- ์ฉํ ๊ตฌ
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1 - - * ** *** <>,., 1995,,,,.,,,.,,,. : G2 :,,, *..,. ** (E-m ail: yslee@m ail.h an gkon g.ac.kr) *** (E-m ail: cllee@tiger.korea.ac.kr)
2 <> < > < >
3 ) (1999b)(ROA).,. (1999a). (productive efficiency),,.. 2) (1999a, 1999b) 1) ,,, ,,,,. BIS,..,,,, BIS. 2) (1995),,,, (1999), (1993), H ao, et al.(1999)
4 ., (decomp osition),,,,..,.,.,...,,,,., (1998)., (1999). 3),,,,.,.,,,,.,,,,. 3)
5 4.,..., (divisia). (F*)(Y*) (total factor productivity),. 4) (F*) (Y*) ( F *, Y * ). Y * = i 1i Y i F * = j 2j X j, (1) 4)
6 Y * = i 1i Y i F * = j 2j X j, (2) 1i (revenu e) i, 2jj. Y i X j i j, Y i X j i j. 5). T F P = Y * F *, T F P = Y * - F * (3) (PFP, partial factor productivity) ( F j )( Y * ). P F P = Y * F j, P F P = Y * - F j (4) (discrete data) (5)(tornqvist). log F = log ( F t F t - 1 ) = 1 2 j log Y = log ( Y t Y t - 1 ) = 1 2 i ( s jt + s j, t - 1 ) log ( X jt X j, t - 1 ) (r it + r i,t - 1 ) log ( Y it Y i, t - 1 ) (5) (6) 5), 1i, 2j. 1i = P i Y i / ij, i P i Y i j i P i Y i, 2j = w j X j / j w j X j, P i w j w j X j
7 X jt tj( X j ), s jt = w jt X jt / j w jt X jt t j( X j ), Y it t i( Y i ), r it = P it Y it / i P it Y it t i( Y i ). (5)(6) (7)(8) T F P = log (Y ) - log ( F ) (7) P F P = log (Y ) - log (F j ) (8).. 6). 7),.,.,.., 6) Output M easurement in the Service Sectors, edited by Griliches, Zvi, NBER(1992). 7) Sealey and Lindley(1977), Berger, H anw eck and Humphrey(1986). Master(1987), Berger, H anweck and H umphrey(1986), (1990)
8 ,..,. 8) 30%,.. 9),,,,, ( ). 10),,,,.,,. 11) 8) Humphrey(1991). 9) (1995),,. 10) (1990), (1992),,. (1993),, (1993), (1995),,. 11).,,, (1999)6,
9 .,,,. 12)., <1>. 2. <2>.., , %8.0%, % %2.5%. 12).,,,, 5. (normal loans) (precautionary loans) 36., 6,. (doubtful) (estimated loss) (non-performing loans) ,,, 6 3.-,
10 ,,, , <1>
11 , % , -1.8% <2> : (3)(4)
12 ,. 1997,.,,,,.. ( ) ( )., 3,.. (analysis of variance). <3>(a), < 1>,., %, %.., %,,,,,
13 -1.0%., %, -1.7%..,,. <3> (a), (0.99) 1.6(0.21) 0.1(0.87) (0.00)*** 7.6(0.00)*** 5.5(0.01)*** (0.00)*** 9.1(0.00)*** 6.5(0.00)*** (0.61) 3.1(0.05)** 0.3(0.75) : F-. ( ) P-v alu e, *10%, ** 5 %, ***1%
14 , , 1%,.. (b), (0.97) 5.2(0.01)*** 2.7(0.07)* (0.01)*** 4.9(0.01)*** 2.5(0.09)* (0.01)*** 5.9(0.00)*** 3.0(0.06)* (0.80) 5.3(0.01)*** 3.0(0.06)* : F-. ( ) P-v alu e, *10%, ** 5 %, ***1%., 1995 (< 1> )
15 ,. 13) (analysis of variance). <3>(b) < 2>., %, % %., , %-1.1%, 2.9% %-2.6%1.0% ,. 13),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,.,,, BIS
16 .,.,, %, 10% ,, 1% ,, 10%., ,, ,..,,, ),,,, 14) (1997), 4(1997)
