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14 39. Quinn, W. H.,(1983). P er sonal and F am ily adju stm ent in Later Life, Journ al of M arriage and F am illy, A b s t rac t - K ey c on c ept : h e alth s t at u s of ag e d w om en A s tudy on the Phy s ic al, M ent al and S ocial F actors Influencing the H e alth S tatu s of A g ed W om en in K ore a S eun g Ok Ro Seung Ok Ro : Departm ent of Nur sing, Shin Heung Junior College A t ot al health stat e ev aluation of Kor ean fem ale elderlies w as m ade by u sing the qu estionary sch em e m ea suring the phy sical, m ent al an d social function s of the elderlies, in order t o inv estigate the critical factor s for the health m aint en ance of fem ale elderlies and to dev elop their prev entiv e nursin g program. A total of 280 subject s ov er 65 y ear s old living in S eoul an d th e suburban area w ere select ed an d interview ed during th e period of S ept em ber an d October in T he m at erials collected w ere an aly zed statistically by u sin g SA S data proces sin g program, and th e result s and recom m endation s are sum m arized as follow s. 1. T h e phy sical health st at e of Kor ean elderly w om en w as ev alu at ed t o b e satisfactory by show in g an av erage score of in 5.0 full- score scale. But this score w as low er than those ev alu ated for the elderlies com bin ed both sex es (4.054). T h e m ent al health state of the subject s w as als o ev alu at ed as high scorin g 3.484, pos sibly due t o th e fact that 78% of the subject s liv ed t og ether w ith th eir children ' s family. On the oth er h and, the s ocial health st at e of the subject s w a s relativ ely low scoring 2.585, m ainly du e to that 80% of them w a s w idow s w hich w as result ed by th e 6-7 y ear s long er life- ex pectan cy of Korean w om en. 2. A significant differen ces in the phy sical h ealth state scores b etw een different age groups w as ob serv ed, indicating the rapid ag ein g process occurring in this ag e group. T he fam ily stru cture w as appeared to be an im port ant factor influencing the phy sical h ealth st at e of th e fem ale elderlies ; th e phy sical health score of the w om en w ith her hu sband only w as higher th an that of those liv in g w ith children ' s fam ilies, an d the
15 low est score w as obtained from those living alone. 3. T he age was the most important factor determining the mental health state of the subj ect s, w hile the religion, edu cational st atu s, m arriage stat e an d fam ily stru cture did n ot significantly influ en ced the m ent al health st at e of the ag ed w om en. 4. T he social health state of the subject was deeply influenced by the marriage state and fam ily structure, sh ow ing significantly low er scores w ith w idow er s compared t o the m arried couples. T h ose livin g w ith their m arried spou se only obtain ed the highest social health score, w hile those living along sh ow ed the low est score. T he parent an d grandparent ship of those living w ith their children an d the religion, especially Catholic and Protestant, had positiv e influ ence on the social h ealth stat e of the ag ed w om en. 5. T h e m ent al health st at e of ag ed w om en show ed significant correlation w ith the fact or s determ ining the phy sical health, ex cept for digestiv e sy st em r elat ed ability and sex ual ability an d the high est ex tra hom e ability. 6. T h e m ent al health st at e of ag ed w om en show ed significant correlation w ith the fact ors determ ining social h ealth, especially w ith the parent an d gran dparent ship and the fam ily relativ e ' s role. F rom th ese result s, the follow in g recom m endation s are m ade. 1. Sin ce the phy sical, m ental and social health st at es of ag ed people ar e deeply influen ced by the sex an d th e av erag e v alues of the both sex can creat e m isleading figures, th e health ev aluation of the elderlies sh ould be m ade separat ely by sex. 2. Since th e health state of ag ed w om en is highly influ enced by their fam ily stru ctur e, the spou se ' s role an d living w ith m arried couple only should be em ph asized in respect of prev entiv e health care. 3. T h e social activity program s and gran dparent ship t eachin g program s should be prepared in th e nursin g care program for ag ed people.
,,,, A B S T RA CT A S t u dy on S erv ic e Ch ara ct eri s t ic s of D ire c t ors of H e alt h Cen t ers in K ore a T his stu dy h as attempted to show general characteristics of health centre director
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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp DOI: * Strenghening the Cap
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T CP (T CP T hr oughput Gu ar ant ee u sing P acket Buffering ), {schoi, ckim }@popeye.snu.ac.kr (Differentiated Services ) T CP (flow ).. T CP.. T CP.. RT T. A bs tract T his paper deals w ith th e T
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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2017, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp DOI: : Researc
Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2017, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp.251-273 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21024/pnuedi.27.2.201706.251 : 1997 2005 Research Trend Analysis on the Korean Alternative Education
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Volume 12, Number 1, 6~16, Factors influencing consultation time and waiting time of ambulatory patients in a tertiary teaching hospital Jee-In Hwang College of Nursing Science, Kyung Hee University :
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I N T E R E S T I N G A N D I N F O R M A T I V E R E A D I N G C L U B The Greatest Physicist of Our Time Written by Denny Sargent Michael Wyatt I&I Reading Club 103 ๋ณธ๋ฌธ ํด์ ์ค๋ช
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