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1 일반화학 I 담당교수 : 홍병희 서울대학교화학부 강의홈페이지 : 담당조교 : 김선우, 박수범, 윤혁진, 김세용 1

2 강좌운영원칙과평가 평가는중간 400 점, 기말 400 점, 출석및퀴즈 200 점, 총점 1,000 점으로산출합니다. 교수는한국어로강의하지만강의자료는영문으로작성된것을사용합니다. 교재는영어원서를사용하며, 한글번역본이있으나학생들의사용을추천하지않습 니다. ( 도움이되지않습니다.) 중간고사, 기말고사모두영문으로출제하며, 학생들은영문으로답해야합니다. 질문은수업이끝난후에개별적으로하거나정해진 Office Hours 시간을이용하기바 랍니다. ( 매주월, 금요일오후 1 시 ~3 시, 방문전전화요망 ) 2

3 강좌운영원칙과평가 강의자료는수업최소 12 시간전까지 에 upload 할것입니다. 본강좌는간단한과학적인수식계산과약간의통계처리기능이있는계산기가필요 하며시험시간에사용할수있습니다. ( 스마트폰은사용하지못합니다.) 일반화학강의의출석은강의시간에수시로 5-10 분간실시하는간단한퀴즈로대체합 니다. 퀴즈는불시에시행합니다. 2 회결석시부터감점이적용됩니다. 정당한사유로 ( 예 : 징병검사, 예비군훈련, 병원입원, 직계가족경조사등 ) 결석을하 는경우에는증빙서류를조교에게사전이나사후에제출하여허락을받아야합니다. 3

4 태도불량자및부정행위자에대한경고 본강좌를진행함에있어서교수나조교에게불량한태도를보여서학업분위기를해 치는학생들에대해서는 1 차경고를행할것이며그이후에도불량행위가거듭발생 할경우에는 2 차경고를발함과동시에퀴즈 ( 출석 ) 점수를모두몰수합니다. 그이후에도불량행위가거듭발생할경우에는학점을몰수합니다. 퀴즈및중간 / 기말고사에심각한부정행위가있는경우, 학점을몰수함과동시에대 학및지도교수혹은소속학부장에즉시보고되며학칙에따라징계를받게됩니다. 4


6 Chemical Principles by Atkins and Jones, Fifth Edition 6

7 Chapter 00. Fundamentals Introduction and Orientation A. Matter and Energy B. Elements and Atoms C. Compounds D. Nomenclature of Compounds E. Moles and Molar Masses F. Determination of Chemical Formulas G. Mixtures and Solutions H. Chemical Equations I. Aqueous Solutions and Precipitations J. Acids and Bases K. Redox Reactions L. Reaction Stoichiometry M. Limiting Reactants 7

8 Introduction and Orientation What is Chemistry? Chemistry is the science of matter and the changes in can undergo. There is nothing material beyond the reach of chemistry Science that describes matter its properties, the changes it undergoes, and the energy changes that accompany those processes 화학은물질의특성, 물질이겪는변화, 그리고그과정에서수반되는에너지변화등을다루는학문이다. 8

9 Introduction and Orientation Chemistry and Society Today s chemistry is built on centuries of exploration and discovery. Stone Age Bronze Age Iron Age Civilization: Glass, Jewels, Coins, Ceramics, and Weapons Art, Architecture, and Warfare Steel -> Industrial Revolution 9

10 Introduction and Orientation Chemistry: A Science at Three Levels Macroscopic Level Microscopic Level Symbolic Level A chemist thinks at the microscopic level, conducts experiments at the macroscopic level, and represents both symbolically. 10

11 Introduction and Orientation How Science is Done? Scientific Method Data Samples Experiments Patterns Law Hypothesis Theory (a formal explanation of a law) Qualitative Quantitative (Mathematics) Model 11

12 Introduction and Orientation Natural Laws Scientific (natural) law A general statement based the observed behavior of matter to which no exceptions are known. Law of Conservation of Matter : There is no observable change in the quantity of matter during a chemical reaction or a physical change. 화학 적반응이나물리적반응이일어나는동안물질의양은변하지않는다. Law of Conservation of Energy : Energy is not destroyed or created in a chemical reaction or in a physical change. 모든화학적반응이나물리적변화과정에서에너지는생성되거나소멸될수없다. 단지, 에너지의형태만전환될뿐이다. The Law of Conservation an Energy and Matter : The combined amount of energy and matter in the universe is fixed. (E=mc 2 ) 우주에서물질과에너지를합한총량은고정되어있다. 12

13 Introduction and Orientation The Branches of Chemistry Organic Chemistry Compounds of carbon Inorganic Chemistry All the other elements and compounds Physical Chemistry Principles of chemistry Biochemistry Chemistry in living systems Analytical Chemistry Identifying and measuring Theoretical Chemistry Mathematical models Computational Chemistry Computation based on programs Chemical Engineering Study and design of industrial processes Medicinal Chemistry Application to pharmaceuticals Biological Chemistry Biological structures and processes Molecular Biology Gene and protein-related biology Materials Science Structures and composition of materials Nanotechnology Study of matter at the nanometer scale Sustainable development = Green Chemistry 13

