저희라마다프라자수원중식당진마오에서는국내산김치 ( 국내산 : 배추, 고추가루 ), 대합, 중합, 도미, 전복과캐나다산랍스터를사용하고있습니다. 고객님의안전한먹거리를위해항상최선을다하는진마오가되도록노력하겠습니다. All Rice, Kimchi, Cabbage, Dried Re

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Download "저희라마다프라자수원중식당진마오에서는국내산김치 ( 국내산 : 배추, 고추가루 ), 대합, 중합, 도미, 전복과캐나다산랍스터를사용하고있습니다. 고객님의안전한먹거리를위해항상최선을다하는진마오가되도록노력하겠습니다. All Rice, Kimchi, Cabbage, Dried Re"



2 저희라마다프라자수원중식당진마오에서는국내산김치 ( 국내산 : 배추, 고추가루 ), 대합, 중합, 도미, 전복과캐나다산랍스터를사용하고있습니다. 고객님의안전한먹거리를위해항상최선을다하는진마오가되도록노력하겠습니다. All Rice, Kimchi, Cabbage, Dried Red Pepper Powder, Clam, Baekhab, Sea Bream, Abalone served is from Korea and Lobster served is from Canada. We are very grateful to have you with us and we will put the utmost effort to provide you the best quality, gracious hospitality and comfort while you stay with us. Thank you again for visiting JINMAO. Jungbudaero 150 Paldal gu, Suwon City, Gyeonggi do 16483, Korea Reservation : E mail. restaurants@ramadasuwon.com Tel ~0073

3 Dinner Menu

4 梅 Mae 매 金茂特品盤 Jinmao Special Cold Dish 진마오특품냉채 蟹肉魚翅湯 Shark s fin With Crab Meat Soup 상어지느러미게살스프 松茸青菜 Wok Fried Pine Mushroom & Bok Choy 송이볶음 油淋鷄 Deep Fried Chicken with Spicy Soy Sauce 유림기 黑椒牛肉 Stir Fried Beef Tenderloin with Black Pepper Sauce 통후추쇠고기안심 漁香大蝦 Deep Fried King Prawn With Chili Sauce 칠리왕새우 食事 Noodle or Fried rice 면또는볶음밥 季節水果 Seasonal Fresh Fruit 신선한계절과일 68,000 All fresh rice, Kim chi, served is from Korea unless stated otherwise. 메뉴에사용된모든쌀, 배추김치는국내산이며외국산을사용할경우에는메뉴에별도표기합니다. Set menu are avaliable for parties of two or more people. 세트메뉴는 2 인이상시주문가능합니다.

5 蘭 Nan 난 菊 Guk 국 金茂特品盤 Jinmao Special Cold Dish 진마오특품냉채 三鮮魚翅湯 Shark`s fin with three kinds of Seafood Soup 상어지느러미삼선스프 豆豉活鮑魚 Braised Fresh Abalone with Black Bean Sauce 검은콩소스활전복 蟹肉綠筍 Wok Fried Asparagus with Crab Meat 게살아스파라거스 乾燒龙虾 Fried Lobster with Garlic Sauce 깐풍바닷가재 麻辣牛肉 Stir Fried Beef Tenderloin *Sichuan* 사천식쇠고기안심 食事 Noodle or Fried rice 면또는볶음밥 季節水果 Seasonal Fresh Fruit 신선한계절과일 金茂特品盤 Jinmao Special Cold Dish 진마오특품냉채 粤式松茸大排翅 Steamed Shark`s fin with Pine mushroom *GuangZhou* 광동식상어지느러미찜 漁香活鮑魚 Braised Fresh Abalone with Chili Bean Sauce 활전복과어향소스 烏龍海參 Braised Sea Cucumber Staffed Minced Shrimp 오룡해삼 豆豉松茸鮮貝 Stir Fried Scallop & Pine mushroom with Black Bean sauce 두치송이관자 黑椒牛肉 Stir Fried Beef Tenderloin with Black Pepper Sauce 통후추쇠고기안심 食事 Noodle or Fried rice 면또는볶음밥 季節水果 Seasonal Fresh Fruit 신선한계절과일 78,000 88,000 All fresh rice, Kim chi, served is from Korea unless stated otherwise. 메뉴에사용된모든쌀, 배추김치는국내산이며외국산을사용할경우에는메뉴에별도표기합니다. Set menu are avaliable for parties of two or more people. 세트메뉴는 2 인이상시주문가능합니다. All fresh rice, Kim chi, served is from Korea unless stated otherwise. 메뉴에사용된모든쌀, 배추김치는국내산이며외국산을사용할경우에는메뉴에별도표기합니다. Set menu are avaliable for parties of two or more people. 세트메뉴는 2 인이상시주문가능합니다.

