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1 NetScaler Series Application Delivery Controller
2 Citrix NetScaler MPX Series Hardware Appliance & Software Edition 원하는성능및기능을위한설계 다양한환경의 L7 스위치서비스가가능한 NetScaler 구성 ADC 솔루션제품군 NetScaler 시리즈는모델별로하드웨어스팩을다양화하여, 고객별, 시장별다양하고자유로운설계가가능하도록 MPX 와 SDX 하드웨어어플라이언스 (Hardware Appliance), VPX (Virtual Appliance) 관련 3가지에디션 (Edition) 제품을제공합니다. 어플라이언스가선택이되면, WEB/WAN 가속 Client, Caching, GSLB(Global Server Load Balancing), 웹방화벽, L7 DDoS 방어, SSLVPN 게이트웨이등의다양한애플리케이션전송및최적화기능을고객의서비스와상황에맞게선택하여하드웨어어플라이언스와함께구축하시면됩니다. 에디션제품은각각 Standard Edition(SE), EnterpriseEdition(EE) 및 PlatinumEdition(PE) 을비교및고려하여선택하시면됩니다. Branch Repeater, SSL VPN은별도의독립적인제품군으로구매및사용도가능합니다. L4 스위치와 NetScaler L7 스위치의차이 Layer 7 Switching 서버성능향상 보안및컨텐츠관리 SLB / FLB /VPNLB / Redirection Requesting Switching 서버상태모니터링 GSLB (LB & LD) DPI (Deep Packet Inspection) Spill over HA 서버서비스응답속도최대 15배 데이터압축 (AppCompress) ContentIntegratedCache(Static / Dynamic) 가속 (Acceleration) 기능 TCP Offload AppExpert Rate Control DoS / DDoS 방어 SYN Attack 방어 Firewall 및 SSLVPN SSL Offload Surge Protection Sure Connection Multiple Platforms, Same Functionality NetScaler Service Delivery Platforms 소개 다양한구성의플랫폼 Physical Price-Performance Virtual RunAnywhere Platform Multi-Tenant NetScaler MPX는하드웨어기반 L7 Switching 장비로별도의추가장비도입없이캐쉬, 압축, 웹방화벽, DDoS 방어기능등을제공합니다. NetScaler VPX 가상기기는대중적인하이퍼바이저에서가상기계 (VMs) 처럼운영되며저렴한업계표준서버를사용함으로써 NetScaler가온-디맨드로프로비저닝할수있게해줍니다. NetScaler SDX는고밀도통합플랫폼으로 Xen기반의가상화와 NetScaler의향상된 MPX 아키텍처를결합하여성능또는보안은그대로유지하면서 40개의 NetScaler 방침을동시에운영합니다. 2
3 Citrix TriScale Technology 심플하고탄력적이며확장가능한클라우드컴퓨팅 TriScale 기술은클라우드스케일을엔터프라이즈네트워크로확장 시트릭스 TriScale은전례없는네트워크확장성을추구하여단일플랫폼에서최대 40개기기를운영함으로써, IT팀은성능은 5배, 용량은 32배로증가된통합엔터프라이즈클라우드네트워크를구축할수있습니다. Scale up 라이센스구매로동일플랫폼에서성능향상가능 Scale in 멀티테넌트환경을위해넷스케일러플랫폼하나에서최대 40 개까지 넷스케일러인스턴스를실행 Scale out 최대 32 개의넷스케일러클러스터링구성가능 [ 그림 ] TriScale Buy only what you need NetScaler Pay-As-You-Grow 로 Scale up Pay-As-You-Grow 방식으로하드웨어교체없이라이선스업그레이드로향상된성능제공 MPX G MPX G MPX G MPX G [ 그림 ] Scale up - Pay As You Grow NetScaler Pay-As-You-Grow는간단하면서도 100% 소프트웨어기반의주문형라이센싱모델로, 경쟁사오퍼링과같은하드웨어종속성이없습니다. Pay-As-You-Grow를통해고객은현재요구에맞는 NetScaler 솔루션을구매할수있으며, 향후필요할때고비용의업무를방해하는하드웨어를교체할필요없이쉽고빠르게 scale up' 할수있습니다. 최대 5배까지간단한소프트웨어라이센스업그레이드를이용하여성능을향상시킬수있습니다. 3
4 Citrix NetScaler Virtualization 다중 NetScaler 인스턴스가상화지원으로 Scale in 단일장치로여러가지기능을지원하여간소화구현 [ 그림 ] Scale in Multi-tenant 멀티테넌트 (Multi-tenant) 환경을위한완벽한가상화솔루션은다양한모델로제공되는차세대 ADC 솔루션입니다. 가상화된아키텍처를갖추고있어단일물리적 NetScaler SDX 플랫폼에서여러 NetScaler 인스턴스를실행할수있습니다. 멀티테넌트지원에는인스턴스별오류복구기능, 버전관리, 데이터분리, 정책관리뿐만아니라성능보장을위한완벽한리소스분리기능이포함됩니다. 또한 NetScaler SDX는추가적인인프라스트럭처통합을허용하여 WAN 최적화및고급네트워크보안등서비스딜리버리기능을추가적으로수용할수있습니다. Start small. Grow forever NetScaler 클러스터링을통해 Scale out 전체 NetScaler 클러스터는단일엔터티로작동하여운영관리작업을간소화 [ 그림 ] Scale out - Clustering TriScale 클러스터링은조직에애플리케이션딜리버리인프라스트럭처를스케일아웃하는유연하면서비용효율적이며기능성이뛰어난접근 방법을제공합니다.. IT 관리자는 2 개정도부터 32 개까지물리적또는가상 NetScaler 어플라이언스를클러스터링하여애플리케이션딜리버리 인프라스트럭처를스케일아웃할수있습니다. 높은수준의용량을유지하면서관련된정책및구성정보를유지할수있습니다. 4
5 Strong SSL application protection 2 배속 2048 비트 SSL 퍼포먼스전자상거래트래픽의증가와계속되는인터넷상의개인정보전송증가로인해 SSL 은더이상있으면좋은역량이아니라필수요건 단순히애플리케이션트래픽의확보에 SSL을이용하는외에도, 암호화정도도대단히중요합니다. SSL을이용하는모든애플리케이션은사실상의표준이된 1024비트 SSL 키암호화강도에서 2048비트나그이상의키로의전환이필요합니다. 키의암호화를 1024비트에서 2048비트로두배늘리면보호능력은기하급수적으로늘어나지만, 초당같은수의 SSL 트랜잭션을처리하려면 5배의프로세싱파워가필요합니다. Citrix 넷스케일러 MPX와 SDX 어플라이언스는 2048비트키를사용함으로인해증가할프로세싱을처리하기위해가장앞선 SSL가속및오프로드기술을포함하고있습니다. 넷스케일러는중요한아키텍처와차별화된자원으로, 초당 SSL 트랜잭션처리수같은가장중요한성능척도면에서선두에있는경쟁사의동급솔루션을능가합니다. 많은 ADC 판매업체가제품에비슷하거나동급의 SSL 가속기술을포함시키지만, Citrix 넷스케일러하드웨어는 2048 비트의암호키길이에최적화된성능을자랑합니다. 최적화된부분은다음과같습니다. 지능형 SSL 부하분산 SSL 세션의부하는최고의프로세싱성능과최저의지연속도유지를위해집적된 SSL 가속칩간에균형분배됩니다. 멀티플큐 칩의프로세싱능력을최적활용하기위해다수의 SSL 연산을각각의칩에대기시킬수있습니다. SSL 리소스격리 멀티테넌트 ADC 구축시, 각각의테넌트는한 ADC 인스턴스가용량을비균형적으로소모하여다른테넌트의성능을떨어뜨리는걸막기위해일정한 SSL 리소스에지정됩니다. [ 그림 ] 넷스케일러는타사의제품보다빠른 2048 비트의 SSL 성능을제공합니다. All in One Platform Citrix NetScaler 도입효과 효과적인서비스전달및컨텐츠보호 DoS Protection 의심스러운트래픽차단 Access DoS Protection 의심스러운트래픽차단 Syn Attack Protection SYN Flood 차단? Syn Attack Protection SYN Flood 차단 Platinum Edition Sure Connect 서비스를기다리는사용자에예상응답시간정보제공 Access Control List Block UnwantedTraffic Surge Protection Traffic 폭주에의한서버과부하를경감하여무정지서비스제공 TCP Offload Client 의 TCP 를처리하여서버부하 50% 이상감소 Users Content Filtering 콘텐트분석을통한의심스런특정트래픽차단 Priority Queuing Queue 에저장된트래픽에정책에따른우선순위부여 Apps [ 그림 ] NetScaler 전체서비스흐름 5
