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1 = Ab stract = A S t u dy o n t h e M e di c a l In s u r an c e U t i li z at i o n o f W o rk e r s S u f f e rin g f ro m L o w B ac k P ain in an A re a Chul Gab Lee Hyun Ok Ahn So Yeon Ryu Jong Park Ki Soon Kim Yang Ok Kim D epartm ent of P reventive M edicine, Colleg e of M edicine, Chos un University T o fin d th e m edical in sur an ce utilization of w orker s w h en sufferin g fr om low back pain, an analy sis w a s m ade tow ard the data of medical in surance benefits m atched w ith the gen eral characteristics of 10,183 w orker s, w h o w ere registered continuou sly from 1993 to 1995 at a m edical in suran ce cooperation for indu strial w orker s. T he result s w ere as follow s ; 1. T he period pr ev alence of th e m edical in sur ance utilization for low b ack pain for 3 y ear s from 1993 to 1995 w as calculated as 17.1% for m ale w orkers and 19.4% for fem ale w orker s. M ost comm on cau se of utilization w as oth er dor sopathies in clu din g the h erniation of lum bar discs. 2. T he utilization r at e in cr eased significantly as th e present age an d the age joinin g the company g ot older (p < 0.001). A s the duration of employm ent g ot lon ger, th e utilization rate of the m ale show ed the ten dency to incr ea se and that of th e fem ale increased significantly (p< 0.05). A mong male w orkers employ ed at cem ent an d concrete m anufacturing companies show ed high er utilization rate and am on g fem ale laborer s
2 show ed significantly higher utilization r ate than clerical w orker s (p< 0.01). 3. Annu al utilization r ate for low back pain didn ' t sh ow any differ en ce, but th e portion of other dor sopathies among cau se of utilization show ed the ten dency to increase from 1993 to T he m ean number of claim s for outpatient m edical care for low back pain differed significantly by ag e, w orkin g dur ation, type of in du stries, incom e lev el(p < 0.05), and the m ean of t ot al visiting day s for car e of low back pain differ ed siginificanly by w orkin g duration. In con clu sion, con siderin g the fact that th e m edical in sur an ce utilization for low b ack pain increased annually and other dor sopathies including the herniation of dor sopathies w ere increa sin g, an effectiv e prev entiv e or manag em ent program for low back pain tow ard w ork er employ ed at indu stries w ere required. Key w ords ; medical care utilization, utilization rate, low back pain, in du strial w orker s * 1996.
3 . (Sn ook, 1982),. (low back pain ),,., % (, 1989;, 1993;, 1993), 15-30% (, 1985;, 1990;, 1994).,..,.,.,.. (strain ), (m echanical),, (spon dyloarthropathies ),, (W alter, 1994).,,, (, 1995) %
4 (Skovron, 1994; M as set, 1994; F rym oy er, 1983),, (m edical interv ention ) (W alter, 1994). (Korean Stan dard Classification of Disea se, KCD ) 3 (, 1993).,.
5 . 1..,,, 14 (, 1992), , ,783, 1,400, 10, ),, , 1995, , -, , -, ( / ),,, ,
6 2 ) ,,,,,, KCD 2 (ICD - 9) KCD 3 (ICD - 10) KCD 2-3 KCD 3. KCD (1), (2), (3) 3 (block s of categories ), KCD T able 1. (other interv ertebral disc disorder ), (, 1993) KCD. T able 1. K CD c odes as c ateg ory of low back pain. Disease of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (1) D eform ing dors opathies M40 Kyphosis & lordosis M41 Scoliosis M43 Other deforming dor sopathies M45 Analysing spondylitis M47 Spondylosis M48 Other sopndylopathies (2) Other dors opathies M51 Other intervertebral disc disor ders M53 Other dorsopathies, NEC M54 Dorsalgia Injury, poisoning & certain other consequences of external causes (3 ) S prain & s train of lum bar s pine (S33.5),,,,
7 ,,.,, 1993, 1994, ,,, 3,,,,,.. 3 F ig. 1. D at a of m e dic al in s uranc e qu alific ation m an ag em ent 1. Com pany num ber 2. ID number 3. N am e 4. Date of acquiring qualification 5. Date of losing qualification 5. Salary D ata of m e dic al in s uranc e b enifit s from 1993 t o ID number 2. M edical car e institution num ber 3. KCD code 4. In/ out patient s 5. T r eatm ent day s 6. Days of m edication (adm ission/ visit ) H ealth ex am ination data of w orkers in ID number 2. T ypes of job P ers onal databas e of the s ubjects Com pany num ber ID number Sex Age W orking duration T ypes of job Patients or non - patients T reatment type (In- / out patients) T reatment days or vigiting days Medical expenses F ig 1. B rief outline of pers onal databas e of the s ubjects 3 1, 1, 2, , 1
8 .,., %, 25%, 3, 1,020,000 1,400,000, 430, , ),,,,, -,,,, tren d test.,,,,, (ANOVA ). 4 ) ; , 1994, : : 3 1,,,,, : : (1994, 1995 ) (1993, )
9 . 1.,,,, T able %, % %, %, %, %, 42.7%. 9.0%, 6.9%, 10.1%,.
