- ์ ๊ฑธ ์ฌ
- 6 years ago
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1 *1) *** ( *, **).., , 6, 2, , 15 -, (1), (2),,,., (1),, (2),,,,... (conversational turn - taking ), ,..,. Loban (1976) * BK21 293
2 ,,,,. Piaget (1926, Peterson & Johnson, 1989 ), Olson (1977)., (Dodge, 1983; Gottman & Parkhurst, 1980)., (Gottman, Gonso & Rasmussen, 1975). (Rubin, 1980, Peterson & Johnson, 1989)., (Peterson & Johnson, 1989).,.,,.,.., Leonard (1998).,.,. (Fujiki, Brinton & T odd, 1996), (Brington et al., 1997; Craig & Washington, 1993).,. (discourse regulation). 294
3 ,,. Sacks, Schegloff & Jefferson (1974).,,.,,,.,., (Craig & Gallagher, 1982; Craig & Washington, 1986)., (Bloom, Rocissano & Hood, 1976; Garvey & Berninger, 1981). (turn completion points),. (turn) (topically related utterance) (Cappella, 1979; Cappella & Planalp, 1981; Cherry & Lewis, 1976). (a pair of turns)(garvey, 1984)..,,,,,., -,. 295
4 . 1. 4;0-5; :1 15, 30. 4, 5(, 1994; Berk, 1994; Ervin- Tripp, 1979; Garvey, 1975). (1), (2) PRES (Preschool Receptive Expressive Language Scales;, 2000) 4;0 5;11, (3) 6, 1, 1(Stark & T allal, 1981), (4) K- WPPSI (Korean- Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence;, 1997)5 85 (- 1 SD ), (5)., (1), (2) PRES 4;0-5;11, (3) 3, (4) K- WPPSI 85 (- 1 SD ), (5). 4;74;8. (Craig & Evans, 1991),. 10,
5 2.. 4, PRES, K-WPPSI, ,.,. -,, TV,., (3 ). 1.5 (Craig & Evans, 1989, 1993; Craig & Gallagher, 1982). Sacks, Schegloff & Jefferson (1974) (AIWA, Model HS- JX899) (SONY, Model CCD- TRV67) , (1), (2) 297
6 , (3).. <- 1>.,,,,, Craig & Gallagher (1982). 2 (Craig & Gallagher, 1982).,.. <- 2>.. (utterance focus)(gaze), (prox - imity ) 32 (Craig & Gallagher, 1982). <- 3>.. (1.5 ) (Craig & Gallagher, 1982; Craig & Evans, 1989, 1993). 298
7 3. 3,., 3,... (3) , (semantic relationship) (Bloom, Rocissano & Hood, 1976). <- 1>. 299
8 <- 1> ( ) 100 ( ) 100 ( ) 100 ( ) ( ) 100 ( ) t-., t- <- 2>. <- 2> t- t t M (%) SD (%) M (%) SD (%) ,. <- 3>. <- 1>. 300
9 <- 3> t- t t M (%) SD (%) M (%) SD (%) * *p <.05 <- 1> (t = 2.25, p <.05),.,. 2. t-.,,,, <- 4>. 301
10 <- 4> t- M (%) SD (%) t M (%) SD (%) t ** M SD t ** M (%) SD (%) t M (%) SD (%) t ** **p <.01 t-, (t = 4.43, p <.01), (t = 4.77, p <.01), (t = 4.02, p <.01),,.,.,,, 1.12, 1.34., % %. 302
11 Sacks, Schegloff & Jefferson (1974), (Craig & Gallagher, 1982; Craig & Evans, 1993; Craig & Washington, 1986; Gallagher & Craig, 1982).,.., (Gallagher & Craig, 1982),.,,. Gallagher & Craig (1982). (premature response) (transition- relevant position).,. (interruption). 303
12 .,.. Gallagher & Craig (1982),..,. 2..,.,, (Craig & Evans, 1989)., Gallagher & Craig (1989), -, -.,. 304
13 .. -, (Rosinski- McClendon & Newhoff, 1987)...,, (back channel device).,., (Stein, 1976; Sheppard, 1980).,...,..,...,,,., 305
14 .,.,..,..,.., (repair of overlapping speech). (2000)... (1997). K- WPPSI (Korean- Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence). :. (1994).. :. Adams, C. & Bishop, D. V. M. (1989). Conversational characteristics of children with semanticpragmatic disorders : Exchange structure, turn taking, repairs and cohesion. B ritish J ournal of D isorders of Comm unication, 24, Berk, L. E. (1994). Child D evelopm ent (3rd ed.). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon. Bloom, L., Rocissano, L. & Hood, L. (1976). Adult- child discourse: Developmental interaction between information processing and linguistic knowledge. Cognitive Psychology, 8,
