3 Development of Long-term Storage Method in Fruit Nursery Stock
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1 3 Development of Long-term Storage Method in Fruit Nursery Stock
2 : : :
3 . (Development of Long-term Storage Method in Fruit Nursery Stock). 1. O O O (5 8 ) 2.,. 1,. 3-4 (5-8 ) - 1 -
4 , 1., , 2 ( ), ( ), ( ) ,, -5, 0, 5, - 2 -
5 ,,.. 2, 3 ( ), ( ), ( ) ,, -5, 0, 5,,,. 2. PE film, PE film, Wax PE film.. 1, 2 ( ), ( ), ( ) PE film, PE film, wax PE film,,,.. 2, 3 ( ), ( ), ( )
6 PE film, PE film, wax PE film,,,. 3. (5-8 ) , 2 ( ), ( ), ( ) 1 5, 6, 7, 8,,,,.. 2, 3 ( ), ( ), ( ) 1 5, 6, 7, 8,,,,
7 , , , , , 0.., ,
8 ...,, PE film PE., PE film. PE film Wax PE film,.,, PE film.. PE film,., PE film. Wax
9 . (4 ) 5 6, %, %.,.. 80%,. 6,7 5,8.,, 5,6 65% 7,8 20%. 6 7, ,., ,
10 2. 3 6,
11 SUMMARY Difficulty in estimating the demands for fruit tree nursery stocks repeatedly has resulted in their over-production or shortage. The surplus nursery stocks due to over-production, in particular, have caused nursery stock producers serious to suffer serious economic losses. This study, therefore, was carried out to develop storage method for the surplus nursery stocks and thereby to construct an on-demand supply system in nursery stocks. To determine the optimal storage temperature, nursery stocks of 6 fruit trees were stored at -5, 0 and 5 before planting in May, June, July, and August. Their growth patterns were measured in October and summarized as follows; 1. Apple 'Fuji' nursery stock stored at 0 showed the highest survival rate and growth of nursery stock after planting, but at 5 storage, its survival rate was less than 20%. 2. For Japanese pear 'Niitaka', the survival rate and growth of nursery stock after planting were higher at 0 and 5 storage than at -5 storage. 3. The survival rate and growth after planting in grape 'Sheridan' nursery stock appeared to be higher at 0 storage than at 5 and -5 storage. 4. The survival rate and growth after planting in peach 'Yumyoung' nursery stock were the highest at 0 storage. The storage at 5 caused a part of nursery stocks to budbreak during storage. 5. The storage at 0 and 5 had higher survival rate and growth after - 9 -
12 planting in persimmon 'Fuyu' nursery stock than did the storage at -5. The budbreak of nursery stock during storage was not found at 5 storage unlike the peach nursery stock. 6. For kiwifruit 'Hayward' nursery stock, the storage temperature appeared to be 0 because of the high survival rate and growth. To develop the optimal packing method, the nursery stocks of 6 fruit trees were packed with 3 different methods: polyethylene film bag packing (PE); polyethylene film bag packing after spraying nursery stocks with benlate (PE + Benlate); polyethylene film bag packing after spraying nursery stocks with wax (PE + Wax). After storing at 0 until April, the packed nursery stocks were planted and their survival rate and growth were measured in October. The result were summarized as follows; 1. In apple 'Fuji', the spray of benlate and wax increased the survival rate of nursery stock after planting in comparison with PE, but had no effect on the number of newly developed shoot. The spray of benlate appeared to be effective on the growth of nursery stock after planting. 2. In Japanese pear 'Niitaka', the survival rate and growth of nursery stock after planting were increased with the spray of either benlate or wax. In addition, the spray of benlate was closely related to the increased number of the newly developed shoot. 3. In grape 'Sheridan', the wax spray increased the survival rate of nursery stocks after planting compared with PE, whereas the benlate spray decreased
13 the survival rate and growth. 4. In peach 'Yumyoung', the benlate spray showed the best growth of nursery stock after plating of all packing methods with considerably high survival rate and growth. 5. In persimmon 'Fuyu', all packing methods including PE had the considerable survival rate and growth of nursery stocks after planting. The benlate spray increased somewhat the growth of them. 6. In kiwifruit 'Hayward', PE showed the highest survival rate and growth of nursery stocks after planting. To develop the supplemental planting method during growing season, the nursery stocks of 6 fruit trees were stored at 0 from March for planting in Apri, May, June, July and August, respectively. The nursery stocks planted after stepwise heating were measured on survival rate and growth. The obtained results were summarized as follows; 1. In apple 'Fuji', the survival rate and growth of nursery stock after planting decreased with delay of planting time. In particular, the planting without heating in July showed the lowest survival rate (<20%). Heating treatment had no effect on the growth after planting. 2. In Japanese pear 'Niitaka', all planting times showed the high survival rate of nursery stock after planting (>80%), without differences among planting times. The growth after planting appeared to be higher with the planting in June than in April, May and August. 3. In grape 'Sheridan', the planting in April, May and June showed about 65%