6 서버성능향상과서비스신뢰성향상 Requesting Switching 각각의 Connection 내에서실제로발생되는요청 (request) 및응답 (response) 에따른효율적인컨텐츠스위칭 Sure Connect 최대허용트래픽초과나장애발생시, Redirection 을통한실시간접속 가능시간정보제공 ( 초단위 ) Client 사용자 Connection Application 요청 (Request) 서버 Connection Surge Protection [ 그림 ] Requesting Switching Application 요청 (Request) 서버에대한 Connection 관리로안정적서버운영 인터넷 Surge [ 그림 ] Surge Protection Surge Protection Web 서버 서버 Compression Net Scaler 사용하지않은경우 Net Scaler 사용경우 [ 그림 ] Sure Connect 서비스화면 GZIP 압축전송을통해속도향상및대역폭절감 1 NetScaler 장비가사용자의요청에응답 2 사용자가 Application 에대한요청 3 NetScaler 장비가서버와의 Connection 생성 4 사용자의요청을서버로전달 5 추가사용자의경우도동일한 Process 로처리 6 서버와 NetScaler 간의 Connection 을통해다수의사용자요청을처리 Cache 애플리케이션서버에서빈번하게접근되는컨텐츠에대해캐쉬기능제공, 메모리기반의캐쉬로속도향상, 애플리케이션서버의부하감소로인한 성능향상 Solutions with MPX Citrix MPX 와구현되는솔루션 클라우드컴퓨팅환경을위한기능 안정적서비스를위한부하분산 Layer4 Load Balancing Layer7 Content Switching GSLB spillover 효율적트래픽관리 AppCache AppCompress TCP Optimization 원격접속및보안 Access Gateway RADIUS LoadBalancing SSL Offload 가상화인프라관리 Policy-based routing Role-based Administration AppExpertVisualizer IPv6 Support L7Offload NetScaler MPX WAN Optimization 인터넷 Cloud Bridging WAN Optimization NetScaler MPX VM VM VM Cloud 서비스가상화인프라 L7 content Switching 데스크탑가상화애플리케이션가상화 SSLVPN 서버가상화 Enterprise End User [ 그림 7] Cloud Computing 환경에서의 MPX 서비스 6
7 Next-generation security Citrix NetScaler 차세대보안 NetScaler 는광범위한위협과공격으로부터애플리케이션과네트워크를보안하고기밀데이터의노출을방지하고 SSL 과 SSL VPN 성능으로 민감한커뮤니케이션을보호합니다. 애플리케이션방화벽 웹과웹서비스애플리케이션에서취약점을대상으로하는공격을 100% 차단 보안원격액세스 완전히통합된 SSL VPN 는모바일사용자를보호 DDoS/DoS 애플리케이션기반공격을식별하여차단하거나, 정상적인응답 DDoS/DoS 완벽한보안을위한다양한기능 DoS, DDoS, DRDoS Get / SYN Flooding L7 Worm Packet Sniffer Data Protection Attack Protection Packet Sniffer DDos SYN Flood Worm 공격 Virus 강력한보안과호환성을유지를위해모든 Sensitive Application Data 의암호화 Server 와 Content 자원을 DoS Attack 과 Intrusion Attack 으로부터방어 별도의 sniffer 구성및설치없이 Packet Sniffer 기능제공 [ 그림 ] NetScaler Protection Application Firewall * WEB 공격 75% 는 Application 서비스이용 Application 공격차단 정상트래픽통과 공격 네트워크방화벽 MPX Application Firewall Apps [ 그림 ] Application Firewall 의공격차단 Application Security Application logic attacks SQL injection, XSS, CSRF, etc. HTTP DDoS attacks GET-flood, POST HTTP Slow attacks Slow-Post, Slow-Header Features: Application Firewall HTTP Responder Rate-limiting AAA proxy Connection Security Connection flood attacks Idle connection, slow TCP, timeout attacks SSL flood attacks Man-in-the-middle Dangerous options Idle SSL Features: Idle connection management zero-memory connection-accept Full-proxy SSL acceleration Network Security Packet flood attacks SYN-flood DNS-flood IP fragments Dangerous packet attacks SYN+FIN Smurf Land Features: SYN-Cookie Performance Rate limiting DNS proxy ACLs (simple/extended) 7
8 Citrix Command Center Citrix 통합관리솔루션 간소하지만강력한관리 Citrix Command Center는분산된여러 NetScaler 인스턴스를개별적으로관리할필요가없는중앙집중식관리콘솔입니다. 직관적인정책프레임워크를특징으로하며 SLB 및 GSLB 설정과같이일반적인구성작업을간소화할수있는다양한마법사를포함합니다. [ 그림 ] Command Center 를통한 Platform 통합관리솔루션 Interface and Management 플랫폼디자인및인터페이스구성 LCD Keypad LCD Ethernet Ports 1/1 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6 LCD keypad LCD 10G SFP+ Ports 10/1 10/2 10/3 10/4 Console Port Management Ports Solid State Drive USB port NMI Button(Recessed) Solid State Drives (Reserved for Future use) Power Switch Power Supply USB Port LOM Port Console Port Management Port Hard Disk Drive 1G SFP Ports 1/1 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6 1/7 1/8 Power Switch 6 x 10/100/1000Base-T 인터페이스 [ 그림 ] MPX 5550/5650 디자인및인터페이스 LCD Keypad LCD LCD Keypad LCD Console Port Management Ports LOM Port Management Ports Ethernet Ports 1/1 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6 1G SFP Ports 1/7 1/8 1/9 1/10 1/11 1/12 Ethernet Ports 1/1 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6 