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1 T h e G ro u p E f f e c t o f L at e r a lly L o a d e d P i le s in C o h e s i v e S o i l

2 T h e G ro u p E f f e c t o f L at e r a lly L o a d e d P i le s in C o h e s i v e S o i l


4 LPILE P L U S, GROUP 4.0 for Windows (Reese, 1990).,,. 15mm, PC 47 50%, 46 50%, PC 38 40%, 38 39% Prakash Saran (1967).

5 A b s tract T he group effect s b ased on allow able deflection of a pile head and pile cap in a group have been studied by the computed program, LPILE P L U S, GROUP 4.0 for Window s (Reese etc, 1990). Variou s parameters such as pile stiffness, fixity condition of pile heads, soil type and pile spacing are considered for behavioral study of piles. From the comparison of different fixity conditions (free/ fixed) of a single pile, it can be seen that the head fixity ratio(free/ fixed) for lateral load is shown to be 47 50% for PC pile, 46 50% for steel pipe pile and the head fixity ratio for the maximum moment is 38 40% for PC pile, 38 39% for steel pipe pile. T he influence of average undrained shear strength and pile rigidity on the ratio of lateral load and maximum moment are shown to be a single pile or group piles. when pile spacing is greater than 8 times (8D) of pile diameter, the group pile behaves as a single pile. From the comparison of the pile model test v alue of Prakash and Saran (1967), the group reduction factor from the model test accords to program computed within allow able deflection.

6 Abstract p - y


8 1 1.1,.,,,,.,....,,,,,..

9 1.2,,.,. Reese Matlock (1966) LPILE P L U S, GROUP 4.0 for Windows (Reese, 1990) PC. 1.3,,. Hrennikoff(1949) -, -

10 ., Hrennikoff(1950)., Hrennikoff, Hrennikoff.(Reese, 1990) Reese Matlock (1960, 1966),. Parker Cox (1969) Reese Matlock. Reese(1970) 1977 O'neill Mindlin - -. poulos. Brown (1987). Peter (1996). Prakash Kumar (1996) k h m ax ( ).

11 ,,. Hansen (1961) Broms (1964), ,,. (Free head) (Fixed head), Brinch Hansen (1961) 2.1 z (2.1). Q u M u 2.1 z r (2.2) (2.3).

12 p uz = p oz ' K p + c K c (2.1), p uz : z p oz ' : z c : K q, K c : ( 2.2) (2.2) 0 z r Q u. Q h = 0, Q u - 0 z r P uz d dz + L z r p uz d dz = 0 (2.2), Q u : d L z : : : Q u M u = Q u e 2.3. M = 0, Q u e - 0 z r P uz z d dz + L z r p uz z d dz = 0 (2.3) Broms Hansen. ( c = 0 ) ( =0)

13 . Fig. 2.1 Brinch han sen ' s m ethod for calculating ultimat e later al resistance Fig. 2.2 Brinch han sen ' s coefficient s of Kp and Kc 2.1

14 T R (2.4). T able. 2.1 Criteria for rigid pile and flexible pile Coefficient of subgr ade r eaction Criteria of pile Linearly incresing Constant Short rigid piles L / T 2 L / R <2 long flexible piles L / T 4 L / R 3.5 T = ( E I n h ) 1 5, R = ( E I k h ) 1 4 (2.4), T, R : k h = n h z : n h : E p : I : 2.2.3,,. ( H u ) ( M y ).(,, 1997)

15 2.4,, p - y y p. p- y, p- y. p- y, p- y. Reese (1983). Matlock (1970) p- y. 2.5 p u, 50% y 50.

16 deflection soil reaction bending moment (a) short rigid pile deflection soil r eaction bending m om ent (b ) long flexible piles Fig. 2.3 Soil r eaction s and bending moment s for free head piles under horizontal load in cohesiv e soil (Br om s, 1964)

17 deflection soil r eaction bending moment (a) short rigid pile deflection soil r eaction bending m om ent (b ) long flexible piles Fig. 2.4 Soil r eaction s and bending moment s for fix ed head piles under horizontal load in cohesiv e soil (Br om s, 1964)

18 50% (2.5) (2.6) p u. p u y 50 (2.7) (2.8) y = 8 y 50 p. p- y p- y y = 8y 50 y = 16 y 50 (2.8) 1/ 3 1/ 4. p u = [3 + ' c u x + J d x ] c u d (2.5), ' : x c u d J : : x : : ( = 0.5, = 0.25) p u = 9 c u d (2.6) y 50 = d (2.7)

19 , 50 : 50% p p u = 0.5 ( y y 50 ) 1 3 (2.8) Fig. 2.5 Criteria for load- deformation p- y curves for later ally loaded piles T able. 2.2 Values of 50 for clay s in clay Con sist ency of clay 50 soft 0.02 medium 0.01 stiff 0.005

20 T able 2.3 Values of 50 for stiff clay s Av erage undr ained shear strength (kpa) (modulus of subgrade reaction approach ) (elastic approach). 2.6(a)., 2.6(a) Winkler..,.

