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4 iii iii iv I II (Pluralism ) 8 2. (Corporatism ) III : IV 45 i
5 : : V V I A BST RA CT 97 ii
6 < 1 > 27 < 2 > 50 < 1 > GNP 31 < 2 > 32 < 3 > ( ) ( ) 33 < 4 > 34 < 5 > 35 < 6 > 42 < 7 > 45 < 8 > : 52 < 8 1 > : 53 < 9 > 63 < 10 > 64 < 11 > 64 < 12 > 65 < 13 > 70 < 14 > 74 iii
7 :,,,, iv
8 :,,,,,,,,,,,, v
9 I 1.. 1). (, 1991;, 1991;, 1991) (, 1986).,.., 2).,, (, 1997: 56). 1) 2),. 1
10 ...,..,... 60,.,..,
11 ....,,, ,.,....,. ( ). 3
12 ,,, ).,. 2, ,. 3) North,. North,
13 . 3..,.,...,.,.,. 4...,..,
14 ., )., ,..,. 4), , , 1932, , , , , (8 ), , , 4423, 4433, , , 4819, , 5211, , 5453, 5454, , 5591,
15 , , ( ), ( ),,,, ( ).,.....,. 7
16 II 1 20.,.,. 1. (P lurali s m ) (1)..,.,..,. 8
17 ., (, 1987: ).,,,... (2). (ICA )..,. (1988). 9
18 .,.,...,.. 5). 5). (1991),,,,,., (1991),,,,,,,. (1987),,,,,,,,.. 10
19 . (, 1985: 28). 6)....,.,., ),,. 11
20 ,,.. 2. (Corporat i s m ) (1) ( ), (, 1988: 144).,, 7). 8). 9), 7).,,..,.,.,.. 8),,,,,,, 1500 (, 1991). 9) 12
21 , (, 1996: 70).,....,.,, 10). 11). (, 1986).,.,,,., (S chm itter, 1979: 13 14). 12). 10) ). 12) 13
22 ,, (, 1986: 34).. (, 1988). (2) 80 (, 1988) ).. (, 1983: 13 14). 13) 14
23 14)...,....,..,,.,,,,,.. 14),,. 15
24 ).,.. 16)17) 18) 15),,,, (Max Weber, Politics as Vocation, in H.H. Gerth and C.W.Mills (eds), From Max Weber (New York : Oxford University Press, 1972): 78 79)...,,. 16
25 ..? 19) , ( ).,.. (, 1992: 134). 16)., ) (populism )... (,, ) 18)... 19) (, 1992: 134). (,, ). 17
26 2 1..,. (Property Right s approach ) (T ran saction Cost Econom ics ). 20),. ( hierarchy )., (N orth, 1981, 1990) 21). 20).,,,.. (Coase, 1960: 114) 21). (,,.) 18
27 . (N orth, 1990).., 22).., (S om er s, 1993: ).. (P ath depen dency ), ).,. 19
28 . 2. (1) 90 23) (, 1997, 1998)...., ) (Herman Kahn).,,,, (, 1999: 263). 20
29 (, 1997).. 24)... ( ). (, 2000: 192). ( ),., 24).,,
30 (, 2000: 192).,,, (, 2000: 189).., (. 2000: 189)... (, 2000: 187).,..,.,... 22
31 .,. (2), (, 1999: 147).,.,. (W illiam son, 1985)'. (rent seekin g )'..., (, 1997: 84). (, 23
32 1997: 92)..,,.,, 80..,..,,,...,.. 24
33 .,...., (, 1999: 138). 3 25
34 , ,,..,, (, ). 1961, 1988., 6 29., (, ).. 26
35 < 1 > < 1> ,... 27
36 ,,,...,
37 .., ,
38 III..,,.,. 1 1.,.,.,.. 30
39 .,.,,...,.. (, ). GNP < 1>. < 1 > GNP GNP : 10 (%) , (21.1%) 26,512.9(78.9) , (16.3%) 38,193.4(83.7) , ,660.5(8.0%) 178,789.3(92.0) , ,986.5(6.7%) 237,718.4(93.3),, 2000:
40 , < 2> , %. < 2 > : (%) (A ) (B) (%) B/ A (%) ,, 1986 : 78,, 2000 : 252,.. < 3>. 32
41 < 3 > ( ) ( ) : (%) ,700,000 14,509, ,435,000 14,421, ,123,775 10,826, ,499,674 6,660, ,429,817 4,400, ,.,. GNP,..,., (Burm eist er, 1988: 28).,.,. (, 1991). 33
42 ,., ,..... < 4>, < 5>. < 4 > : Kim, Chul Kyoo, 1993 p132 34
43 < 4>.,,,,.,,. 25).,, ( ),,.., (, 1991: 161).. < 5 > : 25).,, 1, 2,
