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- ์ฉ์ ์ด
- 6 years ago
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1 : :. 1., (w ife- abu se) %, 40-60% (, 1993 ;, 1996 ;, 1992). tkdekae 20-40% ( YW CA, 1996 ;, 1994).,. (, 1996)..,, (, ),,.,,,.,, (1996) (1996),.,.,. 2.,
2 . 1). 2). 3) (sabo- m asochistic),..,,, 4.,, ( ). (abu se),. (battering ) (violence) sekfm s, (phy sical aggression ),, (assault ) (,, 1993)...,. (gender - neutral) (feministic)., (, - ), (,, )., (Gen der - n eutral ) 1) (P sychopathologic).,.,. (, 1993)., ( ).,.
3 2) (S ociopsychologic) (1) (S ocial learning theory ).,. ( ) (, 1993 ; W alby, 1990/ 1996)... (2) - (Stress theory ) -... (,,,,,, ).. (, 1993).,. 3) (Socialstructural) (1) (Sy stem theory ) 1970 Strau s (Steinm etz, Gelles ) (, 1991).. Strau s Giles - Sim s (,, 1997 ),,,. Strau s(, 1997 ),,.,,.... Steinm etz(1987).,...
4 ,. Gelles (1993),.,,.... (2) (Subcultural theory ).,., (m aschim o) (W alby, 1990/ 1996)..., (, 1987). 2. (F e m inis tic th e ory ), 200 (, 1988), ( ).. Fromm (1973/ 1978)., (, 1988)..,. ( : ), / (sexist society ). (gender - neutral) (, 1997)., (, 1993)...,.,
5 .., (, 1997). (pow er and control wheel)'. Duluth Dom estic abu se Intervention Project P ence P aym er (, 1997 ), 8 (spokes ),.,,,,,,,,,, (, 1997 ).,, (, 1991).,.,, W,, 96,, (,, ), ( ),,.,,,,, W. 1-13,,. W, ,,., (content analy sis ) (, ), (,,,,
6 ,,,, ), ( ). P ence Paym er 8.,.. W , 282 ( 1 ). < 1> : (% ) 44 (44.9) 18 (18.3) (28.6) 4 ( 4.1) 4 ( 4.1) 98 (100.0) 53 (37.3) 34 (23.9) (28.2) 6 ( 4.2) 9 ( 6.3) ( %, % ), 97 1,, (96 ). ( %, % ) (12.3% ), (16.2% ) (18.3% ), (23.9% ), (96 4, 97 6 ) (96 4, 97 9 ). W. 1. 1)., ( ) ( ) ,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,, 40%.
7 , s., (, 1993). 2),,,. 20.,. 3). (19 ), (14 ), (13 ), (13 ), (8 ), (7 ), (2 ).,. 2.. P ence P aym er (, 1997 ) (pow er and control w heel);. Pence,,,,,,, 8.,,., (,,, ). 1) P ence,, (, )... (1),,., ( ),. (,,,,,, ),,.
8 .,.,. 2.. ( 96-21,21, ).. 10.,,. ( ) ( 97-20,30, ).,... ( 96-22,, ).,,. ( ). ( )..... ( 96-34, 29, )... (, ) (, ),.,. (2).,.,... ( 96-7,26, ). 2) P ence,.
9 .,. ( ),,.,,, ( 96-23,28, ). ( ) ( 97-1,31, ).. ( ).. ( 96-2,49, ). 3),,,,.,,,,, , ( 97-40,25, )... ( 96-30,50, ) ( 96-41,34, )..
10 ,,. 4),,.,,,,,. ( ). ( 96-1,26, )..,, ( 96-38,41, ). 5) P ence,.,. ( ) ( 96-32,51, )... ( ) ( 97-35, 39, ).. ( ) 33 ( 96-29,26, ). 6)
11 ,,.... ( 97-8,41, ).. sahem s,. P ence..,.,... ( ).. ( ),. 112, ( 97-20, 30, ). 7),.... ( 97-11, 27, ). ( ). 7 ( 97-6, 26, ).,,,.. ( )
12 . ( ).. 9 ( 97-13, 36, )... ( ) ( 97-38, 53, ).... ( ).. 35 ( 97-49,, ). 8),. ( ),.,.. ( ) 50 1 ( ). ( 97-45,, ). ( 96-30,50, ).,,,.,,,,
13 . 3. 1) (1).,,,,. 4. ( ).,,.. ( ) ( 97-49,, ). (2). (, 1997).... ( 97-20, 30, ) , ( 96-1, 26, ). 2) 3..,.,,.,.,..,. ( ),,.,..