17 CDATM,,..,. Denny, Fu ss & Waverman (1981), (9). 15) T F P = i [ 1 - e y i ] Y c - e P er P er - e R at io d Rat io - e IT IT - e B ran ch Bran ch - T (9), Y c = 1 2. i ( i, t + i, t - 1) ln ( Y i, t Y i, t - 1 ), i, t = e y i, t ie y i, t, e y i = ln g ln y i, e P er = ln g ln P er, e R at io = ln g Rat io, e IT = ln g ln IT, e B ran ch = ln g ln Bran ch (10) (9) ( i [ ( 1 - e Y i ] Y ]).. ( - e P er P er).,.,. ( - e R at io d R at io). 15) (9) < 1>
18 . ( - e IT IT ).. ( - e B ran ch Bran ch ).., ( - T ),., (11)(multi-product joint cost function). 16) C = g ( W,Y, P er, Rat io, IT, Branch, T ) min ( WX : F ( X, Y, P er, Rat io, IT, Branch, T ) = 0) (11), W, Y, X, Per, Ratio, IT, Branch. 17) X * i 16) ( ) ( ).,., (qu asi-fixed input).. (),,,. 17),, PC CD, ATM,,
19 (12). C * = g ( W 1,..., W n, Y 1,... Y m, P er, Rat io, IT, Branch, T ) (12), 1,.., n, 1,.. m (12) 2(13) 2 (translog cost function). ln C * = a 0 + i a i ln y i + j b j ln w j is a is ln y i ln y s j l b j l ln w j ln w l + ij c ij ln y i ln w j + d B ln Branch d B B ln Branch ln Branch + i d ib ln y i ln Branch + j d jb ln w j ln Branch (13) + d P er ln P er + d R at io Rat io + d IT ln IT + t t + f f, t f,. 18) t f. CD ATM.,.,. IT i, t = T = 0 ( 1 - i ) I i, t - = ( 1 - ) IT i, t I i, t, = 18) (13) a 0. a 0, (13) (fixed effect model). a 0 (random), a 0 a 0 = a 1 + i. a 1, i0, (random variable). (13)(generalized least squ ared method) (random effect model)
20 (bias).. 19) (Shephard's Lemm a) (share equation) Sj. ln C * ln w j = S j = b j + j b j l ln W l + i c ij ln Y i + jd ib ln Branch (14) (13)(14), 1. a is = a s i, b j l = b lj, j b j = 1, j b j l = 0, j c ij = ,,,, CDATM ~97. 20) (13) (14) 19). C/ T = ( ln C( r) - ln c(s))/ (r - s ), rs. 20) ( + ) ~
21 SUR(seemingly unrelated regression). 21) <4>(a)(b). R , 0.81~0.86., (Per) (+),. (Ratio) (+),. (IT) (+), <5>.,,..,., %. (1993) (1998). 21) (14),,,. SUR, (singularity)
22 <4> (a) <a-1> RMSE R2 2 P-valu e <a-2> ln (y 1) 0.603(1.382) ln (p 1p 2) 0.003(0.002) ln (y3y3) 0.004(0.004) ln (y2) (0.708) ln (p 1p 3) (0.003)** ln (b1) 0.724(1.804) ln (y3) 0.190(0.392) ln (p 2p 2) 0.093(0.005)** ln (b1b1) 0.156(0.178) ln (p 1) 0.307(0.049)** ln (p 2p 3) (0.004)** ln (y1b1) (0.126) ln (p 2) 0.706(0.089)** ln (p 3p 3) 0.133(0.005)** ln (y2b1) (0.068) ln (p 3) (0.089) ln (y1p 1) 0.003(0.005) ln (y3b1) 0.099(0.039)* ln (y 1y 1) 0.217(0.141) ln (y1p 2) (0.010)* ln (p 1b1) 0.023(0.004)** ln (y 1y2) (0.087) ln (y1y3) 0.022(0.010)* ln (p 2b1) 0.041(0.008)** ln (y 1y3) (0.034)* ln (y2p 1) (0.003)** ln (p 3b1) (0.008)** ln (y2y2) 0.160(0.078)* ln (y2p 2) (0.006)* ln (IT) 0.037(0.012)** ln (y2y3) 0.070(0.023)** ln (y2p 3) 0.053(0.006)** ln (Per) 0.450(0.098)** ln (y3y3) (0.015) ln (y3p 1) 0.002(0.002) Ratio 0.695(0.372) ln (p 1p 1) 0.035(0.004)** ln (y3p 2) (0.005) : 1) (12). ln C * = a 0 + i a i ln y i + j b j ln w j isa is ln y i ln y s + 1 jl b 2 jl ln w j ln w l + ij c ij ln y i ln w j + d B ln Branch d BB ln Branch ln Branch + i d ib ln y i ln Branch + j d jb ln w j ln Branch + d P er ln P er + d Rat io Rat io + d IT ln IT + t t + f f 2) ()*5 %, **1%