44 CCC , ,108 3, ,719 1, , ,239 3,108 14,172 2, ,389 1,392 10,350 5, ,834 10,736 11,751 42,600 < 5>.., ) GAT T BOP 27) (, 1999: 225). ( ). UR 26).. 27) 36
45 .,., (, 1991: 123).?,,., > > (, 1988: 415)., 2 3,.. 28),. GNP,,.,, (, 1991). 28) 37
46 1988, , 7 8, 16, ,,, 6 10,,, 2 13,,, )..,,,,,, (, 1996: 141) (, 1996: 447).,, 29) 3 12%,,, ,,. 38
47 (, 1999: 205). (, 1999: 204) ,,, (, 1988)... W T O UR. 2 :... (, 1979, 1989;. 1990b ; 1990)., ( 39
48 ). 30),... 31)..,,..., (, 1993), (, 1986: 33)., (, 1988a ). 30) (, 1993; Kim and Koh, 1972).,, (, 1990) 31), (, 1990a) 40
49 ,. (, 1993).,,,,,,..,. 15, (, ). < 6>.., 32). 4 16,, ,., ) < 6> ( ).,,. 41
50 ..,., (,, ). < 6 > ) 2) 3) 42
51 , 13, 14, 15, 16., ,..?.,. 43
52 ...?. `..,., ( ).. 44
53 IV 1 1. : (ICA 33) ).,.. < 7> , 1995.,. < 7 > :, % 33) ICA (International Cooperative Alliance: ) ICA,,,., 1963, 1979,
54 ,126 5, ,927 6,802 4,585 1,591 15, ,053(100) 831(100) 8,320(100) 20,270(100) 3,224(100) 34,236(100) 502,702(100) ,538(146) 4,171(502) 5,893(71) 30,291(149) 682( 21) 42,575(124) 670,637(133) ,489(236) 1,591(191) 13,635(164) 50,191(248) 2,078(64) 69,984(200) 905,390(180).,,, ,... (, 1985),,,.. 46
55 .., (, 1984: 2 4).,., (, 1992)...,.. (1),,. 2.,,,. 47
56 (, 1987)..,. ( ) (,, 1998)..,..,, ( ),,. ( ). 34).,. 35). 34) 1 35),,.,. 48
57 ..,,,,..,. 1,., 1..,,,,.. < 2>..,,.. (,, 1998). 49
58 (,, ) < 2 > 1988.,,.,. 50
59 .,.,....,,,.... (2) / ,.. 3. ( ) 51
60 < 8>. < 8 > : , ,, , ,,,, , ,,,,, , ,,,, 8,, , 1,, ,..,... 52
61 ., (, 1994).. < 8 1> : ~94, ~ ~, 8, < 8 1> , ) ,,,, 36) 1 ( ~ ), 2 ( ~ ), 3 ( ~ ) 53
62 . (, 1999: 305)..,...,..,.... (3),,,,. 54
63 ... (, 1999: 27).. (, 1999: 28).,,,...,,,.,. (, 1999)..,,,
64 2,. (, 1994). ( 2 4 ), (5 ). ( 6 )..,. 149,.. 6, ( ). ( 9 ),, ( 16 ), ( 133 ), ( 153 ), ( ) ( 160 ) 37) (,,,, 37) %. 56
65 ), ( 161 )..,.,,.. 1 ( 28 ) ( ) 2 ( 11 ) 1 ( 12 ) %. ( 51 )., 12 57
66 , ,. 80, 1988.,, ,... 58
67 ,. 38). ( )., ), ) ), 5, 59
68 , (, 1999: 308) , , ,
69 .. 2..,. 1. :,..,,.,, 61
70 (, 1994). 2.,.. < 9>. 62
71 , (,, ).,.,,.. < 9>,,,,.,,. < 9 > : %( ) 63
72 (7.7) 76(5.8) 181(3.5) 1,551(5.0) 1,461(2.4) 2,005(0.8) 106(90.6) 1,089(83.8) 3,583(68.9) 14,986(48.7) 27,112(44.4) 97,309(39.5) 2(1.7) 41(3.1) 123(2.4) 2,570(8.3) 4,843(7.9) 16,281(6.6) 66(5.1) 708(13.6) 11,633(37.8) 27,674(45.3) 123,132(50.0) 94(7.2) 607(11.7) 38(0.1) 62(0.1) 7,220(2.9) (A ) 117(100) 1,300(100) 5,202(100) 30,779(100) 61,115(100) 246,031(100) ,434 5, , ,194 5,719 14, ,978 2, ,937 5, ,392 CCC ,350 5, ,834 10,736 11,751 42,600 (B) 427 2,259 8,036 41,515 72, ,631 : A/ B (%) , < 10>, < 11>. < 10 > :, % (57.1) 100(42.9) 616(58.4) 438(41.6) 1,969(62.3) 1,072(37.7) 8,726(73.9) 3,087(26.1) 20,878(73.1) 7,664(26.9) 53,119(65.5) 27,809(34.4) 233(100) 1,054(100) 2,841(100) 11,815(100) 28,542(100) 90,925(100),, 64