14 , ( ) (. ). (, )., ,.. (1992) %, %, 30.2% (, 1996). 300 ( YMCA, 1996) 96%, 43%. W, 1995 (15,000 ) 21.15%, % (, 1994). ( YMCA ) 95 (284 ) 34.7%...,, ( ),,,,,. 2.., (, 1992).,.,,,.,.
15 .,,,,,,..,,,.,.. ( : ),.,,..,,..,. (, 1997 ),,,. Pence 8,.,..,.,,, P ence,,... P ence,.,.,,.,,.,. ( :, 1996).
16 .....,.,.,,.,,, (, 1993).. 1., W (, ).,., P ence..,.,,.,,,,. W alby (1990/ 1996), ( ), ( ),,,,,.,..,.. 2.
17 ..,,..,,.,.,.,.,,..,,.,. 1. (1987).. ( ). -. :. 2. (1992) :. 3., (1993) (1996)... 5., (1997).. :. 6. YM CA (1996). - YM CA,. 7. (1988).., 4, :. 8. (1991).. ( ).. :. 9.,, (1996).,,., 2(1), (1996) (1992). -,. 12. (1996) (1994)..
18 ,. 14. F rom m, E.(1973/, 1979).. :. 15. Gelles, R. J.(1993). T hrou gh a sociological len s : S ocial stru cture and fam ily violence. In R. J. Gelles & J. R. Loseke (Eds.), Current controv er sies on fam ily violence. N ew bury P ark, CA : S age. 16. Steinm et z, S. K.(1987). F am ily v iolen ce : P a st, Present, and future, In M. B. Su ssm an & S. K. St einm et z(eds ). Han dbook of m arriage an d the fam ily. N ew York : P lenum Press. 18. W alby, S. (1990/, 1996).. :. - A b s tract - Key W ords : W ife- Abu se V ictim s ' Ex perience s of W ife - A bu s e Lee, Eun Joo Councelling Center for W omen attached Cheju Yea Min Hoi T he wife- abu se is a seriou sly threatening factor with victim ' s w ellbeing and health. T his study w as perform ed t o analy ze the victim s ' experiences of wife- abu se to prepare the basis of nur sing intervention for them. T he participants of study were 96 women who counseled with W counselling center for w ife- abu se from January 1996 to Augu st 1997 in Cheju. Data w ere gathered through the un structured interview s(t elephone, face- to- face and letter ) by trained 3 m ember s of the center. T he collected data w ere analy zed to reveal the characteristics of w ives and hu sbands, the modes of wife- abuse, the influences of abuse to wives and the coping styles of wives. T he m odes of w ife- abu se w ere analy zed and classified u sing the pow er and control wheel m odel of Pence et al. T he result s of study unv eiled that the wife- abu se behaviors w ere used to control the wife phy sically, sexually, economically, and psychologically and to m aintain the abu se situation. W e hav e to understand the dominant regim e of our society, ie the patriarchy that controls the w om en ' s labor pow er, production pow er and personality, to approach the victim s ' of w ife- abu se and to provide the proper nur sing intervention s for them.
