폐경기건강관리 Managing Menopause About menopause Menopause is reached when a woman stops having monthly periods for 12 months in a row. It happens as a natural part of aging, but can also occur when less estrogen is being made by the ovaries due to treatments, such as surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy. Estrogen is a hormone made by the ovaries. When less estrogen is made, signs of menopause can occur. The signs vary and can be uncomfortable, but often improve over time. Talk about your body s changes with your health care provider. Discuss treatments that may be best for you to manage your signs of menopause. Signs of menopause Let your doctor know about any changes you are having. These signs may be part of menopause, but they may also be signs of other health problems. Common signs of menopause include: Changes in periods or menstrual cycles Hot flashes or warm flush feeling and sweating Problems sleeping Mood changes Headaches Feeling anxious Vaginal dryness Lack of sex drive or painful intercourse Dryness of the skin or hair 폐경에대한일반정보 폐경은 12 개월이상월경이없을때를말합니다. 폐경은자연스러운노화의결과로나타나는현상이지만, 수술, 방사선요법, 화학요법등의치료로인해난소에서생성되는에스트로겐이감소해도발생할수있습니다. 에스트로겐은난소에서생성되는호르몬입니다. 에스트로겐이적게생성되면폐경기증상이나타날수있습니다. 증상은다양하고불편이느껴질수있으나보통은시간이지나면서개선되기도합니다. 담당의사와신체변화에대해상담하고, 폐경기건강관리를위한치료법에대해조언을받으십시오. 폐경기증상 의사에게여러분이겪는신체변화를설명합니다. 이는폐경증상일수도있고다른건강문제의신호일수도있습니다. 일반적인폐경기증상 월경기간또는주기변화 안면홍조또는몸이달아오르고땀을흘림 수면장애 감정의변화 두통 초조감 질건조증 성욕저하또는성교통증 건조한피부또는모발
2 healthinfotranslations.org What you can do to help symptoms To help with hot flashes Wear absorbent, cotton clothing and dress in layers. Remove pieces of clothing at the first sign of flush. Avoid wearing tight clothing. Keep room temperature at a lower setting. Use fans to circulate air. Avoid hot baths or showers. Reduce the amount of caffeine you consume. Caffeine is in coffee, tea, colas, and chocolate. Avoid spicy foods and eat lighter meals when it is hot outside. Reduce how much alcohol you drink, especially red and white wines. Exercise each day for at least 30 minutes. Reduce stress. Use relaxation techniques, such as yoga, meditation, and massage. Avoid smoking. Talk to your doctor about the use of herbs and dietary supplements. Check with your doctor or pharmacist before using soy products, black cohash, dong quai, ginseng, or others. They can help you weigh the risks and benefits for your health. There may be possible interactions with other treatments. 증상개선방법 안면홍조를완화하는방법 흡수력이좋은면으로된옷을여러겹입습니다. 홍조증상이생기기시작하면옷을벗습니다. 몸에꽉붙는옷은입지않습니다. 실내온도는낮게유지합니다. 환기를통해공기를순환시킵니다. 뜨거운물로목욕이나샤워를하지않습니다. 카페인섭취량을줄입니다. 카페인은특히커피, 차, 콜라, 초콜릿에많이함유되어있습니다. 매운음식을피하고밖이더울때는가벼운식사를합니다. 알코올섭취, 특히적포도주와백포도주섭취를줄입니다. 매일 30 분이상운동합니다. 가급적스트레스를줄입니다. 요가, 명상, 마사지등을이용하여충분한휴식을취합니다. 흡연을삼갑니다. 의사에게허브나보조식품에대해조언을받으십시오. 콩으로만든식품류, 블랙코호시 ( 폐경기에도움을주는허브류 ), 당귀나인삼등을섭취하기전에의사나약사와상의하십시오. 이러한성분이건강에미칠수있는위험이나효력에대한조언을줄수있습니다. 다른치료와의상호작용이발생할수있습니다.
