battery we consider; high-tech for tomorrow
battery ; Business Scope 2 / 3 최고의배터리, 쏠라이트의브랜드파워와가치 현대성우오토모티브코리아배터리공장에서는현대기아자동차배터리시장점유율 1 위를자랑하는쏠라이트 (Solite) 배터리를생산, 판매하고있으며자동차용뿐만아니라산업용, 군수용에이르기까지다양한품목의배터리를세계전역에 수출하여그기술력을인정받고있습니다. 품질및환경인증을획득하여최고배터리전문메이커로서명성을유지하고 있으며, 향후연료전지, 태양광등신재생에너지분야의기술축적을통해배터리사업의미래를선도하기위해최선을 다할것입니다. s battery plant is producing and manufacturing [Solite] batteries ranked 1st in Hyundai-Kia s automotive battery market share and exporting a variety of battery items for automobiles, industry and military throughout the world. Through acquisition of quality and environmental certification, it maintains its reputation as a leading professional manufacturer of batteries. It is now trying to lead the future of battery business through technology accumulation in the field of renewable energy such as fuel cells and photovoltaic power in the near future.
사업장정보 공장설립 (Plant Establishment) 1997 년 11 월 ( 사업개시 1979 년 2 월 ) 공장규모 (Plant Scale) 생산능력 (Production Capacity) 대지 (Land Area) 73,635 m2건평 (Floor Space) 32,814 m2 조립 (Assembly) 6,600,000pcs ( 연간 )
Battery ; product 4 / 5 강력한시동능력, 최고성능, 최장수명 강력한시동능력을발휘하며장시간주행에도지치지않는최고품질로고객감동을실현하고있는제품입니다. 보수가필요없는혁신적구조, 방전을최소화하는기술적용및편의를위한다양한제품구성등고객만족을위해세밀한부분까지생각합니다. This product demonstrates strong start-up capability and contributes to the realization of customer satisfaction with the highest quality, while meeting customer requirements through innovative structure that does not require maintenance, application of technology to minimize discharge and configuration of a variety of products for convenience.
1. Automotive Battery(Passenger) 쏠라이트배터리는이상적인제품설계로강력한시동능력을발휘하며장시간 주행에도지치지않는최고의품질과최고의안정성을자랑합니다. Solite Battery demonstrates strong start-up capability with its ideal product design and boasts of the highest reliability and quality without deterioration of its performance during long-time traveling. - CMF 배터리 - TAXI 배터리 - 수입차용배터리 2. Automotive Battery(Commercial) 고진동과충격에강한쏠라이트만의독특한설계로보다안정적인시동성을보장하며어떠한악조건속에서도 뛰어난내구력을지닌경제적인배터리입니다. It secures stable start-up capabilities with its high vibration and shock-resistant design and shows excellent durability even in extreme weather conditions. - 대형 CMF 배터리 - PT 배터리
battery ; product 6 / 7 3. Agricultural Battery 선진기계화영농의주역인전문영농인의파트너쏠라이트배터리가장수명실현, 자기방전최소화기술로앞선첨단과학영농을실현하고있습니다. As a partner for advanced mechanized farming, Solite Battery helps to realize high-tech farming through technologies to achieve long life and minimize self-discharge.
4. Industrial Battery 쏠라이트산업용배터리는멈추지않는산업환경의최첨단장비에에너지를 공급하는에너지파트너로어떠한상황에서도지치지않는최고성능과 최장수명을자랑합니다. Solite industrial battery boasts of its utmost performance and longest life in any conditions as a partner to supply energy to cutting-edge equipment in the rapidly changing industrial environment. - 무보수무누액밀폐형연축전지 - 장수명밀폐형축전지 - 산업용무보수밀폐형배터리 5. Marine Battery 첨단기술을적용하여열악한환경속에서도장수명과저장성능을향상시킨쏠라이트선박용배터리는만선을 향한쾌속항진을위한최고파트너입니다. Solite marine battery provides high-tech solutions as the best partner for laden voyage through the application of advanced technology to improve storage performance even in harsh environments.
battery ; process 8 / 9 품질및환경경영시스템, 국제제품으로최고의배터리메이커인증 쏠라이트배터리는고객에게더나은제품을제공하기위하여배터리분야핵심기술확보는물론제품의품질경쟁력을위한기술을개발하고있습니다. 지속적인연구개발결과품질 / 환경경영시스템인증및국제제품인증을획득하였으며엄격한품질테스트과정을시행하여고객에게만족도높은제품을제공하고있습니다. Solite Battery secures key technology of the battery field and develops technology for quality competitiveness to supply better products to customers. With its continuous research and development, Solite Battery acquired the quality/environment management system certification and international product certification, and gives excellent products with high customer satisfaction through quality tests.
