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1 Vi deo Pr ogr am on t he Recent Technol ogy f or Pi g Pr oduct i on

2 : : :,, :,, :,, :,, :,, :,, :,, :,, :,, :,, :, ( ) - 1 -

3 .. U R,.,. 50,,,. 50% , 96 37, 97 51, 98 88,. 1) PSY 25 2)

4 ,, 5 2,,,,, 600.,, - - -,, 6 2,,,,,

5 2. P S Y ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,

6 . 1.., 2.,,,, 600 1, , PSY 25,, 3.,,,, 600 1,800. 2,

7 2..,..,,

8 SUMMARY. T itle Dev elopm ent of video program s on the recent t echnology for pig produ ction. Objectives and Importance of the Study U.R. agreem ent s and free- trade sy st em acros s the w orld m ade it pos sible for con sum er s to purchase im ported qu ality pork w ith low price in dom estic m arket. T hu s, it is necessary to enhan ce th e quality of pork an d t o redu ce produ ction cost for strengthenin g int ernation al com petitiv eness of Korean sw ine indu stry. T he hist ory of m odern sw in e indu stry in Korea is no lon ger th an fifty y ear s, w hich is quit e sh orter than th at in adv anced country. F urth erm ore, there are few edu cational video program s on the recent techn ology for pig produ ction, su ch as feeding and m anag em ent, reprodu ction, disease control an d m anure treatm ent. A ccording to the g ov ernm ent policy on th e self- support ratio of pork, Japanese m arket depends on im ported pork by ab out 50% of the dom estic dem and, w hich is m ainly for prev enting environm ental pollution by sw in e m anure. T herefore, there are keen com petition am on g m any foreign countries t o occupy Japan ese pork m arket. T h e ex portation of Korean pork t o Japan ha s been in creasin g continuou sly, w hich w a s 14,000 M/ T in 1995, 37,000 M/ T in 1996, 51,000 M/ T in 1997 an d 88,000 M/ T in T h e price of Korean pork in Japan ese m ark et, h ow ev er, is low er than th at of other countries m ainly b ecau se of quality problem. Hen ce, the g oal of this pr oject is to dev elop an d distribute edu cational video program s on the recent t echn ology for pig production w hich deal w ith (1) reproduction techniques for increasin g P SY to 25 heads, and (2) feedin g an d m an agem ent techniques for the pr oduction of high quality uniform pork

9 . Contents and Scopes of Development 1. F eeding and m anagem ent techniques for the pr oduction of high quality uniform pork A. Video program titled "Raisin g m an agem ent for piglet s an d grow ing - finishing pig s" Preparation of m anu script s for draw ing up scenario - Raising m anag em ent for piglet s - Raising m anag em ent for grow in g - finishin g pig s - M an agerial str at egies for the production of high quality uniform pork Com pletion of shootin g script by in quiry t o ex pert s in broadca st, edition, an d film produ ction Ph otographing on th e farm s ch osen accordin g t o sh ooting script by 5 tim es Revision after the preview of int erim film s by 2 tim es Com pletion of video program s by recording and editin g Distribution of com plet ed product s a s m any as 600 copies to pig farm s, education al in stitut es, gov ernm ent, the press an d relat ed organization s Registration of copyright by the dat e of initial publishm ent B. Video program titled "S anit ary m an ag em ent and facilities" Preparation of m anu script s for draw ing up scenario - F acility M anag em ent - T echniques for m anure treatm ent - S anit ary m anag em ent an d disease control Com pletion of shootin g script by in quiry t o ex pert s in broadca st, edition, an d film produ ction Ph otographing on th e farm s ch osen accordin g t o sh ooting script by 6 tim es Revision after the preview of int erim film s by 2 tim es Com pletion of video program s by recording and editin g Distribution of com plet ed product s a s m any as 600 copies to pig farm s, education al in stitut es, gov ernm ent, the press an d relat ed organization s Registration of copyright by the dat e of initial publishm ent - 8 -