6 竹 Juk 죽 松 Song 송 金茂特品盤 Jinmao Special Cold Dish 진마오특품냉채 特大排翅 Double Steamed Special Whole Shark`s fin 특상어지느러미찜 海蔘湯 Braised Sea Cucumber with Oyster Sauce 해삼탕 X.O 鮑魚 Braised Abalone with X.O Sauce X.O 전복 佛跳牆 Buddha Jumps Over the Wall 불도장 黑椒韓牛肉 Stir Fried *HAN WOO* Tenderloin & Asparagus with Black Pepper Sauce 통후추아스파라거스한우안심 食事 Noodle or Fried rice 면또는볶음밥 季節水果 Seasonal Fresh Fruit 신선한계절과일 活鮑魚冷菜 Jinmao Special Cold Dish with sliced Fresh abalone 활전복냉채 廣東海鮮大排翅 Steamed Shark s fin *Guangzhou* 광동식상어지느러미찜 松茸海蔘鮑魚 Braised Abalone & Sea Cucumber & Pine 송이해삼전복 活清蒸石斑魚 Steamed Live Rock Fish with Soy Sauce or Chili bean sauce 우럭찜 ( 간장소스또는어향소스택일 ) 紅蔘彿跳牆 Red Ginseng & Buddha Jumps Over the Wall 홍삼불도장 麻辣韓牛肉 Stir Fried *HAN WOO* Tenderloin with Hot Spicy Sauce 마라소스한우안심 食事 Noodle or Fried rice 면또는볶음밥 季節水果 Seasonal Fresh Fruit 신선한계절과일 100, ,000 All fresh rice, Kim chi, served is from Korea unless stated otherwise. 메뉴에사용된모든쌀, 배추김치는국내산이며외국산을사용할경우에는메뉴에별도표기합니다. Set menu are avaliable for parties of two or more people. 세트메뉴는 2 인이상시주문가능합니다. All fresh rice, Kim chi, served is from Korea unless stated otherwise. 메뉴에사용된모든쌀, 배추김치는국내산이며외국산을사용할경우에는메뉴에별도표기합니다. Set menu are avaliable for parties of two or more people. 세트메뉴는 2 인이상시주문가능합니다.

7 À La Carte

8 Cold Dishes 냉채류 1. 拌三鮮 Lobster & Assorted Seafood Cold Dish 바닷가재해산물모듬냉채 Small Regular 64,000 93, 金茂特品盤 Jinmao Special Cold Dish 진마오특품냉채 50,000 72, 鮑魚大虾冷盤 Fresh Abalone & Prawn Cold Dish 전복대하냉채 64,000 93, 芥汁凉拌三鮮 Fresh Abalone & Shrimp & Sea Cucumber with Mustard Sauce 삼선냉채 44,000 63, 五香醬牛肉 Braised Beef Shank with Chinese Five Spice 오향장육 44,000 63,000

9 Soup 스프 Shark s fin 샥스핀 6. 海鮮湯 Assorted Seafood Soup 해산물스프 13. 特大排翅 Double Steamed Special Whole Shark`s fin 특상어지느러미찜 1per 68, 松茸鮑魚湯 Pine Mushroom & Abalone Soup 송이전복스프 1per 鮑魚大排翅 Steamed Whole Shark`s fin with Abalone 전복상어지느러미찜 1per 75, 蟹肉魚翅湯 Crab Meat Shark s fin Soup 게살상어지느러미스프 15. 松茸大排翅 Steamed Whole Shark`s fin with Pine Mushroom 특송이상어지느러미찜 1per 75, 蟹肉玉米湯 Crab Meat & Sweet Corn Soup 게살옥수수스프 1per 14, 酸辣大排翅 Steamed Whole Shark`s fin with Hot & Sour Sauce 산라상어지느러미찜 1per 68, 酸辣魚翅湯 Hot & Sour Shark s fin Soup 산라상어지느러미스프 11. 干貝蔬菜湯 Dried Scallop & Vegetable Soup 마른관자야채스프 1per 14, 佛跳牆 Buddha Jumps Over the Wall 불도장 1per 80,000

