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2 1, 2 VCL Visual Component Library, [1] TComponent VCL VCL, (Object) TStrings TCanvas VCL [ 1] 2
3 TObject TObject [ 1] 21 TObject TObject [ 1] TObject, TObject,,,,, (run-time type information) TObject TObject = class constructor Create; 3
4 procedure Free; class function InitInstance(Instance: Pointer): TObject; procedure CleanupInstance; function ClassType: TClass; class function ClassName: ShortString; class function ClassNameIs(const Name: string): Boolean; class function ClassParent: TClass; class function ClassInfo: Pointer; class function InstanceSize: Longint; class function InheritsFrom(AClass: TClass): Boolean; class function MethodAddress(const Name: ShortString): Pointer; class function MethodName(Address: Pointer): ShortString; function FieldAddress(const Name: ShortString): Pointer; function GetInterface(const IID: TGUID; out Obj): Boolean; class function GetInterfaceEntry(const IID: TGUID): PInterfaceEntry; class function GetInterfaceTable: PInterfaceTable; function SafeCallException(ExceptObject: TObject; ExceptAddr: Pointer): HResult; virtual; procedure AfterConstruction; virtual; procedure BeforeDestruction; virtual; procedure Dispatch(var Message); virtual; procedure DefaultHandler(var Message); virtual; class function NewInstance: TObject; virtual; procedure FreeInstance; vi rtual; destructor Destroy; virtual; (Constructor) (Destructor), private public public, TObject TObject, TObject class 4
5 TButtonClassParent; TObject, TObject TObject, 22 TPersistent TPersistent, DFM, TPersistent TPersistent TPersistent, TPersistent, TPersistent TPersistent = class(tobject) private procedure AssignError(Source: TPersistent); protected 5
6 procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); virtual; procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); virtual; function GetOwner: TPersistent; dynamic; public destructor Destroy; override; procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); virtual; function GetNamePath: string; dynamic; DefineProperties DefineProperty TPersistent TPersistent 23 TComponent TComponent TComponent, TComponent TComponent 6
7 Var Button1 : TButton; begin Button1 := TButtonCreate(Self); // Button1Free; Create TComponent TButton ComponentState,, DBGrid type TComponentState = set of (csloading, csreading, cswriting, csdestroying, csdesigning, csancestor, csupdating, csfixups); property ComponentState: TComponentState; csdesigning csdesigning procedure TToolButtonPaint; const XorColor = $00FFD8CE; var R: TRect; begin if FToolBar = nil then Exit; if Style = tbsdivider then with Canvas do 7
8 begin R := Rect(Width div 2-1, 0, Width, Height); DrawEdge(Handle, R, EDGE_ETCHED, BF_LEFT) if csdesigning in ComponentState then { Draw separator outline } if Style in [tbsseparator, tbsdivider] then with Canvas do begin PenStyle := psdot; PenMode := pmxor; PenColor := XorColor; BrushStyle := bsclear; Rectangle(0, 0, ClientWidth, ClientHeight); end { Draw Flat button face } else if FToolBarFlat and not Down then with Canvas do begin R := Rect(0, 0, Width, Height); DrawEdge(Handle, R, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_RECT); TToolButton ComponentState csdesigning TComponent TComponent TComponent TComponent, TComponent 8
9 TControl TWinControl 24 TControl TControl, TControl, Caption, Visible, Top, Width, Left, Height, Enabled, Font, Color,, OnClick, OnDblClick, OnMouseMove, OnMouseDown, OnMouseUp, OnDragDrop, OnDragOver, OnEndDrag, OnStartDock, OnEndDock, OnCanResize, OnConstrainedResize, OnResize TControl protected Object Inspector TControl protected,, public published, protected, protected public published, published protected published, published protected 25 TGraphicControl TGraphicControl,, TGraphicControl TBevel, TImage, 9
10 TPaintBox, TShape, TSpeedButton, TSplitter TCustomLabel TControl,,,, TGraphicControl 26 TWinControl TWinControl A B A parent A B child, child TWinControl, TCustomControl, TButtonControl, TCustomComboBox, TCustomEdit TCustomListBox 27 Custom Custom protected protected published TCustomLabel TLabel TCustomLabel published 10
11 3 TLabel, [ 1] TButton TButton TButton1 Unit Button1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type TButton1 = class(tbutton) private { Private declarations } protected { Protected declarations } public { Public declarations } published { Published declarations } procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Samples', [TButton1]); 11
12 end [ 1] Component New Component [ 1] TLabel [ 2] New Component Component New Component [ 2] TLabel Ancestor type TLabel TLabel1 TMyLabel Search path OK [ 2] Unit MyLabel; 12
13 Interface Uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; Type TMyLabel = class(tlabel) Private { Private declarations } protected { Protected declarations } public { Public declarations } published { Published declarations } procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Samples', [TMyLabel]); End [ 2] TLabel RegisterComponents procedure Register; 13
14 begin RegisterComponents('Samples', [TMyLabel]);, File Save, Create Type TMyLabel = class(tlabel) Public constructor Create(AOwner: Tcomponent): override; Create constructor TMyLabelCreate(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); Color := clblue; FontColor := clyellow; FontName := ' '; FontSize := 12; FontStyle := [fsbold, fsitalic]; 14
15 TMyLabel File New Application TButton OnClick procedure TForm1Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var MyLabelTest : TMyLabel; begin MyLabelTest := TMyLabelCreate(Self); MyLabelTestParent := Self; MyLabelTestCaption := 'MyLabel'; MyLabelTestShow; uses [ 3] [ 3] 15
16 Component Install Component Install component [ 4] Unit file name Package file name dclusr60dpk OK Package file name Yes [ 5] Samples [ 4] Install Component [ 5] File New Application TEdit TButton TMyLabel TButton OnClick procedure TForm1Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin MyLabel1Caption := Edit1Text; 16
17 Edit TLabel 17
18 4?,,,,,, 41?, var, 1) virtual, 2)? 18
19 [ 1]? published, published, TWinControl Ctl3D protected public published Ctl3D published Type TMyComponent = class(twincontrol) Published Property Ctl3D; Numeric, character string, ( ), true published TPersistent [ 1] 19
20 3)?,, read, write write published, public count Type TMyComponent = class (TComponent) Private Fcount: Integer; // Procedure SetCount(Value: Integer); // Public Property Count: Integer read Fcount write SetCount;, private F Count 20
21 Type TMyComponent = class(tcomponent) Private FMyProperty: Boolean; Published Property MyProperty: Boolean read FMyProperty write FMyProperty; 4) virtual public, index Type TMyCalendar = class(tcustomgrid) Public Property Day: Integer index 3 read GetDateElement write SetDateElement; Property Month: Integer index 2 read GetDateElement write SetDateElement; Property Year: Integer index 1 read GetDateElement write SetDateElement; Private Function GetDateElement(Index: Integer): Integer; Procedure SetDateElement(Index: Integer; Value: Integer); 21
22 , Function TMyCalendarGetDateElement(Index: Integer): Integer; Var AYear, AMonth, ADay: Word; Begin //FDate,, AYear, AMonth, ADay DecodeDate(FDate, AYear, AMonth, ADay); Case Index of 1: Result := AYear; 2: Result := AMonth; 3: Result := ADay; else Result := -1; Function TMyCalendarSetDateElement(Index: Integer; Value: Integer); Var AYear, AMonth, ADay: Word; Begin If Value > 0 then //Value begin DecodeDate(FDate, AYear, AMonth, ADay); Case Index of 1: Ayear := Value; 2: Amonth := Value; 3: Aday := Value; else Exit; //AYear, AMonth ADay FDate FDate := EncodeDate(AYear, AMonth, ADay); 22
23 Refresh; Get Count GetCount index read,?, Set Count SetCount, index index write read write Procedure TMyComponentSetCount(Value: Integer); Begin If Value <> FCount then 23
24 Begin FCount := Value; Update; 5) Default, Nodefault Default, default Default Property Counting Boolean read GetCounting write SetCounting default True;,? 0, null, False, nodefault Property WhatIsIt string nodefault; 6), TMemo Lines, read, write 24
25 Type TMyComponent = class(tcomponent) Private Function GetMonthSeason(Index: Integer): string; Public Property MonthSeason[Index: Integer]: string read GetMonthSeason; function TMyComponentGetMonthSeason(Index: Integer): string; begin case Index of 1, 2, 12: Result := ; 35: Result := ; 68: Result := ; 911: Result := ; 7) (DFM),,, public published 25
26 ? published stored True, False,, Type TMyComponent = class(tcomponent) Protected Function StoreIt: Boolean; Public Property Important: Integer stored True; // Published Property Unimportant: Integer stored False; // Property Sometimes: Integer stored StoreIt; //, Loaded, Loaded TDatabase Loaded procedure TDatabaseLoaded; 26
