SRX Series Services Gateways for the Branch
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1 DATASHEET SRX SERIES 서비스게이트웨이 : 브랜치용 SRX100, SRX210, SRX650 제품소개 주니퍼네트웍스 SRX Series 서비스게이트웨이브랜치용은수십에서수백명의이용자를보유한지점들을위한필수적인연결, 보안, 관리기능들을제공합니다. 하나의장비에빠르고가용성높은스위칭, 라우팅, 보안, 애플리케이션기능들을통합함으로써기업환경에서새로운서비스들과안전한연결성을경제적으로제공할수있으며, 이용자들의만족스러운경험을보장할수있습니다. 브랜치, 캠퍼스, 데이터센터애플리케이션을위한모든 SRX Series 서비스게이트웨이들은주니퍼네트웍스 Junos OS 를탑재하고있습니다. Junos OS 는다양한장비와기능들전반에서일관성을보장하는동시에뛰어난성능과서비스, 강력한인프라스트럭처보안을실현합니다. 아울러 TCO 절감을실현합니다. 제품설명 주니퍼네트웍스 SRX Series 서비스게이트웨이브랜치용은주니퍼네트웍스 SRX Series 하이엔드용, EX Series 이더넷스위치, M Series 멀티서비스에지라우터, MX Series 이더넷서비스 라우터, T Series 코어라우터와함께주니퍼네트웍스의단일운영시스템인 Junos OS 를기반으로 뛰어난확장성을제공하는포트폴리오를구성합니다. Junos OS 를통해기업과통신사업자들은 분산된조직전반에대한구축및운영비용을절감할수있습니다. SRX Series 브랜치용은 Junos OS 소프트웨어를탑재하고있습니다. Junos OS 는전세계 100 대통신사업자들의네트워크에서코어인터넷라우터에탑재되어사용되고있습니다. Junos OS 의 IPv4/IPv6, OSPF, BGP, 멀티캐스트등캐리어급라우팅기능들은 10 년이상전세계현장에서 검증되어왔습니다. SRX Series 서비스게이트웨이브랜치용은네트워크경계보안, 컨텐트보안, 접근제어, 네트워크전반의위협에대한가시성및제어기능을제공합니다. 동급최강의방화벽과 VPN 기술들은 최소한의설정만으로도일관된성능으로네트워크경계에대한보안을보장합니다. 보안존과 정책들을사용함으로써새로운네트워크관리자들도 SRX Series 브랜치용을빠르고안전하게 설정하고구축할수있습니다. 정책기반 VPN 은다이나믹어드레싱 (dynamic addressing) 과 분할터널링 (split tunneling) 이요구되는보다복잡한보안아키텍처들을지원할수있습니다. 컨텐트보안을위해 SRX Series 브랜치용은 IPS, 안티바이러스, 안티스팸, 웹필터링, 데이터 손실방지등을포함한종합적인 UTM (Unified Threat Management) 서비스를제공합니다. 컨텐트필터링을통한이러한위협관리는나날이진화하는컨텐트내재형위협들로부터네트워크를 보호합니다. 선택사양으로하이퍼포먼스 IPS 와안티바이러스성능을위한 Content Security Accelerator 기능을제공합니다. 브랜치용 SRX 시리즈는다른주니퍼보안제품들과통합되어엔터프라이즈전반에대한일원화된접근제어 (UAC: unified access control) 와능동적위협관리 (adaptive threat management) 를제공합니다. 이러한기능들은보안전문가들에게사이버범죄및데이터손실에대응할수있는강력한도구를제공합니다. SRX Series 브랜치용은전세계수천곳의사이트에네트워크를구축해야하는기업들에게하이퍼포먼스의검증된구축기능들을제공합니다. 다양한옵션들은수십에서수천명에이르기까지 이용자규모에맞게성능, 기능, 가격대를설정할수있도록해줍니다. 조직의여러사이트들을 안전하게연결하기위한 WAN 또는인터넷연결옵션으로이더넷, 시리얼, T1/E1, xdsl, 메트로 이더넷, 3G 셀룰러무선옵션을모두사용할수있습니다. SRX Series 는또한여러가지외형으로 제공되기때문에미션 - 크리티컬한구축들을위한비용대비효과적인모델을선택할수있습니다. 네트워크관리는검증된 Junos OS CLI (command-line interface) 와스크립팅기능들, 또는 간단한웹기반 GUI 를통해간편하게수행할수있습니다. 1
2 아키텍처및주요구성요소 브랜치 SRX Series 제품들의주요하드웨어사양 제품 SRX100 서비스게이트웨이 SRX210 서비스게이트웨이 서비스게이트웨이 SRX650 서비스게이트웨이 설명 8개의 10/100 이더넷 LAN 포트 종합적인 UTM 2 ; 안티바이러스 2, 안티스팸 2, 웹필터링 2, IPS 2 ( 하이메모리버전 ) Unified Access Control (UAC) 및컨텐트필터링 1 GB 8 DRAM, 1 GB 플래쉬디폴트 ( 로우메모리버전에서 512 MB DRAM 가능 ) 2개의 10/100/1000 이더넷및 6개의 10/100 이더넷 LAN 포트, 1 Mini-PIM 슬롯, 1 ExpressCard 슬롯및 2 USB 포트 4개의다이나믹 PoE(Power over Ethernet) 포트 802.3af 팩토리옵션 T1/E1, 시리얼, ADSL/2/2+, 이더넷 SFP(small form-factor pluggable transceiver) 및기가빗이더넷인터페이스지원 IPS 및 ExpressAV의빠른성능을위한 Content Security Accelerator 하드웨어 종합적인 UTM 2 ; 안티바이러스 2, 안티스팸 2, 웹필터링 2, IPS 2 ( 하이메모리버전 ) Unified Access Control (UAC) 및컨텐트필터링 512 MB DRAM 디폴트, 1 GB DRAM 팩토리옵션, 1 GB 플래쉬디폴트 16개 10/1000/1000 이더넷 LAN 포트, 4개 Mini-PIM 슬롯 16개 PoE 포트팩토리옵션 ; PoE at, 백워드호환 802.3af T1/E1, 시리얼, ADSL2/2+, 이더넷 SFP (small form-factor pluggable transceiver) 및기가빗이더넷인터페이스지원 IPS 및 ExpressAV의빠른성능을위한 Content Security Accelerator 하드웨어 종합적인 UTM 2 ; 안티바이러스 2, 안티스팸 2, 웹필터링 2, IPS 2 ( 하이메모리버전 ) Unified Access Control (UAC) 및컨텐트필터링 512 MB RAM 디폴트, 1 GB DRAM 팩토리옵션, 1 GB 플래쉬디폴트 4개고정포트 10/100/1000 이더넷 LAN 포트, 8개 GPIM (Gigabit Ethernet-backplane Physical Interface Module) 슬롯 T1, E1, 기가빗이더넷 LAN 포트지원 ; 최대 48 포트스위칭지원및 802.3at, PoE+, 백워드호환 802.3af 포함 PoE 옵션 IPS 및 ExpressAV의빠른성능을위한 Content Security Accelerator 하드웨어 종합적인 UTM 2 ; 안티바이러스 2, 안티스팸 2, 웹필터링 2, IPS 2 ( 하이메모리버전 ) Unified Access Control (UAC) 및컨텐트필터링 모듈형서비스및라우팅엔진 ; 향후내부페일오버및핫스왑 2 GB DRAM 디폴트, 2 GB 컴팩트플래쉬디폴트, 추가스토리지를위한외장컴팩트플래쉬슬롯 AC 전원이중화옵션 ; 표준 AC 전원 (PoE 지원, PoE 전력최대 250 와트이중화, 또는 500 와트비-이중화 ) 네트워크구축 SRX Series 서비스게이트웨이브랜치용은원격지네트워크및브랜치로케이션에구축되어올 - 인 - 원으로보안기능이포함된 WAN 연결, IP 텔레포니, 통합된이더넷스위칭을통한로컬 PC 및서버들과의연결을 제공합니다. 기능및이점 보안라우팅 네트워크보안을위해반드시라우터와방화벽을모두사용해야할까요? 동급최강의라우팅및방화벽기능을하나의제품으로통합한 SRX Series 를구축한다면그럴필요가없습니다. 적절하지않은트래픽까지전부다 포워딩할필요가있을까요? SRX Series 브랜치용은트래픽이적절한지 아닌지를검사하고, 적절한트래픽만을포워딩합니다. 이렇게함으로써 네트워크부하를감소시키고, 중요한애플리케이션들에대역폭을할당할수 있습니다. 또한해킹으로부터네트워크를보호할수있습니다. 보안라우터의주목적은방화벽기능과정책적용을제공하는것입니다. 방화벽 ( 존 ) 기능은트래픽플로우와상태를검사하여특정존에대해세션 내의오리진및리턴정보가일치하는지확인하고허용되도록보장합니다. 보안정책은해당세션이어떤존내에서만들어져다른존으로이동할 수있는지를결정합니다. 이러한아키텍처는다양한종류의클라이언트 및서버들로부터패킷들을수신하여모든세션, 모든애플리케이션, 모든이용자들을추적합니다. 이렇게함으로써허용된트래픽만이자사네트워크에진입하고, 허용된트래픽이목적하는방향으로전송되도록보장할수있습니다. Untrust Zone INTERNET Trust Zone Intranet Guest Zone DMZ Zone 그림1: 방화벽, 존, 정책 2
