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1 st semester The Present situation of Physical therapy over the world - Types of Physical Therapy Jobs - Therapeutic mechanisms - Subjects Gachon Univ. Col of Healthscience Department of Physical Therapy Hwi-young Cho, PT, Ph.D

2 Types of Physical Therapist Jobs - In Korea - In U.S.A - In Australia

3 Homepage Korea USA Australia

4 호주물리치료사협회 대한물리치료사협회 (March. 2014) 미국물리치료사협회

5 Careers of Physical therapy in Korea (1) Physical therapist in Clinics (2) Public official (3) Research (4) Education (5) Team Doctor or special PT (6) 치료교사 (2008) 전문치료인력 (7) Animal PT (8) 대학원과정 (9) 개인 Clinic (Center) 개원

6 (1) Physical therapist 종합병원 준종합병원 Local 병원 산업체 Clinics 복지관 재활병원 Bobath 병원 (Stroke) 힐링스병원 (SCI) 글로리병원 (Stroke) Sports 전문병원 솔병원 ( 강서 ) 하늘스포츠 척추전문병원 나누리병원 우리들병원

7 강서솔병원 스포츠전문병원 센터 비수술척추시술 척추교정센터 스포츠의학센터 마비재활센터 준종합병원 보바스병원 보바스기념병원 ( 성인 ) 뇌신경재활센터 퇴행성신경질환센터 성인병센터 보바스어린이병원 연령별재활 특징 - 특성화가잘되어있다. - 자신이관심있는분야의치료를전문적으로습득할수있다. - 다른기관에비하여 Certification 취득이용이하다. 연봉 - 1년차 : 2000 ~ 3000 만원 ( 보통 2100~2500 만원 ) - Certification 취득시연봉 200~500 상승. 제한점 - 시간이지나도 4000만원받기가어려움

8 Local 병원 의원급병원 (30 병상이하 ) 에서주로외래환자를대상으로치료업무를수행. 치료의자율적재량이높음. 업무가과중할수도있으며, 매우경할수도있음. 임금역시상황에따라 Case by case. 치료 Technic 을습득하기에최고의조건. 다른기관에비하여여유시간이가장적으며, 고용이가장불안정함.

9 산업체물리치료 - 각산업체에물리치료실이설치되어있음 - 실례 ) 삼성전자, 삼성전기, 두산중공업등 The Role of Industrial PT - Return injured workers to work - Prevent work-related injuries

10 도전적으로지원해보십시오!

11 복지관 분류 ( 시립, 사립 ) 장애인종합복지관 종합사회복지관 노인복지관 여학생들에게추천함. 특징 일의정도가다른기관에비하여덜고됨. 준공무원대접이지만, 임금이적은편임. (2000 만원 ) 다양한사업에참여되며, 다양한일을경험할수있음. 특성화 ( 소아, 수치료 ) 가된복지관의경우, 다른기관에비하여좋은환경에서치료의전문가가될수있음.

12 (2) Public official In technical post 9 급의료기술직공무원 (PT) 7 급보건직공무원 군무원 ( 공무원과약간다르지만동일개념으로취급 ) In research post 연구원 ( 학사가능 ) 1600 ~ 2000 만원 연구사 (6 급, 석사이상 ): Permanent 4000 만원 연구관 (5 급, 박사이상및 2 년이상의경력 ): Permanent

13 (2) Public official 보건직ㆍ의료기술직공무원의혜택및전망 1 정시출퇴근가능 (2005 년부터주 5 일근무, 규칙적인가정생활은물론각종레저생활가능 ) 2 정년퇴직시까지 (58 세 ) 안정된공무원신분보장 ( 각종복리혜택수혜 ) 3 연 850% 의상여금이지급됨 4 전공과관련된시험과목이있고시험문제가모두객관식이므로시험대비학습이용이 5 보건복지분야 ( 보건직공무원, 의료기술직공무원 ) 공무원부족현상초래 ( 인원증원추세 ) 6 본인이원하는시 - 도별로응시하여근무가능. ( 서울, 본적지, 현재주민등록이되어있는지역등 3 군데응시할수있음 ) 7 각시 - 도별로필요시연중수시로모집하므로여러차례응시가능 8 "OECD" 회원국으로가입하면서선진국의최우선척도를가늠하는보건복지제도의기준을따라야함. ( 예 : 국민 명당보건복지요원 명을배치해야하는규정 ) 9 오는 2008 년육아휴직확대 : 여성의경우 3 년, 남성의경우 1 년 10 결혼후에도꾸준히활동할수있으며수입이보장되는안정적인직업군 11 사회고령화등으로인한보건소인력배치인원이계속증가하고있기때문에유망직종으로도채택 보건직ㆍ의료기술직공무원응시시혜택 보건직공무원 면허증에대한가산점 5% 획득 의료기술직공무원 공중보건, 해부생리, 의료관계법규관련전공과목이있어서수월하게준비가가능함.