27 begin inherited Loaded; try if FStreamedConnected then Open else CheckSessionName(False); except if csdesigning in ComponentState then ApplicationHandleException(Self) else raise; 42 1)? * OnClick, Button1 OnClick Button1Click, OnClick Button1Click * 27
28 Click procedure Click; dynamic; * read, write F, OnClick TNotifyEvent FOnClick OnClick Type TControl = class(tcomponent) Private FOnClick: TNotifyEvent; Protected Property OnClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnClick write FOnClick; *,, 28
29 *,, var Var OnKeyPress Type TKeyPressEvent = procedure(sender: Tobject; var Key: Char) of object; Key Procedure TForm1Edit1KeyPressed(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); Begin Key := UpCase(Key); *, 2),, 29
30 *, OnClick, OnDragDrop, OnEndDrag, OnMouseMove, OnDblClick, OnDragOver, OnMouseDown, OnMouseUp TControl,, OnClick Click OnEndDrag DoEndDrag OnEnter, OnKeyDown, OnKeyPress, OnKeyUp, OnExit * protected, public published OnClick Type TMyControl = class(tcustomcontrol) : published property OnClick; *, Click 30
31 Procedure Click override // : procedure TMyComponentClick; begin inherited Click; // 3) *, MouseDown WM_LBUTTONDOWN MouseDown OnChange,,,, * 31
32 - (Simple notifications) :,, Sender TNotifyEvent, Click - : KeyPressed - : var, * On, *,, - :, 32
33 if Assigned(OnClick) then OnClick(Self); // if Assigned(OnClick) then OnClick(Self) else // - :, KeyPressed var Key null if Assigned(OnKeyPress) then OnKeyPress(Self, Key); if Key <> #0 then //, Key null, 43, 1) 33
34 , (exception), 2),? Copy CopyToClipboard, X, GetHorizontalPosition? 3) 34
35 ,, public protected, private, * public public public * protected protected, protected,, public, protected, public protected protected, protected * abstract VCL custom 4) 35
36 5) implementation, protected, public Type TMyComponent = class(tcontrol) Protected Procedure MakeBigger; Public Function CalculateArea: Integer; virtual; : implementation : procedure TMyComponentMakeBigger; begin Height := Height + 5; Width := Width + 5; Function TMyComponentCalculateArea: Integer; Begin Result := Width * Height; 44 36
37 (GDI) API 1)? GDI pen brush,, pen pen,, GDI, procedure TMyWindowPaint(PaintDC: HDC; var PaintInfo: TPaintStruct); var PenHandle, OldPenHandle: HPEN; BrushHandle, OldBrushHandle: HBRUSH; begin PenHandle := CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(0, 0, 255)); // OldPenHandle := SelectObject(PaintDC, PenHandle); //DC BrushHandle := CreateSolidBrush(RGB(255, 255, 0)); // OldBrushHandle := SelectObject(PaintDC, BrushHandle); //DC Ellipse(HDC, 10, 10, 50, 50); // 37
38 SelectObject(OldBrushHandle); // DeleteObject(BrushHandle); // SelectObject(OldPenHandle); // DeleteObject(PenHandle); // procedure TForm1FormPaint(Sender: TObject); begin with Canvas do begin PenColor := clblue; // BrushColor := clyellow; // Ellipse(10, 10, 50, 50); // 2) [ 2] MoveTo, LineTo, Rectangle, Ellipse TextOut, TextHeight, TextWidth, TextRect FillRect, FloodFill, Pen, Brush, Font Pixels Draw, StretchDraw, BrushCopy, CopyRect ; CopyMode GDI Handle [ 2] 3) 38
39 , metafile, * (Picture), (TCanvas),,, (TGraphic), metafile TImage, TIcon TMetafile, TGraphic TGraphic (TPicture) TPicture,, metafile,, picture * LoadFromFile SaveToFile LoadFromFile SaveToFile LoadFromFile procedure TForm1LoadBitmapClick(Sender: TObject); begin Image1PictureLoadFromFile( BMP ); 39
40 BMP TBitmap LoadFromFile * ( 256 ),,, TControl,,, 4),, * Paint tryfinally Type 40
41 TFancyControl = class(tgraphiccontrol) Protected Procedure Paint; override; Procedure TFancyControlPaint; Var Bitmap: TBitmap; Begin Bitmap := TBitmapCreate; Try // Finally BitmapFree; * 4 [ 3] Draw StretchDraw CopyRect BrushCopy [ 3] *,, OnChange Shape 41
42 , OnChange Type TShape = class(tgraphiccontrol) Public Procedure StyleChanged(Sender: TObject); : implementation : constructor TShapeCreate(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); width := 65; Height := 65; FPen := TPenCreate; FPenOnChange := StyleChanged; FBrush := TBrushCreate; FBrushOnChange := StyleChanged; Procedure TShapeStyleChanged(Sender: TObject); Begin Invalidate(); 45 1) 42
43 -> MainWndProc -> WndProc -> Dispatch -> Handler VCL *, Messages word parameter long parameter wparam lparam lparamhi API Microsoft (message cracking), WM_KEYDOWN nvirtkey IKeyData wparam lparam x y lparam Hi, lo, lparamhi lparamlo XPos YPos * case,, 43
44 MainWndProc MainWndProc WndProc, HandleException MainWndProc, WndProc WndProc,, TWinControl WndProc WndProc Dispatch Dispatch Msg Dispatch Dispatch DefaultHandler 2) 44
45 *,, override message var WM_PAINT WMPaint Type TMyComponent = class( ) : procedure WMPaint(var Message: TWMPaint); message WM_PAINT; * var, Result SendMessage message (wparam, lparam ) Message TMessage *, WndProc WndProc Dispatch, WndProc Dispatch WndProc Procedure TMyControlWndProc(var Message: TMessage); 45
46 Begin // Inherited WndProc(Message); TControl WndProc Procedure TControlWndProc(var Message: TMessage); Begin : : // ( ) if (MessageMsg >= WM_MOUSEFIRST) and (MessageMsg <= WM_MOUSELAST) then if Dragging then // DragMouseMsg(TWMMouse(Message)) // Else // : // 3) * - : 1024 WM_APP WM_APP TListBox, 46
47 TComboBox, TEdit, TButton, Const WM_MYFIRSTMESSAGE = WM_APP + 400; WM_MYSECONDMESSAGE = WM_APP + 401; - :, TMessage 1 T 2 TMsgParam Msg 3 2 word 2, 4 Longint 4 Result Longint Type TWMMouse = record Msg: TMsgParam; // Keys: Word; //wparam Case Integer of //Result 0: XPos: Smallint; 1: ( YPos: Smallint); Pos: TSmallPoint; Result: Longint); * 47
48 1> protected 2> 3> 4> Message var 5> 6> inherited CM_CHANGECOLOR Const CM_CHANGECOLOR = WM_APP + 400; Type TMyComponent = class(tcontrol) : protected procedure CMChangeColor(var Message: TMessage); message CM_CHANGECOLOR; procedure TMyComponentCMChangeColor(var Message: TMessage); begin Color := MessagelParam; Inherited; 46 IDE 1) 48
49 Register, 2) DCR(Dynamic Component Resource) 24,, TMyControl ToolBox TOOLBOXDCR, TMYCONTROL 3) F1 (RTF), Microsoft Help Workshop, Help Workshop 4) * DsgnIntfpas TPropertyEditor, TPropertyEditor 49
50 [ 4] TOrdinalProperty TIntegerProperty TCharProperty TEnumProperty TFloatProperty TStringProperty TSetElementProperty TSetProperty TClassProperty TMethodProperty TComponentProperty TColorProperty TFontNameProperty TFontProperty [ 4] TOrdinalProperty Char ( ) DDEREGPAS TPropertyEditor type TDdeLinkInfoProperty = class(tpropertyeditor) public function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override; procedure Edit; override; function GetValue: string; override; * GetValue SetValue 50
51 [ 5] GetFloatValue SetFloatValue ( ) GetMethodValue SetMethodValue GetOrdValue SetOrdValue GetStrValue SetStrValue [ 5] GetValue [ 5], SetValue GetValue GetValue unknown GetValue GetValue SetValue SetValue, SetValue SetValue TIntegerProperty SetValue GetValue GetValue GetOrdValue SetValue SetOrdValue Function TIntegerPropertyGetValue: string; Begin Result := IntToStr(GetOrdValue); 51
52 Procedure TIntegerPropertySetValue(const Value: string); Var L: Longint; Begin L := StrToInt(Value); With GetTypeData(GetpropType)^ do If (L < MinValue) or (L > MaxValue) then Raise EPropertyErrorCreate(FmtLoadStr(SOutOfRange, [MinValue, MaxValue])); SetOrdValue(L); * Font Edit Edit GetValue SetValue, Edit,, Edit TColorProperty Edit procedure TColorPropertyEdit; var ColorDialog: TColorDialog; Begin ColorDialog := TColorDialogCreate(Application); Try ColorDialogColor := GetOrdValue; If ColorDialogExecute then SetOrdValue(ColorDialogColor); Finally ColorDialogFree; 52
53 *, GetAttributes GetAttributes TPropertyAttributes TPropertyAttributes [ 6] pavaluelist GetValues pasubproperties GetProperties padialog Edit pamultiselect paautoupdate SetValue pasortlist pareadonly parevertable [ 6] Color,,, TColorProperty GetAttributes Function TColorPropertyGetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; Begin Result := [pamultiselect, padialog, pavaluelist]; * RegisterpropertyEditor RegisterPropertyEditor 4 53
54 - TypeInfo - TypeInfo(TMyComponent) nil - Register RegisterpropertyEditor Procedure Register; Begin RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TComponent), nil,, TComponentProperty); RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TComponentName), Tcomponent, Name, TComponentNameProperty); RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TmenuItem), TMenu,, TmenuItemProperty); RegisterPropertyEditor TComponent TComponentProperty, RegisterPropertyEditor nil Name TMenu TMenuItem 5) 54
