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1 :,,. 1., (m en opau se)'.,.,,, (empty n est syn drom e)',, (Kizilay, 1992) , (vital force), (spiritu al w ell- being ). (, 1984)..,,,,,,. (, 1994).,., (W elln ess ). (Spiritu al w ell- bein g ),.,,,,,,.,,..

2 1). 2). 3). 4). 2. 1) ), , 22. 3) (Spiritu al W ell- bein g ), ( ),,,, , (Erick son ), (Hav ighur st ) (, 1988)..,,. (, 1997).,.,.

3 ,.,,.,.,.,, (Clim ateric). 50%,., (, 1986 ;, 1987).,,,,,,,,,,,,.., (empty n est syndrom e) (, 1997).., (, 1996).,,.,. N ov ak (1975), H argreav es (1975),.,,..,.,,.,,,,. 2.

4 .. ( ).,,,. 1) ( ) (, Spirit ) (, 1996)...., ( ).,,. ru aph. ( ).. ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ). ( ), ( ) ( )..,,.,.. ( ) ( ).,.,, ( )...

5 . W at son (1988),,,,.. Bank s (1980),,,.,., ( )., 4..,,,, (w hole body ). W at son (1988) Bank s (1980).,. 2) Soeken Carson (1987), Burkhardt (1989),. ( ),,,,. W at son (1986),,,,,,... Chapm an (1986) ( ),,,. Bank s (1988).. 3)., (, 1988 ;, 1988 ;, 1986), (, 1985 ;, 1996 ;, 1983 ;, 1986 ;, 1990).

6 . (1997), (1994), (1991).,.,., , , 1.,,.,,, , 264 (91.0% ). 2. 9

7 4, 22, 20. 1) 3 ( 6, 9, 7 ) 22.. Neug arton (1965) ( 1996, 1983, 1992, 1997). 4,,, (0 ), (1 ), (2 ), (3 ), (4 ), (5 ) Cronbach ' s ) Paloutzian & Ellison (1982) (1994). (10 ) (10 ), , (4 ), (3 ), (2 ), (1 ) 4.. Cronbach ' s SPSS/ PC.,. ANOVA, t - test, Pearson correlation coefficient.

8 , % 40-49, 43.9%, 38.6%. 78%, %, %, %, %. < 1>.,,,.. A chte (1970) (1995).. (1996)... A chte (1970),M orse (1980), (1996)..,,,.. (1994),. (1990).. < 1> N : 264

9 (%) M (SD) t or F (p) M (SD) t or F (p) ( ) (47.7) 1.42(.92) 2.99(.58) (33.3) 1.62(.92) (.59) (14.8) 1.93(.83) (.002) 2.82(.55) (.170) ( 4.2) 2.23(1.01) 2.71(.51) 3( 1.1) 1.39(1.21) 2.96(.85) 43(16.3) 1.86(.82) 2.75(.57) (24.2) 1.73(.86) 2.87(.59) (.106) (.018) 116(43.9) 1.48(.99) 2.89(.57) 38(14.4) 1.44(.93) 3.18(.49) 102(38.6) 1.55(.94) (.61) (61.4) 1.63(.93) (.513) 2.95(.55) (.137) 97(36.7) 1.49(.87) 3.28(.50) 51(19.3) 1.86(.90) (.41) (22.0) 1.67(.99) (0.76) 3.09(.47) (.000) 58(22.0) 1.46(.98) 2.39(.32) ( ) (13.6) 1.20(.92) 2.98(.57) (35.2) 1.52(.91) (.56) (33.3) 1.63(.93) 2.90(.61) (.002) (.172) (13.3) 1.93(.82) 2.75(.53) 30 12( 4.5) 2.17(.98) 2.68(.50) ( ) 1 9( 3.5) 1.35(.76) 2.93(.56) 2 112(42.4) 1.76(1.04) (.54) (34.1) 2.16(1.00) (.028) 2.91(.61) (.012) 4 53(20.0) 2.13(1.11) 2.69(.53) 244(92.4) 1.58(.92) (.56) ( 7.6) 1.81(1.02) (.290) 2.81(.72) (.417) ( 9.5) 1.81(.83) 2.69(.59) (28.0) 1.85(.84) (.51) (33.7) 1.51(1.00) (.017) 2.85(.55) (.020) (28.8) 1.37(.91) 3.05(.63) 84(31.8) 1.41(.95) 2.74(.48) 104(39.4) 1.66(.85) (.49) ( 5.7) 1.47(1.12) (.045) 2.98(.61) (.000) 61(23.1) 1.79(.96) 2.53(.50) 2. < 2> % (71 ), 6, 14, 6, 4, 6, 4, 9, 14, 5, 3. 37% (98 ), 16, 9, 4, 2, 19, 4, 14, 10, 3, 17

