DSC3 Unsurpassed Sensitivity Excellent Resolution Temperature range air cooling RT to 500 ( 200W ) RT to 700 ( 400W ) cryostat cooling -50 to t
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1 Thermal Analysis Excellence Thermal Analysis Innovative Technology Versatile Modularity Swiss Quality Thermal Analysis 다양한측정환경에최적화된열분석솔루션
2 DSC3 Unsurpassed Sensitivity Excellent Resolution Temperature range air cooling RT to 500 ( 200W ) RT to 700 ( 400W ) cryostat cooling -50 to to 700 intracooler -100 to to 700 DSC Excellence SmartSens terminal with One Click function One Click 기능을가진터미널은먼거리에서도정확하게측정상태정보를확인할수있습니다. 또한정해진시험법를쉽고효과적으로운영가능합니다. DSC가 STAR e Software가 PC 에서운영되는동안다음시퀀스가입력되지않은상태에서도 Terminal을통하여직접적으로시퀀스입력이가능하고터치스크린을누르거나스마트센서를이용하여스크린정보를변경하거나가열로를자동적으로개폐할수있습니다. liquid nitrogen cooling -150 to to 700 ± 0.2 K Temperature precision ± 0.02 K Furnace temperature resolution ± K Heating rate RT to to 300 K/min Cooling rate 0.02 to 50 K/min air cooling 8 min ( 500 to 100 ) 9 min ( 700 to 100 ) Cooling time cryostat cooling 5 min ( 100 to 0 ) Intracooler 5 min ( 100 to 0 ) liquid nitrogen cooling 15 min ( 100 to -100 ) Colorimetric data Furnace chamber Sensor type FRS 5+ HSS 8+ 센서는부식방지를위하여실버로코팅된가열로에위치하고있습니다. Sensor material Ceramic Number of thermocouples Signal time constant 1.8 s 3.1 s Indium peak (height to width) Ergonomic design Reliable Automation 34개의 sample position이있으며간단하고견고한디자인으로신뢰성있는결과를제공합니다. 밀폐된 Crucible을측정전자동적으로열수있습니다. METTLER TOLEDO에서나오는모든타입의 Crucible을사용가능합니다. TAWN resolution sensitivity Measurement range at 100 ± 350 mw ± 160 mw at 700 ± 200 mw ± 140 mw Resolution 0.04 μw 0.02 μw Digital resolution 16.8 million points TAWN Test DSC 센서의 High Temperature Resolution과 Excellent Sensitivity를확인하실수있습니다. 샘플을수동으로센서위에올려두더라도인체공학적으로설계된침대를이용하여손쉽게샘플을넣을수있습니다. METTLER TOLEDO DSC3 의특징 : Crucibles for Thermal Analysis Rugged MultiSTARe sensor with 56/120 thermocouples 넓은범위의정확한열효과측정가능 Robust endurance-tested sample robot 장시간신뢰할수있는효과적인분석 Start the experiment with just One Click 빠르고쉬운반복측정가능 Simple FlexCal calibration 시간절약과정확한측정분석결과 Modular concept 사용자의목적에맞게제작되며, 추후의사용자의요구에따른업그레이드가능 Wide temperature range 한번에 -150 C ~ 700 C 의넓은온도범위에서의측정가능 Intelligent ergonomic design 간단한기기운영디자인 Comprehensive services 기기운영을위한전문적인지원 Crucible은열분석측정시에샘플을담는팬입니다. 테스트에사용되는 Crucibles의종류는테스트결과의정확성에큰영향을미칠수있기때문에 DSC와 TGA 측정시에는더욱더신중하게선택해야합니다. 샘플에맞는 Crucible을선택하면실험시간을절약하고신뢰할수있는측정결과를얻을수있습니다. copper steel (gold-plated) aluminum gold alumina platinum 2 3
3 DSC3+ DSC 3+ Premium Unsurpassed Sensitivity Excellent Resolution air cooling RT to 500 ( 200W ) RT to 700 ( 400W ) Temperature range cryostat cooling -50 to to 700 intracooler -100 to to 700 liquid nitrogen cooling -150 to to 700 ± 0.2 K Temperature precision ± 0.02 K Furnace temperature resolution ± K Heating rate RT to to 300 K/min Cooling rate 0.02 to 50 K/min air cooling 8 min ( 500 to 100 ) 9 min ( 700 to 100 ) Cooling time cryostat cooling 5 min ( 100 to 0 ) Intracooler 5 min ( 100 to 0 ) liquid nitrogen cooling 15 min ( 100 to -100 ) DSC microscopy 해석이난해한 DSC 커브는 Microscopy를이용하여직접샘플의변화를보는것이도움이됩니다. 메틀러토레도의 DSC는다양한광학액세서리 ( 광학시스템, CCD 카메라, 이미지캡쳐와소프트웨어 ) 로샘플의변화를실시간으로확인할수있습니다. Robust sensor 세라믹코팅된표면이화학물질이나오염으로부터안전하게보호합니다. 내구성이강한센서로인해기기의수명을늘리고온도범위에관계없이신뢰성있는결과를얻을수있습니다. DSC photocalorimetry DSC를위한 photocalorimetry 액세서리는 UV curing 시스템로샘플특성을파악할수있습니다. 