10 2. Reproduction t echniqu es for increasin g P SY t o 25 heads A. Video program titled "Raisin g m an agem ent for breeding herd" Preparation of m anu script s for draw ing up scenario - Raising m anag em ent of boar and br eedin g m anagem ent - Raising m anag em ent of sow s by gest ation st age Com pletion of shootin g script by in quiry t o ex pert s in broadca st, edition, an d film produ ction Ph otographing on th e farm s ch osen accordin g t o sh ooting script by 3 tim es Revision after the preview of int erim film s by 2 tim es Com pletion of video program s by recording and editin g Distribution of com plet ed product s a s m any as 600 copies to pig farm s, education al in stitut es, gov ernm ent, the press an d relat ed organization s Registration of copyright by the dat e of initial publishm ent B. Video program titled "Raising m an ag em ent at farrow ing " Preparation of m anu script s for draw ing up scenario - Raising m anag em ent of sow at farr ow ing - Raising m anag em ent of su cklin g piglet s - Raising m anag em ent of breedin g h erd replacem ent s Com pletion of shootin g script by in quiry t o ex pert s in broadca st, edition, an d film produ ction Ph otographing on th e farm s ch osen accordin g t o sh ooting script by 4 tim es Revision after the preview of int erim film s by 2 tim es Com pletion of video program s by recording and editin g Distribution of com plet ed product s a s m any as 600 copies to pig farm s, education al in stitut es, gov ernm ent, the press an d relat ed organization s Registration of copyright by the dat e of initial publishm ent - 9 -

11 C. Video program titled "Basic prin ciples for m an ag em ent of pig farming " Preparation of m anu script s for draw ing up scenario - Basic principles for m an agem ent of pig farm ing " Com pletion of shootin g script by in quiry t o ex pert s in broadca st, edition, an d film produ ction Ph otographing on th e farm s ch osen accordin g t o sh ooting script by 2 tim es Revision after the preview of int erim film s by 1 tim es Com pletion of video program s by recording and editin g Distribution of com plet ed product s a s m any as 600 copies to pig farm s, education al in stitut es, gov ernm ent, the press an d relat ed organization s Registration of copyright by the dat e of initial publishm ent. Results and Implementation 1. Results A. F eeding and m anag em ent t echniqu es for the produ ction of high qu ality uniform pork T w o video program s titled "1. Raisin g m anag em ent for piglet s and grow in g - finishin g pig s", an d "2. S anit ary m an agem ent an d facilities ", w ere dev eloped according t o the gen eral plannin g by National Liv est ock Research In stitute, Rural Dev elopm ent A dm inistration, w ith the cooperation of Dodram Pig F arm er s ' Cooperativ e in providin g ph otographing location s an d of A gricultural T echnical Inform ation Cent er, Rural Dev elopm ent A dm inistration in ph otographing A tot al of 1,200 video program copies (600 copies each ) w ere distribut ed to pig farm s, education al in stitut es, gov ernm ent, th e press an d related org anization s. T hree cut s out of "Raisin g m an agem ent for piglet s an d grow in g - finishin g pig s " w ere provided t o Pu san - Kyun gn am P ig F arm er s ' Cooperativ e for dev eloping video program s for public relation s of Korean pork to Japan

12 A t otal of 4 copyrights w ere regist ered, 1 for "Raising m anagem ent for piglet s an d grow ing - finishin g pig s" and 3 for "S anit ary m an agem ent an d facilities" M ain cut s w ith the content s of scen ario w ere appeared on the W eb site of H om e P age of N ation al Liv est ock Research In stitut e B. Repr oduction techniques for incr easing PSY to 25 heads T hree video program s titled "1. Raisin g m anag em ent for breeding herd", "2. Raising m an ag em ent at farrow ing ", an d "3. Basic principles for m anag em ent of pig farm in g " w ere dev eloped according to th e general planning by Nation al Liv estock Research In stitut e, Rural Dev elopm ent A dm inistration, w ith th e cooperation of Dodram P ig F arm er s ' Cooperativ e in providing ph otographing location s and of A gricultural T echnical Inform ation Cent er, Rural Dev elopm ent A dm inistration in ph otographing. A tot al of 1,800 video program copies (600 copies each ) w ere distribut ed to pig farm s, education al in stitut es, gov ernm ent, th e press an d related org anization s A t otal of 5 copyrights w ere regist ered, 2 for "Raising m anagem ent for breedin g herd", 2 for "Raising m anag em ent at farrow ing ", an d 1 for "Basic principles for m anag em ent of pig farm in g " M ain cut s w ith the content s of scen ario w ere appeared on the W eb site of H om e P age of N ation al Liv est ock Research In stitut e. 2. Implementation A. It is proposed that the dev eloped v ideo program s should be u sed for education al m at erials for pig farm s an d education al in stitut es B. It is proposed that th e dev eloped video program s should be u sed as a m odel for dev elopin g education al v ideo m at erials for oth er liv est ock C. N ecessary cut s out of the dev eloped video program s could b e provided for public relation s of Korean pork t o Japan

13 CONT ENT S Chapter 1. Introduction Objectives Importance of the study Methods Previous studies and problem s 17 Ch apter 2. Feeding and management techniques for the production of high quality uniform pork Introduction Video pr ogram on "Raising management for piglet s and growing - finishing pigs"20 3. Video program on "Sanitary management and facilities" 34 Ch apter 3. Reproduction techniques for increasing PSY to 25 heads Introduction Video program on "Raising management at farrowing" Video program on "Raising management for breeding herd" Video pr ogram on "Basic principles for management of pig farming" 89 Chapter 4. Conclusion

