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1 BREAKFAST available form 9 am to 11 am ( 오전 9 시부터 11 시까지제공됩니다.) 조식 Dongdaemun 32,000 Freshly Baked Croissant, Homemade Marmalade, Butter Seasonal Fruits, Freshly Squeezed Orange Juice Served with Your Choice of Coffee or Tea 동대문 갓구운크로아상, 홈메이드마멀레이드, 버터, 신선한계절과일, 직접짠오렌지주스, 커피또는차 Eggs Benedict 21,000 Two Poached Organic Eggs, Canadian Bacon English Muffin, Hollandaise Sauce 에그베네딕트 유기농수란, 캐나다베이컨, 잉글리쉬머핀, 홀랜다이즈소스
2 ALL DAY 올데이 Burrata Cheese 26,000 Organic Tomato, Rucola, Apple, Caramelized Walnuts 부라타치즈 유기농토마토, 루꼴라, 사과, 카라멜라이즈한호두 Organic Korean Chicken Salad 25,000 Chickpea, Mixed Leaves, Black Olives, Parmesan Cheese, Mustard, Herb Vinaigrette 유기농국내산닭고기샐러드 병아리콩, 계절채소, 블랙올리브, 파마산치즈, 겨자, 허브비네그레이트 Smoked Salmon Open Sandwich 22,000 Avocado, Watercress, Sour Cream, Rye Bread 훈제연어샌드위치 아보카도, 워터크레스, 사워크림, 호밀빵 Olive Baguette Sandwich 22,000 Champagne Ham, Camembert, Green Leaves Salad 올리브바게트샌드위치 샴페인햄, 까망베르, 계절채소샐러드 Traditional Club Sandwich 24,000 Grilled Korean Chicken Breast, Fried Egg, Bacon, Mustard Mayonnaise 클럽샌드위치 국내산닭가슴살구이, 계란, 베이컨, 머스터드마요네즈 U.S. Black Angus Beef Burger 30,000 Cheddar Cheese, Tomato, Lettuce, Red Onion Served with French Fries 미국산블랙앵거스소고기버거 체다치즈, 토마토, 양상추, 적양파본메뉴는감자튀김이함께제공됩니다. Selection of Fine Cheese 30,000 Marinated Fig, Artisan Fruit Bread 치즈셀렉션 무화과마리네이드, 과일브레드
3 DESSERT 디저트 Creamsicle Verrine 12,000 Orange Jelly, Vanilla Mousse, Grapefruit Salad, Almond Streusel, Yuzu Cream 크림시클베린느 오렌지젤리, 바닐라무스, 자몽샐러드, 아몬드스튜로이젤, 유자크림 Baked Mascarpone Cheese Cake 12,000 Mascarpone, Cream Cheese, Sable, Mango 마스카포네치즈케이크마스카포네, 크림치즈, 사브레, 망고 Gluten Free Chocolate Dome 12,000 Chocolate Flourless Cake, Dark Chocolate Mousse, Berry Compote, Chocolate Glacage, Meringue, Berry Sauce 글루텐프리초콜릿돔 밀가루가들어가지않은초콜릿케이크, 다크초콜릿무스, 베리컴포트, 초콜릿글라사즈, 머랭, 베리소스 Signature Tart 12,000 Seasonal Daily Specialties served with Whipped Cream and Vanilla Sauce 시그니처타르트 생크림과바닐라소스가함께제공되는데일리스페셜타르트 Homemade Cookie 10,000 Macaroon, Gianduja Cookie, Raspberry Shortbread 홈메이드쿠키 마카롱, 잔두야쿠키, 라즈베리쇼트브레드 Seasonal Fruit Platter 22,000 신선한계절과일 JW CHOCOLATES JW 초콜릿 Choose from a selection of handmade chocolate bonbons and truffles 더라운지에서직접만든수제초콜릿봉봉과트러플 4pcs 11,000 6pcs 16,000 8pcs 22,000
4 THE LOUNGE SWEET BERRY AFTERNOON TEA 38,000 더라운지스위트베리애프터눈티 available from 2 pm to 5 pm ( 오후 2 시부터 5 시까지제공됩니다.) Live At The Activity Table Freshly Baked Scone, Homemade Fruit Compote, Clotted Cream Hot Chocolate, Baked Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Fondue 라이브액션테이블 갓구운스콘, 홈메이드과일컴포트, 클로티드크림핫초콜릿, 초콜릿케이크, 초콜릿퐁듀 The Chocolate Bar Homemade Truffles, Chocolate Dragees, Almond, Bluberry, Hazelnuts 초콜릿바 홈메이드트러플, 초콜릿당과, 아몬드블루베리, 헤이즐넛 The Dessert Table Strawberry Shortcake, Berry Tiramisu, Baba Verrine, Blueberry Choux Cherry Tart, Mini Chocolate Madeleine, Strawberry Mille feuille Strawberry Financier, Chocolate Rice Crispies, Vanilla Chantilly, Chocolate Sauce, Seasonal Fruits 디저트테이블 딸기쇼트케이크, 베리티라미수, 바바베린느, 블루베리슈체리타르트, 미니초콜릿마들렌, 딸기밀페유딸기피낭시에, 초콜릿라이스크리스피, 바닐라찬틀리, 초콜릿소스, 계절과일 Specialty Coffee Selection Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee, Americano, Espresso, Cappuccino, Café Latte, Café Mocha, Double Espresso 스페셜티커피셀렉션 커피, 디카페인커피, 아메리카노, 에스프레소, 카푸치노, 카페라떼, 카페모카, 더블에스프레소 Iced & Hot Beverage Selection Hot Chocolate, Iced Chocolate, Iced Coffee, Iced Americano, Iced Latte, Iced Tea, Iced Green Tea, Honey Milk Tea 차가운음료 & 따듯한음료 핫초콜릿, 아이스초콜릿, 아이스커피, 아이스아메리카노, 아이스라떼, 아이스티, 아이스녹차, 허니밀크차 Specialty Tea & Signature Tea Selection English Breakfast, Darjeeling, Earl Grey, Mint, Chamomile Red of Africa, Jasmine Queen, Crème Caramel, Number 12 스페셜티티 & 시그니처티셀렉션 잉글리쉬블랙퍼스트, 다즐링, 얼그레이, 민트, 카모마일, 레드오브아프리카, 자스민퀸, 크림카라멜, 넘버 12
5 COFFEE 커피 Coffee 14,000 커피 Decaffeinated Coffee 14,000 디카페인커피 Americano 14,000 아메리카노 Espresso 14,000 에스프레소 Cappuccino 15,000 카푸치노 Cafe Latte 15,000 카페라떼 Cafe Mocha 15,000 카페모카 Double Espresso 15,000 더블에스프레소
6 COLOR LATTE 15,000 컬러라떼 Green Latte 그린라떼 Pink Latte 핑크라떼 Blue Latte 블루라떼
7 ICED & HOT BEVERAGES 차가운음료 & 따듯한음료 Hot Chocolate 15,000 핫초콜릿 Iced Chocolate 15,000 아이스초콜릿 Iced Coffee 15,000 아이스커피 Iced Americano 15,000 아이스아메리카노 Iced Latte 15,000 아이스라떼 Iced Cappuccino 15,000 아이스카푸치노 Iced Cafe Mocha 15,000 아이스카페모카 Iced Tea 15,000 아이스티 Iced Green Tea 15,000 아이스녹차 Honey Milk Tea 15,000 허니밀크차 Irish Coffee 17,000 아이리쉬커피
8 TEA 16,000 티 English Breakfast A rich and satisfying robust black tea with light floral undertones. 잉글리쉬블랙퍼스트은은한꽃향기가더해져풍부하고진한맛을느낄수있습니다. Darjeeling This black tea boasts an exquisite fragrance and a vibrant and sparkling taste that develops remarkable overtones of ripe apricots. 다즐링세련되고정교한향을자랑하며, 숙성된살구의강렬하고뛰어난맛을느낄수있습니다. Earl Grey A rich and robust Ceylon is balanced with intense and fragrant bergamot, giving this black tea blend a sparkling citrus aroma and an enduring and refreshing aftertaste. 얼그레이베르가못과블렌딩된강하고풍부한실론으로균형잡힌맛을자랑하며, 시트러스아로마와깔끔한뒷맛가지고있습니다. Mint This fine green tea is perfectly blended with suave and strong Sahara mint. 민트입안가득강한민트향이나는사하라민트와블렌딩된녹차입니다. Chamomile Whole chamomile flowers with an intense flavor. 카모마일강렬한카모마일꽃의향을가진차입니다.