광학시스템에따른 Curing reaction 과샘플특성을 UV light 강도와온도및노출시간에따른효과로측정가능합니다. Colorimetric data Sensor type FRS 6+ HSS 9+ Sensor material Ceramic Number of thermocouples Signal time constant 1.8 s 3.1 s Indium peak (height to width) row data mathematically corrected > TAWN resolution sensitivity 11.9 ± 160 mw Measurement range at 100 ± 350 mw ± 140 mw at 700 ± 200 mw 0.02 μw Resolution 0.04 μw Digital resolution 16.8 million points METTLER TOLEDO DSC3+ 의특징 : Amazing sensitivity 미세한전이측정가능 Outstanding resolution 빠른물성변화와 Overlapping된물성측정가능 Robust endurance-tested sample robot 장시간신뢰할수있는효과적인분석 Small and large sample volumes 미량또는다량의샘플과불균일한샘플측정가능 Modular concept 사용자의목적에맞게제작되며, 추후사용자의요구에따른업그레이드가능 Flexible calibration 모든조건하에서정확하고정밀한측정보증 Wide temperature range 한번에 -150 C ~ 700 C의넓은온도범위측정가능 Examples thermal events and processes that can be determined by DSC Melting behavior Crystallization Polymorphism Liquid-ctystalline transitions Phase diagrams and composition Glass transitions Reactivity Reaction kinetics Curing Stability Miscibility Effects of plasticizers Thermal history Heat capacity and heat capacity changes Reaction and transition enthalpies Purity Area : Thermoplastics, Thermosets, Elastomers, Adfesives, Safety technology, Electronics, Aircrafts, Automotives, Foodstuffs, Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals and composites 4 5
4 TGA2 TGA2 Excellence High Performance Already Built into the Basic Configuration New SmartSens Terminal 시각적으로결과를보여줌과 OneClick 기능으로손쉬운분석 Method 작성가능 Small furnace (SF) Large furnace (LF) Temperature range RT to 1100 RT to 1100 ± 1 K ± 1 K Temperature precision ± 0.4 K ± 0.6 K Heating rate 0.02 to 250 K/min 0.02 to 150 K/min Cooling time 20 min ( 1100 to 100 ) 22 min ( 1100 to 100 ) Cooling time with hellium 10 min ( 1100 to 100 ) 11 min ( 1100 to 100 ) Sample volume 100 μl 900 μl Balance data XP1 XP1U XP5 XP5U Measurement range 1 g 1 g 5 g 5 g Resolution 1.0 μg 0.1 μg 1.0 μg 0.1 μg Weighing accuracy 0.005% 0.005% 0.005% 0.005% Ergonomic design 수동으로샘플로딩시, 인체공학적으로 Weighing precision % % % % Repeatability < mg < mg < mg < mg 설계된받침대표면위에손을의지하여손쉽게처리가능 Typical Minumum Weight 0.19 mg 0.16 mg 0.22 mg 0.17 mg Typical Minumum Weight USP 1.9 mg 1.6 mg 2.2 mg 1.7 mg Internal ring weights 2 Blank curve reproducibility better than ± 10 μg over the whole temperature range Hyphenated techniques Horizontal furnace 수평타입의가열로발생가능한대기난류를최소화 Sample Robot Option - Automatic weighing in (pan and sample, using sample robot) Buoyancy Compensation Sorption MS FT-IR METTLER TOLEDO TGA 2 의특징 : Wide temperature range RT to 1100 C의넓은온도범위 METTLER TOLEDO ultra-micro balance 세계적인기술로제작한정밀전자저울의탑재 Modular concept 사용자의목적에맞게제작되며, 추후의사용자의요구에따른업데이트가능 Wide measurement range 미량또는다량의무게와부피를가진샘플측정가능 Hyphenated techniques MS, GCMS 또는 FTIR을연결하여 EGA가스분석가능 Examples thermal events and processes that can be determined by TGA2 Quantitative content analysis (moisture, fillers, polymer content, materials, etc.) Adsorption and desorption of gases Kinetics of decomposition processes Sublimation, evaporation and vaporization Thermal stability Oxidation reactions and oxidation stability Identification of decomposition products, solvents and solvates Sorption and desorption of moisture Pseudopolymorphism Determination of Curie temperatures Area : Rubbers, Plastics, Building materials, Minerals, ceramics, Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals and foodstuffs 6 7