14 PSY

15 ,853, ,544, , 7,300., 98 60%. 91 3, 93 11, 95 14, 97 51, 98 88, ,,,.,,,,,,. 2 1.,,,,

16 , (Bench Marking ).,. 2.,,. 3.,..,,

17 3 1..,,,..,, C/ G,,,,..,, (EBS ),,

18 ,

19 2..,,

20 ,.. UR..,....,,,,,... 2., -, (Bebch M arking )

21 , %,,.. S.,,..,.,,,,,,

22 2.. 1) 2),

23 . # 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 (), ( : ) (, ), ( ),..,,. 1,,

24 # 5 ( ) 3,. 3,. # 6,, - -, -, 10 20% ,,,. # C/ G # 1 ( ) - # 1 ( ) 3,,,,. 3,, 21, 6, 70, 30,

25 # 8 # 9 - C/ G # 2 ( ) - C/ G # 3 ( ) - C/ G # 4 ( ) , 2, ,, , ,,,..,.,

26 # 10 ( ) # 2, (, ),. # 11 # # 2 ( ) ,..,,,...,.. 1 (3 ) 28 33, , ,

27 # 13 # % , ,,. # 15. -,, -,,,, ,. -.,,

28 # 16 # 17 # , ,.,,.,,.,,,. 1, ,,.,,

29 # 19 # ,, 1 1,,,,, 1, 12.,,, P SE., 1 2 1,.,,

30 # 21 # 22 # 23 - # 3 ( ) - # 4 ( ) ( # 3),, 4 5,, 1. 98%, A, B 60%,. ( )

31 < > 1. # 1 3 S IT E 1 (21 ) ( ) (115 ) 2. # 2 4. # 4 ( ) 1 (3 ) % A,B 60% # 3 (6 )

32 . 1) 1 ) : ) :,, 3 ) (,, ),, 2) 2 ) : ) :,,, ) (,, ) 3) 3 ) : ) : 2, 3,, ) ( )

33 4) 4 ) : ) :, 2, ) 5) 5 ( ) ) : ) :, ) P SE. 1) : ) :

34 3) - - P SE - -.,,. 3.., 14..,,,, 600..,, 3.. ( )

35 , 2000,.. 57% 42%, 0.6%. BOD 20 47%.,, 52%..,., %.,, 70%

36 ,., ) 2)

37 . 1) # 1 # 2 # 3 2 ( ) ( : ),,,,

38 # 4 # 5 # 6 # 7 - # 1 ( ),. 6, 10.4, 2.4, PSY , 106, 30, 20 25, ,..,.,,

39 ,. # 8,.. # 9.,,.. 90kg 110kg. # 10. # 11,

40 # 12,.. # 13,.,,,,,,... # 14 30kg

41 # 15 # 16 - # 2 ( ) (1) 3,,...,. 3.,,, 3, 2. # ,,.,,

42 # 18 # 19 # 20, ( : ),,,..,..,.,.,

43 < > 1. # P SY (20 ) (10 ) ( )

44 2) # ,. # %. - 85%, 95%. - -.,,,,,,,

45 # 3 # 4 ( ) ( ),,.,,,..,,,,...,,,. 65%, 12%, C/ N 20:1, ph

46 65% 95%,, 85% 75% 2, 3. # 5 (C/ G ) , 2, 3.,,,,, % # 6, 205%, 165%, 125%. 72%

47 # 7 ( ),,,. # 8. - ( ). 65% 70.,. -. #

48 # 10 65%., # 11 # ,.,. 3. BOD BOD. BOD..,

49 # 13 # 14 (C/ G ) - 5,,,,,,,.,. 1, , 30%.. 50% 20 30%.,

50 # 15 # 16 - ( ) ,.. 6,.,, 2., 200m

51 #

52 3) # 1.. # 2 # 3 ( ),,..,,,,,,,. 2km

53 # 4 # 5 # ,.,. 1,.,.. 1,,.,

54 # 7 # ,.,.,,..,

55 # 9 # 10 # 11 # 12 # # ,. 5 6, # 2, 1.,.. - # 3.,,

56 # %. # 15..,. < > 1. # 1 1 ( 1 ) 3 2, 1 5 1, 2 ( ) 8 2 () (1 2 ) ( ) , 1,,,

57 2. # ( ) ( ) ( ) # 3 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ) 1 ) : ) :, )

58 ,, 2) 2 ) : ) :, )

59 3) 3 ) : ) :,, ) (,, ) (,,,, ) 4) 4 ) : ) :,, )