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16 processes. In W. A. Collins (Ed.), M innesota Symp osia on Child Psy chology. Hillsadale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Gottman, J., Gonso, J. & Rasmussen, B. (1975). Social interaction, social competence, and friendship in children. Child D evelop m ent, 46, Leonard, L. B. (1998). Children with Sp ecif ic Lang uag e Imparim ent. Cambridge, MA: T he MIT Press. Loban, W. (1976). Lang uag e D evelop m ent: K indergarten through Grade Twelve (No. 18). Urbana, IL: National Council of T eachers of English. Olson, D. R. (1977). From text to utterance: T he bias of language in speech and writing. Harvard E ducation R ewiew, 47, Peterson, D. & Johnson, C. (1989). Conversational topics of 4- year- olds. Journal of Sp eech and H earing R esearch, 32, Piaget, J. (1926). The Lang uag e and Thought of the Child. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Rosinski- McClendon, M. K. & Newhoff, M. (1987). Conversational responsiveness and assertiveness in language impaired children. Lang uag e, Sp eech, and H earing S ervices in Schools, 18, Sacks, H., Schegloff, E. & Jefferson, G. (1974). A simplest systematics for the organization of turntaking for conversation. Lang uag e, 50, Sheppard, A. (1980). Monologue and dialogue speech of language- impaired children in clinic and home setting: Semantic, conversational and syntactic characteristics. Unpublished master s thesis, University of Western Ontario. Stark, R. & T allal, P. (1981). Selection of children with specific language deficits. Journal of Sp eech and H earing D isorders, 46, Stein, A. (1976). A comparison of mothers and fathers language to normal and language deficient children. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Boston University. 308
17 <- 1> (turn) 1. (, 1997). 2. (5 ), (, 1997).... (1)/ (2) 3., (, 1997). ( ) (1) ( ) (2) 4. ( 10 % ) ( ) ( ) (,, ) (, 1997). :? 5., :,.../ (..,? ) (Adams & Bishop, 1989). :.. :../ () 6., (Adams & Bishop, 1989). 7. (), () (Adams & Bishop, 1989). 8.. : / (Adams & Bishop, 1989). 9. ( ) : (incomplete utterance)? (Adams & Bishop, 1989). : :, :?, (word- finding) 10.. (Adams & Bishop, 1989). 309
18 <- 2> 1.? ~~,?,,? 5??,,?,. ( ) 2.?,,..,?. OO, OO OO, OO? OO?,?,,?,?, ( ) 310
19 <- 3> ( 1 )... ( 1 ).. ( 1 ) self- directed. conventional gesture. (,,,, ). ( 1 )... ( 1 ).. ( 1 ) self- directed. conventional gesture.. *,, 32 * Craig & Gallagher (1982) 311