14 (3) Research Public institution 국립재활원 Private research company Laboratory in Univ. & Hospitals PT lab Several departs in Medicine col. Several departs in Hospitals

15 Public institution 국립재활원재활연구소 분류 1 재활보조기술연구과 재활보조기술, 재활로봇, 장애인운전재활 2 운동인지재활연구과 운동기능재활연구, 인지기능재활연구, 한방을이용한재활연구 3 재활표준연구과 장애인의료재활서비스개발및연구, 장애인의료재활전달체계연구, 양한방협진체계구축, 재활서비스표준화및인증기관마련

16 Laboratory in Univ. & Hospitals PT lab PT lab. in University Kinesiology, Virtual reality, Pain mechanisms etc.. Several departs in Medicine col. Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology etc.. Several departs in Hospitals ( 서울대병원, 아산병원, 삼성의료원 ) 로봇재활센터 etc..


18 Motion Analysis



21 (4) Education Professor 연구교수 강의교수 학회 국제강사 국내강사



24 To be the Professor Full-time 대학원 대학원생활만하는경우 장점 연구에몰입할수있음 다양한협력연구의경험 대학의구조및돌아가는과정을파악할수있음 목표성취가상대적으로높음 지도교수의세심한지도를받을수있음 단점 금전적어려움 임상경험의결여 해결책 : 임상과긴밀한연구를통해다양한경험취득 Part-time 대학원 병원생활을병행하는경우 장점 임상을경험할수있음 다양한증상을실제적으로경험하여추후강의에유용함 상대적인경제적여유 목표성취실패시상대적피해가덜함 다양한아이디어창출가능 단점 연구몰입이어려움 다양한연구방법및협력연구의경험이제한적임. 해결책 : 충분한임상경험후학업에몰입 The road to being the Professor in University is too rough.

25 To be the Professor (cont ) Tip 많은연구를수행하고, 반드시 Paper ( 논문 ) 을쓰자. Paper 는양과질을모두충족하자. 양 = 논문의개수 / 질 = 좋은등급의논문 자신의소질을파악하여, 협력연구를수행하라. 궁합이맞는교수를만나라.

26 (5) Team Doctor or Special PT Sports team 각프로스포츠구단 개인치료사 : 김연아 ( 송재형 ) 국가대표 : 축구 ( 박주영 ), 태권도등 Musical 공연팀 노트르담드파리 돈주앙


28 두산베어스야구단 LG 트윈스야구단

29 삼성트레이닝센터 올림픽공원태권도상설공연장


31 Other types of Physical Therapists

32 (6) 치료교사 특수학교 지체장애 정신지체 내용 치료에관한수업 아쉽게도이제는적용되지못하는제도.. 교과과정의 [ 치료 ] 라는과목이사라짐. 치료와교육의명확한분리를하려고함. (2008 학번까지적용 )

33 (6) 치료교사 특수학교학생 1 인당 12 만원지원 ( 정부 ) 적립식카드 ( 현금카드식 ) 를학생부모에게지급하여다양한치료를받을수있게하였음. 학교별로치료를위한 facility 를준비해야한다고하나, 이를준비한학교는우진학교 ( 서울마포소재지체부자유전문특수학교 ) 정도임. 이정책에따라물리치료 market 을성급하게판단할수없지만, 다양한 field 에서이정책을욕심내고준비하는것으로보아, 좋은 market 이될수있을것으로판단됨. (Cho s personal opinion, 2013)

34 (7) Animal PT

35 (7) Physical Therapy for Animals

36 (8) 대학원과정 물리치료학석 박사 보건학석 박사 의학석 박사 의생명학석 박사

37 (9) 개인 Clinic 개원 임상경험을바탕으로개인 Clinic 개원 물리치료사는법적으로개인 Clinic 을개원할수없음 ( 보건복지부 ). 따라서, 이를해결하기위하여생활체육지도사자격증 ( 문화체육부 ) 을취득후, 개인 Clinic 개원가능. 다양한종류의생활체육지도사자격증및급수 (1, 2, 3 급 ) 을취득해야하며, 취득후목적에따라다양한취업이가능함. 물리치료 : 퍼스널트레이닝, 힐링요가, 피부미용

38 (9) RPT in USA (1) Registered Physical Therapy PT performed 1) Physical Therapist (PT) : diagnosis, Tx, rehab, prevention 2) Physical Therapy Assistant (PTA) : acting under PT`s direction 212 PT education programs (2012) 12 : master`s degree 200 : doctoral degree


40 (US News; st-jobs/rankings/the-100-best-jobs) The 100 Best Jobs in 2013

41 RPT in USA (2) Work environment PTs practice in many settings Hospitals Outpatient clinics or offices Industrial workplaces Inpatient rehabilitation facilities Skilled nursing facilities Private homes Education & research centers Schools Hospices Fitness centers & sports training facilities