5 TGA/DSC3+ TGA/DSC3+ Premium High Performance Already Built into the Basic Configuration METTLER TOLEDO Balances Uniqueness in all Respects Parallel-guided balance 만약샘플의위치가용융중에바뀐다하더라도, 어떠한무게변화도발생되지않음내부분동이 (2ea) 내장되어있어서자체 calibration 가능 MultiSTAR TGA/DSC sensors SDTA sensor 샘플온도를측정하는 thermocouple 플라티늄받침대로구성 Small furnace (SF) Large furnace (LF) High temp. furnace (HT) Temperature range RT to 1100 RT to 1100 RT to 1600 ± 0.25 K ± 0.3 K ± 0.5 K Temperature precision ± 0.15 K ± 0.2 K ± 0.3 K Furnace temperature resolution K K K Heating time 5 min ( RT to 1100 ) 10 min ( RT to 1100 ) 10 min ( RT to 1600 ) Cooling time 20 min ( 1100 to 100 ) 22 min ( 1100 to 100 ) 27 min ( 1600 to 100 ) Cooling time with hellium 10 min ( 1100 to 100 ) 11 min ( 1100 to 100 ) 13 min ( 1600 to 100 ) Heating rate 250 K/min 150 K/min 100 K/min Coolilng rate -20 K/min ( 150 ) -20 K/min ( 150 ) -20 K/min ( 200 ) Sample volume 100 μl 900 μl 900 μl DTA sensor Balance data 샘플과 reference 의온도차이를측정플라티늄으로제작 XP1 XP1U XP5 XP5U Measurement range 1 g 1 g 5 g 5 g DSC sensor 샘플과 reference 의온도차이를측정세라믹으로제작, 6 개의 thermocouple 로구성 Resolution 1.0 μg 0.1 μg 1.0 μg 0.1 μg Weighing accuracy 0.005% 0.005% 0.005% 0.005% Weighing precision % % % % Repeatability < mg < mg < mg < mg Typical Minumum Weight 0.19 mg 0.16 mg 0.22 mg 0.17 mg Typical Minumum Weight USP 1.9 mg 1.6 mg 2.2 mg 1.7 mg Internal ring weights 2 Blank curve reproducibility better than ± 10 μg over the whole temperature range METTLER TOLEDO TGA/DSC 3+ 의특징 : Wide temperature range RT to 1600 C의넓은온도범위 METTLER TOLEDO ultra-micro balance 세계적인기술로제작한정밀전자저울의탑재 DSC heat flow measurement 샘플의열물성을동시에측정가능 Wide measurement range 미량또는다량의무게와부피를가진샘플측정가능 Hyphenated techniques MS, GCMS 또는 FTIR을연결하여 EGA가스분석가능 Examples thermal events and processes that can be determined by TGA/DSC 3+ TGA Quantitative content analysis (moisture, fillers, polymer content, materials, etc.) Adsorption and desorption of gases Kinetics of decomposition processes Sublimation, evaporation and vaporization Thermal stability Oxidation reactions and oxidation stability Identification of decomposition products, solvents and solvates Sorption and desorption of moisture Pseudopolymorphism Determination of Curie temperatures DSC Melting behavior Crystallization Polymorphism Phase diagrams Glass transitions Reaction kinetics Heat capacity Reaction and transition enthalpies Area : Rubbers, Plastics, Building materials, Minerals, ceramics, Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals and foodstuffs 8 9
6 TMA/SDTA1 Excellence TMA/SDTA 1 Unparalleled versatility Optimum Measurement Configurations LF/1100 HT/1600 The four TMA/SDTA1 Versions - High temperature version : room temperature ~ Standard temperature version : room temperature ~ IntraCooler version : -80 ~ Liquid-Nitrogen cooling option : -150 ~ 1600 LF/1100 HT/1600 IC/600 LN/600 Temperature range RT to 1100 RT to to to 600 ( RT to max. temperature) ( -70/-100 to RT ) ± 0.25 ± 0.5 ± 0.25 ± 0.25 n.a ± 0.35 ± 0.35 ( -150/-100 ) n.a ± 0.35 ± 0.5 Temperature reproducibility ± 0.15 ± 0.35 ± 0.25 ± 0.25 Heating ( RT to max. temperature) 8 min 22 min < 6 min < 6 min Heating ( -70/-100 to RT ) n.a < 7 min < 6 min IC/600 SDTA signal LN/600 Swelling Mode 대개의 Sample 들은 liquid 와접촉하면팽창합니다. 볼륨이나길이변화는 Swelling Accessory 를사용하여측정될수있습니다. SDTA signal 은, 샘플온도와 model 을이용하여계산된 reference 온도와의차이입니다. Sample 의길이변화와더불어동시적인 DTA signal 의측정이가능하게되어추가적인정보를얻을수있습니다. DLTMA 메틀러토레도의 TMA 는 DLTMA (Frequency < 1Hz) 기능이있어 DMA 에서분석할수있는점탄성분석이가능하며, 또한경도가강하며열에둔감한전이온도를정확하게측정할수있습니다. Cooling ( max temperature to RT) Cooling ( RT to -70/-150 ) 20 min < 40 min 13 min < 15 min n.a 22 min 15 min Analysis of decomposition products by EGA (Evolved Gas Analysis) TMA 측정셀은 Mass spectrometer 와 FT-IR spectrometer 에호환이되어 EGA 가스분석이가능합니다. 