9 PREMIUM TEA 18,000 프리미엄티 Red of Africa A delicate red tea from South Africa blended with sweet tea spices and marigold. 레드오브아프리카 향신료, 매리골드와블렌딩된남아프리카공화국의우아한차입니다. Crème Caramel A delicate red tea from South Africa with sweet french spices. 크림카라멜 달콤한프랑스향신료와조화를이룬남아프리카공화국의섬세한차입니다. Number 12 As rich and dark as the finest coffee beans, this black tea, reminiscent of the verdant hills of the Great Rift valley. 넘버 12 그레이트리프트밸리를연상시키는최상의커피빈만큼풍부하고진한차입니다. Jasmin Pearl Tender hand rolled leaves, deeply infused with the sweet aroma of jasmine blossoms. 자스민펄 은은한향과맛을가진어린자스민잎을선별하여만든차입니다. Red Ginseng Citrus Peel This tea is made of Jeju citrus and 4 year old ginseng roots. It has light flavors of its ingredients and a smooth taste. 홍삼귤피 4 년산홍삼과무농약귤피로정성껏만든홍삼귤피차는가벼우면서도부드러운맛이뛰어납니다.
10 PREMIUM TEA 18,000 프리미엄티 Sejack This tea is a taste bud appealing tea with its refreshing taste and strong fragrance. 세작녹차본연의상쾌한맛과진향이매력적인차입니다. Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum tea has a delicate, slightly floral aroma and a light, refreshing taste. 국화국화차는섬세한꽃향기를가지고있으며, 상쾌한맛을느낄수있습니다. Buckwheat This tea is made from Buckwheat, which is produced in the clean and clear Pyeongchang, Gangwon do area at 700 meters above sea level. Enjoy its unique aroma and taste. 메밀강원도의맑고푸른해발칠백미터고지에서재배한평창메밀로만들어메밀특유의구수한맛과향을느낄수있습니다. Sweet Dew This tea is grown in the Alpine regions and is naturally sweet with a hint of mint aroma. 수국고산지에서자란수국차나무잎을채취하여만든수국차는, 상쾌한비당성단맛과은은한박하맛이일품입니다.
11 FRESHLY SQUEEZED FRUIT JUICES 16,000 신선한생과일주스 Orange, Grapefruit, Pineapple, Melon, Tomato 오렌지, 자몽, 파인애플, 멜론, 토마토 SOFT DRINKS & ENERGY DRINKS 소프트드링크 & 에너지드링크 Pepsi, Pepsi Light, Sprite, Tonic Water, Ginger Ale 9,000 펩시, 펩시라이트, 스프라이트, 토닉워터, 진저에일 Red Bull, Red Bull Sugar Free 10,000 레드불, 레드불슈가프리 MINERAL WATER SPARKLING 스파클링워터 San Pellegrino, 0.25L, Perrier, 0.33L 9,000 산펠레그리노, 0.25L, 페리에, 0.33L MINERAL WATER STILL 미네랄워터 Seok Su, 0.5L 8,000 석수, 0.5L Aqua Panna, 0.25L, Evian, 0.5L 9,000 아쿠아판나, 0.25L, 에비앙, 0.5L Fiji, 0.5L 10,000 피지, 0.5L
12 CHAMPAGNE Glass Bottle 샴페인 Laurent Perrier, Brut, France NV 34, ,000 Billecart Salmon, Extra Brut, France NV 38, ,000 WHITE WINE 화이트와인 Castell del Remei, Blanc Planell, Costers del Segre, Spain ,000 80,000 Giovanni Almondo, Vigne Sparse 24, ,000 Roero Arneis DOCG, Italy 2010 Henri Bourgeois, Sancerre, Les Baronnes, Loire, France , ,000 ROSÉ WINE 로제와인 Rosé, Domaines Ott, Les Domaniers de Puits Mouret 22, ,000 Côtes de Provence, France 2012 RED WINE 레드와인 Malbec, Viu Manent, Gran Reserva, Colchagua Valley, Chile , ,000 Louis Max, Hautes Côte du Nuits, France , ,000 Vigneti Zabu, Il Passo, Sicilia IGT, Italy , ,000 Cabernet Sauvignon, Robert Mondavi Winery 33, ,000 Napa Valley, USA 2011
13 THE LOUNGE INTERNATIONAL COCKTAILS 23,000 더라운지인터내셔널칵테일 Black Russian Vodka, Kahlua 블랙러시안 보드카, 칼루아 Vanilla Rum Coke Infused Vanilla Rum, Coke 바닐라럼콕인퓨전한바닐라럼, 콜라 Long Island Iced Tea Tequila, Vodka, White Rum, Triple Sec, Gin, Fresh Lemon Juice, Sugar Syrup, Coke 롱아일랜드아이스티데킬라, 보드카, 화이트럼, 트리플섹, 신선한레몬주스, 시럽, 콜라 Blood Mary Vodka, Chilled Tomato Juice, Tabasco Sauce Worcester Sauce, Paprika Seasoning, Salt and Pepper 블러드메리 보드카, 토마토주스, 타바스코소스, 우스터소스, 파프리카파우더, 소금과후추 Rusty Nail Scotch Whisky, Drambuie 러스티네일 스카치위스키, 드람부이 All cocktails are hand crafted using freshly squeezed juices. 칵테일에사용하는모든주스는신선한생과일로만들어집니다.
14 THE LOUNGE GIN & TONIC SELECTION 더라운지진토닉셀렉션 Rosemary Tonic 23,000 Infused Bombay with Mix Berry Tea, Tonic Water 로즈마리토닉 믹스베리티와인퓨전한봄베이사파이어진, 토닉워터 Citrus Tonic 23,000 Infused Tanqueray Gin with Red Ginseng Citrus Tea, Tonic Water 시트러스토닉 홍삼레몬티와인퓨전한텐거레이, 토닉워터 Jasmin Tonic 25,000 Infused Beefeater 24 with Jasmine Queen Tea, Tonic Water 자스민토닉 자스민퀸티와인퓨전한비피터 24, 토닉워터 Hendricks Tonic 25,000 Hendricks Gin, Tonic Water 헨드릭스토닉 헨드릭스, 토닉워터 Monkey 47 Tonic 25,000 Monkey 47, Tonic Water 몽키 47 토닉 몽키 47, 토닉워터 THE LOUNGE SIGNATURE NON ALCOHOLIC COCKTAILS 22,000 더라운지시그니처무알콜칵테일 Peach Crush Tipco Cherry Berry Juice, Chilled Cranberry Juice, Fresh Orange Juice Fresh Lime Juice, Monin Peach Syrup 피치크러쉬체리베리주스, 크랜베리주스, 신선한오렌지주스, 신선한라임주스, 복숭아시럽 Cafe Oriental Espresso, Milk, Blue Curacao Syrup, Vanilla Syrup 카페오리엔탈에스프레소, 우유, 블루큐라소시럽, 바닐라시럽 All cocktails are hand crafted using freshly squeezed juices. 칵테일에사용하는모든주스는신선한생과일로만들어집니다.