14 of the survival rate of nursery stock after planting, but planting in July and August below 20%. The growth after planting was also related with planting time in a same manner. 4. In peach 'Yumyoung', the survival rate of nursery stocks after planting appeared to be considerably high in all planting times and heating treatment except for the planting in July without heating and the planting in August with stepwise heating treatment. The planting after July showed unfavorable growth after planting. 5. In persimmon 'Fuyu', the highest survival rate and growth of nursery stocks after planting were ontained with the planting in June without heating and with stepwise heating. 6. In kiwifruit 'Hayward', the planting in May and June with stepwise heating showed good survival rate and growth of nursery stocks after planting. The stepwise heating caused the nursery stocks to budbreak during the heating treatment
15 CONTENTS 1. Introduction Objective and Range Necessity of development Performance Establishment of optimum storage temperature of fruit seedlings Introduction Materials and Method Result Performance Development of storage methods of fruit seedlings Introduction Materials and Method Result Performance
16 4. Development of supplemental planting method of fruit seedlings at growth seasons Introduction Materials and Method Result Performance Summary in Korean References Appendix
19 List of Tables Table 1. Production and supply of fruit nursery stock yearly Table 2. Mineral and carbohydrate content in stem and root of 'Fuji' apple fruit nursery stock to different storage temperature after storage Table 3. Mineral and carbohydrate content in stem and root of 'Niitaka' pear fruit nursery stock to different storage temperature after storage Table 4. Mineral and carbohydrate content in stem and root of 'Sheridan' grape fruit nursery stock to different storage temperature after storage Table 5. Mineral and carbohydrate content in stem and root of 'Yumyoung' peach fruit nursery stock to different storage temperature after storage Table 6. Mineral and carbohydrate content in stem and root of 'Fuyu' persimmon fruit nursery stock to different storage temperature after storage Table 7. Mineral and carbohydrate content in stem and root of 'Hayward' kiwifruit nursery stock to different storage temperature after storage Table 8. Mineral and carbohydrate content in stem of 'Fuji' apple fruit nursery stock to different storage methods after storage Table 9. Mineral and carbohydrate content in stem of 'Niitaka' pear fruit nursery stock to different storage methods after storage Table 10. Mineral and carbohydrate content in stem of 'Sheridan' grape fruit nursery stock to different storage methods after storage Table 11. Mineral and carbohydrate content in stem of 'Yumyoung' peach fruit nursery stock to different storage methods after storage Table 12. Mineral and carbohydrate content in stem of 'Fuyu' persimmon fruit
20 nursery stock to different storage methods after storage Table 13. Mineral and carbohydrate content in stem of 'Hayward' kiwifruit nursery stock to different storage methods after storage Table 14. Mineral and carbohydrate content in stem of apple 'Fuji' nursery stock by supplemental planting method Table 15. Mineral and carbohydrate content in stem of pear 'Niitaka' nursery stock by supplemental planting method Table 16. Mineral and carbohydrate content in stem of grape 'Sheridan' nursery stock by supplemental planting method Table 17. Mineral and carbohydrate content in stem of peach 'Yumyoung' nursery stock by supplemental planting method Table 18. Mineral and carbohydrate content in stem of persimmon 'Fuyu' nursery stock by supplemental planting method Table 19. Mineral and carbohydrate content in stem of kiwifruit 'Hayward' nursery stock by supplemental planting method
21 List of Figures Fig. 1. Survival rate of apple 'Fuji' nursery stock by storage temperature Fig. 2. Shoot length and shoot numbers of apple 'Fuji' nursery stock by storage temperature Fig. 3. Survival rate of pear 'Niitaka' nursery stock by storage temperature Fig. 4. Shoot length and shoot numbers of pear 'Niitaka' nursery stock by storage temperature Fig. 5. Survival rate of grape 'Sheridan' nursery stock by storage temperature Fig. 6. Shoot length and shoot numbers of grape 'Sheridan' nursery stock by storage temperature Fig. 7. Survival rate of peach 'Yumyoung' nursery stock by storage temperature Fig. 8. Shoot length and shoot numbers of peach 'Yumyoung' nursery stock by storage temperature Fig. 9. Survival rate of persimmon 'Fuyu' nursery stock by storage temperature Fig. 10. Shoot length and shoot numbers of persimmon 'Fuyu' nursery stock by storage temperature Fig. 11. Survival rate of kiwifruit 'Hayward' nursery stock by storage temperature. 47 Fig. 12. Shoot length and shoot numbers of kiwifruit 'Hayward' nursery stock by storage temperature Fig. 13. Survival rate of apple 'Fuji' nursery stock by storage method Fig. 14. Shoot length and shoot numbers of apple 'Fuji' nursery stock by storage method Fig. 15. Survival rate of pear 'Niitaka' nursery stock by storage method Fig. 16. Shoot length and shoot numbers of pear 'Niitaka' nursery stock
