PowerPoint 프레젠테이션

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1 Cu Etchant (H 2 SO 4 / H 3 PO 4 / H 2 O 2 ) 온라인측정 DS LINETECH Co., Ltd. 윤재영 ( ) Mail to jy@dslinetech.com uncleyun@gmail.com

2 Contents 1. General 1. 동서라인텍교역 2. 취급품목 2. Metrohm Applikon 1. Metrohm Applikon B.V 2. Titration 3. Metrohm Applikon Analyzer 4. Metrohm Applikon Application 5. Metrohm Applikon 기기사용처

3 General 1. 동서라인텍교역 2. 취급품목

4 동서라인텍교역 - 제품정보 ( 무인자동화분석장비 ) 반도체라인의약품분석장비 LCD 라인중의에칭및현상액분석장비도금라인중의도금액분석장비 Brine 용경도 (Ca / Mg) 분석장비

5 취급품목 METROHM APPLIKON B.V. ( 네덜란드 ) - 온라인적정기 - 온라인중금속분석기 - 온라인이온선택전극법분석기 - 온라인발색법분석기 RHOSONICS ( 네덜란드 ) - 온라인초음파방식농도분석기 * Binary 분석기 ( 물 + 황산, 염산, NaOH, TMAH) * Ternary 분석기 (TMAH + PR, Cu + H2SO4, Fe + HCl) OPTEK ( 독일 ) - 온라인 UV 방식농도분석기 - 온라인탁도방식농도분석기 - 온라인색상방식농도분석기 - 온라인 ph / 전도도분석기

6 1. Metrohm Applikon B.V 2. Titration Metrohm Applikon B.V 3. Metrohm Applikon Analyzer 4. Metrohm Applikon Application 5. Metrohm Applikon 기기사용처

7 Metrohm Applikon B.V Located in Netherlands Founded at Employees On - Line Analysis System Metrohm Group

8 Titration - 습식분석 / 실험실용 / 온라인용 습식분석 Lab On - Line

9 Titration - 장점 간접방식이아닌직접분석법분석결과는특별한보정없이분석물질의직접적인정보를제공실험실과동일한방식시료조건에영향을받지않음빠른분석속도다양한응용분야측정범위 : 무기이온. 유기혼합물함량범위 : ppm 100% 정밀도와재현성우수 RSD < 1 % 이내

10 Titration - 중화적정 / 산화환원적정 INDICATION SYSTEM 적정액소모량?? 분석물질 농도확인적정액 농도를알고있는시약을정량하려는용액에한방울씩적가하여정량적으로반응시키고, 그때소모된시약의부피와 농도로부터시료중의성분함량을산출하는방법

11 Metrohm Applikon Analyzer - 일반기기 ADI 개라인 - 다항목분석 - Blend acid ADI 개라인 - 단일항목분석 - TMAH. KOH ADI 개라인 - 단일항목분석 - 이온선택전극법 ADI 개라인 - 단일항목분석 - UV/VIS 법

12 Metrohm Applikon Analyzer - 온라인다항목분석기 ADI 2045 적용분석방법 : 적정법, 색상법, 이온선택전극법, 등 특징 현장용실시간분석장치시료채취 / 분석 / 자동세척및결과전송까지전자동화자동농도관리시스템활용여러공정라인을한개의기기로통합분석가능여러분석기술을한개의기기로동시운영가능 분석항목 : Blended Acid, Acid & Base, Developer, Cleaning, Polishing, Plating, Polarizer