42 RPT in USA (2) Work environment Practice Settings 1. Academic Institution 2. Acute Care Hospital 3. Health & Wellness Facility 4. Health System or Hospital- Based Outpatient 5. Industry 6. Inpatient Rehab Facility 7. Patient s Home/Home Care 8. Private Outpatient Office or Group Practice 9. Research Center 10. School System (preschool/primary/secondary) 11. Skilled Nursing Facility / Longterm Care center (APTA; =6809) Practice Area 1. Acute Care Hospital/Clinical Practice 2. Administration/Management 3. Aquatic Physical Therapy 4. Cardiovascular/Pulmonary 5. Clinical Electrophysiology 6. Education 7. Geriatrics 8. Hand Rehabilitation 9. Health Policy/Legislation 10. Home Health Care 11. Neurology 12. None Specified 13. Oncology 14. Orthopedics 15. Pediatrics 16. Private Practice 17. Research 18. Sport Physical Therapy 19. Veterans Affairs ( 퇴역군인 ) 20. Women s Health 21. Wound Care

43 RPT in USA (3) Work environment Projection & Earning

44 RPT in USA (3) Work environment (US News;

45 RPT in USA (4) Specialty areas (8 areas) 2013 certified clinical specialist 1. Cardiovascular & pulmonary (CCS) Clinical Electrophysiology (ECS) Geriatric (GCS) Neurologic (NCS) Orthopedic (OCS) Pediatric (PCS) Sports (SCS) Women`s Health (WCS)

46 Clinical Electrophysiology Physical Therapy Clinical Electrophysiology Physical Therapy involves electrophysiology, electrotherapy or physical agents and wound management. This specialty involves those practitioners interested in the use of electrotherapy and other therapeutic technologies as part of patient management. The specialty also covers promotion of the use of electromyography (EMG) as an evaluation and treatment tool in clinical practice and wound management in relation to tissue healing and its implication on clinical practice. The specialty of Clinical Electrophysiology physical therapy was approved and board certified in 1982 by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) House of Delegates. The APTA Specialties reported in June 2010 that 146 physical therapists were certified electrophysiology specialists. To become a specialist in electrophysiology physical therapy you must Hold current registration to practice as a physical therapist in your chosen state. Have completed more than 2,000 clinical practice hours over the last 10 years, 25% of which were in the last 3 years, in that field. Evidence of completion of 500 electroneuromygraphy examinations Demonstrate clinical education experience under the guidance of an electrophysiologist Submit patient reports and testing logs. Pass the specialty exam administered by the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties.

47 How to be a PT in the USA

48 How to be a PT in the USA 5 steps to be a PT of USA in Korea 1. 대학원졸업 미국 FCCPT 라는기관에서미국학생들과동등한수준의교육을받은것을평가받아야함. ( 성적평가 ) CWT5 tools 를참고하여필요한과목을수강해야함. 2. 성적평가 3. 시험응시 대부분의주는 FCCPT 를따르나뉴욕주및소수의주는자체평가시행함. ( 뉴욕주 = NYSED) FSBPT 에서주관하는 NPTE 응시. 미국 PT 국가고시는 NPTE (National Physical Therapy Examination) 라고하여미국 53개주의시험을관할하는연방기관인 FSBPT에서관리함. 이시험에응시하기위해서는면허를취득하기원하는주에신청해야하며 NPTE에합격하면미국모든주에서동일하게인정받을수있음. 단, 모든주마다 NPTE를응시하거나면허취득하는데조건이다름. 그조건을충족시켜야다른주로면허를바꿀수있음. ( 영어점수, 소셜넘버, 실습시간, 인턴시간등 ) ( 참고 ) 4. 면허취득 5. 비자취득 미국에서일하기위해서는합법적으로일할수있는비자나허가서가필요함. 노동허가서를받기위해서는이민국에서지정하는기관에서비자스크린을받고, 이민국에서허가받은병원이나 clinic에취직되어야함. 이민전문변호사의도움을받는것이좋음. 비자스크린 : FCCPT에서주관. 외국에서대학을졸업한경우성적평가와영어능력 (TOE리) 을추가로제출해야함. 스폰서 : PT로일하게될병원이나 clinic을스폰서라고함. 이민국에서정한절차에따라허가를받아야함. 하지만모든물리치료병원이나클리닉이스폰서자격을갖춘것이아니기때문에믿을만한변호사의자문을통해서알아보는것이필요함. OPT (Optimal Practical Training): 미국내학교를 1 년이상다닌사람에게전공을살려취업하고자할때허가해주는임시노동허가. 석사과정또는박사과정 (1 년 ) 도이에포함되며한국에서취득한학사나석사가있는경우입학이가능함. 미국내물리치료학교를졸업하게되면 OPT 자격을그냥얻게되어취업할수있으며, 영주권이나노동허가를받을때에도비자스크린에서요구하는영어시험도면제됨.

