시스코 하이퍼플랙스와 VEEAM 백업 어플라이언스
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1 시스코하이퍼플랙스와 Veeam 백업어플라이언스 ( 하이퍼컨버지드전문가되기 2 탄 ) 최수영수석부장 Cisco Korea 2017 년 6 월 15 일
2 하이퍼컨버지드인프라 ( 재방 *) 목차 더욱강력해진하이퍼플랙스 클라우드인프라는하이퍼플랙스로 그런데백업은어떻게하지 * 2016 년 11 월 10 일하이퍼컨버지드전문가되기 1 탄
3 하이퍼컨버지드인프라
4 전통적인 NAS 하이브리드스토리지 올플래시스토리지 하이퍼컨버전스솔루션의구성개념 전통적인가상화시스템구축방식 하이퍼컨버전스솔루션구축방식 서버들 온디맨드견고함효율적임심플함 1-3 년계획필요대규모구축비효율적임복잡함 APP APP CPU MEM 스토리지들 서버가상화 APP APP CPU MEM 기존서버스토리지연동구조에서 SDS 를활용하여서버와스토리지기능이통합된노드단위구성확장 CPU MEM 하이퍼컨버지드인프라 APP APP APP 하이퍼컨버전스 APP APP CPU MEM APP + 온디맨드 + 견고함 + 효율적임 + 심플함 + 확장성좋음 + 엔터프라이즈기능 + 비용효과적구축 레거시스토리지구조가더이상필요없음 벤더 E 벤더 N 벤더 P
5 시스코하이퍼컨버지드인프라하이퍼플랙스 VM VM VM VM VM + = Hypervisor/Container Datastore/Volume SDD SDD Cisco HX Data Platform Controller UCS 서버와패브릭인터컨넥터 HX 데이터플랫폼소프트웨어 Cisco HyperFlex Systems
6 하이퍼플랙스의노드확장성 노드안에서스토리지 (HDD) 와캐시 (SSD) 확장 노드추가시 HX 데이터플랫폼자동확장 데이터플랫폼증설없이컴퓨트만확장 ( 랙, 블레이드서버 ) 랙서버를통한확장 블레이드서버를통한확장 VM VM VM VM IOVisor IOVisor VM VM VM VM IOVisor IOVisor IOVisor IOVisor IOVisor IOVisor IOVisor IOVisor VM VM VM VM VM VM VM VM VM VM VM VM 하이퍼바이저 컨트롤러 VM 하이퍼바이저 컨트롤러 VM 하이퍼바이저 컨트롤러 VM 하이퍼바이저 컨트롤러 VM HX 데이터 HX 플랫폼데이터플랫폼 서버에서 IOVisor 를통해스토리지자원을사용 노드안에스토리지와캐시개별확장 노드추가
7 하이퍼플랙스의고가용성과신속한복구 플랫폼은동시 2 개노드 장애시에도데이터손실을막을 수있음 하나의노드장애시가상머신은 데이터이동요구없이재빠르게 다른노드로대피하여운영 복구노드는 UCS 서비스프로파일에서 자동설정되고 HX 데이터플랫폼은 자동으로가상머신을재분배 VM VM VM VM VM VM VM VM VM VM VM VM 하이퍼바이저 컨트롤러 VM 하이퍼바이저 컨트롤러 VM 하이퍼바이저 컨트롤러 VM 하이퍼바이저 컨트롤러 VM HX 데이터 HX 플랫폼데이터플랫폼
8 시스코하이퍼플랙스스토리지구성옵션 어플리케이션유형에따라 HX, FC SAN, iscsi/nas 의다양한스토리지구성가능 LAN 백본 Nexus 9K/7K NAS/iSCSI 용외장형스토리지 HX DATASTORE FC SAN DATASTORE iscsi/nas DATASTORE FC SAN 용외장형스토리지 SAN 백본 MDS 9K
9 독립적인인프라스트럭처확장 독립적인확장 HX240C UCS C240 UCS B200 NVIDIA GPU SAN 스토리지 UCS C3260 카드 HCI 컴퓨트와 다용도랙 다용도블레이드 그래픽가속전용 고성능 고용량스토리지 스토리지용량확장 컴퓨팅노드 컴퓨팅노드 컴퓨팅노드 스토리지연동 백업서버확장
10 더욱강력해진하이퍼플랙스
11 2017 년 1 분기 HCI 마켓 1 위 HyperFlex 37% 점유율로 1위 ( 대수기준 )
12 하이퍼플랙스 All Flash 와 40G 네트워크 All Flash Cluster + Network Integrated HCI HX220c High Performance in Small Footprint (Databases, VDI, VSI) HX240c High Density with Performance (Database, VDI, VSI, Test/Dev) 40 Gbps / 10 Gbps UCS Fabric Networking 90+ Nodes, Single Fabric, Single Management Domain Policy Based Mgmt Hybrid Cluster + End-to-end HCI Automation HX220c Smallest Footprint (VDI, VSI, ROBO) HX240c Capacity-Heavy (VDI, VSI, Test/Dev)