NMI Button (Recessed) Solid State Drives (Reserved for Future use) Hard Disk Drive (Reserved for future use) Disable Alarm Button 8 x 1000Base-X SFP and 4 x 10G SFP+ 인터페이스 Dual Power Supplies [ 그림 ] MPX 11500/13500/14500/16500/18500/20500 디자인및인터페이스 LCD keypad LCD Solid State Drive Console Port LOM Port Power Switch 10G SFP+ Ports 10/1 10/2 USB Port LOM Port Console Port Management Port 10G SFP+ Ports 10/1 10/2 10/3 10/4 Hard Disk Drive 10/5 10/6 10/7 10/8 Power Switch USB port Solid State Drives NMI Button(Recessed) (Reserved for Future use) Disable Alarm Button Power Supply 6 x 10/100/1000Base-T and 6 x 1000Base-X SFP 인터페이스혹은 6 x 10/100/1000Base-T and 2 x 10G SFP+ [ 그림 ] MPX 8200/8400/8600 디자인및인터페이스 NMI Button Solid State Drives (Recessed) (Reserved for Future use) 8 x 10G SFP+ Hard Disk Drive (Reserved for future use) Disable Alarm Button Dual Power Supplies [ 그림 ] MPX 17550/19550/20550/21550 디자인및인터페이스 8
9 에디션 (Edition) 별상세지원기능 NetScaler Offerings 플랫폼별기능제공 Platinum Edition Enterprise Edition Standard Edition Enterprise Edition + Web Application Firewall Caching CloudBridge Standard Edition + Global Server Load Balancing Web Acceleration Surge Protection Cache Re-direction L7 DoS L4-7 Load Balancing L7 Content Switching Database Load Balancing SSL Offload and Acceleration L4 DoS 분류기능설명 PE EE SE L4 load balancing and L7 content switching L4 로드분배및 L7 Content 로드분배기능 (Content-Type 별구분로드분배기능 ) Database Load balancing SQL Database 에특화된로드를분배기능 AppExpert rate controls 사용자애플리케이션에대한제어기능 IPv6 support IPv6 지원 Application availability Global server load balancing (GSLB) SLB 의확장개념으로지리적으로확장시켜여러개의사이트에서동일한기능을제공 Option Dynamic routing protocols IPv4 및 IPv6 기반의 BGP, RIP, OSPF Routing Surge protection and priority queuing 단순 Session limitation 기능이아닌 Client 의순간적인폭주접속이발생되었을때서버를보호하는기능 / Traffic 의유형별우선순위설정을통한 QoS 기능 TriScale clustering NetScaler 의용량을확장할수있는기능을제공 Option Option Option Client and server TCP optimizations 다수의 Client 로오는 TCP 세션을적은수의 Connection 으로처리하여 Transaction 시간단축과서버의안정적운영및가용성을향상시키는기능 Citrix AppCompress for HTTP Content 에따른압축전송기능 Option Application acceleration Citrix AppCache Dynamic & Static Content 에대한고속메모리캐싱서버기능 Option NetScaler CloudConnectors 모바일, 웹및 SaaS 애플리케이션의엔드 - 투 - 엔드가속화와최적화제공 Option Option Option Citrix Branch Repeater client 대역폭비용을절감하고지점인프라를단순화하여분산된사용자에응용프로그램전송가속화, 지사최적화솔루션 9
10 에디션 (Edition) 별상세지원기능 분류기능설명 PE EE SE L4 DoS defenses L4 에대한 DoS 차단기능 L7 content filtering and HTTP/URL rewrite L7 Content 에대한차단필터기능및 HTTP/URL 정보를변경처리하여서버로전송하는기능 Citrix Access Gateway, EE SSL VPN SSL VPN 기능제공 Application security SAML2 support SAML2 ( 웹서비스보안 ) 프로토콜지원 L7 DoS defenses L7 DoS & DDoS 차단기능 AAA for traffic management 각사용자에게허용액세스수준을제어 Citrix Application Firewall with XML security 웹방화벽기능 Option NetScaler Cloud Bridge AppFlow 고객의데이터센터를다양한클라우드시스템과연결시키는기능 Application performance monitoring 기능 (Netflow 기능포함 ) AppExpert visual policy builder 대부분의기능에대한정책을만드는기능 ActionAnalytics 넷스케일러를통해취합된원본데이터를활용가능한정보로전환시켜주는실시간모니터링및사용자환경에맞는정책관리기능을제공 Simple manageability AppExpert service callouts, templates and Visualizers Role-based administration and AAA for administration 외부애플리케이션로직을분석하여네트워크 Adaptability, intelligence, 그리고 responsibility 를향상 관리를위한역할기반관리및 AAA Configuration wizards 사용자의구성편의를위한설치구성툴지원 Native Citrix Web Interface Citrix 가상화서버와연동시 Web Interface Server 기능 Citrix Command Center NetScaler 장비통합관리솔루션 Citrix EdgeSight for NetScaler 최종사용자경험을기반으로애플리케이션성능모니터링을지원합니다. Option Web 2.0 optimization Rich Internet application support and XML Xpath support RIA & XML Xpath 지원 Advanced server offload 서버오프로드지원 TCP buffering Netscaler 와서버간의 Traffic 운영을최적화하는기능 Lower TCO TCP and SQL multiplexing SSL offload and acceleration Request 별로드분배기능 (Get or Post 자체를로드분배하는기능 ) 서버에서수행되는 SSL 처리를 NetScaler 장비로오프로드하여 SSL 트랜잭션속도를향상 Cache redirection including multilayer support 들어오는요청을분석하고이미캐시된데이터에대한요청을캐시서버로전달 10
