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3 1) Scott (1974),,,,,,,. Strau s(1974) CRT (Conflict Resolution T echnique Scales )., K, : L, : M, : N, : O, : P, : Q,. 2),,,,. T och (1969),, (self- indulgent compen sat or ), (self- defender ). W alker (1979)..,. 80%.. (appthy ),,,. W alker (1979),,,,. (Attribution ),,,,,. T V,,,, (, ) (Compell & Landenburger, 1995 : 1993 :, 1987 :, 1993).

4 3).,,, (Scott, 1974).,,, (, 1984 ; Scott, 1974 : Roun saville, 1978). Hilberm an (1980) 50%, %. McClintock (1963) 30% 90%. Strau s(1978) CRT Scale N - R %. 40% (, 1984 :, 1984), % (, 1984). 60%, 28.5%, 22% (, 1988) %, 20-30%, 2-3% 50%, 80-90%, (, 1984 :, 1984 :, 1985 : Roun saville, 1978).,,,,,, (Scott, 1974),,, (, 1984 ; S cott, 1974)..,,, (, 1984 :, 1985).,,. Snell (1964). (1988) (38.3% ), (18.3% ), (10% ), (8.3% ), (6.7% ), (5.0% ), (5.0% ), (4.2% ), (1.7% ), (0.8% ), (0.8% ). (1985). (1994),,,,

5 ,,,,,,,, ( :,,,, ),, ( ),,. Roun saville(1978) 45%,,, 16%. Roun saville(1978) (, 1984 :, 1985).,,,,, (, 1985). (1988) (57.5% ), (32.7% ), (8% ), (1.8% ) %, 5 92% (, 1984 :, 1985).. 1 5%, 2 5%, 3 6%, %, %, 20 10% (, 1984). (1984) (1988) 5 15 (25.6% ), 6 (16.6% ), 2 5 (15.4% ), 3 (14.1% ), 1 (10.3% ), (10.3% ), 15 (7.7% ). 4) 20 20%, 30 50%, 40 25%, 50 4%, 30 (, 1984 : 1984 : Hilberm an, 1978 : Roun saville, 1978). (1988) 20 (15% ), 30 (38% ), 40 (41.5% ), 50 (15.0% ), 60 (1.0% ) %, 10%, 43%, 39% (, 1984 :, 1984 :, 1985 : Roun saville, 1978). (1988) (7% ), (19.5% ), (48.5% ), (24.5% ), (0.5% ).

6 (, 1984).,. Roun saville(1978), (1985) 48%.,, (, 1985).. (1995) 92.8% 21.4%, 12.9%, 11.4%, 8.6%, 7.1%, 7.1%,,.,,,,,,, (, 1987). 90%,, 10%,, (, 1984 :, 1984)., (, 1985).,,,. (, 1987). 3.,., (, 1984 :, 1985).,. (, 1985), (, 1984).,,,

7 . (1988) (59.1% ), (31.3% ), (3.5% ), (2.0% ). (, 1985).,, (, 1987). 5) 1985 (, 1992) (1987) 1,2,3. 1,,,, (, 1994)...,,. 24., Draker (1982) (Butler & Snodgrass, 1991)., (Brown, Carpio & Martin, 1982)

8 , (Delgaty, 1985). (Brown Carpio & Martin, 1982). 2. 1),,,,,,,,...,, (, 1996). 2),.,,,,, ( ),,, (,,,, ),, (, 1993).,,, (, 1989)...,.,. (, 1990) ,,,,,... 2,

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10 ,.., % % , , (Campbell, 1995). 4)., ,,,.,, (, 1993) (, 1995)..,,

11 , (, 1995).,.,..,.,,. (, 1993). 3. 1),.,., (,1986). 2).., (, 1993).,

12 ., (, 1993).,. Hom an s, Blu -, Levinger -, Scazoni. Yoder Nichols.....,.. Hill Burr., (, 1993).,,..,. (, 1993),. 3) (, 1975),. (, 1975). 1960,, (, 1986).