3 Active/Standby High Availability Active/Standby INTERNET INTERNET Active Standby Failure Active EX Series EX Series EX Series EX Series Active/Active Active/Active INTERNET INTERNET Active Active Failure Active EX Series EX Series EX Series EX Series 그림 2: 고가용성 방화벽설정을간소화하기위해 SRX Series 브랜치용은 존 (zones) 과 정책 두가지기능을사용합니다. 이것들은사용자가설정할수있으며, 디폴트설정에는최소한의트러스트존 (trust zone) 및언트러스트존 (untrust zone) 이포함되어있습니다. 트러스트존은브랜치용 SRX Series 에 LAN 을연결하는데사용됩니다. 언트러스트존은 WAN 또는인터넷인터페이스를위해사용됩니다. 설치및설정을간소화하기위해 디폴트정책이적용되어있어서트러스트존에서언트러스트존으로 이동하는트래픽을허용해줍니다. 이정책은언트러스트존에서트러스트존으로이동하는모든트래픽을 차단합니다. 전통적인라우터는방화벽 ( 세션인식 ) 또는정책 ( 세션의소스 및목적지 ) 의개념이없으므로모든트래픽을포워딩합니다. 웹인터페이스또는 CLI 를사용하여엔터프라이즈는일련의보안정책들을 만들수있습니다. 이러한보안정책들은존내부와각기다른존들사이를 이동하는트래픽을제어합니다. 가장넓게는보안존내의모든소스에서 나오는모든종류의트래픽이다른존들의어떤목적지로든시간제한없이 전송될수있습니다. 가장좁게는제한된시간동안한존내부의특정 호스트와다른존의특정호스트사이에서오직한종류의트래픽만이동할 수있도록허용하는정책들을만들수있습니다. 고가용성 (High Availability) Junos OS Services Redundancy Protocol (JSRP) 은 SRX Series 브랜치용의핵심기능입니다. JSRP 은두대의보안시스템들이하나의 고가용성네트워크아키텍처로쉽게통합될수있도록해줍니다. 시스템들과 인접한스위치들은이중화된물리적링크로연결됩니다. 링크이중화를 통해주니퍼네트웍스는물리적포트에결함이발생하거나, 케이블이빠지는 것과같은흔히발생하는시스템오류원인들에대처합니다. 하나의연결이 언제든지유지되도록보장함으로써전체시스템중단을방지합니다. 이는 라우팅복원프로토콜들의일반적인액티브 / 스탠바이특징과일치합니다. SRX Series 서비스게이트웨이브랜치용이액티브 / 액티브페어로설정되었을경우, 오류발생시트래픽과설정은자동적으로미러링되어 액티브방화벽및 VPN 세션유지를제공합니다. 브랜치용 SRX Series 는설정과런타임정보모두를일치시킵니다. 그결과페일오버중에도 연결 / 세션상태및플로우정보, IPsec SA(security associations), NAT 트래픽, 어드레스북정보, 설정변경및기타정보들이공유됩니다. VRRP(Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol) 와같은일반적인라우터액티브 / 스탠바이복원프로토콜 (resiliency protocols) 들은 모든다이나믹플로우및세션정보는손실되고페일오버발생시반드시 재생성되어야합니다. 일부또는모든애플리케이션세션들은링크나노드의 3
4 Convergence Time 에따라재시작됩니다. 상태를유지함으로써세션이보존될뿐만아니라보안역시그대로유지됩니다. 불안정한네트워크에서는 이러한액티브 / 액티브설정이링크변동으로인해세션성능에미치는 영향을최소화합니다. 성능저하없는세션기반포워딩 통합된라우터와방화벽의처리량과지연시간을최적화하기위해 Junos OS 는세션기반포워딩을사용합니다. 세션기반포워딩은전통적인방화벽의세션상태정보와전통적인라우터의넥스트 - 홉 (next-hop) 포워딩을단일처리로통합한혁신적인기술입니다. Junos OS 를사용하면 포워딩정책에의해승인된세션은다음단계루트로의포인터와함께포워딩 테이블에추가됩니다. 이미생성된세션의트래픽은허용된세션인지의여부와다음단계 (nexthop) 루트를찾기위해단한번의세션테이블검사만으로처리가됩니다. 이러한효율적인알고리듬은세션정보검증과루트탐색을위한다수의 테이블을보유한전통적인라우터에비해세션기반트래픽에대한처리량을 향상시키고지연시간을줄입니다. 그림 3 은세션기반포워딩알고리듬을보여줍니다. 새로운세션이 생성되었을때, Junos OS 를사용하는세션기반아키텍처는해당세션이 정책들에의해승인되는지를검증합니다. 세션이승인되는경우, Junos OS 는라우팅테이블에서다음단계 (nexthop) 루트를탐색합니다. 그리고해당세션과다음단계루트를세션과포워딩테이블에기록하고패킷을전송합니다. 이미전송된세션에뒤이어 처리되는패킷들은세션과포워딩테이블을이용한단한번의테이블검사를 통해서출구 (egress) 인터페이스로전송됩니다. Session Initial Packet Processing Ingress Interface Session and Forwarding Table Disallowed by Policy: Dropped Security Policy Evaluation and Next-Hop Lookup Table Update 그림 3: 세션기반포워딩알고리듬 Forwarding for Permitted Traffic Egress Interface SMALL OFFICE FIXED MOBILE SITE (Mobile 3G) INTERNET Mobile SRX210 Cellular Wireless SRX210 DSL EX4200/EX2200 EX3200/EX2200 Service Provider SIP Softswitch Service Provider SIP Softswitch POP PSTN POP PSTN POP LARGE OFFICE Clear channel T-1 Data (B8ZS) Channelized T-1 Voice (AMI) EX4200 EX4200 EX3200/EX2200 SRX210 SRX650 PBX Fax Fax HEAD QUARTERS BRANCH BRANCH 그림 4: Distributed Enterprise 4
5 SRX100 SRX210 SRX650 Specifications Protocols IPv4, IPv6, ISO Connectionless Network Service (CLNS) Routing and Multicast Static routes RIPv2 OSPF BGP BGP Router Reflector 1 IS-IS Multicast ((Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMPv3), PIM, Session Description Protocol (SDP), Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP), source-specific)) 7 MPLS 4 IP Address Management Static Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) (client and server) DHCP relay Encapsulations Ethernet (MAC and tagged) Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) (synchronous) Multilink Point-to-Point Protocol (MLPPP) Frame Relay Multilink Frame Relay (MLFR) (FRF.15, FRF.16) High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) Serial (RS-232, RS-449, X.21, V.35, EIA-530) 802.1q VLAN support Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) Traffic Management Marking, policing, and shaping Class-based queuing with prioritization Weighted random early detection (WRED) Queuing based on VLAN, data-link connection identifier (DLCI), interface, bundles, or filters Security Firewall, zones, screens, policies Stateful firewall, ACL filters Denial of service (DoS) and distributed denial of service (DDoS) protection (anomaly-based) Prevent replay attack; Anti-Replay Unified Access Control UTM 2 (SRX650 and high memory versions of, SRX210, and SRX100 only) Antivirus 2, antispam 2, Web filtering 2, IPS 2 Content Security Accelerator in SRX210 high memory, high memory, and SRX650 2 ExpressAV option in SRX210 high memory, high memory, and SRX650 2 Content filtering VPN Tunnels (generic routing encapsulation, IP-in-IP, IPsec) IPsec, Data Encryption