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1 - : (, ). - :., , 5, 2, , , 54 (LD 41, MR 13), 30 ( 16, 14). : (1), (2) LD 2,. (3), 3-4, 4. (4), LD, ( ) MR Sternberg & Powell (1983)
2 ,000 (Rice, Buhr & Nemeth, 1992 ). T emplin (1957) 9 Anglin (1993) 6 10,000 (Menyuk, 1997 ). Cheung, Lee & Lee (1997) 3, (1988) (1998), Peabody Picture Vocabulary T est - Revised (PPVT - R; Dunn & Dunn, 1981). Wechsler (1959) (Smith, 1997 ). Huttenlocher et al. (1991) Marccoby & Jacklin (1974) 2, (1995), Cheung, Lee & Lee (1997), Kim & Na (1999), William s & Wang (1997) (William s & Wang, 1997). Cull & Hardy (1980) PPVT.46. Mundy et al. (1995) (.83) (.61).,
3 -. (, 1998), (Dunn & Dunn, 1981; Smith, 1997; William s & Wang, 1997), (, 1998; Beck, 1996). -., Menyuk (1997) SLI., (Rice, Buhr & Nemeth, 1992) mapping, (Dollaghan, 1987; Menynk, 1997; Lahey & Edwards, 1996).,, - (Cardoso- Martins, Mervis & Mervis, 1985). (Smit & Bernthal, 1983)., (Creaghead, Newman & Secord, 1989). Johnson (1991) 4,. Peters & Guitar (1991),. -, -. Shriberg & Au stin (1998). -, ,
4 . (1995) PPVT - R (1981) 2-8, 1997, 15 Korean Version - Boston Naming T est (K- BNT ), 3 14 (, 1997;, 1998; Kim & Na, 1999) K - BNT. (children with language disorders; LD ) 2-6 1, ( MR ),, 3-6. ( ) 4 ( : MR LD, : ) , K- BNT. MR,, 3 3.,, < - 1>. (1) : (2) LD :, PLS (Preschool Language Scale;, 1994) 1 (3) MR : PLS 1 (4) :, (5) :,
5 - (6) : K- BNT < - 1>, LD MR K- BNT. K - BNT, K - BNT ,,,,,,,,,,. 5. Pearson,
6 t, Welch- Aspin, One- Way ANOVA Scheffรฉ, Kruskal- Wallis (, 1995). SPSS LD. LD (1) ( 52, 48). K- BNT < - 2>. < - 2> K- BNT, K- BNT K- BNT 2 (25 ) (14 ) (28 ) (11 ) (22 ) (100 ) (2) LD LD ( 29, 12). LD K- BNT < - 3>.
7 - < - 3> LD K- BNT, K- BNT K- BNT 2 (3 ) (13 ) (9 ) (7 ) (9 ) (41 ) LD Pearson LD LD (1) K- BNT.05 F = 67.97, 2 =.000. K- BNT.05 F = 72.15, K - BNT. 2 =.000 < - 4>. K - BNT
8 < - 4> K- BNT * 6.42** * 15.55** 17.27* 9.13** * 20.10** 33.57* 13.68** 16.31* * 25.96** 53.49* 19.54** 36.23* 10.41** 19.92* 5.86 *, p <.05 ** K- BNT, p <.05 (2) LD LD.05 F = 6.55, 2 =.000, K- BNT.05 F = 6.35, 2 =.000 K - BNT. < - 5>. LD K- BNT. < - 5> LD K- BNT * 8.84** 16.31* * 17.24** 27.82* 10.59** 36.23* 10.41** 19.92* 5.86 *, p <.05 ** K- BNT, p <.05
9 -., LD LD (p <.01). 2 LD 3-6 LD (p <.01). < - 6> < - 7> LD, < - 1> < - 2>. < - 6>, LD LD : LD : < - 7>, LD K- BNT LD : LD : K- BNT LD K - BNT
10 < - 1>, LD, < - 2>, LD, K- BNT MR,, < - 8>, MR 13 ( 11, 2) ( 8, 8).85. K- BNT 3 SD 3 1 (outlier ) 13 ( ).89.
11 - K- BNT. 4. < - 8>, LD, MR, K- BNT LD MR 0.90* 0.78* 0.56* 0.85* 0.89* *p <.01.,,, LD MR, < - 9> < - 3> < - 4> < - 9>,, K- BNT ( ) K- BNT 3 (28/ 15/ 6) (13.59) (9.63) (6.31) (5.04) 6.06 (4.74) (3.93) 4 (22/ 11/ 12) (13.85) (15.06) (8.88) (4.85) (8.12) (6.29) 5 (14/ 16/ 9) (17.88) (17.15) (17.96) (5.57) (8.21) (5.47) 6 (11/ 9/ 2) (11.95) (19.69) (17.68) (7.02) (7.60) (1.41)
12 < - 3>,, < - 4>,, K- BNT. 3-6, (p =.010) 5 (p =.059). (p = ) (p = ).