21 .. Reess (1974) p- y. Reese (1974) 2.6(a ) (2.9). E p I p d 4 y dx 4 + p = 0 (2.9), E p I p : : 2 y : x p : p 2.6(b),(c) p = k h y (2.10), k h :

22 k h 2.4. T able. 2.4 Soil- modulus parameter k h for clay type (unit : kn / m 3 ) Clay type Avg. undrained shear strength cu (kpa) Static Cyclic soft medium stiff k h x y (2.10). p y.,..,. Spiller Stoll(1964) Mindlin. Douglas Davis (1964) Mindlin. Poulos (1971) Spiller Stoll..(,, 1993)

23 F i g 2. 6 Behavior of later ally loaded pile : subgr ade r eaction approach. (a)winkler ' s idealization, (b ) Laterally loaded pile in soil, (c) Later ally loaded pile on spring s.

24 2.2.. Ge Poulos Davis (1 980). Poulos (1971). Mindlin (1963). Poulos Davis (1980) Fig 2.7 Pile- gr oup behavior

25 (Ov erlapping zones for individual piles). (1985) 8 (8D)... Poulos Davis (1980).

26 . 6D Ge (2.11). Prakash Saran (1967), Oteo(1972) Ge Ge = ( Q u ) g n Q u (2.11)

27 , (Q u ) g : n Q u : :. Ge Spacing / diameter of pile (S/ D) Fig. 2.8 Lateral group efficiency from model tests (Prakash and saran, 1967) T able. 2.5 Gr oup efficiency Ge for cohesionless soils (Oteo, 1972) S/ D Ge

28 T able. 2.5 Group efficiency Ge for piles in cohesive soils (Pr akash and sar an, 1967) S/ D Ge 2 2 group 3 3 group Recommended Ge. Prakash Saran (1967) Ge. 2.6 S/ D 5 Ge S/ D S/ D 8 Ge.

29 Prakash (1967) 6D 8D. 2.5D. Davisson (1970) n h 2.7. T able. 2.7 Group reduction factor for the coefficient of subgrade r eaction (Davisson, 1970) Pile spacing in the dir ection of loading Group reduction factor for n h 3D D D D 1.00 or k h n h

30 n h. k h Poulos (1971). Poulos.

31 3 3.1 PC., PC 40 60cm, 60 80cm.,, p- y LPILE P L U S, GROUP 4.0 for Window s (Reese, 1990)..3.1, 3.2, T able. 3.1 Phy sical pr operties of soil Con sistency of clay soft medium stiff cu (kpa) ' ( kn / m 3 ) k h ( kn / m 3 ) 8,140 27, ,000

32 T able. 3.2 Phy sical pr operties of pile Pile PC- pile Steel pipe pile L (m ) D (m ) A p (m 2 ) I p (m 4 ) E p (kn/ m 2 ) (a) Free- head (b) Fix ed- head Fig. 3.1 Applied model of single pile 3.2

33 , 15mm D, 4D, 6D, 8D. Free head Fixed head Fig. 3.2 Applied model of group pile 3 3.

34 , 15mm,.

35 4 3, 15mm., 3 3,,. 4.1 ( 1997) 15mm 15mm ,

36 PC 47 50%., 4.2, 4.3 PC 46 50%. 4.3, , PC, 38 40% 38 39%.. PC. Yan Byrne(1992) 50% 50%. Yan Byrne(1992) 50% 50% 10% 40%

37 (a ) P C pile D40 - Single (b ) P C pile D50 - Single (c ) P C pile D60 - Sin gle Fig. 4.1 Later al load with fixity condition for allow able deflection

38 (a ) St eel pipe pile D60 - sin gle (b ) St eel pipe pile D70 - sin gle (c) St eel pipe pile D80 - sin gle Fig. 4.2 Later al load with fixity condition for allow able deflection

39 (a ) P C pile D40 - Sin gle (b ) P C pile D50 - Sin gle (c) P C pile D60 - Single Fig. 4.3 Variation of bending moment with fixity condition for allowable deflection

40 (a ) St eel pipe pile D60 - sin gle (b ) St eel pipe pile D70 - single (c) St eel pipe pile D80 - sin gle Fig. 4.4 Variation of bending moment with fixity condition for allowable deflection T able. 4.1 lateral load and maximum bending moment for allowable deflection of 15mm

