and looks like cottage cheese. There is a strong, but not foul odor. Yeast infections can cause vaginal itching. 1

질감염 질염이라고도하는질감염은여성의질에염증이생겨질분비물에변화가생기고, 가렵고, 냄새가나고그밖에다른증상을유발합니다. 대부분의여성들은약간의질분비물이있습니다. 이분비물은질을깨끗하고촉촉하게해줍니다. 정상분비물은약간의냄새가있으며맑거나흰색또는노란색입니다. 마르면팬티에노란얼룩으로남습니다. 월경주기의중간시점에며칠동안진하고, 투명하고, 미끌거리는분비물이나올수있습니다. 이런분비물은배란기때나옵니다. 증상질감염이있으면다음과같은증상이하나이상나타날수있습니다. 질분비물의양과색깔또는냄새에변화가있다 질주위가가렵거나따끔거린다 소변중에따끔거리는통증이있다 소변이자주마렵다 질입구에종기나혹이있다 성교할때통증이있다 오한또는열이있다 위통또는복부통증또는위경련이있다감염증상이있으면의사와상담하십시오. 의사가감염종류를검진할것입니다. 질감염의종류 곰팡이감염곰팡이감염은곰팡이가원인입니다. 질분비물이진하고, 흰색이며, 마치코티지치즈같이보입니다. 악취는아니지만냄새가많이납니다. 곰팡이감염은질을가렵게만듭니다. Vaginal Infection. Korean 1

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) Bacteria that live in stool cause this type of vaginal infection. Vaginal discharge is watery, gray in color, heavy and foul smelling. There may be pain during urination and itching around the vagina. Atrophic Vaginitis The thinning and shrinking of the vagina causes this infection. It can occur when estrogen levels are low after menopause, childbirth or while breastfeeding. It may cause discharge, itching and burning. Urination and sexual intercourse may become difficult and painful. Trichomoniasis Vaginitis Trich is a sexually transmitted infection caused by a parasite. Heavy discharge with odor, itching, and painful sexual intercourse and urination may occur. Some women have no signs. You may become infected again if your partner is not also treated. Your Care See your doctor if you have any signs of infection. Your treatment may include: Medicines Finish all of your medicine as ordered. The infection may still be present even if the discharge goes away before the medicine is finished. Bathing Bathe or shower each day and clean the area around the vagina well. Keep the area as dry as you can. Wear cotton underwear. Sanitary pads Use sanitary pads if there is a lot of discharge. Do not use tampons to absorb discharge. Both you and your partner may need treatment as some types of vaginal infection can be spread by sexual contact. Ask your doctor if your partner needs treatment. If you are told to return for a follow up check, be sure to schedule an appointment for that. 2

세균성질염 (BV) 대변에사는세균이이런질염을일으킵니다. 질분비물은묽고, 색깔이회색이며, 냄새가지독합니다. 소변볼때질주위에통증이있거나가려울수있습니다. 위축성질염질이위축되기때문에생기는감염입니다. 폐경후, 분만후또는수유중에에스트로겐분비가줄어들때발생합니다. 질분비물이나오고, 가렵거나따끔거릴수있습니다. 통증때문에배뇨와성교가어려워집니다. 트리코모나스질염기생충에의하여생기며성접촉으로감염됩니다. 냄새가나는질분비물, 가렵고, 성교또는배뇨중에통증이있습니다. 일부여성들은증상이없습니다. 본인이치료를받았더라도섹스파트너가치료를받지않으면다시걸릴수있습니다. 관리방법감염증상이있으면의사와상담하십시오. 치료방법 : 약복용 지시대로약을끝까지복용하십시오. 약을모두복용하기전에질분비물이사라졌더라도염증이계속남아있을수도있습니다. 목욕 매일목욕이나샤워를하고외음부주위를깨끗이하십시오. 외음부를가능한한건조한상태로유지하십시오. 면소재의속옷을입으십시오. 위생패드 질분비물이많으면위생패드를사용하십시오. 분비물흡수를위해탐폰을사용하지마십시오. 일부질감염은성접촉으로전파되기때문에본인과섹스파트너가함께치료를받아야합니다. 파트너가치료가필요한지의사에게문의하십시오. 후속검진을위하여다시와야한다고하면반드시지시를따르십시오. Vaginal Infection. Korean 2

Preventing Vaginal Infections If you have a vaginal infection that keeps coming back, try these tips to help prevent it: Avoid spreading germs from the rectum to the vagina. After a bowel movement, wipe from front to back, away from the vagina. Clean the lips of the vagina well and keep the area as dry as possible. Avoid irritating soaps or detergents, feminine hygiene sprays, perfumed toilet paper or perfumed tampons. Clean diaphragms and spermicidal applicators with hot soapy water and rinse well. Do not douche. Using a douche can wash away good bacteria and cause you to have more vaginal infections. Your vaginal discharge will smell different during your monthly cycle. This is normal. If you have an odor that does not go away after washing, check with your doctor or nurse. Douching after sexual intercourse does not prevent pregnancy. Women who douche may have more of a chance of getting pelvic inflammatory disease. Avoid tight jeans, panties or panty hose without a cotton crotch, and other clothing that can trap moisture. Do not use home remedies. Home remedies only hide the problem. Use condoms to protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Talk to your doctor or nurse if you have any questions or concerns. 2008 1/2012 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. Wexner Medical Center at The Ohio State University, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. 3

질감염예방하기 질감염이계속재발하면아래지시를따르십시오 : 직장에서질로세균을옮기지않도록주의하십시오. 대변을본다음, 휴지를앞에서뒤로, 즉, 질에서멀리닦아내십시오. 음순을깨끗이하고음부를최대한건조하게유지하십시오. 피부에자극을주는비누, 세제, 위생스프레이, 향수가묻은화장실휴지, 또는향이나는탐폰을피하십시오. 피임용다이어프램과살정도구를세척할때는뜨거운물과비누를사용하여잘닦아주십시오. 질세척을하지마십시오. 질세척을하면좋은박테리아도함께씻어내기때문에오히려질감염을유발할수있습니다. 월경중에는질분비물의냄새가달라집니다. 이런현상은정상입니다. 씻어도냄새가없어지지않으면의사나간호사에게문의하십시오. 성교후에질세척을해도임신이방지되지는않습니다. 질세척을하는여성들은골반에염증이생기는질환에걸릴가능성이더높아집니다. 몸에달라붙는진이나, 가운데면소재가아닌팬티나팬티스타킹, 그밖에수분이빠져나가지못하는옷은피하십시오. 민간요법을사용하지마십시오. 민간요법은문제를감출뿐입니다. 성병으로부터자신을보호하기위해콘돔을사용하십시오. 질문또는우려사항이있을경우의사나간호사와상담하십시오. 2008 1/2012 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. Wexner Medical Center at The Ohio State University, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. Vaginal Infection. Korean 3