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1 1999 Report on the S urv ey of Re s e arch and D ev elopm ent in S cience and T echnolog y M inistry of S cienc e and T echnolog y Repulic of Kore a Korea Institute of S cience & T echnology Ev aluation and Planning

2 1963,. 1982, 1963,.,, OECD(FRASCAT I MANUAL), 1998, ,366, 129,967'97121, , %, 6.3%...,,

3 ( ) 1 ( )

4 1-8 (F T E ) ( ) (NSI ) (WIPO) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ' ' ' '98,, ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

5 ' ' ' ' ( ) '98,, ' ' ' '98, ' ( ) ' ' ' ( ) '98,, '98,, '98,, '98,, '98,, '98,, '98,, '98,, - 3 -

6 '98,, '98,, '98, '98, '98, '981, '981, '98, ' ' ' ' ' ' ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

7 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

8 ( ) ,, GDP ( ) ,,,,, ( ) , 1( ) ( ) 437 :

9 CON T EN T S. Outlin e of the Surv ey 17. Ex planation of T erm s 27. Summ ary of the Surv ey R&D ex penditures P er sonn el eng aged in R&D activities R&D ex penditures paid t o abraod R&D ex penditures by socio- econ om ic objectiv es R&D ex penditures by region 64. St atistical T ables Int ern ation al com parison of scien ce and t echn ology activities M ajor indicat or s concernin g scien ce an d t echnology activ ities by nation R&D ex penditures by y ear R&D ex penditures and research er s R&D researcher s by y ear R&D ex penditures by charact er of w ork R&D ex penditur es by sect or of perform an ce R&D ex penditur es as a per cent of total sales by indu stry P er sonn el eng aged in R&D activities T otal gov ernm ent budget appropriation or outlay s on R&D Num ber of science and technical papers in the last fiv e y ears St atu s of P at ent s applied an d registered of each country

10 1-12 T echnological balance of paym ent s R&D activities in Korea 80 ( Sum m ary ) R&D ex penditures : R&D ex penditures by source of fun ds : R&D ex penditures by sect or of perform an ce : R&D ex penditures by type of cost s : R&D ex penditures by charact er of w ork : R&D ex penditures per research er by sect or of perform an ce : P er sonn el eng aged in R&D activities, research er s per 10,000 population by sector of perform ance : Researchers by m ajor field of stu dy an d degree : R&D P erform ing in stitut es, researcher s by sex : Intram ural R&D ex pen ditures by sect or of perform an ce, source of fun ds, type of cost s, ch aract er of w ork : R&D ex pen ditures fin an ced by g ov ernm ent by ch aract er of w ork : R&D ex p. receiv ed from and paid t o out side by sector of perform ance : P er sonn el eng aged in R&D activities, reseach er s by m ajor field of study and degree an d R&D ex p. per researcher by sector of perform ance : Researchers by m ajor field of stu dy an d degree : Researchers by sect or of perform an ce, ag e and sex : F.T. equiv alent R&D personnal by sect or of perform ance an d sex : R&D ex p. by sect or of perform an ce : R&D ex p. by sector of perform ance and socio- econ om ic objectiv es : R&D ex p. ratio by sect or of perform an ce and socio- econ om ic objectiv es : R&D ex p. by sector of perform ance and region : R&D ex p. ratio by sect or of perform an ce an d region : R&D per sonnel by sect or of perform an ce an d region : R&D per sonnel ratio by sector of perform ance and region : R&D perform ing unit s by sect or of perform ance an d region : R&D perform ing unit s ratio by sect or of perform an ce - 8 -

11 and region : ( R esearch In stitut es : 1998 ) R&D ex p. by charact er of w ork, per sonnel eng aged in R&D an d annual R&D ex p. per resear ch er by field R&D ex p. by field, source of fun ds, type of cost s Researchers by field an d m ajor field of study Researchers by m ajor field of stu dy an d degree Researchers and F.T equiv alent researchers by field, age and sex R&D performing in stitut es by kin d of org anization an d field 116 ( Univer sities & Colleges : 1998 ) Intram ural R&D Ex pen ditures by type of organization and field R&D ex penditures by type of organization, sour ce of fun ds and type of cost s Researchers by m ajor field of stu dy an d degree 119 ( Com panies : 1998 ) R&D ex p. by indu stry, size of em ploy ees, source of funds, type of cost s and u sage R&D ex p. by indu stry, size of capit al, source of fun ds, type of cost s and u sage R&D ex p. by indu stry, size of sales, source of fun ds, type of cost s and u sage R&D ex p. by indu stry, size of reseacher s, source of fun ds, type of cost s and u sage R&D ex p. by indu stry, size of R&D ex p., source of funds, type of cost s and u sage R&D ex p. by charact er of w ork, per sonnel eng aged in R&D an d annual R&D ex p. per resear ch er by indu stry an d size of em ploy ees R&D ex p. by charact er of w ork, per sonnel eng aged in R&D an d annual R&D ex p. per resear ch er by indu stry an d size of capit al R&D ex p. by charact er of w ork, per sonnel eng aged in R&D an d annual R&D ex p. per resear ch er by indu stry an d size of sales