55 , TDefaultEditor, TDefaultEditor,,, TComponentEditor TComponentEditor Component * GetVerbCount GetVerb GetVerbCount GetVerb GetVerb shortcut &, & shortcut GetVerb GetVerbCount GetVerb Function TMyEditorGetVerbCount: Integer; Begin Result := 2; Function TMyEditorGetVerb(Index: Integer): String; Begin Case Index of 0: Result := &DoThis ; 1: Result := Do&That ; 55
56 , GetVerbCount GetVerb GetVerbCount 2 GetVerb GetVerb ExecuteVerb GetVerb ExecuteVerb ExecuteVerb Procedure TMyEditorExecuteVerb(Index: Integer); Var MySpecialDialog: TMyDialog; Begin Case Index of 0: begin MySpecialDialog := TMyDialogCreate(Application); // If MySpecialDialogExecute then //OK MyComponentFThisProperty := MySpecialDialogReturnValue; MySpecialDialogFree; 1: That; //That Edit Edit DoThis?, Edit, Font Procedure TMyEditorEdit; 56
57 Var FontDlg: TFontDialog; Begin FontDlg := TFontDialogCreate(Application); Try If FontDlgExecute then MyComponentFFontAssign(FontDlgFont); Finally FontDlgFree; TComponentEditor TDefaultEditor Edit TDefaultEditorEditProperty EditProperty Procedure TMyEditorEditproperty(PropertyEditor: TPropertyEditor; Continue, FreeEditor: Boolean) Begin If (PropertyEditorClassName = TMethodProperty ) and (PropertyEditorGetName = OnSpecialEvent ) then DefaultEditorEditProperty(PropertyEditor, Continue, FreeEditor); IDE Copy Copy TImage picture Procedure TMyComponentCopy; Var MyFormat: Word; 57
58 AData, APalette: THandle; Begin TImage(Component)PictureBitmapSaveToClipBoardFormat(MyFormat, AData, APalette); ClipBoardSetAsHandle(MyFormat, AData); RegisterComponentEditor RegisterComponentEditor TMyComponent TMyEditor RegisterComponentEditor(TMyComponent, TMyEditor); RegisterComponentEditor Register TMyComponent TMyEditor Procedure Register; Begin RegisterComponents( Miscellaneous, [TMyComponent]); RegisterComponentEditor(classes[0], TMyEditor); 6) IDE 58
59 5,,,, TCalendar 51, 1) Component New Component TCalendar unit DBCalendar; interface 59
60 uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Grids, Calendar; type TDBCalendar = class(tcalendar) private { Private declarations } protected { Protected declarations } public { Public declarations } published { Published declarations } procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Samples', [TDBCalendar]); end [ 3] TDBCalendar 2) ReadOnly 60
61 * ReadOnly TCalendar ReadOnly ReadOnly Type TDBCalendar = class(tcalendar) Private FReadOnly: Boolean; Public Constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; Published Property ReadOnly: Boolean read FReadOnly write FReadOnly default True; : constructor TDBCalendarCreate(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FReadOnly := True; ReadOnly * TDBCalendar Row Col, SelectCell UpdateCalendar Row Col, SelectCell True Type TDBCalendar = class(tcalendar) Private FUpdating: Boolean; Protected Function SelectCell(ACol, ARow: Longint): Boolean; override; Public 61
62 Procedure UpdateCalendar; override; : function TDBCalendarSelectCell(ACol, ARow: Longint): Boolean; begin if (not FUpdating) and FReadOnly then Result := False else Result := inherited SelectCell(ACol, ARow); procedure TDBCalendarUpdateCalendar; begin FUpdating := True; Try Inherited UpdateCalendar; Finally FUpdating := False;,, 3) datalink TFieldDataLink, * Type TDBCalendar = class(tcalendar) Private 62
63 FDataLink: TFieldDataLink; : uses DB DBCtrls * TDBCalendar Type TDBCalendar = class(tcalendar) Private function GetDataField: string; function GetDataSource: TDataSource; procedure SetDataField(const Value: string); procedure SetDataSource(Value: TDataSource); published property DataField: string read GetDataField write SetDataField; property DataSource: TDataSource read GetDataSource write SetDataSource; : function TDBCalendarGetDataField: string; begin Result := FDataLinkFieldName; Function TDBCalendarGetDataSource: TDataSource; Begin Result := FDataLinkDataSource; Procedure TDBCalendarSetDataField(const Value: string); Begin FDataLinkFieldName := Value; 63
64 Procedure TDBCalendarSetDataSource(Value: TDataSource); Begin FDataLinkDataSource := Value; DataField DataSource, FDataLink FieldName DataSource?, * Create Destroy Type TDBCalendar = class(tcalendar) Public Constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; Destructor Destroy; override; : : constructor TDBCalendarCreate(AOwner: TComponent); begin FDataLink := TFieldDataLinkCreate; //FDataLink Inherited Create(AOwner); FReadOnly := True; Destructor TDBCalendarDestroy; Begin FDataLinkFree; //FDataLink Inherited Destroy; 64
65 4) OnDataChange, OnDataChange, OnDataChange OnDataChange Type : TDBCalendar = class(tcalendar) Private Procedure DataChange(Sender: TObject); constructor TDBCalendarCreate(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FReadOnly := True; FDataLink := TFieldDataLinkCreate; FDataLinkOnDataChange := DataChange; // Destructor TDBCalendarDestroy; Begin FDataLinkOnDataChange := nil; // FDataLinkFree; 65
66 Inherited Destroy; Procedure TDBCalendarDataChange(Sender: TObject); Begin If FDataLinkField = nil then CalendarDate := 0 Else CalendarDate := FDataLinkFieldAsDateTime; 52,,, 1) FReadOnly ReadOnly False ReadOnly False Constructor TDBCalendarCreate(AOwner: TComponent); Begin : FReadOnly := False; : 2) Mouse-Down Key-Down 66
67 Mouse-Down(WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_MBUTTONDOWN, WM_RBUTTONDOWN) Key- Down(WM_KEYDOWN) * Mouse-Down Mouse-Down Type TDBCalendar = class(tcalendar) : protected procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X: Integer; Y: Integer); override; : procedure TDBCalendarMouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, var MyMouseDown: TMouseEvent; Begin Y: Integer); // ReadOnly False If not ReadOnly and FDataLinkEdit then Else Inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y) // OnMouseDown Begin MyMouseDown := OnMouseDown; If Assigned(MyMouseDown) then MyMouseDown(Self, Button, Shift, X, Y); * Key-Down Key-Down Mouse-Down 67
68 Type TDBCalendar = class(tcalendar) : protected procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override; : procedure TDBCalendarKeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); var MyKeyDown: TKeyEvent; begin // ReadOnly False Key if not ReadOnly and (Key in [VK_UP, VK_DOWN, VK_LEFT, VK_RIGHT, VK_END, VK_HOME, VK_PRIOR, VK_NEXT]) and FDataLinkEdit then inherited KeyDown(Key, Shift) else // OnKeyDown begin MyKeyDown := OnKeyDown; if Assigned(MyKeyDown) then MyKeyDown(Self, Key, Shift); 3), TDBCalendar DataChange OnUpdateData OnUpdateData UpdateData Type 68
69 TDBCalendar = class(tcalendar) Private Procedure UpdateData(Sender: TObject); : procedure UpdateData(Sender: TObject); begin FDataLinkFieldAsDateTime := CalendarDate; Constructor TDBCalendarCreate(AOwner: TComponent); Begin Inherited Create(AOwner); FReadOnly := False; FDataLink := TFieldDataLinkCreate; FDataLinkOnDataChange := DataChange; FDataLinkOnUpdateData := UpdateData; 4) Change TDBCalendar Change Change OnChange, Change Type TDBCalendar = class(tcalendar) Private Procedure Change; override; : 69
70 procedure TDBCalendarChange; begin FDataLinkModified; Inherited Change; 5) CM_EXIT CM_EXIT CMExit Type TDBCalendar = class(tcalendar) Private Procedure CMExit(var Message: TWMNoParams); message CM_EXIT; : procedure TDBCalendarCMExit(var Message: TWMNoParams); begin try FDataLinkUpdateRecord; Except On Exception do SetFocus; Inherited; 70
71 71
๊ธฐ๋ณธ์ ์ธ ์ปดํฌ๋ํธ์ ์ ์
๊ธฐ๋ณธ์ ์ธ์ปดํฌ๋ํธ์์ ์ (Creating Basic Components) ๋ธํ์ด๋๊ฐ์ฅ์๋์๋์ฐ์ฉ OOP ๊ฐ๋ฐํ๊ฒฝ์ด๋ผ๊ณ ๋งํ ์์๋ค. ์ด๋ฌํ๋ธํ์ด์๊ฐ์ฅํต์ฌ๋ถ๋ถ์๋๊ฐ๋ญ๋ผํด๋๋ธํ์ด์ํผํผํ์ปดํฌ๋ํธ๋ผ๊ณ ๋งํ ์์๋ค. ์ปดํฌ๋ํธ๋ OOP ์๊ธฐ๋ณธ๊ฐ๋
์์ถฉ์คํ๊ฒ์ง์ํ๋๋ธํ์ด์๊ฐ์ฒด๋ก, ์ด๋ฌํ์ปดํฌ๋ํธ๋ฅผ๊ฐ๋ฐํ๋๋ฐฉ๋ฒ์ด์ผ๋ง๋ก, ๋ธํ์ด๊ฐ๋ฐ์์๊ฒ๋๊ฐ์ฅ์ค์ํ๊ธฐ์ ์ด๋ผ๊ณ ๋งํด๋๊ณผ์ธ์ด์๋๋ค. ์ด๋ฒ์ฅ์์๋์ปดํฌ๋ํธ๊ฐ๋์ํ๋๋ฐฉ๋ฒ์์ดํดํ๊ณ ์ค์ ๋ก์ปดํฌ๋ํธ๋ฅผ์ ์ํ๋๋ฐฉ๋ฒ์๋ํด์์์๋ณด๊ธฐ๋กํ๋ค.
E08 MDI SDI(Single Document Interface) MDI(Multiple Document Interface) MDI (Client Window) (Child) MDI 1 MDI MDI MDI - File New Other Projects MDI Application - MDI - OK [ 1] MDI MDI MDI MDI Child MDI
์ปดํฌ๋ํธ ์ ์์ ๊น์ ๊ณณ
์ปดํฌ๋ํธ์ ์์๊น์๊ณณ (Advanced Components Writing Techniques) ๊ทธ๋ฆฌ๋์ปดํฌ๋ํธ์์ ์ ๋น๊ต์ ๋ณต์กํ๋ฉด์๋์ ์ฉํ๊ฒ์ฌ์ฉํ ์์๋์ปดํฌ๋ํธ๊ฐ๊ทธ๋ฆฌ๋์ปดํฌ๋ํธ๋ค์ด๋ค. ๋ธํ์ด๋๊ทธ๋ฆฌ๋๋ฅผ์์ฑํ๊ธฐ์ฝ๋๋ก TCustomGrid ๋ผ๋๊ธฐ์ด์ปดํฌ๋ํธ๋ฅผ์ ๊ณตํ๊ณ ์๋ค. ๊ทธ๋ฌ๋ฉด, ์ด์ปดํฌ๋ํธ๋ฅผ๋ฐํ์ผ๋กํด์๋ฌ๋ ฅ์ปดํฌ๋ํธ๋ฅผํ๋๋ง๋ค์ด๋ณด๋๋กํ์. TCustomGrid ์ปดํฌ๋ํธ๋ฅผ์์ํ๋๋กํ๊ณ ,
<4D F736F F D20C5D7C6AEB8AEBDBA20B0D4C0D320B8B8B5E9B1E22E646F63>
Chapter 0 ํ
ํธ๋ฆฌ์ค๊ฒ์๋ง๋ค๊ธฐ ๋ณธ๊ฐ์ข์๋ชฉ์ ์ํ
ผ๋ฆฌ๊ตฌ์กฐ๋ฅผ๋ถ๋ฆฌํ์ฌ๋ถ์ / ์ค๊ณํ๊ณ ์ฝ๋ฉํ๋๊ณผ์ ์์ค๋ช
ํ๊ธฐ์ํ๊ฒ์ด๋ค. ํนํ BDS 2006์์์๋ก์ถ๊ฐ๋ Together for Delphi๋ฅผ์ด์ฉํ์ฌ๋ณด๋ค์ฝ๊ฒ๊ฐ์ฒด์งํฅ์ ์ค๊ณ๋ฅผ์ค์ ์
ํ๋๊ณผ์ ์์ค๋ช
ํ๊ณ ์ํ๋ค. 1 ๋จ๊ณ UI ์ Logic ์๋ถ๋ฆฌ ์ด๋ฒ๊ฐ์ข์์๋ํ์๊ฐ์๋์ฌ์ฉํ๋๋ฌธ์์์ฑ๋ฒ์ด์๋ํด๋์ค๋ค์ด์ด๊ทธ๋จ๋ง์ผ๋ก๊ธฐ๋ฅ์ค๊ณ์๊ตฌ์กฐ์ค๊ณ๋ฅผ๋ณํํ๋๋กํ๊ฒ ๋ค.