10 T able 2. General characteris tic s of the s ubjects un it : pe rson(%) M ale F e m ale T ot al A g e (y e ar) ,427 ( 16.2) 557 ( 39.8) 1,984 ( 19.5) ,028 ( 57.2) 160 ( 11.4) 5,188 ( 50.9) ,559 ( 17.8) 451 ( 32.2) 2,010 ( 19.7) ( 8.8) 232 ( 16.6) 1,001 ( 9.9) A g e j oin ing c om p an y (y e ar ) ,730 ( 76.6) 625 ( 44.7) 7,355 ( 72.2) ,613 ( 18.4) 412 ( 29.4) 2,025 ( 19.9) ( 3.8) 304 ( 21.7) 642 ( 26.3) ( 1.2) 59 ( 4.2) 161 ( 1.6) W orking duration (y ear) 3-4 2,107 ( 24.0) 635 (45.4) 2,742 (26.9) 5-9 4,236 ( 48.2) 633 (45.2) 4,869 (47.8) ,076 ( 12.3) 109 ( 7.8) 1,185 (11.7) 15-1,364 ( 15.5) 23 ( 1.6) 1,387 (13.6) Indu s trie s Autom obil & accessory 6,839 ( 77.8) 188 ( 13.4) 7,027 ( 69.1) Spinning & finishing of textiles 282 ( 3.2) 598 ( 42.7) 880 ( 8.6) Cement concrete goods 656 ( 7.5) 109 ( 7.8) 765 ( 7.5) Others 1,006 ( 11.5) 505 ( 36.1) 1,511 ( 14.8) Job s Clerk 791 ( 9.0) 126 ( 9.0) 917 ( 9.0) Laborer 7,388 ( 84.1) 1,132 ( 80.9) 8,520 ( 83.7) Unknow n 604 ( 6.9) 142 ( 10.1) 746 ( 7.3) Inc om e Upper Class 2,775 (31.6) 402 (28.7) 3,177 (31.2) Middle Class 4,310 (49.1) 684 (48.9) 4,994 (49.0) Low er Class 1,698 (19.3) 314 (22.4) 2,012 (19.8) T otal 8,783 (100.0) 1,400 (100.0) 10,183 (100.0) T able %, 87.3% 1,
11 17.1%, 19.4%, 19.5%, 22.3%., 11.5%, 17.1%. T able 3. U tlitization rate for LB P during M ale No (%) F em ale No (%) S ubject s 8,783 (100.0) 1,400 (100.0) T ot al Patient s 7,716 ( 87.9) 1,222 ( 87.3) L ow b ac k pain * 1,502 ( 17.1) 272 ( 19.4) Deform ing dors opathies 379 ( 4.3) 76 ( 5.4) Ot he r d ors opath ie s 1,007 ( 11.5) 240 ( 17.1) Sprain of lum bar spine 920 ( 10.5) 129 ( 9.2) L B P/ T ot al patie nt s (%) * Dup l icat ed case among 3 d isease group we re exc luded. T able 4..,..
