2004 (Study Korea Project) ,526 85,923 (, 2013).,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (,, 2010;,,,, 2010;,, 2009;,, 2011; Mori, 2000; Raffaelli, Torres Stone

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18 The relationships between acculturation, ethnic group and psychological well-being, depression of foreign students in Korea Jin Xian Yu Sang Yup Choo Sung Moon Lim Chungbuk National University In some studies regarding acculturation strategies developed Berry(1997), not the preference for integration, but the preference for assimilation showed the best adjustment, which is different from the results of the majority of studies. For the reason of these results, we supposed that when the people of the host society expect the minority members to be assimilated to the host society and the minority members have very similar culture to the host society, the preference for assimilation in the minority members would show the best adjustment. And we tested this hypothesis with Korean-Chinese who had very similar culture to Korean culture and Han-Chinese who had very different culture from Korean culture. For two hundred and twenty five students(63 Korean-Chinese and 162 Han-Chinese), we asked them to complete a questionnaire including Acculturation Strategies Scale, Psychological Well-being Scale, and Depression Inventory. Data from the survey were analysed using two-way ANOVA. As a result, the interaction effect of acculturation strategies and ethnic types affected both of psychological well-being and depression. In details, for Korean-Chinese students, the preference for assimilation showed the highest levels of psychological well-being and the lowest levels of depression, but the preference for integration showed the lowest levels of psychological well-being and the highest levels of depression. For Han-Chinese students, the preference for integration showed the highest levels of psychological well-being and the lowest levels of depression, and the preference for marginalization showed the lowest levels of psychological well-being and the highest levels of depression. We discussed the meanings of the results, implications, and interventions to help chinese students adjust Korean society. Key words : Acculturation strategies, ethnic type, psychological well-being, depression

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