11 제품사양및규격 MPX Series NetScaler Platform MPX / SDX MPX / SDX MPX / SDX MPX / SDX MPX / SDX Platform attributes Processor Dual Intel Xeon X5680 Dual Intel Xeon X5680 Dual Intel Xeon X5680 Dual Intel Xeon X5680 Dual Intel Xeon E5645 Memory 96 GB 96 GB 96 GB 96 GB 48 GB Ethernet ports 8x 10GBASE-X SFP+ 8x 10GBASE-X SFP+ 8x 10GBASE-X SFP+ 8x 10GBASE-X SFP+ 4x10GBASE-X SFP+ AND 8x1000BASE-X SFP Transceivers support 10GE SFP+: SR, LR 10GE SFP+: SR, LR 10GE SFP+: SR, LR 10GE SFP+: SR, LR 10GE SFP+: SR, LR Pay as you grow and BurstPack license upgrades Platform performance Upgrade option to Upgrade option to Upgrade option to MPX / SDX MPX / SDX and MPX / SDX 19550, MPX / SDX MPX / SDX and MPX / SDX System throughput Gbps HTTP requests/sec 3,700,000 4,000,000 3,500,000 2,400,000 2,700,000 / 2,300,000 SSL transactions/sec (1K key/2k key certficates) 380,000 / 98,000 (MPX) 280,000 / 98,000 (SDX) 330,000 / 73,000 (MPX) 275,000 / 68,000 (SDX) 245,000 / 50, ,000 / 33, ,000 / 45,000 SSL throughput (MPX / SDX) Gbps Compression throughput Gbps SSL VPN: concurrent users Maximum number of Instances (for SDX models) / (MPX) / 10 (SDX) / ,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10, Platform mechanical, environmental and regulatory Power supplies Dual Dual Dual Dual Dual Input voltage and frequency ranges Optional DC power supply Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Power consumption 850w 2219 BTU/Hr 850w 2219 BTU/Hr 850w 2219 BTU/Hr 850w 2219 BTU/Hr 650W 2219 BTU/Hr Weight, lbs Height 2U 2U 2U 2U 2U Width Depth 28" / 71.2 cm 28" / 71.2 cm 28" / 71.2 cm 28" / 71.2 cm 28" / 71 cm Operating temperature 0-40C 0-40C 0-40C 0-40C 0-40C Allowed relative humidity Safety certfications UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-C Electromagnetic emissions certfications andsusceptibility standards AN/ NES AN/ NES AN/ NES AN/ NES NES Compliance RoHS RoHS RoHS RoHS RoHS; NEBS Level 3 available 11
12 NetScaler Platform MPX / SDX MPX / SDX MPX / SDX MPX / SDX MPX / SDX Platform attributes Processor Dual Intel Xeon E5645 Dual Intel Xeon E5645 Dual Intel Xeon E5645 Dual Intel Xeon E5645 Dual Intel Xeon E5645 Memory 48 GB 48 GB 48 GB 48 GB 48 GB Ethernet ports 4x10GBASE-X SFP+ AND 8x1000BASE-X SFP 4x10GBASE-X SFP+ AND 8x1000BASE-X SFP 4x10GBASE-X SFP+ AND 8x1000BASE-X SFP 4x10GBASE-X SFP+ AND 8x1000BASE-X SFP 4x10GBASE-X SFP+ AND 8x1000BASE-X SFP Transceivers support 10GE SFP+: SR, LR 10GE SFP+: SR, LR 10GE SFP+: SR, LR 10GE SFP+: SR, LR 10GE SFP+: SR, LR Pay as you grow and BurstPack license upgrades Upgrade option to MPX /SDX Upgrade options to MPX / SDX and MPX / SDX Upgrade options to MPX / SDX 16500, MPX / SDX 18500, and MPX / SDX Upgrade options to MPX / SDX 14500, MPX / SDX 16500, MPX / SDX and MPX / SDX Upgrade options to MPX / SDX 13500, MPX / SDX 14500, MPX / SDX 16500, MPX / SDX and MPX / SDX Platform performance System throughput Gbps HTTP requests/sec 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,800,000 1,600,000 1,200,000 SSL transactions/sec (1K key/2k key certficates) SSL throughput (MPX / SDX) Gbps Compression throughput Gbps SSL VPN: concurrent users Maximum number of Instances (for SDX models) 158,000 / 34, ,000 / 28, ,000 / 22,000 93,000 / 19,000 80,000 / 15, ,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10, Platform mechanical, environmental and regulatory Power supplies Dual Dual Dual Dual Dual Input voltage and frequency ranges Optional DC power supply Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Power consumption 650W 2219 BTU/Hr 650W 2219 BTU/Hr 650W 2219 BTU/Hr 650W 2219 BTU/Hr 650W 2219 BTU/Hr Weight, lbs Height 2U 2U 2U 2U 2U Width Depth 28" / 71 cm 28" / 71 cm 28" / 71 cm 28" / 71 cm 28" / 71 cm Operating temperature 0-40C 0-40C 0-40C 0-40C 0-40C Allowed relative humidity Safety certfications UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-C Electromagnetic emissions certfications andsusceptibility standards Compliance RoHS; NEBS Level 3 RoHS; NEBS Level 3 RoHS; NEBS Level 3 RoHS; NEBS Level 3 RoHS; NEBS Level 3 12
