ๆญฏ์ 7๊ถ1ํธ(์ต์ข ํธ์ง).PDF
- ์ง์ด ๊ฒฌ
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1 ********* (*, **, *** ).., 2002, 7, 1, ,.,..,,... :,,. (naming).., (word finding), (lexical look- up), (lexical retrieval), (word recall) (Fried- Oken, 1987). (pause),,, (naming error) (Snyder & Godley, 1992).. 1
2 (language processing),, (German, 1987; McGregor & Leonard, 1989) (index),,.,,, (Wiig & Semel, 1980). Kail (1994)Lahey & Edwards (1996) (linguistic processing)(nonlinguistic processing)... (information processing) ,, (, 1992;, 2000;, 2001). (1992). (2001)... 2
3 .., (information processing) , 3, 4, 5 20, 801:1. (1) (, 1995) - 1 (2) (, 1994) (3),, (German, 1984), (1972), (1980), (1982). (, 1995) (, 1994). 6 3
4 (<- 1> ). (ceiling effect) cm,. <- 1>.,. (, 1995),.,,. 3..,
5 .. 5 5, (. ).. (1997)Lahey & Edwards (1999),.,,,, (<- 1> ). 20 % %, 93.4 %. 4. SPSS 9.0. (ANOVA), Scheffรฉ <- 2>. 49. (F (3, 76 ) = , p <.05) (p >.05). 5
6 <- 2> * (10) (10) ยฑ ยฑ ยฑ ยฑ ยฑ ยฑ ยฑ ยฑ ยฑ ยฑ ยฑ ยฑ ยฑ ยฑ ยฑ * ยฑ 2. 5 (,,,, ) (<- 1> ). (F (3, 76 ) = , p <.05), (p <.05).,,, (<- 3> ). <- 3> * 2(20) 3(20) 4(20) 5(20) F 6.45 ยฑ ยฑ ยฑ ยฑ ** 8.25 ยฑ ยฑ ยฑ ยฑ ** 1.15 ยฑ ยฑ ยฑ ยฑ ยฑ ยฑ ยฑ ยฑ ** ยฑ ยฑ ยฑ ยฑ ** * ยฑ **p <.05 6
7 <- 1>. 2,,,,, 3,,,,. 4,,,,. 5,,,, (<- 1> )..,,, Scheffรฉ. <- 4> *p < * * * * * * * * * * * * * 7
8 23, 35, 24, 5, 34, 5. 24, 5, 34, 5. 23, 4, (<- 4> ).. 2, 3, 4 5., (12.04 %), (26.65 %) (45.31 %), (62.04 %). (Ratner & Myers, 1981; Wiegel- Crump & Dennis, 1986). Nippold (1992) (storage) (retrieval).,, (. ).,,,,,. (1992) (Wiegel- Crump & Dennis, 1986; Lahey & Edwards, 1999).,,,
9 ,.,.,.. (1994)... (1995).. :. (1997). :., 15, (1972). 3, 4, 5., 19, (1980). (). :. (2001) , (1982).., 42, (2000). - :. -. :. (1992)... Fried- Oken, M. (1987). Qualitative examination of children s naming skill through test adaptations. Lang uag e, Sp eech, and H earing S ervices in Schools, 18, German, D. (1984). Diagnosis of word- finding disorders in children with learning disabilities. J ournal of L earning D isabilities, 17, German, D. (1987). Spontaneous language profiles of children with word- finding problems. Lang uag e, Sp eech, and H earing S ervices in Schools, 18, Kail, R. A. (1994). Method for studying the generalized slowing hypothesis in children with specific language impairment. Journal of Sp eech and H earing R esearch, 37,
10 Lahey, M. & Edwards, J. (1996). Why do children with specific language impairment name pictures more slowly than their peers? Journal of Sp eech and H earing R esearch, 39, Lahey, M. & Edwards, J. (1999). Naming error of children with specific language impairment. Journal of Sp eech, Lang uag e, and H earing R esearch, 42, McGregor, K. K. & Leonard L. B. (1989). Facilitating word- finding skills of language- impaired children. J ournal of Sp eech and H earing D isorders, 54, Nippold, M. A. (1992) T he nature of normal and disordered word finding in children and adolescents. Top ics in Lang uag e D isorders, 13, Ratner, H. & Myers, N. (1981). Long- term memory and retrieval at ages 2, 3, 4. Journal of Exp erim ental Child Psychology, 31, Snyder, L. S. & Godley, D. (1992). Assessment of word- finding disorders in children and adolescents. Top ics in Lang uag e D isorders, 13, Wiegel- Crump, C. A. & Dennis, M. (1986). Development of word- finding. B rain and Lang uag e, 27, Wiig, E. & Semel, E. (1980). Lang uag e assessm ent and intervention f or the learning disabled. Columbus, OH: Charles E. Merrill. 10
