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1 T he present Condition of the internet used car market in Korea and its growth factor s

2 T he present Condition of the internet used car market in Korea and its growth factor s

3 2000 T he present Condition of the internet used car market in Korea and its growth factor s () () ()

4 < > < > < > < > iv

5 SK encar.com DEALW AY AUT OMART (Car 123) [] 70 [Ab stract] 73 v

6 < > < 2-1> < 2-2> < 2-3> < 2-4> < 2-5> < 2-6> < 2-7> < 2-8> < 2-9> < 2-10> < 2-11> < 3-1> < 3-2> < 3-3> < 3-4> < 3-5> < 3-6> < 3-7> < 3-8> 2000 < 3-9> 2000 < 3-10> < 4-1> SK encar < 4-2> dealway < 4-3> < 4-4> v i

7 < > < 2-1> < 3-1> 2000 < 4-1> Dealway Main Homepage < 4-2> Dealway < 4-3> Dealway < 4-4> Dealway < 4-5> Automart Main Homepage < 4-6> Automart < 4-7> (Car 123.com )Main Homepage < 4-8> v ii

8 ...,....,.. 90, 98 v iii

9 ,..,..,.,...,... ix

10 1 1.., ,000, ,000, 73%. ( 1998) , , % , %

11 ,. E - business.. E - Business E - Business.,

12 %,. 30%.. ( ),,.. Search Cost , , 97125, , ,., - 3 -


14 3.,., FAX ,,,,. 3,,

15 , ( ) ( ) -,, (electronic- mail) -..(T. 2000) 2..,,.. < 2-1>93 131, ,2881,000, 97 1,954, 987 3,673,

16 4, (Network Wizard, 1999) ,288 1,954 3,673 4,323 < 2-1> ( : ) 19954, , (, 1998) 99GVU %(college), $52,000.(GVU, 1998) 3.,,., 20%, 66%.. < 2-1> KRNIC ,560, 5 1,534.(2000) - 7 -

17 ,, AOL,..(, ) < 2-1> ( : ) - 8 -

18 2,,..(, 2000), (Cyber space),.,,,,,.(, 1999).(, 2000) () - 9 -

19 :,. : 24, 1365,. :,,,.. : e- mail..,,,. : e- mail interactive. needs

20 ., / :, /.. :.,.( 1999) < 2-2>

21 (Global marketing) digital data 11 Interactive marketing <2-2> (, 1997) (Closed clubs) - - needs needs Cyberspace,, Clark (1997) 3 2. Search, Contract Formation, T rade Settlement3, 3. Electronic Market Pre- T rading and Post - trading,, Contract Formation Decoupling

22 (),. Settlement.. (Willamson.O 1997,1981). Decoupling.... (Malone.T.W. 1997)(Clemons.E.K., Red.S.P, Row.M 1993) 2.,

23 <2-3>. <2-3>, / - -,,,,,, - -,,,..,,,

24 3. 5. E, E, E, E, E. < 2-4>. E 49% E 39% E 4.8%. B2BB2CC2C <2-4> ( :, % ) Ccpak P.54 E (B t o B : B u s in e s s to B u s in e s s ),,.,.,. EDICALS,,., EDI

25 80%. ( ),,,. (BPR;Bossiness Process Reen - gineering ). E (B to C : B u s nie s s t o Cu s tom er ) (electronic retailing ), (Web).,, (shopping mall).,.,.,,. E (B to G : B u s in e s s t o Gov ernm ent )

26 ..,.. E (C to B : Cu s t om e r t o B u s in e s s ).,.,. B to C. E (C t o C : Cu s tom er to Cu s t om e r ) 1 1..,,

27 ,. E (C to G : Cu s t om e r t o Gov ernm ent ).,. Off- Line On - line. 1. Off- Line,...,,. 2. On- Line. (A B ),..., ( ),,,

28 .(, 1998) 4.,. <2-5>

29 ( ) ( ) - (, ) , - - ( - ) * *, - * * - * * * * * * needs - - * * * * 24 * - * - needs - - * * * - - * *, - - * * - * <2-5>

30 5 <2-6>..,,,, (1996),,,,,, (1997),,,,,,,, (1997),,,,, (1997),,,, (1998),, (1996),,,,,, (1997), -,,, -,, (1998) -,, -,,, (1998) -,,, < 2-6> (,, 1999)

31 9611 (, ) 2~ [2-7 ] [2-9 ] ,579 ( ). (ET RY 958) ( ) < 2-7> ( : ), (%) ( ) (%) (10) ,029 1,635 2,32 1 3,046 3,994 5,479 7, (%) ( ) <2-8> ( : ) ET RI 958P

32 ,634 3,103 10,860 16,400 < 2-9> ( : ) , (NT T ), 64 (SIC). 7 (G7) <2-11> % % 68. LG ( w ww.lgeri.com/ ) , , 20022,

33 ..,. ( ww w.kyungw on.ac.kr/ ~profsjh/, w w w.d ongguk.ac.kr/ ~givej/ - ) (% ) ( ) ( ) (% ) ( ) < 2-10> ( ) IDC ET RI 933p.33 H/ W S/ W / < 2-11> : Robert son, Stephen & Co

