전공영어과목별출제비중 (2014~2018 년 ) 구분배점듣기평가일반영어영미문학교수법영어학 문항수 25 문항 배점 80 점 비중 100% 문항수 20 문항 배점 8

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1 3-4 월 (Sigma Course: 원서기본 2)-1 회 ( 토 ) 과정요일 / 시간 Sigma Course ( 씨코 ) 3-4 월 (3/10 개강 ) 토요일 ( 오후 ) (13:30-16:00) 통사론 : 통사론기본이론 ( 연습문제풀이 ) 교재 : Syntax and Argumentation (Bas Arts, 4 판 ) 강의대상 : 처음준비하는초수예비선생님 강의목표 : 전공점수 65 점이상을목표로 올해반드시합격한다. 강의내용 : 초수합격에필요한기본에서심화과정까지모두포함 강의일정 1주 (3/10) 2주 (3/17) 3주 (3/24) 4주 (3/31) 강의진도 Part I Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Function Chapter 3. Form: Words, Word Classes and Phrases Chapter 4. More on Form: Clauses and Sentences Chapter 5. The Function-Form Interface Part II Chapter 6. Predicates, Arguments and Thematic Roles Chapter 7. Cross-Categorial Generalisations: X-Bar Syntax Chapter 8. More on Clauses Chapter 9. Movement Chapter 10. Tense, Aspect and Mood ( 씨코 3-4월기본심화2) Chapter 11. Syntactic Argumentation 5 주 (4/7) Chapter 12. Constituency: Movement and Substitution 6 주 (4/14) Chapter 13. Constituency: Some Additional Tests 7 주 (4/21) Chapter 14. Predicates and Arguments Revisited [5 판 ] Chapter 15. Information Packaging 8 주 (4/28) 임용시험출제가능한연습문제풀이 (5 판의 Exercises)- Answer Key 제공 - 1 -

2 전공영어과목별출제비중 (2014~2018 년 ) 구분배점듣기평가일반영어영미문학교수법영어학 문항수 25 문항 배점 80 점 비중 100% 문항수 20 문항 배점 80 점 비중 100% 문항수 22 문항 배점 80 점 비중 100% 문항수 22 문항 배점 80 점 비중 100% 문항수 22 문항 배점 80 점 비중 100% 년평균 (100%)

3 영어학영역별서답형기출분포 (2014~2018 년 ) 유형 기출년도 영어학 음운론형태론문법통사론의미론화용론 일반 언어학 점 17.5% 전공 A 전공 B 기입형 서술형 서술형 논술형 점 전공 A 기입형서술형 23.8% 전공 B 서술형 논술형 서답형 80점 점 22.5% 전공 A 전공 B 기입형서술형서술형 (2점) (1점) 논술형 점 31.3% 전공A 전공B 기입형서술형서술형 논술형 점 33.4% 전공A 전공B 기입형서술형서술형 (8 점 ) 논술형 점수 ( 총 103 점 ) 39 점 59 점 5 점 출제비중 37.8% 57.3% 4.9% - 3 -

4 English Syntax and Argumentation (2nd Ed.) 핵심정리 Introduction (1) Language has structure, and that it is not a hotchpotch of randomly distributed elements. Instead, the linguistic ingredients that language is made up of are arranged in accordance with a set of rules. this set of rules we call the grammar of a language. (2) Syntax deals with the way in which we can carve up sentences into smaller constituent parts which consist of single words or of larger units of two or more words, and the way in which these units can be combined and/or rearranged. (3) Giving motivated reason for adopting certain structures and rejecting others is called syntactic argumentation. Function (1) 다음문장에서기능명칭 (function labels) 에해당되는부분을쓰시오. This summer all the students had vacation jobs in their home towns. 1 Subject : all the students 2 Predicate : had vacation jobs in their home towns (this summer) 3 Predicator : had 4 Direct Object : vacation jobs 5 Indirect Object : 없음 6 Adjunct : This summer, in their home towns Form: Words, Word Classes and Phrases (1) The word classes (noun, determiner, adjective, verb, preposition, adverb, conjunction, interjection) are notion of form, as opposed to the functional notions. (2) A far better approach is to characterise nouns using formal and distributional criteria. Under this view we look at the shape words can take, at where they can occur in sentences, and at the way they behave and function in sentential patterns. (3) The central element in a phrase is referred to Head, which is spelt with a capital letter indicating that it is a functional notion. (4) When an adjective follows a so-called linking verb or copular it is said to occur in predicative position. (5) A verb that carries tense is called finite verb, whereas a verb that doesn't carry tense is a nonfinite verb

