- ์ธ์ ๋ชจ
- 6 years ago
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1 : * ** (*, **. :., , 6, 2, ,, ,.,.,..,,,..., (Shantz, 1987.,, (Cummings, 1994; Furman & McQuiad, ,..,, 447
2 ,,, (Cicirelli, , (Rinaldi & Howe, 1998; Siddiqui & Ross, 1999., (Shantz & Hobart, 1989; Vandell & Bailey, 1992.,. (Bank & Kahn, 1982; Faber & Mazlish, 1987.,. (Washo, ,,. Shantz (1987,.,.,,.. (Perlman & Ross, 1997,.,,. 448
3 :..,...,.,,., Pepler, Abramovitch & Corter (1981,...,,,.,.. 1.? 2.? 2-1.? 2-2.? 3.? 449
4 ,, <- 1>. <- 1> ( (,,,.., (:,,,,,,. 12.,,.,,.,,. 10.,. 450
5 :. 5.,.,. 5.. Eisenberg & Garvey (1981.,,,., Perlman & Ross (1997. <- 2>.... Siddiqui & Ross (1999. <- 3>. 451
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13 :.,,,.,, 1/ (Dunn & Munn, 1987; Ross et al., 1994.,, -. Ambrovitch et al. (1986 Pelper, Abramovitch & Corter (1981.,.,,.,.,,.,.,,,,.,.,,,,..,.,. 459
14 . (Ross et al., 1994.,., 20 %,,,..,,.,,. (Martin & Ross, 1995.,. Perman & Ross (1997,.. Stoneman & Brody ( %. Siddiqui & Ross ( , 4.,,..,.. 460
15 :,. 461
16 Abramovitch, R., Corter, C., Pelper, D. J. & Stanhope, L. (1986. Sibling and peer interaction: A final follow - up and a comparison. Child D evelop m ent, 57, Bank, S. P. & Kahn, M. D. (1982. The S ibling B ond. New York: Basic Books. Cicirelli. V. G. (1995. S ibling R elationship A cross the L if e Span. New York: Plenum Press. Cummings, E. M. (1994. Marital conflict and children s functioning. Social D evelopm ent, 3, Dunn, J. & Munn, P. (1987. Development of justification in disputes with mother and sibling. D evelopm ental Psychology, 23, Eisenberg, A. & Garvey, C. (1981. Children s use of verbal strategies in resolving conflicts. D iscourse P rocesses, 4, Faber, A. & Mazlish, E. (1987. S ibling Without R ivalry : H ow to H elp Your Children L ive Tog ether so You Can L ive, Too. New York: Avon Books. Furman, W. & McQuiad, E. L. (1992. Intervention programs for the management of conflict. In C. U. Shantz & W. W. Hartup (Eds., Conflict in Child and A dolescent D evelop m ent. New York: Cambridge University Press. Kramer, L. (1995. Sibling relationships : An interview with Laurie Kramer [Online]. Available: http: // pnwes/ 1999/ pnews 599/ lnt599.html [1999, May]. Martin, J. L. & Ross, H. S. (1995. The development within sibling conflict. Early E ducation and D evelopm ent, 6, Pelper, D., Abramovitch, R. & Corter, C. (1981. Sibling interaction in the home: A longitudinal study. Child D evelop m ent, 52, Perlman, M. & Ross, H. S. (1997. The benefits of parent intervention in children s disputes : An examination of concurrent changes in children s fighting styles. Child D evelopm ent, 64(4, Rinaldi, C. & Howe, N. (1998. Siblings reports of conflict and the quality of their relationships. M errill- Palm er Quarterly, 44(3, Ross, H., Filyer, R., Lollis, S. P., Perlman, M. & Martin, J. L. (1994. Administring justice in the family. A m erican Psycholog ical A ssociation, 8(3, Shantz, C. U. (1987. Conflicts between children. Child D evelop m ent, 58, Shantz, C. U. & Hobart, C. J. (1989. Social conflict and development: Peer and siblings. In T. Berndt & G. W. Ladd (Eds., P eer R elationship s in Child D evelopm ent (pp New York: John Wiley & Sons. Siddiqui, A. & Ross, H. S (1999. How do siblings, conflicts end? Early E ducation & D evelop m ent, 10(3, Stoneman, Z. & Brody, G. H. (1993. Sibling temperaments, conflict, warmth, and role asymmetry. Child D evelop m ent, 64, Vandell, D. & Bailey, M. (1992. Conflicts between siblings. In C. Shantz & W. Hartup (Eds., 462