13 -. (1) Kruskal- Wallis, 3 4, 3 5, 3 6. K - BNT.05 F = 7.20, 2 = , 3 6. < - 10>. < - 10> K- BNT * * ** *, p <.05 ** K- BNT, p < * ** (2) Kruskal- Wallis, 3 5, 3 6, 4 5, 4 6. K- BNT.05 F = 5.56, 2 = , 4 6. < - 11>.
14 < - 11> K- BNT *, p <.05 ** K- BNT, p < * * ** 3.829* * ** K - BNT 2-6, , 54 (LD 41, MR 13 ), 30 ( 16, 14 ), K - BNT. 1, (, 1995; Cheung, Lee & Lee, 1997; Dunn & Dunn, 1981; Huttenlocher et al., 1991; Kim & Na, 1999; Marccoby & Jacklin, 1974; Shriberg & Austin, 1998; William s & Wang, 1997) , 6 (
15 -, 1994). 2-6 Cheung, Lee & Lee (1997), ,, PPVT - R 1997 PPVT - III., (PPVT - R) (PPVT - III) (PPVT - R) (PPVT - III).. 5 (Cheung, Lee & Lee, 1997). 5 K- BNT, K- BNT , 5-6., , K- BNT , K- BNT, 5. K- BNT. LD K- BNT LD MR.,
16 ., 3-4, K- BNT 4., Halperin et al. PPVT - R BNT,.59, 1985 Expressive One- Word Picture Vocabulary T est T euber & Furlong PPVT - R.72 (William s & Wang, 1997 )., K- BNT (.82)., LD.78, MR.56,.85,.89 MR. MR, Cull & Hardy (1980) PPVT.46 Mundy et al. (1995) Cull & Hardy (1980).,. Mundy et al. (1995),.
17 , 3 5, 3 6 K- BNT 3 5, 3 6. (Dollaghan, 1987), 5-6. Eisele & Aram (1993) PPVT, PPVT (Menyuk, 1997). LD K- BNT LD , 2. 2 K- BNT 8.40, LD , LD K - BNT 2.. (Smit & Ber - nthal, 1983), (Creaghead, Newman & Secord,
18 1989) K- BNT 3 6, , Shriberg & Austin (1998) 6-20 % % 2-3. PPVT,, (William s & Wang, 1997),. -, -.. -
19 -.
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22 AB ST RA CT P er form an ce in the Receptive an d Ex pr es sive Vocabulary T est s of Childr en w ith Speech - Language Disor der s and Norm ally Developing Childr en S on - A Chang * (Dongsan Hearing and Speech Center) Hy an g hee Kim (Dept. of Neurology, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University College of Medicine) T his study attempted to examine and compare receptive and expressive vocabulary abilities of children with speech and/ or language disorder s to normally developing children using the Korean Version of Peabody Picture Vocabulary T est - Revised (PPVT - R) and the Korean Version of Boston Naming T est (K- BNT ). T he ages of the subject group of this study ranged from two to six year s. T hey w ere divided into 3 groups which included the normal group (100 cases), the language disorder group (54 cases ), and the speech disorder group (30 cases). T he speech and language disorder groups contained 2 subgroups, respectively : LD and MR for the language group, and articulation and stuttering for the speech group. T he collected data were analyzed by a quantitative statistical method using SPSS 8.0. T he results revealed the following : (1) receptive and expres sive vocabulary increased very rapidly in normally developing children in all ages while expressive vocabulary spurt was observed at two- to- three- as w ell as three- tofour - year - olds; (2) LD children s receptive and expressive vocabulary scores did not show any meaningful differences between adjacent age groups, which means slow growth. Compared to the normal and the speech groups their scores were about half except for expressive vocabulary ; (3)the speech disorder group show ed a few differences in receptive vocabulary compared to the normal group. No statistical difference between three and four - year - olds was observed, whereas expressive vocabulary lag w as noted among the four - years - old children and above; and, (4) the correlation between receptive and expressive vocabulary was high ( ) for the normal, LD, articulation, and stut - tering children. But, it was but relatively low among MR children. T his study may contribute in explaining the vocabulary development of normal and speech- language impaired children. It was also found that single- word vocabulary test s could be used as effective screening test s for speech - language disorder s. Furthermore, error analysis of vocabulary test result s is expected for efficient therapy and intervention. * e- mail:
ๆญฏ์ 7๊ถ1ํธ(์ต์ข ํธ์ง).PDF
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Volume 12, Number 1, 92~102, An Intervention Study of Pain Reduction during IV Therapy in Hospitalized Children Myo-Jin Kim 1), Joung-Hae Bak 1), Won-Seok Seo 2) Mi-Young Kim 3), Sun-Kyoung Park 3), Jai-Soung
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Review on Conservative Treatment of Spinal Scoliosis Moon-kyu Lee, O.M.D., Gil-jae Lee, O.M.D., Yun-kyung Song, O.M.D., Hyung-ho Lim, O.M.D. Dept. of Oriental Rehabilitation Medicine College of Oriental
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A Study on Married Female Immigrants Life Style and Marriage Satisfaction in Terms of Preparing Their Old Age in Chungcheongnam-do Department of Gerontology, Hoseo University Doctoral Student : Hi Ran
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