5 (6) Auxiliaries can be subdivided into four groups: modal auxiliaries (will/would, can/could, may/might, must, shall/should, ought to), aspectual auxiliaries (be, have), passive auxiliary (be), and dummy auxiliary (do). (7) generalization of auxiliary verbs: NICE properties 1 carry the negative enclitic particle not 2 invert with the Subject 3 manifest code 4 carry emphatic stress (8) There is a strict order of auxiliary verbs. The modal auxiliary comes first and is followed by the perfective, progressive and passive auxiliaries, though these need not be present. The company is taxed three times this year. =>The company will have been being taxed three times this year. More on forms: clauses and sentences (1) Tim thought that Kate believed the story. 1 Sentence: Tim thought that Kate believed the story. 2 Matrix clause: Tim thought that Kate believed the story. 3 Subordinate clause: that Kate believed the story (2) Nonfinite clauses (p. 55) 1 to-infinitive 2 bare infinitive 3 -ing participle clause 4 -ed participle clause 5 Small Clause (3) Rank scale (p. 56) 1 Word level: 2 Phrase level: 3 Clause level: 4 Sentence level: (4) tree diagram (phrase marker) p. 57 (22번), p. 63 (51번) 1 nodes 2 dominate 3 precede 4 immediately dominate 5 mother 6 daughter 7 sister 8 Constituent: Y is a constituent of X if and if only X dominates Y

6 (5) Sentence Types: 1 Declarative Sentences 2 Interrogative Sentences 3 Imperative Sentences 4 Exclamative Sentences (6) The Pragmatics of Sentence Types: 1 Declarative Sentences => statement 2 Interrogative Sentences => questions 3 Imperative Sentences => directives 4 Exclamative Sentences => exclamations (7) Functions can be 'read off' the diagrams by looking at the structural configuration of the constituents. The GF of Subject can then be defined as the NP immediately dominated by the S-node, notated as [NP, S], whereas the GF of Direct Object is the first NP immediately dominated by VP, notated [NP, VP]. The function-form Interfaces (1) The central concern of this chapter has been to demonstrate the fact that there exists no one-to-one relationships between function and form in language, and this is why the two notions need to be kept apart. With the exception of Predicators, all grammatical functions can be performed by different form classes, and all form classes can perform a variety of grammatical functions, as the table below shows. (p.85) 아래표의빈칸을 을넣어서형태와기능의관련성을표시하시오. Form Subject Direct Object Function Indirect Object Adjunct Noun Phrase Adjective Phrase Prepositional Phrase Adverb phrase That-clause Finite Clause Wh-clause Clause introduced by because, when, etc. to-infinitive Nonfinite Clause bare infinitive -ing participle clause -ed participle clause Small Clause - 6 -

7 Predicates, Arguments and Thematic Roles (1) Predicates: (p.91-92) 1 one-place predicate: Henry smiled. 2 two-place predicate: The police investigated the allegation. 3 three-place predicate: Sara gave Pete a parcel. 4 A verb like bet can be said to take four arguments: Melany bet Brian a pound that he would lose the game of squash. (2) The arguments inside VP is called internal arguments and the Subject argument is called external argument. (3) In linguistics an alternative way of representing predicates and their arguments has been developed. 1 devour (verb): [1 <NP>, 2, <NP>] thematic structure 2 devour (verb): [1 <NP, Agent>, 2, <NP, Patient>] (4) Thematic Roles (p. 94) 1 Agent 2 Patient 3 Theme 4 Experiencer 5 Goal 6 Benefactive 7 Source 8 Instrument 9 locative (5) Grammatical Functions and Thematic Roles: Why do we need thematic roles? (p. 97) 1 Although the grammatical functions of the argument expressions David, the window, and a brick are different in each of the sentences in which they appear, their thematic roles are the same. 2 There is no one-to-one relationship between grammatical functions and thematic role, and we therefore need to distinguish these notions. Remember that grammatical function is primarily syntactic notion whereas thematic roles are primarily semantic in nature. (6) Three Levels of Description (p.99) Remember that function and form are syntactic notion, while the thematic level of representation is semantic in nature. David smashed the window Functional level Subject Predicator Direct Object Form level [ S/MC [ NP N] [ VP V [ NP Det N]]] Thematic level Agent predicate Patient - 7 -