이렇게얻은추가적인정보는측정커브를해석하는데도움이됩니다. METTLER TOLEDO TMA/SDTA 1 의특징 : Wide temperature range 150 to 1600 C의넓은온도범위 Cooling option 측정에맞게 IC 또는 LN2 선택가능 Nanometer resolution 매우미세한길이변화와측정가능 Wide measurement range 0.1 ~ 1.0N의넓은 force 범위 Hyphenated techniques MS, GCMS 또는 FTIR을연결하여 EGA가스분석가능 Examples thermal events and processes that can be determined by TGA/SDTA1 Viscoelastic behavior (Young's modulus) Gelation Glass transition Phase transitions Expansion coefficient Curing and crosslinking reaction Expansion and shrinkage of fibers and films Swelling behavior Softening Volume expansion Viscous flow Thermal effects of pharmaceuticals and foodstuffs Melting and crystallization Area : Paints, Plastics, Lacquers, Composites, Films, Fibers, Ceramics, Coatings and Adhesives 10 11
7 DMA/SDTA861 e Excellence DMA/SDTA861 e Excellent Performance Over the wide force range Wide & Multi-Frequency Measurement Response Data 를빨리얻기위해 Frequency 를 4 개까지동시에용하여측정할수있으며 (Multi-Frequency), 또한각각의 Frequency 를차적으로적용하여측정할수도있습니다 (Frequency Series function). 이렇게정한결과를 Overlaying 함으로써동일한온도에서 Frequency 의차이에의한과를비교할수있습니다. External Sample Holder 외부에서다양한 Deformation modes 에시료를준비하여 DMA 내부에장착할수있어, Sampling 의오류에따른측정결과의오차를극복하였습니다. Range -150 to 500 Technic al resolution Accuracy Force K 0.5 K Range to 40 N, ( 12, 18 or 40 N ) Technical resolution 0.15 mn ( 0 to 5 N ), 1.5 mn ( 0 to 50 N ) Sensitivity Displacement Range Technical resolution Sensitivity Stiffness Range 1 mn ± 1.6 mm 0.6 nm 5nm Precision 0.2% Tan delta 10 to 108 N/m Range to 100 Technical resolution Sensitivity Frequency Range to 1000Hz Technical resolution Accuracy Logarithmic and linear scans Modes Multi-frequency (sequentially) Sample Holders The various deformation Modes 다양한 Modes 를이용하여, 시료의특성에맞게분석할수있습니다. - 3-point bending - Single cantilever bending - Dual cantilever bending - Tension - Compression - Shear Measurement modes Bending 3-point Dual cantilever Stiffness range bending Shear Stiffness range shear Tension Stiffness range tension Compression Multi-frequency (simultaneously) Length : 30 to 90 mm, Length : 20 to 80 mm Width : < 15 mm, Thickness : < 5 mm Max. sample length : 100 mm 10 to 10 8 N/m Diameter : 15 mm, Thickness : 6.5 mm 10 to 10 8 N/m Length : 19.5 mm ( 19.5, 10.5, 9.0, 5.5 ) Width : 7 mm, Thickness : 3 mm 10 to 10 7 N/m Diameter : 20 mm, Thickness : 9 mm Stiffness range compression 10 to 10 7 N/m METTLER TOLEDO DMA/SDTA861 e 의특징 : Measurement of both displacement and force Modulus 의매우정밀한측정가능 Large frequency range form ~ 1000Hz 높은 Frequency 를적용하여보다빠른측정이가능할뿐만아니라, 실제와동일한조건하에서의측정가능 Wide force range from ~ 40N Soft/Hard 한시료의측정가능 Innovative external sample Holder 외부에서원하는 Modes 에시료를준비하여내부에바로장착가능 Sample temperature measurement - SDTA 를이용하여, 정확한온도보정, 동시적인시료의열물성측정가능 Wide stiffness range 동일한 Sample holder 로원하는모든온도범위에걸쳐측정가능 Examples thermal events and processes that can be determined by DMA/SDTA861e Viscoelastic behavior Relaxation behavior Glass transition Mechanical modulus Damping behavior Softening Viscous material flow Crystallization and melting Gelation Phase transitions Composition of blends Curing and polymerization reactions Material defects Effects caused by filler materials Area : Thermoplastics, Thermosets, Elastomers, Films, Fiber, Ceramics, Metals, Aircrafts, Automotives, Viscous materials and composites 12 13