Standard (DES) (56-bit), triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES) (168-bit), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) (256-bit) encryption Message Digest 5 (MD5) and SHA-1 authentication Access Manager: Dynamic VPN Client. Browser based remote access feature requiring a license. Voice Transport FRF.12 Link fragmentation and interleaving (LFI) Compressed Real-Time Transport Protocol (CRTP) High Availability VRRP Stateful failover and dual box clustering via JSRP3 SRX650: Redundant power (optional) Future GPIM hot swap (online insertion and removal, OIR) Future internal failover and SRE hot swap (OIR) Backup link via 3G wireless or other WAN 5
6 Specifications (continued) IPv6 4 OSPFv3 IPv6 Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) BGP Quality of service (QoS) Wireless CX111 Cellular Broadband Data Bridge supported on all branch SRX Series devices 3G ExpressCards supported on SRX210 with built-in ExpressCard slot AX411 Wireless LAN (WLAN) Access Point supported on all 10 branch SRX Series devices SLA and Measurement Real-time performance monitoring (RPM) Sessions, packets, and bandwidth usage J-Flow flow monitoring and accounting services Logging and Monitoring Syslog Traceroute Administration Juniper Networks Network and Security Manager support Juniper Networks STRM Series Security Threat Response Managers support Juniper Networks Advanced Insight Solutions support External administrator database (RADIUS, LDAP, SecureID) Auto configuration Configuration rollback Rescue configuration with button Commit confirm for changes Auto record for diagnostics Software upgrades J-Web Product Comparison SRX100 SRX210 SRX650 Maximum Performance and Capacity Junos OS version tested Junos OS 10.0 Junos OS 10.0 Junos OS 10.0 Junos OS 10.0 Firewall performance (large packets) 650 Mbps 750 Mbps 1.5 Gbps 7 Gbps Firewall performance (IMIX) 200 Mbps 250 Mbps 500 Mbps 2.5 Gbps Firewall + routing PPS (64 Byte) 75 Kpps 80 Kpps 200 Kpps 900 Kpps AES256+SHA-1/3DES+SHA-1 VPN performance 65 Mbps 75 Mbps 250 Mbps 1.5 Gbps IPsec VPN Tunnels ,000 3,000 IPS (intrusion prevention system) 60 Mbps 80 Mbps 250 Mbps 900 Mbps Antivirus 25 Mbps 30 Mbps 85 Mbps 350 Mbps Connections per second 2,000 2,000 9,000 30,000 Maximum concurrent sessions DRAM options 16 K / 32 K MB 8 / 1 GB DRAM 32 K / 64 K MB / 1 GB DRAM 64 K / 128 K MB / 1 GB DRAM Maximum security policies ,096 8, K 6 2 GB DRAM Maximum users supported Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Network Connectivity Fixed I/O 8 x 10/100 2 x 10/100/1000BASE-T + 6 x 10/ x 10/100/1000BASE-T 4 x 10/100/1000BASE-T I/O slots N/A 1 x SRX Series Mini-PIM 4 x SRX Series Mini-PIM 8 x GPIM or multiple GPIM and XPIM combinations Services and Routing Engine slots N/A N/A N/A 2 3 ExpressCard slot (3G WAN) No Yes No No WAN/LAN interface options N/A See ordering information See ordering information See ordering information Optional maximum number of PoE ports N/A Up to 4 ports of 802.3af with maximum 50 W Up to 16 ports of 802.3af/at with maximum 150 W Up to 48 ports of 802.3af/at with maximum 247 W USB per SRE Routing BGP instances BGP peers BGP routes 4 K / 8 K 5 8 K / 16 K 5 32 K / 64 K 5 1 M 6 OSPF instances OSPF routes 4 K / 8 K 5 8 K / 16 K 5 32 K / 64 K 5 1 M 6 RIP v1 / v2 instances RIP v2 routes 4 K / 8 K 5 8 K / 16 K 5 32 K / 64 K 5 1 M 6 Static routes 4 K / 8 K 5 8 K / 16 K 5 32 K / 64 K 5 1 M 6 6
7 Routing (continued) SRX100 SRX210 SRX650 Source-based routing Yes Yes Yes Yes Policy-based routing Yes Yes Yes Yes Equal-cost multipath (ECMP) Yes Yes Yes Yes Reverse path forwarding (RPF) Yes Yes Yes Yes MPLS 4 Layer 2 VPN (VPLS) Yes Yes Yes Yes Layer 3 VPN Yes Yes Yes Yes LDP Yes Yes Yes Yes RSVP Yes Yes Yes Yes Circuit Cross-connect (CCC) Yes Yes Yes Yes Translational Cross-connect (TCC) Yes Yes Yes Yes Multicast 7 IGMP (v1, v2, v3) Yes Yes Yes Yes Protocol independent multicast (PIM) sparse mode (SM) Yes Yes Yes Yes PIM dense mode (DM) Yes Yes Yes Yes PIM source-specific multicast (SSM) Yes Yes Yes Yes Multicast inside IPsec tunnel Yes Yes Yes Yes IPsec VPN Concurrent VPN tunnels ,000 3,000 Tunnel interfaces DES (56-bit), 3DES (168-bit) and AES (256-bit) Yes Yes Yes Yes MD-5 and SHA-1 authentication Yes Yes Yes Yes Manual key, Internet Key Exchange (IKE), public key infrastructure (PKI) (X.509) Yes Yes Yes Yes Perfect forward secrecy (DH Groups) 1,2,5 1,2,5 1,2,5 1,2,5 Prevent