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1 :,, : :. 1. (, 1984 : Stuart, and Sundeen, 1987 : H ack er, 1981). ( 1993). (, 1983). (Carrea, an d Calderone, 1981)., (, 1983 :, 1983). (,, 1986), (, 1983).,., (,, 1986 :, 1983). 1970,,, (, 1983 :, 1990). T V,, (, 1989 :, 1989), (, 1990).,, (, 1984 :, 1989 :, 1989). (, 1983 :, 1983).. (,,, 1984).

2 , (, 1991).., (, 1983 :, 1983 : H eisler, and F riedm ann, 1980). (, 1983 : Ca ssell, 1981), (, 1983 :, 1990 :, 1983 : Rubin son, and Baillie, 1981) ). 2) ). 2). 4. 1) (1) :,, (, 1982). (2) :,,,, ) (1) : (, 1986). (2) :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

3 30. 3) (1) :,. (2) :,,,,, 2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 30. 4) (1) : (, 1986). (2) :,,,,, ( ),,.. 1. Latin A dolescere (, 1981). (1992),, (, 1992). Erick son (1968) (m orat orium ),,,, (, 1990).,,,,... (, 1992).,. 2. (, 1983).

4 (, 1983).,,. (, 1990 :, 1983).,, (, 1983), (, 1986)... (1981) 27.7%, 14.7%., 40.8%, 33.1%, 19.5%, 7.1%, 3.0%, 56.3%, 36.8%, 6.9%, 3.4% (, 1981).., (, 1993). Lucy (1980)15-192, , 80%. 1 91% (Kapp, T aylor, and Edw ards : 1980), , 92% (T ru s sell, 1988). Hu ston (1990) 10 (Hu st on, M artin, and F oulds, 1990). 10, (Odon go, and Ojw an g, 1990). ( , < > ) % 16.,, (, 1993).,,, rd (F ielding, and W illiam s, 1991), 10,, 10,,,,

5 (Kapp, T aylor, an d Edw ards, 1980), (S choem an, 1990). 10 (Kapp, T aylor, and Edw ards, 1980).. 3. (1984) 1 10 (t =8.62, p <.01), (, 1984), 19857(1986) 1 2 (t = , p<.001), (t =- 6.04, p<.001) (, 1986) (1990) (, 1990), (1992) 2 10 ( - ) ( - ) (F (1.18)=6.08, p<.05), (F (1.18)=26.20, p<.01)(, 1992). Kirby (1980), T V,,. (Kirby, 1980). H och (1971) 50 10,., (Kirby, 1980). S am son (1977) 830. S am son (Kirby, 1980), Crosby (1971)fam ily life 50 (Kirby, 1980). Kirby (1980),

6 (Kirby, 1980). Sheila (1980)42,,,,,, , , p =.05 (Gum erm an, Jacknik, and Sipko, 1980).,. 4.,,,.,,,,,. (, 1984). (1991) 10562%(, 1991), % 3 2 (, 1993) (1991) (96.2% )(, 1991), , 5, 6 395(1990) 76.5% (, 1990), 311 (1992) (, 1992). (1991) 2.2%, 97.8%,, 79.5% 93.3%,. 74.5%1 1,156 (, 1991) , 229, 176 (1990), 80.9%, 62.7% (p< 0.005)(, 1990). (1989) 64.2% (1989), (1983),,, (, 1983).

7 11370(1986) %24.0%, % (39% ), 226(61% ) (, 1986).,, (1991) 37.9%, 29.3%,. 53.4% (, 1991),,,., (, 1993) (1992) 24.1%, (40.0% ) (8.5% ),. 65.8% (, 1992),. (1987)45.8% (, 1987), 2, %1,344(, 1993)..,. (, 1984). (, 1983) ,.,,,,,,

8 . (, 1989).. 1. (n on equiv alent control pretest - postt est design ) < 1>. Ye1 Yc1 X Ye2 Yc2 < 1> < 2>. < 2> , 1 1, , , , 54, 54, (, 1983) (, 1987 :

9 , 1990 :, 1989 :, 1988 :, 1982) (, 1988, 1991),,,,, V.T.R. (, 1991 :, 1990 :, 1987 :, 1990 :, 1990 :, 1987),. 6, 6, 6, 9, 3, 6, 8, 8. groupsum m ation A LP HA =.7709, ALPHA =.7024.,, V v. 4. SP S S < sup> pc</ sup>, x < sup > 2</ sup> - t est,, t - test.. 1.,,,,. < 1>. 54, %, 36.3%, 15.7%, 88.2%, 5.9%. 31.4%33.3%, 86.4%, 9.8%, 3.9%. 10.0, 8.5, x < sup > 2</ sup>. 2. 1) 1 (1) < 2>.