12 2-38 R&D ex p. by charact er of w ork, per sonnel eng aged in R&D an d annual R&D ex p. per research er by indu stry an d size of researcher s R&D ex p. by charact er of w ork, per sonnel eng aged in R&D an d annual R&D ex p. per resear ch er by indu stry an d size of R&D exp R&D ex p. and com panies ' ow n R&D fun ds as a percent of sales by in du stry and size of em ploy ees R&D ex p. and com panies ' ow n R&D fun ds as a percent of sales by in du stry and size of capital R&D ex p. and com panies ' ow n R&D fun ds as a percent of sales by in du stry and size of com pany R&D ex p. per research er and research er s per thou san d employ ees by indu stry an d size of em ploy ees R&D ex p. per research er and research er s per thou san d employ ees by indu stry an d size of capit al Researchers and F.T equiv alent researchers by in du stry, ag e an d sex Researchers by in du stry and m ajor field of stu dy Researchers by m ajor field of stu dy an d degree Researchers by in du stry and degre Con centration rat es of R&D exp. by in du stry Con centration rat es of researcher s by indu stry Con centration rat es of t otal sales by in du stry Indu strial property Indu strial property applied and granted by right : P at ent s applied an d grant ed by field : P at ent s applied an d grant ed by n ationality : T echnological balance of paym ent s T echnological balance of paym ent s : T echnological export : F oreign t echn ology allow ances and paym ent s by nation : F oreign t echn ology allow ances and paym ent s by field : F oreign t echn ology allow ances by nation an d field : M ajor statistics of R&D activ ities in s elected countries

13 U.S.A 420 Japan 424 Germ any 427 F ran ce 430 U.K Gen eral econom ic statistics Gros s nation al produ ct s, population, GDP deflat or Indu strial production indices, price in dices, ex port, import, current balance, foreign ex ch ang e holdin g GDP per capit a in select ed countries Ex chan ge rat es 437 Appendix

14 - -. ( : R&D Ex penditure s ),. = ()

15 . 1. ( ) : : : 1967: 1982: 1983:, 1984:, 1987: 1988: 1989: 1991: 1995: OECD (FRASCAT I MANUAL), 1996: 1997: 1998: (: ) 1999: 1999: OECD

16 4.. OECD (Proposed Standard Practice for Surv ey s of Research and Experim ental Development : F RA SCAT I MANUAL) ( ),,,,,,,,,,, ( ),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (),,

17 () - 300, 1,000, '97,,, '98 () (92% ) (91%) (96% ) 267 5,520 4,532(82% ) ,480 5,425(84% ) 2,869 5., , *,

18 -,..,, 7. 8.,

19 . O ut line of the S urve y 1. Objetctive of the S urvey T h e S urv ey cov er s research an d dev elopm ent activ ities in scien ce an d t echn ology in clu din g per sonn el an d ex pen ditures. T he Surv ey aim s at providin g ba sic dat a w hich is utilized for th e est ablishm ent of n ation al policy for s cien ce an d t echn ology, an d for R&D plannin g in scien ce an d t echn ology. 2. Lega l Bas is fo r the S urvey T h e Surv ey w as approv ed a s Gen er al S t atistics N o un der th e S t atisics Law. 3. Histo ry of the S urvey o 1963 : S urv ey w a s initiat ed as th e "S t atu s surv ey of Research In stitut es" by T echn ology Dev elopm ent Bureau of Econ om ic P lannin g Board. o 1967 : Con du ctin g of S urv ey w as carried out by M inistry of S cien ce sn d T echn ology. o 1982 : S urv ey w a s appr ov ed a s Gen er al st atistics N o un der S t atistics Law. o 1983 : S urv ey it em s an d t erm s w ere redefin ed accordin g t o "UNE S CO Recom m en dation con cernin g th e Int ern ation al St an dardization of St atistics on S cien ce an d T echn ology ". o 1984 : F ull- tim e an d part - tim e research er s w ere introdu ced : proces sin g of dat a com put erized. o 1987 : Con centr ation rat e of R&D activ ities of com panies w a s added. o 1988 : F ull- tim e equiv alent resear ch er s w ere intr odu ced

20 o 1989 : S pecification of R&D ex pen diture by u sag e an d by ty pe of cost s. o 1991 : S pecification of com pany type by law an d plan of R&D ex pen diture of follow in g y ear intr odu ced. o 1995 : Surv ey it em s an d t erm s w ere redefin ed accordin g t o "OE CD P roposed S t an dar d Practice for Surv ey s of Resear ch an d Ex perim ent al Dev elopm ent : F RA S CAT I MA NUA L." o 1996 : S cien ce an d T echn ology P olicy In stitut e (S T EP I), on e of g ov ernm ent support ed research in stitut es un der the supervision of th e M OST, w a s giv en the auth ority t o con du ct th e surv ey on b eh alf of th e M OS T, A s th e ear of local aut on om y dev elops, th e relat ed surv ey it em s w ere added. o 1997 : Univ. & colleg e R&D ex pen ditures by type of or g anization an d field w a s added. o 1998 : R&D ex pen ditures by ch aract er of w ork fin an ced by g ov ernm ent w a s added. o 1999 : K orea In stitut e of S cien ce & T echn ology Ev alu ation an d Plannin g (KIS T EP ), on e of g ov ernm ent support ed research in stitut es un der th e superv ision of th e M OST, w as giv en the auth ority t o con du ct th e surv ey on beh alf of the M OS T. o 1999 : K orean St an dard In du strial Clas sification w a s introdu ced accordin g t o "OE CD P roposed S t an dar d P ractice for Surv ey s of Research an d Ex perim ent al Dev elopm ent : F RA S CA T I M A NUA L." 4. Cove rage (1) Fields of the Survey o N atural scien ces, en gin eerin g an d t echn ology, m edical scien ces an d agricultural scien ces accor din g t o "OECD P roposed St an dard Pr actice for Surv ey s of Research an d Ex perim ent al Dev elopm ent : F RA S CA T I M A NUA L" subject s of th e S urv ey

