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12 categories. T w o comm on factor s, Phy sical pain, Phy sical Discomfort w ere grouped under Phy sical trouble. T hree comm on factor s, Receptiv ely of F emininity, W om en ' s P er secution, My stery of F emininity w ere grouped un der A mbiv alen ce of femininity. T hree comm on factor s, Em otion al Anx iety, Disgu st of P ain, Solitu d e w ere grouped under P sy ch ological trouble. T w o comm on factor s, Coping w ith P ain Relief, F ear of Pain relief m ethod w ere grouped un der A daptation to pain relief. One comm on factor s Beauty w ere grouped under Secondary g ain s, One comm on factor s, Singularity w ere grouped un der Specialities. A s Dy smenorrh ea Ex perience of W om en ' s auth or s recomm en d further studies on W om en ' s Dy sm en orrhea Experien ce and g o into details nur sing interv ention of Dy sm enorrhea relief m eth od.


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