41 T ype of pile PC pile Head type Diameter (cm ) Soil Lateral load Mmax type (kn) (kn - m ) soft D40 medium stiff Free soft D50 medium head stiff Fixed head D60 D40 D50 D60 soft medium stiff soft medium stiff soft medium stiff soft medium stiff T able. 4.2 Lateral load and maximum bending moment for allowable deflection of 15mm

42 T ype of Head type Diameter (cm ) pile Steel pipe pile Free head Fixed head D60 D70 D80 D60 D70 D80 Soil Later al load Mmax type (kn) (kn - m ) soft medium stiff soft medium stiff soft medium stiff soft medium stiff soft medium stiff soft medium stiff

43 T able. 4.3 Lateral load and Mmax (Free/Fixed)ratio for allowable deflection of 15mm T ype of pile PC pile Steel pipe pile Diameter (cm ) D40 D50 D60 D60 D70 D80 Soil type Later al load free/ fix ed Mmax free/ fix ed soft medium Stiff dsoft medium stiff soft medium stiff soft medium stiff soft medium stiff soft medium stiff

44 D, 4D, 6D, 8D 15mm mm D %, 35 40% ,, (Group

45 T able. 4.4 Lateral load and maximum bending moment for allowable deflection of 15mm T ype of pile PC pile Lateral load Mmax Diameter (cm ) Spacing Head type (kn) (kn - m ) 3D free fix ed D free fixed D40 6D free fix ed D free fix ed Single free fix ed D free fix ed D free fix ed D50 6D free fix ed D free fix ed Single free fix ed D free fix ed D free fix ed D60 6D free fix ed D free fix ed Single free fix ed

46 T able. 4.5 Lateral load and maximum bending moment for allowable deflection of 15mm T ype of pile Steel pipe pile Lateral load Mmax Diameter (cm ) Spacing Head type (kn ) (kn - m ) 3D fr ee fix ed D fr ee fix ed D60 6D fr ee fix ed D fr ee fix ed Single fr ee fix ed D fr ee fix ed D fr ee fix ed D70 6D fr ee fix ed D fr ee fix ed Single fr ee fix ed D fr ee fix ed D fr ee fix ed D80 6D fr ee fix ed D fr ee fix ed Single fr ee fix ed

47 (a) PC pile (spacing = 3D) (b) Steel pipe pile (spacing = 3D) Fig. 4.5 Comparison of lateral load for different fixity condition in pile spacing of 3D

48 (a) PC pile (spacing = 3D) (b ) St eel pipe pile (spacing = 3D) Fig. 4.6 Comparison of bending moment for different fixity condition in pile spacing 3D

49 (a) PC pile D40 (b) steel pipe pile D60 Fig. 4.7 Comparison of lateral load for different fixity condition with pile spacings

50 (a) PC pile D40 (b) Steel pipe pile Fig. 4.8 Comparison of bending moment for different fixity condition with pile spacings T able. 4.6 Gr oup reduction factor and head fixity (Free/ Fix ed) ratio

51 T ype of pile PC pile Diameter Spacing Head 3D 4D D40 6D 8D Single 3D 4D D50 6D 8D Single 3D 4D D60 6D 8D Single Later al load Mm ax type R F free/ fixed R F free/ fixed fr ee fixed fr ee fixed fr ee fixed fr ee fixed free fixed fr ee fixed fr ee fixed fr ee fixed fr ee fixed free fixed fr ee fixed fr ee fixed fr ee fixed fr ee fixed free fixed

52 T able. 4.7 Gr oup reduction factor and head fixity (Free/ Fix ed) ratio T ype of pile Steel pipe pile Diameter Spacing Head 3D 4D D60 6D 8D Single 3D 4D D70 6D 8D Single 3D 4D D80 6D 8D Single Lateral load Mmax type R F free/ fixed R F free/ fixed free fixed free fixed free fixed free fixed free fixed free fixed free fixed free fixed free fixed free fixed free fixed free fixed free fixed free fixed free fixed

53 (Group reduction factor ),,. 15mm,, Ge 15mm % 36 40%. 2.5 Prakash Saran (1967) PC 4.10 (Gropu Reduction Factor ). 3D 4D Prakash Saran (1967) PC, 6D., 6D 6D 8D

54 T able 4.8 Comparison of group r eduction factor pr ogram solution w ith Prakash & Saran T ype of pile PC pile Steel pipe pile Diameter (cm ) Spacing D40 D50 D60 D60 D70 D80 Computed lateral load P rakash & S aran free F ix ed Recom en ded 3D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D