E06 (Exception) 1 (Report) : { $I- } { I/O } Assign(InFile, InputName); Reset(InFile); { $I+ } { I/O } if IOResult 0 then { }; (Exception) 2 2 (Settling State) Post OnValidate BeforePost Post Settling
PowerPoint ํ๋ ์ ํ ์ด์
@ Lesson 2... ( ). ( ). @ vs. logic data method variable behavior attribute method field Flow (Type), ( ) member @ () : C program Method A ( ) Method B ( ) Method C () program : Java, C++, C# data @ Program
EMBARCADERO TECHNOLOGIES (Humphery Kim) RAD Studio : h=p://tech.devgear.co.kr/ : h=p://blog.hjf.pe.kr/ Facebook : h=p://d.com/hjfactory :
#1 RAD (RAD STUDIO) In www.devgear.co.kr 2016.05.16 EMBARCADERO TECHNOLOGIES (Humphery Kim) RAD Studio : h=p://tech.devgear.co.kr/ : h=p://blog.hjf.pe.kr/ Facebook : h=p://d.com/hjfactory : hskim@embarcadero.kr
( Design and Implementation of a Generalized Management Information Repository Service for Network and System Management ) ssp@nile nile.postech.ac..ac.kr DPE Lab. 1997 12 16 GMIRS GMIRS GMIRS prototype
ํธ๋ ์ด ์์ด์ฝ ์ดํ๋ฆฌ์ผ์ด์ ์ ์ ์
ํธ๋ ์ด์์ด์ฝ์ดํ๋ฆฌ์ผ์ด์
์์ ์ (Creating Tray Icon Application) ์๋์ฐ 95 ์ NT 4.0 ์๋์์
ํธ๋ ์ด๋ผ๋๋ถ๋ถ์ด์๋ค. ์ฌ๊ธฐ์์๋์์ด์ฝ์ํ์ฌ๋ฐ์คํฌํ์์์คํ๋๊ณ ์๋์๋์ฐ๋ฅผ๊ฐ์ง๊ณ ์๋์ดํ๋ฆฌ์ผ์ด์
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์์ ์ํ๋๋ฐฉ๋ฒ์๋ํด์์์๋ณด์. Shell_NotifyIcon
EMBARCADERO TECHNOLOGIES (Humphery Kim) RAD Studio : h=p://tech.devgear.co.kr/ : h=p://blog.hjf.pe.kr/ Facebook : h=p://d.com/hjfactory :
#3 (RAD STUDIO) In www.devgear.co.kr 2016.05.23 EMBARCADERO TECHNOLOGIES (Humphery Kim) RAD Studio : h=p://tech.devgear.co.kr/ : h=p://blog.hjf.pe.kr/ Facebook : h=p://d.com/hjfactory : hskim@embarcadero.kr
02 C h a p t e r Java
02 C h a p t e r Java Bioinformatics in J a va,, 2 1,,,, C++, Python, (Java),,, (http://wwwbiojavaorg),, 13, 3D GUI,,, (Java programming language) (Sun Microsystems) 1995 1990 (green project) TV 22 CHAPTER
Modern Javascript
ES6 - Arrow Function Class Template String Destructuring Default, Rest, Spread let, const for..of Promises Module System Map, Set * Generator * Symbol * * https://babeljs.io/ Babel is a JavaScript compiler.
์๋ฐ ํ๋ก๊ทธ๋๋ฐ
5 (kkman@mail.sangji.ac.kr) (Class), (template) (Object) public, final, abstract [modifier] class ClassName { // // (, ) Class Circle { int radius, color ; int x, y ; float getarea() { return 3.14159
Object-Oriented Programming Concepts Tel: 02-824-5768 E-mail: hhcho@selabsoongsilackr? OOP (Object) (Encapsulation) (Message) (Class) (Inheritance) (Polymorphism) (Abstract Class) (Interface) 2 1 + = (Dependency)
PowerPoint ํ๋ ์ ํ ์ด์
@ Lesson 3 if, if else, if else if, switch case for, while, do while break, continue : System.in, args, JOptionPane for (,, ) @ vs. logic data method variable Data Data Flow (Type), ( ) @ Member field
Unity Localize Script Service, Page 1 Unity Localize Script Service Introduction Application Game. Unity. Google Drive Unity.. Application Game. -? ( ) -? -?.. ์ค๋น์ฌํญ Google Drive. Google Drive.,.. - Google
Orcad Capture 9.x
OrCAD Capture Workbook (Ver 10.xx) 0 Capture 1 2 3 Capture for window 4.opj ( OrCAD Project file) Design file Programe link file..dsn (OrCAD Design file) Design file..olb (OrCAD Library file) file..upd
์ด๋ณด์๋ฅผ ์ํ C# 21์ผ ์์ฑ
C# 21., 21 C#., 2 ~ 3 21. 2 ~ 3 21.,. 1~ 2 (, ), C#.,,.,., 21..,.,,, 3. A..,,.,.. Q&A.. 24 C#,.NET.,.,.,. Visual C# Visual Studio.NET,..,. CD., www. TeachYour sel f CSharp. com., ( )., C#.. C# 1, 1. WEEK
9 Database insert(record r): boolean find(key k): Record 1 Record getkey(): Key * Record Key Database.? Key equals(key y): boolean Database insert(record r): boolean find(key k): Record * Database OK 1
(Humphery Kim) RAD Studio : h=p://tech.devgear.co.kr/ : h=p://blog.hjf.pe.kr/ Facebook : h=p://d.com/hjfactory :
#2 (RAD STUDIO) In www.devgear.co.kr 2016.05.18 (Humphery Kim) RAD Studio : h=p://tech.devgear.co.kr/ : h=p://blog.hjf.pe.kr/ Facebook : h=p://d.com/hjfactory : hskim@embarcadero.kr 3! 1 - RAD, 2-3 - 4
Ext JS รยฅยพรรรยธยฎรรรรยผรยฐยณยนร-ยณยนรรฅ.PDF
CHAPTER 2 (interaction) Ext JS., HTML, onready, MessageBox get.. Ext JS HTML CSS Ext JS.1. Ext JS. Ext.Msg: : Ext Ext.get: DOM 22 CHAPTER 2 (config). Ext JS.... var test = new TestFunction( 'three', 'fixed',
Dialog Box ์คํํ์ผ์ Web์ ํฌํจ์ํค๋ ๋ฐฉ๋ฒ
DialogBox Web 1 Dialog Box Web 1 MFC ActiveX ControlWizard workspace 2 insert, ID 3 class 4 CDialogCtrl Class 5 classwizard OnCreate Create 6 ActiveX OCX 7 html 1 MFC ActiveX ControlWizard workspace New
JQuery jquery part1 JavaScript : e-mail:leseraphina@naver.com http://www.webhard.co.kr I.? 2 ......,,. : : html5 ; ; .
Mentor_PCB์ค๊ณ์ ๋ฌธ
Mentor MCM, PCB 1999, 03, 13 (daedoo@eeinfokaistackr), (kkuumm00@orgionet) KAIST EE Terahertz Media & System Laboratory MCM, PCB (mentor) : da & Summary librarian jakup & package jakup & layout jakup &
์๋ฐGUI์ค์ ํ๋ก๊ทธ๋๋ฐ2_์ฅ๋์.PDF
JAVA GUI - 2 JSTORM http://wwwjstormpekr JAVA GUI - 2 Issued by: < > Document Information Document title: JAVA GUI - 2 Document file name: Revision number: Issued by: Issue Date:
JSTORM http://wwwjstormpekr Issued by: < > Revision: Document Information Document title: Document file name: MasoJava4_Dongbindoc Revision number: Issued by: < > SI, dbin@handysoftcokr
No Slide Title
Copyright, 2001 Multimedia Lab., CH 3. COM object (In-process server) Eun-sung Lee twoss@mmlab.net Multimedia Lab. Dept. of Electrical and Computer Eng. University of Seoul Seoul, Korea 0. Contents 1.
Connection 8 22 UniSQLConnection / / 9 3 UniSQL OID SET
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Secure Programming Lecture1 : Introduction
Malware and Vulnerability Analysis Lecture3-2 Malware Analysis #3-2 Agenda ์๋๋ก์ด๋์
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์ฑ์ฝ๋๋ถ์ ์๋๋ก์ด๋์
์ฑ์ฝ๋์ ์ ๋ถ์ APK ์ถ์ถ #1 adb ๋ช
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1 1....6 1.1...6 2. Java Architecture...7 2.1 2SDK(Software Development Kit)...8 2.2 JRE(Java Runtime Environment)...9 2.3 (Java Virtual Machine, JVM)...10 2.4 JVM...11 2.5 (runtime)jvm...12 2.5.1 2.5.2
CHAPTER3 ( ) Gallery 67 68 CHAPTER 3 Intent ACTION_PICK URI android provier MediaStore Images Media EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI URI SD MediaStore Intent choosepictureintent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, รซ
Microsoft PowerPoint - 09-Object Oriented Programming-3.pptx
Development of Fashion CAD System 9. Object Oriented Programming-3 Sungmin Kim SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Introduction Topics Object Oriented Programming (OOP) ์ ์ ๋ณต์์ pattern object ๋ก ์ด๋ฃจ์ด์ง๋ ์๋ก์ด class Pattern
Analytics > Log & Crash Search > Unity ios SDK [Deprecated] Log & Crash Unity ios SDK. TOAST SDK. Log & Crash Unity SDK Log & Crash Search. Log & Cras
Analytics > Log & Crash Search > Unity ios SDK [Deprecated] Log & Crash Unity ios SDK. TOAST SDK. Log & Crash Unity SDK Log & Crash Search. Log & Crash Unity SDK... Log & Crash Search. - Unity3D v4.0 ios
5แแ กแผ.key
JAVA Programming 1 (inheritance) 2!,!! 4 3 4!!!! 5 public class Person {... public class Student extends Person { // Person Student... public class StudentWorker extends Student { // Student StudentWorker...!
Something that can be seen, touched or otherwise sensed
Something that can be seen, touched or otherwise sensed Things about an object Weight Height Material Things an object does Pen writes Book stores words Water have Fresh water Rivers Oceans have
1. ์ด๋ฒคํธ์์ด๋ฒคํธํธ๋ค๋ฌ์์ดํด ์ด๋ฒคํธ (Event) ๋์น๋ธ๋ผ์ฐ์ ์์๋ฐ์ํ๋๋ค์ํ์ฌ๊ฑด์๋งํฉ๋๋ค. ์๋ฅผ๋ค๋ฉด, ๋ฒํผ์๋ง์ฐ์ค๋ก์ํ๋ค๊ฑฐ๋๋ธ๋ผ์ฐ์ ๋ฅผ๋ซ์๋ค๊ฑฐ๋ Enter ํค๋ฅผ๋๋ ๋ค๊ฑฐ๋๋ฑ๋ฑ์์ฃผ๋ค์ํ์ฌ๊ฑด๋ค์ด์์ต๋๋ค. ๊ทธ๋ ๋ค๋ฉด์ด๋ฒคํธํธ๋ค๋ฌ (Event Handler) ๋๋ฌด์์ผ๊น์? ์ด๋ค์ํ์ด๋ฒคํธ๋ค์ํธ๋ค๋ง ( ์ฒ๋ฆฌ ) ํด์ฃผ๋๊ฒ์
๋๋ค. ์๋ฅผ๋ค๋ฉด, ์ด๋ค๋ฒํผ์ํ์๋๋ฉ์์ง์ฐฝ์ด๋จ๊ฒํ๋๋ฑ์๋งํฉ๋๋ค.
