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1 :,, (D oula ) * * *. 1.,., (, 1982 ; F itzpatric, Reeder & M astroianni, 1976 ; Reeder & M artin, 1987). (Klu sman,1975), - - (Read, 1947).,.,. (,1992),., (Doula ) (Klau s & Kn enn ell,1993),. 2. (therapeutic tou ch ).. :
2 (, ). 3.. ( ), ( ),. 1 :,,. 2 :,,. 3 :,,. 4 :,,. 5 :,, (, ). 4. 1) Doula ( ).,,,, 5. 2)..(, 1986 :, 1980).,,,,,, 5. 3) (therapeutic touth ) tou chare, (Ujhely, 1979). T RI.. 1. Lam aze (psy choprophylatic meth od ). V elv ov sky, Platinov Plotitcher 1950 P avlovian
3 , F erdin and Lam aze 1951,,, (, 1986)., Apgar.,, (M elzack,, 1983 ),.,.. (,1990;, 1986; Genest, 1981). (Gollober, 1976; Miller, 1964), - (Candy, 1979; T aub enh eim, 1981; T oney, 1983). 2. (tou ch ). (Krierer & Peper, 1979). touch are, (Ujhely, 1979).,.,,.(Sandroff, 1980; Vice, 1979; W eiss, 1979). T ry on (, 1980 ) (comfort m ethod ),,. Lerth Blis s (1978), W iedenbach (1967)
4 , Rubin (1963). M oore (1983) 1,.,,,,,, (F ield, 1993),.,,,,. (, 1992 ; M ontagu, 1971). (Klau s, Kenn ell, Klau s, 1993), (M eehan, 1998). 3. (,,,,, 1982)., (Spielb er, 1970). 50%,. (, 1998; Reeder & M artin, 1987). Ledetm an (1984),,,,. Klu sm an (1975), Read (1979) - -,. 3,, (Cardon, 1976),. (Pritchard, 1980).
5 .,. T RI(T ou ch Research In stitute) (F ield, 1986).. 1. (nonequiv alent control group posttest only design ). 1),,,, ( 1 ). < 1> T A RO SA 1,2 LPA 1, LPA 2, LPA3 T A L1 - L5 SA 1,2 LPA 1, LPA 2, LPA3 PL T A L1T 3 - L5T 5 SA 1,2 LPA 1, LPA 2, LPA3 PLT L1- L5 : (1-5 ) L1T 3 - L5T 5 : + (3-5 ) RO : Routin e Only T A : SA : (1 :, 2 : ) PL : PLT : + LPA 1 - LPA3 : (LPA 1 = 0-4 ; LPA 2 = 5-7 ; LPA 3 = 8-10 ) 2) (1996) 5.. 3) (therapeutic touch protocol) T RI ( ) 10 2, 2,
6 2, 2, 2, , , C ( ), (th erapeutic tou ch ) ( ) ( ). 50, 44, , 4 49, 43, 44, 136. Spielberg et (1970) (1978).,, ( ) 1 F riedm an , M elzack (1975) visual an alogu e 5.. M ccaffery (1972) M crachlan (1974) (1983),,,, 4. 5,. ( ) (interv al) (duration ), (intra uterin e pressure) (fetal heart ton e) T ocodyn am om eter. 3. SP SS,,M ean, Chi- square test, Paired t - test, on e w ay Anov a, T ukey H SD, Sch effe test. 4. 1). 2). 3)
7 . 4)..,,,,,,,,,, ) 1,,.., < 2> 4 5-7, % (F =4.16 p 0.05)., 1. < 2 > F * 4.16 * * * *p< 0.05, *Scheffe< ) 2,,. < 3-1>, < 3-2>. (F =0.14 p 0.05),. 1% ( F =6.23, p 0.05).
8 < 3-2> P aired t - test 2. < 3-1> F * 6.23 ** * * *p< 0.01, **Scheffe< 0.05 < 3-2 > t * ** ** ** **p< 0.001, *P aired t - test 3) 3,,,.. < 4-1>,< 4-2> [ 1}. < 4-1> : F * 9.46 *** * * * 9.36 *** * * ***p < 0.001, *T ukey < , , %.(F =9.46, p< 0.05) , , %.(F =9.32, p < 0.001)., 1,
9 , , 46.26, , 44.48, %.(F =4.33, p =0.05)., m ean < 1> ( : ) < 4-2 > F * 4.33 * * * ***p < 0.001, *T ukey < ) 4
10 ,,,. < 5> [ 2]. < 5 > (N =136) (% ) (% ) (% ) 2 36 (26.7) 38 (28.1) 42(31.1) * * 13 (9.6) 5(3.7) 1(0.7) **p< (31.1% ), 38 (28.1% ), 36 (26.7% ), 1%.( 2 =11.41, p< 0.01). 1(0.7% ), 5 (3.7% ), 13 (9.6% ) 1%. count N SVD C/ S < 2 > ( : ) 5) 5,,, (, ). [ 3] [ 4]. 36(26.5% ), 36 (25.57% ), 34 (256% ), 8(5.97% ), 7 (5.17% ), 15 (11% ). 4 (8.2% ),
11 . count < 3 > ( : ) count < 4 > ( : ) 5.
