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4 v ii -

5 ABST RACT [ 1] 39 [ 2] 51 - v iii -

6 ANOVA Bonferroni (i- j) 27 - ix -

7 Pinker Fisher x -

8 ( )...,..., x i -

9 ., x,. x y x., x ii -

10 .. (, 1999) , (, 1998), (Mekcenzie et al., 1983)... Roth (1997),. (1997) - 1 -

11 .,. (Pinker, 1990; Fisher, 1992),.. Jones (T ver sky & Schiano, 1989; Lohse et al., 1991; W atson & Pereira- Mendoza, 1996) (1)? (2)? - 2 -

12 3.,. (1),, y, x, y, x, 7.. (2) T SPS (T est of Science Process Skills ) (1994)..,,,,,,,,

13 (1). (2). (3)

14 .,, ,..,. (1) - 1..,, sine cosine.,, y, x, y, x, (Jones, 1999)

15 y, y,, x, x,.. (2) 8.,,,. - 1 (*),,,, - 6 -

16 ,. - 1.,,, * *, *, *, *,,, *, *,,,,, *,, * *,,, *, *, *,,,,,,,,,,,,,, - 7 -

17 (3) - 2,,,,,,. - 2.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, - 8 -

18 (4),,,,,, - 3,. - 3.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, '

19 .,.,,. 2. Pinker Fisher. (1) Pinker Pinker - 1.,.,

20 - 2. Pinker (Pinker, 1994).,.,.,.,. (2) Fisher Fisher,,

21 - 3. Fisher (Fisher, 1992). 4.,.,.,.,

22 (3) (1999) Piaget.,.,.,.,.,,. 3. (, 1998)., (Shaw et al., 1983)., (

23 , 1999).., Roth Mcginn (1999)..... Lohse(1993) fisher.,. Jones & W arner (1997). 95 Visual Basic 4.0 (Microsoft Corporation, 1995) Graphing Components ' (W ar ner & Jones, 1997),.,

24 . T OGS. 1. (, 1998). - 1., C. T OGS,


26 3.. (1) 6 7, 8, 8. 1) 7, % - 2. A B C D E F G

27 (35.5%), (16. 7%), (10.5%).,.. (, 1997), (, 1999). 2) ,

28 3) a b c d e f g h ( ( ), 1994)

29 (2) Windows 98 Visual Basic ,, VDU (Visual Display Unit ).,..,.., VDU.., - 2, y, y, x, x,

30 - 2.,. 7. VDU

31 - 3,. VDU

32 . 39 T OGS (T he T est of Graphing in Science). 1., T OGS (McKenzie, 1984). T OGS T OGS,,. T OGS 0.83(KR- 20). T OGS 0.85( : 0.72, : 0.76). - 1 (% )

33 (n) (% ). 390 (10 39 ) %,. (36.4% ) y (31.0% ), x (22.1% ). y (31.0% ), x (30.8% ), y (14.6% ). y x

34 n % n % n % n % n % n % n % Y X Y X y (24.9% ) y (22.6% ), y (21.0% )., y (39.0% ). x y., x (42.3% ), y. (63.3% )..,.,. y y. y x, y

35 x AN OVA (S S ) (df) (M S ) F * p<.05 post hoc Bonferroni. post hoc Bonferroni (i - j)

36 - 3. Bonferroni (i- j ) ( : m s ) i y x j e x 4726 * x * y 5788 * * y x y 5194 * * * * * * * * p< y 4726m s. x. x y, x. x y, x. x x y. x, y. x

37 4.,,.... (, 1997)..?.,,. (, ).,..,

38 . (Roth, 1999).., ANOVA. x,.,. x,, x.,

39 .., , x,.,,....,

40 ,, ANOVA. x,. x,, x... x ,.,

41 ,

42 ,,,,,,,,,,,,, (1995).,.,,, (1995)... (1992).. (1994). ( ).,, (1995)...,,, (1995)...,,,,,,, (1995).. ( ).,,,,, (1995)...,,,,, (1995)...,,,,,, (1995)...,,,,, (1995).. ( ).,,,,,,,,,, (1995)... (2000). SPSS (1998)... (1997)