22 by storage method Fig. 17. Survival rate of grape 'Sheridan' nursery stock by storage method Fig. 18. Shoot length and shoot numbers of grape 'Sheridan' nursery stock by storage method Fig. 19. Survival rate of peach 'Yumyoung' nursery stock by storage method Fig. 20. Shoot length and shoot numbers of peach 'Yumyoung' nursery stock by storage method Fig. 21. Survival rate of persimmon 'Fuyu' nursery stock by storage method Fig. 22. Shoot length and shoot numbers of persimmon 'Fuyu' nursery stock by storage method Fig. 23. Survival rate of kiwifruit 'Hayward' nursery stock by storage method Fig. 24. Shoot length and shoot numbers of kiwifruit 'Hayward' nursery stock by storage method Fig. 25. Survival rate of apple 'Fuji' nursery stock by supplemental planting method Fig. 26. Final growth of apple 'Fuji' nursery stock by supplemental planting method Fig. 27. Final shoot number of apple 'Fuji' nursery stock by supplemental planting method Fig. 28. Survival rate of pear 'Niitaka' nursery stock by supplemental planting method Fig. 29. Final growth of pear 'Niitaka' nursery stock by supplemental planting method Fig. 30. Final shoot number of pear 'Niitaka' nursery stock by supplemental planting method
23 Fig. 31. Survival rate of grape 'Sheridan' nursery stock by supplemental planting method Fig. 32. Final growth of grape 'Sheridan' nursery stock by supplemental planting method Fig. 33. Final shoot number of grape 'Sheridan' nursery stock by supplemental planting method Fig. 34. Survival rate of peach 'Yumyoung' nursery stock by supplemental planting method Fig. 35. Final growth of peach 'Yumyoung' nursery stock by supplemental planting method Fig. 36. Final shoot number of peach 'Yumyoung' nursery stock by supplemental planting method Fig. 37. Survival rate of persimmon 'Fuyu' nursery stock by supplemental planting method Fig. 38. Final growth of persimmon 'Fuyu' nursery stock by supplemental planting method Fig. 39. Final shoot number of persimmon 'Fuyu' nursery stock by supplemental planting method Fig. 40. Survival rate of kiwifruit 'Hayward' nursery stock by supplemental planting method Fig. 41. Final growth of kiwifruit 'Hayward' nursery stock by supplemental planting method Fig. 42. Final shoot number of kiwifruit 'Hayward' nursery stock by supplemental planting method
24 1 1. WTO.. 1,. (5-8 ) 10%. 1.,,
25 O. O UR,. O O 1,. Table 1. Production and supply of fruit nursery stock yearly. <Unit:Trees> Production 6,439,000 6,040,400 6,142,400 6,531,200 Supply 5,506,000 4,097,400 4,086,500 5,700,000 Surplus (%) 933,000 (14.5) 1,943,000 (32.2) 2,055,900 (33.5) 831,200 (12.7) Association of Korea Fruit nursery stock
26 O 3-4 (5-8 ), 1. O,,.. (1) O. O. O.. (2) O. O. O. (3) O (5 8 ). O
27 2.. O. O O. O 1. O 1. O.. O. O. O
28 3. O. O. O. O 1. O. O O. O. O
29 O. O. O (5-8 ).. O. O,. O 5 8,,
30 ( )..,
31 2 1.., ( ), ( ), ( ) 3, ( ), ( ), ( ) , 0, mm Polyethylene(PE) film
32 1 3 5, m.. 10,. Dry Oven,. N 500mg (98% H2SO4) 7mL (K2SO4 CuSO4 9:1g ) 5g Kjeldahl Automatic nitrogen analyzer(distillation unit Büchi 322, Control unit Büchi 342, Autotitrator E 526, Dosimat 666, Epson HX-20 ). N 500mg 100mL flask, ternary solution(hno3:h2so4:hclo4 = 10:1:4 volume ) 10mL P tube 5mL 30 incubator 15 (uv/vis Spectrophotometer, Gilford 260) 470nm OD. K, Ca, Mg (Atomic absorption spectrophotometer, Perkin Elmer 2380). 200mg 100mL flask 0.7N HCl 20mL mL fill-up 5mL 2.5mL % Anthrone 6mL,
33 10 (uv/vis Spectrophotometer, Gilford 260) 640nm OD ) % -5 70%, +5 50% (Fig. 1) ) 42.3cm, cm, +5-5 (Fig. 2). 3)
34 Fig. 1. Survival rate of apple 'Fuji' nursery stock by storage temperature
35 Fig. 2. Shoot length and shoot numbers of apple 'Fuji' nursery stock by storage temperature
36 (Fig. 2)., ), % -5 60% (Fig. 3). 2), +5 0 (Fig. 4). 3) (Fig. 4).,
37 Fig. 3. Survival rate of pear 'Niitaka' nursery stock by storage temperature
38 Fig. 4. Shoot length and shoot numbers of pear 'Niitaka' nursery stock by storage temperature
39 . 1) 0,. 100% % (Fig. 5). 2) 25cm, 0 30cm. +5 (Fig. 6). 3) (Fig. 6).,
40 Fig. 5. Survival rate of grape 'Sheridan' nursery stock by storage temperature
41 Fig. 6. Shoot length and shoot numbers of grape 'Sheridan' nursery stock by storage temperature
42 . 1) 0 100%., %, (Fig. 7). 2) 0 45cm cm (Fig. 8). 3) (Fig. 8).,
43 Fig. 7. Survival rate of peach 'Yumyoung' nursery stock by storage temperature
44 Fig. 8. Shoot length and shoot numbers of peach 'Yumyoung' nursery stock by storage temperature
45 . 1) % % (Fig. 9). 2), +5 0 (Fig. 10). 3) (Fig. 10).,