10 . 60.6% (160 ), 20.1% (53 ), 19.3% (51 ). ( 1986 ; 1993 ; 1989, 1990). 36 ( ), 57 ( ) (58.8% ).,...,,. 45. < 2> N = 264 (%) M (SD) t or F (p) M (SD) t or F (p) 71(26.9) 1.98(0.97) (.57) 193(73.1) 1.45(0.88) (0.000) 2.92(.58).577 (.565) 98(37.1) 1.80(0.94) (.59) 166(62.9) 1.48(0.91) (0.007) 2.90(.57).407 (.685) 160(60.6) 1.40(0.87) 2.94(.59) 53(20.1) 1.80(1.05) 9.82 (0.000) 2.87(.56) 51(19.3) 1.99(0.82) 2.86(.56).503 (.605) 45 12(23.5) 1.72(0.85) 3.10(.41) ( ) (58.8) 2.05(0.75) (.60) (N :51) (0.437) 51 9(17.7) 2.13(1.02) 2.49(.47) 3.29 (.046) 3.,, 3 < 3>. < 3>. N =264

11 M (SD).96(1.38). 2.25(1.55), 2.60(1.52) 1.95(1.53) ( ) 1.76(1.51) ( ) 2.30(1.58) M (SD) 1.97(1.05) 1.47(1.60) 1.04(1.40) 2.14(1.56) 1.16(1.36) 1.39(1.52) 1.66(1.49), 1.75(1.68).79(1.27).53(1.06) M (SD) 1.32(.89) 2.41(1.60) 1.31(1.48) 1.62(1.43) 1.52(1.45) 1.56(1.49) 1.60(1.51) 1.30(1.51) M (SD) 1.62(1.11) M (SD) 1.60(.93) , (1996) 1.59., 2.60, , (2.14 ).,. (1983), (1987), (1995). W ilbur, H olm Dan (1992) 30% (, ), 50%,,, ( 1997)..

12 < 3-1>. 95.8% 37 95% (1996) (60 : ). < 3-1> N =264 (%) M (SD) (53.4) (42.4) 35.20(20.61) ( 4.2) 20 4 < 4>. 2.76, (, 1997 ;, 1994 ;, 1990). (1990) 6 87, ,.,. < 4>

13 M (SD) 2.70(1.05) 2.91(1.09) 2.92(1.00) 2.55(1.06) 2.78(1.01) 2.70(1.05) 2.70(1.05) 2.76(0.96) 2.64(1.01) 2.89(0.96) M (SD) 2.76(0.81) 3.05(0.98) 3.02(0.82) 3.14(0.91) 2.93(0.82) 2.93(0.81) 3.12(0.86) 3.10(0.69) 3.23(0.80) 2.81(0.89) 3.80(0.79) M (SD) 3.04(.54) M (SD) 2.91(.58) < 5>. < 5> M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) t or F (p) 1.79(1.04) 2.22(1.08) 2.29(0.90) 6.52(0.002) 1.12(.81) 1.55(1.01) 1.72(0.84) 11.7(0.000) 1.43(1.05) 1.77(1.30) 2.07(0.95) 7.12(0.001) 2.76(0.86) 2.75(0.79) 2.77(0.69) 0.01(0.998) 3.10(0.52) 2.97(0.55) 2.93(0.58) 2.32(0.100) 3 (,, ).. (1997)

14 .,.. (1988), (1989), (1977).,..,,. (1995). 5. < 6>. < 6> r (p ).767(.000).800(.000).784(.000) -.006(.917) -.002(.972) 0.25(.681) -.312(.000) -.302(.000) -.349(.000).485(.000) -.133(.031), (- )..,,.,,,, 3 (- ).,,. (- )..,.,.

15 ( )..,.,,..,,. Catolico(1997),,.,,.., , ,,. N eug arton,,, Paloutzian & Ellison, 2 20.,,, A NOVA, t - test, P ear son ' s correlation.. 1. (F =5.17, P =0.002), (F =4.23, P =0.002), (F =3.08, P =0.028), (F =3.07, P =0.017), (F =2.47, P =0.045). (F =61.19, P =0.000), (F =3.04, P =0.018), (F =3.70, P =0.012), (F =2.96, P =0.020), (F =23.1, P =0.000),. 2. (F =4.15, P =0.000), (F =2.70, P =0.007), (F =9.82, P =0.000),.,,

16 45 (F =3.29, P =0.46). 3., (2.60 ), (, ) ( 1.97, 1.60). (3.40) (2.76), , (F =6.52, P =0.002).,. 5. (- ) (r =- 0.13).., (- ) ( ; r =- 0.31, ; r =- 0.30, ; r =- 0.35).. 1.,... 2.,,,.,,,. 3.,.,..,. (1996)... (1985).., 3 (1). (1987)...

17 , (1997).., 3 (1), (1983)... (1986)... (1997).., 21(1). (1986)...,, (1986).., 7. (1996).., 2(2), ,,, (1994).. :. (1987)... (1988)... (1997).. :. (1996)., 42. (1995)... (1995). (T he A merican Social W elfare Serv ice of W om en ' s Health Care).,, 18., (1987).., 1281, , (1992).., 2(1).,,, (1995).., 1(2)., (1996). H orm one Replacem ent T reatm ent.., 39 (10), (1997).. :. (1994).., 24(4), (1995).. :. (1988).. :. (1993)... (1989).., 2(19), ,,, (1990)..