replay attack Yes Yes Yes Yes Dynamic remote access VPN Yes Yes Yes No IPsec NAT traversal Yes Yes Yes Yes Redundant VPN gateways Yes Yes Yes Yes User Authentication and Access Control Third-party user authentication RADIUS, RSA SecureID, LDAP RADIUS, RSA SecureID, LDAP RADIUS, RSA SecureID, LDAP RADIUS accounting Yes Yes Yes Yes XAUTH VPN, Web-based, 802.X authentication Yes Yes Yes Yes PKI certificate requests (PKCS 7 and PKCS 10) Yes Yes Yes Yes Certificate Authorities supported Virtualization VeriSign, Entrust, Microsoft, RSA Keon, iplanet, (Netscape), Baltimore, DoD PKI VeriSign, Entrust, Microsoft, RSA Keon, iplanet, (Netscape), Baltimore, DoD PKI VeriSign, Entrust, Microsoft, RSA Keon, iplanet, (Netscape), Baltimore, DoD PKI Maximum number of security zones Maximum number of virtual routers Maximum number of VLANs ,096 Encapsulations PPP/MLPPP N/A Yes Yes Yes MLPPP maximum physical interfaces N/A Frame Relay N/A Yes Yes Yes MLFR (FRF.15, FRF.16) N/A Yes Yes Yes MLFR maximum physical interfaces N/A HDLC N/A Yes Yes Yes Address Translation Source NAT with Port Address Translation (PAT) Yes Yes Yes Yes Static NAT Yes Yes Yes Yes Destination NAT with PAT Yes Yes Yes Yes RADIUS, RSA SecureID, LDAP VeriSign, Entrust, Microsoft, RSA Keon, iplanet, (Netscape), Baltimore, DoD PKI 7
8 IP Address Assignment SRX100 SRX210 SRX650 Static Yes Yes Yes Yes DHCP, PPPoE client Yes Yes Yes Yes Internal DHCP server Yes Yes Yes Yes DHCP relay Yes Yes Yes Yes L2 Switching VLAN 802.1Q Yes Yes Yes Yes Link Aggregation 802.3ad/LACP Yes Yes Yes Yes Jumbo Frame (9216 Byte) No Yes Yes Yes Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) 802.1D, RSTP 802.1w, MSTP 802.1s Authentication 802.1x Port based and multiple supplicant Traffic Management Quality of Service (QoS) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Guaranteed bandwidth Yes Yes Yes Yes Maximum bandwidth Yes Yes Yes Yes Ingress traffic policing Yes Yes Yes Yes Priority-bandwidth utilization Yes Yes Yes Yes DiffServ marking Yes Yes Yes Yes High Availability Active/active L3 mode Yes Yes Yes 3 Yes 3 Active/passive L3 mode Yes Yes Yes 3 Yes 3 Configuration synchronization Yes Yes Yes 3 Yes 3 VRRP Yes Yes Yes Yes Session synchronization for firewall and VPN Yes Yes Yes 3 Yes 3 Session failover for routing change Yes Yes Yes 3 Yes 3 Device failure detection Yes Yes Yes 3 Yes 3 Link failure detection Yes Yes Yes 3 Yes 3 Firewall Network attack detection Yes Yes Yes Yes DoS and DDos protection Yes Yes Yes Yes TCP reassembly for fragmented packet protection Yes Yes Yes Yes Brute force attack mitigation Yes Yes Yes Yes SYN cookie protection Yes Yes Yes Yes Zone-based IP spoofing Yes Yes Yes Yes Malformed packet protection Yes Yes Yes Yes Unified Threat Management 2 Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) Yes 9 Yes Yes Yes Protocol anomaly detection Yes 9 Yes Yes Yes Stateful protocol signatures Yes 9 Yes Yes Yes Intrusion prevention system (IPS) attack pattern obfuscation Yes 9 Yes Yes Yes Customer signatures creation Yes 9 Yes Yes Yes Frequency of updates Daily and emergency 9 Daily and emergency Daily and emergency Daily and emergency Antivirus Express AV (packet-based AV) No Yes Yes Yes File-based antivirus Yes Yes Yes Yes Signature database Yes Yes Yes Yes Protocols scanned POP3, HTTP, SMTP, IMAP, FTP POP3, HTTP, SMTP, IMAP, FTP POP3, HTTP, SMTP, IMAP, FTP Antispyware Yes Yes Yes Yes Anti-adware Yes Yes Yes Yes Antikeylogger Yes Yes Yes Yes Antispam Yes Yes Yes Yes POP3, HTTP, SMTP, IMAP, FTP 8
9 Unified Threat Management 2 (continued) SRX100 SRX210 SRX650 Integrated Web filtering Yes Yes Yes Yes Redirect Web filtering Yes Yes Yes Yes Content filtering Yes Yes Yes Yes Based on MIME type, file extension, and protocol commands System Management Yes Yes Yes Yes Web UI Yes Yes Yes Yes Command-line interface Yes Yes Yes Yes Network and Security Manager Yes Yes Yes Yes STRM Series Yes Yes Yes Yes Wireless CX111 3G Bridge support Yes Yes Yes Yes Internal 3G ExpressCard slot support No Yes No No Max WLAN access point supported Flash and Memory Memory minimum and maximum (DRAM) 512 MB (Accessible), 512 MB, 1 GB 512 MB, 1 GB 2 GB 1 GB 8 Memory slots Fixed memory Fixed memory Fixed memory 4 DIMM Flash memory 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 2 GB CF internal on SRE, External slot empty, up to 2 GB CF supported USB port for external storage Yes Yes Yes Yes Dimensions and