10 Sea Cucumber & Abalone 해삼전복 Shrimp 새우 Small Regular Small Regular 17. 烏龍海蔘 Braised Sea Cucumber Staffed Minced Shrimp 오룡해삼 60,000 87, 乾燒明蝦 Deep Fried Prawn with Chili Sauce 새우칠리소스 44,000 63, 松茸海蔘 Stir Fried Sea Cucumber & Pine Mushroom 해삼송이 54,000 78, 合桃富貴明蝦 Deep Fried Prawn with Cream Sauce & Walnut 새우크림소스 44,000 63, 海蔘燒肘子 Wok Fried Sea Cucumber & Braised Pork Belly 해삼과삼겹살찜 ( 국내산 : 돈삼겹 ) 58,000 84, 乾烹明蝦 Deep Fried Prawn with Garlic Sauce 새우마늘소스 44,000 63, 醬燒鮑魚 Braised Sea Cucumber with Chili Bean Sauce 어향해삼 58,000 85, 四川蝦仁 Stir Fried Shrimp with Hot Sauce *Sichuan Style* 사천식새우 42,000 60, 海蔘鮑魚 Braised Abalone & Sea Cucumber 해삼전복 58,000 85, 蒜茸大蝦 Steamed King Prawn with Whole Garlic 왕새우마늘찜 1PC 15, 海蔘松茸鮑魚 Braised Abalone & Pine Mushroom & Sea Cucumber 해삼송이전복 58,000 85, 檸檬大蝦 Deep Fried King Prawn with Basil Lemon Sauce 레몬바질왕새우 1PC 15, 紅燒海蔘 Braised Sea Cucumber with Oyster Sauce 홍소해삼 58,000 85, 乾烹鮑魚 Deep Fried Abalone with Garlic Sauce 깐풍전복 62,000 91,000

11 Seafood 해산물 Pork 돼지고기 Small Regular Small Regular 31. 全家福 Stir Fried Assorted Seafood & Vegetable 전가복 58,000 84, 東坡肉 Braised Pork Belly & Bok Choy with Oyster Sauce 동파육 36,000 51, 流三絲 Stir Fried Shredded Beef & Shrimp & Sea Cucumber 류산슬 42,000 60, 糖醋肉 Deep Fried Pork Loin with Sweet & Sour Sauce 탕수육 35,000 50, 八寶辣椒 Stir Fried Assorted Seafood & Vegetable with Hot Bean Sauce 팔보채 48,000 69, 乾烹肉 Deep Fried Pork Loin with Garlic Sauce 깐풍육 35,000 50, 兩張皮 Stir Fried Mushroom Vegetable with Cold Beef & Mustard Sauce 양장피잡채 50,000 72, 辣椒肉 Stir Fried Pork Loin with Hot Spicy Sauce 라조육 35,000 50, 三鮮鍋粑 Stir Fried 3 kind of Seafood & Vegetable with Crispy Rice Soup 삼선누룽지탕 50,000 72,000

12 Beef 쇠고기요리 Duck & Chicken 오리고기, 닭요리 Small Regular Small Regular 40. 黑胡椒牛柳 Wok Fried Beef Tenderloin with Black Pepper Sauce 통후추쇠고기안심스테이크 47,000 68, 北京烤鴨 Peking Duck 북경오리세트 * 북경오리 1 마리 ( 야빙, 야채, 소스포함 ) & 오리야채볶음 (S) & 꽃빵 4pc 1 마리 90, 松茸牛肉 Stir Fried Beef Tenderloin & Pine Mushroom & Asparagus 쇠고기안심과송이아스파라거스 45,000 65, 腰果鷄丁 Stir Fried Chicken & Cashew Nut 닭고기캐슈넛볶음 31,000 44, 青椒牛肉絲 Stir Fried Beef Tenderloin & Pimento with Chili Bean Sauce 쇠고기안심피망볶음 40,000 57, 罗勒檸檬鷄 Deep Fried Chicken with Basil Lemon Sauce 바질레몬기 33,000 47, 糖醋牛肉 Deep Fried Beef Tenderloin with Sweet & Sour 쇠고기탕수육 38,000 52, 豆豉鷄 Stir Fried Chicken & Vegetable with Spicy Black Bean Sauce 두치소스닭고기볶음 31,000 44, 辣爆牛肉絲 Stir Fried Beef Tenderloin with Hot Chili Pepper 쇠고기안심매운고추볶음 45,000 65, 油淋鷄 Deep Fried Chicken with Spicy Soy Sauce 유림기 36,000 51, 乾烹鷄 Deep Fried Chicken with Garlic Sauce 깐풍기 31,000 44, 辣椒鷄 Deep Fried Chicken with Hot Spicy Sauce 라조기 31,000 44,000