12 T able 4. Ex perienc e of utiliz ation by characteris tic s of the s ubjects during un it ; pe rson (%) M ale F e m ale U tiliz ation (+ ) U t iliz at ion (- ) U t iliz at ion (+) U tiliz ation (- ) A g e (y e ar ) (14.9) ** 1,215 (85.1) 56 (10.1) ** 501 (89.9) (16.6) 4,193 (83.4) 27 (16.9) 133 (83.1) (17.6) 1,284 (82.4) 120 (26.6) 331 (73.4) (23.4) 589 (76.6) 69 (29.7) 163 (70.3) A g e j oin ing c om p an y (y e ar) ,089 (16.2) ** 5,641 (83.8) 67 (10.7) ** 558 (89.3) (18.8) 1,309 (81.2) 101 (24.5) 311 (75.5) (24.0) 257 (76.0) 84 (27.6) 220 (72.4) (27.5) 74 (72.5) 20 (33.9) 39 (66.1) W orking duration (y ear ) (15.9) 1,764 (84.1) 106 (16.5) 538 (83.5) (16.8) 3,576 (83.2) 124 (21.7) 447 (78.3) (19.0) 846 (81.0) 33 (23.6) 107 (76.4) (18.4) 1095 (81.6) 9 (20.0) 36 (80.0) In du s trie s Autom obil & accessories 1,124 (16.4) # 5,715 (83.6) 29 (15.4) 159 (84.6) Spinning & finishing of textiles 46 (16.3) 236 (83.7) 116 (19.4) 482 (80.6) Cement concrete goods 147 (22.4) 509 (77.6) 24 (22.0) 85 (78.0) Others 185 (18.1) 821 (81.6) 103 (20.4) 402 (79.6) Job s Clerk 122 (15.4) 646 (81.7) 10 ( 7.9) # 116 (92.1) Laborer 1,292 (17.5) 5,833 (79.0) 237 (20.9) 895 (79.1) Unknow n 88 (14.6) 487 (80.6) 25 (17.6) 117 (82.4) In c om e Upper Class 292 (17.2) 1,342 (79.0) 51 (16.2) 263 (83.8) Middle Class 702 (16.3) 3,447 (80.0) 131 (19.2) 553 (80.8) Low er Class 508 (18.3) 2,177 (78.5) 90 (22.4) 312 (77.6) T otal 1,502 (17.1) 7,281 (82.9) 272 (19.4) 1,128 (80.6) * p<0.05, ** p< t es t for t rend, # p< t est. F ig. 2 Fig %, %, %, %, %, %, 1993, 1994, %, 2.9%, 4.6%, 3.0%, 4.5%, 7.5%.
13 * D up licated case of LB P am ong 3 disease g roup were ex cluded F ig. 2. U tiliz ation rate by y ear (m ale ) * D up licated case of LB P am ong 3 disease g roup were ex cluded F ig. 3. U tilization rate by y ear (fem ale ) Fig. 4 Fig %, %, 6.6%, 12.5%
14 * D up licated case of LB P am ong 3 disease g roup were ex cluded F ig 4. Incidenc e of LB P by y ear (m ale ) * D up licated case of LB P am ong 3 disease g roup were ex cluded F ig 5. Incidenc e of LB P by y ear (fem ale ) T able 5.
15 3.3%, 3.5% 5.1%, 6.3%. 2.6% 6.6%. T able %, 79.0%, 50.0% 55.7%, 34.9%, 30.7%, 15.1%, 13.6%. T able 5. Proportion of m edic al ins uranc e utlitization & m edic al ex pens es for LB P am ong total utilization during Claim s In - P at ien t s T re atm e nt d ay s M e dic al e x pen s e s un it ; numbe r, day, 1,000won (%) Out - P at ie n t s Claim s D ay s of v is it M e dic al e x pen s e s T ot al patie nt s 918 (100.0) 8,,568 (100.0) 647,077 (100.0) 80,874 (100.0) 16,5716 (100.0) 2,330,190 (100.0) L ow b ac k pain 30 ( 3.3) 300 ( 3.5) 16,781 ( 2.6) 4,164 ( 5.1) 10,448 ( 6.3) 153,025 ( 6.6) T able 6. A m ount of m edic al ins uranc e utilization for LB P by dis eas e c arteg ories during Claim s In - P atie nt s T re at m e nt d ay s un it ; numbe r, day (%) Ou t - P atie nt s Claim s D ay s of v is it L ow b ac k pain 30 ( 100.0) 300 ( 100.0) 4,164 ( 100.0) D eform ing dors opathie s (15.1) Oth er d ors opath ie s 23 (76.7) S prain of lum b ar s pin e 7 (23.3) 237 (79.0) 63 (21.0) 2,081 (50.0) 1,451 (34.9) 10,448 (100.0) 1,416 (13.6) 5,815 (55.7) 3,217 (30.7). 1 T able 7,,,, 1.