13 하이퍼플랙스 All Flash vs. Hybrid 성능 6X IOPS 1/5 th Latency 6X Better Perf Consistency 3.2X Capacity / Density Comparison between HX Hybrid and HX All Flash for 70/30 8K Random Read Write Workload with 4.8TB Working Set Size, vmdks were initialized with writes
14 BCN STS N9K-X9564TX 지점과소규모사무실을위한 HCI 구성 HCI for Remote Office Branch Office Industry s best solution for ROBO Paired with Automation for 1Gb ROBO Networks Cluster-wide: Tuned Performance for 1Gb ROBO Networks Built for Small ROBO VSI Workloads
15 하이퍼플랙스 Edge Existing Network Single Processor Dual Processor Hybrid Cluster 3+ Drives 128GB RAM 1Gb/NIC HX220c Smallest Footprint (VSI, ROBO) 6 Drives 128GB RAM 1Gb/NIC Tuned for 1Gb/sec network HCI Automati on Designed for customers with no plans to upgrade or refresh their network at the remote office
16 하이퍼플랙스제품군 HX220c ROBO Cluster HX220c Cluster HX240c Cluster HXAF220c Cluster HXAF240c Cluster 4.51TB 9TB 6TB 16TB 6TB 61TB 4TB 51TB 4TB 85TB Smallest Footprint 3 Node Cluster (VSI, ROBO) Smallest Footprint 3 8 Node Cluster (VDI, ROBO) Capacity-heavy 3 8 Node Cluster (VSI: IT/Biz Apps, Test/Dev) Smallest Footprint 3 8 Node Cluster (VDI, ROBO) Capacity-heavy 3 8 Node Cluster (VSI/VDI, Database, Test/Dev) Per-Node 1x480 GB Cache SSD 3x1.2TB HDDs SD Card/120GB SSD (Boot/Housekeeping) Per-Node 1x480 GB Cache SSD 6x1.2TB HDDs SD Card/120GB SSD (Boot/Housekeeping) Per-Node 1x1.6TB Cache SSD up to 23x1.2TB HDDs SD Card/120GB Back SSD (Boot/Housekeeping) GPU support Per-Node 1x800 GB WL Cache SSD 6x960/3.8TB SSDs SD Card/120GB SSD (Boot/Housekeeping) Per-Node 1x800 GB WL Cache SSD up to 6-10x960/3.8TB SSDs SD Card/120GB Back SSD (Boot/Housekeeping) GPU support
17 하이퍼플랙스스토리지용량 Usable Cluster Capacity HX220c 3 Node ROBO RF to 9 TiB 4 Node 5 Node 6 Node 7 Node 8 Node.. HX240c 6.02 TiB 8.03 TiB TiB TiB TiB TiB TiB TiB TiB TiB TiB TiB HXAF220 HXAF G 3.8T 960G 3.8T 4.81 TiB 6.42 TiB 8.03 TiB 9.63 TiB TiB TiB TiB TiB TiB TiB TiB TiB 8.03 TiB TiB TiB TiB TiB TiB TiB TiB TiB TiB TiB TiB For max capacity, assume Full HDD population (10 on HXAF240). RF3. ROBO Capacity is using RF2 and can be configured with 3 drives or 6. Note: The above calculations are before deduplication & compression. Effective capacity will be higher. Consult with your Cisco CSE for the latest sizing & design guidance.
