- ์ฌ์ค ์ก
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1 (SELSI) : 1 1) ( ). (SELSI) :., 2002, 7, 2, (SELSI). SELSI 1090.,.. Cronbach ,.998. :, SELSI,,,.,., BK.,,. 1
2 3,. (babbling ),.. (joint attention ),., 3.., 3, (Bzoch, Kemker & Wood, 1987)., 3..,...,.,,., 3.,. De Villiers (1991) 8 2
3 (SELSI) : (, 1998 ): (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8) /.,. 1.5 (, 1998). KEDI- WISC(, 1991) K - WPPSI(, 1997), K- BNT (, 1997) ,,, (Cronbach ) (, 1995;, 1998).. (sampling ).. 200, 5-10 (, 1998). (representation ). (simple random sampling )..,,,,. (, 1998). KEDI- WISC K- WPPSI,. 3
4 . (language age).,,, (Lund & Duchan, 1993).. (, 1995;, 1998)., -,. (, 1995).,,, (, 1998). K - WPPSI,. KEDI- WISC,.... ( : K - WPPSI, IT PA, ).. 3. (Sequenced Language Scale for Infant s : SELSI),,. 4
5 (SELSI) :. 1. SELSI. (1), (2), (3). < - 1>. < - 1>.. (prosody).. 2.,,. + ( :, 2-3. ). 5. ( ).. ( :, ). < - 1> ( : & ). 3 5,
6 .. ASQ (Ages & Stages Questionnaires: A parent - completed, child - monitoring system; Brickers, Squires & Mountes, 1995). PLS (Preschool Language Scale; Zimmerman & Steiner, 1979). PRES (Preschool Receptive- Expressive Language Scale;, 2000a, 2000b). REEL (Receptive- Expressive Emergent Language Scale; Bzoch & League, 1971) T he Rossetti Infant- T oddler Language Scale (Rossetti, 1990). Language Development : An introduction (Owens, 1998). (, 1992) 5- (, 1990) , , (, ), (, ), (, ), , , 12 1, 24 2, 36 3, 22. 4, 88. 6
7 (SELSI) : 3, ,,, , , , , ,, , 10-20, (ceiling effect ), , , , ( ).90, < - 2>. < - 2> (n = 31).9169 (n = 38).9313 (n = 38).9259 (n = 32).9064 (n = 37).9559 (n = 35),,,.,., 7
8 , 9.,., 4., ยฒ,.,. 15 5, 75., 75 75, , ,,,. 1 % 15. < - 3> , 3, 7 35., 35, 70. 8
9 (SELSI) : < - 3> ( ) 240 (16 15) 24 % 353 (32.4 %) 90 (6 15) 60 (4 15) 24 % 257 (23.6 %) 90 (6 15) 30 (2 15) 3 % 19 (1.7 %) 90 (6 15) 45 (3 15) 13 % 162 (14.9 %) 45 (3 15) 30 (2 15) 10 % 107 (9.8 %) 30 (2 15) 90 (6 15) 105 (7 15) 25 % 255 (17.6 %) 60 (4 15) , 1508.,,, (data cleaning ) (1) 9
10 , (2), (3), (4), (5), (6) 2, (7) 3.. < - 3> 32.4 %, 23.6 %, 1.7 %, 14.9 %, 9.8 %, 17.6 % % (< - 4> )., % %, 0.5 %. < - 4> ( ) (%) ( ) < - 5> %. 10
11 (SELSI) : < - 5> ( ) (%) (1).. (2) ( 5, 5 ) 2-3., 4. 11
12 (3),. 4 35, 14 4, 56 56, 112. (4).,., 2. (item response theory ), (,, )., (parameter ).,.,. (empirical).,., 14. / ยฒ
13 (SELSI) :. < - 1> < - 2>.. 1.., < - 6>, < - 7>.,, 0.85, ยฒ (Cronbach ). < - 8>,.9861,.9859,
14 < - 6>,
15 (SELSI) : < - 7>,
16 < - 8> (n = 75) (n = 75) ( : ) (n = 150) (test - retest reliability ) (test ) 2 (retest ). < - 9>.996, < - 9> (n = 28) **p < * *.998 * *.998 * *. 3 SELSI.,,., Spearman - Brown 16
17 (SELSI) :, 40.67, (, 1995). SELSI 56, 112., 5 ( ) (, 1998).,. 2-3,,.., (,, ). SELSI,,., 88 1, 233 2, 1090.,..98 Cronbach SELSI 3. (,, ).,,.,. 17
