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1 제 1 강 PART 1 ( 실전문제 1) 비법 LC 사용설명서 _ 제이드김강사


3 PART 1 ( 실전문제 1 Dictation) 1. (A) She s writing on a. (B) She s of the printer. (C) She s on the keyboard. (D) She s a machine. 5. (A) An open door a garden. (B) Vases are arranged on the (C) Potted plants (D) A rug has been folded 6. (A) He s using tools in. (B) A man is some eyeglasses. (C) A man is artwork. (D) A pot is being heated 10. (A) A man is on a whiteboard. (B) One of the women is papers. 2. (A) A vehicle is parked in a. (B) A pedestrian is crossing the road. (C) Workers are removing a (B) He s his sleeves. (C) He s a light fixture. (D) He s his equipment. (C) One of the women is minutes. (D) The people are on the table. (D) A walkway is 7. (A) A workstation is. 3. (A) Crew members are a ship. (B) A worker is in a warehouse. (C) Equipment is being. (B) Some text is in the picture. (C) A lamp has been (D) Cushions are on a sofa. (D) Some cartons are being transported by a vehicle. 8. (A) The women are their clothes. 4. (A) Waiters are folding (B) Water glasses have been the table. (C) Guests are their plates with food. (D) A dining room has been chandeliers. (B) Clothes have on the floor. (C) Some are being used. (D) The women are removing a. 9. (A) A man is wearing. 3

4 PART 1 ( 실전문제 2)


6 PART 1 ( 실전문제 2 Dictation) 1. (A) The speaker is writing. (B) The spectators are. (C) People are. (D) are being collected. 5. (A) The man is his computer. (B) There are papers on the desk. (C) Papers have been onto a bulletin board. (D) A man is filing folders. 9. (A) The customers are looking at. (B) A ring is being of a display case. (C) They are with a magnifying glass. (D) A salesperson is with their selection. 10. (A) The car is being the road. 2. (A) A man is into a microscope. (B) A woman is to a man. (C) A piece of equipment is being (D) A computer is being. 6. (A) Workers are around the cars. (B) Vehicles are parked in a. (C) Several lines of cars are. (D) Some cars are of a highway. (B) The woman s. (C) The car has at the curb. (D) The car doors are being 3. (A) The man is drinking milk (B) The man is the refrigerator. (C) The man is (D) The man is a sign on the door. 7. (A) He s a piece of wood. (B) He s his tools. (C) He s a desk leg. (D) He s a wooden board. 4. (A) A rug has been against a wall. (B) A book has been. (C) Some chairs are next to a. (D) Lamps have been. 8. (A) Umbrellas have been. (B) Some people are the water. (C) A boat is being pulled. (D) People are to buy drinks. 6

7 850-1 강 PART 1 ( 실전문제 1_Script) 1. (A) She s writing on a piece of paper. (B) She s opening the cover of the printer. (C) She s typing on the keyboard. (D) She s facing a machine. (A) 여자가종이에글을쓰고있다. (B) 여자가복사기의덮개를열고있다. (C) 여자가키보드를두드리고있다. (D) 여자가기계를마주하고있다. 2. (A) A vehicle is parked in a garage. (B) A pedestrian is crossing the road. (C) Workers are removing a safety cone. (D) A walkway is being resurfaced. (A) 차가차고에주차되어있다. (B) 보행자들이길을건너고있다. (C) 근로자들이컬러콘을치우고있다. (D) 보도를재포장하고있다. 3. (A) Crew members are going aboard a ship. (B) A worker is moving packages in a warehouse. (C) Equipment is being lowered from a ship. (D) Some cartons are being transported by a vehicle. (A) 승무원이배에탑승하고있다. (B) 직원이창고에서상자를옮기고있다. (C) 장비가배에서내려지고있다. (D) 상자를운송수단으로운반하고있다. 4. (A) Waiters are folding some napkins. (B) Water glasses have been placed on the table. (C) Guests are filling their plates with food. (D) A dining room has been decorated with chandeliers. (A) 웨이터가냅킨을접고있다. (B) 물잔들이테이블위에놓여있다. (C) 손님들이접시를음식으로채우고있다 (D) 식당이샹들리에로장식되어있다 5. (A) An open door leads to a garden. (B) Vases are arranged on the window ledges. (C) Potted plants line the corridor. (D) A rug has been folded in a hallway. (A) 열린문이정원으로이어진다. (B) 꽃병들이창틀에정렬되어있다. (C) 화초화분들이복도를따라놓여있다 (D) 깔개가복도에접혀있다. 6. (A) He s using tools in a workshop. (B) He s rolling up his sleeves. (C) He s repairing a light fixture. (D) He s polishing his equipment. (A) 남자가작업장에서공구를사용하고있다. (B) 남자가소매를걷고있다. (C) 남자가조명기구를수리하고있다. (D) 남자가장비를닦고있다. 7. (A) A workstation is unoccupied. (B) Some text is visible in the picture. (C) A lamp has been taken apart. (D) Cushions are laid out on a sofa. (A) 사무공간이비어있다. (B) 사진의글자들이보인다. (C) 램프가분해됐다. (D) 쿠션들이소파위에놓여있다. 8. (A) The women are hanging up their clothes. (B) Clothes have piled on the floor. (C) Some hangers are being used. (D) The women are removing a clothes rack. (A) 여자가옷을걸고있다. (B) 옷들이바닥에쌓여있다. (C) 옷걸이들이사용되고있다. (D) 여자가옷걸이를치우고있다. 9. (A) A man is wearing protective gear. (B) A man is repairing some eyeglasses. (C) A man is sculpting artwork. (D) A pot is being heated in an oven. (A) 남자가보호장비를입고있다. (B) 남자가안경을고치고있다. (C) 남자가예술품을조각하고있다. (D) 냄비를오븐안에서데우고있다. 10. (A) A man is writing on a whiteboard. (B) One of the women is distributing papers. (C) One of the women is taking meeting minutes. (D) The people are reflected on the table. (A) 남자가화이트보드에글을쓰고있다. (B) 여자중한명이종이를나눠주고있다. (C) 여자중한명이회의록을작성하고있다. (D) 사람들이테이블위에비친다. 1