13 NetScaler Platform MPX/SDX 8600 MPX/SDX 8400 MPX 8200 MPX 5650 MPX 5550 Platform attributes Processor Intel E Intel E Intel E Intel E Intel E Memory 32 GB 32 GB 32 GB 8 GB 8 GB Ethernet ports 6x 10/100/1000 BASE-T AND 6x1000BASE-X SFP OR 6x 10/100/1000 BASE-T AND 2x10G BASE-X SFP+ 6x 10/100/1000 BASE-T AND 6x1000BASE-X SFP OR 6x 10/100/1000 BASE-T AND 2x10G BASE-X SFP+ 6x 10/100/1000 BASE-T AND 6x1000BASE-X SFP OR 6x 10/100/1000 BASE-T AND 2x10G BASE-X SFP+ 6x10/100/1000 BASE-T 6x10/100/1000 BASE-T Transceivers support 10GE SFP+: SR, LR; 10GE SFP+: SR, LR; 10GE SFP+: SR, LR; Pay as you grow and BurstPack license upgrades Upgrade option to MPX 8600 Upgrade option to MPX 8400 and MPX 8600 Upgrade option to MPX 5650 Platform performance System throughput Gbps HTTP requests/sec 900, , , , ,000 SSL transactions/sec (1K key/2k key certficates) 42,000 / 8,500 (MPX) 50,000 / 10,000 (SDX) 38,000 / 7,600 (MPX) 45,000 / 8,000 (SDX) 32,000 / 6,500 10,000 / 2,000 7,500 / 1,500 SSL throughput (MPX / SDX) Gbps Compression throughput Gbps SSL VPN: concurrent users Maximum number of Instances (for SDX models) (MPX) 3.5 (SDX) ,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 5, Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Platform mechanical, environmental and regulatory Power supplies Single plus optional second supply Single plus optional second supply Single plus optional second supply Single only Single only Input voltage and frequency ranges Optional DC power supply Yes Yes Yes No No Power consumption 450w 1536 BTU/Hr 450w 1536 BTU/Hr 450w 1536 BTU/Hr 300w 1110 BTU/Hr 300w 1110 BTU/Hr Weight, lbs Height 1U 1U 1U 1U 1U Width Depth 24" / 61 cm 24" / 61 cm 24" / 61 cm 24 / 61 cm 24 / 61 cm Operating temperature 0-40C 0-40C 0-40C 0-40C 0-40C Allowed relative humidity 10%-90%, noncondensing 10%-90%, noncondensing 10%-90%, noncondensing 10%-90%, noncondensing 10%-90%, noncondensing Safety certfications UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-C UL, TUV-C Electromagnetic emissions certfications andsusceptibility standards Compliance RoHS RoHS RoHS RoHS RoHS 13
14 NetScaler Platform VPX 10/ 200 / 1000 / 3000 Platform attributes Processor Minimum Server Req: 2 Memory Ethernet ports Transceivers support Dual core server with Intel VTx or AMD-V Citrix XenServer 5(update 3 or better) Windows Server 2008 R2 with Hyper-V role VMWare ESX/ESXi 3.5 or higher 4G RAM/20 GB hard Drive Hypervisor supported NIC Pay as you grow and BurstPack license upgrades Upgrade option to VPX 200, VPX 1000 and VPX 3000 Platform performance System throughput Up to HTTP requests/sec Up to 100,000 SSL transactions/sec (1K key/2k key certficates) SSL throughput (MPX / SDX) Gbps Up to 500/100 Up to 1.0 Compression throughput Gbps Up to 0.75 SSL VPN: concurrent users Up to Maximum number of Instances (for SDX models) Not applicable Platform mechanical, environmental and regulatory Power supplies Input voltage and frequency ranges Optional DC power supply Dependent on server platform chosen Power consumption Weight, lbs Height Width Depth Operating temperature Allowed relative humidity Safety certfications Electromagnetic emissions certfications andsusceptibility standards Compliance 14
15 Technical aspects L4-7 traffic management Layer 4 load balancing (LB) Protocols supported: TCP, UDP, FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, DNS (TCP and UDP), SIP (over UDP), RTSP, RADIUS, DIAMETER, SQL, RDP, IS-IS Algorithms: Round Robin, Least Packets, Least Bandwidth, Least Connections, Response Time, Hashing (URL, Domain, Source IP, Destination IP, and CustomID), SNMP-provided metric, Server Application State Protocol (SASP) Session persistence: Source IP, cookie, server, group, SSL session, SIP CALLID, Token-based, JSESSIONID Session protocols: TCP, UDP, SSL_TCP Server monitoring: Ping, TCP, URL, ECV, scriptable health checks, Dynamic Server Response Time Link load balancing Citrix Branch Repeater load balancing Layer 7 content switching Policies: URL, URL Query, URL Wildcard, Domain, Source/Destination IP, HTTP Header, Custom, HTTP and TCP Payload Values, UDP Switch requests based on protocol of incoming packets Database load