60 5) 5 ) : ) :, ) 6) 6 ( ) ) : ) :, )

61 . 1) : ) : 3) - - (, ) ,,. 3..,,,..,,,, ( : , : , : )

62 3 PSY %, 70%,..,, P SY. 30%..,,, PSY 18.., P SY ( )

63 2 1. (P SY ). P SY,,,., ) 2),

64 . 1) # 1 # 2 ( ) P SY # 3 # 4....,.. # 5 1 2,

65 # 6 # 7 # 8 # 9 # kg, 5 2kg. 0.5kg P GF 2. 80%.,,, 1,,,,,.,, ,

66 # ,. 30., -, -.. # 12 # 13 # ,,,,,,,,,. 5 10,,,,

67 # 15 # 16 # 17 # 18 # kg.. 2,3,..,,.. ( )

68 # 20 # 21 # 22 # , 3 31, 7 27, ,..,,

69 # 24.,. ( ),, # 25,, # ,,. ( ) SPF, # 27 MEW, MMEW

70 2) # 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 - # 1 ( ) ( ) P SY kg. P SY 25 40% kg. 1 20%, 2 18%, 3 16%, 4 14%, 5 12%

71 # 5 # 6 # 7 # 8.,.,.,,,., 15 20,,...,,,

72 # 9 # 10 # 11 # ,., kg.,..,,

73 # 13 # 14 # 15 # 16.,.,,,. 8, kg. 2, , 1 2,. 1, g

74 # kg 2, 3 5, < > 1. # (% ). 1) 1 ) : ) : )

75 (,,, ) 2) 2 ) : ) : ) 3) 3 ) : ) :,, ),

76 4) 4 ) : ) : ). 1) : ) : 3)

77 .,, ,..,,,, ( , )

78 3 1.. (Body condition score)... 2/ 3.,, ) 2),

79 . 1) # 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 P SY 25 2., %

80 # 5 ( ). 3 4kg, 2 2.2kg. # 6 # , , m m. ( ) 3.0, 2.5, ,

81 # 8., ,,. # 9 -,.. # 10 -, 1 2 # 11 - ( )

82 # 12 # 13 # 14 # 15 # 16 # 17.,,. ( 30 : ). ( ) , ( : )

83 # # 19 # 20 ( : ) ,. 2. 1,

84 2) # 1. # 2 # ,... -,,, , ,

85 # 4 # 5 # 6 # 7 # , 1,,,,. 2.7m..,

86 # 9.,, 15 : 1, : 1. # 10.,,,,,,,... # 11, 200g

87 # # 13 1, ,2, 3.. 1) 1 ) : ) : )

88 ,, (, ) 2) 2 ) : ) : ) 3) 3 ) : ) : ). 1) : ) : 3)

89 ,, ,..,,,, ( , )

90 4 1..,,...,....,.,...,,..,,,

91 2.. 1) 2)

92 . # 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 ( : ) ( : ) - C/ G # 1 ( : ) P SY 25 3?,..,. :? :. :,.,.,,.,,.,,,,

93 # 5 ( : ) ( ) - (100 ) - ( ) - (500 ) 100,,,., ,,. 500,,,.. # 6 ( : ).,. - C/ G # 2.,,.,

94 # 7 ( : ). ( ), %,,.,,. # 8 ( : ).,., Cash F low ( ) 1.,

95 # 9 ( ) , ( : ).,.,,,.. # 10. ( : )... # 11 ( : ),

96 # 12 # 13 ( : ) - C/ G # 3 ( : ),.,,. A, % 24,,

97 # 14 - C/ G # 4 ( : )..,.,... # 15 ( :.,, ).,, ( )... # 16 ( : ) - C/ G # 5 10,

98 # 17 # 18 # 19 - C/ G # 6 ( : ) ( : ) ( ) ( : ) ( ),.,. 40% 60 70%. 50%..,,,,.,

99 # 20 ( : ).,,.,. < > 1. C/ G #

100 2. C/ G # 2 3. C/ G #

101 4. C/ G # 4 (% ) (% ) ,400 1,800 / C/ G #

102 . 1) 1 ) : ) : ) 2) 2 ) : ) :,,,,, )

103 . 1) : ) : 3)., ( ),. 3..,..,,,, ( )

104 ), 5, 14. 2),,,, ),, 3. 4) ( ). 5).. 1),, 3, 5,. 2),,,, ) 3 ( : , : , : ). 4)

105 2. P S Y 25. 1) 2, 4,. 2),,,, ) (: , : ). 4).. 1) 2, 3,. 2),,,, ) (: , : ). 4).. 1), 2,. 2),,,, ) ( ). 4)



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