16 T able 7. A m ount of utlitization for LB P during A g e (y e ar) un it ; numbe r, day In - p atien t s (m e an/ p atien t s ) Out - p atien t s (m e an/ p atien t s ) Patients Claim s Day s of t ot al adm is s ion Patients Claim s Day s of t ot al v is it (1.0) 51 (17.0) (2.3) * 1,589 (5.9) (1.1) 117 ( 8.4) 860 1,937 (2.2) 4,799 (5.6) (1.0) 69 (11.5) (2.3) 2,290 (5.8) (1.3) 5 (15.8) (2.9) 1,779 (7.1) A g e j oinin g c om pany (y e ar) (1.1) 154 (9.6) 1,153 2,634 (2.3) 6,541 (5.7) (1.1) 135 (13.5) (2.4) 2,634 (6.3) (0.0) 0 (0.0) (2.7) 1,047 (6.4) (1.0) 11 (11.0) (2.8) 337 (7.0) W orking duration (y ear) (1.2) 81 (13.5) (2.2) * 2,264 (5.2) * (1.1) 123 (8.8) 844 2,031 (2.4) 5,157 (6.1) (1.0) 29 (14.5) (2.2) 1,219 (5.3) (1.2) 67 (13.4) (2.7) 1,817 (7.1) In du s trie s Automobil & accessories (1.2) 173 (7.8) 1,151 2,607 (2.3) * 6,483 (5.6) Spinning & finishing of textiles 3 3 (1.0) 43 (6.8) (2.9) 1,248 (7.7) Cement concrete g oods 5 5 (1.0) 52 ( 8.1) (2.4) 946 (5.5) Others 4 4 (1.0) 32 ( 2.9) (2.4) 1,780 (6.2) Job s Clerk 4 6 (1.5) * 57 (14.3) (2.4) 879 (6.7) Laborer (1.1) 167 ( 9.8) 1,528 3,572 (2.3) 8,883 (5.8) Unknow n 6 6 (1.0) 76 (12.7) (2.5) 695 (6.3) In c om e Upper Class 8 9 (1.1) 89 (12.3) (2.5) * 2,106 (6.1) Middle Class 7 8 (1.1) 64 ( 9.1) 832 1,883 (2.3) 4,719 (5.7) Low er Class (1.1) 147 (11.1) 596 1,501 (2.4) 3,632 (6.1) T otal (1.1) 300 (11.1) 1,771 4,164 (2.4) 10,457 (5.9) * p<0.05, ANOVA t est
17 . T able 8 T able ,.,,. T able 8. A m ount of utlitiz ation by y ear as LB P (In - P atients ) Low In - P atie nt s B ack Pain P atie nt s S um of Claim s (m e an/ p at ie n t s ) un it : pe rson, numbe r, day S u m of D ay s (m e an/ p at ie n t s ) (1.1) 7 (1.0) 15 (1.2) 81 (11.6) 74 (10.6) 145 (11.2) D eform ing dors opathie s Oth er d ors opath ie s (1.2) 5 (1.0) 12 (1.2) 45 ( 9.0) 62 (12.4) 130 (13.0) S prain of lum b ar s pine (1.0) 2 (1.0) 3 (1.0) 36 (18.0) 12 ( 6.0) 15 ( 5.0) T able 9. A m ounts of utlitiz ation by y ear as LB P (Out - P atients ) Out - P at ie n t s L ow - B ac k P ain P atie nt s S um of Claim s (m e an/ p at ie n t s ) un it : pe rson, numbe r, day S um of V is itin g (m e an/ patie nt s ) ,283 (1.9) D eform ing dors opathie s (1.4) Oth er d ors opath ie s (2.1) S prain of lum b ar s pine (1.4) 1,375 (1.9) 276 (1.4) 590 (1.8) 509 (1.5) 1506 (2.0) 91 (1.6) 971 (1.9) 444 (1.6) 3,590 ( 5.2) 574 ( 3.1) 1,798 ( 7.2) 1,218 ( 3.4) 3,419 ( 4.6) 648 ( 3.3) 1,678 ( 5.2) 1,093 ( 3.2) 3,448 ( 4.6) 194 ( 3.3) 2,348 ( 4.6) 906 ( 3.3)
18 . (n eed ),,,,,, (, 1996).., ,,. KCD 3 (three- ch aracter categories ) 4 (block s of categories ),..,,,. 3 8,783 7,716, 1,400 1, %, 87.3%, 17.1%, 19.4%,
19 19.5%, 22.3%. 1,,, (Sn ook, 1982; Leigh, 1989; Kelsey, 1990), (M adora, 1969; Gibber, 1982) (T abula, 1982; W ash, 1989) (, 1993). 3,, 1995.,, (p< 0.001).,. (1993),, (, 1993). 20%, 40% 10%, 20% (, 1993),.. (1996) 25%, 25%,., (1996) 3,.,,,., (, 1993), (, 1993) (Kelsey, 1975)
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21 ( )., (W alter, 1994),.,.,,.