Power Dimensions (W x H x D) 8.5 x 1.4 x 5.8 in (21.6 x 3.6 x 14.7 cm) 11.1 x 1.75 x 7.1 in (27.9 x 4.1 x 18.0 cm) Weight (device and power supply) 2.5 lb (1.1 kg) 3.3 lb (1.5 kg) Non-PoE / 4.4 lb (2 kg) PoE No interface modules 17.5 x 1.75 x 15.1 in (44.4 x 4.4 x 38.5 cm) 11.2 lb (5.1 kg) Non-PoE / 12.3 lb (5.6 kg) PoE No interface modules 17.5 x 3.5 x 18.2 in (44.4 x 8.8 x 46.2 cm) 24.9 lb (11.3 kg) No interface modules 1 power supply Rack mountable Yes, 1 RU Yes, 1 RU Yes, 1 RU Yes, 2 RU Power supply (AC) VAC, 30 W VAC, 60 W Non-PoE / 150 W PoE VAC, 150 W Non- PoE / 350 W PoE VAC, Single 645 W or Dual 645 W Maximum PoE power N/A 50 W 150 W 247 W redundant, or 494 W non-redundant Average power consumption 10 W 27 W Low Memory (LM), 28 W High Memory (HM), 84 W (PoE) 61 W (LM), 65 W (HM), 179 W (PoE) Input frequency Hz Hz Hz Hz Maximum current consumption VAC VAC (LM), VAC (HM), VAC (PoE) Maximum inrush current 60 A 80 A for LM/HM, 60 A for PoE Average heat dissipation 35 BTU/hr 92 BTU/hr (SRX210B), 95 BTU/hr (SRX210H), 116 BTU/hr (SRX210H- PoE) Maximum heat dissipation 80 BTU/hr 120 BTU/hr (SRX210B), 126 BTU/hr (SRX210H), 157 BTU/hr (SRX210H- PoE) VAC (LM), VAC (HM), VAC (PoE) 40 A for LM/HM, 45 A for PoE 208 BTU/Hr (B), 222 BTU/Hr (H), 249 BTU/Hr (H- PoE) 344 BTU/Hr (SRX210B), 369 BTU/Hr (SRX210H), 413 BTU/Hr (SRX210H- PoE) 122 W VAC with single PSU with PoE, VAC with dual PSU with PoE 45 A for ½ cycle 319 BTU/Hr 699 BTU/Hr Redundant power supply (hot swappable) No No No Yes (up to maximum capacity of single PSU) Acoustic noise level (Per ISO 7779 Standard) 0 db (fanless) 29.1 db 54.1 db 60.9 db 9
10 Environment Operational temperature SRX100 SRX210 SRX to 104 F (0 to 40 C) Nonoperational temperature 4 to 158 F, (-20 to 70 C) Humidity 10% to 90% noncondensing Mean time between failures (Telcordia model) Certifications and Network Homologation USA 24.8 years [SRX100B] 24.8 years [SRX100H] 32 to 104 F (0 to 40 C) 4 to 158 F, (-20 to 70 C) 10% to 90% noncondensing 15.2 years (SRX210B) 14.3 years (SRX210H) 10.4 years (SRX210H- PoE) 32 to 104 F (0 to 40 C) 4 to 158 F, (-20 to 70 C) 10% to 90% noncondensing 15.2 years (B) 14.3 years (H) 10.4 years (H- PoE) 32 to 104 F (0 to 40 C) 4 to 158 F, (-20 to 70 C) 10% to 90% noncondensing 9.6 years with redundant power Safety certifications UL UL UL UL EMC certifications FCC Class B FCC Class B 9 FCC Class A FCC Class A Network homologation TIA-968 TIA-968 TIA-968 TIA-966 Canada Safety certifications CSA CSA CSA CSA EMC certifications ICES class B ICES class B 9 ICES class A ICES class A Network homologation CS-03 CS-03 CS-03 CS-03 Australia Safety certifications AS / NZS AS / NZS AS / NZS AS / NZS EMC certifications AS / NZS CISPR22 Class B Network homologation AS / ACIF S 002, S 016, S 043.1, S043.2 New Zealand AS / NZS CISPR22 Class B 9 AS / ACIF S 002, S 016, S 043.1, S043.2 AS / NZS CISPR22 Class A AS / ACIF S 002, S 016, S 043.1, S043.2 AS / NZS CISPR22 Class A AS / ACIF S 016 Safety certifications AS / NZS AS / NZS AS / NZS AS / NZS EMC certifications AS / NZS CISPR22 Class B AS / NZS CISPR22 Class B 9 AS / NZS CISPR22 Class A Network homologation PTC 217, PTC 273 PTC 217, PTC 273 PTC 217, PTC 273 PTC 217 Japan AS / NZS CISPR22 Class A Safety certifications CB Scheme CB Scheme CB Scheme CB Scheme EMC certifications VCCI Class B VCCI Class B 9 VCCI Class A VCCI Class A Network homologation European Union Certificate for Technical Conditions Certificate for Technical Conditions Certificate for Technical Conditions Certificate for Technical Conditions Safety certifications EN EN EN EN EMC certifications EN Class B, EN Network homologation CTR 12 / 13, CTR 21, DoC EN Class B 9, EN CTR 12 / 13, CTR 21, DoC EN Class A, EN CTR 12 / 13, CTR 21, DoC EN Class A, EN CTR 12 / 13, DoC 1. BGP Route Reflector supported on SRX650. See ordering section for more information. 2. Unified Threat Management- antivirus, antispam, Web filtering and IPS require a subscription license and the high memory system option to use the feature. UTM is not supported on the low memory version. Please see the ordering section for options. Content Filtering and UAC are part of the base software with no additional license. 3. High availability. VRRP supported on all SRX Series products. and SRX650 will support high availability features in Junos Supported in 9.5 in packet mode without services. 5. When UTM is enabled capacities supported are low memory specifications, on high memory system options. 6. When UTM is enabled concurrent sessions supported is 50% 0f value shown. 7. Multicast features in and SRX650 are supported as of the 9.6 release. 8. SRX100B installed with 1 GB DRAM, with 512 MB accessible. Optional upgrade to 1 GB DRAM is available with purchase of memory software license key. 9. SRX210H-POE is Class A. 10. SRX100 supports AX411 in 2H 주니퍼네트웍스서비스및지원주니퍼는하이퍼포먼스네트워킹의가치를가속, 확장, 최적화시키는 Performance-Enabling 서비스및지원을제공합니다. 이러한서비스를통해매출과직결되는역량들을신속하게제공함으로써생산성을향상시키고, 새로운비즈니스모델을지원하며, 시장확대와고객만족증대를실현시킵니다. 동시에주니퍼는뛰어난운영효율성을통해성능, 안정성, 가용성, 확장성요구를만족시키고운영비용을절감시키며 IT 위험요소들을제거합니다. 10