10 < 1> (N) (%) (N ) (%) (N) (%) x M M M M M M , 3,854, 2.407, 2.333, 4.333, 4.313, 3.482, 4.313, 1.907, < 2> () t p (6) (6) (6) (9) (3) (30)

11 , , (t =-.40, p =.692). (2) / t - t est < 3>. < 3> () (6) (6) (6) (9) (3) (30) t p , , , , 1.759, 2.667, , , , , , , (t =.48, p =.631)., , , , , t - t est (t = , p -.000). 1. < 4> < 3>. 2) 2 (1) 2.900, (t =.71, p =.447).

12 < 3> < 4> t p t p M M M M () SD SD SD SD (6) (6) (6) (9) (3) (30) (2). t - t est< 6>. < 5> t p < 6> t p

13 (t =- 6.15, P =.000) (t =- 1.72, P =.088),, (t =- 8.75, P =.000)., 2. < 7> < 4>. < 4> < 7> t p M M M M () SD SD SD SD t p < 8>. 90.2%, 73.5%, 55.9%, 76.5%, 57.8%, 43.1%, 1.81, 42.2%, 35.3%, 14.7%. 28.4%, 23.5%10.8%, 24.5%, 24.5%, 10.8%, 15.7% < 9>. 41.4%, 3.8%, 6.15%, 2.9%, 0.95%, t - t est

14 < 8> (N) (N ) (N) (N) (N) (N) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (87.0) (93.8) (90.2) (25.9) (31.3) (28.4) 40 (13.0) 3 ( 6.3) 10 ( 9.8) 40 (74.1) 33 (68.8) 73 (71.6) (59.3) (56.3) (57.8) (13.0) ( 4.2) ( 8.8) 40 (74.1) 35 (72.9) 75 (73.5) 11 (20.4) 14 (29.2) 25 (24.5) 30 (55.6) 41 (75.9) 30 (55.6) 21 (38.9) 10 (18.5) 27 (56.3) 37 (77.1) 29 (60.4) 23 (47.9) 4 ( 8.3) 57 (55.9) 78 (76.5) 59 (57.8) 44 (43.1) 14 (13.7) 6 (11.1) 13 (24.1) 3 ( 5.6) 7 (13.0) 5 (10.4) 12 (25.0) 5 (10.4) 9 (18.8) 11 (10.8) 25 (24.5) 8 ( 7.8) 16 (15.7) 1 ( 1.9) 7 (13.0) 1 ( 1.9) 8 (16.7) 10 (20.8) 1 ( 2.1) 9 ( 8.8) 17 (16.7) 2 ( 2.0) 1 ( 1.9) 3 ( 5.6) 1 ( 2.1) 2 ( 4.2) 2 ( 2.0) 5 ( 4.9) M (25.9) 25 (46.3) 1 ( 1.9) 8 (14.8) 10 (18.5) 22 (45.8) 18 (37.5) 5 (10.4) 7 (14.6) 1 ( 2.1) 36 (35.3) 43 (42.2) 6 ( 5.9) 15 (14.7) 11 (10.8) 3 ( 5.6) 9 (16.7) 7 (13.0) 1 ( 2.1) 15 (31.3) 4 ( 8.3) 4 ( 3.9) 24 (23.5) 11 (10.8)

15 < 9> ( ) () ( ) ( ) ( ) 21(38.9) 21(43.8) 42(41.4) 2( 3.9) 2( 3.7) 4 ( 3.8) 1( 1.9) 5(10.4) 6( 6.15) 2( 3.7) 1( 2.1) 3 ( 2.9) 1( 1.9) 1(0.95) (t =- 8.17, p =.000), (t =- 9.84, p =.000), (t =- 5.05, p =.000), (t = , p =.000), (t =- 5.28, p =.000), (t = , p =.000), (t =-.32, p =.748), (t =-.59, p =.560), (t =-.73, p =.470), (t =-.46, p =.647), (t =1.19, p =.237), (t =-.48, p =.631) (1984) 110 (t =8.62, p <.01)(, 1984), 1 114(1986) (t = , p<.001)(, 1986), (1990) (, 1990). (1992)2 10 (F (1.18)=6.08, p<.05)(, 1992). 6 (1987) )p<.005)(, 1987), 1 5,6108 (1992) (t = , p =.000)(, 1992), 1

16 5,6(1993) (t = , p<.001) (, 1993) P arcelluttm an (1981) 6, 6 (P arcel, an d Luttm an, 1981). Sheia (1980) P =.05(Gum erm an, Jacknik, an d Sipko, 1980), Carter F rankel(1983)fam ily life p =.05(Carter, and F rankel, 1980), W att s (1974) (Vacalis, Hill, and Greg, 1979). Mim s (1976),, (p<.001) (Mim s, Brow n, and Lubow, 1976), P eg gy (1984)43 6-8(Sm ith, F lah erty, w ebb, and Mum ford, 1984) t - t est (t =- 8.75, p =.000), 2,9002,977 (t =- 1.72, p =.088) (1986) (t =- 6.04, p<.001)(, 1986), (1990) (, 1990). (1992) (F < sub > 1.18</ sub > =26.20, p <.01)(, 1992). 4,6(1992) (t =2.47, p<.05)(t =6.90, p<.01) (, 1992). 1 5,6 108(1992) 114,842