5 : 2 (method) (public) (private) (interface) 5.1 (Method), (public method) (private method) (constructor), 3 4 5.2 (client). (receiver)., System.out.println("Hello"); (client object) (receiver object)
JMF JSTORM http://wwwjstormpekr Issued by: < > Revision: Document Information Document title: Document file name: Revision number: Issued by: JMF3_ doc Issue Date:
Push... 2 Push... 4 Push... 5 Push... 13 Push... 15 1 FORCS Co., LTD A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution Push (Daemon ), Push Push Observer. Push., Observer. Session. Thread Thread. Observer ID.
Interstage5 SOAP์๋น์ค ์ค์ ๊ฐ์ด๋
Interstage 5 Application Server ( Solaris ) SOAP Service Internet Sample Test SOAP Server Application SOAP Client Application CORBA/SOAP Server Gateway CORBA/SOAP Gateway Client INTERSTAGE SOAP Service
C# Programming Guide - Types
C# Programming Guide - Types ์ต๋๊ฒฝ lifeisforu@wemade.com ์ด๋ฌธ์๋ MSDN ์ Types ๋ฅผ์์ฝํ๊ณ ๋ณด์ถฉํ๊ฒ์
๋๋ค. http://msdn.microsoft.com/enus/library/ms173104(v=vs.100).aspx Types, Variables, and Values C# ์ type ์๋ฏผ๊ฐํ์ธ์ด์ด๋ค. ๋ชจ๋
์ด๋ณด์๋ฅผ ์ํ ADO 21์ผ ์์ฑ
ADO 21, 21 Sams Teach Yourself ADO 2.5 in 21 Days., 21., 2 1 ADO., ADO.? ADO 21 (VB, VBA, VB ), ADO. 3 (Week). 1, 2, COM+ 3.. HTML,. 3 (week), ADO. 24 1 - ADO OLE DB SQL, UDA(Universal Data Access) ADO.,,
2015 Week 03 / _ Assignment 1 Flow Assignment 1 Hello Processing 1. Hello,,,, 2. Shape rect() ellipse() 3. Color stroke() fill() color selector background() 4 Hello Processing 4. Interaction setup() draw()
Mobile Service > IAP > Android SDK [ ] IAP SDK TOAST SDK. IAP SDK. Android Studio IDE Android SDK Version (API Level 10). Name Reference V
Mobile Service > IAP > Android SDK IAP SDK TOAST SDK. IAP SDK. Android Studio IDE 2.3.3 Android SDK Version 2.3.3 (API Level 10). Name Reference Version License okhttp http://square.github.io/okhttp/ 1.5.4
๊ต์ก2 ? ๊ทธ๋ฆผ
Interstage 5 Apworks EJB Application Internet Revision History Edition Date Author Reviewed by Remarks 1 2002/10/11 2 2003/05/19 3 2003/06/18 EJB 4 2003/09/25 Apworks5.1 [ Stateless Session Bean ] ApworksJava,
Microsoft PowerPoint - 03-Points.pptx
Development of Fashion CAD System 3. Points Sungmin Kim SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Points Topics MDI ๊ธฐ๋ฐ ํ๋ก๊ทธ๋จ ์ค๊ณ Child ์ฐฝ์์ ํจํด์ ์ค๊ณ ํจํด ํ์๊ณผ ๊ด๋ จ๋ ๋ชจ๋ ๋ฐ์ดํฐ๋ Child ์ฐฝ์์ ๊ด๋ฆฌ Event-driven ๊ตฌ์กฐ์ ๊ธฐ์ด Point ์ ์ ๋ฐ ํ๋ฉด ํ์ x,y
Microsoft PowerPoint - 04-Lines.pptx
Development of Fashion CAD System 4. Lines Sungmin Kim SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Lines Topics Line ์ ์ ๋ฐ ํ๋ฉด ํ์ ์ฌ๋ฌ ๊ฐ์ ์ ์ ์ ํํด์ ์ ์ ์ ์ ์ฐ๊ฒฐ๋ ์ฌ๋ฌ ๊ฐ์ ์ง์ ๋๋ ํ๋์ ๊ณก์ ์ ์ ์ ๊ณก์ ์ ํ์ Bezier Curve ์ฌ์ฉํ๊ธฐ ๊ฐ์ข
์์์ ํ์ํ๊ธฐ/์จ๊ธฐ๊ธฐ ์ฌ์ฉ์์์
๋น๊ธด์ฟก-์๋ฐ 00์๋ถ์
IT COOKBOOK 14 Java P r e f a c e Stay HungryStay Foolish 3D 15 C 3 16 Stay HungryStay Foolish CEO 2005 L e c t u r e S c h e d u l e 1 14 PPT API C A b o u t T h i s B o o k IT CookBook for Beginner Chapter
! from Yongwoo s Park ZIP,,,,,,,??!?, 1, 1 1, 1 (Snow Ball), /,, 5,,,, 3, 3, 5, 7,,,,,,! ,, ZIP, ZIP, images/logojpg : images/imageszip :, backgroundjpg, shadowgif, fallgif, ballgif, sf1gif, sf2gif, sf3gif,
์ด๋ณด์๋ฅผ ์ํ C++
C++. 24,,,,, C++ C++.,..,., ( ). /. ( 4 ) ( ).. C++., C++ C++. C++., 24 C++. C? C++ C C, C++ (Stroustrup) C++, C C++. C. C 24.,. C. C+ +?. X C++.. COBOL COBOL COBOL., C++. Java C# C++, C++. C++. Java C#
07 แแ กแแ กแแ ด แแ กแแ ฃแผแแ กแซ แแ ณแฏแ แ ขแแ ณ.key
[ 07 ] . java.lang Object, Math, String, StringBuffer Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Boolean, Character. java.util Random, StringTokenizer Calendar, GregorianCalendar, Date. Collection, List,
10 C++ Hello!! C C C++ C++ C++ 2 C++ 1980 Bell Bjarne Stroustrup C++ C C++ C, C++ C C 3 C C++ (prototype) (type checking) C C++ : C++ 4 C C++ (prototype) (type checking) [ 10-1] #include extern
Week 05 Iterators, More Methods and Classes Hash, Regex, File I/O Joonhwan Lee human-computer interaction + design lab. Iterators Writing Methods Classes & Objects Hash File I/O Quiz 4 1. Iterators Array
11 (String).. java.lang.stringbuffer. s String s = "abcd"; s = s + "e"; a b c d e a b c d e ,., "910359,, " "910359" " " " " (token) (token),, (delimiter). java.util.stringtokenizer String s = "910359,,
CORBA/SNMP DPNM Lab. POSTECH email : ymkang@postech.ac.kr Motivation CORBA/SNMP CORBA/SNMP 2 Motivation CMIP, SNMP and CORBA high cost, low efficiency, complexity 3 Goal (Information Model) (Operation)
Remote UI Guide
Remote UI KOR Remote UI Remote UI PDF Adobe Reader/Adobe Acrobat Reader. Adobe Reader/Adobe Acrobat Reader Adobe Systems Incorporated.. Canon. Remote UI GIF Adobe Systems Incorporated Photoshop. ..........................................................
Microsoft PowerPoint - 04-UDP Programming.ppt
Chapter 4. UDP Dongwon Jeong djeong@kunsan.ac.kr http://ist.kunsan.ac.kr/ Dept. of Informatics & Statistics ๋ชฉ์ฐจ UDP 1 1 UDP ๊ฐ๋
์๋ฐ UDP ํ๋ก๊ทธ๋จ์์ฑ ํด๋ผ์ด์ธํธ์์๋ฒ๋ชจ๋ DatagramSocket ํด๋์ค๋ก์์ฑ ์ํธ๊ฐํต์ ์ DatagramPacket ํด๋์ค๋ฅผ์ด์ฉํ์ฌ
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CLEAN CODE 6 11st Front Dev. Team 6 1. 2. 3. checked exception 4. 5. 6. 11 : 2 4 : java (50%), javascript (35%), SQL/PL-SQL (15%) : Spring, ibatis, Oracle, jquery ? , (, ) ( ) ํด๋ฆฐ์ฝ๋๋ฅผ ๋ฌด์ํ๋ค๋ฉด . 6 1. ,,,!