13 Vegetable 야채요리 Dim Sum 딤섬 Small Regular 52. 松茸青菜 Wok Fried Pine Mushroom & Bok Choy 송이청경채 32,000 45, 北京烤鴨 Spring Rolls 춘권 4 PC 9, 頂湖上素 Wok Fried Seasonal Green Vegetable with Garlic Sauce 마늘향계절야채 32,000 45, 水餃 Boiled Dumplings 물만두 12 PC 8, 東菇蘭花 Wok Fried Broccoli & Black Mushroom with Oyster Sauce 브로컬리표고버섯 28,000 39, 蒸餃 Steamed Dumplings 찐만두 8 PC 8, 蠔油青菜 Braised Bok Choy with Oyster Sauce 굴소스청경채 28,000 39, 煎餃 Fried Dumplings 군만두 8 PC 9, 麻婆豆腐 Bean Curd & Minced Beef with Hot Sauce (Ma Pa To Pu) 마파두부 28,000 39, 花捲 Steamed Plain Roll 꽃빵 1 PC 1, 漁香茄子 Deep Fried Egg Plant & Minced Beef with Chili Bean Sauce 어향가지 28,000 39, 蟹肉綠筍 Wok Fried Asparagus & Crab Meat 게살아스파라거스 30,000 42,000

14 Rice 쌀식사 Noodle 면류 64. 海鲜炒飯 Seafood Fried Rice 해물볶음밥 73. 三鮮炸醬麵 Black Soy Bean Sauce Three Kinds of Seafood Noodle 삼선자장면 1per 14, 蟹肉炒飯 Crab Meat & Dried Scallop Fried Rice 게살관자볶음밥 74. 牛肉炸醬麵 Black Soy Bean Sauce Ground Beef Noodle 쇠고기자장면 66. 虾仁炒飯 Shrimp Fried Rice 새우볶음밥 67. 蟹肉炒飯 King Crab Fried Rice 킹크랩볶음밥 68. 菜炒飯 Vegetable Fried Rice 야채볶음밥 69. 牛肉炒飯 Beef Fried Rice 쇠고기볶음밥 1per 14, 海鮮辣湯麵 Variety Seafood Hot Spicy Noodle Soup 삼선짬뽕면 76. 雞絲麵 Chicken Breast & Mushroom Noodle Soup 기스면 77. 三鮮湯麵 Three Kinds of Seafood Noodle Soup 삼선우동 1per 17,000 1per 13,000 1per 16, 海鮮辣湯飯 Variety Seafood Hot Spicy Soup with Steamed Rice 짬뽕밥 1per 18, 蔬菜湯麵 Wok Fried Assorted Vegetable Noodle Soup 야채탕면 1per 14, 八珍燴飯 Steamed Rice with Stir Fried Assorted Seafood & Vegetable 해물덮밥 72. 流三絲燴飯 Steamed Rice with Stir Fried Sea Cucumber & Beef 유산슬덮밥 1per 22,000 1per 20, 牛肉湯麵 Stir Fried Sliced Beef Noodle Soup 우육탕면 80. 八珍湯麵 Stir Fried Variety Seafood Noodle Soup 팔진탕면 1per 18,000 1per 18, 八珍炒麵 Wok Fried Variety Seafood Fried Noodle 팔진초면 1per 19,000

15 Dessert 감채류 83. 芒果西米露 Chilled Mango Sago 망고시미로 84. 拔絲地瓜 Fried Sweet Potato Honey 고구마탕 1per 7,000 1per 12,000 Beverage 85. 拔絲香蕉 Fried Banana 바나나탕 1per 12, 季節水果 Seasonal Fresh Fruits 계절과일 1per 12, 生果冰淇淋 Ice Cream (Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate) 아이스크림 ( 바닐라, 딸기, 초코렛 ) 1per 12,000