11 <- 1> : : : : : : / : :... : : 50 %, :..., 50 % : : : :... : 50 % : 11
12 AB ST RACT A Study of Namin g Ability in Pr eschool Childr en Y o o Je oun g K im (Seoul National Mental Hospital) S oy e on g P a e (Dept. of Speech- Language Pathology & Audiology, Hallym University) E un S o ok P arkji Ch e ol S h in (Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine) The naming deficit has been defined as a problem in generating a specific word in any given situation. Children and adults with oral and/ or written language impairments are often inaccurate when naming objects. Therefore, naming ability has been examined repeatedly in an effort to understand normal and disordered language behaviors. The purpose of this study was to examine the development of naming ability of 80 normal Korean children aged 2, 3, 4, and 5 years and to investigate the error types of naming. The following results were found in the experiment: (1) The accuracy of naming increased in line with the increase of age: % for the 2-year- olds, % for the 3-year- olds, % for the 4-year- olds, and % for the 5-year- olds, (2) The number of errors for each error type (except for phonological errors) significantly decreased as children got older. The implications of the results were discussed. : : (1 ):, e- mail: ():, e- mail: spae@hallym.ac.kr ():, e- mail: pes1234@yumc.yonsei.ac.kr ():, e- mail: jcsevrm@yumc.yonsei.ac.kr 12
ๆญฏ์ 7๊ถ1ํธ(์ต์ข ํธ์ง).PDF
********** (*, **, ***, **** ).., 2002, 7, 1, 49-64..,,. 1. 4, 5 6 72,. 4,, 50 %, 34 %, 8 %, 5 75 %, 67 %, 13 %, 6 95 %, 51 %., (,, ), (,, )..888,.448,.361.,,,,... :,,,,,,,..... (Catts, 1989). (Wagner
: / / * ** ( *, **). : / /., 2 0 0 1, 6, 2, 4 9 3-5 04.... / / 3, 4 1 8 32.. / / 17.6 %.,,.. (articulation and phonological disorders) ( :,, )..,., (, 2000).. 498 (acquisition or establishment), (stabilization),
ๆญฏ์ฅ์ ์5-2.PDF
- : (, ). - :., 2 0 0 0, 5, 2, 53-7 3. 2-6,. 184 100, 54 (LD 41, MR 13), 30 ( 16, 14). : (1), 2-3 3-4. (2) LD 2,. (3), 3-4, 4. (4), LD, (.78-.90) MR.555. -...... Sternberg & Powell (1983) .. 10-15 5 18-24
รรฅยพรยฟรยฐรญยฟรซ ยณยปรรถ
Disability & Employment 55 Disability & Employment 56 57 Disability & Employment 58 59 Disability & Employment 60 61 Disability & Employment 62 63 Disability & Employment 64 65 Disability & Employment
*1) *** ( *, **).., 2 00 1, 6, 2, 293-3 12. 4-5 15, 15 -, (1), (2),,,., (1),, (2),,,,... (conversational turn - taking ),... 1970,..,. Loban (1976) * BK21 293 ,,,,. Piaget (1926, Peterson & Johnson, 1989
( ).. -. 1997, 2, 65-88.,.,,, (1), (2) (/,,,, / ), (3).,, / /, / / / /..,, / / / /.. I., (verbal apraxia), (dysarthria).,. DSM- IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manuals of Mental Dis- orders IV).., (1),