21 F ields Natural sciences Engineering and technology Scope astr onomy, bacteriology, biochemistry, biology, chemistry, computer sciences, entom ology, geology, geophy sics, m athem atics, m et eorology, mineralogy, phy sical geography, phy sics, zoology, other allied subjects engineering proper, such as chemical, civil, electrical and m echanical engineering, and special subdivision s of these; forest pr oduct s ; applied sciences such as geodesy, indu strial chemistry, etc. ;architecture; the science and technology of food production ; specialized technologies or interdisciplinary fields, e. g., sy stem s analy sis, m etallurgy, mining, textile technology, other allied subject s M edical sciences anatomy, dentistry, medicine, nur sing, obstetrics, optom etry, osteopathy, pharm acy, phy siotheraphy, public health, other allied subject s Agricultural Sciences agr onomy, anim al hu sbandry, fisheries, forestry, horticulture, v eterinary m edicine, other allied subject s o S ocial scien ces, hum anities are ex clu ded in th e Surv ey. (2) Organizations Covered in the Survey o Research in stitut es - N ation al an d public research in stitut es - Gov ernm ent support ed an d oth er n on - pr ofit research in stitut es o Univ er sities an d colleg es o M edical in stitut es w ith eighty or m ore b eds - Gen eral h ospit als o Com panies - Com plet e enum eration : com panies w ith 300 per son s or m ore em ploy ees, com panies w ith on att ach ed research in stitut e or R&D division, V enture bu sin es ses an d com panies inv olv ed R&D project s fun ded by g ov ernm ent et c. ar e in clu ded ev en if

22 th e num b er of em ploy ee is les s th en S am ple S urv ey : com panies w ith th e num b er of em ploy ee is les s th en 300 o St atu s of th e surv ey or g anization s in th e y ear 1998 Classification Number of Number of Org. Number of the Retrieval org. Carrying out R&D the Survey Org. ( Retrieval Rate) Activities Resear ch In st (92% ) 133 General Hospital (91% ) 50 Univ. and Colleges (96% ) 267 Companies 5,520 4,532(82% ) 2,419 T otal 6,480 5,425(84% ) 2, Pe riods Cove red by the S urvey Dat a on per sonn el an d capit al w ere surv ey ed a s of Decem b er 31, 1998, w hile fin an cial figures, su ch a s sales an d R&D ex pen ditures, w ere report ed for each in dividu al org anization ' s fiscal y ear com plet ed prior t o April 1, S urvey lte ms (1) Organizat ion o T ype of org anization o Div ision respon sible for R&D o M eth ods of carryin g out R&D (2) Personnel o P er sonn el en g ag ed in R&D - Research er s by m ajor filed of stu dy, degree, ag e, an d sex

23 o Num b er of t ot al em ploy ees o Other r elat ed inform ation (3) R&D Expenditures o Intram ural R&D ex pen ditures by ch ar act er of w ork, type of cost s, source of fun d s an d u sag e o R&D ex pen ditur es paid t o out side or g anization s (4) Others o A m ount of sales, m ain produ ct s, paid - in capit al, oper atin g in com e of th e com pany o N am e, location an d h ead of R&D perform in g in stitut e o Com m ent s on R&D activities by the org anization it self 7. S urvey Methods T h e Surv ey w as con du ct ed by the m ailin g m eth od. Qu estionn aires w ere m ailed directly t o com panies, univ er sities an d colleg es, an d r esearch in stitut es by th e M inistry of scien ce an d T echn ology. T h e filled - in qu estionn aires w ere return ed t o the M inistry by m ail 8. Pub licat io n of the S urvey Res ult s Com plet ed qu estionn aires w ere t abulat ed at the Ministry of S cien ce an d T echn ology. Surv ey result s are publish ed un der th e title "Report on th e S urv ey of Research an d Dev elopm ent in S cien ce an d T echn ology ". S om e of th e result s are also in clu ded in th e "S cien ce an d T echn ology A nnu al" of th e M inistry of S cien ce an d T echn ology

24 . 1. -,, -,,, (prot o - t y pe m odel ),,.. (Pilot P lant ),,

25 3..,, (). (), (),., 4....,,

26 5.. - (, ),,,,,, - - (: ) - (), ()().,. -, -,,,,, -,,.,

27 , (,, ), ( ) 6.. ( ),., <> 5(2, 3)2 1/ 4, 11/ 2, : 2+(2 ยผ)+1/ 2=3 *.,

28 ..,

29 . Explanat io n of Te rms 1. Res ea rch and De ve lo pme nt Act iv it ie s o Refer to any systematic and creative work in science and technology which is undertaken in order to increase the stock of knowledge, with this knowledge utilized t o dev ise n ew application s. - S y st em atic stu dies an d creativ e effort s un dert ak en for acquisition of n ew kn ow ledg e of m at erials, fun ction s, n atural ph en om en a, et c., an d for th e u se of ex istin g kn ow ledg e t o devise n ew application s. - A ctivities dir ectly required in th e cour se of carryin g out R&D, i. e., t estin g, m easurin g, an aly zin g, an d pur ch a sin g, in st allation or con stru ction of m achin ery, apparatu s an d equipm ent. - Relat ed clerical an d fin an cial w ork. 2. Examp le s of Dis t ing uis hing R&D f ro m No n- R&D Act iv ite s (a) Prototype Model o A Prototype Model is either the sample m ade prior to the comm ercial production, or the test model for acquiring essential characteristics of prospective product. T he design, con struction and t esting of prototypes mu st be attributed to R&D. o T he design, m anufacture, and succes sful testing of a prototypes m odel, including m odification s an d im pr ov em ent s a s a result of t est failures, ar e reg arded a s R&D activ ities, w hile activities follow in g th e su cces sful com pletion of t estin g are con sidered t o b e n on - R&D activ ities. (b) Pilot Plants o A Pilot Plant is sm all scale test facility aiming at either the m anufacturing of new pr oduct s or the dev eloping of process technology

