NOW ONE MASK Delivers 24% to 90% Oxygen! Phthalate-Free
24 % A P A R A D I G M S H I F T I N O X Y G E N T H E R A P Y ONE MASK DELIVERS 24 % TO 90 % OXYGEN Nasal Cannula 35 % 40 % (up to 6 L/min)* Simple Mask 40 % 50 % (5-10 L/min)* Partial Rebreathing Mask OxyMask 24 % 90 % 60 % 70 % (6-10 L/min)* Non-rebreathing Mask From Admission to Discharge IDEAL FOR EMS, HOSPITAL AND HOMECARE *AARC Clinical Practice Guideline Reprinted from RESPIRATORY CARE (Respir Care 2002; 47(6):717-720) 80 % (min10 L/min)* 1L/min - Flush OxyMask s logical advantages: Phthalate-Free The only O2 therapy device to deliver FiO2 of 24% - 90% Can be utilized to deliver High Flow O2 therapy to flush Zero probability of creating intrinsic PEEP on flow rates > 15 LPM Zero probability of CO2 rebreathing on low flow rates Allows open communication with your patient Designed for nose and mouth breathers Convenient swivel elbow to reposition tubing Nasal Gastric tube can be threaded through OxyMask Allows for suctioning & oral care through mask Open mask allows for delivery of other respiratory therapies Reduces probability of aspiration Cost saving advantages: Reduces number of O2 devices per patient Simplifies and reduces inventory Reduces PVC waste Reduces manpower due to simple FiO2 / flow changes Reduces medical gas consumption Achieve higher FiO2 on lower flow rates Proven to Deliver Effective Heliox Therapy OxyMask O2 % Guidelines An OxyArm Product OxyMASK Product # OM-1125-8 OxyPLUS Product # OP-1125-8 25% larger than OxyMask OxyMASK Product # OM-1425-8 with Dual Ear Elastics OxyPLUS Product # OP-1425-8 25% larger than OxyMask with Dual Ear Elastics Flowrate Fi02 1 LPM 24% - 27% 2 LPM 27% - 32% 3 LPM 30% - 60% 4 LPM 33% - 65% 5 LPM 36% - 69% 7 LPM 48% - 80% 10 LPM 53% - 85% 12 LPM 57% - 89% >15 LPM 60% - 90% Actual FiO2 will vary. Breath rate, depth of breathing and distance of the diffuser from the face will affect performance. Actual flow rate required should be prescribed in conjunction with the use of a pulse oximeter. 705-726-9383 email: 1st Open Oxygen System We are the experts! Patent Pending OXYMASK IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK 50 Alliance Blvd., Barrie, ON., Canada L4M 5K3 ISO 13485 EDI 406000117 09/12 P0064
NOW ONE MASK Delivers 24% to 90% Oxygen! Phthalate-Free
A P A R A D I G M S H I F T I N O X Y G E N T H E R A P Y ONE MASK DELIVERS 24 % TO 90 % OXYGEN 24 % Nasal Cannula 35 % 40 % 40 % (up to 6 L/min)* Simple Mask OxyKid 50 % (5-10 L/min)* Partial Rebreathing Mask 24 % 90 % 60 % 70 % (6-10 L/min)* Non-rebreathing Mask From Admission to Discharge IDEAL FOR EMS, HOSPITAL AND HOMECARE *AARC Clinical Practice Guideline Reprinted from RESPIRATORY CARE (Respir Care 2002; 47(6):717-720) 80 % (min10 L/min)* 1L/min - Flush OxyKid s logical advantages: Phthalate-Free The only O2 therapy device to deliver FiO2 of 24% - 90% Can be utilized to deliver High Flow O2 therapy to flush Zero probability of creating intrinsic PEEP on flow rates > 15 LPM Zero probability of CO2 rebreathing on low flow rates Allows open communication with your patient Designed for nose and mouth breathers Convenient swivel elbow to reposition tubing Nasal Gastric tube can be threaded through OxyMask Allows for suctioning & oral care through mask Open mask allows for delivery of other respiratory therapies