11 Ordering Information MODEL NUMBER SRX650 Base System SRX650-BASE- SRE6-645AP SRX650 Options Interface Modules SRX-GP-16GE SRX-GP-16GE-POE SRX-GP-24GE SRX-GP-24GE- POE SRX-GP-DUAL- T1-E1 SRX-GP-QUAD- T1-E1 DESCRIPTION SRX650 Services Gateway with 1 Services Routing Engine (SRE), 4 x 10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 2 GB DRAM, 2 GB CF, fan tray, 645 W AC PoE power supply unit for SRX650. Provides 397 W system 12 V and 247 W PoE 50 VDC. Works with VAC input. Includes power cord and rack mount kit. 16-port 10/100/1000BASE-T XPIM 16-port 10/100/1000BASE-T PoE XPIM 24-port 10/100/1000BASE-T XPIM, includes 4 SFP slots 24-port 10/100/1000BASE-T PoE XPIM, includes 4 SFP slots Dual T1/E1 GPIM QUAD T1/E1 GPIM Power Supplies and Accessories SRX600-PWR- 645AC-POE SRX600-SRE6H SPARE SRX650-CHAS SRX650-FAN-01 SRX650-FILT-01 OPTIONAL Additional Software Feature Licenses SRX650-K-AV SRX650-IDP SRX650-S2-AS SRX650-W-WF SRX650-SMB2-CS SRX650-K-AV-3 SRX650-IDP-3 SRX650-S2-AS-3 SRX650-W-WF-3 Spare 645 W AC PoE power supply unit for SRX650 systems. One is included in SRX650 Base System (SRX650-BASE-SRE6-645AP). Spare SRE6-H for SRX650. One is included in SRX650 Base System (SRX650-BASE-SRE6-645AP). SRX650 chassis including fan tray. No system processor (SRE) and no power supply unit. Spare SRX650 fan tray. One is included in SRX650 Chassis Spare (SRX650-CHAS), and included in SRX650 Base System (SRX650- BASE-SRE6-645AP). Not included in SRX650 Chassis Spare (SRX650- CHAS), and not included in SRX650 Base System (SRX650-BASE-SRE6-645AP). Optional, as this is not required for normal operations, but recommended for dusty environments. One year subscription for Juniper-Kaspersky antivirus updates on SRX650 One year subscription for IDP updates on SRX650 One year subscription for Juniper-Sophos antispam updates on SRX650 One year subscription for Juniper-Websense Web filtering updates on SRX650 One year security subscription for enterprise Sophos antispam, and IDP on SRX650 Three year subscription for Juniper-Kaspersky antivirus updates on SRX650 Three year subscription for IDP updates on SRX650 Three year subscription for Juniper-Sophos antispam updates on SRX650 Three year subscription for Juniper-Websense Web filtering updates on SRX650 MODEL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Additional Software Feature Licenses (continued) SRX650-SMB2- CS-3 SRX-BGP-ADV-LTU SRX650-K-AV-5 SRX650-IDP-5 SRX650-S2-AS-5 SRX650-W-WF-5 SRX650-SMB2- CS-5 Base System Three year security subscription for enterprise Sophos antispam, and IDP on SRX650 Advanced BGP on SRX650 (Route Reflector) Five year subscription for Juniper-Kaspersky antivirus updates on SRX650 Five year subscription for IDP updates on SRX650 Five year subscription for Juniper-Sophos antispam updates on SRX650 Five year subscription for Juniper-Websense Web filtering updates on SRX650 Five year security subscription for enterprise - includes Kaspersky antivirus, Web Filtering, Sophos antispam, and IDP on SRX650 B Services Gateway with 16 GbE ports, 4 Mini-PIM slots, and base memory (512 MB RAM, 1 GB Flash) H Services Gateway with 16 GbE ports, 4 Mini-PIM slots, and high memory (1 GB RAM, 1 GB Flash) H-POE Services Gateway with 16 GbE ports, 4 Mini-PIM slots, and high memory (1 GB RAM, 1 GB Flash), with 16 ports PoE (150 W) -RMK Interface Modules SRX-MP-1SERIAL SRX-MP-1ADSL2-A SRX-MP-1ADSL2-B SRX-MP-1VDSL2-A Rack mount kit for 19 in rack (holds one unit) 1-port Sync Serial Mini Physical Interface Module (Mini-PIM) for branch SRX Series 1-port ADSL2+ Mini-PIM supporting ADSL/ ADSL2/ADSL2+ Annex A 1-port ADSL2+ Mini-PIM supporting ADSL/ ADSL2/ADSL2+ Annex B 1-port VDSL2 Mini-PIM supporting Annex A, with fallback to ADSL2/ADSL2+ SRX-MP-8GSHDSL 