46 Fig. 9. Survival rate of persimmon 'Fuyu' nursery stock by storage temperature
47 Fig. 10. Shoot length and shoot numbers of persimmon 'Fuyu' nursery stock by storage temperature
48 . 1), 0. (Fig. 11). 2) (Fig. 12). 3) 1 0 (Fig. 12)., ,
49 Fig. 11. Survival rate of kiwifruit 'Hayward' nursery stock by storage temperature
50 Fig. 12. Shoot length and shoot numbers of kiwifruit 'Hayward' nursery stock by storage temperature
51 2.. 1.,,,,,. N, P, K, Ca, Mg, ,3,4,5,6,7, 6,,
52 Table 2. Mineral and carbohydrate content in stem and root of 'Fuji' apple fruit nursery stock to different storage temperature after storage. Treatment Mineral (%) N P K Ca Mg Carbohydrate (%) Stem Control 0.815az 0.103a 0.630a 0.733a 0.097a 8.5a b 0.080ab 0.532b 0.423bc 0.067b 6.4b b 0.074b 0.554b 0.554b 0.069b 6.1b c 0.054c 0.432c 0.378c 0.040c 4.4c Root Control 1.540a 0.200a 0.989a 0.233a 0.074a 10.5a b 0.151b 0.662b 0.152bc 0.050b 7.4b ab 0.143b 0.714b 0.171b 0.059b 7.7b c 0.101c 0.592c 0.137c 0.040c 5.9c z) Mean separation within columns by Duncan's multiple range test, 5% level
53 Table 3. Mineral and carbohydrate content in stem and root of 'Niitaka' pear fruit nursery stock to different storage temperature after storage. Treatment Mineral (%) N P K Ca Mg Carbohydrate (%) Stem Control 0.843az 0.173a 0.720a 0.735a 0.078a 9.5a b 0.158ab 0.512b 0.523b 0.069ab 7.1b b 0.137b 0.444bc 0.604ab 0.059b 6.1bc c 0.093c 0.392c 0.470c 0.042c 5.0c Root Control 1.152a 0.296a 1.261a 0.321a 0.062a 12.5a b 0.151b 0.662b 0.152bc 0.050b 7.4b ab 0.143b 0.714b 0.171b 0.059b 7.7b c 0.101c 0.592c 0.137c 0.040c 5.9c z) Mean separation within columns by Duncan's multiple range test, 5% level
54 Table 4. Mineral and carbohydrate content in stem and root of 'Sheridan' grape fruit nursery stock to different storage temperature after storage. Treatment Mineral (%) N P K Ca Mg Carbohydrate (%) Stem Control 0.755az 0.203a 0.620a 0.543a 0.100a 7.9a b 0.149b 0.532a 0.423b 0.077b 6.6b b 0.128bc 0.554a 0.490a 0.062b 6.0b c 0.100c 0.401b 0.298c 0.048c 5.4c Root Control 1.286a 0.578a 0.510a 0.253a 0.090a 9.9a b 0.430b 0.498a 0.229a 0.067b 8.0b b 0.408b 0.421b 0.199b 0.059b 7.5b c 0.294c 0.400b 0.154c 0.041c 6.1c z) Mean separation within columns by Duncan's multiple range test, 5% level
55 Table 5. Mineral and carbohydrate content in stem and root of 'Yumyoung' peach fruit nursery stock to different storage temperature after storage. Treatment Mineral (%) N P K Ca Mg Carbohydrate (%) Stem Control 1.245az 0.183a 0.590a 1.023a 0.137a 11.5a b 0.091b 0.375b 0.826b 0.077b 8.3b bc 0.094b 0.355b 0.932ab 0.062b 7.3bc c 0.073c 0.263c 0.550c 0.077b 6.4c Root Control 1.598a 0.279a 0.760a 0.803a 0.101a 17.2a bc 0.183b 0.700a 0.710ab 0.099a 12.1b b 0.177b 0.504b 0.723ab 0.100a 13.2b c 0.123c 0.495b 0.659b 0.072b 9.9c z) Mean separation within columns by Duncan's multiple range test, 5% level
56 Table 6. Mineral content and carbohydrate in stem and root of 'Fuyu' persimmon fruit nursery stock to different storage temperature after storage. Treatment Mineral (%) N P K Ca Mg Carbohydrate (%) Stem Control 1.524az 0.099a 0.830a 0.613a 0.062a 8.5a b 0.083ab 0.737ab 0.376b 0.059a 5.3b b 0.079b 0.797ab 0.409b 0.052a 5.1b c 0.625c 0.650b 0.388b 0.040b 3.4c Root Control 1.944a 0.180a 1.270a 0.579a 0.053a 10.4a b 0.175ab 0.990ab 0.376b 0.050a 8.8b bc 0.169ab 0.929ab 0.359b 0.052a 8.7b c 0.155b 0.810b 0.380b 0.030b 6.0c z) Mean separation within columns by Duncan's multiple range test, 5% level
57 Table 7. Mineral and carbohydrate content in stem and root of 'Hayward' kiwifruit nursery stock to different storage temperature after storage. Treatment Mineral (%) N P K Ca Mg Carbohydrate (%) Stem Control 0.585az 0.133a 0.440a 0.393a 0.082a 6.9a ab 0.110b 0.302b 0.266b 0.065b 5.4b b 0.109b 0.299b 0.250b 0.069b 5.3b c 0.099b 0.192c 0.180c 0.060b 3.9c Root Control 0.965a 0.283a 0.610a 0.323a 0.060a 8.3a ab 0.277a 0.570a 0.292a 0.055b 6.4b b 0.270a 0.588a 0.300a 0.050b 6.7b c 0.255b 0.310b 0.199b 0.039c 3.9c z) Mean separation within columns by Duncan's multiple range test, 5% level
58 4.,
59 ,,, 1, 2,, (1 : , 2 : ). 1,,,
60 1. 1) 0 (control) 2) PE film 0 3) (1000 ) + PE film 0 4) Wax + PE Film 0 2.,,, ), (control), 100% (Fig. 13). 2) (control) 40cm, PE+ 75cm PE+Wax PE (Fig. 14)
61 Fig. 13. Survival rate of apple 'Fuji' nursery stock by storage method
62 Fig. 14. Shoot length and shoot numbers of apple 'Fuji' nursery stock by storage method
63 3) (control) 4 6 (Fig. 14)., PE+.. 1) (control), 100% (Fig. 15). 2), (control) 20cm, 50cm (Fig. 16). 3), (control) PE film (Fig. 16).,,
64 Fig. 15. Survival rate of pear 'Niitaka' nursery stock by storage method
65 Fig. 16. Shoot length and shoot numbers of pear 'Niitaka' nursery stock by storage method
66 . 1) PE film Wax 70%, PE 40% (Fig. 17). 2) (control) 20cm, PE film 80cm PE+ 30cm PE+Wax 40cm (Fig. 18). 3) PE film 4 PE+Wax PE+ (Fig. 18). Control.,
67 Fig. 17. Survival rate of grape 'Sheridan' nursery stock by storage method