34 3. -,, , - 40%. -...,. 90 ''.(1999)

35 ''. 99 4%. GM99'buypow er ' ,360().,, ,

36 (one- stop).,.( 1999) 99 (car sdirect ) %., (1999) NADA 19,30083%- 83%. 19%. ( : ) ,282 74% 19, ,914 98% < 3-1> 62%,,, 98%.[3-1 ]

37 <3-2> 99 4%, 40% , (4%) 700 (40%) < 3-2> : ( ) % 80% [3-3 ], 99 20%2 50% or < 3-3>, NADA 193 (National Automobile Dealer Association )

38 9897AutoNation, CarMax. 9815% 8%. 10% 974%. 32%. RL , 10% ,

39 . 120.[3-4 ] < 3-4>, :, %,.., GM99.[3-5 ] ww w.gmbuypow er.com 99 1/ 450.,. GMMS (w ww.carpoint.com ). GM

40 . (ABT, 95)MS ,. 98,.. ABT GM < 3-5>

41 2 1%, 5 20%.,,, [3-6 ],,., 430,, , 2000 A/ S. 2000,,

42 . ZIP.(, 2000)

43 GAZOO 2000, GAZOO 984, ,, 4050, ,000 ( 1% ). 2000, ,. ' ' 5 20%. ' ' 989.,. < 3-6> FOURIN,,

44 2. (Quick).[3-7 ], 99,. 95 (ABT, )..., territory. ( ) ,,. ( )987 (P&P, )98. ' '

45 ( )..,, MS. ' '700, 50%, 40% 10%

46 Quickinternet car, 9810 dealer creative house, EC.car24, Yahoo!, 992 net dealer s car finder, 993 isize, 992 car life Net Information Center, 991 < 3-7> FOURIN,, ,

47 . 10% ( w ww.autoever.com )...., ,

48 ,160 < 3-8> (ww w.kia.co.kr ). (A/ S),, <3-9> < 3-1>. / / ,847 16,388 12, , ,920 18,482 14, ,415 <3-9> 2000 ( : ) ( ww w.automart.co.kr )

49 < 3-1> 2000 ( :), w ww.automart.co.kr ,000 1,110,000 1,250,000 1,200,000 1,440, ,000 < 3-10> ( :) ww w.automart.co.kr %

50 ... one- stop...,...,... GM'buypower '

51 . 5 1.,... 2.,,, PC,.. 3.,... ( w ww.dealway.com )

52 4 4. SK encar.com DEALWAY AUT OMART (CAR123.com ) 1 S K en c ar.c om ww w.encar.com. SK 3,700. encar. encar. 2. encar.com 1 (150 )

53 encar 5,000, 500. SK 6 7 5,100 2,550. encar SK ( )8, 6 SK, SK encar.com 6, 967 <4-1> ,000 5, ,550 < 4-1> S K en car ( :, ) encar encar.com encar.com

54 SK. SK encarmall. encar. SK. encar.com encar3 5000Km

55 2 D E A LW A Y 1. dealway ,. < 4-1> Dealw ay Main Homepage dealw ay. ( )

56 On- line Business Service Center (OBSEC) 24 (, ) 100, Cycle ( - -, - - ) dealway. < 4-2>. < 4-3>.. < 4-2> Dealw ay

57 . dealw ay.. dealway. - () Dealway

58 < 4-3> Dealw ay 2. 3, 3. dealway < 4-4>. dealway

59 < 4-4> Dealw ay dealw ay<4-2> < 4-2> Dealw ay ( :) 3. dealway15.. dealw aya/ S 3 5,000Km. dealw ay

60 1.(iw eekly 2000) dealw ay3.,,., dealway,... 3 A U T OM A RT 1. Automart , (KT B). 11 6Automart, Automart. Automart Main Homepage< 4-5>

61 < 4-5> Automart Main Homepage Automart. Cyber,

62 Automart. Automart, Automart. 2. Automart,, 12. Automart. 9Automart 1%,,

63 . 2425%GE 1819%. ([ 1:3.5% 2 :4% 3:4.5% ]) 6, , 5000,, (, ) Automart. A/ S,. Automart.,

64 Automart < 4-6>. < 4-6> Aut om art 4 (Car123 )

65 .[ 4-7 ] 11 1 Car 123( ww w.car 123.co.kr ),,..,..,. 10,,

66 < 4-7> (Car 123.com )Main Homepage Car 123T SN (T echnial Service Netw ork) Car

67 Car 123T SN SK (), (),. cart EC 5. (FMP:Fleer Management Program ) [4-3 ]

68 encar.com Dealw ay Automart (SK) - : 25% 100% : 18-19% Car 123 ( ) < 4-3> ( w ww.rankserv.com ) 1010 ( ww w.autofeel.com ) ( ww w.autoplan.co.kr ), (( ww w.auto4you.co.kr ), (( ww w.encar.com ), (( ww w.dealw ay.co.kr ), ( ww w.libero.co.kr ),