73 < 10> 60%,.. < 11 > : ( % ) (89.6) 123(82.4) 245(81.8) 842(56.8) 4,122(57.8) 3,932(51.8) 5,078(60.0) 8(8.7) 2(1.9) 20(13.1) 7(4.5) 42(13.9) 13(4.3) 640(42.9) 5(0.3) 2,626(36.8) 387(5.4) 3,654(48.2) (?) 7,614(40.0) (?) 94(100.0) 149(100.0) 300(100.0) 1,480(100.0) 7,135(100.0) 7,586(100.0) 12,682(100.0),, < 11> 60%...,
74 < 12 > : % ( ) (A ) (B) (A B)% 1464(100.0) 27,518 2,755 24,763(100.0) 46,523 7,575 38,948(100.0) 55,353 10,527 44,826(100.0) 97,309 16,521 80,788(100.0) 5,660 9,010 11,353 21,253, 1,890 2,779 4,728 6,740, 4,161(16.8) 8,030(20.6) 10,083(22.5) 24,500(30.3) 11,711(47.3) 19,819(50.9) 26,164(58.4) 42,493(65.0) :746 :718 7,301 33, ,716 4, ,938 5, ,840 17,135 7, , (100) 13,052(52.7) 19,129(49.1) 19,662(41.6) 28,295(35.0)., < 12>. 3.,.,. < 12>,.,.. 66
75 ,,.....,... 67
76 ., ).,... 40), , , 1932, , , , , (8 ), , , 4423, 4433, , , 4819, , 5211, , 5453, 5454, , 5591,
77 V, , , ,
78 < 13> %. < 13 > :, % (82.7) 86(55.9) 413(7.7) 889(8.8) 932(7.8) 735(3.1) 19(17.3) 900(53.3) 68(44.1) 356(100) 787(46.7) 2,000(20.0) 3,000(25.0) 4,976(92.3) 7,111(71.1) 10768(89.7) 5,300(22.1) 17,965(74.8) 110(100) 154(100) 356(100) 1,687(100) 5,398(100) 10,000(100) 12,000(100) 24,000(100),, < 13>,. 70
79 , % ( ) ( ).....,
80 .. 41). 80,...,....,,... 41), 1985,, 72
81 ....,...., (, 1997)
82 .?.. < 14 > : % ( ) (7.7) 106(90.6) 2(1.7) 76(5.8) 1,089(83.8) 41(3.1) 66(5.1) 94(7.2) 181(3.5) 3,583(68.9) 123(2.4) 708(13.6) 607(11.7) 1,551(5.0) 14,986(48.7) 2,570(8.3) 11,633(37.8) 38(0.1) 1,461(2.4) 27,112(44.4) 4,843(7.9) 27,674(45.3) 62(0.1) 2,005(0.8) 97,309(39.5) 16,281(6.6) 123,132(50.0) 7,220(2.9) (A ) 117(100) 1,300(100) 5,202(100) 30,779(100) 61,115(100) 246,031(100).,....,. 60,,... 74
83 ,. (, 1994)..,
84 )., 43) )... 43). 76
85 % 3 2.,. (2) < 15 > : (%) , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , < 15> , 10.6%, 2.5% %, 11.3%. 77
86 ,,.. < 16 > : , ,899 3,753 5,080 12,889 6,910 15,221 11,477 20,259 84(100) 382(98.7) 3,497(99.9) 6,652(97.4) 17,969(99.5) 22,131(85.6) 31,736(96.7) 2, , (100) 387(100) 3,499(100) 6,827(100) 18,059(100) 25,847(100) 32,814(100) 1,560(44.6) 4,276(62.6) 11,202(62.7) 17,448(67.5) 23,967(73.0) , ,067 2,626 4,643 3, (17.9) 65(16.8) 624(17.8) 1,223(17.9) 3,961(22.2) 4,944(19.1) 7,129(21.7) 69(82.1) 322(83.2) 1,315(37.6) 1,328(19.5) 2,531(14.1) 3,456(13.4) 1,719(5.2) 185(1.0) 84(100) 387(100) 3,499(100) 6,827(100) 17,879(100) 25,848(100) 32,815(100),, < 16>,., 44),., 44),,,.. 78
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92 ,.,.., ,..,.. 84
93 V I ,,.,...,,.,. ( ).,
94 , ,.,,.. 80.,.. 86
95 .,......,.. 87