68 Fig. 18. Shoot length and shoot numbers of grape 'Sheridan' nursery stock by storage method
69 . 1), (Fig. 19). 2), (control) PE+ 70cm (Fig. 20). 3) 6 (Fig. 20).,,.. 1) (Fig. 21). 2) (Fig. 22)
70 Fig. 19. Survival rate of peach 'Yumyoung' nursery stock by storage method
71 Fig. 20. Shoot length and shoot numbers of peach 'Yumyoung' nursery stock by storage method
72 Fig. 21. Survival rate of persimmon 'Fuyu' nursery stock by storage method
73 Fig. 22. Shoot length and shoot numbers of persimmon 'Fuyu' nursery stock by storage method
74 3), PE film,. (Fig. 22).,, PE film.. 1), PE film Wax 80% (Fig. 23). 2) (control) 20cm, PE film 80cm PE+ 30cm PE+Wax 40cm. (Fig. 24)
75 Fig. 23. Survival rate of kiwifruit 'Hayward' nursery stock by storage method
76 Fig. 24. Shoot length and shoot numbers of kiwifruit 'Hayward' nursery stock by storage method
77 3) PE film 4 PE+Wax PE+ (Fig. 24).,,. 2. N, P, K, Ca, Mg (control), (Table 8),, wax (Table 9)., (control), (Table 10),, PE film (Table 11)., (control), (Table 12),, PE film Wax (Table 13)
78 Table 8. Mineral and carbohydrate content in stem of 'Fuji' apple fruit nursery stock to different storage methods after storage. Treatment Mineral (%) N P K Ca Mg Carbohydrate (%) Initialz 0.815ax 0.103a 0.630a 0.733a 0.097a 8.5a controly 0.546c 0.067c 0.487c 0.490c 0.045b 5.5c P.E. film 0.658b 0.070b 0.560b 0.623b 0.089a 7.0b P.E. film +Benlate 0.684b 0.086ab 0.554b 0.650b 0.090a 6.9b P.E.+Wax 0.690b 0.088ab 0.562b 0.663bc 0.090a 6.8b z) One year old nursery stock without storage y) nursery stock with storage at 0 x) Mean separation within columns by Duncan's multiple range test, 5% level
79 Table 9. Mineral and carbohydrate content in stem of 'Niitaka' pear fruit nursery stock to different storage methods after storage. Treatment Mineral (%) N P K Ca Mg Carbohydrate (%) Initialz 0.843ax 0.173a 0.720a 0.735a 0.078a 9.5a controly 0.588c 0.099c 0.412c 0.590b 0.069a 5.5c P.E. film 0.689b 0.121b 0.512b 0.537c 0.071a 7.8b P.E. film +Benlate 0.744ab 0.158ab 0.539b 0.612b 0.068a 8.7ab P.E.+Wax 0.701b 0.139b 0.520b 0.660ab 0.072a 8.0b z) One year old nursery stock without storage y) nursery stock with storage at 0 x) Mean separation within columns by Duncan's multiple range test, 5% level
80 Table 10. Mineral and carbohydrate content in stem of 'Sheridan' grape fruit nursery stock to different storage methods after storage. Treatment Mineral (%) N P K Ca Mg Carbohydrate (%) Initialz 0.755ax 0.203a 0.620a 0.543a 0.100a 7.9a controly 0.520c 0.108d 0.411c 0.319c 0.052c 5.6c P.E. film 0.670ab 0.159b 0.587ab 0.442b 0.073b 6.9ab P.E. film +Benlate 0.556b 0.130c 0.534b 0.450b 0.066b 6.0b P.E.+Wax 0.700a 0.170ab 0.560b 0.478b 0.062b 6.1b z) One year old nursery stock without storage y) nursery stock with storage at 0 x) Mean separation within columns by Duncan's multiple range test, 5% level
81 Table 11. Mineral and carbohydrate content in stem of 'Yumyoung' peach fruit nursery stock to different storage methods after storage. Treatment Mineral (%) N P K Ca Mg Carbohydrate (%) Initialz 1.245ax 0.183a 0.590a 1.023a 0.137a 11.5a controly 0.799d 0.073c 0.277c 0.570c 0.096b 7.0c P.E. film 0.820c 0.084bc 0.380b 0.826b 0.084b 8.3b P.E. film +Benlate 0.930b 0.102b 0.369b 0.941ab 0.070c 8.0b P.E.+Wax 0.812c 0.090b 0.360b 0.944ab 0.089b 7.3bc z) One year old nursery stock without storage y) nursery stock with storage at 0 x) Mean separation within columns by Duncan's multiple range test, 5% level
82 Table 12. Mineral and carbohydrate content in stem of 'Fuyu' persimmon fruit nursery stock to different storage methods after storage. Treatment Mineral (%) N P K Ca Mg Carbohydrate (%) Initialz 1.524ax 0.099a 0.830a 0.613a 0.062a 8.5a controly 0.701c 0.688c 0.700b 0.400b 0.040b 4.4c P.E. film 1.028b 0.080b 0.755ab 0.424b 0.059a 5.3b P.E. film +Benlate 0.989b 0.080b 0.801a 0.412b 0.052a 5.4b P.E.+Wax 1.020b 0.081b 0.790a 0.421b 0.053a 5.1b z) One year old nursery stock without storage y) nursery stock with storage at 0 x) Mean separation within columns by Duncan's multiple range test, 5% level
83 Table 13. Mineral and carbohydrate content in stem of 'Hayward' kiwifruit nursery stock to different storage methods after storage. Treatment Mineral (%) N P K Ca Mg Carbohydrate (%) Initialz 0.585ax 0.133a 0.440a 0.393a 0.082a 6.9a controly 0.312c 0.083d 0.221c 0.211c 0.051b 4.2d P.E. film 0.449a 0.121b 0.309b 0.266b 0.062b 5.5b P.E. film +Benlate 0.398b 0.109c 0.310b 0.220c 0.067b 4.8c P.E.+Wax 0.433a 0.123b 0.297b 0.242b 0.067b 5.3b z) One year old nursery stock without storage y) nursery stock with storage at 0 x) Mean separation within columns by Duncan's multiple range test, 5% level
84 4.,,
85 4 1. (5-8 ) 10% ,,, 1, 2,, , ,,,
86 . 1. 1) 4 (control) 2) ) ) ) ,,,
87 ,. ) ( ) (4 ) 5 6, %, %.,. (Fig. 25, 26, 27). ) ( ) 80%,. 6,7 5,8 (Fig. 28, 29, 30). ) ( ),, 5,6 65% 7,8 20%