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15 D oula 's Role s including T herapeutic T ouch on Labor and D eliv ery Proc e s s K im, Gum Juin g Y o o, E un K w an g T he purpose of this study is to defin e the effect s of th e roles play ed by th e Doulas : one group educated on th e conv ention al Lam aze m ethod kn ow n to hav e effect s on birth pang durin g deliv ery proces s and th e other group educated both on Lam aze and therapeutic tou ch. On the v ariou s factor s of deliv ery, and thereby, provide for som e b asic dat a to dev elop an effectiv e nur sing int erv ention to reliev e w om en of their birth pang. 136 mother s w ho w ere h ospitalized in a general h ospital from Jun e 13, 1998 to M ay 13, 1998 to M ay 13, 1999 to deliv er their fir st babies w ere sampled to be divided into control group, test group I and test group II and thu s be subject to interv iew s an d ob serv ation s. A s for the tool of stu dy, m elzack ' s (1975) 'pain scale ', M ccaffery ' s (1972) and M crachlan ' s (1974) 'pain ex pression scales ' an d Spielberg er ' s (1975) 'anxiety scale ' w ere u sed. T h e preparatory edu cational program s con sisted of 5w eek Lam aze meth od and th erapeutic tou ch. T he research, design w as qu asi- ex perim ental, n on equiv alent, posttest only control group design. T h e collected data w ere processed u sin g the SPSS/ PC statistics softw are for frequencies, m ean s an d one - w ay Anov a as w ell as T ukey H SD an d Scheffe test as post h oc for in dividu al comparison. M oreov er, chi- square test w as u sed to test the differen ces betw een groups, w hile Pear son ' s correlation coefficient s w ere analy zed to det erm in e th e corr elation s betw een anxiety and v ariables. T he fin ding s are as follow s ; 1. T h e birth pain of th e mother s deliv erin g fir st babies scored in a subjectiv e and objectiv e pain scale ; 1) T here w a s a significant difference of subjectiv e birth pain at 8 10 opening of cervix betw een control group and tw o test groups. 2) T h er e w as n o significant differ ence of objectiv e birth pain as per openin g of cerv ex among three group s in term s of sw eating, facial m ov ement, bodily posture an d v ocal chan ges. 2. T here w as n o significant differen ce of trait anx iety among three groups. how ev er, there w as a significant difference of st at e anx iety durin g labor pr ocess betw een control group and tw o test group s. On the oth er h and, all the three group s show ed a significantly low er lev el of anx iety during lab or pr ocess th an w h en they w ere carried t o the h ospital. 3. T here w as a significant difference of the time of total and fir st - stage labor among
16 thr ee gr oups, w hile there w as a significant but sm all difference of the tim e elap sed fr om 8 10 cervix open to th e full am on g three group s. 4. T w o t est group s sh ow ed a higher frequ en cy of natur al deliv eries than the contr ol group. 5. T w o test groups w ere subject to these dru g s th an the control group. In con clu sion, it w as found th at the t est gr oup I an d II show ed a sh ort er deliv ery tim e than the control group, a higher frequen cy of natural deliv ery an d a lesser u se of anodyn e or epidur al. In particular, this study is significant t o dev elop a nur sin g interv ention service or a therapeutic touch w hich th e nur sin g administrators can apply to their hospitals in m arketin g program s.
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334 退 溪 學 과 儒 敎 文 化 第 55 號 角 說 에서는 뿔이 난 말과 고양이라는 기형의 동물을 소재로 하여 당대 정치 상 황을 비판하였고, 白 黑 難 에서는 선과 악을 상징하는 색깔인 白 과 黑 이 서로 벌이 는 문답을 통하여 옳고 그름의 가치관이 전도된 현실세
南 坡 洪 宇 遠 의 논설류 산문 연구 禹 芝 英 *1) 차 례. 서론. 친근한 소재를 통한 공감의 확대. 문답의 서술방식을 통한 논리성의 강화. 우언의 서술방식을 통한 현실 비판. 결론 국문초록 南 坡 洪 宇 遠 은 仁 祖 에서 肅 宗 연간에 활동한 문인 관료이다. 홍우원의 문집인 南 坡 集 은 시와 상소문이 대부분의 비중을 차지하고, 記 說 序 등의 산문
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Abstract Background : Most hospitalized children will experience physical pain as well as psychological distress. Painful procedure can increase anxie
Volume 12, Number 1, 92~102, An Intervention Study of Pain Reduction during IV Therapy in Hospitalized Children Myo-Jin Kim 1), Joung-Hae Bak 1), Won-Seok Seo 2) Mi-Young Kim 3), Sun-Kyoung Park 3), Jai-Soung
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주요개념 : 컴퓨터음란물 접촉자, 성지식, 성태도 남자중학생의 컴퓨터음란물 접촉자와 비접촉자간의 성지식과 태도의 차이 김 영 혜* 이 화 자** 정 향 미*** 1. 연구의 필요성 한국은 I. 서 론 1960 년대 이후부터 시작된 돌진적 산업화 ( 한 상진, 1996) 로 인하여 경제적 부흥을 이루어 집집마다 TV 수상기를 가질 수 있게 되었고 최근에는 PC보급율
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