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334 退 溪 學 과 儒 敎 文 化 第 55 號 角 說 에서는 뿔이 난 말과 고양이라는 기형의 동물을 소재로 하여 당대 정치 상 황을 비판하였고, 白 黑 難 에서는 선과 악을 상징하는 색깔인 白 과 黑 이 서로 벌이 는 문답을 통하여 옳고 그름의 가치관이 전도된 현실세
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Received : 2012. 11. 27 Reviewed : 2012. 12. 10 Accepted : 2012. 12. 12 A Clinical Study on Effect of Electro-acupuncture Treatment for Low Back Pain and Radicular Pain in Patients Diagnosed with Lumbar
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Study on the Improvement of Management System through Analysis of golf semi- market: Focus on Physical Education Facility Act Ji-Myung Jung 1, Ju-Ho Park 2 *, & Youngdae Lee 3 1 Korea Institute of Sport
원위부요척골관절질환에서의초음파 유도하스테로이드주사치료의효과 - 후향적 1 년경과관찰연구 - 연세대학교대학원 의학과 남상현
원위부요척골관절질환에서의초음파 유도하스테로이드주사치료의효과 - 후향적 1 년경과관찰연구 - 연세대학교대학원 의학과 남상현 원위부요척골관절질환에서의초음파 유도하스테로이드주사치료의효과 - 후향적 1 년경과관찰연구 - 연세대학교대학원 의학과 남상현 원위부요척골관절질환에서의초음파 유도하스테로이드주사치료의효과 - 후향적 1 년경과관찰연구 - 지도김석원교수 이논문을석사학위논문으로제출함
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달생산이 초산모 분만시간에 미치는 영향 Ⅰ. 서 론 Ⅱ. 연구대상 및 방법 達 은 23) 의 丹 溪 에 최초로 기 재된 처방으로, 에 복용하면 한 다하여 난산의 예방과 및, 등에 널리 활용되어 왔다. 達 은 이 毒 하고 는 甘 苦 하여 氣, 氣 寬,, 結 의 효능이 있
대한한방부인과학회지 THE JOURNAL OF ORIENTAL OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY VOL.17, NO.2 : 115-122 (2004) 달생산이 초산모 분만시간에 미치는 영향 * 북경한의원, ** 윤산부인과의원, *** 최은림산부인과의원, 상지대학교 한의과대학 부인과학교실 ****, 경희대학교 동서의학대학원 김성준 *****, 윤왕준
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YI Ggodme : The Lives and Diseases of Females during the Latter Half of the Joseon Dynasty as Reconstructed with Cases in Yeoksi Manpil (Stray Notes w
497 의사학 제24권 제2호(통권 제50호) 2015년 8월 Korean J Med Hist 24 ː497-532 Aug 2015 c대한의사학회 http://dx.doi.org/10.13081/kjmh.2015.24.497 pissn 1225-505X, eissn 2093-5609 역시만필( 歷 試 漫 筆 ) 의 사례로 재구성한 조선후기 여성의 삶과 질병
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2 139 DOI : 10.3831/KPI.2010.13.2.139 2 Received : 10. 04. 08 Revised : 10. 04. 26 Two Case Report on Wrist Ganglion Treated with Scolopendrid Pharmacopuncture Accepted : 10. 05. 04 Key Words: Wrist Ganglion,
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