8 Cross-Categorial Generalizations: X-bar Syntax (1) Head, Complement, Specifier: p. 106 (13 번 ) (2) Assign three structures to the bracketed phrases: p. 109 Exercise 직접수형도를그려보세요. (i) [the destruction of Carthage] (ii) He is [ so envious of his sister]. (iii) We are [citizens of the world]. (iv) She [traveled to Rome]. (v) He walked [straight through the door]. (3) Table 7.1. Typical Specifiers for the Major Phrase Types NP, VP, AP and PP: p. 110 (4) Table 7.2. Typical Complements for the Major Phrase Types NP, VP, AP and PP: p. 111 (5) Adjuncts: (p 번, 27번, 32-43번, 44-45번, 48-49번 ) Adjuncts are always sisters of bar-level categories in phrases. They are adjoined either to the right or to the left of single bar categories and have a modifying function. Complements are always sisters of Heads. (6) Cross-Categorial Generalizations: p. 119 (57 번, 60 번 ) (7) Subcategorization: p Another way of claiming that there is a strong connection between Heads and Complements is to say that Heads subcategorise for (i.e. syntactically require the presence of) their Complements. Different Heads subcategorise for different Complements which Complements a head takes

9 More on clauses (1) I node: 1 Finite clause: p. 131 (4 번, 9 번 ) 2 Nonfinite clause: p. 132 (6 번 ) Movement (1) Verb movement: p. 143 (7 번 ) (2) NP-movement: Passive: p. 150 (26 번, 42 번 ) (3) Syntactic behaviors of auxiliary verbs: 1 If there is a sequence of auxiliaries in a sentence, each auxiliary determines the form of a following one. 2 The various types of auxiliaries always occur in the same order. (35) (modal) (perfective) (progressive) (passive) main verb (4) NP-movement: Subject -to Subject Raising: p (51-2 번, 53-4 번 ) NP Subject moves from the Subject position of the subordinate clause to the Subject position of the matrix clause. (5) Movement in Interrogative Sentences: Subject-Auxiliary Inversion: p. 158 (63 번 ) (6) Wh-Movement: p. 161 (70 번, 72 번 ) Syntactic Argumentation (1) Argumentation is concern with reasoning, more specifically, with the methodological process of arguing in favor of, or against, a point of view, a course of action, an opinion, etc. Syntactic argumentation is about reasoning in the domain of syntax. (2) The art of Argumentation 1 Economy of Description: linguistically Significant Generalization and Occam's Razor. 2 Elegance of Description 3 Independent Justification (3) Three types of arguments can be used tools for evaluating analyses or for choosing between two competing analyses. The key word here is simplicity: the most highly valued analysis is the one that not only conforms to the general principles of the adopted framework (e.g. X-bar theory), but is also maximally simple, i.e. it is the most economical and elegant, and has the largest amount of independent evidence to support it

10 Constituency: Movement and Substitution (1) Movement: If we move particular string of words in a sentence from one position to another, then it behaves as a constituent. 1 Movement to the left a. Topicalization b. VP-Preposing ( a special type of Topicalization) c. Though-movement 2 Movement to the right a. Heavy-NP Shift b. Extraposition of Subject Clauses c, Extraposition from NP (2) Substitution 1 Proform Substitution: A particular string of words is a constituent if it can be substituted by a suitable proform. 2 One Substitution: The proform one replaces N'-constituents. p. 209 (77번, 83번 ) 3 Do so Substitution: do so replace V'-constituents. p. 213 (95-6번, 102번 ) Constituency: Some additional Tests (1) Coordination: Only constituents can be coordinated. p. 224 (5-12 번 ) - RNR (Right Node Raising): Only constituents can undergo TNR. p. 225 (16-8 번 ) (2) Cleft and Pseudocleft: Only constituents can occur in the focus position of a Cleft or Pseudocleft. (3) The Insertion Test: Parenthetical elements can only occur between S-constituents. p. 228 (37-9 번 ) (4) The Constituent Response test: Only constituents can serve as responses to open interrogatives. p. 229 (41 번 ) (5) The Somewhere Else Test: If a string of words whose constituent status is unclear occurs as a constituent in some other construction, then this constitutes weak support for the possibility of analysing it as a constituent in the first constructions well. p (6) The Meaning Test: Constituency can often be established on semantic grounds. (7) A Case Study: Naked Pizza Eating-Construction p (56) Josh ate the pizza naked. => [Josh] [ate the pizza naked]

11 Predicates and Arguments Revisited (1) Establishing Argumenthood 1 meaning 2 dummy elements 3 idiom chunks 4 Passivisation (2) Types of Verb + NP + to-infinitive Construction: believe, persuade, want p Believe class: consider, intend, know, suppose, understand => believe [NP + to V...] 2 Persuade class: advise, convince, notify => persuade [NP] [to V...] 3 Want class: demand, hate, hope, prefer, wish => want [NP + to V...]

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