balancing Support for: Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL Switching algorithms include SQL query parameters such as user and database names and command parameters Token-based load balancing provides advanced configuration for persistence and fault tolerant deployments TriScale clustering8 "Scale-Out" with clustering up to 32 NetScaler appliances into single system image Multiple traffic distribution system mechanisms Configuration Coordinator node for centralized management and synchronization Compatible with Pay-As-You-Grow and Burst Pack performance upgrades Traffic distribution mechanisms include: Equal Cost Multiple Path (ECMP), Linksets, and Cluster Link Aggregation Group (CLAG) Available on NetScaler MPX and VPX and with all editions Rate-based policy enforcement Trigger NetScaler policies based upon connections per second, packets per second, or bandwidth used Source or destination-based upon header or payload information Global server load balancing (GSLB) Algorithms: site health, geographic proximity, network proximity, connections, bandwidth, AG-E SSL VPN users Site health checking on status, connection load, packet rate, SNMP-provided metrics Surge protection and priority queuing6 Adaptive rate control for TCP connections and HTTP requests Prioritized transaction dispatch for critical application requests Application acceleration TCP optimization Multiplexing, Buffering, Connection Keep-alive, Windows Scaling, Selective Acknowledgement, Fast Ramp AppCompress Gzip-based compression for HTTP traffic AppCache6 Caching for static and dynamic application content HTTP GET and POST method support Policies defined based upon HTTP header and body values NetScaler CloudConnectors On-premise proxy providing symmetric TCP optimizations, data compression and data de-duplication Available on NetScaler MPX, SDX and VPX Application security DoS attack defense Continue service to legitimate users while protecting against attacks such as: SYN Flood, HTTP DoS, and Ping of Death ICMP and UDP rate control Content rewriting and response control Policy-based bidirectional rewriting of HTTP header and payload elements Policy-based redirection of incoming requests Body URL rewrite Responder module Custom responses and redirects Policy-based routing Network aware policies DNSSEC DNS proxy Authoritative DNS DNS signing Packet filtering Layer 3 and 4 Access Control Lists (ACL) Network Address Translation (NAT) Pv4/IPv6 Network Address Translation (NAT) NetScaler Application Firewall with hybrid security model6 Positive security model protects against: Buffer Overflow, CGI-BIN Parameter Manipulation, Form/Hidden Field Manipulation, Forceful Browsing, Cookie or Session Poisoning, Broken ACLs, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Command Injection, SQL Injection, Error Triggering Sensitive Information Leak, Insecure Use of Cryptography, Server Misconfiguration, Back Doors and Debug Options, Rate-based Policy Enforcement, Wellknown Platform Vulnerabilities, Zero-day Exploits, Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF), credit card and other sensitive data leakage prevention Negative security model with signatures to protect against L7 and HTTP application vulnerabilities. Integrates with third party scanning tools Common event format (CEF) logs XML security: XML Denial of Service (xdos) XML SQL injection and cross site scripting, XML message validation, format checks, WS-I basic profile compliance, XML, xpath injection attachment check, XQuery Injection protection WSDL scan prevention Attachment checks URL transformation Cookie proxying and encryption SOAP array attack protection Secure access Integrated Citrix Access Gateway Enterprise Edition SSL VPN Endpoint analysis Two-factor and client certificate authentication Client-side cache cleanup Security certifications Layer 7 content filtering AAA traffic management SAML2 and NTLMv1/2 support for configuring NetScaler with single sign-on (SSO) Active Directory, LDAP, RADIUS, TACACS +, OCSP NetScaler Cloud Bridge7 Network connectivity protection via IPSec security Datacenter extension through GRE-based network bridging Network integration Static routes, monitored static routes, weighted static routes OSPF, RIP1/2, BGP6 VLAN 802.1Q Link Aggregation 802.3ad IPv6/ IPv4 gateway High availability Active/Passive Active/Active VRRP ECMP Connection Mirroring 15
