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5 , (13-15 ) %. 42.8% 19.4%. 30.3% 28.2%. 80.6%, 59.0%. M artin Ickovics (1987) %. 53.2% %. < 1>. < 1> ( ) (n=201) (n=188) t- values (P ) (25-45 ) 20.9(42) 55.2(111) 12.9(26) 10.9(22) 34.7(27-46 ) 49.5(93) 17.6(33) 13.8(26) 6.55(.000) * * * (1-23) 42.3(85) 38.7(78) 10.5(21) 8.5(17) 9.6 (1-25) 28.7(54) 41.5(78) 18.6(35) 11.2(21) 5.80(.000) * * 97.5(196) 2.5(5) 90.4(170) 9.6(18) 1.20(.001)** 42.8(86) 18.9(38) 18.9(38) 28.2(53) 19.1(36) 20.7(39) 1.6( 3) 30.3(57) 2.38(.044) * *

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13 H ou sew ife play s a significant r ole in m aint ainin g a health family life. If sh e can n ot function adequately du e to high stress, it w ill affect quality of life of the hou sehold m em bers. It also int erferes w ith th e norm al process of family dev elopm ent. F utherm ore, dy sfunctional fam ily w ill hav e effect s on m or ale of th e servicem en in m ilitary. T his is a descriptive study. T h e m ain purpose of this study is t o com pare the lev el and types of stress b etw een a group of milit ary w iv es an d a group of civilian w iv es and provide a data w hich can be u sed t o dev elop a stres s m anag em ent program. S am ple con sist w ith 250 m ilit ary w iv es an d 250 civilian w iv es residin g in m etro S eoul area. Dat a collection w a s done durin g Oct ober 4, N ov em ber 30, Stress w as m ea sured w ith th e in strum ent dev eloped by th e researcher. T h e cronbach ' s score of the in strum ent w as.91. T h e dat a w as analy zed by u sing SP S S - P C. T h e result s of this study are : 1. T h e stress score w as for m ilitary w iv es, for civilian w iv es. T he rang e of score w as T he stres s lev el of milit ary w iv es w as great er th an civilian w iv es. (t =4.80, P <.000) 2. T he rank order of stressor s of m ilit ary w iv es w ere 1) m ov e 2) residential environm ent 3) purch ase of hou se 4) holiday s. T he rank order of stressor s of civilian w iv es w er e 1) hu sb and lat e r eturn after w ork 2) argum ent s w ith hu sband 3) holiday s 4) hu sband ' s drinking problem. T h e result sh ow s that the m ain stres sors of m ilit ary w iv es are frequ ent m ov es, residential environm ent, un cert ainty of the future, un safe w ork environm ent of hu sban d, and th e lack of priv at e life w hich are all associat ed w ith th e milit ary. T herefore, it is urgently n eeded t o distribute this fact s through m ilitary journal t o un derstand the charact eristic of th e stress of m ilit ary w iv es, and t o dev elope appropriate health care program t o lessen the stress.

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