18 (2000a). (PRES) :., 5(1), (2000b). (PRES)., 35(2), (1997). (K- BNT, Korean version- Boston Naming T est). :. (1992). KEDI- WISC. :. (1997). K- WPPSI. :. (1995).. :. (1990). 5:. :. (1992).. :. (1998).. :. Bricker, D., Squires, J. & Mountes, L. (1995). A g es and S tag es Questionaire: A parent- comp leted, child- monitoring system. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes. Bzoch, K. R. & League, R. (1971). R ecep tive- Exp ressive Em erg ent Lang uag e Scale. Austin, T X: Pro- Ed. Bzoch, K. R., Kemker, F. J. & Wood, V. D. (1987). The prevention of communicative disorders in cleft palate infants. In W. J. Lass (Ed.), Sp eech and lang uag e: A dvances in basic research and p ractice. San Francisco: Academic Press. De Villiers, J. G. (1995). Questioning minds and answering machines. In D. MacLaughlin & S. McEwen (Eds.), P roceedings of the 19th A nnual B oston University Conf erence on Lang uag e D evelopm ent. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. Lund, N. J. & Duchan, J. F. (1993). A ssessing children s lang uag e in naturalistic contexts (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice- Hall. Owens, R. (1998). Lang uag e developm ent: A n introduction. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Rossetti, L. (1990). Infant- toddler lang uag e scale. Moline, IL: Linqui Systems. Zimmerman, I. L. & Steiner, V. G. (1979). P reschool lang uag e scale manual. Columbus, OH: Bell & Howell Company. 18
19 (SELSI) : < - 1> SELSI * ( : ) ( :, ). 4.,, ( :, ). 6.,, ( : ) ( ) ( ). 10., ( :, ) ( :,, ) (3-5 ) ( :, ) ( :, ). 18.?. 19. ( :,, ) ( :,,,, ). 23. ( :? ). 24. ( : ) ( :,, ) ( : ). 28. ( : ) ( ) 2 ( : ). * [ : : ]. 19
20 ( : ). 32. ( : ) ( :, ). 34. ( :, ) ( :,, ) ( :, ) ( : ). 38. ( :,, ) ( :, ) ( :! ) ( :? ) ( :,, ). 42. ( :?,? ) ( : ). 44. ( :,, ) ", - ( ) ( )", - ( / ) " ( :,, ). 47. ( : ). 48. ( : ) ( : ). 50.,. 51. ( :, ). 52. ( :?,? ) ,,, ( : ) ( :, ( ), ) 56. ( :,, ) 5. 20
21 (SELSI) : < - 2> SELSI (: ). 2. 2( :,, ). 3. ( : ). 4.,,, ( :,,, ) ( :, ). 7., ( :,, ) ( : (2 ) (2 ) ). 14. ( : ) (conventional gestures) ( :,, ) ( : ( ), ( ), ). 20. ( : ) ( :, ) ( :!, ) ,,,. 26. ( ). 27. (). 28. ( :, ). 2 1
22 ( ) ( : ). 31. ( + ) ( :, ). 32. T V () ? ( :,, ) ( :?,?,? ) ( :, ) ( :,, ). 40. ( :? ) ( :,? ). 42. ( :,, ). 43. ( : ). 44. ( :, ) ( :? ). 47.? (?,?,? ). 48. ( :, ) ,,,. 50.,. 51. ( :,, ( ) ) ( : ). 56. ( ) ( :, ). 22
23 (SELSI) : AB ST RA CT Content an d Reliability An aly ses of the Sequen ced Lan guage Scale for In fant s (SELSI) Y ou n g T a e K im (Dept. of Special Education & Interdisciplinary Program of Communication Disorders, Ewha Womans University) T his study was designed to analyze the content and reliability of the SELSI (Sequenced Language Scale for Infants ). T he SELSI has been developed to assess 4- to 35- month - old infants receptive and expressive language abilities through the parents report. Items of the SELSI were developed on the bases of the language development and disorder literature and the two pilot studies, using 326 normal children. In addition, 1090 normal children served as the participants for the normative data. Using the baseline and ceiling sy stem, SELSI screens the infant s who are at risk of language disorder s. T he item s of the SELSI were arranged based on (1) difficulty