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103 A B S T RA CT S tructure and Function of Kore an A g ricultural Cooperativ e F e deration : w ith S pecial referen c e to the relation am ong the St ate, the Peas ant & the Kore an A g ricultural Cooperativ e F ederation Jeon, Ji Yeon Dep. of S ociology T h e Gradu at e S chool Yon sei Univ er sity T his study ex am ines the proces s of dev elopm ent of Korean A gricultural Cooperativ e F ederation an d an aly zes th e relation bew een the St at e and the P easant. I w ill com pare the Korean A gricultural Cooperativ e F ederation w ith other A gricultural Cooperativ e F ederation s around W estern countries ba sed on v olunt arism. W ithin this context, th e interv ention of the St at e play s a m ajor role in controllin g korean econ om ic organization s throu ghout korean hist ory. A nalytical anchor is structure and fun ction of the agricultural cooperativ e federation. On one side, th e Korean A gricultural Cooperativ e F ederation is on e of the int erest groups in korea. Gen erally, th e Cooperativ e F ederation m ean s the collectivity of in dividu als w hich is composed of people w ho hav e sh ared goals. My question is w hether the Korean A gricultural Cooperativ e F ederation is sim ilar t o the w estern style. On the other side, the Korean A gricultural Cooperativ e F ederation is relat ed t o agriculture w hich is inferior part in korean econ om ic dev elopm ent proces s due t o the indu strializin g str at egy of the g ov ernm ent. 95
104 A lthough agriculture is the inferior part in Korea, th e Korean A gricultural Cooperativ e F ederation is th e successful organization w hich has big capit al throu gh the int erv ention of the St ate. Ev ery kin d of economic org anization is dom inat ed by S ocial economic and cultural environm ent. S o it is v ery im portant to follow the concrete proces s of the dev elopm ent of the Korean A gricultural Cooperativ e F ederation for b ett er study. W hen the Korean A gricultural Cooperativ e F ederation w as established in 1961, the P easant s w ere det eriorated by the decline of food self sufficiency and high debt ratio of farm hou seholds. T herefore peasant s h ad no pow er t o m ake th eir ow n organization. Un der this circum st an ces, th e St at e m ade the A gricultural Cooperativ e F ederation as an in strum ent for controllin g and protecting the peasant. It w as "T op Bottom " sy stem. Sin ce then, th e g ov ernm ent continuou sly int erv en ed the Kor ean A gricultural Cooperativ e F ederation. W e can reidentify this fact from supervising sy st em of the A gricultural Cooperativ e F ederation. T hrou gh this process, the gov ernm ent w a s able t o cut the cost u sed to a ssist poor agriculture. T he int eraction bet w een the St at e and Korean A gricultural Cooperativ e F ederation is strong each oth er. T h e Koren agricultural Cooperativ e F ederation w as dev eloped by the support and control of the g ov ernm ent. And under this circum st an ces, th e Korean A gricultural Cooperativ e F ederation provided infra stru ctur e w hich gav e th e gov ernm ent th e m echanism of controllin g & protecting th e peasant s. In addition, the A gricultural Cooperativ e F ederation play ed th e role of providing service. T his stu dy ask s w heth er pluralism and corporatism is th e an sw er for ex plainin g the Korean A gricultural Cooperativ e F ederation. Pluralism is a dis sertation which emphasizes voluntarism. But an agriculture 96
