76 대한한방소아과학회지, Vol.24, No.2, August, 2010 胃中不和 胃熱 勞心 心火 虛熱 心脾虛弱 肺熱 脾熱 脾常不足 肺常不足 1. 연구대상 2. 대상자의평가 1) 구취의평가 外亂因子 鼻呼吸 2) 설문조사

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1 대한한방소아과학회지제 24 권제 2 호 (2010 년 8 월 ) J Korean Oriental Pediatrics, August, 2010;24(2):75-87 투고 : 2010년 7월 23일, 수정 : 2010년 8월 14일, 채택 : 2010년 8월 16일 교신저자 : 윤혜준, 서울특별시동대문구회기동 1번지경희의료원한방병원소아과 (Tel : , jacc1982@hanmail.net)

2 76 대한한방소아과학회지, Vol.24, No.2, August, 2010 胃中不和 胃熱 勞心 心火 虛熱 心脾虛弱 肺熱 脾熱 脾常不足 肺常不足 1. 연구대상 2. 대상자의평가 1) 구취의평가 外亂因子 鼻呼吸 2) 설문조사

3 소아 청소년구취환자의임상적특징에대한연구 77 脾胃腧 胸椎棘突間兩傍各 寸 寸 脾腧穴 胸椎棘突 腰椎棘突間 兩傍各 寸 胃腧穴 3. 연구방법 4. 통계처리 1. 대상군의특징 2. 구취측정값에따른구분 Table 1. Information of Patients

4 78 대한한방소아과학회지, Vol.24, No.2, August, 2010 Table 2. The Classification by Sulfide Level of Patients 3. 호흡기계의증상의유무에따른구취측정값의차이 Table 3. The Difference of Sulfide Level according to Existence Respiratory Symptoms

5 소아 청소년구취환자의임상적특징에대한연구 79 absence presence Stuffy nose Runny nose Sneezi ng Cough after Sputum Postnasal drip Opening mouth Mouth Snoring sl eep at sleeping breathing Fig. 1. The difference of sulfide level measured by natural mode according to existence respiratory symptoms absence presence Stuffy nose Runny nose Sneezing Cough after Sputum Postnasal drip Opening Mouth Snoring sl eep mouth at breathing sl eeping Fig. 2. The difference of sulfide level measured by breathing mode according to existence respiratory symptoms 4. 소화기계증상의유무에따른구취측정값의차이 5. 기타전신증상의유무에따른구취측정값의차이

6 80 대한한방소아과학회지, Vol.24, No.2, August, 2010 Table 4. The Difference of Sulfide Level according to Existence Digestive Symptoms absence presence Anorexia Indigestion Stomachache Costi pation Gas Fig. 3. The difference of sulfide level measured by natural mode according to existence digestive symptoms absence presence Anorexia Indigestion Stomachache Costi pation Gas Fig. 4. The difference of sulfide level measured by breathing mode according to existence digestive symptoms

7 소아 청소년구취환자의임상적특징에대한연구 81 Table 5. The Difference of Sulfide Level according to Existence Systemic Symptoms absence presence Dizziness Headache Moti on Growing Coldness Overeating Late-night Eating Eating fast Cold sweat Heavil y Sweating sickness pains of hands snack only what sweat of hands and foots they want and foots Fig. 5. The difference of sulfide level measured by natural mode according to existence systemic symptoms 6. 비위수혈자리진단등급과구취측정값과의상관관계

8 82 대한한방소아과학회지, Vol.24, No.2, August, 2010 absence presence Dizziness Headache Moti on Growing Coldness Overeating Late-night Eating Eating fast Cold sweat Heavil y Sweating sickness pains of hands snack only what sweat of hands and foots they want and foots Fig. 6. The difference of sulfide level measured breathing mode according to existence systemic symptoms Table 6. The Correlation between Bi-We-Soo Diagnosis Grade and Sulfide Level

9 소아 청소년구취환자의임상적특징에대한연구 83 胃熱證 舌苔 腧穴 經氣 軟結 硬結 凉感 瘀点 丘疹 靈樞九鍼十二原 脾腧 胃腧 硬結

10 84 대한한방소아과학회지, Vol.24, No.2, August, 2010 呼氣時

11 소아 청소년구취환자의임상적특징에대한연구 85 痰飮 水毒 胃中不和 胃熱 勞心 心火 虛熱 心脾虛弱 肺熱 脾熱 胃熱 肺熱 脾熱 淸火 勞心 心脾虛弱 助補心脾 肺熱 脾常不足 肺常不足 衛外 固密 六淫 邪氣

12 86 대한한방소아과학회지, Vol.24, No.2, August, 2010

13 소아 청소년구취환자의임상적특징에대한연구 87

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