level, (2) % of correct respon ses, and (3) discriminative level for the equivalent age. T here was no sex difference among the items. F or reliability analy ses, internal reliability and test - retest reliability were calculated. Cronbach in both receptive and expressive language test s were.99. Correlations betw een the first and second test s with one w eek interval in 14 participant s were.99 in both receptive and expressive language test s. : : :, e- mail: youngtae@ewha.ac.kr 23
(PRES) : *1 ( ). (P RES ) :., 2 0 0 0, 5, 1, 7 7-10 1. 2-6 (PRES). PRES 511.,.. 621 Cronbach.95. 7 2.78,.92... Bernstein & T iegerman (1989)- (etiological- categorical), - (descriptive- developmental).
: / / * ** ( *, **). : / /., 2 0 0 1, 6, 2, 4 9 3-5 04.... / / 3, 4 1 8 32.. / / 17.6 %.,,.. (articulation and phonological disorders) ( :,, )..,., (, 2000).. 498 (acquisition or establishment), (stabilization),
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********* (*, **, *** ).., 2002, 7, 1, 1-12. 2-5 80.,.,..,,... :,,. (naming).., (word finding), (lexical look- up), (lexical retrieval), (word recall) (Fried- Oken, 1987). (pause),,, (naming error) (Snyder
1 2) * ** *** (*, **, *** ).., 2002, 7, 2, 46-63. 24-30. MCDI- K (SELSI),... MLUm, T NW, NDW, T TR TT R.. :,,, MCDI- K, SELSI. 3.. 16 9 198, 20 41 405 (F enson et al., 1993). (T hal et al., 1999), (noncommunicative)
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์ ๊ฐ์ธ, ๊ฐ์ , ํ๊ต๋ณ์ธ์ ๋ฐ๋ฅธ ๋น๊ต์ก์ ์ธ์ด ์ฌ์ฉ์ ์ฐจ์ด 229 ํ๊ตญ๊ต์กํ์ฐ๊ตฌ ์ 20๊ถ ์ 3ํธ The Korea Educational Review 2014. 10. Vol.20. No.3. pp.229-251. 1) ์ฒญ์๋
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Objective: This paper reviews the existing Korean medical and public health, and nursing academy articles on disease-specific and domain-specific quality of life, and provides recommendations for the universally
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GE Peter S. Pande,, Robert P. Neuman, Ronald R. Cavanagh The SIX SIGMA WAY April 29, 2005 Jin-Ho Jeong,, Ph.D. Competitiveness Valuation International, Inc. Korea Partner of IMD WCY jeong@cvikorea.net
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connect educational content with entertainment content and that production of various contents inducing educational motivation is important. Key words: edutainment, virtual world, fostering simulation
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e- ๋น์ฆ๋์ค์ฐ๊ตฌ (The e-business Studies) Volume 17, Number 1, February, 28, 2016:pp. 293~316 ISSN 1229-9936 (Print), ISSN 2466-1716 (Online) ์๊ณ ์ ์์ผ์ฌ์ฌ ( ์์ ) ๊ฒ์ฌํ์ ์ผ 2015. 12. 04 2015. 12. 24 2016. 02. 25 ABSTRACT
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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp DOI: A study on Characte
Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp.381-404 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21024/pnuedi.28.1.201803.381 A study on Characteristics of Action Learning by Analyzing Learners Experiences
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