30 o T he design, construction and successful testing of a pilot plant, including m odifications an d im prov em ent s a s a result of failures, are reg arded a s R&D activ ities, w hile activities follow in g su cces sful com pletion of t estin g are con sidered t o b e n on - R&D activities. 3. R&D Expe ndit ure s by S o urce of Funds o Gov ernm ent an d Public Sect or R&D fun d s prov ided by th e central g ov ernm ent, local g ov ernm ent s, n ation al or public high er edu cation al in stitut es an d m edical in stitut es. o Private Sector R&D fun ds provided by ent erprises, g ov ernm ent inv est ed in stitut es, priv at e high er edu cation al in stitut es, priv at e m edical in stitut es, priv at e in div du als, an d oth er s. o F or eign Countries S ect or R&D fun ds receiv ed from abroad, e, g., int ern ation al org anization s, foreign g ov ernm ent s, et c. 4. R&D Expe ndit ures by Cha racte r of Wo rk o R&D Ex penditur es for Basic Resear ch R&D ex pen ditures for any ex perim ent al or th eor etical w ork un dert ak en prim arily t o acquire n ew kn ow ledg e of the un derlyin g foun dation s of ph en om en a an d ob serv able fact s, w ith out any particular or specific application or u se. o R&D Ex penditur es for Applied Research R&D ex pen ditur es for any origin al inv estig ation un dert aken in order t o acquire n ew kn ow ledg e prim arily t ow ards a specific practical aim or obj ectiv e. o R&D Ex penditur es for Ex perim ent al Dev elopm ent R&D ex pen ditures for any sy st em atic w ork, draw in g on ex istin g kn ow ledg e g ain ed from b asic an d applied research, or practical ex perien ce th at is direct ed t o produ cin g

31 n ew m at erials, produ ct s an d devices, t o in st allin g n ew proces ses, sy st em s an d serv ices, an d sub st antially im prov in g those already pr odu ced or in st alled. 5. Int ramura l R&D Expe ndit ures Intram ural R&D ex pen ditures refer t o th e t ot al am ount of m on ey spent for R&D activities w ithin an org anization, w h at ev er th e sour ce or origin of fun ds. T h e break dow n of intram ural R&D ex pen ditures is a s follow s : o Curr ent Intr amur al R&D Expenditures Current intram ural R&D ex pen ditures com prise all paym ent s m ade durin g th e referen ce y ear for th e perform an ce of R&D activ ities w ithin th e st atistical unit cov erin g lab or, oth er current cost s. - Lab or cost s : T h e t ot al am ount of m on ey paid t o "per sonn el en g ag ed in R&D ". T his com prises t ot al w ag es an d salaries in clu din g bonu ses, pen sion s an d all oth er r elat ed labor cost s b efore dedu ction of v ariou s dedu ction s su ch a s, contribution s t o pen sion fun d s an d com pulsory social security sy st em s, in com e t ax es, et c. H ow ev er, th e lab or cost s for per sonn el prov idin g in dir ect serv ices (su ch a s security gu ards, j anit or s, et c.)sh ould b e ex clu ded an d a ssign ed t o th e sub cat eg ory "other current cost ". In the ca se of part - tim e research er s, lab or cost s should b e com put ed con siderin g their w orkin g tim e dev ot ed t o R&D activ ities. A s t o R&D project s receiv ed from out side, lab or cost s ex pen ded for im plem entin g th e project s are in clu ded. F or high er edu cation in stitut es, research sub sidies an d allow an ces paid by supportin g a ssociation s, univ er sities or colleg es are in clu ded. H ow ev er, lab or cost for t eachin g an d academ ic guidan ce are ex clu ded. - Other curr ent cost s T h ese com prise all oth er current intram ur al ex pen ditures su ch as ex perim ent al m at erials, office an d lab orat ory supplies, sub scription s t o journ als, b ook s, rent al of buildin g s, m aint en an ce, trav el an d public serv ice fees, et c

32 o Capital Intramural Expenditures Capit al intram ural ex pen ditures com prise all pay m ent s m ade durin g th e referen ce y ear for m achin ery, apparatu s, equipm ent, lan d, buildin g s an d oth er relat ed it em s. - M achin ery, apparatu s an d equipm ent T h ese com prise th e purch a se an d in st allation of ex perim ent al apparatu s, m achin ery an d equipm ent. T h ese ex pen ditur es also in clu de th e repair an d m aint en an ce ex pen ses t o ex t en d th e u seful life an d in cr ea se th e v alu e of th e fix ed as set s. - Lan d, buildin g s an d v ehicles T h ese com prise th e purch ase of lan d, ships, v ehicles an d con stru ction of n ew m ain an d aux iliary buildin g s in clu din g pur ch a se, m odification s, et c. T h ese ex pen ditures also in clu de the repair an d m aint en an ce ex pen ses t o ex t en d th e u seful life an d in crea se th e v alu e of th e fix ed a s set s. 6. Pe rs o nne l Engaged in R&D Act ivit ies (a) Researchers - P er sonn el w ho h old a univ er sity degree or it s equiv alent, an d w h o perform R&D project s (in clu ded also per sonn el en g ag ed in adm inistration an d m an ag em ent, w h o form erly h eld r esearch career s ). - In th e ca se of th e higher edu cation sect or, school per sonn el ab ov e th e lev el of in stru ct or, post gr adu at e stu dent s in th e doct or ' s cour se an d per sonn el w h o h old a univ er sity degree or equiv alent kn ow ledg e in a special field w h o are en g ag ed in an att ach ed R&D in stitut e perform in g R&D project s. (b) Full Time Eq uivalent (FTE) R&D Personnel Num ber of F T E R&D per sonn el is ba sed on th e m easurem ent unit representin g on e per son w orkin g full- tim e for a giv en period, it sh ould be u sed t o conv ert figur es relatin g t o the num b er of part - tim e w ork er s int o th e num b er of full- tim e w ork er s. < Ex am ple> If out of fiv e research er s, t w o w ork full- tim e, t w o w ork for a qu art er of th eir tim e