18 SQL Server on HX 2.0 CVD Microsoft SQL Server Database on HX 2.0 All Flash CVD Deployment guide Risk free implementation - Detailed deployment guide and best practices Get consistent high performance with low latency (< 2.5ms) for a sustained period for large working set SQL deployments Scale SQL performance by adding multiple SQL VMs and achieve consistent performance with low latencies. DB maintenance tasks such as Full DB restore, backup, consistency check, index rebuild etc. on the ongoing SQL workloads with minimal impact. Create transactionallyconsistent backup with options to restore the full SQL Server VM, individual files and individual database records. Veeam Backup & Replication Server
19 클라우드인프라는하이퍼플랙스로
20 하이퍼플랙스강력한경제적비용모델제시업계최고의 TCO 절감모델 컴퓨팅, 스토리지, 네트워크사일로식인프라장벽제거 독립적인컴퓨트확장, 스토리지용량과성능확장모델 연단위라이선스갱신모델 성장하는만큼확장이가능한비용투자모델 작은초기투자 비용과손쉬운확장 클라우드와유사한소비모델 쉬운설치, 일관적인관리와운용모델제공 컴퓨팅, 네트워크, 스토리지의일관된관리및운용 운영상복잡성 감소
21 하이퍼플랙스와 ACI 의만남보안성 + 유연성 + 가시성향상 데이터센터와클라우드환경의모든요소에가시성확보 자동화된, 어플리케이션중심정책모델 DPI (Deep Packet Inspection) 포렌직어플리케이션인사이트정책컴플라이언스 EPG EPG EPG EPG EPG EPG EPG EPG EPG EPG EPG EPG EPG EPG EPG EPG EPG EPG EPG EPG EPG EPG EPG EPG EPG Web App DB Web App EPG Web App DB App App EPG App App DB Web Web EPG Web Web Web Web App EPG Web App App DB DB EPG 하이퍼바이저 / 컨테이너 HX 컨트롤러 하이퍼바이저 / 컨테이너 HX 컨트롤러 하이퍼바이저 / 컨테이너 HX 컨트롤러 하이퍼바이저 / 컨테이너 HX 컨트롤러 하이퍼바이저 / 컨테이너 HX 컨트롤러 HX DATA PLATFORM HX DATA PLATFORM HX 데이터플랫폼
22 Data Availability Appliance 소개 Cisco + Veeam = SCAF-G BA (Backup Appliance)
23 Veeam 회사소개 본 사 Baar, Switzerland 설립연도 설립 2,500+ 이상의직원 200+ 이상의국가에서사용중 230,000 Customers Worldwide 43,000 ProPartners Fortune 500 기업중 73% 사용중 1300 만이상의가상머신에서사용중
24 Not backup - Availability One is Enough Agentless 로운영서버부담제로 신속한복구 7TB / 2min Item level 복구 OS/Disk/File/DB/Application 백업및복제 Storage Snapshot 관리
25 Industry Leader Veeam 2016 Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Backup and Recovery Software 2016H1 Semiannual Software Tracker Report Decision Matrix: Data Availability and Protection Solutions for the Cloud Era, Sources: Gartner: Magic Quadrant for Data Center Backup and Recovery Software 2016 and IDC IDC, Worldwide Data Protection and Recovery Software Market Shares, 2015: Steady On, Doc # US , Jul 2016
26 Cisco and Veeam Better Together relationship i a e certified
27 SCAF-G BA (Backup Appliance) Cisco Veeam Backup Appliance
28 SCAF-G BA (Availability Platform) Cisco-Veeam Data Appliance Veeam Availability Suite or Veeam Backup & Replication Enterprise Plus Windows Server 2016 Small/Midsize Enterprise Service Provider/Large Enterprise 가용성증대 효율적이고빠른백업및복구 Instant VM Recovery 주요 Application의빠른복구 백업과복제를하나로 WAN 가속데이터보호검증 Starter C220 Small C240 Mid C3260 Large C3260 Size 1U 2U 4U 12U Usable Capacity 8 TB 72 TB 560 TB 1680 TB 완벽한가시성 클라우드호환
30 테스트환경 Cisco UCS C220 Cisco UCS S3260 성능테스트환경 하드웨어 Cisco UCS S3260 스토리지서버 Cisco UCS C220s for vsphere 가상화환경 UCS Fabric Interconnects for 40G 네트워크 소프트웨어 Veeam B&R 9.5 Windows Server 2016 Standard 테스트내용 다중의 Full백업작업수행 VM수와사이즈를늘려가면서수행 Source ESG Lab Validation: Veeam Availability Suite and Cisco UCS. Published Feb 2017