20 AB ST RACT T urn - T akin g Char acteristics of Childr en w ith Specific Languag e Impairm ent and Norm al Childr en H y o Jin Lee (Korean Association for the Fostering and Education of the New Generation) Y oun g - T ae K im * (Ewha Womans University) The purpose of the present study was to investigate the turn-taking characteristics between the specific language impaired (SLI) and the normal children. Fifteen SLI children and fifteen normal children, matched with their language age at 4;0-5;11, participated in this study. Spontaneous utterances were elicited and videotaped from the free play interactions between the child and the researcher. The results were analyzed with t-test. The results indicated that the SLI children showed qualitative and quantitative differences from those of the normal children in terms of turn errors, interruptions, interactive attention, responsiveness, number of turns, adjacent and contingent responses. To be more specific, the results of the present study were as follows: (1) both groups of children didn t show any significant differences in the percentages of occurrence of simultaneous and nonsimultaneous turns, (2) The percentage of occurrence of SLI children s sentence-initial overlaps was significantly higher than that of the normal children, (3) Both groups of children didn t show any significant difference in the percentages of occurrence of sentence-internal overlaps, (4) There were significant differences in responsiveness, number of turns, contingent responses between the two groups. T he SLI children were significantly less responsive than normal children. In addition, the SLI children produced significantly fewer turns and contingent responses than normal children, (5) T here w as no significant difference in utterance focus and in adjacent responses. * e - m ail: y oungtae@m m.ew ha.ac.kr 312
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: * ** (*, **. :., 2 00 1, 6, 2, 4 4 7-4 62. -,, -. 4-7 51. 4.,.,.,..,,,..., (Shantz, 1987.,, (Cummings, 1994; Furman & McQuiad, 1992..,..,, 447 ,,, (Cicirelli, 1995.., (Rinaldi & Howe, 1998; Siddiqui
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:,,,, ( ). :,,,,. -. 1997, 2, 27-42.,,,, 1 7. 2 7.,,,. 1 4... I., (grammatical morphemes). Brown (1973), (, 1995; Berko, 1958; Cry stal, Fletcher & Garman, 1982; de Villier s & de Villier s, 1978; Lund
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3 ํ๊ตญ์ฌ๋ฆฌํํ์ง : ๋ฐ๋ฌ ํ๊ตญ๋ฐ๋ฌ์ฌ๋ฆฌํํ 3 * (, ). 4., 3. 1 /. 2 3,., 3, (, ). 3. * 2012 2014 BK21. (2014).,,,,,,. :,, 84 E-mail: yochoi@cau.ac.kr (genericity) (generic expression) (, 2010)., (kind),, (Lyons, 1977). (kind)
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3์ 17์ผ (๋ชฉ) 14:00 ~17:30 ์ฅ์ ์ ๊ฒฝ๋ จํ๊ด ์ปจํผ๋ฐ์ค์ผํฐ 2์ธต ํ ํ์ฆ๋ฃธ ์ฃผ์ต ํ๊ตญ๊ฒฝ์ ์ฐ๊ตฌ์ ํ๊ตญ๊ธ์ตICT์ตํฉํํ PROGRAM ์ ๊ฐ ๋ด ์ฉ 13:30~14:00 ๋ฑ ๋ก 14:00~14:05 ๊ฐํ์ฌ ์ค์ ๊ทผ (ํ๊ตญ๊ธ์ตICT์ตํฉํํ ํ์ฅ) 14:05~14:10
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ธ์ธ์ธต์ ๋ผ์ดํ์คํ์ผ ํน์ฑ Characteristics of Lifestyle of the Pre-Elderly for Future Elderly-friendly Housing Design ๋ฅ ํ ์ง ์ฒญ์ด๋ํ๊ต ์ธํ
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97 CONTENTS ๋ณธ์์ ์ ์พํ ์ค๋ ๋ํ๋ฒ ๊น ํจ ์ 3 ํ๋ณต ์ฑ๊ณต์ ๋ถ๋ฅด๋ ๊ธ์ฌ๋ฆฌ ๊ถ ์ ๋ง 9 ์ฅ์ ์ ์ ๋ฐฉํฅ ์ค ์ค ์ ํ 33 ๋ก๋ก ์ดํด๋ณธ ์ฅ์ ์ ์ธ๊ถ ๋ณดํธ ์ด ํ 5 ๋ ์ด์์๋ ์ค์ ์ํ ์ฆ๊ฑฐ์ด ์
๊ฐ์ ์ฌ ์น ํฌ 57 ์
์ค๊ณ ๋ฐ ๋ถ์ ์ค ์ ์ฅ ์ 67 ํ๋ณตํ ๊ฒฝ ๋ต ์ค ์ค ํ ์ง 77 ์ฉ ์๋ฅผ ํ์ฉํ ์
๋ฐฉ์ ๋ฐฑ ์ง 85 ์์ด ์์์ผ ํ ์ธ
ผ์ด (FCT) *.,,,.,., 10. 1 3.,,. *. ** (flyzz01@hanmail.net) .,.,., (, 1995).,. (, 2011)., (, 2001; Wetherby & Prutting, 1984; Mundy et al., 1986)...,.,.,... (, 2012).,...,,.,, (, 2009).. (,, 2000).,..,