17 (, 1992), 5,6 197(1993) (t = , p <.001) (, 1993). P arcelluttm an (1981), (P arcel, an d Luttm an, 1981). H och (1971),, S am son (1977), Crosby (1971) (Kirby, 1980). W att s (1974) (V acalis, Hill, an d Gray, 1979).,, Mim s (1976) S KA T,, (P <.001)(Mim s, Brow n, an d Lubow, 1976).. 6(1987) (, 1987), (1984) (, 1984). W oods (1975) (W oods, an d M an dett a, 1975),., (, 1974). (, 1986), (, 1986 :, 1985),. 3. < 8> 90.2%. (1986) 72.9% %,

18 (76.5% ), (57.8% ), (55.9% ), (43.1% ). 42.2%, 35.3%, 14.7%. 28.4%25.4%. 24.5%, 23.5%, 24.5%, 15.7%, 10.8% %(1981) 70.8%, 3. (1986)57.9%, (1991) 36.3%, (1991) 46.2%.,, 3.8%, 6.15%, 2.9%, ( ) 0.95%(1986) 21.9%, 11.4%, 7.9%, 0.6%, 7.7%.. 1.., , , , , , 54, 54, ,,,, 5, V.T.R,,... 1

19 . (t = , p =.000). 2. (t =- 6.15, p =.000). 90.2%, 73.5%. 76.5%, 57.8%, 55.9%, 43.1%, 42.2%, 35.3%, 14.7% %, 24.5%, 24.5%, (15.7% ), (10.8% ),, 23.5% ). 2). 3). 4). 1. (1992).,. 2. (1990)., 28 (5) : (1987).,. 4. (1986).,. 5. (1987). :,. 6. (1992).,. 73 (1989)., 114,,

20 8. (1987). 6,. 9. (1989).,. 10. (1991)., 6,. 11. (1983). :, : (1990).,,. 13. (1983). :, : (1993). 5,6,. 15. (1991).,. 16. (1983).,, : (1990).,. 18. (1987).,. 19. (1983).,. 20. (1982).,. 21. (1991). :,. 22. (1981)., :, (1993) (1983)., : (1983).,. 26. (1985).,. 27. (1990)., 29 (5) : ,,,,, (1984). :,. 29. (1986).,. 30. (1992).,. 31.,, (1986)., :, (1992).,.

21 33. (1990).,,. 34. (1989)., 114, : (1989). ;, 114, : (1990).,,. 37. (1990)., :. 38. (1982)., :. 39. (1989).,. 40. (1986).,. 41. (1983). :, : (1974).,. 43. (1989)., 114, : (1991).,,. 45. (1992).,. 46. (1981).,. 47., (1993).,, :. 48. (1990).,. 49.,,, (1984).,. 50. (1990).,. 51. (1988).,. 52. (1993). 8, 15, (1991).,. 54. (1993). 10, 6, (1983). :, : (1987).,. 57. A lv arez, M., M auricci, A. & Muzzo, S.(1990). S ex inform ation of adolescent