105 in k orea is so poor that the peasant didn 't hav e any pow er t o collect their comm on m in d. T h erefore this m odel is n ot proper for Korean agricultural F ederation. Corporatism is based on the cath olic m ind w hich argues balance and harm ony. S o this dissert ation is also not good t o ex plain korean circum st ances brin ging unbalanced dev elopm ent bet w een inferior agriculture and superior other indu stries. T his stu dy aim s t o under st an d th e Korean economic environm ent as it is. S o I do try to find the proper theory w hich can ex plain th e Kor ean A gricultural Cooperativ e F ederation an d the relation b etw een the State an d the P easant s. key w ords : st ate, the A gricultural Cooperativ e F ederation, P easant, interest group, pluralism, corporatism, confu cian capit alism, n eo in stitution al econom ics, regim e legitimization, infrastru cture, service providin g, protection & control 97
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T he A ctu al Condit ion of Child Abu se an d It s Im pr ov ing M ea sures : : 2 0 0 3 T he A ctu al Condit ion of Child Abu se an d It s Im pr ov ing M ea sures. 20036 ( ) :,,,.,,,,. 2002 200121053702478
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์ฌ๋ก๋ฅผ ์ค์ฌ์ผ๋ก Policy Innovation, Diffusion and Transformation The case of the College-graduate as Village Official Plan in China ์ ์ํ ํ์ ๋ํ๊ต ์ ๋ผ์์์ฐ๊ตฌ์ ํ์ ์ฐ๊ตฌ๊ต์ ?? 1990๋
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93 8 1994. 11 . 1994. 11. : (: ) : ( ) : ( ) ( ) ( ) : ( ) ( ) ( ) : 1 19 1. 19 2. 22 3. 24 4. 26 27 1. 27 2. 58 3. 81 84 1. 84 2. 97 3. 100 4. 112 : 12 1 1. 121 2. 128 i 3. 134 4. 136 177 1. 177 2. 186
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ๆฌ ่ฟ ์ ไบ ็ถ ์ธ์ - ็ถ ๅญธ ๊ณผ ็ถ ไธ ่ซ ์ ์ฐ๊ฒฐ์ ์ค์ฌ์ผ๋ก - ๅง ๆ ๆค * 1. ๋จธ๋ฆฌ๋ง 2. ็ถ ๅญธ ๊ณผ ็ถ ไธ ่ซ ์ฐ๊ฒฐ์ ์ด๋ก ์ ๊ธฐ๋ฐ 3. ไบ ็ถ ๆทบ ่ฆ ้ ์ ็ถ ๅ
ธ ํด์๊ณผ ็ถ ไธ ่ซ 4. ๋งบ์๋ง ์์ฝ๋ฌธ ๊ถ๊ทผ( ๆฌ ่ฟ )์ ์ฒด์ฉ๋ก ( ้ซ ็จ ่ซ )์ ์
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441 450 458 466 474 477 480 This book examines the research conducted on urban ethnography by the National Folk Museum of Korea. Although most people in Korea
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์ ๋ํ ํ๋ ฅ ์ฐ์น๋ค ์ฅฐ(Uchida, Jun) ์คํ ํผ๋๋ ์ญ์ฌํ๊ณผ ๊ต์ I. ์๋ก ์ต๊ทผ ๋ค์ด ํ๊ตญ๊ณผ ์ผ๋ณธ์์๋ ์ด๋์์ฒด์ ๊ธฐ( ็ธฝ ๅ ๅก ไฝ ๅถ ๆ : 1937~45๋
) ์ ์ผ๋ณธ ์๋ฏผ์ง์ฃผ์์ ์กฐ์ ๋ฏผ์ค์ ์ผ์ ์ํ์ ๊ดํ ์ฐ๊ตฌ๊ฐ ํ๋ฐํด์ง๊ณ ์ ๋ค. 1) ๋ณธ ๋
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= Abstract = Co rre latio n of Fit Fa cto rs fo r Re s p irato rs a nd Anthro po met ric Dime ns io n Do n- Hee Ha n D ep t. of Occup ational S af ety and H ealth, Colleg e of H ealth S ciences, I nj e