15 VODKA Glass Bottle 보드카 Absolut 13, ,000 앱솔루트 Russian Standard 14, ,000 러시안스탠다드 42 Below 16, , 빌로우 Ketel One 16, ,000 케틀원 Belvedere 17, ,000 벨베디어 Grey Goose 17, ,000 그레이구스 Absolut Elyx 17, ,000 앱솔루트엘릭스 Beluga Silver 24, ,000 벨루가실버 Beluga Gold 35, ,000 벨루가골드
16 GIN Glass Bottle 진 Tanqueray 12, ,000 텐거레이 Bombay Sapphire 13, ,000 봄베이사파이어 Beefeater 24 14, ,000 비피터 24 Tanqueray No.10 14, ,000 텐거레이 No.10 Hendricks 15, ,000 헨드릭스 Monkey 47 20, ,000 몽키 47 RUM 럼 Havana 3 Años 13, ,000 하바나 3 아누스 Bacardi , ,000 바카디 151 Havana 7 Años 15, ,000 하바나 7 아누스 Zacapa 23 years 16, ,000 자카파 23 년 Brugal , ,000 브루갈 1888
17 TEQUILA Glass Bottle 데킬라 Jose Cuervo Especial 13, ,000 호세쿠엘보에스페샬 Jose 1800 Reposado 16, ,000 호세 1800 레포사도 Don Julio Blanco 18, ,000 돈훌리오블랑코 Alacran 19, ,000 알라크란 Jose 1800 Añejo 20, ,000 호세 1800 아네호 Heradura Añejo 20, ,000 에라두라아네호 Patron Silver 21, ,000 패트론실버 Patron Platinum 45, ,000 패트론플라티넘
18 BLENDED SCOTCH WHISKY Glass Bottle 블랜디드스카치위스키 Johnnie Walker Black Label 15, ,000 조니워커블랙라벨 Ballentine s 17 years 22, ,000 발렌타인 17 년 Johnnie Walker Platinum 23, ,000 조니워커플래티넘 Ballentine s 21 years 34, ,000 발렌타인 21 년 Johnnie Walker Blue Label 45, ,000 조니워커블루라벨 Whisky 위스키 Jameson 6 years 13, ,000 제임슨 6 년 Jim Beam Black 13, ,000 짐빔블랙
19 SINGLE MALT WHISKY SPEYSIDE Glass Bottle 싱글몰트위스키 - 스페이사이드 Technically Speyside lies within the Highland region. It is home to approximately half of Scotland's malt whisky distilleries. This small area of land located to the north west of Aberdeen produces mellow, sweet, and particularly fruity malt whiskies. 스페이사이드하이랜드지역내에자리잡고있습니다. 스코틀랜드의몰트위스키증류소의약절반이속해있습니다. 애버딘북서쪽에위치하고있으며부드럽고달콤하며특히과일몰트위스키를생산하고있습니다. The Glenlivet 12 years 17, ,000 글렌리벳 12 년 The Macallan 12 years 17, ,000 맥켈란 12 년 Glenfiddich 12 years 17, ,000 글렌피닉 12 년 Glenfiddich 15 years 21, ,000 글렌피딕 15 년 The Macallan 15 years 22, ,000 맥켈란 15 년 Glenfiddich 18 years 25, ,000 글렌피딕 18 년 The Macallan 18 years 27, ,000 맥켈란 18 년 Glenfiddich 21 years 40, ,000 글렌피딕 21 년 The Macallan 21 years 45, ,000 맥켈란 21 년 The Macallan 25 years 80,000 1,450,000 맥켈란 25 년 The Macallan 30 years 140,000 2,500,000 맥켈란 30 년
20 S SINGLE MALT WHISKY HIGHLANDS Glass Bottle 싱글몰트위스키 하이랜드 Moving north of the imaginary line takes us in to the Highland region. The region includes most of the rest of Scotland, with the exception of the Island of Islay and Campbeltown, and thus its malts vary greatly in character. Generalizations about the Highland region are less valid, as its whiskies will range from dry to sweet and some even have a touch of smoke and peat. 스코틀랜드최북단까지증류소가광범위하게흩어져있으며아일레이와캠벨타운을제외하고스코틀랜드의대부분의지역을포함하고있습니다. 광범위한지역인만큼드라이한것부터달콤한것까지다양하며스모크함과피트의특징을가지고있습니다. Oban 14 years 20, ,000 오반 14 년 Glenmorangie Lasanta 21, ,000 글렌모란지라산타 SINGLE MALT WHISKY LOWLANDS Glass Bottle 싱글몰트위스키 로우랜드 The Lowlands region lies south of an imaginary line drawn from the Clyde estuary to the Tay estuary. It can claim only three working distilleries. Whiskies from the Lowlands tend to be soft and light in character. They often display very malty, grassy characteristics and subtle delicate aromas. 로우랜드는클라이드하구에서부터테이하구의남쪽에위치하고있습니다. 현재는세군데의증류소만이남아있으며, 로우랜드에서생산되는위스키는가볍고부드러운풍미가특징입니다. 맥아와잔디의특징과미묘한아로마를가지고있습니다. Auchentoshan 12 years 19, ,000 오큰토션 12 년
21 SINGLE MALT WHISKY CAMPBEL TOWN Glass Bottle 싱글몰트위스키 캠벨타운 Campbeltown was once home to more than 30 distilleries. Today it is home to just three: Springbank, Glen Gyle and Glen Scotia. Whiskies from the town tend to have a little peat and salt to them and are generally medium to full bodied. 캠벨타운은한때 30 개이상의양조장이있었습니다. 현재는스프링뱅크, 글렌가일그리고글렌스코샤 세군데만이유지하고있습니다. 캠벨타운의위스키는약간의피트향과짭짤함이특징이며, 일반적으로 미디엄 풀바디를가지고있습니다. Springbank 10 years 22, ,000 스프링뱅크 10 년 SINGLE MALT WHISKY ISLAY Glass Bottle 싱글몰트위스키 아일레이 Located in the Inner Hebrides, the small Island of Islay is often called 'Whisky Island' given its concentration of eight distilleries. The island produces very distinct malts, generally heavily peated and smoky in taste. 아일레이는이너헤브리스디스위치한작은섬으로 ' 위스키섬 ' 으로불리며위스키증류소가여덟곳이나모여있습니다. 이곳에서만들어지는위스키는강한피트향과특유의스모키한맛을가지고있습니다. Ardberg 10 years 19, ,000 아드백 10 년 Laphroaig 15 years 22, ,000 라프로익 15 년
22 COGNAC Glass Bottle 꼬냑 Remy Martin VSOP 16, ,000 레미마틴 VSOP Chabot XO 30, ,000 샤보 XO Remy Martin XO 32, ,000 레미마틴 XO Hennessy XO 33, ,000 헤네시 XO Remy Martin XIII 275,000 4,860,000 레미마틴 XIII Richard Hennessy 380,000 6,700,000 리처드헤네시
23 APERITIF & LIQUEURS Glass Bottle 어프리티프 & 리퀴르 Aperol 11, ,000 아페롤 Baileys 11, ,000 베일리스 Cinzzano Bianco 11, ,000 진자노블랑코 Cinzzano Dry 11, ,000 진자노드라이 Cinzzano Rosso 11, ,000 진자노로쏘 Cointreau 11, ,000 쿠앵트로 Disaronno Amaretto 11, ,000 디사로노아마렛토 Grand Marnier 11, ,000 그랑마니에 Kahlua 11, ,000 칼루아 Martini Bianco 11, ,000 마티니비앙코 Martini Dry 11, ,000 마티니드라이 Martini Rosso 11, ,000 마티니로쏘 Ricard 11, ,000 리카
24 LOCAL BEER 13,000 국산맥주 OB, Cass, Hite 오비, 카스, 하이트 Queen s Ale, Blonde 퀸즈에일, 블론드 IMPOERT & LAGER BEER 수입 & 라거맥주 Heineken 15,000 하이네켄 Corona 15,000 코로나 Asahi 17,000 아사히 Sapporo 18,000 삿포로 1664 Kronenbourg Blanc 18, 크로넨버그블랑
Hot Coffee Cocktails Irish coffee 아이리쉬커피 22,000 irish whiskey coffee whipped cream Kahlua coffee 칼루아커피 22,000 kahlua coffee whipped cream Bailey s cof
Coffee Selection Coffee 커피 14,000 served as a shot of coffee Decaffeinated Coffe 디카페인커피 14,000 decaffeinated coffe Espresso 에스프레소 14,000 one shot espresso Double Espresso 더블에스프레소 15,000 double shot espresso
AMERICAN BREAKFAST 37,000 Fruit or vegetable Juice: Freshly squeezed orange, or apple, grapefruit, carrot, tomato, Fresh milk, Low-fat milk Two eggs,
AMERICAN BREAKFAST 37,000 Fruit or vegetable Juice: Freshly squeezed orange, or apple, grapefruit, carrot, tomato, Fresh milk, Low-fat milk Two eggs, any style, with your choice of : Fried, scrambled,
Whiskies 위스키 Blended Scotch Glass Bottle 블랜디드 스카치 Johnnie Walker Blue King George 2,300,000 죠니워커 블루 킹조지 Royal Salute 38yrs 150,000 2,600,000 로얄 샬루트 38
Whiskies 위스키 Blended Scotch Glass Bottle 블랜디드 스카치 Johnnie Walker Blue King George 2,300,000 죠니워커 블루 킹조지 Royal Salute 38yrs 150,000 2,600,000 로얄 샬루트 38년 Ballantine s 30yrs 100,000 1,700,000 발렌타인 30년 Chivas