49 미국 PT 가되기위하여참고해야 FCCPT ( 성적평가 ) 할 sites CWT5 : pdf FSBPT ( 시험응시 )

50 Coursework Tools for Foreign Educated PT who graduated after June 30, 2009 CWT 5 Summary The applicant must meet the requirement of not less than 150 semester credit hours as a prerequisite. The minimum coursework requirements, in and of themselves, do not necessarily satisfy the requirements of the first professional degree. The applicant must have completed sufficient credit to satisfy the requirement for a post-baccalaureate degree. The applicant must also meet any jurisdiction-specific requirements.

51 CWT 5 General education - More than 60 credits 1. Humanities 2. Physical Science 3. Biological Science 4. Social Science 5. Behavioral Science 6. Mathematics Each area 에서최소한과목은수강해야함. 2, 3, 5 area 에서는꼭수강해야할과목이제시되어있음. Professional Education - More than 90 credits 1. Basic Health Science 2. Medical and Clinical Science Neurology Orthopedics Pediatrics Geriatrics Cardiopulmonary Pharmacology General Medical/surgical Metabolic conditions 3. Clinical Education Clinical Internships of no less than 800 hrs 4. Related Professional Coursework 2 에서 Examination & Evaluation content areas 는반드시마쳐야함.


53 Attention! & Follow! Major Subjects in USA

54 PT Trends in USA (2012) PT school ranking 1. Univ. of Southern California 2. Univ. of Delaware US News 기준 3. Univ. of Pittsburgh 4. Washington Univ. in St.Louis 5. Univ. of Iowa 6. US army-baylor Univ. 7. Emory Univ. 8. MGH Institute of Health Professions 9. Northwestern Univ. 10. Univ. of Miami 11. Univ. of North Carolina-Chapel Hill 12. Marquette Univ. 13. Univ. of Florida 14. Arcadia Univ. 15. Univ. of Utah 16. Boston Univ. 17. Creighton Univ. 18. Univ. Of Illinois Chicago 19. Ohio state Univ. 20. Univ. of Alabama Birmingham 21. University of California--San Francisco/San Francisco State University 22. University of Kansas Medical Center 23. Univ. of Maryland Baltimore 24. University of Minnesota--Twin Cities 25. University of Wisconsin Madison 26. Virginia Commonwealth University

55 PT Trends in USA (2013) PT school ranking 1. Univ. of Southern California 2. Washington Univ. in St.Louis College Atlas 기준 3. Univ. of Pittsburgh 4. Univ. of Delaware 5. US army-baylor Univ. 6. Arcadia Univ. 7. MGH Institute of Health Professions 8. Univ. of Iowa 9. Northwestern Univ. 10. Univ. of Miami 11. Emory Univ. 12. Univ. of North Carolina-Chapel Hill 13. University of California--San Francisco/San Francisco State University 14. Duke Univ. 15. New York University 16. Univ. Of Illinois Chicago 17. Univ. of Maryland Baltimore 18. Univ. of Florida 19. Creighton Univ. 20. Ohio state Univ.

56 Education program in USC (1) The Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy at the University of Southern California has been at the forefront of educational trends in physical therapy almost since its founding in The Division has successfully transitioned its professional programs from a bachelor s degree to a Master s degree to the Doctor of Physical Therapy degree as the first professional degree in physical therapy. In 1984, the Division became the first physical therapy program in the country to directly award a Ph.D. degree in Biokinesiology, the foundation science of physical therapy. The Division has enjoyed a national and international reputation for excellence in physical therapy education having been ranked No. 1 in the nation in the most recent U.S. News and World Report ranking of graduate programs in physical therapy.

57 Education program in USC (2) 1. Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) Degree 2. M.S. in Biokinesiology Degree 3. Ph.D. in Biokinesiology Degree 4. Residency in Neurologic Physical Therapy 5. Residency in Orthopedic Physical Therapy

58 Education program in Iowa univ. (1) Research Laboratory 1. Neuromuscular Research/Motor control 2. Neuromuscular Biomechanics 3. Neurobiology of Pain 4. Orthopedic Gait Analysis 5. Neural control of Movement 6. Musculoskeletal Biomechanics & Sports Medicine

59 Causes of the changes of trends Evidence-based science Previous approach : non-scientific Blind approach to treat Dz. Indication VS Contraindication U/S is not proper method to treat the inflammation. (X) Thermal therapy triggers and expand the inflammation. (X) Recent trend Mechanisms regarded as the important section. Book (Sluka) : mechanisms & physiology Changes of academic curriculums Previous : technical subjects physiology, kinesiology (above written)


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