22 saccording to sex, Rev Chil P ediatr 61(2) : Carrera, M. A., Calderone, M. S.(1981). T he SIECUS/ New York Univ er sity P rinciples Basic to Edu cation for S ex uality, J S ch H ealth 51 L Cart er, J. A., F rankel, E. A.(1981). T he effect s of teacher training program in fam ily life an d hum an sex uality on the know ledg e and attitudes of public s chool t eacher s, J S ch H ealth 53 : Cassell, C.(1981). Puttin g sex education in it s place, J S ch H ealth 51 : F ielding, J. E. W illiam s, C. A.(1991). A dolescent pregnan cy in the Unit ed St ates : a review and recom m en dation s for clinician s an d research n eeds, Am J Prev - M ed 7 (1) : Gum erm an, S., Jacknick, M. & Sipko, R.(1980). S ex education in a rural high school, J S ch H ealth 50 : Hacker, S. S.(1981). It isn 't S ex E du cation Unles s., J S ch H ealth 51 : H eisler, A. B., F riedm an, S. B.(1980). A dolescence : P sy chological an d S ocial Dev elopm ent, J S ch H ealth 50 : Hu ston, R. L., M artin, L. J. & F oulds, D. M.(1990). Effect s of a program t o facilit ate parent - child comm unication about sex, Clin P ediatr (Phila ) 29(11) : Kapp, L., T aylor, B. A. & Edw ards, L. E.(1980). T eachin g hum an sexu ality in junior high sch ool : an interdisciplinary approach, J sch H ealth 50 : Kirby, D.(1980). T he effect s of school sex education program s : a rev iew of th e lit erature, J S ch H ealth 50 : Mim s, F. H., Brow n, L. & Lubow, R.(1976). Hum an sexu ality cour se ev alu ation, Nur sing Research 25 (3) : Odon go, F., Ojw ang, S. B.(1990). S om e aspect s of t eenage pregnancy in Nairobi : a prospectiv e stu dy on t een age m other s at Keny atta National H ospital and Pum w ani M aternity Hospit al, East Afr M ed J 67 (6) : P arcel, G. S., Luttm an, D.(1981). Ev aluation in sex education : Ev alu ation research for sex edu cation applied t o program planning, J S ch H ealth 51 : Rin gdahl, E. N.(1992). T h e role of the fam ily phy sician in prev entin g teenag e pregn ancy, Am F am Phy sician 45(5) : Rubin son, L., Bailie, L.(1981). Planning S chool Based S exu ality Program s Utilizing the P RECEDE M odel, J S ch Health 51 : S choem an, M. N.(1990). S ex uality education am on g black S outh African teenag er s : w h at can reason ably be expect ed?, Curationis 13 (3-4) : Sm ith, P. B., F laherty, C., W ebb, L. J. & Mum ford, D. M.(1984). T he lon g - t erm effect s of hum an sexu ality training program s for public school teacher s, J S ch H ealth 54 (4) : Stu art, G. W., Sun deen, S. J.(1987). Prin ciples and P ractice of P sy chiatric Nur sing, St. Louis : M osby, T ru ssell, J.(1988). T eenag e pregn ancy in the United Stat es, F am P lann P er spect 20(6) :

23 77. V acalis, T. D., Hill, E.& Gray, J.(1979). T he effect of tw o m ethods of t eaching sex edu cation on the Beh avior s of stu dent s, J S ch Health 49 : W oods, N. F., M andett a, A.(1975). Ch ang es in stu dent s ' know ledge and attitudes follw oing a course in hum an sex uality : Nur sing Research 24 (1) : A b s t ract - T he E ffect of S ex E duc ation for Hig h S chool Girls ' Know le dg e and A ttitude related to S ex Kim, Yon g JaLee, H ae Kyung Kim, Young Ja : M ajor in Nur sing Edu cation, Graduat e S chool of Edu cation Chun gn am N ational Univ er sity, T aejon, Korea Lee, H ae Kyun g : Nur sing Departm ent Chungnam Nation al Univ er sity T h e problem relat ed t o sex is closely conn ect ed w ith hum an life. It is im portant t o acquire accur at e sexu al know ledg e an d desirable attitu de specially during adolescence, in the physical, psychological and emotional changing period. T his study was made to find out the high school girls ' kn ow ledge, attitude an d ex perience relat ed to sex, and to support th e progress of sex edu cation at sch ool in th e future. T h e design w as nonequiv alent control pret est - postt est in the quasi- ex perim ent al design. In current study, the subj ect s w ere 102 girls from the 1 st grade of girls ' com m ercial high school. It w as control group 54 an d ex perim ent al group 48. T o t each the ex perim ent al group, th e sex edu cation program w as combin ed th e sex education program m ade in Korea Edu cation Dev elopm ent In stitut e, Inform ation of sex edu cation by the Ministry of Edu cation, oth er con cerning articles and previou s stu dies. T h e research t ool w as a questionn aire based on th e literature review. T h e pretest - postt est w as giv en t o the tw o group s. T he sex edu cation had been t aken for the experim ental group but n ot been taken for the control group. T h e dat a w as collect ed from M ay 22, 1993 t o July 20, 1993 an d w as analy zed throu gh spss < sup> pc</ sup>. T h e frequ ency, x < sup> 2</ sup > - t est and t - t est w ere calculat ed. Summ arized fin din g s from the study are as follow s : groups before sex edu cation. 1. Reg ar din g the fir st hypothesis w as support ed as follow in g : "T he scores of sex ual kn ow ledge in th e ex perim ent al group w h o w a s giv en sex edu cation w ill be higher th an those of the control group w ho w a s n ot giv en." (t = , p =.000)

24 2. Reg ar din g the secon d hypothesis w a s supported as follow in g : "T he scores of th e attitu de t ow ard sex in the ex perim ent al group w ho giv en sex edu cation w ill be high er th an those of th e control group w ho w as n ot giv en." (t =- 6.15, p =.000) T h e result of this study su gg est s that it is so necessary th at school nur ses sh ould t each about sex regularly at school.

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