Whiskies 위스키 Blended Scotch Glass Bottle 블랜디드스카치 Royal Salute 38yrs 100,000 2,200,000 로얄샬루트 38년 Ballantine s 30yrs 75,000 1,500,000 발렌타인 30년 Ballantin
Whiskies 위스키 Blended Scotch Glass Bottle 블랜디드스카치 Royal Salute 38yrs 100,000 2,200,000 로얄샬루트 38년 Ballantine s 30yrs 75,000 1,500,000 발렌타인 30년 Ballantine s 21yrs 23,000 400,000 발렌타인 21년 Ballantine s 17yrs
BINGSU AFTERNOON TEA. For 2 people 58,000 빙수 애프터눈 티-available form 2 pm to 5 pm (오후 2 시부터 5 시까지 제공됩니다.) Select your favorite Bingsu among Seasonal Bin
DOM BINGSU 2016 For 2 people 80,000 돔 빙수 The finely shaved ice is dressed with a rich berry salad tossed with lemon zest and tasty red fruits coulis topped with raspberry passion fruit sorbet and a cloud
BREAKFAST I 07:00~11:00 I MORNING BUFFET Adult 29,800 (07:00~10:00) Child 22,000 AMERICAN BREAKFAST 23,000 A Choice of Chilled Juice(Orange, Tomato, Pineapple) Two Eggs with Choice of Side Dish(Ham, Bacon,
까페원 메뉴
OPERATION HOURS 8:00am ~ 10:00pm (Food order from 10:00am ~ 9:30pm) If you have any concerns regarding food allergies, please alert your server prior to ordering. Consuming raw or under cooked meats, poultry,
Microsoft Word - The Lounge AFTER 8.30 - DJ
The Lounge We invite you to indulge with the talented music of DJ Sando and Nana playing the best of Chillout Lounge music alongside sophisticated and panoramic city views of Gangnam. (8:30pm~11:00pm only
Microsoft Word - The Griffin Bar 022015.docx
CHAMPAGNE Glass Bottle 샴페인 Taittinger Réserve, Brut, France NV 37,000 180,000 Louis Roederer, Brut, France NV 36,000 170,000 Bouvet Ladubay La Pyramide, Brut, France NV 17,000 80,000 WHITE WINE 화이트 와인
Twilight Experience Afternoon Tea Set Twilight Experience Fig Afternoon Afternoon Tea Tea Set Set
TWILIGHT EXPERIENCE Select four beverages from below menu 70,000 Lounge 51, Marine City 1-ro, Haeundae-gu, Busan, 612-824, Korea TELEPHONE +82 51 990 1303 White Wine 2014 Sauvignon Blanc, Rapaura Springs,
beverage coffee regular coffee 커피 9,000 decaffeinated coffee 디카페인커피 9,000 single espresso 에스프레소 9,000 double espresso 더블에스프레소 9,000 cappuccino 카푸치노 9,000 café latte 카페라떼 9,000 hot chocolate 핫초콜릿 9,000
LUNCH & DINNER I I KOREAN TABLE D'HOTE Beef Bone & Vegetable soup with Rice 20,000 and 4Kinds of side dish Boiled Ox-Tail Soup with Steamed Rice 24,000 Sliced and Marinated Beef Ribeye Barbecued on a Bulgogi
싱카이 역삼점 메뉴내지_단품음주류
XINGKAI Set Chin Set Today s Soup, Shredded Sea Cucumber and Shrimp with Beef, Fried Prawn in Chili Sauce, Fried Rice or Noodles, Dessert Myung Set Today s Soup, Fried Chicken in Garlic and Soy Sauce,
Microsoft Word - The Griffin Bar.docx
CHAMPAGNE Glass Bottle 샴페인 G.H. Mumm, Cordon Rouge, Brut, France NV 34,000 170,000 Taittinger Réserve, Brut, France NV 39,000 195,000 Rosé, Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin, Brut, France NV 45,000 220,000 WHITE
Champagne Armand de Brignac Brut Rosé NV 아르망드브리낙브뤼로제 Armand de Brignac Blanc de Blancs NV 아르망드브리낙블랑드블랑 2,300,000 2,300,000 Salon Cuvée S Blance Le Mesnil Brut 1999 살롱뀌베 S 블랑드블랑르메닐브뤼 1999 Armand de Brignac
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A La Maison s LUNCH SET A SET KRW 37,0 HOUSE GREEN SALAD with Mandarin Dressing 신선한야채샐러드 PASTA CHOICE 1. CREAM or TOMATO SAUCE SEAFOOD SPAGHETTI Shrimp, Sea Scallop, Mussel, Squid, Clam 크림 / 토마토 ( 선택 )
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DOM BINGSU For two 2 인 80,000 돔빙수 The thinly shaved ice is topped with a rich strawberry salad tossed with lemon zest and a tasty strawberry coulis. Topped with the homemade strawberry sorbet and a cloud
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A La Maison s SPECIAL LUNCH SET A SET 37,000 HOUSE GREEN SALAD with Mandarin Dressing 신선한야채샐러드 CREAM or TOMATO SAUCE SEAFOOD SPAGHETTI 크림 / 토마토 ( 선택 ) 소스해산물스파게티 ( 오징어 : 국내산 ) AMATRICIANA SPAGHETTI 아마트리치아나스파게티
SINGLE MALT SPEYSIDE Age Glass (45ml) Macallan ,000 31,000 55, , , , ,270, ,380,000 Balvenie 12 doublewood 2
APERITIF / BITTER Campari Pernod Ricard Glass (60ml) SHERRY / VERMOUTH Martini (Rosso Extra Dry) Tio Pepe Glass (60ml) PORT Graham s 10 years Graham s - Tawny Port 30 years Glass (60ml) 60,000 0,000 630,000
CHINESE BISTRO LUNCH COURSE (11:00 ~ 15:00 靑 33,000 Mushroom & Crab Meat Soup Cantonese-style Stir-Fried Seafood Deep-Fried Prawn with Spicy Chili Sauce Stir-Fried Shredded Green Bell Pepper & Beef Choice
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VN 150306 기본메뉴
Lunch Set Menu - Vecchia - Caesar Salad with Romaine, Croutons, Cherry Tomato, Parmesan Cheese and Caesar Dressing Kean Beef Tenderloin Steak with Mushroom Gratin, Celeriac and Mashed Potato Coffee Tea
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Caffa 커피의힘 Espresso 에스프레소 7,000 Coffee made with Espresso Cappuccino 카푸치노 8,000 Espresso with extra milk foam Café Latte 라떼 8,000 Coffee with hot milk
Caffa 커피의힘 Espresso 에스프레소 7,000 Coffee made with Espresso Cappuccino 카푸치노 8,000 Espresso with extra milk foam Café Latte 라떼 8,000 Coffee with hot milk Cafe Mocha 까페모카 8,000 Espresso with chocolate syrup
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A La Maison s DINNER SET FRENCH SET KRW 70,0 TERRINE OF FOIE GRAS with Fruit Compote 과일컴포트를곁들인푸아그라테린 MAIN DISH CHOICE 1. DUCK CONFIT with Mashed Potato, Stir Fried Mushroom, Port Wine Sauce 포트와인소스를곁들인오리다리콩피
SIGNATURE@Re:BAR INSPIRED BY VISTA WALKERHILL SEOUL 27,000 urban garden bulleit bourbon st-germain lemon squeeze egg white rosemary black pepper spiced forest absolut apeach crème de cassis yellow peach
[홈페이지용]_바 메뉴판(210x297)
BAR & SNACK Wine CHAMPAGNE Dom Perignon, Brut Cuvee 2004 Veuve Clicquot Yellow Label Moet & Chandon Brut Imperial NV Moet & Chandon Brut Imperial NV 375ml 590,000 200,000 180,000 100,000 SPARKLING ITALY
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CHAMPAGNE & SPARKLING WINE Glass Bottle 샴페인 & 스파클링와인 Louis Roederer, Cristal, Brut 2005 1,190,000 Krug, Grand Cuvée, Brut NV 670,000 Pol Roger, Réserve, Brut, Champagne, France NV 39,000 185,000 Taittinger,
SET 조식세트 All set menus are served with Freshly squeezed juice and hot beverage 모든세트메뉴에는신선한생과일주스와뜨거운음료가제공됩니다