13 Metrohm Applikon Analyzer - 온라인다항목분석기 ADI 2045

14 Metrohm Applikon Analyzer - ADI 2045 기본사양 ZBADI 2045 Wetpart : General : - Basic ADI 2045 Process Analyzer, Metrohm Applikon Dependable Instruments Construction: - 2 separate compartments for electronics & wet part total shielded with 2 tempered glass doors. - electronics cabinet, zinc plated steel, epoxy coated - wet part door, polystyrene, coated with conductive shielding (for EMI/RFI and ESD-protection) and durable epoxy coating - 4 wall mounting brackets with holes ID=12 mm - Purge-able electronics part, air inlet ID=4 mm, 0.1 bar - 6 cable glands (PG13.5) for analog and digital in/outputs - dimensions (h x w x d): 870 x 700 x 510 (mm) - Average weight (assembled Analyzer): 75 kg - Allowable ambient temperature: 0-50 C - Enclosure class IP 66/NEMA 4 - Power Supply: 100 ~ 120 / 200 ~ 240 VAC / 690 VA / 50 ~ 60 Hz - Accessibility: Pass code Protected, 3 different levels Modular wet part with 20 uniform positions. Modules can be placed at any position in any number: - Vessel stirrer assembly, burette, burette valve, selector valve, sampling valve, 2-way solenoid valve, tubing pump, sensor inputs - Accessories as: pipettes, leak / sample detector, electrodes, connectors, vessels, loops Modular design for maximum flexibility and adaptation to your process requirements - Multiple stream, analysis methods and chemical component possibilities - Simultaneous analysis of different streams and methods - Auto calibration, cleaning and result validation - Real time titration, trend graphs and result database - 15 TFT flat panel touch screen - Industrial PC controller with compact flashcard drive - Flexible I/O modules for liquid handling, preconditioning and control signal interfaces - tiamo software for method programming and automation. Direct transfer of your proven Metrohm laboratory method to your process analyzer

15 Metrohm Applikon Analyzer - ADI 2045 기본사양 - Ethernet TCP/IP network communication/remote operation - Batch principle for lower operation cost - Standalone unit or part of an integrated turnkey system ADI 2045 TI : - Titration - Karl Fisher - Colorimetry - Dynamic standard addition with ion-selective electrode - Direct measurement Measurement : - Repeatability: Typically 1 ~ 2 % - Inaccuracy: Typically 1 ~ 2 % - Analysis time: Typically 10 ~ 15 minutes Sampling : - Frequency: Programmable - Streams: Multiple - Volume: 0.1 ~ 100 ml Connectivity : - Data Communication: Ethernet: TCP/IP network serial interface - Analogue Output: 4 X 4~20mA / 350 Ohm (expandable) - Analogue Input : 2 X 0~2V, 4~20 ma (expandable) - Digital Output : 4 X 24 VDC, 2 X 12 ~ 230 VAC (expandable) - Relay Output : 2 X Potential free (expandable) - Digital Inputs: 4 X 24 VDC (expandable) Hydraulic connections : Sample connection by tube (OD 6 mm) & threaded nut All reagent connections (except burette) by tube (OD 6 mm) & threaded nut Burette connection by tube M6 (Metrohm) Tubing and connection fittings within the package

16 Metrohm Applikon Analyzer - 비교 ADI 2045 ADI 2016 ADI 2018 ADI 2019 적정방법 Titration, ISE, Colorimetry Titration, 직접측정 ISE, 표준적가 Colorimetry 시료의수여러개시료 1 개또는 2 개 화면표시 15 Touch Screen Panel 2 lines 40-character alphanumeric illuminated LCD 기기구조 2 separate with 2 glass door 2 separate with one tempered glass door Internal Memory 1, Size(H x W x D mm) Weight 870x700x Kg 700 x 460 x Kg

17 Metrohm Applikon Analyzer - CE Certification

18 Metrohm Applikon Analyzer - 내구성및신뢰성 ( ISO 9001 Certification )

19 Metrohm Applikon Analyzer - 내구성및신뢰성 (IP 66 / NEMA Type 4 Certification)

20 Metrohm Applikon Analyzer - ADI 2045 On-Line Analyzer 세계실험실적정기시장의대부분을차지하고있는스위스 Metrohm 사의온라인자회사기존 Metrohm 기기를이용한실험실분석들의자동화전환가능기기의조립, 부품의공급에서신속한 A/S 까지빠른대응이가능시약의교체나전극의교체등의이력이발생시자동보정기능이있어사용자의편의증대경쟁사제품의남은시약사용이가능하며사용시약의국내제조조달이가능경쟁사제품동등이상의분석성능보장필요한다른시료의분석에도대응이가능기기에 IP 부여시원격테스트, 제어및점검이가능