16 Technical aspects Simplified installation and management User interface Graphical application visualizer Secure web-based GUI CLI, Telnet, SSH, Console Real-time performance dashboard LB, GSLB Application Firewall and EdgeSight for NetScaler configuration wizards Citrix XenApp configuration wizards Policy management AppExpert Visual Policy Builder Policy extensibility via HTTP service callouts AppExpert templates AppExpert Visualizers Citrix Command Center6 Centralized configuration and management of over 200 NetScaler appliances. NetScaler AppFlow: Real-time, end-to-end visibility of application flows Standards-based NetFlow/IPFIX (Internet Protocol Flow Information Export) solution Supported by leading performance monitoring and management vendors Provides transaction level visibility for HTTP, SSL, TCP, and SSL/TCP flows ActionAnalytics Aggregates real-time traffic statistics and enables their use in setting dynamic policies Charting and analysis utilities EdgeSight for NetScaler6 Real-time and historical user experience monitoring Trending and reporting for web application performance service level management Third party management support SNMPv1, SNMPv2 and SNMPv3: NetScaler MIB and MIB-II support Microsoft System Center Operations Management (SCOM) support Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) support XML/SOAP API for automated application-driven configuration Real-time consolidated logging Offloads logging from application server to central location Native Web Interface Integrated Web Interface Server for Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop Supports JAVA environments with MPX and VPX platforms running NetScaler ncore OS Authentication methods include: LDAP, RADIUS, NTLM, TACACS+, Client Certificate Manage HTTPS requests via included SSL VPN Wizards-based configuration through NetScaler GUI Login page custimization Includes Smart Access, smooth roaming, STA server redundancy, and session reliability Lower total cost of ownership Web cache redirection6 Automatically direct requests with content not cached on NetScaler to cache farm N-tier multilayer load balancing support of cache servers Notes: 1. SQL requests per second (RPS) are rate limited on select models. VPX 10 through VPX 1000 models: 200. For MPX 5500, 5550, 5650, 7500 and 9500 models: For MPX 8200: For MPX 8400 and 8600: For For all other models above these, there are no SQL RPS rate limits. 2. SDX models ship with a Platinum Edition license and include 5 NetScaler instances. Additional NetScaler packs with 5 instances each are available. All instances may be configured for any NetScaler Edition. 3. Listed hardware requirements are for NetSclaer VPX ncore version. NetScaler VPX classic builds are available with a smaller server footprint and a reduced feature set. 4. Maximum HTTP throughput for VPX running on XenServer and Hyper-V is less than 3Gbps 5. Using 3DES algorithm. Up to 1,000 concurrent users using RC4 algorithm. 6. Available in NetScaler Enterprise and Platinum Editions only. 7. Included in Platinum Edition only; not available with Standard or Enterprise Editions. 8. Available as a license upgrade on all editions and for MPX and VPX appliances. 본자료는제품의지속적인개발과생산에따라사전공고없이변경이될수있습니다. SK 네트웍스서비스는본자료를통한손해나실수에대해서는책임을지지않습니다. 서울중구서소문동 21-1 연호빌딩 12 층 NI 영업팀 T F 영업문의 : 김광호차장 ( / / 김기원대리 ( / / 기술문의 : 김세영 ( / / ) 시트릭스에대하여시트릭스 ( 나스닥 CTXS) 는클라우드시대를맞이하여직원, 비즈니스, IT 등의업무방식전환을이끌어주는가상컴퓨팅솔루션분야글로벌리더기업이다. 전세계 25 만여기업및단체가시트릭스의고객으로, 시트릭스는시장선도의클라우드, 협업, 네트워킹, 가상화분야기술을통해복잡한엔터프라이즈 IT 를보다단순화시켜모바일워크스타일및클라우드서비스를지원하고있다. 매일인터넷사용자들의 75% 가시트릭스솔루션을통해제공되는인터넷서비스를사용하고있으며시트릭스는 100 여개국가에약 10,000 개의채널및파트너사와협력하고있다. 시트릭스는 2011 년 22 억 1 천만달러의매출을기록했다. 시트릭스시스템스에대한자세한정보는 에서확인가능하다. 주소 : 서울영등포구국제금융로 10, One IFC 32 층, 대표전화 : / 팩스번호