8 DMA1 Range -190 to 600 Technic al resolution 0.1 K DMA Excellence Excellent Performance The Perfect Solution for Materials Analysis Measurements with static forces DMA1 은 Sample 에일정한 Stress 인가를통하여 Creep/Recovery, Stress-Strain Curve, Deformation-Relaxation 등다양한 TMA 관련측정이가능합니다. Rotatable Measuring Head 180 도회전가능한 Furnace Head 는 Sampling 을조금더간편하게할뿐만아니라, Fluid Bath Option 와 Humidity Chamber 를통해특정 Sovent 및일정습도하에서 Modulus 측정이가능합니다 Temperature Accuracy Heating rate Cooling rate Force data Force Range Technical resolution Sensitivity Displacement Displacement Range Technical resolution Sensitivity Stiffness Stiffness Range 0.75 K 0.1 K/min to 20 K/min 0.1 K/min to 30 K/min ± to ± 10 N 0.25 mn 1 mn ± 1 mm 2 nm 30 nm 50 to 105 N/m Titanium Sample Clamp 장비구매시기본적으로모두포함되어있는 Modes (Shear, 3-point Bending, Dual Cantilever, Single Cantilever, Tension, Comperssion 등 ) 은티타늄재질로만들어져, 내구성과부식성에우수합니다. Precision 0.5% Tan delta Tan delta Range to 50 Technical resolution Sensitivity Frequency Frequency Range to 300 Hz Technical resolution Touchscreen of the DMA 1 터치스크린을통해 Sample Sample holder 연결상태를확인할수있으며, 측정시스템을보호할수있습니다. Accuracy Modes Maximum sample length Sample length Fluid Bath option 1. Logarithmic and linear scans 2. Multi-frequency (sequentially) 55 mm Temperature range -20 to 80 Humidity option Temperature range 5 to 85 Humidity range 5 % RH to 85 % RH ( at 85 ) METTLER TOLEDO DMA 1 의특징 : Flexible positioning of the Measuring Head 특정 Solvent 내또는일정습도하에서모든 Modes 를사용하여측정가능 Easy Operation 여러가지 Mode교체가간편하며, 빠르게교체가능 TMA measurements Static Force를이용하여열팽창계수및 Creep 실험가능 Humidity Option 수분의흡. 탈착을이용하며 Modulus 측정가능 Ergonomic design with large touchscreen 활용도가높은 Touchscreen사용으로많은정보를획득가능 Wide Temperature range -190 부터 600 까지넓은온도범위측정가능 Extremely efficient and economical cooling Vent되는 Out line 을다시주입시켜 LN 2 Gas의절약및 Cooling 시간단축가능 Examples thermal events and processes that can be determined by DMA1 Viscoelastic behavior Relaxation behavior Glass transition Mechanical moduli Damping behavior Softening Viscous flow Crystallization and melting Gelation Phase transformations Composition of blends Curing and polymerization reactions Material defects Effects due to fillers Area : Thermoplastics, Thermosets, Elastomers, Films, Fiber, Ceramics, Metals, Aircrafts, Automotives, Viscous materials and composites 14 15
9 메틀러토레도열분석솔루션소개 열분석전문자료 UserCom 열분석에대한보다전문적인자료가필요하신가요? 메틀러토레도의최신전문자료 (UserCom) 가여러분의열분석연구 (Material Characterization) 에도움을드립니다. [UserCom 주요내용 ] 열분석원리및기기활용 결과및커브해석 최신어플리케이션 열분석어플리케이션 Handbook 열분석의다양한 Method와 에대한내용이자세하게설명되어있습니다. 실험에대한평가와커브해석을통해통합적인솔루션을제시합니다. [ 주요 Handbook 컨텐츠 ] Thermal Analysis in Practice Thermal Analysis of Polymers Evolved Gas Analysis 열분석교육프로그램 오프라인교육열분석기에대한기본이론과원리, 커브해석, 응용위주로진행되며, 장비운용, 올바른분석법작성및사용, 교정및유지관리, 워크숍등실제장비운용에관련된교육온라인교육오프라인교육에참석이어려우신분들에게어디서나온라인으로실시간진행되는교육 kor.mt.com/seminars 실험실라이브러리 메틀러토레도실험실용기기에관련된기술자료, 제품정보등의다양한자료를제공하는원스톱포털인실험실라이브러리를활용해보세요. 실험실용기기에대한토탈솔루션을제공합니다. For more information 메틀러토레도코리아 ( 주 ) 서울본사서울특별시서초구양재천로 19 길 21 예일빌딩 1~4 층대전지사대전광역시유성구관평동 1359 번지한신에스메카 408 호영남지사울산광역시남구무거동 진향빌딩 9 층전화 : 팩스 : Quality certificate. Development, production and testing according to ISO Environmental management system according to ISO European conformity. The CE conformity mark provides you with the assurance that our products comply with the EU directives.