21 Metrohm Application Application Al Etchant ( HNO 3, H 3 PO 4, CH 3 COOH ) ITO Etchant (HNO 3 + HCl / HNO 3 + CH 3 COOH) Cr Etchant ( Ceric Ammonium Nitrate. CAN ) Water in IPA KOH & Carbonate ( Inorganic ) Hydrofluoric Acid ( %) Solutions Peroxide and Sulphuric Acid in Acid Etch NaOH in Developer Potassium Carbonate / Bicarbonate in Developer TMAH (Tetra-methyl Ammonium hydroxide) in Organic Developer HF in Ferric Chloride Etchant & Microetch Mixed Acid Etchants ( HCl + HF / HNO 3 + HF + HAc / HNO 3 + HF + H 2 SO 4 ) NaOH in Photo Resist Stripper HCl or H 3 PO 4 in Acid Sump KOH in Caustic Sump H 2 O 2 in Wafer Clean Process NH 4 OH in Wafer Clean Process Silica in Rinsing water Hydrochloric Acid in Microetch Nickel, Boric Acid and Chloride in Nickel Sulfamate Plate Ammonium Hydroxide & Hydrogen Peroxide in SC1 Hydrogen Peroxide & Hydrochloric Acid in SC2 Hydrochloric Acid or Phosphoric Acid in Clean Bath Alkalinity, NaPs, H 2 SO 4, Pd, ph Cu / NaOH / HCHO, KMnO 4, Cleaner / H 2 SO 4 H 2 SO 4, Cu / H 2 SO 4 / Cl, Brightner / Leveller H 2 O 2, Reducer, NaOH / Cu, Cl Cu / Oxone / 환원제, Pd Additives in Cu 증착

22 Metrohm Applikon Application - 시스템구성 ( Mixing )

23 Metrohm Applikon Application - ADI 2045 Cu Etchant 분석관련요도 TITRANT 1 PH PH TITRANT 2 A 10 ml 10 ml B X C X D in out out in A 120 ml/min ml ml 40 ml/min REAGENT 1 REAGENT 2 B in carrier out out carrier in 3 H2SO4/H3PO4 H2O2 3 in sample out out sample in loop volume 5 ML loop volume 5 ML out in in out in out DIW Sample 320 ml/min Drain 120 ml/min Manual Pump 320 ml/min Drain Sample DIW

24 Metrohm Applikon 기기사용처 No. 회사 지역 모델 분석항목 분야 공정 1 삼성테크윈 창원 2040 Ni / Phosphate PCB Plating 2 삼성테크윈 창원 2040 NaOH / HCHO PCB Plating 3 SMC 인천 2016 Cu / H2SO4 PCB Plating 4 LG INNOTEK 구미 2016 HNO3 PCB Plating 5 LG INNOTEK 구미 2016 HNO3 PCB Plating 6 LG INNOTEK 구미 2040 Cu / Sn / Acid PCB Plating 7 LG INNOTEK 구미 2016 KOH PCB Plating 8 LG INNOTEK 구미 2016 Na2CO3 PCB Plating 9 스템코 오창 Cu / Sn / Acid PCB Plating 10 Hydis 이천 2040 Blended Acid LCD Al Etchant 11 삼성전자 기흥 2040 Blended Acid LCD Al Etchant 12 삼성전자 기흥 2040 Blended Acid LCD Al Etchant 13 삼성전자 기흥 2040 CAN LCD Cr Etchant 14 삼성전자 기흥 2040 CAN LCD Cr Etchant 15 삼성전자 기흥 2040 Amine LCD Stripper 16 삼성전자 기흥 2040 Amine LCD Stripper

25 Metrohm Applikon 기기사용처 No. 회사 지역 모델 분석항목 분야 공정 17 BOE Hydis 중국 2016 TMAH LCD Developer 18 SI Flex 인천 2016 Cu / H2SO4 PCB Plating 19 삼성전기 세종 2045 Cu / H2SO4 / Cl / CVS PCB Plating 20 삼성전기 부산 2045 Cu / H2SO4 / Cl / CVS PCB Plating 21 AOU 대만 2040 Blended Acid LCD Al Etchant 22 LGD 파주 2016 TMAH LCD Developer 23 삼성전기 세종 2045 HCHO / NaOH / DMAB PCB Plating 24 FIS 안성 2045 HF / HNO3 / H2SO4 LCD Mixing 25 매그나칩 청주 2040 H2O2 Wafer Cleaning 26 SK Hynix 청주 2045 HF / H2O2 / H2SO4 Wafer Cleaning 27 실트론 구미 2045 Metal Wafer SC1 28 실트론 구미 2045 Metal Wafer SC1 29 실트론 구미 2016 KOH Wafer SC1 30 실트론 구미 2016 KOH Wafer SC1 31 두손산업 화성 2016 Na2CO3 PCB PCB 32 동부하이텍 음성 2040 TMAH (Dual) Wafer Developer 33 삼성전기 수원 2045 Cu / H2SO4 / Cl / CVS PCB Plating


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