18 , 33(10), (1988).., 12. (1984). :.. (1997).., 2(2), (1990).., 33 (1). (1994).., 9 (1) ).., 14 (1), (1993)... 5 (1995).., 34 (4), (1990).,.. (1989).,,., 11, (1996). :. (1986)... A chte, K. (1970). M enopau se from the p sy chiatrist ' s, point of view. A cta. Ob stet. Gynce. Scand, 49, Bank s, R. (1980). H ealth and Spiritual dim en sion : r elation ships and im plication s for professional preparation program s. T he Journ al of school H ealth, 50(4), Burkh ardt, M. A. (1980). Spiritu al h ealth ; An aly sis of the con cept. H olistic Nur sin g Practice, 3 (3), Ch apm an, L. S. (1986). Spiritu al h ealth ; A compon ent mis sin g from h ealth prom otion. A merican Journ al of H ealth Prom otion, 1(1), Ellison, C. W. (1983). Spiritual w ell- being : Con ceptualization an d m ea surem ent. Journal of P sy chology an d T heology, 11(4), H argreav es, A. G. (1975). M aking th e m ost of the middle y ear. Am erican Journal of Nur sing, 75 (10), Kizilay, P. E. (1992). Predictor s of depres sion in w om en. Nur sin g Clinics of North A merica, 27 (4), M or se, C. (1980). "T he Middle scent w om en and the m en opau sal syn drom e" T he A u stralian Nur se Journ al, 9 (8), N ov ak, E. R. (1975). T ex tbook of g en ecology. T h e W illiam s W ilkin s co. baltim ore. Catolico, O. (1997). P sy chological w ell- Bein g of cambodian w om en in resettlem ent. A merican Journ al of Nur sing, 19 (4), Soeken, K. L., & Car son, V. J. (1986). Stu dy m ea sures nur ses attitu des ab out providing

19 spiritual care. H ealth progres s, 67, Stu art, M., Deckro, D., & M anble, L. (1989). Spirituality in h ealth an d healin g : Clinical program. H olistic Nur sing Practice, 3 (3), W ilbur, J., Holm, K., & Dan, A. (1992). T he relation ship of energy ex penditure to phy sical an d psy chologic symptom s in w om en at midlife. Nur sin g Outlook, 35 (1), A b s t ract - Key con cept : Middle - aged w om an, M enopau sal symptom s, Spiritual w ell- being On th e Re lation s hip B et w e en M en opau s al S y m pt om s an d S piritu al W e ll - b ein g Kim, Mi Hy ang T h e purpose of this stu dy is to inv estig ate the relation ship betw een m en opau sal symptom s an d spiritu al w ell- b ein g. In order to collect the research data, 350 qu estion aries w ere sent to th e middle ag ed w om en w h o w ere y ear s old. During th e collection period, M arch 20, April 20, 1977, 264 question aries w ere collected. T he questionnaire w as prepared by u sing oth er researchers ' scale, such as menopau sal symptom scale by N eug arton and spiritu al w ell- b ein g scale by Paloutzian & Ellison. T he research data w ere analy zed by v ariou s testable m ethods, such a s frequ ency, t - test or ANOVA, and Pear son ' s correlation. T h e m ain result s of this stu dy w ere a s follow s ; Am ong th e gen eral characteristic v ariables, som e v ariables hav e statistical significan cy in explaining the differen ce of the m enopau sal symptom s. Su ch v ariables inclu de age (F =5.17, p =0.002), y ear s get m arried (F =4.23, p =0.002), number of children (F =3.08, p =0.028), incom e lev el of family (F =3.07, p =0.017), life style at leisure tim e (F =2.47, p =0.045). S om e v ariables r elated to health con dition could explain the differences of the m en opau sal symptom s am ong middle ag ed w omen. current m en stru ation stage (F =9.82, p =0.000), curr ent health condition (F =9.82, p =0.000), and experien ce being oper ated in the past (F =9.82, p =0.000) are related to the m en opau sal symptom s. Seriou s m en opau sal symptom s w hich could be foun d in this stu dy w ere 'b ack pain an d joint pain s (2.6)', n erv ou sn ess (2.4), and psy ch osom atic symptom (1.97). Spiritual w ell- being inquiries could be clas sified int o t w o subgr oup s, exist ential an d religiou s. T h e m ean score of existential w ell- b ein g (3.04) w as higher than that of religiou s w ell- bein g (2.76).

20 Relativ ely high er exist ential w ell- bein g (3.10) w as found in th e w om en w h o hav e stable men struation cy cle. T he ag e w h en the m enopau se b egan w as related to spiritual w ell- b ein g (F =3.29, p =0.046). T h e correlation betw een menopau sal symptom s and spiritu al w ell- being w a s statistically significant (r = , p=0.031). Ba sed on th e abov e result s, nur sing interv ention program of m enopau sal symptom s is recomm ended in order to prom ote the health of middle- ag ed w om en.


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