14 Introduction and Orientation The Branches of Chemistry Organic Chemistry: the study of compounds with carbon combined with hydrogen 유기화학 (organic chemistry) 은탄소 (carbon) 와수소 (hydrogen) 로이루어진물질을다루는학문이다 Inorganic Chemistry: the study of all other compounds 탄소와수소를제외한물질을연구하는화학의연구분야를무기화학 (inorganic chemistry) 이라한다. Analytical Chemistry: the study of the detection or identification of substances. 화학의다른한분야에는시료에있는물질의성분을확인하는데관심을두는정성분석 (qualitative analysis) 과시료내에존재하는각성분의양을측정하는데관심이있는정량분석 (quantitative analysis) 이있으며이를분석화학 (analytical chemistry) 이라한다. Physical Chemistry: applying the mathematical theories and methods of physics to the properties of matter and the study of chemical process and the energy change. 물리화학 (physical chemistry) 은물질의특성연구, 화학적반응과정연구, 그리고그에수반되는에너지의변화에대한연구에수학적원리들과물리학의방법들을적용하는학문이다. Biochemistry: the study of chemistry of processes in living organism 생화학 (biochemistry) 은생명체내에서일어나는화학적과정을연구하는화학의또다른분야이다 14

15 A. Matter and Energy Matter Anything that has mass and occupies space. 물질 (matter) 은질량을가지면서공간을차지하는것이다 Energy The capacity to do work or transfer heat. 에너지 (energy) 는일을하거나또는열을전달하는능력으로정의된다. 15

16 A. Matter and Energy Vocabulary Substance 순물질 matter in which all samples have identical composition and properties 순물질은물리적방법으로더이상쪼개지거나정제될수없다. 순물질은물체를이루는특성적물질이다. 각순물질은다른순물질과구별되는고유한특성을가지고있다. Elements 원소 substances that cannot be decomposed into simpler substances via chemical reactions 어떠한화학적방법으로도더이상단순한물질들로분해될수없는순물질을원소 (element) 라한다. Elemental symbols 원소기호 -> 주기율표 found on periodic chart 16

17 A. Matter and Energy Vocabulary Compounds 화합물 substances composed of two or more elements in a definite ratio by mass can be decomposed into the constituent elements 화합물 (compound) 은화학적방법에의해항상동일한질량비를갖는단순한물질들로분해될수있는순물질이다. Water is a compound that can be decomposed into simpler substances hydrogen and oxygen Mixtures 혼합물 composed of two or more substances 두가지이상의물질이각물질자체의조성및성질의변화없이섞인물질 homogeneous mixtures 균일혼합물용액 (solution) 이라고도한다 heterogeneous mixtures 불균일혼합물섞여있는물질들이확실하게구별됨 17

18 A. Matter and Energy The 3 most common states of matter A Solid is a form of matter that retains its shape and does not flow. A Liquid is a fluid form of matter that has a well-defined surface; it takes the shape of the part of the container it occupies. A Gas is a fluid form of matter that fills any vessels containing it. 18

19 A. Matter and Energy A1. Physical vs. Chemical Properties Physical Properties - physical changes 화학적조성에대한변화없이관측되고측정되는성질 can be observed or measured without changing the identity of the substance. changes of state density, color, solubility Chemical Properties - chemical changes 물질이조성의변화를겪을때나타난다 The ability of a substance to be changed into another substance. rusting or oxidation chemical reactions Extensive Properties - depend on quantity: for example volume and mass. 물질의양에의존하는성질 (= 크기성질 ) Intensive Properties - do not depend on quantity : for example melting point. 물질의양에전혀무관. 모든화학적성질들은다 Intensive Property 에속한다 (= 세기성질 ). 19

20 A. Matter and Energy A1. Physical vs. Chemical Properties 20

21 A. Matter and Energy Change of States = Physical Change 21

22 A. Matter and Energy Measuring Physical Quantities Physical quantity is represented by an italic or sloping Greek symbol, and reported as a multiple of a unit. Systéme International (SI) units Significant Figures Precision vs. Accuracy Systematic error vs. Random error Accuracy 정확도 how closely measured values agree with the correct value 측정치가얼마나참값에접근했는지 Precision 정밀도 how closely individual measurements agree with each other 측정값들이얼마나서로일치하는가 22

23 A. Matter and Energy Use of Numbers Exact numbers 완전수 (from counting or definition) 1 dozen = 12 things for example Estimated Numbers 어림수 (from measurement) Significant figures digits believed to be correct by the person making the measurement 유효숫자는측정한사람이맞다고믿는자릿수를의미한다 Exact numbers have an infinite number of significant figures 완전수의유효숫자는무한하다 = 1 dozen because it is an exact number. 23