33 an d th e rem ainin g, on e spen ds only a h alf of his w orkin g tim e, th en the num b er of F T E research er s w ould b e 2 + (2) + 1/ 2 = 3. Roun din g of figures w ill be applied. (c) Assistant Researchers P er sonn el w ho a s sist research er s perform in g ex perim ent s, t estin g, m ea surem ent s, et c., un der th eir dir ection an d superv ision. In th e ca se of th e high er edu cation sect or, post gradu at e stu dent s in the m ast er ' s cour se en g ag ed in R&D activities are in clu ded. P er sonn el w h o perform t echnical serv ice un der th e direction an d superv ision of research er s an d as sist ant resear ch er s. In th e case of th e high er edu cation sect or, post gradu at e in th e m a st er ' s cour se en g ag ed in R&D activities are in c. (d) Other Support Personnel P er sonn el w h o ar e en g ag ed in secret arial, fin an cial an d m iscellan eou s w ork relat ed t o R&D activ ities

34 . '99,,, '98 () 113,366. '97121, % 10%, 7.0%GDP (0.8% ). (GDP ) 2.52%'972.69% 1) 0.17%, GNI 2.56%2.70%0.14%. '98 113, , 82, : %79,721, 18.5%2995, 11.2%12,651. '98 '97212,1176.1% (12,926) 199,191, 129,767.(6.3% ) 12,587, 51,162, 66, %, 11.6%, 5.3%. '9737,8592,748, 7.3%40,607. '98'9730.1(FT E : 22.3)27.9(FT E : 19.9), 1 87,361(FT E : 122,504) '9788,024(F T E : 118,701)662, 0.8%.( 3,803, 3.2% ) : 1) ' %, '99 GDP () ,366, 7.0% '98,, 2,

35 3, ,8588,492, 7.0%. 10%, 7.0%GDP (0.8%). '98' '97113,720 13,266, 11.7%., '98IMF. 5'9719.6%' %2.1%, 4.5%. GDP '90 '98, '97 '98' %. < 1> '95 2 ) () (% ) () (% ) (% ) (% ) ,069 19,852 24,542 28,173 33,499 41,584 49,890 61,530 78,947 94, , , , ,845 24,520 28,409 30,966 49,356 55,264 61,603 70,964 84,572 94, , , ,454p ) p ) p ) : 1) p ) 2) 90'90(GNP), '90(GNI) 3) '99 GDP '

36 < 2> (: ) ('98) ('98) ('97) ('98) ('97) ('97) 8, , ,275 49,316 31,681 24, GDP(% ) 2.52p ) 2.79p ) p ) : 1). 2) p ). '98, 79,721, 2 995, 12, %, 9.9%, 0.5%. 18.5%, 11.2%, 70.3%,. < 1> (: )

37 : 2995 '98 '97 306, 1.5% 2995, 9.1% 19,189, 42.5% 1, : 8, 3,800, 15,993, 1, ,288 (63.3% ), 3,155(15.0% ), 3,510(16.7% ), 748(3.6% ), 295(1.4% ). : 12,651 '98 12, %, 6,587 6, : 4897, 4,583, 8,067. 2,343, 6,209, 891, 2,145, 1, % 2.7% 49.1%. : 79,721 '98 79,721'9788,543 8,732, 9.9%. 4,7427 4, : 94.0, 71,302, 8,

38 < 3 > () ,852 24,542 28,173 33,499 41,584 49,890 61,530 78,947 94, , , ,366 5,627 5,881 5,898 7,311 9,042 10,603 13,106 15,406 17,667 18,956 20,689 20,994 1,981 2,328 2,292 2,443 2,886 3,029 4,447 6,089 7,709 10,188 12,716 12,651 12,244 16,333 19,983 23,745 29,656 36,258 43,977 57,452 69,030 79,636 88, (% ) (% )

39 < 2> < 2>. '98, 3518, 82, %, 11.2%. 27 : 73'9723 : 77. < 3 > (: )

40 < 4 > (: ) () - () - () - - : 78,947 (28.3) 12,602 (21.3) 66,345 (29.7) - 16 : 84 94,406 (19.6) 17,809 (41.3) 76,597 (15.4) : ,780 (15.2) 23,977 (34.7) 84,667 (10.5) : ,858 (12.0) 28,507 (18.9) 93,233 (10.1) : ,366 (7.0) 30,518 (7.1) 82,764 (11.2) : 73 () 15,406 (17.5) 17,667 (15.3) 18,956 (7.3) 20,689 (9.1) 20,995 (1.5) - () 9,829 (15.4) 11,641 (18.4) 15,425 (32.5) 17,592 (19.9) 19,189 (9.1) - () 5,577 (21.5) 6,026 (8.1) 3,525 (- 41.5) 3,095 (- 12.2) 1,781 (42.5) : 64 : : : : : 8 () 6,089 (36.9) 7,709 (26.6) 10,188 (32.2) 12,716 (24.8) 12,651 (0.5) - () 1,710 (106.3) 3,744 (118.9) 5,055 (35.1) 6,613 (30.8) 6,587 (0.4) - () 4,379 (21.0) 3,965 (9.5) 5,104 (28.7) 6,036 (18.3) 6,035 (0.0) : 28 : : : : : 48 () 57,452 (30.6) 69,030 (20.2) 79,636 (15.4) 88,453 (11.1) 79,721 (9.9) - () 1,063 (1.8) 2,424 (128.0) 3,497 (44.9) 4,303 (23.0) 4,742 (10.2) - () 56,389 (31.3) 66,606 (18.1) 79,037 (14.2) 84,102 (10.6) 74,948 (10.9) : 2 : 98 4 : 96 2 : 98 4 : 96 6 :