88 Fig. 25. Survival rate of apple 'Fuji' nursery stock by supplemental planting method. Fruit nursery stock planted without warming treatment. Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( ). Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( )
89 Fig. 26. Final growth of apple 'Fuji' nursery stock by supplemental planting method. Fruit nursery stock planted without warming treatment. Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( ). Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( )
90 Fig. 27. Final shoot number of apple 'Fuji' nursery stock by supplemental planting method. Fruit nursery stock planted without warming treatment. Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( ). Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( )
91 Fig. 28. Survival rate of pear 'Niitaka' nursery stock by supplemental planting method. Fruit nursery stock planted without warming treatment. Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( ). Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( )
92 Fig. 29. Final growth of pear 'Niitaka' nursery stock by supplemental planting method. Fruit nursery stock planted without warming treatment. Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( ). Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( )
93 Fig. 30. Final shoot number of pear 'Niitaka' nursery stock by supplemental planting method. Fruit nursery stock planted without warming treatment. Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( ). Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( )
94 6 7, 8 (Fig. 31, 32, 33). ) ( ) , (Fig. 34, 35, 36). ) ( ), , (Fig. 37, 38, 39). ) ( ) (Fig. 40, 41, 42)
95 Fig. 31. Survival rate of grape 'Sheridan' nursery stock by supplemental planting method. Fruit nursery stock planted without warming treatment. Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( ). Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( )
96 Fig. 32. Final growth of grape 'Sheridan' nursery stock by supplemental planting method. Fruit nursery stock planted without warming treatment. Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( ). Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( )
97 Fig. 33. Final shoot number of grape 'Sheridan' nursery stock by supplemental planting method. Fruit nursery stock planted without warming treatment. Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( ). Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( )
98 Fig. 34. Survival rate of peach 'Yumyoung' nursery stock by supplemental planting method. Fruit nursery stock planted without warming treatment. Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( ). Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( )
99 Fig. 35. Final growth of peach 'Yumyoung' nursery stock by supplemental planting method. Fruit nursery stock planted without warming treatment. Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( ). Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( )
100 Fig. 36. Final shoot number of peach 'Yumyoung' nursery stock by supplemental planting method. Fruit nursery stock planted without warming treatment. Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( ). Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( )
101 Fig. 37. Survival rate of persimmon 'Fuyu' nursery stock by supplemental planting method. Fruit nursery stock planted without warming treatment. Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( ). Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( )
102 Fig. 38. Final growth of persimmon 'Fuyu' nursery stock by supplemental planting method. Fruit nursery stock planted without warming treatment. Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( ). Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( )
103 Fig. 39. Final shoot number of persimmon 'Fuyu' nursery stock by supplemental planting method. Fruit nursery stock planted without warming treatment. Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( ). Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( )
104 Fig. 40. Survival rate of kiwifruit 'Hayward' nursery stock by supplemental planting method. Fruit nursery stock planted without warming treatment. Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( ). Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( )
105 Fig. 41. Final growth of kiwifruit 'Hayward' nursery stock by supplemental planting method. Fruit nursery stock planted without warming treatment. Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( ). Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( )
106 Fig. 42. Final shoot number of kiwifruit 'Hayward' nursery stock by supplemental planting method. Fruit nursery stock planted without warming treatment. Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( ). Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment ( )
107 2. N, P, K, Ca, Mg, 0 (Table 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19)