8-wire (4-pair) G.SHDSL Mini-PIM SRX-MP-1SFP SRX-MP-1T1E1 SRX-MP-1DOCSIS3 Additional Software Feature Licenses -K-AV -IDP -S2-AS -W-WF -SMB2-CS -K-AV-3 1-port SFP Mini-PIM for branch SRX Series 1-port T1 or E1 Mini-PIM for branch SRX Series 1-port DOCSIS 3.0 Cable Modem Mini-PIM for SRX Series; backwards compatible with DOCSIS 2.0 and 1.1 One year subscription for Juniper-Kaspersky antivirus updates on One year subscription for IDP updates on One year subscription for Juniper-Sophos antispam updates on One year subscription for Juniper-Websense Web filtering updates on One year security subscription for enterprise Sophos antispam, and IDP on Three year subscription for Juniper-Kaspersky antivirus updates on 11
12 Ordering Information (continued) MODEL NUMBER DESCRIPTION Additional Software Feature Licenses (continued) -IDP-3 -S2-AS-3 -W-WF-3 -SMB2- CS-3 -K-AV-5 -IDP-5 -S2-AS-5 -W-WF-5 -SMB2- CS-5 SRX-RAC-5-LTU SRX-RAC-10-LTU SRX-RAC-25-LTU SRX-RAC-50-LTU SRX210 Base System SRX210B SRX210H SRX210H-POE Interface Modules SRX-MP-1SERIAL SRX-MP-1ADSL2-A SRX-MP-1ADSL2-B SRX-MP-1VDSL2-A SRX-MP-8GSHDSL SRX-MP-1SFP SRX-MP-1T1E1 SRX-MP-1DOCSIS3 Three year subscription for IDP updates on Three year subscription for Juniper-Sophos antispam updates on Three year subscription for Juniper-Websense Web filtering updates on Three year security subscription for enterprise Sophos antispam, and IDP on Five year subscription for Juniper-Kaspersky antivirus updates on Five year subscription for IDP updates on Five year subscription for Juniper-Sophos antispam updates on Five year subscription for Juniper-Websense Web filtering updates on Five year security subscription for enterprise Sophos antispam, and IDP on Dynamic VPN Client: 5 simultaneous users for SRX100, SRX210 and only Dynamic VPN Client: 10 simultaneous users for SRX100, SRX210 and only Dynamic VPN Client: 25 simultaneous users for SRX100, SRX210 and only Dynamic VPN Client: 50 simultaneous users for only SRX210 Services Gateway with 2 GbE + 6 Fast Ethernet ports, 1 Mini-PIM slot, 1 ExpressCard slot and base memory (512 MB RAM, 1 GB Flash) SRX210 Services Gateway with 2 GbE+ 6 Fast Ethernet ports, 1 Mini-PIM slot, 1 ExpressCard slot and high memory (1 GB RAM, 1 GB Flash) SRX210 Services Gateway with 2 GbE + 6 Fast Ethernet ports, 1 Mini-PIM slot, 1 ExpressCard slot and high memory (1 GB RAM, 1 GB Flash), with 4 ports PoE (50 W) 1-port Sync Serial Mini Physical Interface Module (Mini-PIM) for branch SRX Series 1-port ADSL2+ Mini-PIM supporting ADSL/ ADSL2/ADSL2+ Annex A 1-port ADSL2+ Mini-PIM supporting ADSL/ ADSL2/ADSL2+ Annex B 1-port VDSL2 Mini-PIM supporting Annex A, with fallback to ADSL2/ADSL2+ 8-wire (4-pair) G.SHDSL Mini-PIM 1-port SFP Mini Physical Interface Module (Mini-PIM) for branch SRX Series 1-port T1 or E1 Mini Physical Interface Module (Mini-PIM) for branch SRX Series 1-port DOCSIS 3.0 Cable Modem Mini-PIM for SRX Series; backwards compatible with DOCSIS 2.0 and 1.1 MODEL NUMBER Additional Hardware SRX210-DESK- STAND SRX210-RMK SRX210-WALL-KIT SRX210-PWR- 60W-* SRX210-PWR- 150W-* DESCRIPTION SRX210 desk top stand (holds one unit) SRX210 rack mount kit for 19 in rack (holds one unit) SRX210 wall mount kit (holds one unit) Spare SRX210 switching power supply, 60 W (non-poe) Spare SRX210 switching power supply, 150 W (PoE) *See price list for country-specific power cord model numbers. Additional Software Feature Licenses SRX210-K-AV SRX210-IDP SRX210-S2-AS SRX210-W-WF SRX210-SMB2-CS SRX210-K-AV-3 SRX210-IDP-3 SRX210-S2-AS-3 SRX210-W-WF-3 SRX210-SMB2- CS-3 SRX210-K-AV-5 SRX210-IDP-5 SRX210-S2-AS-5 SRX210-W-WF-5 SRX210-SMB2- CS-5 SRX-RAC-5-LTU SRX-RAC-10-LTU SRX-RAC-25-LTU SRX-RAC-50-LTU One year subscription for Juniper-Kaspersky antivirus updates on SRX210 One year subscription for IDP updates on SRX210 One year subscription for Juniper-Sophos antispam updates on SRX210 One year subscription for Juniper-Websense Web filtering updates on SRX210 One year security subscription for enterprise Sophos antispam, and IDP on SRX210 Three year subscription for Juniper-Kaspersky antivirus updates on SRX210 Three year subscription for IDP updates on SRX210 Three year subscription for Juniper-Sophos antispam updates on SRX210 Three year subscription for Juniper-Websense Web filtering updates on SRX210 Three year security subscription for enterprise Sophos antispam, and IDP on SRX210 Five year