Microsoft PowerPoint - ๊ธฐ๊ณ๊ณตํ์คํ1-1MATLAB_๊ฐ์2D.pptx
1. MATLAB ๊ฐ์์ ํ์ฉ ๊ธฐ๊ณ๊ณตํ์คํ I 2013๋
2ํ๊ธฐ MATLAB ์์ํ๊ธฐ ์ด์ฅ์๋ด์ฉ MATLAB์์ฌ๋ฌ์ฐฝ(window)๋ค์ ํน์ฑ๊ณผ ๋ชฉ์ ๊ธฐ์ ์ค์นผ๋ผ์ ์ฐ์ ์ฐ์ฐ ๋ฐ ๊ธฐ๋ณธ ์ํํจ์์ ์ฌ์ฉ. ์ค์นผ๋ผ ๋ณ์๋ค(ํ ๋น ์ฐ์ฐ์)์ ์ ์ ๋ฐ ๋ณ์๋ค์ ์ฌ์ฉ ๋ฐฉ๋ฒ ์คํฌ๋ฆฝํธ(script) ํ์ผ์ ๋ํ ์๊ฐ์ ๊ฐ๋จํ MATLAB ํ๋ก๊ทธ๋จ์ ์์ฑ, ์ ์ฅ ๋ฐ ์คํ MATLAB์ํน์ง
Microsoft PowerPoint - 06-Body Data Class.pptx
Digital 3D Anthropometry 6. Body Data Class Sungmin Kim SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Body Data Class ์์ค๊ณ Body Model ์๊ด๋ฆฌ ์ธ์ฒด๋ฐ์ดํฐ์
์ถ๋ ฅ ๋ฐ์ดํฐ๋ถ๋ฌ์ค๊ธฐ ์ธ์ฒด๋ชจ๋ธ๊ทธ๋ฆฌ๊ธฐ TOpenGL์ํ์ฅ ํ๋ก์ ํธ๊ด๋ฆฌ ํ๋ก์ ํธ์ ์ฅ / ๋ถ๋ฌ์ค๊ธฐ ์ถ๊ฐ๊ธฐ๋ฅ๊ตฌํ ์ขํ์ถ์ ๋ ฌ Face, Wireframe,
ๆญฏ์์ ๋ชจ๋ธ๋ง
I II II III III I VBA Understanding Excel VBA - 'VB & VBA In a Nutshell' by Paul Lomax, October,1998 To enter code: Tools/Macro/visual basic editor At editor: Insert/Module Type code, then compile by:
10, Process synchronization (concurrently) ( ) => critical section ( ) / =>, A, B / Race condition int counter; Process A { counter++; } Process B { counter ;.. } counter++ register1 = counter register1
OCaml 2009.. (khheo@ropas.snu.ac.kr) 1 ML 2 ML OCaml INRIA, France SML Bell lab. & Princeton, USA nml SNU/KAIST, KOREA 3 4 (let) (* ex1.ml *) let a = 10 let add x y = x + y (* ex2.ml *) let sumofsquare
JMF JSTORM http://wwwjstormpekr Issued by: < > Document Information Document title: Document file name: Revision number: Issued by: JMF2_ doc Issue Date: Status: < > raica@nownurinet
PowerPoint ํ๋ ์ ํ ์ด์
@ Lesson 1,..... @ 1 Green Project 1991 Oak Java 1995. 5 December '90 by Patrick Naughton, Mike Sheridan and James Gosling Embedded in various consumer electronic device 1992. 9. 3 Star 7 1993 www portability
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Why ์๋ธํ์ด์ธ๊ฐ 2 ์๋ฒฝํ OOP ๋ฅผ์ง์ํ๋ ๋ธํ์ด ์ฐ๋ฆฌ๋๋ธํ์ด์์ํผ์๋น๋กฏํ๋ชจ๋ ์ปดํฌ๋ํธ๊ฐํด๋์ค๋กํฌ์ฅ๋ผ์๋ค๋๊ฒ์๋ฐฐ์ ์ต๋๋ค. ๋ํ๋ธํ์ด์ฌ์ฉ์๋ํด๋์ค๋ฅผ๊ทธ๋ฆฌ์๋ค๋ฃจ์ง๋ชปํด๋ํผ๋์์ด๋๋ฅผํตํดํด๋์ค๋ฅผ์๋์ผ๋ก๋ง๋ค์ด์ฌ์ฉํ๊ฒ๋๋ค๋๊ฒ๋๋ฐฐ์ ์ต๋๋ค. ๋ธํ์ด๋๋ง์์์์ปดํฌ๋ํธ๋ฅผ๊ฐ๊ณ ์๋๋ฐ๊ทธ์ปดํฌ๋ํธ๋ค์๋ชจ๋ TObject๋ผ๋ํด๋์ค๋ฅผ์์์ผ๋ก์ฌ๋ฌ๋จ๊ณ๋ฅผ๊ฑฐ์ณ์์๋๊ณ ์์ต๋๋ค. ๊ทธ๋ ๊ธฐ๋๋ฌธ์์ปดํฌ๋ํธ๋ผ์ด๋ธ๋ฌ๋ฆฌ์๋ํผ๋์์ด๋์์์ฌ์ฉํ ์์๋์ปดํฌ๋ํธ์
Microsoft PowerPoint - 02-GUI Basics.pptx
Development of Fashion CAD System 2. GUI Basics Sungmin Kim SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY GUI GUI (Graphical User Interface) Definition ํ๋ฉด์์ ๋ฌผ์ฒด, ํ, ์์๊ณผ ๊ฐ์ ๊ทธ๋ํฝ ์์๋ค์ ์ฌ์ฉํ ์ปดํจํฐ ์ธํฐํ์ด์ค 2์ฐจ์์ด๋ 3์ฐจ์ ๊ฐ์ ๊ณต๊ฐ์์ ๊ธฐ๋ฅ์ ์์ ์ /๋ํ์ ์ผ๋ก
PowerChute Personal Edition v3.1.0 ์์ด์ ํธ ์ฌ์ฉ ์ค๋ช ์
PowerChute Personal Edition v3.1.0 990-3772D-019 4/2019 Schneider Electric IT Corporation Schneider Electric IT Corporation.. Schneider Electric IT Corporation,,,.,. Schneider Electric IT Corporation..
UNIST_๊ต์ ํํ์ด์ง ๊ด๋ฆฌ์_Manual_V1.0
Manual created by metapresso V 1.0 3Fl, Dongin Bldg, 246-3 Nonhyun-dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea, 135-889 Tel: (02)518-7770 / Fax: (02)547-7739 / Mail: contact@metabrain.com / http://www.metabrain.com
MAX+plus II Getting Started - ๋ฌด์์ ๋ฐ๋ผํ๊ธฐ
๋ฌด์์ ๋ฐ๋ผํ๊ธฐ 2001 10 4 / Version 20-2 0 MAX+plus II Digital, Schematic Capture MAX+plus II, IC, CPLD FPGA (Logic) ALTERA PLD FLEX10K Series EPF10K10QC208-4 MAX+plus II Project, Schematic, Design Compilation,
PowerPoint ํ๋ ์ ํ ์ด์
Win32 API Windows Programming 1 http://idb.korea.ac.kr DB & Mining LAB. Korea Univ. ์ต์ข
๋ฐ์ดํธ : 2012. 08. 14 1 ์ปดํจํฐ์์คํ
์์ฃผ์๊ตฌ์ฑ์์ 2 2 ์ปดํจํฐํ๋์จ์ด๊ตฌ์ฑ Fetch : ๋ฉ์ธ๋ฉ๋ชจ๋ฆฌ์์ ์ฅ๋์ด์๋๋ช
๋ น์ด๋ฅผ CPU ๋ก Decode : ์ปจํธ๋กค์ ๋์์ํด๋ถ์ Execution : ALU
1... 2 System... 3... 3.1... 3.2... 3.3... 4... 4.1... 5... 5.1... 5.2... 5.2.1... 5.3... 5.3.1 Modbus-TCP... 5.3.2 Modbus-RTU... 5.3.3 LS485... 5.4... 5.5... 5.5.1... 5.5.2... 5.6... 5.6.1... 5.6.2...
์๋์ฐ์์คํ ํ๋ก๊ทธ๋๋ฐ
๊ฐ์ฒด์งํฅํ๋ก๊ทธ๋๋ฐ์์ฉ Chap 4. ๋ํ์์์์ปจํธ๋กค (#2) 2012.10.08. ์ค๋ณ์ฐ ์ปดํจํฐ๊ณตํ๊ณผ๊ธ์ค๊ณต๊ณผ๋ํ๊ต Control ๋ค์๊ฐ์ง์๋์ฐ Dialog ๊ฐ์ ์ฌ์ฉ์์์
๋ ฅ์๋ฐ๊ธฐ์ํ Object ์์งํฉ ์ข
๋ฅ ํ๋ก๊ทธ๋จ์ํ๋์ค์ฌ์ฉ์์์
๋ ฅ์ดํ์ํ ๋๋ค์ด์ผ๋ก๊ทธ๋ฐ์ค์ถ๋ ฅ ๋ค์ด์ผ๋ก๊ทธ๋ฐ์ค๋์ฌ์ฉ์๋ก๋ถํฐ์
๋ ฅ๋ฐ์๋ฐ์ดํฐ๋ฅผ๋ฉ์ธ๋ฃจํด์๋๊ธฐ๊ณ ์๋ฉธ Modal Dialog Parent window
Contents. 1. PMD ใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใ 2. Metrics ใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใ 3. FindBugs ใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใ 4. ใใใใใใใใใใใ
์ ์ ๋ถ์์ - ์๋จ์ด์์ง์ - Team.# 3 ๊ณผ๋ชฉ๋ช
์ํํธ์จ์ด๋ชจ๋ธ๋ง๋ฐ๋ถ์ ๋ด๋น๊ต์ ์ ์ค๋ฒ๊ต์๋ 201011320 ๊น์ฉํ ํ์ 201111360 ์์ค์ต 201111347 ๊นํํธ ์ ์ถ์ผ์ 2015-06-09 1 Contents. 1. PMD ใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใใ 2. Metrics
Microsoft PowerPoint - 04windows.ppt
Game Programming I Windows ํ๋ก๊ทธ๋๋ฐ (1) March 27, 2006 ๋ชฉํ ์๋์ฐํ๋ก๊ทธ๋๋ฐ์์์ด์ฉ๋๋์ด๋ฒคํธ๊ตฌ๋ํ๋ก๊ทธ๋๋ฐ๋ชจ๋ธ์์ดํด Direct3D ๋ฅผ์ด์ฉํ๋์๋์ฐ์ดํ๋ฆฌ์ผ์ด์
์์์ฑ์์ํ์ต์ํ์์ฝ๋์ดํด ์๋์ฐ (Win32) ์ดํ๋ฆฌ์ผ์ด์
Direct3D API ( ์ดํ๋ฆฌ์ผ์ด์
ํ๋ก๊ทธ๋๋ฐ์ธํฐํ์ด์ค ) ๋ฅผ์ด์ฉํ๊ธฐ์ํดํ์ Win32 API ๋ฅผ์ด์ฉํด์์ฑ
MCM, PCB (mentor) : da& librarian jakup & package jakup & layout jakup & fablink jakup & Summary 2 / 66
Mentor MCM, PCB 1999, 03, 13 KAIST EE Terahertz Media & System Laboratory MCM, PCB (mentor) : da& librarian jakup & package jakup & layout jakup & fablink jakup & Summary 2 / 66 1999 3 13 ~ 1999 3 14 :
Jwplayer ์์ฆ ์น์์ ๋์์ ์ฌ์์ ๋ชฉ์ ์ผ๋ก ๋ง์ด ์ฐ์ด๋ jwplayer์ ์ค์น์ ์ฌ์ฉํ๊ธฐ ์ ๋๋ค. jwplayerํํ์ด์ง : http://www.longtailvideo.com ์์ ํํ์ด์ง์ ๊ฐ์๋ฉด JWplayer๋ฅผ ๋ค์ด ๋ฐ์ผ์ค ์ ์์ต๋๋ค. ํ์ฌ 5.1๋ฒ์
Jwplayer Guide Jwplayer ์์ฆ ์น์์ ๋์์ ์ฌ์์ ๋ชฉ์ ์ผ๋ก ๋ง์ด ์ฐ์ด๋ jwplayer์ ์ค์น์ ์ฌ์ฉํ๊ธฐ ์
๋๋ค. jwplayerํํ์ด์ง : http://www.longtailvideo.com ์์ ํํ์ด์ง์ ๊ฐ์๋ฉด JWplayer๋ฅผ ๋ค์ด ๋ฐ์ผ์ค ์ ์์ต๋๋ค. ํ์ฌ 5.1๋ฒ์ ๊น์ง ๋์์ผ๋ฉฐ ํธ๋ฆฌํจ์ ์ํด์ ์๋๋ฅผ ๋งํฌ๋ฅผ ๊ฑธ์ด๋ก๋๋ค [๋ค์ด๋ก๋]
12 : Pro*C/C++ 1 2 Embeded SQL 3 PRO *C 31 C/C++ PRO *C NOT! NOT AND && AND OR OR EQUAL == = SQL,,, Embeded SQL SQL 32 Pro*C C SQL Pro*C C, C Pro*C, C C 321, C char : char[n] : n int, short, long : float
i ii iii iv v vi 1 2 3 4 ๊ฐ์๋ํ ์์คํ
์ ๊ตญ๋ด์ธ ํํฉ ์กฐ์ฌ ๊ฐ์๋ํ ํ๋ซํผ ๊ฐ๋ฐ ์ด์์ ์ธ ๊ฐ์๋ํ์์คํ
์ ๋ฏธ๋์ ์ ์ 5 ์น-๊ธฐ๋ฐ ๊ฐ์๋ํ ์์คํ
์ ํต์ ์ธ ๊ต์ ๋ฐฉ๋ฒ ์๊ฐ/๊ณต๊ฐ ์ ์ฝ์ ๊ทน๋ณตํ ํ์ต๋๊ธฐ ๋ถ์ฌ ๊ต์์ ์ผ๋ฐฉ์ ์ธ ๋ด์ฉ์ ๋ฌ ๊ต์์ ํ์๊ฐ์ ์ํธ์์ฉ ๋๋ฃ ํ์๋ค ๊ฐ์ ์ํธ์์ฉ ๊ฐ์๋ํ ์ด์ ๊ณต์ง์ฌํญ,๊ฐ์๋ก ์๋ฃ์ค, ๋ฉ๋ชจ ์ง์์๋ต,
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs: Assignment 3 Seung-Hoon Na October 4, George (์๋ 3๊ฐ์ ๋ฌธ์ ์ ๋ํ ๊ตฌํ์ด ๋ชจ๋ ํฌํจ๋ george.rktํ์ผ์ ์ ์ถํ์์ค.
