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1 LCC ( ), ( ) I. 90%,. 1/ 4,.,,. HVA C...,.,, ,.,,. HVA C, BES2000.,. II.

2 ,.,., HVA C. 1 HVA C HVA C (LCC ) HVA C, HVA C,. HVA C LCC. HVA C, ,. (1) (degree- day ) (65 ), (2),.,. (3) (Bin M ethod ), (bin ) (tim e frequ ency ). 2.8., (balance point temperature). (4) (M odified Bin M ethod ) (div ersified load)

3 ., (coolin g load factor ),. 2.2.,. 1 2 T x 2 = 1 T t ( 3 1).. (1) (tran smis sion m atrix m ethod). 2,.., (tran sfer fuction )..., (frequen cy - dom ain ) (tim e- dom ain )., () sine cosin e,.,. Steph en son an d Mitalas (1967 ) (therm al respon se factor ; T RF s ), Z.. Z.,.,. A SHRAE.

4 (hom og enn ou s ) 1.. (respon se factor ) (w eightin g factor )DOE - 2 HA SP, AH SRAE T RN SYS,. (2).,.. CFD,., (n odes ). (FDM : finite differen ce m ethod), (FEM : finite elem ent meth od ) (F VM : finite v olum e m ethod ). (heat - balan ce). FDM FEM, F VM. HVA C,,. ESP - r, BLA ST, En ergyplu s,. III DO E- 2 (1) DOE - 2 Law rence Berkeley Laboratory.,,,. (T MY, T RY, CT Z, W YEC ). F ORT RAN,. NT IS,. DOE - 2 DOE - 2.1E, 1993DOE - 2.2,

5 . 3.4 En ergyplu s DOE - 2. (2) DOE - 2 5, 1. BDL (Building Description Lan gu ag e). LOA DS HVA C(SYST EM S PLANT ), LCC ECON. DOE - 2 HVA C tim e step T RNSYS En ergyplu s, HVA C. LOADS ( ). 1 (8760 ).,,,,,,, 1 DOE- 2,,,,.. SYST EM S HVA C 2, (,, ).,. SYST EM S LOADS.,,. SYST EM S. PLANT PLANT HVA C 1, (,,,, ),..,,. PLANT LOADS SYST EM S. ECONOMICS

6 .. ECONOMICS LCC(Life Cy cle Cost ). 3.2 T RNS YS (1) T RN SYS (T RaN sient SY stem Simulation ) 1975 v er W iscon sin,, T RN SYS, W in dow s v er W in dow s 95 v er. 14.2,. F ORT RAN77,, HVA C,,..,.. T RNSYS 15 W in dow s (W in dow s 95/ 98, ME, 2000, NT ) RAM16MB, 65MB IBM PC ( ). v er. 14.x, W indow s 95/ 98/ NT T RN SYS KERNAL T YPE S UT ILIT Y OPT ION., 57 (component s subroutin e). :,, (T YPE s ),. T YPE. (2) T RNSYS 14.2 m ain directory T RNW IN 13 sub - directory. T RNSYS F ORT RAN.

7 T RNLIB.DLL DLL (Dyn amic Link Library ). DLL W indow s T RN SYS.EXE ( ) (T YPE s ), DLL., IISiBat (the Intellig ent Interface for th e Simulation of Building s ) (GUI). 2 IISiBat.,. 2 TRNSYS T RNSYS. T YPE 19 T YPE 56 A SHRAE (tran sfer fun ction m ethod ),,. (, ). (zon e) T YPE 19,. T YPE 56. (multi- zone building ). T RNSYS PreBID.

8 3 T RNSYS Data Reader T im e- Dependent F orcin g F un ction Algebraic Operator Radiation Pr ocessor Quantity Integrator P sy chorom etrics Load Profile Sequ en cer Collector Array Shadin g En ergy/ (Degree- Hour ) Hou se Det ailed Zon e (tr an sfer function ) Roof and Attic Ov erh ang and W in gw all Sh adin g W indow T h ermal Storag e W all Attached Sun space Multi- Zon e Building Quadratic T herm al Efficien cy Data Pump/ F an Detailed Perform an ce M ap Flow Div erter/ Mix in g V alv e/ T ee Single or Bi- Ax ial Incidence An gle / Piece M odifier Pressure Relief V alv e T heoretical F lat - Plate Pipe T heorectical CP C Str atified Liquid Stor age Algebraic T ank Rockb ed On/ Off Aux iliary H eater Ab sorption Air Con ditioner Du al- Source H eat Pump Conditioning Equipm ent Coolin g Coil Coolin g T ow er Chiller H eat Ex chan ger W a ste Heat Recov ery Data Interpolation F ir st Order Differential Equation s View F actor s M atrix Inv er sion Least Squ ares Curv e F itting P sy chrometric Calculation s Differ ential Controller w ith Hy steresis T hree- Stag e Room T h ermostat Micorprocessor Controller Printer, Plotter, Histogram Plotter Simulation Summ arazer Economics Online Printer PV/ T h ermal Collector Storag e Battery Liquid Collector - Storag e Air Collector - Storage Sy stem Domestic H ot W ater T h ermosiphon Solar W ater H eater 3.3 ES P- r ( ) (EU ) ESP - r (Environm ental Sy stem Perform an ce- reference ). C++ F ORT RAN (F77 F90), Unix(Solaris, Sun/ OS, SGI, Linux ) Pentium PC... W indow s,. m atrix partition,,

9 ,,. 3 ES P- r ESP - r3pm (Project M anag er ),,. PM, PM.,,,,. CAD, Ray - tracing RADIAN CE.,,.,,., ESP - r,. ESP - rpa SSYS ESP - r, 3 CFD (Computation al Fluid

10 Dyn amics ) ESP - r CF D,, T RNSYS,, RADIANCE ESP - r, ESP - r,, 23 ESP - r,,,,, ESP - r. 3.4 Ene rgy P lus En ergyplu s 4 v er. 1. DOE - 2 BLA ST. BLA ST (Building Loads Analy sis an d Sy stem T herm odyn amics ),. 4 EnergyPlus 1960,., 1995 BLA ST DOE - 2. F ORT RA N90,. BLA ST

11 IBLA ST heat balance based load calculation,. 4 En ergyplu s, 3. EnergyPlu s ( T RN SYS IIsibat T RN SYS ). 5 tim e step (1 ).,,,,,. 4,. EnergyPlu s T RNSYS, T RNSYS PV (photov oltaic) EnergyPlu s.,,. W in dow 95/ 98/ NT. 5

12 4 3.5 BES 2 000,.,, 2000 BES (Building En ergy Simulation ) BES2000. A SHRA E (T ran sfer Function M ethod ), HA SP/ A CLD.,, 2,,,, 7. LCC. 6,, 3,,. DOE - 2, [ 6].,,,,,.,,, HVA C.,,.

13 ,. (U ser Interface Sy stem ),, (GUI),. BES 2000,,. 7 BES IV.,.. En ergyplu s3. HVA C, LCC. BES2000, En ergyplu s, T RN SYS ESP - r. 1. DOE - 2 EnergyPlu s, http :// gun dog.lbl.gov/ 2. T RNSYS, http :/ / sel.m e.w isc.edu/, http :/ / evl.cstb.fr/ iisibat.htm 3. ESPr (A Building and Plant Energy Simulation Sy stem ), http :// w w w.esru.strath.ac.uk/ 4., , 5., E SPr, 1999,

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