108 Table 14. Mineral and carbohydrate contents in stem of apple 'Fuji' nursery stock by supplemental planting method. Month Mineral (%) N P K Ca Mg Carbohydrate (%) z y z y z y z y z) Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment( ). y) Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment( )
109 Table 15. Mineral and carbohydrate contents in stem of pear 'Niitaka' nursery stock by supplemental planting method. Month Mineral (%) N P K Ca Mg Carbohydrate (%) az 0.173a 0.720a 0.735a 0.078a 9.5a z y z y z y z y z) Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment( ). y) Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment( )
110 Table 16. Mineral and carbohydrate contents in stem of grape 'Sheridan' nursery stock by supplemental planting method. Month Mineral (%) N P K Ca Mg Carbohydrate (%) az 0.203a 0.620a 0.543a 0.100a 7.9a z y z y z y z y z) Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment( ). y) Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment( )
111 Table 17. Mineral and carbohydrate contents in stem of peach 'Yumyoung' nursery stock by supplemental planting method. Month Mineral (%) N P K Ca Mg Carbohydrate az 0.183a 0.590a 1.023a 0.137a 11.5a z y z y z y z y z) Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment( ). y) Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment( )
112 Table 18. Mineral and carbohydrate contents in stem of persimmon 'Fuyu' nursery stock by supplemental planting method. Month Mineral (%) N P K Ca Mg Carbohydrate (%) az 0.099a 0.830a 0.613a 0.062a 8.5a z y z y z y z y z) Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment( ). y) Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment( )
113 Table 19. Mineral and carbohydrate contents in stem of kiwifruit 'Hayward' nursery stock by supplemental planting method. Month Mineral (%) N P K Ca Mg Carbohydrate (% ) az 0.133a 0.440a 0.393a 0.082a 6.9a z y z y z y z y z) Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment( ). y) Fruit nursery stock planted with intermittent warming treatment( )
114 4. 5 8,,
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제 출 문 농림수산식품부장관 귀하 본 보고서를 트위스트 휠 방식 폐비닐 수거기 개발 과제의 최종보고서로 제출 합니다. 2008년 4월 24일 주관연구기관명: 경 북 대 학 교 총괄연구책임자: 김 태 욱 연 구 원: 조 창 래 연 구 원: 배 석 경 연 구 원: 김 승 현 연 구 원: 신 동 호 연 구 원: 유 기 형 위탁연구기관명: 삼 생 공 업 위탁연구책임자:
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아태연구 제 13권 제 2호 2006년 11월 30일 pp.81~103 일본에서의 한국학연구 - 회고와 전망 宋 錫 源 경희대학교 사회과학부 정치외교학과 조교수 Ⅰ. 머리말 Ⅱ. 1945년 이전의 한국연구 Ⅲ. 1945년 이후의 한국연구 < 목 차 > Ⅳ. 맺음말 참고문헌 Abstract Key words(중심용어): 한국학(Korean studies), 식민지지배(colonial
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Kor. J. Aesthet. Cosmetol., 및 자아존중감과 스트레스와도 밀접한 관계가 있고, 만족 정도 에 따라 전반적인 생활에도 영향을 미치므로 신체는 갈수록 개 인적, 사회적 차원에서 중요해지고 있다(안희진, 2010). 따라서 외모만족도는 개인의 신체는 타
RESEARCH ARTICLE Kor. J. Aesthet. Cosmetol., 20-40대 여성의 외모만족도가 미용관리태도에 미치는 영향 홍수남 1, 김효숙 2 * 1 건국대학교 뷰티사이언스디자인학과, 2 건국대학교 의상디자인과 Effects of Extrinsic Body Satisfaction on Beauty Management Behavior of
디지털 영상에서의 자막추출을 이용한 자막 특성 분석에 관한 연구 이세열 * 요약 본 연구는 방송 프로그램 제작에 있어서 중요한 역할을 담당하고 있는 영상 자막의 특성과 영상 커 뮤니케이션 기능적인 관점에서 나타나고 있는 현상을 살펴본다. 다양한 방송 프로그램에서 활용되고 있는 디지털 영상 자막의 기능은 단순하게 간략한 정보를 전달하는 기능적인 역할을 수행하였다.
스포츠와 물리학: 구기운동 안티-싸커 와 간접-축구 DOI: 10.3938/PhiT.23.005 이 인 호 Anti-soccer and Indirect Soccer 편성은 없다고 장담한다. 벨기에(FIFA 랭킹 11위), 러시아 (FIFA 랭킹 22위), 알제리(FIFA 랭킹 26위), 그리고 한국(FIFA 랭킹 61위)으로 이어지는 H조 편성 결과이다. 이
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달생산이 초산모 분만시간에 미치는 영향 Ⅰ. 서 론 Ⅱ. 연구대상 및 방법 達 은 23) 의 丹 溪 에 최초로 기 재된 처방으로, 에 복용하면 한 다하여 난산의 예방과 및, 등에 널리 활용되어 왔다. 達 은 이 毒 하고 는 甘 苦 하여 氣, 氣 寬,, 結 의 효능이 있
대한한방부인과학회지 THE JOURNAL OF ORIENTAL OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY VOL.17, NO.2 : 115-122 (2004) 달생산이 초산모 분만시간에 미치는 영향 * 북경한의원, ** 윤산부인과의원, *** 최은림산부인과의원, 상지대학교 한의과대학 부인과학교실 ****, 경희대학교 동서의학대학원 김성준 *****, 윤왕준
Pharmacotherapeutics Application of New Pathogenesis on the Drug Treatment of Diabetes Young Seol Kim, M.D. Department of Endocrinology Kyung Hee Univ
Application of New Pathogenesis on the Drug Treatment of Diabetes Young Seol Kim, M.D. Department of Endocrinology Kyung Hee University College of Medicine & Hospital E mail : ycell2@yahoo.co.kr Abstract
한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구
한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구 한국성인에서초기황반변성질환과 연관된위험요인연구 - - i - - i - - ii - - iii - - iv - χ - v - - vi - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - 그림 1. 연구대상자선정도표 - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - 그림 2. 연구의틀 χ - 9 - - 10 - - 11 -
Vol.257 C O N T E N T S M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M
2017.11 Vol.257 C O N T E N T S 02 06 38 52 69 82 141 146 154 M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M 2 2017.11 3 4 2017.11 6 2017.11 1) 7 2) 22.7 19.7 87 193.2 160.6 83 22.2 18.4 83 189.6 156.2
광고학연구 : 제24권 5호(2013년) The Korean Journal of Advertising, Vol.24, No.5 (2013). pp.99 116 대학생 광고공모전이 광고업계 취업에 미치는 영향: 대학생과 실무자의 인식 비교를 중심으로 차 유 철 우석대학교 광고이벤트학과 교수, 언론학박사 이 희 복 상지대학교 언론광고학부 교수, 언론학박사* 신