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs: Assignment 3 Seung-Hoon Na October 4, 2018 1 George (์๋ 3๊ฐ์ ๋ฌธ์ ์ ๋ํ ๊ตฌํ์ด ๋ชจ๋ ํฌํจ๋ george.rktํ์ผ์ ์ ์ถํ์์ค. ์คํํ Problem 1.3์ ๋ํ Display๊ฒฐ๊ณผ๊ฐ ๋์์ผ ํจ) George ๊ทธ๋ฆผ์ ๋ค์๊ณผ
์ ์ด์ฟผ๋ฆฌ (JQuery) ์ ์ ์๋ฐ์คํฌ๋ฆฝํธํจ์๋ฅผ์ฝ๊ฒ์ฌ์ฉํ๊ธฐ์ํด๋ง๋ ์๋ฐ์คํฌ๋ฆฝํธ๋ผ์ด๋ธ๋ฌ๋ฆฌ. ์นํ์ด์ง๋ฅผ์ฆ์์์๋ณ๊ฒฝํ๋๊ธฐ๋ฅ์ํนํ๋์๋ฐ์คํฌ๋ฆฝํธ๋ผ์ด๋ธ๋ฌ๋ฆฌ. ์ฌ์ฉ๋ฒ $( ์ ์ด์ฟผ๋ฆฌ๊ฐ์ฒด ) ํน์ $( ์๋ฆฌ๋จผํธ ) ์ฐธ๊ณ ) $() ์ด๊ธฐํธ๋ฅผ์ ์ด์ฟผ๋ฆฌ๋ํผ๋ผ๊ณ ํ๋ค. ์ฆ, ์ ์ด์ฟผ๋ฆฌ๋ฅผํธ์ถํ๋๊ธฐํธ
์ ์ด์ฟผ๋ฆฌ () ์ ์ ์๋ฐ์คํฌ๋ฆฝํธํจ์๋ฅผ์ฝ๊ฒ์ฌ์ฉํ๊ธฐ์ํด๋ง๋ ์๋ฐ์คํฌ๋ฆฝํธ๋ผ์ด๋ธ๋ฌ๋ฆฌ. ์นํ์ด์ง๋ฅผ์ฆ์์์๋ณ๊ฒฝํ๋๊ธฐ๋ฅ์ํนํ๋์๋ฐ์คํฌ๋ฆฝํธ๋ผ์ด๋ธ๋ฌ๋ฆฌ. ์ฌ์ฉ๋ฒ $( ์ ์ด์ฟผ๋ฆฌ๊ฐ์ฒด ) ํน์ $( ์๋ฆฌ๋จผํธ ) ์ฐธ๊ณ ) $() ์ด๊ธฐํธ๋ฅผ์ ์ด์ฟผ๋ฆฌ๋ํผ๋ผ๊ณ ํ๋ค. ์ฆ, ์ ์ด์ฟผ๋ฆฌ๋ฅผํธ์ถํ๋๊ธฐํธ CSS์๋ง์ฐฌ๊ฐ์ง๋ก, ๋ฌธ์์์กด์ฌํ๋์ฌ๋ฌ์๋ฆฌ๋จผํธ๋ฅผ์ ๊ทผํ ์์๋ค. ์๋ฆฌ๋จผํธ์ ๊ทผ๋ฐฉ๋ฒ $( ์๋ฆฌ๋จผํธ ) : ์ผ๋ฐ์ ์ธ์ ๊ทผ๋ฐฉ๋ฒ
1217 WebTrafMon II
(1/28) (2/28) (10 Mbps ) Video, Audio. (3/28) 10 ~ 15 ( : telnet, ftp ),, (4/28) UDP/TCP (5/28) centralized environment packet header information analysis network traffic data, capture presentation network
๋ชฉ์ฐจ BUG offline replicator ์์์ ํจํ์ง์์๋ก๊ทธ๋ฅผ์ฝ์๊ฒฝ์ฐ๋น์ ์์ข ๋ฃํ ์์๋ค... 3 BUG ๊ฐ partition ์ด์๋ก๋ค๋ฅธ tablespace ๋ฅผ๊ฐ์ง๊ณ , column type ์ด CLOB ์ด๋ฉฐ, ํด๋น table ์ truncate
ALTIBASE HDB Patch Notes ๋ชฉ์ฐจ BUG-39240 offline replicator ์์์ ํจํ์ง์์๋ก๊ทธ๋ฅผ์ฝ์๊ฒฝ์ฐ๋น์ ์์ข
๋ฃํ ์์๋ค... 3 BUG-41443 ๊ฐ partition ์ด์๋ก๋ค๋ฅธ tablespace ๋ฅผ๊ฐ์ง๊ณ , column type ์ด CLOB ์ด๋ฉฐ, ํด๋น table ์ truncate ํ๋ค, hash partition
ilist.add(new Integer(1))๊ณผ ๊ฐ์ด ์ฌ์ฉํ์ง ์๊ณ ilist.add(1)๊ณผ ๊ฐ์ด ์ฌ์ฉํ ๊ฒ์ ์๋ฐ 5.0์ ์ถ๊ฐ๋ ๊ธฐ๋ณธ ์๋ฃํ๊ณผ ํด๋น ๊ฐ์ฒด ์๋ฃ ํ๊ณผ์ ์คํ ๋ฐ์ฑ/์ธ๋ฐ์ฑ ๊ธฐ๋ฅ์ ์ฌ์ฉํ ๊ฒ์ผ๋ก ์คํ ๋ฐ์ฑ์ด๋ ์๋ฐ ์ปดํ์ผ๋ฌ๊ฐ ๊ฐ์ฒด๋ฅผ ์๊ตฌํ๋ ๊ณณ์ ๊ธฐ๋ณธ ์๋ฃํ
๋ฐ์ ์ ๋ค๋ฆญ์ค(generics)๋ฅผ ๋์
ํ๊ธฐ ์ํ ์ฐ๊ตฌ๋ ์ด๋ฏธ 8๋
์ ์ธ 1996๋
๋ถํฐ๋ผ๊ณ ํ๋ค. ์ค์ ๋ก ์๋ฐ์ ์ ๋ค๋ฆญ์ค๋ฅผ ๋์
ํ ๋ ๋ช ๊ฐ์ง ๋ฐฉ์๋ค์ด ๋
ผ๋ฌธ์ผ๋ก ๋์ค๊ธฐ ์์ํ ๊ฒ์ด 1998๋
์ด์์ ๊ฐ ์ํ๋ฉด ๋ฌด๋ ค 8๋
์ด ์ง๋ ํ์์ผ ์๋ฐ 5.0์ ์ ๊ฒฉ ์ฑํ๋์๋ค๋ ๊ฒ์ ์ด๊ฒ์ด ์ผ๋ง๋ ์ด๋ ค์ด ์ผ์ด์๋ ํ๋ ๊ฒ์ ๋ณด์ฌ์ค๋ค. ์๋ฐ์ ์คํ์ ๊ฒฐ์ ํ๋ ํ์คํ ์ ์ฐจ์ธ
๊ทธ๋ํฝ, ๋ฉํฐ๋ฏธ๋์ด ์ดํ๋ฆฌ์ผ์ด์ ์ ์
๊ทธ๋ํฝ, ๋ฉํฐ๋ฏธ๋์ด์ดํ๋ฆฌ์ผ์ด์
์ ์ (Creating Graphic and Multimedia Application) ๋ธํ์ด๋ฅผ์ด์ฉํด์์ดํ๋ฆฌ์ผ์ด์
์๊ทธ๋ํฝ๊ธฐ๋ฅ์์ถ๊ฐํ๊ฑฐ๋, ๋ฉํฐ๋ฏธ๋์ด๋ฅผ์ง์ํ๊ฒํ๋๊ฒ์๊ทธ๋ค์ง์ด๋ ค์ด์ผ์ด์๋๋ค. ๊ฐ๋จํ๊ฒ๋ฏธ๋ฆฌ๊ทธ๋ ค์ง๊ทธ๋ฆผ์๋์์ธ์์์ถ๊ฐํ ์๋์๊ณ , ์ฌ๋ฌ๊ฐ์ง๊ทธ๋ํฝ์ปจํธ๋กค์์ถ๊ฐํ๊ฑฐ๋๋ฐํ์์์๋์ ์ผ๋ก๊ทธ๋ฆฌ๋๋ฑ์๋ฐฉ๋ฒ์ด๋ชจ๋๊ฐ๋ฅํ๋ค. ๋ํ, ๋ธํ์ด 4 ์์๋ฉํฐ๋ฏธ๋์ด์ปดํฌ๋ํธ๋ฅผ์ฌ์ฉํ๋ฉด์ดํ๋ฆฌ์ผ์ด์
์ฌ์ด๋๋ฑ์์ง์ํ๊ฒํ ์์๋ค.