Reduces probability of aspiration Cost saving advantages: Reduces number of O2 devices per patient Simplifies and reduces inventory Reduces PVC waste Reduces manpower due to simple FiO2 / flow changes Achieve higher FiO2 on lower flow rates Reduces medical gas consumption Proven to Deliver Effective Heliox Therapy OxyKid O2 % Guidelines Actual FiO2 will vary. Breath rate, depth of breathing and distance of the diffuser from the face will affect performance. Actual flow rate required should be prescribed in conjunction with the use of a pulse oximeter. Product # OK-1125-8 Penguin An OxyArm Product Ask about OxyTyke Mask Allows open communication with your patient Designed for nose and mouth breathers Convenient swivel elbow to reposition tubing Nasal Gastric tube can be threaded through OxyTyke Allows for suctioning & oral care through mask Oxygen Flow Settings.25 L/min 22%.50 L/min 25%.75 L/min 30% 1 L/min 35% 1.5 L/min 43% 2 L/min 47% 3 L/min 50% >5 L/min 65% Approximate O2 Concentrations Product # OT-1025-8 Penguin An OxyArm Product Adjust flow from.25 L/min up to required flow to achieve required oxygen level using a pulse oximeter 1-800-463-7146 Toll Free in North America 1-705-726-9383 1-705-728-9537 Fax email: 50 Alliance Blvd., Barrie, ON., Canada L4M 5K3 ISO 13485 1st Open Oxygen System We are the experts! Patented OXYKID IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK 04/13 P0046
[OxyMask 제품특장점설명 ] 1. OxyMask 는모든산소요법에적용가능한신개념의혁신적인산소마스크로다음 의모든산소전달도구 ( 의료용품 ) 를대체할수있습니다. 재호흡방지마스크또는비재호흡마스크 (nonrebreathing Mask) 부분재호흡마스크 (partial rebreathing mask) Venturi 마스크 비강캐뉼라 (nasal cannula) 단순마스크 (simple face mask)
2. OxyMask 에는다른그어떠한산소마스크와는달리 Pin & Diffuser 의테크놀로지 가적용되어환자에게효율적이고효과적으로산소투여를가능케합니다. 산소투여시 Pin 주위로 4 개의와류 (vortex) 가생겨기체역학적으로 Pin 주위에강력 한산소소용돌이가발생되며이를통해일반산소마스크와는다르게효과적이며효 율적으로환자에게산소를투여할수있습니다. Oxygen-Vortex( 산소소용돌이 ) 에서모여진산소가 Diffuser의구조적인원리로인하여잠시퍼졌다가빠른속도로모여지면서환자의코와입부위로산소가집중공급됩니다.
3. OxyMask 는아래의가이드에따라 Flow Rate 만조절하면아래와같은 FiO2 의 산소를투여할수있습니다. 단순히 Flow Rate만조절하여산소요법을할수있습니다. ( 소아용의경우다른가이드라인이적용됩니다.)
4. Mask 가 Open-Design 으로바깥대기와통하기때문에아래와같은장점이있습 니다. Zero Possibility of CO2 at flow rate of less than 4 LPM 마스크가뚫려있기때문에이산화탄소축적의가능성이제로입니다. Zero Possibility of positive pressure (Intrinsic PEEP) at flow rate greater than 15LPM 마스크가뚫려있기때문에 15LPM 에서도양압이생기지않으므로양압 으로인한부작용발생가능성이제로입니다. Open Communication 마스크가뚫려있기때문에환자가마스크를착용한상태에서도의료진은 환자와소통할수있습니다. Other Therapy is possible 마스크가뚫려있기때문에환자가마스크를착용, 산소를투여받는상황에서도동시에다른치료및시술등의의료행위를환자에게적용할수있습니다. - Oral/Nasal Suctioning - Nasal Gastric Tube 착용 - Aerosol therapy via a mouth piece - Incentive Spirometry - Airway/Lung Clearance therapy
5. OxyMask 는 nasal cannula, simples oxygen mask, partial-rebreathing mask, nonrebreathing mask, venturi mask 모두를대체하기때문에병원의재고비용을절감 시킬수있습니다. ( 예 ) 재고유지현황 nasal cannula simples oxygen mask partialrebreathing non-rebreathing mask venturi mask mask, nonrebreathing mask 100개 100개 100개 100개 100개 산소전달기구재고 : 총 500개 OxyMask 도입 OxyMask 각각의 FiO2에따른산소전달기구에대하여따로따로재고를유지할필요가없습니다. OxyMask 200~300개로대체가능합니다. 이를통해의료용품재고유지비용과재고관리비용모두를절감할수있습니다. OxyMask는한환자에게상태변화에따른여러가지의산소전달기구의교체가필요한경우 Flow Rate만조절하면됩니다. 따라서기존의한환자에게적용되었던다양한산소전달기구의교체적용이필요없으므로이에대한비용을절감할수있습니다. 6. OxyMask는간단히 Flow Rate만조절하면모든 FiO2 설정이가능하기때문에기존에환자에따른 FiO2변경및산소전달기구조작과맞춤으로인하여불필요하게발생되는의료진 ( 의사및간호사 ) 의시간을줄일수있어서의료진이보다더중요한의료행위에집중할수있도록해줍니다. 7. OxyMask 는 Phthalate-Free 제품으로인체에유해할수있는성분이전혀없습니 다.