13 ,,., (, 1987)., -,, -.,.,.,.. (, 1991).,... 4) , 4.73, 2.88, , 0.45., %, 2 15% , 9.1, 10.8, 11.6, 13.4, 16.9 (, 1994). 37, 33, % %,, % %., % % % %.,,,,,,,,,

14 (, 1995).,,, (, 1994). (25.2% ), (13.3% ), (6.1% ) (14.2% ), (11.9% ), (11.2% ), (9.5% ), (7.3% ), (6.5% ) (, 1994)...,.. (, 1994).,. 5).,,.,, (, 1993)..,.,,, ,., ,.,,.. (, 1995)...,

15 (, 1988),.,.,.,..,,,,....,,. T V,,,,..,.,. 24.,,, srl., (empow erm ent ),,,,., (shelter ).,,.,..

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18 48. Nan ett e Silv a, (1994). T ow ard a fem in st m ethodology in Research an Batt ered W om en in Dan. A.J. Refram ing w om en ' s health, S age P ublication. 49. Roun saville, B.J.,(1978). T he T heories in m arital violen ce ; Eviden ce from a stu dy of b att ered w om en, Victim ology, 3, S cott P.D.,(1974). Batt ered w iv es, Brit. J. P sy chiat, 125, Strau s M.A.,(1975). Lev elin g, civility and violen ce in th e fam ily, J. M arriage & F am ily, 36, T och H,(1969). Violent m en, Chicago, Aldin e. 53. W alker L.E,(1979). T he batt ered w om an, New York, Harper & Row. 54. W et zel L. & Ros s M.A,(1983). P sy chological an d leadin g to a coun sellin g m ethodology for victim s of dom estic. 55. Violen ce, (1983). J. P er son al & Guidance, 61, A b s t rac t - T he S tudy on W om an 's He alth Problem in the V iew of B attering, S ex u al V iolenc e and Div orce Euy S oon Choi Muyn g Suk Koh Eyu Eun H ee Suk Youn g Kil Euy S oon Choi : Colleg e of Nur sin g, Cath olic Univ er sity Muyng Suk Koh : Dept. of Nur sin g, S am yuk Univ er sity Eyu Eun H ee : Yeong Don g Junior Colleg e Suk Young Kil : Dept. of Nur sing, Korea Univ er sity T his paper review s battering, sexu al violen ce and div orce ex perien ced am ong w om en. T here three problem s hav e negativ e influence on h ealth st atu s in w om en an d are furth er dev eloped t o social problem s su ch as fam ily dissolution. T he victim s of the problem s m ay m anifest phy sical injury, em otion al difficulties an d social w ithdraw l, w hile th eir children m ay sh ow problem s cau sed by lack of parent al caring an d by resem blin g abu siv e behavior s of their parent s. H en ce, nur ses n eed to pay attention t o battin g, sex ual v iolen ce, and div orce an d t o dev elop relev ant nur sing int erv ention s for th em.

19 S om e strategies of dealing w ith those problem s are presented in the follow in g. F ir st, w e h av e t o elim inat e sex ism prev ailing in out society. Our society is as signin g inequ al and asym m etrical gen der role. M as s m edia sh ould in spire equality bet w een g en der s and show a healthy m odel of fam ily and com m unity. S econd, social sy st em and law s should be ch ang ed throu gh collectiv e effort s. T hose liv in g condition s of w om en cann ot be chang ed by the effort of w om en them s elv es only. W e all need to work for establishing and changing the law, so that those women in sufferin g can obtain im m ediate an d adequ at e protection. T hird, social support sy st em of con sultin g and referrin g w om en ' s problem s should b e est ablish ed. Such support sy stem a s hot lin e, sh elt er an d coun selin g clinics w ould h elp w om en in crisis. F ourth, job training and arrang em ent sh ould be av ailable t o w om en w ho are div orced. F ifth, there sh ould be self- help group for those w om en in sufferin g. S elf- help group w ould h elp those w om en in sharin g their problem s and feeling s and in establishing coping strategies. Nur ses, a s the largest group am on g h ealth professionals, are sen sitiv e and respon d t o h ealth needs of client s an d hav e an effect on m an aging w om en ' s health. H ow ev er, w e nur ses hav e not been ready for dealin g w ith problem s of w om en, alth ou gh m ost of u s are w om en. w e not n eed t o chan ge our per spectiv e of w om en ' s h ealth problem s from a traditional m edical per spectiv e t o fem inistic on e. A ccordingly, nur ses n eed t o dev elop realistic w ay of caring those w om en in sufferin g an d to as sist th em in m aking decision s for their lives by them selves.

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