69 ( w ww.automart.co.kr ), ( w ww.yahocar.com ), ( ww w.carz.com ), ( w ww.autoplus.com ).,,. 6 AUCNET. AUCNET. 1.,,,,

70 3.,. -.,,,,. <4-4>

71 Car Life Advice Page < 4-4> ( :% ) FOURIN, (Commerce Net)

72 < 4-8>, 2000, KRNIC , % ,,,.,,. < 4-8> B to BB to C 992, ,

73 2. -,.., %.,,.(2000)

74 .. 4 (, )...,. 5..,. IMF 55.9% 19.0%. 82.7%, 80.9%, 78.6%. 46.1%,

75 88.0%, 79.9%. 52.9, A/ S. A/ S

76 5...,.. 10% ,..,..,

77 .,..., ,.,


79 [1] (2000), [2] (1996) Relationship marketing in virtual environment s, [3] (1999) - AUCNET -, [4] (1998), [5] (1999), [6] Ho- Geun Lee, T heodr ech Clark ( ) Market Proces s Reengineering T hrough Electronic Market Sy stem : Opportunities and Challenges, Journal of Management Information System, winter vol 13 no3 p [7] Willam son. O (1997) T r an saction cost economics : T he governance of contr actual relation, Journal of Law and Economics 22, p [8] (1981) T he Economics or ganization : the T r an saction cost approach > Am erican Journal Sociology 87, p

80 [9] Malone T.W. Yates. J, Benjamin R. I (1987) Electronic Market s and Electr onic Hier archies : Effect s of Inform ation T echnology on Market Strutur e and Coporate Strategies, COMMUNICAT ION OF ACM 30, 6, p [10] Clemon s. E. K, Reddi. S. P, Row. M (1993) T he Inpact of Information T echnology on the Organization of Economic activity : the more to the Middle hypothesis, Journal of Management Information Sy stem 10, 2 [11] (2000), [12] (2000),.COM [13] (2000).COM, M &B [14] (1999), [15] (1994), L G [16] (2000), (K R N I C) [17] / (1999), [18] (2000) E C, [19] (1995), [20] (1999)

81 [21] (1999) [22] (2000) [23] CALS/ EC(1998), [24] Ccpack (2000) p. 54 [25] GVU s 9th WWW User Survey, w ww.cc.gatech.edu/ - gvu/ user_survey s/ survey [26] Internet Domain Survey, ww w.nw.com/ zone/ WWW/ - report.html Jan 1999 [27] Robert son, St ephen & Co [28] ww w.encar.com [29] ww w.dealway.com [30] ww w.automart.co.kr [31] ww w.car 123.co.kr

82 A B S T RA CT T he pre s ent Con dition of the intern et u s ed c ar m arket in Kore a an d it s g row th factors Hwang, Hye- Jeung Major in Managem ent Inform ation Sy stem Department of Bu siness A dministration Graduate School of Bu siness A dministr ation Inha University Directed by Kim, Gap- Jung W e can find th at the electronic comm erce is being changed in the structure of the m arket. Due to the electronic comm erce, it w ill be efficient m ore and m ore to deal in the secondhand vehicles. W e are sure th at the electronic com m erce w ill m ake th e distribution stru ctur e of v ehicles ch ang ed gr eat ly. Consum er s w ill get a lot of inform ation about the car s, in st allm ent paym ent, and in sur ance on w eb sites easilly. Despite m any studies of the internet - busines s, how ever, the electronic com m erce of vehicles h as not been studied actively

83 T herefore this thesis w ill show prim ary factor s to the enterprises w hich are ready to enter and have adv anced into the the internet m arket of secondhand v ehicles. A nd th e goal of this th esis is t o be a indicator for those enterprises. T o att ain it s purpose,this thesis bring s int o focu s on T he situ ation for the internet - busines s of the dom estic secondhand vehicle m arket and reason for it s grow th w ith docum ent s and interview ing per sons w ho have som ething to do w ith them. And this thesis introduces som e enterprises that deal in secondhand vehicles, m akes a comparison am ong them. A s the result of the study, the thesis tells th at : the vehicle m arket in the electronic com m erce has begun since 1990 in the U.S, 1998 in JAPAN and 1999 in KOREA. N ow here are som e reason s that the vehicle m arket in the electronic comm erce becom es bigger than before. F ir st, w e can see the netizen population explosion resently. T hat bring s the electronic comm erce a success. Second, consum er s have reliance on the electronic comm erce. T he certification of m otor s m akes consum er s place trust in the m arket. T hird, the electronic comm erce set s consum er s free fr om the r estriction of the tim e an d place. T h at gives

84 consum er s lot s of choice and low price. F ourth, the electronic com m erce gives consum er s convenience greatly. T he internet gives not only lot s of inform ation fairly but also lot s of opportunities to choose. F ifth, the electronic com m erce is a kind of tr ading for consum er s. T he electronic com m erce serves con sum er s w ith w hatever they w ant. A s m entioned above that, those five reason s w ill m ake the vehicle m arket in the electronic com m erce a success


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