41 < 4 > (1998 ) <> <>,,,,. < 4 > : OECD governmentother national sources

42 '98 113,366 < 5> 3,731,, 68 3,795, 13,409, 1,258, 704, 570, 11, 23, 19 15,993, 463, 22, 420, ,203, 5,293, 563, 1,338, 293, 69, 28 5,91912,651, 231, 8, 27 8,138 8,419, 4,141, 284, 63, 82, 4, 28 66,698 71,302. < 5>. 98%. < 5 > ( '98 ) (: ) (A ) 373,113 6, ,782 1,473,486 28,121 92, , , ,844 28,058 6,669, ,342 8,515,220 2,821,397 (B) 379,951 1,599, ,251 1,265, ,902 7,130,171 11,336,617 (A/ B ) 98.2% 7.9% 23.4% 39.9% 96.7% 93.5% 75.1%

43 < 5 > (1998 ) (: ) 373,113 1,340,904 46, , ,637 23, ,134 2,726,887 (98.20) (83.84) (38.50) (60.80) (31.07) (2.74) (5.81) (24.05) , ,732 28, , ,753 (0.11) (7.86) (0.82) (6.05) (3.55) (0.10) (0.40) (1.88) 367 1,888 28,121 2,708 4,167 1,166 6,315 44,733 (0.10) (0.12) (23.39) (0.59) (0.52) (0.14) (0.09) (0.39) ,717 1, ,432 (0.02) (0.04) (0.25) (14.12) (0.18) (0.00) (0.00) (0.59) , , ,298 (0.06) (0.03) (0.05) (0.25) (54.20) (0.00) (0.00) (3.88) ,389 2,179 18,826 10, ,844 8, ,499 (0.14) (4.40) (1.81) (4.11) (1.30) (96.67) (0.12) (8.15) 5,204 56,966 42,040 63,792 72,041 2,711 6,669,829 6,912,582 (1.37) (3.56) (34.96) (13.92) (8.93) (0.32) (93.54) (60.98) - 2, , ,823 8,433 (0.00) (0.14) (0.22) (0.16) (0.26) (0.03) (0.04) (0.07) 379,951 1,599, , , , ,902 7,130,171 11,336,617 (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) (100.00) 113,366((100%) 2,726,887 (24.05%) 212,753 (1.88%) 44,733 (0.39%) 67,432 (0.59%) 439,298 (3.88%) 924,499 (8.15%) 6,912,582 (60.98%) 8,433 (0.07%) : ( )

44 . (,, ) 15,854, 28,485, 69,028 '98, 15,854, 28,48569,0281.9%, 17.9% 2.8%. 14.0%, 25.1%, 60.9%,. 50.4%. 90.8%, 69.2%, 31.9%, 12.8%. < 7 > (: ) ,947 (100% ) 94,406 (100% ) 108,780 (100% ) 121,858 (100% ) 113,366 (100% ) - (% ) ,319 (14.3% ) 11,768 (12.5% ) 14,390 (13.2% ) 16,165 (13.3% ) 15,854 (14.0% ) - (% ) ,808 (23.8% ) 23,621 (25.0% ) 29,273 (26.9% ) 34,706 (28.5% ) 28,485 (25.1% ) - (% ) ,820 (61.9% ) 59,017 (62.5% ) 65,117 (59.9% ) 70,987 (58.2% ) 69,028 (60.9% ) - (% ) : ( )

45 , '97 1.5% 5,615, 33.9%, 7,412, 3.5% 7, %, 35.3%, 37.9%. 5,0730.5%, 4,275, 3, %, 6.6%, '9737.8%40.1%, 31.5%33.8%, 30.7%26.1%. 5,166, 16,797, 57, %, 28.0%, 28.6%, 6.5%, 21.0%, 72.5%. < 7 >,,

46 < 8 >, 84.7%6 7,542(41,383, 26,160), 15.3%1 2, %6167(3 6,944, 23,223), 6.6%4,225 '97. < 9 > < > < >

47 . 87,754, 25,612 '98 '9794, % 87,754, '9727,585, 7.2% 25, % 38,805, 8.3% 48, % 2624, 17.1% 4,988. ' % 43.2%, 22.6%. < 8 > (:, % ) '95 '96 '97 ' : ( ). 94, ,616(75.9% ) ,604(33.5% ) ,012(42.4% ) ,790(24.1% ) ,759(17.7% ) 3.6 6,031(6.4% ) , ,333(75.7% ) ,215(33.3% ) ,118(42.4% ) ,447(24.3% ) ,505(17.9% ) ,942(6.4% ) , ,273(77.4% ) ,912(33.6% ) ,361(43.8% ) ,585(22.6% ) ,570(17.7% ) ,015 (4.9% ) , ,754(77.4% ) ,805(34.2% ) ,949(43.2% ) ,612(22.6% ) ,624(18.2% ) 4.4 4,988(4.4% ) 17.1, 18.0% 11.9%.,. IMF,., IMF,

48 < 9 > (1998 ) (:, % ) 113,366(100% ) ,995(100% ) ,651(100% ) ,721(100% ) ,754(77.4% ) ,970(80.8) ,146(80.2) ,638(76.1) ,805(34.2% ) 5.2 6,429(30.6) 3.1 4,245(33.6) ,131(35.3) ,949(43.2% ) ,541(50.2) 6.6 5,901(46.6) ,506(40.8) ,612(22.6% ) 7.2 4,025(19.2) ,504(19.8) ,083(23.9) ,624(18.2% ) 4.4 2,260(10.8) ,900(15.0) ,465(20.7) 1.9 4,988(4.4% ) ,765 (8.4) (4.8) ,619(3.3) 24.0 : ( ). < 9 > (: % ) ( '98) ('95) ('95) ('93) ('94) ('96) :,. 1) '98 86,354'9797, %, 2.47% 0.12% 2.35% '972.65%'982.64%0.01%

