오라클 데이터베이스 10g 핵심 요약 노트
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1 1 10g 10g SYSAUX 10g
2 22 Oracle Database 10g, 10g. 10g. (Grid), 10g.. 10g SYSAUX (ASM, Automatic Storage Management) 10g 10g. g. (DBA).,., 1).,..? 10g,.. (Larry Ellison).. (Leverage Components), (ASM) ( ) (ultra Large Data File),. 1),,,.,, ( ), /.
3 1 23,,. (transportable),, SQL. (Database Resource Manager). 10g, 10g. 10g. 10g. 10g 10g. 10g , 10g. 10g, 4 10g. (DBUA, Oracle Database Upgrade Assistant) ( (Oracle Data Migration Assistant) )..
4 24 Oracle Database 10g 10g exp/ imp. 10g SQL* copy create table as select. NOT E! DBUA DBUA 10g (GUI). 10g (OUI, Oracle Universal Installer) DBUA. DBUA. ( - dbua ) DBUA., (Oracle dbua ) DBUA. DBUA.,. DBUA. Ca ution 10g , imp/ exp( import/ export ).,.
5 1 25 ( ).... (UIT, Upgrade Information Tool). $ORACLE_ HOME/ r dbms / admi n ut l u 10l i. s ql SQL.,... 10g SYSAUX ( SYSAUX ). (DBA_ REGI STRY). 10g.. Compatible 10g, compatible , g compatible compatible. 10g, compatible 10.0., compatible 10.0,.., alter database reset compatibility.
6 26 Oracle Database 10g., 10g., 10g.,. (, ).,., (Oracle MetaLink), itar. exp/ imp 10g. ( : 8.0.6) (export). (import) 10g imp.., 10g SQL*Plus copy SQL create table as select..
7 1 27 ( dbms_support.start_trace (logon trigge r) ) sql_trace. 9i PL/ SQL recurs ive SQL. 10g. sql_trace, 10g.,.., (sche ma), USER_OBJECTS. (GUI), (DBCA, Database Configuration Assistant).. 10g ( ) DBCA. SYSAUX, 10g SYSAUX., 10g, SYSAUX. SYSAUX 10g. SYSAUX, SYSAUX
8 28 Oracle Database 10g. SYSAUX SYSAUX 10g. SYSAUX SYSTEM. SYSAUX (automatic segment space management) (logical). (RMAN (RMAN recovery catalog), (Ultra Search),, XDP OLAP ),. SYSAUX. SYSAUX. (OMF, Oracle Managed Files), OMF. create database sysaux datafile, SYSAUX ( )., sysaux datafile OMF, SYSAUX. sysaux datafile create database. CREATE DATABASE my_db DATAFI LE ' c : \ or acl e \ or adat a\ my_db\ my_db_ sys t em_01. db f ' SI ZE 300m SYSAUX DATAFI LE ' c : \ or acl e\my_db\my_db_sysaux_01.dbf ' SI ZE 100m DEFAULT TEMPORARY TABLESPACE dt emp_t bs t empfi l e ' c : \ or acl e \ my_db\ my_db_t emp_ 01. dbf ' SI ZE 100m UNDO TABLESPACE undo_t bs_one DATAFI LE ' c : \ or acl e \ my_db\ my_db_undo_t bs_one_01. dbf ' SI ZE 100m;
9 1 29, 10g SYSAUX. 10g (mounting), startup migrate (migrate)., SYSAUX. create tablespace. CREATE TABLESPACE sysaux DATAFI LE ' c : \ or acl e \ or adat a\ my_db\ my_db_ sys aux_01. db f ' SI ZE 300m EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO; SYSAUX. 10g SYSAUX. 10g SYSAUX., 10g SYSAUX,. 10g, SYSAUX.,. SYSAUX. SYSAUX. SYSAUX, alter tablespace, SYSAUX (datafile).. ALTER TABLESPACE sysaux ADD DATAFI LE ' d : \ or acl e \ or adat a\ my_db\ my_db_ sys aux_01. db f ' SI ZE 200M;
10 30 Oracle Database 10g SYSAUX SYSAUX (occupant). SYSAUX (view), SYSAUX., SYSAUX V$SYSAUX_OCCUPANTS. SYSAUX. SELECT occupant _name, space_usage_ kbyt es FROM v$sysaux_occupant s ;, RMAN. SYSAUX, V$SYSAUX_OCCUPANTS MOVE_PROCEDURE. SYSAUX.. NOT E SYSAUX., SYSAUX. 10g (ASM, Automatic Storage management). ASM 9i RAC. ASM,,.
11 1 3 1 ASM ASM. ASM (raw) I/ O (J BOD), SAN(Storage Area Network)., ASM,. (hot spots) ASM (load balancing) ASM,., ASM., ASM,. ( ) raw, cooked, OMF ASM., ASM.,.. ASM, ASM. ASM,.
12 32 Oracle Database 10g ASM ASM ASM. ASM, ASM. ASM. ASM, (extent map). ASM, ASM I/O. ASM. ASM init_osm.ora. ASM OSM ASM instance_type., ASM., startup ASM. ASM shutdown (normal, immediate, force abort ). ASM. ASM., 10g DBCA ASM,. ASM, DBCA, ASM,. NOT E ASM, DBCA..
13 1 33 ASM ASM,. (logical volume manager),. create diskgroup. create diskgroup, (failover).. Cr eat e di s kgr oup di s k_gr oup_ 001 FAI LGROUP f ai l _gr oup_01 DI SK ' / dev/ di s k1 ', ' / dev/ di s k2 ', ' / dev/ di s k3 ', FAI LGROUP f ai l _gr oup_02 DI SK ' / dev/ di s k5 ', ' / dev/ di s k6 ', ' / dev/ di s k7 ' ; ASM (redundancy). failure group. failure group, (mirror),,., (normal redundancy), 2 failure group. (high redundancy) 3 failgroup., (external redundancy) ASM, ( ) (external entity).,.,.,., ASM,. (cycle),.
14 34 Oracle Database 10g NOT E create diskgroup, ASM., alter diskgroup. alter diskgroup,,., alter diskgroup, (mount) (dismount). alter diskgroup.. Al t er di s kgr oup di s k_gr oup_001 add di r ect or y ' +di s k_gr oup_ 001/ dat a_ 001 ' ;, alter diskgroup,. ASM,.. Cr eat e t abl espace dat a_t bs dat a f i l e ' +di s k_gr oup_ 001 ' s i ze 300MB; ASM., OMF (convention). (, ), DBA_DATA_FILES V$DATAFILE.
16 36 Oracle Database 10g V$ASM_FILE ASM, V$ASM_FILE ASM ASM. ( ). V$ASM_OPERATION ASM, V$ASM_OPERATION ASM ASM (ASM long running operation). ( ). V$ASM_TEMPLATE ASM, V$ASM_TEMPLATE ASM., V$ASM_TEMPLATE ASM ASM. ASM... 10g 9i (Oracle Parallel Server) (RAC, Real Application Clusters). 10g RAC,.
17 1 37 CPU gcs_server_processes 9i (Protable Clusterware). 10g RAC. 10g RAC 3. 10g,.. (Infiniband) 10g opatch RAC (Rolling upgrades). (scheme). RAC (internode communications).
18 38 Oracle Database 10g 10g (CRS, Cluster Ready Services). CRS (node membership),,. CRS. (Oracle Universal Installer) RDBMS ORACLE_ HOME ORACLE_HOME CRS. RDBMS, CRS, ORACLE_HOME. CRS,. (Server Control) DBCA, PL/SQL dbms_services. (OEM, Oracle Enterprise Manager). 10g (AWR, Automatic Workload Repository) CRS.., AWR,., 10g dbms_service dbms_monitor PL/SQL CRS. (DBCA, Oracle Database Configuration Assistant) (DBUA, Oracle Database Upgrade Assistant) GUI. 10g. DBCA.
19 1 39 DBCA. DBCA,. DBUA RAC 10g. NOT E (Oracle Real Application Clusters Deployment) (Performance Guide) DBCA. gcs_server_processes 10g gcs_server_processes. (Global Cache Service). 2,
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2 instance database physical storage 2 1 62 63 tablespace datafiles 2 2 64 1 2 logical view control files datafiles redo log files 65 2 3 9i OMF Oracle Managed Files, OMF 9i 9i / / OMF 9i 66 8 1MB 8 10MB
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2018/11/10 12:06 1/2 Tablespace On-Offline 테이블스페이스온라인 / 오프라인 목차 Tablespace On-Offline 테이블스페이스온라인 / 오프라인... 1 일반테이블스페이스 (TABLESPACE)... 1 일반테이블스페이스생성하기... 1 테이블스페이스조회하기... 1 테이블스페이스에데이터파일 (DATA FILE) 추가
DB PLAN Consultant jina6678@yahoo.co.kr 011-864-1858 - - 1. 2. DB 3. - 4. - 5. 6. 1 INSTANCE MMAN RECO RFS MRP ORBn RBAL MMON Dnnn Snnn Data Buffer Cache SGA Stream Pool Shared pool Large Pool PGA Log
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I T C o t e n s P r o v i d e r h t t p : / / w w w. h a n b i t b o o k. c o. k r -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 1. : ts_cre_bonsa.sql -- 2. :
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목차 BUG offline replicator 에서유효하지않은로그를읽을경우비정상종료할수있다... 3 BUG 각 partition 이서로다른 tablespace 를가지고, column type 이 CLOB 이며, 해당 table 을 truncate
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! Introduction to J2EE (2) - EJB, Web Services J2EE iseminar.. 1544-3355 ( ) iseminar Chat. 1 Who Are We? Business Solutions Consultant Oracle Application Server 10g Business Solutions Consultant Oracle10g
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DBMS & SQL Server Installation Database Laboratory
DBMS & 조교 _ 최윤영 } 데이터베이스연구실 (1314 호 ) } 문의사항은 cyy@hallym.ac.kr } 과제제출은 dbcyy1@gmail.com } 수업공지사항및자료는모두홈페이지에서확인 } dblab.hallym.ac.kr } 홈페이지 ID: 학번 } 홈페이지 PW:s123 2 차례 } } 설치전점검사항 } 설치단계별설명 3 Hallym Univ.
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Session XX-XX: Name
. Oracle on Linux iseminar.. 1544(or 6677)-3355 800x600. iseminar Chat. Oracle Corporation 9i Series iseminar: Presenters: 2002 9 25 Collaboration Suite Email Platform replace 1 with lesson number Developer
Connection 8 22 UniSQLConnection / / 9 3 UniSQL OID SET
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Copyright 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,..., U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS. Oracle programs, including any operat
Sun Server X3-2( Sun Fire X4170 M3) Oracle Solaris : E35482 01 2012 9 Copyright 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,..., U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS. Oracle programs, including
100% 2003222 : : : () PGPnet 1 (Sniffer) 1, 2,,, (Sniffer), (Sniffer),, (Expert) 3, (Dashboard), (Host Table), (Matrix), (ART, Application Response Time), (History), (Protocol Distribution), 1 (Select
Oracle Database Appliance X5-2 Customer Presentation
12c MGMTDB(GIMR) 소개및구성가이드 2018. 8 김종인 Agenda 1. MGMTDB(GIMR) 이란? 2. GIMR Toploogy 3. GIMR 환경 4. GIMR tools 12c GIMR (Grid Infrastructure Management Repository)) MGMT 란무엇인가? - Management Repository 는 Oracle
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: SQL. SQL Plus. JDBC. SQL >> SQL create table : CREATE TABLE ( ( ), ( ),.. ) SQL >> SQL create table : id username dept birth email id username dept birth email CREATE TABLE member ( id NUMBER NOT NULL
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Oracle 11g R2 Overview & New Feature 이진호 Principal Database Sales Consultant Database Technology, Technology Sales Consulting, Oracle Korea 지속적인기술혁신 - 90 년대중반 - OLTP/DW 중심 - 데이터 /APP 분리 - GUI - Tool 전성시대
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Microsoft Word - 기술노트36_11g R1 Clusterware를 이용한 Oracle HA 구성 _최종본_.doc
Goodus 기술노트 [36 회 ] 11g R1 Clusterware 를이용한 Oracle H/A 구성 Author 유광복, 조연철, 백순성 Creation Date 2008-11-31 Last Updated 2008-12-03 Version 1.0 Copyright(C) 2004 Goodus Inc. All Rights Reserved Version 변경일자
ESET Mobile Security for Android
ESET MOBILE SECURITY OS: ANDROID ( 3.0 ) 1....3 1.1 1.2...3...3 2....4 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 ESET...4 Google...4 Play Amazon...4...4...5 3....6 ESET MOBILE SECURITY ESET, spol. s r.o. ESET Mobile Security
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J2EE J2EE(Java 2 Enterprise Edition) (Web Services) :,, SOAP: Simple Object Access Protocol WSDL: Web Service Description Language UDDI: Universal Discovery, Description & Integration 4. (XML Protocol
초보자를 위한 C++
C++. 24,,,,, C++ C++.,..,., ( ). /. ( 4 ) ( ).. C++., C++ C++. C++., 24 C++. C? C++ C C, C++ (Stroustrup) C++, C C++. C. C 24.,. C. C+ +?. X C++.. COBOL COBOL COBOL., C++. Java C# C++, C++. C++. Java C#
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Enterprise Manager 를활용한 Active Data Guard 강송희 TSC본부 DB 기술팀한국오라클 Agenda Active Data Guard 도입배경 기존 DR 솔루션대비 Active Data Guard 의특장점 Active Data Guard 의구성및동작원리 EM 을이용한설치 EM 을이용한모니터링및관리
ETL ETL Data,., Data Warehouse DataData Warehouse ETL tool/system: ETL, ETL Process Data Warehouse Platform Database, Access Method Data Source Data Operational Data Near Real-Time Data Modeling Refresh/Replication
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Microsoft Word - RMAN 스터디자료_공개용_ doc
RMAN 의특징및기능에대한내부기술자료 발표일 : 2004 년 9 월 3 일 작성자 : LG 카드중형서버운영파트민연홍 작성일 : 2004 년 9 월 3 일 업데이트 : 2006 년 2 월 23 일 목 차 1. rman 의특징... 2 2. rman catalog... 2 3. 컨트롤파일을사용한 rman repository... 2 4. CHANNEL 할당...
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Voice Portal using Oracle 9i AS Wireless
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PowerPoint Presentation
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Analyst Briefing
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Oracle Wait Interface Seminar
1 대용량 DBMS 의효율적인 모니터링및성능관리방안 Copyrights 2001~2007, EXEM Co., LTD. All rights reserved. 목차 2 1. 성능문제와 OWI 분석방법론 2. OWI 구성요소 3. Latch & LOCK 4. Oracle I/O 5. Cache Buffer 3 성능문제와 OWI 분석방법론 성능지연사례 1) 평소에
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