16 CHINESE LIQUOR 五糧液 Wu Liang Ye 오량액 500 ml 595,000 水井坊 Shui Jing Fang 수정방 500 ml 495,000 金門高梁酒 Jin Men Gao Liang 금문고량주 600 ml 300 ml 竹葉青酒 Chu Ye Qing Jiu 죽엽청주 500ml 140ml 天津高梁酒 Tian Jin Gao Liang 천진고량주 560 ml 140 ml 孔府家酒 Kong Fu Jia Jiu 공부가주 500 ml 140 ml Bottle 195,000 99,000 86,000 30,000 86,000 30,000 78,000 27,000 Beer Guinness 330 ml 14,000 Heineken 330 ml 13,000 Asahi 330 ml 13,000 Budweiser 330 ml 11,000 Tsingtao 330 ml 10,000 Kloud 330 ml 10,000 Kloud Draft 330 ml 9,000 Cass 330 ml 9,000 Hite 330 ml 9,000 Fitz 330 ml 9,000 烟台古 Yan Tai Gu Niang 연태고량주 500 ml 250 ml 78,000 42,000 Soft drink, Juice, Water 陳年紹興酒 V.O Shao Shing Jiu 진년소흥주 600 ml 90,000 Coke 250 ml 7,000 Diet Coke 250 ml 7,000 Sprite 250 ml 7,000 Korean Traditional Liquor 安東燒酒 Andong Soju 안동소주 400 ml 55,000 Bottle Evian 500 ml 7,000 Perrier 330 ml 7,000 Tonic Water 250 ml 7,000 百歲酒 Baek Se Ju 백세주 500 ml 55,000 火堯 Hwa Yo 25 화요 ml 39,000 一品眞露 Il Poom Jin Ro 일품진로 375 ml 38,000 覆盆子 Bokbunja 복분자 375 ml 33,000 雪中梅 Suljungmae 설중매 375 ml 22,000 梅翠純 Maechisoon 매취순 360 ml 22,000 Chinese Tea, Coffee 普洱茶 Pu er Tea 보이차 1 pot 16,000 菊花茶 Chrysanthemum Tea 국화차 1 pot 16,000 Americano 10,000 Iced Americano 11,000


싱카이 역삼점 메뉴내지_단품음주류

싱카이 역삼점 메뉴내지_단품음주류 XINGKAI Set Chin Set Today s Soup, Shredded Sea Cucumber and Shrimp with Beef, Fried Prawn in Chili Sauce, Fried Rice or Noodles, Dessert Myung Set Today s Soup, Fried Chicken in Garlic and Soy Sauce,

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연세대-신규메뉴북-수정3 CHINESE BISTRO LUNCH COURSE (11:00 ~ 15:00 靑 33,000 Mushroom & Crab Meat Soup Cantonese-style Stir-Fried Seafood Deep-Fried Prawn with Spicy Chili Sauce Stir-Fried Shredded Green Bell Pepper & Beef Choice

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담 더 서 광 백 불 양 동 함 어 요 요 리 을 신 리 는 느 선 법 낄 한 이 외 국 수 식 결 재 합 문 있 료 된 화 는 의 본 독 정 연 특 영 통 의 한 향 광 맛 특 을 동 을 성 받 요 을 아 리 살 를 린 가 지 유 고 에 있 에 습 서 니 즐 다 겨

담 더 서 광 백 불 양 동 함 어 요 요 리 을 신 리 는 느 선 법 낄 한 이 외 국 수 식 결 재 합 문 있 료 된 화 는 의 본 독 정 연 특 영 통 의 한 향 광 맛 특 을 동 을 성 받 요 을 아 리 살 를 린 가 지 유 고 에 있 에 습 서 니 즐 다 겨 담 더 서 광 백 불 양 동 함 어 요 요 리 을 신 리 는 느 선 법 낄 한 이 외 국 수 식 결 재 합 문 있 료 된 화 는 의 본 독 정 연 특 영 통 의 한 향 광 맛 특 을 동 을 성 받 요 을 아 리 살 를 린 가 지 유 고 에 있 에 습 서 니 즐 다 겨 보 시 기 바 랍 니 다 중 유 국 에 의 레 대 스 표 토 적 랑 인 은 4 상 대 하 이

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