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107 Student s Perception of Linked or Clear English Speech 1) * ** S uny i Hw ang B y ung g on Y ang A B S T RA CT T his study examined how w ell Korean undergraduate students perceived linked or clear
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http://www.kbc.go.kr/ A B yk u ฮด = 2u k 1 = yk u = 0. 659 2nu k = 1 k k 1 n yk k Abstract Web Repertoire and Concentration Rate : Analysing Web Traffic Data Yong - Suk Hwang (Research
230 ํ๊ตญ๊ต์กํ์ฐ๊ตฌ ์ 20๊ถ ์ 3ํธ I. ์ ๋ก ์ฒญ์๋ ์ ์ธ์ด๊ฐ ๊ฑฐ์น ์ด์ง๊ณ ์๋ค. ๊ฐใ ใฒ, ใ ใ ๋(๋ ), ๋ฏธ์นใ ใฒ, ๋ฅ์ณ, ์ ์ฐฝ, ๋ค์ ธ ๋ฑ๊ณผ ๊ฐ์ ๋ง์ ์ฃผ์์์ ์ฝ๊ฒ ๋ค์ ์ ์๋ค. ๋ง๊ณผ ๊ธ์ด ์ ์ฐจ ๋์๋ฆฌ๋ ๊ฑฐ์ผ์๋ฆฌ๋ก ๋ฐ๋๊ณ , ์ธ ๊ตญ์ด ๋จ์ฉ๊ณผ ์ฌ์ด๋ฒ ๋ฌธํ์ ์ต๋ช ์ฑ ๋ฑ
์ ๊ฐ์ธ, ๊ฐ์ , ํ๊ต๋ณ์ธ์ ๋ฐ๋ฅธ ๋น๊ต์ก์ ์ธ์ด ์ฌ์ฉ์ ์ฐจ์ด 229 ํ๊ตญ๊ต์กํ์ฐ๊ตฌ ์ 20๊ถ ์ 3ํธ The Korea Educational Review 2014. 10. Vol.20. No.3. pp.229-251. 1) ์ฒญ์๋
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2 1896 2 26 ( ) 2 7-20 2) 1897 1898 ( )3) 6 1902 8 1904 10 10 (19 05-1914 ) ( ) ( ) 4) 1915 ( ) ( ) 1917 2) 3) 4) 285
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Received : 2012. 11. 27 Reviewed : 2012. 12. 10 Accepted : 2012. 12. 12 A Clinical Study on Effect of Electro-acupuncture Treatment for Low Back Pain and Radicular Pain in Patients Diagnosed with Lumbar
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Approach for Value Improvement to Increase High-speed Railway Speed An effective way to develop a highly competitive system is to create a new market place that can create new values. Creating tools and
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ธ์ธ์ธต์ ๋ผ์ดํ์คํ์ผ ํน์ฑ Characteristics of Lifestyle of the Pre-Elderly for Future Elderly-friendly Housing Design ๋ฅ ํ ์ง ์ฒญ์ด๋ํ๊ต ์ธํ
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Breathing problems Pa t i e n t: I have been having some breathing problems lately. I always seem to be out of breath no matter what I am d o i n g. ( Nurse : How long have you been experiencing this problem?
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1. ๋งํ๊ฒฝ ๋ง๋ค๊ธฐ 59 2. ๋ฌผ ์์์์ ๋ง์ 71 3. ๋น๋ ํํ 84 4. ๊ฝ๋ณด๋ค ์๋ฆ๋ค์ด ๊ฒฐ์ 97 5. ๊ฑฐ๊พธ๋ก ์ฌ๋ผ๊ฐ๋ ๋ฌผ 110 6. ๋ด๊ฐ ๋ง๋ ๊ธฐ์๊ณ 123 7. ์ ๋
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Effects of baseball expertise and stimulus speeds on coincidence-anticipation timing accuracy of batting Jong-Hwa Lee, Seok-Jin Kim, & Seon-Jin Kim* Seoul National University [Purpose] [Methods] [Results]
Microsoft Word - P02.doc
์ ์์ ํ ์ค๊ณ๋ฅผ ์ํ ๊ฐ๋
์ฑ ํ๊ฐ Legibility evaluation for the letter sizing of an electronic product ๋ฐ์ธ์ง *, ์ด์ค์ *, ๊ฐ๋ํฌ *, ์ดํ์ ** * ํ๊ตญํ์ค๊ณผํ์ฐ๊ตฌ์, ** ACE์นจ๋ ๊ต์ ์ ์: ๋ฐ์ธ์ง(sjpark@kriss.re.kr) ABSTRACT Size of suitable letter
Volume 12, Number 1, 6~16, Factors influencing consultation time and waiting time of ambulatory patients in a tertiary teaching hospital Jee-In Hwang College of Nursing Science, Kyung Hee University :
์๋ดํ์ฐ๊ตฌ. 10,,., (CQR).,,,,,,.,,.,,,,. (Corresponding Author): / / 567 Tel: /
. 10,,., (CQR).,,,,,,.,,.,,,,. (Corresponding Author): / / 567 Tel: 063-270-2746 / E-mail : tgeunmi@jbnu.ac.kr . 2,... 2011 (, 2011), (, 2010),., (, 2004;, 2011). (,, 2006), (,, 2005; Yalom & Leszcz, 2005:
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