49 5.25%, 4.81%, 4.24%. < 11> 34%. < 10 > (: %) (%) (%) 8,845,307 9,704, * 2.47 * 7,972,073 8,635, ,166 13, ,913 16, ,196 4, , , ,371, ,126 7,606, , ,439,212 84,396 6,752,225 87, ,154 42, ,491 44, ,985 46, ,143 37, , , , , ,680 96, ,614 79, , , , , , , ,969 53, ,355,775 3,456, ,088,045 3,356, ,280 67, ,367 61, ,281,123 14,800 2,348,138 15, ,681,520 42,054 1,848,196 31, , , , , , , * 1.09 * 282, , , , , , , , , , ,003 75, ,692 61, : 1) *. (: , / : , )

50 2) '98'972.25% '982.17%, '972.57%2.52%. 6.38%, 4.42%. < 11> (: % ) ('98) ('96) ('97) ('93) ('95) ('97) < 12 > ('98) (6.38% ) (4.42% ) (4.14% ) (3.86% ) (2.75% ) ('95) (10.4% ) (8.1% ) (8.0% ) (8.0% ) (8.0% ) ('97) (8.06% ) (6.28%) (6.05% ) (6.01%) (5.24% ) ('95) (26.7% ) (5.8% ) (5.1%) (5.0% ) (4.9% ) ('98) (2.87%) (2.26%) (1.81% ) (1.55%) (1.20% ) : ( )

51 . '9879,7216 8,838(86.3% ) 1882(13.7% ).,,. < 13 > (1998 ) (: ) 7,972,073(100% ) 6,883,835(86.3% ) 1,088,238(13.7% ) - 19,913 10,458 9,455-66,661 66, ,439,212(100% ) 5,588,558(86.8% ) 850,654(13.2% ) 84,396 68,857 15,539 45,491 37,157 8,334, 38,143 30,480 7, , , ,189 79,614 69,544 10, , ,975 12,910 62,969 23,852 39, , ,693 98,903 3,088,045 2,785, ,542,, 74,367 6,664 67,703 1,681,520 1,563, ,012 42,054 7,382 34, , ,202 3, , ,476 8, , ,613 11, , , ,672-57,692 47,823 9,869 : ( )

52 < 14 > (1998 ) (: % ) ' % ' %, %, %'97. 10% (242)87.0%

53 < 10 > 15 > (: ) ,365,463 1,941,479 22,384,897 2,572,487 3,184,615 3,202,927 (31.04% ) (33.79% ) (34.55% ) (32.30% ) (36.00% ) (40.18% ) 10 1,763,098 2,509,524 3,123,223 3,543,307 4,249,072 3,960,851 (40.09% ) (43.68% ) (45.24% ) (44.49% ) (48.04% ) (49.68% ) 20 2,274,852 3,123,612 3,968,935 4,497,535 5,252,038 4,842,928 (51.72% ) (54.37% ) (57.50% ) (56.48% ) (59.38% ) (60.75% ) 4,397,706 5,745,280 6,902,981 7,963,611 8,845,307 7,972,073 (100% ) (100% ) (100% ) (100% ) (100% ) (100% ) 2,864 2,179 2,150 2,435 2,507 2,

54 2.. '98199,191'9712,926, 6.1%, 6.3%129,767, 13.0% 50,719, 21.7% 18, ,431, 92,591, 87,169. < 16 > (: ) ,390 28,448 28,448 11,663 6, ,720 32,117 30,309 19,493 7, ,524 37,103 34,857 25,153 8, ,516 41,473 39,043 24,152 7, ,430 47,042 43,694 30,465 9, ,288 52,783 48,463 32,923 10, ,737 56,545 51,978 35,720 12, ,357 66,220 61,335 38,655 14, ,512 70,503 65,468 42,841 12, ,983 76,252 72,607 44,772 10, ,947 88,764 82,891 46,625 13, ,073 98,764 93,680 44,548 12, , ,446 89,018 56,802 16, , , ,456 57,474 15, , ,023 99,433 55,647 14, , , ,660 58,310 15, , ,767 92,541 50,719 18,705 19,431 12,587 10,952 4,054 2,790 92,591 51,162 21,525 32,406 9,023 87,169 66,018 60,064 14,259 6,

55 . 129,767(FT E :92,541), 6.3% (FT E :9.9% ) (headcount )(FT E : full- tim e equiv alent ). (headcount ) (FT E ) ( ). (F T E )OECD. '98 (headcount ) 6.3% 129,767, (FT E ) 9.9% 92, %. < 17 > () , , , , , ,767 93,680 89, ,456 99, ,660 92,541 16,068 15,465 15,007 15,503 15,185 12,587 28,618 42,700 44,683 45,327 48,588 51,162 54,078 59,281 68,625 71,193 74,665 66, (21.2) 26.3 (19.9) 28.5 (22.3) 29.0(21.8) 30.1(22.3) 27.9 (19.9) (% ) (10.8) (% )

56 : 117,405, : 12, ,405, 12,317'97 9.6%, 1.8%, 9.1%9.5%. < 18 > '93 '94 '95 '96 '97 '98 () 98, , , , , ,767 (% ) () 92, , , , , ,405 (% ) () 6,590 9,052 10,235 11,166 12,545 12,317 (% ) : 19.9(FT E ) F T E ' (22.3), < 19>. < 19 > ( '98) ('93) ('97) ('97) ('96) ('96) ('97) 92, , , , , ,000 71,

57 . '98 ' % 12,587, 5.3% 51,162, 11.6% 66,018, 9.7%, 39.4%, 50.9%. < 11> (1998 ) < > < > < > : %.. '9712.2% 21,548, 7.6% 81,748, 15.5% 10,548, 13.3% 5,553, 57.8% 10, %, 63.0%, 8.1%, 4.3%, 8.0%