43 (1998).., 16(2), ,,, (1995)... (1999)... (2000). ( )SPSS : DOS Windows 9.0.,, (1995).. ( ).,, (1995)...,, (1995)...,,, (1995).. ( ), (1997).., 17(1), ,,,,,,,,.,, (1995)...,, (1995).. ( ).,, (1995).. ( ).,,,,,,,,,,, (1995)...,,,, (1995).. ( ).,,,, (1995).. ( ).,,, (1995). ( ).,,,,,,,, (1995)... McKenzie D., & Padilla, M. (1986). T he construction and validation of the test of Graphing in Science(T OGS ). Journal of Research in

44 Science T eaching, 23, Lohse, G. L. (1993) A Cognitive Model for Under standing Graphical Perception, Human- Computer Interaction, 8(4), Jones, R. W. et al. (1999). investigating student of understanding graphs: a successful methodology and results of a study, National Association for Research in Science T eaching. Pinker, S. (1990). A theory of graph comprehension. in R. Freedle(Ed.), Artificial Intelligence and the Future of T esting (73-126). Hillsdale, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers. Fisher, M. A. (1992). Categorization, or schema selection in graph comp rehension. A Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Am e rican Educational Research Association, SanFrancisco, CA (ERIC Docment Reproduction Service NO. ED ). Roth, W. M. & McGinn, M. K. (1997). Graphing : Cognitive Ability or Practice? Science Education, 81(1), Roth, W. M. et al. (1999). Differences in Graph- Related Practices between High School Biology T extbooks and Scientific Ecology Journals, Journal of Research in Science T eaching, 36(9),

45 A BSTRA CT An Empirical Investigating in the Interpretation and Comprehension of Line Graphs Kim, Eun M i Major in Physics Ed ucation Gradu ate Sch ool of Korea N ation al University of Ed ucation. Chung-Buk, KOREA Su p erv ised by Professor Kim, Beom -Ki, Ph. D. A ccording t o a research, stu dent s feel difficulties to com prehen d a scientific concept becam e if a lack of th eir graphing abilities so m any studies about how stu dent perceiv e and comprehen d graph s h av e been b ein g proceeded an d m any m odels if graphing perception and cognition hav e b een bein g present ed. How ev er, still, there is no em pirical stu dy about how stu dent s read, and int erpret graph s in science edu cation of korea T hu s, this research is based on a em pirical inv estigation det erm in ed on the lin e graph w ith Grapin g Compon ent s dev eloped by Johnes. Specifically the purpose of this research is t o find a st atistically significant order in w hich the part s of a graph t end t o be view ed by readers. and t o m easure the am ount of specifically significant tim e reader s spen d view in g each com pon ent. In result, stu dent hav e a reading habit to view the dat a fir st, legend secon d an d title la st, and th ey spent significant tim e t o view x - label the m ost, title

46 less an d leg end th e lea st. this result sh ow s that they spend m ost tim e t o int erpret in dependent v ariables. In con clu sion, student s has readin g habit s t o view rapidly x - ax is scale alm ost st th e som etim e and to find the an sw er throu gh legend and x - label. A thesis submitted to the Committee of the Graduate School of Korea N ational University of Education in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Education in Au gu st,


48 [ 1]. ' :, ' : 'form 1: Private Sub Cmd_Click() Dim check A s Byte ' 0 1. check = 0 If man.value = T rue T hen data.sex = "M" ElseIf woman.value = T rue T hen data.sex = "W " Else MsgBox " " check = 1 End If If Option1.Value = T rue T hen data.grd = "1" ElseIf Option2.Value = T rue T hen data.grd = "2" ElseIf Option3.Value = T rue T hen data.grd = "3" ElseIf Option4.Value = T rue T hen data.grd = "4"

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60 [ 2] (g) ( ) ,?

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63 9.? 10..?

64 40, 10 8, 31 24, , ? [12-15]

65 / h 1? 0.05L 0.06L 0.07L 0.08L 13.? / h? 0.04L 0.05L 0.06L 0.07L / h 0.07L 0.08L 0.09L 0.10L [16-17]

66 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 17.,. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) , 4 115, 6 105, 8 90, ?

67 .? ( ) ( ) ?

68 ( ) ( ) ?

69 ?

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71 24...? 25.?

72 ?

73 ..,.,

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