8 PART 1 ( 실전문제 2_Script) 1. (A) The speaker is writing on the board. (B) The spectators are applauding. (C) People are listening to a speaker. (D) Documents are being collected. (A) 화자가칠판에글을쓰고있다. (B) 관중들이박수를치고있다. (C) 사람들이화자에게귀를기울이고있다 (D) 서류를모으고있다. 2. (A) A man is peering into a microscope. (B) A woman is handing some documents to a man. (C) A piece of equipment is being placed on a table. (D) A computer is being taken out of a laboratory. (A) 남자가현미경을들여다보고있다 (B) 여자가남자에게서류를건네주고있다. (C) 장비하나가테이블위에놓여있다. (D) 컴퓨터를실험실에서치우고있다. 3. (A) The man is drinking milk from a carton. (B) The man is leaning against the refrigerator. (C) The man is looking into a fridge. (D) The man is taping a sign on the door. (A) 남자가통에서우유를따르고있다. (B) 남자가냉장고에몸을기대고있다. (C) 남자가냉장고안을들여다보고있다. (D) 남자가문에표지판을붙이고있다. 4. (A) A rug has been rolled up against a wall. (B) A book has been set on a couch. (C) Some chairs are next to a fireplace. (D) Lamps have been turned on. (A) 양탄자가벽에기대어말려있다. (B) 책이소파위에놓여있다. (C) 의자들이벽난로옆에있다. (D) 램프가켜져있다. 5. (A) The man is plugging in his computer. (B) There are papers scattered on the desk. (C) Papers have been tacked onto a bulletin board. (D) A man is filing folders in a drawer. (A) 남자가컴퓨터에전원을연결하고있다. (B) 종이들이책상위에흩어져있다. (C) 종이들이게시판에고정되어있다. (D) 남자가서랍에폴더들을보관하고있다. 6. (A) Workers are erecting scaffolding around the cars. (B) Vehicles are parked in a multilevel structure. (C) Several lines of cars are stopped at a signal. (D) Some cars are waiting at the entrance of a highway. (A) 직원들이자동차주변에발판을세우고있다. (B) 자동차들이다중구조물에주차되어있다. (C) 여러줄의자동차가신호에멈춰있다. (D) 몇몇자동차가고속도로의입구에서기다리고있다. 7. (A) He s working on a piece of wood. (B) He s sharpening his tools. (C) He s sawing a desk leg. (D) He s measuring a wooden board. (A) 남자가목재로작업하고있다. (B) 남자가도구를갈고있다. (C) 남자가책상다리에톱질을하고있다. (D) 남자가나무판을측정하고있다. 8. (A) Umbrellas have been set up on a beach. (B) Some people are entering the water. (C) A boat is being pulled onto the shore. (D) People are lining up to buy drinks. (A) 해변에우산들이놓여있다. (B) 몇몇사람들이물에들어가고있다. (C) 배를해안위로끌어올리고있다. (D) 사람들이음료를사기위해줄을서고있다. 9. (A) The customers are looking at their reflections in a mirror. (B) A ring is being taken out of a display case. (C) They are examining some jewelry with a magnifying glass. (D) A salesperson is helping customers with their selection. (A) 고객들이거울에비친자신의모습을보고있다. (B) 반지를진열장에서치우고있다. (C) 사람들이확대경으로보석들을살펴보고있다. (D) 판매원이손님의선택을돕고있다. 10. (A) The car is being driven down the road. (B) The woman s turning into a parking space. (C) The car has stopped at the curb. (D) The car doors are being shut. (A) 자동차가도로를따라운전되고있다. (B) 여자가주차장으로들어가고있다. (C) 자동차가도로변에멈췄다. (D) 차문을닫고있다. 2

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