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The Role of Historical Relativity in International Exchange of Culture and Tourism at the Regional Level: A Case of Gyeonggi and Shandong Province Jung-hoon Lee** Kyung-Eun Choi*** Eun-Ja Lee****,.,,.,,.,,.,.,.,,,
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step 1-1
Written by Dr. In Ku Kim-Marshall STEP BY STEP Korean 1 through 15 Action Verbs Table of Contents Unit 1 The Korean Alphabet, hangeul Unit 2 Korean Sentences with 15 Action Verbs Introduction Review Exercises
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A S tu dy on th e E s t im at ion of A ir t o Grou n d W e ap on Im p act P oint 200 1 2 A S tu dy on th e E s t im at ion of A ir t o Grou n d W e ap on Im p act P oint 200 1 2 200 1 2 ( ) ( ) ( ) ...,
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Regents exam in U.s. HistoRy And government The University of the State of New York Regents HigH school examination ๋ฏธ๊ตญ ์ญ์ฌ ๋ฐ ์ ๋ถ KOREAN EDITION U.S. HISTORY AND GOVERNMENT TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 2015 9:15 A.M.
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Introduction of Integrated Coastal Management Program and Sustainable Development of Fishing Villages in Cheonsu Bay Region* Boosung Kim** Abstract : Sustainable Development(SD) is an important concept
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๋ 30%, 2006ํ๋
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๋ 50%๋ก ํ๋ ๋๊ณ , 2008ํ๋
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1 ) 18 (2002.8) Legal A spects of International J oint Ventures * I. II. III. IV. 1 )* I.. (foreign direct inv estment : FDI) (foreign indirect inv estment ).,,,. (joint venture: JV ).. 1) (partnership
1999 - - A Study on the Reality of Employment and problems of the Deaf and Dumb - - 199912 () () () 199912 ....,,.,.,...,., - i - .,., 827 1029,,,,.. 40%,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,. 3.. 1.... 2.,., - ii - . 3....,..
The e-business Studies Volume 17, Number 6, December, 30, 2016:275~289 Received: 2016/12/02, Accepted: 2016/12/22 Revised: 2016/12/20, Published: 2016/12/30 [ABSTRACT] SNS is used in various fields. Although
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- - * ** *** 20001 ,., 1995,,,,.,,,.,,,. : G2 :,,, --------------------------------------------- *..,. ** (E-m ail: yslee@m ail.h an gkon g.ac.kr) *** (E-m ail: cllee@tiger.korea.ac.kr) .. 1. 2.. 1.
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Industrial and Innovation Networks of the Long-live Area of Honam Region* Sam Ock Park**Kyung Un Song***Eun Jin Jeong**** AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to analyze industrial and innovation networks
18์ธ๊ธฐ ้ฆฌ ๅ
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