17 : Conf lict in Child and A dolescent D evelopm ent (pp Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Washo, C. A. (1992. Parental strategies for managing sibling conflict. Unpublished Master s Thesis. University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign. AB ST RACT T he Char act eristics of Con flict s B et w een Youn g Siblin g s P ark, S o R a (Si- Yeon Kindergarten K im, H e ejin * (Dept. of Early Childhood Education, Ewha Womans University The purpose of this study was to examine the processes of sibling conflicts. The subjects of this study were 51 sibling pairs whose ages were between four and seven. The siblings were asked to complete 4 tasks together and the conflicts occurring during the tasks were observed. The results of the study can be summarized as follows: First, sibling conflicts were observed most frequently in the male- girl siblings. Second, the strategies used by a sibling were related to the strategies employed by the other sibling. Third, the sibling conflicts were more or less resolved when submission was admitted by one party. Desirable directions for parental intervention in sibling conflicts are discussed. * heejin88@mm.ewha.ac.kr 463
A Depth Interview on Qualification, Role, and Professionalism of Infant/Toddler Teachers Department of Child & Family Studies, Kyung Hee University Associate Professor : Ahn, Sun Hee Department of Early
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ผ๋ฌธ 64 98 PD์์ฒฉ ๊ด๋ จ ํ๋ก์์ ๋ณด์ด๋ ์ฌ๋ฒ๋ถ์ ์ฌ์ค์ฑ์ ๋ํ ์ธ์์ ์ฐจ์ด ์ฐ๊ตฌ* 1)2) ์ด์น์ ์ถฉ๋จ๋ํ๊ต ์ธ๋ก ์ ๋ณดํ๊ณผ ๋ถ๊ต์** Contents 1. ๋ฌธ์ ์ ๊ธฐ์ ์ฐ๊ตฌ๋ฌธ์ 2. ๊ณต์ ์ธ๋ฌผ์ ๋ํ ๋ช
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4 5 4. Hi-MO ์ ํํฐ์ผ์ด ์์คํ ํธ 5. ์ค๋น๋งฅ์ฃผ ์นด์ค ์นด์ค ํ๋ ์ฌ ํ ์ด๋ธ ๋งฅ์ฃผ๋ ์ฒ์ฐ์ํ์ด๋ค ํธ ์ฒ์ ์คํ์ผ ๊ทธ๋๋ก, ๋ถํ ์ผ์ด~ Hi-MO ์ ํํฐ์ผ์ด ์์คํ ์ง์์ ์ธ ๋ชจ๋ฐ ๊ด๋ฆฌ๋ก ๋๊น์ง ์คํ์ผ์ด ์ ์ง๋๋๋ก ๋ ๋ณด์ ์ด๋ค! ๊ทผ๋ฐ ๊ทธ๊ฑฐ ์์ธ์? ๋งฅ์ฃผ๋ ์ธ๊ณต์ฒจ๊ฐ๋ฌผ์ด
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ํจํค์ง๊ฐ 2๋ง 6900์! ์ญ์ G๋ง์ผ์ด์ฃ ? G๋ง์ผ๊ณผ ํจ๊ปํ๋ ์ฉํ๋ฆฌ์กฐํธ ์คํ์
ํจํค์ง. G๋ง์ผ์ ์ํผ๋ธ๋๋๋์ ๊ณ์๋๋ค. ๋ชจ๋ฐ์ผ ์ผํ ํ์ด๋ก
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May 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.3 ๊ฐ์ฌํฉ๋๋ค. ๊ทธ๋ฆฌ๊ณ ๊ณ ๋ง์ต๋๋ค. ๋ชฉ์ฐจ From Editor ๋น์ ์๊ฒ ์์คํ ์ฌ๋์ ๋๊ตฌ์ธ๊ฐ์? Guidance ์ฐ๋ฆฌ ์์ด ์ข์ ์ ์นญ์ฐฌํ๊ธฐ ๊ณ ๋ง๋ค๊ณ ๋งํด์ฃผ์ธ์ Homeschool [TIP] Famil
May 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.3 BROWN MAGAZINE Webzine vol.3 May 2014 BROWN Education Webzine vol.3 ๊ฐ์ฌํฉ๋๋ค. ๊ทธ๋ฆฌ๊ณ ๊ณ ๋ง์ต๋๋ค. ๋ชฉ์ฐจ From Editor ๋น์ ์๊ฒ ์์คํ ์ฌ๋์ ๋๊ตฌ์ธ๊ฐ์? Guidance ์ฐ๋ฆฌ ์์ด ์ข์ ์ ์นญ์ฐฌํ๊ธฐ ๊ณ ๋ง๋ค๊ณ ๋งํด์ฃผ์ธ์ Homeschool
ก ๋
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ผ์ ๊น์ง ์ ๊ฐ๋ฐ ๋ฐฐ๊ฒฝ ์ฝ๊ธฐ์์ ๋
ผ์ ๊น์ง ์๋ฃ์ง ๊ฐ๋ฐ์ ๋ณธ๋ ๋ชฉ์ ์ ์ด ์ค ๊ณ ๊ต ํ๊ต ํ๊ฐ์์ ์์ ํ ํ๊ฐ ๋น์ค์ด 2005 ํ๋
๋ 30%, 2006ํ๋
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