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물리화학 1 문제풀이 130403 김대형교수님 Chapter 1 Exercise (#1) A sample of 255 mg of neon occupies 3.00 dm 3 at 122K. Use the perfect gas law to calculate the pressure of the gas. Solution 1) The perfect gas law p
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Study on Jointing System of Airport Concrete Pavement Considering Environmental Loading The environmental load on concrete pavement can be categorized into temperature and moisture loads which include
Printed in the Republic of Korea "/"-:5*$"- 4$*&/$& 5&$)/0-0(: Vol. 18, No. 5, 425-430, 2005» 677*4 Ÿ w sƒ ½»x Á Á½ k w y w, w y œw Some considerations for the analytical approaches to measure atmospheric
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KIGAS Vol. 12, No. 4, December, 2008 (Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas) l x CNG» v m s w ½ Á y w» œw (2008 9 30, 2008 12 10, 2008 12 10 k) Numerical Analysis for Temperature Distribution and Thermal
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Microsoft Word - SRA-Series Manual.doc
사 용 설 명 서 SRA Series Professional Power Amplifier MODEL No : SRA-500, SRA-900, SRA-1300 차 례 차 례 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 안전지침 / 주의사항 -----------------------------------------------------------
저작자표시 - 비영리 - 변경금지 2.0 대한민국 이용자는아래의조건을따르는경우에한하여자유롭게 이저작물을복제, 배포, 전송, 전시, 공연및방송할수있습니다. 다음과같은조건을따라야합니다 : 저작자표시. 귀하는원저작자를표시하여야합니다. 비영리. 귀하는이저작물을영리목적으로이용할
저작자표시 - 비영리 - 변경금지 2.0 대한민국 이용자는아래의조건을따르는경우에한하여자유롭게 이저작물을복제, 배포, 전송, 전시, 공연및방송할수있습니다. 다음과같은조건을따라야합니다 : 저작자표시. 귀하는원저작자를표시하여야합니다. 비영리. 귀하는이저작물을영리목적으로이용할수없습니다. 변경금지. 귀하는이저작물을개작, 변형또는가공할수없습니다. 귀하는, 이저작물의재이용이나배포의경우,
(c) Process Pressure Measurement 1 Process Pressure Measurement Flow, Level, Temperature Flow, Level, Temperature, 2, 1) ( ),, A F F/A 2), 3 (a) (b) (a) (b) (c) 1 (a) (ABSOLUTE PRESSURE), 10 kg/cm 2 abs
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19 3 (2009 9 ) J Korean Soc Occup Environ Hyg 2009;19(3):240~249 Numerical Study on Ventilation Method for Temperature Control of HRSG Building Chul Hwan Kim Jong Wook Lee Hoon Ki Choi Geun Jong Yoo Dept.
Synthesis and structural analysis of nano-semiconductor material 2005 2 Synthesis and structural analysis of nano-semiconductor material 2005 2 . 2005 2 (1) MOCVD ZnO (2) MOCVD gallium oxide < gallium
Elements 金屬物性實驗 of X-ray, Diffraction, Dept. of B. Metallurgical D. Cullity, Dept. Engineering, of M.E. & M.S., Pukyong University National of Notre U
Elements 金屬物性實驗 of X-ray, Diffraction, Dept. of B. Metallurgical D. Cullity, Dept. Engineering, of M.E. & M.S., Pukyong University National of Notre University Dame 1 章熱分析 (Thermal Analysis) 2016 年 1 學期
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Introduction to Maxwell/ Mechanical Coupling
ANSYS 통합해석환경을이용한전기자동차용모터성능해석 ANSYS Korea Byungkil KIM, Soohyun PARK, Jeongwon LEE, Cheonsoo JANG* 1 목차 모터설계에적용되는 ANSYS 제품군역할 모터성능해석 1 : 진동 / 소음 모터성능해석 2 : 피로수명 모터성능해석 3 : 충격강도 2 모터설계에적용되는 ANSYS 제품역할 모터설계에서고려되어야하는기초성능
Rev 1 Steam Trap Date `000208 Page 1 of 18 1 2 2 Application Definition 2 21 Drip Trap, Tracer Trap, 2 22 Steam Trap 3 3 Steam Trap 7 4 Steam Trap Sizing 8 41 Drip Trap 8 42 Tracer Trap 8 43 Process Trap
w y wz 8«( 2y) 57~61, 2005 J. of the Korean Society for Environmental Analysis p w w Á Á w w» y l Analysis of Influence Factors and Corrosion Characteristics of Water-pipe in Potable Water System Jae Seong
Development of culture technic for practical cultivation under structure in Gastrodia elate Blume
