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1 - Stu dy of Ch ar act eristic of M odernism in Jeong Ji- Yong ' s P oetry -

2 - T he Characteristic Study of Modernism About Jeong Ji- Yong ' s a Poem


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91 A B S T RA CT S tu dy of Ch ara ct eri s t ic s of M o de rni s m in Je on g Ji - Y on g 's P o etry K im E un - S ook T h e Gradu at e S c h o ol of E du c at i on K in - K u k U n iv ers it y T he w orld view and thought s of a poet w hose poem s imply modernism can be br ought out by scrutinizing social and economical backgrounds along with cultur al hist ory surrounding his w ork activities. Modernity of modernism is not ju st a reproduction or r eflection of r eality, but a cr eativ e configuration of m odernity, namely, a new recognition and criticism of the pr esent in contrast to the contempor ary social and cultur al condition s. T he starting point of m odernism in our history of liter atur e goes back to mid 1920' s w hen lot s of modernism tr ends including dadaism w ere introduced to the nation, and further, in 1926, Jeong debuted his fir st modernism poem. Modernism in it s r eal name, how ev er, w as ignited by the or ganization of ' KuInHoi - a group of nine poets ' in T he poetry of modernity in 1930' s w as based on ' fr eak ' capitalism, m ainly in Seoul which w as built by Japanese colonialism, and configur ated by the member s of city generation of poet s including Kim Ki Rim, Jeong Ji Yong, Lee Sang and Kim Kw ang Kyun who repr esented the urban sen sitivity and new liter ary spirit in modernity. T his

92 paper fir st defines the esthetic form and self- consciou snes s of modernity which consist of esthetic categories of modernism as the char acteristics of modernism, and go on to dig out the elem ent s of r ecognition of m odernity by focu sing on Jeong ' s poetry. Urbanism and City images, the characteristics of modern art, for esthetic typed modernity, and the sen ses of estrangem ent and anxiety for esthetic self- con sciousness are the basic element s of recognition. T he esthetic self- con sciousness of modernism is represented in the form of estrangem ent in Jeong ' s poem s. T he sen se of estr angement in his poem s is as sociated with cultur al criticism, eschatology, escape from r ational and reasonal w orld, and explor ation of new cultur al trend, etc. How ev er, the ideology of our modernism is differ ent fr om those of Western counterpart s. T hat is becau se the social background and civilization history of the W est, the root of W estern modernism, is different from our s. Sen sitiv e of contemporary social changes, Jeong seemed not to lead his liter atur e r egar dless of the literal theme of anxiety. His early w ork s such as children ' s rhymes and folk song style poem s show the con sciou sness of anxiety. Con sidering they are the early w orks of clear r epresentation of his con sciou sness, w e can under stand them as the basic thought of his liter ary world. A s seen abov e, the modernism liter ature of Kor ea has it s own limit s of Western - oriented styles though it is based on our ow n social backgrounds and a mer e superficial admission as part of ideological imitation of Western cultur e. Relation s betw een the esthetic form s and self- con sciou sness of modernism and the contemporary sociocultur al backgrounds and cultural history ar e not ju st a simple and direct r espon se, but r elation ships betw een them and v ariou s super structur es of religiou s, philosophic and liter ary dev elopm ent s in an indir ect m anner


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