31 Dollars per Terabyte GB/Hour $ per GB/hour 비교결과 PBBA Cost Per TB Price/Performance $4,500 $4,000 $3,500 $3,000 $2,500 $2,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 $73.16 $37.26 $80 $70 $60 $50 $40 $1,500 $1,000 $500 $0 Cisco UCS S TB Vendor 1-360TB Vendor 2-288TB Vendor 3-229TB Vendor 4 Vendor 5-118TB - 270TB 4,000 2,000 0 A Market Leading PBBA Cisco UCS S3260 $30 $20 $10 $0 Cost ($ per TB) GB/hr Source ESG Lab Validation: Veeam Availability Suite and Cisco UCS. Published Feb 2017
32 Veeam Availability for HyperFlex HyperFlex 환경에서의백업 VMware Fabric Interconnect LAN/SAN frontend Cisco Hyper Flex Fabric Interconnect LAN/SAN frontend HyperFlex HX220c or HX240c Backup & Replication Cisco Appliance Cisco UCS C240 or Cisco UCS 3260 가상화환경을위한 Veeam 의모든기능활용 VMware backup을위한 CBT Veeam Explorers, Instant Recovery SureBackup, Virtual Lab HyperFlex 환경에서의 RTPO < 15 분최소화
33 Instant VM Recovery Cisco Veeam Backup Appliance
34 Veeam Explorer for Application 복구대상 Application 에특화된 UI 를통하여원하는방식으로복구
35 Storage Snapshot 을이용한백업 Storage Snapshot 으로부터 Direct 백업 No. Datastore mount No. VMFS resignaturing No. Temp VM registration No. Host cleanup VMware CBT 활용 타솔루션대비 x20 성능
36 HyperFlex Snapshot & Veeam HyperFlex 의 Snapshot 과통합 Backup Server 1 1. 백업대상 VM 이어느노드에위치하는지확인 2. VM 에대한 Application 의일관성유지작업수행 3. HyperFlex 레벨의 VM snapshot 생성 4. 일관성유지작업해제 Cisco Hyper Flex 5. VMware 의 CBT 정보확인 6. 변경된부분에대한백업또는복제수행 백업이완료되면 HyperFlex snapshot을자동으로제거 8. VM내의 DBMS 트랜잭션로그백업및 truncate HyperFlex DataStore HyperFlex Snapshot 7 Veeam Proxy Veeam Repository 8 Remove HyperFlex Snapshot Database Log Truncate
37 Veeam Availability for HyperFlex HyperFlex 환경에서의복제 Veeam 의복제기능을이용하여 HyperFlex 간복제 Cisco Hyper Flex Cisco Hyper Flex Veeam의 VM레벨의복제기능을활용하여 HyperFlex간또는다른가상화환경에대한복제 DR환경에서 RTPO최소화 Veeam Explorer, SureReplica 그리고 Virtual Lab 기능활용
38 Veeam Replication (DR) 별도의라이선스추가없이운영시스템에대한원격지 DR 구현 Source WAN Accelerator WAN Replicates to x50 faster Target WAN Accelerator Configuration database
39 1-Click Failover & Failback 사전정의된정책에따라 1-Click Failover & Failback 수행 60 초 120 초 60 초 VM 간순서를조절하여서비스별 Boot 순서조절 Target 사이트에다중시점기반복제본유지
40 고객사례 Veeam Cloud Connect & Cisco Backup Appliance 50-75% Faster 2.2X Restore Backed up More data At same cost 5 Minute Deploy Times Easier to Manage And Scale The UCS C3x60 is good for business because we can restore virtual machines twice as fast, at a competitive price. Justin Giardina, iland CTO
41 UCS B200 M3! Console Reset Veeam 과 Cisco 를통한멀티센터가용성확보 VMware Cisco HyperFlex Data Center 1 with Cisco HyperFlex Veeam Backup from HyperFlex Snapshot Veeam Backup & Replication Server Veeam Replication between HX and HX incl. WAN Acceleration VMware Cisco HyperFlex Remote/Branch-Office Veeam Replication between HX and VMware Environments incl. WAN Acceleration Veeam Backup Copy Job V-Sphere Hyper-V Cisco Veeam Backup Appliance Veeam Backup from Storage Snapshot VMware Data Center 2 with Converged or UCS Systems Veeam Backup & Replication Server Cisco S3x60s Veeam Cloud Connect Provider
42 요약 Availability Platform for Always-on Enterprise 고속복구 (RTPO <=15min) Cloud Native Cisco UCS/Hyperflex Fully support Rule READY
43 감사합니다. Thank you!
Cisco Storage Solutions
하이퍼컨버지드전문가되기 최수영수석부장 Cisco Korea October 2016 목차 통합인프라시장동향 Cisco UCS IO 가상화 Cisco HyperFlex 시스템 적용대상업무 Q&A 통합인프라시장동향 Converged Infrastructure ( 통합인프라 ) IT 자원의통합관리, 시스템통합, 효율성향상, 비용절감등을위하여 다수의 IT 장비들을하나의최적화된컴퓨팅패키지로통합운영하는것
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