BREAKFAST SET 조식세트 All set menus are served with Freshly squeezed juice and hot beverage 모든세트메뉴에는신선한생과일주스와뜨거운음료가제공됩니다 CONTINENTAL 35,000 Selection of Homemade Morning Pastries or your choice of Toast Served
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Coffee Espresso 에스프레소 6,500 Double Espresso 더블에스프레소 7,000 Decaffeinated Coffee 디카페인커피 7,000 Americano 아메리카노 7,000 Café Latte 카페라떼 7,500 Café Mocha 카페모카 7,500 Cappuccino 카푸치노 7,500 Vanilla Latte 바닐라라떼 7,500
Caffa 커피의힘 Espresso 에스프레소 7,000 Coffee made with Espresso Americano 아메리카노 7,000 Coffee made with Espresso and hot water Cappuccino 카푸치노 8,000 Espresso
Caffa 커피의힘 Espresso 에스프레소 7,000 Coffee made with Espresso Americano 아메리카노 7,000 Coffee made with Espresso and hot water Cappuccino 카푸치노 8,000 Espresso with extra milk foam Café Latte 라떼 8,000 Coffee with
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2018.07.01 DINING SET MENU PANORAMIC 65 CHEF S SPECIAL SET QUATRO SEAFOOD 네가지맛의해산물 Garlic Flavored Prawn, Crab Meat Tartare, Seared Scallop, Salmon Caviar, Tomato Salsa, Lemon & Lime Lobster, Citron Beurre
키사라 강남 메뉴판_룸 최종
MIZU Course Appetizer Grilled Chicken Salad Sashimi Prawn & Vegetable Tempura Sushi & Roll Hot or Cold Noodles 50,000 10% tax has been added. TSUKI Course Appetizer Three kinds of Seafood Salad Sashimi
BARTENDER SPECIAL 바텐더스페셜칵테일 30,000 Infusing Cocktails Inspired by high quality and fresh seasonal ingredients made by World Class Bartenders. We creat
CHAMPAGNE & SPARKLING WINE Glass Bottle 샴페인 & 스파클링와인 Louis Roederer, Cristal, Brut 2005 1,190,000 Krug, Grand Cuvée, Brut NV 670,000 Pol Roger, Réserve, Brut, Champagne, France NV 39,000 185,000 Taittinger,
All prices are in South Korean Won, including 10% service charge and 10% VAT. 상기금액에는 10% 의봉사료와 10% 의세금이포함되어있습니다. ( ) All prices are in South Kor
SALON de DDALKI MILANO For 1 person 48,000 살롱드딸기밀라노 with UNLIMITED SPARKLING WINE For 1 person 58,000 58,000 원으로무제한스파클링와인과함께즐겨보세요. Weekday: Available from 2 pm to 6 pm. ( 평일오후 2 시 ~ 6 시 ) Weekend: 1 st
House salad topped w/ tomatoes and ricotta cheese Mixed veggie salad w/ avocado Korean prime beef Tartare Char-grilled Korean styled burger steak made with Korean prime beef Braised Korean prime beef short
SALON de DDALKI For 1 person 55,000 살롱드딸기 Weekday: 1 st - 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm/ 2 nd - 4 pm to 6 pm ( 평일오후 1 시 30 분 ~ 6 시 ) Weekend & Public Holidays: 1
SALON de DDALKI For 1 person 55,000 살롱드딸기 Weekday: 1 st - 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm/ 2 nd - 4 pm to 6 pm ( 평일오후 1 시 30 분 ~ 6 시 ) Weekend & Public Holidays: 1 st - 11 am to 1 pm/ 2 nd - 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm/ 3 rd
All prices are in South Korean Won, including 10% service charge and 10% VAT. 상기금액에는 10% 의봉사료와 10% 의세금이포함되어있습니다. ( ) All prices are in South Kor
SALON de DDALKI MILANO For 1 person 48,000 살롱드딸기밀라노 with UNLIMITED SPARKLING WINE For 1 person 58,000 58,000 원으로무제한스파클링와인과함께즐겨보세요. Weekday: Available from 2 pm to 6 pm. ( 평일오후 2 시 ~ 6 시 ) Weekend: 1 st
Mixed veggie salad w/ avocado Korean prime beef Tartare Braised Korean prime beef short ribs Char-grilled Korean styled burger steak made with Korean prime beef Chopped small octopus / small octopus &
Summer Premium Bingsu Classic Bingsu 클래식빙수 35,000 Red Bean, Barley Ice Cream, Sticky Rice Cake Cotton Candy Mango Bingsu 코튼캔디망고빙수 45,000 Fresh Mango,
Summer Premium Bingsu Classic Bingsu 클래식빙수 35,000 Red Bean, Barley Ice Cream, Sticky Rice Cake Cotton Candy Mango Bingsu 코튼캔디망고빙수 45,000 Fresh Mango, Mango Sherbet, Cotton Candy Healthy Moringa Bingsu
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BEVERAGE 10:00 21:30 Coffee Tea Selection Espresso Regular Coffee Café Latte Master s Tea 우전녹차 춘설발효차 연근발효말차 15,000 17,000 Regular / Mocha / Caramel / Vanilla / Hazelnut Cappuccino 15,000 경남하동김동곤명인 전남광주허달재명인
CAVIAR BOUTIQUE TRADITION - 트레디션 Tradition caviar comes from the White Sturgeon, a species from the Pacific coasts of North America between Alaska and Baja, California. It is one of the longest living
SALON de DDALKI For 1 person 55,000 살롱드딸기 Weekday: 1 st - 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm/ 2 nd - 4 pm to 6 pm ( 평일오후 1 시 30 분 ~ 6 시 ) Weekend & Public Holidays: 1
SALON de DDALKI For 1 person 55,000 살롱드딸기 Weekday: 1 st - 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm/ 2 nd - 4 pm to 6 pm ( 평일오후 1 시 30 분 ~ 6 시 ) Weekend & Public Holidays: 1 st - 11 am to 1 pm/ 2 nd - 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm/ 3 rd
Food Menu Avocado shrimp 아보카도와새우 Avocado, shrimp, mushroom, tomato, olive, extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, sour sauce Cheese platter with seasonal fruit 치즈와계절과일 Seasonal sliced fruits, assorted
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A La Maison s SPECIAL DINNER SET FRENCH SET 70,000 TERRINE OF FOIE GRAS with Fruit Compote 과일컴포트를곁들인푸아그라테린 DUCK CONFIT Mashed Potato, Stir Fried Mushroom, Port Wine Sauce 포트와인소스를곁들인오리다리콩피 ( 오리고기 : 국내산
SALON de DDALKI For 1 person 55,000 살롱드딸기 Weekday: 1 st - 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm/ 2 nd - 4 pm to 6 pm ( 평일오후 1 시 30 분 ~ 6 시 ) Weekend & Public Holidays: 1
SALON de DDALKI For 1 person 55,000 살롱드딸기 Weekday: 1 st - 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm/ 2 nd - 4 pm to 6 pm ( 평일오후 1 시 30 분 ~ 6 시 ) Weekend & Public Holidays: 1 st - 11 am to 1 pm/ 2 nd - 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm/ 3 rd
Luxuriate in leisurely afternoons in the Lobby Lounge over all-day refreshments or a three-tiered afternoon tea stand, perfectly paired with premium t
Luxuriate in leisurely afternoons in the Lobby Lounge over all-day refreshments or a three-tiered afternoon tea stand, perfectly paired with premium teas and coffee. As night falls, ambient lighting and
PowerPoint 프레젠테이션
APPETIZER COLD APPETIZER GOAT CHEESE SALAD Goat Cheese, Kadaif, Tomato, Basil Pesto, Mixed Salad 염소치즈샐러드 KRW 30,000 MOZZARELLA & RICOTTA CHEESE SALAD Fresh Mozzarella, Mini Tomato, Green & Black Olive,