1. Plate Pasting Line - Paster 개선된 Steel Belt 형도포기로서 Orifice Plate 개선을통해정확한중량도포와 깨끗한 Masking 이가능합니다. As an advanced steel belt-type applicator, it makes accurate applying and clean masking possible through orifice plate improvement. 2. Assembly Line - Strap Welder 기존인터셀용접기와차별화된유압 서보조정형용접기로정확한 Gripping 및용접이가능하여제품 품질향상에크게기여합니다. The hydraulic & servo-tuning welder differentiated form the existing inter-cell welding machines contributes to the improvement of product quality by making accurate gripping and welding possible. 3. Assembly Line - Cover Sealing 일반커버링기와달리 4점측정식써머커플온도보정기능으로보다정확한온도로사출물을용융접합시킬수있으며, QCD(Quick Change Die System) 를적용하여기종교체시간을단축하였습니다 Through 4-point thermocouple temperature calibration feature, melting and joining of injection molds can be achieved, and application of QCD(Quick Change Die System) contributes to reduction in time required for replacement of models. 4. Assembly Line - Acid Filling 빠른액주입시간과정확한황산주입이가능한 Indicator 레벨감지기능및 Suction 기능이추가된황산주입기를사용하고있습니다. Using sulfuric acid injector with additional functions of suction and indicator level detection makes speedy fluid injection and accurate injection of a sulfuric acid possible. 주요설비 Category Roll Mill Strap Welder Covering Machine Model & Spec. 7-Roll Hy d & Servo Type QCD & Servo Type
battery ; quality 10 / 11 23 건의배터리분야기술특허보유, 전기자동차용제품개발완료 현대성우오토모티브코리아연구소는끊임없는도전정신과창의적인생각을바탕으로인간과환경을위한기술개발에지속적인투자를하고 있습니다. 고급설계기술을바탕으로한제품설계및해석, 고성능장비를이용한시제품제작및품질검증을통해더안전한자동차생활과 친환경기술혁신에박차를기하고있습니다. 현대성우오토모티브코리아의도전과창조의 DNA 가기술혁신속에살아숨쉬고있습니다. Based on the challenging spirit and creative thinking, s research institute continues to make investments in technology development for mankind and the environment. It is also furthering its efforts to accelerate eco-friendly technology innovation and car safety through quality assurance and production of the prototype using high-performance equipment and product design based on advanced design technology. s challenge and creation is now leading to technology innovation. 1. 주요기술 1. 신소재개발 - 내부식성향상을위한특수합금기술개발 - 수명극대화를위한고밀도활물질이용률향상연구 - 시동및수명향상첨가제개발 - 제품안정성을위한제품설계기술개발 2. 신제품개발 - 제품군다양화및품질개선을통한경쟁력강화 - 고성능경량화제품개발 - 산업용장수명전지개발 3. 생산기술개발 - 제품설계, 최적화된공정 / 라인설계개발 - 제조 Cost 절감및생산성향상을위한생산시스템구축 4. 품질테스트 - 각공장단계별품질테스트실시 - MS Testing : 내후성시험, 복합환경시험, 진동시험, 합성연분석, 점도측정, 함수율측정 - ES Testing : 용량시험, 고율방전시험, 내구력시험 2. 품질인증및수상현황 2003 년 ISO/TS 16949 획득 2003 년 ISO 14001 획득 2010 년환경표지인증서획득 ( 친환경마크 ) 1982 년차량용배터리제품인증 -KS C 8504 획득 1996 년산업용배터리제품인증 -KS C 8518 획득
partners & contact 대한민국을넘어 세계적인배터리명장의자부심으로 국내외자동차완성업체는물론다양한분야와용도의배터리고객을만족시키기위해세계무대에서쏠라이트의이름을드높이겠습니다. To satisfy domestic and foreign automobile manufacturers and customers of batteries for many different purposes, is trying to enhance its reputation in the world stage together with Solite Battery. 국내주요고객사 전세계 70 여개국수출 hyundai kia motors 북아메리카 North America 유럽 Europe 중동 Middle East 아시아 Asia 아프리카 Africa 남아메리카 South America 오세아니아 Oceania homepage Sales Inquiries Automotive 02-2189-5323, Industrial 02-2189-5301, Export 02-2189-5283 Workplace [ 경주배터리공장 ] 경상북도경주시건천읍용명리 1075-1 번지 Tel. 82-54-750-7114 / Fax. 82-54-751-7232 [Gyeongju Battery Plant] 1075-1 Yongmyeong-ri, Geoncheon-eup, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongbuk, Korea [ 본사 ] 서울시강남구삼성동봉은사로 609 현대성우오토빌딩 Tel 82-2-2189-5300 / Fax. 82-2-2189-5200 [Head Office] Hyundai Sungwoo Auto Building, 609 Bongeunsaro, Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea