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1 AddPac VoIP Gateway Series Release Note V6.052 AddPac Technology Co., Ltd. Phone (82 2) Fax (82 2)

2 [INDEX] 1. Added Function IP sharing between a gateway and a PC with same public IP Flexible IP ToS setting for providing voice traffic QoS Changeable service port Setting of VLAN priority for voice traffic QoS encapsulation pptp added ipcp default-route ipcp ms-dns ETSI(European Telecommunications Standards Institute) type Caller-ID Change Tone Frequency TCP/UDP port for VoIP can be configurable ARQ option of attachment h323id s domain is added LRQ option is added Display option is added Codec variant can be supported Added new DTMF relay method by RTP Or H245 signal All-up-ace(ez-setup for GUI) program added Changed Feature PSTN Backup port model (AP200, AP1000) Set busy out monitor as default fixed-ras-port parameter Bug Fix Problem : Lost of configuration Problem : Can t free back when busy out condition has been released Problem : Web server s abnormal operation on too long URI...11 Technology 2 /2 Final Update :

3 1. Added Function 1.1. IP sharing between a gateway and a PC with same public IP Public IP 공유기능으로 AddPac 장비의사설쪽 interface에연결된 PC( 또는기타장비 ) 가 AddPac 장비와동일한공인 IP를가질수있도록설정하는기능 ( 단, 내부에연결되는 PC는 1대임 ) - router(config)# ip-share? enable : ip-share 기능활성화 interface? net-side : VoIP구간에연결된 interface 설정 local-side : 사설망구간에연결된 interface 설정 config? fin-timeout : Set Timeout value after TCP FIN group-static-entry : Add group IP Share static entry icmp-timeout : Set Timeout value for ICMP entry static-entry : Add single IP Share static entry syn-timeout : Set Timeout value after TCP SYN tcp-timeout : Set Timeout value for TCP entry udp-timeout : Set Timeout value for UDP entry 활용예 - Cable Modem(DHCP를사용하여공인 IP를할당받는경우 ) router(config)# dhcp-list 0 type server router(config)# dhcp-list 0 address server interface ether0.0 router(config)# dhcp-list 0 option dhcp-lease-time 600 router(config-ether0.0)# ip address dhcp router(config-ether1.0)# no ip address router(config-ether1.0)# ip dhcp-group 0 router(config)# ip-share interface net-side ether0.0 router(config)# ip-share interface local-side ether1.0 router(config)# ip-share enable - ADSL MyIP( 고정 ip를사용하는경우 ) router(config-ether0.0)# ip add router(config-ether1.0)# no ip address router(config)# route router(config)# ip-share interface net-side ether0.0 Technology 3 /3 Final Update :

4 router(config)# ip-share interface local-side ether1.0 router(config)# ip-share enable - ADSL(PPPoE를사용하여공인 ip를할당받는경우 ) router(config)# dhcp-list 0 type server router(config)# dhcp-list 0 address server interface ether0.0 router(config)# dhcp-list 0 option dhcp-lease-time 600 router(config-ether0.0)# no ip address router(config-ether0.0)# encapsulation pppoe router(config-ether0.0)# ppp authentication pap callin router(config-ether0.0)# ppp pap sent-username <string> password <string> router(config-ether1.0)# no ip address router(config-ether1.0)# ip dhcp-group 0 router(config)# ip-share interface net-side ether0.0 router(config)# ip-share interface local-side ether1.0 router(config)# ip-share enable - default AP200, AP1000, AP1100 model 들은초기 default mode가활성화되어있고그외 model들은활성화되어있음 Flexible IP ToS setting for providing voice traffic QoS IP header의 DS(Differentiated Service) field 비트를설정하는기능추가. DS filed의 TOS file를설정함으로서네트워크중간노드 ( 백본라우터또는 LAN 스위치 ) 에서우선순위를결정할수있도록함. router(config)# ip-tos? default : 일반적인 Data packet 에대한우선순위설정 delay : Request Low Delay throughput : Request High Throughput reliability : Request High Reliability precedence : Specify Datagram Precedence value : Specify the value directly forward : local 로부터들어온 Data packet 전달에대한우선순위설정 bypass : local에서들어온 packet의 DS field를그대로 VoIP로전달 clear : local에서들어온 packet의 DS field를 0x00로설정후전달 set : local 에서들어온 packet의 DS field를임의의값으로설정 Technology 4 /4 Final Update :

5 rtp : udp/rtp data packet에대한우선순위설정 sig : H.323/SIP signaling packet에대한우선순위설정 1.3. Changeable service port 사용중인 service-port를사용자가임의로변경할수있는기능 router(config)# service-port? ftpd <port>: FTP server port 변경 httpd <port> : HTTP server port 변경 snmpd <port> : SNMP agent port 변경 telnetd <port> : Telnet Server port 변경 tftpd <port> : TFTP server port 변경 - default ftpd : 21, httpd : 80, snmpd : 161, telnetd : 23, tftpd : Setting of VLAN priority for voice traffic QoS IEEE802.1P 관련 VLAN Priority field 에태깅하는기능 router(config)# vlan-pri? default <0-7>: 일반적인 data packet의 VLAN 우선순위설정 rtp <0-7>: UDP/RTP data packet의 VLAN 우선순위설정 sig <0-7>: H.323/SIP signaling packet의 VLAN 우선순위설정 1.5. encapsulation pptp added LAN interface에 encapsulation type pptp(point to point tunneling protocol) 추가. router(config-ether0.0)# encapsulation pptp router(config-ether0.0)# pptp? ip local : local ip address 설정 ip remote : remote ip address 설정 mode ppp : 상위계층프로토콜이 ppp mode dhcp : 상위계층프로토콜이 dhcp Technology 5 /5 Final Update :

6 1.6. ipcp default-route 기존에 PPPoE 환경에서 default-router 를 WAN interface 로설정하였으나, default-router 정보를 ADSL RAS 장비로부터할당받을수있도록기능추가 router(config-ether0.0)# ppp ipcp default-route <cr> 1.7. ipcp ms-dns 기존에 PPPoE 환경에서 dnshost 정보를 user가직접설정하였으나, 상위 ADSL RAS 장비로부터할당받을수있도록한기능 router(config-ether0.0)# ppp ipcp ms-dns <cr> 1.8. ETSI(European Telecommunications Standards Institute) type Caller-ID 3가지 type의 caller-id 지원 FXS port에설정할경우 send caller-id로 FXO에설정할경우 get caller-id로동작함. router(config-voice-ports-0/0)# caller-id? enable : Caller-ID 기능활성화 type : Caller-ID type 변경 bellcore (default) etsi : ETSI type 1 etsi-dtmf : ETSI type 1 DTMF etsi-dtmf-prior-ring : ETSI type1 DTMF prior ring default : disable 1.9. Change Tone Frequency dial-tone, ring-back-tone, line-busy-tone 관련 frequency 및 on/off time 변경기능추가. 관련 command router(config)# voice class? dial-tone : dial-tone 설정변경 ring-back-tone : ring-back-tone 설정변경 line-busy-tone : line-busy-tone 설정변경 reorder-tone : reorder-tone 설정변경 line-lock-tone : line-lock-tone 설정변경 - 해당 command 뒤의 subcommand Technology 6 /6 Final Update :

7 1. (1-3980) low frequency(hz) 2. (0) single tone / (1-3980) high frequency(hz) 3. ( ) on time(msec) 4. ( ) off time(msec) 5. (cr) / ( ) second on time(msec) 6. (cr) / ( ) second off time(msec) 7. (cr) / (-31 3) level(db) - default Tag Low(Hz) High(Hz) On1(ms) Off1(ms) On2(ms) Off2(ms) dbm Description Dial tone RingBack tone LineBusy tone Reorder tone LineLock tone TCP/UDP port for VoIP can be configurable 기존에는사설망이나 firewall을사용하는곳에서주로사용되었던 minimize-voip-port는단지 range만을조정할수있었으나사용자가임의대로 start 와 end address까지설정할수있도록기능을확장시킴. router(config-vservice-voip)# minimize-voip-ports service? signal-tcp-src : H.225 signalling source port 범위설정 control-tcp-src : H.245 control source port 범위설정 control-tcp-listen : H.245 contro listen port 범위설정 rtp-udp-listen : RTP/RTCP port 범위설정 ARQ option of attachment h323id s domain is added ARQ Message에 domain을 H323-id에추가가령 domain name이 이고, E.164가 일경우 Source address는 @addpac.com이된다. router(config-gateway)# arq attach-domain <cr> LRQ option is added 대부분의경우 LRQ(Location Request) 는 Gateway 에필요하지않지만, ARQ 를사용하지않 Technology 7 /7 Final Update :

8 거나함께 LRQ를보낼경우이 option을사용한다. router(config-gateway)# lrq? no-arp : LRQ 만전송 with-arq : LRQ를먼저전송하고, fail이날경우, AQR를전송 domain-with-arp : H.323 domain 과함께 LRQ 전송 Display option is added 기본적으로 Q.931 display field에 h323 ID가설정되는데, 이 file를 H323 ID 대신 E.164 address 혹은이 file를삭제하고자할때이기능을사용한다. router(config-vservice-voip)# display send? h323id : h323-id를 display field에설정 e164 : E.164를 display field에설정 none : q931 message에서 display file 자체를제거한다. - default : h323-id Codec variant can be supported. 일부회사의장비에서일반적인 codec type을사용하지않고, 여러 codec type 중에서잘사용되지않는것을사용하여서로호환성이안되는현상이발생할경우를대비해여러가지 codec type을설정할수있게한추가기능 router(dialpeer-1000-voice)# codec-variant? g7231? standard : G7231 standard type, no SID Annex-a : G7231 annex A type, on SID G729? Standard : G729 standard type, no SID, High Complexity Annex-a : G729 annex A type, no SID, low Complexity Annex-b : G729 annex B type, on SID, High Complexity Annex-ab : G729 annex AB type, on SID, low Complexity - default G7231 : annex A type G729 : G729 standard type Added new DTMF relay method by RTP Or H245 signal. - dtmf-relay rtp-2833 Technology 8 /8 Final Update :

9 DTMF를 RTP로보내되이신호에대한 RTP data format은 RFC-2833 규약에따른다. port 에실려온신호를착신측 gateway에서 generation 하는것이동작상으로볼때 inband 로받는것과차이인데 inband로보낼때보다 dtmf real-time 특성및 dtmf tone 측면에서안정적이라고알려져있음, 단이기능을사용하기위해서는 remote장비가반드시이기능을지원할것. RFC-2833 표준규격으로타사장비와호환성있음 - dtmf-relay rtp DTMF를 RTP에실어보내고착신측 gateway가이정보를번역해서 DTMF tone을 generation하는구조따라서사용자입장에서보면 inband로동작하는것과동일함그러나 inband로보낼때발생할수있는 packet 손실로인한 DTMF 오류를최소화할수있는기능으로특성은가장안정적임. 단이기능은타사장비와는호환성없으므로주의할것. - dtmf-relay h245-signal DTMF를 H245로보내되 duration 정보까지같이보내는방식사용자입장에서보면위기능이 inband로보낼때와동일함. 즉 user가 digit을길게누를경우 h245-alphanumeric 으로보낼경우길이정보가없으므로짧게한번울리는것으로끝나지만 dtmf h245-signal 방식으로사용하면 user가누른 tone 길이만큼 remote에서도그대로재현된다. 이기능은표준에정의된기능이므로이기능을지원하는타장비와호환성있음. - No dtmf-relay 기존과동일 - h245-alphanumeric 기존과동일 router (config-dialpeer-voip-1000)# dtmf-relay < rtp rtp-2833 h245-alphanumeric h245-signal> - default dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric] All-up-ace 1 (ez-setup for GUI) program added 자세한내용은 AddPac Home page 의 All-up-ace(EZ-setup 프로그램 ) 설명서참조. 1 All-up-ace is KT s service trade mark Technology 9 /9 Final Update :

10 2. Changed Feature 2.1. PSTN Backup port model (AP200, AP1000) Set busy out monitor as default ( 이전 ) 모든장비의 default 값은 busyout monitor diable임. ( 이후 ) PSTN backup port를가진장비는 default 값이 enable로변경됨 fixed-ras-port parameter 이전 : RAS source port를 22000으로 fix 할것인지유무만설정가능. 이후 : RAS source port를특정번호로지정할수있는 parameter 추가 router (config-gateway)# fixed-ras-port << > <cr> > 없음 30 Technology 10 /10 Final Update :

11 3. Bug Fix 3.1. Problem : Lost of configuration. Inter-digit timeout 의첫번째 parameter를 default값과같게설정하면두번째 parameter 가저장이되지않는다. -> Fixed 3.2. Problem : Can t free back when busy out condition has been released. gatekeeper 를사용하지않는환경에서 Busyout monitor 설정을 voip interface 만하지않고 gatekeeper까지설정할경우 busyout 상태 (interface-down) 에서복구가되지않는다. 이경우 gatekeeper registration 상태가영원히 un-registration 상태일것이므로 power reset을하지않는한영원히복구되지않는다. -> Fixed 3.3. Problem : Web server s abnormal operation on too long URI HTTP server를 enable 했을때가끔너무긴 URL을가진 message를받을경우 system이 abnormal 상태로동작하게된다 (reboot) -> Fixed 30 Technology 11 /11 Final Update :

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