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Windows Netra Blade X3-2B( Sun Netra X6270 M3 Blade) : E37790 01 2012 9 Copyright 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,...,. U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS. Oracle programs,
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V S 애플리케이션전송컨트롤러 애플리케이션전송컨트롤러 (, ADC) 는부하분산기 (Load Balancer), L4 스위치등으로불리던네트워크장비에가속보안등고급기능을추가하여애플리케이션전송성능이강화된제품입니다. 애플리케이션가용성보장 서비스체감품질향상 파이오링크 는서비스가용
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VMware vsphere 4 This document was created using the official VMware icon and diagram library. Copyright 2009 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright
PowerPoint Presentation
클라우드환경하의검증된 Hypervisor, 시트릭스 XenServer SeonKyung Cho, XenServer SE, APAC June 12, 2012 XenServer 고향 내용 클라우드컴퓨팅과서버가상화 클라우드컴퓨팅을위한고려사항 클라우드플래폼으로써의젠서버 클라우드컴퓨팅과서버가상화 일반적인오해 Cloud Computing = Server Virtualisation
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Oracle9i Real Application Clusters
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VMware NSX 기반의네트워크가상화아키텍처의현재와미래정석호이사, VMware Korea Agenda 1 Network Virtualization Today 2 Management Plane Scale-Out 3 Control Plane Evolution 4 High-Performance Data Plane 5 NSX Vision : Driving NSX
1.LAN의 특징과 각종 방식
0 Chapter 1. LAN I. LAN 1. - - - - Switching - 2. LAN - (Topology) - (Cable) - - 2.1 1) / LAN - - (point to point) 2) LAN - 3) LAN - 2.2 1) Bound - - (Twisted Pair) - (Coaxial cable) - (Fiber Optics) 1
Microsoft PowerPoint - LG RouterÁ¦Ç°(02-03)
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Copyright 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,..., U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS. Oracle programs, including any operat
Sun Server X3-2( Sun Fire X4170 M3) Oracle Solaris : E35482 01 2012 9 Copyright 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,..., U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS. Oracle programs, including
3G IETF Mobile IP WG Seamoby WG ROHC WG 3G IETF 3G IETF Mobile IP WG 3GIP Seamoby WG ROHC WG MIP WG / NAI Mobile IP / AAA IPv4 / MIP WG RFC2002bis MIPv6 INRIA
한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol. 12, No. 3 pp. 1408-1416, 2011 클라우드 컴퓨팅에서의 보안 고려사항에 관한 연구 박춘식 1* 1 서울여자대학교 정보보호학과 Study on Security Considerations in the Cloud Computing Choon-Sik Park 1* 1 Department of Information Security,
논문 10-35-03-03 한국통신학회논문지 '10-03 Vol. 35 No. 3 원활한 채널 변경을 지원하는 효율적인 IPTV 채널 관리 알고리즘 준회원 주 현 철*, 정회원 송 황 준* Effective IPTV Channel Control Algorithm Supporting Smooth Channel Zapping HyunChul Joo* Associate
CHAPTER 05 NT,, XP,. NT NTFS, XP. D,,. XP x NT,,, ( x, x ). NT/ /XP,.. PC NT NT. + Guide to Software: Understanding and Installing Windows 2000 and Windows NT + SOFTWARE Guide to Software 3/e SOFTWARE
목 차 Ⅰ. 일반사항 1 Ⅱ. 특기사항 3 Ⅲ. 물품내역 및 세부규격 8 Ⅳ. 주의사항 11-2 -
대전마케팅공사 경영정보포털 구축 사업 패키지 소프트웨어 2식 구매 설치 시방서 (소프트웨어 2식) 2016. 06. 대전마케팅공사 경 영 지 원 파 트 목 차 Ⅰ. 일반사항 1 Ⅱ. 특기사항 3 Ⅲ. 물품내역 및 세부규격 8 Ⅳ. 주의사항 11-2 - Ⅰ. 일반사항 1. 목적 본 시방서는 대전마케팅공사가 추진하고 있는 경영정보포털 사업의 패키지 소프트웨어 도입을
접근제어 시간은 없고, IT투자 비용이 정해져 있다면, 조금 더 스마트하게 제어하는 방법을 모색해야 한다. 그 중 하나 로 상황별 맞춤 보안 정책(Contextual security) 을 제 안한다. 상황별 맞춤 보안은 민감한 데이터와 그렇지 않은 것을 구분한 후 민감
상황별 맞춤형 보안 정책 지능형 위협 차단과 서비스 지속성 사용성 보장해야 기업 담당자는 어떻게 효과적으로 보안 정책을 제공할 수 있을까? 시간은 없고, IT투자 비용이 정해져 있다면 보다 스마트하게 제 어하는 방법을 모색해야만 한다. 그 대안으로 상황별 맞춤 보안 정책(Contextual security) 이 제안된다. 상황별 맞춤 보안은 민감 한 데이터와
Interstage5 SOAP서비스 설정 가이드
Interstage 5 Application Server ( Solaris ) SOAP Service Internet Sample Test SOAP Server Application SOAP Client Application CORBA/SOAP Server Gateway CORBA/SOAP Gateway Client INTERSTAGE SOAP Service
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Performance Optimization of SCTP in Wireless Internet Environments The existing works on Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) was focused on the fixed network environment. However, the number of