23 ,,., %, -4.74%.,. (increasing return to scale). (b) <b-1> RMSE R 2 2 P-value e <b-2> ln (y 1) 3.117(1.837) ln (p 1p 2) 0.003(0.003) ln (y3y3) (0.008) ln (y2) - ln (p 1p 3) (0.005)** ln (b1) (2.689) ln (y3) (0.514) ln (p 2p 2) 0.092(0.007)** ln (b1b1) (0.321)* ln (p 1) 0.186(0.067)** ln (p 2p 3) (0.006)** ln (y 1b1) 0.611(0.217)** ln (p 2) 0.821(0.132)** ln (p 3p 3) 0.133(0.007)** ln (y2b1) (0.143) ln (p 3) (0.122) ln (y1p 1) 0.003(0.009) ln (y3b1) (0.083) ln (y 1y 1) - ln (y1p 2) (0.022) ln (p 1b1) 0.022(0.006)** ln (y 1y2) (0.121)* ln (y1y3) 0.026(0.019) ln (p 2b1) 0.032(0.015)* ln (y 1y3) (0.084) ln (y2p 1) (0.006)** ln (p 3b1) (0.013)** ln (y2y2) 0.307(0.132)* ln (y2p 2) (0.015) ln (IT) (0.046) ln (y2y3) 0.048(0.072) ln (y2p 3) 0.053(0.014)** ln (Per) (0.227) ln (y3y3) 0.003(0.045) ln (y3p 1) (0.004) Ratio 0.908(0.624) ln (p 1p 1) 0.035(0.006)** ln (y3p 2) 0.004(0.009)
24 <5> , 1991~ % % %.,.., 1991~ %
25 (productivity p aradox) CDATM. 22) C DATM.,, ), 1995~97() ()., 4.6%, 4.8%.., 3.7%-0.53%.,., -3.9%, -1.1%..., -1.1%, -1.4%.. 22) (1999), (1999). 23)
26 , -0.8%, 0.1%.,., 3,. < 6>(a)., 1991~97.,,,,.,,,,,..,,.,, 1%., 7.86%, 4.68%4.43%...,.,,
27 <6> (a), (0.99) 1.6(0.21) 0.1(0.87) (0.00)*** 3.7(0.03)** 11.3(0.00)*** (0.09)* 5.0(0.01)*** 5.0(0.01)*** (0.00)*** 1.2(0.30) 1.2(0.30) (0.06)* 1.4(0.25) 1.6(0.21) (0.00)*** 4.5(0.02)** 33.5(0.00)*** : F-. ( ) P-valu e, *10%, **5 %, ***1%
28 (b), (0.97) 5.2(0.01)*** 2.7(0.07)* (0.16) 1.6(0.20) 2.7(0.08)* (0.96) 6.7(0.00)*** 6.7(0.00)*** (0.06) 0.8(0.46) 0.8(0.46) (0.66) 0.05(0.95) 0.07(0.93) (0.52) 7.0(0.00)*** 8.3(0.00)*** : F-. ( ) P-valu e, *10%, **5 %, ***1%.,,,,., 10%, 4.74%,
29 4.55%, 3.51%.,.,,., 1%, -1.27%, -0.85%, -0.52%.,,.,,.,,. 10%., -1.49%, -1.12%, -0.92%. CDATM.,.,,. 1% -4.52%, -6.52%, -3.65%
30 . () (),,,..,, 1991~97.,..,,...,., ,
31 ,. <6-b>, , ,. 5.1%,, 3.9%4.7%., 5.9%,, 3.3%5.0%.,.,,.,.,.,
32 .,.., , ,,,,,.,, , ,,.,.,, CD, ATM.,
33 ,,.,.,,.,,,, 1991~97,.,,..,,..,,,.,,.,
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38 C = i e Y i Y i + j w j x j C + e IT IT + e B ran ch Bran ch + T w j + e P er P er + e R at io d Rat io (4), C = j w j x j t, (5). C= 1 C dc dt = j w j x j C w j + j w j x j C x j (5) (5)(4) (6). j w j x j C x i = i e Y i Y i + e P er P er + e R at io d R at io + e IT IT + e B ran ch Bran ch + T (6) (6-1), (7) (7) (8). 24) F = j w i x j C x j (6-1) T F P = Y - F (7) T F P = i [ 1 - e y i ]Y i - e P er P er - e R at io d Rat io - e IT IT - e B ran ch Bran ch - T (8) 24) (8)11 (9)
39 < 2> < 1>
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41 < 3>
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