55 (a ) P C pile D40 (b ) P C pile D50 (c ) P C pile D60 Fig. 4.9 Comparison of reduction factor for each PC pile

56 (a ) St eel pipe pile D60 (b ) St eel pipe pile D70 (c) Steel pipe pile D80 Fig 4.10 Comparison of reduction factor for each steel pipe pile

57 mm, PC 47 50%, 46 50%, PC 38 40%, 38 39%,. 2. PC 46 50%, 44 50% PC 35 39%, 34 38%

58 Prakash Saran (1967) , (8D)

59 1.,,, (1997),,, 13, 5, pp (1995),,, 15 pp (1993), pp (1997), pp Adam, M., and Lejay, J. E tude des p ieux sollicites horizontalem ent, Annales de Institut T echnique du Batiment et des T r av aux Publics, , pp Brinch Han sen, J. "T he Ultimat e Resistance of Rigid Piles Against T ransver sal Forces", Danish Geotechnical I ns titute( Geoteknisk I ns titut) B ull. No. 12, Copenhagen, 1961, pp Brom s, B., "T he Lat eral Resistance of Piles in Cohesiv e Soils", J ournal of the S oil M echanics and F oundations D ivision, ASCE, Vol. 90, No. SM2, Mar ch 1964a, pp Br om s, B., "T he Later al Resist ance of Piles in Cohesionless Soils", J ournal of the S oil M echanics and F oundations D ivision, A SCE, Vol. 90, No. SM3, May 1964b, pp

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61 18. Mindlin, R. D. "F or ce at a Point in the Interior of a Semi- Infinite Solid", P hy sics, Vol. 7, pp Morrison, C., and Reese, L. C., "A Lateral Load T est of a Full- Scale Pile Group in Sand", Geotechnical E ng ineering R ep ort GR 86-1, Geotech. Engrg. Center, Univ. of T exas at Austin, Austin, T ex O 'Neill, M. W., Ghazzaly, O. I., and Ha, H. B., "Analy sis of T hree- Dimensional Pile- Soil- Pile Interaction", P roc. 9th Offshore T echnology Conf. 2, 1977, pp Oteo, C. S., "Displacement s of a Vertical Pile Gr oup Subjected to Lateral Loads", P roceeding s of 5th E urop ean Conf erence of S oil M echanics and F oundation E ng ineering, Madrid, Vol. 1, 1972, pp Palmer, L. A. and T hompson, J. B., "T he Earth Pressure and Deflection Along the Embedded Length s of Piles Subjected to Lateral T hru st ", P roceed ing s S econd I nternational Conf erence on S oil M echanics and F oundation E ng ineering, Rotterdam, Holland, Vol. V, 1948, pp Poulos, H. G., "Behavior of Laterally Loaded Piles : I- Single Piles", J ournal of the S oil M echanics and F oundations D ivision, A SCE, Vol. 97, No. SM5, May, 1971, pp Poulos, H. G. "Behavior of Laterally Loaded Piles : Pile Gr oups",, J ournal of the. S oil M echanics and F oundation E ng ineering D ivision ASCE, Vol. 97, No. SM5, pp

62 25. Poulos, H.G. and Davis, E.H. P ile F oundations A nalys is and D esig n, New York : John Wiley and Son s Pr akash, S., B ehavior of P ile Group s S ubj ected to Lateral L oads, Ph.D. T hesis, Univ er sity of Illinois, Urbana, 1962, p Pr akash, S. and Sar an D., "Behavior of Lat erally Loaded Piles in Cohesive Soils", P roceedings 3rd A s ian R eg ional Conf erence on S oil M echanics and F oundation E ng ineering, H aifa(israel), 1967, pp Reese, L. C., and Matlock, H., "Non - dimensional Solutions for Laterally Loaded Piles w ith Soil Modulu s A s sumed Proportional t o Depth", P roceeding s 8th T exas Conf erence on S oil M echnics and F oundation E ng ineering, Austin, T X, 1956, pp Reese, L. C. "Lat erally Loaded Piles : Program Documentation ", J ournal of Geotechnical E ng ineering D ivision, ASCE Vol. 103, No. GT 4, April, 1977, pp Reese, L. C., O'Neill, M. W., and Smith, E., "Generalized Analy sis of Pile F oundation s", J ournal of the S oil M echanics and F oundations D ivision, ASCE, Vol. 96, No. SM 1, 1970, pp Yan, L. and Byrne, P.M., "Lateral Pile Respon se to Monotonic Pile Head Loading", Canadian. Geotech., J.29, pp

63 - 56 -


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