58 < 20> (:) ,220 70,503 76,252 88,764 98, , , , , ,767 9,449 10,088 11,041 12,583 14,378 18,629 23,383 23,483 24,539 21,548 41,962 45,751 51,748 60,168 64,629 74,809 78,936 84,358 88,433 81,748 7,869 7,766 7,002 8,317 9,504 10,784 10,343 11,854 12,489 10,548 4,729 4,663 4,897 5,617 7,424 6,391 6,705 6,855 6,407 5,553 2,211 2,235 1,564 2,079 2,829 6,833 8,948 5,473 6,570 10,370 16,229 17,662 18,836 22,484 26,813 33,998 35,105 36,106 37,859 40,607 19,520 20,459 21,310 25,717 29,205 38,725 44,178 46,537 49,999 44,077 28,953 30,710 34,167 36,962 38,950 40,893 44,991 45,084 45,828 40,034 1,518 1,672 1,939 3,601 3,796 3,830 4,041 4,296 4,752 5, '97 7.3% 40,607, 11.8% 44,077, 12.6% 40,034, 6.3% 5,049,

59 31.3%, 34.0%, 30.9%, 3.9%. 78.2%, 89.5%. < 21> (1998 ) (: ) 129,767(100) 12,587(9.7) 51,162(39.4) 66,018(50.9) 40,607(100) 4,825(11.9) 31,740(78.2) 4,042(10.0) 44,077(100) 5,904(13.4) 16,906(38.4) 21,267(48.2) 40,034(100) 1,720(4.3) 2,482(6.2) 35,832(89.5) 5,049(100) 138(2.7) 34(0.7) 4,877(96.6) :( ).. '98 < 12> ' < 12>

60 . 1 (F T E ) 1122,504 '98 1 '97118,7013.2% 122,504, 191,697, 58,772, 132,326. < 22> 1 (: ) '94 '95 '96 '97 '98 () - (%) 88,687 (67,220) 14.2 (7.9) 93,978 (73,574) 6.0 (9.5) 109,401 (82,395) 16.4 (12.0) 118,701 (88,620) 8.6 (7.6) 122,504 (87,361) 3.2 (1.4) 107,901 (99,619) - (%) 26.5 (22.1) 123,005 (117,726) 14.0 (18.2) 138,044 (122,274) 12.2 (3.9) 156,545 (145,155) 13.4 (18.7) 191,697 (166,797) 22.5 (14.9) 35,062 (14,259) - (%) 8.2 (8.2) 39,725 (17,253) 13.3 (21.0) 52,293 (22,477) 31.6 (30.3) 64,967 (26,171) 24.2 (16.4) 58,772 (24,727) 9.5 (5.5) 100,136 (96,916) - (%) 18.9 (19.2) 103,513 (100,590) 3.4 (3.8) 120,264 (111,859) 16.2 (11.2) 126,595 (118,466) 5.3 (5.9) 132,326 (120,756) 4.8 (1.9) : ( )(head count ), 17('93), 19('97), 24('95), 23('96), 15('96). < 23 > 1 ' ('98) ('93) ('97) ('97) ('98) ('96) () 8, , ,275 48,339 31,681 22,466 () 92, , , , , ,000 (1) (10.4) (6.8) (2.5) (1.7) (1.6) () (1) : ( )1 (2.0) (2.2) (2.3) (2.3) (1.8)

61 ' , 67.5, 117.5, < 24 > (: ) '95 '96 '97 '98 () () 1,521,926 68,625 1,470,462 71,193 1,374,573 74,665 1,115,996 66, , , ,

62 . '98 66,018, 520, %, 1025, %, 2031, % '97. 10%(242 )73.3%. < 25 > (: ) '95 '96 '97 ' ,434 (26.9% ) 19,380 (27.2% ) 21,367 (28.6% ) 20,038 (30.35% ) 10 24,017 (35.0% ) 26,304 (37.0% ) 27,505 (36.8% ) 25,117 (38.05% ) 20 23,803 (45.8% ) 33,307 (46.8% ) 34,823 (46.6% ) 31,065 (47.06% ) 59,281 (100% ) 71,193 (100% ) 74,665 (100% ) 66,018 (100% ) 2,152 2,435 2,507 2, OECD (Globalization ) '95. '986,057'97 4, %, ' 973.7% 1.6%5.3%. 54.4%3,295, 40.0%2,420,,. < 26>

63 < 26 > (: ) '97 '98 14,277(3.2% ) 12,864(2.8% ) 266(0.1% ) 997(0.2% ) 2,864(0.6% ) 29,530(6.5% ) 257(0.1% ) 64,774(14.3% ) 241,856(53.5% ) 339,281(74.9% ) 5,212(0.9% ) 5,717(0.9% ) 95(0.0% ) 890(0.1% ) 9,683(1.6% ) 88,809(14.7% ) - 153,173(25.3% ) 329,502(54.4% ) 581,167(95.9% ) 85,236(18.7% ) 12,676(2.1% ) 452,921(100% ) 605,757(100% ) : ( )(% ). : : 50% : 50% : 50% : : 4. OECD '95, '98 <27> (18.7% ), (16.8% ), (16.1% ), 50%. '97,,,,, '96,,,

64 < 27 > (: % ) ' ' < 28>. < 28 > (: % ) : 1) '98,, -, 2) '96. : Basic Science and T echnology Statstics (1998.3), OECD

65 5., '96., %, 20.10%, 16.39%, 23.59% 22.47%, 10.98%. < 29 > (: % ) %. '96. < 30 > (: % ) '96 '97 ' % 74.39% 74.81% 67.51% 66.57% 62.65%


67 . 1. : : - : e : p : 2... S t atis tic al T able s N ote s for S t atis tic al T able s 1. Symbols used in tables ar e : : less than unit value : data not available - : data not applicable e : data estimated p : data provisional 2. Details may not add to the t otal becau se of r ounding





















































































































































































































































































































































































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