subscription for Juniper-Kaspersky antivirus updates on SRX210 Five year subscription for IDP updates on SRX210 Five year subscription for Juniper-Sophos antispam updates on SRX210 Five year subscription for Juniper-Websense Web filtering updates on SRX210 Five year security subscription for enterprise - includes Kaspersky antivirus, Web Filtering, Sophos antispam, and IDP on SRX210 Dynamic VPN Client: 5 simultaneous users for SRX100, SRX210 and only Dynamic VPN Client: 10 simultaneous users for SRX100, SRX210 and only Dynamic VPN Client: 25 simultaneous users for SRX100, SRX210 and only Dynamic VPN Client: 50 simultaneous users for only Small Form Factor Pluggable (SFP) Transceivers SRX-SFP-1GE-LH SRX-SFP-1GE-LX SRX-SFP-1GE-SX SRX-SFP-1GE-T SRX-SFP-FE-FX SFP 1000BASE-LH Optical Transceiver SFP 1000BASE-LX Optical Transceiver SFP 1000BASE-SX Optical Transceiver SFP 1000BASE-T Copper Transceiver SFP 100BASE-FX Optical Transceiver 12
13 Ordering Information (continued) MODEL NUMBER SRX100 Base System SRX100B SRX100H Additional Hardware SRX100-PWR- 30W-* SRX-100-RMK SRX100-WALL-KIT SRX100-DESK- STAND DESCRIPTION SRX100 Services Gateway with 8xFE ports and base memory (On-board 1 GB RAM w/ 512 MB accessible, 1 GB Flash) SRX100 Services Gateway with 8xFE ports and high memory (1 GB RAM, 1 GB Flash) Spare SRX100 switching power supply, 30 W (non-poe) SRX rack mount kit (holds two units) SRX100 wall mount kit (holds one unit) SRX100 desk stand (holds one unit) *See price list for country-specific power cord model numbers. Additional Software Feature Licenses SRX100-MEM-LIC- UPG SRX100-K-AV SRX100-W-WF SRX100-IDP SRX100-K-AV-3 SRX100-SMB2-CS SRX100-W-WF-3 SRX100-IDP-3 SRX100-S2-AS SRX100-S2-AS-3 SRX100-SMB2- CS-3 SRX100-K-AV-5 SRX100-IDP-5 SRX100-S2-AS-5 SRX100-W-WF-5 SRX100-SMB2- CS-5 Dynamic VPN Client SRX-RAC-5-LTU SRX-RAC-10-LTU SRX-RAC-25-LTU SRX100 memory software license - upgrades SRX100B model from 512 MB RAM to 1 GB RAM One year subscription for Juniper-Kaspersky antivirus updates on SRX100 One year subscription for Juniper-Websense Web filtering updates on SRX100 One year subscription for IDP updates on SRX100 Three year subscription for Juniper-Kaspersky antivirus updates on SRX100 One year security subscription for enterprise Sophos antispam, and IDP on SRX100 Three year subscription for Juniper-Websense Web filtering updates on SRX100 Three year subscription for IDP updates on SRX100 One year subscription for Juniper-Sophos antispam updates on SRX100 Three year subscription for Juniper-Sophos antispam updates on SRX100 Three year security subscription for enterprise Sophos antispam, and IDP on SRX100 Five year subscription for Juniper-Kaspersky antivirus updates on SRX100 Five year subscription for IDP updates on SRX100 Five year subscription for Juniper-Sophos antispam updates on SRX100 Five year subscription for Juniper-Websense Web filtering updates on SRX100 Five year security subscription for enterprise - includes Kaspersky antivirus, Web Filtering, Sophos antispam, and IDP on SRX100 5 simultaneous users for SRX100, SRX210 and only 10 simultaneous users for SRX100, SRX210 and only 25 simultaneous users for SRX100, SRX210 and only 13
14 Notes 14
15 Notes 15
16 주니퍼네트웍스에대하여주니퍼네트웍스는하이퍼포먼스네트워킹으로네트워크업계를선도해나가고있습니다. 주니퍼는단일네트워크상에서서비스와애플리케이션운용을가속화시키는안정적인네트워크환경구축을위해하이퍼포먼스네트워크인프라스트럭처를제공하는데주력합니다. 이러한하이퍼포먼스네트워크는고객의하이퍼포먼스비즈니스를위한원동력이되고있습니다. 자세한정보는 에서확인할수있습니다. 한국주니퍼네트웍스 ( 주 ) 서울시강남구역삼 1 동 캐피탈타워 19 층 TEL : 02) FAX : 02) 본사 아태지역본부 EMEA 본부 주니퍼네트웍스솔루션에대한구매문의는 Juniper Networks, Inc North Mathilda Avenue Sunnyvale, CA USA Phone: 888.JUNIPER ( ) or Fax: Juniper Networks (Hong Kong) 26/F, Cityplaza One 1111 King s Road Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong Phone: Fax: Juniper Networks Ireland Airside Business Park Swords, County Dublin, Ireland Phone: EMEA Sales: Fax: 한국주니퍼네트웍스 ( 전화 , 이메일 로연락주십시오. 저작권 2010, 주니퍼네트웍스사. 모든권리보유. 주니퍼네트웍스, 주니퍼네트웍스로고, Junos, NetScreen 및 ScreenOS 는미국과기타국가에서주니퍼네트웍스의등록상표입니다. Junos 는주니퍼네트웍스의등록상표입니다. 여타모든상표, 서비스마크, 등록상표또는등록서비스마크는해당소유업체의자산입니다. 주니퍼네트웍스는본문서의오류에대해그어떠한책임도지지않습니다. 주니퍼네트웍스는사전통보없이본자료를변경, 수정, 교체또는정정할수있는권한을보유하고있습니다 KR 16
SRX Series Services Gateways for the Branch
SR SERIES : SR100, SR110, SR210, SR220,, SR550, and SR650 SR Series,,.,,,,.,, SR Series Junos OS. Junos OS,. TCO. SR Series, UTM(unified threat management),,. SR Series Junos OS. Junos OS 100. Junos OS
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