04_แแ ฉแแ ณแซแแ ตแแ ฆแฏAPI.key
4. API. API. API..,.. 1 ,, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC24, Working Group ISO " (Architecture) " (API, Application Program Interface) " (Metafile and Interface) " (Language Binding) " (Validation Testing and Registration)"
HW5 Exercise 1 (60pts) M interpreter with a simple type system M. M. M.., M (simple type system). M, M. M., M.
์ค๋ํ ๊ฒ 5 6 HW5 Exercise 1 (60pts) M interpreter with a simple type system M. M. M.., M (simple type system). M, M. M., M. Review: 5-2 7 7 17 5 4 3 4 OR 0 2 1 2 ~20 ~40 ~60 ~80 ~100 M ์ธ์ด e ::= const constant
EMBARCADERO TECHNOLOGIES (Humphery Kim) RAD Studio : h=p://tech.devgear.co.kr/ : h=p://blog.hjf.pe.kr/ Facebook : h=p://d.com/hjfactory :
#4 (RAD STUDIO) In www.devgear.co.kr 2016.05.23 EMBARCADERO TECHNOLOGIES (Humphery Kim) RAD Studio : h=p://tech.devgear.co.kr/ : h=p://blog.hjf.pe.kr/ Facebook : h=p://d.com/hjfactory : hskim@embarcadero.kr
PRO1_02E [์ฝ๊ธฐ ์ ์ฉ]
Siemens AG 1999 All rights reserved File: PRO1_02E1 Information and 2 STEP 7 3 4 5 6 STEP 7 7 / 8 9 10 S7 11 IS7 12 STEP 7 13 STEP 7 14 15 : 16 : S7 17 : S7 18 : CPU 19 1 OB1 FB21 I10 I11 Q40 Siemens AG
CAD ํ๋ฉด์์ ๋๊ทธ๋ ์ํ ๋ํ์ด ์์ฑ๋์์ต๋๋ค. ํ๋ฉด์์ ๋ํ๋ ์ํ์ ๋ฐ์ง๋ฆ 500์ธ ๋ํ์ ๋๋ค. ํ์ง๋ง ๋ฐ์ง๋ฆ์ด 500์ด๋ผ๋ ๊ฒ์ ์๋์๋ง ์๊ณ ์๋ ์ฌ์ค์ ๋๋ค. ๋ฐ์ง๋ฆ์ด 500์ด๋ผ๋ ๊ฒ์ ํด๋ผ์ด์ธํธ์ ์์ ์๋ค์๊ฒ ์๋ ค์ฃผ๊ธฐ ์ ํด์๋ ๋ฐ๋์ ์น์๊ฐ ํ์ํ๊ฒ ์ฃ ?
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์ฒด '๋๋ฉด์ฐฝ๊ณ ' ๋ ํ๋ฅผ ์ง๋ธ ๋ฐ ์์ผ๋ฉฐ, ํ์ฌ ๋์ธ์ํ์ธ ์ ์ค๋ฆฝํด ๋ํ ๋ฅผ๋งก๊ณ ์๋ค. E-Mail
Microsoft PowerPoint - 09-CE-7-์ ๊ณผ ๋ํ
์์ฒํฅ๋ํ๊ต์ปดํจํฐํ๋ถ์ด์์ 1 ํ์ต๋ด์ฉ ๋๋ฐ์ด์ค์ปจํ
์คํธ WM_PAINT ์ , ๋ํ๊ทธ๋ฆฌ๊ธฐ GDI ๊ฐ์ฒด ํ, ๋ธ๋ฌ์ฌ ์์ฒํฅ๋ํ๊ต์ปดํจํฐํ๋ถ์ด์์ 2 ๋๋ฐ์ด์ค์ปจํ
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A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution FORCS Co., LTD 1 OZ Application Designer Getting Started 2 FORCS Co., LTD A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution FORCS Co., LTD 3 OZ Application Designer
A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution FORCS Co., LTD 1 OZ Application Designer Getting Started 2 FORCS Co., LTD A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution FORCS Co., LTD 3 OZ Application Designer
Microsoft PowerPoint - CPP_chap3
3 ์ฅ. ๋ง์ฐ์ค์ํค๋ณด๋๋ฉ์์ง 1 1. ๋ฅ๋์ ์
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๋ ฅ์ Windows
- -, (insert) (delete) - - (insert) (delete) (top ) - - (insert) (rear) (delete) (front) A A B top A B C top push(a) push(b) push(c) A B top pop() top A B D push(d) top #define MAX_STACK_SIZE 100 int
iii. Design Tab ์ Click ํ์ฌ WindowBuilder ๊ฐ์๋์ผ๋ก์์ฑํ GUI ํ๋ก๊ทธ๋๋ฐํ๊ฒฝ์ํ์ธํ๋ค.
Eclipse ๊ฐ๋ฐํ๊ฒฝ์์ WindowBuilder ๋ฅผ์ด์ฉํ Java ํ๋ก๊ทธ๋จ๊ฐ๋ฐ ์ด์๋ Java ํ๋ก๊ทธ๋จ์๊ธฐ์ด๋ฅผ์ดํดํ๊ณ ์๋์ฌ๋์๋์์ผ๋ก Embedded Microcomputer ๋ฅผ์ด์ฉํ์ ์ด์์คํ
์ PC ์์ Serial ํต์ ์ผ๋ก์ ์ด (Graphical User Interface (GUI) ํ๊ฒฝ์์ ) ํ๋ํ๋ก๊ทธ๋จ๊ฐ๋ฐ์๋ฅผ์ค๋ช
ํ๋ค. WindowBuilder:
3 S Q L A n t i p a t t e r n s Trees/intro/parent.sql CREATE TABLE Comments ( comment_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, parent_id BIGINT UNSIGNED, comment TEXT
3 S Q L A n t i p a t t e r n s Trees/intro/parent.sql CREATE TABLE Comments ( comment_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, parent_id BIGINT UNSIGNED, comment TEXT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (parent_id) REFERENCES Comments(comment_id)
Microsoft Word - Automap3
์ฌ ์ฉ ์ค ๋ช
์ ๋ณธ ์ค๋ช
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ํ๋ก๊ทธ๋จ์ ํ๊ต ๋ฑ์ง์์ ์กฐ๊ธ์ด๋ผ๋ ๋ฐฐ์ด ์ฌ๋๋ค์ ์ํ ํ๋ก๊ทธ๋๋ฐ ๋ ธํธ ์ ๋๋ค. ์ ์ญ์ ๊ทธ ์ฌ๋๋ค ์ค ํ๋ ์ ๋๋ค. ์ค๊ณ ๋ฑํ๊ต ์์ ํ๊ต ๋์๊ด, ์๋ก ์๊ธด ์๋ฆฝ ๋์๊ด ๋ฑ์ ๋ค๋๋ฉฐ ์ฑ ์ ๋ณด ๊ณ ์ ๋ฆฌํ๋ฉฐ ์ด๋์ ๋ ๋ ํ์ผ๋ฅด ๊ณต๋ถํ๊ธด ํ์ง๋ง, ์์ฃผ ์ํ๋ค ๋ณด๋ฉด ๊ธ๋ฐฉ ์์ด
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ธํธ (tyback.egloos.com) ํ๋ก๊ทธ๋จ์ ํ๊ต ๋ฑ์ง์์ ์กฐ๊ธ์ด๋ผ๋ ๋ฐฐ์ด ์ฌ๋๋ค์ ์ํ ํ๋ก๊ทธ๋๋ฐ ๋
ธํธ ์
๋๋ค. ์ ์ญ์ ๊ทธ ์ฌ๋๋ค ์ค ํ๋ ์
๋๋ค. ์ค๊ณ ๋ฑํ๊ต ์์ ํ๊ต ๋์๊ด, ์๋ก ์๊ธด ์๋ฆฝ ๋์๊ด ๋ฑ์ ๋ค๋๋ฉฐ ์ฑ
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ํ์ผ๋ฅด ๊ณต๋ถํ๊ธด ํ์ง๋ง, ์์ฃผ ์ํ๋ค ๋ณด๋ฉด ๊ธ๋ฐฉ ์์ด๋จน๊ณ ํ๋๋ผ๊ตฌ์. ๊ทธ๋์,
ํด์๋ชจ๋ธ๋ง 2์ฅ5~18 2012.7.27 12:26 AM ํ์ด์ง6 6 ์คํ์์ค ์ํํธ์จ์ด๋ฅผ ์ด์ฉํ ํด์ ๋ชจ๋ธ๋ง 2.1.2 ๋ฌผ๋ฆฌ์ ํด์ ์ (2.1)์ ์ข๋ณ์ ์ด๋ค ๋ฌผ์ง์ ๋จ์ ์๊ฐ๋น ๋ณํ์จ์ ๋ํ๋ด๋ฉฐ, ์ฐ๋ณ์ ๊ทธ ์์ ๋ํ๋ธ ๋ค. k 5 0์ด๋ฉด C๋ ์ฒ์ ๊ฐ ๊ทธ๋๋ก ๋
ํด์๋ชจ๋ธ๋ง 2์ฅ5~18 2012.7.27 12:26 AM ํ์ด์ง5 02 ๋ชจ๋ธ์ ์์ ์์ฝ ์ด ์ฅ์์๋ ๊ฐ์ ๋ฌธ์ ๋ฅผ ์ด์ฉํ์ฌ ์ฌ๋ฌ๋ถ์ ์์น ๋ชจ๋ธ๋ง ์ธ๊ณ๋ก ์ธ๋ํ๋ค. ์ ํ ์ฐจ๋ถ๋ฒ ์ ์ํด๋ฒ๊ณผ ์ํด๋ฒ ๊ทธ๋ฆฌ๊ณ ์ผ๊ด์ฑ, ์ ํ๋, ์์ ๋, ํจ์จ์ฑ ๋ฑ์ ์ค๋ช
ํ๋ค. ์ฒซ ๋ฒ์งธ ์์น ๋ชจ๋ธ์ ์์ฑ๊ณผ ๊ฒฐ๊ณผ๋ฅผ ๊ทธ๋ฆผ์ผ๋ก ๋ณด๊ธฐ ์ํด FORTRAN ํ๋ก๊ทธ๋จ๊ณผ SciLab ์คํฌ๋ฆฝํธ๊ฐ ์ฌ์ฉ๋๋ค.