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1 The Korean Journal of Counseling and Psychotherapy Vol. 15, No. 3, ,,. Kiesler % (75 ) 30%(81 ).,,,.,.,... :,,,. :, ( ) 11-1, : skyoo@ewha.ac.kr

2 Freud(1928) et al., 1994).,.. (Carver, Kus, & Scheier, 1994), Freud (Geers, Reilly, & Dember, 1998). (Park &., Folkman, 1997), (optimism),? (Peterson, 2000). (interpersonal schema). Scheier Carver (1992),. (Soygüt & Sava ir, 2001).,.., (Scheier, Carver, & Bridges, 1994). (Hill & Safran, 1994). Safran(1990),, ;, (, 1995; Scheier (Dougall, Hyman, Hayward, McFeeley, & Baum, 2001)., (Baldwin, 1992)., Safran(1986; 1990) - x, y,,

3 /,,,. (circumplex model). (, 2001)., (Plutchik & Conte, 1997). Sullivan Leary(1957) 1. : Kiesler, D. J. (1983). The 1982 interpersonal, -, circle: A taxonomy for complementarity in human - transactions. Psychological Review, 90, p , (complement). Bateson (1936), (-).,, (+),. Leary (-). (-) (-) (Leary, 1957; Lorr & McNair, 1965; Wiggins, 1979; Kiesler, 1983), (0) (0).. (-)(-) Kiesler(1983) (, 1999; Soygüt (1 ). & Sava ir, 2001).,,

4 ,,.. Kiesler - (Leary, 1957).,.., ( ) Hill Safran (1994)?,. (,, ) ( ),?.,,,.,. ( ),,?, (,,. )( ) Soygüt Sava ir(2001) Hill Safran (1994)?.,,.,,,, 4,, (51.3%), Kiesler 130 (48.7%)

5 /,, schema questionnaire; ISQ). ISQ Kiesler(1983) Scheier, Carver Bridges(1994). 1 (Revised Life Orientation Test; Kiesler - LOT-R). - LOT-R 16. LOT-R. ISQ ( :.,,, 16 ), 3 ( : ( :,, ). ). 4,, (filler items) ( :,, 8 ). ( : LOT-R 5, ) (0 =, 4 = 3 ). 024, LOT-R (Cronbach's ).68. Safran Hill (1989) 1. Hill Safran (1994) (Interpersonal 1,

6 ,,., ,.5, 0,? -.5, -1 1., a.,. (0) 1) b.. (-.5) c.. (-1) d.. (-.5) e.. (0) f.. (.5) g.. (1) h.. (.5) a.,. (0) 1) b.. (.5) c.. (1) d.. (.5) e.. (0) f.. (-.5) g.. (-1) h.. (-.5). ( ) ; 1) 1:, -1:

7 /,, 18. LOT-R 30% (75 ) -3 LOT-R 3., 30% (81 ).. LOT-R (: 12.27, : 1.40), LOT-R 1 14 (: 11.95, : 2.48).. 30%, 30%, 7(1= (,, ), 7= ). (, ),, (, ) (, 3 21., ) Split-plot ISQ. (Cronbach's ).67, (Cronbach's ).69 (Cronbach's ).85. 2,,,, (,, ) ,

8 2. / M(SD) M(SD) M(SD) M(SD) M(SD) M(SD) (N=74) -1 (.70) (.58) (.54) (1.29) (1.42) (1.28) (N=81) (.97) (.85) (.88) (1.23) (1.40) (1.45) (N=155), (.93) (.86) (.74) (1.26) (1.41) (1.37). : 3 ~ -3 ( ) (F(1,153)=.003 2, p=.96)., , * ** p<.001 df SS MS p (1,153) (1,153) * ** (2,152) * (1,153) * (2,152) * (2,152) * * * ** (2,152) (F(1,153)=512.50, p <.001),

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14 The Korean Journal of Counseling and Psychotherapy Vol. 15, No. 3, Difference in Interpersonal Schemas According to the Level of Optimism Sung-Kyung Yoo Ha-Na Cho Ewha Woman's University In the present study, we examined the difference in interpersonal schemas between people with high level of optimism and those with low level of optimism. Specifically, we assessed how people anticipated the responses from significant others(mother, father, and friend) both in friendly and hostile situations. To assess the interpersonal schemas, we used the Interpersonal Schema Questionnaire(ISQ) developed by Hill and Safran(1994). And the level of optimism was measured by th Revised Life Orientation Test(LOT-R). Research participants were 267 college students. Based on the optimism score, we divided into two groups; high optimism and low optimism groups. Results indicated that there was no significant difference in interpersonal schemas according to the level of optimism. However, we found that participants anticipated more complementary responses from father both in friendly and hostile situations. But, they anticipated more positive responses from mother either in friendly or hostile situation. Limitations regarding sampling and validity of the instrument were discussed. Key Words : optimism, interpersonal schema, interpersonal circumplex model

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