2011 04 늘푸른세상4월-136호 2011.3.29 10:54 페이지2 고객과 함께하는 농산업 선도기업-경농 고객상담 080-900-0671 미리매 액상수화제의 특징 원액 그대로 처리하여 간편합니다. 약효지속력과 안전성이 뛰어납니다. 피를 비롯한 일년생잡초에 우수합니다. 올방개 등 다년생잡초의 초기발아를 억제합니다. 설포닐우레아계 제초제에 저항성을 보이는
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만성세균성전립선염모델흰쥐에서 의항염효과 Anti-inflammatory Effect of Lycopene on Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis Rat Model Cho Hwan Yang, Dong Wan Sohn, Yong-Hyun Cho From the Department of Urology, The Catholic University
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www.keit.re.kr 2011. 11 Technology Level Evaluation ABSTRACT The Technology Level Evaluation assesses the current level of industrial technological development in Korea and identifies areas that are underdeveloped
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212 영상기술연구 세대라고 할 수 있다. 이 뉴 뉴웨이브 세대란 60년대 일본의 영화사에서 과거세대와는 단 절된 뉴웨이브 의 흐름이 있었는데 오늘날의 뉴웨이브 세대를 뛰어넘는다는 의미에서 뉴 뉴웨이브 세대로 불린다. 뉴 뉴웨이브 세대 감독들의 경향은 개인적이고 자유분
연구논문 이와이 슌지 영화 속에 나타난 화면구성 연구 -러브레터, 4월 이야기를 중심으로- 최광영 *38) 여주대학교 방송미디어제작과 강사 진승현 **39) 호서대학교 문화예술학부 영상미디어전공 조교수 Ⅰ. 서론 한국에서 일본대중문화 개방 정책에 따라 일본영화가 정식으로 수입되어 들어온 지도 벌써 10여년이 넘었다. 한국에 소개된 일본영화를 살펴보면 기타노
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에너지경제연구 Korean Energy Economic Review Volume 10, Number 1, March 2011 : pp. 1~24 국내화력발전산업에대한연료와자본의대체성분석 1 2 3 ~ 4 5 F F P F P F ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln ln 6 ln ln ln ln ln 7 ln
The Study on the Grid Size Regarding Spatial Interpolation for Local Climate Maps* Cha Yong Ku** Young Ho Shin*** Jae-Won Lee**** Hee-Soo Kim*****.,...,,,, Abstract : Recent global warming and abnormal
에너지경제연구 Korean Energy Economic Review Volume 17, Number 2, September 2018 : pp. 1~29 정책 용도별특성을고려한도시가스수요함수의 추정 :, ARDL,,, C4, Q4-1 -
에너지경제연구 Korean Energy Economic Review Volume 17, Number 2, September 2018 : pp. 1~29 정책 용도별특성을고려한도시가스수요함수의 추정 :, ARDL,,, C4, Q4-1 - . - 2 - . 1. - 3 - [ 그림 1] 도시가스수요와실질 GDP 추이 - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - < 표 1>
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한국학연구 56(2016.3.30), pp.33-63. 고려대학교 한국학연구소 세종시의 지역 정체성과 세종의 인문정신 * 1)이기대 ** 국문초록 세종시의 상황은 세종이 왕이 되면서 겪어야 했던 과정과 닮아 있다. 왕이 되리라 예상할 수 없었던 상황에서 세종은 왕이 되었고 어려움을 극복해 갔다. 세종시도 갑작스럽게 행정도시로 계획되었고 준비의 시간 또한 짧았지만,
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비인강암의방사선치료결과및생존율에관한예후인자분석 2005 2 1 2005 3 28. :, Tel: 053)250-7665, Fax: 053)250-7984 E-mail: jhkim@dsmc.or.kr 정영연외 2 인 : 비인강암의예후인자분석 정영연외 2 인 : 비인강암의예후인자분석 Carcinoma of the nasopharynx treated by radiotherapy
Journal of the Korean Housing Association Vol. 20, No. 3, 2009 yw s w - û - A Study on the Planning of Improved-Hanok - Focused on Jeon-Nam Province - y* ** z*** **** Kang, Man-Ho Lee, Woo-Won Jeong, Hun
T H E K O R E A N D O C T O R S W E E K L Y www.docdocdoc.co.kr I N S I D E 38 3 5 6 7 10 13 28 29 30 31 38 41 42 2 Advertisement Government & Medicine 3 Government & Medicine 4 Government & Medicine Government
http://www.wonjeon.org http://dx.doi.org/10.14369/skmc.2013.26.4.267 熱入血室證에 대한 小考 1 2 慶熙大學校大學校 韓醫學科大學 原典學敎室 韓醫學古典硏究所 白裕相1, 2 *117) A Study on the Pattern of 'Heat Entering The Blood Chamber' 1, Baik 1
(Table of Contents) 2 (Specifications) 3 ~ 10 (Introduction) 11 (Storage Bins) 11 (Legs) 11 (Important Operating Requirements) 11 (Location Selection)
SERVICE MANUAL (Table of Contents) 2 (Specifications) 3 ~ 10 (Introduction) 11 (Storage Bins) 11 (Legs) 11 (Important Operating Requirements) 11 (Location Selection) 12 (Storage Bins) 12 (Ice Machine)
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27 2, 1-16, 2009. * **,,,,. KS,,,., PC,.,,.,,. :,,, : 2009/08/12 : 2009/09/03 : 2009/09/30 * ** (: jjhkim@cau.ac.kr) 2 한국교육문제연구제 27 권 2 호, 2009 Ⅰ.,. 2008 3,536, 10 99.9% (, 2008). PC,, (, 2007). (, 2008),.,
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Written by Dr. In Ku Kim-Marshall STEP BY STEP Korean 1 through 15 Action Verbs Table of Contents Unit 1 The Korean Alphabet, hangeul Unit 2 Korean Sentences with 15 Action Verbs Introduction Review Exercises
Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment, Vol. 22, No. 1(2013) pp.39~50 Prediction of Landslides Occurrence Probability under Climate Change using MaxEnt Model Kim, Hogul* Lee, Dong-Kun** Mo, Yongwon*
Website : www.wooyang.org Email : wy-welcome@hanmail.net 우양홈페이지www.wooyang.org를 방문하셔서 더 다양한 내용에 관심 가져 주세요. 혹은 QR코드를 스캔해주세요. 2010 우양재단 사업보고서 닮고 싶은 청년 우양의 즐거운 섬김 발행일 2011년 5월 발행처 우양재단 발행인 정의승 주소 서울시 마포구
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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp DOI: IPA * Analysis of Perc
Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp.45-72 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21024/pnuedi.28.2.201806.45 IPA * Analysis of Perception and Needs on Teaching Competencies of Faculty
대한수혈학회지:제권 제호, 0 한 대학병원의 혈액 폐기 분석 김병철ㆍ서영익ㆍ채금란ㆍ신정원ㆍ최태윤 = Abstract = 순천향대학교 의과대학 서울병원 진단검사의학교실 Analysis of Discarded Blood Components at a University Hospital in Korea Byung Chul Kim, Young Ik Seo, Gum Ran
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