24 A. Matter and Energy Use of Numbers Significant Figures - Rules Nonzero digits are always significant. 0 이아닌숫자는모두유효숫자이다. Leading zeroes are never significant. 수의맨앞에있는숫자 0 은유효숫자가아니다. 0 이아닌숫자들사이에있는 0 은언제나유효숫자이다 has three significant figures. Trailing zeroes may be significant. It must specify significance by how the number is written. 소수점이없는수의끝에있는 0은유효숫자가될수도있고아닐수도있다 1300 nails - counted or weighed? Use scientific notation to remove doubt x 10 3 has? significant figures. Exact numbers are not limited by the number of significant figures. 완전수들은유효숫자개수에제한을받지않는다. 이는정의된수에도적용된다. 예를들면, 1 야드 =3 피트가성립되는데, 여기서 1 과 3 은정확하므로유효숫자규칙을적용받지않는다. 1 인치 =2.54 센티미터도똑같은경우다. 24

25 A. Matter and Energy Common Prefixes for SI Units 25

26 A. Matter and Energy Fundamental SI Units and Conversion Factors 26

27 A. Matter and Energy Definitions SI Units Mass (kg) measure of the quantity of matter in a body 한물체가가지고있는고유한양의척도 Weight measure of the gravitational attraction for a body 어떤물 체에대한지구중력의척도이므로지구중심으로부터의거리에따라변한다 Length (m) The distance light travels in a vacuum in 1/299,792,468 second 빛이진공에서 1/299,792,468 초안에움직이는거리로정의된다. Volume (L) 1 L = 1 dm 3 = 1000 cm 3 27

28 A. Matter and Energy A2. Force A force, F, is an influence that changes the state of motion of an object. Acceleration (a) = the rate of change of velocity. - proportional to the force that it experiences. Velocity = the rate of change of position. Speed (v) = magnitude of velocity 28

29 A. Matter and Energy A3. Energy Energy = the capacity to do work = force x distance Work = motion against an opposing force Kinetic energy Energy of motion 운동에너지 Potential energy Energy of an object possesses because of its position, composition and condition. 위치에너지 Exothermic Energy is released to the surroundings. 발열반응 Endothermic Energy is absorbed from the surroundings. 흡열반응 29

30 Elements 원소 B. Elements and Atoms substances that cannot be decomposed into simpler substances via chemical reactions 어떠한화학적방법으로도더이상단순한물질들로분해될수없는순물질을원소 (element) 라한다. Atom 원자 the smallest particle of an element that can exist. 30

31 B. Elements and Atoms B1. Atoms - Dalton s Atomic Hypothesis Dalton s atomic theory summarized the nature of matter as known in ) An element is composed of extremely small individual particles called atoms. 원소는원자라고불리는극히작은개개의입자로이루어져있다. 2) All atoms of a given element have identical properties, which differ from those of other elements. 모든원자는동일한성질을지니며그성질은원 소마다다르다. 3) Atoms cannot be created, destroyed, or transformed into atoms of another element. 원자는만들어지거나파괴되거나다른종류의원소로변환되지않는다. 4) Compounds are formed when atoms of different elements combine with each other in small whole-number ratios. 서로다른원소의원자들이일정한작은수의비율로결합하여화합물을만든다. 5) The relative numbers and kinds of atoms are constant in a given compound. 어떤화합물에대해상대적인원자의종류와수는일정하다. 31

32 B. Elements and Atoms B2. The Nuclear Model An atom is the smallest particle of an element that maintains its chemical identity through all chemical and physical changes. 원자는화학물리적변화에있어화학적특성을유지하는가장작은단위의입자이다. Fundamental particles are the basic building blocks of atoms, they consist of electrons, protons, and neutrons. Atomic number (Z) is defined as the number of protons in the nucleus. 원자는전자, 양성자, 중성자로이루어져있으며원자번호는핵의양성자수로정의된다. A molecule is the smallest particle of an element or compound that can have a stable independent existence. 분자는안정하게독립적으로존재가능한단일원소혹은화합물로이루어진가장작은단위의입자이다. 32

33 B. Elements and Atoms B3. Isotopes Mass number = The total number of protons and neutrons in a nucleus. Atoms with the same atomic number (belonging to the same element) but with different mass numbers called isotopes of the elements. 33

34 B. Elements and Atoms B4. The Organization of the Elements 34

35 B. Elements and Atoms B4. The Organization of the Elements Alkali Metals Halogens Noble Metals 35

36 36


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泰 東 古 典 硏 究 第 24 輯 이상적인 정치 사회의 구현 이라는 의미를 가지므로, 따라서 천인 합일론은 가장 적극적인 경세의 이론이 된다고 할 수 있다. 권근은 경서의 내용 중에서 현실 정치의 귀감으로 삼을 만한 천인합일의 원칙과 사례들을 발견하고, 이를 연구하여 權 近 의 五 經 인식 - 經 學 과 經 世 論 의 연결을 중심으로 - 姜 文 植 * 1. 머리말 2. 經 學 과 經 世 論 연결의 이론적 기반 3. 五 經 淺 見 錄 의 經 典 해석과 經 世 論 4. 맺음말 요약문 권근( 權 近 )은 체용론( 體 用 論 )에 입각하여 오경( 五 經 ) 간의 관계 및 각 경서의 근본 성격을 규정하였다. 체용론에서 용( 用 )

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