Development of culture technic for practical cultivation under structure in Gastrodia elate Blume 1996. : 1. 8 2. 1 1998. 12. : : ( ) : . 1998. 12 : : : : : : : : : : - 1 - .. 1.... 2.. 3.... 1..,,.,,
짧은 글 긴 생각 Contents 04 취임사 김성실 부회장 06 특별기고 신이 내린 직장 08 협회소식 09 KOLAS/KAS소식 10 관련기관소식 12 스페셜 테마 날개 달린 금 16 교정기관탐방 (주)한국계측기기연구센터를 찾아서 18 과학칼럼 햄버거와 표준품질체계
9+10 특별기고_ 신이 내린 직장 스페셜 테마_ 날개 달린 금 교정기관탐방_ (주)한국계측기기연구센터를 찾아서 문화읽기_ K-Pop 열풍, 지구를 흔들다 WEIGHING&MEASUREMENTS 짧은 글 긴 생각 Contents 04 취임사 김성실 부회장 06 특별기고 신이 내린 직장 08 협회소식 09 KOLAS/KAS소식 10 관련기관소식 12 스페셜 테마
02 1 1 22 36 38 46 5 1 54 61 65 77 81 2 _ 3 4 _ 5 6 _7 8 _ 9 1 0 _ 11 1 2 _ 13 1 4 _ 15 1 6 _ 17 1 8 _ 19 2 0 _ 21 2 2 www.kats.go.kr www.kats.go.kr _ 23 Scope of TC/223 Societal security International
박 기 식 여주대학 토목과 (2001. 10. 24. 접수 / 2002. 6. 14. 채택) A Study on the Longitudinal Vibration of Finite Elastic Medium using Laboratory Test Ki-Shik Park Department of Civil Engineering, Yeojoo Institute of
전방향카메라와자율이동로봇 2006. 12. 7. 특허청전기전자심사본부유비쿼터스심사팀 장기정 전방향카메라와자율이동로봇 1 Omnidirectional Cameras 전방향카메라와자율이동로봇 2 With Fisheye Lens 전방향카메라와자율이동로봇 3 With Multiple Cameras 전방향카메라와자율이동로봇 4 With Mirrors 전방향카메라와자율이동로봇
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Fig. 1 2.5%. 51.5%, 46.0%,.. /, Table 1 (U.V.; Ultraviolet 10-400 nm)/ (NIR; Near Infrared 700 nm - 5 µm) ( TiO 2, WO 3, ZnO, CeO, ATO, Sb 2O 3-ZnO, ITO.) (400 nm - 780 nm). /. Fig. 1.. 23 Table 1. / /
농학석사학위논문 폴리페닐렌설파이드복합재료의기계적및열적 특성에영향을미치는유리섬유 환원된 그래핀옥사이드복합보강재에관한연구 The combined effect of glass fiber/reduced graphene oxide reinforcement on the mecha
저작자표시 - 비영리 - 변경금지 2.0 대한민국 이용자는아래의조건을따르는경우에한하여자유롭게 이저작물을복제, 배포, 전송, 전시, 공연및방송할수있습니다. 다음과같은조건을따라야합니다 : 저작자표시. 귀하는원저작자를표시하여야합니다. 비영리. 귀하는이저작물을영리목적으로이용할수없습니다. 변경금지. 귀하는이저작물을개작, 변형또는가공할수없습니다. 귀하는, 이저작물의재이용이나배포의경우,
1.27µs 0.25µs 0.25µs 0.620µs 3.81µs 1.25µs 4.45 ~ 5.08µs 10.49 ~11.44µs D Max Chrominance Chrominance 11 Max ( a 0 *Chrominance ~ a 5 ) a 0 100 [%] a 0 100 D Min Chrominance *Chrominance Chrominance
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(Exposure) Exposure (Exposure Assesment) EMF Unknown to mechanism Health Effect (Effect) Unknown to mechanism Behavior pattern (Micro- Environment) Re
EMF Health Effect 2003 10 20 21-29 2-10 - - ( ) area spot measurement - - 1 (Exposure) Exposure (Exposure Assesment) EMF Unknown to mechanism Health Effect (Effect) Unknown to mechanism Behavior pattern
Chapter 5 Gases 3 5.1 2 NaN 3 (s) 2Na(s) + 3N 2 (g) Air bag 45.5L sodium azide?,,? 3 5.2 ? 1.,,, 2. P, V, n, T ( ) 3. 3 5.3 5.1,, = 1L = 10 3 cm 3 = 10-3 m 3 m=m n ( ) T k = t c + 273.15 : psi, mmhg, atm(
Turbine Digital Flowmeter SEMI U+ 특징 PVC, PTFE, P.P, PVDF 등 다양한 재질 Size, 유량, Connection별 주문제작 정밀성, 내화학성이 우수 4~20mA, Alarm, 통신(RS485) 등 출력 제품과 Controll
Turbine Digital Flowmeter SEMI U+ 특징 PVC, PTFE, P.P, PVDF 등 다양한 재질 Size, 유량, Connection별 주문제작 정밀성, 내화학성이 우수 4~20mA, Alarm, 통신(RS485) 등 출력 제품과 Controller의 장착 및 사용이 편리 Specification (사양) 적용유체 : 액체 (D.I or
Introduction 신뢰성 있는 결과 높은 품질의 제품을 생산하기 위해서는 제품의 공정 시스템이 중요 품질관리실험실은 품질보증과정에서 매우 중요한 역할 분석시스템은 품질관리실험실의 매우 중요한 요소 분석시스템의 결과를 기본으로 하여 제품의 품질을 결정 R&D 실험실
적정의 올바른 분석방법 Kopack Seminar May 2012 Agenda Introduction Risks and Measures Summary 1 1 Introduction 신뢰성 있는 결과 높은 품질의 제품을 생산하기 위해서는 제품의 공정 시스템이 중요 품질관리실험실은 품질보증과정에서 매우 중요한 역할 분석시스템은 품질관리실험실의 매우 중요한 요소
Cho, Mun Jin (E-mail: mjcho@ex.co.kr) ABSTRACT PURPOSES : The performance of tack coat, commonly used for layer interface bonding, is affected by application rate and curing time. In this study, bonding