:. 1. (,1995)..,, (,1994)..,.(,1989).,,,, (,1995).,,,, (,,,,1998)., (W oods,1985).. (1995) 7.8%, 17.3%, 61.5%. (,1995) 20-80%,, 5% (Hamilton, P arry, Alagm a, Blum enthal, and H erz,1984). 1 25 40% (,3196
A S tudy on Elem entary S chool Children 's S ex u al Know ledg ea ttiude and A ctu al S t ate of S ex Educ ation 200 12 A S tudy on Elem entary S chool Children 's S ex u al Know ledg ea ttiude and A
ํ๊ตญ์ฌ๋ฆฌํํ์ง : ์๋ด ๋ฐ ์ฌ๋ฆฌ์น๋ฃ The Korean Journal of Counseling and Psychotherapy 2008, Vol. 20 No. 1, 161-182 ์ฑํญ๋ ฅ ์๋ด์์ ๋ด๋ด์๋ค์ด ์ง๊ฐํ ๋์๊ฒฝํ(Helpful Experience): ์ง์ ๋ถ์ * ๋ฐ ๊ฐ ๋ ์ ๋จ ์ด ๊ฐํจ๋ฆญ๋ํ๊ต ๋ณธ ์ฐ๊ตฌ๋ ์ฑํญ๋ ฅ ์๋ด์์ ๋ด๋ด์๋ค์ด ์ง๊ฐํ๋ ๋์๊ฒฝํ๊ณผ
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์์ : ๊น์ฌ์ฝ (์ฐ์ธ๋ํ๊ต ์ฌํ๋ณต์ง๋ํ์) ๊ณต๋์ฐ๊ตฌ์ : ์ต์ฌ์ฑ (์ฐ์ธ๋ํ๊ต ์ฌํ๋ณต์ง๋ํ์) Clifton
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Kor. J. Aesthet. Cosmetol., ๋ผ์ดํ์คํ์ผ์ ๊ฐ์ธ ์ํ์ ์์ด ์ฌ๋ฆฌ์ ๋ฌธํ์ ์ฌํ์ ๋ชจ๋ ์ธก๋ฉด์ ์ํ๋ฐฉ์๊ณผ ์ฐจ์ด ์ ์ฒด๋ฅผ ๋งํ๋ค. ์ด๋ฌํ ๋ผ์ดํ์ค ํ์ผ์ ์ฌ๋์ ๋ด์ฌ๋ ๊ฐ์น๊ด์ด๋ ์๊ตฌ, ํ๋ ๋ณํ๋ฅผ ํ์ ํ์ฌ ์๋นํ๋๊ณผ ์ฌ๋ฆฌ๋ฅผ ์ถ์ธกํ ์ ์๊ณ , ๊ฐ์ธ์
RESEARCH ARTICLE Kor. J. Aesthet. Cosmetol., ํ๊ตญ ์ค๋
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2014 vol.187 January February Husband & Wife Essay CONTENTS vol.187 Family Second Life MetLife 02 Theme 04 Step 1 06 Step 2 12 Step 3 14 Step 4 22 Step 5 28 Travel 34 Habit 38 Guide 40 Tax Saving 44 Interview
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๊ตฌ์ ์ค์์ฑ์ด ์ธ์๋๊ธฐ ์์ํ์๋ค(Kang & Lee, 2001). ์ด์ ๋ํ ๊ฒฐ๊ณผ๋ก 1990 ๋ ๋ ์ดํ ๊ตญ๋ด์์๋ ๋ง์ฑ์ ๋ถ์ ํ์์ ํ์กํฌ์๊ฒฝํ (Shin, 1997), ์ ์ฅ์ด์ ์ฒดํ(Lee, 1998) ๊ณผ ๋ง์ฑ์งํ์์ ๊ฐ์ธ์ฑ์ ๊ดํ ์ฐ๊ตฌ (Ko, 1999)๋ฑ ๋ง์ฑ์งํ
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๏ฆ ๆง ็ก ็ฉถ The Women s Studies 2015. Vol. 88 No.1 pp. 43~81 ๊น์ ์ผ ์๊ธฐ ์ดํ ๋ถํ์ ์ธ๊ตฌ์ฌ์์ฐ ๊ณผ ์ํ ์ ๋ชจ์ฑ๋ด๋ก ์์ง์ ๏ฆ ๆง ็ก ็ฉถ The Women s Studies 2015. Vol. 88 No. 1 pp. 43~81 ๊น์ ์ผ ์๊ธฐ ์ดํ ๋ถํ์ ์ธ๊ตฌ์ฌ์์ฐ ๊ณผ ์ํ ์ ๋ชจ์ฑ๋ด๋ก * 1) ์์ง์** ์ด ๋ก ๋ณธ ์ฐ๊ตฌ๋
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