healthinfotranslations.org 3 Discuss use of medicines with your doctor. Your doctor may recommend dietary supplements or nonprescription medicines, such as Vitamin B complex, Vitamin E, ibuprofen, or prescription medicines such as: Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). For moderate to severe hot flashes, your doctor may recommend short term (less than 5 years) use of HRT if you do not have other health problems. HRT contain estrogen and sometimes progestin. Antidepressants, such as sertraline (Zoloft), venlafaxine (Effexor), and paroxetine (Paxil). Blood pressure medicine, such as clonidine (Catapres). Birth control pills. Anti-seizure medicine, such as gabapentin (Neurontin, Gabarone). Many of these medicines are used for other health reasons, but may reduce hot flashes. Often, these medicines are begun in small doses and are then increased over time to control your signs. To help with sleep Keep a regular sleep schedule. Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, even on weekends. Keep the room cool and wear lightweight clothes. Try a warm bath or shower at bedtime or after waking up at night. Exercise regularly. Do not rely on sleeping pills. They can disrupt restful sleeping patterns. Avoid products with caffeine or alcohol in the evening. 의사와약물사용에대해상의하십시오. 의사가비타민 B 복합체, 비타민 E, 이부프로펜등의식품보조제나일반의약품을권하거나다음과같은처방을내릴수있습니다. 호르몬대체요법 (HRT). 중증안면홍조의경우, 다른건강문제가없으면의사가단기간 (5 년이하 ) HRT 사용을권할수있습니다. HRT 에는에스트로겐이포함되어있고, 때로는프로게스틴이포함될때도있습니다. 설트랄린 (Zoloft), 벤라팍신 (Effexor), 파록세틴 (Paxil) 등항우울제. 클로니딘 (Catapres) 등의혈압약. 경구피임약. 가바펜틴 (Neurontin, Gabarone) 등의항경련제. 이런약물대부분은다른건강문제치료에사용되지만홍조를완화할수도있습니다. 이약물은주로소량투약에서시작해서시간이지날수록증량하여증상을관리합니다. 수면을돕는방법 규칙적인수면습관을유지합니다. 매일 ( 주말에도 ) 같은시간에잠자리에들고같은시간에일어납니다. 방을시원하게하고얇은옷을입고잡니다. 자기전이나밤에잠에서깼을때, 뜻한물로목욕을하거나샤워를합니다. 규칙적으로운동합니다. 수면제에의존하지않습니다. 수면제는숙면패턴을방해할수있습니다. 저녁에는카페인이나알코올음료를피합니다.
4 healthinfotranslations.org Try cereal and milk at bedtime or after waking. Avoid late meals and filling snacks. To help your moods or anxious feelings Talk with your doctor about your feelings, moods, and frustrations. Discuss treatments, such as antidepressants. Join a support group or seek counseling if needed. Keep involved with social and family activities that you enjoy. Reduce stress. Practice deep, slow abdominal breathing for relaxation. Focus on 1 or 2 tasks at a time. Set realistic goals. Avoid multiple, conflicting tasks. Exercise regularly. To help with vaginal dryness or sexual problems There are products available to help with vaginal dryness or with painful intercourse: Water-based lubricants, such as Astroglide or K-Y relieve vaginal dryness during intercourse. Moisturizers, such as Replens or Lubrin restore vaginal moisture and comfort. Vaginal estrogen therapy, such as estrogen cream, estrogen ring, and estrogen tablet relieve vaginal dryness. Talk to your doctor to see if estrogen can be safely prescribed for you. Testosterone creams can be used to increase sex drive. 자기전에또는잠에서깨면시리얼과우유를먹습니다. 늦은식사나간식은피합니다. 감정변화나초조감조절방법 의사에게감정, 기분, 좌절감에대해이야기합니다. 항우울제등의치료에대해상담합니다. 지원단체에가입하거나필요한경우상담을받습니다. 즐길만한사회활동이나가족활동에계속참여합니다. 가급적스트레스를줄입니다. 깊고느린복식호흡으로긴장을풀어줍니다. 한번에 1~2 개작업에만집중합니다. 현실적인목표를세웁니다. 여러개의상충하는작업은피하는것이좋습니다. 규칙적으로운동합니다. 건조한질또는성생활문제 질의건조함이나성관계시통증완화에도움이되는제품이있습니다. 아스트로글라이드 (Astroglide) 나 K-Y 제품등의수용성젤은성관계시질의건조함을완화합니다. 리플렌 (Replens) 이나 Lubrin 등의보습제는질의보습감과편안함을회복시켜줍니다. 에스트로겐크림, 에스트로겐링, 에스트로겐알약등의질에스트로겐치료는질의건조함을완화합니다. 의사와상담하여에스트로겐을안전하게처방받을수있는지확인하십시오. 테스토스테론크림은성욕증가에도움이될수있습니다.
healthinfotranslations.org 5 When you have sex, increase foreplay time. This helps boost natural lubrication. Avoid using douches, feminine hygiene sprays, lotions, soaps, and bubble baths that may irritate your vagina. Kegel exercises may help to strengthen the muscles that control the bladder. Communication with your partner is very important. To help with dry skin and hair It is normal as estrogen decreases for the body to produce less oil for the skin and hair. Use lotion on dry skin two times each day. Do not use lotions with heavy perfumes or alcohol. They can cause more drying. Limit your time in the sun. For your skin, use sunscreen with 30 or 45 SPF and reapply as directed. Wear a hat or head covering. Brush your hair more often. This helps spread your hair s natural oils from the root of the hair to the tip. Wash hair less often. When washing, use a conditioner each time. Limit use of hair coloring, straightening or permanent waves. These chemicals can dry your hair. 성관계시전희시간을늘립니다. 전희는자연적인윤활을돕습니다. 질에자극이갈만한질세척제, 여성청결스프레이, 로션, 비누, 거품입욕제등의사용을자제합니다. 케겔 (Kegel) 운동이방광을제어하는근육을강화시키는데도움을줄수있습니다. 파트너와의소통이매우중요합니다. 건조한피부또는모발개선 인체의에스트로겐이감소하면서피부와모발의유분이줄어드는것은자연스러운현상입니다. 건조한피부에는매일로션을 2 회이상바르는것이좋습니다. 짙은향수나알코올이들어있는로션은사용하지않습니다. 이러한제품은오히려피부를더건조하게하기때문입니다. 자외선에장시간노출되지않도록합니다. 피부에 30-45 SPF 의자외선차단제를바르고지시에따라덧바릅니다. 밖에나갈때는모자를쓰거나머리를덮습니다. 머리를자주빗으십시오. 모발뿌리에서끝까지모발의천연유분이퍼지도록도와줍니다. 머리감는횟수를줄입니다. 머리를감을때마다린스를사용하는것이좋습니다. 염색, 스트레이트또는펌을제한하십시오. 이러한화학물질은모발을더욱건조하게합니다.