σ6 Six Sigma, it makes Better & Competitive - - 200138 : KOREA SiGMA MANAGEMENT C G Page 2 Function Method Measurement ( / Input Input : Man / Machine Man Machine Machine Man / Measurement Man Measurement
C H A P T E R 13 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 13.1 ( ) 12 000 psi [ 13 1] 6in 10 [ 13 2] (stamping) 500 501 (pressure regulator) (oil mist) (lubricator) (air dryer) (muffler) 13.2 21 % 78 % 1 % 4
THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE. 2018 Oct.; 29(10), 799 804. http://dx.doi.org/10.5515/kjkiees.2018.29.10.799 ISSN 1226-3133 (Print) ISSN 2288-226X (Online) Method
[ 화학 ] 과학고 R&E 결과보고서 나노입자의표면증강을이용한 태양전지의효율증가 연구기간 : ~ 연구책임자 : 김주래 ( 서울과학고물리화학과 ) 지도교사 : 참여학생 : 원승환 ( 서울과학고 2학년 ) 이윤재 ( 서울과학고 2학년 ) 임종
[ 화학 ] 과학고 R&E 결과보고서 나노입자의표면증강을이용한 태양전지의효율증가 연구기간 : 2013. 3 ~ 2013. 12 연구책임자 : 김주래 ( 서울과학고물리화학과 ) 지도교사 : 참여학생 : 원승환 ( 서울과학고 2학년 ) 이윤재 ( 서울과학고 2학년 ) 임종찬 ( 서울과학고 2학년 ) 소재원 ( 서울과학고 2학년 ) 1,.,.,.... surface
Product A4
2 APTIV Film Versatility and Performance APTIV Film Versatility and Performance 3 4 APTIV Film Versatility and Performance APTIV Film Versatility and Performance 5 PI Increasing Performance PES PPSU PSU
Business Area 레이저 미세가공 서비스 범위 (주)코썸사이언스 레이저 미세가공 서비스 Mass Production ü 10년 이상 축적된 독자적이고 전문화된 레이저 응용기술을 보유하고 있어 다양한 application 제공. ü샘플의 thermal expans
레이저 미세가공 서비스 Business Area 레이저 미세가공 서비스 범위 (주)코썸사이언스 레이저 미세가공 서비스 Mass Production ü 10년 이상 축적된 독자적이고 전문화된 레이저 응용기술을 보유하고 있어 다양한 application 제공. ü샘플의 thermal expansion 극소화로 최대의 가공 정밀도와 정확한 테스트 결과 제공. Small
Chapter 11 Rate of Reaction
Chapter 11 Rate of Reaction 11 11.1 ? Rate Law Kinetics : 11 11.2 CO(g) + NO 2 (g) CO 2 (g) + NO(g) E a =134 kj CO(g) + NO 2 (g) H = -226 kj CO 2 (g) + NO(g) 11 11.3 N 2 O 5 (g) 2NO 2 (g) + 1/2 O 2 (g)
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Chapter 3 Block Diagrams and Signal Flow Graphs Automatic Control Systems, 9th Edition Farid Golnaraghi, Simon Fraser University Benjamin C. Kuo, University of Illinois 1 Introduction In this chapter,
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1. 통계학이란? 1.1 수학적 모형 실험 또는 증명을 통하여 자연현상을 분석하기 위한 수학적인 모형 1 결정모형 (deterministic model) - 뉴톤의 운동방정식 : - 보일-샤를의 법칙 : 일정량의 기체의 부피( )는 절대 온도()에 정비례하고, 압력( )에 반비례한다. 2 확률모형 (probabilistic model) - 주사위를 던질 때
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HWASUNG VALVES 19~1990 001~010 19. 03 19. 0 1991~000 199. 1 199. 1 199. 11 199. 09 1999. 03 1999. 09 1999. 09 1999. 10 1999. 11 000. 0 000. 03 001~010 001. 03 001. 10 001. 11 00. 0 003. 03 003. 0 00. 01
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society Vol. 44, No. 8, pp. 451~456, 2007. A Study of Sintering Behavior and Crystallization in Li 2 O-Al 2 -SiO 2 (LAS) Glass System by RSM Kyu Ho Lee, Young Seok Kim, Young
2.2, Wm -2 K -1 Wm -2 K -2 m 2 () m 2 m 2 ( ) m -1 s, Wm -2 K -1 Wsm -3 K -1, Wm -2 K -1 Wm -2 K -2 Jm -3 K -1 Wm -2 K -1 Jm -2 K -1 sm -1 Jkg -1 K -1
KS B ISO 9806-2 - 2 1. ( ) ( ),. 2. 2.1 (1) :, (2) :,. (3) :, CPC(Compound Parabolic Concentrator) (4) : (5). (6) () (7) :. (8) :. (9) () :,., CPC. (10) : 2.2, Wm -2 K -1 Wm -2 K -2 m 2 () m 2 m 2 (
저작자표시 - 동일조건변경허락 2.0 대한민국 이용자는아래의조건을따르는경우에한하여자유롭게 이저작물을복제, 배포, 전송, 전시, 공연및방송할수있습니다. 이차적저작물을작성할수있습니다. 이저작물을영리목적으로이용할수있습니다. 다음과같은조건을따라야합니다 : 저작자표시. 귀하는원
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Digital Amplifier MA-110 CONTENTS Specifications... 1 Electrical parts list... 2 top and bottom view of p.c. board... 10 Application... 12 block Diagram... 13 Schematic Diagram... 14 Exploded view of cabinet