Max Mara Afternoon Tea Set For two people 68,000 막스마라애프터눈티세트 Available from 2 pm to 5 pm ( 오후 2 시부터 5 시까지제공됩니다 ) Max Mara Signature Coats! Cookies (2
Max Mara Afternoon Tea Set For two people 68,000 막스마라애프터눈티세트 Available from 2 pm to 5 pm ( 오후 2 시부터 5 시까지제공됩니다 ) Max Mara Signature Coats! Cookies (2 pieces) 막스마라시그니처코트! 쿠키 (2 조각 ) Dark Chocolate Brownie,
TWG TEA MACARONS TWG Tea s renowned crispy almond biscuit with a soft centre. Infused with our signature teas, TWG Tea has transformed the macaron int
TWG TEA MACARONS TWG Tea s renowned crispy almond biscuit with a soft centre. Infused with our signature teas, TWG Tea has transformed the macaron into a uniquely memorable confection. TWG TEA 마카롱 3,200
Microsoft Word - The Lounge docx
Hello Kitty Bingsu Afternoon Tea For two people 68,000 헬로키티 빙수애프터눈티 Available from 2 pm to 5 pm ( 오후 2 시부터 5 시까지제공됩니다 ) Select your favorite Bingsu from among Hello Kitty Bingsu, New Springville Pat Bingsu,
MAC Afternoon Tea Set For two people 68,000 맥애프터눈티세트 Available from 2 pm to 6 pm ( 오후 2 시부터 6 시까지제공됩니다 ) SWEET Scones with Powdered Strawberry Butter,
MAC Afternoon Tea Set For two people 68,000 맥애프터눈티세트 Available from 2 pm to 6 pm ( 오후 2 시부터 6 시까지제공됩니다 ) SWEET Scones with Powdered Strawberry Butter, Clotted Cream, Fig Jam 딸기버터스콘, 클로티드크림, 무화과잼 Mixed
Demain Breakfast 1. Continental breakfast buffet 유럽식조식뷔페 2. Omelet (cheese or plain) 오믈렛 ( 치즈또는플레인 ) Demain Noodle 1. Tomato sauce with basil seafood
HOTEL PROVIDES. ( 원산지표시 ) RICE DOME 쌀 국내산 BEEF AUS/USA 소고기 호주산 / 미국산 CHICKEN DOME/BRZ 닭고기 국내산 / 브라질산 BACON USA 베이컨 미국산 PORK DOME/USA/FRA 돼지고기 국내산 / 미국산 / 프랑스산 KIMCHI DOME 김치 국내산 CHILI POWDER DOME 고춧가루
JW Marriott Seoul 176 Sinbanpo-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul 06546, South Korea Tel +82.2.6282.6262 SIGNATURE BAKED GOODS 08:00 AM - 12:00 PM BUTTER CROISSANT 5 PAIN AU CHOCOLAT 5.5 MUFFIN
A LA CARTE APPETIZERS Burrata Cheese, heirloom tomato, basil, young leaves (V) King Crab Tian, avocado, cucumber, mango, thousand island dressing 28,0
BREAKFAST FRUITS, YOGHURT & SIGNATURE JUICE Yoghurt and Granola Parfait Low Fat Yoghurt, Seasonal Berries, Organic Honey 18,000 Seasonal Fruits Sparkling Grapefruit INDULGE Buttermilk Pancake, Blueberry
THE LOUNGE SPECIALTIES 더라운지스페셜 Artisanal Toast V 20,000 rye bread, avocado, shiitake mushroom, poached egg 아티즈널토스트호밀빵, 아보카도, 표고버섯, 수란 Croque Madame 24
THE LOUNGE SPECIALTIES 더라운지스페셜 Artisanal Toast V 20,000 rye bread, avocado, shiitake mushroom, poached egg 아티즈널토스트호밀빵, 아보카도, 표고버섯, 수란 Croque Madame 24,000 whole grain toast, cooked ham, gruyère, sauce
오크우드 레스토랑 메뉴
Restaurant Menu Country of Origin 식자재 원산지 Beef Strip Loin Beef Rib-Eye Beef Tenderloin Beef Patty Beef Rib Meat Beef Short Rib Lamb Chop Veal Chop Chicken Chicken Bone Chicken Breast Bacon Sausage Beef
Twilight Experience Afternoon Tea Set Twilight Experience Nectarine & Cherry Afternoon Afternoon Tea Tea Set Set
TWILIGHT EXPERIENCE Select four beverages from below menu 70,000 Lounge 51, Marine City 1-ro, Haeundae-gu, Busan, 612-824, Korea TELEPHONE +82 51 990 1303 White Wine 2014 Sauvignon Blanc, Rapaura Springs,
CARPE DIEM 27,000 카르페디엠 As a Latin word for being faithful to the moment you are living, enjoy the griffin signature cocktails for as long as you are
CARPE DIEM 27,000 카르페디엠 As a Latin word for being faithful to the moment you are living, enjoy the griffin signature cocktails for as long as you are with griffin today. 지금살고있는현재이순간에충실하라는뜻의라틴어카르페디엠처럼,
Twilight Experience Twilight Experience Afternoon Tea Set Tea Afternoon Tea Set Afternoon Tea Set
Twilight EXPERIENCE Select four beverages from below menu 70,000 Lounge 51, Marine City 1-ro, Haeundae-gu, Busan, 612-824, Korea TELEPHONE +82 51 990 1303 White Wine 2014 Sauvignon Blanc, Rapaura Springs,
SEOUL SELECTION 35,000 서울셀렉션칵테일 In the heart of Seoul, The Griffin recreated the iconic landmarks into cocktails. 서울의중심에서 더그리핀 이재창조한서울의아이코닉랜드마크네곳. Don
SEOUL SELECTION 35,000 서울셀렉션칵테일 In the heart of Seoul, The Griffin recreated the iconic landmarks into cocktails. 서울의중심에서 더그리핀 이재창조한서울의아이코닉랜드마크네곳. Dongdaemun (DDM) Moon Light Damsol, Monkey 47 Sloe Gin,
Microsoft Word - The Griffin docx
SEOUL SELECTION 35,000 서울셀렉션칵테일 In the heart of Seoul, The Griffin recreated the iconic landmarks into cocktails. 서울의중심에서 더그리핀 이재창조한서울의아이코닉랜드마크네곳. Dongdaemun (DDM) Moon Light Damsol, Monkey 47 Sloe Gin,
Microsoft Word - The Lounge - Chillout At The Park _20160204
The Lounge We invite you to indulge with the talented music of DJ Sando and Nana playing the best of Chillout Lounge music alongside sophisticated and panoramic city views of Gangnam. (8:30pm~11:00pm only
Hello Kitty Bingsu Afternoon Tea Add on 21,000KRW per person 헬로키티 빙수애프터눈티 Available from 2 pm to 6 pm ( 오후 2 시부터 6 시까지제공됩니다 ) Choose any bingsu and up
Hello Kitty Bingsu Afternoon Tea Add on 21,000KRW per person 헬로키티 빙수애프터눈티 Available from 2 pm to 6 pm ( 오후 2 시부터 6 시까지제공됩니다 ) Choose any bingsu and upgrade your experience with a selection of savories
Hello Kitty Bingsu Afternoon Tea Add on 19,000KRW per person 헬로키티 빙수애프터눈티 Available from 2 pm to 6 pm ( 오후 2 시부터 6 시까지제공됩니다 ) Choose any bingsu and up
Hello Kitty Bingsu Afternoon Tea Add on 19,000KRW per person 헬로키티 빙수애프터눈티 Available from 2 pm to 6 pm ( 오후 2 시부터 6 시까지제공됩니다 ) Choose any bingsu and upgrade your experience with a selection of savories
CARPE DIEM 27,000 카르페디엠 As a Latin word for being faithful to the moment you are living, enjoy the griffin signature cocktails for as long as you are
CARPE DIEM 27,000 카르페디엠 As a Latin word for being faithful to the moment you are living, enjoy the griffin signature cocktails for as long as you are with griffin today. 지금살고있는현재이순간에충실하라는뜻의라틴어카르페디엠처럼,
Lunar New Year Gift Set 구정선물세트, 올해명절에도고마운분들께정성가득한햄퍼를선물하세요. 기간 : 2015 년 2 월 2 일 ~ 16 일구입및문의 : JW 메리어트동대문스퀘어서울타볼로 24 ( )
Lunar New Year Gift Set 2015 2015 구정선물세트, 올해명절에도고마운분들께정성가득한햄퍼를선물하세요. 기간 : 2015 년 2 월 2 일 ~ 16 일구입및문의 : JW 메리어트동대문스퀘어서울타볼로 24 (02 2276 3320) 소믈리에셀렉션 Sommelier Selection 소믈리에가선별한와인셀렉션을특별히제작된와인박스에담아선물해보세요.