6 healthinfotranslations.org Lower your risk of heart disease and osteoporosis During menopause and after, women have a greater risk for heart disease and osteoporosis. This is linked to the changes in hormones. You can take steps to lessen your risk and stay healthy. To prevent heart disease Stop using tobacco products, such as cigarettes. Ask your doctor for help to quit tobacco. Limit alcohol to one drink per day. Eat a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Limit salt, saturated fat, and cholesterol in your diet. Control your weight. Extra weight means your heart has to work harder. Exercise regularly. To prevent osteoporosis Have a bone densitometry test to check your bones before menopause. This gives a baseline measurement. Then, have periodic follow-up scans to recheck bone density or treatment progress. Increase weight-bearing exercise. For example, walk 2 to 3 miles a day, 4 to 5 times each week. 심장병및골다공증위험완화 폐경기중이거나혹은그후의여성들은심장병이나골다공증에걸릴위험이더커집니다. 그이유는호르몬분비의변화와관련있습니다. 이러한위험들을줄이고건강을유지하기위한조치를취할수있습니다. 심장병예방 금연해야합니다. 금연과관련하여의사의도움을받으십시오. 술은가급적하루에한잔으로제한합니다. 다양한채소, 과일과잡곡을골고루먹습니다. 소금, 포화지방, 콜레스테롤섭취를제한합니다. 체중을관리합니다. 비만이되면심장에무리가가기쉽습니다. 규칙적으로운동합니다. 골다공증예방 폐경기전골밀도검사를통해뼈의건강을확인합니다. 이를기준측정값으로삼습니다. 정기검사를통해골밀도나치료상황을점검합니다. 체중부하운동량을늘립니다. 예를들어, 매주 4~5 회씩 3.2~4.8km 정도걷습니다.
healthinfotranslations.org 7 Get enough calcium in your diet. Women ages 50 and under need 1,000 milligrams (mg) each day. Women over 50 and postmenopausal women not on HRT need 1,200 mg each day. Foods high in calcium include milk, yogurt, cheese, calcium-fortified cereals, orange juice and tofu, broccoli, spinach, collard greens, soy milk, and fish with bones (canned salmon, sardines). Talk to your doctor about taking a calcium supplement. The best calcium supplements are those that contain vitamin D since your body needs vitamin D to use calcium. Your doctor may recommend taking 1,000 mg or more of calcium per day in divided doses. Talk to your doctor about taking a vitamin D supplement if your exposure to sunlight is low. If you have thinning bones, avoid dangerous physical activities and try to prevent falls. Remove loose throw rugs that might cause you to trip and fall at home. Avoid use of tobacco products. If needed, talk to your doctor about medicines that can help your bone health. 식사를통해충분한칼슘을섭취합니다. 50 세미만여성은하루 1,000mg 이필요합니다. 50 세이상여성과 HRT 를받지않는폐경기여성은하루 1,200mg 이필요합니다. 칼슘함량이높은식품은우유, 요거트, 치즈, 칼슘강화시리얼, 오렌지주스, 두부, 브로콜리, 시금치, 케일, 두유, 뼈가있는생선 ( 연어통조림, 정어리 ) 등입니다. 의사에게칼슘보조제에대해상담하십시오. 칼슘을사용하는데비타민 D 가필요하므로비타민 D 가함유된칼슘보조제가가장좋습니다. 의사가하루 1,000mg 의칼슘을나누어복용할것을권할수있습니다. 햇빛을보는시간이적으면, 비타민 D 보조제섭취에대해의사와상담하십시오. 뼈가가늘어지면위험한신체활동을피하고넘어지지않도록유의합니다. 집안에서발에걸려쉽게넘어질수있는느슨한러그는치우는것이좋습니다. 가급적금연하는것이좋습니다. 필요할경우, 의사에게뼈건강에도움이되는약에대해상담하십시오. 2008 - March 21, 2017, Health Information Translations. Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from www.healthinfotranslations.org for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain treatment.