A La Carte (Breakfast) Continental Breakfast 유럽식조찬 23. Choice of Chilled Fruit Juice 주스선택 (100% Pure) Bread Basket Served with Butter and Jam 여러가지빵과버터
A LA CARTE MENU A La Carte (Breakfast) Continental Breakfast 유럽식조찬 23. Choice of Chilled Fruit Juice 주스선택 (100% Pure) Bread Basket Served with Butter and Jam 여러가지빵과버터, 과일잼 Coffee, Decaf Coffee, Tea or
Hello Kitty Bingsu Afternoon Tea For 1 person 48,000 헬로키티 빙수애프터눈티 Available from 2 pm to 6 pm ( 오후 2 시부터 6 시까지제공됩니다 ) MINI HELLO KITTY BINGSU 미니헬로키티빙수
Hello Kitty Bingsu Afternoon Tea For 1 person 48,000 헬로키티 빙수애프터눈티 Available from 2 pm to 6 pm ( 오후 2 시부터 6 시까지제공됩니다 ) MINI HELLO KITTY BINGSU 미니헬로키티빙수 SAVORY ON THE BUFFET Boston Lobster Éclair Salad Niçoise,
Safety Kids, send your drawing with an electrical safety tip to your local electric cooperative (address found on Page receive a prize. All entries must include your name, age, mailing address and the
La Mer Brunch menu 라메르브런치메뉴 Salad / 샐러드 Italian Panini / 이탈리아식파니니 1. Ramada Salad Specials / 라마다스페셜샐러드여러가지야채와파프리카, 치즈, 햄을곁들인샐러드 13, Mushroom Pan
RAMADA INCHEON HOTEL La Mer Brunch menu 라메르브런치메뉴 Salad / 샐러드 Italian Panini / 이탈리아식파니니 1. Ramada Salad Specials / 라마다스페셜샐러드여러가지야채와파프리카, 치즈, 햄을곁들인샐러드 13,000 1. Mushroom Panini / 머쉬룸파니니머쉬룸과햄, 양파, 치즈, 발사믹를곁들인파니니
STUZZICHINO Amuse Piatti di iberico Jamon Iberico plate 26.0 Piatto di Affettati misti 28.0 Assorted Italian fresh ham with salami Tagliatti di formaggi misti Assorted cheese plate & homemade cracker 28.0
Beverage 수정
Food Menu Avocado shrimp 아보카도와새우구이 Avocado, shrimp, mushroom, tomato, olive, extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, sour sauce Cheese platter with seasonal fruit 치즈와계절과일 Seasonal sliced fruits, assorted
& Afternoon Coffee Set For two people 68,000 네스프레소애프터눈커피세트 Available from 2 pm to 5 pm ( 오후 2 시부터 5 시까지제공됩니다 ) Chad s Ricotta-Cheese Hot Cake maple syrup, caramel, bacon candy 차드의리코타치즈핫케이크 메이플시럽, 카라멜,
레스토랑 메뉴(14면-30부)
Dining Menu OAK COURSE 주방장추천수프 Chef s Special Daily Soup 건강식닭가슴살샐러드 Health Chicken Salad with Mixed Salad, Ricotta Cheese, Blue Berry and Oriental Dressing 최상급꽃등심스테이크 Beef Rib Eye Steak with Baked Potato,
온도레스토랑 메뉴판
휘닉스평창 온도레스토랑운영안내 Phoenix pyeongchang ONDO Restaurant running guide. 운영시간 RESTAURANT RUNNING TIME 조식(BREAK FAST) 07:00 ~ 10:00 중식 (LUNCH) 12:00 ~ 15:00 석식 (DINNER) 18:00 ~ 22:00 이용안내 INFORMATIONS ON USAGE
Microsoft Word Winter bev docx
1 BEVERAGE NV Billecart-Salmon, Extra Brut 2 Please enjoy our specially priced wine by the glass options, hand chosen by Sommelier KJ Cho BY THE GLASS CHAMPAGNE glass bottle NV Billecart-Salmon, Extra
Microsoft Word - 2016 summer bev 2016.07.06
BEVERAGE NV Rosé, Ruinart, Brut NV Bollinger Special Cuvée, Brut NV Bollinger Special Cuvée, Brut 1 Please enjoy our specially priced wine by the glass options, hand chosen by our Sommelier KJ Cho..BY
애피타이저 Starters 투나 포키 $12 참치 회, 칠리 간장, 오이, 파, 깨, 그리고 하와이안 돌소금. Tuna Poke. Ahi, crushed red chili soy sauce, cucumber, green onions, sesame seed & Hawai
BEACH KOR.indd 1 애피타이저 Starters 투나 포키 $12 참치 회, 칠리 간장, 오이, 파, 깨, 그리고 하와이안 돌소금. Tuna Poke. Ahi, crushed red chili soy sauce, cucumber, green onions, sesame seed & Hawaiian rock salt. 양념 치킨윙 $12 바삭 튀긴 닭
Club Sandwich W 26,000 Korean Chicken, Bacon, Tomato, Organic Lettuce, Egg Mayonnaise 클럽 샌드위치 국내산 닭고기, 베이컨, 토마토, 유기농 양상추, 마요네즈에 버무린 계란 Steak Sandwich
WESTERN SELECTION Oven Roasted Tomato Soup W 18,000 Parmesan, Croutons, Basil Pesto 오븐에 구운 토마토 수프 파마산 치즈, 크루통, 바질 페스토 Vegetable Minestrone Soup W 18,000 Basil Pesto 야채 미네스트로네 수프 바질 페스토 Traditional Waldorf
SEOUL SELECTION 35,000 서울셀렉션칵테일 In the heart of Seoul, The Griffin recreated the iconic landmarks into cocktails. 서울의중심에서 더그리핀 이재창조한서울의아이코닉랜드마크네곳. Don
SEOUL SELECTION 35,000 서울셀렉션칵테일 In the heart of Seoul, The Griffin recreated the iconic landmarks into cocktails. 서울의중심에서 더그리핀 이재창조한서울의아이코닉랜드마크네곳. Dongdaemun (DDM) Moon Light Damsol, Monkey 47 Sloe Gin,
Hello Kitty Bingsu Afternoon Tea Add on 21,000KRW per person 헬로키티 빙수애프터눈티 Available from 2 pm to 6 pm ( 오후 2 시부터 6 시까지제공됩니다 ) Choose any bingsu and up
Hello Kitty Bingsu Afternoon Tea Add on 21,000KRW per person 헬로키티 빙수애프터눈티 Available from 2 pm to 6 pm ( 오후 2 시부터 6 시까지제공됩니다 ) Choose any bingsu and upgrade your experience with a selection of savories
2 3
20 recipies pot line Stir Fried Glass Noodles and Bean Sprouts Wild Sesame and Mushroom Soup Mille-Feuille Nabe Seafood Risotto with Cream Sauce Braised Pork Rib with Aged Kimchi Stir Fried Noodle with
SEOUL SELECTION 35,000 서울셀렉션칵테일 In the heart of Seoul, The Griffin recreated the iconic landmarks into cocktails. 서울의중심에서 더그리핀 이재창조한서울의아이코닉랜드마크네곳. Don
SEOUL SELECTION 35,000 서울셀렉션칵테일 In the heart of Seoul, The Griffin recreated the iconic landmarks into cocktails. 서울의중심에서 더그리핀 이재창조한서울의아이코닉랜드마크네곳. Dongdaemun (DDM) Moon Light Damsol, Monkey 47 Sloe Gin,
RECIPE(ver ) RECIPE 요약본 할리스커피교육아카데미파트 _Ver Hollys coffee manual 페이지 1 / 7 매뉴얼은 할리스에프앤비의재산이며무단복제, 수정및외부유출을금지합니다.
RECIPE 요약본 할리스커피교육아카데미파트 _Ver. 20140605 2014 Hollys coffee manual 페이지 1 / 7 매뉴얼은 할리스에프앤비의재산이며무단복제, 수정및외부유출을금지합니다. WC: 휘핑크림 F: 우유거품 소스 : 소스통에미리담아둔다.( 표시사항부착 / 홀딩타임준수 ) 1. 기본 I. COFFEE - HOT ( 진 ) 카페아메리카노
LUNCH SET MENU 런치세트메뉴 Tuna tadaki with yuzu sherbet, cianfotta, eggplant caviar and flying fish roe 치안포타, 참치타다끼, 유자셔벗, 날치알을이용한가지캐비어 Cream of yam soup with sweet pumpkin crouton 단호박크루톤을곁들인산마크림수프 Herb tomato,
Signature Green Afternoon Tea 시그니처그린애프터눈티 켄싱턴제주호텔아뜨리움라운지에서펼쳐지는로맨틱가든파티! 제주의푸른싱그러움을담아준비한시그니처그린애프터눈티를새롭게선보입니다. 시그니처그린 3 단트레이와프리미엄티또는커피 2 인기준 14:00 ~ 17:00 \ 80,000 Wine Selection 와인셀렉션 켄싱턴제주호텔아뜨리움라운지에서펼쳐지는로맨틱가든파티!
PowerPoint 프레젠테이션
BREAKFAST BUFFET 주중 06:30am~09:30am / 주말 07:00am~10:00am LUNCH 주중 11:30~14:30 DINNER 주중 18:00~21:30 주말및공휴일은조식만운영함 Trio Antipasto 이태리식안티파스토 ( 카프레제, 프로슈토, 해산물 ) Beef Carpaccio 비프카르파쵸 ( 소고기, 루꼴라, 방울토마토 )
Featuring western grandeur and eastern elegance, the Lobby Lounge & Bar is the symbolic space representing Grand InterContinental Seoul Parnas. It is
Featuring western grandeur and eastern elegance, the Lobby Lounge & Bar is the symbolic space representing Grand InterContinental Seoul Parnas. It is the ideal place to enjoy a relaxed ambience while appreciating
Coffee Americano 아메리카노 Espresso 에스프레소 Flat white 플랫화이트 Cappuccino 카푸치노 Café latte 카페라떼 Café mocha 카페모카 Vanilla café latte 바닐라카페라떼 Caramel café latte 카
Coffee Americano 아메리카노 Espresso 에스프레소 Flat white 플랫화이트 Cappuccino 카푸치노 Café latte 카페라떼 Café mocha 카페모카 Vanilla café latte 바닐라카페라떼 Caramel café latte 카라멜카페라떼 Affogato 아포가토 Hot 15,000 16,000 Ice 15,000 16,000
PowerPoint 프레젠테이션
B A R 스타일리시한공간, 그리고소중한사람들! 더라운지 PRICE Balvenie 21y \ 1,150,000 \ 720,000 Balvenie 17y \ 650,000 \ 420,000 Balvenie 14y \ 550,000 \ 360,000 Balvenie 12y \ 450,000 \ 300,000 중복할인적용이불가능한상품입니다. Set Selection
For the Morning 10:00AM ~ 11:30AM Mini viennoiseries and French baguettes basket with choice of a fresh juice and a hot drink 35,000 미니비엔누아즈리와프렌치바게트바스
The Lounge For the Morning 10:00AM ~ 11:30AM Mini viennoiseries and French baguettes basket with choice of a fresh juice and a hot drink 35,000 미니비엔누아즈리와프렌치바게트바스켓과후레쉬주스, 뜨거운음료 Mini viennoiseries and French
Sommelier s Recommendations \ 50,000 Marqués de Murrieta Reserva, Rioja, Spain 2011 (100ml) \ 45,000 M.Chapoutier, Banyuls Vin Doux Naturel, France 20
푸아그라 오리고기 ( 프랑스산 ) 크로켓 광어 ( 국내산 ) 스테이크소스 쇠고기 ( 호주산, 뉴질랜드산, 국내산한우섞음 ), 쇠고기사골 ( 호주산 ) 육수 닭고기 ( 국내산 ) Foie Gras Duck (Product of France) Croquette Halibut (Product of Kea) Steak Sauce Beef (Product of Australia,
Twilight Experience Afternoon Tea Set Twilight Experience Warm Winter Strawberry Afternoon Tea Set
TWILIGHT EXPERIENCE Select four beverages from below menu with Dry Snack with Small Cheese Platter 70,000 80,000 Lounge 51, Marine City 1-ro, Haeundae-gu, Busan, 612-824, Korea TELEPHONE +82 51 990 1303
YEONGGWANG BEOPSEONGPO SALTED YELLOW CORVINA Exquisite taste, Interweaving of Water Wind Sunshine Salt And time By human
MISuNG fishery association corporation delivers taste of time from endeavors to follow the traditional methods for three generations. We have the patented skill of making Gul-bi marinated with herb & lotus
아뮤즈부쉬 푸아그라 ( 프랑스산오리고기 ), 광어 ( 국내산 ), 도미 ( 국내산 ), 장어 ( 국내산 ), 오징어 ( 국내산 ) 초리조 스페인산돼지고기 베이컨 외국산돼지고기 푸아그라 프랑스산오리고기 스윗브레드 호주산쇠고기 스테이크소스 쇠고기 ( 호주산, 뉴질랜드산,
아뮤즈부쉬 푸아그라 ( 프랑스산오리고기 ), 광어 ( 국내산 ), 도미 ( 국내산 ), 장어 ( 국내산 ), 오징어 ( 국내산 ) 초리조 스페인산돼지고기 베이컨 외국산돼지고기 푸아그라 프랑스산오리고기 스윗브레드 호주산쇠고기 스테이크소스 쇠고기 ( 호주산, 뉴질랜드산, 국내산한우섞음 ), 쇠고기사골 ( 호주산 ) 육수 닭고기 ( 국내산 ) 연두부 콩 ( 국내산
160630 오크우드 레스토랑 메뉴
Restaurant Menu Country of Origin Beef 소고기 U.S.A 미국산 Beef Strip Loin 등심 U.S.A 미국산 Beef Rib-Eye 꽃등심 U.S.A 미국산 Beef Tenderloin 안심 U.S.A 미국산 Pork 돼지고기 Korea 국내산 Chicken 닭고기 Korea 국내산 Bacon 베이컨 U.S.A 미국산 Lobster
W E S T E R N SELECTIONS CLUB SANDWICH 27,000 Chicken Breast, Bacon, Tomato, Lettuce, Egg Mayonnaise 클럽샌드위치 닭가슴살, 베이컨, 토마토, 양상추, 에그마요네즈 ( 닭고기 : 국내산 )
ALL DAY W E S T E R N SELECTIONS CLUB SANDWICH 27,000 Chicken Breast, Bacon, Tomato, Lettuce, Egg Mayonnaise 클럽샌드위치 닭가슴살, 베이컨, 토마토, 양상추, 에그마요네즈 ( 닭고기 : 국내산 ) ( 베이컨 : 돼지고기 - 미국산 ) SWEET PUMPKIN SOUP 18,000
MENU RENEWAL_Restaurant_A4순서대로
TODAY S LUNCH MONDAY TO FRIDAY 11:30-15:00 TODAY S RICE 오늘의라이스 15.0 TODAY S PASTA 오늘의파스타 15.0 TODAY S SPECIAL 오늘의스페셜 18.0 - 식전빵추가는 500 원입니다. - 위가격에는 10% 부가세가포함되어있습니다. All prices are inclusive of 10% vat.